1 w:, : fa • fVt:J5^? P THE GOUVERNEUR HERALD ITIAM JOB PIMSTflto Establishment; Ta# famUtiM of UM H n u 8 Jo»?*W*JfeJfc - ^ V * DBPABTMBVTtor«x*e«tiaf afBiMMeiMfeff ^/, v ,i \ t r*i ** llmlti**** l'nr«t» <»r thri v HUH-*, # I (HI nrrtrr.,*, MI.II **l«lHl"tt«l Urn 1 . # 1 •• ,•••• •••ii. «»i Ift'T'il. lor «l« tit.itiili^ IN»i%t»t«* iMiliimr* A - t v e t i t t r n t m t H , Ii1j?i«rrt«i.lnt. MH. Tr*ii«ionl «* t««• r«I riiifnt- |»*• * r* HI«* Mi ifl- I #g*1 H«tv«trtJ4ifig in«t*i*i*.t «a Hit* r»»tit« pri»- »< ft IMI* I l.t tan . I.«N**»I Vuilr**.. frttt*v*M Uhn.»f *|mrr«rrit|ilt««l, ! • tMitil* f*»r fir*! hi 4<tti<ui. Mm* Ht** , k IIM-I** «fl«r, i1 i mil* i% HIH* Bt&innss Diroctory. V IJol>VIII> A ('•», lMiik«r«. Mmn «ir»'«<l . .t»t)H »'< Mi'lll. N V V woHuhsa, aa*l w i f l ^ Chelates* iMmiioir M S wa earaaet fall to •atiftteefeMT w<*fc. Wa art prepared to pnat ai rwtopibU prfoet: W «** Is f C«r4a,y laltl** C4r**v » « • BfM Carta, Fancy an*»»w Carta, Ball Carta, mill la mt ***** Paaapfcleta, r+atera, tallla, Pra- i a aaaaea, Hotares, Vitlheata, atateaseat*, are. tjronlcri hf mail reoolro prompt attention •'.'•* I it ilitri f. ||>il HttoiiK, in 17 ( fit \ l ( l rH \NTffOVV M Tit , KMIM.* or*. Mnln / «»it»u»*, ti<<iit PIIII'III, V V. I'M »— •• i • •• ' m •: ••• ' v.* -** Alloiuoya. ( ' i H (oNtirtf, \M«»I'II.»J an f C\»ttH«>!nr nt I. I.MIV. t»ltll<«> So I, IjMi 4 Mll*«*k. <«"IM I'l l>4 III , \ . I i* II \ r lUY* itmniav ••»••! tv*airi««*lr»r ut Ilk |.n» «Mll*«» in t K«rl * M <« K, «.<-iifri i \ \ if»»* Miaoollmueona. VECETINE IShtfUn th•» Vtttrttt, tlPtiUVnt** tttvl !n~ rffwnfnt fhf irfn*k' St/xft'M. Ii«* lt«MtirtI rr"j»«*ttU<4 nrv ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLVENT AM DIURETIC. T r.tt kTiMch tnmtaa\Hii«h«*h fn»m flic* j'llcon >r i ticliiih .••Uw>t«<l linrkt, tiM»u (IM«I lifirlM, MIMI »o*.iMiitKl\ «•<mr«*iilr»l«»i|, ihui It \\ ill fHh'oin.illr IMU'III'Kn hoiii IIM* syiM'in ovi'ty luiiit **t H*'n»/- lllll, *HWi*t llnlM llllMIOi; I'lllll'llV ( illtriT, < Mll- r«M*»M>« lliiiii »r, Kry«i|»<*lfi4f Mill HIHMIIII, h* |*ltt- llih IH-IUI <\ I i«ttk«*i N nltH»*#» i«l ili«« Hiinii.iohf rtn'l ill th «'<•#" Hui' iitcv from lui|niio tl<NM|. •M'HI.»'••, ItiilHiiiiiiMtorv M«I<| ( tirntic IChiMitim- It III, Sl'lll tlgill 4 #* t « | I HIHI HjtlMJtl i *>lll|>lillltt- f «MI»Ollt\ IK' «»1||'«' lll|l|\ « »l|o«l ll»l *MI|4 «| t||<* M«HI<|. Phymlvlana* I \ l|«r\flK M. P fllBro ul rw«i«fnir*. j r. iii<\i .l«*ir t.i |'.«ii nrt»i-«\ Mi«tii «lM««ttl I. MM .1 -It'll* N * '»*** I \ vi. \ l | i I • ' W . I I , 0 . , I'll*-«Mttn ami Hur- . t ||..»»!. <#i,.l« HM'I KtHllM'l .ll lf|»*illl '• 4tl»l»t, j I i.t',iil!l, N I , In otlii » IIIMIIL" *»• I >'or I ' l m * nit.I r;vti|>l*U' IIU«VI •«»« of ilm Shli I'II ittil«*«, l*iiiin «•«. Ilt«» i li|««. Mutt i.Tt'ltitr. "*<\»ii| Mi l*ii mil**, l*nnit «•«, Ht«i i li^««, llntt i.Tt'ltitr. "*<\»ii| h e n d mi*I It ltiti>\ <M in. \ I'^hMtnii lui •> M«vt*r lt%iU *\ l«» i » l l r o l |Miiiii<iii«*iil rill*'. y**r r«.i»- In fhi* lliii'k, KIIIIHM C»mi;»l<ilti *. |>t«l|l4* , I* I ' l l ! i l l ' IVlMklH'^t, I . I ' I H ' H l l l t i ' |, Mlf- Dontal 8ury:oon4, h < 1 1 j ii, . % , ii. IfYKiia, i»**ntiii «»iirgfHni HMCP *M I \ tiiiNmiMH'- iMug ^li»n», Mrttn ci ii«»u» «-i IM'HI, N V . DENTIST, 4*rfhMl> "I lli«t riiil«<l«il|»lit*« IMMIIMI («»nr»0, W <l|||«l IHV •*''»* •* *•' tlll'Mlll Mil" |*«H»|t|t« «>| I#IMI»/. HII.I'.M IM<( til HlMl Hull tH* lltl- o|M«tl«n| HffllllMl |'ni|li»4o>i>r U |» Uriiililoii « «|4M«4 In KHlmrr a MonU' «*v* M<M<k, MIIOIM Im t« |if«<|'«i«<l lo il>* nil Mm k |H*I nlithif In lU'iill >lti IV *• I* flMin) wild O..I.I, mi% in, I'Ulhiiiin •ml I V « !•» »•(« I H 'lllll« I I'MllMll ll*#tll I'lmilfiil Mini |».I||4|M*«| Hl'tl'Mll llljlll > III ItlH |HIIIIII«*I | f liMtl* lut IIMIIII III««III<MI mi Until, Mllri*r, I n/inrt, lluMin MIMI I oilnlii'l. All, WitMK W A MM A ** I •»!». * !•••• Millinery. M Hi 1 ^ ^ * I n H \ HI., ilium *. «4 i^nm H..11I1 IH'H a >. * «• • 1 iMtiir !•«»*% , HI »^~ w \ . U M|'|'«'i«l MIK Mirktr W !»»!», HMIIMtlllll Html M.. h (Mi I«*I »>' A !*•• '- i-nllt 111- In/ Drcaa Making* a I ) M J I N H I I I lilll. ¥S U M tiM<l r i r t f u l | f I # 1 |»«ui^iiir in l»i«i< MiktMif i»ml lii'iioml rHiMliig lnr 04*vriMl »««i»n» « n l H I M I M ««III«<H HM |tHlMiMi«|Cu of IliM U'ld'i In lliti « li'Hltl* *«lMi)t M| |«««t<lMMI , « III l-H II Ull'lll Ml ll»-4 lll# r»'l»IM«»l . (ill iMt', U.IIM l'll»«'ll», V 1 U t»lk 4IIMV«lftt*«'il l«l . |i|«».|4v III h-IIMlt tllllll ' Jowoloi. f M HrVNiMl tl , in »K« •, \ ' V I tm i n , ft %s i**ir iml IVitlrfi- il MiHll 'I in.I, I.on % . * I lll'lir, »f I^Mf*H' Hair Artlnt.^ \ I '•*! J 'K« ^ * * ** ^ ,l 'rt* 5 **' 4 •'* t4 : »ii|i «i if I MiilrlViiili l*i «ir*tt* *h IHN MI'HIM- I tt Ci •• I.•i.ii|«t l/U I" iXUIlI'M ill ». l..iMV«iril<*<lf, \ I AIM 1 |ir«i« |ilh llllt^l I in < , I.M« i r f l U fJ«l iMMii < I 1 iw.ti«t.4t.| HIK| iMitli*l l.ti r tint/ - « . - 1 1 wm ii4M» 1 m :• 1 i« Iiianrian<o- ( MUI. \ \»» 10 t IN-I ii wry, AOENCY t I;njirr»si'i»i|ii»f IMIIH4» nf Hit* •«MMi.l4' , 4i NII«I tin •«ti»- ' Iinfil4< 4 ainiiMMi«« lining 1'ii'liii'U (it flit I inti'il Hli| •'!, Miff liolll HI !«• Wit-* «<\|H«lif*tl«Ml ftml I •!itn<lti>H Nut i'«iM«4*ri4>4 \«illiftii< IIIHIMI •»! In lll'l H ltl»'f«. Sill IHIMMII lit iMIV otltl.illllMl'll •»! miiii of ln«MiMi«ir. Tin- mil* nifi'iiiv tit Hit* j I Hirl of lit* iMMitilv (in IH. II..III««^II'IMI of Wnlut , nivii «»hti li tn«HM^ niiitnitjc IMII In 1 m |itn|Hiily mwl |>r|tnl«» «h%4#lllnM« »n«* »init*»iM«, uml uhli^li rtUit Itmiirrit n^tiliMl <Um*ir^ •»* «««H k •»' I*M'»> J iiiii* •• w«ll mi nrti m lf»« —4mo mit•*, l nil m*4 m>* !•#•» lM*an« r**n in-«irfi mwl yi^t lMl<*« 4»# lM«MJMm^ ( II JfdiiM tt. r r t r r , Affoi. 4i«Mi*f*rt»«i(ii, N . 1 . ii npiaa a if 1 &: U&m* In tin* Itiiik. Kiitft ill* \V«Mkni<«t, l.ri iti|r IMIIII iiiH'ritid liU'iiii i«*tt, I«II*I 11 i»i i t i n l U i M **• HIHllilMUMIll |»H*ltlll1 . I . ^.Ill.l' !,•• < liMMIlh 1l|i- ol| Ill4< r i l l l I'l ••( till *4* «'o||t|».Hlllll. It tlltlXH- IN'l'4 llllil -itl CHMHHII- ltl«i \« tl<ii|« 41 - H* lit, It<" <* UJHIII till* •4'4'll» \\V I'linUIX, JlllJlVM ifli'llllKIM ill, llll#l tlict'tll'ililt HII'I * «'|i II 1 f* l«»o .Ill* I'MMl'l-., IMrl'M i%rrli. I». -|Mjiin ( HiilifitnS r«i^lii«<Ti0t4. I'MlllltMilMH «l| llll' IllMII. l||iHi|ui'lll«, rillK, Nri- WHIUMMH Mini ItOIUM ll l*l« I'Mlinil 4l( (111* Nfl- vniii N\NI»«|II, ••«» itii»«lirMii* Im « «iv«>r K'voil Htirh |M>rtWl «MlU|ll<Mt«'tl till* I'l'lflUilili. II |»|||!l«*« «|l4i IIIIMNI, rU'llllM' • Mt| tllO -• I Ijiltli, Mil.I |H» ftlM-4 4 i« rnlllinlllllii ffnWl't 111**1' llt«l lt«*| VIMI4 4 1 -ll»MI. Tho MMti.irknli'fi «*llrti« «'IT«u'!o«l l»v \itg«*ttnii li 11 0 IIMIIII'I'II HIMIII |»II> Mlriiitt- nn<l t«|Mi:lt<> ,u n«. Ulli'lll HI' kin'* !«» | t | •• -t«'» IIM* illl'l It i< t l Itl l«l* I nil II f.iMiilii'^. In fiii'l Vf*c«iltttii U thri lilijit iinn-h- n»( ilh ri»v4*ii*«l fnr lui* NIH»\ i* tit i i»., HMI l< (ni« 4111W M'huti't' llt«M».| Turill**! ii*( filiii-i* I lir(iiru flu* |Mitihi<. IKII'Vlllli Hi H. R. STEVENS, IMHtilN, MANH. IVtiiil I* Vn|fr(iri«*? I I I i it rr.nijH.tHol p\ lntr ul frniii limki, I«NI|M HIKI III'III . It i- N'liiMi'i lli'ini'1.. Ii I* ]»«»• f«*<- \\ luiriiili 1 ' (mill i«||v 'lii'l Clin I tt I > Ml (III* m\ -lllll. I t | . IIIMM I "llilltf Hlol -I I lM»y t iM'llhiK It II4M-4 lltll'l' l\ Ul^iM tliC II|O.K| II .|i|o> <« (lir ni>i\n|l< M\»l4lil II HUIN toil tl I *'Mi'l «)i i"i ul ut^ til. l i t . 11 r [|-|i||l |l1MH«'r-| foi Hill ||;*|"l III lll'l* It Mi I ttt » , lll'l ; •ir || M*VI*I llll III •IM'.I^I ll, l|l| iMH iluMI lll'l \««. MHl|||l1|*4 Ill4*ll| till |||4< 4 MU'I'I 4' tl ». |i t U 4 ||.|o I11MM1 |itii%i<tt In 111.1111 1111 ii,i'i| |II*I»MII. lit- tin* HM'itl IUIMMI I'tiiiHi'i l l 1-4 11 -MMIIIII^ iritti'ih im ntir « % liti*l 1 «>II II Lit* nh'M- I Mini IM.i'il lll'MI Mliil-« ll I- \ Ol > J*li» l mil Infnlir? I'li/ti ulillil llk«*4 it. It t«*lii*i4 t\*\%\ m i . f i u11 th IMI «•. ml|fiilMtlii|r fliMtl tifi|Ulri* IIIIMMI. I ' M H H \ . . •• Mm*. III*i» it M l a u irlMl l*ii mnr i*iiiiiit>nitiiM- IIMUI fnu will NH %• iu vi*m ftliMnl, tii*li/i<' N, > 'Hiif nisiniiltiliiiiro, '1*1* I'; It I»*M rtiiv I inc." Vi»g*i»tfiir t'Vr Hit* r«iin|tttiliif4 for M lilHi ii U r.iillMHUIill^l, |>4 MllltlK II liUMI'l IMII* ftirnti ;)»• Hf lll|i I llll4»«l S.i|||i* ll.llll Nll\ njii'i IHUI IIM'<lo Hi" IVIn T % cifi«'l 1* iti'li' itr U,f *' r 'iti|'l;iiii -. v u.r \WA: I\I 01: M.\ Iu,x. II* I lUX, |»l'l Ij, I**M.. IJniiliiTfil^'i: Mt mill "t.ji'ii In ^ u .u^t \ o.i til- tii«lliiinituil m lo pii'il \ nlii 1 l*t«* m|oi in 1 ton l l M i i t i M tn*««u II.LIK iiill.. t I \tiiti '•!» liluMiii, MIMI IIm HII'IIH mi lii'n ni in ^khi IIIMII CI\.M^| •A llll |llltt|l l«* lllll l*i l|n' |otl , llllll\ <t| llli,« 41 4 .»l|-4».| Mir */ri< tl I'llltl Ml..I III.Mil .1114 4* Ml >t ktti'H IliM tl 1*1 lw« II III H*.| lit H\t «' I took til lin «'f till mGi'ti i'1'l IIIIMNI | M I ' | I 11 1. ini i t itni 1114 iil.irlt »»«• inn '|i|iti.it i»l *»IM it|'i'ill:i 1 tmiti oli- tfllltilttf illll I n " I't^t M ltd 1 C.MUIIM !H 4* I I iklHK tin \ «*^,l«ltlii', Mint l i i ' l m r I lint nutiilfr I | ni< »•• *| Ii i|M|. | fcl|»| Ihui I loot . *.I ttii> 1 ttflH Mil' It I'lii*'. I11 1* t ii4iitlx . I |olloU4<| nu \i i:ii it IIM i i I I hn<l liikrii -I'l .ii l*« *• 11»«- , 11 him I iiim |itn iioiiH4j»t.| 11 ti til 111 m, itml in «kltt M 111 1 ilh HIMI f*nllr«h fii'ii fti'iii |iiui|il4M IIIMI «*I tipilmiH | li.ti i* imvor on^'ii i'i| <«»• K«I K| lii'nlth IM*;<I I», itml I ulti ll.iiii' M nil m lli' tt 4- of \ i*ir«' a ifi<* " | .IIM'HC tit tlm«v Mltlir ••.( \1II1 KliitMiiittl t 1, I 11 ill tti.tivi' imntlmt til-n of 1 IK* \ I'HUI tun •« u omli'i lit) 11 M M 1 ) III 4 llllllC IH4I n| Hit. iH'llU' I' lltipl lllll, <»f 11/llll-h j Inn i* * ItiTi'tril «n I lit 4*11 'i«li. I II. TIM KKIC. I'm. Ajj't Mlt'li. C It. H „ llntl tW IViiilituKdin Hirvot, miMtoii. VEOETIME is sold by all Drnuists. in »\ S KTlTTfTfa UOVnm, I>I«MM/ *J- l-awnmra M . i U l , ) <v»rn*»r iW *?«*?>• m*A <!•«• mt*+i; <>g iu*4*«r^, N. V. UnmlliMfl %u MNI ftnm IMMIIA «M4| <*4»f«, Vlr*4 <4A**« In m\\ IU *^|HIHIUII(*IIIH. flmi$>l r. J. TAIXMAH. Pro|.rltnor. PCABODY HOUSE MiamKM »r KM uprr ANII^INTM HTH., rmiAarrriii a, PA. CV»a?|inl*nt !*• nil |IIMC«H nf Mmn«#iti«*iii Mtnl mt ||n«4 Iti lM«iell> j/ft nhnnfr* • In nml ft**m tin* I •iit#iitiliil grntiitit*. (Mil. VV»ti»4»n. |*n»|irli*h»riir Ifir U**WY HOfilir, { till tllMMll, f«»r UlO |iit«l 1114*1111 H'dl », rtM'l |Ml*4 I IMII |»Mi|ir*|ilnr. tin 1 IHIH<I Km li<»M«o Im 11 l i m n n# \ I'M! ». Mini !!•• llHWlv lllilll«i»il"l Uliil l»lf»**| l l , f/t'»M|/A« *«/ II*' Hill I I . I* •« •itil' ll lil *l I l>l ' » loin 4*. *t « I I 1 H i t %ti - I n i i " l " t l<"» I'Mi'ti, ' I V • Ml •"• 9 I '«""• ' - s . I , i I i , t » **i I.IM;» LI- ' i i 'M* HrNitV. II , , ,,.. kt ,i| ., t.t It. »'. . , 1 < ll A 11 H \ . I'i | o l I PHILADELPHIA. DoMin'sStyLod^riTllooms | KOIC ItK.N l'l-l-:\l I V. l Mlnulo rt»4itti« itn-l litrw r.H.mi fm t!*«* m^^ittt tn ^IMIIHI ••( I 'nlni' • »u*'f I'MH* j |l4*tt*tl>tl IMlllOl. |< « I 14* till Ull'l I VlllflM I I'M! ttii II loin . *i«. 01% 1 ho I nto|.»< M* plrtii 1 NO. 11 NOiifii dKO^iii ariiMi:*r. I tttr»t'«10l Ml..It.1 ,»!•;. lot oiillll MIHI Mill** Mli'l ini'iiU <li Irtlt rti»l 1 !>*»* I !.•• limit*'' »«l 1 «*•* IIM, illivii fn OnirtiitlMl |||ol(ll>| , I Illl< I MM «< Oil tllM'l' IIIIUltM' * j II t l •• - « l«» MTIMO I.H.IIt *• • , I |iM H IN. No II S'.Htlt VinvMi-J »Jt ' Hm« niHii.li'l|iltiM. Id Dyn Work*. j S I If Ml I. IVHltK^, Vn IHPnr'ttn *tlti*vt. II'.•!«•• fo|« 11, N \ . 'I'lit* iiltuifii Mlk«. HlniwU, J HtlllMlll «, «l«4 .. «l ) t*'l I IO'|MI-I * I'lllll 11 ?4'l 1 llil'l4|». MU'I 44'M«nt nn 11 N i i t n t ' l tint I V+lntisrn. r a 1 \ 1*1 iHTi.tt. it'itfr, ti^ii, ifitiffiir^ ftint if I , •*(» i|||i I'.ili -','1 . \ | till ^11414'!. t . H H 1 4 IHI»MI, S > "II Ifmrnnaa Maker, Ace. ( \ *J W If I M I inittMf'iii'tir4*r nf liiirnv**, tftrl *. Ui.lto In IIM «t 1 (oilnli/. 1ilil|i^ *ti , »!-•• MIMH H V> V I i l l I . l l I'tol't, 1 11 |<li I •MllfllMI 1 . o\ ,'| Vo lil II ,|o * |t I lll^l ITttihri llfta I *VIHUI I I I friTUHA*. Iftiili*'» i.»*. I llllli to , I l.< I I I . f i t - . u l I' » i Ill'O till 01 |..*.4 4«il l l » ' 4 - » «-»l 10 '«*. 1.1* I il 1 -ii In ii t Mfcii'ii I Inn 11 " 1* - • • » • ' >"HI* to !ni% 4' »% !•••'* inn In oil 1 « I 1 * in 11041 11 It I . ll III! II. I I I I I I t i l 4* Mini I mil 1* o II Mill I'4 l o t «• |l|0||* ,. It , o...f iii 1 »*\ 1 it \ 1 Mi'sn, Livcry-t < « ul" \ I I: \ ' M It l I I M t Y, II II. UiHiirr, I l*i..|Mi«' o, I 1 , In i4' ilml Hit* |ntl»lt4 run l|< olMIUO-l 414.1 «k III. Will kll -I " f ll ' l»l I l|[ lt.#> It* It .It' •!'*•. N i iv iivniv, \v\v niiiM i\i» \» u I ll M I »v I uoiill itim oimi f 10 M11* |i«M.I|r l"tl »l lllW**' i*!** II.' I 14 Ihl'l. *li|t.|.l III 1.0HV4M loot. , wMli H M t a m i *j| \ M .ti 1 M i I I I o n if Intnl. I w 4**41< I Ml" •! 14* | M 1 ' flill» w k tto> |i»t |.«n.i*;t of tin- |k«»«.|ilr " I t •••411 t I I * III Hill tttOltlt Will It-Ol|.I W-i'lM*' % oil I'l.H I -Ii * H w l •*>' imi."* 4<ml.M4to1 (•• fj\\ 4 tt i'f tl" I • • I 'III I I I III (I ' l l tlll> I |il tl 4 11.11 111 1111 11 i n 1 it- -1 • in n u Horn, Al.tMrw on ItihM air«**'l, • rvi ».* tin* ll.i|» I I .1 . ill. 4 I t , o t t .1 1 I f . 0 l, t..|» II.* • * MII.CC OHH 1 11 i.l it II I l.'l 1 M ' N I'mf NEW YORK TRIBUNE. ,*Ttf« r.iAiti^<t AMitirrAH nKWAi'AritH," LAKOEST CIKCULATfOX Amoiif %l\*9 ll«wnt rffi<i|il<i. Th* PttMr for fA*? Hu»inett \ianjh* Mrrhiintc IA# t*\$rm*rt umi «KT/ lAtf run*': Volt TIIK rAHMKR.-lkt«^i««ft It Dtibllitlitt finlll I0H In | Mr I* IV 45 On 111*. 114 llf t t l « CllOlOtHwt \jf- rli iiltuml ntftttfir ttii* Utitit murltoU, mill nil Ilia itiiww wi'tifclv M Tli|i W>*iklv TrltitttKi Itiu iloni* mnr** to niftlie ||<MMI fartnrrn IIIMM miy oiltrr 111 flu- OIH'I* wltti'li on»r i*mwli»i|." KoK Till-; lit H|NKH4 M.kN.- flrmntft It ( iltl*Jl«til*4 niiiti oliiilign hi |i||«i* nf Mil llHHM* KMIgllt Mllll ..if«| full III ff »l 111:11 lull <*f tilt* III.H4' lit.Mil 1 n/ tt .'••!«•, |fii« Jiin^M' n{ Im *iii4* « 4'liti'i J. 1 I •*', tint ill In' n*' 11 t»l . I.i' 11 nt ,.| 'lii|' I I |t. tint' II • ll I till |. .J.4'l I- AIMII .111 ..M», M •' •/• t •• nt of I'M., tj'll I' 4 4' ••, .i 1 1.1 HI 4' I I I I i.l* I' •!( ' I . t .'!«•.Ill ll I . 1 . 4 , I'lll III',. I in., nil*: -.1'i i»i.\l !.«••'.iii-«* it nhi*-. jTit- II ,I4'4« llllil Itltl » o It |..I(|H of itl -f.M . I 14' . Ill M'K I I.l f ,11 III II 4'I III (II I -, II* I* .'I I'lllll* •» III til •* ill! \ , iXl'I'i.* I .i|>n , in-i |<lii ;••• **|t|tv, 11 1: o ni'H * n| nil iiii|im- twitl in •ijfiit.it'.ttil 4*.n.irt i i i t h • HIMIII «.f Ii Mi'tH. " \*/i» m i l i nn ri**itl\ |«i 4|H*nk intuitu Mini iMii.i- fli«*lv lit iirMl«c*if I'lii* NI*H I n f k T l llittiti* Tlinti* l# w full lihriirv nf il-4»ni* info, MI.KI'HI HI i>it'ii l*4tll*.' I;«•«•! 1 >|| I mi^ti'i/iillnil.iltr*!. I tilt TIIK T l H II M i II. IMII v U ilovii-i'.. iiin|.l.' Mi'tiif In 'lie find* of Hut liitNim of tln« M m hi * L.'^tt ti* ;i4'li4«r i, |»liitlii|| Hn'itt iiiihin tin* fill. || of wll, Hill •4tt|i|ill lli(,( III llnllttlllll HMl mi 1 iii4 of r.iii4htiil ^to^tili mill lni|itm |i|ii«*ii(. " I llk«» Tin* 'I'nlMittt* ln'iifi I'vrri iiMt. Tlu'i-t' U II.IIIIIIIK Itku ii fm inhti .ittng itifit hi lltUnr mi\ ni tun i**>uttt 11." II ll.llMM'liuril, NI*M inikMiiii' K'liM' illoit Imtrtiiil, f o i l t l l K I*I(OM*:HS|OV \\. MvV. llWli-r Iim t.t'ti citiii 1 * uf On'ntiliiM timl INII nti* r««|Mii ti'*l in il« rilitiitii*, mil nif riltmitu |w n ii'iii|{tii«i'.| iitfwlhiiiilif r«'iniiiitiiHM»i"ii IH*|III*|||| (IM'fmi'in wt HlfiittM'r4 i»f iill |ii*if|i4 4|i»itw ''I'lii* Ni'W Vntk llllllltll' lllll lltmll* M IIHIIII* for lt«4*lf 114 fl.W l»**|»4l i|i*\t nf llit* Ii4*i| ||i4iti|«lit^ nf I|II*I|MI . I t t i iMkftiij *»«• U*i««llli|| I'Mit in Mi«* i'<hir/iliuii nf III*!* |iitlihn mimI, utnl hi-. itti't«*niiit|f r| inn. |n |mli)ir f.ivnr. Men \ ntk (ill I* V11 fou rtif. r* 1 iri< 1 1 \ - itiTinicr iu v- |..initif rii'Mlw Mt II it-hll'MlUli, llt«* Mln'ti III |»1 t ill*. fit»i I nlln'r iM*li!ii.tl r«*iiii*i«nf f Ii«» i*minli \ , Wl«* till* Mllll' I, lit' III! I. flll'l tll'Ml IIM tl%"l llll |MtlllM||4'*i, Mini II * I'll'lM I'M, MI t|rt14 | | i | nil Mil llll' i'lii tllltti |ilti||||'ltl<*4W Mllll ltl'4'MII|l V M llllil Mlt|i h* llii'iu Hit* -I4ii«l ml itirntt^hinit tin* Intnl. "Tin* tt.tiittiii hut «tititirt*| iti'iMi iu*ti|-i nf t'tit(*r|*ti«r •ii'iur iM'lWt* iHM'tiiili* I In 11 nt» 11-.(ni|»4*r m i l i i * v MI itfi ami IUIiiilti|H'tt«ltml |Hi|ilirii|o iiiiwi' ltu« 4iwtlti*«t fi*r II I lit* i*«»»«»ci itn-l fwvnr nf tin* ittli'l lijrvtif IIM* 11 of MII li.ir I**. |}*wi«itt INMI, |ii»m. f<»l{ r l l f . H f C f l l N l C ll«HMti4fiiiv«.ii nrw In «*iiii«iti nf itiiiK'r:ai.i-i* Mti*l mitill In ih'-orlltiM In tM 11 ihititii *. llif iirn^ui* nf IMIHM- Mini rmi'itl 4 liuilifiill* ii*|H4»tflNl, Mini fi|i|f«l light-, uinl inn i.|w\ 1.4*111 i'4'.i i nj.li.it i*ii.| ! 1I01. mill inn <i' ion to I llti'i 11' III ill I I I •( t . l l tt l \ ^ .It'll! Ill'll' I ** 1 4 M H4'»1 |»ll|i«i| I. t< llo.Mtlil* I"I. I ll.lt I »•- |»M'4 i*iit mi Mitff 4* 111 u l it It 14 4 . l l * , . t i n * . I imti ili»'.|. (or imli'i |.r. r. .4.1I il»4Hf i4|t' h'ii |mti n.il* HIM' cut I'tittiI•!• to 11 nh ii 111 - • ' i m I •! • in.--I hi^lilv pi i/.'.l •tl|i.ll Mll'lll .. Ilo.loi |»,.lh V. I t 4 I I I 4 ' | \-llll l!*.|. loll TUT: lh>r-MI<H It. IJt.tMtu* tu m; 111.Ill of " r..*i||i> llll.lt' I ' |,;|4 11, I'll' II tl f I It'll I II IK I lit 1*4' 4 .|| 1 Itl l l f II II III U o| ll Ml o o ' » l l * « . 11 III. 11 III..I tl4o iltii't Inn! in ..in. IMII an.I I'IIJ..' iiii't I In lhii «• M *'lu in -t«»ri«'- |MM'iit4, tin*I m i l 1*-11 mil'1 1 <* Mill t%\ III if |Ht||l*4. 'Tilt* Tl llllil. I* tM4 ||| . ! I \ in 1 iii'. I ttwilitiiiti'i i«iit ri- ihi< nt ».1 I* >i? 1 pit* f« if 4* •- Iml. 'tiMif li l» t ninl i%IH In', |M.|H|r,ilh fi*», rttfl liti|i*|*«*iiiti*ni: fiitltfiit In tin* |nt».«'i|i!i •» nf I M f iifft*|«>r itml "I ll.i- l(t*|i|llilii';tli |i.MM. I ttl ."'iilro.li' I l*v no 4'*l ilt«\ I'wlti'tl* nr t'»:i4 iMitin., || |.tl*o|.< |i* linn' itnil «ln«*4'l it*|(i«lttltmi in Hi*' jnil'lir 11 t-lla 1 %\ ;i'n| |o w l l ttt i*4*in|ii*IMti|f ft mil l»mli 1/ivil |*i,li«'4 iintmii.u|.Hi* .lui iity 11.•• l'i I'-I'II n: 1.1I \ 4»at 1111I1I1 •IIMII ri*iiiv**4'Ml |.ttt it 1 tti I'II trui'li 1, tint K'i It \ m W«llltlll|4)rMtl*Mt, lllt.t M li|'l|*|- till Im till' |ii»!l|*i « nf tin' *M Iml** •'mnlr*. Iiilffii4 11 Im umti I i n r tllll'lltKimlll I'Mlttmi ill"!"'!!*!* 11 It*! llll* (l.tt'OI win. h tt'tlt 1 limn lhii 11 tiih Itmii'-rlv iNinrotiiiit.-/ I'urv |iirii /iml I*.IIII|I«I iff, tmr citit llu»v ttt thlw I't'iHi-imiwI 1 i«.n *li* ttf n«< I'TI ri.i !• KI«I 1 ii'i* f*ir II 1* jtittuli' |{.w»»| MIWII -jMtitliilnix wtt.l I'Mi'tnDlt^ tin' i*iM'ttlMiimi nf M |**II. nil .Ii'ti»r«l t • hiU'lti- ItiMiro mtmii^ DM* |*. «.n *•. Iimu.tiv (iittmi*/ 'licr 1 itim w. Mini tin* P'14'Miirtl |n iii<M|.)*i nf tin* Hi' |Minl|l'. I>I|N*I in ihr urn .1 - rititii.ii*tt*iit'i 1 IIMI'4, foil \ | . l . T I I K ri.ol'i.f.. lUiii ^It INK llf IN. In. Garcluor / Florist f tii.hi'V-i rirti. \. v., t;\itTM\. rii liE'HtMr siini:!, { f 1 1 1 t V n.r.wri! PI. W I N . niM!AMiMHi: PLANTS. siiirl itm in*, *<r«\, &r. Ami Kntli ninl \*fjr« f.ilthii **f n\) kUitU ir 11 no? 1 iiir I M I ttf nil ! f"ft»» 1 iiiliif 4ttti|*lli'.I frmn lti*?44F jfwtttrmt MMT- |MMt«*«l l«* I»!• '*f In*' */*'• ^ l|»4l i|lti4t|tt . |**rll*i*> it*'|iiii In*! I»M|IIIII| in llit* MIH»%*4 Inft i l l • m l It t.. tin I, M'UMU'III" tt* nr*i«iir f u m i tlm Ml **•«/• pj t • I *' •« I»l't«i4 Mill W |itntll|*il* lll|**<| on ir.iiMm or ilt:: TJIIIII M t **>*. n «\i 1. wi 11 HI tti H r in iimi 1..1 Mii:r. I».lli V I n ituill iltl.-i 1 il.i'i-. j 41 iiat, |Mt.| I»MI*I f I * Ml nf III-U* K l k l V Oi i*i*.ijir,ttn*iriii. 'Oi ritlliti|*iw. |MI .1 -|nti.| HI. <»iI IV I I K I I Oil*)* «M»;I\ . o<u* « »"t|, >J l44Ml«« V M.I f 1 4 1 ' 1* i|iiv •, nut- » f 1 . yt j MIU'. . 7..I ( » I'IMI r*i|iif 1, . m t »'.i .... Ii.%ii i v * im M|iif«. MI r Mnr IMII I'lititi *•• | i «• • i n n ' i'tr .'!<• I'M im |M»I i«iii -im-liiiff w i-ltili *%f ton m m<iiv -ttli- • I . |t I I - I 4 41'l ' till*. I In ••It* •***'! !l \\ I t'kl' , .III-J Of hf* * nr tun* 'n 11 -*«m I I V t ' M i . fi» 0 tugVitHui, Tin* W •». KI» Tiiti*tt*r * ill In* »>4 I4l Mllf Vi-Ml f 'I I I »>>. I'lll' **4'1MI W 4'1'kll f.M i'wi 14 in I Tim |»Mih fit f H III l«inltlllli<M*« Ml •l*H.I#*i>* ll'k, It'ili»i4 hi Oiwfl nti * > w link. ri»4'*! OMU'I, *M ttt ItV^'ii t4'inl I i t or. Tt'i* |'fi|'iir < n ill TT uiMri»**i'.| t.^ P.^rh *ntt n t lil'l If il<4a.ft'tl MM'I WIA' l l l ' l 111 •> Mi.il|i| 1I0IM fill' ••llll I* |*I1| I HI ll. I.i*4«til Irfi'iii* wniiti*«l I't i*vi*n fnwfi n |if*ft> IIMIII* UIV tn.no MIII*.I*I\ , '•• 11 liMM -|»*.'i}il attil UIIITMI linltir«*MMMil4 MI«» i»lft*r*wl. f Hr |MMirr*, •|Ntlun*n mpli'-, mnl fitrf Tior jmr tuiilwr-. AiMrv-"*, iTff I I: H U M ; 4 Nl'l* "ill k. I WrlttiMt fur th* If KRAMt.] «ONK RffORi:. Tl.*ri»** ti In'aiitifii] tare in tlic •ileal u\r, IVIiii'h fnllniiM mo i*ii»r mill 110fir— With winding I»II»W nml nilvtwrr Imlr, Willi voirHi'4* |||»^t Ti*t with lirt»«tiinf pra/or, TliMt I fiu'l Imt I t'liiinot liimr. T i t o H1MI Tov<»*l f o r m iw rori»n*4l w i t h IIHHIM, l.in-i IOM in ii in it. Ut nUop; I ul n* I oh my liaiul fm n rlii4|, „f 0 |i|, lint Hut fiiipti «ir i i NtrniifriMy rt#lil, I m l 1111 \ i i / i l alniu* l ki*<*|i. Tin*t«yn a 4hi!rt4 hrm% with n rmliniit rmwn, Ami « o n * * Idiil tiinvn In tlu* iluwt; Tiifn**- 1% Himlr w lifti* ii«»iiM UHliu<|nwm**nnW \III| I*«nr4 im iifiio fmni UKMH .lenr eyoi flow IH-IO iim in tht'ir he.ivctilv trint. Ah, troll! ninl wiiminfr lw c#»m? njrnin, Hiuirlng IHT »iniit* <>H >*iing4; Hill, nil! It wonnU lik«* u woii J,f p ,| Mf A mgi. •til, nit 1 11 wotin-U lik«* u woii J,f p ,| Mf ^ H Hi».il4 In the *jtiiti4|i|no Htnl tin) Vrtin, 0 > r tin* liiMi'tw nf tli* IMMM'H ^rt|iu wn Tlirri*'« N hnniiflftil ritjjinn HIMIU* Hit* Nklif-4, Ami I I nig In rviii'lf 1 it^ wlmrn; fm- I kii'.w I Hlutll 1)mI mv fflilici- tlioro, Tim Itiviiig ci\i*4 nml Hili(»r\ hair ' Of till* Invml imi* Kirtii* ln'f Mti. I,. Milt* It »f*I all**"'"*" §!•*"**»• t<* otinlrm Hli<l)'wioi ••to* ^mn iwi i«*n »« c it it.tririrk a t..** J. l*.Tf#* % |H| . " I t^tw"*'! * ••••". I""" v *»» Ifrai Aiaii M * '*' ,h * ^•• rt '*" 1 •»• \i«l i«<« r. O I***** Va*l*«Mrot,lrrwrM li NnM-lmlTi<t t«t» •••• aniiiiHtf* it*. i'trjiai'Ht-lf* •*•• ,rf,#um •••••**^ •••••*- AiMftcM A If ft 11044114 Ja^ , t*aji m ltM4iit«fiHi at.. 0«tlaaaif«rf t K* f. K FRKORS or YOUTH. millionH o f VIM Til.* A «:niflf>m.ifi nim iiirfi*rfHl f*ir tenri frufit NITHMIW |t|*|illitr. l , n'Mt»i»iti«» |lf*t'rt* , nii«l nti »hc» nfTiH'iw of % IMI lifnf lei tiv'i.m nil) fm tin* '*kv nf -tilfriinfr Im- Mi'.m|4f 4'n.I fi-f*? tn nil mlin nrtMl it, tin* rreiiift «n*| i|ltri*i|nti f«n niMklng Hit* *»ltiiii> rrnti ih In- •M hicli h«* MM i*urv I. MifTiM^n w l-hlng in prnfll !»•/ ih# MilvMrtl.tjir't 0^ft«rl*iwi*v ran tin MO IIV mf ilrv—Itiir In i*4»rffw«l mnrt.lt nr.- v.lnJiaffHl loll>i IL iN.UfCN, #f(>tUr at.. Nnw York. G r ; V| L^ !•! c ?- V^MWtt.h A Ct> f Jf. Tori *vlv*ftiUi«f 4 H far PMrnbhltH of l«at»«gi»ii t rnntMining lUti of a m HMw«n«>#rt f aad titlaiaitM •Imwlng co«t of laaiyl A r k i t . n Kit^N a o N d . W r r n i i ittM (fit* pt htr«'h mm. In <'llv m in ton 11, Who Mnmli'iH wlt<* Uer ptint!»ll 1 vine* Klin tip l|:i. * i|| nr »ln\i 11; Wn unit* imi fur hin marhlo liaIN, Nm >«« ins |||i;i|M f»f t/o| I— I Wi« wmilil nm 4>wf» hin mir.|i»| hfnft 1.11 all hi- Wi'.iltl. IIM ire f.iltf IV v ntt* fhi* f;tv irn I sum nf nu Hi, IV« .11'. j he pun* itif <* n'li ninrn; lit* MIIII. lit* tfftp tiiO gnliti'ti xrHitt; Wn git IMT in I lit' emit; W'iinil; iv.-IIm on wliirarpftim, A iv I mmr fhfiii thN m* IIM — II4* hntir of atittvitig Millllmni fmnil. Ami ul nllv fn.'i! I In (in to 1. Tim l.itrvrr lir4*H an | ^ i m ; n l v ftM**, Vnt *l 1 n>(-4 M winiv ll ft*.; Hi' iinvt't knuv-i it |»i>J<*i>f ul I n u r - Ml«t i i t n i i - | i l t i re j4 4tift*. Tim in »i i l i a n t f liiiinbl In 4 vnnl -«tMnk t»Vr, t.tmiM r«ty}:t*.| :il In 4 (oil; Hi*'s imi ih*' IM in I..MI nif ml hitn fur— Win- •!••:••» in 1 till tli4« mil? Tin* *M<"or j*!-**! fhrmiun *nrin nml ^nl.i, rin.l- wl hi* | i r i i * : i ' ' 4 11 ill; Wl i*ti ili*n t ninl 14ml** In* pl«»«|a fi>.ilii To K»" hi inuyi lt\ hill. Thn pnn'cr |hfti«4 hii tniiilti •mill?) Hi! g- t-»,i. fin* Mftfill* t'.lljll. Ami -iftintp•* It mi mtr il.iih i.iit'i'i4 T*M*hi*i*r tin* fiirnti* '-IM*IIIII. Wo 4|ng Hit* fmmir nf 1 Itn plow \ m l Imiinr l*» tin* pri'^- T in I nl» I' III tl II Ml I'll U iif In! I, II itli i' i«*h n \f*\\ nr In We-* . Tliu Umr, ihr IM-II,*. nf foi* f;t^* :t;rt*\ Ti tn* ii *"il' Ii m hum in kl"«| - On4' 'ill4 lh" 4 11' 1 gimi't-iiti* v ir It, T"••• ill nr iill • Mil' iniml. MHS. 'il|o.>HSO.\ v S Will IE WAUF. M r * . ' r i i o f t i | -«;t»ii - l o t n l b y t lie k ihlitlt ":iliii* |t:ifitij |M.liihn**4 |i»r tlfni.rr. >« ?t*i'; iiit, j «.*»•« i«. • i -iii ly wroit"; ivilli I Itr lill'i lull, lor ilifiv iv IH till t tit - mi^iiikfiltl! 1 t i r o l *• **|'ilr" in I hr WJII -*!tO tn«*i'"| Ihi' pi»| 1S o,* 4 into lit* put ol to »l Hjirinjj- .1 it IT, iv.;itjn«i tli'ii'lo i*i».-fivr lltc'iii. It ivt-t *u|j; ri iifilluT, Mini tlnoiinli t)|ii npiMl iviittlow f 1 flic tIM* MOIIIHI of mowi'iN whi'Uin^ Ihoir Hi'yfho« t lifornliMl iv it It (hti mil of th.* IOIMII, mitl (lit) faint noU'H of the nirkoo in tho Hlnttlod W(»od. Hut it only irritatoii Mrs. Thompson—in- ilooif, everything irritated her that day. Looking out from the hack door, might he seen a lovely land- scape, with broad reaches of meadow- land, fringed with graceful belts of birch ; mid softly rounded mountains liflin^ their velvety foreheads to the white, tlcrcy clouds, that wont slowly nailing across the exquisite ether, like htijro drifts of thistle-down. Hut this nl-o irritated her; evervthiii"; could b,* hraufiftil save her life, >tnd that w a** i-»'I. tit I 1*1 If. .MI I 'iirruii. At l»'i: l. M. .'rititmpMiii in :!u* phMiihidt* td her ptvKefit mi 4 alisfnclori* mood, II ti* trlhtnf herself lint it *.va«. I'll hen -ll ||t |||,» It *trj||||j||y;, . f I 1ftV I.juvreinf htnl bi*»ti Mil uimsii'illv ro- mantic girl, rin.l had yone for two years to a boardiiig-schtud. Siie had always fan<ietl nhe w«»uhl 111-irry some fainou** artist or scludar, who would take her to Koine and Venice, where she tni^ht live in a perpetual dream of beauty. She *o loved beautiful things ! Perhaps all women do ; and that m iv he I he reason so m.iny arc found readi to barter hue lor gold. Hut, contrary to ul! her precon- ceived not funs, **ht* m trried Kob.rt Thompson, a plain, practical fanner ; ami instead of touri'i^ it in Italy, *»ln* went to I• vt* ut lite old homestead, which had been the abide of the Thompsons tor general inn«. I he iin^ ti 11 < 1 reality are s.» very diilert n' f you •ee. r « Kobci t Thtttitpsiin wn-* a working fjirmer as well a-» a practical iiirtti, aittl all ItlN people ivorke*. Nin mother had woiktal in her day, hi*s sister^ hnl worked, h«* e\ pcctctl hi> wife to Wti4-k. S|u» took to it gleefully ; -lie had not been brought up iiilfi high notion**, by nttv meant ; an I a! lir-t fi.e uaitk ilnl mil neem MI in i' h. II tt every ex- perienced I idi knows how the labor seem* to accumulate iu i plain firmer'* household the years alter mama"**' go on. There were plenty of m-n ami btiys about, but only one wotu in s r- viint was kep: ; and Mrs. K.ib.-il Thomp<:oii grew to fin I **hehelpe I at nearly i 1 f t \ ihtn^, save", peritap", Ihc veri rou^he-l oftheliboc. In place of lounging 1 in e'eg.ml foreign *lii.lius, or gliding down fuind t inals and streaiiH in piet ues.j te ;,<ond »li«, "Hhe had butter ai id c!n c*e to mike, and poultri to rear, and dinn rs to co.»k fn tin* lon«f. Inw-cei|e*l ixit.hen, and the thousand ar I m;e nr.'n uji.m Iter •*ho l,J«»i- that in.tk » !ip a b t*\ hou«c- lio'd. (luite a ctihliM-t; '^ Hiil-l h idmiltetl, / \V..!t ihifi'f- a f'tlle d: I'rc.tf. di.-M Hot have inimled lite work **» nrii h ; coid I **!ic h tie it 1 I nic car,n is, and t.'tsie.'al t' :niit ;r *, -.,,1 I m ! , , and a picture or tw >, ia.1 flower*. The It uiie was so vc \ h i a| and piM.*tictib and its KuriM'-indiii 5s WCIN* L r ettiny: so shabby. At lirst **he ha I imt noti/ed this, or care 1 f»i* it ; Imt every year, as tho year** went on, iu ule mitteis look dingier. Old Mr*. Thompson had nut caret! lo Ijo tunart and nice ; Htdirrt never though! about it. i\nd what thotiL'h hp Imii ?—it is only natural rWr mon to assume that what hid done t\»r a mother would do for a wife* In time Mr*. Robert Thompson began to a«k that MMIIC renovation should take place ; at which Roliert only stanal; the Infant* that had done without painting 10 long, could do vol; and the old thing* in it were good enough for them, i^he did "not venture to urge the point ; hut she did press for aoiuc* liower*. There was u strip of ground under the south parlor windows where a ahrub of sweetbricr grew, and pinks, sweet-williams, and marigohls blossomed iu their season. Hut they were ohl-fashioned, common How* rs; and she pined for the rare and elegant plants she had seen In conservatories and public gardens. Hut Robert Thompson would as soon have thought of buying the moon, as sm h useless things as flower*. The garden, like himself, was all practical, filled wfth cabbages, onions, potatoca, and sweet herbs. And so went on her unlovclv existence ; in which dis- satisfaction was becoming a very nightmare* Now and again, on thost* somewhat ran* occasions when she went out to visit her neighbors, and stw how pretty many of them had things, she came home more than ever out of heart. The worst was (or the be>l) there was no real reason why a little money should not be spent in making the home prettier and hap- pier, for Robert Thompson was doing well, an I putting fairly by* Hut un- der** Hiding had not come into the man; and IIH wife was too meek, per- haps too constitutionally timid, 10 make trouble over it. To matter to-day—which had put her so very much out—was this. A H'tvhig-cluh had recently been o-dab lished iu Ihe neighborhood. Th Te was much distress amidst the poor laborers* wives and I'amilie**, ami some hulifM* w i t h tim>» on their hands set tip a sewing-dub. I > ttl ike u few clothes for the nearly inked children. The farmers' wives had joined il ; Mrs. Thonipson with others; they met at stated intervals, faking the di tie rent houses in rotation ; dining at home at twelve, iiMsf»itibling at one o'clock, and working -leailily for several hours, ft was surprising how mint work got tloue; how many little pet- tio.its and frocks were made in the h'11'.rj.fternoous. In less than a month il would be Mrs. Thompson's turn to receive the com pan v— for the Hist time—ami she naturally begin focon- i icr ways ami m.*aii*. Por they mel for an entertainment as well as for sewing; tea in I he afternoon, a grand meal later when th" stitching w«s over. What Was Mrs, Thompson to do? Tledr stock of plates and dishes con- sisted of a few obis and ends of old cracked dclf, that had once been a ki.id ol'inuShcrrv color. She hail long wanted somj new white wan ; she wanted it more than ever now. (*rover, the keeper of the village crockery-shop, had a lovely set for sale ; white, with a delicate Rprig of convolvidi and fuchsias ; looking every bit a* good as real china. Mrs. Thompson had set her heart on the set, and that morning had broached |ho subject to her husband. " What's tho matter with Ihe old ones ?" asked lie. ** Look at them/' she answered. "They arc frightfully old and very shabby." " I darvsiv the food will taste as Well off them as oil' ti rover's set of white w ire "• It'll 111: W haW iv'> not h i!f enough. I as nolle led." ••Moilicr hal stuiie be*f china.— Where is il *f" •• t 11 if- 11 u'rly all gone. We could not put the tun on the table to- gether." '•Whyiiol?" " O Robert ! Look at this. It is the shabbiest old lot ever seen." " TWIII goad enough for mother." Mrs. Robert Thompson disdained comment. ** You'd nor have thought of this but tor the M'wing-ciivlc having to come her**. If they can't come and 1 at from such dishes as we've got, they are welcome to stay away." There? were tears in Mrs. Thomp- son's eyes. Hut she crowded them bravely hick. He toik his hat to go out to his mowing. 4i We really want the thing-., Ri»b« erl* Those at (Jrover's an* very cheap. I can get all I want for a mere trifle ; do give me the money/' •*ftroVer*ll have to keep Yin for Us ; I I've got no money to waste on tine china," returned the farmer. 4 * Hy Ihe wav"—looking back from the door - " Jones and Lee are < oming to give me a helping band. I want to gi*\ the s tilth meadow down to-day if I can, it's 11 famous heavy crop ; so I shall bring them in to dinner. Oh! ami the llubbards want six pounds of bulIcr to-night ; don't forget to have it ready." With the^o words, Mr. Robert Thompson had marched off, leaving "his wife to her long, weary day's work, darkened and made distasteful by her disappointment. She was both grieved and angry, it WAS a little thing, perhaps, hti it is the little tilings ol life th.il delight «>r an- j 110 \ . j livi-tcitci* seemed vovy bare and ! ho iit'ly to lane Thompson (hit stiiih ! in. r day. With hcrlovc of ease, and bendy, and symmetry, how rude and ."iii'M*. and hard, looked all her stir- rounduig't* it was only o!ie long, ; mon »:OJ: I.JS round of homely toil, un- 1 relieved by any of the Id tie sweet- 1 n *sses and gr tees that might make j even t-dl pleasant. She did not often 1 thdiA of 11 ; but she rcuiemhctv 1 that j 1 iv, with the faintest little air of i\ % - ! gtvl, that S'IC Inight have been flirdif- 1 ferently situated ; and as she looked j up to I lie pretty French cottage on the hill, embowered in a |»erfect forest of blossoming vines, am) caught (he cool gleam Mf urn and fountain, some- thing very like a sigh trembled on her j lips, "Squire Rurnham's wife does j not have to beg for a paltry bit of ' money to aot out her table decently," she thought rebelliously. And then, in her spirit of aggrieve- nrnl, she mentally went over the other things alio nood.d, and that Robert knew were needed. Why was life to be all toll and bare uglincu? There was no reason ; he had plenty of money. A new carpet for the best parlor ; paper for the walls, so stained with time; whitewash; paint ; stum? fresh chintz; shei remembered it all, I\H she toiled through the long, sultry forenoon with an aching head mid discouraged heart. It happened to bo Washing-day ; and on those days »ae took all the work, that Molly might not be disturbed in her help nt the tubs. What business had she to marry Rabert Thompson ? she asked herself, her slender wrists heating away at the butter for the ilubbards. Por in the green ami gloomv light that Mrs. Robert Thompson looked at things to-day, she quite forgot the fact that she had fallen iu love with the honest, steady, and good-looking young fanner, choosing him iu preference to Joe Iturnham, whom *hc might have had. Joe had a patrimony of his own ; two hundred a year, at least, and a good bit of land,\ which he rented, and was called ".Ajuire," as his father had been before him. He wanted to marry .lane Lawrence, and she would not ; likes and dislikea can- not he controlled, ami she eared more for Robert Thompson's little linger than for the whole of poor, under- sized Jo-\ Squire Htirnham found nnolhcr wife; ami Mrs. Thompson, this weary day, was furiously envying her. Mrs. Huriihaiu would come amidst the rest of the sewing-club, too, ami see the miserable *habbinc*s of the mulberry-ware and the home generally. The butter got beaten Ha.va.gclv at the thought. Robert Thoiup on was not an un- kind man ; only thoughtless. lie was a type of a verv large cla^s, more es- po dally farmer*, who do not feel Ihe need of life's rugged [athwny being softened with flowers. Absorbed in his stock, his crops, his money-get- ting, he did not realize how monoton- ous was his wife's life at home, lie had his recreations, ihe weekly mar- ket ; gossip with his brother farmers ; politics; she had nothing but work and care, lie did not realize the truth that the worn, shabby home told upon her; thit she needed some brightening t » conn* to il as a yearn- ing want of lite.. And so, as the year* had gone on, she grew dis<alisti"d at heart, hardly understanding what she wished for or what s|u» did not uNli ; the intensely unlovely, prosy, dull life somewhat souring her spirits. Now and again, when she gave luck a short or bitter retort, Robert woildcred ; she who used to be so sweet-tempered. All through the long forenoon Mrs. Thompson nursed her wrath. Robert was selfish and unreasonable, and she did not cure who knew it. She would not have the sewing-dub at the farm, come what might. The potatoes got boiled ; the big piece of beef was sim- mering on tho fire. Hefore twelve o'clock had w f eil struck, she saw her husband and his two friends coming through the orchard, with red ami hungry faces. Mr. Thompson always wanted his dinner boiling hot ; and she hastened to lay the cloth in the cool room off the kitchen, Prank and < 'barley, her t wo boys, came rush- ing in from school, each striving to claim her athntion. She felt tired, heali d. and v e r v cr*»%.-•. ; » * j " Wliv! isn't tii.'.fc r i udv • \ J " I* minded Mr. Thomp on, not M cing n rttdnally o n I h e t a b l e w h e n he entered. " I told you we had no time to waste to-day," he added ungrily, in his hurry and hunger. **Ifl hadn't an\ thing to do all the forenoon but get dinner, IM haie it ready iu time, I know." A hitter retort was spriugin x lo her lips ; but ere it could be spoken, < "tar- ley clamorously interpo-etl, pudiiu;: his new copy book before her eyes. ''Look, mother! I am going into t entencrs now, like Prank. It's my first copy. The master wrote it ; ami he said I was to g<d it by heart, too, mid always remember it. Do read it, mother." l Mrs. Thompson, her arms full of the cracked old mulberry plates, paused a moment to let her eyes fall on the new copy. A soft answer turucth away wrath," was what she read. It was not that the proverb w i s m w ; she had read it scores of times; hut there was something in its appropriateness to the present moment, that fell like a cooj, sweet wind o i l h e r healed pulsi-s. 4 * I will have it ready iu a moment, Robei\," she said quietly. Mr. Robert Thompson looked up. Pvidently he had not expected so pleasant a reply. If the truth tiiitst be told, he had thought a good bit that morning of his wife's request about the white ware. Not. iu the way of granting if; but that she would probably be sulky over it when they got in to dinner. ** It doesn't feel here as it dots in that blazing meadow," he remarked to his friends, as they went into tin* cool north room to dinner. '* Polks that can keep indoors this weather hive an easy time of il ; they don'i know what beat K." Mrs. Thompson wondered wind her this was a slap at her. Ii|*rface looked scarlet enough for any amount of heat. As to silling down with them, shi* had enough to do to wait on the party. Mr. Thompson finished his dinm sileme. lie was watching bis wife's face; there was something iu if he did not understand—a kind of patient, hope- lesVJook, as if t he no longer cared to struggle onward. The old mulberry ware did look dingy on the snowy- white tablecloth ; almost too bad for these chums of his to sit down lo : he wondered he hail never thought so be- fore. Mr. Thompson grew thought- ful. He pissed Info the kitchen when they were going out again—how hot ami stilling it felt with that big fire- as bad as the south meadow. His wife had been in it cooking; that must have made her face scarlet. Indoors was not so comfortable a place, after all, if you had hot work to do, was the idea that flitted through his mind. And—perhaps the work was over- much for his wife, who at besf was but a delicate woman. A fresh, cool breeze bail sprung up from the south as lie went out, walk- ing slowly ; but the sun was burning hot still. Robert Thompson waited to wipe his brows; and in that mo- ment the voice of his comrades came toward him from the ot her side off he hedge, where they stood in the little shada it cast* " I iwvvr pitied n woman so muclj in my life," quoth one of them. "She- works like a slave, and does not get even 'thank ye' for it from Thomp- son, lie's a good fellow, but uncom- mon down upon the work. Strong a horse himself, he thinks, I sup- pose, women must be the same." *" Yes, Hob's a sterling good fellow, Init Jam* Lawrence made a mistake when she said * Yes* to his asking," cried the other, "Junes, she wasn't cut out for a farmer's wife—especially one who keeps his folks to it liky Thompson does, She's over sensitive --delicate; any lady but her would have turned long ago ami bid him give her proper help. He won't in ike his money out of her many years if he don't take better care of her; she'll run down fa*d. Awfully chaiig^iV, she i". She look* as faded as the old hou-e rooms—ami they haven't seen a coat o' paint since ttraudf.ither Thompson^ day." 44 Ah! she'd better have took .lov* Hiiriihaui. The Lawrences used lo have thing-nice in their home, ami she'd have got Ym so still, if she had married Joe. his wife's just gone out iu in r poiiv-chay. I say, Junes, I wonder whether Thompson's wife's ever sorry ?" Was she? The unconscious 'com- ments of these, his warm friends, came eru>hiiig down on Mr. Thomp- son's heart ami brain like a holt of fife. That she rejected Hurnham for him, he knew, when she came home to the old homestead, and took care of his invalid mother. Tenderly had she done it, too. And—could she be wearing out her life in hard work for him; she, the mother of his boys ; she whom he loved well, for all his chur- lishness? Robert Thompson stole away ; he could bear his thoughts no longer; and he felt that he could al- most kill himself for his blind heed- leesjie>s\ The afternoon wore on toward eve- ning. Mr*. Thomp on had finished her indoor Work- the washing up of the dinner <lr.it"< arid *.:,.. putting of the room« st i, n u 111 - and u a- ir»ingin with an armful of fine things that she had taken from t he clothes-line, when Ihe sound of wheels math' her look round. * 44 I have brought that white ware, Mrs. Thompson," said the brisk voice of frrover, springing from his cart, and lifting down carefully a large hamper. 44 Hut 1 didn'i order it, Mr. Hrover," site rejoined, iu rather a frightened voice. I 41 The master did, (hough. Robert Thoiilpson came down this afternoon and staid the things was to come up to you at once. There's the dinner set you admired, and a tea set in well. WhiTc shall I put Ym ?" 44 Hring t heni in, please," she an-* swered rather faintly. He did as he was bid, and then drove off. Mrs. Thompson hat down by the hamper of crockery ami cried as if her heart would break. They were magical tears, too, for they washed all the weariness and despair from her face, and the shadow from her eyes and heart. She forgot that she II as tired, or thai the day wa« hot ; she onlv thought how kind Robert was, and what a wicked woman she had been lor saying to herself in her tem- per that sheM rather have had Squire Hunihaui. Tfien she unpacked (he treasures, polling them out from timid the hay, an I singing softly till the while. Oh! it was beautiful, that ware! with ils dear, opaque white, and here and there a delicate tracing of fuchsia or convolvulus. Mr. Thompson came in and found her in the midst. " What isit, Jenny ?" he asked- the old, fond name he used to call her. "O Robert!" faking a step toward hitn. I Ir opened his arms and drew her close lo his heart, kissing her as fondly ami tenderly as be ever hail in looked Into her eager face. "We'll all turn over a new leaf, Jane. Heaven knows I did not mean to be cruel." j- 44 Robert, you were never thai." " Well—we'll lei it be; bygones shall be bygones, if you will. Oh! and I forgot to say that I saw Leeds Ibis afternoon. It's a very dull time just now, the poor fellow says, with- out a job on hind, so 1 thought I'd give him one. # They'll be here to be- gin to-morrow morning." 44 You—are- not going to have the house done up?" she exclaimed, in wild surprise. 44 ICvery square inch of ii. And, once the painting ami that's finished, we'll see what else we can do to make it look a bit blighter." She hardly believed it ; she burst into tears, " Ami I have been so wicked !" she cried. " Only to-day I had quite wicked thoughts, Robert. I was envying Mrs. Hurnham; I WHS feeling angry with everybody. It was the discouragement, Robert." 44 Yes, it was the discouragement," he said quite humbly. 4i We will do better lor the future, Jane : I'll try another plan." She cried silently for a minute longer—sofl, happy tears ; feeling that light had sujMTseded darkness. 44 And it hns all arisen from my try- ing to carrv out for a bit that blessed «s proverb—* A soft answer t u met h away Wrath!'" she murmured. " Robert, did vou ever before see such lovely white ware ?'* It was washing-day, and Molly mu>t j Ih' 4 d:ii s of his courtship. not be called. 44 This butter must have been kept in the kitchen, it's like oil," said Mr. Thompson, 44 I took if out of the cellar since vt»:i came in ; I will go down and get some more if you think I had belt'i," \\t\a the reply, given pleasantly. "Never mind. Well, I declare!— do you call this meat boiled ?" went on Mr. Thompson, as he began to carve. " It's harder than a rock, 1/ meat has to be cooked prel'y fresh this weather, it needn't be like this," ** I tried to have it nice, Robert," she said, striving to choke d"wn a rising sob—as well as an angry word. Mr. Thompson, aroused by a quiver tn the tone, looked at his wife; his friends glanced at one another. She sat down at length, but could not eat, 44 I hive been a brute, little wife," he whimpered hu*kily. "fan you ever forgive me ?" " Poi give you ? () Robert! I never w » r « so happy in my life ! I have been to hlaim*. I have not been as patient and kind as I might." 4i Yes, you have. You've* been nil angel, compared to me* I have made tt slave of you. Hut all that is ovor now. I did not think, Jenny ; I did not indeed." " Hut—Robert—" 44 You shall have more help In the bouse, another servant. We'll get her in, Jenny, long before the sewing- club night comes round." "O Robert! how kind you arc. I feel as light as a bird." 41 And you arc almost," lie an- swered, smiling a little sadly as ho The Ihnne of the Capitol. The altitude uf the dome of the eapito) makes that building the high- est in America, it being 2H7J feet from the floor of the ba^eiueiit story to the cresl of the statue. There arc only four edifices iu the world which tower higher towards the clouds— St. Peter's, nt Rome, which is 4a8 feet from the pavement to the top nf the cross outside ; St. Paul's at Lon- don, which is 101 feet ; the cathedral of St. Isaac at St. Petersburg, is aiTi feid, ami Ihe Hotel ties ItiAitlides at Pari**, iu which is the tomb of the great Napoleon which is .122 feet high. In the Piuted States, the steeple uf Trinity t'hurdi, New York, is next in height to the dome: Hunker Hill monument, second, and the Wash- ington monument in Hall inn.re, third. The flu fed columns, 3f» in number which support the first balustrade in the dome are 27 feet high ami weigh six Inns each. Above this balustrade springs the roof formed of handsome- ly ornamented panels, which gradu- ally diminish in sizo to the a|>ex, which is surmounted by a lantern 50 feet high. In this is a reflecting lamp lighted by electricity, but only illuminated when there is a night session either of the house or senate, or both. This beautiful light has been often seen of late, and all who looked upon it commiserated tho weary congressmen whose duties de- mand their presence in the hot, close atmosphere of the hall, which is ren- dered still more stifling by the heat of summer. Hut perliups the greatest wonder of the dome is the 'whispering gallery.' It is as near perfect ns that of St. Paul's, for on the circular gallery un- der the painting, one may converse In tin ordinary tone of voice with a friend who stands opposite, nearly 70 feet away. The sounds appear to follow the concave of the frescoed picture, and is often very startling to persons not aware of the singular freiks played by Ihe waves of sound at that dizzy altitude. •«. Prcxlncing Music b) Jets of Flume. A Paris correspondent of the Lon- don Telegraph under ditto of June 2(>i\\ } writes: 4 I was present at an interesting series of experiments made upon a new musical instrument invented bv M. Frederic Keslner, who has practically applied the the- ory "often referred to by Prof. Ti n- dall that jets of llame will, under cer- tain conditions, produce definite mu- sical sounds. M. Kcstner found out that by plac- ing a jet ot gas in an ordinary ejus* chimney at about one Wind of it* height, the flame, on being divided into several distinct parts, would pro- duce a definite musical tune, Ihe lirst given out being of the normal dispa- MOII* Hy adjusting the size id' the tube ami jet he was soon enabled to evoke, with equal certainty, the oth- er notes of the scale, ami it was a short step from this a< heivemeut to adapt to this series of tubes a key- hoard like that of a piano. When a note is tombed the flame is*epftated its light is materially diminished but it emits a musical sound. No sooner is the finger released than the llame rises to its normal height ami the sound ceases. Advantage has been taken of the arrangement to construct a hand- some drawing-room candebrnm con- nected by electricity with a ke\ board in an adjoining room* It i* extreme- ly curioiisT to watch the flumes rise and fall one bv one as tin* nolo* which they produce cease or fall up- on the ear. A larger instrument, tj, 0 pipes of which are arraigned organ- wise, has several three-octave key- hoard* which can be coupled togeth- er. The instrument has not as yet the evenness of tone throughout iu register which would be desirable, but tho results already achieved are interesting in the extreme. General Khcrwaa. Ai this interview, casually referred to in his Memoirs, began my personal acquaintance with General Sherman. His character is written on his face, and appears in his manner and con- versation. He is above the medium height, stands erect, and carries a head capable of continotis study and thought with a mind acute ns it is ca- pacious. He has a voice that is so- norous, *manly and attractive, and a manner that secures your attention and wins your confidence. Introduce any topic nm) Sherman is at home. His memory for detail strikes you at once as extraordinary, and his abili- ty to carry with him the knowledge of places and localities long since seen shows u remarkable source of power at his command as an officer. His marked pertilarity in contrast with liciicra! (irant was a wonderful suggestive talent. He would draw up five plans of campaigns to another man's one while (icn. (Vrant would weigh tho matter and select the best.— Mn)or-(icn* Howanf in the .WflHiJe. 4V««»« 1 A Joke. The Norwich, Chenango Comity Telegraph has the following good thing: Last week, Judge Polleti of this village was holding court at Delhi. On Friday morning, during a lull in business, the Hon. William You mans, Jr., well known to the people of this district as an expensive luxury, arose in this place, and knows how to put on, announced that he had just re- ceived a dispatch from St. Louis an- nouncing the nomination of Samuel Jones ihlcn as the democratic nom- inee for J'resilient of the Inited States, and moved in honor thereof, that the "court do now adjourn.' JmXgi. Pol let said : 44 It is a custom always honored for courts to adjourn when tue unuouneoment of the death of any gentleman, dUtlnguUhcd for Inn*/ and honorable service to the State or nation, is made ; but I know of no precedent for a court to adjourn upon the bare announcement that a man h<iM br#u afrvck with death. The motion is uVnicd." The ef!e< t can be belter imagined than described. Matrimonial Advice* Our young women nrc cautioned against marrying dissipated young men, but with equal, if not greater propriety,, may not young men be cautioned against marrying idle and extravagant lathes, lWa grent tunny unhappy mariages are there*ult of Ihe latter ns well ns the former. Fool- ish mothers think they act affection- ately by indulging their daughters in their fondness for the giddy pleas- ures of life, and allowing them to con- tract habits of indolence, not dream- ing that there are stern realities of life which must surely await them. Let them marry wealth or poverty, they will be unable to support either condition. Let them remain single, and life will become more and more burdensome as it advances. Beautiful Tribute To Womaa. We have seen many beautiful trib- utes to lovely woman, but the follow- ing is tho finest wo have ever read: •Place her among flowers, foster her as a tender plant, ami she is a thing of fancy way wurduess and folly—an- noyed by a dew-droit, fretted by the touch of a butterfly's wing, ready to faint at the sound of a beetle or the rattling of window pane at night, and she is overpowered by the i>or- fuine of the rosebud. Hut the real calamity comes, rouse her affections, enkindle the fire of her heart and mark her then! Place her in the heat of the battle, give her it child, a bird, oi anything to protect—and see her iu a relative instance, lifting her white arms as a Shield, as her own blood crimsons her upturned fore- head, praying for her life, to protect the helpltjvss. Transplant Iter in the dark places of the earth, call forth her energies to action, and her breath becomes n healing, her pres- ence a blessing. She disputes inch by inch the strides of a striking pesti- lence, when man, the strong and brave, pale and affrighted, shrinks away. Misfortune haunts her not ; she wears away a life of silent endu- rance, and goes forward with less timidity than to her bridal. In pros- perity she is a bud full of odors wait- ing but for the wind/ of adversity to scatter them abroad—gold, valuable, but untried in the furnace. In short, woman is a miracle, a mystery, the center from which radiates the charm of existence. ••• •- - Stiuday la the Horaie* Wo know a household in which the Sunday is hardly over before the little ones begin the inquiry, "Mam- ma, when will It bo Sunday Again ?" To these children, Sunday Is the 'red letter' day of the week, looked for- ward to, and backward to, on every other day. And this, because on Sunday they have their father at home all day. He dismisses his busi- ness cares, gathers his children close about him, listens to their histories of the weeks, reads to them>or talks to them, or walks with them. H e , is making beautiful associations to cluster about this blessed day. This should be tho day of days In every household. Six days must the bread and butter be earned, and the bread and butter bo prepared, the raiment taken thought of .and the rai* ment stitched. Six days must the fathers and sons and daughter and little children go abroad to their work and lessons. Hut there comes " the seventh day, the beautiful Sun- day in which business may be set aside, the lessons dismissed, husbands , and wives, parents and children, brovhers, and sisters reunited. Let * this day be concentrated to all Uiatls highest and best in our natures, to ~ thanksgiving' and aspiration and to the development of spiritual graces. . »4>»^ Site and Whipple. Tho Rfooklyn Argus says: At a public dinner in Iloston, some years ago, Whipple the essayist, and 8*axe the poet, were present as honorary guests. In the midst of a somewhat desultory conversation between tho two, Whipple exclaimed: *0, don't mind what Sate says about that, he was quite tipsy on that occasion/ •And In what condition were you?' Inquired the poet, 4 8olM?r V was the prompt and seem- ingly safe reply. i 'Cieiitletncii! said Saxe, rising 1 lo his feet, glass in hand—'GentlemenI let us drink to the memorable occa- sion when Saxe was tipsy and Whip- ple was sol>cr!' «•> An Aiittislag BIartel*. ^ Some years ago during a Dcnto- cratieijfttte Convention held at Syra* ctise there occur red a large Sunday St hool picnic, to which many of tho * delegates were invited, andwhich a few attended. Among those who accepted were John.Van Huron and (•eneral Nye. Mr. Van Hurcn was requested to make a little speech to the little people, and though it was a little out of his line, ho cheerfully assented. Jn the course of It he sought to impress upon the juveniles that honesty was the best policy, and that politicians of all classes were quite too apt to sell and be sold. Hy way of illustration he added, "You remember how Abrahajn of old traded his birthright for a mess of pottage." General Nye, who sat directly behind him gave his coat tails a pull and said, "Hold on John you have got * the hair on the Wrong man.'*—/far- />cr«T' Maguzinc* - ' # » •• *• Dressing Expeaslfelj at $10 a Year* They tell an anecdote at Washing- ton of a certain Congressman who pro- claimed that a rigid system of econ- omy must be practiced, as the various failures here, there and ereiywhere had dwarfed the amount of his annual income* 44 Hut what am I to do for party dresses ?" asked the anxious wife. ? " Leave that matter tome, my dear, Imd I will arrange it to your satisfac- tion," soothingly replied the legis- lator. * Calling in a reporter, he Bet Before him a tempting array of edibles, with wine enough to send warmth through his veins and generous throbs to his heart-strings. 44 Now, my friend," said tho M. C. t 44 1 want lo employ you to describe my wife's dlessen this winter—or rather, she will describe them, and you can insert tho descriptions in your various pajwrs. Here's $10 for your trouble, and a scat at our table when you're hungry.*' The result is that MVs. M. C. ap- pears clothed in such gorgeousness as was only known to Solomon in^all his glory ; yet her wardrobe Is exceed- ' ingly circumscribed, » -— <•>#• L«, A Billiard Woftdrr. A young man, boy in fi|ct of 18 or P.I years, has been engaged in the hi!** Hard room of Marron & Ffynn, in Park Row, who is supposed to be the best billiard player in the world* His name is Shaffer, and hti comes f > r \ J- 'C t\ •Ti «V» ,,r ft /•'•i' '•' " : 'M •.:,;•* .'jl A Tradition ofHaratora Lake. There is an Indian superstition at-' f,om Kansas He habitually plays Hiched to this lake which probably ! FJ . v,m «* Ihe oddi of discount, which had it source in its remarkable lone-j fl ° ° ,,M ' r l^ycr would think of do- lmens and tranquility. The Mohawks ! '"^ In a game of l.Vi points. French beleived that its stillness was sat red rfi, '°>»' l i which he played not long tb the Great Spirit, and that if a hu- ] n wiln <>••''«''. l>ion Shaffer won man voice uttered a sound upon its i iho ,( ' a,! a n d r , m M , c ff«mc out » Won N waters, the canoe of the offender won Id instantly sink. A story is told of an Lnglisbwomaii, inthecnily days of ihc first Mttlers, who had oc- casion to cross this lake with a par- not getting a *diot. In tho course of a game a few days since, he made a run of ill. , He has only met Sexton once, and wn<* then beaten but those who have seen him play attach no tv of Indiana, who before embarking, ' l»»l">«''»nrr to' his defeat* insisting warned her mont impressively of ihe t , m t , , c rftn oui Pl*>' anybody in" the S|M II. It was a silent, Invalided day ami the canoe shot over the surface of j .,. m m Howe < heerfalrsess. world. *•*- the lake like an arrow. About half a mile from the shore, near the center of Ihc hike, the woman, wishing to convince the Indians of the erroneous- ness of their sn|>erstition, uttered a a loud civ. The countenances of the Many a child goes astrav, not be- cause there i- want of prayer or vir- tue nt home, but simply because home lacks sunshine. A childs needs smiles as much as lowers n«ted sunbeams. ,*# '% * **% ... ' „ . . ,. , .. , j Children look little beyond the nrea. •*»• ... I Indians fell instantly to the deepest, 4 4 tr .. . 7 H U l uc prw- t. IM *:r „ t ii » <- i An . ; # » ! cut moment. If a thinir nleaiiM iu v It said that if a man IN w a l k i n g for ' gloom. After a minute s pause, how- health and enjoyment, four miles an and in frowning silence drove the light bark swiftly over the waters. . , . . . . t ^ Tl.«.y i n c h e d t.,o Hl„„c h. Hufcly, and ' T^* ,,M * b .' ^ f ^t-**dln r ij. W hour is the best gait. This may IM* truo as regards health, but for enjoy- ment wo remember one night when it took us over four hours to walk a mile. It happened, however, that the old folks had gone to camp-meet- ing and she had the night-key, and as far as health was concerned we did not really care If it took us all night. thing pleases, they ; * f It displeases, avoid iu If home t is the place w here faces are soar and ,i ^ i II i*i - ** are apt to seek it ; if it distrieaaAa ever, they redoubled their exertions .. i ,« . wm P i9mM **9 they are prone to avoid it* If home ..•4 ^>- drew up the canoe, when the woman rallied tho chief on bin credulity. "The Great Spirit is merclftil/' an- swered the scornful Mohawk; "he knows that a white woman can not in tho ascendant, they will spend aa many hours as possible elsewhere. Let every father and mother then try to bo happy. Mrs. Moyer of Strauastowii; PL, hold her tongue V—Harper's Mag<t- X who is eighty years of age, walked ; tint. •even miles to lead a dance. & V- Mi - c~«» «Vv f >-*jKft -.1*, $*£» srw h 1' -A "ir ."*? «rV V", ; M, &^&, %*

t T 0 f u u Mf Mf f 1 t 1 l 1 tl t 4 Jowoloi.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031307/1876-07-27/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · 1 w:, : fa • fVt:J5^? P • THE GOUVERNEUR HERALD ITIAM JOB PIMSTflto

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Establishment; Ta# famUtiM of UM H n u 8 Jo»?*W*JfeJfc - ^ V * DBPABTMBVTtor«x*e«tiaf afBiMMeiMfeff ^/,

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IN»i%t»t«* iMiliimr* A - t v e t i t t r n t m t H , I i1 j?i«rrt«i . lnt . M H . T r * i i « i o n l «* t««• r«I r i i i f n t - |»*• * r* HI«* Mi i f l -

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BfM Carta, Fancy an*»»w Carta, Ba l l Carta, mill la mt *****

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\vi. \ l | i I • ' W . I I , 0 . , I ' l l*-«Mttn ami Hur-

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Mi l*ii m i l * * , l*nni t «•«, Ht«i i li^««, l lntt i .Tt ' l t i tr . "*<\»ii| h e n d mi*I It ltiti>\ <M in . \ I'^hMtnii lui •> M«vt*r lt%iU *\ l«» i » l l r o l i« | M i i i i i < i i i « * i i l r i l l * ' .

y**r r«.i»- In fhi* lliii'k, K I I I IHM C»mi;»l<ilti * . | > t « l | l 4 * , I* I ' l l ! i l l ' I V l M k l H ' ^ t , I . I ' I H ' H l l l t i ' | , M l f -

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DENTIST, 4*rfhMl> "I lli«t riiil«<l«il|»lit*« IMMIIMI («»nr»0, W <l|||«l I H V •* ' '»* •* *• ' t l l l ' M l l l Mil" |*«H»|t|t« «>| I# IMI» / . H I I . I ' . M IM<( t i l H l M l H u l l tH* l l t l - o|M«tl«n| Hf f l l l lMl |'ni|li»4o>i>r U |» Uriiililoii « «|4M«4 In KHlmrr a MonU' «*v* M<M<k, MIIOIM Im t« |if«<|'«i«<l lo il>* nil Mm k |H*I nlithif In lU'iill >lti

IV *• I* flMin) wild O..I.I, mi% in, I'Ulhiiiin •ml I V « !•» »•(« I H 'lllll« I I'MllMll l l * # t l l I ' lmi l f i i l Mini |» . I | | 4 |M*« | H l ' t l 'Ml l l l l j l l l > I I I ItlH |HIIIIII«*I

| f l i M t l * lut I I M I I I I I I I « « I I I < M I mi U n t i l , Ml lr i *r , I n/inrt, l l u M i n M I M I I o i l n l i i ' l . A l l , Wi tMK W A MM A ** I •»!». * !••••

M i l l i n e r y .

M H i 1 ^ ^ * I n H \ HI., i l i u m • *. «4 i^nm H . . 1 1 I 1 I H ' H a >. * «• • 1 i M t i i r !•«»*% , H I » ^ ~ w

\. U M|'| '«'i«l MIK M i r k t r W !»»!», H M I I M t l l l l l

H t m l M. . h (M i I « * I »>' A !*•• ' - i - n l l t 111- I n /

Drcaa Making* a I ) M J I N HI I I l i l l l . ¥S U M tiM<l r i r t fu l | f I # 1 |»«ui^iiir in l»i«i< MiktMif i»ml lii'iioml

rHiMliig lnr 04*vriMl »««i»n» «nl H I M I M ««III«<H HM |tHlMiMi«|Cu of IliM U ' l d ' i In l l i t i « l i 'Hl t l * *«lMi)t M| |«««t<lMMI,« I I I l - H I I U l l ' l l l Ml l l»-4 l l l# r»'l»IM«»l . ( i l l iMt', U.IIM l'll»«'ll», V 1 U t»lk 4IIMV«lftt*«'il l«l . |i|«».|4v I I I h - I I M l t t l l l l l l '

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H a i r Artlnt.^ \ I ' • * ! J'K« * * ** ^ , l 'rt*5**'4 • ' * t4:»ii|i «i i f I MiilrlViiili l*i «ir*tt* *h I H N MI 'H IM- I tt Ci •• I.•i.ii|«t l /U I" iXUIlI'M ill ». l..iMV«iril<*<lf, \ I

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* » - « . - 1 1 wm ii4M» 1 m :• 1 i«

Iiianrian<o-( M U I . \ \»» 1 0 t I N - I ii wry,

AOENCYt I;njirr»si'i»i|ii»f IMIIH4» nf Hit* •«MMi.l4',4i NII«I t in •«ti»- ' Iinfil4< 4 ainiiMMi«« l in ing 1 ' i i ' l i i i 'U (it flit I int i ' i l Hli | • ' ! , Miff l io l l l HI !«• *» Wit-* «<\|H«lif*tl«Ml ftml I •!itn<lti>H Nut i'«iM«4*ri4>4 \«i l l i f t i i< I I I H I M I •»! I n l l l ' l H l t l » ' f « . S i l l I H I M M I I l i t iMIV • o t l t l . i l l l l M l ' l l • » ! miiii of ln«MiMi«ir. Tin- mil* nifi'iiiv tit Hit* j

IHirl of lit* iMMitilv (in IH. II..III««^II'IMI of Wnlut , nivii «»hti li tn«HM^ niiitnitjc IMII In 1 m |itn|Hiily

mwl |>r|tnl«» «h%4#lllnM« »n«* »init*»iM«, uml uhli^li rtUit Itmiirrit n^tiliMl <Um*ir^ •»* «««H k •»' I*M'»> J iiii i* • • w«ll mi nrti m lf»« —4mo mit•*,

l nil m*4 m>* !•#•» lM*an« r**n in-«irfi mwl yi t lMl<*« 4»# lM«MJMm^(

I I JfdiiM tt. r r t r r , Affoi. 4 i«Mi*f*r t»« i ( i i , N . 1 .

ii npiaa a if 1 & : U&m*

In tin* Itiiik. Kiitft ill* \V«Mkni<«t, l . r i

iti|r I M I I I I i i iH 'r i t id l i U ' i i i i i«*tt, I«I I* I 11 i»i i t i n l U i M **• HIHlli lMUMIll |»H*ltll l1 . I . ^ . I l l . l ' !,•• < l i M M I l h 1l|i-o l | Ill4< r i l l l I ' l ••( t i l l *4* «'o||t|».Hlllll. I t t l l t lXH-IN' l '4 l l l l i l -itl C H M H H I I - ltl«i \« tl<ii|« 41 - H* lit, It<" <* UJHIII ti l l* •4'4'll» \\V I ' linUIX, JlllJlVM ifli ' l l l lKIM i l l , l l l l # l t l ict ' t l l ' i l i l t HII'I * «'|i I I1 f* l«»o .Ill* I'MMl'l-.,

IMrl'M i%rrli. I». - |Mj i in ( HiilifitnS r«i^lii«<Ti0t4. I'MlllltMilMH «l| l l l l ' I l l M I I . l | | iHi|ui'l l l«, r i l l K , N r i -W H I U M M H M i n i I t O I U M l l l * l « I ' M l i n i l 4 l ( (111* N f l -v n i i i N \ N I » « | I I , ••«» itii»«lirMii* Im « «iv«>r K'voil Htirh |M>rtWl «MlU|ll<Mt«'tl M« till* I ' l ' l f lUil i l i . I I |»|||!l«*« «|l4i I I I I M N I , rU ' l l l lM' • Mt| tllO -• I I j i l t l i , Mil.I |H» ftlM-4 4 i« r n l l l i n l l l l l i i ffnWl't 111**1' llt«l lt«*| VIMI4 4 1 -ll»MI.

Tho MMti.irknli'fi «*llrti« «'IT«u'!o«l l»v \itg«*ttnii li 11 0 IIMIII I ' I ' I I HIMIII |»II> Mlriiitt- nn<l t«|Mi:lt<> ,u n«. U l l i ' l l l H I ' k i n ' * !«» | t | •• -t«'» I I M * i l l l ' l It i< t l I t l l « l * I ni l I I f.iMiilii '^.

In fiii'l Vf*c«iltttii U thri lilijit i inn-h- n»( i lh ri»v4*ii*«l fnr lui* NIH»\ i* tit i« i i»., HMI l< (ni« 4111W M'huti't' llt«M».| Turill**! ii*( filiii-i* I lir(iiru flu* |Mitihi<.

I K I I ' V l l l l i Hi

H. R. S T E V E N S , I M H t i l N , MANH.

IVt i i i l I * Vn|fr( ir i«*? I I I i it rr.nijH.tHol p \ l n t r u l frni i i l i m k i , I«NI |M H I K I I I I ' I I I . I t i-N' l i iM i ' i l l i ' i n i ' 1 . . I i I* ]»«»• f«*<- \\ lu i r i i i l i 1 ' ( m i l l i « | | v ' l i i ' l C l i n I tt I > Ml ( I I I * m\ - l l l l l . I t | . I I I M M I " l l i l l t f H l o l - I I lM»y t i M ' l l h i K I t II4M-4 l l t l l ' l ' l \ U l ^ i M t l i C I I | O . K | I I . | i | o > <« ( l i r n i > i \ n | l < M \ » l 4 l i l I I H U I N t o i l tl I * ' M i ' l «)i i"i ul ut^ t i l . l i t . 11

r[|-|i||l | l1MH«'r - | f o i H i l l | | ; * | " l I I I l l l ' l * It Mi I ttt » , l l l ' l ; • i r | | M*V I * I l l l l I I I • I M ' . I ^ I l l , l | l | iMH i l u M I l l l ' l \ « « .

M H l | | | l 1 | * 4 I l l 4 * l l | t i l l |||4< 4 M U ' I ' I 4'tl». | i t U 4 | | . |o I11MM1 | i t i i%i<tt I n 111.1111 1111 i i , i ' i | | I I * I » M I I . l i t - t i n * HM'itl I U I M M I I ' t i i iH i ' i l l 1-4 11 - M M I I I I I ^ i r i t t i ' i h i m ntir «%liti*l 1 «>II I I Lit* n h ' M - I Mini I M . i ' i l lll 'MI Mliil-« l l I - \ Ol > J*li» l mi l I n f n l i r ? I ' l i / t i u l i l l i l llk«*4 it . I t t«*lii*i4 • t\*\%\ m i . f i u11 th IMI «•. ml| f i i lMt l i i | r fliMtl tifi |Ulri* I I I I M M I . I ' M H H \ . . •• Mm*. I I I * i » it M l a u ir lMl l*ii m n r i*iiiiiit>nitiiM-I IMUI f n u w i l l NH%• i u vi*m ft l iMnl, tii*li/i<'N,> 'Hiif n is in i i l t i l i i i i ro , ' 1 *1 * I ' ; It I»*M r t i i v I inc . "

Vi»g*i»tfiir t'Vr Hit* r«iin|tttiliif4 for M lilHi ii U n» r . i i l l M H U I i l l ^ l , |>4 M l l l t l K I I l i U M I ' l I M I I * f t i r n t i ; )» • H f l l l | i I l l l l 4 » « l S . i | | | i * l l . l l l l N l l \ n j i i ' i I H U I I I M ' < l o H i " IVIn T % cifi«'l 1* i t i ' l i ' i tr U,f *' r 'iti|'l;iiii - .

v u . r \WA: I \ I 01: M.\ Iu ,x . II* I l U X , |»l'l I j , I**M..

IJnii l i iTfi l^' i : Mt m i l l " t . j i ' i i In u .u^t \ o.i t i l -t i i«l l i i ini tui l m lo p i i ' i l \ nlii 1 l*t«* m|o i in 1 ton l lM i i t iM tn*««u I I . L I K i i i l l . . t I \ t i i t i '•!» l i l u M i i i , M I M I I I m H I I ' I I H m i l i i ' n ni in ^khi I I I M I I C I \ . M ^ | •A l l l l | l l l t t | l l«* l l l l l l*i l | n ' |o t l , l l l l l l \ <t| l l l i , « 41 4 .»l|-4».| M i r */ri< t l I ' l l l t l Ml . . I I I I .M i l .1114 4* Ml >t k t t i ' H I l iM t l 1*1 lw« II I I I H*.| l i t H \ t «' I t o o k t i l l i n «'f t i l l m G i ' t i i '1 ' l I I I I M N I | M I ' | I 11 1. i n i i t itni 1114 i i l . i r l t »»«• inn ' | i | i t i . i t i»l *»IM i t | ' i ' i l l : i \» 1 tmiti o l i -tfllltilttf i l l l l I n" I't^t M l td 1 C.MUIIM !H 4* I I iklHK t in \ «*^,l«ltlii', Mint l i i ' l m r I l i n t n u t i i l f r I | ni< »•• *| Ii i|M|. | fcl|»| Ihui I loot . *.I ttii> 1 ttflH Mil' It I'lii*'. I 1 1 1* t i i4i i t lx . I |ol loU4<| nu \i i:ii it I I M i i I I hn<l l i i k r i i - I ' l . i i l*« *• 11»«- , 11 h im I i i im | i tn iioiiH4j»t.| 11 ti t i l 111 m , itml in «kltt M 111 1 i lh H I M I f * n l l r « h f i i ' i i f t i ' i i i | i iui|i l4M I I I M I «*I t ipi lmiH | l i . t i i* imvor on^'ii i 'i| <«»• K«I K| l i i 'nlth IM*;<I I», i tml I u l t i l l . i i i i ' M ni l m l l i ' tt 4- of \ i*ir«'aifi<* " | . I I M ' H C tit t lm«v Mltlir ••.( \ 1 I I 1 Kl i i tMi i i t t l t 1, I 11 i l l tti.tivi' i m n t l m t t i l -n of 1 IK* \ I ' H U I tun •« u oml i ' i lit) 11 M M 1 ) I I I 4 l l l l l lC IH4I n | H i t . iH'llU' I' l lt ipl l l l l l , <»f 11/llll-h j Inn i* * ItiTi'tril «n I lit 4*11 'i«li.

I I I . T I M KKIC. I 'm . Aj j ' t Mlt ' l i . C It. H „ llntl tW IViiilituKdin Hirvot, miMtoii.

VEOETIME is sold by all Drnuis ts . in »\

SKTlTTfTfa UOVnm, I > I « M M / *J- l - a w n m r a M.iUl,) <v»rn*»r iW *?«*?>• m*A < ! • « • mt*+i; <>g

iu*4*«r^, N. V. UnmlliMfl %u M N I ftnm IMMIIA «M4| <*4»f«, Vlr*4 <4A**« In m\\ IU *^|HIHIUII(*IIIH.

flmi$>l r . J. T A I X M A H . Pro| .rltnor.

PCABODY HOUSE MiamKM » r K M uprr A N I I ^ I N T M HTH.,

r m i A a r r r i i i a, PA. CV»a?|inl*nt !*• nil |IIMC«H nf Mmn«#iti«*iii Mtnl mt

| |n«4 Iti lM«iell> j/ft nhnnfr* • In nml ft**m tin* I • i i t # i i t i l i i l grnt i i t i t * .

(Mil. VV»ti»4»n. |*n»|irl i*h»riir I f i r U * * W Y H O f i l i r , { ti l l tllMMll, f«»r UlO |iit«l 1114*1111 H 'd l », rtM'l |Ml*4 I I M I I |»Mi|ir*|i lnr. tin 1 I H I H < I K m li<»M«o I m 11 l i m n n # \ I ' M ! ». M i n i !!•• • l l H W l v l l l i l l l « i » i l " l U l i i l l » l f » * * | l l , f / t ' » M | / A « *«/ I I * ' H i l l I I . I* •« • i t i l ' l l l i l *l I l>l ' » l o i n 4*. *t « I I 1 H i t %ti - I n i i " l " t l<"» I ' M i ' t i ,

' I V • Ml •" • 9 • I '«""• ' • -s . I , i I i , t » **i I . I M ; » L I - ' i i ' M * H r N i t V .

I I , , , , . . kt , i | . , t . t I t . » ' . . , 1 < l l A 11 H \

. I ' i | o l I

P H I L A D E L P H I A .

DoMin'sStyLod^riTllooms | KOIC I tK .N l ' l - l-: \ l I V . l

Mlnulo rt»4itti« itn-l litrw r.H.mi fm t!*«* m^ ittt tn ^ I M I I H I ••( I 'nlni' • »u*'f I ' M H * • j

| l 4 * t t * t l > t l I M l l l O l . |< « I 14* t i l l U l l ' l I Vl l l f lM I I 'M! t t i i I I l o i n . * i « . 01% 1 ho I nto|.»< M * p l r t i i 1

N O . 11 N O i i f i i d K O ^ i i i a r i i M i : * r . I t t t r » t ' « 1 0 l M l . . I t . 1 ,»!•;. l o t o i i l l l l M I H I Mill** Ml i ' l

i n i ' i i U < l i I r t l t rti»l 1 !>*»* I !.•• l i m i t * ' ' »«l 1 «*•* I I M , i l l i v i i f n O n i r t i i t l M l

| | | o l ( l l > | , I Illl< I MM «< O i l t l l M ' l ' I I I I U l t M ' * j I I t l •• - « l«» M T I M O I .H. I I t *• • ,

I | i M H I N . N o II S'.Htlt VinvMi-J »Jt ' H m « niHi i . l i ' l | i l t iM. I d

Dyn Work*. j

S f» I If M l I. IVHltK^, Vn IHPnr'ttn *tlti*vt. II'.•!«•• fo|« 11, N \ . 'I'lit* iiltuifii Mlk«. HlniwU, J

H t l l l M l l l «, «l«4 .. «l ) t * ' l I I O ' | M I - I * I ' l l l l l 11 ? 4 ' l 1 l l i l ' l 4 | » . M U ' I 4 4 ' M « n t n n 11 N i i t n t ' l t i n t I

V+lntisrn. r

a 1 \ 1*1 iHTi.tt. it ' itfr, ti^ii, ifitiffiir^ ftint i f I , •*(» i | | | i I ' . i l i - ' , ' 1 . \ | t i l l ^ 1 1 4 1 4 ' ! . t . H H 1 4 I H I » M I ,

S > "II

Ifmrnnaa Maker , Ace.

( \ *J W I f I M I inittMf'iii'tir4*r nf liiirnv**, tftrl * . Ui . l to In I I M «t 1 ( o i l n l i / . 1i l i l | i^ *ti , »!-••

M I M H H V > V I i l l I . l l I ' t o l ' t , 1 11 |<l i I • M l l f l l M I 1 . o \ , ' | V o l i l I I , | o * | t I l l l^l

I T t t i h r i l l f t a

I *VIHUI I I I f r i T U H A * . Iftiili*'» i .»* . I l l l l l i t o , I l.< I I I . f i t - . u l I ' » i I l l ' O t i l l

0 1 | . . * . 4 4«i l l l » ' • 4 - » « - » l '» 10 '«*. 1.1* I i l 1 - i i I n i i t Mfcii'ii I Inn 11 " 1* - • • » • • ' > " H I * to !ni% 4' »% !•••'* inn In oil 1 « I 1 * • i n 11041 11 It I . l l I I I ! I I . I I I I I I t i l 4* M i n i I m i l 1* o I I M i l l I'4 l o t «• | l | 0 | | * ,. I t

, o . . . f i i i 1 »*\ 1 it \ 1 M i ' s n ,

L i v c r y - t

< « ul" \ I I: \ ' M It l I I Mt Y, I I I I . UiHiirr, I l*i..|Mi«' o, I 1 , In i4' ilml Hit* |ntl»lt4 run

l|< 4« • olMIUO-l 414.1 «k I I I . Wil l k l l - I " f l l ' l»l I l|[ l t .#> It* I t . I t ' • ! ' * • .

N i iv i i v n i v , \ v \ v niiiM i \ i» \» u I ll M I »v I u o i i l l it im o i m i f 10 M11* |i«M.I|r

l"tl » l l l l W * * ' i * ! * * I I . ' I 14 I h l ' l . * l i | t . | . l I I I 1 . 0 H V 4 M l o o t . , w M l i H M t a m i * j | \ M . t i 1 M i • I I I o n if I n t n l . I w 4**41< I M l " •! 14* | M 1 ' f l i l l » w k t t o > |i»t | . « n . i * ; t o f t i n -| k « » « . | i l r " I t •••411 t I I * I I I H i l l t t t O l t l t W i l l I t - O l | . I W - i ' l M * ' % o i l I ' l . H I - I i * H w l • *> ' i m i . " * 4 < m l . M 4 t o 1 ( • • fj\\ l» 4 t t i ' f t l " I • • I • ' I I I I I I I I I ( I ' l l t l l l> I | i l t l 4 •

11.11 111 • 1111 11 i n 1 it- -1 • i n n u H o r n ,

A l . t M r w o n I t i h M air«**'l , • rv i ».* tin* ll.i|» I I .1 . i l l . 4 I t , o t t .1 1 I f . 0 l , t . . | » I I . * • * M I I . C C

O H H 1 11 i.l it I I I l.'l 1 M ' N I 'mf

NEW YORK TRIBUNE. ,*Ttf« r.iAiti^<t AMitirrAH nKWAi'AritH,"

LAKOEST CIKCULATfOX Amoi i f %l\*9 ll«wnt rffi<i|il<i.

Th* PttMr for fA*? Hu»inett \ianjh* Mrrhiintc IA# t*\$rm*rt umi «KT/ lAtf run*':

V o l t T I I K rAHMKR.- lk t«^ i«« f t It Dtibllitlitt f in l l l I0H In | Mr I* IV 45 On 111*. 114 llf t t l« CllOlOtHwt \ j f -rli iiltuml ntftttfir ttii* Utitit murltoU, mill nil Ilia itiiww wi'tifclv MTli|i W>*iklv TrltitttKi Itiu iloni* mnr** to niftlie ||<MMI fartnrrn IIIMM miy oiltrr 111 flu-OIH'I* wltti'li on»r i*mwli»i|."

KoK Til l-; l it H | N K H 4 M.kN.- f lrmntft It

(iltl*Jl«til*4 n i i i t i ol i i i l ign h i | i | |« i * nf Mil l lHHM* KMIgllt Mllll ..if«| fu l l III ff »l 111:11 lull <*f tilt* II I .H4'

lit.Mil 1 n/ tt .'••!«•, |fii« Ji in^M' -« n{ Im *iii4* « 4'liti'i J. 1 I •*', tint i l l In' n*' 11 t»l . I.i' 11 nt ,.| ' l i i | ' I I |t. tint' II • ll I till |. .J.4'l I - A I M I I .111 ..M», M •' •/• t •• nt o f I ' M . , t j ' l l I ' 4 4' ••, . i 1 1.1 H I 4' I I I I i . l * I ' •!( ' I . t . ' !«• . I l l ll I . 1 . 4 , I ' l l l I I I ' , . I

i n . , n i l* : -.1'i i » i . \ l !.«••'.iii-«* it nhi*-. jTit-4» I I ,I4'4« l l l l i l I t l t l » o I t | . . I ( | H of i t l - f . M . I 14' . I l l M'K I I.l f ,11 I I I I I 4'I I I I ( I I I - , I I * I* .'I I ' l llll* •» I I I t i l •* i l l ! \ , iXl ' I ' i . * I . i | > n , i n - i |<lii ;••• * * | t | t v , 11 1: o n i ' H * n | n i l i i i i | i m -t w i t l i n • i j f i i t . i t ' . t t i l 4 * . n . i r t i i i t h • H I M I I I «.f I i M i ' t H . " \*/i» m i l i n n r i * * i t l \ |«i 4|H*nk i n t u i t u Min i iMi i . i -f l i « * l v l i t i i r M l « c * i f I ' l i i * N I * H I n f k T l l l i t t i t i * T l i n t i * l# w full lihriirv nf il-4»ni* info, MI.KI'HI HI i>it'ii l * 4 t l l * . ' I;«•«•! 1 >|| I m i ^ t i ' i / i i l l n i l . i l t r * ! .

I t i lt T I I K T l H I I M i II. I M I I v U ilovii-i'.. iiin|.l.' Mi'tiif In 'lie f ind* of Hut liitNim of tln« M m hi * L.' tt ti* ;i4'li4«r i, |»liitlii|| Hn'itt iiiihin tin* f i l l . | | o f w l l , H i l l •4 t t | i | i l l lli(,( I I I l l n l l t t l l l l l H M l mi1 iii4 of r.iii4htiil ^to^tili mill lni|itm |i|ii«*ii(. " I llk«» Tin* 'I'nlMittt* ln'iifi I'vrri iiMt. Tlu'i-t' U I I . I I I I I I IK Itku ii fm inhti .ittng itifit hi lltUnr mi\ ni tun i**>uttt 11." I I ll.llMM'liuril, NI*M inikMii i i ' K'liM' i l lo i t Imt r t i i i l ,

f o i l t l l K I * I ( O M * : H S | O V \ \ . M v V . l l W l i - r Iim t.t'ti citiii 1 * uf On'ntiliiM timl INII nti* r««|Mii ti'*l in il« rilitiitii*, mil n i f riltmitu |w n ii'iii|{tii«i'.| iitfwlhiiiilif r«'iniiiitiiHM»i"ii IH*|I I I* | | | | (IM'fmi'in wt HlfiittM'r4 i»f ii l l |ii*if|i4 4|i»itw ' ' I ' l i i * Ni'W V n t k l l l l l l l t l l ' l l l l l lltmll* M IIHIIII* for lt«4*lf 114 fl.W l»**|»4l i | i* \t nf llit* Ii4*i| ||i4iti|«lit^ nf I | I I * I | M I . I t t i iMkftiij • *»«• U*i««llli|| I'Mit in Mi«* i'<hir/iliuii nf III*!* |iitlihn mimI, utnl hi-. itti't«*niiit|f r| inn. |n |mli)ir f.ivnr.

M e n \ n t k ( i l l I* V11

fou rtif. r* 1 iri< 1 1 \ - itiTinicr iu v-| . . i n i t i f r i i 'Mlw Mt II it-hll 'MlUli , llt«* Mln'ti III |»1 t ill*. fit»i I nlln'r iM*li!ii.tl r«*iiii*i«nf f Ii«» i*minli \ , Wl«* till* Mll l l ' I , l i t ' I I I! I. flll 'l t l l 'Ml I IM tl%"l l l l l |MtlllM||4'*i, Mini I I * I'll'lM I'M, M I t|rt14 | | i | n i l Mil l l l l ' i ' l i i t l l l t t i | i l t i | | | | ' l t l<*4W Ml l l l l t l '4 'MI I | l V M l l l l i l Mlt|i h* llii'iu Hit* -I4ii«l ml itirntt^hinit tin* Intnl. "Tin* tt.tiittiii hut «tititirt*| iti'iMi iu*ti|-i nf t'tit(*r|*ti«r •ii'iur iM'lWt* iHM'tiiili* I In 11 nt» 11-.(ni|»4*r mi l i i * v MI itfi ami IUIiiilti|H'tt«ltml |Hi|ilirii|o iiiiwi' ltu« 4iwtlti*«t fi*r II I lit* i*«»»«»ci itn-l fwvnr nf tin* ittli'l lijrvtif IIM* 11 of MII li.ir I**. |}*wi«itt I N M I , |ii»m.

f<»l{ r l l f . H f C f l l N l C ll«HMti4fiiiv«.ii nrw In «*iiii«iti nf itiiiK'r:ai.i-i* Mti*l mitill In ih'-orlltiM In tM 11 ihititii *. llif iirn^ui* • nf IMIHM- Mini rmi'itl 4 liuilifiill* ii*|H4»tflNl, Mini fi|i|f«l light-, uinl inn i.|w\ 1.4*111 i'4'.i i nj . l i . i t i*ii.| ! 1 I 0 1 . m i l l i n n <i' ion t o I l l t i ' i 11' I I I i l l I I I •( t . l l tt l \ ^ . I t ' l l ! I l l ' l l ' I ** 1 4 M H4'»1 |»l l | i«i | I . t< l l o . M t l i l * I " I . I l l . l t I »•- |»M'4 i*iit m i Mitff 4* 111 u l it It 14 4 . l l * , . t i n * . I i m t i i l i » ' . | . ( o r i m l i ' i | . r . r . .4.1I i l »4Hf i4|t ' h ' i i | m t i n . i l * H I M ' c u t I ' t i t t i I • ! • to 11 n h i i 111 - • ' i m I •! • i n . - - I h i ^ l i l v p i i / . ' . l • t l | i . l l M l l ' l l l .. I l o . l o i | » , . l h V. I t 4 I I I 4 ' | \ - l l l l l!*.|.

l o l l TUT: l h > r - M I < H It. IJt.tMtu* tu m; 111.Ill o f " r..*i||i> l l l l . l t ' I ' | , ; |4 11, I ' l l ' I I tl f I I t ' l l I II IK I lit 1*4' 4 . | | 1 I t l l l f II II III U o | l l Ml o o ' » l l * « . 11 I I I . 11 III..I tl4o iltii 't Inn! in . . i n . I M I I an. I I ' I I J . . ' iiii't I In lhii «• M *'lu in -t«»ri«'- |MM'iit4, tin*I m i l 1*-11 • mil'1 1 <* Mill t%\ • I I I if -» |Ht||l*4. ' T i l t * T l l l l l i l . I* tM4 ||| . ! I \ i n 1 iii ' . I t twi l i t i i i t i ' i i«iit ri- ihi< nt ».1 I* >i? 1 pit* f« i f 4* • -

I m l . ' t i M i f l i l » t

ninl i%IH In', |M.|H|r,ilh fi*», rttfl liti|i*|*«*iiiti*ni: fiitltfiit In tin* |nt».«'i|i!i •» nf I M f iifft*|«>r itml "I ll.i- l(t*|i|llilii';tli |i.MM. I ttl ."'iilro.li' I l*v no 4'*l i l t«\ I'wlti'tl* nr t'»:i4 iMitin., | | |.tl*o|.< | i * l i n n ' itnil «ln«*4'l it*|(i«lttltmi in Hi*' jn i l ' l i r 11 t-lla 1 %\ ; i 'n | |o w l l ttt i*4*in|ii*IMti|f ft mil l»mli 1 / iv i l | * i , l i« '4 i in tmi i .u | .H i * . l u i i i ty 11.•• l'i I ' - I ' I I n: 1.1I \ 4»at 1111I1I1 • I I M I I ri*iiiv**4'Ml |.ttt it 1 tti I ' I I t rui ' l i 1, t int K'i It \ m W«llltlll|4)rMtl*Mt, lllt.t M l i | ' l | * | - t i l l I m t i l l ' |ii»!l|*i « nf t in ' *M Iml** • ' m n l r * . I i i l f f i i 4 11 Im u m t i I i n r t l l l l ' l l t K i m l l l I 'Mlt tmi i l l " ! " ' ! ! * ! * 11 It*! l l l l * ( l . t t 'OI win. h tt'tlt 1 limn lhii 11 tiih Itmii'-rlv iNinrotiiiit.-/ I 'urv | i ir i i /iml I*.IIII|I«I iff, tmr citit llu»v ttt thlw I't'iHi-imiwI 1 i«.n *li* ttf n«< I'TI r i . i !• KI«I 1 ii'i* f*ir II 1* jtittuli' |{.w»»| MIWII l» -jMtitliilnix wtt.l I'Mi'tnDlt^ tin' i*iM'ttlMiimi nf M |**I I . nil .Ii'ti»r«l t • hiU'lti-ItiMiro mtmii^ DM* |*. «.n *•. Iimu.tiv (iittmi*/ ' l icr 1 itim w. Mini tin* P'14'Miirtl |n iii<M|.)*i • nf tin* Hi' |Minl|l ' .

I> I |N* I in i h r u r n .1 - r i t i t i i . i i* t t* i i t ' i 1 I IMI '4 , f o i l \ | . l . T I I K r i . o l ' i . f . . l U i i i

^It I N K l l f I N . In.

Garcluor / Floristf t i i . h i ' V - i r i r t i . \ . v . ,

t;\itTM\. rii liE'HtMr si ini:! , {

I» f 1 1 1 t V

n.r.wri! PI. W I N . n i M ! A M i M H i : P L A N T S .

siiirl itm in*, *<r«\, &r.

Ami Kntli ninl \*fjr« f.ilthii **f n\) kUitU

ir 11 no? 1 i i i r I M I ttf n i l !

f"ft»» 1 i i i l i i f 4ttti|*lli ' . I f r m n lti*?44F jfwtttrmt M M T -|MMt«*«l l«* I»!• '*f In* ' */*'• ^ l|»4l i|lti4t|tt .

|**rll*i*> i t * ' | i i i i In*! I » M | I I I I I | in llit* MIH»%*4 Inft • i l l • m l I t t.. t in I , M ' U M U ' I I I " tt* nr*i«iir f u m i t lm Ml * * • « / • pj r« t • I *' •« I » l ' t « i 4 M i l l W | i t n t l l | * i l * l l l | * * < | o n

ir.iiMm o r i l t : : T J I I I I I M t **>*. n «\i 1. wi 11 HI tti H r in i im i 1..1 Mii :r .

I » . l l i V I n ituill i l t l . - i 1 i l . i ' i - . j 41 i i a t , |Mt.| I»MI*I f I * Ml

nf III-U* K l k l V Oi i*i*.ijir,ttn*iriii. 'Oi r i t l l i t i | * i w . | M I .1 - | n t i . | HI. <»iI

I V I I K I I O i l * ) * « M » ; I \ . o < u * « » " t | , > J l 4 4 M l « « V M.I f 141' 1* i | i i v • , n u t - » f 1 . yt j M I U ' . . 7..I(»

I ' IMI r * i | i i f 1, . m t » ' . i . . . . I i .%ii

i v * i m M| i i f« . MI r Mnr I M I I I ' l i t i t i *•• | i «• • i n n ' i ' t r .'!<• I'M

i m |M»I i«iii -im-liiiff w i-ltili *%f ton m m<iiv -ttli-• I . |t I I - I 4 41'l ' till*. I In ••It* •***'! !l \\ I t ' k l ' , .III-J Of hf* * nr t u n * 'n 11 -*«m I IVt 'Mi .

fi» 0 tugVitHui, Tin* W •». KI» Tiiti*tt*r * ill In* »>4 I4l Mllf Vi-Ml f 'I I I »>>. I'lll' **4'1MI W 4'1'kll f.M • i'wi 14 in I T i m |»Mih f i t f H

I I I l«inltlllli<M*« Ml •l*H.I#*i>* l l ' k , It'ili»i4 h i O i w f l nti * > w l i n k . r i»4 ' * ! O M U ' I , *M ttt I tV^' i i t 4 ' i n l I i t or.

Tt' i* | 'fi| ' i ir < n i l l T T u iMr i»** i ' . | t.^ P.^rh *ntt n t l i l ' l If il<4a.ft'tl MM'I WIA' l l l ' l 111 •> M i . i l | i | 1I0IM f i l l ' ••llll I* | * I 1 | I HI l l .

I.i*4«til Irfi'iii* wniiti*«l I't i*vi*n fnwfi n |if*ft> IIMIII* UIV tn.no MIII*.I*I\ , '•• 11 liMM -|»*.'i}il attil UII ITMI linltir«*MMMil4 MI«» i»lft*r*wl.

f Hr |MMirr*, •|Ntlun*n mpli'-, mnl fitrf Tior jmr tuiilwr-. AiMrv-"*, iTff I I: H U M ;

4 Nl ' l * " i l l k.

I Wrlt t iMt fur t h * I f K R A M t . ]

«ONK R f f O R i : . Tl.*ri»** ti In'aiitifii] tare in tlic • i l ea l u\r,

IVIiii'h fnllniiM mo i*ii»r mill 110fir—

With winding I»II»W nml nilvtwrr Imlr,

Wil l i voirHi'4* |||»^t Ti*t wi th lirt»«tiinf p r a / o r ,

TliMt I fiu'l Imt I t'liiinot liimr.

Tito H1MI Tov<»*l form iw rori»n*4l w i t h IIHHIM,

l.in-i IOM in ii in i t . Ut nUop ;

I ul n* I oh my l ia iu l fm n r l i i4 | , „ f 0 | i | ,

l i n t Hut f i i i p t i « i r i i NtrniifriMy rt#li l , I m l 1111 \ i i / i l alniu* l ki*<*|i.

Tin*t«yn a 4hi!rt4 hrm% with n rmliniit r m w n ,

Ami « o n * * Idiil tiinvn In tlu* iluwt;

Tiifn**- 1% Himlr w lifti* ii«»iiM UHliu<|nwm**nnW

\ I I I | I*«nr4 im i i f i io fmni UKMH .lenr e y o i flow

IH-IO iim in tht'ir he.ivctilv t r in t .

Ah, tro l l ! ninl wiiminfr lw c#»m? njrnin,

Hiuirlng I H T »iniit* <>H >*iing4;

Hill, ni l ! It wonnU lik«* u woii J,f p , | M f



•til, nit 1 11 wotin-U lik«* u woii J,f p , | M f

^ H Hi».il4 In the *jtiiti4|i|no Htnl tin) Vrtin,

0 > r tin* liiMi'tw nf tli* IMMM'H ^rt|iu w n

Tlirri*'« N hnniiflftil ritjjinn HIMIU* Hit* Nklif-4,

Ami I I nig In rviii'lf1 it^ wlmrn;

fm- I kii'.w I Hlutll 1)mI mv fflilici- tlioro,

Tim Itiviiig ci\i*4 nml Hili(»r\ hair '

Of till* Invml imi* Kirtii* ln'f Mti. I,.

M i l t *

It »f*I a l l * * " ' " * " §!•*"**»• t<* o t i n l r m Hli<l)'wioi

••to* ^mn iwi i«*n »« c it it.tririrk a t..**

J. l*.Tf#* % • | H | . " I t^tw"*'! * ••••". I""" v*»» I f ra i Aiaii *»M* '*' , h * ^••rt'*"1 •»• \i«l i«<« r. O I***** Va*l*«Mrot,lrrwrM li

NnM-lmlTi<t t«t» •••• aniiiiHtf* i t * . i'trjiai'Ht-lf* • * • • , r f , # um •••••**^—•••••*-AiMftcM r » A If ft 11044114 J a ^

, t*aji m ltM4iit«fiHi at.. 0«tlaaaif«rft K* f .


mi l l ionH o f VIM T i l . * A «:niflf>m.ifi nim iiirfi*rfHl f*ir tenri frufit NITHMIW |t|*|illitr.

l,n'Mt»i»iti«» |lf*t'rt* , nii«l nti »hc» nfTiH'iw of % IMI lifnf le i t iv' i .m nil) fm tin* '*kv nf -tilfriinfr Im-Mi'.m|4f 4'n.I fi-f*? tn nil mlin nrtMl it, tin* rreiiift «n*| i|ltri*i|nti f«n niMklng Hit* *»ltiiii> rrnti ih In-•M hicli h«* M M i*urv I. MifTiM^n w l-hlng in prnfll !»•/ ih# MilvMrtl.tjir't 0^ft«rl*iwi*v ran tin MO IIV mf ilrv—Itiir In i*4»rffw«l mnrt.lt nr.- v.lnJiaffHl

l o l l > i IL iN .U fCN, # f ( > t U r at.. Nnw York .

G r ; V | L ^ !•!c?- V^MWtt.h A Ct>f Jf. Tor i


H far PMrnbhltH of l«at»«gi»ii trnntMining l U t i of a m HMw«n«>#rtf aad titlaiaitM •Imwlng co«t of


A r k i t . n Kit N aoNd. W r r n i i ittM (fit* pt htr«'h m m .

In <'llv m in ton 11,

W h o Mnmli'iH wlt<* Uer ptint!»ll 1 vine*

Klin tip l|:i. * i | | nr »ln\i 11;

Wn unit* imi fur hin marhlo liaIN,

Nm >«« ins |||i;i|M f»f t/o| I—

• I Wi« wmilil nm 4>wf» hin mir.|i»| hfnft

1.11 a l l h i - Wi'.i ltl . IIM i r e f . i l t f

IV v ntt* fhi* f;tv irn I sum nf n u Hi,

IV« .11'. j he pun* itif <* n'li ninrn;

lit* MII I I . lit* tfftp tiiO gnliti'ti xrHitt;

Wn git IMT in I lit' emit;

W'iinil; iv.-IIm on wliirarpftim, A iv I mmr fhfiii thN m* IIM —

II4* hntir of atittvitig Millllmni fmni l .

Ami ul nllv fn.'i! I In (in to 1.

Tim l.itrvrr lir4*H an |^im;nlv ftM**,

Vnt *l 1 n>(-4 M w i n i v ll ft*.;

Hi' iinvt't knuv-i it |»i>J<*i>f ul I n u r -

Ml«t i i t n i i - | i l t i r e j4 4t i f t* .

Tim in »i i l iant f l i i i inbl In 4 vnnl -«tMnk t»Vr,

t.tmiM r«ty}:t*.| :il In 4 (oil;

Hi*'s imi ih*' IM in I..MI nif ml hitn fur—

Win- •!••:••» in 1 till tli4« mil?

Tin* *M<"or j*!-**! fhrmiun *nrin nml ^nl.i,

r in . l - wl hi* |irii*:i''4 11 i l l;

Wl i*ti ili*n t ninl 14ml** In* pl«»«|a fi>.ilii

To K»" hi inuyi lt\ h i l l .

T h n p n n ' c r |hft i«4 h i i tniiilti •mill?)

Hi! g- t-»,i. fin* Mftfill* t ' . l l j l l .

Ami -iftintp•* It mi mtr il.iih i.iit'i'i4

T*M*hi*i*r tin* fiirnti* ' - I M * I I I I I .

W o 4|ng Hit* fmmir nf 1 Itn plow

\ m l Imiinr l*» tin* pr i '^ -

T i n I nl» I' III t l II Ml I'll U iif I n ! I,

II itli i' i«*h n \f*\\ nr In We-* .

Tliu U m r , ihr IM-II,*. nf foi* f;t * :t;rt*\

Ti tn* ii *"il' Ii m hum in kl"«| -

On4' 'ill4 lh" 4 11' 1 gimi't-iiti* v ir It,

T"••• ill nr iill • Mil' iniml.

MHS. 'il|o.>HSO.\vS Will IE WAUF.

M r * . ' r i i o f t i | -«;t»ii - l o t n l b y t l i e k i h l i t l t

":iliii* | t : i f i t i j |M.liihn**4 | i»r t l f n i . r r .

>« ?t*i'; i i i t , j «.*»•« i«. • i -iii l y w r o i t " ; i v i l l i

I Itr l i l l ' i l u l l , l o r i l i f i v iv IH till t tit -

m i ^ i i i k f i l t l ! 1 t i r o l *• * * | ' i l r " i n I h r W J I I

-*!tO tn«*i '" | I h i ' p i» | 1S o,* 4 i n t o l i t * p u t

ol to »l Hjirinjj- .1 it IT, iv.;itjn«i t l i ' i i ' l o i*i».-fivr lltc'iii. It ivt-t *u|j; ri i i f i l luT, Mini tlnoiinli t)|ii npiMl iviittlow f 1 flic tIM* MOIIIHI of mowi'iN whi'Uin^ Ihoir Hi'yfho«t lifornliMl iv it It (hti mil of th.* IOIMII, mitl (lit) faint noU'H of the nirkoo in tho Hlnttlod W(»od. Hut it only irritatoii Mrs. Thompson—in-ilooif, everything irritated her that day. Looking out from the hack door, might he seen a lovely land­scape, with broad reaches of meadow-land, fringed with graceful belts of birch ; mid softly rounded mountains liflin^ their velvety foreheads to the white, tlcrcy clouds, that wont slowly nailing across the exquisite ether, like htijro drifts of thistle-down. Hut this nl-o irritated her; evervthiii"; could b,* hraufiftil save her life, >tnd that w a** i-»'I. tit I 1*1 If. .MI I 'iirruii. At l»'i: l. M. .'rititmpMiii in :!u* phMiihidt* td her ptvKefit mi4 alisfnclori* mood,

II t i* t r lh tnf herself l i n t it *.va«.

I'll hen -ll ||t |||,» It *trj||||j||y;, . f I 1 ft V

I.juvreinf htnl bi*»ti Mil uimsii'illv ro­mantic girl, rin.l had yone for two years to a boardiiig-schtud. Siie had always fan<ietl nhe w«»uhl 111-irry some fainou** artist or scludar, who would take her to Koine and Venice, where she tni^ht live in a perpetual dream of beauty. She *o loved beautiful things ! Perhaps all women do ; and that m iv he I he reason so m.iny arc found readi to barter h u e lor gold.

Hut, contrary to ul! her precon­ceived not funs, **ht* m trried Kob.rt Thompson, a plain, practical fanner ; ami instead of touri'i^ it in Italy, *»ln* went to I• vt* ut lite old homestead, which had been the abide of the Thompsons tor general inn«. I he iin^ ti 11 < 1 reality are s.» very diilert n'f you •ee. r «

Kobci t Thtttitpsiin wn-* a working fjirmer as well a-» a practical iiirtti, aittl all ItlN people ivorke*. Nin mother had woiktal in her day, hi*s sister^ hnl worked, h«* e\ pcctctl hi> wife to Wti4-k. S|u» took to it gleefully ; -lie had not been brought up iiilfi high notion**, by nttv meant ; an I a! lir-t fi.e uaitk ilnl mil neem MI in i' h. II tt every ex­perienced I idi knows how the labor seem* to accumulate iu i plain firmer'* household a« the years alter mama"**' go on. There were plenty of m-n ami btiys about, but only one wotu in s r-viint was kep: ; and Mrs. K.ib.-il Thomp<:oii grew to fin I **hehelpe I at nearly i 1 f t \ ihtn^, save", peritap", Ihc veri rou^he-l o f t h e l i b o c . In place of lounging1 in e'eg.ml foreign *lii.lius, or gliding down fuind t inals and streaiiH in piet ues.j te ;,<ond »li«, "Hhe had butter ai id c!n c*e to mike , and poultri to rear, and dinn rs to co.»k fn tin* lon«f. Inw-cei|e*l ixit.hen, and the thousand ar I m;e nr.'n uji.m Iter •*ho l,J«»i- that in.tk » !ip a b t*\ hou«c-l i o ' d . ( l u i t e a c t i h l i M - t ; ' ^ H i i l - l h

i d m i l t e t l , /

\V..!t ihifi'f- a f'tlle d: I'rc.tf. di.-M Hot have inimled lite work **» nrii h ; coid I **!ic h tie it 1 I nic • car,n is, and t.'tsie.'al t' :niit ;r *, -.,,1 I m ! , , and a picture or tw >, ia.1 flower*. The It uiie was so vc \ h i a| and piM.*tictib and its KuriM'-indiii 5s WCIN* Lrettiny: so shabby. At lirst **he ha I imt noti/ed this, or care 1 f»i* it ; Imt every year, as tho year** went on, iu ule m i t t e i s look dingier. Old Mr*. Thompson had nut caret! lo Ijo tunart and nice ; Htdirrt never though! about it. i \nd what thotiL'h hp Imii ?—it is only natural rWr mon to assume that what h id done t\»r a mother would do for a wife* In time Mr*. Robert Thompson began to a«k that MMIIC renovation should take place ; at which Roliert only s tana l ; the Infant* that had done without painting 10 long, could do v o l ; and the old thing* in it were

good enough for them, i^he did "not venture to urge the point ; hut she did press for aoiuc* liower*. There was u strip of ground under the south parlor windows where a ahrub of sweetbricr grew, and pinks, sweet-williams, and marigohls blossomed iu their season. Hut they were ohl-fashioned, common How* r s ; and she pined for the rare and elegant plants she had seen In conservatories and public gardens. Hut Robert Thompson would as soon have thought of buying the moon, as sm h useless things as flower*. The garden, like himself, was all practical, filled wfth cabbages, onions, potatoca, and sweet herbs. And so went on her unlovclv existence ; in which dis­satisfaction was becoming a very nightmare* Now and again, on thost* somewhat ran* occasions when she went out to visit her neighbors, and stw how pretty many of them had things, she came home more than ever out of heart. The worst was (or the be>l) there was no real reason why a little money should not be spent in making the home prettier and hap­pier, for Robert Thompson was doing well, an I putting fairly by* Hut un­der** Hiding had not come into the man; and IIH wife was too meek, per­haps too constitutionally timid, 10 make trouble over it.

To matter to-day—which had put her so very much out—was this. A H'tvhig-cluh had recently been o-dab lished iu Ihe neighborhood. Th Te was much distress amidst the poor laborers* wives and I'amilie**, ami some hulifM* with tim>» on their hands set tip a sewing-dub. I > ttl ike u few clothes for the nearly inked children. The farmers' wives had joined il ; Mrs. Thonipson with others; they met at stated intervals, faking the di tie rent houses in rotation ; dining at home at twelve, iiMsf»itibling at one o'clock, and working -leailily for several hours, ft was surprising how m i n t work got tloue; how many little pet-t io . i t s and frocks were made in the h'11'.rj.fternoous. In less than a month il would be Mrs. Thompson's turn to receive the com pan v— for the Hist time—ami she naturally begin focon-i icr ways ami m.*aii*. Por they mel

for an entertainment as well as for s e w i n g ; tea in I he afternoon, a grand meal later when th" stitching w«s over.

What Was Mrs, Thompson to do? Tledr stock of plates and dishes con­sisted of a few o b i s and ends of old cracked dclf, that had once been a ki.id ol'inuShcrrv color. She hail long wanted somj new white w a n ; she wanted it more than ever now. (*rover, the keeper of the village crockery-shop, had a lovely set for sale ; white, with a delicate Rprig of convolvidi and fuchsias ; looking every bit a* good as real china. Mrs. Thompson had set her heart on the set, and that morning had broached |ho subject to her husband.

" What's tho matter with Ihe old ones ?" asked lie.

** Look at t h e m / ' she answered. "They arc frightfully old and very shabby."

" I darvs iv the food will taste as Well off them as oil' ti rover's set of w h i t e w ire

"• It ' l l 111: W haW

iv'> not h i!f enough. I a s n o l l e l e d . "

••Moilicr ha l stuiie be*f china.— Where is il *f"

•• t 11 if- 11 u'rly all gone. We could not put the t u n on the table to­gether."

' • W h y i i o l ? "

" O Robert ! Look at this. It is the shabbiest old lot ever seen."

" TWIII goad enough for mother." Mrs. Robert Thompson disdained

comment. ** You'd nor have thought of this

but tor the M'wing-ciivlc having to come her**. If they can't come and 1 at from such dishes as we've got, they are welcome to stay away."

There? were tears in Mrs. Thomp-son's eyes. Hut she crowded them bravely hick. He toik his hat to g o out to his mowing.

4i We really want the thing-., Ri»b« erl* Those at (Jrover's an* very cheap. I can get all I want for a mere trifle ; do give me the money / '

•*ftroVer*ll have to keep Yin for Us ; I I've got no money to waste on tine

china," returned the farmer. 4* Hy Ihe wav"—looking back from the door - " Jones and Lee are < oming to give me a helping band. I want to gi*\ the s tilth meadow down to-day if I can, it's 11 famous heavy crop ; so I shall bring them in to dinner. Oh! ami the llubbards want six pounds of bulIcr to-night ; don't forget to have it ready."

With the^o words, Mr. Robert Thompson had marched off, leaving

"his wife to her long, weary day's work, darkened and made distasteful by her disappointment. She was both grieved and angry, it WAS a little thing, perhaps, hti it is the little tilings ol life th.il delight «>r an-

j 110 \ .

j livi-tcitci* seemed vovy bare and ! ho iit'ly to lane Thompson (hit stiiih ! in. r day. With hcr lovc of ease, and

bendy, and symmetry, how rude and ."iii'M*. and hard, looked all her stir-rounduig't* it was only o!ie long,

; mon »:OJ: I.JS round of homely toil, un-1 relieved by any of the Id tie sweet-1 n *sses and gr tees that might make j even t-dl pleasant. She did not often 1 thdiA of 11 ; but she rcuiemhctv 1 that j 1 iv, with the faintest little air of i\%-! gtvl, that S'IC Inight have been flirdif-1 ferently situated ; and as she looked j up to I lie pretty French cottage on

the hill, embowered in a |»erfect forest of blossoming vines, am) caught (he cool gleam Mf urn and fountain, some­thing very like a sigh trembled on her

j lips, "Squire Rurnham's wife does j not have to beg for a paltry bit of ' money to aot out her table decently,"

she thought rebelliously.

And then, in her spirit of aggrieve-n r n l , she mentally went over the other things alio nood.d, and that Robert knew were needed. Why was life to be all toll and bare u g l i n c u ?

There was no reason ; he had plenty of money. A new carpet for the best parlor ; paper for the walls, so stained with t ime; whitewash; paint ; stum? fresh chintz; shei remembered it all, I\H she toiled through the long, sultry forenoon with an aching head mid discouraged heart. It happened to bo Washing-day ; and on those days »ae took all the work, that Molly might not be disturbed in her help nt the tubs.

What business had she to marry Rabert Thompson ? she asked herself, her slender wrists heating away at the butter for the ilubbards. Por in the green ami gloomv light that Mrs. Robert Thompson looked at things to-day, she quite forgot the fact that she had fallen iu love with the honest, steady, and good-looking young fanner, choosing him iu preference to Joe Iturnham, whom *hc might have had. Joe had a patrimony of his own ; two hundred a year, at least, and a good bit of land,\ which he rented, and was called ".Ajuire," as his father had been before him. He wanted to marry .lane Lawrence, and she would not ; likes and dislikea can­not he controlled, ami she eared more for Robert Thompson's little linger than for the whole of poor, under­sized Jo- \ Squire Htirnham found nnolhcr wife; ami Mrs. Thompson, this weary day, was furiously envying her. Mrs. Huriihaiu would come amidst the rest of the sewing-club, too, ami see the miserable *habbinc*s of the mulberry-ware and the home generally. The butter got beaten Ha.va.gclv at the thought.

Robert Thoiup on was not an un­kind man ; only thoughtless. l ie was a type of a verv large cla^s, more es-po dally farmer*, who do not feel Ihe need of life's rugged [athwny being softened with flowers. Absorbed in his stock, his crops, his money-get­ting, he did not realize how monoton­ous was his wife's life at home, l ie had his recreations, ihe weekly mar­ket ; gossip with his brother farmers ; polit ics; she had nothing but work and care, l ie did not realize the truth that the worn, shabby home told upon her; thit she needed some brightening t » conn* to il as a yearn­ing want of lite.. And so, as the year* had gone on, she grew dis<alisti"d at heart, hardly understanding what she wished for or what s|u» did not uNli ; the intensely unlovely, prosy, dull life somewhat souring her spirits. Now and again, when she gave luck a short or bitter retort, Robert woildcred ; she who used to be so sweet-tempered.

All through the long forenoon Mrs. Thompson nursed her wrath. Robert was selfish and unreasonable, and she did not cure who knew it. She would not have the sewing-dub at the farm, come what might. The potatoes got boiled ; the big piece of beef was sim­mering on tho fire. Hefore twelve o'clock had wfeil struck, she saw her husband and his two friends coming through the orchard, with red ami hungry faces. Mr. Thompson always wanted his dinner boiling hot ; and she hastened to lay the cloth in the cool room off the kitchen, Prank and < 'barley, her t wo boys, came rush­ing in from school, each striving to claim her athnt ion. She felt tired,

heali d . and verv cr*»%.-•. ; » * j

" Wliv! isn't tii.'.fc r i udv• \J" I* minded Mr. Thomp on, not M cing n r t t d n a l l y o n I h e t a b l e w h e n h e e n t e r e d .

" I told you we had no time to waste to-day," he added ungrily, in his hurry and hunger. **Ifl hadn't an\ thing to do all the forenoon but get dinner, IM haie it ready iu time, I know."

A hitter retort was spriugin x lo her lips ; but ere it could be spoken, < "tar-ley clamorously interpo-etl, pudiiu;: his new copy book before her eyes.

' 'Look, mother! I am going into tentencrs now, like Prank. It's my first copy. The master wrote it ; ami he said I was to g<d it by heart, too, mid always remember it. Do read it, mother." l

Mrs. Thompson, her arms full of the cracked old mulberry plates, paused a moment to let her eyes fall on the new copy. *« A soft answer turucth away wrath," was what she read. It was not that the proverb w i s m w ; she had read it scores of t imes; hut there was something in its appropriateness to the present moment, that fell like a c o o j , s w e e t w i n d o i l h e r h e a l e d p u l s i - s .

4* I will have it ready iu a moment, Robei\ ," she said quietly.

Mr. Robert Thompson looked up. Pvidently he had not expected so pleasant a reply. If the truth tiiitst be told, he had thought a good bit that morning of his wife's request about the white ware. Not. iu the way of granting if; but that she would probably be sulky over it when they got in to dinner.

** It doesn't feel here as it dots in that blazing meadow," he remarked to his friends, as they went into tin* cool north room to dinner. '* Polks that can keep indoors this weather hive an easy time of il ; they don'i know what beat K."

Mrs. Thompson wondered wind her this was a slap at her. Ii|*rface looked scarlet enough for any amount of heat. As to si l l ing down with them, shi* had enough to do to wait on the party.

Mr. Thompson finished his dinm si leme.

l i e was watching bis wife's face; there was something iu if he did not understand—a kind of patient, hope-lesVJook, as if t h e no longer cared to struggle onward. The old mulberry ware did look dingy on the snowy-white tablecloth ; almost too bad for these chums of his to sit down lo : he wondered he hail never thought so be­fore. Mr. Thompson grew thought­ful.

He pissed Info the kitchen when they were going out again—how hot ami stilling it felt with that big f i r e -as bad as the south meadow. His wife had been in it cooking; that must have made her face scarlet. Indoors was not so comfortable a place, after all, if you had hot work to do, was the idea that flitted through his mind. And—perhaps the work was over­much for his wife, who at besf was but a delicate woman.

A fresh, cool breeze bail sprung up from the south as lie went out, walk­ing slowly ; but the sun was burning hot still. Robert Thompson waited to wipe his brows; and in that mo­ment the voice of his comrades came toward him from the ot her side off he hedge, where they stood in the little shada it cast*

" I iwvvr pitied n woman so muclj in my life," quoth one of them. "She-works like a slave, and does not get even 'thank ye' for it from Thomp­son, lie's a good fellow, but uncom­mon down upon the work. Strong n» a horse himself, he thinks, I sup­pose, women must be the same."

*" Yes, Hob's a sterling good fellow, Init Jam* Lawrence made a mistake when she said * Yes* to his asking," cried the other, "Junes , she wasn't cut out for a farmer's wife—especially one who keeps his folks to it liky Thompson does, She's over sensitive - -de l icate ; any lady but her would have turned long ago ami bid him give her proper help. He won't in ike his money out of her many years if he don't take better care of her; she'll run down fa*d. Awfully chaiig^iV, she i". She look* as faded as the old hou-e rooms—ami they haven't seen a coat o' paint since ttraudf.ither Thompson^ day."

44 A h ! she'd better have took .lov* Hiiriihaui. The Lawrences used lo have th ing-nice in their home, ami she'd have got Ym so still, if she had married Joe. h i s wife's just gone out iu in r poiiv-chay. I say, Junes, I wonder whether Thompson's wife's ever sorry ?"

Was she? The unconscious 'com­ments of these, his warm friends, came eru>hiiig down on Mr. Thomp­son's heart ami brain like a holt of fife. That she rejected Hurnham for him, he knew, when she came home to the old homestead, and took care of his invalid mother. Tenderly had she done it, too. And—could she be wearing out her life in hard work for h i m ; she, the mother of his boys ; she whom he loved well, for all his chur­lishness? Robert Thompson stole away ; he could bear his thoughts no longer; and he felt that he could al­most kill himself for his blind heed-l e e s j i e > s \

The afternoon wore on toward eve­ning. Mr*. Thomp on had finished her indoor Work- the washing up of the dinner <lr.it"< arid *.:,.. putting of the room« st i, n u 111 • - and u a- ir»ingin with an armful of fine things that she had taken from t he clothes-line, when Ihe sound of wheels math' her look round. *

44 I have brought that white ware, Mrs. Thompson," said the brisk voice of frrover, springing from his cart, and lifting down carefully a large hamper.

44 Hut 1 didn'i order it, Mr. Hrover," site rejoined, iu rather a frightened voice. I

41 The master did, (hough. Robert Thoiilpson came down this afternoon and staid the things was to come up to you at once. There's the dinner set you admired, and a tea set in well. WhiTc shall I put Ym ?"

44 Hring t heni in, please," she an-* swered rather faintly. He did as he was bid, and then drove off.

Mrs. Thompson hat down by the hamper of crockery ami cried as if her heart would break. They were magical tears, too, for they washed all the weariness and despair from her face, and the shadow from her eyes and heart. She forgot that she II as tired, or thai the day wa« hot ; she onlv thought how kind Robert was, and what a wicked woman she had been lor saying to herself in her tem­per that sheM rather have had Squire H u n i h a u i . T f i e n s h e u n p a c k e d ( h e

treasures, polling them out from timid the hay, an I singing softly till the while. Oh! it was beautiful, that ware! — with ils dear, opaque white, and here and there a delicate tracing of fuchsia or convolvulus.

Mr. Thompson came in and found her in the midst. " What isit, Jenny ?" he asked- the old, fond name he used to call her.

" O Robert!" faking a step toward hitn. I Ir opened his arms and drew her close lo his heart, kissing her as fondly ami tenderly as be ever hail in

looked Into her eager face. "We'll all turn over a new leaf, Jane. Heaven knows I did not mean to be cruel." j-

44 Robert, you were never thai." " Well—we'll lei it be ; bygones

shall be bygones, if you will. O h ! and I forgot to say that I saw Leeds Ibis afternoon. It's a very dull time just now, the poor fellow says, with­out a job on hind, so 1 thought I'd give him o n e . # They'll be here to be­gin to-morrow morning."

44 You—are- not going to have the house done up?" she exclaimed, in wild surprise.

44 ICvery square inch of ii. And, once the painting ami that's finished, we'll see what else we can do to make it look a bit blighter."

She hardly believed it ; she burst into tears, " Ami I have been so wicked !" she cried. " Only to-day I had quite wicked thoughts, Robert. I was envying Mrs. Hurnham; I WHS feeling angry with everybody. It was the discouragement, Robert."

44 Yes, it was the discouragement," he said quite humbly. 4i We will do better lor the future, Jane : I'll try another plan."

She cried silently for a minute longer—sofl, happy tears ; feeling that light had sujMTseded darkness.

44 And it hns all arisen from my try­ing to carrv out for a bit that blessed


proverb—* A soft answer t u met h away Wrath!'" she murmured. " Robert, did vou ever before see such lovely white ware ?'*

It was washing-day, and Molly mu>t j Ih'4 d:ii s of his courtship. not be called.

44 This butter must have been kept in the kitchen, it's like oil," said Mr. Thompson,

44 I took if out of the cellar since vt»:i came in ; I will go down and get some more if you think I had b e l t ' i , " \\t\a the reply, given pleasantly.

" N e v e r mind. Well, I declare!— do you call this meat boiled ?" went on Mr. Thompson, as he began to carve. " It's harder than a rock, 1/ meat has to be cooked prel'y fresh this weather, it needn't be like this,"

** I tried to have it nice, Robert," she said, striving to choke d"wn a rising sob— as well as an angry word.

Mr. Thompson, aroused by a quiver tn the tone, looked at his wi fe ; his friends glanced at one another. She sat down at length, but could not eat,

44 I hive been a brute, little wife," he whimpered hu*kily. " f a n you ever forgive me ?"

" Poi give you ? () Robert! I never w »r« so happy in my life ! I have been to hlaim*. I have not been as patient and kind as I might."

4i Yes, you have. You've* been nil angel, compared to me* I have made tt slave of you. Hut all that is ovor now. I did not think, Jenny ; I did not indeed."

" Hut—Robert—" 44 You shall have more help In the

bouse, another servant. We'll get her in, Jenny, long before the sewing-club night comes round."

" O Robert! how kind you arc. I feel as light as a bird."

41 And you arc almost," lie an­swered, smiling a little sadly as ho

The Ihnne of the Capitol. The altitude uf the dome of the

eapito) makes that building the high­est in America, it being 2H7J feet from the floor of the ba^eiueiit story to the cresl of the statue. There arc only four edifices iu the world which tower higher towards the clouds— St. Peter's, nt Rome, which is 4a8 feet from the pavement to the top nf the cross outside ; St. Paul's at Lon­don, which is 101 feet ; the cathedral of St. Isaac at St. Petersburg, is aiTi feid, ami Ihe Hotel ties ItiAitlides at Pari**, iu which is the tomb of the great Napoleon which is .122 feet high.

In the Piuted States, the steeple uf Trinity t'hurdi, New York, is next in height to the dome: Hunker Hill monument, second, and the Wash­ington monument in Hall inn.re, third.

The flu fed columns, 3f» in number which support the first balustrade in the dome are 27 feet high ami weigh six Inns each. Above this balustrade springs the roof formed of handsome­ly ornamented panels, which gradu­ally diminish in sizo to the a|>ex, which is surmounted by a lantern 50 feet high. In this is a reflecting lamp lighted by electricity, but only illuminated when there is a night session either of the house or senate, or both. This beautiful light has been often seen of late, and all who looked upon it commiserated tho weary congressmen whose duties de­mand their presence in the hot, close atmosphere of the hall, which is ren­dered still more stifling by the heat of summer.

Hut perliups the greatest wonder of the dome is the 'whispering gallery.' It is as near perfect ns that of St. Paul's, for on the circular gallery un­der the painting, one may converse In tin ordinary tone of voice with a friend who stands opposite, nearly 70 feet away. The sounds appear to follow the concave of the frescoed picture, and is often very startling to persons not aware of the singular freiks played by Ihe waves of sound at that dizzy altitude.

• • « .

Prcxlncing Music b) Jets of Flume.

A Paris correspondent of the Lon­don Telegraph under ditto of June 2(>i\\} writes: 4I was present at an interesting series of experiments made upon a new musical instrument invented bv M. Frederic Keslner, who has practically applied the the­ory "often referred to by Prof. Ti n-dall that jets of llame will, under cer­tain conditions, produce definite mu­sical sounds.

M. Kcstner found out that by plac­ing a jet ot gas in an ordinary ejus* chimney at about one Wind of it* height, the flame, on being divided into several distinct parts, would pro­duce a definite musical tune, Ihe lirst given out being of the normal dispa-MOII* Hy adjusting the size id' the tube ami jet he was soon enabled to evoke, with equal certainty, the oth­er notes of the scale, ami it was a short step from this a< heivemeut to adapt to this series of tubes a key-hoard like that of a piano. When a note is tombed the flame is*epftated its light is materially diminished but it emits a musical sound. No sooner is the finger released than the llame rises to its normal height ami the sound ceases.

Advantage has been taken of the arrangement to construct a hand­some drawing-room candebrnm con­nected by electricity with a ke\ board in an adjoining room* It i* extreme­ly curioiisT to watch the flumes rise and fall one bv one as tin* nolo* which they produce cease or fall up­on the ear. A larger instrument, t j , 0

pipes of which are arraigned organ-wise, has several three-octave key-hoard* which can be coupled togeth­er. The instrument has not as yet the evenness of tone throughout i u register which would be desirable, but tho results already achieved are interesting in the extreme.

General Khcrwaa. Ai this interview, casually referred

to in his Memoirs, began my personal acquaintance with General Sherman. His character is written on his face, and appears in his manner and con­versation. He is above the medium height, stands erect, and carries a head capable of continotis study and thought with a mind acute ns it is ca­pacious. He has a voice that is so­norous, *manly and attractive, and a manner that secures your attention and wins your confidence. Introduce any topic nm) Sherman is at home. His memory for detail strikes you at once as extraordinary, and his abili­ty to carry with him the knowledge of places and localities long since seen shows u remarkable source of power at his command as an officer. His marked pertilarity in contrast with liciicra! (irant was a wonderful suggestive talent. He would draw up five plans of campaigns to another man's one while (icn. (Vrant would weigh tho matter and select the best.— Mn)or-(icn* Howanf in the .WflHiJe.

4 V « « » « 1

A Joke. The Norwich, Chenango Comity

Telegraph has the following good th ing:

Last week, Judge Polleti of this village was holding court at Delhi. On Friday morning, during a lull in business, the Hon. William You mans, Jr., well known to the people of this district as an expensive luxury, arose in this place, and knows how to put on, announced that he had just re­ceived a dispatch from St. Louis an­nouncing the nomination of Samuel Jones '» ihlcn as the democratic nom­inee for J'resilient of the I n i t e d States, and moved in honor thereof, that the "court do now adjourn.'

JmXgi. Pol let said : 44It is a custom always honored for courts to adjourn when tue unuouneoment of the death of any gentleman, dUtlnguUhcd for Inn*/ and honorable service to the State or nation, is made ; but I know of no precedent for a court to adjourn upon the bare announcement that a man h<iM br#u afrvck with death. The motion is uVnicd." The ef!e< t can be belter imagined than described.

Matrimonial Advice*

Our young women nrc cautioned against marrying dissipated young men, but with equal, if not greater propriety,, may not young men be cautioned against marrying idle and extravagant lathes, l W a grent tunny unhappy mariages are there*ult of Ihe latter ns well ns the former. Fool­ish mothers think they act affection­ately by indulging their daughters in their fondness for the giddy pleas­ures of life, and allowing them to con­tract habits of indolence, not dream­ing that there are stern realities of life which must surely await them. Let them marry wealth or poverty, they will be unable to support either condition. Let them remain single, and life will become more and more burdensome as it advances.

Beautiful Tribute To Womaa. We have seen many beautiful trib­

utes to lovely woman, but the follow­ing is tho finest wo have ever read: •Place her among flowers, foster her as a tender plant, ami she is a thing of fancy way wurduess and folly—an­noyed by a dew-droit, fretted by the touch of a butterfly's wing, ready to faint at the sound of a beetle or the rattling of window pane at night, and she is overpowered by the i>or-fuine of the rosebud. • Hut the real calamity comes, rouse her affections, enkindle the fire of her heart and mark her then! Place her in the heat of the battle, give her it child, a bird, oi anything to protect—and see her iu a relative instance, lifting her white arms as a Shield, as her own blood crimsons her upturned fore­head, praying for her life, to protect the helpltjvss. Transplant Iter in the dark places of the earth, call forth her energies to action, and her breath becomes n healing, her pres­ence a blessing. She disputes inch by inch the strides of a striking pesti­lence, when man, the strong and brave, pale and affrighted, shrinks away. Misfortune haunts her not ; she wears away a life of silent endu­rance, and goes forward with less timidity than to her bridal. In pros­perity she is a bud full of odors wait­ing but for the wind/ of adversity to scatter them abroad—gold, valuable, but untried in the furnace. In short, woman is a miracle, a mystery, the center from which radiates the charm

of existence. • • • •- -

Stiuday la the Horaie*

Wo know a household in which the Sunday is hardly over before the little ones begin the inquiry, "Mam­ma, when will It bo Sunday Again ?" To these children, Sunday Is the 'red letter' day of the week, looked for­ward to, and backward to, on every other day. And this, because on • Sunday they have their father at home all day. He dismisses his busi­ness cares, gathers his children close about him, listens to their histories of the weeks, reads to them>or talks to them, or walks wi th them. He , is making beautiful associations to cluster about this blessed day.

This should be tho day of days In every household. Six days must the bread and butter be earned, and the bread and butter bo prepared, the raiment taken thought of .and the rai* ment stitched. S ix days must the fathers and sons and d a u g h t e r and little children go abroad to their work and lessons. Hut there comes " the seventh day, the beautiful Sun­day in which business may be set aside, the lessons dismissed, husbands , and wives, parents and children, brovhers, and sisters reunited. Let * this day be concentrated to all Uiatls highest and best in our natures, to ~ thanksgiving' and aspiration and to the development of spiritual graces.

. » 4 > » ^

S i t e and Whipple.

Tho Rfooklyn Argus says: At a public dinner in Iloston, some years ago, Whipple the essayist, and 8*axe the poet, were present as honorary guests. In the midst of a somewhat desultory conversation between tho two, Whipple exc la imed:

*0, don't mind what S a t e says about that, he was quite tipsy on that occasion/

•And In what condition were you? ' Inquired the poet,

48olM?r V was the prompt and seem­ingly safe reply. i

'Cieiitletncii! said Saxe, rising1 l o his feet, glass in hand—'GentlemenI let us drink to the memorable occa­sion when Saxe was tipsy and Whip­ple was sol>cr!'

« • >

An Aiittislag BIartel*. ^ Some years ago during a Dcnto-cratieijfttte Convention held at Syra* ctise there occur red a large Sunday St hool picnic, to which many of tho * delegates were invited, a n d w h i c h a few attended. Among those who accepted were John.Van Huron and (•eneral Nye. Mr. Van Hurcn was requested to make a little speech to the little people, and though it was a little out of his line, ho cheerfully assented. Jn the course of It he sought to impress upon the juveniles that honesty was the best policy, and that politicians of all classes were quite too apt to sell and be sold. Hy way of illustration he added, " Y o u remember how Abrahajn of old traded his birthright for a mess of pottage." General Nye, who sat directly behind him gave his coat tails a pull and said, "Hold on John you have got * the hair on the Wrong man.'*—/far-/>cr«T' Maguzinc*

- ' • # » •• *• •

Dressing Expeaslfelj at $10 a Year*

They tell an anecdote at Washing­ton of a certain Congressman who pro­claimed that a rigid system of econ­omy must be practiced, as the various failures here, there and ere iywhere had dwarfed the amount of his annual income*

44 Hut what am I to do for party dresses ?" asked the anxious wife.

? " Leave that matter tome , my dear, Imd I will arrange it to your satisfac­t ion ," soothingly replied the legis­lator. * Calling in a reporter, he Bet Before him a tempting array of edibles, with wine enough to send warmth through his veins and generous throbs to his heart-strings.

44 Now, my friend," said tho M. C. t 441 want lo employ you to describe my wife's dlessen this winter—or rather, she will describe them, and you can insert tho descriptions in your various pajwrs. Here's $10 for your trouble, and a scat at our table when you're hungry.*'

The result is that MVs. M. C. ap­pears clothed in such gorgeousness as was only known to Solomon in^all his glory ; yet her wardrobe Is exceed- ' ingly circumscribed,

» -— <•>#• L«,

A Billiard Woftdrr.

A young man, boy in fi|ct of 18 or P.I years, has been engaged in the hi!** Hard room of Marron & Ffynn, in Park Row, who is supposed to be the best billiard player in the world* His name is Shaffer, and hti comes

f >


\ J-

'C t \



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• • . : , ; • *

. ' j l

A Tradition ofHaratora Lake. There is an Indian superstition at- ' f , o m Kansas He habitually plays

Hiched to this lake which probably ! F J . v , m «* Ihe oddi of discount, which had it source in its remarkable lone-j f l ° ° , , M ' r l ^ y c r would think of do­lmens and tranquility. The Mohawks ! ' " ^ I n a game of l.Vi points. French beleived that its stillness was sat red r f i ,'°>»' li which he played not long tb the Great Spirit, and that if a hu- ] n * ° w i l n <>••''«''. l>ion Shaffer won man voice uttered a sound upon its i iho , ( 'a , ! a n d r , m M , c ff«mc o u t » W o n


waters, the canoe of the offender won Id instantly sink. A story is told of an Lnglisbwomaii, inthecni ly days of ihc first Mttlers, who had oc­casion to cross this lake with a par-

not gett ing a *diot. In tho course of a game a few days since, he made a run of i l l . , He has only met Sexton once, and wn<* then beaten but those who have seen him play attach no

tv of Indiana, who before embarking, ' l»»l">«''»nrr to' his defeat* insisting warned her mont impressively of ihe t , m t , , c r f t n o u iPl*>' anybody in" the S|M II. It was a silent, Invalided day ami the canoe shot over the surface of j „ .,. m m

Howe < heerfalrsess.

world. *•*-

the lake like an arrow. About half a mile from the shore, near the center of Ihc hike, the woman, wishing to convince the Indians of the erroneous-ness of their sn|>erstition, uttered a a loud c iv . The countenances of the

Many a child goes astrav, not be­cause there i- want of prayer or vir­tue nt home, but simply because home lacks sunshine. A childs needs smiles as much as lowers n«ted sunbeams.



* **%

. . . ' „ . . ,. , . . , j Children look little beyond the nrea. •*»• ... I Indians fell instantly to the deepest , 4 4 tr .. . 7 H U l u c prw-

t. I M *:r „ t ii » <- i An . ; # » • ! cut moment. If a thinir nleaiiM i u v

It said that if a man IN walking for ' gloom. After a minute s pause, how-health and enjoyment, four miles an

and in frowning silence drove the light bark swiftly over the waters. . , . . . . t ^ Tl.«.y i n c h e d t.,o Hl„„c h. Hufcly, and ' T^* , , M*b . ' ^ f ^ t - * * d l n r i j . W

hour is the best gait. This may IM* truo as regards health, but for enjoy­ment wo remember one night when it took us over four hours to walk a mile. It happened, however, that the old folks had gone to camp-meet­ing and she had the night-key, and as far as health was concerned we did not really care If it took us all night.

thing pleases, they ; *f It displeases, avoid iu If home

t is the place w here faces are soar and

,i ^ i I I i* i - ** are apt to seek it ; if it distrieaaAa ever, they redoubled their exertions .. i ,« . wmPi9mM**9

they are prone to avoid it* If home

..•4 ^> -

drew up the canoe, when the woman rallied tho chief on bin credulity. "The Great Spirit is merclftil/' an­swered the scornful Mohawk; "he knows that a white woman can not

in tho ascendant, they wil l spend aa many hours as possible elsewhere. Let every father and mother then try to bo happy.

Mrs. Moyer of Strauastowii; PL, hold her tongueV—Harper's Mag<t-X who is e ighty years o f age, walked ; tint. •even miles to lead a dance. & V- Mi

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