.7 fSi . & i ' f $. r 2 fcjr i f "J f H ' ! 1 x"" r 'X $ 1 & It. vytif !;w Iv.f ' - - -- - ""-- V T n tWHl5 r MMH't r,M. Isri. htrt r I r II M t ' t ', . 'Jm ,. JJt , j(i i fcfc IL?" f r foil iVM il' I T T'TPf SB v B 9bw I i 1 kl - Kin Jii M ... A. . - ....-il- i ffipiysxsTntia'tAS jtcjawfty flWCTt Wj'yff1iin?n)csrujjjj.wafntv yuir; rv.jiti'vaiijiTprr)anCTTTisgKr3aaoitnairT SOTi:..UJiJuui.Jt'.ikuiiaJuTU.uutMijMjaMSiTim!a l vol. ir. ib. 531 t UV'iNULjUIjU, IL. i., JLUlliDWAI, oN VJ ' JiUliJliit U, IOOO CO OENTSVER sudScfiiption MONTH i f t'i ..$ Li .. ... .il ' THE DAILY BUHJBMSr McAlf) PRINTINa OFPICS. i Tit i t)n.Y BtfM-TrfiS- - H pi'tfilol antl piihlUli i I uyery niorliunf tinj iilnuhilri thraiyiiMt!tht! town liy. ouj'rlt'i ri'ml MfTVirK'f totho olhur Wnail uy evcK' oppn.-- t i ii 1 ty Subscription, 50 Ss per Moalh. CtiAs. II 1U;jki.m), Alitor. All biHliioscoininunicUlmi.-- . to bo ml. ilrcsscil, 'jUntmger Diliy Bulletin, Post Ollkc Bo' Nti. M. Telppliono 250. OHU'O. .... 4(,iicuii Sti'cct, Opliosllo West's Cniilngo Fuctory. , .. O. Oiinyioii, JtnnsvRcr S. M. CAllTim. 9- - OKAHAM. S. M. GARTER & 00: SS ICIiik Street, - Honolulu, II. I. IlUTAIli DKAIiUUS IN Fire Wpod, Ooal a,nd Feed. rn would notify tlio public, andf Y' . Hous&keope'rs in particular, timt wo keep on hand and f or ;snle hi .qmrn-title- s to suit puiolmsers and ha L ' KA.TES, fuel, as follows : ' Hard and Soft Aoods,, . . Cut any lengths; Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals, ," Scotch Conls, and thou. ' - v Celebrated "Wellington Mine Dpparturc Bay Coals; J t Also, Blacksmith's Coal. , ", " t The above can be ordeicd'by telephono or otherwise, and immediate delivery guaranteed. G-IV3- TJS VtCiVXiXi': Telephone, No. 187. , A ' WE ALSO KEEP IN $TO0K x 'JELary and Oats, Calif oiniaaiid-Ne- ZeAland; ' . Barley, Whole and Ground ; "Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ; Bran, Middlings, and other Fecd CSTOider tile abovo through u J J Telephone No. 187, and we warrant quick delivery and'Jf ull weight. Orders fiom tlie other Islands solicited. 3Tja3313 XEI3LX'VERY toallpaitsof die city. Remember, S3 Ivinff street, 33(5 J2?"And Telephone No. 181. A CAIID TO THE PUBLIC. kohm'&'StjppkeohtV Bt"' to intimate to thJir friendb and tlie public geneially, that they are now pic pared to ecute orders tor t , Plain and Decorative Painting & Paperluuigiii'ff in the best and newest styles. Oideis. may be lelt at his residence, No 99 Hotel btiect, or by letter at P. O Box, No. 411. , , ' 4?1 Jy Chinese Intelligence Ollice ....BY.... C. Moni'ino andKee Sano. Chinese Shipping Agents. , FIRST-CLAS- S COOKS, SERVANTS, YARD KEEPERS . A , ,.? And all kinds of skillcctl laborers can " i ..Ui 'i ..".!... -" t. Commissions Moderate. ' Ofllce No. 89. King street) tyt tp.China Engine house, No. 5. Cm 501 THE CITY skOEINGSHOP irNo. JO 'Fort Street, Opposite Pantheon Stables. . S I 'Shaw, "PnowtiKTOU. A New Comer ..FprlUeJPitySUPcluK Shop, BRING QN YOUR BAD NOW of eontiuuted hoofs inter, itring command quarter cracked horsos andthoo that play the anvil chorus ns they puieatly josj along, bring a so homo of those who can hardly walk with, out crulcho ami you will soon havo them on their, pins like colts. If your horse can't t(o' f.wt let te boys turn u speody bliott wild yoli wJU have the bov. ot the niad. The now comer, Mn. J. . Mo DONALD, h a practical horo Bhoer, having owned a largo imsinesy iur 1. niHt five yeari in San Francisco at J0U 13111s street, also 110 Washington utioet. nifl tnv nmnflHO to lounto limn iioio, and show the owners of Jioiae yikul he. eaudo. Ho certuinly-prove- s oriuy 01 Ills many recommendation1. J)on't Forget the Soaking- - Stalls, Kn thoy 1110. indispensable In' .thq nhl to cine torus, quarter crackc 1 and ci ipplol horses. 1 M. I. Wlmw, I'roprletor. ' 010 ly s ti A TINE LOT OF Maitting of all Grail es Bp.THlWUlTE AND CDLOREdIsU For Sale at 48a A. S. OLEGHORN & CO JJ. K'. EHLEBB & Co., ,, t DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest Novolties in Fancy Good3 ftecoived by ovory steamer JPOR rJF S THIUJil jP. 9 W1 WIH',"P PBAMO. TUNBNG8! MR. JOSEPH TRISICA, ' ' WHO is in our employ, has had years OKporleitee in Piano Pactoiles in Germany and America ; he is a sober, reliable man, and we Guarantee all of his work. 'All. kinds of Musical Instruments and put in perfect order. CJ7 Iiycan & Co, AVILLIAMS & CO, 120 POUT STREET, IPliotog-raplxei'S.- , ', Have Secured the Services of MR. HASSELMANN, One' of the Best Artists From San Francisco, His Coloring is Unequalled. "Views of the Volcano, "Also on Hand', Come and Sc6 Them. 531 tf SM. CARTER & CO. Having Hought the LEGAL TENDER QUARRY Are prepared to ' ' "FURNISH JSTOJSTU FOR JBniltliufy Purposes, AND Ballast for Ships' i- - ....ALSO..1..'- - A ' '' Beach and Black Sand, DUMP CARTS, Ahv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates. .TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc- r! 83 IvJiaig St.re.et. IE f CTelopliono 187. "3 K. 505 tf PIONEER STEAM AND BAKERY. F. HQRN, rractical Confoctionei, , Pastry Cook -- and Baker. No. 71 Hotol st. Telephone 74. JUST RECEIVED. EX LATE ARRIVALS A large and select stock of Ladies and Misses BOOTS AND.8H0 ALSO A beautiful line of Gent's and Boys' Straw and Felt Hats . 1 All of the latest "styles: - Wo'would call attention to the nbovo lino of Goods as having been sola ted )bvMK.M. MoInekny. 501 - JUST. RECEIVED - tf U JLiOt oL GrocerieH Ilab arrived, whfch we sell at the lowest price, in. quantities to sujt purchasers. ttB j A. S. Clcisliorn &. Co NOTICE IF YOUR HORSE IS SICK or LAME, or nny way out of order, call on A T. BAKER, at Capt. J. O. Cluney's st.i ble, corner of Queen & I'unchbowl sts SrBreuking liorses to saddle or car riago a specialty. t20 1y BOM MEAL! Super Phosphates, ' Powderet& OtKerPertilizers SiimiiniiitlaH to'nit, FOR SALE BY THE0.nH.,DAVIESj& CO., 510jjBm Agpnts Pacific Fertilising On. . Water Notice. 0111ceJ Sup't Water Works, ' Honolulu, July 8, 1882, ALL persons having "Water Piivilegcs uoUtieil that their Water Rates iiio'piiyablo semi.nnniiitlly, inadviince, at the ofllco of tl'O Superintendent of Water Works, foot of Nuuauu street, the 1st day of January and July of, eieh"vi'ur3 CMAS.'B. WILBONV" ' in , ' Sup't A ater Works B. K. Kaai. Mlnlbter 01 interior. w TnwMrpff W T f A Try ilio Fragrance ol Ilia Wcod, Nicotian," Choice Havana Cigars Of the Finest Biands And BcnI JHiwoi-h- , As follows : Manucl Gnicia, Figato, Margarita, La Corona, Flon do Cuba, Coney Island, MAY NOW BE HAD FROM R. J. ftlOLTE, Beaver Saloon, Fort street. EgpOthcr goods as before. KENNEDY & Co-- , Jobbing and Retail New Goods, Fresh Goods, Just Received Ek " Mariposa." Campbell's Fire-Proo- f Buildings No. 67 Hotel Street. P O. Box No. 297. 264 ly Ring up Telephone No. 240. Messrs. Kennedy & Co. beg to announce that they their store is the n Depot for the Artesian Ice, and will always keep ICE ON HAND to supply custnmers and others. KEN LUN CHONG & Co., Dealers and Importers in CHINA SILKS' in huge and smalljpieccs ALX. COLORS &. GRADES. All patterns and qualities. SUITS MADE TO OIlDEtt In the Latest PaiNian mid Ameiican j Style-,- . Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. 523 No 78 Nuuauu St, 3m - , JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stories and Ranges of all kinds. PI imbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 771 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. Wilson Brothers, E'NERAL BLACKSMITHS. Horso Shoeing a specialty A first-cla- ss man being specially engaged for that woik. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanado, op. IIoppcr's.201 HAVE JUST RECEIVED a WE lot of very superior And also, somo Very Fancy Ladies' Side Saddles. And the best Austialiaii Saddles in tlio Market, at ' ai5 A. S. Clcgltoi'ii & Co'H. OF VALUE TO THE PUBLIC. W.O- - ASHLEY, Custom House Broker . has opened an agenoy for Custom House Brokerage, Real Estate Transactions, Employment Service, And General Business, U.t j, w, Itolici-tHo- n &i C'o'h: Hatlon-- 1 cry Htoro, Merphant street (near the Post Ofllce.) , ni Books and Accounts neatly kopt and adjusted. Bills collected. Local Documents of every description irlruUn un. ' ' Aiiytlilitg ill the'wny of.bitbliJt'a caie. ffy B)1(j piomptlv attonded to. 1: u, uox 'iai; xeiepuouo , 470 riEORriB LUCAS, .,'-- , and Buildpr,-?- ! Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, lispla-nad- e, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mduldlngs, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and nil kinds of Wood- work llnlsh. Turning, Scioll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and wbik guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an- ds solicited CaneB and Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Can be had from WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And Upholsterer, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposito International Hotel, W. J- - FAQERROOS, n Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu, opposite J.T. Waterhouse's. Watches of all kinds repaired in a satisfac. tory manner, and at REASOXAIIIiK PRICKS. Island orders attended to with prompt- ness, and all woric done by us guar-42- 8 anteed to give satisfaction. 0m A. KRAFT, J EWELEE.j OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 lug, oppoblte the Bank. Calixoin.isi DRefetuux-iiiit- , V ji 1 e " o Nuuauu and Marine Sts. First-Cla- Meals at all hours. 'Bond $4.50 to $5 per week. SlURle aiejvl -- t to Owlor. 523 am Notice. IN future the WINDSOR RESTAURANT will be kept open until 10 o'clock iS3l,J if very niche (Sundays ex cepted, meals or every aes-cripti- coo'ceu to order. 535 I in b THE OLD CORNER Established, 1858. Hart Bros., : : Proprietors. MEALS . Served up in first-clas-s style at all hours Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m. Always on hand Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes &c, &c. Also, Iced Drinks! 75 Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concern. The undersiL'iied havinc .jMmado alterations, additions, ??fflfejiiiiil imiirnvemeiits in his &ai3 SO A I- - FACTOKY, is now prepared to give The Highest Cash Value for any quantity of TALLOW, And will furnish contninois for tho samq fjee of cost to any one who may desire. TIIOS. W. RAWLINS, Honolulu Soap Works. Office in Biick Building, King street, Lelco. 4831m ' FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Gilnds from 5 to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in good order; can bo run by steam or horso power, just the article for a plantation. ALSO, )HAY0ATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Barley, .Whole and Ground, Mixed JFeed, eo. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST fip . LAINE Co., 84 Fort st. GYMNASTICS I INSTRUCTIONS lu Gymnastics will and Childien Eyery,Siit!iiluy MQfiiiiW Froin 0 to. 11 o'clock. In addition to the (EvenlncChusfcds;' 8. H, DOLK, ' 1380 Prealdtut Athletic Association Commission Merchants. BREVKIi & COMPANY, CA (LiuiliiMt) Qi:ni:uaIj Miir.pMii,r, and ClMMtlfelOA' AOKNTS. hif-- r ov ijii'iui:ns: P. 0. .Tom s, Jr....Pn idem & .Mimngcr J. O. OaUikii TiiX-uie- r & Secietary uiuurtoit' Hon. O. R. Bisuoi". Hon. II. A. P. Cautmi 338 ly Geo, W. Macfnrlane. II. R. Macfarlane. G. W. MACPAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS and Sugar Factors, Firc-Proo- f Building, - - C2 Queen stieet, . " Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS for The Waiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hceia Sugar Plantation, Onhu, Huclo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maul, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, L. J, LKVKY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., - -- Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 Claua Syrcckels. Wm. G. Irwin TIT" G-- . IHWIN & COMPANY, TV Sugar Factors and Commissi Agents, Honolulu. 1 AS. OLEGHORN & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Meichan-dise- , Queen and Kaahuinanu sts.. Hono-lulu- . 78 DIAS &S GONSALVES, No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu. Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &(:., &c, &c. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Inipoitcr and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Com mission Merchants. Honolulu. t ji. MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants, 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. 1)ROWN & GO., Wholesale Wine and Spii it Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 330 FT. LENEHAN & CO , Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuauu st.,. Honolulu. 1 S.N. Cabtlo. J. B. Athcrton. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping'and Commission Merchants. Iinporteis and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 "WO TAI & CO , Importcis and General Dealer in English, American and Chinese Pio-vision- Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White & Coloied Con-trac- t Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposito Mr. C, Afonn's. 623 Cm TITING "WO CHAN & CO., TT Importers and General Dealers in English. Ameiican and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored c6n-tia- ct matting, all qualltlosand prices. B6f No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr, Afong's. . 81 BROWN Ss PHILLIPS, PJumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu, C31" Uouso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 H. S. THEQLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. lloliurt Luworu, O, K, CooUc, L EWERS as'OOOKB, ' (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Foit street, Hounluhi 1 WILDER & CO., Dcalors in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ata., Honolulu. l CHR. GERTZ, A,. No. 80 Fort street, Houolul.Kr" Iinpor' or and Dealer 111 Opnt's, Ladles' aim uiiiiui en's uoots, shoes ami slippers. tdfrffl HONOLULU IRON WORKS, BiiafiSteum engine.!, hUgar mills, boll, erb, coolers! iron, brass and lead cast lugs; machinery of oveiy description nindu to oider. Paitimilar attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job woik oxc cutcd at short notice. l 81(1 Kcu'urd. TOST on Saturday nlg'it 0.1 Hqtcl ht. ilnill In Vn rll, lVv,.i;,,,r n,w. i dyul hhwp kin loot rnjt, 'uudwi em. broUhiri'dvilnst-wiiip- , Tlio above ie- - ward will uu'pnid on leturulng biune to 400 0. W. MACFARLANE ii Co m SL Professionals. . 1.,. 1.1 : ' ' ' ' ' ' DR. THAOHJ&JR, DENTIST,' ' ' ,"'1 Still bttiluU at, the bend oP'hls prdfcssb'n. Restoration and Contour' ' tH work a speciality. Uslngf coloie'd gold or any other materia1 'known to the profeiilou, jis. tlio. cwe..r.oqui res. F10111 this date pi ice? reduced 25 to 50 per tent, guaranteeing latistiiclion and doing Hist cla-- s work 25 per cent .lower han anyother dentlft in Honolulu. nos rr "f GROSSMAN, i u lTX. OENTIST. . I Mll lias opened his ollko in Hotel St., noxU, to the Y. M. O. A. building, wheio he is prepared to peiform all operation ih' dcntistiy. 3mC01. WM. B. McAllister, DENTIST, Hotel St., nct Y M (J A Building. Restoration, Gold and Platina Fillings'' A Specialty. Hoping to train the ennfldnnnn nf tlio public by good work, and reasonablo l?l prices. 504 3m Dn. Emerson, Residence and consnltntlnn rnnma at No. 2 Kukul st., coiner of Fort. Telephone No. 149. 59 2m A ROSA, 1. i . ATTORNEY AT LAW, j And Notary Public, Ofllco with tho Attorney General, Alilo lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly , W AUSTIN WHITINO, "' K Attorney and Counsellor at Law. , Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahuinanu St., Honolulu. 20!) JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stangenwald.) 495 ly SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Public, 11 No. 15 Kaahuinanu "' Francis M. Hatch Attorney at Law, ''l4' 23 15 Kaahumanu et. RICHARD F. BIOKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. t Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. . holds. Ofllce. No. 44 Mei chant st. 1 ' ' CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgineuts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauu st Honolulu. , ; JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate m nnv pait of the Kingdom bought, sold and 'lCllSed. Oil Commission. In,mb nmrntii ted, Legal Documents Diawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, ' Hawaiian Islands 190 WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District "I of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu.' mm street. 18!'U Will'iam wond; to take Acknowledg. I mHits to Contracts for Labor. Olllcc Station Hdusc. 351 ly John A. Hassinger, Ageut to take Acknowledgments J.o Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllce, Honolulu. X O. AKANA, T T aneso and Hawaiian Translator and Interpieter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu, .? Translations of either of tho nbovs' languages made with accuracy and dij patch, and on reasonable teims. 209 , o. Berger, . , KAAHUMAND STREET.-- . ' General Agent for ' Tho N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limIt'd Macnealo & Urban Safes, ' ! A The Celebrated Springfield Gas Maclil'no1 Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 R. W. GRANNIS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER., Estimates given for ull work connected with tlie BUBLD1NC TRADE. All Orders left at the Bhop, No. 80 Hotel Street, Honolulu, or wth Wilder & Co., will bo promptly attended 10. 527 Cm LAWRENCE Si PREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction, Civil Engineering & Sui voying Olllcc, cor, Halekauwilu and Kllnueii Ms., noxt door to Wldemunu's brick wai chouse. 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly H. MEAD, CARPENTER & BUILDER ' No. 12 King st., near th6 Bridget 1 , ' All kinds of lee Chests, Itefrigerntors, Uuth Tubs, &c.. &e.. made and rennlndl at moderate charges 805 ly ' ! , ' I?D. CROWE, ' ' hOUSK AND SIGN PAINTER, ' " Paveh lUNaicn, etc., No. 107 KixoSnucuT, - Honoltjlu. 025 Telephone. 114.' ly ' ' " r 'TJ' " 1 T WAY, JU. CARPi:NTER&BUILDERn " SI101 011 Klng.tui'et, In rear .of New-,.- , Odd Fellow's Hi.ll King street!" Telephone 112. 62'J On; J 4v 4 . & 1

T T'TPfAhv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates..TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc-r! 83 IvJiaig St.re.et. IE f CTelopliono 187. "3 K. 505 tf PIONEER STEAM

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Page 1: T T'TPfAhv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates..TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc-r! 83 IvJiaig St.re.et. IE f CTelopliono 187. "3 K. 505 tf PIONEER STEAM


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$ 1



vytif !;wIv.f '

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tWHl5r MMH't r,M. Isri. htrt r I r II M t ' t ', .

'Jm ,. JJt , j(ii fcfc IL?" f rfoil iVM il' I T T'TPf SB v B 9bw I

i 1 kl -Kin Jii M ... A. .- ....-il- i

ffipiysxsTntia'tAS jtcjawfty flWCTt Wj'yff1iin?n)csrujjjj.wafntv yuir; rv.jiti'vaiijiTprr)anCTTTisgKr3aaoitnairT SOTi:..UJiJuui.Jt'.ikuiiaJuTU.uutMijMjaMSiTim!al

vol. ir. ib. 531 t UV'iNULjUIjU, IL. i., JLUlliDWAI, oN VJ ' JiUliJliit U, IOOO CO OENTSVERsudScfiiption

MONTHi f t'i ..$ Li .. ... .il '


Tit i t)n.Y BtfM-TrfiS- - H pi'tfilol antlpiihlUli i I uyery niorliunf tinj iilnuhilrithraiyiiMt!tht! town liy. ouj'rlt'i ri'mlMfTVirK'f totho olhur Wnail uy evcK'oppn.-- t i ii 1 tySubscription, 50 Ss per Moalh.

CtiAs. II 1U;jki.m), Alitor.All biHliioscoininunicUlmi.-- . to bo ml.

ilrcsscil, 'jUntmger Diliy Bulletin, PostOllkc Bo' Nti. M. Telppliono 250.

OHU'O. .... 4(,iicuii Sti'cct,Opliosllo West's Cniilngo Fuctory.

, .. O. Oiinyioii, JtnnsvRcr

S. M. CAllTim. 9- - OKAHAM.

S. M. GARTER & 00:SS ICIiik Street, - Honolulu, II. I.


Fire Wpod,Ooal a,nd Feed.

rn would notify tlio public, andfY' . Hous&keope'rs in particular, timt

wo keep on hand and for;snle hi .qmrn-title- s

to suit puiolmsers and ha L

'KA.TES, fuel, as follows : '

Hard and Soft Aoods,, . .

Cut any lengths;Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals, ,"

Scotch Conls, and thou. ' - v

Celebrated "Wellington MineDpparturc Bay Coals; J


Also, Blacksmith's Coal. ,", "


The above can be ordeicd'by telephonoor otherwise, and immediate deliveryguaranteed.

G-IV3- TJS VtCiVXiXi':Telephone, No. 187. , A '


'JELary and Oats,Calif oiniaaiid-Ne- ZeAland; ' .

Barley, Whole and Ground ;

"Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ;

Bran, Middlings, and other Fecd

CSTOider tile abovo through u J J

Telephone No. 187,

and we warrant quick delivery and'Jf ull

weight. Orders fiom tlie otherIslands solicited.

3Tja3313 XEI3LX'VERYtoallpaitsof die city.

Remember, S3 Ivinff street,33(5 J2?"And Telephone No. 181.


kohm'&'StjppkeohtVBt"' to intimate to thJir friendb and tlie

public geneially, that they are now picpared to ecute orders tor t ,

Plain and DecorativePainting & Paperluuigiii'ff

in the best and newest styles.

Oideis. may be lelt at his residence,No 99 Hotel btiect, or by letter at P. O

Box, No. 411. , ,

' 4?1 Jy

Chinese Intelligence Ollice....BY....

C. Moni'ino andKee Sano.

Chinese ShippingAgents. ,





And all kinds of skillcctl laborers can"

i ..Ui 'i ..".!... -" t.

Commissions Moderate. '

Ofllce No. 89. King street) tyt tp.China

Engine house, No. 5. Cm 501


irNo. JO 'Fort Street,

Opposite Pantheon Stables.

. S I 'Shaw, "PnowtiKTOU.

A New Comer..FprlUeJPitySUPcluK Shop,

BRING QN YOUR BADNOW of eontiuuted hoofs inter,itring command quarter cracked horsosandthoo that play the anvil chorus nsthey puieatly josj along, bring a so

homo of those who can hardly walk with,out crulcho ami you will soon havothem on their, pins like colts. If yourhorse can't t(o' f.wt let te boys turn u

speody bliott wild yoli wJU have the bov.ot the niad. The now comer, Mn. J. .

Mo DONALD, h a practical horo Bhoer,

having owned a largo imsinesy iur 1.

niHt five yeari in San Francisco at J0U

13111s street, also 110 Washington utioet.nifl tnv nmnflHO to lounto limn iioio,and show the owners of Jioiae yikul he.eaudo. Ho certuinly-prove-

s oriuy 01

Ills many recommendation1.

J)on't Forget the Soaking-- Stalls,

Kn thoy 1110. indispensable In' .thq nhl tocine torus, quarter crackc 1 and ci ipplolhorses. 1

M. I. Wlmw, I'roprletor.' 010 ly s


Maitting of all Grail esBp.THlWUlTE AND CDLOREdIsU

For Sale at48a A. S. OLEGHORN & CO

JJ. K'. EHLEBB & Co.,,, t

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the Latest Novolties in Fancy Good3 ftecoived by ovory steamer JPOR rJF STHIUJil jP.

9 W1 WIH',"P


'WHO is in our employ, has had

years OKporleitee in PianoPactoiles in Germany and America ; heis a sober, reliable man, and we

Guarantee all of his work.

'All. kinds of Musical Instrumentsand put in perfect order.

CJ7 Iiycan & Co,


IPliotog-raplxei'S.- ,

', Have Secured the Services of


One' of the Best ArtistsFrom San Francisco, His Coloring is


"Views of the Volcano,"Also on Hand', Come and Sc6 Them.

531 tf



Are prepared to' ' "FURNISH JSTOJSTU


JBniltliufy Purposes,AND

Ballast for Ships'i-- ....ALSO..1..'- - A ' ''

Beach and Black Sand,

DUMP CARTS,Ahv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit

notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates.

.TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc- r!

83 IvJiaig St.re.et.IE

f CTelopliono 187. "3 K.

505 tf


AND BAKERY.F. HQRN, rractical Confoctionei,

, Pastry Cook -- and Baker.No. 71 Hotol st. Telephone 74.


A large and select stock of Ladies andMisses


A beautiful line of Gent's and Boys'

Straw and Felt Hats. 1 All of the latest "styles:

- Wo'would call attention to the nbovolino of Goods as having been sola ted

)bvMK.M. MoInekny. 501


tf U JLiOt oL GrocerieHIlab arrived, whfch we sell at the lowestprice, in. quantities to sujt purchasers.ttB j A. S. Clcisliorn &. Co


or nny way out of order, call on AT. BAKER, at Capt. J. O. Cluney's st.ible, corner of Queen & I'unchbowl sts

SrBreuking liorses to saddle or carriago a specialty. t20 1y

BOM MEAL!Super Phosphates, '

Powderet& OtKerPertilizers

SiimiiniiitlaH to'nit,FOR SALE BY


510jjBm Agpnts Pacific Fertilising On.

. Water Notice.0111ceJ Sup't Water Works, '

Honolulu, July 8, 1882,

ALL persons having "Water PiivilegcsuoUtieil that their Water Rates

iiio'piiyablo semi.nnniiitlly, inadviince,at the ofllco of tl'O Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuauu street,

the 1st day of January and July of,eieh"vi'ur3 CMAS.'B. WILBONV" 'in , ' Sup't A ater Works

B. K. Kaai. Mlnlbter 01 interior. w

TnwMrpff W T fA

Try ilio Fragrance ol Ilia Wcod, Nicotian,"

Choice Havana CigarsOf the Finest Biands

And BcnI JHiwoi-h- ,

As follows :

Manucl Gnicia, Figato,Margarita, La Corona,

Flon do Cuba, Coney Island,MAY NOW BE HAD FROM

R. J. ftlOLTE,Beaver Saloon, Fort street.

EgpOthcr goods as before.

KENNEDY & Co-- ,Jobbing and Retail

New Goods,

Fresh Goods,Just Received Ek " Mariposa."

Campbell's Fire-Proo-f Buildings

No. 67 Hotel Street.P O. Box No. 297.

264 ly Ring up Telephone No. 240.

Messrs. Kennedy & Co. beg to announcethat they their store is the

nDepot for the Artesian Ice,

and will always keep

ICE ON HANDto supply custnmers and others.

KEN LUN CHONG & Co.,Dealers and Importers in

CHINA SILKS'in huge and smalljpieccs


All patterns and qualities.

SUITS MADE TO OIlDEttIn the Latest PaiNian mid Ameiicanj Style-,- .

Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed.523 No 78 Nuuauu St, 3m


Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stories and Rangesof all kinds.

PI imbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

771 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Wilson Brothers,

E'NERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing a specialty

A first-cla- ss man being specially engagedfor that woik.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanado, op. IIoppcr's.201

HAVE JUST RECEIVED aWE lot of very superiorAnd also, somo

Very Fancy Ladies' Side Saddles.

And the best Austialiaii Saddles in tlioMarket, at

'ai5 A. S. Clcgltoi'ii & Co'H.


W.O- - ASHLEY,Custom House Broker

. has opened an agenoy forCustom House Brokerage,

Real Estate Transactions,Employment Service,

And General Business,U.t j, w, Itolici-tHo- n &i C'o'h: Hatlon-- 1

cry Htoro,Merphant street (near the Post Ofllce.)

, ni

Books and Accounts neatly kopt andadjusted.

Bills collected.Local Documents of every description

irlruUn un. ' '

Aiiytlilitg ill the'wny of.bitbliJt'a caie.ffy B)1(j piomptlv attonded to.

1: u, uox 'iai; xeiepuouo , 470

riEORriB LUCAS, .,'-- ,

and Buildpr,-?- !

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, lispla-nad- e,

Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mduldlngs,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and nil kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning, Scioll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and wbikguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an- ds


CaneB and Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSCan be had from



And Upholsterer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposito International Hotel,


nPractical Watchmaker

and Jeweler,No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu,

opposite J.T. Waterhouse's.

Watches of all kinds repaired in a satisfac.tory manner, and at

REASOXAIIIiK PRICKS.Island orders attended to with prompt-

ness, and all woric done by us guar-42-8

anteed to give satisfaction. 0m


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

lug, oppoblte the Bank.

Calixoin.isi DRefetuux-iiiit-,V ji 1 e " o

Nuuauu and Marine Sts.First-Cla- Meals at all hours.

'Bond $4.50 to $5 per week.SlURle aiejvl --t to Owlor.

523 am

Notice.IN future the WINDSORRESTAURANT will bekept open until 10 o'clock

iS3l,J if very niche (Sundays excepted, meals or every aes-cripti-

coo'ceu to order. 535 I in b

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Hart Bros., : : Proprietors.


Served up in first-clas-s style at all hoursOpen from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &c. Also,

Iced Drinks!75


and all whom it may concern.The undersiL'iied havinc

.jMmado alterations, additions,??fflfejiiiiil imiirnvemeiits in his

&ai3 SOA I- - FACTOKY,is now prepared to give

The Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

TALLOW,And will furnish contninois for tho samqfjee of cost to any one who may desire.

TIIOS. W. RAWLINS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Office in Biick Building,King street, Lelco. 4831m

'FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGilnds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in goodorder; can bo run by steam or horsopower, just the article for a plantation.


)HAY0ATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, .Whole and

Ground, Mixed JFeed, eo.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

fip . LAINE Co., 84 Fort st.


INSTRUCTIONS lu Gymnastics willand Childien

Eyery,Siit!iiluy MQfiiiiWFroin 0 to. 11 o'clock. In addition to the

(EvenlncChusfcds;' 8. H, DOLK, '

1380 Prealdtut Athletic Association

Commission Merchants.BREVKIi & COMPANY,CA (LiuiliiMt)

Qi:ni:uaIj Miir.pMii,r, andClMMtlfelOA' AOKNTS.

hif-- r ov ijii'iui:ns:P. 0. .Tom s, Jr....Pn idem & .MimngcrJ. O. OaUikii TiiX-uie- r & Secietary

uiuurtoit'Hon. O. R. Bisuoi". Hon. II. A. P. Cautmi

338 ly

Geo, W. Macfnrlane. II. R. Macfarlane.



Sugar Factors,Firc-Proo-f Building, - - C2 Queen stieet,

. " Honolulu. II. I.AGENTS for

The Waiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hceia Sugar Plantation, Onhu,Huclo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maul,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.



LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Solo Agents for American and Euro-pean merchandise. 318

Claua Syrcckels. Wm. G. IrwinTIT" G-- . IHWIN & COMPANY,

T V Sugar Factors and CommissiAgents, Honolulu. 1

AS. OLEGHORN & CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Meichan-dise- ,

Queen and Kaahuinanu sts.. Hono-lulu- .78

DIAS &S GONSALVES,No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu.

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &(:., &c, &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Inipoitcr and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st, Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Com mission Merchants.Honolulu. t ji.

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants,

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

1)ROWN & GO.,Wholesale Wine and Spii it

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 330

FT. LENEHAN & CO ,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuauu st.,. Honolulu. 1

S.N. Cabtlo. J. B. Athcrton.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping'and Commission

Merchants. Iinporteis and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

"WO TAI & CO ,Importcis and General Dealer

in English, American and Chinese Pio-vision-

Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White & Coloied Con-trac- t

Matting, all qualities and prices.No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposito Mr. C,

Afonn's. 623 Cm

TITING "WO CHAN & CO.,TT Importers and General Dealers

in English. Ameiican and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored c6n-tia- ct

matting, all qualltlosand prices.B6f No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite

Mr, Afong's. . 81

BROWN Ss PHILLIPS,PJumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu, C31" Uouso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17


201 FORT ST.

lloliurt Luworu, O, K, CooUc,

LEWERS as'OOOKB, '(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Foit street,Hounluhi 1

WILDER & CO.,Dcalors in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ata.,Honolulu. l

CHR. GERTZ, A,.No. 80 Fort street, Houolul.Kr"

Iinpor' or and Dealer 111 Opnt's, Ladles'aim uiiiiui en's uoots, shoes ami slippers.

tdfrffl HONOLULU IRON WORKS,BiiafiSteum engine.!, hUgar mills, boll,erb, coolers! iron, brass and lead castlugs; machinery of oveiy descriptionnindu to oider. Paitimilar attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job woik oxccutcd at short notice. l

81(1 Kcu'urd.TOST on Saturday nlg'it 0.1 Hqtcl ht.

ilnill In Vn rll, lVv,.i;,,,r n,w.i dyul hhwp kin loot rnjt, 'uudwi em.

broUhiri'dvilnst-wiiip- , Tlio above ie- -ward will uu'pnid on leturulng biune to400 0. W. MACFARLANE ii Co



Professionals.. 1.,. 1.1 :

' ' ' ' ' 'DR. THAOHJ&JR,

DENTIST,' ' ' ,"'1Still bttiluU at, the bend oP'hls prdfcssb'n.

Restoration and Contour' ' tHwork a speciality. Uslngf coloie'dgold or any other materia1 'known tothe profeiilou, jis. tlio. cwe..r.oqui res.F10111 this date pi ice? reduced 25 to 50per tent, guaranteeing latistiiclion anddoing Hist cla-- s work 25 per cent .lowerhan anyother dentlft in Honolulu.

nos rr

"f GROSSMAN, i u

lTX. OENTIST. . I Mlllias opened his ollko in Hotel St., noxU,

to the Y. M. O. A. building, wheio he isprepared to peiform all operation ih'dcntistiy. 3mC01.

WM. B. McAllister,DENTIST,

Hotel St., nct Y M (J A Building.Restoration, Gold and Platina Fillings''

A Specialty.Hoping to train the ennfldnnnn nf tlio

public by good work, and reasonablol?lprices. 504 3m

Dn. Emerson,Residence and consnltntlnn rnnma

at No. 2 Kukul st., coiner of Fort.Telephone No. 149. 59 2m

A ROSA, 1. i


And Notary Public,Ofllco with tho Attorney General, Alilolani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly ,

W AUSTIN WHITINO, "' KAttorney and Counsellor at Law. ,

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments.

Kaahuinanu St., Honolulu. 20!)


Ofllce, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Stangenwald.) 495 ly

SB. DOLE,Lawyer and Notary Public,

11 No. 15 Kaahuinanu "'

Francis M. HatchAttorney at Law, ''l4'

23 15 Kaahumanu et.

RICHARD F. BIOKERTON,and Counsellor at Law. t

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. .

holds. Ofllce. No. 44 Mei chant st. 1 ' '

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgineuts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauu stHonolulu. , ;


and Notary Public. Real Estate m nnvpait of the Kingdom bought, sold and

'lCllSed. Oil Commission. In,mb nmrntiited, Legal Documents Diawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,'Hawaiian Islands 190

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the District "Iof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu.'mm street. 18!'U

Will'iam wond;to take Acknowledg. I

mHits to Contracts for Labor.Olllcc Station Hdusc. 351 ly

John A. Hassinger,Ageut to take Acknowledgments

J.o Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllce,Honolulu.

X O. AKANA,T T aneso and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpieter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu, .?

Translations of either of tho nbovs'languages made with accuracy and dijpatch, and on reasonable teims. 209

, o. Berger, . ,

KAAHUMAND STREET.-- . 'General Agent for '

Tho N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limIt'dMacnealo & Urban Safes, ' ! A

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Maclil'no1

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.238

R. W. GRANNIS,CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER.,Estimates given for ull work connected

with tlie

BUBLD1NC TRADE.All Orders left at the Bhop, No. 80

Hotel Street, Honolulu, or wth Wilder& Co., will bo promptly attended 10.

527 Cm


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction, Civil Engineering &Sui voying Olllcc, cor, Halekauwilu andKllnueii Ms., noxt door to Wldemunu'sbrick wai chouse.300 P. O. Box, 101. ly


No. 12 King st., near th6 Bridget 1 , 'All kinds of lee Chests, Itefrigerntors,Uuth Tubs, &c.. &e.. made and rennlndlat moderate charges 805 ly




I?D. CROWE, ' '

hOUSK AND SIGN PAINTER, ' "Paveh lUNaicn, etc.,

No. 107 KixoSnucuT, - Honoltjlu.025 Telephone. 114.' ly

' ' " r 'TJ' " 1T WAY,JU. CARPi:NTER&BUILDERn "SI101 011 Klng.tui'et, In rear .of New-,.- ,Odd Fellow's Hi.ll King street!"

Telephone 112. 62'J On;







Page 2: T T'TPfAhv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates..TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc-r! 83 IvJiaig St.re.et. IE f CTelopliono 187. "3 K. 505 tf PIONEER STEAM

lB& Pledged to neither Scot tor Pty.fjgSPp ikt emblUhod fo. tb.8 benefit of all.

1 &ft fefs"







TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 1883. and


Lyons & Levey will sell at 2 m.boats and lumber. is


Trade ruion, ut Armory, 7:80.Excelsior Lodge, I.O.O.F., 7:30.Hlblo Class ut Lyceum at 7:80.Meeting Tumpurnnec Society at

Miss Bicese's, 7:00Mooting Boys' K. R. A. 7:30.


"Loose in the hind. It will notdo to discriminate in this sad busi-

ness. You must not make fish ofone and flesh of another. Whoeverhas this diead disease, be he chief,or commoner, be he white or brown,must be separated from the healthy,and removed to Molokai. We arefull of mercy and compassion, but in

this matter wc cannot discriminate.We miiat not tear a poor kanakaaway from his friends, aud leave onebehind who has means and influence.This would be an outrage and awtong, which would warrant thefi iends of those who were exiledthrough an unjtist discrimination, torise up indignant and demand inthunder tones, either the return oftheir diseased friends, or the depor-

tation and seclusion of those who

weie diseased like them. Look tothis, Mr. Minister, and leave notone leper loose in the land."

The above are the words of thePremier aud wc cordially agree with

them. "Look to this, Mr. Minister."


The following is a biief account ofthe damage done by the recentHoods on Hawaii. In the Hilo dis-

trict six bridges were destroyed, theHonolii, Umauma, two at Laupahoe-ho- e,

Pohakupuka and Papaikou.All communication through the dis-

trict is completely stopped. TheHonolii bridge is 143 feet span, wasbuilt seven yeas ago and has beenrecently thoroughly repaired. TheWailuku bridge in Hilo was saved,though several braces were carriedaway. Fiom the usual tide level tothe chains is a distance of 18 feet,yet the water rose several feet abovethe chains. None of tho bridgesbuilt by the late Mr. Tennent werecarried away. Mr. Arnold was atthe time of the flood in Kau. , Seve-

ral scows, nearly GO feat of Lidgate'strash house, cane at Ookala andPahala have been destroyed. Gene-

rally the loss of cane was small andcompensated for by the benefit tothe crops. The total loss in the

Hilo district, to the Government, is

from $G0,000 to $75,000. Mr.

Stirling leaves to-da- y with full

authority to take such steps as arenecessary for the immediate icquire-ment- B

of the settlers. On Maui oneor two small bridges were destroyedor under-mine- d, and roads weiedamaged.

At Hilo the rainfall in 22 hourswas 17.3 inches; at Pepeekeo, iu 2G

hours", it was 19 inches.

CORRESPONDENCE.Correspondence is solicited on the top-

ics of the day, or what may become so.Wo reserve the right to excise purely

porsoual matter.We do not hold oui selves responsible

for tho opinions expressed by our cor-respondents. Ed.


Editor Bulletin: As last Satur-

day's Press used my name andcredited me with knowledge which Ido not possess, I ask u little spacefor a brief correction.

I did not and do not know thatMoreno advised, advocated, or was

appointed for the purpose of carry-

ing out, " a scheme of Hawaiianalliance with China." The Presssays 1 kno)v these things: the Pressis mistaken ; I do nut know them.But 1 do know that Moreno did notadvise, did not advocate, and was

not appointed for tho purpose ofcarrying out " a Bcheme of Hawaiianalliance with China."

Tho Bulletin article is trueevery word of It ; the contra state-

ment of the press is an extensive,although probably'notan intentional,deviation from the truth. The Pressrepeats an old and ed mis-

conception ; but the repetition of afalsehood tloeB not convert it into atruth. My statement is based on

the anthoiity of a thorough personalknowledge of tho whole matter frombegionin'g.to. end, the testimony ofunimpeachable living witnesses now

in Honolulu, and undeniable writtendocuments in tny keeping.

The Pre confesses that WalterHill was " undoubtedly well acquain-

ted with Moreno's political scheme?,"that "no one was better

acquainted" with Moreno's views.Therefore, to be consistent, thePress sMuld also admit that no one

in a better position to judge ofthe truth or falsity of the two statements. As none oi Hie rress wuteishave had the same opportunities oflearning the real facts of the case

they should be a little modest inopposing popular belief and theirown erroneous impulsions to my

ceitain knowledge. Sincere andhonest men are willing to learn thetruth, even If that truth does notaccord with their previously con

ceived ideas. Wai.tku Him...

HOOK of II. S. Glbbins in ncPASS with I!l-ho- & Co.This Under will confer a tuvor by lenv.

ing.it nt lid- - olllce. 551 lit

For Sale, Cheap,HORSE with Saddle and Brjdlo.A Apply iU82 Hotel street ft51 ill

Treasury of Song.Beautiful Collection of MulcTHIS the Family and Social Circle,

contains oer 500 pages of Choice 'MuMpamong whirhvmay be mentioned, '.bunh','" The Old Sexton," " Tliu Swis People'sHong," and others which lit vc delightedHonolulu Audiences, tit theiecent conceits, Jailed in It dilieient styles ofbinding, at $2.G0, 11.50, and 5.00 pr copy.Orders received for tho'nbove. by

. Win. CLARK,Sole Agent for the Ilaw'n Islands.

P O. Hox'J8t. 551 lm


20 Fine Cal. HorsesSuitable for dir. luges,


THESE HORSES!Have been specially selected

IToi- - TliiH jIa.i-le-t.


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.C51 2w b

Silk Screens!SILK SCREENS !

TUST RECEIVED, per Pteamer Zen- -

fj Innuia, u lot ot ti.iiuiBome

Silk Screens!Of nil Colors, and


540 lm 24 Nuuanu Street.



550 lw 81 King street.

Notice.WE the undci signed do hereby glvo

notice that Chun lice has thisday retired fropi our Arm, and is nolonger liable for the debts and liabili-ties thereof. HOP SING & CO.

Honolulu, Oct. l'J, i883. 650 lw

To liCt.NE HOOM, suitable cither for a

V lady or gentleman, t'leasant anuuuict locality, nnoni iu minutes wiuk.fiom town. Amlv lib of)f(. 464

Notice.my absence from thisDURING Mr. Nathaniel 8. Sachs will

carry on my business for me under fullpower of Attoi ney. A. M. MELLIS.

Honolulu. Nov. 1st, 1883. 548 lw

JLoHt, Stolen or Strayed.SMALL BAY MARE with threeONE spots on her body, where the

saddle is phiced, and one white spot oaher foieliead. Branded P on left hip.A suitable reward will l e paid on return-ing to this office. 404 tf

House "Wantedfurnished orIMMEDIATELY, moderate Address

R.A.M., Jr.. care of G. W- - Macfailane &Co. sia tf

Sloop "Lena,"Fc SALE. Pi ice, $160 ns she

floats. It. Moi'KiTT, at J. W. lion- -

emon's. nau tr u

DIARIES For 1884- -


OJ-J-F c GO'S.543

Wanted Immediately,9A GOOD STONECUTTER; mustJJ lc thorough mechanics.

Apply iu It. L1SIIMAK.Cnthcdiul Grounds

545 lw Beictunia street,

Wanted,A RESPECTABLE GIRL as nurse

for one child in a private family,Must speak English ami come well re-commended. Applv at once to

K. J. LEVEY k Co., Grocer,533 Fort street


if u



REGATTA PROGRAMME,Commencing at 11:30 A. M.. Slim p.

1 Yacht Raco,First Class. Course Fiom CanBuov passing out the channel, keep-ing between the buoys toleewnul ofSpar and Bell Buoys, leaving BellBuoy to wlndwaid; tlienee to iliig-- a

boat off Wnlkikl, loundlng samefrom lecwai d : thence to a ting-bo- at

off the quui uutiuc gt omuls, lound-in- gsame horn leeward; tlienee to

Bell Buoy, turning to. wlndwaid.and passing Spar Buov to leeward,keeping between the buoys In thechannel, hack to Judges' bout.

2 Six-Oar- Gigs,

For Ainnteuis. Course From CanBuoy out the channel, to and turningthe Spar Buoy, keeping it on thepoit side, back to place of starting.

3 Two -- Oared Boats,Course From Can Buov to andaround a buoy anchored off theMniluc Railway, aud hack to start-ing point.

A Four-Oare- d Gigs,Kuiulaui Purse. Course Same asNo. 2. race.

5 Canoo Raco,Course Same as No. 3 lace.

6 Six-Oar- Whaloboat Race,Course Same as No. 2 r.iee.

7 Chinese Boat Race,Course Same as No. 2 race.

8 Swimming Raco,Free to all.

9 Yacht Race,Second Class. Course From 'CanBuoy out the channel, in passingSpar Buoy. leaving it on the star-board side; thence to a boat off thequarantine grounds; tack aroundthe same, and leturn to Waitingpoint ; in passing Spar Buoy, leaveit on the port side.

10 Single Scull Raco,Course Same as No. 3 race.

11 Catamaran Race,Course Same as No. 9 race.

12 Six-Oar- Gig Race,For Professionals. Course FromCan Buoy out the channel, leavingSpar Buoy on port side, thence toand around Bell Buoy, keeping iton tho port side iu rounding, andback to starting point, keeping SparBuoy on staibord side.

13 Diving Contest,Free to all.

14 Sailing Canoe Race,Course Same as No. 3 race.

15 Fivo-Oarc- d Whaleboat Race,Course Same as No. 2 race.

16 Tub Race,Free to all.

17 Tug-o'wa- r,

Swimming Free to all,18 Bargo Raco,

Kalakaua Purse. Course Same asNo. 12.

19 Grand Promenado.

The List of Piize" will be publishedsubsequently, and will be in aeeoi dancewith the amount subsciibedby the com-munity.

All boats in the Yacht Races will beallowed to cany any amount of sail theychoose.

Spoon oais will be allowed in theRowing Races.

For paiticulai-- apply toJAS. W. ROBERTSON, Secretary.


Committee of Ariangenients.550 lw.

Notice.& RUPPRECHT beg toKOHM their friends and the public

that they have removed their olllce tothe residence 185 Fort street, oppositethe Gymnasium. 550 lw

To Kent or Incase.

TWO FINE STORES, in tho .New0 O. F. Block, lately elected on

King street, on site of fire.For terms, apply to

L. WAY,520 lm Contractor and Bnlldor.- -

G. H. ROBF.RTSON,Drayman best teams

In town 'I'eleniione N 05. 15

Good ItuNiiicpH Chance.Pale a RESTAURANT in aFOR location, doing good solid

business, with groceries, fixtures, furniture, etc, 15 years lease.

Address, II. F.,581 8m This Oflloo.


CLUNEY wishes to notifyPlanters mid otiicis that hu has 80

MULES, just arrived per W. H. Dlmoud,for Snlo, at his stablo, at tho Comer ofPunchbowl and Queon Sts, well brokento harness. 629 tf

Thorong-li-bre- d Stallion?For Sale.


onoof tho finest Stallions ever importedinto this Kingdom, For particulars ap-ply at once to634 lm JOHN McKEAGUE.

For Sale.A QUANTITY of iron Hoop, 2x!U0.c Also. Iiou Tanks. AddIv to

T ! flTlTTVr.l0110 Dm j. a, imunra.

Auction Salc3 by Lyons & Lovey.


On Tuesday, November 6,At 12 noon, wr will Soil on Esplnnule,

!i BonisAnd n lot of 1 bu Wood.

Lvons V 1 r. ky, Auctioneers.

Wednosdny Nov. 7,at the I'm ine 'nll S. S. Whnif nt

10 A M.

Immigrants Surplus Stores !

l'X "S.8. HEbLROOK"By Older of the ApeiiN, Messrs. G. W.

Mucfnilnnu & Co.We lino leceived histiuUions to sell

by Auction nt tha i'aeillc Mail S. S.W'harf at 10 o'clock a.m. on


The whole of the Iinmlgiiiitu SurplusStores nut! titling, comprising

nUculu, Mnlo Meal,Flour in libN, Clod FMi

Biou n aud bite Sugar,Raisins, Coffee, Chicoiy,

Molases, 'J ua, Pepper,'I ioicos of Uuuf, Soup aud Bouiill,

Yca-- I l'nwdei Soup, t'oin,Fliu.,Tiiis f'ui Flour,

KMind Ueet, biigo. Anow Hoot,Ami tud, Lin-cu- d Mini,

Lime Juice, Colza Oil,Parrafinc Oil, Mine, Bacon,

Salt, Tens, Onlmcal Beans,Beans, Bice, Lard,

Vlnojrar, 400 Gnl. Tanks,9 Run pes Iron Steamers G.dvnuizeilBnilttis, lveltlis, Biking l'ans,

Chisels, ad.es, shovels, Bioonis,Mops, MTiiblting brushes, Lumps,

Portuguese, and Uuw'uEnhigns,Muttinsoes Bol-lc- ia Pillow

Sheets, etc, etc, etc.Also a huge quantity of

Teim-- ) Cash Planed Lumber.Lyons & Levey, Auctioneers.

Important Notice.


December 8, 15 & 22,

We will bold our Annual ChristmasSilc- - at our Sales Itooni, with the larg-est variety of useful and fancy articlesever seen in Honolulu.

Lyons & Levi:y, Auctioneers.

LOVEJOY & CO.,No. 8 and 10,

Merchant Street, Honolulu,IMl'OUTEBS AND JOBBKHS OF

Ales M & Spir its,Wish to inform old friends aud the

public generally that they have now amore complete and

Larger Assortment of Choice andDesirable Goods,

than ever before, which they will sell

at i.owi:sr rossniLn imiicks.

AVc arc constantly receiving additionsto our slock, and feci sure of giving sat-

isfaction to nil pin chafers.547 TRY US. 2m

California Eedwood Oomp'y,(LIMITED,)

Offices, 121 George Street, Edinburgh.C lifornia Redwood Co.,

408 Calilornla Street, - - San Francisco,

Emeka, Tiinidnd, Humboldt Co., Cal.

npHlS Company is prepared to con- -JL tract tor cargoes ot California

Redwood to be shipped direct fromtheir milN at current market prices.

The Com any will load ships, bent toSan Francifaco or Humboldt Bay, or willfurnish cargoes, cost, freight aud Insur-ance.

FALKNER BELL & CO, Agents.547 lm San Francisco.

RAILWAY MATERIAL.Suitable for 'Plantation and

Other Eailways.

WE have now in Stock in Honolulu,ready for immediate delivery,

full stocks of Railway Material, ofMessrs. Fowler & Co's. manufacture, toWhich wo invjto tho attention of Plan-ters and tho public gonorallyjSteel Rails, of 10, 14 and 18 lbs. to tho

yaid, w iih fish-plate- bolts and spikes.Patent Steel Sleepered Portable Track,

of 10 and rails, with curved line,'points and crossings to suit same.

Points and Crossings, suitable for lo- -

comotive trafllc on gauges of 20 and24 inches,

Sugar Plantitlo'i Locomotives. ,Sugar Cane Curs, on four or oight

wheels.Patent Tll'l'lua Wagons, for forming

embankments,Wunbo keep on bun 1 for iho ronven.

jciiM of ) hiiiunions, u large an1 wellbclecifil m- i lj ot tjiiiro Axle", Wheels,AMo Im.x h U 'It ', Nun, to icplacoor leni ,)ii'i n tolling Mock alreadysupplied In Mo r , r'owlor & Co.

tor tuither partlcuhtrb apply to

Messrs. 6. W. Marians and W, L. Green,

Agents for Messrs. John Fowlor & Co.540 2w Leeds, England.

"Bell Rock."CONSIGNEES of the "BellRock" nro hereby notifiedthat slip will commence todUcbaruo on 1'uesdav. 0th

November, nt 7u.m,Good left on tho wharf after flvo

o'clock will bo stored at tho expense ofConsignees who are rcqucstod to call attho oftlco of tho undersigned, and payfreight and charges.

G. W. MAOFARLANF & CO.,C5o tf b Agents,




Guaran etd to put out twice as lme a the in half the time of miy other machine.

It does not get out of older, and Is always ready for inc.

Every te idcnic, Sugar Mill ami Stole should have one.

Magueso-Calcit- e Firo Proof Safes & BoxesAbsolutely flic-pion-

With largci percentage of inside space tliim any other safe Wis ARE SoleAdKNTS FOll THE AutlVL.

NEW DESIGNS IN SILVER PLATED WARE.Wire Cloth, Wiie Netting, llice Cloth, Bird Cages,

Barb Fencing Wive, Pumps, Windwills, Tanks,HYDRAULIC BAMS.

SltidK-at- Oil in Five Gallon Tin.Kerosene and Llbricating Oils a specially. A good stock on hand and to arrive.

Call and examine our Neiv Goods,DILLINGHAM & CO.

MACNEALE & URBAN SAFESWith Patent Inside Boltwork and Hinge Cap.


g- G

CL c--a DO

iZ --g


EHJkHKlj 1! liniHKiE llllllj


tato dt.

A Large Assortment of theae ,iusil Celebrated SafesJust Arrived.

Over 500 in daily use on the Hawaiian Islands.'

Safes Sold for Cash, or on the Installment Plan.

For Prices, Circulars, etc., apply to

C. O. BEIiGKER, General Agent, i"40 tf b HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.

THE GREAT I. X. L. STORE,Corner STuuami a d Queen Sts

No Bombast Simply an announcementTHE ABOVE STORE


Largest Assortment of GoodsEver shown here without exception, consisting in part:





Dry, Pancy and House Furnishing Goods

Embroideries, Laces, and everything that conies under the above heading1.



Tie Largest and Finest Steele of Hen's, Bey's

and Yon h's Clothing.

Gbnt's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shces,Hats, Caps', Trunks, Valises, too numerous to itemize.

KS-Do- n't forget the GREAT IXL STORE, Corner of Nuuann and Queen' ' , Streets.

585 Cm A.


GARTENBERG, Proprietor.


Ilavo Just added largely to thoir Varied Stock ol

Hardware, General Merchandise,And Plantation Goods,


By tho " Martha Davis," Overland, via San Francisco;

The " D. C. Murrav," " II. W. Alniy," " Midlsgate," " W. II. Dbnond," mid fromEngland, via Panama.

Shortly expected by the Henry James, from New York,and tho Ceylon, from Boston, a very full lino of

Plows and Agricultural Implements !'MAKING THE

Most complete assortment ever offered in this Kingdom.532 lm h

ty - -- 1 .

w. f ; i

'4 " Al t&tMBSahniHirr "







Page 3: T T'TPfAhv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates..TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc-r! 83 IvJiaig St.re.et. IE f CTelopliono 187. "3 K. 505 tf PIONEER STEAM


.A '4i

we i,






i ,

v V




8Ju nUn.TUESDAY, NOV. G, 18813.


rOIt SN' 1 HAM ISC 0.M it lpon.... I. Mes Honolulu, Nov. lStliAluillClll....J.U.lVCS liUi.Oltllll. !)('(!, 1m.


1 lilt fcAN I'lUM'lSl'iHCity of Miliis ., .On or about Nov 10City ot N w ioil.. .n in iihmil Nov inAiiMrnltit On ur uliout Nov U7

Zetiluinlia On or about Dec 2.)

FOIt AUUKIiVM) Atfl) B1D.N1.V:

Oily of Svdncy On oi about I)''o 1

AiHimHii. ...'. On or about Oui 21)

p wwiwmm man iKfJiawirtiwiwa ti


Sun tela today 5.18 ....p.m.Sun rie to.inouow (I. 10 a.m.Moon tuts tndnv.- - tO IH p.m.UlU'li I hie '. S.J'.O n.m.


Diamond Html, Nov. 0, 0:!I0 n.mLight N. 15. wind.Tern Eva off Dimond llcntl.Tern Dakota !) miles off D'd H'd.


Nov. oBk Lady Latnpson from S. P.Sohr Lealn from Ivoholnlcle.Schr Caterina from llanaletSehr Wiiiclin from Ilalawa

Sohr Wailele from MalikoSchr Wnhnaltt from Paukna



Stmr Likcliko for windwaid portsStmt' Iwalani for KattaiSchr Mary Alice for MolokaiSchr Pohoiki for PunaSchr Ehukai for "Waialun.Stint' Kilauea lion for KahnluiStmr Lehua for Molokai & MuniSchr Jennie for KekaliaStmr Mokolii for Kooluu

N PASSENGERS.Prom S. F. per Consnelo Nov. 4

J F Judge, Mrs II 13oxley S Grosh,R Germain, G Monsen, T P Barnes.

For S. F. per Discovery Nov. 3

A G Hanscliiltci.From S. F. per schr Jennie Wal-

ker Nov. 4 V Natl, Miss W Greig,W Grelg.

From SJ'P per Lady LatnpsonNov 5 J K Porter, Miss Donncll,S Haldsworth, W B Hamilton, Mas-- .ter Brokaw Jr.

SHIPPING NOTES.The schr Jennie "Walker 'dipt. Nissen

10 dnys from S. P. arrived Nov. 4th with22 bales of hay, 20 sks of oats, 00 sks ofbran, 20 hhls of oil etc.

The bgtne Consuclo brought 21 hors-

es-, 12 mules, 100 bbls of salmon, 00,000

bricks, 100 boxes of candies, 100 sks ofbarley, 200 sks of bran, 183 bales of hay,5152 sks of potatoes etc.

The S.S. Bell Rock is at the Mnilwharf.

The schr Lcnhi arrived yesteiday withher Hying gibboom gone.

The II. W. Almy will sail next Satur-

day.Schr Waiehu brought 20 cords of fire-

woodThe sailinc of the steamers Kilauea

Hou and Lehu hnvo d un-

tilLady Lampson arrived yesterda y, 18

days from San Francisco.

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS.Ajiank pass book lias been lost.'


A run away on Hotel St. yesteiday.lamp smashed.

A child died at the Immigrationdepot on Sunday night.


Vkhy heavy rains and Hoods throughthe Hilo and Hamakua districts.


Tun rain fell in tonents, in this city,on thS early moining of the 4th Inst.,and the streets and by-wn- ys were seasof floating mud at church time.

-Notices have been issued in Chinese,

on behalf of the Humane Society, warn-

ing Chinamen against tying the legs ofanimals, carrying them with headsdown, or using horses that are lame orhave sore backs.

Nine Kahnlui boys, styled "TheDudes," owing to the dlsastious defeatof the SpreckeTsvlllc nine, intend tochallenge the latter to a base-ba- ll game,to bo played next week. If victorious,"The Dudes" come, to Honolulu.

''ho Secietarv of the Immigration I)e--

piutmcnt has established a letterboxfor the Poitugiic-- inuiiigiants, so thatthey have no troble about foiwaidlngtheir first correspondence home. Thedepartment uiidci takes to post theletteis and pay for the stamps..,..,...

The Picsident of the JJoaid of Healthhnully needs to havo his attentioncalled to the sickening odors which

arise from the stagnant pools on Mer-

chant street, between Poit and Richardstreets, Ids lesldenco being in closeproximity. "Look to this, Mr. Min-ister."

Some Honokaa folks committed acowaidly act lately, by shaving off theentire inane and tall of Unco horses.Amongst them was a horse of Mr. Sev-

erance, the Sheiiff of Hawaii. Thisthing is becoming too pievalent In Hp-iiok-

and the guilty parties,1 If 'found

out, will be severely dealt with,

' ' ""W" 'WHI' ff" --imymtir" TPiriF


giuijii Mnssns. Lyons & Levey 3011 to-dn- y,

ill noon, on the. Esplanade, some bonisiinil lumber.

TitK bind might, whit advantage,play coiy Sunday afternoon at the

depot. It would bo a boonto manj .

A cask of cuiulty to iinlinnls :

In ought befoie the Police Couit yester-day, mill the defendant. Ah Ni, wasthicd 1(1 iiuili'oM.

In the Ohtl Couit jeMeiday, Lymw itl.it obtained judgment again! CluingLock, in suieof tHMiinpslt. for $10!l.2.Sevcial enes eic coiilliiuedi

Mkssiis, Jk'iiMJii, Smith & Co. notifythat they lmciitoek ofdiug, niedl-t,liu- ,-j

peifunicry and toilet ai tides.I'leeiiptlons can h piepaied by them.

Tim TioiHiny of S'uii;, which contains many pieces favorably known toHonolulu aiidlcurc'i, can be obtnincdfiom Win. Clark, P. O. llox 281.

-Sosir. upeiIor hoises, for expiexs,

can Inge and saddle use, have been re-

ceived by Meis. V,r. G. Iiwln&Co.They an Ived by the Consnelo, and area superior lot of animals.

Tiikui: was iiuitc a circus on thewharf yesteiday when the mules andhordes fmm the Consnelo weie beinglanded. The mules took the niot prom-

inent part in the show.

'His Majesty's yacht and the "Addle"have been turned adiift from theirmoorings lately. Poitiinntelv the wind,each time, was fi oni the south, so thatthe yachts did not drift to sea. as theperpetrator of the cow aidly act probably


Tun encoie system Is still in vogueand should be stopped. People pay fortheir aditilslon to a perfoinianee know-ing what they will lecelvc for theirmoney, and it is not fair to insist uponlecoivingmore than is their due, es-

pecially when the peifoimers me ania-tcu- is

who give their seiviees gintui-tousl- y.

Appieeiatlon can always bevery plainly shown without the necessityof an encoie.

."Cavtain" Gibson once pioduecda "splendid map of New Guinea," and.a "giand map of the Malay Archi-

pelago." Yet, Minister Gibson, at theleipict of the Planters Labor and Suji-p- ly

Company, could not produce a mapof Hawaii for the Boston exhibition.His love for the "few miserable savagesand the beasts of the jungle " must havebeen greater than his love for the"gentle Hawaiian."

Tue chief ofllcer of the Bell Rock wasacquitted yesteiday by the comt thatinquii ed into the case of his shootingthe second cook. It was consideredthat he had fired In self defence. Hehad been ordered to an est the cook,.and, when searching him for a knife,the cook made a thrust at hiin. Thecouit consisted of His Excellency theBiitish Commissioner, picsident; Hon.A. S. Cloghoin, Captain Mist, R. N.,with Mr. C. Perry, cleik.

It is very bad taste, for people at-

tending conceits, to walk 'into the hall.and to their seats while any pait of aprogramme is being performed. Thiswas especially noticeable on Satin daynight at the Music Hall while MissCastle and Miss Hopper were playing.It is not only annoying to the audiencebut especially so to the peiformeis, andIt would be well to adopt heie the plancustomary in other places of closing thedoors and admitting nobody till theconclusion of the selection.

Mil. J. D. Fkertii, accompanied byhis Poituguese help, on nearing hisWaiklkl domicile on Sunday, was metby a mob of horses that lushed acrossthe road. His young colt, that he w asdriving, became restive, and, in anInstant, "Rachel," Frceth, horse andbuggy were in the swamp. The "tender-eye- d

" one, with gieat piesenco ofmind, climbed over the uppermostwheel to terra firma, and assisted her

coachman in lighting hisbelongings, which fortunately remainedunharmed.

The hack policeman will, In future,ask every person coining from a theatreor place of eiiteitainnieiit for the num-

ber of his can Inge or his name, so thathis enrringe may be at once called fromthe ranks. This will obviate the delayand Inconvenience that occur) cd onSatin day night at the Music Hall, whereany hack drove up promiscuously andwaited for Its fine, who might havebeen the last person to leavo the hall.Other ladles and gentlemen had, in themeantime, to ooss the road and searchfor their hack. Next time thcicwlllboa call for Number or Mr.caniagc.

A Chinaman, named Alt Yeo, was

shot In tho back by three boys on Sun-

day night near Thomas squiuo. Thoboys politely asked John wliei e he wasgoing and ho told them to Wulkikl, andproceeded on his journey. He had notgot far before ho felt a stinging sensa-

tion lu his biiuk, and then went to Mr.Hendry's hoiuo, wherann examinationwas made by a brother Celestial, Dr.McGrew, being sent for, found onshot undmr the skin, ami that anotherhad grazed hint. The Chinaman hciudno sound from a gun, so that an airgun was piobably used by tho highwayboys, wlm quickly ran away,

Titr. nnnual luau of the meesengeis ofAlllohuil Hale takes place oil the 10thInst.

On Merchant sticet, near Port, theiohn been for oine week", a pile of oldlumber. Seveial gentlemen hao "tum-bled over It on d.uk nights, and nowthey mo compelled to wade through theuntil and water in the middle of theroad, because the sidewalk l occupiedby the lumber.

Some of the Poiluguee Immigrantswele ilKtilbuted jesleiday to Messrs.Castle iV Cook ami (J. W. Macfnilaiie ACo. Mine will leave y, and theleimtinder in the course of the week.Theic aic:i!)(l men in all. who aiedis-tilhtite- d

as follows: To llackfeld &Co., 8 mauled iinil 2 lngle men; toHi ewer A; Co., ;t5 mauled. ! single; toD.ules ei, Co.. 78 in.iiiled, 22 single; toCaMle A, Cooke. !t!) mauled, II single;to Irwin A, Co., oil mauled, 1!) single;to Miefailitne A: Co.. 88 mauled, 2fsingle; to It. Ryeioft, !l uianied audisingle.

Hawaiian Bell TelephoneCo., Eeduction of Rates.

FROM, AND AP PLU SEPT. 0, 18S3,telephones of this Company

within the district of Honolulu, will borented at the following i educed rates,viz:

For places of business, 95 per month.For private residences, $4 per month.1'ivyable qunitcrlv in advance.

rl!l lm ,T. P. Biiown Secretary.

Hawaiian Carriage MTg Co.


rENERAL Curiage and WngonVJC .Manufacturers, and Dealers

in Wagon Materials, &c.

orricuits:Gideon "West President & MalingerJ. N. "Wright Vice-Preside-

E. G. Schunian Sec & TreasurerS. M. Damon Auditoi

olo 2m

Notice.PUBLIC ARE HEREBYTHE that the Honolulu Ice Works

Co., and Artesian Ice Works Co. haveformed a Co.paitnershlp, and from andnftcr Nov. 4tli, all orders will be. lllledby the Honolulu Ice Works Co.

litis shown thnt Honolulu can-n-

support two Ice Companies, and Icecannot bo sold Ic-- s than 2J cents per

which will be the "price fromov. 4th. All customers, on the books

of either Company will be served unlessnotice is given stoppinir orders.

WILDER & CO.lw 547 W. E. FOSTElt.

Notice.THE Working Men's Union meets at

Armory every Tuesday even-ing, 7:30. GEO. CAVENAGH,

540 Secietary.

Notice.J. A. MERTIIENS hasCAPTAIN agent of the "Ha-

waiian Humane Society."John S. Walkki President.

Honolulu, Sept. 15th,1883. 508

Notice.GEO. W. SMITH, or D.

McCARTNEY, Jr.., are now in ouremploy, or have any further connectionwith our houi-e-


Notice.TnE public are hereby cautioned

SHOOTING on the Waialae Nui and Waial.ie llti Land after thisdate, or proceedings will be taken.


Oct. 20, 1883. 5421m

Notice.AT the annual meeting of the Stock-holder-s

of the Paukaa Sugar Com.pany, held this date, the following gen-tlemen were elected to serve as officersfor the ensuing year.

President Jon. Austin.Vice-Preside- nt S. L. Austin.Scc'v and Tie.isurer. . P. O. Jones, Jr.Auditor J. O. Carter.

P. C. JOM'.S, Jk.r eretary.

Honolulu, O t. ! rmd, 18P.I. 10 3v b

theniinutl meeting ot t'.o StockAT hoicu.n oi'ihoOiio iil.vS sir Com-pan-

held this date, the loilowi i";;en-tlcuic- n

wcic circled tOMneii nificerafor the ensuing yeai.

President S. L Austin.Vice.Pre-hle- ni Jon. Austin.Secretary P. C. Jones, Jr.Treasiuer lieo. J. Uuss.Auditor J. O. Carter.

P. O, JONEs, Jit., Soc'yHonolulu, Oct. 22nd, 1883. 539 8w b



Good Will of the Business,With Pour Yeara Lease! of Promises.


Mgrwllt Gallery !

Consisting of

Furnlturo, Fillings, Instruments, and Every-

thing requlslto for carrying ontho business,

Togethor with a Nuincroos Btook of.Negatives, l'iciiircs, juius,

Frames, &o.Tho Lonses aro superior to any In this


Tko flttings nnd apparatus are morocomplete than any other gallery

lu tills country.Tim liiisliinaH Ih veil established, and

being run on a good paying basis,would prove a prod table investment tothe right party.

Tho present pioprietor's reason forwishinr to depose of this valtinblo bust.iiess is in coiibequenco of having impor.Hint ranch Interests which require hispoisoiml supervision,

Terms easy. For paitlciurs apply toA. A. MPNTANO, Photographic Gal-lev-

corner ot King and Fort streets,llonolulu, II. I. 033 lp


Oceanic Steamship Ooinp'y.&. this magnii-moen- t

it" ..:: r ... ...ipticw hum jun j ill nieiimsiiip

MAEIPOSA & ALAMEDA,Will have Honolulu and Bw

Kiunclbco on the

lat and 15th of Each Month.I'ai-sum- us may lrte thelt mums

bunked in luUiilti'c li) applying at theoflice of the nu;eniti.

Passengers bv this line ate hereby nolllled that they" will he allowed 2C0llsof higjage free by the Oveiland Kail-wa-

when tiavellng Kiist.Excursion Tickols Icr Routitl Tr'p, $125,

gvi . i io it tin it by nil) ol the to.apuij'sstcinier within "nlue"iy d ty-- .

MmiciiANUisK intended lor shipmentbj tin li it: will lm received ffc ofciuiinc in the Company's New Winehouse and teceipts i'l fot same.

Insiiiianok on meiehaudise, whiWt luthe w nuthouse, will heal ownir'-- . ilk.

Wm. G. Iiiwin'&Co.,Agents, 0. S. S. Co.

For San Francisco.

The Splendid

Steamship "Bell Eock."Duntbreck, - - Commander,Will nave quick dispatch for the abovepoit. For freight or passage, havingHitpcrioi cabin accommodation, apply to

G. W. MACFAltljANB & Co, AgOltS.


The favorite bgtne

W. H. Dimond,Iloudletl, - Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For fielsbt or passage apply to

Wm. G. Iuwin & Co., Agents.


JTrvi''Jirgri sS The clipper barkH. W. Almy,

Freeman, ... master,Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoi t. For freight or passages' apply to

Castle & Cookn, Agents.

IXTJEICISIiANDSteam Navigation Company's


iThe Planter,hates, - - - Commander,

Will run regularly for Konn and Kau :

Lkaveb Honolulu at 4 p.m. onTuesday, Oct. 9 Tuesday, Nov. 20Friday, Oct. 10 Friday, Nov. 80Tuesday, Oct. 80 Tuesday, Dec. 11Friday, Nov. 9 Friday, Dec. 21

Akkives at Honolulu at 5 p.m:Tuesday, Oct. 10 Tuesday, Nov. 27Friday, Oct. 20 Friday, Dec. 7Tuesday, Nov. 0 Tuesday, Dec. 18Friday, Nov. 10 Friday, Dec. 28

The C. R. Bishop,cameuon, - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele,nnd Waimea, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

The James Makee,mcdonald, - - - Commander.

Leaves Honoluluevery Thursday, at !l p.m. for Kapaa andKilauea. Returning leaves Kauaievery Monday at 4 p-- , and touching atWainae, both ways.

fegfe. Steamer Likelike,King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahaina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona, Ka-waiha- e,

Laupahoehoe and Uilo.Returning, vilf touch at all tho

alove porta, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


Schooner Ehukai-- Mmtl9

will run regularlyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on board, or to

181 A. F. Cooke, Agent.


No. 8 Kukul St. 522

Flour, Salmon,AND- -

Butter !


FLOUR,Golden Onto Kxlra Family Flour,

Reucna Mills Extra ditto ditto,

Eldorado Supetflno ditto.

SALMON,Columbia River No. 1 Salmon,

Plantation Salmon Goon

BUTTER,New Yoik or Goshen Butter,

In 25 and palls,

For Sale at Lowest Market Rates.

BSrOrdeis for stores promptly

attended (o by

OASTLE & COOKE,6)2 lm, h

. a 1 11 --ZZ3 ,


.5 &J&ao




aan I

Ladies' and Gent's qGold and Silver Watches 18 k


Just to hand. Actual weightof Gold-- .

Every Watch warranted ns Gross Wglrepresented. (

wlHisisiocwnrifiiuitSiOTiiipmiCasoV iUBpfil((tllimT,JiMitkNo .

UwianuiSiofln4StlTr snlooofinsX U.S MINT ASSAY.


Fac-simil- o of Silver Cases. (215)


LYCANtfin. Xr ii? irirtT?nn erri?T,.-i?r- r TTriivrkT.TTT.TT M &

Have the Best-- OF

FANCYEver exhibited here, consisting in part of

Paintings, Water Colors,EngravingH, and Statuary


io in


One Inch

....r.J.MiU 1UI



M. McliH'rny,S Agent for litis Ki(iihn?titHN. B. Beware inilta-- n

tions, as 1 have discoveredseveral silver watches bear-ing the; iimnc- ' WnlthnraWatches," which SwissManufacture, and are sold aa- -gcnuinc Wnltham watches.

ybNv .1)

VISii0Krrnfn thitOio ncronraaTTjIna T

, caMlKtumj?tU.iTllhmii:TADc mahk7 ) I

'VAla UNITED Asjuyy ' t i U.

Fac-slmil- o of Gold

f vi M Bt


. "' auv'tnt'l

& CO.vr Ii.

7 i!i

" jjn'3 YAH

Assortment "'oaauuffu

GOODS, 'i Klail"- -1'1

t uU

fr rsaaT

in Parian Marble, Bisque,

prices.it ' i'fl.

Alabaster and Plaster. '

Many Styles in Hanging Brackets, ,,In Wiro, Willow, and Itattnn. "Work Baskets, &c, &c.

Blue Jay & Peacock Ieather Fans & Dusters ..

Ornaments and Candles for Cluistmas Tices.

Xmas Cards and Presents!every kind. A large assortment of

Music Boxes just received froi Ganumf?Furniture and Pianos sold on the installment plan.

15 .wvjiwv i .o'l OX 4m f


"SVo have received a fuither consignment of Messrs. Mlnlces, 'Watson & Co.'gmachinery, and have now on hand, reatlj for dollvery.

Ono Trlpple-Etrect- , on liiindsonin woodeA lion staging,' containlngfJsaHvstpiure feet of heating surface, ith puinplng-engin- o iwd ulqpliftiglrig' mdt&H"jus, complete.

Ono Doublo-Eflec- t, having 2290 square feet heating, surface. wilh,engine and montjup. ' T " ' ' b)hiJ wi

One of Four WcMon'a l'ntent Centilfugiilsvllli engine nnd mixer.

One of To Weston's Patent Centrifugals.

Having increased facilities for tho niniiufactuio of these machines, ,,tlo ,y 'Weston'A.Pateut for which, in Great Britain, has expired, we en- - '

aiucii oner inem nuueriaiiy

AVe have a full assortment of Coijtrlfugal spares linings, ibrasses, rubber"bands and bushes, etc. ' i i ti Afitm

Two Diagonal Engines, each Inch

Clarincrs, Flat Coolers, 8xG2 and

spare Top Roller, for 20

tnn Lnn.a Dl.l.. nll. On l..l.VIMV UIUO llll.tui, U IIIUIl

Ono spare Intermediate Spur



ofare of




'X: JS 1ii.ii.

M. HAGI'Afi,








Mfti i i Ji( ... Hteftby 13 lnoh. ' " !" " 't- -

Oxftxl.7. '," 'ttVUft&T .Wby fil inch; mill. ,

"fljl;mmm. ''mmm.!'1... I 1..-- 1.

Uf i)i HICII II11I1. ' I'M)I . , l''UntrflMUlT'aM

for gear-lu- of ap.incu'lrwSVmUltfi '1'mi miflRj!.,JV. Macfarlanet&Co;

tf 1) "fl Uit- - jfr ir4iiiii- - M U




'i"i j4ioj nil yjulo







'i 4


i- -

Page 4: T T'TPfAhv.iys. on hand to fill onlcrs'iit shoit notice and at Re.i&onablic Rates..TSemeuiliev tlie-XumlJc-r! 83 IvJiaig St.re.et. IE f CTelopliono 187. "3 K. 505 tf PIONEER STEAM

i JBJPP$Mar;-,;rrr-"- '







v fzi



mm ii wjujH II nimifWrtwm fftjuurmJMOTBaa

nn i


llnvo .lust Received

k. Large fcstoclcOf tho Following Grades of


Satins,uricaw. .

aiuoliluo CSlltH,tlSmlVoitticil GSllte,


CEILING DECORATIONS,li'i-t'Ht'- o Uoi'dci'M. f

Colored. t Gilt .Uoi'tleva.i'l'lczcH. Ouilot, etc., etc.

All of which have been carefullyselected and comprise the belt assort-men-t

over imported, into this market.

Now 1$ tho llmo to boautlly your homes.

Lowers & Cooke.532 lm b


Offer for Sale tho Cargo of the




Ox Carts,Light Express "Wagons,

Ex, Top Carriages.

STEAM COAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Snooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ice Chests, Nos, 2, It. and 5,Hoe Handle's,Lobsters, 11 bins.; Beans, 31b tns

Spruce Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nbs. 1", 2, & 3.Axle Grease, . .

Fairbanks! Scales, Nos. 7,8,10& 11HLeather Belting,"

Centrifugal Lining, 14 inch :

Comp. Nails, lfi, 1 1 inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,,- - v ,' '; t '.

Manila Cordnne; Assorted: 'Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal ItbpeA'ssortCdJ ,, ..(AshJPlank. ' ' J '..'

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,


lfl, 18, '20, 22, 24 and 2G.oz. ;

Hair Mattresses !Grindstones.-'Bubber-Ho.'e- ,

Hide Poison, Barbed. .Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,' Galvahiz'Q(l;Srpws"jiud Rashers.

532 lm b

jaitWatertouse' JUST RECEIVED

' M.I.-- r mm1 HW,T


No. 10 Fort Street,AT QUEEN ST. STORE, and

King: Street Store.? .

'4 r I

n ; .

TnTPMfW UlWIRE,Galvanized Tubing-- ,

' 'AND

Sieii! EilisI Miles.

B'ost Goods in the Market.

No. '0 'Queen' Wreet .Fish Market,"'' Dealer in choicest

Jteof, Veal, Mutton, FImIi, &ts., Xc.Farriilyand Shipping Orders carefully

attended to, Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof oil kinds supplied to order. .810 ly



VIOLIN andSPECIALTIES of the VOTCE,' Pianos Tuned. Repaired and Polished.

Orders reoelved.only.nt the. Furnitureand Piano Store of O, E. Williams, 111Fort BtrceHnTeleplionajo? or at.' myresidence. Please send orders ono daybefore the w6rk is required to he done.




Druggists & Apothecaries,Importers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery,

.' , Toilet and Proprietary Article?, c., &C.

Physicians' Prescriptions carefully 'pirep'ar.ed.C2 .llOFortStrc.t, : : Honolulu.



.ft'" NEW. GOODS,JUST BKCKIVBD, ex "ainviposn,"


A. W. RICHARDS01T & Cb's.,No. OS STorfc

MAX ECKARTBegs to notify his customers public of Honolulu,

the Islands generally,

TTliatas ever to supply their needs in

WA-TOBGE- A.1NX JEWELRY,and, having engaged a Competent Assistant from tho

States; is able to attend to any amount of'Watchmaking and Repairing.

Styles in Jewelry. Am. "Waltham Watches, all styles.454 Solid Silver Ware Evrylhlnjr of tbn "nest.


Save on HandNew Foreign and Home, Made Jewelry, "Watches,

Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks,AND ORNAMENTS OF ALL KINDS.

Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant Tea Sets, In Solid. SilverSuitable for Presentation.

WW Native Jewelry a Specialty JgGRepairing and Mending in all its Branches.

The Sole , Agent for Kiiifj's Celebrated Eye Preservers''.' AND . ''

Lens.3m 511 h " '

. -- , y.. m. OAT, Jr., & GO.Gazette Block, No. 35 Mereliant Street,

Have received .Consignments 'Goods,

Paper ofJevery ConceivableMemorandum Blocks, Blank books, inkstand's, letter scales,

Mucilage, Copy Books, Pens and Holders, Envelopes, Drawing Paper, Memo- - "randum Books, Letter Presses, and Paper, Carter's Violet and In- - '

dcliblo Inks; Arnold's and Stafford's. Baseballs and Bats. Pocket

v Birthday Cards.

Red Rubber Stamp Agency..NEWS, NEWS, NEWS, NEWS, NEWS.Every MAGAZINE and PAPER; published IN TnE WORLD can be

OBTAINED from OAT) 6r he will.' end for them.' ' '

510 1m ' '

coryiMOTioNin;,tuj2 . x & ., u

ROPE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

AsLowas tlio UoAVOsJ,iy and clq'nlt anybody forget it. i. .ill

We sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

Wc also have the mot varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of tho RockyMountains, such as , v . .,.

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artc3ia5 Well Boring, Ropcs '.',' .'''Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope. ,

Cotton.aod Heroi) Dudk and'Twiric, '

Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nnils, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Woiisin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds sizes,And 1001 other things toouumorous

to mention Also, agents for

1'erry lavin' lnin Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lancos, tco., &c,All of which we will Bell at tho

Lowest Hates.390 ly A. W. l'elvco & Co.


AND TBANSFER COMPANY..Can Removi: Houheiioi.d FuiiNiTunE,


BETTER THAN EVERRenJdentsof other Islandu cn(n

futuro be accommodated in evpry man.nor desired. Written instructions bymail will bo faithfullv attended to, Ad-

dress Post-ofllc- o Box No. 832, TelephoneNo. 1B0.

Wilkinson's Express and Transfer Co.I 620 No. OS King street Honolulu. Omb

,. ,..,., . irinumfni nniOi --- - -





Skl -- JMMMJfclUjBilw ffi,

7,tvrtiVTtrupmmmnwMwMix3?rt mmmnisnmwnvffM


lie is Ready Woat






Have just Received;Por " Mariposa " nnd "Ol'uus SpreciielB,"

largo addition .to their Stock," :con- -

j Bisting of

, Bbls Extra Mess Beof,' B WsC.. It., Salmon, ;

Bbls Prime. Mess "Fork,

Kits, Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bellies,Half bbls Salmon, Illf grs and 8

pkgs. Pig Prk,,Hlfobbls Family Beef, Cases Clicese,

Cases Lard, Cases Onions.

Cala. & New Zealand PotatoesHay, Oatl, Bra'ny.Barleyy Beans

Wheat, Ham, Bacon, Canned- .Goods of all kinds.

Cases of Codfish, Saloon Bread,

Medium Bread, Cases of Soda

Crackers, .Flqnr, Costa Ri-

ca and Kona Coffee,

Tea, Lime, Cement, &c., &o., &c.


An invoice of tjiose superior

MANILA CIGARS' 'tIn boxes of 250' mid S00 each, di-re- pt

from Manila, via San Fran-ciscoall of .which, will bo sold atthe lowest rates.

- ,. ,.T.y:..l ,,7, j..,,,..,.Notice.

GOVHHNOU'S' (H'WOR, Hono- - )

uilv, Pept, 24,188. fIs hereby Ki von that no debts

r controsje-- on ,l;elialf pf tlio Ha-waiian bHiid-vll- l lie recognized or paidunless ordurid by the.uldoralgned.

' JNO. O. POMINIB,,, ' Govomor of Oahui


.Tftrr r vff . rffwpnjWHCT '


... ..'.',. '.'tfv,r'Hi'..,., - - -


. RM OZn 3

llflil 5

Aiviviug by every Stoitmcr,'- CHOICE LINES OF

CL0TH1K0,, ' ' -


UNDERWEAn, .' t i nun;

BOpTiv ;


SHOES, , ... . . ,.,n. ' - ;, .HATS,. " ,



Mechanic, Farmor, Sailor, Clsrk,

and Merchant,,At prices that cannot be outdone I '

Wc do not announce ally CloimncuSafe 'for 'the 'stood reason that our.' is a'Continuous Clearance Sale, ami consc I

quently aUonlinuous liuplenishing withNow and Fresh Goods, which hro con-stantly arriving t'rorii tho best EasternManufacturers.

Wo Defy Any other HouseONJTHE ISLANDS

rX"o Compete wifcli U.s.Remember the price is plainly marked

on each article, from which there is nodeviation.

Store Open from 6 a- - m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday Evening till 10 l. m.

Oiie Price MechanicsBazaar.

Corner of JFort- - and Merchant ctroeis.

S. W. liUitei'cr, J. Xj. Itosiiulxirs.Manager. .r)07





AstoiMiiBiiaiiisIn Slillinery,

Jprior lb llic depnriurc or Miss EMRICKfor the Natc-s- , on tlio " MARIPOSA,"lqavmLr.hcre about Oct. To, 1883, we

'will .nltike a '


To M&kd Room For Our Extorsive Stock

Which will ho purchased by Miss Emrick ' in pereon, and in lb inrrive hereabout the middle, of. .November.. Our re-ductions and need only boteen, by direful Buyers tn ho annro..

,;cintcd. Remnants in all Departments ntnan price, hpuemi attention is calledto thu above Announcement.

Eor Variety tindlow. PricesWe Oast not

Be Excelled in this City ! !

If will be to tho interest of everybody tocall and see those Bargains, whetherwishing to buy or not.

Alii Goods Will bo MarkedIn Plain Figures and



Corner'Fqrt and IIptcl,,Streots, f

Branch Siprp.Cof. Merchant ah'dlNuuanu Stscoi'




BEVERAGE,,According to tho highest nnd best medi,

,, ca testimony,Manufactory, :.:,: No. 1!) Liliha St

j P0. Box, 37P. Telephone, 281''CA)1 orders reeotvo prompt attention,

: JA3HHS II. JUAKLON."DEGS TO INFOHM HIS NUMERjJ.i.', Lous.fricndrfialid.tlip public geii.oraljy.'.that hooiiiiiiiow holfound-a- t thoBrfy Hdrse' premise!', where, :ho willattend to all horses, either lame or sick


""$&. m 'wii$iaAvA


mmniKjiyIS NOW

For PublicAT- -

A. M. Mellis'. : : : :

From the SceneThe arch-enem- y of the people


Great American

.. Li f i ( ijf52v . ih'V nri .rfT--i . 3kl4 II r. .


FIT '" '

Trimmed Hats



ininense Bargains

Lately received 250 Gent's Complete Business .vhloli w.a are selling at $7.50 ' '

Large aort inent of the lalt'st tylc.s ofCheviot Suit m ...' aft $loU)0. , ;

Our goods are all new, , '. .',,, !. '

Stylish, well made, dui able, ," j - ,.'

'(!!. ,, (j

Reliable and.chcnn. t ''. ;

We feel confident )hat we can prove to your satisfaction that wc have an immense i

Harvest for the People !;;-7-


and we have, determined to leave no stone unturned, to sell our large and elegant ',

new stock. EST" Remember we have not


;!,X,"'':to putdowii prices to (he lowest notch, and now invite you to call and inspect ' ' '

i our goods, and compare prices. " '' '

530 3m S. COHN & Co., No. 17 Nuuanu Street


!Rul GEwtiite Broker,CiiMtom ,Biolcoi





: 104 Fort ,.. "I tit-'v'- j

nrV .

' 'r. '


of Excitement !

high prices was caught and



Clothing House,


..i I

W'l'SEMAN,r ' f'SfP-P-i


. r

77 and 81

Iving St.

WHITMAN & WRIGHT,75. 77 and 81 King Street.

Edinburg Streets.

iNo. ITS

Employment Ajye" anaGeneral Bnsiiiews jVfyeiii,

Office; 27'Merchant street, - . . Hawaiian Gazette Block.

By request, I' have added to my .business that of a CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERand will hereafter attend to making entries at the Custom Houseof goods through'


Power of 'Attorney, from merchants. Our business community will find this do.'partment a great source of convenience. '

(. ESTThe ONLY recognized Real Estate Broker in this Kingdom.nj- -

Land and property for sale in all' parts of Honolulu and the various Islands; J,

Hoiiscs to.leixse and rpnt in Honolulu and suburbs. - -- "-

Room's'to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.,Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected. Legal papers of every description'

drawn. Agent for Vickery's Montlily Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with18 Chromos; subscription $1.25 per year. Agenffor the Best Life ...Insurance Company in tho World.

B2r"Ohargcs.always.moderate. 5Telephono'No. 172. '

Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,

77 and 81

King St.

jflL .j& ---1




,.i '.


WHITMAN & WEIGHT,:;,.,";' '"(L,ato JC. ,T. KOSE.)

Ail orders forWheol-vehicles- . of evqry description filled Avith promptness and'"' "

dispatch. First-clas- s Mechanics employed all tho year round; " "'


Nothing too,hot(or too heavy for us. TRAM CARS, OMNIBU8SES, PLANT A.' rTION WAGONS, MULE & OX OARTSj made tp .order, altered or.repaired.,, , .


Our Horse Shoeing DepartmentIs' under the supervision of a practical man a mechanic second to none. Wohave no use for soakjng scalds or ro't tubs, All work guaranteed. ...

Ricr-ui.ia- moderate.JOS ly

UNION FEED COMPANYCorner of Queen and


BEG to inform their friends and tho public generally that they are continu.' ;

business at-th- above etand, and have made complete arrangements for,-.- ,

a continuous supply of

Presh' 'Goods of the .' ' ! .

which yo will oirer for sal

A'J? TIIEWb hopes, by giving our best, attention totheir' patronage. A large stock of


ve'iy best quality;,; ',,;:;:;!.i!.. f...

LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.please tho public, to merit h 'part

j'Voftv ?""

Wheat and Oat Hay, whole and! Ground, Barley, ., ,. , .,,,, ,umi

!ri()W on hand. Orders solicited and's'tti&f action guarante'edor'nd'pa'y'askedi'1 ',r ifi'


9 ,




I:( S


X':' i

1 iU&k ,