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    Apache >Apache Maven > Maven ModelLast Published: 2011-03-03 | Version: 3.0.3

    Parent Project

    Apache Maven

    Project Documentation

    Project InformationProject Reports

    Maven Projects

    Ant TasksDoxia

    JXRMaven 1.xMaven 2MercuryPluginsSCMShared ComponentsSurefireWagon

    Built by Maven


    This is a reference for the Maven project descriptor used in Maven.

    An XSD is available at:

    http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-v3_0_0.xsd for Maven 1.1.

    http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd for Maven 2.0.

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    The element is the root of the descriptor. The following table lists all of thepossible child elements.

    Element Type Description

    modelVersion String

    Declares to which version ofproject descriptor this POMconforms.

    parent Parent

    The location of the parentproject, if one exists. Values fromthe parent project will be thedefault for this project if they areleft unspecified. The location isgiven as a group ID, artifact IDand version.

    groupId String

    A universally unique identifierfor a project. It is normal to use afully-qualified package name to

    distinguish it from other projectswith a similar name (eg.org.apache.maven).

    artifactId String

    The identifier for this artifactthat is unique within the groupgiven by the group ID. An

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    artifact is something that iseither produced or used by aproject. Examples of artifactsproduced by Maven for a projectinclude: JARs, source and binarydistributions, and WARs.

    version String The current version of theartifact produced by this project.

    packaging String

    The type of artifact this projectproduces, for example jarwarearpom. Plugins can create their ownpackaging, and therefore theirown packaging types, so this listdoes not contain all possibletypes.Default value is: jar.

    name String The full name of the project.

    description String

    A detailed description of theproject, used by Mavenwhenever it needs to describethe project, such as on the website. While this element can bespecified as CDATA to enable theuse of HTML tags within thedescription, it is discouraged toallow plain text representation. If

    you need to modify the indexpage of the generated web site,

    you are able to specify your owninstead of adjusting this text.

    url StringThe URL to the project'shomepage.

    inceptionYear String

    The year of the project'sinception, specified with 4 digits.This value is used whengenerating copyright notices as

    well as being informational.

    organization Organization

    This element describes variousattributes of the organization towhich the project belongs. Theseattributes are utilized whendocumentation is created (forcopyright notices and links).

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    licenses/license* List

    (Many) This element describesall of the licenses for this project.Each license is described by alicense element, which is thendescribed by additionalelements. Projects should only

    list the license(s) that applies tothe project and not the licensesthat apply to dependencies. Ifmultiple licenses are listed, it isassumed that the user can selectany of them, not that they mustaccept all.

    developers/developer* List(Many) Describes thecommitters of a project.

    contributors/contributor* List

    (Many) Describes the

    contributors to a project that arenot yet committers.

    mailingLists/mailingList* List(Many) Contains informationabout a project's mailing lists.

    prerequisites Prerequisites

    Describes the prerequisites inthe build environment for thisproject.

    modules/module* List

    (Many) The modules (sometimescalled subprojects) to build as apart of this project. Each module

    listed is a relative path to thedirectory containing the module.

    scm Scm

    Specification for the SCM usedby the project, such as CVS,Subversion, etc.

    issueManagement IssueManagementThe project's issue managementsystem information.

    ciManagement CiManagementThe project's continuousintegration information.

    distributionManagement DistributionManagement

    Distribution information for aproject that enables deploymentof the site and artifacts to remoteweb servers and repositoriesrespectively.

    properties/key=value* Properties(Many) Properties that can beused throughout the POM as a

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    substitution, and are used asfilters in resources if enabled.The format is value.

    dependencyManagement DependencyManagement

    Default dependency informationfor projects that inherit from thisone. The dependencies in this

    section are not immediatelyresolved. Instead, when a POMderived from this one declares adependency described by amatching groupId and artifactId,the version and other values fromthis section are used for thatdependency if they were notalready specified.

    dependencies/dependency* List

    (Many) This element describes

    all of the dependenciesassociated with a project. Thesedependencies are used toconstruct a classpath for yourproject during the build process.They are automaticallydownloaded from the repositoriesdefined in this project. See thedependency mechanism for moreinformation.

    repositories/repository* List

    (Many) The lists of the remoterepositories for discoveringdependencies and extensions.

    pluginRepositories/pluginRepository* List

    (Many) The lists of the remoterepositories for discoveringplugins for builds and reports.

    build BuildInformation required to build theproject.

    reports DOMDeprecated. Now ignored byMaven.

    reporting Reporting

    This element includes thespecification of report plugins touse to generate the reports onthe Maven-generated site. Thesereports will be run when a userexecutes mvn site. All of thereports will be included in the

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    navigation bar for browsing.

    profiles/profile* List

    (Many) A listing of project-localbuild profiles which will modifythe build process whenactivated.


    The element contains information required to locate the parent project fromwhich this project will inherit from. Note: The children of this element are notinterpolated and must be given as literal values.

    Element Type Description

    artifactId String The artifact id of the parent project to inherit from.

    groupId String The group id of the parent project to inherit from.

    version String The version of the parent project to inherit.

    relativePath String

    The relative path of the parent pom.xml file within the check out. Ifnot specified, it defaults to ../pom.xml. Maven looks for the parentPOM first in this location on the filesystem, then the localrepository, and lastly in the remote repo. relativePath allows you toselect a different location, for example when your structure isflat, or deeper without an intermediate parent POM. However,the group ID, artifact ID and version are still required, and mustmatch the file in the location given or it will revert to therepository for the POM. This feature is only for enhancing the

    development in a local checkout of that project. Set the value toan empty string in case you want to disable the feature andalways resolve the parent POM from the repositories.Default value is: ../pom.xml.


    Specifies the organization that produces this project.

    Element Type Description

    name String The full name of the organization.url String The URL to the organization's home page.


    Describes the licenses for this project. This is used to generate the license page ofthe project's web site, as well as being taken into consideration in other reporting

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    and validation. The licenses listed for the project are that of the project itself, andnot of dependencies.

    Element Type Description

    name String The full legal name of the license.

    url String The official url for the license text.

    distribution String

    The primary method by which this project may be distributed.

    repomay be downloaded from the Maven repository

    manualuser must manually download and install the dependency.

    comments String Addendum information pertaining to this license.


    Information about one of the committers on this project.

    Element Type Description

    id String The unique ID of the developer in the SCM.

    name String The full name of the contributor.

    email String The email address of the contributor.

    url String The URL for the homepage of the contributor.

    organization String The organization to which the contributor belongs.

    organizationUrl String The URL of the organization.

    roles/role* List

    (Many) The roles the contributor plays in theproject. Each role is described by a role element, thebody of which is a role name. This can also be used todescribe the contribution.

    timezone String

    The timezone the contributor is in. Typically, this is anumber in the range -12 to +14 or a valid time zoneid like "America/Montreal" (UTC-05:00) or"Europe/Paris" (UTC+01:00).

    properties/key=value* Properties (Many) Properties about the contributor, such as aninstant messenger handle.


    Description of a person who has contributed to the project, but who does not havecommit privileges. Usually, these contributions come in the form of patches

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    Element Type Description

    name String The full name of the contributor.

    email String The email address of the contributor.

    url String

    The URL for the homepage of the contributor.organization String The organization to which the contributor belongs.

    organizationUrl String The URL of the organization.

    roles/role* List

    (Many) The roles the contributor plays in theproject. Each role is described by a role element, thebody of which is a role name. This can also be used todescribe the contribution.

    timezone String

    The timezone the contributor is in. Typically, this is anumber in the range -12 to +14 or a valid time zoneid like "America/Montreal" (UTC-05:00) or"Europe/Paris" (UTC+01:00).

    properties/key=value* Properties(Many) Properties about the contributor, such as aninstant messenger handle.


    This element describes all of the mailing lists associated with a project. Theauto-generated site references this information.

    Element Type Description

    name String The name of the mailing list.

    subscribe String

    The email address or link that can be used tosubscribe to the mailing list. If this is an emailaddress, a mailto: link will automatically becreated when the documentation is created.

    unsubscribe String

    The email address or link that can be used tounsubscribe to the mailing list. If this is an emailaddress, a mailto: link will automatically becreated when the documentation is created.

    post String

    The email address or link that can be used topost to the mailing list. If this is an emailaddress, a mailto: link will automatically becreated when the documentation is created.

    archive StringThe link to a URL where you can browse themailing list archive.

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    otherArchives/otherArchive* List(Many) The link to alternate URLs where youcan browse the list archive.


    Describes the prerequisites a project can have.

    Element Type Description

    maven String

    The minimum version of Maven required to build the project, orto use this plugin.Default value is: 2.0.


    The element contains informations required to the SCM (Source ControlManagement) of the project.

    Element Type Description

    connection String

    The source control management system URL that describesthe repository and how to connect to the repository. Formore information, see the URL format and list of supportedSCMs. This connection is read-only.

    developerConnection StringJust like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scmconnection will not be read only.

    tag String

    The tag of current code. By default, it's set to HEAD during

    development.Default value is: HEAD.

    url StringThe URL to the project's browsable SCM repository, suchas ViewVC or Fisheye.


    Information about the issue tracking (or bug tracking) system used to manage thisproject.

    Element Type Descriptionsystem String The name of the issue management system, e.g. Bugzilla

    url String URL for the issue management system used by the project.


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    The element contains informations required to the continuousintegration system of the project.

    Element Type Description

    system StringThe name of the continuous integration system, e.g.continuum.

    url StringURL for the continuous integration system used bythe project if it has a web interface.

    notifiers/notifier* List

    (Many) Configuration for notifying developers/userswhen a build is unsuccessful, including userinformation and notification mode.


    Configures one method for notifying users/developers when a build breaks.

    Element Type Description

    type StringThe mechanism used to deliver notifications.Default value is: mail.

    sendOnError booleanWhether to send notifications on error.Default value is: true.

    sendOnFailure booleanWhether to send notifications on failure.Default value is: true.

    sendOnSuccess booleanWhether to send notifications on success.Default value is: true.

    sendOnWarning booleanWhether to send notifications on warning.Default value is: true.

    address StringDeprecated. Where to send the notification to - egemail address.

    configuration/key=value* Properties(Many) Extended configuration specific to thisnotifier goes here.


    This elements describes all that pertains to distribution for a project. It isprimarily used for deployment of artifacts and the site produced by the build.

    Element Type Description

    repository DeploymentRepositoryInformation needed to deploy the artifactsgenerated by the project to a remote repository.

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    snapshotRepository DeploymentRepositoryWhere to deploy snapshots of artifacts to. If notgiven, it defaults to the repository element.

    site SiteInformation needed for deploying the web site ofthe project.

    downloadUrl String

    The URL of the project's download page. If not

    given users will be referred to the homepagegiven by url. This is given to assist in locatingartifacts that are not in the repository due tolicensing restrictions.

    relocation RelocationRelocation information of the artifact if it hasbeen moved to a new group ID and/or artifact ID.

    status String

    Gives the status of this artifact in the remoterepository. This must not be set in your localproject, as it is updated by tools placing it in thereposiory. Valid values are: none (default), converted

    (repository manager converted this from anMaven 1 POM), partner (directly synced from apartner Maven 2 repository), deployed (wasdeployed from a Maven 2 instance), verified (hasbeen hand verified as correct and final).


    Repository contains the information needed for deploying to the remote repository.

    Element Type Description

    uniqueVersion boolean

    Whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprisedof the timestamp and build number, or to use the same

    version each timeDefault value is: true.

    releases RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of releases from thisrepository.

    snapshots RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of snapshots from thisrepository.

    id String

    A unique identifier for a repository. This is used to

    match the repository to configuration in the settings.xmlfile, for example. Furthermore, the identifier is usedduring POM inheritance and profile injection to detectrepositories that should be merged.

    name String Human readable name of the repository.

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    url StringThe url of the repository, in the form protocol://hostname/path.

    layout String

    The type of layout this repository uses for locating andstoring artifacts - can be legacy or default.Default value is: default.


    Download policy.

    Element Type Description

    enabled String

    Whether to use this repository for downloading this type ofartifact. Note: While the type of this field is String for technicalreasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value istrue.

    updatePolicy String The frequency for downloading updates - can be always,daily(default), interval:XXX (in minutes) or never (only if it doesn't existlocally).

    checksumPolicy StringWhat to do when verification of an artifact checksum fails. Valid

    values are ignore , fail or warn (the default).


    Download policy.

    Element Type Description

    enabled String

    Whether to use this repository for downloading this type ofartifact. Note: While the type of this field is String for technicalreasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean. Default value istrue.

    updatePolicy String

    The frequency for downloading updates - can be always,daily(default), interval:XXX (in minutes) or never (only if it doesn't existlocally).

    checksumPolicy StringWhat to do when verification of an artifact checksum fails. Valid

    values are ignore , fail or warn (the default).


    Repository contains the information needed for deploying to the remote repository.

    Element Type Description

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    uniqueVersion boolean

    Whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprisedof the timestamp and build number, or to use the same

    version each timeDefault value is: true.

    releases RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of releases from thisrepository.

    snapshots RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of snapshots from thisrepository.

    id String

    A unique identifier for a repository. This is used tomatch the repository to configuration in the settings.xmlfile, for example. Furthermore, the identifier is usedduring POM inheritance and profile injection to detectrepositories that should be merged.

    name String Human readable name of the repository.

    url StringThe url of the repository, in the form protocol://hostname


    layout String

    The type of layout this repository uses for locating andstoring artifacts - can be legacy or default.Default value is: default.


    Contains the information needed for deploying websites.

    Element Type Description

    id StringA unique identifier for a deployment location. This is used tomatch the site to configuration in the settings.xml file, for example.

    name String Human readable name of the deployment location.

    url StringThe url of the location where website is deployed, in the formprotocol://hostname/path.


    Describes where an artifact has moved to. If any of the values are omitted, it is

    assumed to be the same as it was before.

    Element Type Description

    groupId String The group ID the artifact has moved to.

    artifactId String The new artifact ID of the artifact.

    version String The new version of the artifact.

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    message StringAn additional message to show the user about the move, such asthe reason.


    Section for management of default dependency information for use in a group of


    Element Type Description

    dependencies/dependency* List

    (Many) The dependencies specified here arenot used until they are referenced in a POMwithin the group. This allows the specificationof a "standard" version for a particulardependency.


    The element contains information about a dependency of the project.

    Element Type Description

    groupId StringThe project group that produced the dependency,e.g. org.apache.maven.

    artifactId StringThe unique id for an artifact produced by theproject group, e.g. maven-artifact.

    version StringThe version of the dependency, e.g. 3.2.1. In Maven

    2, this can also be specified as a range of versions.

    type String

    The type of dependency. This defaults to jar. Whileit usually represents the extension on the filenameof the dependency, that is not always the case. Atype can be mapped to a different extension and aclassifier. The type often correspongs to thepackaging used, though this is also not always thecase. Some examples are jar, war, ejb-client andtest-jar. New types can be defined by plugins thatset extensions to true, so this is not a complete list.Default value is: jar.

    classifier String

    The classifier of the dependency. This allowsdistinguishing two artifacts that belong to thesame POM but were built differently, and isappended to the filename after the version. Forexample, jdk14 and jdk15.

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    scope String

    The scope of the dependency - compile, runtime, test,system, and provided. Used to calculate the variousclasspaths used for compilation, testing, and so on.It also assists in determining which artifacts toinclude in a distribution of this project. For moreinformation, see the dependency mechanism.

    systemPath String

    FOR SYSTEM SCOPE ONLY. Note that use of thisproperty is discouraged and may be replaced inlater versions. This specifies the path on thefilesystem for this dependency. Requires anabsolute path for the value, not relative. Use aproperty that gives the machine specific absolutepath, e.g. ${java.home}.

    exclusions/exclusion* List

    (Many) Lists a set of artifacts that should beexcluded from this dependency's artifact list whenit comes to calculating transitive dependencies.

    optional String

    Indicates the dependency is optional for use of thislibrary. While the version of the dependency willbe taken into account for dependency calculation ifthe library is used elsewhere, it will not be passedon transitively. Note: While the type of this field isString for technical reasons, the semantic type isactually Boolean. Default value is false.


    The element contains informations required to exclude an artifact to theproject.

    Element Type Description

    artifactId String The artifact ID of the project to exclude.

    groupId String The group ID of the project to exclude.


    A repository contains the information needed for establishing connections with

    remote repository.

    Element Type Description

    releases RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of releases from thisrepository.

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    snapshots RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of snapshots from thisrepository.

    id String

    A unique identifier for a repository. This is used to matchthe repository to configuration in the settings.xml file, forexample. Furthermore, the identifier is used during POMinheritance and profile injection to detect repositories

    that should be merged.

    name String Human readable name of the repository.

    url String The url of the repository, in the form protocol://hostname/path.

    layout String

    The type of layout this repository uses for locating andstoring artifacts - can be legacy or default.Default value is: default.


    A repository contains the information needed for establishing connections withremote repository.

    Element Type Description

    releases RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of releases from thisrepository.

    snapshots RepositoryPolicyHow to handle downloading of snapshots from thisrepository.

    id String

    A unique identifier for a repository. This is used to matchthe repository to configuration in the settings.xml file, for

    example. Furthermore, the identifier is used during POMinheritance and profile injection to detect repositoriesthat should be merged.

    name String Human readable name of the repository.

    url String The url of the repository, in the form protocol://hostname/path.

    layout String

    The type of layout this repository uses for locating andstoring artifacts - can be legacy or default.Default value is: default.


    The element contains informations required to build the project.

    Element Type Description

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    sourceDirectory String

    This element specifies a directory containingthe source of the project. The generatedbuild system will compile the source in thisdirectory when the project is built. The pathgiven is relative to the project descriptor.

    scriptSourceDirectory String

    This element specifies a directory containing

    the script sources of the project. Thisdirectory is meant to be different from thesourceDirectory, in that its contents will becopied to the output directory in most cases(since scripts are interpreted rather thancompiled).

    testSourceDirectory String

    This element specifies a directory containingthe unit test source of the project. Thegenerated build system will compile thesedirectories when the project is being tested.

    The path given is relative to the projectdescriptor.

    outputDirectory StringThe directory where compiled applicationclasses are placed.

    testOutputDirectory StringThe directory where compiled test classesare placed.

    extensions/extension* List(Many) A set of build extensions to use fromthis project.

    defaultGoal String

    The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) toexecute when none is specified for theproject. Note that in case of a multi-modulebuild, only the default goal of the top-levelproject is relevant, i.e. the default goals ofchild modules are ignored. Since Maven 3,multiple goals/phases can be separated bywhitespace.

    resources/resource* List

    (Many) This element describes all of theclasspath resources such as properties filesassociated with a project. These resourcesare often included in the final package.

    testResources/testResource* List

    (Many) This element describes all of theclasspath resources such as properties filesassociated with a project's unit tests.

    directory StringThe directory where all files generated bythe build are placed.

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    finalName String

    The filename (excluding the extension, andwith no path information) that the producedartifact will be called. The default value is${artifactId}-${version}.

    filters/filter* List(Many) The list of filter properties files thatare used when filtering is enabled.

    pluginManagement PluginManagement

    Default plugin information to be madeavailable for reference by projects derivedfrom this one. This plugin configuration willnot be resolved or bound to the lifecycleunless referenced. Any local configuration fora given plugin will override the plugin'sentire definition here.

    plugins/plugin* List (Many) The list of plugins to use.

    extensionDescribes a build extension to utilise.

    Element Type Description

    groupId String The group ID of the extension's artifact.

    artifactId String The artifact ID of the extension.

    version String The version of the extension.


    This element describes all of the classpath resources associated with a project orunit tests.

    Element Type Description

    targetPath String

    Describe the resource target path. The path is relativeto the target/classes directory (i.e.${project.build.outputDirectory}). For example, if you wantthat resource to appear in a specific package(org.apache.maven.messages), you must specify this element

    with this value: org/apache/maven/messages. This is notrequired if you simply put the resources in thatdirectory structure at the source, however.

    filtering String

    Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens withparameterised values or not. The values are taken fromthe properties element and from the properties in the fileslisted in the filters element. Note: While the type of this

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    field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type isactually Boolean. Default value is false.

    directory StringDescribe the directory where the resources are stored.The path is relative to the POM.

    includes/include* List (Many) A list of patterns to include, e.g. **/*.xml.

    excludes/exclude* List (Many) A list of patterns to exclude, e.g. **/*.xml


    This element describes all of the classpath resources associated with a project orunit tests.

    Element Type Description

    targetPath String

    Describe the resource target path. The path is relativeto the target/classes directory (i.e.

    ${project.build.outputDirectory}). For example, if you wantthat resource to appear in a specific package(org.apache.maven.messages), you must specify this elementwith this value: org/apache/maven/messages. This is notrequired if you simply put the resources in thatdirectory structure at the source, however.

    filtering String

    Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens withparameterised values or not. The values are taken fromthe properties element and from the properties in the fileslisted in the filters element. Note: While the type of this

    field is String for technical reasons, the semantic type isactually Boolean. Default value is false.

    directory StringDescribe the directory where the resources are stored.The path is relative to the POM.

    includes/include* List (Many) A list of patterns to include, e.g. **/*.xml.

    excludes/exclude* List (Many) A list of patterns to exclude, e.g. **/*.xml


    Section for management of default plugin information for use in a group of POMs.

    Element Type Description

    plugins/plugin* List (Many) The list of plugins to use.


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    The element contains informations required for a plugin.

    Element Type Description

    groupId String

    The group ID of the plugin in therepository.Default value is: org.apache.maven.plugins.

    artifactId StringThe artifact ID of the plugin in therepository.

    version StringThe version (or valid range of versions) ofthe plugin to be used.

    extensions String

    Whether to load Maven extensions (such aspackaging and type handlers) from thisplugin. For performance reasons, thisshould only be enabled when necessary.Note: While the type of this field is String fortechnical reasons, the semantic type isactually Boolean. Default value is false.

    executions/execution* List

    (Many) Multiple specifications of a set ofgoals to execute during the build lifecycle,each having (possibly) a differentconfiguration.

    dependencies/dependency* List

    (Many) Additional dependencies that thisproject needs to introduce to the plugin'sclassloader.

    goals DOM Deprecated. Unused by Maven.

    inherited String

    Whether any configuration should bepropagated to child POMs. Note: While thetype of this field is String for technicalreasons, the semantic type is actuallyBoolean. Default value is true.

    configuration DOM The configuration as DOM object.


    The element contains informations required for the execution of a plugin.

    Element Type Description

    id String

    The identifier of this execution for labelling the goalsduring the build, and for matching executions to mergeduring inheritance and profile injection.Default value is: default.

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    phase String

    The build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this executionto. If omitted, the goals will be bound to the default phasespecified in their metadata.

    goals/goal* List (Many) The goals to execute with the given configuration.

    inherited String

    Whether any configuration should be propagated to child

    POMs. Note: While the type of this field isString

    fortechnical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean.Default value is true.

    configuration DOM The configuration as DOM object.


    Section for management of reports and their configuration.

    Element Type Description

    excludeDefaults String

    If true, then the default reports are not included inthe site generation. This includes the reports in the"Project Info" menu. Note: While the type of this fieldis String for technical reasons, the semantic type isactually Boolean. Default value is false.

    outputDirectory StringWhere to store all of the generated reports. Thedefault is ${project.build.directory}/site .

    plugins/plugin* List(Many) The reporting plugins to use and theirconfiguration.


    The element contains informations required for a report plugin.

    Element Type Description

    groupId String

    The group ID of the reporting plugin in therepository.Default value is: org.apache.maven.plugins.

    artifactId StringThe artifact ID of the reporting plugin in therepository.

    version String The version of the reporting plugin to be used.

    reportSets/reportSet* List

    (Many) Multiple specifications of a set of reports,each having (possibly) different configuration. Thisis the reporting parallel to an execution in the build.

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    inherited String

    Whether any configuration should be propagatedto child POMs. Note: While the type of this field isString for technical reasons, the semantic type isactually Boolean. Default value is true.

    configuration DOM The configuration as DOM object.


    Represents a set of reports and configuration to be used to generate them.

    Element Type Description

    id String

    The unique id for this report set, to be used during POMinheritance and profile injection for merging of reportsets.Default value is: default.

    reports/report* List (Many) The list of reports from this plugin which shouldbe generated from this set.

    inherited String

    Whether any configuration should be propagated to childPOMs. Note: While the type of this field is String fortechnical reasons, the semantic type is actually Boolean.Default value is true.

    configuration DOM The configuration as DOM object.


    Modifications to the build process which is activated based on environmentalparameters or command line arguments.

    Element Type Description

    id String

    The identifier of this buildprofile. This is used for commandline activation, and identifiesprofiles to be merged.Default value is: default.

    activation Activation

    The conditional logic which will

    automatically trigger theinclusion of this profile.

    build BuildBaseInformation required to build theproject.

    modules/module* List

    (Many) The modules (sometimescalled subprojects) to build as a

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    part of this project. Each modulelisted is a relative path to thedirectory containing the module.

    distributionManagement DistributionManagement

    Distribution information for aproject that enables deploymentof the site and artifacts to remote

    web servers and repositoriesrespectively.

    properties/key=value* Properties

    (Many) Properties that can beused throughout the POM as asubstitution, and are used asfilters in resources if enabled.The format is value.

    dependencyManagement DependencyManagement

    Default dependency informationfor projects that inherit from thisone. The dependencies in this

    section are not immediatelyresolved. Instead, when a POMderived from this one declares adependency described by amatching groupId and artifactId,the version and other values fromthis section are used for thatdependency if they were notalready specified.

    dependencies/dependency* List

    (Many) This element describes

    all of the dependenciesassociated with a project. Thesedependencies are used toconstruct a classpath for yourproject during the build process.They are automaticallydownloaded from the repositoriesdefined in this project. See thedependency mechanism for moreinformation.

    repositories/repository* List

    (Many) The lists of the remoterepositories for discoveringdependencies and extensions.

    pluginRepositories/pluginRepository* List

    (Many) The lists of the remoterepositories for discoveringplugins for builds and reports.

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    reports DOMDeprecated. Now ignored byMaven.

    reporting Reporting

    This element includes thespecification of report plugins touse to generate the reports onthe Maven-generated site. These

    reports will be run when a userexecutes mvn site. All of thereports will be included in thenavigation bar for browsing.


    The conditions within the build runtime environment which will trigger theautomatic inclusion of the build profile.

    Element Type Description

    activeByDefault boolean

    If set to true, this profile will be active unless anotherprofile in this pom is activated using the commandline -P option or by one of that profile's activators.Default value is: false.

    jdk String

    Specifies that this profile will be activated when amatching JDK is detected. For example, 1.4 onlyactivates on JDKs versioned 1.4, while !1.4 matchesany JDK that is not version 1.4.

    os ActivationOS

    Specifies that this profile will be activated when

    matching operating system attributes are detected.

    property ActivationPropertySpecifies that this profile will be activated when thissystem property is specified.

    file ActivationFileSpecifies that this profile will be activated based onexistence of a file.


    This is an activator which will detect an operating system's attributes in order to

    activate its profile.

    Element Type Description

    name String

    The name of the operating system to be used to activate theprofile. This must be an exact match of the ${os.name} Javaproperty, such as Windows XP.

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    family StringThe general family of the OS to be used to activate the profile,such as windows or unix.

    arch StringThe architecture of the operating system to be used to activatethe profile.

    version StringThe version of the operating system to be used to activate the



    This is the property specification used to activate a profile. If the value field isempty, then the existence of the named property will activate the profile,otherwise it does a case-sensitive match against the property value as well.

    Element Type Description

    name String The name of the property to be used to activate a profile.

    value String The value of the property required to activate a profile.


    This is the file specification used to activate the profile. The missing value will bethe location of a file that needs to exist, and if it doesn't the profile will beactivated. On the other hand exists will test for the existence of the file and if it isthere the profile will be activated.

    Element Type Description

    missing String The name of the file that must be missing to activate the profile.exists String The name of the file that must exist to activate the profile.


    Generic informations for a build.

    Element Type Description

    defaultGoal String

    The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) toexecute when none is specified for theproject. Note that in case of a multi-modulebuild, only the default goal of the top-levelproject is relevant, i.e. the default goals ofchild modules are ignored. Since Maven 3,multiple goals/phases can be separated bywhitespace.

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    resources/resource* List

    (Many) This element describes all of theclasspath resources such as properties filesassociated with a project. These resourcesare often included in the final package.

    testResources/testResource* List

    (Many) This element describes all of theclasspath resources such as properties files

    associated with a project's unit tests.

    directory StringThe directory where all files generated bythe build are placed.

    finalName String

    The filename (excluding the extension, andwith no path information) that the producedartifact will be called. The default value is${artifactId}-${version}.

    filters/filter* List(Many) The list of filter properties files thatare used when filtering is enabled.

    pluginManagement PluginManagement

    Default plugin information to be madeavailable for reference by projects derivedfrom this one. This plugin configuration willnot be resolved or bound to the lifecycleunless referenced. Any local configuration fora given plugin will override the plugin'sentire definition here.

    plugins/plugin* List (Many) The list of plugins to use.

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