Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 Forms

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  • 7/24/2019 Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 Forms


    Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 forms

    Techniques of the Tai Chi Chi Gun are somewhere between the "dynamic" meditation of

    Tai Chi, and static ones of Chi Gun. When we do these exercises, we move, and if you

    are familiar with the Tai Chi, you might recognize some of the motions.

    n the same time, Tai Chi Chi Gun is very com!act, in terms of s!ace it requires. ou

    will only need to do one ste! forward and one to the side.

    #ame way as in Tai Chi, Tai Chi Chi Gun is sim!le to do, and the "energy" flow is

    usually easier to achieve, then when you !ractice Chi Gun. t can be !erformed as a

    standalone set of exercises, however the effect will be much more noticeable, if you

    follow the "recommended" routine$ warm%u!, Chi Gun, Tai Chi Chi Gun, Tai Chi.

    There are many sets &sometimes called tao' in Tai Chi Chi Gun. They are used to

    im!rove different as!ects of our health. n this e(oo) you will learn one of them,!robably the most im!ortant$ the "*+ forms". When done !ro!erly, it is affecting all our

    body, im!roving health. lso it will hel! you to o!en your energy channels and to learn

    to relax, !hysically and mentally.

    -ead the disclaimer

    f you do it right, Tai Chi Chi Gun is safe. f you ma)e errors, or if you have some &very

    rare' health conditions, it may create un!leasant sensations. am not going to discuss

    these "dangers" here, as there are sources in the nternet, dealing with the issue.

    believe, that if you do it in a relaxed way, without !ushing and if you do not do

    techniques that feel un!leasant % you will be fine. evertheless, read the disclaimer and

    find a local guru, if in doubts.


    Catching the fish.

    We have finished the !revious exercise in the ma bu !osition, with our hands to the left.

    ow leave your left hand where it is, and move your right hand only, doing the same

    move you did in the !revious exercise. n the same time turn your shoulders, so that you

    are facing forward &your torso was turned /0 degrees to the left before'.

  • 7/24/2019 Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 Forms


    ow move your weight to the right foot and bring your left foot to the middle of the

    right foot. 1ands should be still to the sides &remember, we never have hands in the

    !lane where the bac) is. "To the sides" means 23 degrees forward from that !lane'.

    This !osition is called din bu. 4et5s outline the most im!ortant !oints here, for a

    com!lete guide, see the Tai Chi tutorial.

    6irst of all, we 7ust did a ste!. There are some very strict rules about ste!s in Tai Chi.

    6irst of all, only an "em!ty" foot can move. t means that in order to lift the foot from

    the ground, you need to have no weight on this foot. ou can not !ush from the ground,

    you can not move some weight and then drag the foot from one !osition to another.

    #econd, your front foot should touch the ground, but there should still be no weight on

    it. The heel should be u!, and the contact with the floor should be on the base of the


  • 7/24/2019 Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 Forms


    The right leg should be bent. lso note, that the right foot is now turned /0 degrees to

    the right. There is no strict rules about the moment you do it, but the best time is

    !robably before you move your weight. lso, the "feet should be !arallel in ma bu" rule

    is not very strict in this set of exercises, so some !eo!le do it with toes !ointing to the

    sides. t is easier to sit down in ma bu, and, es!ecially for beginners, it is not a mista)e.

    #till, don5t li)e it.

    What we are about to do is called an em!ty ste!. 8ut your left foot on the heel, forward

    and slightly to the left. 9ee! the weight on the right foot % that is why the ste! is called


    ote &it is one of the most common mista)es', that we cannot !ut our :;8T heel

    forward, if our right foot is not bent. t is im!ossible % our legs have equal length. f one

    is !er!endicular to the ground &as we stay on it, it is', the other can either be

    !er!endicular too, or it should be longer than the first one, or it will not touch the floor.

  • 7/24/2019 Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 Forms


    ow move about >3? of your weight to the left foot. This !osition is called gun bu, asyou already )now, Gun means wor). wor)ing !osition. The left )nee should be above

    the toes. t is different in different martial arts, so don5t worry. 6or exam!le, in

    9yo)ushin)ai )arateyou would be told that the )nee should be above the heel &shin

    vertical'. n Tai Chi it is a little different.

    The central line of your body, if you continue it down, should cross the floor between

    your feet, in the middle, not closer to your left foot.

    The right )nee should be almost straight, but still &as usual' slightly bent. When you

    moved all >3? of your weight, turn the right heel. f at the beginning it was /0 degrees

    to the right, now it should be almost !arallel to the left foot &which is !ointing forward',but still slightly turned to the right.

    The bac) should be straight and vertical. lso learn not to loo) down at your feet % they

    are there and you don5t have to loo) to ma)e sure.

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    ou now are in the initial !osition for the exercise.

    (end forward, but )ee! your bac) straight. lso, bend to the central line, and not to the

    front foot. n the same time move your hands forward at the level of shoulders &as you

    are bending, hands will go down'. The motion of the hands and the bending should be

    synchronized, so that the left !alm is on to! of the right wrist &there should be about @inches between them' the moment you done bending. The mental image is of catching a

    fish with your hands &it is 7ust a meta!hor, you don5t have to )ee! the image in your

    mind all the time'.

    4oo) at /0 degrees forward &to the !oint on the floor ahead of you'.

    Continue moving hands in the same direction, com!leting the circles. t some !oint

    they will cross and then go to the sides &right hand to the right, left hand to the left'. The

    final distance between the !alms is about the width of your shoulders. ou are

    demonstrating, how big the fish is, but don5t exaggerate too much.

    n the same time, move your weight from your front foot to your bac) foot, so that the

    front foot is almost em!ty. The left &front' foot should still remain on the ground.

  • 7/24/2019 Tai Chi Chi Gun 18 Forms


    s you !robably already noticed, the tra7ectory of a hand in this exercise is outside % u!,

    outside % down, inside % u!, outside % u!. Continue the movement by bringing hands

    down again % we are re!eating the first !art of an exercise, exce!t this time hands are not

    as wide as during the first "cycle".

    This exercise, as well as all exercises of this set, involving gun bu !osition are done six

    times. There is no right hand gun bu in this set of exercises.

    The breathing should be thin, relaxed. :xhale when bending, inhale when going u!.