Tujuan Pendidikan

Taksonomi bloom

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Page 1: Taksonomi bloom

Tujuan Pendidikan

Page 2: Taksonomi bloom

Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional

Tujuan Institusional

Tujuan Kurikuler

Tujuan Instruksional

Materi (Topik-Topik)

Strategi Belajar Mengajar



Alat Peraga Pengajaran



GambarKedudukan Penilaian dalam Pengajaran (Ruseffendi,


Page 3: Taksonomi bloom

• Dikembangkan sekitar tahun 1956• Pengembang : Benjamin S. Bloom, Engelhart, E.

Furst, W.H. Hill dan D. R. Krathwohl.Prinsip Dasar :• Prinsip Metodologis. Perbedaan-perbedaan yang

besar telah merefleksi pada cara-cara guru dalam mengajar

• Prinsip Psikologis. Taksonomi hendaknya konsisten dengan fenomena kejiwaan yangada sekarang.

• Prinsip Logis. Taksonomi hendaknya dikembangkan secara logis dan konsisten.

• Prinsip Tujuan. Tiap-tiap jenis tujuan pendidikan hendaknya menggambarkan corak netral.

Page 4: Taksonomi bloom

3 Ranah Taksonomi

• Ranah Kognitif (cognitive domain)• Ranah Afektif (afective domain)• Ranah Psikomotor (psychomotor domain)

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• Tujuan-tujuan yang berkenaan dengan kemampuan berfikir

• Berkenaan dengan pengenalan pengetahuan, pperkembangan kemampuan dan ketrampilan intelektual

• Terdiri dari enam tahapan, mulai dari yang sederhana hingga kompleks

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Ranah Kognitif















Page 7: Taksonomi bloom

Taksonomi Bloom

•Menilai suatu situasi, keadaan, pernyataan/konsep berdasarkan kriteria tertentu


nghasilkan sesuatu yang baru dengan cara menggambungkan beberapa faktor


•Menguraikan suatu situasi atau keadaan tertentu kedalam unsur-unsur atau komponen pembentuknya


•Menggunakan ide-ide umum, metode-metode, prinsip-prinsip , serta teori-teori dalam situasi baru dan kongkrit


•Memahami/mengerti apa yang diajarkan, mengetahui apa yang dikomunikasikan dan dapat memanfaatkan isinya tanpa harus menghubungkannya dengan hal-hal lain


• mengenali/mengetahui adanya konsep, fakta/istilah tanpa harus mengerti /dapat menggunakannya


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Revisi AndersonMenciptakan






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Taksonomi Anderson

•Menghubungkan unsur-unsur ke dalam bentuk/pola yang sebelumnya kurang jelas


•Berdasarkan kriteria dan menyatakan mengapa


mecahkan ke dalam bagian, bentuk/pola


• memahami kapan-mengapa menerapkan dan mengenali pola penerapan dalam situasi baru


•Menerjemahkan, menjabarkan, menafsirkan, menyederhanakan, dan membuat perhitungan


•Menjelaskan jawaban faktual, menguji ingatan dan pengenalan


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Kata Kerja OperasionalPengetahuan Pemahaman Aplikasi Analisis Sintesis Evaluasi

MenyebutkanMenjelaskanMenggambarMemberi labelMenentukanMengingatMengerjakanMengidentifikasiMengurutkanMenuliskanMenunjukkanMenyatakanMendefinikaan

MembedakanMengubahMenentukanMenyelesaikanMemberi contohMembuktikanMenyimpulkanMerinciMengkategorikanmenjabarkan

MenggunakanMenerapkanMenghubungkan menggeneralisasikanMenyusun


MenentukanMengaitkanMenyusunMembuktikanMenemukanMengelomppokkan Menyimpulkan


Page 11: Taksonomi bloom

Uraian Kognitif Bloom


• Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan hafalan

• Dituntut kesanggupan mengingat sehingga jawabannya mudah ditebak

• Aspek yang ditanyakan antara lain: fakta-fakta, seprti nama orang, tempat, teori, rumus, istilah, prosedur, dll

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• Menyatakan masalah dengan kata-katanya sendiri, memberi contoh konsep atau prinsip

• Soal menuntut pembuatan pernyataan masalah dengan kata-kata penjawab sendiri

• Mengungkapkan tema, topik atau masalah yang sama dengan yang pernah dipelajari, tetapi materinya berbeda

• Menghubungkan hubungan antar unsur• Dapat menyajikan dalam bentuk

gambar atau grafik

Page 13: Taksonomi bloom

• Aplikasi

• Menutut menerapkan prinsip dan konsep dalam situasi baru

• Metapkan prinsip• Menyusun kembali problem• Memberikan spesifikasi batas-batas

relevansi suatu prinsip• Menjelaskan suatu gejala baru

berdasrkan prinsip dan generalisasi tertentu

• Meramalkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi berdasarkan prinsip dan generalisasi

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• Menguraikan informasi ke dalam beberapa bagian, menemukan asumsi, membedakan fakta dan pendapat, dan menemukan hubungan sebab akibat

• Soal menuntut uraian informatif, penemuan asumsi pembedaan antara fakta dan pendapat, dan penemuan seabab akibat

• Meramalkan sifat-sifat khusus ttt yang tidak disebutkan secara jelas

• Mengetengahkan pola atau pengaturan materi dengan menggunakan kriteria (relevansi, sebab-akibat, dan peruntutan)

• Meramalkan sudut pandang, kerangka acuan dan tujuan materi yang dihadapi

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• Sintesis

• Menuntut menghasilakn suatu cerita, komposisi, hipotesis, atau teoerinya sendiri dan mensintesakan pengetahuan

• Menemukan hubungan yang unik • Menyusun rencana operasi suatu

problem• Mengabraksikan sejumlah gejala, data

dan hasil observasi menjadi lebih terarah, proporsional, skema atau bentuk lain

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• Evaluasi

• Mengevaluasi informasi, seperti bukti sejarah, editorial, teori-teori, dan termasuk melakukan judgment

• menuntut pembuatan keputusan• Memahami nilai serta sudut pandang

yang dipakai orang lain dalam mengambil keputusan

• Mengevaluasi karya dengan membandingkannya denag karya yang relevan

• Mengevaluasi suatu karya dengan menggunakan kriteria yang ditentukan

• Mengevaluasi suatu karya dengan menggunakan sejumlah kriteria yang eksplisit.

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Knowledge of Arithmetic

• Students will give the definition of an even number.

• Students will state the product of any pair of single-digit integers.

• Students will identify the pairs of fractions.

• Students will explain the meaning of square root number

• Define even number!• What is the product of (-3) x

(-7)?• In the fraction 2/3. which

number is the dominator?• What is the meaning of the

square root a number?

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Comprehension of Arithmetic

• Students will identify even and odd number.

• Students will compute the quotient of two fraction.

• Students will approximate the square roots of number.

• Which of these numbers are even number? 8, 11, 19, 352, 781, 1001, 998?

• find this quotient ?• Find the square root of


Cognitive Objective Test Item



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Knowledge of Algebra

• Students will explain the symbol .

• Students will define ordinate and abscissa.

• What is the meaning of the symbol !

• Define the terms ordinate and abscissa!

Cognitive Objective Test Item

an log an log

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Comprehension of Algebra

• Students will compute powers of the form

• Students will compute logarithms.

• Students will find the product of a monomial and binomial.

• Students will give examples of quadratic equations

• What number is represents by ?

• Find • Find the product of• Give an example of a

quadratic equation

Cognitive Objective Test Item

na 32


yxx 423 2

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Knowledge of Geometry

• Students will define a circle• Students will state the

Pythagorean theorem.• Students will state the

congruent triangle theorems.

• Students will give definitions of postulate and theorems.

• What is the definition of a circle?

• State the Pythagorean theorem!

• State two different congruent triangle theorems!

• Define postulate ! Define theorem!

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Comprehension of Geometry

• Students will identify geometric shapes.

• Student will explain the distinction between postulates and theorems.

• Student will use the Pythagorean theorem.

• Students will show the difference between congruence and similarity.

• Give the name of these geometric shapes :

• Give an example of a postulate and an example of a theorem and explain the difference between your examples.

• Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the hypotenuse of this triangle:

• Construct two triangles with are similar but which are not congruent.

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Knowledge of Trigonometry

• Students will state the law of sines.

• Students will define a radian.

• Students will explain the different between arcs and chords.

• Students will give the values of the trigonometric functions of special angles.

• State the law of sines!• Define radian!• State the difference

between an arc of a circle and a chord of a circle!

• What are the values of

Cognitive Objective Test Item

)45sec(),90tan(),30sin( 000

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Comprehension of Trigonometry

• Students will explain why undefined• Students will show the

relationship between radian measure and degree measure.

• Students will describe the difference a trigonometric equation and a trigonometric identity.

• Students will explain the meaning of the symbol .

• Explain why undefined!

• Convert 3 radians to degree measure! Convert 280 degree to radian measure

• What the difference a trigonometric equation and a trigonometric identity? Give example of each!

• Explain the meaning of the symbol . What is the value of

Cognitive Objective Test Item

)90tan( 0

)(tan 1 x

)90tan( 0

)(tan 1 x

)2(tan 1

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• Arithmetic or Algebra. A boy began the walking down the street carrying a bag of apples. He met a friend and gave him half oh his apples plus one-half of an apple. Continuing on, he met a second friend and gave her half of his remaining apples plus one-half of an apple. Later he met a friend and gave her half of his remaining apples plus one-half of an apple, only to discover that his generosity was such that he had given away all hi apples. How many apples did the boy have when he started his walk? This problem can be solved simply by using a bit of arithmetic and a lot of “common sense” or it can be solved using a complex algebraic equation with many symbols of grouping.

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Analysis in Arithmetic

• Students will explain the reason why is equivalent to , where a, b, c, and d are natural number.

• Students will students will tell why the method of casting out nines is a valid procedure for checking the sum of column of numbers.

• Students will explain why 2112 in base three is equivalent to 68 in base ten.

• Explain why the division problem can be written as

• Explain why the procedure of casting out nines shown below is a valid check for addition

• Why is 2112 in base three equivalent to 68 in base ten?

Cognitive Objective Test Item

















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Synthesis in Arithmetic

• Students will develop procedures for multiplying in various bases.

• Students will write computer programs which will convert numbers from one base to another base.

• Students will prove that the sum of two odd numbers is an even number.

• Construct a single digit multiplication table in base seven, and write a set of rules and procedures for finding the product of two three-digit numbers in base seven.

• Write a computer program to convert any number in base ten to an equivalent number in base two

• Prove that the sum of any two odd numbers is an even number

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Analysis in Algebra

• Students will state and explain the validity of Cramer’s Rule for solving three equations in three variables.

• Students will state the postulate of mathematical induction and will discuss the validity of its application to proving theorems which hold for all natural numbers.

• State Cramer’s rule for solving three equations is three variables. Explain why Cramer’s rule yields a valid solution for a system of linear equations.

• State the postulate of mathematical induction and explain why it is a valid technique for proving theorems which are true for all natural number.

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Synthesis in Algebra

• Students will derive the quadratic formula.

• Students will state and prove the binomial theorem.

• Students will state and prove the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric progression

• Derive the quadratic formula

• State and prove the binomial theorem

• State and prove the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric progression

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Analysis in geometry

• Students will discuss the relationship among the validity of a proposition and validity of the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of the proposition.

• Students will describe the nature of geodesics (path of the least distance) on the surface of planes, spheres, cylinders, and cones.

• Analyze and discuss the relationship among the validity of a proposition and the validity of in converse, inverse, and contrapositive.

• Analyze and discuss the nature of geodesics on surface of plans, spheres, cylinders, and cones.

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Synthesis in Geometry

• Students will prove theorems from plane geometry.

• Students will prove theorems from solid geometry.

• Student will explain the consequences of contradicting Euclid’s parallel postulate for plan geometry.

• In the same circle or in equal circle, prove that equal chords are equidistant from centre.

• Prove that the volume of a pyramid is equal to one-third the product of the area of its base and its altitude

• Write a paper discussing the consequences of the two possible contradictions of Euclid’s parallel postulate

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Analysis in Trigonometry

• Students will interpret the graphs of trigonometric functions of the form y = sin (bx).

• Students will explain the relationship between the graph of each circular (trigonometric) function and its inverse function.

• Discuss the relative the amplitudes and period of functions of the form y = a sin (bx) for positive and negative values of a and b, and for all combinations of a and b such that a < 0, a > 0; b < 0, b > 0.

• consider the graphs of the six circular functions and explain the relationship between each functions and its inverse function.

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Synthesis in Trigonometry

• Students will prove trigonometric identities over the set of real number.

• Student will prove that certain trigonometric functions are irrational.

• Prove the identity

• Prove that

is an irrational number

Cognitive Objective Test Item







4cos2 2


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Evaluation in Arithmetic

• Students will describe and compare the merits of the two standard algorithms for calculating square roots of number.

• Student will compare and discuss the relative merits of arithmetic in a number system based upon powers of two and arithmetic in a number system based upon of ten.

• Student will explain the value of zero as a number in our number system.

• Find the square root of 6342.173 using each of the two methods that were presented in class. Compare the two methods and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of arithmetic in a base-two number system and arithmetic in a base-ten number system

• Suppose that, just like many of people who lived many years ago, we had to use number system that did not have a number a zero. What limitations would this put on our number system and our methods of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing?

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Evaluation in Algebra

• Students will assess the merits of solving system of linear equations by the substitution method, the method of addition and subtraction, and Cramer’s Rule.

• Students will judge the value of extending our number system to include irrational number.

• Student will explain the relative merits of comparing the cardinal numbers of sets by counting elements and by setting up one-to-one correspondences.

• Discuss the relative advantages of the methods of solving systems of linear equation - substitution, addition, and Cramer’s rule.

• Why is it necessary to include the set of irrational numbers in our number system?

• At times we compare the number of elements in two sets (cardinal numbers of the sets) by counting the elements of the each set, and the other times we compare the cardinal numbers of two sets by setting up one-to-one correspondences between elements of the sets. Evaluate the relative merits of these two procedures for “counting” elements in the sets.

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Evaluation in Geometry

• Students will judge the relative merits of the rectangular coordinate geometry of algebra and the synthetic geometry of Euclidean plane geometry.

• Student will judge the value of learning how to prove theorems in geometry.

• In Algebra, lines, curves, and plane figures are represented as functions of the form y=f(x) which can be plotted of a rectangular coordinate system to aid in studying their properties. The approach to the study of lines, curves, and plane figures that used in Euclidean plane geometry is quite different. Compare and evaluate the merits of these two approaches to the study of the plane curves and figures!

• Of what value is it to be able to construct proofs of theorems in geometry?

Cognitive Objective Test Item

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Evaluation in Trigonometry

• Students will describe the procedure for solving a trigonometric equation and the procedure for proving a trigonometric identity and will compare the two procedure.

• Students will explain the rationale for concluding that 0/0 is undefined and the rationale for concluding that

Cognitive Objective Test Item





• Solve the equation

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Page 39: Taksonomi bloom


• Pengetauan tentang fakta yang spesifik TIK: Siswa dapat mengingat kembali rumus keliling lingkaranSoal : rumus untuk keliling lingkaran yang berjari-jari r adalah ………….

• Pengetahuan tentang terminologiTIK : Siswa dapat mengingat kembali notasi harga nutlakSoal : nilai mutlak dari suatu dilangan k adalah……

• Kemampuan untuk mengerjakan algoritmaTIK : Siswa dapat mengerjakan operasi pengurangan bilangan bulatSoal : -6 – (-3) = …..

Page 40: Taksonomi bloom

Pemahaman• Pemahaman Konsep

TIK : Siswa dapat menentukan fungsi komposisi jika ditentukan masing-masing fungsi asalnya.Soal : jika f(x) = 2x +1 dan g(x) = 3x – 1, tentukan f o g !

• Pemahaman prinsip, aturan, dan generalisasiTIK : Siswa dapat menentukan irisan dua buah bidangSoal : Jika irisan dua buah bidang tidak kosong, maka irisannya adalah …..

• Pemahaman struktur matematikaTIK : Dengan menggunakan sifat distributif, siswa dapat mencari nilai variabel dalam suatu persamaanSoal : nilai p dari 3 x 26 = (3 x p) + (3 x 6) adalah …..

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• Kemampuan membuat transformasiTIK : Siswa dapat mengubah pecahan biasa menjadi pecahan bentuk desimalSoal : Seperdelapan persen dari p adalah …..

• Kemampuan untuk mengikuti pola berfikirTIK : Jika ditentukan dua segitiga sama kaki yang berimpit alasnya, siswa dapat membuktikan bahwa selisih antara dua sudutnya sama.Soal : Diketahui ABC dan ABD dengan alas AB berimpit, besar sudut BAD sama dengan besar sudut

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• Kemampuan membaca dan menginterpretasikan masalah sosial atau data matematika.TIK : Siswa dapat mengubah suatu permasalahan ke dalam bentuk matematika serta menentukan penyelesainnya Soal : Bu Ani membeli sebuah meja belajar untuk anaknya. Harga yang dutawarkan adalah Rp. 600.000,- dengan potongan 15%. a) apakah dasar masalahnyab) konsep apa yang dapat digunakanc) Bagaimana cara menyelesaikannya

Page 43: Taksonomi bloom

Application (aplikasi)• Kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah rutin

TIK : Siswa dapat menerapkan konsep persen dalam masalah jual beliSoal : Ahmad membeli sebuah komputer dengan harga Rp. 5.250.000,- ditambah pajak sebesar 15%. Berapakah harga total komputer tersebut!

• Kemampuan membandingkanTIK : Diberikan sekumpulan data, siswa dapat menentukan data terbesar dan rata-ratanyaSoal : berikut diberikan data tentang berat bdan 10 mahasiswa: 56, 68, 67, 45, 59, 68, 78, 65, 78, 70. tentukan berat terbesar dan hitung rata-ratanya.

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