TAMIL SCHOOLS Friday, November 23, 2012 மமமமமமமம ம மம மமமமமமமமமமமமம ம மம டடட - டடடட. ட.டடடடடடடடட (டடடடடடடடடடடடடடடடடடட ) டடடடடடடடடடடடடடடடட டடடடடட டடடடட டடடடடடட . டடடடடட டடடடடடட ட டடடடட டடடடடடடட ; டட . டடடட, டடடடடடடடட, டடடட, டடடடடட டட டடடடடட டடடடடடடட டடடடடட டடடடடடடடடடட டடடடட டடடடட டடடட ட டடடடடட டடடடட . டட, டடட ட ட டட டடடடடடடடட டடடட (government of the day) ட ட , ட டடடடடடடடடட டடட டடடடடடடடடடடடடட ட டடடடடடடடடடடட டடடடடடட. டடடடடடட டடடடடடட டடடட டடடடடடடட டடட டடடடட டட டடடடடடட , ட ட 2011 டடட, டடட டடடடட டடடடடடடடட ட ட டடடடட டடடடட டடடடடடட டடடடடட டடடடடட டடடட டடட டடடடடடட . டடடட டடடடட ட டடட டடடடடட : “Don’t sugar-coat views. Stop the apple polishing,” Saifuddin tells academics. - “I hope you all can forward your suggestions without fear or favour. It might be painful for the government to swallow, but we will not scold,” he said jokingly. “We are in an era of new politics. Don’t worry about who will win in the general election. For me, it is about the rakyat.” Academics have been told to stop apple polishing ministers and top government officials as it would do more harm than good. “Some of them are quick not to allow opposition politics but make an exception when it comes to the ruling party,” he said. 1 டடடட டடடடடட டடடடடட- டடடடடடடடடட டடட டடடடடடடடடடடடட டட (ட) ட டடட ட ட 1951 ட டட டடடடடடடட டடடடட , டடடடட டடடடடடட டடடடடட டடடடடடட டடடடடடட டடட டடடடடடடட டடடடடடட. ட ட டடட டடடடடடடடடடட டடடடடடடடடட (KLCSTA Kuala Lumpur Chinese School Teachers’ Association) ட ட டடடட டடடடடட டடடடடட

Tamil Schools

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TAMIL SCHOOLS Friday, November 23, 2012

- . . ( ) . ; . , , , . , (government of the day) , . , 2011, . :Dont sugar-coat views. Stop the apple polishing, Saifuddin tells academics.- I hope you all can forward your suggestions without fear or favour. It might be painful for the government to swallow, but we will not scold, he said jokingly. We are in an era of new politics. Dont worry about who will win in the general election. For me, it is about the rakyat. Academics have been told to stop apple polishing ministers and top government officials as it would do more harm than good.Some of them are quick not to allow opposition politics but make an exception when it comes to the ruling party, he said.1


() 1951 , . (KLCSTA Kuala Lumpur Chinese School Teachers Association) . 1951 PAN-Malayan Chinese Teachers Meeting , . Jiao Zong UCSTA United Chinese Schools Teachers Association of Malaya ( UCSTA, UCSTAM). Fenn-Wu Report 1951 Barnes Report 1951 . 2

() , 1955 . 1951 , 1952 Education Ordinance . , (Alliance) . , . , , . 12-1-1955 , . , 1954 Stick and Carrot . , . delaying tactic . . Maliujia Huitan (Malacca Meeting) . . , , , 4 ., , 1951 . 4 () , , . , , .1955 52 51 . , Dato Abdul Razak 14 , 1955 . . 1970, 1980 , 1958 . . , , , , . , (Ultimate Objective) . 3

() Rahman Talib Report 1960, Education Act 1961 , . . 1961 . . 1964 . 1985, . 4 , . , - Assembly . . , , , . . . . , . , , , .

(1) LINUS - . NKRA (Education National Key Results Area) LINUS . LINUS, Literacy and Numeracy Screening . LINUS 3R (Reading, wRiting, eRthmetic) . LINUS . 2011 1100 , . . PERDANA 3R . 3R LINUS . LINUS TEGAR . LINUS NKRA . 5, 6

(2) LINUS . , . , LINUS (Pendidikan Khas) . , . . 7 . .

(3) () CEC, Smart Readers, Montessori, Q-dees . . . , .

() PGT - . 1988, Persatuan Guru Tadika Malaysia (PGT) . PGT 130 224 PGT . 8

() HPP - MCEF HPP (Harapan Pre-School Programme) . . . PGT 130 , 100 HPP .

() NKRA PGT NKRA . 10,000 , PGT 10 .

() Tabika Perpaduan - 2011 1693 Tabika Perpaduan (Unity pre-schools) Azman Amin Hassan 2010 . , 42,000 . , Tabika Perpaduan . 9

() - . .

(4) 2008 , , ? PAS TASKI , TADIKA , . CHILD, MCEF , . CHILD . . . . . CHILD, MCEF . , . .

(5) - . , , . 2011 . .Approached by The Star, headmistress, A.Gracy said the action was due to a directive from the State Education Department that school heads who allowed such pupils in their schools would be fined RM1000 for each pupil, which must be paid out of their own pockets. 10 , . , . , , , . , . 11, 12

(6) 54 , . 100 , 200 , 300 . , ( , ) . . , ; . 1 .

29.07.2009SRJK Ldg. Singai Salak, PDN26, StarShoplot School Shocker 120 pupil cramed in two double-story premises.

19-8-2011 1, ? .

16-2-2012 1, 40 .

28-2-2012 , ( )

1, , , , , ,

1-3-2012 9, , , , -

1-3-2012 , , , , .


N26. StarTamil school in dire straits

6-7-2012 1,

(7) 150 , . 523 122 . 12 15 11 25 58 . 13 , 2016 3 , . . 14 , , . , . . . , , , . . 6 11 ?

(8) , 15-7-2012, 109 , . , SJK (C) CHIAO NAN 300 . , . SJK (C) CHUNG HWA 129 . 15 . 54 . 40 . SJK (C) CHUNG HWA PUSA, PUSA BAZAAR , 100 60 , . 15 , , . , , .

(9) , , - , . . 5 . , - . 16

(10) , , . . 2012, , . 17

(11) - 27-6-2011 . , , . . , . 18 . , () , , , . . , , , . , . 18, 19

(12) , - : (1) (2) (3) (4) 10 (5) 2 (6) (7) 5 ! 7 . . , , 20 .16-11-2011 Sinar Harian Penduduk mohon kerajaan bina SRJK (T) - lima sekolah ditutup sebelum ini untuk tujuan pembangunan . 20 .. . , 15 .. (??) , 8 , . 21 2010 () . 22

(13) 6 ! 22-1-2012 . , . . : (1) .340 (2) .35 (3.5 ) (3) (4) 10 (5) , , , (6) . 23, 24 . . 6 . 6 . .( : , , 2000 2009 . 3 . ??)(14) Mock Cheque - ? .3.5 (35 ) . . , Community Chest . . Community Chest . 1-11-2012 Community Chest ? 2 . 3.5 . , , . 25 , , . . , (24-4-2010), (Minyak ) .1 . . , 7-6-2012 2.5 . 2 . .. 1 , 2.5 . . , , . .(15) 1 MDB, Community Chest - , Community Chest . Community Chest , 1 MDB . 1 MDB ; . 1996 27, 28 . :

27Minister to provide primary educationIt shall be the duty of the Minister to provide primary education in government and government-aided primary schools

28 Establishment and maintenance of national and national type schoolsSubject to the provisions of this act, the Minister may establish national schools and national-type schools and shall maintain such schools. , . . 26

(16) , 5-2-2009 , kp/kppm/5 (10), . 4 . , . .PPD Daerah Petaling Utama 11-3-2009 (PPDPU/PPP/A45781/03/02/007/01) ., , ., , .. ., . . . : Watikah Pelantikan Wakil Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia Ke Majlis-majlis rasmi sekolah KPM di Negeri Selangor bagi tahun 2009. 27 .

(17) - , . . , . 4 . 4 . . . 28, . 2009 .

(18) . , . . 2009 , . . 29

(19) 60% 31-5-2011 , 9279 . . , 2971 . 6408 . 2015 , 2020 . . , . . 30

(20) () 2008 . . , . () . . 1 7-3-2009 . . , ., . ! , ! 31

(21) ?3-11-2011, . . :2009 : 108,867 2010 : 106,221 2011 : 102,412 ( 2011 ) 32

, ; , .. . 10 , . , . , . , ( ). 33

(22) ? ! ? 500,000 9279 , 1.85 ! . , 1.85% , , !

(23) 9A , , 9A . 6A, 7A . 34 . , . UEC , . 9A . 9A . . , . !

(24) ? , , , 8-8-2012 . , , . . 35, 36 , , . , . , , . , . 37 , . , . , . , .

(25) MBMMBI Vs PPSMI : ?MBMMBI, Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia, Memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris (Upholding Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthening English Language) . (2003), 19-7-2002 , PPSMI (Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English) . , . , , ? PPSMI . , . Dong Zong ? Dong Zong , . , , . , . . ( , ) . PPSMI . , , PPSMI MBMMBI . , . , . . . .

(26) PAGE PPSMI in Datin Noor Azimah PAGE (The Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia) . Noor . PAGE CPS jiyt Shamsuddin Hamid . PPSMI . 38PAGE . , , . CPS Shamsuddin Hamid . (, ) . , , . MBMMBI, PPSMI , .

: PAGE , . . .

(27) Education Blueprint - , . Centre for Policy Initiatives , Lim Teck Ghee . (DEB, NEP) Education Blueprint . , . 39 Education Act 1996 Education Blue Print MBMMBI . , .

(28) KSSR vs KBSR KBSR 3 (, , ) , KSSR 4 (, , , ) . KSSR , , . 40

(29) 15 POL (Pupils own language) . POL , . . 2011 2012 . 41, 42

(30) SMJK ! ? 2012, Chinese language should be a must for SMJK Chinese Students . 43 PPSMI , . 41 , 27 Rahman Talib ( Education Act 1961 ) , , . 14 (41 - 27=14). Independent Chinese Schools . 70 Independent Schools Revival Movement , Independent () 14 60 . 27 , Independent . , . .

(31) ! ? 1996 , 1, 2 1997 Dong Zong , . , , .44 ? . . .

(32) 400 . 1999 350 . . 1970 5000 .2000 , , , . , ; ; . . , , , , , , 2000 . 2000-2004 . ., . . , . 2006-2007 . . 452000 (Open certificate) . . , 14A, 15A , 9A, 10A . 17-6-2009 , 2010 10 . , .

, . . . 20-11-2009, . . 4-12-2009 , 10+2 2 . 11-12-2012 . 2 . , 12-12-2009 , . . , . . . 5 . . . , , . , , , . .

(33) 1987 1986 . 1981 (KBSM) . , . 1987 4 . : (1) , (2) (HSP - Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran), (3) , (4) .

(34) 1987 , (Mata Pelajaran Tambahan) . , (Mata Pelajaran di luar kurikulum) . 10 17-6-2009 ? , 29-8-2009 . 10 , , , , Mata Pelajaran di luar kurikulum . . . .


() . ; .() 2010, . 2010, 60 . 20 . , 14 . 2011 2012 20 . 46() , , . . . Institut Bahasa Moden , Communication , , , , . 47 2009 , . , . ! . - ?

() ! ...(i) - 2010 . 48(ii) OUM - Open University Malaysia - , - 2010 . 49(iii) - , , , , - 2009 . 50

() , , , , , . , .

(36) , , (1) , Utusan . 1971 Melen Abdullah Vs Public Prosecutor (1971) Utusan .(2) 2010 , . . .(3) 20-9-2006 , . , . .(4) . Star, Sun .(6) 1-11-2009 : , . : 1 6 , 3-1-2010 14 .(5) , 8-6-2009 , .(7) - ultimate objective . 14-3-2005, : (1984-1986 )..... He said he would continue with efforts to strengthen national schools so that they become the first choice of all the people.Two system will have the people moving along in a parallel line, and they will never meet. It is not good for the nation, he said after an ulama conference.

!With the benefit of hindsight, Lim Lian Geoks concession on the official language issue were a major tactical mistake.The UCSTAs agreement to temporarily shelve the official language issue proved to be a costly concession. UMNO leaders regarded the issue as henceforth closed and UCSTA leaders never again found themselves in a comparable position of strength to press the issue

1955 2012 1955 , 2012 . 1955 , . 2012 ...?

! ! Education Development Blueprint 2001-2010 2001 . , , . Dong Zong :() 1957 freehold !() 1961 TOL (Temporary Occupation Land) !() 1996 Squatters ! : , 20-7-2002

1. 28, the Star 15-12-2011; 100 (13-5-2012)2. 3, 4 LLG Soul of the Malaysian Chinese, Kua Kia Soong. LLG Cultural Development Centre 2010.3. .4. LLG (LLG ), 5. FOCUS F17, Star 14-1-20116. Advertorial, 17 Star 10-10-20117. , , , .8. Persatuan Guru Tadika Malaysia 9. N3, Star 22-11-2010 10. N13, Star 12-4-201111. 1, 8-5-201212. 8-1-201213. .., 3, 11-9-201214. 14, 24-9-2012 15. E4, Star, 15-11-2009 16. 8-9-201117. 14, 15-6-201218. 28-6-201119. 29-6-201120. Sinar Harian 16-11-201121. Surat dari Unit Korporat KPM22. 2-3-201123. 1, 23-1-201224. 1, 23-1-201225. 1, 2-11-201226. 3, 27-10-201227. 11-3-2009 28. 18-2-200929. 10, 29-7-200930. 4, 13-7-201131. 19, 8-3-200932. 3, 4-11-201133. 2, 30-6-201234. 1, 15-10-201235. 1, 8-8-201236. 2, 23-8-201237. 14, 3-1-201038. 5, Star 13-11-201139. 14, Sun 26-9-201140. 2, 28-12-2011 41. 6, 28-12-201142. 16, 1-4-201243. N10, Star 1-4-201244. 84, Tamil Education in Malaysia, Shahul Hamid, Mother Tongue Education of Malaysian Ethnic Minorities, Kua Kia Soong, Dong Zong 1998.45. SPM , 200546. 19-2-201047. 12-5-200948. 15, 3-1-201049. 5, 24-1-201050. 4, 6-4-2009

: ,

1. / . . , . . .

2. 2.1. .2.2. (migration), .2.3. .2.4. (Bantuan Modal) .2.5. (Bantuan Penuh) .2.6. , .2.7. .2.8. ( ).2.9. (land survey) gazette , ; , . 2.10. Cluster, High Performance .

3. / 3.1. .3.2. Dong Zong .3.3. , .3.4. , . , ; .3.5. , .3.6. , , , !3.7. .3.8. 7A .3.9. ..., .3.10. .3.11. , .3.12. (economic status) .3.13. .

4. 4.1. .4.2. , .4.3. .4.4. .4.5. , .4.6. 9A .4.7. 7A , .4.8. , , .4.9. .4.10. ( 5.12- ).4.11. (, ).4.12. .. .4.13. , .4.14. , , .4.15. , .4.16. .4.17. .4.18. .4.19. .4.20. Jabatan/PPD , .4.21. .4.22. / .4.23. , , .

5. / 5.1. + , - .5.2. , , ( )!5.3. , , PMP (Pan Malaysia Pool) Community Chest- , (Mock Cheque) . .5.4. , , . SK, SMK .5.5. 1996- . , .5.6. , , . .5.7. . , . 5.8. ; ; , .5.9. Jabatan Pembangunan Bandar & Desa .5.10. ? ? ! .5.11. , .5.12. , ( 4.10 ).5.13. , . .5.14. , , 1996, 27, 28 , . , .5.15. , . .

6. 6.1. .6.2. , .6.3. 7 , .6.4. .

7. 7.1. , .7.2. PMR, SPM, STPM , .7.3. STPM ( , PMR/SPM , SPM , STPM 3 ).7.4. A: Teras , B: Elektif , C: Tambahan , D: Mata pelajaran Luar Kurikulum 2010 . package . .7.5. Pengetua package . . , . Pengetua .7.6. Mata pelajaran luar kurikulum. formate, . .7.7. . haram halal , halal ?7.8. Pengetua . . .

8. 8.1. , , .8.2. 2008 . . 2008 CHILD , . .

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