TavPrasadDeenan Gurm Eng Rom

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  • 7/25/2019 TavPrasadDeenan Gurm Eng Rom


    qUu pRswid ] sUu~Xy ]BY THY GRACE. SWAYYAS

    Tva Prasaadh|| Swayye||

    dInn kI pRiqpwl krY inq sMq aubwr gnImn gwrY ]He always Sustains the Lowly, protects the saints and destroys the ene ies.

    Deenan ki pratipaal karai nit sant ubaar ganiman gaarai||

    p~C psU ng nwg nrwDp srb smY sB ko pRiqpwrY ]At all ti es he Sustains all, ani als, !irds, ountains "or trees#, serpents and en"$in%s o& en#.

    Pachchh pasoo nag naag naraadhap sarab samai sabh ko pratipaarai||

    poKq hY l mY !l mY pl mY kil ky nhI" krm ib#wrY ]He Sustains in an instant all the !ein%s li'in% in water and on land and doth not pondero'er their actions.

    Pokhat hai jal mai thal mai pal mai kal(i) ke nahoon karam bichaarai||

    dIn di$%wl di$%w iniD doKn dyKq hY pr dyq n hwrY ] &]'()]The (erci&ul Lord o& the Lowly and the treasure o& (ercy sees their !le ishes, !ut dothnot &ail in His Bounty. ).*+ .

    Deen daeaal daeaa nidh dokhan dekhat hai par det na haarai||1|| !"||

    dwhq hY duK doKn kyM dl du~ n ky pl mY dl *wrY ]He !urns the su&&erin%s and !le ishes and in an instant ashes the &orces o& the 'icious

    people.Daahat hai dukh dokhan kau dal dujan ke pal mai dal dhaarai||

    KM* %KM* pR#M* phwrn pUrn pyRmY kI pRIq sBwrY ]He e'en destroys the who are i%hty and Glorious and assail the unassaila!le andresponds the de'otion o& per&ect lo'e.

    #handh akhandh prachandh pahaaran pooran prem kee preetsabhaarai||

    pwr n pwi$ skY pdmw piq byd kqyb %Byd au#wrY ]E'en -ishnu cannot $now His end and the -edas and ate!s "Se itic Scriptures# callHi /ndiscri inate.

    Paar na paae sakai padmaa pat $ed #ateb abhed uchaarai||

    ro I hI rw iblokq rw k roK rUhwn kI ro I n +wrY ] ']'((]The 0ro'ider1Lord always sees our secrets, e'en then in an%er He doth not stop Hisuni&icence.*.*++.

    %ojee hee raaj bilokat raajak rokh roohaan kee rojee na taarai|| ||

  • 7/25/2019 TavPrasadDeenan Gurm Eng Rom



    kI+ pqMg kurMg Bu Mgm BUq Bi,~K B,wn bnw$y ]He Created in the past, creates in the present and shall create in the &uture the !ein%sincludin% insects, oths, deer and sna$es.

    #eet patang kurang bhujangam bhoot bhavikkh bhavaan banaae||

    dy, %dy, Kpy %hMmy, n By, liK- BRm is- Brmw$y ]The %oods and de ons ha'e !een consu ed in e%o, !ut could not $now the ystery o&the Lord, !ein% en%rossed in delusion.

    Dev adev khapey ahanmev na bhev lakhio bhram sio bharmaae||

    byd purwn kqyb kurwn hsyb !ky kr hw! n %w$y ]The -edas, 0uranas, ate!s and the 2uran ha'e tired o& %i'in% His account, !ut the Lordcould not !e co prehended.

    $ed Puraan #ateb #uraan haseb thake kar haath na aae||

    pUrn pyRm pRBwau ibnw piq isau ikn sIR pdmw piq pw$y ])]'(.]Without the i pact o& per&ect lo'e, who hath reali3ed Lord1God with %race4 .*+5.

    Pooran prem prabhaao binaa pat sio kin sri padmaa pat paae||"|| !&||

    %wid %nMq %gwD %dYUuK su BUq Bi,~K B,wn %BY hY ]The 0ri al, /n&inite, 6n&atho a!le Lord is without alice and is &earless in the past,present and &uture.

    aadh anant agaadh advaikh su bhoot bhavikkh bhavaan abhai hai||

    %Miq ibhIn %nwqm %wp %dwg %doK %iC~dR %CY hY ]He is endless, Hi sel& Sel&less, stainless, !le ishless, &lawless and in'inci!le.

    'nt(i) biheen anaatam aap adaag adokh achhiddra achhai hai||

    logn ky krqw hrqw l mY !l mY Brqw pRB ,Y hY ]He is the Creator and 7estroyer o& all in water and on land and also their Sustainer1Lord.

    ogan ke kartaa hartaa jal mai thal mai bhartaa Prabh vai hai||

    dIn di$%wl di$%w kr sRI piq sMudr sRI pdmw piq $y hY ]

    (]'(/]He, the Lord o& aya, is Co passionate to the Lowly, source o& (ercy and ost!eauti&ul.+.*+8.

    Deen daeaal daeaa kar sri pat sundar sri padmaa pat ey hai||!|| ! ||

    kwm n koRD n loB n moh n rog n sog n Bog n BY hY ]He is without lust, an%er, %reed, attach ent, ail ent, sorrow, en9oy ent and &ear.

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    #aam na krodh na lobh na moh na rog na sog nab hog na bhai hai||

    dyh ibhIn snyh sBo qn nyh ibrkq %gyh %CY hY ]He is !ody1less, lo'in% e'ery!ody !ut without worldly attach ent, in'inci!le and cannot!e held in %rasp.

    Deh biheen saneh sabho tan neh birkat ageh achhai hai||

    wn ko dyq % wn ko dyq mIn ko dyq mwn ko dY hY ]He pro'ides sustenance to all ani ate and inani ate !ein%s and all those li'in% on theearth and in the s$y.

    *aan ko det ajaan ko det jameen ko det jamaan ko dai hai||

    kwhy ko *olq hY qumrI suD suMdr sRI pdmw piq lYhY ].]'(0]Why dost thou wa'er, : creature; The !eauti&ul Lord o& aya will ta$e care o& thee.5.*+

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    The !ein%s o& the earth, Ya$shas o& the s$y and the serpents o& the nether1world !owtheir heads !e&ore thee.

    $hoom akaas pataal rasaatal *achchh bhujang sabhai sir niaavain||

    pwi$ skY nhI pwr pRBw hU ko nyq hI nyqh byd bqw,Y" ]

    >one could co prehend the li its o& Thy Glory and e'en the -edas declare Thee as ?>eti, >eti@

    Paae sakai nahee paar prabhaa hoo ko net hee netah $ed bataavain||

    Ko !ky sB hI Ku I%w sur hwr pry hir hw! n %w,Y ] 0]'(4]All the searchers ha'e %ot tired in their search and none o& the could reali3e the Lord.arada, Brah a and the sa%e Ru na all ha'e to%ether sun% Thy 0raises.

    /aarad se chaturaanan se %umnaaa rikh se sabh hoon mil gaaio||

    byd kqyb n Byd liK- sB hwr pry hir hw! n %wi$- ]The -edas and ate!s could not $now His sectet all ha'e %ot tired, !ut the Lord couldnot !e realised.

    $ed #ateb na bhed lakhio sabh haar pare -ar haath na aaio||

    pwi$ skY nhI pwr aumwpiq is~D snw! snMqn iD%wi$- ]Shi'a also could not $now His li its the adepts "Siddhas# alon%with >aths and Sana$

    etc. editated upon Hi .Paae sakai nahee paar 0maapat Siddh Sanaath sanantan dhiaaio||

    iD%wn Dro iqh ko mn mY" i h ko %imqoi sBY gu Cwi$- ]3]'.5]Concentrate upon Hi in thy ind, whose 6nli ited Glory is spread in all theworld.=.*5 .

    Dhiaan dharo tih ko man main jih ko amitoj sabhai jag chhaaio||,||& ||

    byd purwn kqyb kurwn %Byd inRpwn sBY p# hwry ]The -edas, 0uranas, ate!s and the 2uran and $in%sDall are tired and %reatly a&&licted!y not $nowin% the Lord@s ystery.

    $ed Puraan #ateb #uraan abhed nripaan sabhai pach haare||

    sik- %nByd ko Kydq hY %nCyd pukwry ]They could not co prehend the ystery o& the /ndis1cri inate Lord, !ein% %reatlya%%rie'ed, they recite >a e o& the 6nassaila!le Lord.

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