TEAMWORK.COM An Introduction & Walk-through 2015/2016

TEAMWORK Instruction PowerPoint 2015

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  • TEAMWORK.COMAn Introduction & Walk-through


  • Table of Contents

    TEAMWORK Capabilities


    Getting Started with TEAMWORK

    Receiving access to your SIG

    Creating your Profile

    TEAMWORK Features










    Status Updates

    Additional Resources


    For questions regarding TEAMWORK,

    please contact:

    [email protected]

    For important tips and information, look for items outlined in red, as well as text that is

    bolded in red!

  • TEAMWORK Capabilities

    Organizational tools and project management pieces that will allow collaboration and precision on initiatives and projects created by our members and groups. Also includes a calendar feature.

    All SIG members in one place with simple and efficient means of discussion and chat. This program does everything the old Listserv was able to do (and more).

    Keep your files, comments and attachments in one secure place. Information and projects for your SIG will only be accessible to the members of that SIG.

    From simple to comprehensive, in-depth task list with customizable timelines and completion tracking.

    This software will allow us to include every SIG and committee under ISOQOL, with room for substantial growth.

    Ample file-sharing space and on-line notebooks for collaboration and brainstorming.

    Customizable online dashboard to fit the unique needs of each SIG.

    Available across multiple platforms. (Internationally accessible software).

    Teamwork Projects is designed to work with existing tools and software including Word, Microsoft Products, and many more. Everything is in the cloud, accessible anywhere and anytime.


    As a result of a series of calls with SIG chairs, conducted by the ISOQOL SIG

    Board Liaison and Executive Director, over the course of 2015, leadership

    learned that one specific request on behalf of the SIGs was a centralized

    facility with which to share documents, keep logs, and work together as a

    cohesive SIG.

    This request was taken carefully into consideration, and after a period of

    research, it was determined that Teamwork.com would be the best program

    with which to provide SIGs these services.

    We are exited to offer the ISOQOL SIG members the ability to utilize the tools

    and space within Teamworks platform to continue working together and

    moving their groups forward through projects, collaborations, and


  • GETTING STARTED WITH TEAMWORKGaining Access & Creating Your Profile

  • Receiving Access to your SIG or SIGs

    In order to be granted access to your SIG, you must be a current ISOQOL member (membership dues paid).

    When you become a member, ensure that you have selected the SIG(s) you would like to actively participate in through your Member Profile (located on the members only page of isoqol.org) or on your physical dues payment form.

    You will have received an email similar to the one shown, inviting you to join your SIG group on Teamwork. If you have not received this email, please contact [email protected].

  • Receiving Access to your SIG or SIGs


    Click the Get Started Link on this


    You will be directed to create a

    password for your Teamwork


    Once youve created your

    password, you will be logged in to

    your unique Teamwork page.

  • In the left-hand pane, you'll see a list of SIGs, from here you can select the SIG you wish to see. However, if you are only on one SIG, you will, by default, be taken directly to that SIG.

    When you first login to your Teamwork account you will go straight to the Dashboard. The Dashboard is a live stream of data from all the SIGs that you are a part of. It details items such as task lists added, tasks added/edited/completed, milestones added/completed and much more.


  • Dashboard Features

    Side Bar

    The Side Bar of the Dashboard will

    list all of the SIGs that you are

    officially signed up for.

    If you are an active member in one

    SIG, there will be one SIG listed on

    your side bar.

  • Dashboard Features Your Dashboard will show all of the

    most recent activity of your SIG or


    Here, you can:

    Navigate to your chosen SIG (by

    clicking on it in the side bar)

    View all your tasks (via the

    EVERYTHING tab at the very top)

    View all the SIGs you are in (via the

    PROJECTS tab at the top.

    View the CALENDAR

    View or post STATUSES

    See the PEOPLE in your SIG or SIGs

    (But well dive into more of that, soon!)

  • Creating Your Profile

    In the top, right-hand corner of

    your Overview screen, select the

    profile icon (scene highlighted in


    A small window will appear with

    your name and several other


    Choose Edit My Details

  • Creating Your Profile (continued)

    My Account will appear.

    Here, you can edit your profile, account information, location, and preferences.

    The email address in Teamwork must match the email address on your Member Profile. This ensures you remain listed as a SIG member. Only active ISOQOL members will be listed in Teamwork.

    Editing your preferences will allow you to turn notifications on and off. This may come in handy later.

    We recommend uploading a profile picture during this step, as well. Select edit photo and browse to your picture file.

    When finished, click, save details.

  • TEAMWORK FEATURESAn in-depth look at the features of TEAMWORK

  • Projects

    Using the top menu bar on the

    page, you can access your

    dashboard, projects, SIG calendar,

    fellow SIG members statuses, and

    a list of people in your SIG.

    To view the working space for your

    SIG(s), click on PROJECTS.

    If you are in more than one SIG,

    this will allow you to see all the

    SIG Projects that you have

    access to.

    Remember, PROJECTS = SIGs

  • Overview

    Select your SIG on the projects

    page, and you will be taken to your

    SIG OVERVIEW page.

    Here you can see an Activity

    live-stream that will fill as people

    create/complete tasks, leave

    comments, post documents/links,


    Here, you can also see the people

    on your SIG in the left-hand side

    bar, as well as e-mail the full

    group, just as you would with the


  • Overview Listserv

    To email all members of your SIG, simply

    go to the sidebar where the ISOQOL logo is

    featured, and scroll down to Project

    Email Addresses.

    Click on View email addresses.

    A box with five unique email address will

    appear. To send a message to all

    members, click on (or copy) the second email address from the top. (Look for the envelope icon).

    This will direct you to your own email

    account and will allow you to send a

    message to all members.


  • TasksThe toolbar within your SIG Project gives you access to all of the organizational and project tools that you

    will use.

    Click on Tasks to view or create new tasks for your SIG.

  • Tasks (continued)Clicking on Add Task will allow you to create tasks or objectives, as well as assign specific members to that task.

    Customize your task (including adding files and a description) using the features in the highlighted toolbar.

  • MilestonesMilestones can be added to update others on the progress of certain initiatives, to commemorate

    important events, or for whatever you and your fellow SIG members see fit.

    To create a new Milestone, go to the Project toolbar, next to tasks, and click Add a Milestone.

  • MessagesYou can post messages, announcements, and

    various forms of communication updates

    through the Messages feature.

    You are also able to determine how members

    of your SIG will be notified of the message,

    as well as attach files.

    You can post a message via email by clicking

    on Options in the right hand corner.


  • FilesYou can upload various files into your SIG Project by selecting the FILES tab in the toolbar.

    There are options in the sidebar that allow you to categorize by documents, importance, and photos.

  • NOTEBOOKSThe Notebooks feature allows

    members of your project to brainstorm

    and comment.

    You can keep an open notebook with

    project ideas/useful information/login


    Keep in mind, all of these features are

    customizable to your SIG. You may

    choose to use some and not others.

  • LinksAdding interesting articles or useful links to your SIG Project can allow members to access

    important information that relates to your purpose.

  • Calendar

    When adding an event to your calendar, use the Privacy tab to ensure that the event is seen strictly by the members of your SIG. PLEASE DO NOT CREATE AN EVENT WITHOUT CHANGING THIS SETTING.

    You can also create an event that is only visible to you by clicking the This is just for me option.

  • Status Updates

    Another optional feature that

    allows communication and a social

    aspect to Teamwork is the status

    terminal. Here, people in your SIG

    can update their statuses on

    projects, Out of Office messages,


    To create a status, type directly in

    your status box or click Update My


  • Conclusion

    We thank you for taking the time and attention to implement this new system into

    your SIG. As we continue working together to advance this mission of ISOQOL and

    its Special Interest Groups, we hope that Teamwork becomes an efficient and

    effective tool for members.

  • Additional Resources

    Remember, Teamwork is customizable for your SIG. Please let us know what

    works best for your group.

    For technical issues related to ISOQOL SIGs or Teamwork, contact:

    [email protected]