Tentang Keluarga Ku

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  • 8/10/2019 Tentang Keluarga Ku


    About My Family

    Hallo sir ,, this is my story about my family. I hope you like to read it.

    Previous introduce my name is Putri Windasari. My family used to call me puput, but

    my friends call me winda. I have a happy little family. There are a father, mother,and two younger brothers. I was the first child of this little family. I would to tell

    them separately sir ;)

    1. My Father

    This is my father. My father named Danuri. He is the

    only child of the couple tasbih and sriah. My father have a

    bit fat body and height. He have a brown skin like an

    Indonesian. And have a nose that most people have. Hewas born in Pekalongan, Central Java, in ... months ... ..

    My father worked as an entrepreneur, running a variety

    of businesses in the field of food. My father is a hard type in

    educating his children. Because he wanted his children to

    be a successful in the future, and also want their children to

    have high knowledge. He attended school only until junior

    high school. But even though he is only graduates a junior

    high school he is a diligent and successful efforts that are in

    the field. Therefore I very respectful of him. There are pridefor me to have a father entrepreneurs who can say quite

    successful in his efforts.

    2. My Mother

    This is me with my mother dear. My mother name is

    Turipah. She was born in Pekalongan too same with myfather, in 27 October 18... She have a bit of white skin,

    was rather short.

    My mother is the person I respect the most. She not

    only works as a good housewife, but she also worked to

    help my father in running the family business. Can say

    my mother is also an entrepreneur. She is the type of

    mother who is very dear to her children, I rarely saw she

    angry with her children. How naughty and obstinate

    younger siblings she always patiently respond to herchildren. She also the same as my a father only a junior

  • 8/10/2019 Tentang Keluarga Ku


    high school graduate. But although she was a junior high school graduates that

    smart mother. At the time of my elementary school she who taught me the tricks

    quickly calculate multiplication uses the hand.

    3. My first younger brother

    This is my first younger brother. My younger brother named Nur Kholis Putra. We

    call ordinary Olis. Currently he is a class 3 junior high school. He was born on May

    21, 2000 in Depok. He have a high body and a little thin. Have a brown skin like my

    a father.

    From kindergarten to junior high school my younger brother this one is the most

    difficult child to learn in comparison my younger brother both. It basically Olis is not

    very good at learning. Because of my younger brother who was more interested in

    the hobby, that maintaining various species of birds unique and nice. A lot ofunexpected birds which he bought as Asutralia owls, and eagles. But I admit

    diligence in maintaining the birds can bring decent results for finances. The first bird

    he bought at a low price can be sell high him to millions of dollars after her training

    and her care. But my relationship with my first younger brother can say this is not

    good in compare with my second younger brother.

    4. My second younger brother

    This is the second younger brother to me. My second younger brother is named

    Riski Surya Saputra. We used to call iki. He is currently in class 2nd elementaryschool. He was born on July 19, 2007 in Depok. He has a rather dark skin, because

    he likes to play outside when the weather is still hot with his friends. Have a nice

    eyelashes whereas he was a man. And have a nose that is most flattering in this


    My younger brother is one of the most spoiled younger brother. Every who he

    wants to be in obeying my parents. Maybe because he was the last child so he's

    being spoiled. But he has a hobby that is unique, he liked fishing even though many

    kids his age who do not like the activity.



    And the last one is my own. My name is Putri Windasari. Unusual in calling puput

    in my family. And in calling winda by my friends. I was born in Pekalongan on the

    11th March 1995. I have a 155 height, and weight 44, have a bit of white skin, and

    nose unremarkable. I wear glasses from junior high because the habits bad I do

    while reading a book.

    Dari TK sampai sekarang saya bersekolah di Jakarta mengikuti kedua orang tua

    saya yang merantau. Saat TK saya bersekolah di TK Darussalam, Pondok Petir. Saat

    itu saya termasuk anak yang pintar karena tidak lepas dari peringkat 3 besar selamasekolah. Saya hanya menjalani TK selama 1 tahun pembelajaran sehingga saya

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    masuk SD 1 tahun lebih cepat dari teman teman yang lain. Selama saya TK, saya

    juga dapat menyelesaikan 6 jilid bacaan iqro, sehingga sewaktu masuk SD saya

    sudah bisa membaca al-quran.

    Saya masuk SD di SDN Pondok Petir 03. Karena hanya sekolah itu saja yang

    bisa menerima saya masuk SD pada umur saya yang belum genap 6 tahun. Saat SDsaya sudah di daftarkan dalam bebagai macam les dan pengajian. Saat SD saya

    mengambil bimbel di sekolah dan juga di luar, saya juga masuk kursus melukis.

    Tidak banyak kenangan yang saya ingat sewaktu di SD.

    Saat SMP, disini lah saya menemukan seorang sahabat yang selalu menemani

    saya sampai saat ini. Saya bersekolah di MTsN II Pamulang. Itu adalah salah satu

    sekolah islam yang banyak diminati oleh banyak orang. Di sana saya masuk dalam

    kelas unggulan yang hanya terdiri dari 21 murid. Di kelas ini saya bertemu dengan

    Marliana Fitriani biasa di panggil vivi. Dia adalah sahabat saya sampai saat ini.

    Setelah lulus SMP kami (aku dan vivi) masuk ke SMA yang sama yaitu SMAN 1

    Kota Tangerang Selatan. Di sana kita masuk dalam satu ekstrakulikuler yaitu PMR.

    Di PMR kami menjadi pasangan dalam pembuatan tandu, banyak perlombaan yang

    kita ikuti, dan tidak sedikit pula yang kita juarai. Walau kita masuk dalam SMA yang

    sama, tapi dari pertama masuk sampai lulus kita tidak pernah satu kelas. Karena vivi

    mengabil jalur pemintan yang berbeda dengan saya. Vivi mengambil jurusan IPS,

    sedangkan aku IPA.

    Setelah lulus SMA pun kita tidak masuk dalam satu universitas yang sama. Vivi

    masuk ke Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah jurusan Perbankkan Syariah.Sedankan aku ke Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional jurusan Farmasi. Walaupun

    demikian kami masih sering bertemu untuk bertukar cerita. Terkadang vivi juga suka

    bermain ke rumah saya karena jarak rumah kita yang tidak terlalu jauh.