Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet Coordinator: Frode Stordal Co-leader: Lena M. Tallaksen Department of Geosciences University of Oslo Oppstartsmøte for nye prosjekter i KLIMAFORSK og POLARPROG Forskningsrådet, Oslo, 18. mars 2019

Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet · 2019-03-27 · Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet Coordinator: Frode Stordal Co-leader:

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Page 1: Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet · 2019-03-27 · Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet Coordinator: Frode Stordal Co-leader:

Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet

Coordinator: Frode StordalCo-leader: Lena M. Tallaksen

Department of Geosciences

University of Oslo

Oppstartsmøte for nye prosjekter i KLIMAFORSK og POLARPROGForskningsrådet, Oslo, 18. mars 2019

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Page 3: Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet · 2019-03-27 · Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet Coordinator: Frode Stordal Co-leader:


Plants are “not silent witnesses to the passage of time but dynamic components that shape and are, in return, shaped by the environment.”

Shaping and being shaped; vegetation operates in feedbacks in the climate system, involving also the atmosphere, soils and the hydrological cycle.

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Bhatt et al., Earth Interactions, 2010

NDVI vs climate trends 1982-2008

Subarctic land areas are getting

and greenerwarmer

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• Innledning

– samarbeidspartnere, nasjonalt- og internasjonalt samarbeid

– størrelse, varighet

• Mål og forventede resultater og effekter

• Metoder og gjennomføring

• Bruk av forskningsinfrastruktur og datahåndtering

– INES /NorESM og observasjonssystemer

• Kommunikasjon av forskningen i prosjektet

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International networkRobert Björk, University of GothenburgEleanor M Blyth, Centre for Ecology & HydrologyTorben Christensen, Aarhus University, Arctic environmentGabriel Katul, Duke UniversityHannu Marttila, University of OuluPaul Miller, Lund UniversityRanga Myneni, Boston UniversityHeidrun Matthes, Alfred Wegener Institute

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Duration and funding

Duration: 2019 – 2022

RCN funding: 30 MNOKIn-kind: 30 MNOKSynergy projects: 30 MNOK

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Synergy projects

• RCN Klimaforsk (7)

• RCN Fripro (3)

• RCN Miljøforsk (4)

– Including the new IMPRINT

• RCN InfraNor&Intpart (4)

– ICOS-Norway and SIOS

• EU-ERC (2)

• EU-Horizon2020 (1)

• ESA (1)

• UiO Strategic Research Initiative


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Main aim:Improve NorESM using observations


Improve representation of high latitude ecosystems and their climate interactions in NorESM by integrating data and knowledge from empirical ecosystem research in model parameterisation, development and testing

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Main aim:Improve NorESM using observations


Improve representation of high latitude ecosystems and their climate interactions in NorESM by integrating data and knowledge from empirical ecosystem research in model parameterisation, development and testing

Expected outcome:Better climate projections

for vulnerable high latitude regions

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Methods:Adopting the LATICE project design

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Page 14: Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet · 2019-03-27 · Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet Coordinator: Frode Stordal Co-leader:


South NorwayFinse-EcHOSeedClim++ICOS-Hurdal


SvalbardIncl SIOS

Observationalfield sites

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Flux tower + WSN + routine observations

Observational field site: Finse EcHO

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WSN measures:- Snow depth- Snow/precipitation radar platform- Soil temperature/moisture- Net radiation- Temperature / Humidity

Observational field site: Finse EcHO

Data online on LATICE webpage

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Laboratory manipulations

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Oleson et al. 2013

Main model: Community Land Model (CLM)

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Land surface oriented modelling

Global: NorESM-CLM

Regional: WRF-NOAH&CLM

Giorgi et al., WMO Bulletin

Additional models, e.g.:• Hydrology: Shyft• Permafrost: CryoGrid• Turbulence: LES

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