1 EXPOSITION Afif Jauhari Muayyanah Uswatun Hasanah Muhammad Yusuf Created By: JENIS TEXT EXPOSITION Hortatory Exposition Analytical Exposition &

Test Exposition

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Afif Jauhari


Uswatun Hasanah

Muhammad Yusuf

Created By:


Hortatory Exposition

Analytical Exposition &

Page 2: Test Exposition


Analytical Exposition

untuk memaparkan dan memengaruhi pembaca bahwa

ada masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian.

Ciri-ciri Teks Analytical

Exposition:�Kata Benda Umum ( money dan smoking).

�Kata Benda Abstrak (value dan cost).

�Istilah Teknis (means of exchange, means of measuring, dan storing value).

�Kata Kerja Hubung /Relating Verb. (money is first of all a means of exchange).

�Kata Kerja Tindakan (smoke dan store).

�Thinking Verb (believe).

�Modal Verb (we can buy the things dan you may try to find someone).

�Kata Hubung (first of all dan secondly).

�Bahasa Evaluatif (better,good,important,dan trustworthy).

�Kalimat Pasif (the thing can be bought with money).

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Struktur teksanalytical exposition:

� Thesis: pernyataan pendapat penulis.

� Arguments , yang terdiri atas:

� Point: pernyataan kembali argumen utama dalam pengantar sebelumnya.

� Elaboration: pengembangan yang mendukung masing-masing point atau argumen.

� Reiteration: pernyataan kembali posisi



Is Smoking Good for Us?Before we are going to smoke,it is better to look at the fact. About 50

thousand people die every year in britain as direct result of smoking.This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoking five cigarettes a day,we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater,ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking.Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he has smoked fifteen cigarettes.

Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit.Soking however is not good for every body else.

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Hortatory Exposition

memaparkan dan memengaruhi pembaca bahwa sesuatu seharusnya

demikian atau tidak demikian

Ciri-ciri teks hortatory exposition

� Fokus pada penulis yang mengangkat isu tersebut.� Menggunakan kata benda abstrak, misalnya anxienty dan association.

� Menggunakan istilah teknis, misalnya the rating of TV show dan sleep onset delay.

� Menggunakan kata kerja penghubung,(relating verb) misalnya it is important to know the problem.

� Menggunakan kata kerja tindakan, misalnya we must protect our children.

� Menggunakan thinking verb, misalnya people beliave that television influences children.

� Menggunakan modal verb, misalnya television can expose your child to violence,drug abuse.

� Menggunakan kata hubung, misalnya meanwhile.

� Umumnya menggunakan the simple present tense,misalnya watching too much TV often causes bedtime resistance.

� Menggunakan kalimat pesif, misalnya it is followed by shortened sleep duration.

� Menggunaka bahasa evaluatif,misalnya important dan valuabe.

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Struktur teks hortatory exposition:

� Thesis: pernyataan tentang isu yang


� Argument(s): alasan adanya keprihatinan

dan mengarah ke rekomendasi.

� Recommendation: pernyataan tentang

bagaimana seharusnya atau tidak


Contoh:Home schooling is an education system which provides chid’s main education

programme at home. Home schooling takes the place of full-time school attendance and, in the united states nd Canada ,it usually meets state requirements for compulsory education. Although home schooling could achieve the objectives of compulsory education, there are some points that should be noticed from the home schooling.

First, the idea of taking our children’s education on home schooling can be a bit intimidating. Since our country is so large and the people are from so many different kinds of backgrounds, students need some kind of social glue to make them stick together and to give them a sense of unity in spite of all the differences. They will not get such a unity when they are in home schooling. They will get the sense of unity when they are in the compulsory public schools since it is the easiest and best places to make this glue.

Then, the home schooling may not be able to prepare children to fit into the mass society, which means, among other things, believing what most people believe and liking what most people like. Or it may not be able to help children to find a set of values with which they could resist and reject at least many of the values of the mass society.

Recognizing the lack of home schooling in the case of children’s socialization opportunity, we should afford them abundant social opportunities. We can have active home school support groups. We can hold ongoing park days, meetings at the zoo, the science museum, book clubs, history clubs, language clubs, home school scouting troops and many more options to provide them opportunities to socialize with others.

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Technique of TeachingThe silent way is one of the effective language teaching

techniques. It is pedagogical approach to language teaching based on the promise that the teacher should be as silent as possible in the classroom(about 90% of the time). The learners,than,are encouraged to produce as much language as possible. They have much time both to be exposed to the language and to perform practice.

The learning hypothesis behind the silent way is the learning is facilitated if the learners discover or create rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. Also, student learn more effectively through problem solving involving the target language. It views language learning as a creative, problem-solving and discovering activity in which the learner is a principal actor rather than a bench-bound listener.

Basically, in learning teachers prepare their students to have problem solving skill. And the silent way can be described as a problem-solving approach to language learning, and is summed up nicely in Benjamin franklin’s words:”tell me and I forget,teach me and I remember,involve me and I learn.”

I conclude that the silent way is an appropriate language teaching technique.

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What is the type of the text above?

a. Discussion.

b. Exposition.

c. Review.

d. Descriptive.

e. Recount.

What is the porpose of the text?

a. To persuade the readers that something is the


b. To critique an art work.

c. To persuade the readers that something should

or should not be the case.

d. To explain processes.

e. To present at least two points of view about an


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''It is pedagogical approach . . .as silent as

possible in the classroom.''(paragraph 1).

The synonym of the underlined word is. .


a. weak

b. Patient.

c. Quite.

d. Helpful.

e. Pleasant

Which approach is supporting the silent

way in language teaching?

a. Exposing the subjects.

b. Creating the subjects.

c. Asking the students to act as actors.

d. Giving the students problems to solve.

e. Asking the student to be good listeners.

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