Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf

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  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Angol rsbeli Nyelvvizsga

    Gyakorl Tesztgyjtemny

    zleti Angol Kzpok !"

    #G$ t%p&s' (zleti nyelvvizsgra ksz(l)knek

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Kedves Nyelvtanul!

    A kzpfok zleti rsbeli nyelvvizsn eyarnt rik a vizsz nyelvtani tudst" zleti szkin#st"olvasott szve rtsi kszst s rskszst$ %zleti" azdasi tanulnyokat folytat" vay ilyenterleten doloz vizszk vlaszt&k leinkbb$ 'yan ez (anslyozottan ey nyelvvizsa" azrtfelttelezi" (oy a vizsz anyanyelvn is rendelkezik elv) (ttrtudssal s bizonyos fok

    &rtassal zleti tkban$

    Az el)fordul szveek autentikus forrsokbl ertett azdasi szveek" aellyel a vizsz a valletben is tallkoz(at folyiratokban" knyvekben" vay tanulnyai" illetve unk&a sorn br(ol$

    A sikeres vizs(oz ne tkletes eoldst kell elrni" (ane a feladatok sszrtkt tekintve *+,-ote(alad tel&estnyt$

    .ivel a kzpfok zleti nyelvvizst eszerezni ne knny/" rdees sokat yakorolni azokat afeladat tpusokat" aelyek el)fordulnak a vizsn$ .inden nyelvvizsn nay el)nyt &elent" (a ott y

    &elennk e" (oy el)tte r nay feladateold rutint szereztnk$

    0enyeink szerint ebben tud erednyesen seteni ez a yakorlknyv$

    1 unkt s sok sikert kvnunk!

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    Feladat tpusok.............................................................................................................................4

    +,T -est 3 4 'se of 5nlis( 4 6raar and 7usiness 5nlis( 8o#abulary$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9

    est 2 4 0eadin #opre(ension 3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3+est 2 4 0eadin #opre(ension 3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$32est : 4 ;ritin$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$39Answers Set 1..............................................................................................................................................17

    +,T !est 3 4 'se of 5nlis( 4 6raar and 7usiness 5nlis( 8o#abulary$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22est 2 4 0eadin #opre(ension 3$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2$ Git(draG deposit transfer invest39$ bear deer sta bull3*$ be in debt be in t(e red oGe be in t(e bla#k 3

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    #hoose the best a%ternati(e.

    29$ .ost Aeri#an people prefer JJJJJJJJJJ t(eir oney to savin it$A$ spend 7$ spendin E$ to spend H$ to spendin

    2*$ Mri#es JJJJJJJJJJ out of #ontrol$A$ one 7$ (ave spiralled E$ Gas oin H$ (ave been spiralled


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    )i%% the &aps in the fo%%owin& sentences with a %in+in& word or expression fro$ the box. ,ou wi%% not

    need two of the expressions.

    alt(ou(" be#ause of" but" in order to" nevert(eless"

    :?$ A loss leader is an arti#le t(at is sold #(eaply JJJJJJ attra#t t(e publi# and ake t(e buy ot(er


    :=$ (e pri#e of ost kinds of fruit Gill be (i( JJJJJJ frost daae$

    >+$ (e uestion Gas very diffi#ult$ JJJJJJ" (e anaed to ansGer it$


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 1



  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1

    IMF bailout

    Time was when a bail-out by the International Monetary Fund was a uniformly horrid experience. Cold-eyed, sharp-suited men pored over your countrys boos, demandin! painful structural reforms andbone-chillin! fiscal strin!ency. Faced with the current turmoil in emer!in! marets, the fund now seemsmore lie a !enerous uncle.

    "ell-run countries now have fewer hoops to #ump throu!h to !ain IMF money. $n $ctober %&th the fundannounced the creation of a new short-term li'uidity facility for the soundest emer!in! marets. Thefacility will disburse three-month loans to countries with !ood policies and mana!eable debts without

    attachin! any of its usual conditions. The Federal (eserve added its considerable firepower to therescue effort, announcin! the establishment of )*+ billion swap lines with each of the central bans ofrail, Mexico, outh /orea and in!apore.

    The funds traditional lendin! also comes with fewer strin!s attached. The IMF-led )%0.1 billion bail-outof 2un!ary on $ctober %3th was 4fast, li!ht and bi!5, in the words of one person involved. The rescuecame #ust days after the fund a!reed on a )16.0 billion paca!e to shore up 7raines collapsin!economy, a prospect which seems to be unblocin! the countrys wretchedly deadloced politics. It isalso standin! by to help 8aistan.

    The hu!e international support paca!e for 2un!ary is a shocin! turn of fortune for eastern 9urope, a

    re!ion that has en#oyed !rowth and stability for a decade. ut a toxic combination of external debt andcollapsin! confidence left the economy flounderin!. 9ven spendin! cuts, tax increases, a :0 billion ;)6. to 11.0>, hadfailed to calm the marets.

    The fund had tried to !et the !overnments of ?ermany, Italy and @ustria on board for the rescue. Theirbans are most exposed to 2un!arian borrowers ;thans to ea!er lendin! in euros and wiss francs=.@ustria was willin! to tae partA ?ermany was not. o the IMF has put up )10.< billion ;to be a!reed onat an IMF board meetin! shortly=, the 9uropean 7nion has added )3.1 billion, and the "orld an afurther )1.* billion. In return, all 2un!ary has to do is pass a law on fiscal responsibility that is alreadybefore parliament.


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Fill in the gaps with figures from the text.

    1. In $ctober the interest rates were increased by BBBBB per cent in 2un!ary.

    %. The IMF a!reed to !ive 2un!ary a short-term loan of ) BBBBB .

    *. The "orld an added ) BBBBB to the bail-out of 2un!ary.

    Give short answers to the following questions.

    . D 0. "hat are some of the demands the IMF used to impose on countries when !ivin!

    financial aidE ;a, b=

    6. "hy did the IMF create a new li'uidity facility in $ctober %++3E

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Reading comprehension 2

    How small businesses an sta! afloat

    "hether you shop at a local small business in your nei!hborhood, are a small business owner yourself, or arethinin! about startin! a small business, everyone in the country is impacted by @mericas small businesseconomy. mall businesses continue to be the heartbeat of @merica, representin! &&.< percent of all employerfirms and !eneratin! 6+ to 3+ percent of new #obs over the past decade, accordin! to the 7.. mall usiness


    "hile many thin that small businesses have been hit harder than the avera!e consumer in the current economicenvironment, small businesses are often credited as the sector that will liely lead us out of the current 4?reat(ecession.5 To remain successful in todays economy, its critical for small business owners to reduce expensesand better mana!e their day-to-day wor. 2ere are some tips from (ieva esonsy, a small business expert.

    G9veryone has heard the phrase Hcash is in!,H but for todayHs small business owners, I recommend adoptin! themantra, Hsmart cash flow is in!,HG says esonsy.Maximiin! your earnin!s potential on idle cash balances is a smart way to !et the most out of your cash flow.mall business owners can do this by placin! funds in money maret savin!s or short-term C accounts. Interestearned on money sittin! idle will always benefit your business in the lon! run.

    For many small business owners, this is the first time they are navi!atin! their business throu!h this type ofeconomy. Its important to remember that its oay to as for help. @sin! for advice and information from peers whomay have experienced a similar situation is a !reat way to stren!then your business. There are also free forumsout there for small business owners to obtain expert advice and !ain access to additional information they mi!htneed for their business.

    The current economic environment has brou!ht with it many discount opportunities. Many vendors are offerin!deals ri!ht now, main! it a !ood time to invest in new technolo!ies and e'uipment for your business. Investin! inyour business now will ensure that when the economy turns around, you are prepared to tae advanta!e of anyand all !rowth opportunities.

    4@s a small business owner, you need to focus your time on innovation and business !rowth. This meansrememberin! to dele!ate other office wor lie stayin! on top of invoices and collectin! on receivables to a trustedemployee or service,5 says esonsy. There are many tools available to help small business owners be moreefficient and mae mana!in! your companys money easier and less time consumin!. For example, electronicbanin! services !ive business owners the ability to invoice customers, receive payments and pay vendors andemployees electronically. 9lectronic payroll for employees instantly calculates federal, state, local and voluntarywithholdin!s, with 1++ percent accuracy !uaranteed so you dont have to worry about main! these deductionsmanually.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    #hoose the best answer accordin& to the infor$ation in the artic%e.

    3>$ Iall businesses$$$A$ are believed to disappear in t(e lon run7$ are in a better situation t(an t(e averae #onsuerE$ do not play an iportant role in t(e 'I e#onoyH$ need to #ut doGn on t(eir eQpenditures

    39$ @ne positive point about t(e re#ession is t(at sall businesses #an$$$A$ buy neG te#(noloy ore #(eaply7$ (ire neG staffE$ ake ore profit t(an beforeH$ afford to provide dis#ount opportunities

    3*$ Iall business oGners$$$A$ s(ould postpone spendin on neG offi#e euipent7$ (ave to find Gays to anae t(eir offi#e Gork better

    E$ (ave Gide eQperien#e in naviatin t(eir businesses t(rou( re#essionH$ s(ould not trust t(eir eployees


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 2




    >$ 4 9$








  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    n Kalmr Elek / va, a Kisgp Kft. (4025 Debreen, !lma "ta #$$% ve&et'e, amel)*&tartsi gpek +ss&es&erelsvel s rtkestsvel f-glalk-&ik.

    !& Eletr- a -s&trk g (a*ngasse 54/b, 1ra& 0#5% an"r #03n megrenelt n+kt'l50 b st't. ! telests iet mri"s #03re el+ltk meg. K+&ben a&-nban a& n+k f'alkatrs& bes&llt6a s'be ment, g) e& n*n) napra megakas&t-tta a termelsmenett. 7ikerlt msik bes&llt6t tallni"k, e a megrenelseket sak n*n) *tksssel t"k telesteni.

    8r-n levelet a& -s&trk partner kereskeelmi ve&et'nek.

    9ivatk-&&-n a megrenelsre

    -na el, *-g) sak n*n) *etes ksssel t"k a megrenelst telesteni

    :-glala +ss&e r+vien a kss -kt

    Kren eln&st a kseelmes telests miatt

    !menn)iben partnere nem t" vrni, t+r+l*eti a megrenelst, e bi&t-stsa, *-g) *a t"

    mg n*n) *etet vrni, mri"s vgre bi&t-san t"nak s&lltani

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 3

































  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1ers +et -

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business Vocabulary

    3$ Gare(ouse2$ #oer#ial:$ benefit>$ balan#e9$ G(olesale*$ is divided$ invest39$ deer 3*$ be in t(e bla#k 3$ Pou neednt (ave Gaited for t(e ansGer to t(e faQ$29$ 7$ spendin2*$ 7$ (ave spiralled2$ a oin to re#ord:9$ (as:*$ Gas talkin:+$ Nevert(eless

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1 - 2

    3$ : ,

    2$ U 39$< billion

    :$ U 3$: billion

    >$ 4 9$- stru#tural refors- fis#al strinen#y$

    *$7e#ause of a turoil in eerin arkets

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    IMF bailout

    TIM9 was when a bail-out by the International Monetary Fund was a uniformly horrid experience. Cold-

    eyed, sharp-suited men pored over your countrys boos, demandin! painful structural reforms andbone-chillin! fiscal strin!ency. Faced with the current turmoil in emer!in! marets, the fund now seemsmore lie a !enerous uncle.

    "ell-run countries now have fewer hoops to #ump throu!h to !ain IMF money. $n $ctober %&th the fundannounced the creation of a new short-term li'uidity facility for the soundest emer!in! marets. Thefacility will disburse three-month loans to countries with !ood policies and mana!eable debts withoutattachin! any of its usual conditions. The Federal (eserve added its considerable firepower to therescue effort, announcin! the establishment of )*+ billion swap lines with each of the central bans ofrail, Mexico, outh /orea and in!apore.

    The funds traditional lendin! also comes with fewer strin!s attached. The IMF-led )%0.1 billion bail-out

    of 2un!ary on $ctober %3th was 4fast, li!ht and bi!5, in the words of one person involved. The rescuecame #ust days after the fund a!reed on a )16.0 billion paca!e to shore up 7raines collapsin!economy, a prospect which seems to be unblocin! the countrys wretchedly deadloced politics. It isalso standin! by to help 8aistan.

    The hu!e international support paca!e for 2un!ary is a shocin! turn of fortune for eastern 9urope, are!ion that has en#oyed !rowth and stability for a decade. ut a toxic combination of external debt andcollapsin! confidence left the economy flounderin!. 9ven spendin! cuts, tax increases, a :0 billion ;)6. to 11.0>, hadfailed to calm the marets.

    The fund had tried to !et the !overnments of ?ermany, Italy and @ustria on board for the rescue. Theirbans are most exposed to 2un!arian borrowers ;thans to ea!er lendin! in euros and wiss francs=.@ustria was willin! to tae partA ?ermany was not. o the IMF has put up )10.< billion ;to be a!reed onat an IMF board meetin! shortly=, the 9uropean 7nion has added )3.1 billion, and the "orld an afurther )1.* billion. In return, all 2un!ary has to do is pass a law on fiscal responsibility that is alreadybefore parliament.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Reading comprehension 2

    How small businesses an sta! afloat

    "hether you shop at a local small business in your nei!hborhood, are a small business owner yourself, or arethinin! about startin! a small business, everyone in the country is impacted by @mericas small business

    economy. mall businesses continue to be the heartbeat of @merica, representin! &&.< percent of all employerfirms and !eneratin! 6+ to 3+ percent of new #obs over the past decade, accordin! to the 7.. mall usiness@dministration.

    "hile many thin that small businesses have been hit harder than the avera!e consumer in the current economicenvironment, small businesses are often credited as the sector that will liely lead us out of the current 4?reat(ecession.5 To remain successful in todays economy, its critical for small business owners to reduce expensesand better mana!e their day-to-day wor. 2ere are some tips from (ieva esonsy, a small business expert.

    G9veryone has heard the phrase Hcash is in!,H but for todayHs small business owners, I recommend adoptin! themantra, Hsmart cash flow is in!,HG says esonsy.Maximiin! your earnin!s potential on idle cash balances is a smart way to !et the most out of your cash flow.mall business owners can do this by placin! funds in money maret savin!s or short-term C accounts. Interest

    earned on money sittin! idle will always benefit your business in the lon! run.

    For many small business owners, this is the first time they are navi!atin! their business throu!h this type ofeconomy. Its important to remember that its oay to as for help. @sin! for advice and information from peers whomay have experienced a similar situation is a !reat way to stren!then your business. There are also free forumsout there for small business owners to obtain expert advice and !ain access to additional information they mi!htneed for their business.

    The current economic environment has brou!ht with it many discount opportunities. Many vendors are offerin!deals ri!ht now, main! it a !ood time to invest in new technolo!ies and e'uipment for your business. Investin! inyour business now will ensure that when the economy turns around, you are prepared to tae advanta!e of anyand all !rowth opportunities.

    4@s a small business owner, you need to focus your time on innovation and business !rowth. This meansrememberin! to dele!ate other office wor lie stayin! on top of invoices and collectin! on receivables to a trustedemployee or service,5 says esonsy. There are many tools available to help small business owners be moreefficient and mae mana!in! your companys money easier and less time consumin!. For example, electronicbanin! services !ive business owners the ability to invoice customers, receive payments and pay vendors andemployees electronically. 9lectronic payroll for employees instantly calculates federal, state, local and voluntarywithholdin!s, with 1++ percent accuracy !uaranteed so you dont have to worry about main! these deductionsmanually.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    Kisp Kft$3:: Ala ut#a

    Hebre#en >+29

    5le#tro .aQ1a(nasse 9>Rb6raz ?+39Austria

    Attn$V.r$ 1o(ann Kraus

    3 .ar#( 2++=

    Hear .r$ Kraus

    a Gritin to you in referen#e to your order No$ .@ 329?*

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    +,T !

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business English Vocabulary


    Match the expressions with the business definition. There are T! extra

    expressions which "ou do not need to use.

    areeent bill of ladin frei(t (eaduarters staff sto#k (ouse ters

    3$ a #opanys prin#ipal or ain offi#e or #entre of #ontrol2$ an arraneent betGeen tGo or ore people" #ountries et#:$ #onditions or stipulations>$ t(e people G(o Gork for a fir or a parti#ular departent9$ list of oods and s(ippin instru#tions


    #o$p%ete each sentence with the correct for$ of the word in capita% %etters.

    *$ [email protected] Otd$ is one of our ain JJJJJ $

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    33$6oods raneMrodu#t

    32$0e#ruitent turnover Itaff

    3:$6lobal trade5art(


    hich is the odd word out in each %ine'

    3>$ s(are invoi#e bond deposit a##ount39$ fine Gaes salary bonus3*$ Gealt(y affluent prosperous broke3

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    #hoose the best a%ternati(e.

    29$ ;(at JJJJJ if you Gere uneployedYAF Gill you do 7F Gould you do EF Gould you (ave done HF did you do

    2*$ A uniue sellin point is a #(ara#teristi# of a produ#t G(i#( Gill persuade people JJJJJ it$AF to buy 7F buy EF buyin HF to buyin

    2$ Hont #all e at one o#lo#k in t(e afternoon" JJJJJ D(aveF lun#( Git( a #lient$

    :9$ (ave an iportant letter to Grite so JJJJJ DoF in to t(e offi#e early toorroG ornin$

    :*$ Honald rup is a business anate$ [e JJJJJ DoGnF any (otels" #asinos" #opanies and

    *+, of (e 5pire Itate 7uildin$


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    )i%% the &aps in the fo%%owin& sentences with a %in+in& word or expression fro$ the box. ,ou wi%% not

    need two of the expressions.

    despite (oGever in #ase oreover so

    :?$ Eosts (ave fallen JJJJJ Ge #an afford to redu#e our pri#es$

    :=$ Mlease" take your laptop JJJJJ ine doesnt Gork$

    >+$ Mersonally" t(ink t(is is a ood suestion$ JJJJJ " dont t(ink t(e anaeent Gill a##ept it$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 1


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1

    -ining t*e e"r-

    7*aring a "rren) b"t n-t a g-vernment;t*e *)bri arrangement f-r t*e #5 -"ntriest*at "se t*e e"r-;ma) l--k less t*an ieal in times -f t"rm-il. ant t- spee "p t*eir preparati-ns t-meet t*e -niti-ns f-r -ining t*e -mm-n "rren). !n ri* E? members t*at sta)e -"tb) *-ie, 7>een an Denmark, are t*inking again. -ining t*e e"r-, at least in s-mee)es, means a l-ss -f nati-nal ientit). @t als- means g-vernments ann-t eval"e -r*ange interest rates t- s"it e-n-mi nees. D"ring t*e s"nn) finanial >eat*er -f t*e

    past )ears, t*at seeme t- arg"e f-r sta)ing -"t. A*e balane -f t*e arg"ment is n->*anging.

    Denmark t>ie raise interest rates in Bt-ber t- *elp pr-tet its "rren), t*e kr-ne,>*i* is pegge l-sel) t- t*e e"r-. 7>eenCs kr-na fell t- a re-r l-> against t*e e"r- inBt-ber as t*e entral bank t*ere "t interest rates in t*e *-pe -f fening -ff a reessi-n.A*e Danis* prime minister, !ners :-g* asm"ssen, sa)s t*at being -"tsie t*e e"r- &-ne"ring t*e finanial risis is etrimentalF t- t*e e-n-m), an *e >ants a referen"m b)20##. Even in n-n3E? -"ntries, s"* as @elan, a-pting t*e e"r- is n-> a *-t t-pi.

    @n eastern E"r-pe, mean>*ile, 7l-venia *as alrea) a-pte t*e e"r- an 7l-vakia >ill -

    s- b) t*e en -f t*e )ear. eek "t-maniaCs reit rating t- "nkF stat"s, blaming p-litiiansC irresp-nsibilit) ab-"t p"bli3set-r >age inreases. =-lan, ambiti-"sl), sa)s it >ants t- meet t*e riteria an set afie rate f-r t*e &l-t) against t*e e"r- in 20##.

    A- -in t*e e"r-, -"ntries are reH"ire t- *ave inflati-n an b"get efiits at s"stainabl)l-> levels (l->F is an average base -n -t*er -"ntriesC perf-rmane%. @n past )ears,eastern E"r-pean -"ntries *ave misse t*at bea"se r-aring gr->t* p"s*e "p pries.A*e pr-spet -f e"r- members*ip in t*ree )earsC time is "nlikel) t- alm panik) finanialmarkets n->. A*at reH"ires, at a minim"m, large H"antities -f as*;as seen in t*is >eekCsbail3-"t -f 9"ngar) A*is >eek t*e E"r-pean ?ni-n sai it >-"l raise its ->n res"e f"n

    fr-m I#2 billi-n (J#5 billi-n% per*aps t- I25 billi-n. et even >it* s"* -"tsie *elp,r"nning an inepenent "rren) is beginning t- l--k t-- risk) f-r all b"t t*e biggeste-n-mies.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to thearticle.

    3$ Moland" Henark and IGeden are (esitatin G(et(er to &oin t(e euro or not$

    2$ A##ordin to Itandard &Moors 0oanian politi#ians are ainly responsible for t(e

    unfavourable e#onoi# situation in 0oania$

    :$ n order to prote#t t(eir e#onoies Henark and IGeden de#ided to raise t(e interest rates$

    >$ .r 0asussen believes it Gould be benefi#ial for Henark to adopt t(e #oon #urren#y

    of t(e 5'$

    9$ Cor t(e 5uropean e#onoies it sees very risky to (ave a #oon #urren#y$

    Give short answers to the following questions.

    *$ 4 ?$ A##ordin to soe finan#ial eQperts" G(at are soe of t(e neative aspe#ts of &oinin

    t(e euro zoneY Da" b" #F

    =$ ;(y #an t(e 5' be #onsidered a (ybrid arraneent for t(e #ountries in t(e euro zoneY

    3+$ ;(y Gould it be a spe#ial #ase if #eland #ould &oin t(e #oon #urren#yY

    33$ ;(at (appened to t(e IGedis( national #urren#y after t(e IGedis( Eentral 7ank (ad

    loGered interest ratesY

    32$ ;(at reuireent ust a #ountry fulfil to be able to &oin t(e euroY

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Reading comprehension 2

    "enefit from new banking servies

    ife is hectic enou!h and in these economic times, its all the more important to carefully mana!e your money in away that fits into your lifestyle. 7tiliin! tools that offer easy access to and constant control of your cash can saveyou valuable time and hassle.

    The first thin! to consider is that today, bans are enablin! you to mana!e your finances on the !o. Tools liemobile banin!, online banin!, and your local @TM simply mae doin! the hard stuff a little bit easier by !ivin! youmore control, convenience and choice.

    If you now youre !oin! to be a road warrior for the next few months or simply decide to !o !reen, si!n up for billpay and e-ills throu!h your ban. 7tiliin! e-ills means that you dont have to wait for the bill to come to you andinstead, can pay all your bills online at once. 4ill pay taes it one step further and !ives you extra control,5 saysaurie (eadhead, an of @merica executive. 4y allowin! you to set a schedule to pay any amount, bill pay canhelp you to avoid fees and simplify your life by nowin! your bills will be paid on time.5

    /eep yourself, your credentials and personal information secure. @lways loo for extra protection to provide youwith peace of mind lie an of @mericaHs ite/ey -- an award winnin! online security si!n-in feature that helps

    customers deter fraud. If an of @merica doesnHt reco!nie the computer youHre usin!, you will also be asedchallen!e 'uestions to ensure only you can access your account. If youre an online shopper, use hopafe --another security feature that customers can lo! into to create a uni'ue, temporary credit card number, eliminatin!the need to expose your real credit card number to online merchants. e sure to eep your computer up to datewith anti-virus software, and before typin! in account or credit card information on a "eb site, mae sure the site istrusted and secure.

    tay current on your financial transactions by tain! advanta!e of your banHs alerts, which can often be forwardedto your cell phone. @lerts can help you reco!nie any fraudulent activity on your account and can help you to avoidoverdraft fees. @lerts also help you monitor your account balance to help decide if its the ri!ht time for that lastminute purchase. To eep life simple and stay in control of your finances you can si!n up for alerts that inform youwhen your account balance falls below a certain threshold.

    Mae sure your financial life fits seamlessly into your everyday routine throu!h your bans mobile banin! service.Chec your balances and transactions, pay bills, transfer money, locate @TMs and more. 7tiliin! this convenientbanin! tool !ives you immediate access to your finances throu!h your mobile phone -- its #ust lie havin! a banbranch in your pocet. @nd in todays unpredictable economic environment, it has never been more important tohave control of your money whenever, wherever you need it.

    oo for added value in your banin! relationships that !ive you money bac on thin!s that are meanin!ful to yourlife. 7se tools such as an of @mericas online shoppin! portal, @dd It 7p, where online banin! customers canearn up to %+ percent cash bac on purchases from more than *++ online retailers. @dd It 7p also allows you toshop on your time from your home. e sure to also monitor your accounts daily to see how much money you arespendin! and savin!. y eepin! current on your bud!et and checin! your accounts online, you may discoverareas where spendin! can be cut bac.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    )ind words in the text that correspond with the $eanin&s &i(en be%ow.$

    3:$ people or #opanies t(at sell oods in sall uantities dire#tly to t(e publi#

    3>$ t(e a#t of spendin ore oney t(an t(e aount you (ave left in your bank a##ount

    39$ liit

    3*$ t(e lo#al division of a bank

    #hoose the best answer to each 0uestion accordin& to the artic%e.


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 2





    *$ - ?$












  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    n K-vs Katalin / Kr-l), 7p-rtr"*&at Kft. (##LL

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 3

































  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1ers +et !

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business Vocabulary

    3$ (eaduarters

    2$ areeent

    :$ ters

    >$ staff

    9$ bill of ladin

    *$ #opetitors

    $ invoi#e

    39$ fine

    3*$ broke


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    2:$ @n a sellers arket t(ere arent as any suppliers as buyers$

    2>$ areed to Gork overtie despite bein eQ(austed$

    29$ 7F Gould you do

    2*$ AF to buy

    2$ Gill be (avin

    :9$ a oin Dto oF

    :*$ oGns

    :+$ [oGever

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1 - 2

    3$ Calse

    2$ rue

    :$ Calse

    >$ rue

    9$ Calse

    *$ - ?$- Ooss of national identity- 6overnent #annot devalue

    - 6overnent #annot #(ane interest rates=$ I(ared #urren#y but not overnent

    3+$ ts a non-5' #ountry

    33$ Krone fell to re#ord loG aainst t(e 5uro

    32$ o (ave inflation and budet defi#its at sustainably loG levels

    3:$ retailers

    3>$ overdraft

    39$ t(res(old

    3*$ DbankF bran#(


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    -ining t*e e"r-

    7*aring a "rren) b"t n-t a g-vernment;t*e *)bri arrangement f-r t*e #5 -"ntriest*at "se t*e e"r-;ma) l--k less t*an ieal in times -f t"rm-il. ant t- spee "p t*eir preparati-ns t-meet t*e -niti-ns f-r -ining t*e -mm-n "rren). !n ri* E? members t*at sta)e -"tb) *-ie, 7>een an Denmark, are t*inking again. -ining t*e e"r-, at least in s-mee)es, means a l-ss -f nati-nal ientit). @t als- means g-vernments ann-t eval"e -r*ange interest rates t- s"it e-n-mi nees. D"ring t*e s"nn) finanial >eat*er -f t*epast )ears, t*at seeme t- arg"e f-r sta)ing -"t. A*e balane -f t*e arg"ment is n->*anging.

    Denmark t>ie raise interest rates in Bt-ber t- *elp pr-tet its "rren), t*e kr-ne,>*i* is pegge l-sel) t- t*e e"r-. 7>eenCs kr-na fell t- a re-r l-> against t*e e"r- inBt-ber as t*e entral bank t*ere "t interest rates in t*e *-pe -f fening -ff a reessi-n.A*e Danis* prime minister, !ners :-g* asm"ssen, sa)s t*at being -"tsie t*e e"r- &-ne"ring t*e finanial risis is etrimentalF t- t*e e-n-m), an *e >ants a referen"m b)20##. Even in n-n3E? -"ntries, s"* as @elan, a-pting t*e e"r- is n-> a *-t t-pi.

    @n eastern E"r-pe, mean>*ile, 7l-venia *as alrea) a-pte t*e e"r- an 7l-vakia >ill -s- b) t*e en -f t*e )ear. eek "t-maniaCs reit rating t- "nkF stat"s, blaming p-litiiansC irresp-nsibilit) ab-"t p"bli3set-r >age inreases. =-lan, ambiti-"sl), sa)s it >ants t- meet t*e riteria an set afie rate f-r t*e &l-t) against t*e e"r- in 20##..

    A- -in t*e e"r-, -"ntries are reH"ire t- *ave inflati-n an b"get efiits at s"stainabl)l-> levels (l->F is an average base -n -t*er -"ntriesC perf-rmane%. @n past )ears,eastern E"r-pean -"ntries *ave misse t*at bea"se r-aring gr->t* p"s*e "p pries.A*e pr-spet -f e"r- members*ip in t*ree )earsC time is "nlikel) t- alm panik) finanialmarkets n->. A*at reH"ires, at a minim"m, large H"antities -f as*;as seen in t*is >eekCsbail3-"t -f 9"ngar) A*is >eek t*e E"r-pean ?ni-n sai it >-"l raise its ->n res"e f"nfr-m I#2 billi-n (J#5 billi-n% per*aps t- I25 billi-n. et even >it* s"* -"tsie *elp,r"nning an inepenent "rren) is beginning t- l--k t-- risk) f-r all b"t t*e biggeste-n-mies.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    "enefit from new banking servies

    ife is hectic enou!h and in these economic times, its all the more important to carefully mana!e your money in away that fits into your lifestyle. 7tiliin! tools that offer easy access to and constant control of your cash can saveyou valuable time and hassle.

    The first thin! to consider is that today, bans are enablin! you to mana!e your finances on the !o. Tools liemobile banin!, online banin!, and your local @TM simply mae doin! the hard stuff a little bit easier by !ivin! you

    more control, convenience and choice.

    If you now youre !oin! to be a road warrior for the next few months or simply decide to !o !reen, si!n up for billpay and e-ills throu!h your ban. 7tiliin! e-ills means that you dont have to wait for the bill to come to you andinstead, can pay all your bills online at once. 4ill pay taes it one step further and !ives you extra control,5 saysaurie (eadhead, an of @merica executive. 4y allowin! you to set a schedule to pay any amount, bill pay canhelp you to avoid fees and simplify your life by nowin! your bills will be paid on time.5

    /eep yourself, your credentials and personal information secure. @lways loo for extra protection to provide youwith peace of mind lie an of @mericaHs ite/ey -- an award winnin! online security si!n-in feature that helpscustomers deter fraud. If an of @merica doesnHt reco!nie the computer youHre usin!, you will also be asedchallen!e 'uestions to ensure only you can access your account. If youre an online shopper, use hopafe --another security feature that customers can lo! into to create a uni'ue, temporary credit card number, eliminatin!the need to expose your real credit card number to online merchants. e sure to eep your computer up to datewith anti-virus software, and before typin! in account or credit card information on a "eb site, mae sure the site istrusted and secure.

    tay current on your financial transactions by tain! advanta!e of your banHs alerts, which can often be forwardedto your cell phone. @lerts can help you reco!nie any fraudulent activity on your account and can help you to avoidoverdraft fees. @lerts also help you monitor your account balance to help decide if its the ri!ht time for that lastminute purchase. To eep life simple and stay in control of your finances you can si!n up for alerts that inform youwhen your account balance falls below a certain threshold.

    Mae sure your financial life fits seamlessly into your everyday routine throu!h your bans mobile banin! service.Chec your balances and transactions, pay bills, transfer money, locate @TMs and more. 7tiliin! this convenient

    banin! tool !ives you immediate access to your finances throu!h your mobile phone -- its #ust lie havin! a banbranch in your pocet. @nd in todays unpredictable economic environment, it has never been more important tohave control of your money whenever, wherever you need it.

    oo for added value in your banin! relationships that !ive you money bac on thin!s that are meanin!ful to yourlife. 7se tools such as an of @mericas online shoppin! portal, @dd It 7p, where online banin! customers canearn up to %+ percent cash bac on purchases from more than *++ online retailers. @dd It 7p also allows you toshop on your time from your home. e sure to also monitor your accounts daily to see how much money you arespendin! and savin!. y eepin! current on your bud!et and checin! your accounts online, you may discoverareas where spendin! can be cut bac.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    Iportru(zat Kft$22> Kossut( ut#a7udapest 33==[unary

    Jabawa td.110 7lica (ea"arsaw +1-6*8oland

    30 March 2008

    Hear Iirs"

    (ank you for visitin our stand at t(e Oeisure and Iports rade Cair last Geek$ ;e Gere very pleased t(atour produ#ts displayed on our stand raised your interest$ As your representative" .r 1an .ostoGi#z"infored us at t(e fair" your #opany i(t be interested in a#tin as our aent in your #ountry$

    ;e are a anufa#turer of (i( uality sportsGear$ en#losed our #urrent #ataloue and pri#e list froG(i#( you Gill see t(at Ge offer a Gide rane of produ#ts fro oderately pri#ed arents to spe#iallydesined arents for professional at(letes$

    ;e already eQport to Ilovakia" t(e Eze#( 0epubli# and 0oania and noG Ge Gould like to eQpand intoMolis( arket$ (e arket resear#( t(at Ge (ad previously #arried out to dis#over t(e arket potential inMoland s(oGs t(at t(ere is an in#reasin deand for (i( uality sportsGear in your #ountry$

    ;e are #urrently lookin for an aent t(at Gill be able to #over t(e G(ole of Moland$ f Ge anae toestablis( business #ooperation Git( you" Ge #an offer you a 39, #oission on net list pri#es$ naddition" Ge Gill provide advertisin support" if ne#essary$

    ;e feel t(at t(is is a uniue opportunity to start in an eQpandin arket$ f you believe t(at you #ouldsu##essfully a#t as our aent in Moland and develop t(is arket" please let us knoG as soon as possible$

    ;e look forGard to (earin fro you$

    Pours fait(fully"

    Katalin R Kroly Kov#s

    5Qport .anaer

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    +,T .

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business English Vocabulary


    Match the expressions with the business definition. There are T! extra

    expressions which "ou do not need to use.

    a##ount #ustos disiss overdraft poli#yretire standin order

    3$ to reove or dis#(are fro eployent2$ an instru#tion to a bank to ake reular payents:$ defi#it in a bank a##ount #aused by Git(draGin ore oney t(an is paid in>$ overnent taQ or duty on iported oods9$ a #ontra#t of insuran#e


    #o$p%ete each sentence with the correct for$ of the word in capita% %etters.

    *$ 5.MO@P (ave to s(are y offi#e roo Git( tGo ot(er JJJJJ $

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    33$Eoer#ial fiuresIales

    32$radin partnerEoer#e

    3:$After-sales servi#eAfter-sellin


    hich is the odd word out in each %ine'

    3>$ deteriorate iprove Gorsen de#line39$ pro#ess benefit pro#edure et(od3*$ ede border arin balan#e3

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    #hoose the best a%ternati(e.

    29$ (e 5bassy refused JJJJJ e t(e #ell p(one nuber of t(e Abassador$AF say 7F tellin EF to sayin HF to tell

    2*$ JJJJJ (ard and dont ind it$AF a used to Gorkin 7F use to Gork EF used to Gork HF a used to Gork



    *se the correct for$ of the (erbs in brac+ets to co$p%ete the fo%%owin&sentences.

    :>$ Pou JJJJJ DreadF a aazine durin t(e presentation" t(ats G(y you dont reeber

    G(at it Gas about$

    :9$ Eoffee beans JJJJJ Dpi#kF on plantations$

    :*$ [e JJJJJ DsellF #oputer softGare sin#e 3==?$


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    )i%% the &aps in the fo%%owin& sentences with a %in+in& word or expression fro$ the box. ,ou wi%% not

    need two of the expressions.

    #onseuently due to durin unless G(ile

    :?$ Mlease" Gait JJJJJ ake a p(one #all$

    :=$ [is perforan#e Gas above averae$ JJJJJ " t(e anaeent de#ided to proote (i$

    >+$Nobody Gill buy t(at produ#t JJJJJ t(ey redu#e t(e pri#e$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 1


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1

    #leep deprivation

    If you lay awae late at ni!ht worryin! about your finances youre not alone. The credit crunch is tain! its toll onsleep habits, with people losin! valuable shut-eye every ni!ht, accordin! to a new research. Kearly half of peopleinterviewed claim they are !ettin! a worse ni!hts sleep than before, mostly thans to the economic downturn.Conducted in March in the 7, the survey of more than 1,+++ people reveals the extent of sleep lost each ni!htacross the country as men and women toss and turn worryin! about the economic crisis. Twenty-ei!ht percent ofpeople are sufferin! from at least one hour of less sleep each ni!ht than in previous years, with men more badlyaffected than women. @nd one in ei!ht people are losin! at least two hours more sleep per ni!ht than before thecredit crunch iced in.

    Kot surprisin!ly, the research reveals that money worries are the Ko. 1 sleep-depriver, cited by *3 percent of thosesurveyed. Furthermore, @mericans are also havin! restless ni!hts worryin! about their families.

    2i!h up the list of thin!s stoppin! people from noddin! off at ni!ht are worries relatin! toL Nob security ;%1 percent= Food bills ;16 percent= 8ayin! mort!a!e or rent ;10 percent= Cost of heatin! bills ;1* percent=

    leep deprivation has a ne!ative effect on productivity and stress levels. @t a time when people are worryin! aboutfinancial security, most people said that lac of sleep made it hard for them to concentrate, while *1 percent said itwas more difficult to focus at wor. "orryin!ly, the effects of sleep loss have been cited as bein! similar or worsethan the effects of drinin! alcohol to excess. Twenty percent of people say they are more liely to ar!ue with theirpartners when they are sleep-deprived, while a few have even admitted to snappin! at stran!ers.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Fill in the gaps with figures from the artile.

    (e resear#( revealed t(at

    3$ JJJJJJJJJJJ of people slept at least one (our ore before t(an t(ey do noG$

    2$ JJJJJJJJJJJ of t(ose intervieGed said t(ey #ould not sleep Gell be#ause t(ey Gere

    Gorried about bein laid off$

    :$ @ne in JJJJJJJJJJJ people said t(ey (ad ore aruents at (oe$

    )ind words in the text that correspond with the $eanin&s &i(en be%ow.

    >$ 8ery iportant be#ause t(ere is not u#( of it

    9$ He#line\ a tenden#y doGnGard" espe#ially in business or e#onoi# a#tivity$

    *$ (e deree to G(i#( soet(in (appens

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Reading comprehension 2

    $nion strike ends

    Machinists union members ratified a new contract with The oein! Co. on aturday, endin! an ei!ht-wee strie that cut the airplane maerHs profits and stalled #etliner deliveries.

    The vote by members of the union, which represents about %

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    -ecide if the fo%%owin& state$ents are true or fa%se accordin& to the artic%e.

    3+$ (e strike t(at bean on Iept$ * lasted for about tGo ont(s$

    33$ 2

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er +2eet

    Test 2







    39$ 4 3*$




  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    n El' / Emese P+lg)es a Dreamlan

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 3

































  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1ers +et .

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business English Vocabulary

    3$ disiss

    2$ standin order

    :$ overdraft

    >$ #ustos

    9$ poli#y

    *$ eployees

    $ iprove

    39$ benefit

    3*$ balan#e


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    2>$ ;e (ad to #an#el t(e business trip due to t(e bad Geat(er #onditions$

    29$ HF to tell

    2*$ AF a used to Gorkin

    2$ Gere readin

    :9$ are pi#ked

    :*$ (as been sellin

    :+$ unless

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1 2

    3$ 2?,

    2$ 23,

    :$ 9

    >$ 8aluable

    9$ HoGnturn

    *$ 5Qtent

    $ rue

    39$ 4 3*$

    Mention 2 of these possib%e answers

    - #ut t(e airplane akerZs profits- stalled &etliner deliveries$- #ost t(e #opany U3++ illion per day


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    #leep deprivation

    If you lay awae late at ni!ht worryin! about your finances youre not alone. The credit crunch is tain! its toll onsleep habits, with people losin! valuable shut-eye every ni!ht, accordin! to a new research. Kearly half of peopleinterviewed claim they are !ettin! a worse ni!hts sleep than before, mostly thans to the economic downturn.Conducted in March in the 7, the survey of more than 1,+++ people reveals the extent of sleep lost each ni!htacross the country as men and women toss and turn worryin! about the economic crisis. Twenty-ei!ht percent of

    people are sufferin! from at least one hour of less sleep each ni!ht than in previous years, with men more badlyaffected than women. @nd one in ei!ht people are losin! at least two hours more sleep per ni!ht than before thecredit crunch iced in.

    Kot surprisin!ly, the research reveals that money worries are the Ko. 1 sleep-depriver, cited by *3 percent of thosesurveyed. Furthermore, @mericans are also havin! restless ni!hts worryin! about their families.2i!h up the list of thin!s stoppin! people from noddin! off at ni!ht are worries relatin! toL Nob security ;%1 percent= Food bills ;16 percent= 8ayin! mort!a!e or rent ;10 percent= Cost of heatin! bills ;1* percent=

    leep deprivation has a ne!ative effect on productivity and stress levels. @t a time when people are worryin! aboutfinancial security, most people said that lac of sleep made it hard for them to concentrate, while *1 percent said itwas more difficult to focus at wor. "orryin!ly, the effects of sleep loss have been cited as bein! similar or worsethan the effects of drinin! alcohol to excess. Twenty percent of people say they are more liely to ar!ue with theirpartners when they are sleep-deprived, while a few have even admitted to snappin! at stran!ers.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    $nion strike ends

    Machinists union members ratified a new contract with The oein! Co. on aturday, endin! an ei!ht-wee strie that cutthe airplane maerHs profits and stalled #etliner deliveries.

    The vote by members of the union, which represents about %

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    Hrealand 7tor Kft$329 C) ut#aIzeed *

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    +,T /

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business English Vocabulary


    Match the expressions with the business definition. There are T! extra

    expressions which "ou do not need to use.

    #as( #urren#y dis#ount frei(t(ire pur#(ase ail order sales

    3$ a Gay of buyin oods in G(i#( you #(oose G(at you Gant" usually fro a #ataloue2$ t(e buyer pays part of t(e #ost iediately and t(en akes sall reular payents:$ a redu#tion in t(e pri#e>$ t(e oney in eneral use or #ir#ulation in any #ountry9$ oods bein transported


    #o$p%ete each sentence with the correct for$ of the word in capita% %etters.

    *$ AMMOPMlease" send us your foral JJJJJ for t(e &ob$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    33$Ito#k arketI(ares

    32$;ork satisfa#tion1ob

    3:$7rand aGarenessMrodu#t


    hich is the odd word out in each %ine'

    3>$ earn save resear#( Gaste39$ display s(oG eQ(ibit #oand3*$ #as( fee #oins notes3

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    #hoose the best a%ternati(e.

    29$ (e pri#e of t(e produ#t Gas JJJJJ (i( t(at Ge finally de#ided not to order it$AF so 7F su#( EF as HF t(at

    2*$ ;(y are you keepin t(at sales report in your draGerY Pou JJJJ it Geeks ao$AF s(ould send 7F s(ould be sendin EF s(ould sent HF s(ould (ave sent


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    )i%% the &aps in the fo%%owin& sentences with a %in+in& word or expression fro$ the box. ,ou wi%% not

    need two of the expressions.

    be#ause be#ause of in order to nevert(eless t(erefore

    :?$ did not pay t(e invoi#e fro t(e #leanin #opany JJJJJ it Gas for t(e Gron aount$

    :=$ (ey de#ided to redu#e t(e pri#e of t(eir softGare JJJJJ attra#t ore #ustoers$

    >+$ ;e #ouldnt send out t(e invitation #ards JJJJJ t(e la#k of tie$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 1


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1

    )inancia% crisis

    AI Mresident @baa staes a populist #apain aainst #redit #ard #opanies predatory pra#ti#es" t(e 'nitedItates Ienate is Gorkin on neG reulations to prote#t #ard (olders$ .eanG(ile" Aeri#ans #redit #ard debt (asrisen to t(e point G(ere it noG tops U=*+ billion$ And Git( t(e e#onoy in a doGnsGin" its (ard to see (oG t(edebt #an ever be paid ba#k$f its any #onsolation" Iout( Koreans (ave been t(ere" done t(at and #oe out alive ] if &ust barely$n 3===" after t(e Asian finan#ial #risis" t(e Iout( Korean overnent en#ouraed banks to issue #redit #ards to asany people as possible as a Gay to in#rease #onsuer spendin Das Gell as to ake it easier to #olle#t taQes"G(i#( (ad been (arder to onitor in a predoinantly #as( e#onoyF$[on KGon-(eui" a #olunist for a Iout( Korean neGspaper" re#alled (oG" in t(e early 2+++s" t(e streets of IeoulGere littered Git( #redit #ard vendors$ S(ey Gere literally (andin t(e out to #ollee students" to t(euneployed" to anyone G(o (ad tie to fill out an appli#ation$T [e said" S(e #ountry Gas for#e-feedin its peopledebts$T

    Iout( Koreans be#ae (ooked on plasti# so dizzyinly fast t(at by 2++: t(ey oGned on averae four #redit #ardsea#( and t(eir #olle#tive debts aounted to about U3++ billion$(e #ards (ad an additional allure as a status sybol" be#ause previously in Iout( Korea only t(e elite (ad t(e$(e bill soon #ae due for any Iout( Koreans$ Cailies unraveled as t(eir breadGinners lost t(eir savins$ Asudden sure in #rie and prostitution led Iout( Koreans to beoan t(eir Sbankrupted so#iety$T Cinally" afterillions (ad defaulted on payents" t(e overnent stepped in to (elp bail out O6 Eard" t(en t(e #ountrys larestissuer$S(e eQ#ess Gas siilar to G(ats (appenin Git( t(e Aeri#an (ousin arket today"T re#alled Ion 1i-(oon" aIout( Korean laGyer$ SKoreans Ganted fan#y #ars" bier 8s ] alt(ou( t(ere Gas no real oney to buy t(e] u#( t(e Gay t(ose Aeri#ans t(ou(t t(at t(ey #ould oGn (ouses Git( not(in but loans$ @f #ourse" in bot(instan#es" banks ot reedy eQtendin #redits and ortaes to people G(o #ouldnt pay ba#k$Tts true t(at Iout( Koreas e#onoi# pat( bears little reseblan#e to Aeri#as$ n t(e 3=*+s" t(e Iout( Korean

    overnent (ad nationalized t(e banks and divided t(e #ountrys resour#es aon a (andful of #opanies"in#ludin Iasun" [yundai and O6$ (ese faily-oGned #onloerates doinated t(e e#onoy$ n t(e early2+++s" t(e #redit #ard divisions of Iasun and O6" trailed by [yundai" #opeted fier#ely in t(e neG arket$;(en t(eir #redit #ard divisions faltered in 2++:" t(e Iout( Korean overnent (ad little #(oi#e but to step in andease so#ial unrest by forivin individual debts$ (e ove Gas #riti#ized by soe as a return to t(e old Gays ofkeepin t(e #onloerats afloat$Itill" t(e overnents bailout Gorked$ Alt(ou( uneployent and personal bankrupt#y rates reained (i( for aG(ile" t(e Gorst Gas soon over$ (e #redit #ard #opanies instituted stri#ter rules for issuin #ards" and #onsuerspendin plueted briefly$(e real (anover #an be seen in a s(ift in buyin (abits$ 7efore t(e ass use of #redit #ards" Koreans (ad been bisavers$ n a #ulture G(ere faily ebers are eQpe#ted to (elp one anot(er finan#ially" t(ey put oney aGay foreveryt(in$ n 3==?" t(e (ouse(old savins rate Gas 29 per#ent$ 7y 2++

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    i(e short answers to the fo%%owin& 0uestions.

    3$ 4 2$ ;(y did t(e Iout( Korean overnent Gant people to use #redit #ardsY

    :$ n t(e early 2+++s" G(at did Iout( Koreans (ave to do if t(ey Ganted to et a #redit #ardY

    >$ ;(at bankin pra#ti#es led to t(e #redit #risis in t(e 'IY

    9$ [oG did Iout( Korean #redit #ard #opanies #(ane t(eir #redit eQtension pra#ti#es in 2++:Y

    -ecide if the fo%%owin& state$ents are true T/ or fa%se )/ accordin& to the artic%e.

    *$ (e 'I Ienate (as re#ently iposed sinifi#ant restri#tions on #redit #ard #opanies$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Reading comprehension 2

    Aussies we%co$e ussian Standard

    A battle is looin in t(e U>?+ illion vodka arket G(en t(e first lobal 0ussian vodka brand laun#(esin Australia neQt ont( and #(allenes t(e purity and #ountry of oriin of rivals in its arketin$0ussias larest vodka brand" 0ussian Itandard" arrives Git( t(e bold abition to be nuber tGo in t(earket Git(in tGo years" and is investin ore t(an U* illion in arketin to o up aainst Iirnoffand Absolut$(e brands oGner" 0ousta ariko" >+ years ao$ Hiaeo Australias arketin dire#tor" 1o(n 6reen"defends its purity$ __Eonsuers #(oose Iirnoff be#ause its oriinal" aut(enti# and delivers eQ#eptionaluality$Iin#e its introdu#tion in 7ritain in 2++< 0ussian Itandard (as overtaken Absolut to be t(e se#ond-

    biest-sellin brand be(ind Iirnoff" G(i#( still (as *+ per #ent of t(e arket$Absoluts oGner" Mernod-0i#ard" de#lined to #oent on t(e 0ussians entry ot(er t(an to say it Gas__pleased Git( its a#uisition `a year ao and t(at t(e brand Gas in roGt($

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Fill in the gaps with figures from the artile.

    3+$ 0ussian Itandards ob&e#tive in Australia is to overtake Absolut in t(e vodka arket in t(e neQt

    JJJJJJJJ years$

    33$ n t(e past JJJJJJJJJ years t(ere (as been a sinifi#ant in#rease of over t(irty per#ent in t(e sales

    of vodka in Australia$

    32$ n Australia" Iirnoff is t(e leadin vodka brand Git( a arket s(are of JJJJJJJJJ per#ent$

    3:$ (e vodka brand" 0ussian Itandard" laun#(ed in t(e 'K in JJJJJJJJ $

    3>$ Iirnoffs arket s(are in t(e 'K is JJJJJJJJJ (i(er t(an in Australia$

    )ind words in the text that correspond with the $eanin&s &i(en be%ow.

    39$ (e possibility t(at soet(in (arful or unpleasant i(t (appen

    3*$ Aount\ uantity


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 2

    3$ 4 2$









  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    n @mre / @l-na 9-rvt* a& Wvegr" Kft. (#25$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 3

































  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1ers +et /

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business English ocabulary

    3$ ail order

    2$ (ire pur#(ase

    :$ dis#ount

    >$ #urren#y

    9$ frei(t

    *$ appli#ation

    $ resear#(

    39$ #oand

    3*$ fee


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    2>$ t is better to invest your oney in real estate t(an keep it on your bank a##ount$

    29$ AF so

    2*$ HF s(ould (ave sent

    2$ to persuade

    :9$ #osts

    :*$ (as been

    :+$ be#ause of

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1 - 2

    3$ - 2$- to in#rease #onsuer spendin- to ake it easier to #olle#t taQes

    :$ @nly fill out an appli#ation for>$ 7anks eQtended #redits and ortaes to people G(o #ouldnt pay ba#k

    9$ (e #redit #ard #opanies instituted stri#ter rules for issuin #ards

    *$ Calse

    $ 3+,

    39$ 0isk

    3*$ 8olue3

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    )inancia% crisis

    AI Mresident @baa staes a populist #apain aainst #redit #ard #opanies predatory pra#ti#es" t(e 'nitedItates Ienate is Gorkin on neG reulations to prote#t #ard (olders$ .eanG(ile" Aeri#ans #redit #ard debt (asrisen to t(e point G(ere it noG tops U=*+ billion$ And Git( t(e e#onoy in a doGnsGin" its (ard to see (oG t(edebt #an ever be paid ba#k$f its any #onsolation" Iout( Koreans (ave been t(ere" done t(at and #oe out alive ] if &ust barely$n 3===" after t(e Asian finan#ial #risis" t(e Iout( Korean overnent en#ouraed banks to issue #redit #ards to asany people as possible as a Gay to in#rease #onsuer spendin Das Gell as to ake it easier to #olle#t taQes"G(i#( (ad been (arder to onitor in a predoinantly #as( e#onoyF$[on KGon-(eui" a #olunist for a Iout( Korean neGspaper" re#alled (oG" in t(e early 2+++s" t(e streets of IeoulGere littered Git( #redit #ard vendors$ S(ey Gere literally (andin t(e out to #ollee students" to t(euneployed" to anyone G(o (ad tie to fill out an appli#ation$T [e said" S(e #ountry Gas for#e-feedin its peopledebts$TIout( Koreans be#ae (ooked on plasti# so dizzyinly fast t(at by 2++: t(ey oGned on averae four #redit #ards

    ea#( and t(eir #olle#tive debts aounted to about U3++ billion$(e #ards (ad an additional allure as a status sybol" be#ause previously in Iout( Korea only t(e elite (ad t(e$(e bill soon #ae due for any Iout( Koreans$ Cailies unraveled as t(eir breadGinners lost t(eir savins$ Asudden sure in #rie and prostitution led Iout( Koreans to beoan t(eir Sbankrupted so#iety$T Cinally" afterillions (ad defaulted on payents" t(e overnent stepped in to (elp bail out O6 Eard" t(en t(e #ountrys larestissuer$S(e eQ#ess Gas siilar to G(ats (appenin Git( t(e Aeri#an (ousin arket today"T re#alled Ion 1i-(oon" aIout( Korean laGyer$ SKoreans Ganted fan#y #ars" bier 8s ] alt(ou( t(ere Gas no real oney to buy t(e] u#( t(e Gay t(ose Aeri#ans t(ou(t t(at t(ey #ould oGn (ouses Git( not(in but loans$ @f #ourse" in bot(instan#es" banks ot reedy eQtendin #redits and ortaes to people G(o #ouldnt pay ba#k$Tts true t(at Iout( Koreas e#onoi# pat( bears little reseblan#e to Aeri#as$ n t(e 3=*+s" t(e Iout( Koreanovernent (ad nationalized t(e banks and divided t(e #ountrys resour#es aon a (andful of #opanies"

    in#ludin Iasun" [yundai and O6$ (ese faily-oGned #onloerates doinated t(e e#onoy$ n t(e early2+++s" t(e #redit #ard divisions of Iasun and O6" trailed by [yundai" #opeted fier#ely in t(e neG arket$;(en t(eir #redit #ard divisions faltered in 2++:" t(e Iout( Korean overnent (ad little #(oi#e but to step in andease so#ial unrest by forivin individual debts$ (e ove Gas #riti#ized by soe as a return to t(e old Gays ofkeepin t(e #onloerats afloat$Itill" t(e overnents bailout Gorked$ Alt(ou( uneployent and personal bankrupt#y rates reained (i( for aG(ile" t(e Gorst Gas soon over$ (e #redit #ard #opanies instituted stri#ter rules for issuin #ards" and #onsuerspendin plueted briefly$(e real (anover #an be seen in a s(ift in buyin (abits$ 7efore t(e ass use of #redit #ards" Koreans (ad been bisavers$ n a #ulture G(ere faily ebers are eQpe#ted to (elp one anot(er finan#ially" t(ey put oney aGay foreveryt(in$ n 3==?" t(e (ouse(old savins rate Gas 29 per#ent$ 7y 2++

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Ausssies we%co$e ussian Standard

    A battle is looin in t(e U>?+ illion vodka arket G(en t(e first lobal 0ussian vodka brand laun#(esin Australia neQt ont( and #(allenes t(e purity and #ountry of oriin of rivals in its arketin$0ussias larest vodka brand" 0ussian Itandard" arrives Git( t(e bold abition to be nuber tGo in t(e

    arket Git(in tGo years" and is investin ore t(an U* illion in arketin to o up aainst Iirnoffand Absolut$(e brands oGner" 0ousta ariko" >+ years ao$ Hiaeo Australias arketin dire#tor" 1o(n 6reen"defends its purity$ __Eonsuers #(oose Iirnoff be#ause its oriinal" aut(enti# and delivers eQ#eptionaluality$Iin#e its introdu#tion in 7ritain in 2++< 0ussian Itandard (as overtaken Absolut to be t(e se#ond-

    biest-sellin brand be(ind Iirnoff" G(i#( still (as *+ per #ent of t(e arket$Absoluts oGner" Mernod-0i#ard" de#lined to #oent on t(e 0ussians entry ot(er t(an to say it Gas__pleased Git( its a#uisition `a year ao and t(at t(e brand Gas in roGt($

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 3


    %veru Kft$2> Ca ut#a$

    7udapest 329:

    > @#t" 2++?

    .a&esti# 6lassGear Otd$9? ueen Oane$OondonI5< 2AH

    Attn$V .r Alan .a#Cerson

    Hear $.r .a#Cerson"

    atta#(ed our offi#ial order D8*9>2F for >9 sets of 0oyal lasses D* lasses per ea#( setF$

    Cor t(is order Ge a##ept t(e 3+, trade dis#ount you offered in your letter of 2> Iept$ and aree to pay byletter of #redit$ [oGever" Ge (ope you are Gillin to revieG t(ese ters on#e Ge (ave establis(ed a firrelations(ip$ ;e Gould appre#iate delivery before t(e end of t(is ont($

    As for pa#kain" please find t(e folloGin instru#tions$ (e >9 sets of lasses s(ould be pa#ked in 39#rates" : sets per #rate D3 set of G(isky lasses" 3 set of Gine lasses and 3 set of #(apane lassesF Git(ea#( pie#e individually Grapped$ (e #rates s(ould be nubered 3-39 and #learly arked Git( t(e GordSfraileT and our nae$

    f you do not (ave in sto#k t(e #olours Ge (ave #(osen" Ge Gill a##ept an alternative provided t(at t(edesins are t(ose stipulated in t(e order$

    ;e look forGard to your a#knoGledeent$

    Pours sin#erely"

    re R lona [orvt(Mur#(asin .anaer

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    +,T 0

    Test 1

    Use of English Grammar and Business English Vocabulary


    Match the expressions with the business definition. There are T! extra

    expressions which "ou do not need to use.

    boardroo #urren#y interest loanprofit proote taret

    3$ oney lent by a bank and t(at ust be repaid

    2$ t(e pla#e G(ere t(e dire#tors eet:$ to try to in#rease sales of a produ#t by publi#isin and advertisin it>$ ob&e#tive\ G(at one is aiin at9$ oney paid for t(e use of oney lent


    #o$p%ete each sentence with the correct for$ of the word in capita% %etters.

    *$ 5L5NHf (e Gants to stay in t(e #ountry for anot(er ont(" (e (as to ask for t(e JJJJJJJJJJ of (is visa$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    33$Iaple studyEase

    32$nterest rateEurren#y

    3:$akeover bidMoli#y


    hich is the odd word out in each %ine'

    3>$ #(eue debit #ard #as( bill39$ daaed ipoveris(ed penniless poverty-stri#ken3*$ obsta#le disiss dilea diffi#ulty3

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    #hoose the best a%ternati(e.

    29$ Oast Geek a 6eran roup took t(e first steps JJJJJJJJJJ a very iportant restaurant #(ainA$ a#uire 7$ a#uirin E$ to a#uire H$ to a#uirin

    2*$ A iniu Gae is t(e sallest aount of oney t(at an eployerJJJJJJJJJJ to pay soeone$A$ alloGs 7$ alloGed E$ is alloGed H$ alloG

    2$ ;ill you please ive y reards to AleQ G(en you JJJJJJJJJJ DbeF in NeG Pork$

    :9$ [e JJJJJJJJJJ D#oeF to t(e eetin so Ge #ouldnt dis#uss all t(e issues$

    :*$ Oast Geek JJJJJJJJJJ DinviteF to ake a presentation at t(e #onferen#e$


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf



    )i%% the &aps in the fo%%owin& sentences with a %in+in& word or expression

    fro$ the box. ,ou wi%% not need two of the expressions.

    alt(ou( be#ause despite in addition to (oGever

    :?$ Ho you et any frine benefits JJJJJJ your payY

    :=$ ;e #losed t(e offi#es in Maris JJJJJJ t(ey Gere too eQpensive to run$

    >+$ JJJJJJ t(e issues Gere very iportant" not any .Ms bot(ered to vote$

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    ns1er s2eet

    Test 1


  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Test 2

    Reading comprehension 1

    Sales $ %ham&agne de%l!ne

    E(apane (as lon been asso#iated Git( luQury" su##ess and eQtravaan#e" t(anks to a #onstrainedsupply" #lever arketin" literary asso#iations D1aes 7ond Gas fond of aittiner in t(e books and7olliner in t(e filsF and poGerful #ustoers" fro t(e 0ussian iperial #ourt" for G(o 0oederersEristal Gas invented" to Iir ;inston E(ur#(ill" G(o doGned #opious aounts of Mol 0oer$ @ver t(e pasttGo de#ades #(apane s(ipents Gent up by an averae of 2$2, a year$ 0e#ently soe arkets (averoGn even fasterV Aeri#as #onsuption rose by :$9, a year" 7ritains by >$2, and 1apans by afoain 3?$3, betGeen 2++2 and 2++

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    #hoose the best answer to each 0uestion accordin& to the artic%e.

    3$ n t(e past tGenty years #(apane s(ipents$$$A$ #onsiderably in#reased$7$ rose by ore t(an 2 per #ent$E$ Gent up by nearly 2+, in 1apan$H$ rose ore rapidly in 5urope t(an in Aeri#a$

    2$ Oaurent Merrier $$$A$ is t(e biest publi# #(apane produ#er in Cran#e$7$ in#reased its pri#es in t(e first uarter of 2++?$E$ #ut its pri#es in t(e t(ird uarter of 2++?$H$ raised its pri#es and its sales fell in t(e t(ird uarter of 2++?$

    :$ revor Itirlin $$$A$ re#kons t(at a lot of people need to drink #(apane in (ard ties and also to #elebrate$

    7$ believes t(at sales of #(apane Gas #ontinuously fallin in t(e se#ond (alf of 2++?$E$ t(inks t(at t(ere is a #onsistent deand for #(apane$H$ says t(at G(olesalers Gill be tryin to keep t(eir sto#ks of #(apane$

    >$ n t(e past feG years #(apane produ#ers in#reased t(eir pri#es $$$A$ ainly be#ause ost of t(e rape roGers are independent$7$ be#ause t(e use of t(e #(apane nae (ad been restri#ted to a sall reion of nort(ern

    Cran#e$E$ partly be#ause t(eir suppliers also in#reased pri#es$H$ be#ause t(eir return on #apital (ad sinifi#antly in#reased$

    i(e short answers to the fo%%owin& 0uestions.

    9$ 4

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    Reading comprehension 2

    %ro&et 'orking Mom

    9arnin! a de!ree has lon! been a dream of many worin! mothers. "hile it mi!ht seem the recession would putthat dream even further out of reach for most, many worin! and sin!le mothers are actually drawin! inspiration

    from the economy to pursue their dream of !ettin! a hi!her education.4"e are seein! an increase in the number of women returnin! to school,5 says @dena 9. Nohnston, campus dean ofeOry 7niversitys 8hiladelphia campus. 4e!ree completion pro!rams are very popular for those who have notfinished their education, but were also seein! more 'uestions about the bachelors pro!rams with anentrepreneurship specialty. "omen seem to want to learn more about startin! their own businesses or havin! moreflexibility and control over their movement in and out of the worforce.5Theres no ar!uin! that an advanced de!ree can help mothers improve their employment situation, #ud!in! byureau of abor tatistics. The hi!her an individuals level of education, the less liely she or he is to beunemployed, accordin! to the bureau. The unemployment rate in %++< ;the latest year for which data is available=for women %0 and older lacin! a hi!h school diploma was 3.% percent. For those with a bachelors de!ree orhi!her, the unemployment rate drops to about % percent.Many worin! mothers, it seems, now perceive a return to school as not #ust a dream but a necessity. In anincreasin!ly competitive #ob maret, they reco!nie they can no lon!er afford to remain in low-payin! #obs, or to be

    the only competitors in the field without a de!ree.4In 1&63, my father advised me I didnt need a colle!e education. 2e said all I needed was to !et married and taeup homemain!,5 says Chris ulai!h-ates, a 06-year-old medical transcriptionist and mother of two. 4I havewored out of my home for the last 1< years, but over the course of the last five years, technolo!y and world tradehave eroded away the #ob security I once en#oyed. My future needs a new endin!,5 she says. 4Im !oin! to schoolto help rewrite the endin! to my story.5ulai!h-ates is a eOry 7niversity student who was awarded a full-ride scholarship in %++3 throu!h a special48ro#ect "orin! Mom5 scholarship pro!ram for worin! mothers who wanted to return to school throu!h an onlinepro!ram. For many worin! mothers, the online nature of the scholarship means they will be able to better fit theireducation into their busy lives, which already revolve around their children, family and #obs.Nohnston says schools are seein! an increase in the number of women seein! information, scholarships andde!rees in areas deemed recession-proof, lie accountin!. 4@ccountin! concentrations for under!rad and !raduatestudents are popular as more and more want to be able to have portable sills,5 she says.

  • 7/23/2019 Tesztek Iras Uzleti Kozep Bgf


    )ind words or expressions in the te