RATE CARD 2019 SA/Chris/Media Pack16.5.19 £813 £664 £434 £256 £155 £787 £647 £423 £252 £148 £787 £647 £423 £252 £148 £2,318 £1,900 £1,230 £732 £420 £773 £633 £411 £244 £144 £8,740 £7,121 £4,634 £2,751 £585 £358 £657 £536 £365 £208 £132 £636 £519 £353 £205 £127 £636 £519 £353 £205 £127 £1,856 £1,520 £1,018 £587 £366 £617 £506 £337 £195 £121 £6,892 £5,594 £3,781 £2,168 £1,369 £419 £354 £241 £149 £92 £400 £334 £230 £142 £85 £400 £334 £230 £142 £85 £1,180 £967 £650 £405 £244 £393 £323 £215 £134 £80 £4,657 £3,492 £2,328 £1,440 £888 £43 each £72 £72 £89 £207 £164 £28 £28 £42 £42 £55 £1,631 £127 £309 £37 up to 25g each insert higher weights on request 6500 £595 + VAT Like buying postage stamps at 11p each! FARMART THE TERMS - DISPLAY ADVERTS: all invoices due for payment by the end of the month in which the advertisement appears. NEW ADVERTISERS, If possible we prefer payment by debit/credit card for the first 3 months or “Faster Payments” bank to bank. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT: If The Farmart is not paid for an advertisement then the person who books the advert shall take personal responsibility to pay for the advertisement(s). These terms apply even if it is on behalf of a limited company. In the event that The Farmart has to use a debt collection agency or court proceedings to collect payment, all extra costs and interest will be added to the advertiser’s debt. ADVERTISERS SENDING US COMPLETE ARTWORK are responsible for the quality of the reproduction of the advertisement in the magazine (although we will always try to let you know if we think there will be a problem). LIABILITY The Farmart’s liability shall be limited to the value of the advertisement, and will not extend to any consequential loss. ADVERTISING AGENCY COMMISSION: -10% if paid on time SIZE OF ADVERTISEMENT Full Page - 194mm x 272mm, 3/4 Page - 194mm x 203mm, 1/2 Page Landscape 194mm x 134mm 1/2 Page Portrait - 94mm x 272mm, 1/4 Page Landscape 194mm x 64mm, 1/4 Page Portrait - 94mm x 134mm, 1/8 Page - 94mm x 64mm, Front Cover 180mm x 180mm CLASSIFIEDS 1 month costs £32.00, 3 months £78.00. Max word 28, extra words 28p per word per month. Tel: 01625 529 900

TH RATE CARD 2019 - The Farmartthefarmart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Rate-Card-28... · 2019. 5. 28. · RATE CARD 2019 SA/Chris/Media Pack16.5.19 £793 £648 £423 £250 £151

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Page 1: TH RATE CARD 2019 - The Farmartthefarmart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Rate-Card-28... · 2019. 5. 28. · RATE CARD 2019 SA/Chris/Media Pack16.5.19 £793 £648 £423 £250 £151


SA/Chris/Media Pack16.5.19

£793 £648 £423 £250 £151

£768 £631 £413 £246 £144

£768 £631 £413 £246 £144

£2,261 £1,854 £1,200 £714 £410

£754 £618 £401 £238 £140

£8,527 £6,948 £4,521 £2,684

£585 £358

£641 £523 £356 £203 £129

£620 £506 £344 £200 £124

£620 £506 £344 £200 £124

£1,811 £1,483 £993 £573 £357

£602 £494 £329 £190 £118

£6,724 £5,458 £3,689 £2,115 £1,336

£409 £345 £235 £145 £90

£390 £326 £224 £139 £83

£390 £326 £224 £139 £83

£1,151 £945 £634 £395 £238

£383 £315 £210 £131 £78

£4,543 £3,407 £2,271 £1,405 £866

£42 each












£813 £664 £434 £256 £155

£787 £647 £423 £252 £148

£787 £647 £423 £252 £148

£2,318 £1,900 £1,230 £732 £420

£773 £633 £411 £244 £144

£8,740 £7,121 £4,634 £2,751

£585 £358

£657 £536 £365 £208 £132

£636 £519 £353 £205 £127

£636 £519 £353 £205 £127

£1,856 £1,520 £1,018 £587 £366

£617 £506 £337 £195 £121

£6,892 £5,594 £3,781 £2,168 £1,369

£419 £354 £241 £149 £92

£400 £334 £230 £142 £85

£400 £334 £230 £142 £85

£1,180 £967 £650 £405 £244

£393 £323 £215 £134 £80

£4,657 £3,492 £2,328 £1,440 £888

£43 each













up to 25g each inserthigher weights on request

6500£595 + VATLike buying postagestamps at 11p each!



TERMS - DISPLAY ADVERTS: all invoices due for payment by the end of the month in which the advertisement appears.NEW ADVERTISERS, If possible we prefer payment by debit/credit card for the first 3 months or “Faster Payments” bank to bank.RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT: If The Farmart is not paid for an advertisement then the person who books the advert shall take personal responsibility to pay for the advertisement(s). These terms apply even if it is on behalf of a limited company. In the event that The Farmart has to use a debt collection agency or court proceedings to collect payment, all extra costs and interest will be added to the advertiser’s debt.ADVERTISERS SENDING US COMPLETE ARTWORK are responsible for the quality of the reproduction of the advertisement in the magazine (although we will always try to let you know if we think there will be a problem).LIABILITY The Farmart’s liability shall be limited to the value of the advertisement, and will not extend to any consequential loss.ADVERTISING AGENCY COMMISSION: -10% if paid on timeSIZE OF ADVERTISEMENT Full Page - 194mm x 272mm, 3/4 Page - 194mm x 203mm, 1/2 Page Landscape 194mm x 134mm1/2 Page Portrait - 94mm x 272mm, 1/4 Page Landscape 194mm x 64mm, 1/4 Page Portrait - 94mm x 134mm,1/8 Page - 94mm x 64mm, Front Cover 180mm x 180mmCLASSIFIEDS 1 month costs £32.00, 3 months £78.00. Max word 28, extra words 28p per word per month.

Tel: 01625 529 900