THCS ĐẠI MỖ PHIẾU BÀI TẬP TỰ HỌC TẠI NHÀ (03/2-09/02/2020) ANH 8 KEY PRACTICE 1 I)-Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. lei sure B. ei ght C. ce lebrate D. pe nalty 2. A. fu n B. su n C. su rf D. cu t 3. A. bra celet B. ca ke C. ca ke D. ha t 4. A. although B. laugh C. paragraph D. enough 5. A. come dy B. nove l C. prince ss D. cine ma II) Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adjectives in the box. cheap expensive good small hot intelligent bad big hard important 1. An elephant is ___bigger than____________ a mouse. 2. The weather today is ____hotter__________ it was yesterday. 3. A diamond costs a lot of money. A diamond is __more expensive than______________ a ruby. 4. A lake is __smaller than_______________ an ocean. 5. A person can think logically. A person is ___more intelligent than_____________ an animal. 6. Good health is __more_important than____________ money. 7. I can buy a bicycle, but not a motorbike. A bicycle is ___cheaper than__________ a motorbike. 8. The last question is ____harder___________ the others. 9. I think my second essay is ____better than____________ the first. There were many mistakes in the first essay. 10. The food in a street market is ___worse than_____________ than in a supermarket. III) Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. Some regions in Central Highlands in Viet Nam are not ___overpopulated____________. (populate) 2. He spoke __optimistically________ about the life in the countryside in Viet Nam. (optimistic) 3. All of us can realize the ___peaceful_________ atmosphere in the countryside life. (peace) 4. Some of the __villagers__________ have lived here all their lives. (village) 5. Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor __convenience___________. (convenient) Monday, February 3, 2020

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KEY PRACTICE 1I)-Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. leisure B. eight C. celebrate D. penalty2. A. fun B. sun C. surf D. cut3. A. bracelet B. cake C. cake D. hat4. A. although B. laugh C. paragraph D. enough5. A. comedy B. novel C. princess D. cinema

II) Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adjectives in the box.cheap expensive good small hot

intelligent bad big hard important

1. An elephant is ___bigger than____________ a mouse.2. The weather today is ____hotter__________ it was yesterday.3. A diamond costs a lot of money. A diamond is __more expensive than______________ a ruby.4. A lake is __smaller than_______________ an ocean.5. A person can think logically. A person is ___more intelligent than_____________ an animal.6. Good health is __more_important than____________ money.7. I can buy a bicycle, but not a motorbike. A bicycle is ___cheaper than__________ a motorbike.8. The last question is ____harder___________ the others.9. I think my second essay is ____better than____________ the first. There were many mistakes in the

first essay.10. The food in a street market is ___worse than_____________ than in a supermarket.III) Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.

1. Some regions in Central Highlands in Viet Nam are not ___overpopulated____________. (populate)

2. He spoke __optimistically________ about the life in the countryside in Viet Nam. (optimistic)3. All of us can realize the ___peaceful_________ atmosphere in the countryside life. (peace)4. Some of the __villagers__________ have lived here all their lives. (village)5. Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor __convenience___________. (convenient)

IV) Give the correct form of the verb in brackets:1. He (live).......lived............... with his grandfather when his parents (go)........went.................. to Ha Noi2. Everybody (want)..........wants..................... to learn English.3. Will She (buy)....buy........................ a new house next month?4. They (become).........will become....................... better students.5. What is your mother (do)...doing................................ now?- She (do).......is .doing.......................... the housework.6. When will she (finish)....finish............................... it?- She (finish)...will finish..................................... it in an hour

V)-Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.Match the heading (A-E) to the paragraphs (63-67).

A. No computers for two days.B. Never again!C. Homework wasn’t as easy.D. I used my phone more.E. I didn’t want to listen to them talking!

No computer day! How did you survive?

Monday, February 3, 2020

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1. Ben, Luton, UK CIt was very difficult. I had quite a lot of homework to do. Usually, I use the computer to find information and I write my essay on it. My dad has lots of books, atlases and reference books, but most all of them are out of date! It wasn’t difficult to find information, but it took more time.

2. Jenny, Des Moines, USA DI didn’t have email contact with my friends. I hate it! I sent a lot of texts. A few of my friends also turned off their computers, but most of them didn’t. On Sunday, there were lots of emails to read.

3. David, Los Angeles, USA BI usually listen to sports on the Internet on Saturdays. I can listen to baseball from anywhere in the USA or football from Europe. I listened to my mum’s small kitchen radio. It was awful. There was no football at all. I won’t join in the next “no computer” day!

4. Sara, Richmond, UK E. My main problem was music. The batteries in my MP3 player were flat. I don’t have a DVD player – only on my computer – so I listened to the radio. It wasn’t very good. A few DJs are OK, but most of them talk too much.

5. Lisa, Swansea, Wales AI read a lot. My mum has some good books. It was very relaxing. Usually, my eyes hurt in the evening. Last Saturday, they were fine. I went to bed earlier, too. The next day, I didn’t turn on my computer at all. I wanted to finish my book.

VI) Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the adverbs given in the brackets.1. I am faster worker than Tom is. (fast)

I work faster than Tom________________________________________________________.2. Mai’s singing is more beautiful than Mi’s. (beautifully)

Mai sings more beautifully than Mi does__________________________________________.3. We were earlier at the party than the Smiths last night. (early)

We arrived earlier than the Smiths ______________________________________________.4. Phong’s voice is louder than Nick’s. (loudly)

Phong speaks..loudlier than Nick .does.............................................................................................5. My English is more fluent than my sister’s. (fluently)

I speak English.more fluently.than my sister does.


EX1. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.1. A. concentration B. composition C. consideration D. conversation2. A. coordination B. depression C. donation D. erection3. A. foundation B. location C. organization D. performance4. A. affection B. recognition C. contribution D. animation5. A. consumption B. explosion C. technician D. mathematician6. A. magician B. historian C. musician D. vegetarian7. A. librarian B. physician C. Brazilian D. Indonesian 8. A. civilian B. grammarian C. politician D. Shakespearian

EX2. Choose the correct option A,B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. The Christian Festival of Easter celebrates the return- of Christ from the dead, _______ the festival is actually name after the goddess of the sun.

A. if B. but C. however D. moreover2. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived home __________ .

A. finally B. by the end C. at the end D. at last3. I couldn't hear what he said__________ he was muttering under his breath.

A. because B. although C.in spite of D. if4. Children need a caring environment to develop ______ mentally _____ physically.

Monday, February 3, 2020

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A. and - and B. both - and C.the - the D. in - and5. We do not have carnivals in Viet Nam;________,we have many special tradition festivals.

A. moreover B. while C. nevertheless D. although 6. I was promised luxury weekend by husband. _____________ . I am not satisfied.

A. Despite B. Because C. Although D. However EX3. Complete the sentences with the conjunctions but, for, or, so 1. John and Nick want to see the dragon boat race, ____so____ they are going to OoK om bok festival.2. Nancy can go to the Le Mat Snake festival, _______or____ she can stay at home.3. The Browns have been to Thay pagoda festival, ______but__ they have never been to the Huong Pagoda.4. Peter liked Elephant Racing festival, _______so_____ he went there last summer.5. You should go to the Hung King Temple Festival, ____for_____ there are a lot of joyful activities there. EX4. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs given. Some questions can have more than one answer.

Honour, perform, commemorate, celebrate, worship, symbolizes, pray, hold1. On New Year’s Eve, in front up the altar, people ______pray, _____ for health and luck in the New Year.2. Mid-Autumn Festival is held on 15th day of the eight lunar month to ___celebrate______ the biggest full moon in the year.3. To express their gratitude, villagers from Le Mat village built a temple to _worship____ the man who saved the princess and made their region wealthy as well as adding catching snakes to the career.4. To ___commemorate________ the event when An Duong Vuong started moving into the citadel, residents of 12 hamlets belonging to Co Loa held Co Loa Citadel Festival within a 10-day period.5. “Che Troi Nuoc, a special dessert consisting of a sweet soup with round balls made from rice and sugar sauce, __symbolizes__________ reunion.EX5. Read the passage and decide which statements are true (T) or false (F).

Mid-Autumn Festival In Viet Nam, Têt Trung Thu or the Mid - Autumn Festival is one of the most popular family holidays. It is held on the 15th day of the August lunar month. Vietnamese families plan their activities around their children on this special day. In a Vietnamese folklore, parents were working so hard to prepare for the harvest that they left the children playing by themselves. To make up for lost time, parents would use the Mid-Autumn Festival, as an opportunity to show their love and appreciation for their children. Appropriately the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Children's Festival. In the United States, this tradition continues in many Vietnamese- American communities. Trung Thu activities are often centered on children and education. Parents buy lanterns for their children so that they can participate in a candlelit lantern procession at dawn. Lanterns represent brightness while the procession symbolizes success in school. Vietnamese markets sell a variety of lanterns of lanterns, but the most popular children’s lantern is the star lanterns. Other children ‘s activities include arts and crafts in which children make face masks and lanterns .Children also perform traditional Vietnamese dances for adults and participate in contests for prizes and scholarships . Unicorn dances are also very popular in Trung Thu festivities. Like the Chinese, Vietnamese parents tell their children fairy tales and serve moon cakes and other special treats under the silvery moon. A favourite folklore is about a carp worked and eventually transformed itself into a dragon. This is the story behind the mythical symbol, Cá Hóa Rồng . Parents use this story to encourage children to work hard so that they can become they want to be.1. In Viet Nam, the Mid –Autumn Festival is held on the 15 th day of every month. (F)2. To make up for lost time, parents would use the Mid – Autumn Festival as an opportunity to show their love and appreciation for their children. T3. Lanterns represent brightness while the procession symbolizes success in school. T4. It’s difficult for children to buy lanterns in Vietnamese markets F

Monday, February 3, 2020

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5. In Mid-Autumn Festival, Vietnamese parents tell their children fairy tales and serve moon cakes and other special treats under the silvery moon. TEX 6. Connect each pair of sentences, using the conjunction given in brackets.1. On New Year’s Eve, the Vietnamese put fruits on the altar. They also arrange watermelon and traditional cakes

such as chung cakes. (and)On New Year’s Eve, the Vietnamese put fruits on the altar and they also arrange watermelon and traditional cakes such as chung cakes.

2. Many people go to pagodas or churches on New Year’s Day to pray for the coming year. Many others remain in their home in front of the altar to welcome the ancestors through prayer. (while) Many people go to pagodas or churches on New Year’s Day to pray for the coming year while many others remain in their home in front of the altar to welcome the ancestors through prayer.

3. People from Western countries do not follow ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is considered a type of religious practices in some Asian countries. (although)Although people from Western countries do not follow ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is considered a type of religious practices in some Asian countries.

4. Xoan singing is still in the memory of folk artists in Phu Tho Province. They always try their best to hand down offspring the old style of singing in the activities of the clubs. (because)Because Xoan singing is still in the memory of folk artists in Phu Tho Province, they always try their best to hand down offspring the old style of singing in the activities of the clubs. PRACTICE 3

I)-Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.1. A. malnutrition B. prohibition C. recommendation D. superstitious

2. A. application B. congratulation C. recreation D. education3. A. exhaustion B. maintenance C. opinion D. pollution

4. A. reduction B. competition C. objection D. appearance5. A. comparison B. organization C. communication D. socialization

II)-Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.6. _________ different regions and religious have a variety in marital arrangements, the

arranged is a traditional feature of every community.A. Because B. Although C. While D. When

7. The Vietnamese are influenced by Buddhist theology and Confucian philosophy, _________ they believe in fate in marriage.A. and B. but C. so D. yet

8. Always take your shoes off before you enter a temple in India, __________ you will be considered impolite.A. otherwise B. therefore C. however D. moreover

9. “Giao Thua” is the most sacred time of the year; ________, the first houseguest to offer the first greeting is very important.A. moreover B. therefore C. however D. moreover

10. The five-fruit tray on the altar symbolizes the gratitude of the Vietnamese to their ancestors;_______, it demonstrates their hope for a life of plenty.A. and B. moreover C. therefore D. however

11. The Hung King Temple Festival _______ from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month in Phu Tho.A. takes B. takes part C. takes place D. takes turn

12. During the Buddhist Festival, visitors join the procession and make offerings to _________ Buddha at the pagoda.

Monday, February 3, 2020

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A. think about B. consider C. worship D. believe13. I think the Kate Festival is a really joyful festival which _______ many activities.

A. contains B. cutting C. feature D. includes in14. In Vietnam, the _________ we mostly use is chopsticks.

A. cut B. cutting C. cutlery D. cutlet15. You shouldn’t ___________ your promise to the children.

A. break B. cut C. keep D. saveIII) Give the correct form of the verb in brackets:1. Ba loves……playing…………… soccer . ( play )2. We are fond of ……taking…………… part in our school activities. ( take )3. My mother is too tired …to cook………tonight. ( cook)4. They prefer …traveling…………by train. ( travel) 5. She has written…………… over 30 pages since yesterday. ( write )6. Would you and Lan like …………to go…………to the movies? ( go)7. They (work)……have worked……………. in this company for ten years. 8. My mother has to (clean)…clean……………the floor everyday. 9. He (not write)…has not written…………………..to his friend since Monday. 10. Students must (go)……go…………… to school on time. IV) Rewrite sentences.1. Keeping the environment clean is very important.- It’s important to keeping the environment clean.2. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it. - The time machine will be showed to the public when it is finished . 3. He was delighted to receive his aunt’s letter.- He was delighted that he received his aunt’s letter.4. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.- People recycled old car tires to make shoes and sandals.5. I’m very sad that I wasn’t accepted in that group.- I’m very sad not to accept in that group.6. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.- I haven’t spoken to her for three years 7. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.- Tam used to type faster than he does8. “ Please turn down the radio for me”, said my father.- My father asked me to turn down the radio.9. Lan will be fifteen next week. - It is Lan’s fifteenth birthday.10. How long is it since you used the pen?- When did you use the pen ?V. Complete each blank in the following passage about Vu Lan Festival with the correct linking word from the box. Some words maybe used more than once. (There may be more than one possibility).

and because when then

moreover therefore heat first

Vu Lan FestivalVu Lan Festival takes place on 15th day of the seventh lunar month. It is also called “Xa toi vong

nhan” festival (1)__because_____ this is the day for the death’s souls. Many people believe that on that day, (2)__when_______ the gate of the hell opens, souls of the dead can come back to their home (3)___and_____ gather with their family. (4)__therefore______, Vietnamese people consider that it is also

Monday, February 3, 2020

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the occasion for family gatherings as well as expressing love (5)___and_______ gratitude to ancestors and parents. (6)__Therefore_______, Vu Lan Festival is known as Mother’s Day in Vietnam.

(7)_Moreover_________, in the morning of that day, a lavish tray with various delicious dishes set on the altar, and the householder will burn incense and invite ancestor to come back home and celebrate the festival with family. (8)__then________ at night the Vietnamese hold a ceremony of releasing lighted lanterns on the river, (9)__because________ Vietnamese people believe by doing that, their wishes for parents will come true.

Pagodas are crowded during the festival say (10)___because_______ Buddhist gather for the monk’s lecture. Each Buddhist has a flower (usually rose) in front of their chest: red flower (11)___if______ their parents are living and white flower (12)____if__________ their parents are dead.

VI) Read the articles about the two famous festivals in Viet Nam, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Nha Trang Sea FestivalNha Trang Sea Festival takes place every two years for a week in around June in Nha Trang City,

Khanh Hoa Province. This is a colorful and dynamic sea festival which honors natural beauty of Nha Trang – the charming city overlooking the sea. The first Nha Trang Sea Festival was held in 2003 when Nha Trang Beach was proclaimed as a member of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World Club. Coming to Nha Trang at the time of festival, visitors will be able to take part in various cultural and recreational events. First of all is an abundant opening ceremony by Vietnamese and international art groups. Besides, many interesting activities also take place during the festival like seafood competition, wine festival, beach volleyball, art kite flying festival, underwater group wedding, etc. The festival is also a great chance for tourists to know more about Viet Nam through special events. Nha Trang Sea Festival will definitely give you an unforgettable impression about Vietnam’s charming beauty as well as time-honored traditional values.

Ha Long CarnivalThe festival is joined by thousand of actors, dancers, singers, musicians as well as students. Most of

them are the local residents of Ha Long Bay. The highlight of Ha Long Carnival is street parades with variety of colorful costumes and dance on wide streets along the coast. Moreover, a laser, sound and water performance combining with a sparkling aerial firework show is an amazing party of light and color which tourist shouldn’t miss at the festival. Ha Long Carnival is the heart of the series of events within the schedule of Ha Long Tourism Week – a tourism promotional celebration which has been held yearly for six years. It’s usually taken place in a week in late-April to early-May. On the occasion of the 6 th celebration in 2012, Ha Long Bay was officially recognized as one of New 7 Wonders of Nature of the world by the New 7 Wonders Organization.

T F1. Both festivals are held yearly at the two famous sea cities in Viet Nam F 2. Coming to the two festivals, visitors can take part in various cultural and

recreational events. T

3. Only professional actors or actresses can take part in Ha Long Carnival F 4. Nha Trang and Ha Long are internationally well known for their natural

beauty. T

5. Ha Long Carnival is held in a week (late-April to early-May), and Nha Trang Sea Festival is in June. T

6. Weddings can be held in both festivals. F 7. Ha Long Carnival is older than Nha Trang Sea Festival F 8. There are several sports events held in both festivals F 9. Both festivals have the same purpose of promoting tourism. T 10. Ha Long Bay was officially recognized as one of New 7 Wonders of Nature of

the world on its first celebration. T


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Choose the word that is stressed differently from that of the other words. 1. A. scientific B. astrology C. emergency D. environment2. A. iconic B. attraction C. spectacle D. historic3. A. natural B. destructive C. tropical D. terrible4. A. eruption B. hurricane C. tornado D. volcano5. A. tsunami B. provision C. disaster D. injury

Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the sentences 6. I'd probably buy a laptop if you (be) __were______ the cheaper.7. I don't know what I (do) ___would do _____ if you (not be) __were not______ here to help me.8. If I (know) __knew______ the answer, I wouldn't need to ask.9. Where would you live if you (have) ___had_____ the choice?10. If everyone (speak) _spoke_______ the same language, do you think life (be) _would be_______

better?11. I'm sorry, I don't know. If I (know) __knew______ the answer, I (tell) ____would tell____ you.12. If you (have) __had______ 20 brothers and sisters, think how many birthday presents you (get)

_would get_______.13. We (email) _would email_______ her if we had her address.

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. 14. The name “Australia” comes from the Latin word “Australis”, meaning________ .

A. southern B. western C. eastern D. northern15. Another name for Wales is ________ .

A. Celtic B. Saxon C. Galle D. Cymru16. In 1893,________ became the first country in the world to give all women the right to vote.

A. Singapore B. New Zealand C. America D. Canada17. The tallest mountain the US is Mt McKinley, located in the state of ________ . It reaches 20,320

feet (6,194 m) above the sea level.A. California B. Washington C. Florida D. Alaska

18. Typhoon Haiyan made the damage, and ________ of life became great in the Philippines.A. loses B. loss C. losing D. lose

19. A ________ is sudden flooding that occurs when water rises quickly within several hours of a heavy rain.A. rapid flood B. quick flood C. hot flood D. flash flood

20. The Lord of the Rings movies were filmed in ________ .A. Australia B. England C. New Zealand D. Canada

21. Scotland only shares a border with ________ .A. Wales B. Britain C. Northern Ireland D. England

22. ________ has a unique culture with traditions such as bagpipes, kilts and highland dancing.A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Wales D. Scotland

23. The name Canada comes from the word ‘Kanata' which means “settlement” or “ ”in the language of the St Lawrence Iroquoians.A. nation B. town C. village D. country

24. During the next 24 hours, the storm will be moving north, around 10 km per hour and is expected to ________ the southeastern part of China's Guangdong Province.A. strike B. bury C. struck D. strike

25. A soft, loose soil may________ more intensely than hard rock at the same distance from the same earthquake.A. shake B. erupt C. rage D. collapse

Monday, February 3, 2020

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Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the followings sets of words and phrases, complete sentences

Severe Landslides in Mekong Delta provinces26. Recently/ landslides/ sweep away/ hectares/ vegetables/ fruit crops/ many houses.

Recently, landslides swept away hectares of vegetables and fruit crops, and many houses. __

27. Last week/ An Hiep Commune/ Dong Thap Province/ meet/ a high risk/ landslide disaster. Last week, An Hiep Commune in Dong Thap Province met a high risk of landslide disaster._ __

28. A severe landslide/ occur/ there/ three days ago/ and it/ destroy/ completely over 2,000 square meters/ agricultural land/ at least five houses. _A severe landslide occurred there three weeks ago, and it destroyed completely over 2,000 square meters of agricultural land and at least five houses. __

29. Last year/ there/ be/ seven landslides/ AnHiep commune/ causing a loss/ more than VND 2 billion. Last year, there were seven landslides in An Hiep commune, causing a loss of more than VND 2 billion.

_ __30. In Can Tho/ a landslide/ occur/ Cai Rang District/ and/ bury/ three houses/ 50 meters of road/ three

weeks ago. _ In Can Tho, a landslide occurred in Cai Rang District, and buried three houses and 50 meters of road.

__ 31. The authorities/ already have/ plans/ move households/ high risk zones/ safer places.

_The authorities already had plans to move households from high risk zones to safer places. __

Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the followings sets of words and phrases, complete sentences

Drought in Central Viet Nam32. A drought emergency/ declare/ last month/ after five months without rain/ NinhThuan/ other

provinces/ Central Viet Nam. _A drought emergency was declared last month after five months without rain in NinhThuan and other provinces in Central Viet Nam.

__ 33. A drought/ a long period/ when/ there/ little or no rain.

A drought is a long period when there is little or no rain._ __

34. Hot weather/ the highest temperature/ 42 degree Celsius/ hit/ Central Viet Nam. . Hot weather with the highest temperature of 42 degree Celsius hit Central Viet Nam.

_ __35. In particular/ rainfall/ be/ lower/ the average/ the past few years.

In particular, rainfall is lower than the average of the past few years. _ __

36. In NinhThuan/ about 50,000 local people/ suffer/ drinking water shortage. In Ninh Thuan, about 50,000 local people suffered from drinking water shortage.

_ __37. Hundreds/ hectares/ rice and vegetables/ destroy/ and/ 500 cattle/ die/ prolonged drought.

Hundreds of hectares of rice and vegetables were destroyed and 500 cattle died due toprolonged drought.

_ __ 38. In Gia Lai/ other provinces/ water/ many reservoirs/ drop/ the “dead" level/ several months.

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_ In Gia Lai and other provinces, water at many reservoirs dropped to the “dead” level forseveral months.

__ 39. The provinces/ receive/ financial supports/ worth VND 172 billion/ the government.

_ . The provinces received financial supports worth VND 172 billion from the government. __

Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the followings sets of words and phrases, complete sentencesSouthern Thailand hit by smoke from Indonesia40. Heavy smoke/ forest fires/ result/ worst pollution/ for/ over ten years/ southern Thailand.

_ Heavy smoke and forest fires have been the results of the worst pollution for over ten years in the southern Thailand. __

41. The smoke/ threaten/ local people's health/ seven provinces/ the south. The smoke had threatened to the local people’s health of seven provinces in the south._ __

42. Dangerous levels/ pollution/ record/ the Thai city of Songkhla. _ . Dangerous levels had been recorded in the Thai City of Songkhla. __

43. Earlier this month/ a number of flights/ Phuket/ cancel/ because/ the smoke. Earlier this month, a number of flights in Phuket had been canceled because of the smoke._ __

44. In the past two months/ thousands/ forest fires/ Indonesia/ leave/ bad effects/ Southeast Asia. _ . In the past two months, thousands of forest fires in Indonesia had left many bad effects in the Southeast Asia. __

45. Pollution/ also increase/ rates/ respiratory illnesses. . Pollution has also increased the rates of respiratory illnesses_ __

Use the words in the brackets to combine the following sentences. 46. We are unable to see the stars in the sky. Light pollution occurs. (makes)___Light pollution makes us not see the stars in the sky47. The food is contaminated. People’s health is poor. (results in) The contaminated food results in people’s poor health 48. The volunteers have rescued three cats. ( passive voice)__T hree cats have been rescued by the volunteers 49. I can’t come because I have to help my dad ( Unless)Unless I had to my dad, I could come 50. We couldn’t go for a picnic because of the bad weather.(prevented) The bad weather prevented us from going for a picnic


1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.Read the words aloud.1. A. algal B. aquatic C. contaminate D. permanent2. A. thermal B. thankful C. there D. thorough3. A. pollution B. earplug C. dump D. dust

Monday, February 3, 2020

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4. A. untreated B. measure C. pleasure D. bread5. A. physical B. visual C. music D. because2. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line.1. A. affect B. pollute C. effect D. litter2. A. cholera B. pollutant C. permanent D. groundwater3. A. radiation B. political C. historical D. contaminant4. A. seriously B. measurement C. scientific D. logical5. A. aquatic B. historic C. physical D. botanicalB. VOCABULARY GRAMMAR1. In the box below, there are different types of pollution. Write each type under a picture.

noise pollution air pollution water pollutionland/soil pollution visual pollution thermal pollution

2. Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences.1. Many fish in the lake near my house have died because of the …polluted……… water. (pollute)2. My friend and I are going to give a presentation about our …environmental……….. problems. (environment)3. Too much use of …electric………… lights in cities may cause light pollution. (electricity)4. Nowadays, people use too much herbicide so many animals don’t have enough food and they become …sick………. (sickness)5. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the …death………….. of many aquatic animals and plants. (die)3. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.1. …………… water is one of the factors that have driven many species to the verge of extinction.

A. Contaminating B. Contaminate C. Contamination D. Contaminated2. It’s recommended that we become more concerned ……………… the environment around us.

A. of B. to C. with D. about3. The …………. Use of pesticides and herbicides has led to contamination of groundwater in some areas.

A. widespread B. occasionalC. general D. experimental

4. Air ……………, together with littering, is causing many problems in our cities today.A. pollute B. pollution C. polluting D. polluted

5. Many people in this city have received medical …………. for the disease.A. support B. treatment C. help D. assistance

6. The reduction in air pollution was ………… last year. ( nhâm đap an) A. dramma B. treatment C. help D. assistance

7. In many poor nations, there are frequent outbreaks of cholera and other diseases because people there ………….. untreated water.

Monday, February 3, 2020

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A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank8. The road in front of my office is always ……….. when it rains heavily.

A. to flood B. flooding C. flood D. flooded9. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global …………….

A. warm B. warming C. warmly D. warmth10. It won’t be possible to save the Earth if we don’t take ………… right now.

A. action B. job C. work D. duty4. Fill each blank with a word/ phrase in the box.substance light pollution Earth’s surface water temperature surpriseddumping poison poisonous waste acid air pollution1. If this factory continues …dumping poison………. Into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die.2. I think there is …air pollution……….. around here because all trees and plants turn yellow and dry.3. When thermal pollution happens, the …water temperature……….. in rivers, lakes and oceans changes.4. Soil pollution happens when people destroy the …Earth’s surface…………….5. Poison is a …substance……….. that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or dink it.6. They are all …surprised…………. to see that all the fish they grow on their farm are dead.7. You can see stars at night in the countryside because there isn’t any …light pollution….. there.8. Many households around the West Lake dump …waste………. into it so the water is polluted.9. The vegetable price is increasing because the acid……………. rain has caused damage to almost vegetable in this area.10. The …poisonous………. chemical waste in this factory is dumped into the river so its water now becomes almost black.C. READING1. Read the following paragraph and complete it which one suitable word.

Think of all the things you throw away: juice bottles, soft drink cans, candy wrappers. It adds up. (1) ……How………. much trash do you produce?

Americans throw away an average of one ton of trash per person (2) ever year. Most of this trash gets buried (3) …in……… big holes in the ground called landfills. A lot of this garbage can be recycled, or turn back (4) …into……… something useful. Just about any material can be recycle. The main things we recycle today are (5) …made……… from metal, paper, glass, or plastic People recycle for many reasons. One of the (6) main…………. reasons is to conserve resources. Making new aluminum cans out old ones means less aluminum is needed (7) …for……… new cans. This leads to a second reason people recycle: It saves energy. Recycling old aluminum cans takes a lot (8) …of ……… energy than making new aluminum. To make new aluminum, you (9) …need………. to mine metal ore from the ground, remove the impurities, and refine it into a finished metal. Recycle also conserves valuable land. (10) by……… recycling, we produce less garbage. That means fewer landfills are needed for dumping our trash.2. Choose the correct word by underlining it at each number in the following paragraph, then answer the questions.A plastic problem

Nowadays, people use a lot of plastic bags and they often (1) throw away/ bury the bags afterwards. They don’t often (2) pollute/ reuse or (3) waste/ recycle them. When we (4) destroy/ reuse plastic, we pollute the lands or air. It isn’t a good idea to (5) burn/ poison plastic because it (6) poisons/ saves the atmosphere. The alternative is to (7) bury/ pollute it, but some plastic doesn’t decompose for over a thousand years.8. Do you throw away or reuse plastic bags?Yes, I reuse plastic bags.9. What do you and your school do with rubbish?We often reuse or recycle them.10. What things are harmful to the environment in your area?They are plastic bags, smoke from vehicle, factories, bottles.3. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

Monday, February 3, 2020

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Rivers are (1) ………… of the world’s most important natural resources. Many cities are on large rivers, and (2) ………….. every country has at least one river that (3) ………… an important part in the lives of its people.

Besides transportation, rivers (4) ……….. food, water for crops, water to drink, and opportunities for recreation for people who live along their (5) ……….. And in order to get water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam across a river and let the water become a lake (6) ………… the dam. Then people can use their water nit only to (7) ………… fields but also to make electricity for homes and industries.

(8) ……………, the water often becomes polluted when cities on river banks grow (9) ………… size and the number of industries increases. We are learning that it is necessary to (10) ………….. rivers clean if we want to enjoy the benefits of the natural resource.

1. A. one B. ones C. among D. those2. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. about3. A. takes B. makes C. occupies D. plays4. A. supply B. provide C. distribute D. bring5. A. banks B. shores C. sides D. beaches6. A. behind B. on C. below D. under7. A. take B. irrigate C. drain D. give8. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Thus D. However9. A. of B. about C. in D. for10. A. keep B. get C. hold D. maintain

D. WRITING1. Make up sentences using the words and phrases givenExample: How/ can/ you/ reduce/ waste/ home/?How can you reduce waste in your home?1. most/ people/ not know/ where/ their/ plastic/ waste/ go/.Most people do not know where their plastic waste goes.2. what/ happen/ rubbish/ your/ area/?. What happen to the rubbish in your area ?3. noise/ pollution/ occur/ because/ there/ too many/ loud/ sounds/ environment/.Noise pollution are occured because there are too many loud sounds of the environment.4. many/ animals/ eat/ litter/ become/ sick/ because/ people/ throw/ it/ ground/.Many animals eat litter and become sick because people throw it on the ground.5. people/ will/ more/ aware/ protecting/ environment/ if/ there/ more/ warnings/ about/ danger/ of/ pollution/.People will be more aware of protecting the environment if there are more warnings about the danger of the pollution.2. Rewrite the following sentences so that their meaning stays the same, using the words given.1. There was a loud noise next to my door last night so I couldn’t sleep. (because) Because there was a loud noise next to my door last night, I couldn’t sleep. 2. The tsunami happened. Many people in this area became homeless. (made). The tsunami made many people in this area homeless. 3. The acid rain happened last month. Many plants and trees died. (Since) Since the acid rain happened last month, many plants and trees died. 4. There have been conflicts in that country since last year. People live unhappily. (If) If there did not have been conflicts in that country since last year, people would live happily. 5. This factory doesn’t treat its waste well so there is a lot of water pollution. (If) If this factory treated its waste well, there wouldn’t be a lot of water pollution. 3. There are five grammar mistakes in this passage. Can you find and correct them?Dear Sir/ Madam,I’m writing because I am at the beach with some friend last weekend and the amount of rubbish where we found there was unbelievable.

wasBo đi

Monday, February 3, 2020

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I think there are possibly two reason for this. Firstly, people aren’t responsible enough and they threw their rubbish away anywhere. Perhaps we need a few sign and people who patrol the beach. Also, there aren’t bins enough on or near the beach, so I think we need more. Secondly, nobody clean the beach. I think this is terribly in a tourist




Monday, February 3, 2020