» _. . t. ... : 'V'. ' -r. : I wii»iijii ii ! im+mmmtmmm i n i w i n TJie Abbeville Messenger. m. l. bon ham, jk.,) fl)1tou. ..... t- 1*. cothran. v ei.^ouh am. jas. 8. i'kkuin, j iholkuttoiw. WEDNESDAY, DEOKMBElt 17, IS81. EVOLUTIOX AGAIN. Tho Board of Directors of tho The ological Seminary nt Columbia have moved Dr. Woodrow froui his I'rufrssor ship of tlio Perkins Chair of Sciences it: Raid Institution, ami in consequence of this action of tho M<>ar<l Drs. I'op-^s and Hemphill have resigned their chairs. AVe are not auHicien tly conversant with the doctrines that l>r. Woodrow has promulgate*! to he ahlo to decide if ther be correct or incorrect. N'or is it with this question we have to do. Or. Woodrow's reputation for neiontific knowledge, and his nurc Christian character are, or ought lo bo, guarantees of tlio orthodoxy of Ijis religious v'u'ws Tho prolific source. According to Archbishop Manning, of tho infidelity and tmbelief so rampant in this dny and time of high mental culture, is t'«(- worship of intellect. It is demanded by (lie ag«> that tho things submitted to its consideration shall be judged bv the standard of human reason. And applying this tost to the doctrines of revealed religion men liavc professed to find nn irrecon- citable conflict hefwoen tin* teachings of human science sun I these doctrines. and thus encouraged, infidelity grows npact: with thw wonderful growth nnd expansion of the human intellect. To meet this danger in part, «s we understand it. Dr. Woodroyr i!i all humility and with n perfect faith in the doctrines of the lliblc, seeks to show to those who demand that their reason he convinced, that there need he no contradiction twixt the Mosaic account of the crontion. nail the established truths of * progressive modern science. We do not understand that he denies or seeks to refute n single dogma of his Church. And if he can demonstrate to the satisfaction of any doubting human reason that science and the laws of reason are not in conflict with the commonly accepted exegesis of the Bible, then he has struck a death blow at the foundation of modern infi- 1 delity and has dono valiant syrvicn in "the promulgation of Divine truth. Yet at the demand of men no les«< fallible than ho, and doubtless less '.earned, he is deposed from his choir, and turned from the portals of «n institution to which ho has been an honor and an ornament. A GOOD EXAMn.K. The County Commissioners of Kdgetflold county have procured the passage of an act, allowing them to borrow n sum of money, estimated by them as sufficient to meet all contracts mack: by the county during the next fiscal year. The act empowers them to pledge the incoming taxes as a security for this loan. This is a move in the right direction and looks something like the County Commissioners of Kdgefild mean 4(0 run the business affairs of that conn- ty on business principles. We urge again upon our County Commissioners the importance of a similar step. There is no reason in tho world why the county should defraud (not in an offensive sense) its citizens of a single cent' \Ve are satisfied if tliis matter can he shown up in its proper light that our J>oard will not allow the citizens ol this county to he "shaved" any longer. KDlTOltlAIi XOTl'IS. The Cleveland and Henrlricks celebration in Charleston last Friday was n grand success, and many hundreds of visitors were thero from all parts of the State. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor and Committees from the Sonate and House were present, together with other distinguished guests. After the parade (Jov. Thompson. Lt.-Cnv. Shoppard and others spoke to a vast crowd at Military Ilall. The South Carolina ami the Atlantic Coast Lino linilroads entered into ;i vr-\r of rates from Columbia. ami the fare for the round trip was reduced to 25 cents. Oh ! that we could have a war of rites hereabouts in freight*. Prohibition looms up as the hna^ upon which our political boat seems like to be wrecked in the future. Why c*n't our friends of that persuasion he content with tho virtual prohibition now existing outside incorporated places, and the powur they have under tho local option Ju\r to apply it to towns too ? Wo depret cate the introduction of this question into our State politics. The Edgefield (fhvoniole is issued from Johnston and the first copy was received last week. Twice has it risen from the allies in its brief career, and yet peemt; endowed with more than ordinary life and vigor. Wp trust it may froui now escape the llro fiend, and enter upon an era of prosperity and hnppiIICtfH. Srnatok Hampton was re-elected last Tnegday without opposition, '.'ome negroes from Beaufort threw away their votos on Robt. Smalls. Mr. J. It. Handa 11 of the Chronicle and Conxtitutioiialiat, in one of his letters from "Washing! on pnys a handsome tribute to the distinguished Carolinian. The State Bar Association was formed in Columbia last week with Judge A.G. Magrath President. The proceedings will be found elsewhere in our paper to- /day. This Association cannot Fail to do much to elevate the tone of the profession in the State, and its formation is a consummation long devoutly wished., $ y r- t* t N > ' V A notadi.k exprustsbm wns m:ule by Senator Coker Inst week in discussing tbo nonoral bill for stenographers in ull tli<! Circuits. lie said that nionAy spent in furthering the administration of justiro was economy, no nmttor h nv extravagant short-sighted potior nii.uhl pni.it it. P:;ks!|-.knt Ai'Tiint ynsf^i-biy Si t ?r motion th«< inai-lii,ioiy of the Exposition in New Orb-an*. The President was in Washington and t!ie machinery was <!p er.it0.1 by ««h*elr?rity whicli w.n convoy "(1 to tin; White 11 oil w by a wire connected with the machinery at Now Orleans. Tiik proceedings of the Legislature which we publish on our outside will show the notion of the Legislator" <>n tin; exemption of Manufactures Hill. We believe u!l sucli legislation unwise Mini improper. It savors* too much of protection. Coi.. Aikkn* has kindly sont us a Report of tho Department of Agriculture, "011 tho yield of crop* per acre" and other subjects. Tub bill to create stenographers in all the Circuits has boon do fen ted in tho Senate. It is probable wo will bare one in the Eighth Circuit. CuN*i.:jskss has done* and is doing nothing of special interest to us. Tin; town of Andvrson "went wet'' last week. The RtMe Bar Association. Coi.i'MntA, December II.A State Convention of Lawyers met in the Court House at 7 o'clock for the purpose of forming a M'ate f'ar Association. Oiip hundred and thirteen gentlemen wore present, representing {ho cntnilic.i of Colleton, Clarendon, Fairfield, Darlingion, Abbeville, Aiken. Charleston. Laurens/ Chester, Hampton, I !roenri!lo, Rarnwell. Anderson, Orangeburg, Marion, Lancaster, wherry, Kdgefield, Slimier, Marlboro." Richland. Oconee, Williamsburg an.l York. The body contained many of the most, prominent lawyers of th«* State, ho many, in fact, that it would by quite a task to enumerate them. Col. 0. If. Suhor, of Newberry, called the Convmtion to nn'.^r and Coi. Chas. 11. Simonton, of Charleston, was requested to act n* temporary chairman, and Col. J. Q. Marshall, of Richland, an tornpory secretary. Tt vrns resolved, on motion of Mr. H. E. Ilounp, of Charleston, that all who had signed the call foi tho Contention, all who were present and all who had been appointed delegates be considered members. The names of such were handed in and enrolled. Mr. W. C. lionet, of Abbeville, moved thnt a committee of five be appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, Agreed to. Mr. lionet was mftde chairman. The other members were R. F Whitner, Win. Mimro, J. C. Haskell nnr! .Inmou I'1 Tin* i soon reported a constitution anil bylaws, which were mloptcd. The ohjfclH of tho South Carolina Bar Association, as Htated by the constitution arc :* "To advance the science i>f jurisprudence : to maintain the honor, dignity and courtesy «>f the professi on of law ; to promote tho due administration of justice and reforms in the law to encourage a liberal education for the Bar, and t»» cultivate cordial i~tereou.se among the members of the South Carolina liar." Major S. P. Hamilton mored the appointment of a committee of nine tc make nominationn for permanent officers. Agreed to. The following committee wa« appointed: 8. 1\ Hamilton, chairman; W. St. J. Jerve.y, James Aldrich, Richard 1>. Lee, J. (J. Blue, M. l'\ Ansel, Leroy F. You mans, W. B. Wilson, Jr., an<l l>. B. Duncan. The committee reported a list of officers, of which the following are the more important : President, A. 0, Mauralh : Vic*-Prexidents, l«*t circuit, K. McCrady ; lid, Win. Klliott; 3d, llichard Do/.ier; 4th, W. L. T. Prince ; 5th, Leroy F. Voumans: Oth, Miles J. Patterson ; 7th, C. II. Suber: -Sth Wm. H. I'arker; secretary, W. C. Benet; treasurer, Jv. Q. liarKhali. Kxweutive committee.1st circuit, B. II Hutledge ; iid, I>. S. Henderson; 3d, Joseph II. Karlt?; 4th, H. W. Boyd; 5th. J. D. .Kennedy ; 6th, James 11. Hi- on ; an, win. Munro; 8th, B. b\ Whitner. After some discuAsiou the nominees were elected l»y acclamation. The temporary president. (LieutenantGovernor .John Sheppard in the chair,) appointed Meassrs, W. 0. Sonet, George .Johnstone anil .James Aldrich a committee to escort Mr. Mag rath to the clinir. On taking the chair .Fudge Magrath made a brief and admirable address. A resolution, by Mr. H. K. Young, was adopted, that the member* of tin* association use their best endeavors to increase tho membership of the organization, and that as booh as a sufliciont number of applicants could ho obtained a special meeting of the association he hold for the sole purpose of electing theui. President Magrath named the chairman of the numerous committees, but asked time for the announcement of the members. ALH.30 tho Convention adjourned. Itwnua fine looking body of men. The first annunl meeting of the association will be held next December in Columbia..News and Courier. ADV1CK TO MOTHKltS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mr*. \vinhi.ow:a Sootiiino Svisit koh cuil.mtl'.N Ti-IKTIUNJI. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor liUlo sufferer immediately. Oepend up011 it, mothers. there is j»o mistake about It. It c.nres dysentery ami diarrhtca, re'gulatos the stomach ami bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tho whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sykup ko« Chimhikn Tkktiiis'u is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and host female nurses and physicians in tho United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout tho world. Price 25 cents a bottle. 5-ay Go to .Lavnton'a Tor Ohriatmaa goods. ^ RB '"i4%; x& *" ,* -' y ') ^ %.- "*' , y / *' Shutting Up T!»p Seminary. Coi.it m hi a, December 11..The "Involution"' agitation has culminated in an anion which is the subject of a lively discussion all over tho cilv to-uigh. As wks muted in Tiik Nkws ani» Couiiiek tlris morning. the board of directors of tlie l'rcshyt»rian Theological Seminary met last, night to take action in regal «l to the al 1oj5«»i1 heretical teachings of l>r. Iallies Woodrow, tlie chiirman of tin' faculty of the institution. Dr. Woodrow's ntlVnce was tho delivery of a lec,«ilc last .spring; in which In- c.-tnva>srtl the subject of evolution, an.I expressed .he belief that the ' volution 01 Adum from a l.iwer animal was not ioconsistcnt with serij 111ra 1*t anh»n-jrs. *1*11 su'>Inr»»it proceedings *»f the lour Synodsupporting the seminary h-.v.-h.-.-n >ti i«ly published ami are well I.tiovrn. The bo-lid o.' directors, not long a ter the *niiounceiniMit of Dr. Woodrow's position had exeu'put d him from bhime by a vote of eight to three. The South t'ar»lir:i Synod expressed its confidence in Dr. Woodrow, but resolved ttir.t the treating of (lie subject of evolution, except in a purely expository manner, was wrong. !'r. Woodrow k-.{ nrver assumed jlo teach it as an established fact. Tho other three Synods resolved to have evolution tabooed and, it is stated, so changer! the conipoition of their delegation of directors as to reconstruct the hoard into a body prepared to carry out their wishes. The hoard at theij meeting last evening gave out nothing ol their action Cor publication. To-day ih< result wus announced. In order to inaki. a Tall statement f incorporate the account* of Dr. Wood row's opponents ami supporters into onr presumably harmonious whole : Twelve members out of thirteen wen I l»- V ' » inr.in.in * till jllinrKT.f Mljeclcil to th<- rnro!men! as n d:rc*c!nr o| Dr. Adams, of Augusta, on the groun«i that the Georgia Synod had no ri>;ht tr remove a director and appoint anodici in his pine. The Iwnsrd scaled Dr. Adam:1, and t!in?o directors entered a proti»«t agains their action, iIy a vole of } '.o 1.the minority heintr nil from th» Synod of South (.'arolna, namely. the lion, .lames Ileinphill, J udjre T. 15. Frastrand the It-.-v Messrs. Y. I!. Law nnu W.d. McKay.the hoard requested Dr. Woodrow's resignation froiu tin: I'i-rkinj chair on the following jrrotiihIh : That throe of th<> lour Synod.-; had 11eil his views ami teachings ami had in utructed their director* to put a stop tc them, and that one Synod had condemn ed the teachings of evolution with anj intent to inculcate its truth. That Dr VVoodrow was therefore disqualify* from teaching as the representative o these Synods and was incompetent tc discharge the duties in which he mux speak in their name and hy tbeii authority. I)r. VVoodrow being waited on by t committee armed with this request, re plied in writing that, he had no desire t< teach in the name of an unwilling church but that lie could not resign withou acquiescing in- the justice of the con demnntion of his views without ^ fail trial. He accordingly demanded a ful judicial trial beforo tho board in accord ance with tho requirements of tho srm inary constitution. A paper was then introduced into th< meeting 'removing Dr. VVoodrow fron his profossorship. IVnding action 01 this the Doctor was cited to appear be fore l.he board and show cause why hi should not be removed according to tht ' desire of the Syuodsi. Dr. VVoodrow declined to appear. Tho hoard then In the same vote 8 to 4. passed the pape making the removal. Immediately after this action I'rof. VV K. Hoggs, 1). D., and I'rof. Charles It I Hemphill, D. !>., tendered their resig nations to the board ami they wen ( promply accepted. This leaves Dr (.rirardeau alone of the; faculty, an» practically sions tho thirtv-eiirht stu dent* nt the seminary from studyinj until the hoard meets again in January to fill the vacant chairs. L)r. Woodrow looked for this action and was not surprised. There is a jjoot deal of strong leeling among laymen ii regard to this action. Dr. Woodrovr ha: a large support in Columbia. From hii side of the house comics the suggestioi that the hoard can, in their own riow select no person better suited by faitl and orthordoxy to Ik* the Doctor's sue eessor in the IVrkins chair of science in connection with religion, than tlx Uev. John Jasper, colored, of Richmond Va., tin* heroic maintainor of Scriptura exactitude, and the author of the popu lar dogma, "Do auu do luovo."..A'cun and Courier. Now is the time to make fruit cakt and mince meat for Christmas. Go t< White Brothers aud supply yourscl with the necessary ingredients. Thej have just received largo quantities o choice raisins, currants, prunes, citron almoin!. iKre. Al«<v Kn<*li.ili j a j"ocans, Brazil nuts, rousted pea nuts, np pies, oranges und candies of all kinds. Division of Territory. THK Following is the assignment ol Townships to the respective County Commissioners for the ensuing year, to wit : To James A. McCord. Cedar Springs, Smithviil'v) Whitehall, Xinety-Six, (ireen wood, Cokesbury. To William Rile}'. liOwndesWUe, Magnolia, Calhoun,. Bordeaux. Indian Hill. To W. T. Cowan. Donuahlsville, Due West, Diumond Hill, Abbeville, Long Cane. The present Superintendents will plrase continue to net until further notice. By order of the Bourd. JAM Eft C. Kf.UGlI, Dee. I()-3t Clerk B. C. C. "W7 $3tr7nft<&z3L*. t COUD V 11 LI'.!' to <;iV«» rlinr^c of H A KLOl'll, tililsr Hint LL'MttKU MtLl.. A ();>!> in mkh. <\ r. mauuhx, At Muddox M.IIh. Leo 3-»r Warning to Tresspassers. ALL portions »ro hereby warned not to enter upon n»v lands for the put-pone of hunting or fulling, br for imv other purpose without tnv consent. Tho law wdl he strictly enforced against ony one found trescanning thnruvn after thin notice. M. B. MP8C0MB, Deo 3-31 Nin*ly-8ix, 8. C. i" /?- t*. / r* '* * >\,V .VV r 'v , ... V *»' -V "i i- ;--j v : :X'A* -V mmm. are authorized to wll thu .ollowing Y V fiHtuls : Tract, 22G Acres, Near IMiivnix, know n ast'hijdoy lands, bound< <1 liv lands of Jlii»*! > , Tollicrt, Kstate Hutchison and others. Also Tract 120 Acres, Pint of America Hackot Tract, hounded by lands of r*. it. l!ro<-kM, Tull'ert, J. S. t'hijdoy, sr., and other*. A I.SO lot in tln» town of Troy, known h.< Ls* 8, Block B. ! . Also the Simmon.) ii-t near Hodges, 33x Acres, More or Less Hounded bj T. J. Kllis, W. C. Norwood mid ot Siurs Also Store House and Lot, in tin; Town of Bradley, on Main and (rrillln Si reels. l:»telv owned liv Tl:os. If. Walker. PA UK kit .V Met>0WAN, Altv for F. W. Wajroncr <t Co. Nov 19: f \lifj persons indebted to lint Kstntc of Mrs. Klii'.a M.-vtt i.-;on, deiu-ased, must umkc imiiwrlinto pnj'incnt, otherwise suit will l»e commenced to enforce I lie same, ami nil Lojzatees ami Claimnuts :'.ru notified that on tl»o Second of dnnunry, lSSo. a settlement of said Kstat"? n il! he made in the Probate .Fudge's ollice, of all funds recoiTud. M. «'r. Zr'tti.Ri:, C. C. P., Dec 10-tf. Admiuislrator. i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County oi Abbovilft. 1 IX TUB 1'ROHATB COURT. , In the mat lor of tin" Bstateof Joel S. I'orrin, deceased. I,. \V. I'orrin, Adtatni:*! rator Petitioner. Petition for Scttlemont and Discharge. » NOTK'B is horcl'V (jivon that L. W. I'orrin as Administrator. of Ii ii i for sHtlcnu-nt ami ilischnrirc. } It is ordered t li:it Friday I tie U'th of Dercni ber next he lixe<! fur .n-ttlinjr said estate and I pruntinx tlidischarge priycd ft..*, r J. FI'l.LKIi J.YOV. > Nov. l'.l-if Judge Probate Omirt. I ^TATr: OF SOUTH ('AUOLTNA, 4 (Nil'NTV oy A I'ilK v II.I.K. Court of Common Pleas. , William M. Twggart, Plaintiff, against t H. F. Cowan, Defendant. r To the Defendant, H. F. Court,n. ' Y<>U arc hereby sn.nmoncd and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was this day fil<*d in the olHco of tho Clerk of Court of Common " ! IM'-hs for said County, j»nd to serve a 1 copy of your answer to the said com1 plaint on the subscriber at his ofSce at Abbeville Court House. South Carolina, " within twenty days aft'-r th" service " hereof, exclusive oT the day of such r service ; and if yon fail to answer the 1 complaint within the time aforesaid, the r plaintiii* in this action will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in tho complaint. Dated Octoher lill, A. D., 18>H. NM. O. Zr.i<it.Kit, C. C. r. M. 1'. DfclilUUli., PUintitfs Attorney. 1 To H. F. Cowan, absent defendant: Take notioe, that the complninl in ^ this action (together with tho summons f of which tho foregoing is a copy.} was tiled in the office of the Clerk of the ' Court of Common Pleas, at Alihevillo 1 Court Hoiiiw;. in the County of Ah'rw;1 ville, in the State of South Carolina, on s the lilHh day of October, IHS4.* * " M. IV DuBKrat^ 1 Plaintiffs Attorney. Dec 10, (it. i . ASTER'S SALE. L> Thoinns K. Jackson an.l W. T. McDonald, against Kllcu '/ Oossett, et. »1. I'artitiou. ' BV virtue of »a order o? **l«s made in the above stilted bv the IIou. .1. S. Cotlp-an, * Judge 8th Circuit, on the Kth day of Ilei-nmber, 1HS4. ( will sell at public outcry at Abbeville C. II., S. C?., on 5th day of January, tSfi.">, ^ that being Salesday, within the legal hours of - sale, tho following described property, situate > in said State and County, being of ihe Ileal f Estate of Tho.;. Jutk:-.oit aud Ann Jackson, r deceased, to wit : All that tract or parcel of / luud, known as tract No. 1, aud containing about ' ONE UUXDRKD ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of I). M. Wardlaw, tract No. 2, .lohn Able and others » aiid by the Snake Road. Also that traet or parcel of land, contaioine about ONE HUNDRED AND FORTYFIVE ACRES, I" more or lens, and hounded bv lands of D. M. Wardlaw, H. I). Wilson, "tract No. 1, nud Snake Hoad, arid known as Tract No. 2. Also, Hint tract or parcel of land, containing about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTYFIVE ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of John Able, McNeill, and tract No. 4, and the Sunko Hoad, and known' as Tract No. 3, or the Humphrey Jacksou Troct. Al-io, that tract or parcel of land known us Tract No. A, or the Mill Tract, containing ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTYFIVE ACRES, more or less, and bounded by the Snake Hoad, Tract No. H, and McWilliauis' land, and J. I). Noel. Terms of Halo, One-half Cash.Tialance in twelve months, secured by boud and mortgage, with interest from <lato, with leave to Purchaser to pay all Cash. Purchaser to pay for titles. M..L. Honhain, Jr., Master. JJASTER'H »A EE. E. Alico Simmons, Plaintiff Against Hob«rt N. Pratt, and Samuel Mc6ovran. Foreclosure. HY virtue of an order of salo made in the above stated rase by the Hon. A. P. Atdrich, Judge 2nd Circuit, "on .'lift day of October, ISH-i, I will sell at jutblic outerv at Abbeville, v.. ii., n. c., on om day ni .lanunrv, 1HM5, (hut liyinjr Snleaday, within the le^al hours of sale, the following dexcribud prnpurlT, situate in suid State and County, ono undivided half of all that t rnct or parcel of laud, containing EIGHT ACRES, i , more or less and the Flour and Corn Mills thereon, bounded by lands of Robert Pratt on all Hides. Terras of Saje.One-half Cash.Dalancc in nix months, secured bv mortgage of tbe premises, with interest from dato of sale, with leave to purchaser to pay all caati. Purchaser to pay for paperb. tf. L.BOX1IAM, Jr., Master. -^vVv- >v: '-r ENDORSED BY , BETTER AND SCIENTISTS A3 CHEAPER TEA. fHACTICALLYBSt^B^ AHY Iitetructliils' gHg STONE, Over BOO sHlffe'l s°nd foi Beautiful ||w^VjflSn Price List Designs* j&JHBB] Ciroulare manufactured py " monumental bronze company, BBIDQEPOBT. CONST. I". L. Im }:*. l.ASS, Nov. l^Mi 1 yr. A.^.i.t. FMiTIMI. 15AI5I.I'!*. fn'S.t hi i'lu'l- mil \inh.iir Wall.ill t'hiiirilior Suits. il»n<3 imi.j i*.»:n:«-»{ S.iit..4. »/ i»ci<v. i'in W'a'juil Siiit« In jvik! <"li:iTas. riij Wnlniii. Vi'ardriil'i's ttmi II.Ji l'-:i i'lirrrv aiul it ak Suit*. Wntniti. <S.tl: ran Sc-.t: Chili: I.iSirnrv :*i.->ir« » Chairs. l>ini:\;r anil r ('h.iir i in I.ca:i l'cri"(>n»it'«l v'!i:iir .in I Iturk. i!.-;'i !'it'i ra'o.l Seals for Ic-.-;e»liniT ol<! rii.iirs. !»n reaii.' At privo* fr-u:i : > with iron i i 1,% :v- r. f,i. i'm ll^r ( ; i* inl i, >i .!.!)<;* ijiiJ'lat'.'.i to rc-litl <'!>! iVatne.s. .ill Saf»»», Tablc.« ami Iiliitl'fSM'S ui" i-rirv lie criptiou :i I Prices. SOI.!) ,\'C IJOTTO! KICrCllK.S. or !t coods aki: isoccht pikkci I.Y I'llOM M.\Sri''A(jTC SlKKri *.» ! prices si'fl .-i.i Imr an oily price* *n«l »!l j;oo»i HiililjiMt .->» !ti"y arc. iijii'ii llieir sncriis. Wo imii tn:i!<r your lioisxos im>re comfort; li!>-. inortf ojijftvahlp ami lordy if yoti wi cull on us for wfia'. yon all need. Ilciij-ecifully, J. B. 0EALSES3 k CO 11 ;iii . MfKXT l"» K--AimKvrr.LE, a. v. I A >1 11»-r pri'parotl than ever heforo oft>r to farmers anil other* iioflin^' tl ei cotton gins, Cotton Presse3, Saw Mills GUI T MILLS, CASK M ILLS, Portable and Station ary Flouring Mills, * C7? l mill all kinds of improved Agricultural In plemcuta. Also a lull nn<l complete stock Groceries & Provisions Y nr IT. c: (> N V KCTI (YN K! I Y. ri'^AKS, TOUAUUO, Ivr< ot I'xccfiliiijly low prices for cash. I'lic mv Orocerics before vou buy. I have v'Jlht years' cxpcricucu in tlio in: chinory Iradu ami can offer yon iuducetnetil both in quality, price and terms. Call < «nc or writb for any information a.s to price terms, Ao. l-tf QMleslfiion IIAVK REMOVED TO THE New Store on the Corn; uiulcr the now hotel. When you corny town call in to see them. Sept. HO, '81. qiJAUI.ES A THOMAS. Tlia Place to get What You Wai: THQS. M. CHRISTIAN HAVING bought the interest of Mr. JOH WILSON in the husinosa forinerl conducted by them jointly, will koep^alwav in store a complete stock of Fancy Groceries, CANNED GOOD! .and. CONFEiCTlOX EUI E.S of nil kiiuld. Tho Best and Choapos Cigars and Tobacco, THE FINEST WINKS ami LIQUOR! SWEET MASH COltN' WHISKEY for m dicinal purposes, s specialty. Also clioic LIQUORS of any kind for medicinal purpoHCM (Jive liiin n call. Satisfactionguaranteed. All persons^indebted to tlio tirni of Chris tinn & Wilson must make immediate pur nicnt. THOS. M. CHRISTIAN, l-Iim Abbeville, S. C. RASTER'S SALE. Hobortson Taylor k Co., against William II Arnold. BY virtue of nn order of sale nmdf in tin above utated case by the Hon. A. P. Aldriclt Judge 2nd Circuit, on .'tl.-U day of October 1H84, 1 will sell at public outcry nt Ahberilh C. II., B.C., an jtli day of January, 1885 that being Salesday, within the legal hours o sale, the following described property, *itu are in said State and (Jaunty, to wit i A1 that truct or parcel of land, situate and beinj in the town of Hodges, and containing FOUR ACRES. niore_or less, boundejl by lands of M. A. Ca son; T. J. Kilts and <*. M Hodges. Terms of **ale.One-half Cash, llnlanco or crcdit, 12 months, with interest from day M sale, to be secured by bond of the pnrcliasei and mortgage of tho premises, with libertj to purchaser to anticipate tho second payment. Purchaser to pav for papers. M. L. BOh'KAM, Jr., Master. i 'Winn imiiji_iiiij !Mm ml .~ ON BMUUITION U ®! /f 1 A I.I. »n<i iMir l.m;t> piul ILiii.isninc li V_i.kihi artisiic «\<-r ouui'fi' in iliin nmrkh our iiAinlsuiiic s'«.i»k of \YOI»»v I'.llXK! WOKK IIOXK \ i'c.w:.m:; i.iic «i i'i i I »"i'« !% A I'll I.KAMI II. I.Uiv, ( »"r CI.ASr- TOII.KT I'.OTVI.IIS. iVK.vr HOOKs, COMBS, I . ^-HolMa 2 k«.*|it in »i first-cliis* Drug Diamond Byes! o I' v Our sloe!: i>!" Dri-^is full :tr.<l i;i<>m n a I'iH'kajji*. "'In; ili'ineitil l'»r SACIIKT I'OW I»K1< lias i a !'i \v (iirr us a call In-fun* jmrclia>i r,rfil| g^Jlfj| p j II ( How is loo Tiiiio 15 Eiy Yosr S ' I i .- .3i K havit a larj;< r -V of F';>ur.v iroods t G Wr have tin: !arkv»! a..s'itl:n -nI i.i' truest ( ] l>r<-Silrti C|>ii:,i. mi.l J:ii'"nr»- Wiiv Wi1 haro Va.n's in all color* «U»-iini. ai H Wr have inns! ovcry tiling idse i:i line Chin Stun'i*. Irte a tctv Si-ts, r.iqunr Set: a tachoCups, Violet Stands, Card Ituceivers. C W«> have also jnst received a niru assor i DOLLS, do: n'l | Our assortment of iJoIla i.-i larger and belli j thoehwapest China I'oll to the vt»ry finest Wa ,! i We i»ro ovtM -jtockod in (Ml itlST^N! AS C \ I j ^ We have a jrood s'tu-k of ~g \.£ \ ( I novels, juveniles ,Xc. J V. 7 J We also have a very larne .-t-.x-k <>f Piiolo^Ti ' j which wo mo sellinjr very cheap. Wo have FI11K WORKS of all kimls, Fire -j TOYS, TO Wo li.ivo an immense slo'-k of Toys, most i: i Coiiie early before our xonris are [>ieke:l ore ''! H. W. M '* »g»iM ii mi ii i yrnm ^ri 11 ini IMI r 11 jiiKaKamra : W. I. I s 4 WHOLKK.VMS AND IPnnViiiir ? boyMii| oLlnoa, r GRATES AN to - Buy tlio " Excels C1KVKNTKKV <litr.>».>nt fr. Large qiiniitUivs of TINWAUE. Very ; W. I 2-3in * 831 G AM * HAVK 1 t ^ milKlil LAHGi-i AND WKLL SKI.W p Fall and W " CONSISTING IN' \\\IIT OF it nil l^Aiv Jl UiUI^II <11111 J/Ull !l Wo1!!?] I r FIATS, HATS, HATS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, HARD f 2R f CR r At Lower Prices tlmn they wt»vi» Ever <M .' '. . :Z / % ' 1 y: ''" j':v "v » - v * » Unas M\ Nl> i OH SAM: 11Y ^ « <u hi m Bl tie <>f Clii i-tniiis t'.ir.l* T!if tle^i^au arc tin* *, (villi I'lti-'i asr! I.iiilhi r AImi Ml.'Stf l> S COMIilNKI:. TniU'l t'r.s's, I s aril (Iinls Prising ('«so«. *i.liK I STANDS, ('sril jiml lloqiiot 'jiiicv J'jijxji*, arid Y;-,i'1ouh (fthe Diami/Aiil fry&s!! I tarn ovuirt >1 c^n l>« {'urmshotl. <n-l_r 10c 1 ikIiicimJ i»s !o .iiak.-iiti iM-lir. vri.ifh will Arrittin R » ! '.v. hero V'rii will ii. it ir^r*:: it. | ; LOWRY. a* m*:'.^xsrv'amwa ; IS G61IM6.S A AM CLADE aaJ CHRISTMAS V 53EK-- h.ni \vr ! vol' Iim) before. ujia, i:i tlic iip-cuuittry, in Hrciich, German ami ml siro tll«' latest sIlUJH*.-'. .1 :un! < l;ts-»A\in:, such us StnUu.-Ue*. Klow*r Match Itnxi'-i, I'lti-Wrs, .lewolrjr Mt.uu'iit, lluv i liir.a Orn:ii:icuis of nil Kinds, Ac. intent of GOLD i'KXrf AM) I'ESGH.S. LLS, DOLLS. iT litis year than «>vor before. We ha»o from x Doll. M*S, ;ii!<l \viiI sell them oheaj>. s;i::h a..s lliwly bound cojiiun of tbo Pool*, H>!i AUxtut i uii.l S.tiio iU">l£4, Ci'iu-kcffi jct-ul.sa |i«ci. 'YS. TOYS. i very uiiul matte. Come an«l bee them. r. MTHJH. nn rwanwwuifchftiT 'f'r^^rjTrTr^iuuaCirrr'aaM. ) E L F H , RETAIL DKALKH IN D TINWARE, dor Cook Stove V} utiiiiT Stoves* iu jrreiit vnriot v for wood nml uuul. low III wliolciiaK'. , DELPH, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. iTEMPLETON n stoiik ivm> stock of > inter Goods, j lesuc iiry uooas, WAKti, HARDWARE* I OCERIKS, GR0CK1HKH, GROCERIES, I OCKKRY, CROCKKRY. CROCKERY, I Sored UoforCi v I .Mt " I *1

The Abbeville messenger (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067668/1884-12-17/ed-1/seq... · ological Seminary nt Columbia have:« movedDr. Woodrowfroui

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Page 1: The Abbeville messenger (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067668/1884-12-17/ed-1/seq... · ological Seminary nt Columbia have:« movedDr. Woodrowfroui


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I wii»iijii ii ! im+mmmtmmm i n i w i n

TJie Abbeville Messenger.m. l. bon ham, jk.,) fl)1tou. .....t- 1*. cothran. v ei.^ouh am.jas. 8. i'kkuin, j iholkuttoiw.



Tho Board of Directors of tho Theological Seminary nt Columbia have :«moved Dr. Woodrow froui his I'rufrssorship of tlio Perkins Chair of Sciences it:Raid Institution, ami in consequence ofthis action of tho M<>ar<l Drs. I'op-^s andHemphill have resigned their chairs.

AVe are not auHicien tly conversantwith the doctrines that l>r. Woodrow haspromulgate*! to he ahlo to decide if therbe correct or incorrect. N'or is it withthis question we have to do.

Or. Woodrow's reputation for neiontificknowledge, and his nurc Christiancharacter are, or ought lo bo, guaranteesof tlio orthodoxy of Ijis religious v'u'wsTho prolific source. According to ArchbishopManning, of tho infidelity and

tmbelief so rampant in this dny and timeof high mental culture, is t'«(- worshipof intellect. It is demanded by (lie ag«>that tho things submitted to its considerationshall be judged bv the standardof human reason. And applying thistost to the doctrines of revealed religionmen liavc professed to find nn irrecon-citable conflict hefwoen tin* teachings ofhuman science sun I these doctrines. andthus encouraged, infidelity grows npact:with thw wonderful growth nnd expansionof the human intellect. To meetthis danger in part, «s we understand it.Dr. Woodroyr i!i all humility and withn perfect faith in the doctrines of thelliblc, seeks to show to those who demandthat their reason he convinced,that there need he no contradiction twixtthe Mosaic account of the crontion. nailthe established truths of * progressivemodern science. We do not understandthat he denies or seeks to refute n singledogma of his Church. And if he can

demonstrate to the satisfaction of anydoubting human reason that science andthe laws of reason are not in conflictwith the commonly accepted exegesis ofthe Bible, then he has struck a deathblow at the foundation of modern infi-

1 delity and has dono valiant syrvicn in"the promulgation of Divine truth.

Yet at the demand of men no les«< falliblethan ho, and doubtless less '.earned,he is deposed from his choir, and turnedfrom the portals of «n institution towhich ho has been an honor and an ornament.

A GOOD EXAMn.K.The County Commissioners of Kdgetfloldcounty have procured the passage

of an act, allowing them to borrow n

sum of money, estimated by them assufficient to meet all contracts mack: bythe county during the next fiscal year.The act empowers them to pledge theincoming taxes as a security for thisloan. This is a move in the right directionand looks something like theCounty Commissioners of Kdgefild mean4(0 run the business affairs of that conn-ty on business principles. We urgeagain upon our County Commissionersthe importance of a similar step.There is no reason in tho world why thecounty should defraud (not in an offensivesense) its citizens of a single cent'\Ve are satisfied if tliis matter can heshown up in its proper light that ourJ>oard will not allow the citizens ol thiscounty to he "shaved" any longer.


The Cleveland and Henrlricks celebrationin Charleston last Friday was n

grand success, and many hundreds ofvisitors were thero from all parts of theState. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governorand Committees from the Sonateand House were present, together withother distinguished guests. After theparade (Jov. Thompson. Lt.-Cnv. Shoppardand others spoke to a vast crowd atMilitary Ilall.The South Carolina ami the Atlantic

Coast Lino linilroads entered into ;i vr-\rof rates from Columbia. ami the fare forthe round trip was reduced to 25 cents.Oh ! that we could have a war of riteshereabouts in freight*.

Prohibition looms up as the hna^ uponwhich our political boat seems liketo be wrecked in the future. Why c*n'tour friends of that persuasion he contentwith tho virtual prohibition now existingoutside incorporated places, and thepowur they have under tho local optionJu\r to apply it to towns too ? Wo depretcate the introduction of this questioninto our State politics.The Edgefield (fhvoniole is issued

from Johnston and the first copy was receivedlast week. Twice has it risenfrom the allies in its brief career, andyet peemt; endowed with more than ordinarylife and vigor. Wp trust it mayfroui now escape the llro fiend, and enterupon an era of prosperity and hnppiIICtfH.Srnatok Hampton was re-elected last

Tnegday without opposition, '.'ome negroesfrom Beaufort threw away theirvotos on Robt. Smalls. Mr. J. It. Handa11 of the Chronicle and Conxtitutioiialiat,in one of his letters from"Washing! on pnys a handsome tribute tothe distinguished Carolinian.

The State Bar Association was formedin Columbia last week with Judge A.G.Magrath a« President. The proceedingswill be found elsewhere in our paper to-/day. This Association cannot Fail to do

\» much to elevate the tone of the professionin the State, and its formation is aconsummation long devoutly wished.,

$y r- t* t

N> '


A notadi.k exprustsbm wns m:ule bySenator Coker Inst week in discussingtbo nonoral bill for stenographers in ulltli<! Circuits. lie said that nionAy spentin furthering the administration of justirowas economy, no nmttor h nv extravagantshort-sighted potior nii.uhlpni.it it.

P:;ks!|-.knt Ai'Tiint ynsf^i-biy Si t ?r

motion th«< inai-lii,ioiy of the Expositionin New Orb-an*. The President was inWashington and t!ie machinery was <!per.it0.1 by ««h*elr?rity whicli w.n convoy"(1 to tin; White 11 oilw by a wire connectedwith the machinery at Now Orleans.

Tiik proceedings of the Legislaturewhich we publish on our outside willshow the notion of the Legislator" <>n

tin; exemption of Manufactures Hill.We believe u!l sucli legislation unwiseMini improper. It savors* too much ofprotection.

Coi.. Aikkn* has kindly sont us a Reportof tho Department of Agriculture,"011 tho yield of crop* per acre" andother subjects.Tub bill to create stenographers in

all the Circuits has boon do fen ted in thoSenate. It is probable wo will bare onein the Eighth Circuit.

CuN*i.:jskss has done* and is doing nothingof special interest to us.

Tin; town of Andvrson "went wet''last week.

The RtMe Bar Association.Coi.i'MntA, December II.A State

Convention of Lawyers met in the CourtHouse at 7 o'clock for the purpose offorming a M'ate f'ar Association. Oiiphundred and thirteen gentlemen worepresent, representing {ho cntnilic.i ofColleton, Clarendon, Fairfield, Darlingion,Abbeville, Aiken. Charleston. Laurens/Chester, Hampton, I !roenri!lo,Rarnwell. Anderson, Orangeburg, Marion,Lancaster, N« wherry, Kdgefield,Slimier, Marlboro." Richland. Oconee,Williamsburg an.l York. The bodycontained many of the most, prominentlawyers of th«* State, ho many, in fact,that it would by quite a task to enumeratethem.

Col. 0. If. Suhor, of Newberry, calledthe Convmtion to nn'.^r and Coi. Chas.11. Simonton, of Charleston, was requestedto act n* temporary chairman,and Col. J. Q. Marshall, of Richland, an

tornpory secretary. Tt vrns resolved, onmotion of Mr. H. E. Ilounp, of Charleston,that all who had signed the call foitho Contention, all who were presentand all who had been appointed delegatesbe considered members. Thenames of such were handed in and enrolled.Mr. W. C. lionet, of Abbeville, movedthnt a committee of five be appointedto draft a constitution and by-laws,

Agreed to. Mr. lionet was mftde chairman.The other members were R. FWhitner, Win. Mimro, J. C. Haskellnnr! .Inmou I'1 Tin*i

soon reported a constitution anil bylaws,which were mloptcd.The ohjfclH of tho South Carolina

Bar Association, as Htated by the constitutionarc :* "To advance the sciencei>f jurisprudence : to maintain the honor,dignity and courtesy «>f the profession of law ; to promote tho due administrationofjustice and reforms in the lawto encourage a liberal education for theBar, and t»» cultivate cordial i~tereou.seamong the members of the South Carolinaliar."Major S. P. Hamilton mored the appointmentof a committee of nine tc

make nominationn for permanent officers.Agreed to.The following committee wa« appointed:8. 1\ Hamilton, chairman;W. St. J. Jerve.y, James Aldrich, Richard1>. Lee, J. (J. Blue, M. l'\ Ansel, LeroyF. Youmans, W. B. Wilson, Jr., an<l

l>. B. Duncan.The committee reported a list of officers,of which the following are the

more important : President, A. 0,Mauralh : Vic*-Prexidents, l«*t circuit,K. McCrady ; lid, Win. Klliott;3d, llichard Do/.ier; 4th, W. L.T. Prince ; 5th, Leroy F. Voumans:Oth, Miles J. Patterson ; 7th, C.II. Suber: -Sth Wm. H. I'arker; secretary,W. C. Benet; treasurer, Jv. Q. liarKhali.

Kxweutive committee.1st circuit, B.II Hutledge ; iid, I>. S. Henderson; 3d,Joseph II. Karlt?; 4th, H. W. Boyd;5th. J. D. .Kennedy ; 6th, James 11. Hi-on ; an, win. Munro; 8th, B. b\Whitner.After some discuAsiou the nominees

were elected l»y acclamation.The temporary president. (LieutenantGovernor.John Sheppard in the

chair,) appointed Meassrs, W. 0. Sonet,George .Johnstone anil .James Aldrich acommittee to escort Mr. Magrath to theclinir.On taking the chair .Fudge Magrathmade a brief and admirable address.A resolution, by Mr. H. K. Young,

was adopted, that the member* of tin*association use their best endeavors toincrease tho membership of the organization,and that as booh as a sufliciontnumber of applicants could ho obtaineda special meeting of the association hehold for the sole purpose of electingtheui.President Magrath named the chairmanof the numerous committees, but askedtime for the announcement of the members.ALH.30 tho Convention adjourned.Itwnua fine looking body of men.

The first annunl meeting of the associationwill be held next December in Columbia..Newsand Courier.

ADV1CK TO MOTHKltS.Are you disturbed at night and brokenof your rest by a sick child sufferingand crying with pain of cuttingteeth? If so, send at once and get a

bottle of Mr*. \vinhi.ow:a Sootiiino Svisitkoh cuil.mtl'.N Ti-IKTIUNJI. Its valueis incalculable. It will relieve the poorliUlo sufferer immediately. Oepend up011it, mothers. there is j»o mistake aboutIt. It c.nres dysentery ami diarrhtca, re'gulatosthe stomach ami bowels, cureswind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation,and gives tone and energy totho whole system. Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Sykup ko« Chimhikn Tkktiiis'uis pleasant to the taste, and is theprescription of one of the oldest and hostfemale nurses and physicians in thoUnited States, and is for sale by alldruggists throughout tho world. Price25 cents a bottle. 5-ay

Go to .Lavnton'a Tor Ohriatmaa goods.

^RB '"i4%; x&

*" ,* -' y ') ^ %.- "*'

,y / *'

Shutting Up T!»p Seminary.Coi.it m hi a, December 11..The "Involution"'agitation has culminated in an

anion which is the subject of a livelydiscussion all over tho cilv to-uigh. Aswks muted in Tiik Nkws ani» Couiiiektlris morning. the board of directors oftlie l'rcshyt»rian Theological Seminarymet last, night to take action in regal «lto the al 1oj5«»i1 heretical teachings of l>r.Iallies Woodrow, tlie chiirman of tin'faculty of the institution. Dr. Woodrow'sntlVnce was tho delivery of a lec,«ilclast .spring; in which In- c.-tnva>srtlthe subject of evolution, an.I expressed.he belief that the ' volution 01 Adumfrom a l.iwer animal was not ioconsistcntwith serij 111ra1*t anh»n-jrs. *1*11 su'>Inr»»itproceedings *»f the lour Synodsupportingthe seminary h-.v.-h.-.-n >ti i«lypublished ami are well I.tiovrn. Thebo-lid o.' directors, not long a ter the *niiounceiniMitof Dr. Woodrow's positionhad exeu'put d him from bhime by avote of eight to three. The South t'ar»lir:iSynod expressed its confidence inDr. Woodrow, but resolved ttir.t thetreating of (lie subject of evolution,except in a purely expository manner,was wrong. !'r. Woodrow k-.{ nrverassumed jlo teach it as an establishedfact. Tho other three Synods resolvedto have evolution tabooed and, it is stated,so changer! the conipoition of theirdelegation of directors as to reconstructthe hoard into a body prepared to carryout their wishes. The hoard at theijmeeting last evening gave out nothing oltheir action Cor publication. To-day ih<result wus announced. In order to inaki.a Tall statement f incorporate the account*of Dr. Wood row's opponents amisupporters into onr presumably harmoniouswhole :Twelve members out of thirteen wen

I l»- V '» inr.in.in * till jllinrKT.f Mljeclcilto th<- rnro!men! as n d:rc*c!nr o|

Dr. Adams, of Augusta, on the groun«ithat the Georgia Synod had no ri>;ht trremove a director and appoint anodiciin his pine. The Iwnsrd scaled Dr. Adam:1,and t!in?o directors entered a proti»«tagains their action, iIy a vole of }'.o 1.the minority heintr nil from th»Synod of South (.'arolna, namely. thelion, .lames Ileinphill, J udjre T. 15. Frastrandthe It-.-v Messrs. Y. I!. Law nnuW.d. McKay.the hoard requested Dr.Woodrow's resignation froiu tin: I'i-rkinjchair on the following jrrotiihIh : Thatthroe of th<> lour Synod.-; had 11eilhis views ami teachings ami had inutructed their director* to put a stop tcthem, and that one Synod had condemned the teachings of evolution with anjintent to inculcate its truth. That DrVVoodrow was therefore disqualify*from teaching as the representative othese Synods and was incompetent tcdischarge the duties in which he muxspeak in their name and hy tbeiiauthority.

I)r. VVoodrow being waited on by tcommittee armed with this request, re

plied in writing that, he had no desire t<teach in the name of an unwilling churchbut that lie could not resign withouacquiescing in- the justice of the condemnntion of his views without ^ failtrial. He accordingly demanded a fuljudicial trial beforo tho board in accordance with tho requirements of tho srm

inary constitution.A paper was then introduced into th<

meeting 'removing Dr. VVoodrow fronhis profossorship. IVnding action 01this the Doctor was cited to appear before l.he board and show cause why hishould not be removed according to tht

' desire of the Syuodsi. Dr. VVoodrowdeclined to appear. Tho hoard then Inthe same vote 8 to 4. passed the papemaking the removal.Immediately after this action I'rof. VV

K. Hoggs, 1). D., and I'rof. Charles ItI Hemphill, D. !>., tendered their resig

nations to the board ami they wen( promply accepted. This leaves Dr

(.rirardeau alone of the; faculty, an»practically sions tho thirtv-eiirht student* nt the seminary from studyinjuntil the hoard meets again in Januaryto fill the vacant chairs.

L)r. Woodrow looked for this actionand was not surprised. There is a jjootdeal of strong leeling among laymen iiregard to this action. Dr. Woodrovr ha:a large support in Columbia. From hiiside of the house comics the suggestioithat the hoard can, in their own riowselect no person better suited by faitland orthordoxy to Ik* the Doctor's sueeessor in the IVrkins chair of sciencein connection with religion, than tlxUev. John Jasper, colored, of RichmondVa., tin* heroic maintainor of Scripturaexactitude, and the author of the popular dogma, "Do auu do luovo."..A'cunand Courier.

Now is the time to make fruit caktand mince meat for Christmas. Go t<White Brothers aud supply yoursclwith the necessary ingredients. Thejhave just received largo quantities ochoice raisins, currants, prunes, citronalmoin!. iKre. Al«<v Kn<*li.ili

j a j"ocans,Brazil nuts, rousted pea nuts, nppies, oranges und candies of all kinds.

Division of Territory.THK Following is the assignment ol

Townships to the respective CountyCommissioners for the ensuing year,to wit :To James A. McCord.

Cedar Springs,Smithviil'v)Whitehall,Xinety-Six,(ireen wood,Cokesbury.To William Rile}'.liOwndesWUe,Magnolia,Calhoun,.Bordeaux.Indian Hill.

To W. T. Cowan.Donuahlsville,Due West,Diumond Hill,Abbeville,Long Cane.

The present Superintendents willplrase continue to net until further notice.By order of the Bourd.

JAM Eft C. Kf.UGlI,Dee. I()-3t Clerk B. C. C.

"W7$3tr7nft<&z3L*.t COUD V 11 LI'.!' to <;iV«» rlinr^c of HA KLOl'll, tililsr Hint LL'MttKU MtLl..A ();>!> in

mkh. <\ r. mauuhx,At Muddox M.IIh.

Leo 3-»r

Warning to Tresspassers.ALL portions »ro hereby warned not to enter

upon n»v lands for the put-pone of huntingor fulling, br for imv other purpose withouttnv consent. Tho law wdl he strictly enforcedagainst ony one found trescanningthnruvn after thin notice.M. B. MP8C0MB,Deo3-31 Nin*ly-8ix, 8. C.

i" /?- t*. / r* '* * >\,V .VVr 'v , ... V *»'-V "i i- ;--j v : :X'A*-V

mmm.are authorized to wll thu .ollowingYV fiHtuls :

Tract, 22G Acres,Near IMiivnix, know n ast'hijdoy lands, bound< <1liv lands of Jlii»*! > , Tollicrt, Kstate Hutchisonand others.

Also Tract 120 Acres,Pint of America Hackot Tract, hounded bylands of r*. it. l!ro<-kM, Tull'ert, J. S. t'hijdoy,sr., and other*.A I.SO lot in tln» town of Troy, known h.<

Ls* 8, Block B.! .Also the Simmon.) ii-t near Hodges,

33x Acres, More or LessHounded bj T. J. Kllis, W. C. Norwood midot Siurs

Also Store House and Lot,in tin; Town of Bradley, on Main and (rrilllnSi reels. l:»telv owned liv Tl:os. If. Walker.

PA UK kit .V Met>0WAN,Altv for F. W. Wajroncr <t Co.

Nov 19: f

\lifj persons indebted to lint Kstntc ofMrs. Klii'.a M.-vtt i.-;on, deiu-ased,

must umkc imiiwrlinto pnj'incnt, otherwisesuit will l»e commenced to enforceI lie same, ami nil Lojzatees ami Claimnuts:'.ru notified that on tl»o Second ofdnnunry, lSSo. a settlement of said Kstat"?n il! he made in the Probate .Fudge'sollice, of all funds recoiTud.

M. «'r. Zr'tti.Ri:, C. C. P.,Dec 10-tf. Admiuislrator.

i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,County oi Abbovilft.

1 IX TUB 1'ROHATB COURT., In the mat lor of tin" Bstateof Joel S. I'orrin,deceased. I,. \V. I'orrin, Adtatni:*! rator

Petitioner.Petition for Scttlemont and Discharge.

» NOTK'B is horcl'V (jivon that L. W. I'orrinas Administrator. of Ii ii

i for sHtlcnu-nt ami ilischnrirc.} It is ordered t li:it Friday I tie U'th of Dercniber next he lixe<! fur .n-ttlinjr said estate andI pruntinx tlidischarge priycd ft..*,

r J. FI'l.LKIi J.YOV.> Nov. l'.l-if Judge Probate Omirt.

I ^TATr: OF SOUTH ('AUOLTNA,4(Nil'NTV oy A I'ilK v II.I.K.

Court of Common Pleas., William M. Twggart, Plaintiff, againstt H. F. Cowan, Defendant.r To the Defendant, H. F. Court,n.' Y<>U arc hereby sn.nmoncd and requiredto answer the complaint in this

action, which was this day fil<*d in theolHco of tho Clerk of Court of Common

" ! IM'-hs for said County, j»nd to serve a1copy of your answer to the said com1plaint on the subscriber at his ofSce atAbbeville Court House. South Carolina,

" within twenty days aft'-r th" service" hereof, exclusive oT the day of suchr service ; and if yon fail to answer the1 complaint within the time aforesaid, ther plaintiii* in this action will apply to tho

Court for the relief demanded in thocomplaint.

Dated Octoher lill, A. D., 18>H.NM. O. Zr.i<it.Kit, C. C. r.

M. 1'. DfclilUUli.,PUintitfs Attorney.1 To H. F. Cowan, absent defendant:

Take notioe, that the complninl in^ this action (together with tho summonsf of which tho foregoing is a copy.} wastiled in the office of the Clerk of the

' Court of Common Pleas, at Alihevillo1 Court Hoiiiw;. in the County of Ah'rw;1ville, in the State of South Carolina, ons the lilHh day of October, IHS4.**"

M. IV DuBKrat^1 Plaintiffs Attorney.Dec 10, (it.


L> Thoinns K. Jackson an.l W. T. McDonald,against Kllcu '/ Oossett, et. »1. I'artitiou.' BV virtue of »a order o? **l«s made in theabove stilted bv the IIou. .1. S. Cotlp-an,* Judge 8th Circuit, on the Kth day of Ilei-nmber,1HS4. ( will sell at public outcry at AbbevilleC. II., S. C?., on 5th day of January, tSfi.">,^

that being Salesday, within the legal hours of- sale, tho following described property, situate> in said State and County, being of ihe Ilealf Estate of Tho.;. Jutk:-.oit aud Ann Jackson,r deceased, to wit : All that tract or parcel of/ luud, known as tract No. 1, aud containingabout'

ONE UUXDRKD ACRES,more or less, and bounded by lands of I). M.Wardlaw, tract No. 2, .lohn Able and others

» aiid by the Snake Road.Also that traet or parcel of land, contaioineabout

ONE HUNDRED AND FORTYFIVEACRES,I" more or lens, and hounded bv lands of D. M.Wardlaw, H. I). Wilson, "tract No. 1, nud

Snake Hoad, arid known as Tract No. 2.Also, Hint tract or parcel of land, containingabout

ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTYFIVEACRES,more or less, and bounded by lands of JohnAble, McNeill, and tract No. 4, and the SunkoHoad, and known' as Tract No. 3, or the HumphreyJacksou Troct.

Al-io, that tract or parcel of land known usTract No. A, or the Mill Tract, containingONE HUNDRED AND TWENTYFIVEACRES,more or less, and bounded by the Snake Hoad,Tract No. H, and McWilliauis' land, and J. I).Noel.Terms of Halo, One-half Cash.Tialance in

twelve months, secured by boud and mortgage,with interest from <lato, with leave toPurchaser to pay all Cash. Purchaser to payfor titles.

M..L. Honhain, Jr., Master.


E. Alico Simmons, Plaintiff Against Hob«rtN. Pratt, and Samuel Mc6ovran. Foreclosure.HY virtue of an order of salo made in theabove stated rase by the Hon. A. P. Atdrich,Judge 2nd Circuit, "on .'lift day of October,ISH-i, I will sell at jutblic outerv at Abbeville,

v.. ii., n. c., on om day ni .lanunrv, 1HM5,(hut liyinjr Snleaday, within the le^al hoursof sale, the following dexcribud prnpurlT, situatein suid State and County, ono undividedhalf of all that t rnct or parcel of laud, containing



more or less and the Flour and Corn Millsthereon, bounded by lands of Robert Pratt onall Hides.

Terras of Saje.One-half Cash.Dalancc innix months, secured bv mortgage of tbe premises,with interest from dato of sale, withleave to purchaser to pay all caati. Purchaserto pay for paperb.tf. L.BOX1IAM, Jr., Master.

-^vVv- >v: '-r



Iitetructliils' gHg STONE,

Over BOO sHlffe'l s°nd foiBeautiful ||w^VjflSn Price ListDesigns* j&JHBB] Ciroulare

manufactured py"

monumental bronze company,BBIDQEPOBT. CONST.I". L. Im }:*. l.ASS,

Nov.l^Mi 1 yr.A.^.i.t.

FMiTIMI.15AI5I.I'!*. fn'S.t hi i'lu'l- mil \inh.iir

Wall.ill t'hiiirilior Suits.il»n<3 imi.j i*.»:n:«-»{ S.iit..4. !« »/ i»ci<v. i'inW'a'juil Siiit« In jvik! <"li:iTas. riijWnlniii. Vi'ardriil'i's ttmi II.Ji l'-:ii'lirrrv aiul itak Suit*. Wntniti. <S.tl: ranSc-.t: Chili: I.iSirnrv :*i.->ir«»Chairs. l>ini:\;r anil r ('h.iir i in I.ca:il'cri"(>n»it'«l v'!i:iir .in I Iturk. i!.-;'i !'it'ira'o.l Seals for Ic-.-;e»liniT ol<! rii.iirs. !»nreaii.' At privo* fr-u:i : > with ironi i 1,% :v-r. f,i. i'm ll^r ( ; i* inli,>i .!.!)<;*ijiiJ'lat'.'.ito rc-litl <'!>! iVatne.s. .ill

Saf»»», Tablc.« ami Iiliitl'fSM'S ui" i-rirv liecriptiou :i I Prices. SOI.!) ,\'C IJOTTO!KICrCllK.S.or !t coods aki: isoccht pikkci

I.Y I'llOM M.\Sri''A(jTC SlKKri *.» !prices si'fl .-i.i Imr an oily price* *n«l »!l j;oo»iHiililjiMt .->» !ti"y arc. iijii'ii llieir sncriis.Wo imii tn:i!<r your lioisxos im>re comfort;

li!>-. inortf ojijftvahlp ami lordy if yoti wicull on us for wfia'. yon all need.



11;iii.MfKXT l"»K--AimKvrr.LE,

a. v.

I A >1 11»-r pri'parotl than ever heforooft>r to farmers anil other* iioflin^' tl ei

cotton gins,Cotton Presse3, Saw Mills


Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills,* C7? l

mill all kinds of improved Agricultural Inplemcuta. Also a lull nn<l complete stock

Groceries & ProvisionsYnr IT. c: (>N V KCTI (YN K! I Y.

ri'^AKS, TOUAUUO, Ivr<

ot I'xccfiliiijly low prices for cash. I'licmv Orocerics before vou buy.I have v'Jlht years' cxpcricucu in tlio in:

chinory Iradu ami can offer yon iuducetnetilboth in quality, price and terms. Call <«nc or writb for any information a.s to priceterms, Ao. l-tf


New Store on the Corn;uiulcr the now hotel. When you cornytown call in to see them.

Sept. HO, '81. qiJAUI.ES A THOMAS.

Tlia Place to getWhat You Wai:

THQS. M. CHRISTIANHAVING bought the interest of Mr. JOH

WILSON in the husinosa forinerlconducted by them jointly, will koep^alwavin store a complete stock of

Fancy Groceries,CANNED GOOD!


CONFEiCTlOX EUI E.Sof nil kiiuld.

Tho Best and ChoaposCigars and Tobacco,

THE FINEST WINKS ami LIQUOR!SWEET MASH COltN' WHISKEY for mdicinal purposes, s specialty. Also clioicLIQUORS of any kind for medicinal purpoHCM(Jive liiin n call. Satisfactionguaranteed.All persons^indebted to tlio tirni of Chris

tinn & Wilson must make immediate purnicnt.

THOS. M. CHRISTIAN,l-Iim Abbeville, S. C.


Hobortson Taylor k Co., against William IIArnold.

BY virtue of nn order of sale nmdf in tinabove utated case by the Hon. A. P. AldricltJudge 2nd Circuit, on .'tl.-U day of October1H84, 1 will sell at public outcry nt AhberilhC. II., B.C., an jtli day of January, 1885that being Salesday, within the legal hours o

sale, the following described property, *ituare in said State and (Jaunty, to wit i A1that truct or parcel of land, situate and beinjin the town of Hodges, and containing

FOUR ACRES.niore_or less, boundejl by lands of M. A. Cason; T. J. Kilts and <*. M Hodges.Terms of **ale.One-half Cash, llnlanco or

crcdit, 12 months, with interest from day Msale, to be secured by bond of the pnrcliaseiand mortgage of tho premises, with libertjto purchaser to anticipate tho second payment.Purchaser to pav for papers.

M. L. BOh'KAM, Jr., Master.

i 'Winn imiiji_iiiij


®!/f 1 A I.I. »n<i iMir l.m;t> piul ILiii.isninc liV_i.kihi artisiic «\<-r ouui'fi' in iliin nmrkh

our iiAinlsuiiic s'«.i»k of \YOI»»v I'.llXK!


\ i'c.w:.m:; i.iic «i i'i i I »"i'« >» !% A I'll I.KAMIII. I.Uiv, ( »"r CI.ASr- TOII.KT I'.OTVI.IIS.iVK.vr HOOKs, COMBS, I

. ^-HolMa2

k«.*|it in »i first-cliis* Drug

Diamond Byes!oI'

vOur sloe!: i>!" Dri-^is full :tr.<l i;i<>mn a I'iH'kajji*.

"'In; ili'ineitil l'»r SACIIKT I'OW I»K1< lias ia !'i \v (iirr us a call In-fun* jmrclia>i

r,rfil| g^Jlfj|pjII

(How is loo Tiiiio 15 Eiy Yosr S

' Ii

.- .3i

K havit a larj;< r -V of F';>ur.v iroods t

G Wr have tin: !arkv»! a..s'itl:n -nI i.i' truest (] l>r<-Silrti C|>ii:,i. mi.l J:ii'"nr»- WiivWi1 haro Va.n's in all color* «U»-iini. ai

H Wr have inns! ovcry tiling idse i:i line ChinStun'i*. Irte a tctv Si-ts, r.iqunr Set:

a tachoCups, Violet Stands, Card Ituceivers. CW«> have also jnst received a niru assor

i DOLLS, do:n'l | Our assortment of iJoIla i.-i larger and bellij thoehwapest China I'oll to the vt»ry finest Wa

,!i We i»ro ovtM -jtockod in (Ml itlST^N! AS C \ I

j ^ We have a jrood s'tu-k of ~g \.£ \ (I novels, juveniles ,Xc. J V. 7

J We also have a very larne .-t-.x-k <>f Piiolo^Ti' j which wo mo sellinjr very cheap.Wo have FI11K WORKS of all kimls, Fire

-j TOYS, TOWo li.ivo an immense slo'-k of Toys, most i:i Coiiie early before our xonris are [>ieke:l ore

''! H. W. M'*

»g»iM ii mi ii i yrnm ^ri 11 ini IMI r 11 jiiKaKamra

: W. I. Is



IPnnViiiir? boyMii| oLlnoa,r GRATES ANto

- Buy tlio " ExcelsC1KVKNTKKV <litr.>».>nt fr.

Large qiiniitUivs of TINWAUE. Very

; W. I2-3in





^ milKlil LAHGi-i AND WKLL SKI.W



it nil l^AivJl UiUI^II <11111 J/Ull




f 2Rf CRr

At Lower Prices tlmn they wt»vi» Ever <M

.''. . :Z / %


1 y: ''" j':v

"v »- v * »

UnasM\Nl> i OH SAM: 11Y

^ « <u hi m Bl

tie <>f Clii i-tniiis t'.ir.l* T!if tle^i^au arc tin*

*, (villi I'lti-'i asr! I.iiilhi r AImi Ml.'Stfl>S COMIilNKI:.TniU'l t'r.s's, I s aril (Iinls Prising ('«so«.

*i.liK I STANDS, ('sril jiml lloqiiot

'jiiicv J'jijxji*, arid Y;-,i'1ouh (fthe

Diami/Aiil fry&s!! Itarnovuirt >1 c^n l>« {'urmshotl. <n-l_r 10c1

ikIiicimJ i»s !o .iiak.-iiti iM-lir. vri.ifh will ArrittinR» ! '.v. hero V'rii will ii. it ir^r*:: it. |

; LOWRY.a* m*:'.^xsrv'amwa

; IS G61IM6.SA



h.ni \vr ! vol' Iim) before.

ujia, i:i tlic iip-cuuittry, in Hrciich, German amiml siro tll«' latest sIlUJH*.-'..1 :un! < l;ts-»A\in:, such us StnUu.-Ue*. Klow*rMatch Itnxi'-i, I'lti-Wrs, .lewolrjr Mt.uu'iit, lluviliir.a Orn:ii:icuis of nil Kinds, Ac.intent of GOLD i'KXrf AM) I'ESGH.S.LLS, DOLLS.iT litis year than «>vor before. We ha»o fromx Doll.

M*S, ;ii!<l \viiI sell them oheaj>.s;i::h a..s lliwly bound cojiiun of tbo Pool*,

H>!iAUxtut i uii.l S.tiio iU">l£4,

Ci'iu-kcffi jct-ul.sa |i«ci.

'YS. TOYS. ivery uiiul matte. Come an«l bee them.r.

MTHJH. nn rwanwwuifchftiT 'f'r^^rjTrTr^iuuaCirrr'aaM.

) E L F H ,


D TINWARE,dor Cook Stove V}utiiiiT Stoves* iu jrreiit vnriot v for wood nml uuul.low III wliolciiaK'.

, DELPH,Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.

iTEMPLETONn stoiik

ivm> stock of >

inter Goods,j

lesuc iiry uooas,



Sored UoforCi v I.Mt " I
