漳江口红树林自然保护区 项目专家报告 The Consultant Report 1

The consultant report (Prepared by professors Liu …...The landforms in Yunxiao County are attributed to the granite hills sub-region. The topography showed a ladder-like landing

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Page 1: The consultant report (Prepared by professors Liu …...The landforms in Yunxiao County are attributed to the granite hills sub-region. The topography showed a ladder-like landing


项目专家报告 The Consultant Report 1

Page 2: The consultant report (Prepared by professors Liu …...The landforms in Yunxiao County are attributed to the granite hills sub-region. The topography showed a ladder-like landing


ITTO Project PD 460/07 Rev.3 (F)

Achieving Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forest in China Through Local Capacity Building and Community Development

Implementation of Activity 1.1.1

“The management plan of the model forest at Fujian ZMNR”


Beijing, December 2011

Page 3: The consultant report (Prepared by professors Liu …...The landforms in Yunxiao County are attributed to the granite hills sub-region. The topography showed a ladder-like landing


Table of Contents The management plan of the model forest at Fujian ZMNR





2.1 NATURAL BACKGROUND  2 2.1.1 Location and Administrative Divisions  2 2.1.2 Tectonics and Landforms  2 2.1.3 Hydrology and Climate  2 2.1.4 Soil  3 2.1.5 Vegetation and plant  3 2.1.6 Animal resources  3 2.2 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCES  3 2.2.1 Social circumstances  3 2.2.2 Economic conditions  4 




4.1 MANAGEMENT POLICY  5 4.2 MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES  6 4.2.1 Development Objectives  6 4.2.2 Specific objectives  6 4.2.3 Management layout  6 4.3 THE PRINCIPLE OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN  7 4.4 THE BASIS OF MANAGEMENT PLAN  8 












Page 4: The consultant report (Prepared by professors Liu …...The landforms in Yunxiao County are attributed to the granite hills sub-region. The topography showed a ladder-like landing



Here we are grateful to Prof. Li Junqing of Beijing Forestry University for assigning us,

with the prior expressed approval of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), as

the consultants to carry out Activity 1.1.1 “The management plan of the model forest at Fujian

ZMNR” of Project PD 460/07 Rev. 3 (F) entitled “Achieving Sustainable Management of

Mangrove Forests in China through Local Capacity Building and Community Development”.

We also would like to express our appreciation to the management staffs of Fujian

Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Nature Reserve (ZMNR) for providing the needed information on the

management plan. Also their great support on the field survey, especially their constructive

suggestions base on the discussion of stakeholders’ forum.

It is our sincere hope that this management plan would be useful for guiding the sustainable

management of mangrove forest resources in the ZMNR in the future.

Best regards,

Prof. LIU Jinfu &

Prof. Huang Sheng

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Chapter 1 The Necessity to Develop a New Management Plan

Since ZMNR was established, the relevant higher administration authorities pay the great

attention and provide strong support. All employees made a lot of work on resource conservation

and mangrove resources background information investigation, and then various undertaking

achieved encouraging result. But there are still inadequacies of management. ZMNR need a more

comprehensive, more scientific, more systematic and more effective management plan to ensure

the efficient and good protection on the valuable mangrove resources.

1.1 The existing problems of ZMNR’s management

(1)The obvious contradiction between wetland conservation and the community economic


The residents surrounding the program still rely on the wetland to survive. First, the villagers

always make the production and operation in our experiment zone because there were many

vessels as a channel. They selected some economic marine organisms to sell while these creatures

are the food of the birds. Avicennia marina cause a very serious harm by Gelechiidae pests,

killed up to 100%. Second, the original trees in the Zhangjiang estuary upstream were cut down

instead of the fruit trees; however recent years the villagers lost the confidence because the

downturn fruit market and abandoned the fruit trees. Therefore, it would cause soil erosion if it

rains, especially rains heavily. The washed sediment would accumulate in the estuary and raise the

height of tidal flats. And this would threaten the growth of the mangroves. Third, the villagers

engaged in farming and fishing using the tidal flats widely. With this kind of income becoming the

main source income, the tidal flats utilization has elevated, the human disturbance are more

intense and the difficulty of the mangrove protection also has increased. This is the main

contradiction between conservation and community economic development .So the most

important and urgent thing is researching and exploring a new management mode.

(2) Lack of perfect monitoring system and date managing system.

Currently, the comprehensive background survey of wild flora and fauna sources have

already been carried out, and the dynamic monitoring of natural resources and environment and

biodiversity monitoring system still need to be established. The building and improving of data

management system is very useful for the future development.

(3)The Weakness of the Protection Awareness of the Public

The public education about the conservation is clearly insufficient. We must make the

comprehensive education plan for public as soon as possible, making full use of network,

broadcasting, television and other media, to carry out form-various and content-rich and

villagers-accepted education activities. We hope enhance around resident’s protection awareness

through the series of education activities.

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1.2 The necessity of developing a new management Plan

These mentioned problems would be resolved effectively by carrying out the new

management plan. For example, we could carry out the eco-tourism activities for rich

entertainment life of the public, making full use of the social and cultural value of the wild fauna

and flora resource rather than the only straightforward economic value. The new management plan

is to make the most money using the least resource consumption and to improve the

self-construction and development capacity rather than to rely on the country’s appropriation.

Meanwhile, the implement of the new plan would bring more jobs for the residents, helping the

local people get rid of the poverty. Furthermore, we encourage the local communities to

participate in the construction and management of nature reserves and wetlands and to explore a

new way of co-management with the exit manager. Third, many education and training activities

would be carried to improve the awareness of around residents and professional quality of

decision-makers. The increasing popularity and the capacity of exchanges and cooperation are

bound to play an active role in the protection career.

Chapter 2 The Regional Overview

2.1 Natural Background

2.1.1 Location and Administrative Divisions

National Mangrove Nature Reserve of Zhangjiang Estuary in Fujian , located in Yunxiao

County (longitude 117 °24'07 "~ 117 ° 30'00" ,north latitude 23 °53'45 "~ 23 ° 56'00,elevation

of -6 ~ 8m) ,is a national wetland nature reserve which based on the protection of the mangrove

habitat for wild life. There are 18 administrative villages in both sides .The mangrove forests are

mainly distributed in Bamboo-tower village, Ship-field village and Dongyi village in DongXia

town, and the Bamboo-tower villages’ is the widest-range and the best-growth.

2.1.2 Tectonics and Landforms

The landforms in Yunxiao County are attributed to the granite hills sub-region. The

topography showed a ladder-like landing from northwest to southeast. The east, north and west

sides are high while the center and the south are flat and open. The Zhangjiang Estuary is the

largest opening of the sea in Yunxiao county, and the Zhangjiang river is the main river of this

county, its total length reaches 58km, the water shed area accounts 855km2 and runoff volume

attains 1.011 × 109m3(including off water1.53 × 108m3), The county’ s annual average runoff are

6.35 × 108m3.

2.1.3 Hydrology and Climate

ZMNR has a subtropical maritime monsoon climate. The annual mean rainfall is 1714.5mm

with the extreme rainfall of 2493.2mm and 1348.4mm.The rainfall is mainly in April to September.

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The annual mean evaporation is 1718.4mm with the relative humidity of 79%. The annual mean

sunshine is 2125.1h with the extreme sunshine of 2574h and 777h.The annual mean foggy days

are 7.7d; the annual mean frost days are 2.3d with the most of 68d.

2.1.4 Soil

The area soil is the coastal silt and sandy silt, more than 2m thickness. Mangrove soil in the

domestic and foreign academic circles is known as acid sulfate soils, also known as the soil of

mangrove swamps. Soil salt content is high (usually above 10%), with the characteristics of

salinization. Soil pH value is from 3.5 to 7.5. The soil is rich in plant residue and organic matter.

2.1.5 Vegetation and plant

There are 5 division 6 genera and 6 species of mangrove plants ,16 Division 27 genera 29

species and 1 variety of mangrove plants,59 Division 152 genera 184 species and 3 varieties of

coastal plants (including cultivation) in this mangrove nature reserve. According to “Vegetation of

China”, the plants are divided into 3 vegetation types, namely mangrove plant, coastal salt marsh

plant and coastal sand plant. Mangroves plant communities, such as Avicenna marina forest, Tung

Blossom trees,Avicennia marina and Tung Blossom trees, Kandelia candel forest, candle and

Tung Blossom trees, Wood lam forest etc, are found in this nature reserve.

2.1.6 Animal resources

There are 154 species of birds belonging to 38 families and 15 orders, which accounts for

28.36% percent of the total bird species in Fujian province. Many bilateral international agreement

protected migratory birds are also in reserve ,including 77 species that are listed as bilateral

agreements protected migratory birds between the two governments of China and Japan, and 41

species between China and Australia . 4 orders with 9 families and 14 species have been recorded,

about 12.73% within Fujian province, mainly some cetaceans distributed in the warm ocean, some

rodents and small insectivorous mammals distributed in the fields of residential. There are 3

orders,11 families and 37 species ,which accounts for 32.17%。There are amphibians belonging to

1 order, 5 families 13 species or 29.55% of the total of the species in Fujian province.

2.2 Social and economic circumstances

2.2.1 Social circumstances

The national mangrove nature reserve is located in Dongxia town in Yunxiao County. There

are 55,000 populations in Dongxia Town, including 6321 Bamboo-tower villagers and 4571

Ship-field villagers. And there are no residents in the protected areas. Around the protected areas,

there is a general secondary school in Bamboo-tower village and five ordinary primary schools

with 169 in-service teachers, five medical stations (Clinics) with 20 beds and 26 health technicians.

The local possessed initial infrastructure but weak social security system. The roads among all the

villages were connected, and the telephones and TV programs were acceptable by every village.

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However the good-conditions public toilets are nowhere, the village environment looks untidy. In

addition, the most local residents are low-education.

2.2.2 Economic conditions

The most villagers around the protected areas are engaged fruit-growing, fish-breeding,

rice-growing and anti-season vegetables-growing activities with low income. Among them, the

fish-breeding industry is the most important income source, taken up 60% of total annual income.

The annual net income per capita of the Bamboo-tower village reached about 4418 yuan,

including 2783 yuan of fish-breeding income and 1216 yuan of agricultural income. In 2004, the

total annual revenue of Bamboo-tower village reached 971,551 yuan, including 585,784 yuan of

tidal wetlands income and 199,557 yuan fishery rent.

Chapter 3 Planning for Program Research

3.1 Result of the Survey

ZMNR, Fujian seems as the most and best mangrove natural community in the north side of

the Tropic of Cancer.

In its history, there was large area mangrove forest which was tall and dense. Especially in

the coastline, there were concentrated pure Kankra forest community which average height of tree

was above 5~6m, the highest is 10m.According to the survey, the area of it in the 1950s is

66hm2.Especially in the period of 1960s-1980s,due to reclaim land from marshes and mudflat

aquaculture, the resources of mangrove suffered strongly damaged.

Now it is hard to found large area of pure Kankra forest community and only a small amount

of Kankra, Kandelia obovata and Tung blossom mixed living together.

But in the ZMNR, it still continue to reserve about 20 hm2 forest of Avicenna marina which is

largest and best protected in China.

But in recently years, the Avicennia marina forest suffered from Sitotroga cerealella Olivier’s

damage which causes total death.

Trees in the upstream of ZMNR are being lopped in order to plant fruit trees. As forest fruit

market downturn, the villagers lose confidence on it. It causes the result that fruit-bearing forest is

left uncultivated and death. If raining, especially torrential rain, it easily causes soil erosion. The

silt washed away will accumulate in the estuary place which upraises the height of intertidal zone.

All these threaten the growth of mangrove.

As the higher productivity of intertidal zone, villagers take use of it for cultivation and ocean

fishery which are the main economic source. The result is that low efficiency of using intertidal

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zone and strength increasing of human interference. All these increase the difficulty for mangrove


3.2 Measures and suggestion

(1) In order to recover the destruction of vegetation in the upstream of ZMNR, it could plant

vegetation to prevent soil erosion or recover fruit tree plantation which should form brand

and open up an outlet. It also could build factories to process the fruits to forming

characteristic food.

(2) Clean up the river’s silt. It can not only dredge the river for shipping’s navigation but also

alleviate the pressure of the beach being bid up.

(3) Try to use biological disinfectant to sterilize water of the breed aquatics. If sprayed on

intertidal zone chemical pesticide for disinfection, when we are killed the biology which

harm for the targeted breeding objects and at the same time should kill large amount of

benthonic organism. It will cause loss of species diversity of the intertidal zone’s ecological

community and decreasing in the number of migratory birds and increasing inserts especially

when the residual pesticide which polluting water and food.

(4) It is more suitable to use biological pesticide or introduce natural enemy to deal with the

insect pests.

(5) Reducing the strength of intertidal zone operation through less homework and reducing the

time of operation. Considering the intertidal zone’s income may decrease, so in order to

alleviate the contradiction between the villages and the reserve management department, we

should establish compensation mechanism and standard to appropriately make up for

villages’ loss.

(6) Establishing positioning ecological environment monitoring network is in order to monitor

the change of water quality and soil at any time.

(7) Adopting biological methods is to control the growth of Spartina alterniflora Loisel and

Spatina which are invasive species on this zone. They are invasive species and have been

mass propagation. They are competing with mangrove for the zone. Because of their strong

fertility, the mangrove is surrounded. The two invasive species are not only influent the

growth of mangrove but also the local species.

(8) Establish the related laws about mangrove protection.

(9) Establish mangrove special protection funds.

(10) Strengthen the related research about mangrove such as positioning studies and diseases and

pests’ research.

Chapter 4 Management policy, objectives and layout

4.1 Management policy

To implement the spirit about speeding up the development of forestry carried out by CCPC

earnestly. Establishing the scientific concept of development firmly and treating ecological

environment construction and sustainable development theory as the guide. Depending on China

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wetland protection planning and the national wetland protection engineering planning, following

the strategic policy seriously, this includes strict protection, positive development, scientific

management and sustainable use. Mainly protect and restore mangrove ecosystem, strengthen

natural reserve and international important wetland construction and generally promote the

construction projects of mangrove forest. Establish mangrove protection and development

guarantee mechanism and related management system and make the development of mangrove to

be scientific, institutionalize and standardized. Bring fully to play the ecological function of

mangrove such as maintaining coastal ecological balance, reducing the happening of disaster and

defending the homeland security. Make the function of high productivity and sustainable use of

mangrove ecosystem come true. The purpose of the measures is to lay good foundation for the

sustainable of coastal area resources, environment and sustainable development.

4.2 Management Objectives

4.2.1 Development Objectives

Bring to realize sustainable management of ZMNR trough the local reserve capacity building

and the surrounding community development. Judge ZMNR management is sustainable or not

according to these following major indicators such as the proportion of degradation is reduced,

human resources construction is enhanced and the pressure of mangrove damaged is reduced. Its

most important prerequisite is government, universities and institutions continuously supporting

the sustainable management of ZMNR. In the mean time, verifying and identifying it through the

way such as reports, statistics and local residents’ income.

4.2.2 Specific objectives

(1)Strengthen the local forestry agency’s ability construction on the management of ZMNR.

(2)Release the pressure which is caused by community to the resources of mangrove through

carrying out right alternative industry.

(3)Realize the ZMNR’s sustainable management.

(4)Support the mangrove resources management through strengthening the mangrove research

and development.

(5)Improve the knowledge about mangrove protection through training the managements, local

technical personnel whom including reserve staffs and engaged in tourism personnel.

(6)Establish demonstration area of mangrove ecological tourism, especially for the natural

scenery, the ornamental bird, public scientific exploration and other tourism projects.

4.2.3 Management layout

The demonstration area, which consisted of two parts: one is ZMNR, the other is a

community named Dongxia which the reserve lies in. The total area is 24,628.8hm2.

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Fig.1 Map of Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Nature Reserve

ZMNR is the only national and the largest reserve in Fujian province, which is one of the

most important mangrove reserves in China. It is located in the Dongxia Town, Yunxiao County,

Fujian Province. The climate is subtropical climate. The total area is 2,360 hm2 which consisted of

forestry use land (1,300.6 hm2), forest (117, 9 hm2), open forest land (156.7 hm2), reproducing

area (13.4 hm2), suitable land for forest (1,012.6 hm2) and water area (1,059.4).

ZMNR is exactly located in Dongxia Town, so the project will include the town—as a

demonstration and research area. The town’s total area is 22,328.8 hm2 which could divide into

land for forestry (8,581 hm2), forest (9,492 hm2), intertidal zone (2,100 hm2) and non-land for

forestry (2,155.8 hm2).

4.3 The principle of the management plan

Base on the present and face the higher requirements of the future and long-term ecological

civilization to the ecological environment.

Observe the following principles: overall planning, rational layout, stress the key point and

implement step by step.

Mainly protect the mangrove ecosystem, at the same time, strengthen the construction of

natural reserve and international wetland. Establish long-term management mechanism.

Depend on science; use the latest technology to accelerate the recovery and construction of

the mangrove resource. Take use of the mangrove ecosystem’s multiple functions fully.

Connect protection to utilization. To explore the rational, efficient and ecological economical

use pattern under the premise of protecting the mangrove resource.

Avoid repetitive construction through combining the project with national and provincial key

ecological construction.

Realize the harmonious development between economy and nature through being

coordinated with local economy.

ZMNR, Fujian Province

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Divide depends on the power. Try to invest primarily depend on the central and local

government invest according to the proportion. Try hard to attract the investment from

international cooperation and society. Adopt all kinds of ways to draw funds. Introduce market

mechanism to realize the coordinated industrial development model between mangrove protection

and development.

4.4 The basis of management plan

The mangroves sample survey report in China

The mangrove resources survey results in Fujian Province, 2001 and the mangrove survey

report in Fujian Province

The results of mangrove resource survey, completed in 2005.

The planning of mangrove protection and development in Fujian Province from 2006 to 2015,

completed in 2005.

The demonstrated mode proposal about mangrove sustainable management in China,

completed in 2006.

The research summary report about China’s mangrove sustainable management, completed

in 2006.

The ensemble planning about wild animals, plants and natural reserve construction in Fujian

Province. The planning about wetland protection project in Fujian Province. Compartment on the

large scale of Marine function in Fujian Province. And others plans.

Forestry law of the People’s Republic of China; The Ocean law of the People’s Republic of

China; Environmental protection law of the people’s Republic of China; Natural reserve

regulations of the people’s Republic of China, etc.

Ramsar Convention, Mangrove charter, the China-Japan migratory birds protection

agreement, Convention on biological diversity, The China-Australia migratory birds’ protection


Chapter 5 The Sustainable Management in ZMNR

5.1 The index system of sustainable management

There are three meanings of ZMNR sustainable management which are sustainable economy,

ecology and society. So the sustainable management evaluation index must not only reflect the

three meaning but also reflect its potential. To combined with ZMNR’s actual management

situation and view of the mangrove protection to build a sustainable management index system.

The system is divided into four levels, target layer, system layer, condition layer and variable layer.

The target layer is the sustainable management comprehensive index in Fujian coastal mangrove.

And the system layer includes ecological environmental sustainable indexes, social sustainable

indexes and economical sustainable indexes. The variable layer contains 21 indexes. All the

indexes are given in table 1.

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Table 1 the indexes system of Mangrove sustainable management












The security index of

forest ecological system

Biological diversity


Index of soil and water


Index of water quality

Rate of forest coverage

Rate of diseases and

insect pests protection

Ecosystem productivity


Soil type and fertility

Forest area

Primary production

Wetland management level Rate of wetland utilization




Social stability index

woodland index per capita

Population growth rate

Poverty population


Living standards index residential area per capita

Cultural and educational

health index

Adult literacy rate

Index of medical services




economic level index

The per capita GDP

Intertidal zone

utilization index

economic structure index Industry structure


economy operation quality


product-sale rate

economic efficiency index

Rate of production tax

Disposable income per


5.2 The sustainable development strategy

(1) Set up a thorough management mechanism about mangrove wetland. And the county

government takes charge for the mangrove wetland natural reserve construction, and the

specific construction projects are taken charge by the administration of ZMNR. Establish

the scientific concept of development and strengthen the research about mangrove’s

structure, biological characteristics, productivity and ecosystem dynamic change during

the management.

(2) Increase the research input scientific and put the funds on the ways of trees’ prefer

selection on mangrove wetland, forest belt preferential configuration, introduce the

Target layer System


condition layer variable layer

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breeding and application of beneficial microbes germplasm resources and build thorough

composite artificial coastal shelter forest system.

(3) Carry out the researches about various management models and protective benefit

monitoring system and evaluation technology. Make efforts to expand the mangrove

resources, to restore mangrove ecosystem, to promote the coastal economic development

and the coordination of coast ecological environment protection.

(4) Establish mangrove seedlings base and introduce excellent mangrove species from

tropical regions consciously and carefully. The purpose of it is to provide much more

germplasm resources for subtropical area’s mangrove and the coastal zone mangrove

system construction, to promote community structure built from one or several species to

variety, to improve the stability of the community, at last to be better to play the

ecological function of mangrove resources.

(5) Change the single operation mode and develop a variety of comprehensive management

patterns and ecological tourism resources. So the income from intertidal breeding is no

longer to be the main source of local villagers. This can reduce the influence to the

growth of mangrove.

5.3 Specific measures

(1) Through applying the technology of GIS and implementing the mangrove resources

monitoring, to grasp the dynamic change resources, to carry through scientific management,

to improve the management ability of ZMNR.

(2) Construction ponds and afforestation. The climate of ZMNR is warm and wet, with rich

precipitation and water quality is in good condition. All these are suitable for the growth of the

mangrove. Set up around the ponds, to provide life habits for various waterfowls. Chose the

shallow intertidal or mid-deep intertidal to build the ecological environment for wild animals

and plants. Afforestation should be chosen in the coast intertidal belt and obey to the principle

from easy to tough. The better way is to plant in the winds and waves of a quiet zone and

developed gradually to slightly deep sea water and waves largish area. To ensure biodiversity

and forest coverage, avoid the water and soil loss and at last realize the sustainable ecological


(3) Develop forestry and agriculture and manage intertidal aquaculture industry. The local

residents’ main income is come from the intertidal and it also becomes the important pillar of

village finance income. Although each resident owns the certain area of forest and farmland,

the soil salinization makes rice production restrictedly. So there is no extra grain for animal

husbandry production and the vegetables lack of scale and brand. The price is not stable. And

because the price of litchi, longan is low so the villagers lose confidence to the forestry and

agriculture production. This increases the degree of dependence on the intertidal and should

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damage ecological environment. Therefore, the government and related agencies pay attention

to the agriculture development in ZMNR, to let the residents do not rely on intertidal breeding

too much. As the residents want to increase their income and improve their living level they

will use intertidal zone for production blindly. This will destroy the ecological function of the

intertidal zone. So the government and related agencies should not shut turn a blind eye on it.

Through developing other industries and managing the intertidal breeding, it brings not only

continuous ecological environment but also plays the sustainable social effect.

(4) Establish ecological tourism area. Develop the ecological tourism efficiently is seems as the

ideal mode to better protect mangrove, to realize ecological, social and economic value of

mangrove at present. According to the characteristics of mangrove resources, its potential of

tourism development is very great. Visitors is not only to appreciate the beautiful natural

landscape, appreciate the magic and aesthetic feeling of the mangrove but also able to taste

fresh seafood. The citizens are attractive by the natural green food such as wetland seafood

and vegetables. At the same time, it can build peasant hotels. This is not only solved the

problems of the tourists’ accommodation but also increase the source of local residents’

income. Build ecological tourism road to facilitate visitors to make activity and in the other

way avoid tourists to step on mangrove and affect its growth in the process of construction.

Build the traffic facilities, such as the parking place and transportation that sent and receive

tourists. Predict the number of tourist and the increasing rate, calculate the environmental

bearing capacity and this is good for reduce the number of tourists and the pressure of

environment. All these are good for protecting mangrove. Design tourism routes reasonably

and alleviate mangrove pressure yearly and at last realize economic sustainability.

(5) The community-reserve co-management. The community-reserve co-management is the most

efficient measure to realize ZMNR sustainable management. The main goal of

community-reserve co-management is to combine the biodiversity protection to sustainable

community development. It usually refers to the local community owns certain duties to plan

and use specific natural resources. At the same time, it also refer to the way that the

community agrees to improve reserves’ and surrounding communities’ living level under the

goal that sustainably use resources and reserve’s biodiversity protection is not conflict.

Comparing to the former management mode, this mode is not only to reduce the contradiction

between management department and the community residents, improve personnel

comprehensive ability of the management department but also make the community residents

become passive protection into active protection. The economic income of surrounding

communities of ZMNR is mainly depends on the reserve. Realize the community

administration can not only ensure residents’ economic resource but also let the residents take

part in the management. This can enhance their consciousness to protect the reserve and reach

the ecological, social and economic sustainability.

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Chapter 6 Community administrate jointly management

6.1 Community-reserve co-management

There are two meanings of community-reserve co-management. One is ZMNR makes

planning of community natural resources management together with surrounding communities and

work together to promote community natural resources management. The other is that the local

communities participate and assist the reserve to protect and manage biodiversity and let the

surrounding communities’ natural resources management become an important component of

reserve’s comprehensive management. Put ZMNR which is demonstration area with the

surrounding communities’ joint management into practice can promote the sustainable

management of the reserve.

6.2 The necessity of community-reserve co-management

The villagers near to ZMNR mainly engage in fruit planting, aquaculture, rice planting and

anti-season vegetable cultivation, etc. The aquaculture is the main source of economic income

which is low and the labor productivity is low and the economy is backward. If only depended on

various protection regulations and don’t cooperate with the communities and don’t improve the

residents’ understanding, it was difficult to get good protection effect. Therefore, the ZMNR

should carry out the way of community co-management and guide the community to take part in

reserve’s management. Teach the local residents some practical scientific technologies and

develop production way that suit to the local economy and conduct the farmers for reasonable

using existing resources and improve their living standards. Realize the purpose of manage ZMNR

through promoting community economic development and social progress.

6.3 The effect of community-reserve co-management

6.3.1 Sketch map of the effect

Change consciousness Policies changing Other industries

Public participation Resource management Community




improvement Surrounding areas

Participate in Development

Promote Alleviate



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6.3.2 The effect of community-reserve co-management

(1)Ecological protection consciousness of the community residents improved obviously.

The residents adopt various economic actives to ZMNR is eyeing to economic benefit and

ignoring the ecological benefit and social benefit. To make community residents realize the great

effect of ecological and social effect and realize the importance of biodiversity protection to

community environment and realize the importance of their work in protecting the biodiversity

through vivid environmental publicity education activities in community-reserve co-management.

(2)Improve the relationship between ZMNR and the surrounding communities.

Through carrying out actives of community-reserve co-management, most community

residents realize the importance of protecting ecological environment and establishing the reserve.

They are not only interested in the idea of community-reserve co-management but also supporting

and participating into various work of ZMNR. This enhances the enforcement of protection

effectively. At the same time, with participation of villagers, ZMNR’s work carrying out more

humanization, and changing the behavior that ignoring villages’ benefit and strengthen single

protection. This make protection and development seek unity. In a word, the series of

community-reserve co-management measures improving the long-term existing relationship

greatly which are ‘opposition’ and ‘non-cooperation’.

(3)The ecological environment improve obviously.

Since carried out the method of community-reserve co-management, the villagers’

consciousness had been improved and reduced destruction obviously to the biodiversity resources.

The community residents often take part in the normal management of ZMNR and help the

ZMNR administrative staff to patrol. This makes the protection work more efficient. The result is

that as decrease of human disturbance, wildlife’s habitats have been better improved and the

number of wild animals and plants increased significantly and the environment, no matter in the

ZMNR or the surrounding has been improved obviously.

Chapter 7 Infrastructure Construction

In order to guarantee the sustainable management of ZMNR, there must be enough solid

infrastructures. Now ZMNR have building area of 300m2, a car, two patrol boats, ten computers,

and relevant office accommodations, traffic, communication facilities and so on, and these provide

primary protection for the management of normal work of ZMNR. In the next three years

protection zone continuously improve the infrastructure construction in the region, including

hardening of the surrounding roads of the protection zone, the construction of ecological public

toilets, offering the convenience to visitors and the construction of garbage collection pool in the

surrounding to make villagers’ house refuse achieve an uniform cycle. The construction of bird -

watching hide, environmental education wooden plank and birds climax habitats and other

facilities, these allow visitors make close contact with nature ecological environment, to bring to

spiritual pleasure to people through experiencing a good ecological environment, to create

beautiful artistic conception of harmony between man and nature At the same time, establishing

a publicity and education center about mangrove is also necessary, that can introduce mangrove

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protection and environmental science knowledge visually to the public.

Chapter 8 Science and Education

8.1 The scientific experiments

The research is one of the priorities of the protection zone, because of species richness of

protection zone, many colleges and universities in province and outside, scientific research units

come to set up the base to carry out research activities. Such as scientific research collaborating

with the Provincial Academy of Forestry, Provincial Forestry Planning Institute, Xiamen

University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry College of Forestry, Minjiang University, and the

establishment of a national basic scientific personnel training and field practice bases; Provincial

Academy of Forestry, wildlife monitoring centers come to conduct scientific research

collaboration, such as carrying out Spartina alterniflora Loisel , bird survey and monitoring,

mangrove insect community and integrated management of major pest, technical studies, etc.. This

give full play to the nature reserve as the functions of research, science, education, training and

science base.

Through a series of investigations and studies, ZMNR get a lot of scientific data in the

conservation of biological diversity, slowing runoff and flood storage and drought, degradation of

pollutants, water purification. The protection of mangrove plays a certain effect for the society.

Such as a strong typhoon on May 18, 2006 named "Pearl" that take a frontal assault to Zhangzhou

and the wind reached 12 or above. It is a rare strong typhoon in the history of Zhangzhou, "Pearl"

landing coincided with the full tide result in highly destructive,but around protected areas, due to

the tall, dense mangroves outside the embankment, the embankment was safe, so the loss of

farmland, cottages, aquatic plants within embankment is minimal. The reason is that the ground

criss-cross roots of mangrove forests can unite the soil and resist the impact of the tides and floods,

to protect the embankment, but also save the artificial earthwork project.

8.2 Education and Training

in education , training and publicity, we can send the environmental staff ,county school

teacher, department heads, the person in charge, the representative of the village farmers in groups

to accept the training of environmental education, wetlands management, community building

aspects, in order to improve the capacity of protection and management level of environmental

and the capacity of inter-sectoral collaboration. On Protected Areas Authority has also prepared

based teaching materials into the wetlands, and invite experts to schools in Yunxiao County to

carry out environmental education knowledge training for teachers and educators,. Use the "World

Wetlands Day, Love the Birds Week, World Environment Day, Science and Technology Week,

Publicity Week for an opportunity , cooperating with the Municipal Environmental Protection

Bureau, Department of Education, Science and Technology Bureau and the county primary and

secondary schools ZMNR will carry out the lectures about ecological and environmental

protection, knowledge of wetland ,and calls for people consciously to protect wetlands, to promote

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the conservation of nature favorable production and lifestyle, and to raise public awareness of

environmental protection. ZMNR also require that each staff member should become

communicators of environmental protection.

Chapter 9 Benefit Analysis

9.1 The eco-efficiency analysis

The implementation of mangrove protection and development of project will help to improve

coastal wetland ecological environment. Mangrove has greater function of environmental

regulation to reduce the natural disasters in province caused by typhoon. Mangrove has a strong

capacity of blocking the tide and reducing the impact of the waves, so it plays a role in the

revetment and becomes the first line of coastal shelter forest system. It has a function of

purifying water, producing oxygen, climate regulation, water conservation, flood storage and

degradation of pollution and plays an important role in the conservation of biological diversity,

human aspects of production and living resources. Project can restore the ecosystem and have a

local control of pollution through pest control and a large area of mangrove forestation so that

the mangrove ecological environment has been significantly improved, and it is conductive to the

mangrove ecosystem to give play to effective function, and provide a good habitat、breeding sites

for many birds、benthic organisms, and improve the local biodiversity and provide favorable

conditions for sustainable development. Mangrove has a strong function of water purification,

and can greatly reduce environmental pollution through absorbing heavy metal in the workers,

agricultural waste and oil spilled from transport vessels. The implementation of project can

basically contain the downward trend of natural wetland function in the province and give full

play to wetland’s function of climate regulation, soil and water conservation, flood storage and

drought, sand-fixing and environmental beautification.etc. At the same time waterfowl wildlife

species will be effectively protected.

9.2 Social benefit analysis

1. The implementation of the project construction provides opportunities for regional sustainable

economic development.

With the improvement of the environment of entire wetland ecosystem, the development

conditions of regional aquaculture, forestry, tourism will be greatly improved. With increasing

sustainable production capacity, some construction of basic facilities will directly contribute to

local development. Mangrove ecosystem is with rich biodiversity and landscape diversity,

mangrove forest produce high biomass as a rich source of food and nutrients for plants, benthos,

plankton, birds in order to attract birds and other creatures, so that it satisfy the broad interest of

community, especially the bird-watching enthusiasts. So we can provide the ideal base of

scientific research, science and environmental protection publicity and education for the

local .Mangrove has a magical, quiet, beautiful landscape value. Abundant natural resources,

landscape resources bioscience make it become the ideal place for biological sciences research,

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teaching practice, and science popularization.

2. The implementation of the project construction promotes economic development in area with

mangrove distribution and provides employment opportunities for the community.

With the implementation of the project, restoration and reconstruction of mangrove

ecosystem will drive the economic development of surrounding area, the living standards of

coastal residents will be improved steadily year by year, thus stabilize the situation to live and

work and promote harmony between man and nature. On the one hand, mangrove can improve the

economic efficiency of farmers; on the other hand, it can play a model function to extend the

impact to the surrounding estuary areas, thereby promoting the economic development in

surrounding area. In addition, the implementation of protection and demonstration projects can

provide many employment opportunities for local residents, to a certain extent, can ease the

pressure of local employment. At the same time of promoting local economic development and

increasing local revenues, it will also promote social stability.

The mangrove woodland is one of the important types of wetlands, because the environmental

problems along with economic development are common in coastal areas, so the project is typical

and representative. The construction of wetland protection and restoration is an important public

welfare undertaking. Through the implementation of the project, people can deepen the

understanding and awareness of the relationship between wetlands and water, wetlands and

wildlife, wetlands and our own survival. As this for an opportunity, achieve the basic consensus

that protection of wetlands is to protect the survival and development of space, and then transform

into conscious action for the protection of wetlands. After the implementation of planning, ZMNR

will accumulate a set of construction and management experience that is suitable for mangrove

conservation and rational utilization, will initially form the ecosystem monitoring and information

management network and provide theory and technical support for the scientific management of

mangrove wetland, active protection and rational use.

9.3 Economic benefits analysis

Mangrove not only has great ecological and social benefits, but also has considerable

economic benefits. Mangrove area is abounding in fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish. Mangrove has

a variety of purposes, such as raising bees, feeding the fish, to provide standing timber,

pharmaceutical, refining spices. Some mangrove plant is edible, some can be used as green

manure and feed, and some can be processed into pulp, the extraction of tannins for tanning,

anti-corrosion, waterproof. Mangrove has beautiful natural scenery, so it has tourism value.

Through the implementation of the project, it will help to improve the quality and yield of seafood,

thereby increasing the income of the farmers along the estuary region. In the surrounding area of

ZMNR, coastal farmers use of tidal change to put shallow ponds at low tide, add pond water at

high tide to farm fish, shrimp and crabs; and not only it reduce the cost of breeding, but also the

quality of aquatic products is excellent, therefore the economic benefit is significant. By helping

and guiding the fishermen to develop sophisticated aquaculture and eco-tourism, the income is in a

direct increase. The implementation of the project stop the blind and excessive use of behavior,

guide the wetlands in project area on the track of rational development, coordinated development

to achieve integration of resource exploitation and environmental protection. Under the premise of

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the protection of unique ecological environment of wetlands, rational use of water resources and

biological resources of the wetlands, the development of aquaculture, eco-tourism and other

special industries will play a promoting good role in eliminating poverty for local farmers and

herdsmen, improving the living standards of residents, as well as the local economic development.

Chapter 10 Assurance measures for Implementation of the management plan

10.1 Strengthen leadership

First, All management personnel should conscientiously study management plan to improve the

understanding of the importance of implementation of the management plan, and really achieve

the target of managing district by law and enhancing forestry by science and technology.

Second, for the implementation and management, the head of the farm is responsible for the

system and various departments are responsible in division, operations are performed in strict

accordance with the objectives and tasks of the program planning, so that a clear responsibility

and goal can ensure the smooth implementation of the program.

Third, for the implementation of the management plan, it implements the target responsibility

system, will the effect of completing program planning as one of the main reference standard of

the job performance of departments ,and the implementation of the program is not terminated

because of personnel changes.

Fourth, establish specialized leadership organization; implement the project legal person

responsibility system, project supervision system. Legal representative is the first responsible

person, each person should be responsible.

Fifth, regularly study and inspection the implementation of program, timely resolve and

correct problems and deviations in the implementation process, and make a detailed analysis of the

study to determine the corrective measures.

10.2 Establish mangrove wetland conservation management system

At present mangrove management in our province is responsible for the forestry sector, the

marine sector, environmental protection department and other sectors, because of multi-sectoral

participation in the management, so it is lack of coordinate, harmonious and effective protection

measures. We establish office about mangrove protection and management and rational utilization,

which is responsible for the formulation of relevant strategies, policies and planning, coordination

of relevant departments and industry, conservation and development activities, supervision of

checking mangrove protection and management and rational utilization.

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10.3 Increase intensity of publicity and education, enhance the people's ecological awareness

Mangrove protection is an emerging field, so it is not familiar with the general public .The

key of the protecting work is to raise the awareness level of the mangrove. Full use of various

media means and increasing publicity efforts enhance the understanding and awareness of whole

functions and benefits of mangrove of the citizens; We must vigorously promote and support

environmental organizations and other social groups to conduct activities related to mangrove

conservation, especially to strengthen mass science activities mangrove conservation; establish the

science and education bases of mangrove and organize university students, secondary school

students and primary students, government officials and community people to the field for

scientific expedition. Through personal experience, people strengthen the culture of

eco-environmental awareness, and raise the new philosophy of mangrove conservation and

sustainable use.

10.4 Talents guarantee

On the one hand, we actively carry out the survey of the mangrove resources and a

professional training of forestation, so that management and staff have strong professional skills

and rich mangrove management experience. On the other hand, through establishing a special

talent training plan with research institutes and universities, it can enhance the strength of

scientific research and management of local administration and Nature Reserve. Through the

establishment of the system of talent training, it further satisfy the demand for professionals and

carry out the strategy of science and education flourishing province and human resources

enhancing province for vigorous and healthy development of the mangroves in our province.

10.5 Legal guarantee

The province has promulgated and implemented Fujian Province Forest Ordinance, Fujian

coastal shelterbelt Ordinance, Fujian Province Marine Environmental Protection Ordinance,

Fujian forest and wildlife Nature Reserve Management Ordinance and other regulations, and

mangrove protection and development is included in the Fujian Province Wildlife Conservation

and Nature Reserve construction Project master plan, Fujian coastal shelter forest development

plan. Fujian Wetland Protection Ordinance is being formulated. And there is specialized forest

police contingent to deal with the behavior of destruction of mangrove resources.

Determine measures of wetland conservation and rational use of specific, implement

mangrove development of environmental impact assessment system. Establish ecological impact

assessment of mangrove development and change of the use, examination and approval

management process, implement the environmental impact assessment of development of

mangrove in the major issues involved in the development and utilization of mangrove forests. Be

strict in accordance with feasibility studies, approval and supervision of the implementation.