5 年プログラムの 真価を探る Discovering the True Values of the 5-year Program Special Feature 学 報 No. 41 December 2017

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特 集

Discovering the True Values of the 5-year Program

Special Feature

学 報No.41

December 2017

写真テーマ: 図書館で論文を執筆する5年プログラム生Photo Theme: A 5-year Program student writing his thesis in the library

December 2017

学報「The ICU」41号2017年12月The ICU No.41 December 2017

国際基督教大学(ICU)〒181-8585 東京都三鷹市大沢3-10-2TEL: 0422-33-3040 E-MAIL: [email protected]://www.icu.ac.jpInternational Christian University (ICU)3-10-2, Osawa, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan 181-8585

企画:学報編集委員会編集:パブリックリレーションズ・オフィス©国際基督教大学 2017本誌記事、写真、イラストなどの無断転載を禁じます。

The ICU Editing CommitteePublic Relations Office©International Christian University 2017Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

学報編集委員会日比谷 潤子(学長)森本 あんり(学務副学長)神内 一郎(同窓会広報部担当副会長)ギラン・マット A. (上級准教授、宗教音楽センター所長)福野 明子(大学博物館湯浅八郎記念館 館長代理)The ICU Editing CommitteeJunko Hibiya (President)Anri Morimoto (Vice President for Academic Affairs)Ichiro Jinnai

(Vice President of Alumni Associations, Public Affairs Section)Matthew A. Gillan

(Senior Associate Professor, Director of Sacred Music Center)Akiko Fukuno (Acting Director, Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum)

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Change of AddressPlease use the address change form on the ICU website or contact the Advancement Office.

https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/5f6a508547484TEL: 0422-33-3041FAX: 0422-33-3763同窓生の皆様よりご送付先変更のご連絡をいただいた場合、特にお断りのない限り、同窓会にもその情報を連絡いたします。あらかじめご了承ください。If you are an alumnus/alumna, your information will be shared with the Alumni Association unless otherwise noted.

学報「The ICU」Web版を発行しております。Web版の配信をご希望の方は以下のフォームよりご登録ください。


We launched the web version of The ICU. If you wish to be included in the web version mailing list, please register using the form below.


聖書の言葉 From the Bible

Shoko Kitanaka, Acting Director, Religious Center

“A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away…”(NRSV Ecclesiastes 3:6)

There is a time and a season for everything. While bad times seem like they will last forever, we know that good times do not stay the same. What will you do in the season now? When we shift our eyes from the present to eternity, time and season appear more clearly and mysteriously. The Bible calls us to “Remember your creator in the days of your youth.” Never returning, impossible to store, “now” has become a place of infinite meanings.











宗務部長代行 北中 晶子


人生を変えた師からの言葉Words to Live by13潜入! 研究室Let’s Explore the Social Scientist’s Office!16教員の近著Recent Publications of Faculty18

学生団体の活動紹介 - フライングディスク部WINDSExtra-curricular Activities — ICU Flying Disc Club


�e Topic- リベラルアーツならではの「保健体育」強化The Topic — Building “Physical Education” Rooted in Liberal Arts Approach


イベント報告Event Reports31

New ICU Peace Bell ScholarsNew ICU Peace Bell Scholars30

ニュース:大学、高等学校、同窓会、JICUFNews: University, High School, Alumni Association, JICUF23

ICUの募金概要Giving to ICU34湯浅八郎記念館からFrom the Yuasa Museum


特集 Special Feature035年プログラムの真価を探るDiscovering the True Values of the 5-year Program

ICUGraduate School

ICU 大学院GraduateSchool


ICUCollege of Liberal Arts

ICU 教養学部Undergraduate学部







ICUGraduate School

ICU 大学院GraduateSchool


ICUCollege of Liberal Arts

ICU 教養学部Undergraduate学部













 5年プログラムを履修して良かった点は、学部4年次に大学院科目を履修するため、1年早く大学院生の方 と々知り合えたことです。










Ever since I was small, I have always had strong hope to become “ the kind of person who can contribute to world peace.” Because I had been trying initially to become an inter-national civil servant, a position that requires a master’s degree to apply to, I chose the 5-year Program that enables me to take the next step a year earlier. In my senior thesis, I considered issues and problems in national security centering on Article 9 of the Constitution. In my master’s thesis, I discussed the ideal way of the right Self-Defense Forces in the nuclear age based on political thoughts, international law and international rela-tions. As I conducted my research, I began enjoying writing the thesis and, hoping to dig deeper into the issue of peace, I enrolled after ICU in the doctoral course at Nagoya University’s Graduate School.

I was glad to have taken the 5-year Program. This is in part because I was able to get to know graduate students a year earlier since we take graduate school courses while still fourth-year undergraduates. I received great intellectual stimu-lation through discussions with students from overseas who had a variety of professional careers and cultural backgrounds and I was able to write my master’s thesis critically and objec-tively from a different perspective. Another thing is that I was able to realize, because I researched one academic area deeply in graduate school, that my experience of interdisciplin-ary learning and the diverse points of view I cultivated at the undergraduate level formed a solid foundation. In the field of Constitutional Law I am now studying, I want to continue my research hoping that I can help bring us closer to the world where there is no war while also considering how I can make the most of the perspectives I gained at ICU.

Understanding the 5-year Program from the impressions of graduates and students

01佐藤 奈桜名古屋大学 法学研究科博士後期課程 総合法政専攻研究者養成コース国際基督教大学大学院アーツ・サイエンス研究科公共政策・社会研究専攻(平和研究専修)2017年3月修了

Nao SatoStudying in the doctoral course of the Department of Law and Political Science, Nagoya University Graduate School of LawGraduated from the master's course in Public Policy and Social Research (Peace Studies), ICU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in March 2017

5年プログラムで身につけた効率的な文献の読み方、整理手法は今も役立っているThe method of effectively organizing and reading documents I acquired in the 5-year Program is still useful at present



「世界の平和に貢献する」という目標への最短ルートICU’s 5-year Program is the shortest route to achieving the goal of contributing to world peace.

Special Feature


ICU students can receive both a bachelor’s degree and a mas-ter’s degree in the 5-year Program, spending four years in col-lege and one year in graduate school. Ever since the program was established in 2012, it has been becoming increasingly popular each year and the number of applicants has also been on the rise. What can students learn from this “undergraduate + graduate school = 5 years” study and what kind of future is in store for them? What is ICU’s own ideal form of program? We explore the true values of the 5-year Program through what current and former students are saying and what kind of future they want to carve out for themselves.

Special Feature

Graduate One Year Earlier (Bachelor + Master)


General 5年プログラム 5-year Program

5年プログラムの真価を探るDiscovering the True Values of the 5-year Program

03 The ICU No.41 December 2017 04The ICU No.41 December 2017



















I entered ICU to explore the field of education from various aspects in multiple areas of study, since education lies at the base of human development. I had experienced differences between the International Baccalaureate (IB)* education program I received in the Netherlands and education in Japan, and became interested in them. Not satisfied with merely work-ing my way toward a senior thesis, I was thinking of going to graduate school. But I was also concerned at that time that I might end up just learning armchair theories unless I knew about the workplace. That was when I found out about the 5-year Program and decided to apply. I found the program attractive because I would be able to complete my specialized area of study one year earlier than usual and start working earlier; I would also receive a specialized teacher’s certificate.

As an undergraduate, I compared the differences between the IB education programs and the Japanese education system in terms of curriculum, educational ideology and academic practices. In graduate school, I conducted research at IB World Schools and went deeper into my study, investigating from the perspective of learning environment. Today, I am teaching English at an authorized IB World School. I have found that my experiences of learning full-fledged research methods in gradu-ate school and taking part in academic conferences have proved useful in my career. This is because my school is attached to a national university; the school puts emphasis not only on education but also on research activities. In addition, I can utilize my knowledge and skills I have learned for obtaining a specialized teacher’s certificate as well as research contents themselves when I teach. In the future, taking great advantage of the fact that “I am a teacher who has research knowledge of graduate level,” I hope to continue improving my skills and help to spread and prosper the International Baccalaureate programs the government has been promoting.*International education programs provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization




「5年プログラム」生として大学院への進学を決意しました。 大学院では、学部時代に幅広く学んだ人文科学分野を横断的に












日々の指導では「考え・議論する」ことに重点を置いている Emphasizing “thinking and discussing” in classroom instruction

企業人として歩む志を固めた卒業式Commencement ceremony, at which I solidified my resolution to work for a company

Special Feature

02小林 万純東京学芸大学附属国際中等教育学校 外国語科 教諭国際基督教大学大学院アーツ・サイエンス研究科心理・教育学専攻(教育学専修)2014年3月修了

Masumi KobayashiEnglish Teacher, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary SchoolGraduated from the master's course in Education and Psychology Program (Education), ICU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in March 2014

I wasn’t sure whether I should continue my studies or find a job after graduating from college. I was also hoping to spend more time studying philosophy, which was my major. In the end, I made up my mind to go to graduate school as a 5-year Pro-gram student. I thought I would be able to come up with research results with a higher degree of specialization by extending the period of my studies for one year, and at the same time see what kind of career would suit me most.

In the Graduate School, I deepened my research on modern British philosophy while bridging the broad cross-sec-tional studies in humanities I had taken up in my undergraduate days. I developed my senior thesis into a master’s thesis to discuss Thomas Reid , the founder of the Scottish School of Common Sense . Although it was necessary on the 5-year Pro-gram to earn the required number of credits in a shorter time than in regular master’s course (two years), I was able to com-plete my research quite smoothly, without feeling excessively burdened with my academic work. This was because I was able to take advantage of the knowledge I had accumulated at the undergraduate level and because of the support I received from my advisor and the Graduate School Group staff.

I currently work for a trading house and belong to a depart-ment that handles fund business. In my day-to-day work, I leverage the ability to recognize an event in relation to other events, our society, or the world, which I gained over the five undergraduate and graduate school years. It was a great advantage to be able to get started with a career ahead of those students who finished regular master’s degree programs. I will continue to absorb various skills and know-how avidly and try to find what I can do for society in my own way.

03田中 佑弥大手総合商社勤務国際基督教大学大学院アーツ・サイエンス研究科比較文化専攻(超学域文化研究専修)2016年3月修了

Yuya TanakaWorking for a major general trading companyGraduated from the master's course in comparative culture (Transcultural Studies), ICU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, in March 2016


本格的な研究の世界を知った上で、いち早く教育現場を経験できるICU’s 5-year Program let me take a head start, allowing me to experience workplace earlier after exploring the world of full-fledged research.


深い専門性を身に付けた企業人として、早い段階でスタートラインに立てるICU’s 5-year Program enables you to get ready to start early as a businessperson with specialized in-depth knowledge.

05 The ICU No.41 December 2017 06The ICU No.41 December 2017

5-year ProgramKeywords













の道を選びましたが、5年間の経験を最大限に生かし、修士修了生に見合う働きをしたいと思います。 ※ICUトーチリレー大学院新入学生奨学金に採用された場合、1学期の授業料(施設費含む)が免除される(2017年9月現在)

When we take the “5-year Program,” we can devote ourselves to working on our senior thesis and spend another full year going deeper in our research because we don’t have to go job-hunting in the fourth year. I thought this was an ideal program for me. I wanted to focus on the research and obtain results behind but I was also hoping to look for a job. Plus, the matriculation fee could be waived to go to graduate school and we wouldn’t have to pay tuition for one academic term*. These economic merits were another deciding factor.

When I enrolled in the 5-year Program, I talked about my research project with my senior thesis advisor who has also been providing guidance on my master’s thesis. I planned mul-tiple topics that were challenging enough to work on over two years, and of these, I decided to research plant genes. At grad-uate school, I have the liberty to spend a longer time to obtain lab test results, which was impossible to do as an undergradu-ate student. Going into an unchartered territory from what I learned at the undergraduate level, I now think this is the kind of research one can do only in graduate school. I feel every day that this is a truly rewarding experience.

I have to work hard to write a master’s thesis in a short time, but I receive all the support I need from my advisor and the Graduate School Group staff. I live in the Momi House that was completed this April, which provides the perfect environ-ment where I can focus on my research, which is also helpful. I have decided to work after completing my research. I hope to make the most of the five years of my experience and do the kind of work that is fitting for a student who has completed a master’s course. *If a new student is selected to receive a ICU Torch Relay Graduate School Scholarship, tuition for the first academic term (including the facilities fee) is waived. (As of September 2017)


学部での研究をさらに深め、未踏の領域に挑戦できるICU’s 5-year Program helps us to further deepen the research we carry out in college and to wade into unmarked territory.

Expanding possibilities with an additional year of study

学部で培った広い視野と豊かな思考力に加え、大学院で一つの分野を掘り下げることで、新たな視点と深い学識が得られます。卒業後どんな道に進むとしても、リベラルアーツの素養と専門性の両方を手にすることで可能性が大きく広がります。 Students can acquire new perspectives and more profound knowledge by specializing in one area of research in graduate school, in addition to wide view and abundant intellectual abilities they cultivate at the undergraduate level. They can expand their horizons by gaining both liberal arts backgrounds and special-ized expertise whatever paths they plan to follow after graduation.

Working research results into master’s thesis

学部で取り組んだ研究を+1年でさらに発展させ、修士論文に結実させることができます。「もう少し学びたい」「時間をかけて研究を深めたい」という学生の意欲に応えるプログラムです。 Taking the results of undergraduate research a step further with an additional year of research, students can work them into their master’s theses. This is a program that responds to student desires to study a little more, or to spend more time and deepen research.

“Going to Graduate School” is now a global standard

国際機関をはじめ、グローバル企業や教育機関などでは修士の学位の修得が重視される傾向にあり、大学院への進学はグローバルスタンダードと言っても過言ではありません。研究者を目指す人だけでなく、企業や団体等で働く人にとっても、大学院での学びが求められる時代が始まっています。 An increasing number of international organizations, major corpora-tions and educational institutions are requiring applicants to hold master’s degrees and it is not too much to say that going to graduate school is now a global standard. The age has dawned when not only people hoping to become researchers but those planning to work at companies and organizations are required to study in graduate school.

Taking the next step a year earlier

専門的な研究に触れた上で、就職、博士後期課程への進学といった次のステップへ早い段階で進めることは、大きなアドヴァンテージです。修士の学位修得が要件となる就職先や、教員専修免許の取得を目指す人も、学部+1年でその先への道が開けます。 It is a great advantage to be able to take the next step at an early stage, like finding work or advancing to doctoral course after going through a specialized in-depth research. This program of the undergraduate study plus one year of addi-tional researching will open the way for students to seek professions that require a master’s degree for application or try to acquire specialized teaching certificates.

Studying together with graduate students from fourth year


In ICU’s Graduate School, students from overseas account for more than 50% of the student population. They come not only from the United States and European countries but also from around the world with a variety of backgrounds. By taking graduate-level courses in the fourth undergradu-ate year and studying together wi th those graduate students with diverse professional careers and cultural backgrounds, Japanese students can receive a great deal of intellectual stimulation, develop and deepen their own research and expand their horizons.

Support by faculty and staff

5年プログラムの場合、博士前期課程(2年)に比べて短期間で単位を修得し、修士論文執筆を行う必要がありますが、教員や大学院事務グループのスタッフが一人一人と向き合い、きめ細かにサポートします。 It is necessary for the students on the 5-year Program to obtain the required number of credits and write a master’s thesis in a shorter period of time than in a regular master’s program (two years). However faculty and the Graduate School Group staff will provide customized support for each students.







Special Feature

DNAのシークエンス解析を行っている様子。左側は植物の種子Conducting DNA sequence analysis. On the left are plant seeds.

04村山 優子国際基督教大学大学院アーツ・サイエンス研究科理学専攻(生命科学専修)2018年4月より、IT業界の企業に就職予定

Yuko MurayamaStudying in the master's course of Natural Sciences Program(Life Science), ICU Graduate School of Arts and SciencesScheduled to start work in an IT-related company in April 2018


07 The ICU No.41 December 2017 08The ICU No.41 December 2017

「5年プログラム生候補者」への応募Applying to become 5-year Program candidates

大学院科目履修 Taking graduate school courses

卒業論文Senior thesis

応募資格については5年プログラムパンフレットをご確認ください。Please confirm the 5-year Program pamphlet for eligibility.

修士論文Master’s thesis

Third term of third year


大学院博士前期課程(M.A.)修了Completion of Master’s Course (MA)

Program Processプログラムの流れ1

Model Curricula

If a student joins the 5-year Program and is selected for the ICU Torch Relay Graduate School Scholarship for New Student:



学部 Graduate School大学院

Fourth year4年次

First year1年次

特に優秀な成績を修めた学生を対象とする5年プログラムの応募に際しては、3年次2学期終了時点でのGPAや単位数などに一定の基準を設けています。Cer ta in s tandards such as GPA scores and the number of academic credits at the end of the second term of the third year are in place for appli-cants for the 5-year Program which is designed for students with especially outstanding academic records.

5年プログラム生候補者として学部の授業や卒業論文の執筆と並行して、10単位を上限に大学院科目を履修します。大学院科目履修・大学院入学に際してもGPAの基準が設定されています。Candidates for the 5-year Program take graduate school courses for up to 10 credits while doing undergraduate-level courses and writing a senior thesis. The GPA stan-dards have also been set for signing up for graduate-level courses and entering gradu-ate school.

第1学期までに4年次と合算して大学院科目18単位を修得し、修士論文の執筆を進めます。計30単位を修得し、修士論文を提出して、審査および最終試験に合格することで修士の学位を取得します。Students obtain 18 credits in graduate school and fourth-year undergraduate-level courses combined by the first term and continue writing a master’s thesis. They can receive a master’s degree by acquiring a total of 30 credits, submit-ting a master’s thesis and passing screenings and the final examination.

The graduate school matriculation fee is waived for students on the 5-year Program. If they are selected to receive ICU Torch Relay Graduate School Scholarships for New Student, the tuition fee for the first term of the first year in graduate school is also waived.* The students pay only tuition for the two terms in gradu-ate school. *Tuition includes Facilities Fee

5年プログラムによる入学者には、大学院の入学金が免除されるメリットがあります。また、ICUトーチリレー大学院新入生奨学金に採用されれば、さらに大学院1年次第1学期の授業料※も免除となり、大学院での納付負担金は2学期分の授業料※のみとなります。        ※授業料は施設費を含む

Graduate School Matriculation Fee Waived大学院入学金免除3

英語専修免許Specialized English teaching certificate

国語専修免許 2019年4月から、外交・国際公務員養成、責任ある経営者・金融プロフェッショナル養成のためのコースがスタート予定。

Specialized Japanese teaching certificate

In April, 2019, a course to train diplomatic and international civil servants and a course to train responsible corporate managers & financial professionals will be offered.

学芸員課程Curatorial training program

金融アナリストFinancial analyst


First termtuition


通常 General

5年プログラム 5-year Program


First year1年次




大学院入学金First year1年次

Second year2年次

Second termtuition

2学期学費Third term



First termtuition

1学期学費Second term


2学期学費Third term



免除 Waived

First termtuition

1学期学費Second term


2学期学費Third term




The number of students enrolling in the 5-year Program has been steadily increasing since it was established in 2011 because of its rising name recognition and because it has become possible for students to apply while studying overseas.

ICU started a master’s degree program in the fields of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Teaching Foreign Language (TFL), interpreting and translation and international policy and development, as part of its Top Global University Project, with Middle-bury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), a prominent American graduate school with a reputation for nurturing globally successful professionals.The program enables the participants, selected through screening, to receive a bachelor’s degree from ICU and a master’s degree from MIIS in five and a half years at earliest, as the prescribed credits of undergraduate-level courses earned at ICU are recognized by MIIS. The tuition fees for the period will be waived.* The first student on this program will enroll in the institute in January 2018 in the field of interpreting and translation.*The waiver of tuition fees is limited to the shortest period required for completing the program.

QUIZ クイズ正解者・アンケート協力者の中から抽選で   にICUオリジナルグッズをプレゼント!


Ten people selected by lottery from among those who correctly answer the following questions will receive ICU’s original goods.

イギリスの人口100万人あたりの博士号取得率は285人。では、日本は何人でしょうか。(2008年・文部科学省)In Britain, 285 people out of 1 million receive Ph.D. degrees. How many in Japan? (2008 survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)


312人A 220人B 131人C


Which of the following merits of the 5-year Program is cited “in common” by all the four graduates and current students who appear in P04-07?


多様な人との出会いMeeting with different people

312 220 131

A 金銭的メリットFinancial meritsB 専門的な研究の追求

Specialized studiesC

巻末のアンケートはがきに記入いただき投函ください。 締切:2018年1月31日(当日消印有効)Please fill in and post the questionnaire card attached to the last page of this newsletter by January 31, 2018. (The questionnaire card must be postmarked by January 31.)

お申込み方法 How to apply

Special Feature

Mechanism of the 5-year Program

5年プログラム履修の流れと目的に応じて選べるモデルカリキュラム、経済的なメリットについてご紹介します。ICUには、ICU大学院への進学のほか、海外の大学院で修士の学位を取得できるプログラムもあります。Here are some explanations about the process of the 5-year Program, model curricula that students can choose from depending on their purposes and economic merits they can receive. Also available is a program that enables students to obtain master’s degrees at graduate schools overseas, in addition to going to ICU’s Graduate School.

解 説Explanation

海外名門大学院との連携強化 Strengthening the Collaboration with Prominent Overseas Graduate Schools



New Master’s Degree Program with Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

災害緊急時・アウトドアで役立つ各アイテムをウォーターボトルにセットA set of emergency/outdoor goods and an original water bottle

The correct answers to the quiz will beannounced in the next issue!

前号のクイズの答えは、Q1 →   、Q2 →   でした。多数のご応募ありがとうございました。C BThe correct answers in the previous issue were Q1→C, Q2→B. Thank you for many responses.


 スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業の一環として、世界で活躍するプロフェッショナルを養成する大学院としてアメリカで随一のミドルベリー国際大学院モントレー校との間で、英語教授法、外国語教授法、通訳・翻訳、および国際政策・開発の分野で修士号を修得できるプログラムを開始しました。 本学の学部で修得した所定の単位は、ミドルベリー国際大学院の単位として認定されるため、選考を経て選ばれたプログラム参加者は、ICUの学士号とミドルベリー国際大学院の修士号を最短で5年半で取得することが可能です。また、その間の授業料は免除されます※。2018年1月には、このプログラム1人目の学生が、通訳・翻訳の分野で進学することが決定しています。           ※授業料の免除は、必要最低修了年限期間のみ。


5-year Program through Statistics



Model curricula have been established in the 5-year Program to guide students to professional careers after graduation. Model curricula have been established in the 5-year Program to guide students to professional careers after graduation. Starting in the 2019-20 academic year, a course to train diplomatic and international civil servants and a course to train responsible corporate managers & financial professionals will be offered.



2012年 2017年

5年プログラム生数の推移Changes in 5-year Program students

09 The ICU No.41 December 2017 10The ICU No.41 December 2017

Special Feature

発展する5年プログラムの未来 Future of the Developing 5-year Program

吉川 元偉 特別招聘教授外交・国際公務員養成コースに含まれる予定の担当科目・国際連合・国際機関論(学部科目)・国際関係と外交(大学院科目)・国際関係ディベート(学部科目)

Motohide Yoshikawa, Distinguished ProfessorClasses scheduled to be included in the diplomatic and international civil servant training course• International Organization & United Nations Studies (undergraduate)• International Relations and Diplomacy (graduate)• Debates in International Relations (undergraduate)

毛利 勝彦 教授教養学部長Professor Katsuhiko MoriDean of the College of Liberal Arts

海蔵寺 大成 教授大学院部長Professor Taisei KaizojiDean of the Graduate School













ショナルにはリベラルアーツの土台があるべきで、その2つを結び付けることが5年プログラムの目指す姿です。 現在も新たなコース、モデルカリキュラムの拡充に向けた動きを





In North America, many students choose to go to business schools, law schools, medical schools and other professional schools after graduating from liberal arts colleges. They do not specialize in specific academic disciplines from the beginning but deepen their areas of expertise that will lead to professional careers while exploring the essence of humanity, society and nature. The “5-year Program” designed to create new values for making contributions to society is aimed at training profession-als with liberal arts education. The words “vocation” and “pro-fession” inherently means listening to our own inner voices of the mission and declaring our pledges to it. I have heard at ICU that some students call fifth-year students “goniors (with “go” meaning five in Japanese).” We hope to create the kind of university where all ICU students who are going to transform the world will want to stay on for five years.

Behind the development of the program lies what is called the 21st century-type crisis that no one has experienced before. In order to acquire the competency to solve problems we cannot address within the traditional academic framework only, it is necessary to delve deeper and learn after broadening our areas of study in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. All professionals should have liberal arts foundations and the 5-year Program attempts to connect the two.

Today, we are moving to expand new courses and model curricula and strengthen our relations with other overseas universities and professional organizations, such as IGOs and NGOs, setting sights on the further global development of our activities. In the future, we plan to improve the program as a new innovative project based on ICU’s unique approach.






















In the international community, a master’s degree means a “passport” to work for major corporations and international orga-nizations. In Japan also, a similar development will surface in the future if the number of foreign students increases and the globalization of universities further accelerates. The “5-year Program” was created originally to provide a deeper specialized education in response to the desires of students who are not satisfied with the four years of learning. In the future, we hope to also strengthen its role to support the career paths of the students who hold passports to society in their hands.

More specifically, we plan to open a course to train diplo-matic and international civil servants and a course to train responsible corporate managers & financial professionals in April, 2019, in addition to the present model curricula in special-ized English- and Japanese- language specialized teaching certificate and financial analyst programs. At present, the new courses are meant for students who are hoping to work for public organizations like the United Nations and the Organiza-tion for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In the future, however, we hope to expand them to include private-sector organizations like NGOs and NPOs as career destinations and send out people who can make broad contribu-tions to peace building. In the same academic year, the Gradu-ate School plans to open a course for training teachers for Inter-national Baccalaureate programs. Since the affinity of the edu-cational concepts of ICU and International Baccalaureate is very high, I consider this an area of study where we can make the most of ICU’s advantages, including the experiences in bilingual education we have accumulated.

The characteristic of ICU’s Graduate School is that students analyze each problem from diversified perspectives and study in wide areas that transcend academic disciplines even while keeping their fields of expertise at the core. In the 5-year Pro-gram, we combine model curricula and other areas of learning depending on the goals and desires of students and keep a system in place that will enable them to acquire wide perspec-tives built on their fields of expertise. We plan to further develop the program for students to obtain the passports to enter soci-ety and acquire unfailing abilities to succeed internationally.

リベラルアーツの素養を持ったプロフェッショナルへLiberal Arts Education Leading up to Professional

5年プログラムで出会える教員をピックアップ Meet these professors in the 5-year Program

5年プログラムを発展させ、 未来の“スタンダード”を目指す



After graduating from ICU, Professor Yoshikawa joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974. He served as Japanese Ambassador to Spain and Japan’s first Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan . He was then appointed as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. Beginning in 2013, he was Ambassador and Perma-nent Representative to the United Nations in New York for three years. In April 2017, he assumed his current position as distinguished professor at ICU.

齋藤 潤 客員教授責任ある経営者・金融プロフェッショナル養成コースに含まれる予定の担当科目・経済と経済学(学部科目)・労働経済学(学部科目)・日本経済論(学部科目)

Jun Saito, Visiting ProfessorClasses scheduled to be included in the course to train responsible corporate managers & financial professionals• Economy and Economics (undergraduate)• Labor Economics (undergraduate)• Japanese Economy (undergraduate)


Professor Saito graduated from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo and joined the Economic Planning Agency in 1978. After pursuing graduate studies at the University of Oxford in 1984, and working for the International Monetary Fund, he served as the Director-General of the Economic Research Bureau of the Cabinet Office since 2007. In 2012, he became the Special Advisor to the Cabinet Office, Senior Research Fellow at the Japan Center for Economic Research, part time lectur-er at the Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Tokyo, and Project Professor at the Graduate School of Business and Commerce at Keio University. He took up his position as visiting professor at ICU in April, 2016.

社会に出るための“パスポート”を手にする場へCreating a Place for Getting a “Passport” to Join Society


Turning the 5-year Program into a Future “Standard”

11 The ICU No.41 December 2017 12The ICU No.41 December 2017

Words to Live by人生を変えた師からの言葉

コミュニケーションと地域コミュニティの関わりを研究する鄭朱泳(ジョン,ジューヨン)先生と、先生の下で卒業研究として宮城県・南三陸町で調査研究を進める齋藤瑠夏さんにお話を伺いました。We have talked with Senior Associate Professor Joo-Young J. Jung, who is studying the relations between communica-tion and local communities, and with Ruka Saito, who is doing her graduation research in Minamisanriku-cho in Miyagi Prefecture under Professor Jung’s guidance.

鄭 朱泳 上級准教授メジャー:メディア・     コミュニケーション・文化、      グローバル研究Senior Associate ProfessorJoo-Young J. JungMajor: Media, Communication and Culture; Global Studies

齋藤 瑠夏教養学部4年メジャー:メディア・     コミュニケーション・文化Ruka Saito4th year, College of Liberal ArtsMajor: Media, Communication and Culture

鄭 私の授業を履修した齋藤さんが、相談があると私の研究室に


齋藤 高校生の頃から5年間、宮城県南三陸町で震災復興のボランティアを行っていました。その経験から、災害後の地域社会にお



鄭 私の研究室を訪ねてくる学生は、インターネットやSNS、メディ









齋藤 先生ご自身も、まさに福島で同じような研究を進めておら





鄭 私自身、大学院時代に師事していたサンドラ・ボール・ロキー





Jung We first met when Ruka came to my office for advice. She was taking my class. Saito I have been doing volunteer work in Minamisanriku-cho in Miyagi Prefecture for five years since high school, helping the town to recover from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Based on that experience, I wanted to do my graduation proj-ect on the role of communication in local communities after a disaster. That’s why I went to Prof. Jung’s office. Jung Most of the students who ask me to serve as their senior thesis advisor are interested in the Internet, Social Net-working Service (SNS) and the media but not many of them have a serious interest in local communities. So, I vividly remember meeting Ruka at the time. I was impressed by her continuous dedication to the reconstruction work. At the same time, I felt her strong passion to help people in Minamisanri-ku-cho. But she didn’t have the theoretical and methodological knowledge for turning her passion into research. I thought that I would be able to teach her the necessary theories and meth-ods and draw out her full potential. Saito I heard that the professor herself was doing similar research in Fukushima. When I told her about my plan to go to graduate school and continue my research over a long span of time, she was kind enough to suggest that “we can conduct research together in the future.” I remember I was so happy to hear her say that and I was enormously encouraged. Jung I myself was able to build my base of research by joining a research project led by my professor, Sandra Ball-Rokeach in graduate school. I was hoping to pass on what I personally experienced to the next generation. So, from the time I met Ruka, I have helped her grow as a researcher.

鄭先生との出会い Meeting Professor Jung は進みません。扱うテーマと近い内容の論文をいくつも読み、また




鄭 研究のアイディアを持っている学生はたくさんいます。一方で




齋藤 お世話になり始めてからは、さまざまなアドヴァイスをいた





鄭 齋藤さんが卒論を完成させ、大学院に進学するために必要な






齋藤 単に「宮城の方々の力になりたい」という想いだけでは調査

印象に残っている先生からの言葉 Professor’s Words still Echoing in Memory

情熱と経験を“研究”に落とし込むPouring Passion and Experience into “Research”

Saito Since she took me under her wing, I have been gaining basic knowledge and skill to conduct research in local commu-nities while receiving all kinds of advice. I visited Minamisanri-ku-cho in summer, interviewed 10 people in total and began writing my thesis. Wherever I go, I always remember the professor’s words, “turn experience into research.”Jung In order to complete her thesis and go on to graduate school, Ruka needed to channel the experience of her volun-teer work to “research.” She had a clear passion and goal. What she needed to acquire was research skills. So, I sug-gested that she take research methods classes in addition to communication theory classes so as to learn analysis and research methods. Saito The desire to help the people of Miyagi alone is not enough to carry my research forward. By reading many aca-demic journals on topics similar to mine, getting a variety of knowledge and methods and learning “how to formulate research questions” from Professor Jung, I was able to polish my theme to the level where it could be considered as a serious

theme for research. Jung Many students are full of ideas for research. On the other hand, many of their ideas are abstract. One of the important roles of mine is to guide them to develop their ideas and thoughts to researchable themes.

13 The ICU No.41 December 2017 14The ICU No.41 December 2017

動き始めた技術革新を目の当たりにして コミュニケーションの分野に関して、大きく分けて二つの主題












地域の強い結束が、被災地を救う もう一つのテーマは、地域社会におけるコミュニケーションの




ワーク(Storytelling Network)」   と呼んでいますが、互い



Facing the Advancement of Communication TechnologiesI have been involved roughly in two research areas in the field of communication.

One of them is on implications of information and com-munication technologies for society. I started my research in 1998 when the Internet was a new form of media. I was initially interested in journalism. But observing rapid techno-logical developments, I became fascinated by the implica-tions of information and communication technologies for society.

As I continued my research, I found it striking that cultur-al differences have a strong impact on the development of technology. One example is the cellular phones widely used before the spread of smartphones. Japanese products came with wider screens compared with devices in other countries. This is considered to be due to the development of culture in Japan in which emphasis was placed on email and camera functions from early stages.

Strong Bonds in Local CommunitySave Disaster AreaThe other theme of my research is the role of communication in local communities. In my research, the local community consists of three cores—“residents,” “organizations rooted in the community” and “local media.” The relationship among these three is called the “Storytelling Network” ( ). The stronger the mutual relationship is, the more rapidly and appropriately will the residents of a community be able to respond even when an emergency situation like a disaster strikes.

But we have to note that the application of this idea is

潜入! 研究室学問の深奥を究め、文化の進展に寄与するICUの研究活動をレポートします。We report research activities at ICU that plumb the depths of scholarship and contribute to the development of culture.

Let’s Explore the Social Scientist’s Office!










時代によって変化するコミュニケーションの形 これまでの研究経験から、東日本大震災発生時にもある種の







がっていました(   )。メディアへのアプローチが年齢によっ












not limited to disaster areas. We can say the same thing when support is provided from a place far from a disas-ter-stricken area. At the time of the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, for instance, I was a graduate student and was part of a research on how the relations within communities in Los Angeles were impacting residents’ lives and activities. I found that the stronger the Storytelling Network was among the residents of communities within Los Angles, the more actively they were making donations or participating in volun-teer activities. The reason for this is that people were able to access information and resources through the Storytelling Network and help one another in coping with the situation.

Changing Forms of Communication in Different Ages Given my previous research experience, I felt a sense of responsibility to conduct similar research when the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. But the results I gained were slightly different from my previous studies. In addition to the Storytelling Network playing an important role in coping with disaster, I learned that people without strong connections to their local community were also participating in disaster relief activities. Many of them were young people and were obtaining information and connecting with others over the Internet ( ). This strongly reminded me that people in different age groups approach media in different ways and that their approaches change with the times.

At present, I am doing my research in Fukushima, taking my project at the time of the Great East Japan Earth-quake to the next level. The target area of my survey is a small fishing village called Shinchimachi in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. It is one of the towns engulfed by the tsunami. The focus is on the role of the “Storytelling Net-work” toward the reconstruction of the area. I have been conducting interviews and survey to compare dif ferent neighborhoods in Shinchimachi to determine how the strength of neighborhood connectedness is affecting their sense of recovery and future outlook. Six years have passed since the disaster and the physical reconstruction of the town has made progress. The reality, however, is that the people in the area are still going through social or psy-chological recovery. I would be happy if my research proves to be of some help for them.

鄭 朱泳(ジョン,ジューヨン) 上級准教授新たな情報・通信技術が社会に与える影響/地域社会におけるコミュニケーションの役割韓国・延世大学を卒業後、アメリカ・南カリフォルニア大学にて修士号と博士号を取得。複数の大学で研究者としての経験を積み、2009年に ICUに着任。2014年より現職。

Senior Associate Professor Joo-Young J. Jung Specialized Fields: Social implications of new information and communication technologies /

the role of communication in local communitiesBiography: After graduating from Yonsei University in South Korea, Professor Jung received a master’s degree

and a Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California in the United States. She acquired experiences in multiple universities as a researcher and took up her post at ICU in 2009. She has been holding the present position since 2014.


Open Communication for a Better Society






鄭 研究のアイディアを持っている学生はたくさんいます。一方で




齋藤 お世話になり始めてからは、さまざまなアドヴァイスをいた





鄭 齋藤さんが卒論を完成させ、大学院に進学するために必要な






齋藤 単に「宮城の方々の力になりたい」という想いだけでは調査

齋藤 現在の目標として、ICUの「5年プログラム※」で大学院に進学し、研究を掘り下げて修士論文につなげていくことを想定してい






鄭 齋藤さんはこの1年で、自身の研究を理論的にも方法論的にもさらに発展をさせました。その頑張りには本当に目を見張るもの




Saito My present goal is to do graduate work under ICU’s “5-year Program*,” go deeper in my research and work on my master’s thesis. I am focusing at present on a village called Yoriki in the Utatsu district of Minamisanriku-cho. In the mas-ter’s thesis, I am thinking of expanding my perspective to include another fishing village in the same district and explain the uniqueness of the Yoriki district and the reasons for this uniqueness. I am also hoping, if possible, to conduct joint research with Professor Jung or to contribute to her research somehow by doing whatever I can. Jung In the last one year, Ruka has been developing a theo-retical and methodological framework for her research. Her dedication to her academic work is quite remarkable. I am hoping that, with serious efforts in graduate school, she will be able to find a point of contact with my research and devel-op it into a more interesting project.

これからの目標について On Future Goal

“地域”と“コミュニケーション”にお互いの視点で迫っていくTackling Issues of “Community” and “Communication” from Their Own Perspectives



Saito Since she took me under her wing, I have been gaining basic knowledge and skill to conduct research in local commu-nities while receiving all kinds of advice. I visited Minamisanri-ku-cho in summer, interviewed 10 people in total and began writing my thesis. Wherever I go, I always remember the professor’s words, “turn experience into research.”Jung In order to complete her thesis and go on to graduate school, Ruka needed to channel the experience of her volun-teer work to “research.” She had a clear passion and goal. What she needed to acquire was research skills. So, I sug-gested that she take research methods classes in addition to communication theory classes so as to learn analysis and research methods. Saito The desire to help the people of Miyagi alone is not enough to carry my research forward. By reading many aca-demic journals on topics similar to mine, getting a variety of knowledge and methods and learning “how to formulate research questions” from Professor Jung, I was able to polish my theme to the level where it could be considered as a serious

theme for research. Jung Many students are full of ideas for research. On the other hand, many of their ideas are abstract. One of the important roles of mine is to guide them to develop their ideas and thoughts to researchable themes.

※5年プログラム: 学部4年、大学院(博士前期課程)1年の計5年で「学士」と「修士」の学位を取得するプログラム。(P. 3~12参照)

*5-year Program: A program which allows students to obtain both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in a total of five years, four years at the under-graduate level and one year at the graduate level (See P.3-12).

Figure 1

15 The ICU No.41 December 2017 16The ICU No.41 December 2017

図2 Figure 2図1 Figure 1

Local mediaNPOs, others






Local mediaNPOs, others









Local mediaNPOs, others








Swift, appropriate


地域社会A Local community A 地域社会B Local Community B

3つの結束が強いSolidarity among the three is strong




動き始めた技術革新を目の当たりにして コミュニケーションの分野に関して、大きく分けて二つの主題












地域の強い結束が、被災地を救う もう一つのテーマは、地域社会におけるコミュニケーションの




ワーク(Storytelling Network)」   と呼んでいますが、互い



Facing the Advancement of Communication TechnologiesI have been involved roughly in two research areas in the field of communication.

One of them is on implications of information and com-munication technologies for society. I started my research in 1998 when the Internet was a new form of media. I was initially interested in journalism. But observing rapid techno-logical developments, I became fascinated by the implica-tions of information and communication technologies for society.

As I continued my research, I found it striking that cultur-al differences have a strong impact on the development of technology. One example is the cellular phones widely used before the spread of smartphones. Japanese products came with wider screens compared with devices in other countries. This is considered to be due to the development of culture in Japan in which emphasis was placed on email and camera functions from early stages.

Strong Bonds in Local CommunitySave Disaster AreaThe other theme of my research is the role of communication in local communities. In my research, the local community consists of three cores—“residents,” “organizations rooted in the community” and “local media.” The relationship among these three is called the “Storytelling Network” ( ). The stronger the mutual relationship is, the more rapidly and appropriately will the residents of a community be able to respond even when an emergency situation like a disaster strikes.

But we have to note that the application of this idea is

潜入! 研究室Let’s Explore the Social Scientist’s Office!










時代によって変化するコミュニケーションの形 これまでの研究経験から、東日本大震災発生時にもある種の







がっていました(   )。メディアへのアプローチが年齢によっ












not limited to disaster areas. We can say the same thing when support is provided from a place far from a disas-ter-stricken area. At the time of the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, for instance, I was a graduate student and was part of a research on how the relations within communities in Los Angeles were impacting residents’ lives and activities. I found that the stronger the Storytelling Network was among the residents of communities within Los Angles, the more actively they were making donations or participating in volun-teer activities. The reason for this is that people were able to access information and resources through the Storytelling Network and help one another in coping with the situation.

Changing Forms of Communication in Different Ages Given my previous research experience, I felt a sense of responsibility to conduct similar research when the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. But the results I gained were slightly different from my previous studies. In addition to the Storytelling Network playing an important role in coping with disaster, I learned that people without strong connections to their local community were also participating in disaster relief activities. Many of them were young people and were obtaining information and connecting with others over the Internet ( ). This strongly reminded me that people in different age groups approach media in different ways and that their approaches change with the times.

At present, I am doing my research in Fukushima, taking my project at the time of the Great East Japan Earth-quake to the next level. The target area of my survey is a small fishing village called Shinchimachi in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. It is one of the towns engulfed by the tsunami. The focus is on the role of the “Storytelling Net-work” toward the reconstruction of the area. I have been conducting interviews and survey to compare dif ferent neighborhoods in Shinchimachi to determine how the strength of neighborhood connectedness is affecting their sense of recovery and future outlook. Six years have passed since the disaster and the physical reconstruction of the town has made progress. The reality, however, is that the people in the area are still going through social or psy-chological recovery. I would be happy if my research proves to be of some help for them.

2017年6月以降に発刊された教員の書籍をご紹介。リベラルアーツらしい、多様な価値観・見識にぜひ触れてみてください。Below are some books written by ICU faculty members and published after June 2017. Meet people with diverse values and gain new insight — discover liberal arts through these books.

教員の近著 Recent Publications of Faculty


※茶色太字は本学教員Bold brown font indicates ICU faculty


著者: 森本 あんりAuthor: Anri Morimoto出版元: NHK出版Publisher発売日: 2017/11/10Published価格: 780円(税別)Price

国語教師のための国際バカロレア入門著者・編者: 半田 淳子Author/Editor: Atsuko Handa出版元: 大修館書店Publisher発売日: 2017/11/22Published価格: 2,200円(税別)Price

Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies

編者: 植田 隆子 他Editors: Takako Ueta, et al. 出版元: RoutledgePublisher発売日: 2017/10/2Published価格: £106Price


編集: 日本教師教育学会Editor: The Japanese Society for the Study on Teacher Education

分担執筆: 佐藤 千津 他Co-Authors: Chizu Sato, et al. 出版元: 学文社Publisher発売日: 2017/9/25Published価格: 6,000円(税別)Price

ジャン・ジロドゥ〈1〉 トロイ戦争は起こらない

著者: ジロドゥ ジャンAuthor: Jean Giraudoux

翻訳: 岩切 正一郎Translation: Shoichiro Iwakiri出版元: 早川書房 Publisher発売日: 2017/9/21Published価格: 950円(税込)Price


著者: ブルックス, ダニエル ジェームス、小林 誠Authors: Daniel J. Brooks, et al.出版元: ダイヤモンド社Publisher発売日: 2017/9/14Published価格: 1,600円(税別)Price


著者: 大西 直樹Author: Naoki Onishi出版元: 彩流社Publisher発売日: 2017/8/31Published価格: 1,700円(税別)Price

ちゃぶ台返しの歌舞伎入門著者: 矢内 賢二Author: Kenji Yanai出版元: 新潮社Publisher発売日: 2017/6/23Published価格: 1,200円(税別)Price

ストーリーテリング・ネットワーク インターネット普及後のストーリーテリング・ネットワークStorytelling Network after the spread of the InternetStorytelling Network

地域社会は「住民」「NPOなどの団体」「ローカルメディア」から構築され、この3つの結束が強い方が、非常事態への対応が早い。The local community consists of “residents,” “NPOs, other organizations” and “local media.” The stronger the solidarity among these three, the swifter the response to a disaster.

インターネットの普及は、ストーリーテリング・ネットワークとは別の情報入手方法や支援の方法を生み出した。The spread of the Internet has created alternative ways to gather information and provide support to others in addition to the “Storytelling Network.”

Figure 2

17 The ICU No.41 December 2017 18The ICU No.41 December 2017
















The PE program is full of new possibilities and rooted in a liberal arts education. In order to put this program in motion, the improvement of PE faci l i t ies began in November 2017. “The present facil it ies were built back in 1972 and class sizes had to increase over the past 45 years because of the growing student population. But the improvement of facilities will make classes small in accordance with the curriculum reform, while communication between faculty and students and among students themselves will become yet closer and the quality of each class will improve,” says Takahashi.

As the facilities are expanded, there will be more opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities as well. “In more spacious and new facilities, they will find it even easier to do exercises than in the past. I hope the spor ts area wil l become a salon where students and faculty can get together and have fun doing their training,” says Takahashi.

新カリキュラムのキーワードKey Concepts of New Curriculum

施設整備により、少人数での質の高い学びが可能にFacility Improvements, Small Classes Lead to High-Quality Education


















The purpose of this curriculum reform is to implement a physical education program that is in step with the times and that is also unique to ICU. Senior Lecturer Takahashi, chair of the Depar tment of Health and Physical Education (PE), says, “The biggest character ist ic is to strengthen our PE program only a liberal arts education can offer. Our students can gain the power and strength that will serve them throughout their lives by acquiring a variety of skills and methods not confined to athletic abilities.”

On the basis of this policy, classes to enable students to acquire “leadership / followership,” “life-saving skills” and “com-munication capabilities” have been estab-lished. By put t ing emphasis on “active learning” as a teaching method, ICU further plans to help students foster their sense of independence through the PE program and to increase the number of classes in English. And in order to maximize these educational effects, the university will cut the number of required credits and reduce the size of each class for physical training to about 20. Through small classes where students can get to know each other better, they can each expand their horizons.

スポーツを通じて、卒業後の人生に役立つ多様な力を育むFostering Diversity of Power for Life after Graduation through Sports


In April 2017, ICU started a new physical education curriculum that more fully embodies the concept of a liberal arts education. In line with this reform, the construction of new physical education facilities and repairs of the existing facilities are now underway. We asked Shin Takahashi, Senior Lecturer and chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education (photo), about new possibilities expanding from an upgraded field of learning and a resulting physical education program rooted in a liberal arts approach.

Building “Physical Education” Rooted in Liberal Arts Approach-Further Improvement in Physical Education Facilities


リベラルアーツならではの保健体育Health and Physical Education rooted in a liberal arts approach

アクティブラーニングの強化More emphasis on active learning

体育施設の充実実施内容Details on improvement and construction of PE facilities


New Physical Education Center / Swimming Pool Building / Roofed Tennis Courts


現体育館・セントラルロッカー棟・スポーツクラブハウス改修Renovation of existing Physical Education Center / Central Locker Building / Sports Clubhouse


新体育館 エントランス棟(仮称) Image of New Physical Education Center entrance (tentative name)

クラスサイズの少人数化Smaller class sizes

必修単位数の変更Revised credit requirements

英語開講クラスの増加More classes offered in English ※新施設名称は全て仮称です

*Names of the new facilities are tentative.

�e Topic

19 The ICU No.41 December 2017 20The ICU No.41 December 2017

新プール棟 New Swimming Pool Building






The characteristic of the new swimming pool building full of open-air feeling is the seminar rooms that are directly accessible from the pool-side. In addition to stretching exercises and lectures to be held, this space will make other kinds of exercise as well as theory studies. In the new curriculum, a class on life-saving methods is scheduled to open, turning the swimming pool into a more diverse place of learning.

新体育館 New Physical Education Center



The first floor will have a basketball court that can be used for official games as well as two seminar rooms for holding classes of required courses within the gymnasium building. A run training course and a new multi-purpose gym will be established on the second floor. The new gymnasium offers various possibilities including holding lectures combined with physical training.

屋根付きテニスコート Roofed Tennis Courts

概要 Outline





The roofed tennis court facility is a multi-purpose field suitable also for classes on other sports including futsal. The courts can be used even when it rains. Coming with lighting equipment, it is ready to cope with an increase in the number of classes stemming from the curriculum reform and to accommodate the needs by clubs and circles.

全体デザイン Overall Images












Roofed tennis courts (completion scheduled for April 2018), a new physical education center and swimming pool building (completion scheduled for November 2018*1) will be construct-ed in the sports area near the campus entrance. The new physical education center and swimming pool building using wood in designing was designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as a “leading sustain-able structure enterprise (leading wooden structure type)*2 ” in fiscal 2016. “ICU’s PE program is aimed at promoting its policy of an all-round education. The facilities where bright sunlight streams in and makes you feel you are in the midst of nature will support a physical education program that is uniquely ICU,” says Takahashi.

In the existing Physical Education Center and Central Locker Building, the training gym will be improved, climbing wall installed and one of rooms (P Gym) made soundproof for future use for classes and extracurricular activities like wadai-ko drum practice and dancing. An air-conditioning system will also be set up in the lounge area of the Sports Clubhouse.*1 Completion dates are subject to change *2 Unofficial translation

エントランス棟 Image of entrance

多目的フィールドとして雨天時も使用できる屋根付きテニスコートRoofed Tennis Courts usable as a multi-purpose field even if it rains

多くのクラス・クラブが同時に活動できる新体育館New Physical Education Centerfor simultaneous use for activities by many classes and clubs

現体育館Existing Physical Education Center

現セントラルロッカー棟Existing Central Locker Building

気軽に使用できるオープンスペースも確保Open space for casual use

木の意匠を取り入れ、国土交通省の事業に採択Selected for the enterprise of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for using wood in design

セミナールームも併設した新プール棟New Swimming Pool Building with seminar rooms

外観 Image of exterior



学校法人国際基督教大学株式会社日本設計隈研吾建築都市設計事務所前田建設工業株式会社一級建築士事務所前田建設工業株式会社 東京建築支店2017年6月1日~2018年10月31日大学 体育館RC造・木造建築面積5,754.94㎡延床面積6,056.12㎡地上2階

Building owner: International Christian UniversityDesign supervision: Nihon Sekkei, Inc., Kengo Kuma and AssociatesDesign / Supervisor: Senior registered architect office, Maeda Corporation Contractor: Tokyo Building Construction, Maeda Corporation Construction period: June 1, 2017, to Oct. 31, 2018Purpose: University gymnasium Structure: RC/wooden structureScale:Construction area: 5,754.94㎡Total floor area: 6,056.12㎡Two floors above ground

※1 竣工予定年月は変更される場合があります。

体育施設全体図Bird’s-eye view of physical education facilities

※イメージは全て完成予想で、今後変更される場合があります。 ※新施設名称は全て仮称です。*These images are subject to change. *Names of the new facilities are tentative.




�e Topic

21 The ICU No.41 December 2017 22The ICU No.41 December 2017

News ニュース

News from the University 大学のニュース

6月から10月までの大学ニュースを掲載しています。詳細は大学オフィシャルWebサイト(www.icu.ac.jp)をご覧ください。For details, please consult the ICU Official Website. URL: https://www.icu.ac.jp/en/



 6月14日、創立記念大学礼拝が執り行われ、参列者一同による讃美歌339番「君なるイエスよ」の合唱、そして「使徒行伝 第20章34節-35節」が朗読されました。続いて、日比谷潤子学長が「受けることと与えること」と題した、メッセージを述べました。






 週刊ダイヤモンド(2017年9月16日号)「35年の偏差値と就職実績で迫る『大学序列』」(発行:株式会社ダイヤモンド)が発行され、「入学者が入学を決めた理由 大学別ランキング」内の、「教育内容が良い」ことで選ばれたランキングで本学が1位となりました。

●「教育内容が良い」ことで選ばれた ランキングで本学が1位

受賞 Awards

 DOCOMOMO Japan が選定する「日本におけるモダン・ムーブメントの建築」に選定されました。


Diffendorfer Memorial Hall (East Wing) has been selected as one of the Buildings of the Modern Movement in Japan.

Diffendorfer Memorial Hall (East Wing)


石丸友里上級准教授が、11月18日に逝去されました。享年50歳。ここに謹んで哀悼の意を表し、お知らせ申し上げます。Yuhri Ishimaru, Senior Associate Professor died on November 18. She was 50. The university offers its sincere condolences to the bereaved.

●岩山 凌也さん(教養学部3年・写真左)大下 歩さん(教養学部3年)

Mr. Ryoya Iwayama, won the first prize and Ms. Ayumu Oshita, came in fourth in the Aprendiz Division of the first Spanish speech contest held on July 8, under the sponsorship of the Colombian Embassy in Tokyo.

Mr. Ryoya Iwayama (4th year student, left)Ms. Ayumu Oshita (3rd year student)


●八田 直紀さん(博士後期課程・写真左)高梨 美奈特任講師(保健体育科・写真右)

Naoki Yada won the best essay award (the society president award) while Instructor Mina Takanashi captured an award for excellence for her paper (the director’s award) at the 21st meeting of the Kanaga-wa Society of Physical Education and Sports Science held on Oct. 13.

Mr. Naoki Yada (Ph.D. candidate)Ms. Mina Takanashi, Instructor, (Department of Health and Physical Education, right)


●中来田 桃さん(教養学部2年・左)山﨑 千鶴さん(教養学部4年・左から3番目)八木 芳紘さん(教養学部3年・右)鳴島 歳紀さん(教養学部3年)

They represented the Asia-Pacific region in the Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition held at the U.N. Headquarters in Geneva. Teams of undergraduate students and master ’s degree candidates majoring in law were invited from all over the world for the semifinal and final rounds after undergoing preliminary regional competitions.

Ms. Momo Nakakita (2nd year student, left)Ms. Chizuru Yamazaki(4th year student, third from left)Mr. Yoshihiro Yagi (3rd year student, right)Mr. Toshiki Narushima (3rd year student)


●中村 美穂さん(教養学部2年・左から3番目)

Ms. Miho Nakamura took part in the Youth Program of The 9th UN Global Compact China-Japan-Korea Roundtable held on Aug. 21, and Aug. 22. In the 9th roundtable held under the theme "Transform Our World with SDGs―Roles of East Asia," student-pro-duced videos on gender equality to achieve SDGs were shown and a debate tournament was held. The combined Japan-China-South Korean team that included Ms. Nakamura won the tournament.

Ms. Miho Nakamura (2nd year student, third from left)

国際移住機関(IOM)駐日事務所代表1992年 教養学部人文科学科


●佐藤 美央さん

国立研究開発法人理化学研究所 環境資源科学研究センター細胞機能研究チームチームリーダー1993年 教養学部理学科(当


●杉本 慶子さん

国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)駐日事務所シニア・リエゾン・アソシエイト1994年 教養学部社会科学科

(当時)卒業1996年 大学院行政学研究科(当時) 博士前期


●小坂 順一郎さん

日本航空株式会社 運航本部737運航乗員部 副操縦士2008年 教養学部教育学科(当


●師子鹿 桜さん

Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migra-tion (IOM) Tokyo1992 B.A. in Arts and Sciences (Humanities)

Ms. Mio Sato

Team Leader of Cell Function Research Team at RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science 1993 B.A. in Arts and Sciences (Natural Sciences)

Dr. Keiko Sugimoto

Senior Liaison AssociateThe Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Japan1994 B.A. in Arts and Sciences (Social Sciences)1996 M.A. in Public Administration

Mr. Junichiro Kosaka

Flight Operations, Boeing 737 Flight Crew Office, First Officer Japan Airlines Co. Ltd.2008 B.A. in Arts and Sciences (Education)

Ms. Sakura Shishika


●吉川 元偉特別招聘教授

Distinguished Professor Yoshikawa Motohide was awarded the Order of the Polar Star, Mongolia’s highest honor conferred to foreign civilians from the Mongolian President.

Distinguished Professor Yoshikawa Motohide


●池内 理紗さん(教養学部4年)

Ms. Risa Ikeuchi took part in the 14th World Wushu Champi-onships held in Kazan, Russia, between, September 29, and October 3. She won the bronze medal in Women’s Daoshu (sword display) and the silver medal in Women’s Gunshu (pole display).

Ms. Risa Ikeuchi (4th year student)



ICU WINDS Advances to the Finals of the All Japan University Ultimate Championships for the third year in a row.

Flying Disc Club

University Events

訃報 Obituary「2016年度財務報告書」は、大学オフィシャルWebサイト上に掲載しております。URL:https://www.icu.ac.jp/about/public/theicu/index.html

It is possible to view Financial Reports on the following webpage:https://www.icu.ac.jp/en/about/public/theicu/index.html

ご報告 Notice

A church service to commemorate the founding of ICU took place on June 14 at the University Chapel. The service began with a chorus of Hymn No. 339 "Messiah" by all those in attendance, which was followed by the reading of The Acts of the Apostles chapter 20 verses 34 and 35. Successively, ICU President Junko Hibiya delivered a message titled "To receive and to give."

ICU Founder's Day Commemorative Service

65 undergraduate students and 34 graduate students graduated from ICU at its summer commencement ceremony held at the University Chapel on 30 June. At the ceremony, each student's name was read out in keeping with tradition that has continued since the first commencement ceremony. Students whose names were called received their diplomas - the fruit of four

2017 Summer Commencement Ceremony

On September 1, ICU welcomed 267 new undergradu-ate and graduate students from over 40 countries and regions around the world, including graduates from high schools abroad and international schools in Japan as well as exchange students from partner schools, at the matriculation ceremony held in the University Chapel.

2017 Autumn Matriculation Ceremony

The Japanese business magazine Diamond Weekly (Sept. 16, 2017 edition) has published “University Rank-ings” (published by Diamond, Inc.) based on the standard scores and job placement results over the past 35 years. ICU was ranked No. 1 for the “quality of education” in the ranking on the reasons for the selec-tion of universities by new students.

ICU was ranked No. 1 for the “quality of education”

December 25, 2017 – January 5, 2018

クリスマス年末年始休暇Christmas & New Year’s HolidaysAlumni interviews are currently posted

on the Website “Global ICU.” Don’t miss them!

March 1 – 2, 5 – 6

教養学部一般入学試験および社会人特別入学試験/休講College of Liberal Arts General Admissions and Admission for Shakaijin (Mature Students) Examinations - No Classes

January 6第3学期授業再開Classes Resume

March 17 オープンキャンパスOpen Campus

April 7 第1学期授業開始Classes Begin

April 3春季入学式Spring Matriculation

April 29 ICU献学記念日ICU Dedication Day

May 18 – 19 新入生リトリートNew Student Retreat

May 21 – 26 キリスト教週間Christianity Week

June 15 ICU創立記念日ICU Founders' Day

June 20 – 22, 25 – 26

第1学期期末試験Spring Term Examinations

June 26 第1学期終了Last Day of Spring Term

June 29 夏季卒業式Summer Commencement

June 13 創立記念礼拝Founder's Day Chapel Hour

March 23春季卒業式Spring Commencement

April 6 第1学期履修登録Registration for Spring Term

第3学期期末試験Winter Term Examinations

第3学期終了Last day of Winter Term

February 3

March 6

大学暦 Academic Calendar

詳細は、大学オフィシャルWebサイトをご覧くださいFor details, please consult the ICU Official Website. URL: https://www.icu.ac.jp/about/calendar/index.html

Global ICU 検 索

Webサイト「Global ICU」にて卒業生インタビュー記事を掲載中! ぜひご覧ください。



years of learning - on stage and shook hands with Presi-dent Junko Hibiya.

23 The ICU No.41 December 2017 24The ICU No.41 December 2017

News ニュース

News from the ICU High School 高等学校のニュース

 ICU高校のSGHも今年で4年目を迎えました。現在の生徒はすでにSGH指定校であることを知って入学してきた生徒です。生徒たちの多くが積極的にプログラムに参加して、自らの問題意識を楽しむ空気が広がってきたと感じています。学校としても、個別のスタディーツアーの企画などにエネルギーを注いでいた初期と違い、いかに全校生徒を対象にした形で、SGH後も継続可能な教育の機会を作れるかを意識するようになってきました。この度 ICU卒の国連OBの方や、ICU在学中のJICA研修員の方など、ICU関係者の方のお話を聞ける機会があり、感謝しています。今後、このような連携の重要性は増していくと感じています。 来年度でSGHも最終年を迎えます。本校は創立40周年を迎え、大規模改修終了、新カリキュラム、大学入試改革という課題も目の前にし、今まで培ってきた本校独自の教育実践を、どのように展開させていけるか、今後の進路が問われる大きな年になると思います。これからも高等学校の教育に御理解御協力をお願いいたします。 (教頭 原かおり)



 6月5日~10日のキリスト教週間では、ペンテコステ礼拝、学年別キリスト教講演会、GOSPEL WORKSHOPなど20のマルチイベントほか、さまざまなイベントが行われました。






 9月22日、23日に学校祭が開催されました。本年のテーマは“宇宙”。2,000人を超える方が来校し、各クラブ・クラス・団体は、日頃の成果を存分に発揮しました。 9月28日、体育館を会場に体育祭が開催され、200人を超えるご父母観覧のもと3学年合同1~6組の組別対抗で熱戦が繰り広げられました。


In the Christianity Week from June 5 to 10, we held various events including Pentecost Mass, Christianity lectures for each grade and 20 multi-events such as gospel workshop.

Christianity Week In this academic year, we held Overseas Information Forum in the following regions.

Overseas ICUHS Information Forum

Event Schedule

The School Festival was held on September 22 and 23. The theme of this year’s festival was “The Universe”. More than 2000 people visited the school and each club, class and organization fully demonstrated the results of their daily practice.

On September 28, the Sports Day was held at the gymnasium. Students in all three grades were divided into 6 groups which competed in earnest as more than 200 family members watched them.

School Festival, Sports Day

We held a school tour for overseas returnees from 10 a.m. on July 14, August 5 and August 26, a tour for general students from 2:30 p.m. on August 5 and August 26 and joint information sessions for both general and returnee students from 2:30 p.m. on October 7 and November 4. A total of 1,182 students preparing for the entrance exam and their family members participated in the school tour for overseas returnees and 1,435 people for general students’ school tour while a total of 1,185 people attended the joint school briefing.

On Campus Information Sessions

EventsICU High School is in its fourth year since its designa-tion as a Super Global High School (SGH). The current students have entered ICU High School knowing that it is a designated SGH. Students have been increasingly active in participating in SGH programs and an atmo-sphere of enjoying their own awareness of problems is spreading in the school. The school staff, too, has become more aware of the importance of creating learn-ing opportunities that are targeted at all students of the school and that are sustainable even after the SGH program is over, rather than focusing energy on planning individual study tours as we used to in the first few years of the program. We are very much grateful for having had the opportunity to listen to lectures offered by ICU graduates who used to work for the United Nations and ICU students who are also JICA trainees. We feel that this kind of collaboration will become increasingly important in the future.

Next year will be the final year of the SGH program and also the 40th anniversary of ICU High School. There are a number of milestones and challenges lying in front of us including the completion of large-scale renovation of the school building, introduction of the new curricu-lum, and university entrance exam reforms. It will be a significant year in which we are faced with decisions on how we can further develop our unique educational practices fostered to date. (Kaori Hara, Head Teacher)

SGH Activities










帰国生徒推薦入試 12月14日(木)

クリスマス集会 12月21日(木)

帰国生徒書類入試 1月29日(月)

一般・帰国生徒学力入試 2月10日(土)

卒業式 3月15日(木)

志願者 受験者 合格者 入学者

26 22 15 10



第2学年 17 3 2


May 17-24

Jun. 2-13

[Europe]Brussels, London, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam[Southeast Asia]Jakarta, Singapore, Bangkok, Guangzhou, Hong Kong [East Asia]Beijing, Seoul, Suzhou, Shanghai, Taipei

May 26 - Jun. 2

[United States]New York, Washington D.C, Columbus, Dallas, Torrance

Sep. 20 -Oct. 3

Returnee Students Entrance by Commendation December 14 (Thu)

Christmas Assembly December 21 (Thu)Returnee Students Entrance by Application Screening January 29 (Mon)

General / Returnee Students’ Scholastic Exam February 10 (Sat)

Commencement Ceremony March 15 (Thu)

September 2017 Entrance Examination Results Applicants Examinees Successful

Candidates Enrollee

26 22 15 1019

1st Year2nd Year 17 3 2

追悼日野原 重明 先生(聖路加国際病院名誉院長)


 私は先生とは ICUの前身語学研修所(LI)時代からメンター













た。これからの医療は人 と々協力して、人々の人生設計の援助で






On July 18, Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara ascended to heaven from his home at the age of 105. More than 4,000 people attended his funer-al service on July 29 and NHK and other media reported extensively on his achievements.

Dr. Hinohara became my mentor when I was a student of the Language Institute (LI), the forerunner of ICU. The relationship between Dr. Hinohara and ICU began when he was sent by St. Luke’s Hospital to take charge of the university clinic at the time of ICU’s founding and also taught health and physical education. Therefore, he provided me with unfailing guidance for more than 65 years. One of his important contributions during all this time was the establishment of the Life Planning Center. Attaching a great deal of importance to its relations with the surrounding community, the university asked Dr. Hinohara to develop a plan to expand the clinic and create a hospital open to the community. He worked tirelessly to hire doctors and other staff for the hospital that was to serve as the main institution for Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service. The plan was suddenly suspended due to a campus dispute, but he opened a facility, primarily for preventive

medicine, as the first step toward the realization of his dream. Despite serious challenges, Dr. Hinohara soldiered on. We stood behind him with our pocket money and volunteer work.

By pure coincidence, the Life Planning Center Foundation was created with the support of the Japan Shipbuilding Industry Foun-dation (today’s Nippon Foundation). Its establishment stemmed from the conviction that the future of medicine would lie in the collaboration with people and as part of support for their life plan-ning. Dr. Hinohara put a variety of medical reforms in motion: He improved St. Luke’s International Hospital, pioneered comprehen-sive medical checkups, developed palliative care, established the New Elderly Association and led advances in the treatment of lifestyle-related diseases. I believe, however, that he most enjoyed talking to 10-year-old primary school children in his “class on life.” Dr. Hinohara probably thought his dream had come true when he held classes nearly 300 times observing that life is time at our own disposal and that we should spend it also for other people.

We pray that his soul may rest in peace.


Dr. Hinohara (right) with Kiikuni at the dinner for the retirement of the Chair of Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation, April 2013. The message on the card says, “Keep on dreaming,” the words Dr. Hinohara always sent to all those around him.

In Memory of Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara(Honorary President, St. Luke’s International Hospital)

1957年卒業、1期生。公益財団法人笹川記念保健協力財団 最高顧問紀伊國 献三 氏 寄稿

Dr. Kenzo Kiikuni Class of 1957, a member of the first graduating class, Senior Advisor, Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation

25 The ICU No.41 December 2017 26The ICU No.41 December 2017

News ニュース

News from JICUF JICUF のニュースNews from the Alumni Association 同窓会のニュース

国際基督教大学同窓会 TEL/FAX: 0422-33-3320  E-MAIL: [email protected] The Japan ICU Foundation, Inc. 日本国際基督教大学財団 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 439 New York, NY 10115 USA TEL: 212-870-3386 E-MAIL: [email protected]

 ICU同窓会には現在※1 、49もの支部があることをご存じでしょうか? 支部には大別して、国内外の地域別支部(Domestic / Overseas Chapters)、部・サークル・寮などを母体とする支部(Chapters of School Life)、そして興味・関心・働いている業界などに基づき活動している支部(Chapters of Interest)の3種類の支部があるんです。今回は ICU同窓会の支部についてご紹介したいと思います。 まず地域別支部です。地域別支部は、国内支部が12拠点なのに対し、海外支部は18拠点。海外支部の方が多いのも ICU同窓会の支部らしい特徴と言えるでしょう。 部・サークル・寮などを母体とする支部には、シングル期の大先輩から新入部員に至るまで何百人ものメンバーを抱え、名前を見ただけでどの組織を母体とするのか一目瞭然の支部もあれば、「山楽会支部」のように今はもう廃部となってしまった山岳部を母体とする支部、建て替えのため廃寮となってしまった第二男子寮の寮生を母体とする「第二男子寮OB会支部」など、今の現役学生に対しては少々説明が必要になってきた支部もあります。 説明が必要と言えば、興味・関心・働いている業


Chapters of ICU Alumni Association

Earlier this year, the Japan ICU Foundation launched the JICUF Global Scholarship Program, which includes two new scholarships, namely the Syrian Scholars Initiative and the United States Scholars Initiative. Application for the former opened on June 20th, and the latter on September 1st. The screening process is underway, and recipients will be determined by early spring.

JICUF Global ScholarshipGlobal Link, JICUF’s summer program for ICU under-graduate students in New York City, took place in July. This year, 15 students attended the month-long program and explored global career opportunities through office visits, volunteer activities, professional round tables, networking with alumni and campus visits. 20 alumni generously shared their time and expertise in one way or another, and more than 30 alumni participated in receptions organized in both New York and Washing-ton, D.C.

Some highlights included visits to the Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN, UN Headquarters, JETRO, Japan Foundation, Sony, Pillsbury; a three-day trip to Washington D.C. that included visits to the U.S. Capitol and the National Institute of Health; and volunteering at WIN, a homeless shelter for women and children. After the program ended, many students commented that the program opened their eyes to careers that they had not considered before, and helped them think about their future careers and research focus.

Global Link 2017

Message from the Alumni Association President

Many events were held in collaboration between the alumni association and the university this autumn. There was the Homecoming D-kan Festival in October held in conjunction with the ICU festival, and the 3rd ICU Alumni Liberal Arts Extension Lecture in November held by inviting ICU Vice President for Academic Affairs, Anri Morimoto as the featured speaker, both of which enjoyed a large audience. Prior to that, on a weekend in September, a new event called “Mirai Yoso Zoo—getting to know what ICU graduates are doing in society” was planned and held at the common area of a new dorm by the young leaders of the Alumni Association. Graduates in their 20s to 50s with different jobs and careers gathered for the event. Graduates passionately shared their experience not only in terms of profession and career but also about their lifestyles, while current students listened intently and asked many quest ions. I t was a scene symbolic of the spirit of ICU, and a new attempt by the ICU Alumni Association to seamlessly connect graduates and current students. (Alumni Association President, Jun Kigoshi)


 JICUFグローバル・スカラシップ傘下の奨学金の一つに、Study Abroad奨学金があります。より多くの ICU生に海外で学んで欲しいと願う北米の同窓生及びご支援者からの寛大なご寄付によって、本奨学金は2012年に設立されました。2017年度までは、米国の大学に留学する成績優秀な5名の学生に各2千ドルが授与されましたが、2018年度からは、経済的支援を必要とし、交換・海外留学プログラムへの参加を希望する1人の学生に1万ドルが支給されます。本奨学金の募集は10月31日に終了し、12月に受賞者が発表されます。

●Study Abroad奨学金


 JICUFがニューヨークで開催する ICU学部生のためのサマープログラム、Global Linkが今年も7月に行われ、15人が参加しました。学生たちは職場訪問、円卓会議、同窓生とのネットワーキング、大学見学などを通して、グローバルなキャリアに触れる機会を得ました。20人以上の同窓生がプログラムに協力し、さらに多くの方にニューヨーク及

 1年間かけて提案書を書き直した学部生のグループが、この冬ブータンを訪れるための資金を受賞しました。学生たちはこれまでに行った調査をもとに、ブータンの人々 の幸福に対する考え方を研




2017年度 助成金プログラム


Another scholarship offered under the JICUF Global Scholarship Program is the Study Abroad Scholarship. With support received from the ICU Alumni Association in the Americas and from direct giving of ICU alumni and friends, JICUF established this scholarship in 2012 to encourage more ICU students to study abroad. Until now, $2,000 has been awarded annually to the top five outgoing exchange students to the United States. However, starting from 2018, JICUF will award $10,000 to one student who plans to participate in one of ICU’s Exchange/Study Abroad Programs worldwide. This change was made to enable students with financial need to take part in ICU’s overseas programs.

Application for this scholarship closed on October 31st and the recipient will be announced in early Decem-ber.

For more information on our scholarships, please visit https://www.jicuf.org/scholarships/.

Study Abroad Scholarship

JICUF awarded 13 grants (6 faculty, 7 students) totaling ¥4,482,328 during its FY 2017 Spring grant cycle. The following are a few example projects.

Grants Programs 2017

Bhutan Study Tour (Student Travel Fund)

On September 23rd, Professor Osamu Arakaki hosted an international symposium to seek out theories and strategies on protection of “war refugees” from the viewpoint of international law. The symposium also considered the role of civil society, including academic institutions, in helping war refugees. Prominent guest speakers included Judge Hugo Storey (Upper Tribunal Judge, UK) and Judge Martins Mits (European Court of Human Rights). The ICU Peace Research Institute (PRI) and Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) jointly organized the symposium, held at the Kiyoshi Togasaki Memorial Dialogue House at ICU.

Symposium on “War Refugees” in International Lawand the Role of Civil Society (Faculty Program Grant)

界などに基づき活動している支部の中には、名前をひと目見ただけでは何の支部なのかわからないものも存在します。例えば、「Shining60's 支部」。実は60年代に ICUに在籍した卒業生で、カリフォルニアと関係のある同窓生を母体とする支部なんです。同様に「LA会支部」は主に80年代にロサンゼルスに住んでいたことのある卒業生を母体とした支部で、ロサンゼルス在住の卒業生を対象とした地域支部とは異なりますので注意が必要です。また「ICUICUの会支部」なんて、人を食ったような名前の支部は、決して不真面目な支部ではなく、ICU卒業生の国際協力(International Cooperation)関係者の支部。超 ICUっぽい支部なんです。 既にこんなにも多種多様な支部が設立されていますが、もし、新しい支部を作ろうと思えば、比較的簡単に設立することができます。10名以上の同窓生から構成され、支部の代表者が存在し、かつ活動実績があれば、誰でも新たな支部の設立を申請することができるんです※2。「Peace Bell Scholar支部」の設立で49となった同窓会支部。50番目の支部設立を目指して見てはいかがでしょうか?

 この秋は、同窓会と大学がコラボしたイベントが目白押しでした。10月の ICU祭のホームカミング「D館まつり」、11月の森本あんり学務副学長をお迎えしての第3回同窓会リベラルアーツ公開講座など、沢山の方々にご参加いただきました。これに先立つ9月の週末、同窓会の若いリーダー達の発案で、新しい学生寮のコモンスペースを活用して「未来予想ZOO – 卒業生のさまざまな生き方にふれる」という新しいイベントが企画され、20代から50代まで職種も経歴もさまざまな同窓生が集いました。就職やキャリアだけでなく生き方を熱く語る先輩、真剣に耳を傾け活発に質問をする在学生、ICUらしさを感じました。同窓生と在学生をシームレスで繋ぐ ICU同窓会の新しい展開です。 (同窓会会長 木越純)


※1 2017年9月9日現在※2 支部の設立には同窓会理事会での承認が必要です

現在の同窓会支部および連絡先は以下の通りです。国内支部北海道 [email protected]東北 [email protected]北陸 [email protected]とちぎ [email protected]

東海 [email protected]関西 [email protected]徳島 [email protected]香川 [email protected]

広島 [email protected]九州・山口 [email protected]沖縄 [email protected]三鷹 [email protected]

海外支部ワシントンDC [email protected]シカゴ [email protected] [email protected]デンマーク [email protected]パリ [email protected]上海 [email protected]

香港 [email protected]タイ [email protected]ドイツ [email protected]北カリフォルニア [email protected]南カリフォルニア [email protected]インドネシア [email protected]

台湾 [email protected]フィリピン(現在休止中) [email protected]ニューヨーク [email protected]ハワイ [email protected]シンガポール 同窓会事務局宛にお送りください。シンガポール支部

に転送いたします。[email protected]ボストン [email protected]

部・サークル・寮などの支部国際基督教大学理学倶楽部支部 [email protected]

野球部OBOG会支部 [email protected]

ラグビー部OBOG会支部 [email protected]

山楽会支部 [email protected]

第二男子寮OB会支部 [email protected]サッカー部支部 [email protected]

美術部OB会支部 [email protected]

The Weekly GIANTS支部 [email protected]

玄徳会(空手道部OB/OG会)支部 [email protected]

テニス部OBOG会支部 [email protected]興味・関心・業界などの支部Shining60's 支部 [email protected]医療関係者の会支部 [email protected]会支部 [email protected]

J.P. Morgan支部 [email protected]丸の内Style支部 [email protected]女子会支部 [email protected]

ICU教育セミナー支部 [email protected]の会支部 [email protected] Bell Scholar支部 [email protected]


Global Link 2017

7月5日、ブルックリン・ブリッジ(ニューヨーク)を訪れたグローバルリンク参加者Global Link participants at the Brooklyn Bridge, New York, on July 5th

9月23日の「国際法における戦争難民」シンポジウム後のレセプションReception after the Symposium on "War Refugees in International Law" (Sep. 23rd)

A determined group of ICU undergraduate students, who had diligently honed their research proposal over the past year, was awarded funds to travel to Bhutan

this winter. Building on their previous research, the students will explore Bhutan’s perspective towards happiness. The group will participate in discussions and workshops with university students in Bhutan, stay and observe the lifestyle of rural Bhutanese households, and meet with members of the Bhutanese Gross National Happiness (GNH) Commission. Upon their return, the students will share their findings with ICU and organizations in Tokyo via lectures, workshops, photo albums, weblogs and activity reports. Their hope is to provide a new perspective of happiness and general mental well-being to Japanese people.

Did you know that the ICU Alumni Association currently has 49 chapters? *1 These chapters can be broadly divided into three types: Domestic/Overseas Chapters located in various regions in Japan and overseas; Chap-ters of School Life that have their roots in extracurricular activity clubs, student groups, and dormitories; and Chapters of Interest whose activities are based on differ-ent areas of interest or professional fields. In this issue, we would like to introduce the various chapters of the ICU Alumni Association.

First, let’s start with the Domestic/Overseas Chap-ters. While there are 12 domestic chapters, the number of overseas chapters is 18. That there are more overseas chapters than domestic is characteristic of ICU.

Among the Chapters of School Life rooted in clubs, student groups and dorms, there are big chapters that you can recognize just by looking at its name, with hundreds of members spanning from the oldest mem-bers of the alumni back from the first nine graduating classes of ICU to 1st year students who have just entered an ICU club. On the other hand, there are also chapters that have their origins in clubs and dorms that do not exist anymore, like Sangaku-kai Chapter and the Chapter of Second Men’s Dorm OBs (Second Men’s Dorm was demolished to give way to a new dormitory). The origins of these chapters may need some explana-

tion for current students. Talking about requiring explanation, among the

Chapters of Interest whose activities are based on different areas of interest or professional fields, there are some chapters with a name that doesn’t even give a hint of its origin. An example is the Shining60's Chapter. It’s a group of members that used to be an ICU student in the 1960’s and have got something to do with California. Similarly, the LA Kai Chapter is a group of graduates who used to live in Los Angeles during the 1980s. You need to note that it’s a separate chapter from the regional chapter for graduates currently residing in Los Angeles. There’s also a chapter named ICUICU Chapter. Although its name may sound strange, it’s a serious group of ICU graduates who are engaged in international cooperation, one of the chapters most characteristic of ICU.

Although such diverse chapters have already been established, it’s rather easy to establish a new one if you want to. The only conditions required for establishing a chapter are that: it is comprised of 10 or more ICU graduates; it has appointed a representative person; and it can prove that it has been active for some time.*2 The total number of chapters has reached 49 with the launch of Peace Bell Scholar Chapter. Why not try creat-ing the 50th chapter yourself?

びワシントンDCでのレセプションに参加いただきました。 プログラムのハイライトは、日本政府国連代表部、国連本部、JETRO、日本財団、ソニー、ピルズベリー法律事務所などの職場訪問、米国議会議事堂や国立衛生研究所訪問を含むワシントンDCへの小旅行、女性と子どものためのホームレスシェルターでのボランティア活動などでした。プログラムの終了後、多くの学生がこれまで触れる機会のなかったキャリアについて知り、将来の方向性を考える良いきっかけになったと語っていました。


*1 As of September 9, 2017*2 Establishment of a chapter requires approval by the Alumni

Association Board of Trustees

Text: Ichiro Jinnai (’89 / CLA33)

文:神内一郎(1989年卒業 /33期)

27 The ICU No.41 December 2017 28The ICU No.41 December 2017

学生団体の活動紹介 フライングディスク部WINDS















ICU WINDS are devoting themselves to Ultimate, a seven-member sport using a flying disc. The men’s team has taken part in national games for three straight years since 2015 and the women’s team for four years since 2014. Both teams have been putting in amazing performances.

Ultimate isn’t a major sport in Japan and most young people start playing in college. ICU team members come with all kinds of backgrounds, including those from cultural clubs. But they all share a common goal: to fight and win.

Unity is their weapon. The team doesn’t especially have many physically talented players. It doesn’t even have managers, coaches or trainers. Yet they win against powerful opponents only because they know how to fight. All the members huddle together to think and their opinions clash, giving birth to a strong bond that enables them to con-tinue to compete in high-level games.

ICU WINDS has several members whose names rank among those of Kanto regional and Japanese national teams. We can’t take our eyes off their games in the future.

Extra-curricular Activities ICU Flying Disc Club


United, they march to victory. Single-mindedness is their biggest weapon.Always strategizing, they hope to rise up to challenges on the national stage.

男女合わせて49人の部員が所属。平日2~3回の練習(放課後)と週末の対外試合で常に現状を把握し、チーム作りに励んでいる。毎年9月に行われる、全日本アルティメット大学選手権を最大の目標に、日々チーム内で切磋琢磨を続ける。The club has 49 members, both men and women. Training two to three times on weekdays (after school) and playing against other universities during weekends, they are always aware of their present situation and are trying to build a stronger team. Their biggest goal is to compete and win in the All Japan University Ultimate Champi-onships held in September every year. The team members continue to train, never resting until they achieve that goal.

規模が大きい大学チームとも、ICUらしい強みをもって対等に勝負。関東選抜、日本代表クラスの選手も複数輩出している。They fight against bigger university clubs and never budge an inch. ICU’s uniqueness is their strength. Several members have fought in Kanto regional games and joined Japanese national teams.

http://icuwindsofficial.wixsite.com/winds-hpフライングディスク部WINDS 公式Webサイト

■日本代表選出メンバー※の一言Comments from national team members*

ICU Flying Disc Club website

「勝ちにこだわり、仲間と切磋琢磨すること。この道を選んでよかったと感じています」 沖政 貴大“We are commit ted to winning and we go through hard t ra in ing together wi th our colleagues. I am glad I have chosen this sport.”Takahiro Okimasa

「頭を使えば身体能力で劣る相手もに勝てるスポーツ。それがアルティメットの魅力」 中尾 賢太郎“We can win in this sport even against physi-cally superior teams. All we have to do is use our brains. That’s what Ultimate is all about.”Kentaro Nakao

「いつかICUがアルティメット強豪校と呼ばれるような伝統を作りたいです」 宮地 紀年“I hope to help build the kind of tradition that makes people say someday that ICU has a truly strong Ultimate team.”

*Selected as members of the Japanese national team for the WFDF2018 World Under-24 Ultimate Championships

Noritoshi Miyachi

※WFDF2018世界U-24アルティメット選手権大会の日本 代表メンバーに選出

New ICU Peace Bell ScholarsScholars who matriculated in September 20172017年9月入学スカラー

 ICU Peace Bell奨学金は、本奨学金制度に賛同するみなさま







Peace Bell奨学金により、ICUに通うことができるようになりま





つもりです。Peace Bell奨学金の受給者として、自分の殻から抜


欲がわいてきます。Peace Bell奨学金に寄付してくださった皆様








トに、言葉では言い表せないくらい感謝しています。Peace Bell





The ICU Peace Bell Scholarship is funded entirely by donations from those who empathize with the spirit of the scholarship.

The ICU Peace Bell Scholars would like to express their heart-felt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the ICU Peace Bell Scholarship for it would not have been possible for them to study at ICU without the scholarship. Being able to pursue their studies at ICU is a true blessing for the scholars. This scholarship has been supported by many benefactors over the years. We hope that the circle of benefactors who support each scholar will continue to expand over the coming years and that this scholarship will con-tinue to be a source of support for our students.

Thank you to everyone who's made it possible for me to attend ICU with the Peace Bell Scholarship. This is a unique opportunity I never expected to receive in Japan and it is truly an honor. With this in mind I hope to make the most out of my 4 years at ICU. I intend to explore new interests and find new passions and make lifelong friends here. Being a recipient of the Peace Bell Scholar-ship motivates me to step out of my comfort zone to explore new things and to try my best in everything I do. I am forever grateful to the donors of the Peace Bell Scholarship. Again, thank you.

I would like to thank God for His everlasting faithfulness and the generosity of the alumni in awarding this scholarship to me. Being able to study at ICU is a great privilege and I look forward to thoroughly experiencing the rich culture and countless oppor-tunities offered by both the school and Japan. Adjusting to a new lifestyle brings along its own set of challenges, but I’m incredibly thankful for the support the school and the people around me have given me so far. As a Peace Bell Scholar, I hope to serve in ways that will continue to improve not just the school, but the surrounding community. With a grateful heart, I will work hard to be a person worthy of the scholarship.

LEE, Hannah Hwei WenSingaporeシンガポール

IWASAKI, AyakoU.S.A.アメリカ

岩崎 彩子

Introducing the New Scholars新スカラーをご紹介します

29 The ICU No.41 December 2017 30The ICU No.41 December 2017


主催 新学生寮支援募金ご寄付への感謝の会」が開催されました。本募金では、学生寮における新しい試みであるコミュニティ













学長主催 新学生寮支援募金ご寄付への感謝の会ICU President Hosted Donor Appreciation Event for New Dormitories Fundraising Campaign

Event Reports イベント報告

 2019年のラグビーワールドカップ日本開催を記念し、ICU祭初日の10月21日(土)、ICUラグビー OBOG会主催(協力:ICU・ICU同窓会・三鷹市ラグビー協会)による「ICU祭Specialラグビーイベント」が実施されました。午前に行われたラグビー

未経験者を対象とした体験会は、雨天により会場が ICU人工芝フィールドから屋内の体育施設に変更されたものの、子ども

を含め約60人の参加者がラグビーの楽しさを体験しました。 午後に実施されたトークイベントでは、岩渕健輔氏(Team Japan 2020ラグビー男女7人制総監督)と徳増浩司氏(18期、74年卒業 / 2017DAY賞受賞、アジアラグビー会長)を迎え、国際交流、教育、文化などのさまざまな視点から軽快かつ熱い







ICU祭 SpecialラグビーイベントICU Festival – Special Rugby Event

On July 8, 2017 (Sat.), ICU President Junko Hibiya hosted a donor appreciation event for those who contributed to the New Dormito-ries Fundraising Campaign at Momi House & Maple House, which opened in April 2017. This campaign is raising funds for communi-ty activities, which are a new endeavor within the student dormi-tories, and for facilities construction and maintenance. The first floor of these dormitories can be used by commuting students and faculty members in addition to dormitory residents and is therefore utilized as a space for learning and dialogue, e.g. lectures, study sessions, and traditional dormitory events.

At the donor appreciation event, donors were invited to listen to an explanation of the dormitories, tour the dormitories, and attend a reception at the end. At the reception, university admin-istrators gave addresses. In addition, dormitory resident repre-sentatives expressed gratitude for donations, what they learned in the dormitories, their aspirations, etc. and also gave speeches on topics including how students residing on and off campus are utilizing the new dormitories. The donor appreciation event proved to be a wonderful opportunity for not only deepening interactions between donors and university administrators but also directly showing the fruits of donations by actually utilizing the facilities of the new dormitories, which are usually not open to the public.

 2017年10月21~22日のICU祭開催中に、「2017ホームカミング D館祭り」が開催されました。本学の「ホームカミング」は国際基督教大学同窓会と大学の共催で行われるもので、第

5回となる今年は本学の学生会館であるディッフェンドルファー記念館東棟(通称D館 /旧D館など。1958年竣工)が、DOCOMOMO Japanによる2016年度の「日本におけるモダン・ムーブメントの建築」のひとつに選定されたことから企画され

ました。このドコモモ(DOCOMOMO=Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement)は、モダン・ムーブメントに関わる建物と環境形成の記録調査および保存のための国際組織です。







 入学より25年、50年を迎える同窓生を対象とする 学長主催「入学25周年・50周年記念祝賀会」が2018年度も開催されます。2018年度は41期(1993年入学)、16期(1968年入学)の同窓生が対象です。当日は、礼拝堂で記念礼拝を執り行った後、学食で懇親会が開催







2017 ホームカミング「D館まつり」2017 Homecoming D-kan Festival

Coming up: 25th and 50th MatriculationAnniversary Celebrations, 2018,hosted by the President.

The 2017 Homecoming D-kan Festival took place during the ICU Festival, held October 21-22, 2017. ICU’s homecoming was co-hosted by ICU and ICU Alumni Association. The fifth year of this festival was organized as a result of Diffendorfer Memorial Hall - East Wing (ICU’s student union building, commonly known as D-kan or Kyū-D-kan; completed in 1958) being selected by DOCOMOMO Japan as an example of “modern architecture in Japan” in 2016. DOCOMOMO (DOcumentation and COnservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the MOdern MOvement) is an international organization for the documentation and conser-vation of modern architecture and its environment.

On October 22, Eiichiro Kabashima, alumnus and Aoyama Gakuin University Associate Professor, and Taisuke Yamazaki, Tokyo Institute of Technology Associate Professor involved in DOCOMOMO’s selection of outstanding modern architecture, gave lectures at the Kiyoshi Tōgasaki Memorial Dialogue House Interna-tional Conference Room (2F). The lectures were followed by a tour of Diffendorfer Memorial Hall - East Wing and a party. In addition, a poster session was held across two days at Alumni House.

Despite the rough weather due to a typhoon, there were more than 60 participants, mainly alumni. It was possible to experience the great deal of interest in D-kan and ICU on the part of alumni even after graduation.

The Celebration for the 25th and 50th Anniversaries of Matriculation hosted by the President will be held for alumni who are welcoming their 25th or 50th matriculation anniversary in 2018. Alumni who matriculated in 1968 or 1993 will be invited.

On the day of the celebration, a commemorative service will be held at University Chapel. Afterward, a reception will be held at University Dining Hall. Invita-tions will be sent early in the new year to the address to which “The ICU” is sent.

If you know any alumni who are not receiving “The ICU,” please ask them to report their current address from the webpage below.

On October 21 (Sat.), the first day of the ICU Festival, ICU Rugby OBOG Club hosted the “ICU Festival – Special Rugby Event” (with the cooperation of Mitaka City Rugby Association, International Christian University, and ICU Alumni Association) to celebrate Rugby World Cup Japan 2019. At the morning sessions for those new to rugby, more than 60 people (including children) experienced the fun of rugby, despite the sessions moving indoors to the Physi-cal Education Center from the ICU artificial turf field due to rain.

At the afternoon talk event, Mr. Kensuke Iwabuchi (Team Japan 2020 Men’s & Women’s Rugby Sevens High Performance Director) and Mr. Koji Tokumasu (’74; recipient, 2017 Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award; President, Asia Rugby) talked blithely and passionately from various standpoints such as international exchange, education, and culture. Mr. Iwabuchi related inside stories such as the hardships and exertions of members and staff of the Rugby World Cup 2015 Japan Team that led to their historic victory. Mr. Tokumasu, the driving force behind attracting Rugby World Cup 2019 to Japan, related Japan’s path to the successful invitation in the world of rugby, where traditions remain strong.

During the Q&A session, the talk expanded to topics unique to ICU, such as the importance of communication in a global setting and the motivating force for working globally and grabbing opportu-nities. Approximately 70 participants listened with deep interest and exchanged opinions.

2018年度 学長主催「入学25周年・50周年記念祝賀会」開催のお知らせ


2018年の開催日およびご招待対象者Day and Invitees: 25th and 50th

Matriculation Anniversary Celebrations, 2018

2018年4月21日(土)April 21, 2018 (Sat.)

Alumni who are welcoming their 25th matriculation anniversary (matriculated in 1993)

入学50周年…16期(1968年入学)Alumni who are welcoming their 50th matriculation anniversary (matriculated in 1968)




“Change of Address” form:



31 The ICU No.41 December 2017 32The ICU No.41 December 2017















(万円)( )Unit: Ten

thousand yen ( )Unit: Ten thousand yen

収入 Revenues 支出 Expenditures


全国私学平均(医歯系除く、大学部門)Private college and university

average in Japan(undergraduate schools excluding

medical and dental schools)

全国私学平均(医歯系除く、大学部門)Private college and university

average in Japan(undergraduate schools excluding

medical and dental schools)

その他収入Other revenues

手数料Service charges


学生納付金Student fees

寄付金・運用収入Donations and investment revenues

教育研究費Educational research costs

その他支出Other expenditures

人件費Personnel costs




































質の高い少人数教育は授業料ではまかなえませんHigh-quality small-group education cannot be sustained by tuition alone







The amount of student fees at ICU is about 1.2 times the average at private colleges and universit ies across the country, but expenses per student far exceed the average, or about 1.8 times more. The high-quality small-group education focusing on dialogue, an outstanding characteristic of ICU, requires expenditures far beyond the tuition and fees the students pay (Chart 1). As a result, ICU, unlike other colleges and universities, is unable to cover all its expenditures with student fees, service charges and subsidies, and it has carried an average deficit load of about 3 million yen1) per student over the four years until graduation since the university was founded (Chart 2). It has been donations and returns on investments by an asset fund based on this capital that have been helping us cover this shortfall.

ICU is a liberal arts college based on Christian ideals. Since its founding, it has been supported by the goodwill of many people beyond religion. In 1945, a plan was drafted to establish a university designed to educate people who can contribute to the creation of a peaceful world. In the US, the Japan Interna-tional Christian University Foundation (JICUF) coordinated fund-raising efforts, and in Japan, a supporting organization led by Bank of Japan Governor Hisato Ichimada and political and business leaders coordinated fund-raising efforts. And during the challenging period immediately after World War II, donations totaling 160 million yen2) poured in from many people in businesses and various organizations across the country, Christians and non-Christians alike, who approved of the purpose of the founding of the university. These donations form the base capital of the fund and returns from its invest-ments continue to support ICU and its education.

国際基督教大学(ICU)の財政とご寄付International Christian University: Finance and Donations

Giving to ICU




団( JICUF)を中心に、日本では一万田尚登日本銀行総裁、




ら、終戦直後の厳しい時代に、日本だけでも総額1億6,000万円 2)のご支援が寄せられました。これが基金資産の原資とな


(図1) 学生一人当たりの収支(2014年度の場合)Chart 1 Income and expenditures per student (Fiscal 2014)

(図2) 4年間累計学生一人当たり赤字額(2015年度価格)Chart 2 Total deficit per student over four years (Fiscal 2015 price)


注)資産運用・売却関連損益、寄付金前の収支差額(赤字額)を学生数で除し、消費者物価指  数を用いて2015年度価格に換算。高校を除く。

(Source: Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan, “Finances in Today’s Private Schools,” ICU)

1)献学時から現在までの赤字額を現在の貨幣価値で換算し、平均した場合1)The average deficit in today’s currency value since the founding of the university to the present

2)Source: “Higher Education for Tomorrow,” Kiyoko Takeda2)出典:武田清子著「未来をきり拓く大学」

(Note: Asset investment and asset sale-related profits and losses and the pre-donation balance (deficit amount) are divided by the number of students and the result is converted into the fiscal 2015 average price using the consumer price index. The high school is excluded.)

ICUの募金概要学生がICUでの学びを諦めないためにSupport for Scholarships

私たちのキャンパスへSupport for the Campus

ICUの模範となる学生を入学前に募集し、在学期間の4年間に渡って学生を支援します。これまでに多くのご寄付者からご支援をいただきましたが、その給付には、毎年約6,000万円が必要です。Applicants who are ready to become role models for other students at ICU are invited to apply for this scholarship before matriculation. Suc-cessful applicants receive a grant through their four years at ICU. ICU has received generous donations to fund this scholarship, which needs 60 million yen annually.

ICU Peace Bell奨学金 ICU Peace Bell Scholarship

2017年4月に開寮した樅(もみのき)寮・楓(かえで)寮のコミュニティ活動ならびに建設・運営のご支援を募っています。ICU is asking donors to support the new dormitories Momi House and Maple House, which opened in April 2017, in particular dorm construction & maintenance and dorm community activities.

新学生寮支援募金 New Dormitories Fundraising Campaign

手軽にはじめるOther Options

大学の文化財・芸術のためにPreservation of Cultural Property and Art on Campus

読み終えた本などを(株)バリューブックスに送ると、その買取金額がICU図書館の図書購入費として寄付されます。Send used books to Value Books. Sales proceeds help fund ICU Library acquisitions.

ICU古本募金 ICU Used Book Sale Donations

使途を指定せずに広くICUを支援するSupport for ICU Where Needed

大学全体へのご寄付 Overall Support for ICU

国の登録有形文化財である泰山荘の改修・整備などに活用されます。Preservation and renovation of Taizansō, a registered tangible cultural property.

泰山荘の保存・改修資金Taizansō Conservation and Restoration Fund

湯浅八郎記念館支援募金Support for Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum

ICUのオルガン音楽の振興と教育Promotions of organ music and organ music education

本館や理学館などの教育施設をはじめ、体育施設、教育寮、教員住宅等、老朽化が進んだ諸施設を改築・補強工事し、安全に整備していきます。Donations provide funds for rebuilding, renovating and repairing superannuated PE facilities, educational dorms, and faculty residences, to secure their safety.

教育施設の整備 Improvement of Educational Facilities

ICUのキャンパスは比類なき自然と貴重な文化遺産を擁しています。その保全のための資金を募集します。Donations help preserve the beautiful nature of the ICU campus.

キャンパスの自然環境保全Preservation of Natural and Campus Environment現在は東日本大震災だけでなく、2016年の熊本地震も支援が適用さ

れています。本学学生を支え、励まし、就学を支援するものです。ICU supports not only students hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake, but also the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. This scholarship encourages ICU students to continue their studies by providing financial aid to mitigate the impact of disasters.

被災学生支援募金 Scholarship for Students Affected by Natural Disasters

学業成績、経済的必要度などを考慮した上で給付される奨学金です。These scholarships are provided based on merit/need.

ICUトーチリレー奨学金 ICU Torch Relay Scholarships

For a resident in Japan, donations to ICU will be eligible for preferential treatment in income tax, corporate tax, and inheritance tax.




Tax Exemption

●クレジットカード Credit Card ●金融機関の窓口から Bank or Postal Office Transfer●口座振替 Automatic Withdrawal ●ATM / インターネットバンキング

(事前連絡をお願いします)ATM / Internet Banking(advance notice requested)

Ways to Give

In principle, bequests to ICU are exempt from inheritance tax. Donations made by heirs within the designated period are also exempt from inheri-tance tax.


遺贈について Bequests

国際基督教大学 アドヴァンスメント・オフィス Friends of ICU事務局TEL: 0422-33-3041 FAX: 0422-33-3763 E-MAIL: [email protected]://subsites.icu.ac.jp/fundraising/

ご寄付に関するお問い合わせ・資料請求先Advancement Office, Friends of ICU International Christian UniversityE-MAIL: [email protected] http://subsites.icu.ac.jp/fundraising/en/

Questions, Requests for Additional Information

米国・カナダ・メキシコ在住の皆様には、Japan ICU Foundation (JICUF)経由のご寄付をおすすめいたします。米国在住者の場合、米国内の税制上の優遇措置を受けることができます。詳しくはJICUFにお問い合わせください。

For transaction convenience, we suggest contacting the Japan ICU Foundation (JICUF) in New York. Under tax laws in the U.S., your contribution will be tax deductible if you are a U.S. resident.

アメリカ・カナダ・メキシコから寄付する Residents of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada

Japan ICU Foundation http://www.jicuf.org/

33 The ICU No.41 December 2017 34The ICU No.41 December 2017


Washi, or Japanese paper, is said to have a life span of one thousand years. It is made from plant fibers from trees such as kōzo (Broussonetia kazinoki Sieb.), mitsu-mata (Edgeworthia papyrifera Sieb. et Zucc.) and gampi (Diplomorpha sikokiana Nakai). The nagashisuki tech-nique, literally “ flowing method of papermaking,” was established during the Nara period by improving the method introduced from the Korean peninsula. In this tech-nique, original to Japan, a vat of viscous liquid with long fibers is repeatedly shaken and the fibers are allowed to spread, entangled and strongly bonded in countless layers, thus producing a very special quality — thin and soft, yet difficult to tear. Due to its lightness and ease in handling, not only is washi used for calligraphy and paint-ing, but also for a wide range of functions. Kamiko and shifu are washi used like cloth to make kimono. Kaminaga-to are containers created by weaving twisted paper, and then lacquered. Katagami are paper stencils waterproofed with persimmon tannin used in applying patterns. Washi worked in various ways, turning into multiple forms.

Today, washi draws global attention as an indispens-able material in the conservation of cultural properties. It was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2014. We would like to highlight the power and form of washi through this exhibition.

Japanese Paper at Work

型紙 斜格子に十字文(突彫 寛政3年 三重県伊勢 L.419×W.205mm)Paper stencil: design of lattice. Push-carving. Ise, Mie Prefecture.1791



会期: 2018年1月9日(火)~3月9日(金)January 9 (Tue.) – March 9 (Fri.), 2018特 別 展 紙の仕事 Japanese Paper at Work

HOURS: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (closes at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday) ADMISSION: FreeCLOSED: Sunday, Monday, national holidays and on special days when the University offices are closed

開館: 午前10時~午後5時(土曜は午後4時30分まで) 入館: 無料休館: 日曜・月曜・祝日・展示準備期間・年末年始・2月2日~5日(入試実施のため)

Special Exhibition

















がん ぴみつまたこうぞ

かみなが と



うるしし ふかみ こ こより

湯浅八郎記念館からFrom the Yuasa Museum


The ICU」 41 号




No.41 D

ecember 2017


ICU) 〒

181-8585 東京都三鷹市大沢

3-10-2  https://w


International Christian U

niversity ( ICU

) 3-10-2, Osaw

a, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan 181-8585