1 Chasing Honor Chasing Honor : written by Will Spires I’m always a little saddened when we pull away from Shabbat and begin a new week. Sure, there are new adventures, new things to learn, new experiences and all of these are to be embraced, because God uses all of them to write His word upon our heart. Maybe I just have a tendency to walk towards the back of the crowd, but I like to tarry a little longer at the well. I want to immerse myself, to receive the fullness of God’s word for this week’s parsha before I move on to the next one, and sometimes that takes a little longer for me than others. And I really must say some of the greatest teaching comes, for me personally just as we’re weighing anchor and shoving off shore at that last second. But sometimes we don’t get that last second—do we? Suddenly we’re all clamoring to squeeze back onto the Torah train again. Ever felt like we never stopped long enough to soak in the piece of Torah we’ve been given? Well if so, you’re in luck (and I don’t believe in luck—but the figure of speech fit so I used it here), cause this guy just pulled the emergency STOP. Sure it won’t last for long, but if you want to exit the platform and meet me at the end of the station around this little bonfire (cause it still gets a little cold in the evenings here) we’re going to revisit Vayak'hel, one—more—time. One thing is for sure, there’s a whole lot of building going on in this portion. The verbiage drips like honey on manna; the Israelites are bringing Gold and Silver and Bronze, there’s fine blue and scarlet thread, snuffers and bowls, and lamps and tables. There’s Acacia wood bordered in gold and heavy layered woven curtains clasped in silver; there’s rods and tenons and beams and boards, and the Mercy Seat between two golden cheruvim. All of its been forged and spun, portioned and hammered and set alight by the blueprint of God by His indwelling Spirit moving in His people with wisdom and understanding. Just the reading alone gives the feel of flow and movement like choreographed chaos. But still, there under God’s watchful care, all goes according to plan with one little caveat—willingness. At least that’s how it reads in my Bible. Believe me, there’s so many words we’ll cover here that eventually you’ll feel like the eye of a needle having threaded its way back and forth across and under. But they all relate to help form the big

The Journey Back to Honor

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Are you moved for God? It means there is a connection between understanding and the heart. A day, a choice, even a purpose will lack value until it's connected to your heart. What's the missing piece? It has to do with honor.

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    Chasing HonorChasing Honor :writtenbyWillSpires





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    Situatedinthecenterofthisverseisthewordlove.Howlongwillyoulove,Heasks.TherootwordusedforlovehereinHebrewis'hab. Ive placed it at the top of our graphic. Pictographically this two-letter expression hob formed by the letter heh beit paints a picture. Heh means to behold as if one is looking upon a great sight. The letter beit represents a home, more specifically the people inside of it. Together these two letters translate as to look or to provide for the family. In Benners Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Love is further defined as expressions and actions toward the family, which one was privileged with. Love is best defined I think by studying 1Corinthians chapter 13. What we find throughout Scripture is that love is best defined as putting someone above yourself. Because when you truly love someone you put that person before yourself, you give them preference, you value what they say above others, you consider their words above others and allow them to penetrate into your heart and mind. When you love someonewho they are and what they say carries greater weight that outweighs the others. This follows with GOD. When you love GOD you put Him above others, which is the opposite of what our Israelite ancestors had allowed themselves to become. He says Howlongwillyoulovewhatisworthlessandaimatdeception?IsraelhadrebelledagainstGODandtradedtheirloveforGODforthosethingsthatareworthlessandofdeception.Thisrebellionbreakstheveryfirstcommandment,ThenGodspokeallthesewords,saying,"IamtheLordyourGod,whobroughtyououtofthelandofEgypt,outofthehouseofslavery."Youshallhavenoothergodsbefore

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    Me(Exodus/Shemot20:13).WhenwepursuethingsthatbreakYHVHscommands,whenweplaceweightonsomethingotherthanGODandHisNameandHisreputationthenweareguiltyofidolatry,andofchasingafterthosethingsthatareworthlessandemptyandlies,whichisdeception;andthatsreallywheretheshamecomesfromplacingweightorgivinggloryandhonortosomethingthatintendstogiveofftheappearanceofvalueandtruth,buttruthfullyitsworthless,empty,andalie. Whenwelovesomeonewegiveourselvesfreely.Exodus35:21saysthatEveryonewhoseheartstirredhimandeveryonewhosespiritmovedhimcameandbroughttheLord'scontributionfortheworkofthetentofmeetingandforallitsserviceandfortheholygarments.Earlierweexaminedthewordformoved.Whenyourheartismoved,youarestirrednoonehastodoitforyou,butyoudoitbecauseyoulove.Whenyouhavelove,yougivefreelywithoutcoercionorproddingorcajoling,andtogivefreelyoutoflovegivesthatofferingvaluebecausenowyourenotgivingitbegrudginglybutyouregivingyourbestbecausethatpersonismoreimportanttoyouthanothersoryourself.Agoodexampleofsacrificingwillinglycanbeeasilyobservedinamaritalrelationship.Inamarriagethehusbandgiveshimselffreelytohiswifeandthewifegivesherselffreelytoherhusband,becausetheyhonoroneanotherwiththeirdailychoicestheyfiltereverythingtheydothroughthelensofensuringitwillbringhonortotheirspouse.Now,thisiswhatweneedtostrivetodoforYHVHinallofourdailydecisions. Thethirdcomponentisholiness.Remember,YHVHhadcommandedIsraeltobuildHimthesanctuary,andinthemiddleofthecampwastheMOhelMoed,theTentofMeeting;andthereinthemiddleoftheTentofMeetingwastheHolyofHolies.AprimalcomponentofHonorisHoliness.HolinessorQadashmeanstobesetapart,separateforaspecificpurpose.WemustunderstandthatYHVHisHolyandHecommandsustobeHolyorsetapartfromtheworld.Theworldisfullofcommonandprofaneplacesdeception,liesandidolatryweavetheirwayintoalmosteveryfacetofdailylife.ButHonorHonorissetapart.Honorgivesitselffreely.Honorlovesaboveall,itgivesanditisconspicuouslyuncommon,becauseitissetapartandholy.WhatYHVHgivesustheopportunitytodoistotransformacommonprofanethingorplaceintosomethingthatisholy.Yougotowork,perhapsyouareaffordedtheopportunitytoworkamongthosewhoareactivelyrebellingagainstYHVH,andtheplaceyouworkiseitherdirectlyorindirectlydishonoringGOD.WehavebeenplacedtherebecauseYHVHwantstobreatheHishonorintoit.Howdoesthathappen?Byourconductandyourwords,yourchoices.ReturningtotheconversationIhadwithKen,hesaidWill,FromAdam'sfalltoYeshuaperfectingus,thegoalofScriptureiscausingustoplaceenoughweightonGodtoturnourhearttowardHimBECAUSEofthatweight.Wordswellspoken,andmightIjustsimplyaddaswehonorGODinourdailylivesbyplacingmoreweightonHimandHiswordinourlives,themorefocusandvalueyoubringtoyourdayandnotonlytoyoursbuttothosearoundyouaswell.Ihopethishasbeenahelpfuldiscussion.Iencouragefeedbackandpraythishasbeenablessingtoyou.Shalom.

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