The Rotational Behavior of Intermediate-mass F, G and K Evolved Stars Luciano Luiz Alencar de Oliveira 11/12/2014 Nata – RN Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física Departamento de Física Teórica e da Terra - DFTE

The Rotational Bahvior of Intermediate-mass F_G_and_K Envolved Stars

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Slide do comportamento das estrelas de massa intermediárias, do tipo espectral F, G e K das classes de luminosidade Ib e II, segundo o HR Diagram.

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  • The Rotational Behavior of Intermediate-mass F, G and K Evolved Stars

    Luciano Luiz Alencar de Oliveira 11/12/2014

    Nata RN

    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Programa de Ps-Graduao em Fsica

    Departamento de Fsica Terica e da Terra - DFTE

  • Objective To understand the behavior of the rotation of

    intermediate mass evolved stars, such as F, G

    and K.

    A comparative study of the rotation of binary

    and single evolved stars.

    An Analysis of the infrared emission in binary

    and single evolved.

  • Reference Data (lists of stars used in this work)

    VizieR online Data Catalog: RV and vsini of evolveld

    stars (de Medeiros+, 1999).

    A catalog of rotational and radial velocities for evolved

    stars II and Ib supergiants stars (de Medeiros+, 2002).

    A catalog of rotational and radial velocities for evolved

    stars: RV and vsini of southern stars (de Medeiros+,


    Post annotation Extended Hipparcos Compilation

    (XHIP) (Anderson+, 2012)

  • Luminosity Class and Spectral Type

    Luminosity class are organized as follows:

    Ib (supergiants)

    II (bright giant)

    Binary and Single

    Taking the following data: parallax; distance (parsecs),

    absoluta magnitude, log , log

    e etc.

  • HR Diagram

    Luminosity Class and Spectral Type

  • v sin i Rotation Single Ib e II Binary Ib e II

  • v sin i Rotation

    HR Diagram with (B-V) > 0,7

  • v sin i Rotation

    HR Diagram with (B-V) > 0,7

  • v sin i Rotation

    HR Diagram with (B-V) > 0,7

  • v sin i Rotation

    HR Diagram with (B-V) > 0,7

  • v sin i Rotation

    HR Diagram with (B-V) > 0,7

  • v sin i Rotation

    HR Diagram with (B-V) > 0,7

  • Infrared (IRAS)

    Method applied by Waters et al. (1987), to normal stars:

    12 = 0.05 + 3.13 1.26 2 + 0.29 3 + 0.16 4

    From of magnitudes 12, 25 e 60 m, according to

    Oudmaijer et al (1992)

    = 2.5[0.00]

    Flux density in Jy

    41.04; 90.49 e 1.57

  • Infrared (IRAS) Binary Ib

  • Infrared (IRAS) Binary II

  • Infrared (IRAS) Single Ib

  • Infrared (IRAS) Single II

  • Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jos Renan de Medeiros Discente: Luciano Luiz Alencar de Oliveira E-mail: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]