The Shigellae

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  • 8/8/2019 The Shigellae



    The natural habitat of shigellae is limited to the intestinal tracts of humans and

    other primates, where they produce bacillary dysentery.

    Morphology & Identification


    Shigellae are slender gram-negative rods; coccobacillary forms occur in young



    Shigellae are facultative anaerobes but grow best aerobically. Convex, circular,

    transparent colonies with intact edges reach a diameter of about 2 mm in 24



    All shigellae ferment glucose. With the exception ofShigella sonnei, they do

    not ferment lactose. The inability to ferment lactose distinguishes shigellae on

    differential media. Shigellae form acid from carbohydrates but rarely produce

    gas. They may also be divided into those that ferment mannitol and those that

    do not (Table 163).

    Table 163. Pathogenic Species of Shigella.

    Present Designation Group and Type Mannitol Ornithine Decarboxylase

    S dysenteriae A - -S flexneri B + -S boydii C + -S sonnei D + +Antigenic Structure

    Shigellae have a complex antigenic pattern. There is great overlapping in the

    serologic behavior of different species, and most of them share O antigens with

    other enteric bacilli.

    The somatic O antigens of shigellae are lipopolysaccharides. Their serologic

    specificity depends on the polysaccharide. There are more than 40 serotypes.

    The classification of shigellae relies on biochemical and antigenic

    characteristics. The pathogenic species are shown in Table 163.

    Pathogenesis & Pathology

    Shigella infections are almost always limited to the gastrointestinal tract;

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    bloodstream invasion is quite rare. Shigellae are highly communicable; the

    infective dose is on the order of 103 organisms (whereas it usually is 105108

    for salmonellae and vibrios). The essential pathologic process is invasion of the

    mucosal epithelial cells (eg, M cells) by induced phagocytosis, escape from the

    phagocytic vacuole, multiplication and spread within the epithelial cell

    cytoplasm, and passage to adjacent cells. Microabscesses in the wall of the

    large intestine and terminal ileum lead to necrosis of the mucous membrane,

    superficial ulceration, bleeding, and formation of a "pseudomembrane" on the

    ulcerated area. This consists of fibrin, leukocytes, cell debris, a necrotic

    mucous membrane, and bacteria. As the process subsides, granulation tissue

    fills the ulcers and scar tissue forms.


    Upon autolysis, all shigellae release their toxic lipopolysaccharide. This

    endotoxin probably contributes to the irritation of the bowel wall.


    S dysenteriae type 1 (Shiga bacillus) produces a heat-labile exotoxin that

    affects both the gut and the central nervous system. The exotoxin is a protein

    that is antigenic (stimulating production of antitoxin) and lethal forexperimental animals. Acting as an enterotoxin, it produces diarrhea as does

    the E coliverotoxin, perhaps by the same mechanism. In humans, the exotoxin

    also inhibits sugar and amino acid absorption in the small intestine. Acting as a

    "neurotoxin," this material may contribute to the extreme severity and fatal

    nature ofS dysenteriae infections and to the central nervous system reactions

    observed in them (ie, meningismus, coma). Patients with Shigella flexnerior

    Shigella sonneiinfections develop antitoxin that neutralizes S dysenteriae

    exotoxin in vitro. The toxic activity is distinct from the invasive property ofshigellae in dysentery. The two may act in sequence, the toxin producing an

    early nonbloody, voluminous diarrhea and the invasion of the large intestine

    resulting in later dysentery with blood and pus in stools.

    Clinical Findings

    After a short incubation period (12 days), there is a sudden onset of

    abdominal pain, fever, and watery diarrhea. The diarrhea has been attributed

    to an exotoxin acting in the small intestine (see above). A day or so later, asthe infection involves the ileum and colon, the number of stools increases; they

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    are less liquid but often contain mucus and blood. Each bowel movement is

    accompanied by straining and tenesmus (rectal spasms), with resulting lower

    abdominal pain. In more than half of adult cases, fever and diarrhea subside

    spontaneously in 25 days. However, in children and the elderly, loss of

    water and electrolytes may lead to dehydration, acidosis, and even death. The

    illness due to S dysenteriae may be particularly severe.

    On recovery, most persons shed dysentery bacilli for only a short period, but a

    few remain chronic intestinal carriers and may have recurrent bouts of the

    disease. Upon recovery from the infection, most persons develop circulating

    antibodies to shigellae, but these do not protect against reinfection.

    Diagnostic Laboratory Tests


    Specimens include fresh stool, mucus flecks, and rectal swabs for culture.

    Large numbers of fecal leukocytes and some red blood cells often are seen

    microscopically. Serum specimens, if desired, must be taken 10 days apart to

    demonstrate a rise in titer of agglutinating antibodies.


    The materials are streaked on differential media (eg, MacConkey's or EMB

    agar) and on selective media (Hektoen enteric agar or salmonella-shigella

    agar), which suppress other Enterobacteriaceae and gram-positive organisms.

    Colorless (lactose-negative) colonies are inoculated into triple sugar iron agar.

    Organisms that fail to produce H2S, that produce acid but not gas in the butt

    and an alkaline slant in triple sugar iron agar medium, and that are nonmotile

    should be subjected to slide agglutination by specific shigella antisera.


    Normal persons often have agglutinins against several Shigella species.However, serial determinations of antibody titers may show a rise in specific

    antibody. Serology is not used to diagnose shigella infections.


    Infection is followed by a type-specific antibody response. Injection of killed

    shigellae stimulates production of antibodies in serum but fails to protect

    humans against infection. IgA antibodies in the gut may be important in

    limiting reinfection; these may be stimulated by live attenuated strains givenorally as experimental vaccines. Serum antibodies to somatic shigella antigens

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    Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Campylobacter, and Helicobacterspecies are

    gram-negative rods that are all widely distributed in nature. The vibrios arefound in marine and surface waters. Aeromonas is found predominantly in fresh

    water and occasionally in cold-blooded animals. Plesiomonas exists in both cold-

    blooded and warm-blooded animals. The campylobacters are found in many

    species of animals, including many domesticated animals. Vibrio cholerae

    produces an enterotoxin that causes cholera, a profuse watery diarrhea that can

    rapidly lead to dehydration and death. Campylobacter jejuniis a common cause

    of enteritis in humans. Less commonly, aeromonas and, rarely, plesiomonas

    have been associated with diarrheal disease in humans. Helicobacter pylorihas

    been associated with gastritis and duodenal ulcer disease.


    Vibrios are among the most common bacteria in surface waters worldwide. They

    are curved aerobic rods and are motile, possessing a polar flagellum. V cholerae

    serogroups O1 and O139 cause cholera in humans, while other vibrios may

    cause sepsis or enteritis. The medically important vibrios are listed in Table


    Table 181. The Medically Important Vibrios.


    V cholerae serogroups O1 and O139V cholerae serogroups non-O1/non-O139V parahaemolyticusOthers

    V mimicus, V vulnificus, V hollisae, V fluvialis, V damsela, V anginolyticus, Vmetschnikovii

    Vibrio cholerae

    The epidemiology of cholera closely parallels the recognition ofV cholerae

    transmission in water and the development of sanitary water systems.

    Morphology & Identification


    Upon first isolation, V cholerae is a comma-shaped, curved rod 24 m long(Figure 181). It is actively motile by means of a polar flagellum. On

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    prolonged cultivation, vibrios may become straight rods that resemble the gram-

    negative enteric bacteria.

    Figure 181.

    Vibrio cholerae grown in broth showing slightly curved gram-negative rods.

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    V cholerae produces convex, smooth, round colonies that are opaque and

    granular in transmitted light. V cholerae and most other vibrios grow well at 37

    C on many kinds of media, including defined media containing mineral salts

    and asparagine as sources of carbon and nitrogen. V cholerae grows well on

    thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose (TCBS) agar, on which it produces yellow

    colonies that are readily visible against the dark-green background of the agar.

    Vibrios are oxidase-positive, which differentiates them from enteric gram-

    negative bacteria. Characteristically, vibrios grow at a very high pH (8.59.5)

    and are rapidly killed by acid. Cultures containing fermentable carbohydrates

    therefore quickly become sterile.

    In areas where cholera is endemic, direct cultures of stool on selective mediasuch as TCBS, and enrichment cultures in alkaline peptone water are

    appropriate. However, routine stool cultures on special media such as TCBS

    generally are not necessary or cost-effective in areas where cholera is rare.


    V cholerae regularly ferments sucrose and mannose but not arabinose. A

    positive oxidase test is a key step in the preliminary identification ofV cholerae

    and other vibrios. Vibrio species are susceptible to the compound O/129 (2,4-diamino-6,7-diisopropylpteridine phosphate), which differentiates them from

    Aeromonas species, which are resistant to O/129. Most Vibrio species are

    halotolerant, and NaCl often stimulates their growth. Some vibrios are halophilic,

    requiring the presence of NaCl to grow. Another difference between vibrios and

    aeromonas is that vibrios grow on media containing 6% NaCl, whereas

    aeromonas does not.

    Antigenic Structure & Biologic Classification

    Many vibrios share a single heat-labile flagellar H antigen. Antibodies to the H

    antigen are probably not involved in the protection of susceptible hosts.

    V cholerae has O lipopolysaccharides that confer serologic specificity. There are

    at least 139 O antigen groups. V cholerae strains of O group 1 and O group 139

    cause classic cholera; occasionally, non-O1/non-O139 V cholerae causes

    cholera-like disease. Antibodies to the O antigens tend to protect laboratory

    animals against infections with V cholerae.

    The V cholerae serogroup O1 antigen has determinants that make possible

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    further typing; the serotypes are Ogawa, Inaba, and Hikojima. Two biotypes of

    epidemic V cholerae have been defined, classic and El Tor. The El Tor biotype

    produces a hemolysin, gives positive results on the Voges-Proskauer test, and is

    resistant to polymyxin B. Molecular techniques can also be used to type V

    cholerae. Typing is used for epidemiologic studies, and tests generally are done

    only in reference laboratories.

    V cholerae O139 is very similar to V cholerae O1 El Tor biotype. V cholerae O139

    does not produce the O1 lipopolysaccharide and does not have all the genes

    necessary to make this antigen. V cholerae O139 makes a polysaccharide

    capsule like other non-O1 V cholerae strains, while V cholerae O1 does not make

    a capsule.

    Vibrio cholerae Enterotoxin

    V cholerae produce a heat-labile enterotoxin with a molecular weight of about

    84,000, consisting of subunits A (MW 28,000) and B (see Chapter 10).

    Ganglioside GM1 serves as the mucosal receptor for subunit B, which promotes

    entry of subunit A into the cell. Activation of subunit A1 yields increased levels of

    intracellular cAMP and results in prolonged hypersecretion of water and

    electrolytes. There is increased sodium-dependent chloride secretion, and

    absorption of sodium and chloride is inhibited. Diarrhea occursas much as2030 L/dwith resulting dehydration, shock, acidosis, and death. The

    genes for V cholerae enterotoxin are on the bacterial chromosome. Cholera

    enterotoxin is antigenically related to LT ofEscherichia coliand can stimulate the

    production of neutralizing antibodies. However, the precise role of antitoxic and

    antibacterial antibodies in protection against cholera is not clear.

    Pathogenesis & Pathology

    Under natural conditions, V cholerae is pathogenic only for humans. A personwith normal gastric acidity may have to ingest as many as 1010 or more V

    cholerae to become infected when the vehicle is water, because the organisms

    are susceptible to acid. When the vehicle is food, as few as 102104 organisms

    are necessary because of the buffering capacity of food. Any medication or

    condition that decreases stomach acidity makes a person more susceptible to

    infection with V cholerae.

    Cholera is not an invasive infection. The organisms do not reach the

    bloodstream but remain within the intestinal tract. Virulent V cholerae organisms

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    attach to the microvilli of the brush border of epithelial cells. There they multiply

    and liberate cholera toxin and perhaps mucinases and endotoxin.

    Clinical Findings

    About 60% of infections with classic V cholerae are asymptomatic, as are about75% of infections with the El Tor biotype. The incubation period is 14 days

    for persons who develop symptoms, depending largely upon the size of the

    inoculum ingested. There is a sudden onset of nausea and vomiting and profuse

    diarrhea with abdominal cramps. Stools, which resemble "rice water," contain

    mucus, epithelial cells, and large numbers of vibrios. There is rapid loss of fluid

    and electrolytes, which leads to profound dehydration, circulatory collapse, and

    anuria. The mortality rate without treatment is between 25% and 50%. The

    diagnosis of a full-blown case of cholera presents no problem in the presence of

    an epidemic. However, sporadic or mild cases are not readily differentiated from

    other diarrheal diseases. The El Tor biotype tends to cause milder disease than

    the classic biotype.

    Diagnostic Laboratory Tests


    Specimens for culture consist of mucus flecks from stools.


    The microscopic appearance of smears made from stool samples is not

    distinctive. Dark-field or phase contrast microscopy may show the rapidly motile



    Growth is rapid in peptone agar, on blood agar with a pH near 9.0, or on TCBS

    agar, and typical colonies can be picked in 18 hours. For enrichment, a few

    drops of stool can be incubated for 68 hours in taurocholate-peptone broth(pH 8.09.0); organisms from this culture can be stained or subcultured.


    V cholerae organisms are further identified by slide agglutination tests using

    anti-O group 1 or group 139 antisera and by biochemical reaction patterns.


    Gastric acid provides some protection against cholera vibrios.

    An attack of cholera is followed by immunity to reinfection, but the duration and

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    degree of immunity are not known. In experimental animals, specific IgA

    antibodies occur in the lumen of the intestine. Similar antibodies in serum

    develop after infection but last only a few months. Vibriocidal antibodies in

    serum (titer 1:20) have been associated with protection against colonization

    and disease. The presence of antitoxin antibodies has not been associated with



    The most important part of therapy consists of water and electrolyte

    replacement to correct the severe dehydration and salt depletion. Many

    antimicrobial agents are effective against V cholerae. Oral tetracycline tends to

    reduce stool output in cholera and shortens the period of excretion of vibrios. In

    some endemic areas, tetracycline resistance ofV cholerae has emerged; the

    genes are carried by transmissible plasmids.

    Epidemiology, Prevention, & Control

    Six pandemics (worldwide epidemics) of cholera occurred between 1817 and

    1923, caused most likely by V cholerae O1 of the classic biotype and largely

    originating in Asia, usually the Indian subcontinent. The seventh pandemic

    began in 1961 in the Celebes Islands, Indonesia, with spread to Asia, the Middle

    East, and Africa. This pandemic has been caused by V cholerae biotype El Tor.Starting in 1991, the seventh pandemic spread to Peru and then to other

    countries of South America and Central America. Cases also occurred in Africa.

    Millions of people have had cholera in this pandemic. Some consider the cholera

    caused by the serotype O139 strain to be the eighth pandemic that began in the

    Indian subcontinent in 19921993, with spread to Asia. The disease has been

    rare in North America since the mid 1800s, but an endemic focus exists on the

    Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas.

    Cholera is endemic in India and Southeast Asia. From these centers, it is carried

    along shipping lanes, trade routes, and pilgrim migration routes. The disease is

    spread by contact involving individuals with mild or early illness and by water,

    food, and flies. In many instances, only 15% of exposed susceptible persons

    develop disease. The carrier state seldom exceeds 34 weeks, and the

    importance of carriers in transmission is unclear. Vibrios survive in water for up

    to 3 weeks.

    Vibrio cholerae lives in aquatic environments. And such environments are the

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    vibrios natural reservoir. Vibrio cholerae lives attached to algae, copepods, and

    crustacean shells. It can survive for years and grow, but when conditions are not

    suitable for growth it can become dormant.

    Control rests on education and on improvement of sanitation, particularly of foodand water. Patients should be isolated, their excreta disinfected, and contacts

    followed up. Chemoprophylaxis with antimicrobial drugs may have a place.

    Repeated injection of a vaccine containing either lipopolysaccharides extracted

    from vibrios or dense vibrio suspensions can confer limited protection to heavily

    exposed persons (eg, family contacts) but is not effective as an epidemic control


    Vibrio parahaemolyticus& Other Vibrios

    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a halophilic bacterium that causes acute

    gastroenteritis following ingestion of contaminated seafood such as raw fish or

    shellfish. After an incubation period of 1224 hours, nausea and vomiting,

    abdominal cramps, fever, and watery to bloody diarrhea occur. Fecal leukocytes

    are often observed. The enteritis tends to subside spontaneously in 14 days

    with no treatment other than restoration of water and electrolyte balance. No

    enterotoxin has yet been isolated from this organism. The disease occurs

    worldwide, with highest incidence in areas where people eat raw seafood. Vparahaemolyticus does not grow well on some of the differential media used to

    grow salmonellae and shigellae, but it does grow well on blood agar. It also

    grows well on TCBS, where it yields green colonies. V parahaemolyticus is

    usually identified by its oxidase-positive growth on blood agar.

    Vibrio vulnificus can cause severe wound infections, bacteremia, and probably

    gastroenteritis. It is a free-living estuarine bacterium found in the USA on the

    Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific Coasts. Infections have been reported from Korea, andthe organism may be distributed worldwide. V vulnificus is particularly apt to be

    found in oysters, especially in warm months. Bacteremia with no focus of

    infection occurs in persons who have eaten infected oysters and who have

    alcoholism or liver disease. Wounds may become infected in normal or

    immunocompromised persons who are in contact with water where the

    bacterium is present. Infection often proceeds rapidly, with development of

    severe disease. About 50% of the patients with bacteremia die. Wound

    infections may be mild but often proceed rapidly (over a few hours), withdevelopment of bullous skin lesions, cellulitis, and myositis with necrosis.

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    Several of the first deaths in Louisiana and Texas following hurricane Katrina

    were caused by Vibrio vulnificus. Because of the rapid progression of the

    infection, it is often necessary to treat with appropriate antibiotics before culture

    confirmation of the etiology can be obtained. Diagnosis is by culturing the

    organism on standard laboratory media; TCBS is the preferred medium for stool

    cultures, where most strains produce blue-green (sucrose-negative) colonies.

    Tetracycline appears to be the drug of choice for V vulnificus infection;

    ciprofloxacin may be effective also based on in vitro activity.

    Several other vibrios also cause disease in humans: Vibrio mimicus causes

    diarrhea after ingestion of uncooked seafood, particularly raw oysters. Vibrio

    hollisae and Vibrio fluvialis also cause diarrhea. Vibrio alginolyticus causes eye,

    ear, or wound infection after exposure to seawater. Vibrio damsela also causes

    wound infections. Other vibrios are very uncommon causes of disease in
