Tirino Energia srl Pag. 1 TIRINO ENERGIA Piazzale Azogeno, 2 65022 Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe) Sedi Operative: Via Provinciale, 27 Loc. Piano D'Orta 65020 Bolognano (Pe) Strada Statale 153 – Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe) Telefono:+ 39 085 8884737 Fax: + 39 0858886184 ISO 9001:2008 conseguita con DNV - GL ISO 3834 - 2:2005 conseguita con DNV - GL CERTIFICAZIONI

TIRINO ENERGIA - Sfogliami.it TIRINO... · Skikda project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409. Gassi Touil project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409 Qafco 5 project:

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Page 1: TIRINO ENERGIA - Sfogliami.it TIRINO... · Skikda project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409. Gassi Touil project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409 Qafco 5 project:

Tirino Energia srl Pag. 1


Piazzale Azogeno, 2 65022 Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe)

Sedi Operative:

Via Provinciale, 27 Loc. Piano D'Orta 65020 Bolognano (Pe) Strada Statale 153 – Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe)

Telefono:+ 39 085 8884737

Fax: + 39 0858886184

ISO 9001:2008 conseguita con DNV - GL

ISO 3834 - 2:2005 conseguita con DNV - GL


Page 2: TIRINO ENERGIA - Sfogliami.it TIRINO... · Skikda project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409. Gassi Touil project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409 Qafco 5 project:

Tirino Energia srl Pag. 2

Centrale EDISON di Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe)

La Tirino Energia può

contare sulla tradizione e

sull’ esperienza

cinquantennale nel settore

del piping, della caldareria

in genere, dei serbatoi a

pressione di qualsivoglia

dimensione nonché nel

campo della costruzione di

centrali turbogas, a

biomassa, impianti chimici,

petrolchimici e di grandi

strutture metalliche.

Page 3: TIRINO ENERGIA - Sfogliami.it TIRINO... · Skikda project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409. Gassi Touil project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409 Qafco 5 project:

Tirino Energia srl Pag. 3

Le sedi operative della Società, che occupano complessivamente un’area di 45.000 mq, con una superficie coperta di 7000 mq, si trovano a 40 Km dal porto di Ortona (CH), a 10 Km dall’interporto di Manoppello Scalo (Pe) e pochi Km. dai caselli Autostradali della A25 Pescara-Roma di Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe) e Torre dei Passeri (Pe)

La vicinanza ai principali snodi consente infatti la realizzazione di manufatti di notevoli dimensioni, anche realizzati direttamente sulla yard del porto di Ortona (Ch).

Page 4: TIRINO ENERGIA - Sfogliami.it TIRINO... · Skikda project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409. Gassi Touil project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409 Qafco 5 project:

Tirino Energia srl Pag. 4

Tra le esperienze, possiamo annoverare la realizzazione

dell’Impianto di produzione di Bioetanolo di seconda

generazione del Gruppo Mossi e Ghisolfi. realizzato a

Crescentino (Vc)

Prefabbricazione e montaggio di tutto il piping, montaggio strutture ed equipment della

torre distillation, power plant e chiller compressor.

E’ attualmente impegnata con interventi di manutenzione programmata di tutto l’impianto

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 5

La Tirino Energia si è aggiudicata l’appalto per un valore complessivo di $ 48.500.000 relativo al montaggio delle strutture metalliche, del piping e degli equipment facenti parte il nuovo impianto di

PET – PTA del gruppo Mossi & Ghisolfi in Corpus Christi Texas

La gestione operativa è affidata alla sua controllata Maverick llc con sede legale a Larkin - Houston .

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 6





Chemical Petro-chemical Energy Cement Offshore

Storage Tanks Pressure vessels

Heat exchangers

Skids Piping

Steelworks Site works

Storage Tanks Pressure vessels

Heat exchangers

Skids Piping

Steelworks Site works

Storage Tanks Pressure vessels

Heat exchangers

Skids Piping

Steelworks Site works

Exhaust ducts Smoke stacks Boiler Casings

Casings for filters

Casings for electro-filters Exhaust ducts Smoke stacks Storage silos Steelworks

Maintenances Site works

Storage Tanks Pressure vessels

Heat exchangers

Skids Piping

Steelworks Floats

Site works

Design Drawings Site works




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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 7

Managing Director


Financial Director Quality Assurance

Production Manager Site Manager

Work crews for job site Workforce



Procurement Manager

Technical Manager

Financial Manager Sales Manager

Buyers Technical Dept. Accounting Dept.

Contract Administration


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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 8





Piattaforma con gru

35 mt

Piattaforma con grù

25 mt

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 9


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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 11

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 14


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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 21




Design, supply material, prefabrication, transport and erection to N° 5 pressure vessels mc/each

420, ISPESL tested, for GPL storage, Napoli seaport:

int = 4.000 mm - Thk. 20 mm - Lenght = 30.900 mm - Fe 510.2 KW - Weight = 85.000 Kg.

Design, supplì material, prefabrication and erection di attrezzature per electro plant, piping,

small carpentery and civil work included in the deposit handling and GPL storage of Imperia..


Design, supply material, prefabrication, transport and erection to N° 6 pressure vessels mc/each

400, ISPESL tested, for GPL storage , Supino (FR) plant:

int = 4.200 mm – Thk. 22 mm - Lenght = 27.100 mm - Fe 510.2 KW - Weight = 80.000 Kg.


Design, supply material, prefabrication, transport and erection to N° 3 pressure vessels mc/each

200, ISPESL tested, for GPL storage, Cagliari plant.

int = 3.200 mm – Thk. 18 mm - Lenght = 22.800 mm - Fe 510.2 KW - Weight = 40.000 Kg.


Design, supply material, prefabrication, transport and erection to N° 2 pressure vessels mc/each

180, ISPESL tested, for GPL storage, Napoli plant.

int = 4.000 mm - Thk. 20 mm - Lenght = 11.660 mm - Fe 510.2 KW - Weight = 37.000 Kg.


Design, supply material, prefabrication and transport to di N°1 pressure vessels mc/each 50

ISPESL tested, for GPL storage, Frosinone plant.

int = 2.500 mm – Thk. 12 – Lenght = 8520 – Fe 510.2 KW – Weight = 11000 Kg.


Design, supply material, prefabrication and transport N°2 pressure vessels mc/each 190, PED

tested, for GPL storage, SUDGAS - Siena plant.

int = 3.670 mm – Thk. 18 – Lenght= 16900 – P 355 NH – Weight = 40000 Kg.


Prefabrication, Tested e Painting to N. 1 pressure vessels mc./ each 200, PED tested, GPL


int = 3.750 mm – Thk. 18 – Lenght = 15100 – P 355 NH – Weight = 40000 Kg.;

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 22

Design, supply materials, prefabrication, tested and painting to N. 4 pressure vessels mc./each

150, PED tested, GPL storage: int = 3.000 mm – Thk. 14 – Lenght = 23900 – P

355 NH – Weight = 30000 Kg.




Material supply, prefabrication, painting, testing, packing to:

N°14 Exhaust Duct for FR6 MD internal insulated , int = 3500, H = 50.000 mm;

N°15 Exhaust Duct for FR7 MD internal insulated, int = 4835, H = 40.000 mm;

N°14 Exhaust Duct for FR6 GD internal insulated, int = 3500, H = 16.000 mm;

N° 8 Exhaust Duct for PGT5 internal insulated, int = 4835, H = 40.000 mm;

N°18 Silencer Duct for PGT5, internal insulated;

N° 8 Silencer Duct for FR7 MD, internal insulated;

N° 8 Exhaust duct for PGT10, in AISI 316 L, internal insulated , int = 2000, H = 30.000


N°16 Transition for filter house FR7 MD in AISI 316 L.

TIGA project: Exhaust duct MS7001 in AISI 316 L;

Dukhan project : Exhaust duct MS5002C-Qatar in Fe 430B + AISI 409;

Obiafu-Obrikoh project: Exhaust duct PGT10A in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Westcoast project: Exhaust duct PGT25 Turbocompressor in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Enron project: Exhaust duct PGT25 in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Mesdar project: Exhaust duct PGT2 in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Ras Laffan-Qatar project: Exhaust duct MS5002C G.T. in AISI 316 L;

Union Fenosa project: Exhaust duct MS7001 in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Sonelgaz project: Exhaust duct FREM 9 in AISI 316 L + AISI 316 L;

Tengiz project: Exhaust Duct MS5002D KAZAKISTAN in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Yoho project: Exhaust Duct PGT25 in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Abu Redis project: Exhaust Duct GE10 MONO in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Assaluye project Exhaust Duct MS 5002D in Fe430B + AISI 409;

Assaluye project: Inlet Duct MS 5002D in AISI 316L + AISI 316L.

Skikda project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409.

Gassi Touil project: Exhaust Duct MS7001EA in S275JR + AISI 409

Qafco 5 project: Exhaust Duct MS6001B in S275JR + AISI 409

Qafco 6 project: Exhaust Duct MS6001B in S275JR + AISI 409

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 23

ACEA ELECTRABEL Supply material, design, prefabrication, transport and erection new silencer duct for the TG1 e

TG2 Acea Montemartini (Roma) plant;


Supply material, design and prefabrication to:

- N°4 Exhaust duct, int = 2650, H = 38.000 mm in Corten A;

- N°2 By-pass duct, int = 2650, H = 19.000 mm in Corten A;

- N°1 Exhaust duct, int = 3000, H = 50.000 mm in Corten A.


Design, supply material, prefabrication, painting and packing to n. 1 Chimney, in S355JOWP

(CORTEN), internal diameter 4.000 mm, Height 100.000 mm, thk. 28/12 mm, Weight 250.000





Supply materials, prefabrication, painting, insulation, transport and erection to waste incenerator

Ascoli Piceno plant , Parma plant , Cesena plant, Teramo plant, Montemarciano plant, Osimo

plant and Barcellona (Spain) plant.


Construction and erection mechanical plant for new Presidio Ospedaliero Chieti.

COMUNE DI PESCARA Land reclamation and enlargement the dump for urban waste Pescara city.


Design, supply material, construction, painting, transport and erection of steel structured for

shopping center “L’Aquilone – Gruppo CONAD” – L’Aquila.


Design, supply materials, construction, painting to n. 2 Chmney Ø 6000, height 60 mt for

cement factory - Algeria

Technical Assistance for the installation work Cement factory Adjair Soud – Algeria –

BUZZI UNICEM SPA Technical Assistance for the installation work Cement factory Soul El Gozlane - Algeria.

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 24


Extraordinary Maintenance – Gas Turbine Edison Bussi Sul Tirino plant;

Construction and Erection of the piping for the revamping BOP plant – Gas Turbine Edison

Bussi sul Tirino plant;

Modification of the steam circuit - Edison Gas Turbine Bussi sul Tirino plant;

Erection inlet duct of the filter house - Edison Gas Turbine Bussi Sul Tirino plant;

Construction and Erection anti-ice system - Gas Turbine Celano plant;

Extraordinary Maintenance of boiler piping of Gas Turbine Celano plant;


Design, supply materials , prefabrication, transport and erection of the new silencer duct for the

TG1 e TG2 Acea Montemartini (Roma) plant;


Construction, Welding, NDE control, PWHT, Painting, Packing and Transport to piping

pressure for Gissi plant, in A 106 Gr. B e C, A 335 P11 e A 335 P22.


Construction and erection of the tank in AISI 316L for paper factory;

Erection air duct in AISI316L, Corten, Alluminium e galvanized steel, for english paper


Construction of the steel structures for Spanish paper factory;


Design, construction and erection steel structures and equipments for detergents plant - Bussi


Construction and erection steel structures and equipments for Hydrogen Peroxide plant - Bussi


Design, construction, ISPEL test, transport and erection of the column oxidation in AISI 316 L

Mo ≥ 2,5%, including dishes filtering and internal distributor - Bussi (PE):

int = 6.000 mm – Thk. 28 mm - Lenght = 22.000 mm – Weight = 110.000 Kg.

Construction and erection Sodium Perborate plant - Bussi (PE).

Construction and erection chloromethane plant expansion - Bussi (PE).

Design, construction, transport and erection of the storage tank acetic acid D 2010 in ASISI

316L - Bussi (PE) plant:

int = 3.200 – Thk. 12 mm - Height = 7.000 - Weight = 12.000 Kg.

Design and construction to N° 5 equipment in AISI 316 including internal and external coil for

latex plant - Spinetta Marengo (AL).

Design, construction, transport and erection of the vetrified tank D 300 for chloromethane plant

- Bussi (PE).

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 25

int = 7.000 mm – Thk. 15 mm – Fe 510.2 KW - Height = 10.000 mm.

Construction and erection ducts in AISI 316 L for the transport of sodium perborate - Bussi

(PE) plant.

Construction and erection piping and equipment for Chimica Fine plant - Bussi (PE).

CHEMTEX Italia Spa

Construction, testing, painting and erection Piping in carbon steel, alloy steel and stainelss steel

and steel structures for Bioethnolo Plant - Crescentino (VC).

Gas Turbine Power Plants:

EDISON / BUSSI (130 MW) Prefabrication and erection inlet ducts and exhaust duct;

Prefabrication and erection exhaust chmney;

Prefabrication and erection by-pass chmney;

Prefabrication harps;

Prefabrication and erection casing box;

Erection of the boiler and sealing;

Prefabrication and erection tested and no tested piping;

Insulation piping;

Prefabrication and erection auxiliary stell strucuteres;

EDISON / S.QUIRICO (130MW) Prefabrication and erection inlet ducts and exhaust duct;

Prefabrication and erection exhaust chmney;

Prefabrication harps;

Prefabrication and erection casing box;

Erection of the boiler and sealing;

Prefabrication and erection tested and no tested piping;

Insulation piping;

Prefabrication and erection auxiliary stell strucuteres;

SONDEL / PORCARI (100MW) Prefabrication and erection casing box;

Erection of the boiler and sealing;

Prefabrication and erection inlet ducts and exhaust duct;

Prefabrication and erection auxiliary stell strucuteres;

EDISON/CONTARINA (130MW) Prefabrication and erection inlet ducts and exhaust duct;

Prefabrication and erection exhaust chmney;

Prefabrication harps;

Prefabrication and erection casing box;

Erection of the boiler and sealing;

Prefabrication and erection tested and no tested piping;

Insulation piping;

Prefabrication and erection auxiliary stell strucuteres.

ABB / CELANO (130MW) Prefabrication and erection steel frame for boiler and ducts;

Prefabrication and erection inlet ducts and exhaust duct;

Prefabrication and erection exhaust chmney;

Erection Harps;

Prefabrication and erection casing box;

Prefabrication and erection tested and no tested piping;

Insulation piping;

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Tirino Energia srl Pag. 26

Prefabrication and erection auxiliary stell strucuteres;

Final Painting.

ABB / FALCONARA (130MW) Prefabrication and erection steel frame for boiler and ducts.

Prefabrication and erection inlet ducts and exhaust duct;

Prefabrication casing boiler;

Prefabrication a exhaust chmney;

Prefabrication auxiliary stell strucuteres;

Prefabrication correction grid flow;

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