Instructions for use Title Podocyte Injury Caused by Indoxyl Sulfate, a Uremic Toxin and Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand Author(s) Ichii, Osamu; Otsuka-Kanazawa, Saori; Nakamura, Teppei; Ueno, Masaaki; Kon, Yasuhiro; Chen, Weiping; Rosenberg, Avi Z.; Kopp, Jeffrey B. Citation PLOS one, 9(9), e108448 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0108448 Issue Date 2014-09-22 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/57665 Rights(URL) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Type article File Information journal.pone.0108448.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Title Author(s) Doc URL...the xenobiotic response element (XRE) [17]. Other AhR ligands include exogenous environmental pollutants such as tetrachloro-dibenzo-[p]-dioxin (TCDD), benzo(a)pyrene,

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    Title Podocyte Injury Caused by Indoxyl Sulfate, a Uremic Toxin and Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand

    Author(s) Ichii, Osamu; Otsuka-Kanazawa, Saori; Nakamura, Teppei; Ueno, Masaaki; Kon, Yasuhiro; Chen, Weiping;Rosenberg, Avi Z.; Kopp, Jeffrey B.

    Citation PLOS one, 9(9), e108448https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0108448

    Issue Date 2014-09-22

    Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/57665

    Rights(URL) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

    Type article

    File Information journal.pone.0108448.pdf

    Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP


  • Podocyte Injury Caused by Indoxyl Sulfate, a UremicToxin and Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor LigandOsamu Ichii1,2*, Saori Otsuka-Kanazawa1, Teppei Nakamura1,3, Masaaki Ueno3, Yasuhiro Kon1,

    Weiping Chen4, Avi Z. Rosenberg5, Jeffrey B. Kopp2

    1 Laboratory of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan, 2 Kidney Disease Section,

    National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America, 3 Section of Biological Safety

    Research, Chitose Laboratory, Japan Food Research Laboratories, Chitose, Japan, 4 Microarray Core Facility, National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases,

    National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America, 5 Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,

    Maryland, United States of America


    Indoxyl sulfate is a uremic toxin and a ligand of the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), a transcriptional regulator. Elevatedserum indoxyl sulfate levels may contribute to progressive kidney disease and associated vascular disease. We askedwhether indoxyl sulfate injures podocytes in vivo and in vitro. Mice exposed to indoxyl sulfate for 8 w exhibited prominenttubulointerstitial lesions with vascular damage. Indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice with microalbuminuria showed ischemicchanges, while more severely affected mice showed increased mesangial matrix, segmental solidification, andmesangiolysis. In normal mouse kidneys, AhR was predominantly localized to the podocyte nuclei. In mice exposed toindoxyl sulfate for 2 h, isolated glomeruli manifested increased Cyp1a1 expression, indicating AhR activation. After 8 w ofindoxyl sulfate, podocytes showed foot process effacement, cytoplasmic vacuoles, and a focal granular and wrinkled patternof podocin and synaptopodin expression. Furthermore, vimentin and AhR expression in the glomerulus was increased in theindoxyl sulfate-exposed glomeruli compared to controls. Glomerular expression of characteristic podocyte mRNAs wasdecreased, including Actn4, Cd2ap, Myh9, Nphs1, Nphs2, Podxl, Synpo, and Wt1. In vitro, immortalized-mouse podocytesexhibited AhR nuclear translocation beginning 30 min after 1 mM indoxyl sulfate exposure, and there was increasedphospho-Rac1/Cdc42 at 2 h. After exposure to indoxyl sulfate for 24 h, mouse podocytes exhibited a pro-inflammatoryphenotype, perturbed actin cytoskeleton, decreased expression of podocyte-specific genes, and decreased cell viability. Inimmortalized human podocytes, indoxyl sulfate treatment caused cell injury, decreased mRNA expression of podocyte-specific proteins, as well as integrins, collagens, cytoskeletal proteins, and bone morphogenetic proteins, and increasedcytokine and chemokine expression. We propose that basal levels of AhR activity regulate podocyte function under normalconditions, and that increased activation of podocyte AhR by indoxyl sulfate contributes to progressive glomerular injury.

    Citation: Ichii O, Otsuka-Kanazawa S, Nakamura T, Ueno M, Kon Y, et al. (2014) Podocyte Injury Caused by Indoxyl Sulfate, a Uremic Toxin and Aryl-HydrocarbonReceptor Ligand. PLoS ONE 9(9): e108448. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448

    Editor: Maria Pia Rastaldi, Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico & Fondazione D’Amico per la Ricerca sulle Malattie Renali, Italy

    Received May 6, 2014; Accepted August 21, 2014; Published September 22, 2014

    This is an open-access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone forany lawful purpose. The work is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication.

    Data Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. All relevant data are within the paper and itsSupporting Information files. For microarray data, this Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment-compliant dataset has been deposited in the NCBIGene Expression Omnibus, GEO Series accession number GSE51834 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?token = ezanqyoclzunxcf&acc = GSE51834).

    Funding: This work was partially supported by grants from the Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits from the Japan Society for thePromotion of Science, a Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) (No. 24688033, Dr. Ichii) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology ofJapan, and by the Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Dr.Kopp). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

    Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

    * Email: [email protected]


    Numerous factors likely contribute to the progression of chronic

    kidney disease (CKD), including the primary disease process, the

    effects of systemic hypertension, proteinuria, and filtered cytokines;

    glomerular hypertension and hyperfiltration through remnant

    nephrons; and the effect of various uremic toxins, which are many

    [1]. Indoxyl sulfate (molecular weight 212 Da), is a tryptophan

    metabolite that is present in plasma, where it is largely protein

    bound, with ,10% being free [1]. Indoxyl sulfate is of particularinterest as it has been implicated in both CKD progression and a

    range of manifestations of CKD, including cardiovascular disease,

    endothelial dysfunction, bone disease, and genomic damage [2–5].

    At the molecular level, increased indoxyl sulfate levels are

    associated with oxidative stress in vascular cells, mesangial cells,

    and tubular epithelial cells; amplified NFkB signaling in endothe-lial cells and reduced Klotho expression and premature senescence

    of tubular epithelial cells [6–10]. Administration of indoxyl sulfate

    accelerates CKD progression in 5/6 nephrectomized rats [11],

    while administration of the indoxyl sulfate-binding, oral absorbent

    AST-120 slows the progression of glomerulosclerosis in 3/4

    nephrectomized rats [12].

    Total serum indoxyl sulfate levels are ,2 mM (,0.5 mg/L) inhealthy controls and average approximately 150 mM (30 mg/L) inuremia, including CKD stage 5 and dialysis [1,13]. Rat studies

    suggested that elevated serum indoxyl sulfate exacerbates glomer-

    ulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial lesions [11,12,14]. Indoxyl

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e108448


  • sulfate localizes to tubular cells, into which it is transported by

    organic anion transporters, and podocytes in uremic rats [15].

    Recent studies have identified indoxyl sulfate as an endogenous

    ligand of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in vitro [16]. AhRacts as a ligand-activated transcription factor that regulates

    detoxification, carcinogenesis, and inflammation by binding to

    the xenobiotic response element (XRE) [17]. Other AhR ligands

    include exogenous environmental pollutants such as tetrachloro-

    dibenzo-[p]-dioxin (TCDD), benzo(a)pyrene, 3-methylcholan-

    threne, and a range of endogenous substances including eicosa-

    noids, bilirubin, and heme metabolites [18]. In the developing

    kidneys of experimental animals, TCDD causes hydronephrosis

    [19,20] and reduces nephrogenesis [21]. Furthermore, cytochrome

    P450 1A (CYP1A), which is a highly sensitive reporter gene for

    AhR activation, is induced in the glomeruli of 3-methylcholan-

    threne-exposed mice [22,23].

    Podocytes are terminally differentiated cells that contribute to

    the glomerular filtration barrier [24–26]. Mouse podocytes express

    AhR, and AhR activation by TCDD alters WT1-splicing [21]. In

    this study, we hypothesized that excessive activation of podocyte

    AhR by endogenous ligands impairs podocyte function. We found

    that indoxyl sulfate exposure induced glomerular lesions in mice,

    decreased the expression of podocyte differentiation/functional

    markers, and induced a pro-inflammatory phenotype in mouse

    and human podocytes. These findings suggest that the uremic

    toxin indoxyl sulfate, acting via AhR, may contribute to the

    progression of glomerular injury in CKD.


    Mouse studiesThe animal care protocols were approved in advance by the

    NIDDK Animal Care and Use Committee (approval No. K097-

    KDB-08) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee,

    which is convened at the Graduate School of Veterinary

    Medicine, Hokkaido University (approval No. 13-0032). We

    followed the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory

    Animals and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory

    Animals of Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary

    Medicine. For short-term exposure, indoxyl sulfate (Sigma-

    Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline

    (PBS) was injected into C57BL/6 mice (800 mg/kg, i.p. given

    once). For chronic exposure, indoxyl sulfate in 4% dimethyl

    sulfoxide (DMSO)/PBS was injected daily into FVB/N mice,

    having a susceptibility to glomerular sclerosis compared to

    C57BL/6 mice [27,28], for receiving 600 mg/kg, i.p. for 8 w.

    Kidneys, serum, and urine were collected, and glomeruli were

    isolated following a bead perfusion method [29]. Kidney tissue was

    either frozen at 280uC for RNA analysis and immunoblotting orfixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) or 2.5% glutaraldehyde

    for histopathological analysis. Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio

    (uACR) was measured using Albuwell and the Creatinine

    Companion (Exocell, Philadelphia, PA).

    Human kidney autopsyStudy of autopsy tissues was approved in advance by the NIH

    Office of Human Subjects Research (approval No. 5848); institu-

    tional policy waives consent to use tissues from deceased

    individuals in research. Normal renal tissue was obtained at

    autopsy and fixed in 10% buffered formalin.

    Indoxyl sulfate analysis by high performance liquidchromatography

    Indoxyl sulfate levels in mice serum were measured by

    performing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as

    described previously [30]. For binding competition, 200 mL ofserum, to which we added 20 mL of 0.50 mM 1-naphthalenesul-fonic acid (internal standard), was vortex-mixed with 250 mL of0.24 M sodium octanoate (binding competitor). After incubation

    at room temperature for 5 min, we added 2 mL of cold acetone to

    precipitate the proteins. Following vortex-mixing and centrifuga-

    tion at 4uC and 1, 8606g for 20 min, the supernatant wastransferred to 12 mm6100 mm GL 14 glass test tubes and 2 mLof dichloromethane was added. After vortex-mixing and centri-

    fuging at 4uC and 1, 8606g for 10 min, 200 mL of the upper layerwas transferred to glass auto-sampler vials, which was followed by

    the addition of 20 mL of 1 M HCl. Then, 15 mL was injected ontothe HPLC. We resolved the analytes on an Agilent 1100 (Agilent

    Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) by using reverse-phase liquid

    chromatography on a CapcellPak C18 UG120

    (150 mm64.6 mm; 5.0 mm particle size; Shiseido, Japan) at aflow rate of 0.6 mL/min. Mobile phase A was 0.2% trifluoroacetic

    acid in Milli-Q water and mobile phase B was 0.2% trifluoroacetic

    acid in acetonitrile. The analytical method consisted of an isocratic

    run with 92% mobile phase A for 30 min. Indoxyl sulfate was

    eluted at approximately 14 min, and the internal standard was

    eluted at approximately 26 min. Each analytical run was followed

    by a 10-min run washout gradient to 100% B. The column

    temperature was 25uC, and the auto-sampler tray temperaturewas 6uC. We quantified the analytes by using the analyte tostandard peak area ratio on an Agilent 1100 fluorescence detector.

    The detector settings were lex 280 nm/lem 390 nm for indoxylsulfate and the internal standard. The calibrator containing

    indoxyl sulfate at a final concentration between 1.6 and 400.0 mMwas prepared in Dulbecco’s PBS (-). Two calibration curves were

    constructed with a linear response ranging from 1.6 to 32.0 mM(low) and 32.0 to 400.0 mM (high).

    Histopathological analysisParaffin kidney sections were stained with periodic acid Schiff,

    periodic acid methenamine silver, or Masson’s trichrome. For

    electron microscopy, tissues were embedded in Quetol 812

    (Nisshin EM, Japan). Ultrathin sections were doubly stained with

    uranyl acetate and lead citrate. For electron microscopy, mice

    under deep anesthesia were euthanized by cutting the vena cava

    and perfused via the heart with 2.5% GTA in 0.1 M phosphate

    buffer (pH 7.2). Isolated kidneys were then fixed with GTA and

    post-fixed in 1% OsO4.

    ImmunostainingAntigen retrieval, primary antibody, and secondary antibody for

    sections are described in Table S2. For immunohistochemistry,

    positive signals were visualized by 3,39-diaminobenzidine. Cul-tured cells were washed with PBS, fixed using 4% PFA, and

    permeabilized with 0.3% Triton-X. Primary antibody incubation

    was performed at 4uC overnight (Table S1). After washing, theappropriate IgG antibody (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) was

    reacted at room temperature for 30 min, and nuclei were stained

    with Hoechst dye. Fluorescence-conjugated phalloidin (Life

    Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) was used to label actin fibers.

    ImmunoblottingFrom kidneys lacking visible atrophy, soluble proteins and

    cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins were extracted using RIPA lysis

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e108448

  • buffer (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, TX) or NXTREACT

    (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), respectively. Lithium dodecyl

    sulfate-sample buffer and sample reducing reagent (Life Technol-

    ogies) were added to the samples, which were heated at 70uC for10 min. Electrophoresis was performed on 4–12% Bis-Tris gels

    (Life Technologies), proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose

    membranes, and blocking was performed in 5% non-fat dry milk/

    PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 (PBST) at room temperature for

    1 h. The primary antibody was applied at 4uC overnight (TableS1). After washing with PBST, the appropriate Alexa Fluor

    conjugated IgG antibody (Life Technologies) was reacted at room

    temperature for 1 h. The intensity of each band was quantified

    using Image J (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/), normalized against the

    expression of b-actin, and expressed as a ratio relative to thecontrol group.

    RNA analysisTotal RNA was isolated from kidneys lacking visible atrophy

    and from cultured cells, treated with DNase, and reverse-

    transcribed. PCR reactions were performed with Taq polymerase

    (Qiagen, Venlo, Netherlands) and specific primers (Table S2).

    Quantitative PCR analysis was performed using SYBR Master

    Mix (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA). Non-template controls

    were included for each primer pair to assess specificity. The

    expression data were normalized to the expression of a house-

    keeping gene such as Actb or 18s rRNA.

    Cell cultureMouse podocytes immortalized by temperature-sensitive SV40

    large T-antigen (tsSV40) [31] and human podocytes immortalized

    with tsSV40 and human telomerase [32] were differentiated as

    described. Indoxyl sulfate (0–1.0 mM) dissolved in DMSO was

    added to the complete medium at day 7 (final concentration

    0.1%). Cell viability was measured by CellTiter 96 non-radioactive

    cell proliferation assay (Promega, Fitchburg, WI). After stimulation

    by 0.1% DMSO or indoxyl sulfate, the cells were collected for

    immunoblotting or fixed using 4% PFA for immunofluorescence

    (Table S1). The number of Hoechst33342-positive nuclei per area

    and cell size were automatically counted and measured by

    performing fluorescence microscopy (KEYENCE, Osaka, Japan).

    Microarray analysisDifferentiated human podocytes (day 7) were stimulated with

    1 mM indoxyl sulfate or 0.1% DMSO for 24 h. After stimulation,

    total RNA was extracted. Gene expression was analyzed using a

    GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST Array (Affymetrix, CA, USA).

    Microarray signals were normalized using the RMA algorithm.

    The significantly expressed genes were selected based on ANOVA

    analysis by Partek Genomics Suite (Partek, St. Charles, MO,

    USA). The ANOVA gene list was obtained by commercial

    software Partek genomic Suite. This Minimum Information About

    a Microarray Experiment-compliant dataset has been deposited in

    the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus, GEO Series accession

    number GSE51834 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/


    Statistical analysesThe results were expressed as mean 6 SD. Data for two groups

    were analyzed using the Student’s t-test. For multiple comparisons,analysis was by ANOVA by using a Bonferroni test (to compare all

    pairs) or Dunnett test (to compare all samples vs. the control

    samples). Significance was inferred for P,0.05.


    Chronic indoxyl sulfate exposure caused renalmicrovascular injury in mice

    Following a single dose of indoxyl sulfate administered to mice

    via intraperitoneal injection, plasma levels peaked at 10 min

    (Figure 1a) and remained higher in indoxyl sulfate-exposed

    C57BL/6 mice (68 mM) compared to controls (22 mM) assessedat 240 min after dosing (Figure 1b).

    For chronic exposure, we used FVB/N mice, which are more

    susceptible to glomerular damage compared to C57BL/6 mice

    [27,28]. Indoxyl sulfate was administered by intra-peritoneal

    injection; a large dose is required to provide even transiently

    elevated plasma levels, as with normal renal function, indoxyl

    sulfate is rapidly excreted by glomerular filtration and tubular

    secretion. It is also notable that normal mice have somewhat

    higher plasma indoxyl sulfate levels compared to healthy humans


    We analyzed 7 mice following 8 w of exposure to indoxyl sulfate

    (Figure 1c–g). In 3 of 14 kidneys, there was severe macroscopic

    cortical atrophy (Figure 1d). In the macroscopically atrophic

    kidneys, prominent protein casts, tubular atrophy, and extensive

    tubular injury with tubular epithelial simplification were observed

    (Figure 1f). Focally, areas with a mild mononuclear infiltrate were

    seen in association with interstitial fibrosis (Figure 1f and g). In

    summary, the histological features secondary to indoxyl sulfate

    exposure include renal microvascular injury.

    Chronic indoxyl sulfate exposure caused glomerulardamage in mice

    Chronic exposure of FVB/N mice to indoxyl sulfate for 8 w

    produced a spectrum of glomerular and vascular injuries

    (Figure 2). Glomerular basement membranes showed ischemic

    changes with wrinkling and irregularity (GBM) (Figure 2d and e).

    Occasional glomeruli manifested with segmental scars (Figure 2g)

    and/or mesangiolytic features (Figure 2h and i). Some arterioles

    had constricted lumina occluded by prominent endothelial cells

    (Figure 2i), and some larger arteries exhibited mild reduplication

    of elastic lamina (Figure 2f). Furthermore, uACR significantly

    increased beginning 1 w after the start of indoxyl sulfate exposure

    and reached a peak at 2 w (Figure 2j), and the RNA expression

    levels of podocyte proteins in the mouse kidneys were decreased

    following 8 w of indoxyl sulfate exposure (Figure 2k). These results

    indicated glomerular damages in indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice.

    AhR localized to podocyte nuclei in mouse kidneysIndoxyl sulfate is as an endogenous ligand of AhR, acting as a

    ligand-activated transcription factor that regulates detoxification,

    carcinogenesis, and inflammation [16,17]. We localized AhR in

    normal mouse kidneys by using immunofluorescence (Figure 3a–

    c). AhR expression was restricted to the glomerulus (Figure 3a) in

    a subset of podocytes positive for WT1 and synaptopodin, where it

    was largely restricted to the nucleus (Figure 3b and c). Next, we

    assessed the mRNA expression of Cyp1a1, which is induced by theactivation of AhR following ligand binding. Cyp1a1 mRNAexpression in the kidney was significantly elevated by 2 h after

    exposure and peaked at 4 h, with a return to normal by 24 h, and

    was elevated in glomeruli as well as whole kidneys at 2 h following

    indoxyl sulfate exposure (Figure 3d and e).

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 3 September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e108448


  • Chronic indoxyl sulfate exposure caused podocyte injuryin mice

    We characterized podocyte injury in chronically indoxyl sulfate-

    exposed mice following 8 w of exposure to indoxyl sulfate

    (Figure 4a–g). Podocytes manifested prominent but incomplete

    foot process effacement and podocyte cytoplasmic vacuoles

    (Figure 4b–d) and a focal granular/wrinkled pattern of podocin

    and synaptopodin (Figure 4e). Furthermore, glomerular vimentin-

    positive signals and AhR-positive cells were increased in the

    indoxyl sulfate-exposed glomeruli compared to the control

    (Figure 4e). Quantitative assessment demonstrated a decrease in

    the synaptopodin-positive area in the glomeruli of mice showing

    macroscopic renal atrophy (Figure 4f). Further, a significant

    increase in the vimentin- or AhR-positive area was observed in

    indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice (Figure 4f). Immunoblotting demon-

    strated that podocin and synaptopodin protein levels were

    significantly reduced in the indoxyl sulfate-treated mice not

    showing macroscopic renal atrophy (Figure 4g).

    Indoxyl sulfate activated AhR and perturbed the actincytoskeleton in cultured mouse podocytes

    mRNA expression of AhR and its partner AhR-interacting

    protein 2 (Aip2) was detected in mouse glomeruli and kidneys as

    well as cultured mouse podocytes, and the AhR mRNA expression

    level significantly increased with podocyte differentiation (Fig-

    ure 5a and b). Following exposure to 1 mM indoxyl sulfate,

    nuclear translocation of AhR was clearly observed at 30 min by

    using proteins extracted from nuclei and the cytoplasm, and

    nuclear AhR was still observed at 60 min by immunoblotting

    (Figure 5c). Cyp1a1 mRNA expression was induced beginning 2 hafter indoxyl sulfate exposure, and this increase was sustained for

    Figure 1. Indoxyl sulfate induced tubulointerstitial and vascular injuries in mouse kidneys. Serum indoxyl sulfate levels were measuredfollowing single dose exposure (a and b). C57BL/6 mice (800 mg/kg, i.p. given once). n = 1 (time course, panel a). n$7 (240 min, panel b), mean 6SD. Histopathology of FVB/N mouse kidneys following chronic exposure to vehicle or indoxyl sulfate, administered at 600 mg/kg/d i.p. for 8 w (c–g).In contrast to kidneys from vehicle-exposed mice (c), global renal atrophy was observed in 1 of 2 kidneys from an indoxyl sulfate-exposed mouse (d,arrow). Bars = 500 mm. Vehicle-treated mice manifested histologically unremarkable tubules stained with periodic acid Schiff (e). In themacroscopically atrophied kidneys in indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice, prominent tubulointerstitial injury with numerous, prominent protein castswithin tubules and extensive tubular atrophy (f) and foci of interstitial fibrosis were observed with Masson trichrome staining (g). Bars = 20 mm.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g001

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • 24 h with 0.1 mM indoxyl sulfate and for 72 h with 1.0 mM

    indoxyl sulfate (Figure 5d).

    Using immunofluorescence staining (Figure 5e), we observed

    scant AhR protein in the nucleus or in perinuclear areas of DMSO

    control podocytes. Following 1.0 mM indoxyl sulfate exposure,

    distinct and intense AhR staining was observed in the nucleus at

    60 min and was no longer present at 16 h despite continued

    exposure. Indoxyl sulfate exposure caused morphological changes

    in the mouse podocytes, inducing a more fusiform shape and

    reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton from stress fibers to

    Figure 2. Indoxyl sulfate induced glomerular and microvascular injuries in mouse kidneys. Shown are representative images from FVB/Nmice exposed to vehicle (a–c) or indoxyl sulfate (600 mg/kg, i.p. for 8 w), (d–i). In comparison to histologically unremarkable glomeruli (a), arterioles(a, arrow, and b) and arteries (c) in vehicle-exposed mice, glomeruli in indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice showed ischemic changes (d and e) and proteinexudate in Bowman’s space (d, arrow). In the more severely injured kidneys, glomeruli with increased mesangial matrix/segmental solidification werenoted (g, arrow). In the kidneys with more severe injury, occasional glomeruli with mesangiolytic features were present (h and i). Histologicallyunremarkable mid-sized artery in vehicle-exposed mice, reduplication of elastic lamina mid-sized artery in indoxyl sulfate-exposed mouse are shown(f). Occasional glomerular arterioles demonstrated arteriosclerosis (i, arrow). Bars = 20 mm. The urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (n$7, mean 6 SD) isshown in (j); W denotes weeks after dosing. Podocyte marker mRNA expression in mouse kidneys is expressed as a fold change compared to thevehicle control (k); n$3, mean 6 S.D. * denotes significant differences between the vehicle and indoxyl sulfate groups in the same experiment (P,0.05).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g002

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • predominantly cortical actin. Ser71 phosphorylation of Rac1/

    Cdc42 GTPase increases filopodial structures, cell motility, and

    migration [34], and phospho-Rac1/Cdc42 (Ser71) antibody

    detects endogenous Rac1/Cdc42 only when phosphorylated at

    Ser71. Phosphorylated Rac1/Cdc42 increased at 30 and 120 min

    after indoxyl sulfate exposure, consistent with a shift toward a

    motile phenotype (Figure 5f).

    Figure 3. AhR localized predominantly to podocyte nuclei in mouse kidneys. Immunostaining of renal cortices from normal C57BL/6 micefor AhR (green) and normal rabbit IgG control (a). The arrows indicate glomeruli containing AhR-positive cells. In the renal cortex, AhR-positive cellswere restricted to the glomeruli, and no positive reaction was observed in normal rabbit IgG controls. Immunostaining for WT1 (green), AhR (red),and a merged image with Hoechst nuclear stain (blue); some nuclei are yellow, suggesting that podocyte nuclei contain AhR (b). Immunostaining forsynaptopodin (green), AhR (red), and a merged image with Hoechst nuclear stain (blue) (c). Nuclei expressing AhR and surrounded by synaptopodin-positive cytoplasm, confirming podocyte localization. Bars = 40 mm. The induction of Cyp1a1 mRNA in the kidneys and glomeruli of C57BL/6 miceexposed to vehicle or indoxyl sulfate (800 mg/kg, i.p. given as a single dose). The time course of Cyp1a1 mRNA expression in the kidneys at the timepoints shown following the final dose as assessed by performing real-time PCR (d). Cyp1a1 mRNA expression in the kidneys and isolated glomeruli at2 h after dose (e). n$3, mean 6 S.D. * denotes significant differences between the vehicle and indoxyl sulfate groups (P,0.05).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g003

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • Figure 4. Indoxyl sulfate treatment induces podocyte injury in mice. FVB/N mice were exposed to vehicle or indoxyl sulfate (600 mg/kg, i.p.)for 8 w. Transmission electron microscopy images of glomeruli (a–d) demonstrate that indoxyl sulfate exposure is associated with wrinkled andpartially collapsed glomerular basement (b and c) and focal podocyte (Pod) foot process effacement (b and c, arrows). Electron-lucent materials wereobserved in the Bowman space (Bs) in the indoxyl sulfate-exposed mouse (c), and the podocytes contained cytoplasmic vacuoles, consistent withprotein resorption droplets (d, arrows). Ery denotes erythrocyte; Cap denotes capillary lumen; Par denotes parietal cell; and Mes denotes mesangialcell. Bars = 1 mm. Representative images of immunostaining of renal cortices are shown (e), bars = 20 mm. Histomorphometry of immune-positiveglomerular area fraction that stained for podocin, synaptopodin, vimentin, and AhR in glomeruli are shown (e, f). n$3, mean 6 S.D. * denotessignificant differences between the vehicle and indoxyl sulfate groups (P,0.05). A representative immunoblot for podocin, synaptopodin, and b-actinby using whole kidney lysate from kidneys lacking visible atrophy is shown (f); arrowheads indicate the predicted sizes of podocin (42 kDa),synaptopodin (100 kDa), and b-actin (42 kDa). The band intensities were quantified by performing image analysis; n = 7, mean 6 S.D (g). * denotessignificant differences between the vehicle and indoxyl sulfate groups (P,0.05).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g004

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • Figure 5. Indoxyl sulfate activated the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor and altered morphology in mouse podocytes. RT-PCR analysis forthe following genes is shown: Ahr, Aip, and Actb, referring to aryl hydrocarbon receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein, and beta actin,respectively (a). M refers to the size marker. 33uC refers to mouse podocytes cultured at 33uC. Day 7 refers to mouse podocytes cultured at 37uC for 7days. Glo and Kid denote the glomerulus and kidney isolated from an FVB/N mouse. Podocyte marker mRNA expression was measured in mousepodocytes; note that Ahr mRNA expression increased with podocyte differentiation (b). 33uC refers to mouse podocytes cultured at 33uC. Day 7 refersto mouse podocytes cultured at 37uC for 7 days. Day 14 refers to mouse podocytes cultured at 37uC for 14 days. Data generated using real-time PCR;n = 3, mean 6 S.D. Fold increase vs. 33uC. * denotes significant differences vs. 33uC (P,0.05). Immunoblotting for AhR in differentiated mousepodocytes demonstrates nuclear translocation following indoxyl sulfate exposure (c). Cyto denotes cytoplasmic protein, Nuc denotes nuclear proteinextracted from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-treated or indoxyl sulfate (IS)-treated mouse podocytes. a-Tubulin and Lamin B were examined to test forprotein contamination with cytoplasmic or nuclear proteins, respectively. Each lane contained 20 mg of protein. In a dose-response and time-coursestudy, Cyp1a1 mRNA expression in indoxyl sulfate (IS)-exposed mouse podocytes was measured by real-time PCR (d). n = 3, mean 6 S.D. Fold increasevs. each DMSO control. * denotes significant differences vs. DMSO in each time group (P,0.05).Immunofluorescence images of differentiated mousepodocytes exposed to DMSO or indoxyl sulfate for 1 h, 16 h, and 48 h, with staining for AhR (green) and actin (red, phalloidin staining) (e). Indoxylsulfate exposure is associated with a brief, reversible migration of AhR into the nucleus. Immunoblotting for phosphorylated Rac1/Cdc42 GTPasesdemonstrated an increase in protein following exposure to indoxyl sulfate for 2 h (f). Each lane contained 5 mg of protein and triplicate wells areshown at 2 h.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g005

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 8 September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e108448

  • Indoxyl sulfate altered the expression of differentiationmarkers in mouse podocytes in vitro

    In mouse podocytes exposed to 1 mM indoxyl sulfate, cell size

    and number decreased, and cell viability decreased in a dose-

    dependent manner (Figure 6a–c). The expression of podocyte

    markers was significantly decreased by 24 h indoxyl sulfate

    exposure in a dose-dependent fashion, and Ahr was downregulat-ed (Figure 6d). Remarkably, mRNA expression of inflammatory

    factors that are associated with glomerular injuries, [35–37] such

    as Il6 and Tnfa, was significantly induced following indoxyl sulfateexposure (Figure 6e).

    Indoxyl sulfate altered the morphology and decreasedthe viability of human podocytes in vitro

    In normal human kidneys obtained at autopsy, AhR was

    localized to the distal tubule cytoplasm, where a particularly strong

    signal was detected, and podocyte nuclei (Figure 7a). In cultured

    immortalized human podocytes, 1 mM indoxyl sulfate exposure

    caused AhR nuclear translocation beginning at 30 min, decreased

    cell size and actin fibers, and shifted cell shape from polygonal to

    fusiform at 24 h (Figure 7b and c). Cell numbers decreased in a

    time- and dose-dependent fashion, while cell viability decreased

    over time (Figure 7d and e).

    Indoxyl sulfate downregulated differentiation markersand upregulated inflammatory mediators in humanpodocytes

    We performed comparative microarray analysis, comparing

    DMSO- and indoxyl sulfate-exposed human podocytes (1 mM for

    24 h), focusing on genes related to podocyte injury, function, and

    inflammation. Among the selected podocyte-specific mRNAs,

    SYNPO, ACTN4, CDH13, MME, VIM, DAG1, FAT1, andCDH3 [25,26,38] were significantly downregulated in indoxylsulfate-exposed podocytes (Table 1). Indoxyl sulfate exposure also

    decreased the expression of collagens that mediate capillary

    morphology and glomerular function [24], integrins that mediate

    cell adhesion [25,26,39,40], myosin/actin that constitute the

    cytoskeleton, and bone morphogenetic proteins that mediate

    kidney development and repair [41]. Further, inflammatory

    molecules were significantly elevated in the indoxyl sulfate-

    exposed podocytes (Table 2).


    Previous studies have shown that AhRs localize to the renal and

    collecting tubules of human fetal kidneys [42], as well as to

    podocytes in fetal and adult mouse kidneys [21]. Consistent with

    the latter report, our results showed that AhR localized to

    podocyte nuclei in adult mouse and human kidneys, as well as to

    distal tubules in human kidneys. These data may suggest species-

    Figure 6. Indoxyl sulfate altered differentiation marker expression in mouse podocytes. The size of differentiated mouse podocytesdecreased with indoxyl sulfate compared to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) control; n = 3, mean 6 SD (a). * denotes significant differences between theDMSO and indoxyl sulfate groups (P,0.05). Cell numbers were reduced in indoxyl sulfate-treated mouse podocytes compared to those treated withDMSO; n = 3, mean 6 SD (b). Indoxyl sulfate-treated cells were reduced in number at 72 h compared to DMSO control (*, P,0.05). Indoxyl sulfate-treated cells were reduced at 72 h compared to the 8 h (a, P,0.05) and 24 h (b, P,0.05) time points. A dose-response study showed that the viabilityof differentiated podocytes, assessed using an MTT assay, was reduced to a similar extent at 24, 48, and 72 h, and that the toxic effect reached aplateau at 400 mM; n = 3, mean 6 SD (c). The baseline viability was assessed using a 0-mM control for each time group. Podocyte marker mRNAexpression was reduced by indoxyl sulfate, as assessed by real-time PCR in differentiated mouse podocytes after indoxyl sulfate treatment (d); n = 3,mean 6 S.D. Data are presented as fold increase vs. DMSO (0 mM). * denotes significant differences vs. control for each gene (P,0.05). RNAexpression of two cytokines, Il6 and Tnfa, increased in differentiated mouse podocytes after indoxyl sulfate (IS) treatment (e); n = 3, mean 6 S.D, foldincrease vs. DMSO in each gene. * denotes significant differences vs. DMSO for each time group (P,0.05); h denotes hours after exposure.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g006

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • or age-dependent differences in AhR activation. Since AhR is a

    ligand-binding transcription factor [17], nuclear localization of

    podocyte AhR likely indicates the constitutive binding of

    endogenous ligands in adult kidneys. AhR endogenous ligands

    are believed to include eicosanoids and bilirubin [18], and indoxyl

    sulfate was recently reported to be an AhR ligand in liver cell lines

    [16]. Further, AhR in podocytes was observed in the nucleus invivo but in the cytoplasm in vitro. Our data suggest that podocytesmay also be a target of circulating endogenous AhR ligands.

    Interestingly, using a monoclonal indoxyl sulfate antibody [43],

    indoxyl sulfate has been detected in podocytes as well as tubular

    cells in uremic rats [15]. Therefore, we propose that increased

    plasma levels of endogenous ligands, such as indoxyl sulfate,

    activate podocyte AhR, thereby promoting a transcriptional

    program that drives progressive glomerular damage.

    Increased serum indoxyl sulfate has been associated with

    tubulointerstitial damage [12,13,44] and indoxyl sulfate also

    exacerbates glomerular injury [11]. AST-120 therapy in rodent

    Figure 7. Indoxyl sulfate injures human podocytes. Immunofluorescence images of autopsied human kidneys shows juxtaposition of AhR inpodocyte nuclei surrounded by cytoplasm expressing synaptopodin (a). AhR (red), synaptopodin (green), and normal rabbit IgG control.Immunoblotting for AhR in differentiated human podocytes demonstrates nuclear translocation following indoxyl sulfate exposure (b). Cyto denotescytoplasmic protein, Nuc denotes nuclear protein extracted from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)- or indoxyl sulfate (IS)-treated human podocytes. Eachlane contained 20 mg of protein. Immunofluorescence and phase-contrast images of differentiated human podocytes exposed to DMSO or indoxylsulfate for 1 h shows rapid nuclear localization following indoxyl sulfate exposure (c). AhR (green). Actin (red, phalloidin staining). Cell viability,assessed using an MTT assay, of indoxyl sulfate-treated differentiated human podocytes was reduced in a dose-dependent and time-dependentfashion compared to DMSO control (d). n = 3, mean 6 SD. Baseline viability was assessed using a 0 mM control for each time group. Cell numberswere deceased in indoxyl sulfate-treated differentiated human podocytes compared to DMSO control (e). n = 3, mean 6 S.D. Indoxyl sulfate-treatedcells were reduced in number at 72 h compared to DMSO control (*, P,0.05). Indoxyl sulfate-treated cell numbers were also reduced at 72 hcompared to the 8 h (a, P,0.05) and 24 h (b, P,0.05) time points.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.g007

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • Table 1. Altered expression of podocyte function-associated genes in indoxyl sulfate-exposed human podocytes.

    Rank Gene symbol Gene name Refseq P-value Fold change

    Podocyte functions

    1 MAP1LC3B microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta NM_022818 0.001 * 1.36

    2 PDPN podoplanin NM_006474 0.003 * 1.28

    3 MAP1LC3B2 microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta 2 NM_001085481 0.000 * 1.22

    4 WT1 Wilms tumor 1 NM_024424 0.111 1.20

    5 FAT2 FAT tumor suppressor homolog 2 (Drosophila) NM_001447 0.359 1.13

    6 CD2AP CD2-associated protein NM_012120 0.070 1.09

    7 KIRREL kin of IRRE-like (Drosophila) NM_018240 0.159 1.08

    8 DES desmin NM_001927 0.568 1.07

    9 PTPRO protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, O NM_030667 0.514 1.04

    10 MAP1LC3C microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 gamma NM_001004343 0.370 1.03

    11 LMX1B LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, beta NM_002316 0.487 0.98

    12 TJP1 tight junction protein 1 (zona occludens 1) NM_003257 0.177 0.97

    13 MYOC myocilin, trabecular meshwork inducible glucocorticoid response NM_000261 0.755 0.96

    14 NPHS1 nephrosis 1, congenital, Finnish type (nephrin) NM_004646 0.274 0.93

    15 NPHS2 nephrosis 2, idiopathic, steroid-resistant (podocin) NM_014625 0.181 0.93

    16 MAP1LC3A microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha NM_032514 0.514 0.92

    17 EZR ezrin NM_003379 0.068 0.92

    18 CD80 CD80 molecule NM_005191 0.377 0.91

    19 SYNPO2 synaptopodin 2 NM_133477 0.484 0.91

    20 PODXL podocalyxin-like NM_001018111 0.215 0.90

    21 CDH3 cadherin 3, type 1, P-cadherin (placental) NM_001793 0.040 * 0.88

    22 FAT1 FAT tumor suppressor homolog 1 (Drosophila) NM_005245 0.007 * 0.87

    23 PODXL2 podocalyxin-like 2 NM_015720 0.214 0.87

    24 DAG1 dystroglycan 1 (dystrophin-associated glycoprotein 1) NM_001165928 0.034 * 0.85

    25 VIM vimentin NM_003380 0.000 * 0.85

    26 MME membrane metallo-endopeptidase NM_007288 0.001 * 0.83

    27 CDH13 cadherin 13, H-cadherin (heart) NM_001257 0.000 * 0.72

    28 ACTN4 actinin, alpha 4 NM_004924 0.000 * 0.67

    29 SYNPO synaptopodin NM_007286 0.000 * 0.66


    1 COL4A5 collagen, type IV, alpha 5 NM_000495 0.000 0.79

    2 COL5A2 collagen, type V, alpha 2 NM_000393 0.024 0.78

    3 COL1A1 collagen, type I, alpha 1 NM_000088 0.001 0.63

    4 COL4A2 collagen, type IV, alpha 2 NM_001846 0.000 0.63

    5 COL4A1 collagen, type IV, alpha 1 NM_001845 0.000 0.57

    6 COL8A1 collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 NM_001850 0.000 0.56

    7 COL12A1 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 NM_004370 0.000 0.51

    8 COL11A1 collagen, type XI, alpha 1 NM_001854 0.000 0.50


    1 ITGB2 integrin, beta 2 NM_000211 0.021 0.82

    2 ITGB5 integrin, beta 5 NM_002213 0.002 0.78

    3 ITGB4 integrin, beta 4 NM_000213 0.010 0.75

    4 ITGB3 integrin, beta 3 NM_000212 0.000 0.66

    5 ITGB6 integrin, beta 6 NM_000888 0.001 0.41

    Myosins and Actins

    1 MYH16 myosin, heavy chain 16 pseudogene NR_002147 0.003 1.56

    2 MYH10 myosin, heavy chain 10, non-muscle NM_005964 0.005 0.77

    3 MYH9 myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle NM_002473 0.001 0.73

    4 ACTA2 actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta NM_001141945 0.004 0.72

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • models of kidney disease, which reduce plasma indoxyl sulfate

    levels, slows the progression of glomerulosclerosis and tubuloin-

    terstitial damage [12,14]. Tubulointerstitial damage in indoxyl

    sulfate-exposed mice may be caused by mechanisms such as

    oxidative stress in tubular cells [9,10,45,46]. Some indoxyl sulfate-

    treated mice showed severe tubulointerstitial damage, and 3 out of

    14 total kidneys displayed macroscopic renal cortex atrophy. As

    part of the supplemental data, we also analyzed the histopathology

    of indoxyl sulfate-treated mice after heminephrectomy (Figure S1).

    In this experiment, although uACR was significantly increased in

    indoxyl sulfate-treated mice compared with vehicle-treated con-

    trols, the histological scores of tubulointerstitial lesions did not

    significantly differ between the two groups, and individual

    differences in tubuloineterstitial lesions remained in the indoxyl

    sulfate-treated group. Further, macroscopic renal cortex atrophy

    in indoxyl sulfate-treated kidneys is likely an end-stage feature

    caused by the summation of glomerular and tubulointerstitial

    injuries [47]. Therefore, the differences in macroscopic renal

    cortex atrophy observed among individuals would indicate

    differences in pathological stage among kidneys treated with

    indoxyl sulfate. Thus, there would be a threshold at which indoxyl

    sulfate causes cell damage in mouse kidneys, and indoxyl sulfate-

    treated kidneys might show macroscopic renal atrophy with

    tubulointerstitial lesions when cell damage passed this threshold.

    Further, as shown in Figure 1d, the macroscopic atrophy was

    observed focally. This result might indicate vasculocentric pattern

    associating to end stage process of tubular atrophy and interstitial

    fibrosis. One possibility is the degree of endothelial toxicity/injury

    differs between the larger and smaller vessels with greater toxicity

    to smaller vessels in contrast to large ones. This would be most

    particularly the point made by showing the different form of

    ischemic injury likely resulting from microvascular damage.

    Indoxyl sulfate is derived from intestinal tryptophan, and the

    activation of AhR is affected by various endogenous ligands.

    Therefore, multiple environmental or physiological factors might

    also cause individual differences in macroscopic renal atrophy

    among indoxyl sulfate-treated kidneys.

    We found that the administration of indoxyl sulfate to healthy

    mice produced glomerulopathy and tubulointerstitial damage.

    Brief exposure of mice to indoxyl sulfate increased serum indoxyl

    sulfate and Cyp1a1 expression in the glomerulus, and chronicindoxyl sulfate exposure significantly increased uACR, likely

    reflecting glomerular dysfunction. Indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice

    developed wrinkled GBM, foot process effacement, and cytoplas-

    mic vacuoles in podocytes. Taken in their entirety, our findings

    suggest that increased serum indoxyl sulfate induced glomerular

    AhR activation and podocyte injury. The decreased expression of

    collagens and integrins in indoxyl sulfate-exposed human

    podocytes in vitro may reflect morphological changes in indoxylsulfate-exposed glomeruli in vivo. In addition, recent reports haveindicated that indoxyl sulfate also mediates injury of endothelial

    cells and mesangial cells by production of reactive oxygen species


    In mouse and human podocytes, indoxyl sulfate caused AhR

    nuclear translocation, Cyp1a1 induction, and decreased cell sizeand viability. These results indicate that indoxyl sulfate functions,

    at least in part, as a ligand of podocyte AhR. The decreased cell

    number of podocytes following indoxyl sulfate exposure may

    reflect cell death or detachment from the culture substratum. In

    fact, apoptosis and altered adherens junctions have been reported

    in indoxyl sulfate-exposed endothelial cells and renal tubular cells

    [49,50], and our microarray results for indoxyl sulfate-exposed

    human podocytes also showed decreased expression of integrins,

    which facilitate podocyte adhesion to the extracellular matrix


    Furthermore, chronically indoxyl sulfate-exposed kidneys

    showed decreased expression and/or altered staining patterns for

    podocin (slit diaphragm) and synaptopodin (actin cytoskeleton)

    and increased expression of vimentin (an intermediate filament

    protein), indicating podocyte injury [52]. Further, we have

    recently demonstrated that the decreased mRNA expression of

    podocyte markers, as observed in indoxyl sulfate-exposed mice, is

    closely correlated with podocyte injury in murine glomerulone-

    phritis [53]. We propose that indoxyl sulfate and AhR activation

    mediate podocyte injury by decreasing the expression of critical

    podocyte proteins that regulate the slit diaphragm, cell morphol-

    ogy, and matrix adhesion. In particular, indoxyl sulfate strongly

    altered the expression and organization of cytoskeleton molecules

    such as actin in mouse and human podocytes. Interestingly, 3-

    methylcholanthrene, which is an AhR ligand, upregulates Rho-

    GTPase family RNA and proteins in endothelial cells [54]. In a

    previous study using podocyte-specific Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA

    knockout mice, the physiological importance of Cdc42, but not

    Rac1 or RhoA, in podocytes was shown [55]. Further, the

    reorganization of the cytoskeletal network mediated by Rac1 and

    Cdc42 plays a primary role in the cellular responses to podocyte-

    specific proteins [56]. Rac1 and Cdc42 have been shown to have

    the opposite function to RhoA in podocytes [57]. Ser71

    phosphorylation of Rac1/Cdc42 increases filopodial structures,

    cell motility, and migration [34]. Therefore, in the present study,

    an increase in phosphorylated Rac1/Cdc42 was observed after

    indoxyl sulfate exposure in mouse podocytes. The Rho-GTPase

    family regulates cytoskeletal dynamics, and a shift from RhoA

    activity to Rac1 activity is associated with increased podocyte

    motility in vitro and proteinuria in vivo [58].Podocyte injury by indoxyl sulfate may involve additional

    pathways that may be downstream of AhR or independent of

    AhR. Indoxyl sulfate has been shown to damage tubular epithelial

    cells via Stat3 activation [59] and to impair mitochondrial function

    [60]. Furthermore, while we have presented data supporting a

    direct role for indoxyl sulfate in podocyte injury in vitro, it remainspossible that podocyte injury in vivo is due at least in part to

    Table 1. Cont.

    Rank Gene symbol Gene name Refseq P-value Fold change

    Bone morphogenetic proteins

    1 BMP1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 NM_006129 0.000 0.78

    2 BMP4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 NM_001202 0.003 0.71

    n = 3. Podocytes were exposed to 0.1% dimethyl sulfoxide or 1.0 mM indoxyl sulfate for 24 h. Fold change indicates the values for the indoxyl sulfate group vs. dimethylsulfoxide control. Genes associated with podocyte function were selected (*: significant differences, P,0.05). Other genes (P,0.05 and fold change = 1.20 " or 0.83 !).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.t001

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

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  • chronic vascular damage by indoxyl sulfate. In a preliminary

    experiment, we performed AhR-knockdown experiments using

    siRNA and immortalized-mouse podocytes, and observed that

    mRNA expression of podocyte functional genes decreased after

    AhR-knockdown (Figure S2). In order to examine this issue

    directly, we are currently generating mice in which AhR is deleted

    from podocytes.

    Activated AhR translocates to the nucleus with a partner, such

    as ARNT, binds to XRE sequences, and regulates expression of

    target genes such as Cyp1a1 [17]. Beyond the classical AhR/ARNT pathway, RelA and RelB, which are components of the

    NFkB protein complex, also function as AhR partners and

    regulate the expression of IL-6, IL-8, and chemokines [61]. This

    observation in part explains our results that indoxyl sulfate

    induced inflammatory genes in podocytes. In addition to these

    multiple AhR transcriptional partners, ligand-dependent function

    of AhR has been reported [62]. Therefore, the possibility of both

    podocyte-specific AhR partners and ligand-independent AhR

    activation in normal podocytes might explain why AhR localized

    to podocyte nuclei rather than other renal cells in normal mouse

    kidneys. From the UCSC Genome Bioinformatics database

    (https://genome.ucsc.edu/), we obtained the core XRE sequence

    (GCGTG) and searched 3000 bp upstream of the transcription

    initiation site of podocyte-specific genes. We identified the core

    Table 2. Altered expression of inflammation-associated genes in indoxyl sulfate-exposed human podocytes.

    Rank Gene symbol Gene name Refseq P-value Fold change

    Interleukins and receptors

    1 IL1B interleukin 1, beta NM_000576 0.0000 9.43

    2 IL1A interleukin 1, alpha NM_000575 0.0000 3.92

    3 IL1R1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I NM_000877 0.0001 2.59

    4 IL1F9 interleukin 1 family, member 9 NM_019618 0.0003 1.97

    5 IL12A interleukin 12A NM_000882 0.0055 1.68

    6 IL8 interleukin 8 NM_000584 0.0030 1.47

    7 IL6ST interleukin 6 signal transducer NM_002184 0.0048 1.25

    8 IL18R1 interleukin 18 receptor 1 NM_003855 0.0034 1.22

    9 IL6 interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 2) NM_000600 0.0105 1.21

    10 IL11RA interleukin 11 receptor, alpha NM_147162 0.0181 0.82

    11 IL32 interleukin 32 NM_001012631 0.0167 0.72

    12 IL18 interleukin 18 NM_001562 0.0061 0.70

    Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligands

    1 CXCL2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 NM_002089 0.0005 2.37

    2 CXCL12 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 NM_000609 0.0099 1.60

    3 CXCL5 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 NM_002994 0.0004 1.50

    4 CXCL3 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3 NM_002090 0.0023 1.46

    5 CXCL1 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 NM_001511 0.0005 1.42

    Chemokine (C-C motif) ligands

    1 CCL20 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 NM_004591 0.0000 3.24

    2 CCL3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 NM_002983 0.0002 1.99

    3 CCL3L1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 1 NM_021006 0.0003 1.86

    4 CCL2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 NM_002982 0.0004 1.46

    5 CCL4L1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4-like 1 NM_001001435 0.0411 1.28

    6 CCL11 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 11 NM_002986 0.0490 0.73

    7 CCL5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 NM_002985 0.0158 0.62

    Other inflammatory molecules

    1 CSF2 colony-stimulating factor 2 NM_000758 0.0002 3.03

    2 CSF3 colony-stimulating factor 3 NR_033662 0.0011 1.50

    3 VEGFA vascular endothelial growth factor A NM_001025366 0.0009 1.48

    4 NAMPT nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase NM_005746 0.0023 1.43

    5 TNFSF13B tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13b NM_006573 0.0102 1.42

    6 TNF tumor necrosis factor NM_000594 0.0338 1.39

    7 C3 complement component 3 NM_000064 0.0002 0.74

    8 MIF macrophage migration inhibitory factor NM_002415 0.0329 0.63

    n = 3. Podocytes were exposed to 0.1% dimethyl sulfoxide or 1.0 mM indoxyl sulfate for 24 h. Fold change indicates the values for the indoxyl sulfate group vs. dimethylsulfoxide control. Genes (P,0.05 and fold change = 1.20 " or 0.83 !).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108448.t002

    Podocyte Injury by Indoxyl Sulfate

    PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 13 September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e108448


  • XRE sequence in Actn4 (2 sites), Cd2ap (5 sites), Myh9 (3 sites),Nphs2 (1 site), Podxl (2 sites), and Synpo (2 sites).

    In conclusion, we found that podocyte AhR activated by

    indoxyl sulfate causes glomerular damage and podocyte injury.

    This damage is characterized by altered cell morphology, reduced

    expression of podocyte differentiation markers, and a pro-

    inflammatory state. Our findings suggest a novel mechanism by

    which the uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate may drive the progression

    of glomerular injury.

    Supporting Information

    Figure S1 Clinical and histological scores of indoxylsulfate-treated mice after heminephrectomy. FVB/Nmice were heminephrectomized at 2 months old, and indoxyl

    sulfate (IS) was administered after mice were 3 months old. (a)Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. Mean 6 SD, n = 9. *:significant difference compared with vehicle control at day 30

    after dose (P,0.05). #: significant difference compared to IS-treated mice at day 7 after dose (P,0.05). (b) Number of proteinscast in renal medulla (2 sections/1 mouse), mean 6 SD. (c) Semi-quantitative scores of tubulointerstitial lesions (2 sections/1

    mouse), mean 6 SD.(DOCX)

    Figure S2 AhR knock-down altered the expression ofmarkers of differentiation in mouse podocytes. Tosuppress the expression of target mRNA, we used pre-designed

    siRNA (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA). Trypsin-

    ized mouse podocytes were cultured with complete medium

    without antibiotics in 24 well plates at 60–70% confluence for 2

    days. At day 3, the medium was changed to a mixture of

    Lipofectamine 2000 and Opti-MEM (Life Technologies) contain-

    ing negative control RNA (40 pM, AllStars Negative Control;

    Qiagen, Venlo, Netherlands) or pre-designed siRNA (40 pM,

    Screening DsiRNA Duplex, Integrated DNA Technologies).

    mRNA expression of podocyte-specific proteins after 24 h and

    48 h of RNAi treatment. Real-time PCR. n = 3, mean 6 S.D.Fold increase vs. oligo-treated controls. *: Significant differences

    vs. control for each gene (P,0.05).(DOCX)

    Table S1 Antibodies used in this study.


    Table S2 Primers used in this study.



    Human podocytes were generously provided by Dr. Moin Saleem, Bristol,

    UK. The animal experiments were partially supported by Dr. Hidefumi

    Wakashin, Dr. Taichi Murakami, Dr. Huiyan Lu, Dr. Hideko Takahashi,

    and Dr. Patricia M. Zerfas.

    Author Contributions

    Conceived and designed the experiments: OI JBK. Performed the

    experiments: OI. Analyzed the data: AZR MU WC. Contributed

    reagents/materials/analysis tools: OI SO TN AZR MU WC JBK. Wrote

    the paper: OI AZR YK JBK.


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