/■'■a a : m , E d ito ^ ': ' THI T O L 18. KQ. -22.' ~ ■ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori . _____ OIL 'COMPANY ADOPTS ' t] FIVE-DAY “ PAY" week:! JBAH . FRAHCI800, U*y S WH . J euadtm ofl mspur m otiuor* ttla. cat tb» ttfultf qauterlr (Ur* Iduul ta htU ukUt, orderlof w - wot ct S3 mdU ft Ihtn on Juu ' U to (tcckboldm of record U&7 { T!» wmimir wocnttd pir’ol , ■eiapiojre* “reduced-to • ll»e- itr Mir 1. utix/uth ‘■Uw oamptnrt buUnctt letiuJrttt Ihii they eonllnu# m itoe irnlw.r TiM w eut laiouDU to ibout 10 percent. Ttu caoputf repo^ «'Oet 'lda --T-fOT-the-ftnt-QUirter-or-ttW-ot - i »nj,MT »fiM allowtnc* of 1 ISC (or deHItcUUDO. dralcUoD and I ia^lSUoa. Thli -«mpirM~«1Ui ^ . * net woflt el UMKMl ta Ua C __lW_quirt«..»tt«r_M4Il.M:-il- f IdwiDM (or dtpiecUtloo. t t cetcn, f ud.tlMMO loeoma t u prorlUoa 0 A lUlcfflent bntd with tba ts- ; . DouncemtDt or Uie dlridend uld „ u j«t: 5 The 'tutemnt of Use eompw t, . for-tberUrrt -.QUUter rtfkeU the- e hlfl!]; uiuatlifacurr compeUUve . eondlUon In tbe loduilrr u d tbe k - ,»bnonn*nr lo* prleei (or tuotlne r (Jofta* Uvit period." . , fi _ FACTQRr ADDS 12QQ ; V WbRKErSTbPAYROLLJ i6inBviLi«^^ Mi7 : OJflcliI* of Oir-aiMdird Utnu. c fftctuHot .cbnpllQ^'nbiUluT ef - Aaoleu} -judjitor jud etwUrd . Btnii*rj oor^Uoo.-todijr u ld L tbe loetl pUat’ hod idded 13oa[<^ .. emplojre* to brim lot«l' emplo;* ' ment to s m 'Tbe Tcenlos. KewKi . ■: giiB^ynp^ - to hire *■ . COMPANY CONTRACTS . |J ■FOR m , O f a ' .ROCK aum . mTitv J iflj 7® CL 8obwr> leotfil nserto«lf teadent et tbt lstenuitioul.Bu.l]^ , . yettw cwpMj»-bere, todtr i»Mf5 ;U * <oiwm. pj4m«d to itMt » w y p '-:,-N O T E S BUSINESS gains;: ■■■ NEW YOIUtMwa WV8leph.l? en Bbtb, praldest of tba Keooe-L wtt copper eotpomuoo. *f the ‘ luekboldert’ icnaU mKUni to* ° —r-nlw.: -tomtJaeetl'the« “ WM ft decided pWnip.ln builaea J . eondlHoni orer tba world. ^ |* fDAHD WOMAN FAVORS P BEERTAX FORSCHOOLS;' IDAHO-?AIx5rMfty 3 WKA - moIuUon to tbe efiett.Ibit 'la ' tbe product be pUctd In-» fund «blcb would mtkft'. 6pet*U»e the aer-«boeJ Ux e^ueiamop - l i t a propoeed by Un. ateDft Muniner, f SSKriTAiSr;;!L;: neriUe sad SlDfbin miflUeiben' ' Mn. UaUIoer.uld the leboi^ t * tm U exwllect but U U laope^ tire beciDM no funde.ftre.mil> ftUe. flbe predicted ;dsbo inubcre G lejil beer. . The rejolutloo ,*»l'-Tmroduced neftr.tbe cloee 6f ■ meetloc celled — — by Btete Bupertnwudent of ScbooU - John W. Ojfldle. FLIER PUNS NON-STOP .'TKORLD-.CIRCLIN.G. trip; o m trsiu-ncj)fe'' fiMf, dUUiiiMiri bete todiy tbtt bU cmteapUledU nooHtop, ftround*the*irorld night j. _ next ye*r vUh three comptolooi will be ftUtmpled la Ute July or eir« g Jyjjufuit , Ig ------- ^Ih#roul4-wm.be frtw NewvortL lo Moecov, wlUi a itfnellne there, u to Chita. Siberia, (or anot^r t«>I b fueUnc.jind then orer the Aretle ., ajjented to tbe plan, he uld. aodf£ " i toatMWlluiipcnUoiioi n . « luella^pUoeeoTtfibelrcouoJn'. Lj He made ft hurried tIiII here today aj , . ^.Wenatchee; cenferrfin with Dr. fc V. coonf. ohlneie finance mlat».!, t ^ w d Mtureed lonlihl to Wmat- ’ EARTHOUAKE SUFFERERS “ — —HbURyE-$bOu,«}U7LiJAN ----- rWA3mMQ'ibN..,May 3 WVIle- S -J«y ffLtWM.to' , ^ - ---- lo«ffirm»«hnonbr^ .ft.copotiUoajonMdliSS .the'puniwrof hindlint i f f n i ^ ® , rtftl e«*!e dMWied by tb« ’f«en(f“ ____ >irthauake In Mutbew CiUlorala.<r 5?>rr6i3rii-tOTarTr<»-per<entin-4^ ..- tOMt rta rebabU ltatlODe»pcn.' . Uonwinittidlheraoneytopwpeity -,1 — owner* « Sper orat ^ - . aortpseioa.^ prepcrty..'^J» ' ~ E f ^ *So^tDrS» ” State Girl i ) Hands Of rs At School ^ Telephone Calls I . Figure in Crime : In Massachusetts » Child, Enters L a w ' BIus J JulomoWle'Driven ,:_'!)y ■ ] ; Man*Oes(!rlbeil'As Negri), I . Ourinj School Hours S « O. MeUitb.(omeily of Detroit, and >< t. snnd>dausblcr ot ?raaeli a Me* . Hath, wealthy Dctroll^lneer and t indutri^wu kidnap today.-" « . DlinUied from ber (ouith s»de o Kbool room after ft telephone M J ^ purportlpi to be from ber .ffttber d> had been twelred ther*. ttu i«- en-lr» aaui dee^nJH-aa ft Kegto. 'e No'moUve f ^ e Udnaptns'wu «I le known'to tbe (anJly w b o ^ a w ^ 1^ le retldeDU,here for two yean. *n«y ■ . formerly e»au hen aummea eoly.- 'State pollee .»nd eoait toarda , twunslntoftKaRbfortbeabdaeUir I which extended acronjrapa Cod.by I land ahd'from Boatoa lOuUi (o New I ^ London. Connecticut, by aea. ‘n m wu ft ptmlbuitytha child might - hai-e ttto taken aboard ft ieft-|OLn( I- erftfU If TwoCatti ---- 1 m telephone call rteelnd at the ^ Center Khool. which the child at* D 7 tended, uld tho ipeaker wu Wr . father. Ua uld ha wu.tendlnc a ’ chauffeur to get her.' At ftbout tba naia tto« ftnotto c^ to the Me* receiver there be tftken off tha hook (or 10 ffllDutcL The ipcftkar nld.bs - wu ft telepbooa eenpftsy amploya. T JJu cftUi were' tracwl to ft leoanl i & Whu tbe ftbauetor iirTlTed lllh * ^ arhwl hi Tfot ■*«»«« ii H In the •Aoolyftrd, Into tbe'.bulld* , .\atu Inform the tAt teacber tU t u f hawM«ftlUntferthaebUd.Bbalett z bmnedlataly and U.«u not until an \ ^ bow later. MftrS:|p P. K , that po* ti • to wwe.neUflei^u^^;.. t. ^ iitB'bK»5SS^S»TBi51iTrS® 5 tm^he hu' beea-en^^ i!l ^ - building. « u ~BNauie tha'atiductor aiked that f< Ihe McUath home Utepbone be Oa* P ■1 connected.,for only 10 mlnutea, cro- r , dence.wu.tlTui:lha.lbeoir.lhaLba (' ' lni«ndedtaeicapa.by.boftt;11ia-drtn U ~ denUo(I{aiwlchportwerecoQ(ldent, however, that no eratt could lean T ^ the wjrterfront unieen. V .Sapetliitendenilo School }j 'a -.0,. IL_Pntt,_i5pettatendenl .of « ^ tchooli.: who wu In tba building ° when tbe child left, uid while the J !r Mc!Matb«ewf^emplon<|t»zeham: h <1 (ConllnuM on-Pago'i coL 7) ^ [Hilllr; i-iniiPI [• ' d • Berlin's Spokesmen DIs- „ J avow Thoujht of Trying J ^ ""To ^aW'ln Re-Armament - , 8 OpfEVA. SwltierlaBd, Mty E p Oennany through ber dDlrgate to « ' the world dUaimament conference ^ th»-gnnlnl«>-«h«t ft i armament M the hlgheit poulble lereL" •' , - Count Rudolf Nadolny. the Oer- | '• man rtpreaenUUre, - propc*ed the Brithh armi plan bechanged to p ^ k vide ft maximum calibre of 10! mil* ', UmetertfermobUegunaandtoabol* . • Ith all tanks. tn a ■Then are itlU' greater dllUeul* 0 0 Uea-but they are not-lnmperable,- b: 4Counmidolny-d40lared^n«f^; b nBmbirttrftBundMifirimd'Mpuln* 1 isg that If the Oeiman propouli ai • are rejected, hli'natloa ahould be h Allowedall Und. naral.ahd air am* wi y amcnudoemcdneceeaaiyfordttcnie d for otho^cbuntrtM.. — ---- m • . ■ ‘ ProTM Coed WtU . - ThoOenAangov'cmmehlhuauf- St ifWeaUy prored lt*-good wlU.“ he fu ’ coatlnued. IS ; ' After prftUlng the attUude of Fret- ope, rtgardinf-conenatlon-of-con* . nicling Tkwpolhtij n dltancament. * l ^ e h w ” ac«i1ta In,principle ?-ihe period-ef tnaelUoB-for tbepac^-r-^ th?^iSelut«!y>> * ni8inyjellhaT0lTluTtTKIl1«1nl* Nairaanjent to proceed with ber oro «• ^r«-annaaentftttheMgbettposiIbIe ' Tlte Oenflaa'dcleeawrwho'iron ft » ^.Ttoiofy.ytaterdiy when the commit; ' bonUnoed on Page }, Col .1) llh 'I * ' ■' . ' TBE ONLY ASS Vl^ I TWIN liH S F ' JtSOCiALISJiC:;: niHiiNS^; ____ Bk . LIghtnlng-Llko Raids ol w , .Storm Troopers Strike™ •At Organliallons With Membership of 4,0 0 0 ® 0 ' ___■■ 1 IB . , tel •' (Dy H » ABOcUted Preau tat |U 7-)£RUir. Uay 9-A (tanning.blow ilo 'y K to 8odalUt*organlnd Ubor wu bn J, dealt today by the aurprlu oc* gel V eupatlOD by Nad ttonn troopen of uo - aU premUei tbmithouC oemaQy of tot 'S Ihe free trade unlont, wboae anrt* tL gale membcnhlp 1i about <MO,000. Sodalltt union leaden were arreat- ^ ed and the btovn-ahlried'NaxI fol* " b lower* of CEliTOllerAdd^HlllefaB• — Id nonneed that henceforth the trade t a unlona wlil-be-natloaalrliutead-of dm 4 Intematlooai, In character. toe Uiblabr Baldi the 4 TbaUgbtnlnfratdionthaafllcen lUa •- wtrt conducted early loday under le orden of Robert Lay. a Nail oeinbtr lUi U Of tha Richitag-who now U ptul. gut IT drat of the ilalea council. ite 1-' In ft cawunlqua. Herr Ley uld: tht r. 'We hiHTnot yet drawn the whole X Ubor. wcrld Into our tanka, but we 11 ehall not ceata'our efforta until tbe I f a Uit worker .recognlsci that our way - (CooUnuedooPagat Cot]) . ^ tMimfi ' --- He * I' PCfl ^ Business Leaders Priparo ok ; To OIsoiis Plans WIthni ^ -J!f«ldent— ^ Roosevelt 1 a. WABlQNaTON, May 9-, W -A »l wiaa>i»mlfylng1>Ifn, (or mobillx* .. big induiuy In ft eonblned olfen; « rire-fttalut tha. depreailon b to be PU 4 Uld'before Mtldent Rooterelt this bui I* week by leaden who have been to ^ itudylni the question Itr WMks. cal tt Headed-by Bcnstor Wagner. New abl n YortftcloH friend of the Bdmlnli. poi >* trttiBO.'th* coaunlttca wu reported igi tonight to be Ba«lnc eoapltUenit - I ^ tha:prmnff gorrmment mmnUloa. hi^ S- ____ ______________ ^ tt . With this In- Tlew. ‘the iroup. which U acUng u ft clearing bouM Il (or. the many deprculon-can pro^ t* poMls that have been pttMnleil. ti „ rtudylng -the anti-trust Uwi ^ ^ Bi ledto'weldlhtlrlDduitrleaWiher lnto.xloiey.knILgroupt,ta.wlpe-oat SI? t, “cut-throat compeUtloii- and. pn* re .rent fuithn- lUUilng of wages. , It wu old thit partloiUr attea* 1^ lion wu being devoted to'protecting -H" . Ubor and Ihe mull 4ianu(acturtr, “ >f wllh.a«irance..acalail.monopoDea. = f On lu aide, Induitty wu said by — * H. 1 ^ . head ot the Bern* j“ " pif«d~to~mt>vrtfflMwntHy u P millions ot men.back’towork. ~ .Sana ofpTopoaais han been Uld before ,tbe committee, eonildered _ ftndJiM_MldeaL<lUUmJannt _. « a workablepUu-AmontthoHwhlel) ' were said to. han been cUmiaated I w ft-propootith»t.-tJk-nr;tir. - ' duitriet bofttd or tha council «f Bft> -Uooal defesN be nrtreil to aid In- - daitty. -tTnder corer-of lhe Closest leereey the committee hu b«n meeUng tor houii dally, a more lhan fowhour B session wu held today at the otflee _ it -/tamrui^SngwiUi'Sfflt.'ire Senator LaTellettc, Republican, Wlieomln; Astlilant Secretary John - Dickinson of Ihe eomnerce depart- 0 ment, lUnd. David U PodtU. NeW « aiyn^ prwecuted-tte £ the antlHrurt Uwt and.an expert 1 J {Continued on_page 4, c >6 l7)~ '• - 1500 MEN RETURN ! TO JOBS IN GARY . - ,OARY, Ind.’SaTa wi-PUmu- belchedtromthesttel mllli todayand * Oair-^e of the cities hardest hit ” by the depreulon^took heart.that z bmliWM j ii'nw thl. rtln... ' __ * OfflcUla of Ihe American Sheet 1 and.tln pute company uId'U tUlU s trensUrtedlhlivMkandope^QOS * were boosted lo 73 per cenL4f up**. ■ B dljr ta e^lch up on a wa«e-of sea* - sonal.orden.--------- . the. Oaty works of the lUnols , - Steel ccapan7.put Its second bUM ' * furnace to work and* oinclsU uld ISOO men had bees jm lled u or* denponredln. ____. rUTAHNSTIND'CORPSE : OF ZION c i n WOMAN _ l-.jALTi.Aigcm iurM a„vu „ I bBdy^c»Qsr!tttt»«est;^TTnmBav^ from ber.home In subuiban RMUday ) iine« saluttUy iHiM," wU fousd'thU ' ' . aftenoon veditd amoQf rocki In Otg . Cottoo>eod-creek.40-mlleft.s«atb. irastorhere. ) The woman wu tuUeen walklni iloarthrcinyon-hl|hwiy and dep* ‘ PtrttemirwhaTcTOl-thrbodyittij— ! Rumbl^ and Isllen Into the cw'k] ^■pol^wtifrelheroidpuiWntar iSSOClATED ^RESS NEW. FALL VM FALLS, IPAHO, WEBHEIDJ -Oddities | I gpORTS DEAltM 6T0CK. I I . BICYCLES rOS WOKEN I ' OKLAHOMA CITY, May a BtcyclM are back for OkUhooft City I Usaie*. Serc^i •POfts dealer» noi’ f puttlctlnble^TetttaldepartmaBta[To: aad ooa U pUnntaig to form ft chibL B ■n»e gttl cycllsu art wtating amari I, ' (Unnel ' J ^ JAIL BESTBAINB YOUTU WOO '] ) ' WANTKDTOBEATOUOPIAN fl DSNVEB. Uay 2 («V-A niotherl . telet^ioaedChatles Cochrane, ucte*. tary of the elly civil lerrlM eomialsi,' r lion, and UM himshe bad ntndho^lrt I boy to be ft policeman but be« o ^ V { > • getoutofJaUtofltloulhisouatnft^ ^ f tlon papers. Cochtaoe replied he wafjda> f Mrry buf onablstodo anythlngabMt kr • lU ____ - i^u ; M U C t RESCUE FIVE , J » poimjiMD.toyaw>ipinm»3S? f duckUn*i owBed-brMn.'W.-Ro|3;ori took advantage of a heavy sptlndifros sbowtr that vlslled Portland to ptd4 |Vn' • dU ftboQt in a (looded gutter. A - f swift cumnt suddenly swept them r along. PoUoe wen called to the ra* ^ ’ eua.Theyuvedthawebfootedyoang* Afti (ten. rt» duckllnga bad been iwcpt j through ft sewer grating.. ITBAP^EZESTAROFM - f . . YEARS AGOSUCCUMBS . SPOSAN^>£ym-'Un.l^ Kr 6chubftcb7«,whoee daring trapeeii I I I 1 woric thrilled circus tans o( three ^ cootlnenu mon-than to yean ago, ■ died ftt ft bcapllftl here today, t Mn.5chuback..bllled with another. I k n a a u tba ’Marinda SMen," ' -' I touted for several years In Europe. ' South America and No;ih America. Her husliftna Pnnk J. Schuback, a VVC popular miaittel many yean agA J dledhenbmo. | TEiram^^ : . . -OoiSE, May* a u w u in of t^( mli I to tbe value ot Idatlo oiiaep and in cattle tuge wltbout ^ | f t « l l S ti-y r able damage to other'ttopJ. nWDtr 1 a^toie^totia* t UgW«ad?»aiM.t^’i& 'is r the ptedplulion,of more Uian'A that u half.«lnch_reeo«ed-lil-the_lii»t jS- houtio( the.atonn._;___ ^ ■me weather forecut. tonlibt day eonUlned a witnbig ot poalble ° (rat, which, If (erlous.-would.dami' -n ‘ Bge.vlrtusUy all n rittla ot fruit the • Ul louthweitem Idaho -for all att uii ' In t HUMpllble'sUte. Cherrleft ni{« I atvd-ac^U-are-lo-tuU-bloomraod t i r ’ apple blcsiomi’are beilnalsg to nmi [ opth'apd will be ta (oil spread by iffi! ‘ Sunday tTTaay or aoTatw.' u W. H.. Wicks, director o( pUat Indutiy In tbe department, uld h. t , the (rott so (ar had done Utile J— [ 'U any danu^ . ( II '■ ^ - ' -flt ‘ - ... - '• iWSPAPER IN TWIN P / iPAY MORNDtG, MAY S, 1933 niclii i SMIE J liSINJlliS Tornadoes, Hop'AbouTCrazl- ly From Louisiana to J Illinois During, Two-bay ' Assault Costing $2,000,000 'my nie AsmUUd Press) ' S pasmodic tomadoeathatbop* a. ped about crasily trom LoaU* ''1 ana to minols dofinr ft two* ds> auault on'the UUilssIppl val* . ,'ky lelt al least O dead in tbelr psthi..more-than SCO Injured and ' property damage In exceu of (3.* 000.000. ’ Ihe winds got a running atari tn ThTMniaoppnifni-suBdiyriBa “ Ifor'» hours wore a wierd pattern ;or-datrTiction'tn~icattrred-ieettani - f Ifrom Mlnden, LouliUna, to Nortli* V jVjit, lUlnots. » The ton by sUtes: ^ LOUISIANA-------------- U S ARKANSAS ----- ; ____ !___ II " MIMlSSim 7 ILUNOIS S C Coap^lrely Hlld - m ' Sundays tornadoes were eoniparft* “ Continued on Page J, Col.' 1) iiiH t- i X De —r bio Wealthy Suicide's Instruo-S’ tions -Call ior Muslo-~ Each Day Reside Body | | .L03 AM0ELE8. MIT 3 (fl-Bl- . utre'u her life of ec^lrla ae> - elusion 'were the Inattu^lons left by Ulsa M am nt Xellh, ^wealthy recluse, for.things to be.done.b^ I fore .her ‘ubea are seatiered oftt bci tbe aea. In notu made poblto todari tha ™ U-yearKild daughter ot, tbe Uto “ « Dtvld Keith. OUh sUrer nugntta, fir wU oommitted soldde Ust Pttday pee tn her ptiatlal iHnriy llllU hona,' !»• VktA that ,her'bo4i^Jtapt..» Sm (er^'dfyi in a pttnU rooC that fresh flowen be placed orer T her-hands-'daUy.-an4 that-a >flna- tin ottheslrft''-be-eng(ged lo-pUy-<aeb the day beiide ber body. -Joli Comply Wllb Be^aetU . tun -n e funeral dltecton. to whom ven the instructions were addreutd Jus said the ttquesU would bo'.eom* P«> plied wlth-that: a-small 'orche** i trmtndnM ernplojrtsmnenlir?’ ng^ents -ata..,.to.,lw_ wmpltted Uln KelUi* left a Ilit of li cUs* *“ ] (leal eompodUoni lo be pUyed , ° by the orchestra and uked that no ^ CMtlnued on Page 1, Ooi; 1) ” It*' J ~ Cop):iistit,,nM,.by, P ALLS COVNIT M3___________ ,,-r iffifE M O C R ] I V O T E i _ R 0 ( 0 House Prepares I ' To Ballot-Upon'-I V Irtflation B ill . ' cba ---- -pk ; Approval of Currenoy .E x - S ; .. panslon Amendment to S ! • Farm— Relief Measure ^ Seems Assured of Passaged 1 (Br TTw.AMOcUtri Prm> ^U»tlon t ^ ot tba admlaU* ftnd prepared to » £ f « & i f - t h . le<i(UUoa to eonlsttRCe. . « overwhelming approval of pr^- g- s s K r ^ ”r / « :s ^ eoflftf^ to the el dinennM between .the (CMte and - Hie flnt.important 1^ og tha |l| InfUtion provUlon came after.tba ||J Demacralio leadenhip had been blockrt again by Repmimtallrai,,, i SneU. New York, Republlcaa leader. . I ' in an ftttcmpt to .get unanlmom - \ )-• (ConUnuedwwToEir" ; OF FlHiinEE I ! BOlsa;,Majra W-OonTwra jj ■Ben Roa* todsjr ftocepted tho e h ^ ^ 1 , numsblponanaM»»W»otyt«» ^ 1mltteatoftiiutlnftdmlalatertngthaj^ , (itm ftct-whc*p opentloa wu e * * ! ^ poeU 4 to’rtftrti<»n,tal*iWUwMj & JWy'tba.otteftppotoUnneoben^pol . XhabommlttMUcoopoaejJdtha,^ limo^Ooen Ifl each atftterlaldaho- jt«j tun:E.V.'Iddlnta.deanofthai^*J si venlty extension dlvUtos. and tttn JusUco Alfred sudge of the sutesu* Kqt premaMiA.._.... .'itonj recommended by the first (our ^ wfflWotihally appointed by Becte* *f urf3riUl.««UBMur..------ OovOTof ROM lal^ ha had M la* by( formallon u to when a.raeelliig rt rloU Ihe committee would be held or what by i Its e*ad <}ulle* w«n to be. """ I area W i S' /■ r V £■„ ---- ^ - 3 - . SEI ANI .. ■.« . I and ^ ——— •- ___day I » .—a . Z. I •tor's - — per- 1 I ^ ----- ^ • „ ' E- n ,.b3r,llJa-.NeH,.Y0(k Trlbuiie. ino sWc AtJDtT BDWUO Of \iUmltA'nOK»_________ . aSS^MAS : TO supp lOSJlVEfcT w ash im to n I r .HAPPMINGS L (By Tho AftKxUled Preas) ' BOOSE ftgnei t9 ftct 'oQ ua* ^ ebftsged itSftlMpproved mnttkta pUn ftt end of Ovo, bouts' debat* aod .defeaU Republican affon to u/l rule-out tha neasuie-u-Bunatary -Vi IfglsUUon im^periy originatedtn senate.-' PEESIDENT Rooievelt holds*eoo* nomio.oonremtlons with ITiomu ;Le Bnton. Anentlna, and InvUea -1 I delayed- Italian ' tepreaentftUve, iOaido j ung,.ito-the-Wblt»-aflnse — ifljnoer. ' Itanessee valley development mea. ^ «re.. ^ O^Bl^NVopriatloaa ST Sll rat%trtually to haU tha-slM ^ of tU t Vetoed by Prealdert Hoover. ,0 STATE departauBt' annonneai ^ nenty Morgenthau, ar. New -Yotk, oiti Oeorge a Haas, ot tbe fam board,' xtat aad Ptederick Murpby, Ulnnetp* edl oils, were (aClnc for pnliolnatT (owi liii - ^EHESliiENs . : ____ , ]««n Coun^iy ;AUomev;1TireaieM g Invasion.* of .juriaiictlon » defy aecUmia of wewm lowi foUoit^ Ust-week’s farm rtoUnCeama ta)a today from county Attorney J t a w JW Smith ftt CbOfiktt.. * r- -J* ' Snltb aald b» hftd reetlvad-it--^ norta tbfttroopa itBUanedben.VBi m en.aad ftnnouneed that If . aucS g*j •aUpa'wMS’tftkortlwIWWTiMlOB---"" Smith assei^ there had. been DO-0^ ttcrubU la Oheroke* county and con* ^ ie<]ueoUy, ba sftld. tha (loopa -win ag-gs— -lIetawhlie,'orgaatallon-of ft mO* •> bytfuardsmealacconoeUonwltbtbft } « , rloU proceeded. Tin couacli. hcftdM ^ by Major USte Malloaoe, AnduBon. with thno other aatUhftl luard ot. (Icert u memben. U to be talited ™ byJudge:-AdvoeftU-pt«afc-Bnni;-“ S Ugan. ftctiag u ipeciftl-ptwacntoc iriUKt^MurtttroSw^ ftre* occupied by tha troopa durtm the period ot martial Uw. • Cenfer* With L«deef -iiator_Mallonw_cpnfened with guard leaden ben oa means to o » * : ^ ordlnato Uw.caforeement aad Jua> ssif-rs-ssSitK® DinUon and tba othff about this " j '*DetaUs of IrooptcoaUnued acour- -*S. Ing Ihe occupied am s thtoughott Use day in search of penoos wanted ^ In connecUcQ wllb rioU U i V v t e k a L ^ the Joseph Shields farm near D e iiir « ^ wn and at ^^eOTirien county coutt* .~~qcntlnued ot' pw ' » r^ » SIAR-'lN^HlT£CARttO” ,-. LEAVES ESTATE OF $25 atS . «"« SEA TIie Msy a WV-Bdlllj Ban*. aome. famed' actms ta the suga play, "White Cargo," who ended her. -to « Uie here four i^ootbs ago, Uft only . As US WDith of peflonaS'tffccti,'pro* hate proceedlnprevealedtoday. They "fP t »UIitt4ofahaUdoeendi«Rrts* p ^ n phetognpns and boxes of dim neyspapefcllwlngauveddurtngher “ »« amr ..... . .econi _ Her mother lives In MaryUnd.' SEATTLENEWSPAPERilS'lfsS aN d hero of war dies g' '■mmx. M»r a wi - M .jbr ObariM Bradley. United Slatea army to a reserve, W. w cnn newipaperraan' mail ind bolder oldecoraUons from three nopi tovtmmcnts for gaUantry tn action (o r luring the World war, died here to* Knii lay alier a.^bt1ef Ulness.' tent sent yean the secreUry of tha !^*st ims tfan Club" of theJawuijUtaborr. wnal Bndley^leamed telcgriphy and the i tnduslfil from a telegraph open* ibje Ur's key on'.* UlnoeapoUs newipa*. II roddSr iwtM'Vp'prt^ "^*lhe Th e lUher id sucteed bbn. In later bean rs. he lentd on papen In the f,o««; LUddU Westand bi San FnneUco, uves L.0) Angelet and Scftttle. tute Hlf wldAw , hls'oToUiRfMn.'UsT7- C. Dradler, ^vllnncapoUs, snd four — ilila( surrlve. <C TODAY Fair' ,WS'~ gPAGEg,-6CENT8 ' :SS-'"T“ S PORT TP^^ Republicans M ^e _ Last Futile Stand Against ^u fkns Wheat, Control -DlieiisSlon.^. ' Qo.esOnat_WhItVHou8^ While. SeiiatQ'. Prepares'' . I For. Wiiscle-,Shoals Vote V: '(By Tilt' Ai«datad ?nai)' W pobilcan mad* Uit--' standi todv ta. congnaa ’ ’ agataiit key untU ot Ibe Boetavttt ' ' . peegrfta . baV'~ tbelr .orfttorieti-’ strength v u o( tittta avftU ftgHnrt . ' tbaBuied-votuefttuadalniittft*. ' vaat ttuthar talo hla •eonoBle .- puationi in ftn hour^ UOc v U h '.,: ) l S » u A -U Bnton.i'Anenttni'a : ; antoy, and tmnad for'* waleont to >lUtfi.aaldoAwritbeianatopQib* . ‘ a d t b * ^ M ^ Sboiliprofnm-.: ’ towaitls ftTDta,tndlha bnMbe*Al- . taU-lnflatloD eratoiy and dtnuo* ^ stratodthaJeUlforabftctof-tha ' admlalitratloa mooetaty pUa In 't . asi*to*lU teat vote.. - 09 laUM tlk'. V 'eoeq#fi<rtbiMsdd^ftadX«V ataton'oiitlinaifiSa^^.'tbdr' v e o e n S itifttloni, tbetr tacbid>.:M: '>1 Udea « n t ftl tlM datslto la k , :< eeafcROM.neo Bt Um ■taU 'daiK. ' partmoit Ja Bn .«o ln l -vu'-Utt . v. , be^'bf T(«irt&«Vtk*ld-tip'lili~-r , airiM, tboiia banMcB-tte:pnatlBt ;/ .and RiaAy':ib(Ogaifiv-aad'' : EdMiaidHcfilot,taM«d todty tta ' ; , ValM Stttaa wu.fldly igmtbls. „ . to bavtat-tba BeeMnn*pmCMd ‘-TBTBOBw-taatTotrottttfhitfc^^ , .ottUtaadtaKjbvalmiDant,e( tl»4«y,.. , 00-tha BoMTitt deoaatio tn m a , I-peettirad CO ftjaottoa b y ,i f ie n S jeptoBntftUm agraedto ippron er l^)aot-uiMHaimd>.tb>aagat>Ti».^ ' It wu,fOlkHHSlNmilf^dUitt"~~ ; tba tegtilitloB..cB tbalcoataatloa ' - that tba unaU bad no right to: 'ortHnfttoaoneUryJegkUUofu. . ; n a a !^.«ld'tf|manli-aaHhe akonnr <SnUoa .wnt- oa.--brete i&yir»ff!.s g a a " . 'uui'.uruMiuiuiuuu. m mmttu— ?= looa^tndM tnd InfUUoa tftllt «art ; I .'InlbaaanataUia'OraBdOldPir* ty reguUn nianhaUad ftU.tbalr « . in bulnaa^ .liepbtiylag. . or fartlllaar.'nw teBQlatoed Ut- terly agalnit sinklac into Tnaaa* •ee mud* t u funds wiaatad from. . dtiaans at Urge. But the old onblsaUon of Sea>^ ocnu aod W e ^ RepobUcaa ta- -Cfpendrota which b u panad » u - ela fiboftls bint befon « u nor* than ready to approve tba expaaded Roosevelt pUn wtlh lu Tennessee . • Dia.ABWuieaa riaa ' ' . Ua'dueussion Brought ironTben^.’ ^ atar.;DUl. Democnt, Wuhington. ■ftiiaouMtiiKnt of ft new pUn tec developing the Uift,Co]usiMft tiu- ta,-where tj7la*u^«jd poweriw '• .to oonviit <lesert^ rich land.' ; .' AB.aside ta the general deUU wu u t t ^ by Senator'RobtnsoQ., " R«pttbll^.'Indlan^ .wtu.ftttaek* «d--yeathlul Uwts .W.-'Douglalr— ^ director of the budget, (or the aUih* . tag strokes with which ba yleUi tha.' .economy axe. , I Ttae swing of that axe rece|rad . Ihe day u It nporied for actloo the' independent ofHcea appropriation • bUl, cut h) two from Uit Unie ftnd equipped with an appendix under ■•U which the president wlU have power k to eancel or redoce-alr and ocean mail-contnrtf to retire.govetnment employes ta ihe'serrice ihlrty yean, lo reUre o((I«rs o( Ilia aUlllaty services on hslf pas^ai)d to u n In several 0^ dliectlcps. ~ . . ■ lees reported legtiUUon but the ’ . - senate's banking committee approv*. ^^LtYg^ww-w^nf^fb*^ ' rwnatf- tbe adnnces made were tndeair* able. Tbe leaalft. vfll. ban to voto on li •-• . . ' ■ — aeaii-Prolata— --- -oj Tha senate’s flaanaa'commllte* - heaid vfRnons’ noteeU from-tba power tnduitiy, led by rtpresenlft- Uves -of-the XdUon Sectrio Instl* . , tute. which-*«weed«d the-*ld .K».-=i^ llonsi EleetrieTJghna^UUop.^*:.;^; (Continsed on'Fsia a> ■[,. ‘ ''-s' :

tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

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Page 1: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

/■'■a a : m , E d i t o ^ ' :

' T H I■ T O L 18. KQ. -22.' ~ ■

LittCTay S Palls IntoAbductori

. _____


JBAH. FRAHCI800, U*y S WH . J euadtm ofl m spur m otiuor*

ttla. cat tb» ttfultf qauterlr (Ur* Iduul ta htU ukUt, orderlof w - w o t ct S3 mdU ft Ihtn on Ju u ' U to (tcckboldm of record U&7 {

T!» wmimir wocnttd pir’ol , ■ eiapiojre* “reduced-to • ll»e-

i t r M ir 1. utix/uth ‘■Uw oamptnrt buUnctt letiuJrttt Ihii they eonllnu# m itoe irnlw.r TiM w eut laiouDU to ibout 10 percent.

Ttu caoputf repo^ «'Oet 'lda --T-fOT-the-ftnt-QUirter-or-ttW-ot - i »nj,MT »fiM allowtnc* of 1

ISC (or deHItcUUDO. dralcUoD and I ia^ lSUoa. Thli -«mpirM~«1Ui ^

. * net woflt el UMKMl ta Ua C __lW _qu irt«..»tt«r_M 4 Il.M :- il- f

IdwiDM (or dtpiecUtloo. tt cetcn, f ud.tlMMO loeoma tu prorlUoa 0

A lUlcfflent bntd with tba ts- ; . DouncemtDt or Uie dlridend uld „ u j« t: 5

The 'tutemnt of Use eompw t, . for-tberUrrt -.QUUter rtfkeU the- e

hlfl!]; uiuatlifacurr compeUUve . eondlUon In tbe loduilrr ud tbe k

- ,»bnonn*nr lo* prleei (or tuotlne r (Jofta* Uvit period." . , fi


i6inBviLi«^^ Mi7 :OJflcliI* of Oir-aiMdird Utnu. c fftctuHot .cbnpllQ^'nbiUluT ef - Aaoleu} -judjitor jud etwUrd

. Btnii*rj oor^Uoo.-todijr u ld L tbe loetl pUat’ hod idded 13oa[<

.. emplojre* to brim lot«l' emplo;* ' ment to s m 'Tbe Tcenlos. KewKi

. ■ : g i iB ^ y n p ^ - to hire *■


' .ROCK aum . mTitv J if lj7® CL 8obwr> leotfil nserto«lf teadent et tbt lstenuitioul.Bu.l]^

, . yettw cwpMj»-bere, todtr i»Mf5 ;U* <oiwm. pj4m«d to itMt » w

y p

'-:,-NOTES BUSINESS gains;:• ■■■ NEW YO IU tM w a WV8leph.l?

• en Bbtb, praldest of tba Keooe- Lwtt copper eotpomuoo. *f the ‘ luekboldert’ icnaU mKUni to* °

—r-nlw.: -tomtJaeetl'the« “• WM ft decided pWnip.ln builaea J . eondlHoni orer tba world. |*


moIuUon to tbe efiett. Ibit 'la '

tbe product be pUctd In-» fund «blcb would mtkft'. 6pet*U»e the aer-«boeJ Ux e^ueiamop - l i t a

propoeed by Un. ateDft Muniner, f

— S S K r iT A iS r ; ; ! L ; :neriUe sad SlDfbin miflUeiben' '

Mn. UaUIoer.uld the leboi t * tm U exwllect but U U laope^ tire beciDM no funde.ftre.mil> ftUe. flbe predicted ;dsbo inubcre G lejil beer.. The rejolutloo ,*»l'-Tmroduced neftr.tbe cloee 6f ■ meetloc celled

— — by Btete Bupertnwudent of ScbooU - John W. Ojfldle.


o m trsiu-ncj)fe'' fiMf, dUUiiiMiri bete todiy tbtt bU cmteapUledU nooHtop, ftround*the*irorld night j.

_ next ye*r vUh three comptolooi will be ftUtmpled la Ute July or eir« g Jyjjufuit • , Ig

------- Ih# roul4-wm.be frtw New vortLlo Moecov, wlUi a itfnellne there, u to Chita. Siberia, (or anot^r t«> I b fueUnc.jind then orer the Aretle

., ajjented to tbe plan, he uld. aodf£■ " i toatMWlluiipcnUoiioi n . «

luella^pUoeeoTtfibelrcouoJn'. ■ L j He made ft hurried tIiII here today aj

, . ^.Wenatchee; cenferrfin with Dr. fc V. coonf. ohlneie finance mlat».!, t^ w d Mtureed lonlihl to Wmat- ’

EARTHOUAKE SUFFERERS “ ——HbURyE-$bOu,«}U7LiJAN----- rWA3mMQ'ibN..,May 3 WVIle- S

— - J« y ffLtWM .to ' ,

- ---- ™ lo«ffirm »«hnonbr^

.ft.copotiUoajonMdliSS.the'puniwrof hindlint i f f n i^ ®, rtftl e«*!e dMWied by tb« ’f«en(f“

____ >irthauake In Mutbew CiUlorala.<r5?>rr6i3rii-tOTarTr<»-per<entin-4

..- tOMt rta rebabUltatlOD e»pcn.' .Uonwinittidlheraoneytopwpeity-,1 — owner* « S per orat ^ - . aortpseioa.^ prepcrty..'^J» ' ~

E f “ *S o ^ tD rS » ”

State Girl i ) Hands Of rs At School^ T e l e p h o n e C a l l s I . F i g u r e i n C r i m e

: I n M a s s a c h u s e t t s

» Child, Enters Law ' BIus J JulomoWle'Driven ,:_'!)y ■] ; Man*Oes(!rlbeil'As Negri), I . Ourinj School Hours S

« O. MeUitb.(omeily of Detroit, and >< t. snnd>dausblcr ot ?raaeli a Me*. Hath, wealthy Dctroll^lneer and t in d u tr i^ w u kidnap today.-" «

. DlinUied from ber (ouith s»de o Kbool room after ft telephone M J

^ purportlpi to be from ber .ffttber d> had been twelred ther*. ttu

i«- en-lr» aaui dee^nJH-aa ft Kegto.'e No'moUve f ^ e Udnaptns'wu «I le known'to tbe (anJly w b o ^ a w ^ 1 le retldeDU,here for two yean. *n«y ■ . formerly e»au hen aummea eoly.-

'State pollee .»nd eoait toarda , twunslntoftKaRbfortbeabdaeUir I which extended acronjrapa Cod .by

I land ahd'from Boatoa lOuUi (o New I ^ London. Connecticut, by aea. ‘n m

wu ft ptmlbuitytha child might- hai-e ttto taken aboard ft ieft-|OLn(I- erftfUIf TwoCatti ----1 m telephone call rteelnd at the ^ Center Khool. which the child at* D 7 tended, uld tho ipeaker wu Wr . father. Ua uld ha wu.tendlnc a ’ chauffeur to get her.' At ftbout tba

naia tto« ftnotto c to the Me*receiver there be tftken off tha hook (or 10 ffllDutcL The ipcftkar nld.bs

- wu ft telepbooa eenpftsy amploya.T JJu cftUi were' tracwl to ft leoanl i& Whu tbe ftbauetor iirTlTed lllh *

arhwl hi Tfot ■*«»«« iiH In the •Aoolyftrd, Into tbe'.bulld* , . \ a t u Inform the t A t teacber tUt u f hawM«ftlUntferthaebUd.Bbalett z bmnedlataly and U.«u not until an \ ^ bow later. MftrS:|p P. K , that po* ti• t o w w e .n e U fle i^ u ^ ^ ;.. t.^ iitB 'bK»5SS^S»TBi51iTrS® 5

tm^he hu' beea-en^^ i!l ^ - building. «

u ~BNauie tha'atiductor aiked that f< Ihe McUath home Utepbone be Oa* P

■1 connected.,for only 10 mlnutea, cro- r , dence.wu.tlTui:lha.lbeoir.lhaLba (' ' lni«ndedtaeicapa.by.boftt;11ia-drtn U

~ denUo(I{aiwlchportwerecoQ(ldent, however, that no eratt could lean T

^ the wjrterfront unieen.V .Sapetliitendenilo School }j 'a -.0,. IL_Pntt,_i5pettatendenl .of « ^ tchooli.: who wu In tba building ° when tbe child left, uid while the J !r Mc!Matb«ewf^emplon<|t»zeham: h <1 (ConllnuM on-Pago'i coL 7) ^

[Hilllr;i-iniiPI[• ' ■ d• Berlin's Spokesmen DIs- „J avow Thoujht of Trying J ""To ^aW'ln Re-Armament - , 8

OpfEVA. SwltierlaBd, Mty E p Oennany through ber dDlrgate to « ' the world dUaimament conference th»-gnnlnl«>-«h«t ft

i armament M the hlgheit poulble lereL" •' , -

• Count Rudolf Nadolny. the Oer- | '• man rtpreaenUUre, - propc*ed the

Brithh armi plan be changed to p ^ k vide ft maximum calibre of 10! mil*', UmetertfermobUegunaandtoabol* .• Ith all tanks. “ tn a ■Then are itlU' greater dllUeul* 00 Uea-but they are not-lnmperable,- b: 4Counmidolny-d40lared^n«f^; b nBmbirttrftBundMifirimd'Mpuln*1 isg that If the Oeiman propouli ai• are rejected, hli'natloa ahould be h ■ Allowed all Und. naral.ahd air am* wi y amcnudoemcdneceeaaiyfordttcnie d

for otho cbuntrtM.. — ---- m• . ■ ‘ ProTM Coed WtU .- ThoOenAangov'cmmehlhuauf- St ifWeaUy prored lt*-good wlU.“ he fu

’ coatlnued. IS; ' After prftUlng the attUude of Fret-

ope, rtgardinf-conenatlon-of-con*. nicling Tkwpolhtijn dltancament.* l ^ e h w ” ac«i1ta In,principle ?-ihe period-ef tnaelUoB-for tbepac -r-

th?^iSelut«!y>> *

n i8inyjellhaT0lTluTtTKIl1«1nl* Nairaanjent to proceed with ber oro «•^r«-annaaentftttheMgbettposiIbIe

' Tlte Oenflaa'dcleeawrwho'iron ft » .Ttoiofy.ytaterdiy when the commit;' bonUnoed on Page }, Col .1) llh

'I * ' ■ ' .' T BE ONLY ASS


l i H S F 'JtSOCiALISJiC:;:niHiiNS ;

____ Bk. LIghtnlng-Llko Raids ol w

, .Storm Troopers S tr ik e™

•At Organliallons With

Membership of 4,0 0 0 ® 0 '___■ ■ ■ 1

IB . , tel•' (Dy H » ABOcUted Preau tat

|U 7-)£RUir. Uay 9-A (tanning .blow ilo 'y K to 8odalUt*organlnd Ubor wu bn J, dealt today by the aurprlu oc* gel V eupatlOD by Nad ttonn troopen of uo- aU premUei tbmithouC oemaQy of tot 'S Ihe free trade unlont, wboae anrt* tL

gale membcnhlp 1i about <MO,000.Sodalltt union leaden were arreat- ^

■ ed and the btovn-ahlried'NaxI fol* " b lower* of CEliTOllerAdd^HlllefaB• — Id nonneed that henceforth the trade t a unlona wlil-be-natloaalrliutead-of dm 4 Intematlooai, In character. toe

Uiblabr Baldi the 4 TbaUgbtnlnfratdionthaafllcen lUa •- wtrt conducted early loday under le orden of Robert Lay. a Nail oeinbtr lUi U Of tha Richitag-who now U ptul. gutIT drat of the ilalea council. ite1-' In ft cawunlqua. Herr Ley uld: tht r. 'We hiHTnot yet drawn the whole X Ubor. wcrld Into our tanka, but we 11 ehall not ceata'our efforta until tbe I f a Uit worker .recognlsci that our way -

■ (CooUnuedooPagat Cot]) .

tMimfi' --- He

* I ' PCfl^ Business Leaders Priparo ok

; To OIsoiis Plans W Ith n i

^ - J!f« ld e n t— — Roosevelt 1

a. WABlQNaTON, May 9-, W - A »l wiaa>i»mlfylng1>Ifn, (or mobillx* ..

big induiuy In ft eonblned olfen;« rire-fttalut tha. depreailon b to be PU 4 Uld'before Mtldent Rooterelt this bui I* week by leaden who have been to ^ itudylni the question Itr WMks. cal tt Headed-by Bcnstor Wagner. New abl n YortftcloH friend of the Bdmlnli. poi >* trttiBO.'th* coaunlttca wu reported igi

tonight to be Ba«lnc eoapltUenit - I

^ tha:prmnff gorrmment mmnUloa. hiS - ____ ______________^tt . With this In- Tlew. ‘the iroup.

which U acUng u ft clearing bouM Il (or. the many deprculon-can pro t* poMls that have been pttMnleil. ti „ rtudylng -the anti-trust Uwi ^ ^

Bi ledto'weldlhtlrlDduitrleaWiher lnto.xloiey.knILgroupt,ta.wlpe-oat SI?

t, “cut-throat compeUtloii- and. pn* re .rent fuithn- lUUilng of wages. ,

It wu old thit partloiUr attea* 1 lion wu being devoted to'protecting -H"

. Ubor and Ihe mull 4ianu(acturtr, “ >f wllh.a«irance..acalail.monopoDea. = f On lu aide, Induitty wu said by —* H. 1 ^ . head ot the Bern* j“" pif«d~to~mt>vrtfflMwntHy u P

millions ot men.back’towork. ~

.Sana ofpTopoaais han been Uld before ,tbe committee, eonildered

_ ftndJiM_MldeaL<lUUmJannt _ . « a workablepUu-AmontthoHwhlel) • ' were said to. han been cUmiaated I w ft-propootith»t.-tJk-nr;tir. - ' duitriet bofttd or tha council «f Bft>- Uooal defesN be nrtreil to aid In- -

daitty.-tTnder corer-of lhe Closest leereey the committee hu b«n meeUng tor houii dally, a more lhan fowhour

B session wu held today at the otflee _

it -/tamrui^SngwiUi'Sfflt.'ire Senator LaTellettc, Republican, Wlieomln; Astlilant Secretary John

- Dickinson of Ihe eomnerce depart-0 ment, lUnd. David U PodtU. NeW « a iyn ^ prwecuted-tte£ the antlHrurt Uwt and.an expert 1J {Continued on_ page 4, c>6l7 )~ '•

- 1500 MEN RETURN ■! TO JOBS IN GARY .- ,OARY, Ind.’SaTa w i-PUm u-

belched trom thesttel mllli today and* Oair-^e of the cities hardest hit ” by the depreulon took heart.thatz bmliWM j ii'nw thl. rtln... ’ ' __* OfflcUla of Ihe American Sheet1 and.tln pute company uId'U tUlU s trensUrtedlhlivMkandope^QOS* were boosted lo 73 per cenL4f up**. ■B dljr ta e lch up on a wa«e-of sea*- sonal.orden.--------- •

. the. Oaty works of the lUnols ,- Steel ccapan7.put Its second bUM '* furnace to work and* oinclsU uld

ISOO men had bees jmlled u or*■ denponredln. ____.

rUTAHNSTIND'CORPSE : OF ZION c in WOMAN _l- .jALT i.A igc m iu r M a „ v u „I bBdy^c»Qsr!tttt»«est;^TTnmBav^

from ber. home In subuiban RMUday ) iine« saluttUy iHiM," wU fousd'thU ' '. aftenoon veditd amoQf rocki In Otg . Cottoo>eod-creek.40-mlleft.s«atb. irastorhere.) The woman wu tuUeen walklni

iloarthrcinyon-hl|hwiy and dep*‘ PtrttemirwhaTcTOl-thrbodyittij—! Rumbl^ and Isllen Into the cw'k] ^■pol^wtifrelheroidpuiWntar




BtcyclM are back for OkUhooft City I Usaie*. Serc^i •POfts dealer» noi’

f puttlctlnble^TetttaldepartmaBta[To:aad ooa U pUnntaig to form ft chibL

B ■n»e gttl cycllsu art wtating amari I, ' (Unnel ' J


DSNVEB. Uay 2 («V-A niotherl . telet ioaedChatles Cochrane, ucte*.

tary of the elly civil lerrlM eomialsi,' r lion, and UM him she bad ntndho^lrt I boy to be ft policeman but be « o ^ V {>• getoutofJaUtofltloulhisouatnft^ ^ f tlon papers. Cochtaoe replied he wafjda> f Mrry buf onabls to do anythlngabMt kr• lU ____ - i^ u

; M U C t RESCUE FIVE , J» poimjiMD.toyaw>ipinm»3S?f duckUn*i owBed-brMn.'W.-Ro|3;ori

took advantage of a heavy sptlndifros sbowtr that vlslled Portland to ptd4 |Vn'

• dU ftboQt in a (looded gutter. A - f swift cumnt suddenly swept themr along. PoUoe wen called to the ra* ^ ’ eua.Theyuvedthawebfootedyoang* Afti

(ten. r t» duckllnga bad been iwcpt j through ft sewer grating..


. S PO S A N ^ > £ ym - 'U n .l^ Kr 6chubftcb7«,whoee daring trapeeii I I I

1 woric thrilled circus tans o( three cootlnenu mon-than to yean ago, ■ died ftt ft bcapllftl here today,

t Mn.5chuback..bllled with another.I k n a a u tba ’Marinda SMen," ' - ' I touted for several years In Europe. '

South America and No;ih America.Her husliftna Pnnk J. Schuback, a VVC popular miaittel many yean agA

J dledhenbmo. |

TEiram^^ : .. -OoiSE, May* a u w u in of t^( mli

I to tbe value ot Idatlo oiiaep and in cattle tuge wltbout ^ | f t « l l S ti-y

r able damage to other'ttopJ. nWDtr1 a^ to ie^ totia*

t U g W «a d ?»a iM .t^ ’i & ' i sr the ptedplulion,of more Uian'A that u half.«lnch_reeo«ed-lil-the_lii»t jS-

houtio( the.atonn._;___ ^■me weather forecut. tonlibt day

• eonUlned a witnbig ot poalble •° (rat, which, If (erlous.-would.dami' - n ‘ Bge.vlrtusUy all nrittla ot fruit the• Ul louthweitem Idaho -for all att u ii ' In t HUMpllble'sUte. Cherrleft ni{«I atvd-ac^U-are-lo-tuU-bloomraod t i r ’ apple blcsiomi’are beilnalsg to nmi [ opth'apd will be ta (oil spread by iffi! ‘ Sunday tTTaay or aoTatw.' u• W. H.. Wicks, director o( pUat

Indutiy In tbe department, uld h. t, the (rott so (ar had done Utile J— [ 'U any danu^ . (

II '■ - ' -flt

‘ - ...

- '•



n ic l i ii SMIE J liSINJlliSTornadoes, Hop'AbouTCrazl-

ly From Louisiana to J Illinois During, Two-bay '

Assault Costing $2,000,000

'my nie AsmUUd Press) '

Spasmodic tomadoeathatbop* a. ped about crasily trom LoaU* ''1 ana to minols dofinr ft two*

ds> auault on'the UUilssIppl val* . ,'ky lelt al least O dead in tbelr psthi..more-than SCO Injured and ' property damage In exceu of (3.* 000.000.’ Ihe winds got a running atari tn

ThTMniaoppnifni-suBdiyriBa “Ifor'» hours wore a wierd pattern ;or-datrTiction'tn~icattrred-ieettani -fIfrom Mlnden, LouliUna, to Nortli* VjVjit, lUlnots. »

The ton by sUtes: ^LOUISIANA-------------- U SARKANSAS ----- ;____ !___ I I "M IM lSSim 7ILUNOIS S C

Coap^lrely Hlld - m' Sundays tornadoes were eoniparft* “

Continued on Page J, Col.' 1)

i i iH t - iX De

’ • • — r bioWealthy Suicide's Instruo-S’

tions -Call ior Muslo-~ Each Day Reside Body | |

.L03 AM0ELE8. MIT 3 (fl-Bl- . u tre 'u her life of ec^lrla ae> - elusion 'were the Inattu lons left by Ulsa Mamnt Xellh, wealthy recluse, for.things to be.done.b^ I fore .her ‘ubea are seatiered oftt bci tbe aea. • ™

In notu made poblto todari tha ™ U-yearKild daughter ot, tbe Uto “ « Dtvld Keith. OUh sUrer nugntta, fir wU oommitted soldde Ust Pttday pee tn her ptiatlal iHnriy llllU hona,' !»• VktA that ,her'bo4i^Jtapt..» Sm(e r^ 'd fy i in a pttnU rooCthat fresh flowen be placed orer T her-hands-'daUy.-an4 that-a >flna- tin ottheslrft''-be-eng(ged lo-pUy-<aeb the day beiide ber body. - Joli

Comply Wllb Be^aetU . tun - n e funeral dltecton. to whom ven the instructions were addreutd Jus said the ttquesU would bo'.eom* P«> plied wlth-that: a-small 'orche** i trmtndnM ernplojrtsmnenlir?’ ng^ents - ata..,.to.,lw_ wmpltted

Uln KelUi* left a Ilit of l i cUs* *“ ](leal eompodUoni lo be pUyed , °by the orchestra and uked that no ^

CMtlnued on Page 1, Ooi; 1) ” It*'

J ~ • • Cop):iistit,,nM,.by,


M3___________ ,,-r

i f f i f E M O C R ]


i _ R 0 (

0 H ouse P re p a re s I

' To B a l lo t - U p o n '- I

V I r t f l a t i o n B i l l .' cba

---- -pk; Approval of Currenoy .E x-S ; .. panslon Amendment to S ! • Farm— Relief Measure ^

Seems Assured of Passaged

1 (Br TTw.AMOcUtri Prm>

^ U » t lo n t ^ ot tba admlaU*

ftnd prepared to» £ f « & i f - t h . le<i(UUoa to

eonlsttRCe. • . «overwhelming approval of pr - g-

s s K r ^ ”r / « : s ^

eoflftf^ to the eldinennM between .the (CMte and -

Hie flnt.important 1 og tha |l| InfUtion provUlon came after.tba ||J Demacralio leadenhip had been blockrt again by Repmimtallrai,,, i SneU. New York, Republlcaa leader. . I

' in an ftttcmpt to .get unanlmom - \ )-• (ConUnuedwwToEir"

; OF FlHiinEE I

! BOlsa;,Majra W-OonTwra jj■ Ben Roa* todsjr ftocepted tho e h ^ ^ 1,

numsblponanaM»»W»otyt«» ^1 mltteatoftiiutlnftdmlalatertngthaj^, (itm ftct-whc*p opentloa wu e**!^ poeU4 to’rtftrti<»n,tal*iWUwMj & JWy'tba.otteftppotoUnneoben^pol

. XhabommlttMUcoopoaejJdtha,^limo^Ooen Ifl each atftterlaldaho- jt«j

tun:E.V.'Iddlnta.deanofthai^*J si venlty extension dlvUtos. and tttn JusUco Alfred sudge of the sutesu* Kqt prem aMiA.._.... .'itonj

recommended by the first (our ^ „ wfflWotihally appointed by Becte* *f urf3riUl.««UBMur..------

OovOTof ROM lal^ ha had M la* by(formallon u to when a.raeelliig rt rloU Ihe committee would be held or what by i Its e*ad <}ulle* w«n to be.

" " " I area

W i S '/ ■ r V £■„

---- ^

- 3- . SEI

ANI.. ■.«

. I and^

— — — •- ___day

I » .—a .

Z. I • tor's - — per-

1 I ^

----- ^

• „ ' E- n,.b3r,llJa-.NeH,.Y0(k Trlbuiie. ino sWc

AtJDtT BDWUO Of \iUmltA'nOK»_________ .

aSS MAS : TO supplOSJlVEfcT

w a s h i m t o n I r

. H A P P M I N G S L(By Tho AftKxUled Preas) '

BOOSE ftgnei t9 ftct 'oQ ua* ^ ebftsged itSftlMpproved mnttkta pUn ftt end of Ovo, bouts' debat* aod .defeaU Republican affon to u/l rule-out tha neasuie-u-Bunatary -Vi IfglsUUon im^periy originated tn senate.-'

PEESIDENT Rooievelt holds*eoo* nomio.oonremtlons with ITiomu ;Le Bnton. Anentlna, and InvUea -1 I delayed - Italian ' tepreaentftUve, iOaido j ung,.ito-the-Wblt»-aflnse — ifljnoer. '

Itanessee valley development mea. ^ «re.. • ^

O^Bl^NVopriatloaa STSll rat%trtually to haU tha-slM ^ of tUt Vetoed by Prealdert Hoover. ,0

STATE departauBt' annonneai ^nenty Morgenthau, ar. New -Yotk, oitiOeorge a Haas, ot tbe fam board,' xtataad Ptederick Murpby, Ulnnetp* edloils, were (aClnc for pnliolnatT (owi

■ l i i i - EHESliiENs

. : ____ , ]««n

Coun iy ;AUomev;1TireaieM g

Invasion.* of .juriaiictlon »

defyaecUmia of wewm lowi foUoit^Ust-week’s farm rtoUnCeama ta)a today from county Attorney Jtaw JW Smith ftt CbOfiktt.. * r- -J* '

Snltb aald b» hftd reetlvad-it--^ norta tbfttroopa itBUanedben.VBi m

en.aad ftnnouneed that If . aucS g*j •aUpa'wMS’tftkortlwIWWTiMlOB---""

Smith assei^ there had. been DO-0^ ttcrubU la Oheroke* county and con* ^ ie<]ueoUy, ba sftld. tha (loopa -wina g - g s —-lIetawhlie,'orgaatallon-of ft mO* •>“

bytfuardsmealacconoeUonwltbtbft }« , rloU proceeded. Tin couacli. hcftdM ^ by Major U Ste Malloaoe, AnduBon. with thno other aatUhftl luard ot.(Icert u memben. U to be talited ™ byJudge:-AdvoeftU-pt«afc-Bnni;-“ S Ugan. ftctiag u ipeciftl-ptwacntoc

i r iU K t^ M u r t t t r o S w ^ ftre* occupied by tha troopa durtm the period ot martial Uw. •

Cenfer* With L«deef -iiator_Mallonw_cpnfened with guard leaden ben oa means to o » * :^ ordlnato Uw.caforeement aad Jua>s s i f - r s - s s S i t K ®DinUon and tba othff about this " j'*DetaUs of IrooptcoaUnued acour- -*S. Ing Ihe occupied ams thtoughott Use day in search of penoos wanted ^ In connecUcQ wllb rioU U iV v te k a L ^ the Joseph Shields farm near D e iiir«^ wn and at e OTirien county coutt*.~~qcntlnued ot' p w ' » r ^ »


. ■ «"« SEATIie Msy a WV-Bdlllj Ban*.

aome. famed' actms ta the suga play, "White Cargo," who ended her. -to « Uie here four i ootbs ago, Uft only . As US WDith of peflonaS'tffccti,'pro* hate proceedlnp revealed today. They "fPt »UIitt4ofahaUdoeendi«Rrts* p ^ n phetognpns and boxes of dim neyspapefcllwlngauveddurtngher “ »«am r — ..... . .econi_ Her mother lives In MaryUnd.'

SEATTLENEWSPAPERilS'lfsS aNd hero of war dies g ''■ m m x . M»r a wi - M .jb r ObariM Bradley. United Slatea army to a reserve, W. wcnn newipaperraan' mail ind bolder oldecoraUons from three nopi tovtmmcnts for gaUantry tn action (o r luring the World war, died here to* Knii lay alier a. bt1ef Ulness.' tent

sent yean the secreUry of tha !^*st imstfan Club" of theJawuijUtaborr. wnal

Bndley leamed telcgriphy and the i tnduslfil from a telegraph open* ibje Ur's key on'.* UlnoeapoUs newipa*. IIroddSr iwtM'Vp'prt^ "^*lhe Th

elUher id sucteed bbn. In later bean rs. he lentd on papen In the f,o««; LUddU Westand bi San FnneUco, uves L.0) Angelet and Scftttle. tute

Hlf wldAw, hls'oToUiRf Mn.'UsT7- C. Dradler, vllnncapoUs, snd four — ilila( surrlve. <C


, W S ' ~g P A G E g ,- 6 C E N T 8 '

:SS-'"T“ SPORTT P ^ ^

R epub licans M ^ e

_ L a s t F u t ile S tand

■ A g a in s t ^ u f k n s

■ Wheat, Control -DlieiisSlon. . ' Qo.esOnat_WhItVHou8^

While. SeiiatQ'. Prepares'' . I For. Wiiscle-,Shoals Vote V:

'(By Tilt' Ai«datad ?na i)'

Wpobilcan mad* Uit--'standi todv ta. congnaa ’

’ agataiit key untU ot Ibe Boetavttt ' '. peegrfta . baV'~ tbelr .orfttorieti-’

strength v u o( tittta avftU ftgHnrt .' tbaBuied-votuefttuadalniittft*.

' vaat ttuthar talo hla •eonoBle .- puationi in ftn hour UOc vUh '.,:

) l S » u A -U Bnton.i'Anenttni'a :; antoy, and tmnad for'* waleont to — > lUtfi.aaldoAwritbeianatopQib* . ‘ a d t b * ^ M ^ Sboiliprofnm-.:’ towaitls ftTDta,tndlha bnMbe*Al- .

taU-lnflatloD eratoiy and dtnuo* ^ stratodthaJeUlforabftctof-tha ' admlalitratloa mooetaty pUa In 't . asi*to*lU teat vote..

- 09 laUMtlk' . V 'eoeq#fi<rtbiMsdd ftadX«V

ataton'oiitlinaifiSa^^.'tbdr' v

eoenS itifttloni, tbetr tacbid>.: M:'>1 Udea « n t ftl tlM datslto la k , :< eeafcROM.neo Bt Um ■taU 'daiK.

' partmoit JaBn .«o ln l -vu'-Utt . v. , be^ 'b f T(«irt&«Vtk*ld-tip'lili~-r

, airiM, tboiia banMcB-tte:pnatlBt ; / .and RiaAy':ib(Ogaifiv-aad'': EdMiaidHcfilot,taM«d todty tta ' ; , ValM Stttaa wu.fldly igmtbls. „. to bavtat-tba BeeMnn*pmCMd

‘-TBTBOBw-taatTotrottttfhitfc^^ , .ottUtaadtaKjbvalmiDant, e( tl»4«y,.., 00-tha BoMTitt deoaatio tn m a ,I-peettirad CO ftjaottoa b y ,if ie n S jeptoBntftUm agraedto ippron er


' It wu,fOlkHHSlNmilf^dUitt"~~; tba tegtilitloB..cB tbalcoataatloa ' -

that tba unaU bad no right to: 'ortHnfttoaoneUryJegkUUofu. .; n a a !^.«ld'tf|manli-aaHhe akonnr <SnUoa .wnt- oa.--brete

i& y ir» ff!.s g a a " .

'uui'.uruMiuiuiuuu. m mmttu— ?= looa tndM tnd InfUUoa tftllt «art ;

I .'InlbaaanataUia'OraBdOldPir* ty reguUn nianhaUad ftU.tbalr « .

in bulnaa .liepbtiylag. .

or fartlllaar.'nw teBQlatoed Ut­terly agalnit sinklac into Tnaaa*•ee mud* tu funds wiaatad from. . dtiaans at Urge.

But the old onblsaUon of Sea> ocnu aod W e ^ RepobUcaa ta-

-Cfpendrota which bu panad » u - ela fiboftls bint befon « u nor* than ready to approve tba expaaded Roosevelt pUn wtlh lu Tennessee

. • Dia.ABWuieaa riaa ' ' .Ua'dueussion Brought ironTben^.’ ^

atar.;DUl. Democnt, Wuhington. ■ftiiaouMtiiKnt of ft new pUn tec developing the Uift,Co]usiMft tiu- ta,-where tj7la*u^«jd poweriw '• .to oonviit <lesert rich land.' ; .'

AB.aside ta the general deUU wu u t t ^ by Senator'RobtnsoQ., " R«pttbll^.'Indlan^ .wtu.ftttaek* «d--yeathlul Uwts .W.-'Douglalr— ^ director of the budget, (or the aUih* . tag strokes with which ba yleUi tha.'

.economy axe. ■,I Ttae swing of that axe rece|rad .

Ihe day u It nporied for actloo the' independent ofHcea appropriation • bUl, cut h) two from Uit Unie ftnd equipped with an appendix under ■•U• which the president wlU have power k to eancel or redoce-alr and ocean mail-contnrtf to retire.govetnment employes ta ihe'serrice ihlrty yean,lo reUre o((I«rs o( Ilia aUlllaty services on hslf pas ai)d to u n In several 0 dliectlcps. ~ . . ■lees reported legtiUUon but the ’ . - senate's banking committee approv*.

^ LtYg ww-w^nf fb* ' rwnatf- tbe adnnces made were tndeair* able. Tbe leaalft. vfll. ban to voto on l i • ■ -• .. • ' ■

— aeaii-Prolata— --- -o jTha senate’s flaanaa'commllte* -

heaid vfRnons’noteeU from-tba power tnduitiy, led by rtpresenlft- Uves -of-the XdUon Sectrio Instl* . , tute. which-*«weed«d the-*ld .K».-=i^ llonsi EleetrieTJghna^UUop.^*:.;^;

(Continsed on'Fsia a>

• ■[,. ‘ ''-s' :

Page 2: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

$ S 5 !; ’OKMal Saj» "We’re-Rea^^ L-2iFor:i;W ar;^^i^^M

;. To Move in lVMen” S —— d «

•• B0I8R ia y : l (IV»K«tt «OT-“ JJ

nctoa i a i v » mtn cur qpn la _

.. M ty iS'Conelutlon.ef » ooaf«r> - ‘-cBee wHh-watlwn-Mtho.^/owt

•effldtlt •'■ .... , V- if: I Ietapt alloM ;■

to U tte vin bt loettMl la U» B leatiwre put d tt» itau, bt ot itld. aad'titM ter Uutt btrtbtta

cooa.'tnita bt loittad ^ idtho.: ■’ . • .,! -, • to;

•TUaty tf.SU< a a.‘•fXUUt in ' w r a t tm ta ®g

- tU i cuts (or Uu -100 etapt," Ue. BuUtdit MVL ”Wt tn ntdy dov ^

- JtttltttlcUaa. H ta loatbA Utlw. gI- rr».t. In ttf¥Wmlw»

tnca u» ti«t e( iT taTM y it^ cuu■ « . s s i r & r 3 a

v t t t ' t i m lw rtiew.; -, . • _ , a: « n ^ '« S fc S ‘3 !?S :isg

- B o m R T u ; ^ : ^ tm tC S * tf t: S 5 S S f f i T « ! ? S S S « S


t e a e w T i s w

3 'P iS lis


:V iS lS ito “S'.‘! E S £ ^

■:r-ij«-iieta(rT»wiiqrU**»-r--Btft ta-< lABbuu «»»*-Ti«i»-««nwit diuai in l

■ sSsSffiHrt a r W Xtsdrttt Bttuv, Enr* to U

u 4 ‘Diairt:4«inUa(: thli— S f f i f S S n S S B u S S

mi,' &«»-- vcrtte - iBd Uafnnt to u

; Tbt M M w a w f M ard tr 'a iis ludii «U1 itahpromptly H 740 o’eloct ud< rellowlai u ttae-profrta-to <UU11: -.

"Btad Bon.” Ototatttt; lU r- pi<

m ; *P1(U1 Dty.* .WMKOutd;. "Old Urnet,-Uta: “ fttawWer WbbU; ' -nii Zoomt.- SoO! -BtttJo n jaa O/i

• ot Um RepuWei? - "Ptfyrnilw:* ™ /Vello UocD.^ranM(t«; "NUlir


B o n m .ueya lep td ti lo.-nieNen)-Dcclnaliw Uty 8. t iqulrrel mrT

• • polMBlnc ctaptl^ vin ba tooduct* tohn,lu lu u«w»7TOTnnj“uj"fT»'n^i mb*;

. ncr, eonty .ictBt. tnd t mcnbc n A

Dtitii*?iiJ i?i?fnnirnrf!Z t o a i^ iE f f l^ M iS b e i r e k ^

orer. ru s e t ta IbON eoofflua* |/m lUei tn nqikMd t« eeo|M^ Ja M t dl«ribaUnttbtpolMn.wblehbiB{>. i i plied tm at c« l tar UteieitDdL "

.,.. .^.Khwlultftarthtcgatetoun- _ pittttfoUow: • ig

ut7S,vmovc»tk. Boulder, Bt. n r : lin, IiUod, OtUey tod Noitb Otk- cn»<

• Jtn tu r «. Alblco, UeolUm: M«r eonit

fitontt Aloe tad BnnehplKou ■<>1 • Almo; K tj » Ttoba pltet. pcMot*

DM Jai DconeSfl pltci, Btsltr. ^


„- W a y OM»t» wnty cvr bonoudiBto^baBato«tl.tBaet>.hai attn

_ Jm .i« m n O iJM d ic t< iu .O ti : o a t _..faD..B..-J..fiUtt^.poUet.iefptnl. thM

vtnd Qilet Bttdloc Otik Ibit tlM tie* itS-.atltnoae. OUef Gltrk lU te Ihu

-,tM,ctn:«v^in.tostdoTtrtoM< = : tn l tuUtnritat mdg pwrttlCT o(

' After. ttUof .tiM W tbt tUit &>( .drort td t flllOf tutlap. B i neur- *«** -tdpiw Uahbtte llid top tjrtar M’ X S ’s s i r^ s js p i^ -

I ■"

B B fflljl

.dpUttloa wu J I of ta Incb, wlod m fro a tb tn c t is d U M d irvu cloodr: btremtrio prwm m i n- -. eordldU9«,ntBdiMtodhuJ^V gl ^ r i f rcm Bto O p tfc tiito t^ ^

■iiniei5:|of took uadv tdrtitniat todtjr tiu tppMli tor clemenc; ,ot ; n Traiim-fw-iod'J.-L.-«oOimn, ^ Idtbo rtOi. MfTlai m* tattoctt IbiK t S pS in iitiy7 « 5 manodtr on JnJjr ji. iwi. o«»W

obut Out. ?tiii tUcr* M nty tnd Beoairffl* eooaty lUU tta-, » i 's s f f s t r . i s ’s s ieoBfiettddBrtar.UMiutfofc^ ^ Bwo( orer tbt txpotur* ot t boot- . .. ta cC tn 'n rto T ^ tn d So aa i., -j,'% * S n d - lB fu U id a t e r ^

tbtt Um two mea flrtd ^

btoa taTlted ior t mldnlgM eooter- « «fnnm «

Staitor OUrk ttld trtdtaeo .«i« wn lattodueed to pro»t Cltrt. who ■« otta kUtd la. tbi tm»r, .htd t M a ^ ibot Into Uu ptr la whieh Pox tad M UoCtnoU wtn'piMeBfah tad add- td tbttntaratlrvwti only nit d f - n fttw. men wen oUier oocuptati Iw o{ tbi car. . , . Ubi

TOI tppul .ot Dtl Rty HLtf. a TolT wlbMt In tbt rox’UeCtiTon o n , fptr wu tlM beton tbo botrd wu m tad ttkta tdrlitiaial tlooi'WUh ~ Ukt.pUtec*Mt.UnttwuocafWM t «SLSSr-^SEM ’«t l Um prtico ctrUtr, du to ta t»> ' pttl'to Um npttmt oovt la tha sarAo-MM wUeb .Inpt Um .oUwt tw ia inla.oatmtyJta ■ • ^

OMHTSilS'Wl 1111 V 11. -yy

Ulowtbli tnount of'letd rtildui;U|*.S & i ? 01 ’? Noitowert (JOJ xtbtrdUtt^ tirlealtural offleltU . 10 b* held fittanUy ta Bood Rlnr. Btttoai W. a TleU. Idibo dlrto, ' •. Isrof.pUiatlDdtiitry, old todty. q, JM ibo onbtMlMi .an protettbt. j(ta M t i l l tbtt tbi ntaUOm m di- Rtoy'Uu tadumy -irno-tHtibii ^ DMtathwbteafoaadtortfflenUii >« ^tyldu^rttdlly^^^ ’_ 11M only eflMUn iptay dnl»d lo ^Doninnb>codUaia)otb.Wkkiitld, ^ IttlMdtiwatUipray aiidualm- tSk

ia-«ay:W W «dfbelo* ol-llUltlT tU ,._J---------- - --- _B

lUlU bua, tddlac Utit B» detU) i/|| U t btia £halttly tttflbuttd.tUbttto Um Ittd er tbt tnuilte ftctor la ]|ihifprty. . ' "

totoUMHood lUTunuiUB<, Wic]u T>» i t J^ i^ n i^ M ^ m to l io M Ja ^

ja&er BtcfiUtooi of tbt put food tPddnmtct. .

DASTLEFORD - w o m e n ’ "

“ E tEC rC LT IBT )FFICE5SS lOA^nEPOhO, Uiy 3 (flptdtl to

nw New«-Be«Uan of et/leen wti rn i ielditthemt«^o(KT«ywoaun1 XV' lubU itltartSy ttUMUiUudUl -R Eplieoptl cbQrca. N«w offletn tn ; £ i z . o . DtTlt. pmtdiat; U n.K „ X MeCiU. Tlet pnHdeat; Mw. w. „ ° i ;. Tboou, leenttiy;. Un. John }rury, tnum tr.. i, 'v

In . A. A. Voctl tnd un. Rtf retu. ohn,tnl«rUlonlUMelub.nobot> If," tgarW i. L. mtrarc ^s. A. auictl. Mmd rtfreituDenti. r J ,


to ^nrNew iHne ftculty tcGinblp. nnmltiM ef Kimberly hl|b tehoo(. C . , «tuUUa( of Fnok Wtmer.'Uope 4<CleMy.tnd KtroU BtowtU. Jitde- .,-VlT «fw< • -ebolutle lUndlnf fer.tht four*;^«ried of Uute pdutttnt trora (he K*l ht|h Khool u>li yetr. The» . _

dteelo«d Uktl-rawa 4(«bektr. ■ iMthUr Of Ur. tnd Un. W. P. Ntb> H <ker. rtridlnt attr BbetboM. yna ■ ilthert boQon: wlUt .K'.fstff>yttr ■ choluUstnrtioofMl.orBplai. ■ md EUlt Buptr. Xtabertr; woo ■ lUh honon or ttcond pltet b eUa V

ChttKt U U :^ M '

ttjSSStoBtSS^^^hOett»honond tad tbtt UMpne- B |M of l y yttorlta «n^ B i

Eater Tksr C tte i t Ctki Cob* f teti, UcU^dU Chmb. Uty i V Mmi. KttrtahntBti. .Cikt Btk

OfffflHIIrtM '!

-.;'• ■ ■■____i : ; d

'-ir ' r ''n ir' ^

& ra l Liquor CoiivTfaBy T t!' -Ott

;0A8PEB. wyo, Uty : p «

vbelettlt'ftdenl liquor coniplney iafMiatUoDi...........-

eh^ot.poUet.of t t ^2 S i ? ^ f S f f i ‘S a i 5 3 t o ***Oherenoe Uty I, tnd u 3 t e wu brtdlnjtn. , JI5,; n * U under im it lo ftr an: . -AOkt: Oioly.^ebltL-olspoUee; . . Ibnlff o. O. Jtfodiy/ O v Birt. - tt nun, Oearte Coaunant, Jtei;7ttk^ «un Un, Rty umbtrt, B e ^ Lvpcr* wU toot. Otih OUi, lUtnta WUItrd. |i. i IM .S U , IHak-OoawN, DtTt m•■Ssa ! *3

Ebond ' ' . . UlM.■,:;-'*'tirti-a p ^ ' " run

IQuitly, who wu ratoiadtd fromofflet by Um elly cooaell iiut aliht

r a o ^ % W. 0. UlSTwhan gfti

!■ Utyer r W. Reiran, (or wbioa t jnunnt wu Une& tlooc wlUi-M eUMr 'dtteadiati, It ta Wubtaitoa ^ tad U txpeetod to b« utTFd.vttft ^ Um ,wt7int when bt ^niaridiy.^— • • ' ' P ”- IM trtl ofUdtlicbtritUuniiirt lwoeoaiplnclc(,tOfloUtiUMm> ^ blUUoa Itw la ’Cuper; Oat, la . TolTlog.ll.dtfeadiaU.,ww » eoa*

Tht o(h*r. Uke tm t i chtrn'wu . ( t eontplrttf by lenn deftadtoU too ^ t t . | ^ m ^ i,'.' BD

'B K A m i,c a ix o i, r iu n , ^T M U d 5 K .D 5 & * A 8 5 " X M dD.'VUtOQ iBizKlid u -ftSt'oa ths o a t ftoi of tV-B'Cbtnt by-Obkf of dMi Pallet Uk t .Quetly; Ctiptr..tbit mora hU trmt'wu UM mall et-nitr* odM Uita pomiek” • lino

SiSSinNQROTARYrctUB w.“ ' SELECTS DELEGATES Sffi'■. •■ . .' * eboetOOODIMO,Uty3J8pteUltoTbe

Kewt)>At UM poUry .BMtUnc A. A.'Wtodbitdjtnd-Dr.-'S.'a Potu M l vtft-cbeten i t delehteirto U» W BonUim Idtbo^OUb dlitilet tnnu- _ tl Rottnr eoanallon to bt bild it ~l>o«UIb'Uty 4 tad 6 .- ----- :-----U.':H.^:Klnf,-Burley,-wu. Um----ipetkir tt Uit m nUv ud tm ti ttik OQ thl minufHtun of dltbtt In Um Onlted .BUtd.

Student i^ti~ot tbt dnb'wne UottU Itutftksr of Um tUt« lebool tad Robert Bouitoa of Ooodlni eoi-'iS v a - D .. Rmm . nac BO. WU


The KBwi)»Rtr. tad Un. w. i t . Johniw feft forJoyeUo Uondiy

dueUni nrlTtl itrT|c*».Tbty eipict to,retun to SlmbiHy smi.Bici^ . diy.

Ii Rer. Jobaua'i tbtetxe. Rer. ' f Ttrtett-ArnatroBfwm tmrute’W i: plttt'the.lQinberly Ktanne churth • f on Wednndty nl(bt ■ k


Km)>Aond hcuM tn bela( ao> Flined hr B^.WUion.CuiU county . Iclerk 3 Uit board o( coamttdeaen, . Ethat bldi (er lUUOO wunat n- Pdrmptloni boadi wU be recelrM up . Ilo Mty 1. tt hU otflet. Do idJ in to . |j» ytin. Bidden tn to ipeclty ta* f ifTOt n u tnd denemlnitloai pre* h

CiaU county t o no bctuled ta* BIrMtdneiiutcoiinly.AiMifdvtN EatlcnotUiiuualyU|743Ueo, of Iihleh n.470SS ll property. ^ |

^ m e t h i h ^ d i f f e N n t

iiiNcyops ^(UBn iPO BD ;u tya .(a p i^ to

TtM Kiwi>-4tocnau {cr btfnttoi * ^ rultiudflnmtne«nMn»a»Ot«l*^ t o d f f i - t ^ ^ n r boo ♦}!.gtgw.-**“ l y ffi |,'.---®f-t. .nu.'JMcetliuredtt: phcrtai Uiiy Tl 7 tt Ute Kbool i r u 'fw m ; Ooc* biw dc«y; lanettloQ. Ulu M Browo; no* •Onwud’tnirUUta Boidlta’ coo- the iretiUon:. In Um Otrden.' boyf coll* Quirttt. m it ptTli. letter Bybet, dns! O fit Bottmtp and Jtoltnd Bepf. fi<ri Ka; ''Wbit t Ptlead Wt Bittt la ih« ( Jetui.* eoncretttlon; pltao lolo, dept Pay PeUljotin: .tcrtptun -retdlnf. ofeiM*" SS!S5b^ttetdel.-ilonlit Byasr-end' ::Uf Tbdd: terntn.-> »l^««fu^V»-. mu- Itt," Ktr.Jate IW d ; *Re Letditb ui6e Ue.” • ■ coQirettUon! benediction, the Ulu Brown. unc; AddrmByBfT.KtBdtn w '- ''nv'tilnlb twautl'cocBffieiittmeat ^ Mtrtltei tt Cutleford.-hlth.tchool ^ win be htld la Um tudUorluffl. Uty tietr,

E ^ ^ - u d . J t c k Tbomujiin- 5«gEK’'Sy*mu£^' nSSttS ^UlM Bulb Voyer; .drit* textetU. : P , ."Ulibly Uk* a Raw:, tddrctt, |“i ' Tieani Pcbblei." Rct. 0. I*«ea . dtD; teatar b o y t^ U t . -A ^

m iii? » f if t dlptomu, O. P."B«nnel. chtlmfin ^

PelUJohci: benrtletlon.- Rw-- J«M c_ i^ ^ ■ » ■ ■“ Mui"71m cltu roll followi: Utmle ment BudMO. preildint: RuUs UOftr, Chir nlidlctorltn; Btro]d WiUpoli. Mlu- tlalt. ttlerltai .June, Ita r^ . Uu lat Iletci Uudjon. Pty EwUohn, Jobh Todd, Bons.

AbtUn- Atna wrtinp Dole Rty B«nl-_Htrold-...Benfien.j,, Robert eludii Thomu tad Wilier T im Mn. ud I Cbirlei Lee If. Um cltu tdrtwr., ‘ prwe

-------------- • ’ tolh20 GODDING STUDENTS', K


BURLET.Utya (8pe«ltlto T ^ ! Dn Kewt) - Twenty memben ef Uu Un. Ooodlat eoUeie chorus, under dlree*' mltte Uoa<of Proleuor jTtn Skoutttrd, »u i bltd er.MM coQete muilctl deptrt- -noidi aient. tan t eoaeert tt Uio.Uotbo.'white dM Aureb Bundiy trealav. In Uio protr morelBf Uiey tppetred U Uie Ueth- OdM cbureb 1a Rupert Dlaaei^mt L 1)1, |lRa(arUupcr(0menbytbee00' ' u 0r « ^ - l n napeh tnd-a iuww^nooa.w J i im . ~ --- ith, Iw f e S S i etntata. ,*BaJh,“ by’*d bj

otul. wu pnt0i(«d;pilnc]ptl putt via < wsnttlfeau(oaon;RuULbyMlK <wttt DoroUty Bowtoa locnao; Miorm. port by HIM Otnllo BtU. contralto; Or- Un. phi. by W n Ptult Wremj aad'-propi Beti by Beth. Woody. W u Aant> rapoi beOt'lBonmta wu pltnUk ■ TtM leleei: ebera'TltUi.toauwm Idtho-town (iro oa Bundtyi, cnd-htt.tlretdy been.’WiK lo8hothooe.Jerome,Rlctatle]d.Palr- eomtii



• •' •-■

' . ........'.

in . w e d i^ ~ d a '/ 'm o rn in 6 , i

6 B SPhono

: £lthty-«!x aemtei tad tuntt'tfftbir i6oe ot Uu ouUttUdlat toclil mea-c UDUAl Mty bntkfut, oa Tueidty aftenor-the-afttlr-vu-Ou iumt*e pnm a

The btaquet room wu betutUulIy di bIouomi.-Tbe ttblei wen centered wtl flowerlof tla»nd tnd (iron coaiUtM c Uie room u U r i r W. Ueteh tl Um | collect wu nid by Ore. E.'8. WUlltai i l i i ^ tht Club Hat- F r e i l^ u.tA) a r t uu latroductoiy ttlk In trhJcb*r^ ih« dinded Um Club into lU Tulaut d(ptrtmenti.tnd»tr«ie«lUield*ili of e«:h depirtment. tad ended btr remirkt wjUj a lUttny for dub wo- j " aea. ■ • . . . .•■:Un4er U«-‘et^ffl_‘AdJilftB* ■ ntuiof FnddaB,uniD ...Aleii. inder. wu Intndueed. tad uader ^ the eipllon -How.Do.- Mri. E.'A,

un. Ltndoo n n ' ipleadld-td- ™ dntMt. Flint for Um comlnt Club 'W yeir-wm ouUlnid by me new of. •« Iter. ?' SUUnfUultiMnaiiladtrof Uu protrtu would bt >a Uii attun of ^ a torpilJi. Uie toutmUlreu. ta- ^ aouaced •Paa PluUque.* %■ fet- ^ tun Uluitmini poimi. lonp tnd the work of Uu Ohib public wd* * ( i« deptrtmeatf u (o,Uowi: *Uiud , j J Muller," Un. O. IM. * n r . wlU> rctdlns brUn. Hffman Schurcer; ^ Un. 0. P. Dttwll. ilniint ■'po Yoa P«< KpwTJy^fiCaeff'n'BtftloolBJS^ ™ Mn. E. E. Burnt; •'pptnlih Itdy," Pl« Ui»^Ourtli-Hteoerr-.“OoloBltl ^ Udy." Un. P. W. UcRoberti; “Uil- Vea UbiAJCn. R. P. RoblnM»: Ub< terr Mux of'ths’pebllo'wtUire depirt- prtt ment. npretenUat Uw Auoctitod K Cbirinet tad Um Oouaty KetlUi U» Halt, by Un. Irt Wynh tnd Ulu Um Helen-. Wjlfe; "Jiptaew- Low Bite 60ns." tfri. B. L Prlet tnd Urt tte Rty Aieer tnd "Idtho,* Uie.cob< UM clBdlni, tnimber_of. UM_dtUMi>(ul ,<iqej ud InltraUat lerlet of poi(i, wu U n prejented by Uri.R-WrClouchek, Uay 0 (he teoomptnlaieat'o( Uto tint* ■ lot ot "Idtho by UM iroup, !£uilo- ot tl iceomptBlaient wu furaUhed by vu Un. W. H. Dwight AttUtlaf it Uu it t eutttlnt wen Uttli.OllYlt Obtp* «ga- mw tnd Jetn Toblnton. • 5r»

DeeentloiM wjn la chtrtt .of Inf < Un. E. U. Sw ^y tod her com. Pier mlttef tnd tbe dcllchtful luacbeon t«nt< wu imnted by Urs. a ^-Rey. In : iKfldi.- Tht dub cotan, peen tnd hem white, ,.nn .wed tn the ittnctln Joyei protrimi preputd by Un. Sreeley. nVI

---- , Silt.- The Wtytldt Club met wlUi un. turw U. a KuykendtU Tuetdiytfter- tUn Booa. The -mertlaf-opened with try.' tb*-«lacti)fr«MAserletiMoUow> — Fd by Uu Lord:i. pnyer.- TTw mln. Ur ulei wen rttd by Un? Z|»nkBeer, her- Kcrettry. tad Um PedenUon »• urdt; OTt wu ilna by un.uajeneik Ttitn Hit. U t SmlUi had ehine of'Uu Um 1 OTcnm on mutlc. Roll etU -wu tnm rtipoiided to wtlh tiTorlle muilctl PiRi KleeUoni. U ia Juliet Htyden itiu Run :iro -aumben, ’Dtnny £ n .‘' lAd BeUi ■Wtlen of U» Ulnaeloakt." tc- Oeor mnfanled by Ulu UirtmtRclib. Uixl n . Twenty.four memben tnd Uttl ’our gueiu wtn prmot Un. ,p. Qura

kM 0.»,; 1883

laidClIW|jjm S i - - .......... " fd -

_____ t - -------r 6»iiiiT0i«b«*»j 2B ^ ;t tu o B ; Um Ootn ?

tftaSg y g t o g g ^ l A f e t w ^

5*d«« ie fl S t f i & d tnd frttt K 1 wm).'rttQ bowlt coatateinf ptnk V tM ef'contit boquttt. O u itu n !^ ^ Um pltno itftytd a Btrch. Tbt CSab Ita i after wblebUMVWpiotasd. la ^ t .tflittalitnti.'Mn.a.iIi.-atBwliel ^

J. oibbt. itn . KotbiMkboU. u n S Oleoat Bembre«..Un..OIen Joael wU RefrabaMnU w«n by. un. wll U c. Joaet tad Un. H,- -u.' Cd. plo

___ -________________ n'ftiamM Rtbtkth WiB.BMt M ^

Odd PeUowt' KIU Tuetdty. ew- Jp ttbK wlUt Un. Uertle Sooden. ^

5 - 3 ^ 5 =luut-wera.la chtrti or Un. I a WiUi tad bl|b icon t l beidtt tali went to un. 0. E. Weldoo. tnd Un hlfb al to Un, J . .9. AnArabtrt RefreibinenUven. terr- ptr ed by U n . ,(?. O. loat and ber Ott etmalUte. ' . ’ ' UU

• — -.. aft«Wtr UoUiO* wtn lotfti of Un |ta

Uitoa AuzUluy at L t ^ V m - btrt oilil Bin, n ttd iy tn n te tba- Oto protram eonHittd of a .tt«^ ,o r . ioeaHolotHT-*h»-eeiMtlrlito 7-* pltao teconaptaloeai:. b y !U t it tiy i AiHea-Pttn on, tart ,n t>llti«a->y sod Vealct TOford. Bt»ibnwnUlictf Obti terTtd.tad~UM Wtr UoUMttf V m aea pntnted wtlh w m f .bottOMlt. aU

U t i pn rB eM lt. Pgtldial.at ^

tiM.notttta. of ten. &• AUM lac. Bitckbam. atilontl Frtddtal of ttlei U» onantetion, al ' Pooattllft pria UetUaci. a luaeheoa a&d.a,btt>

Uay.eliwnUi tnd twelfUv . , . Jg JObiptar’ A C F z O BUterbood,

wu entatalned Tuetdty. annlaj .but I t Um oooatij' bomt of Ua,' Sta* yoa-Onoa. El*hteio-menb*»WM;:^j pretent After tbt builnett oe ty j^™ ln« coadoettd by Url'-R. K a n n in C ^ Pntldeot, Urt. &,B. .WUUisit pi^ L , ? tented Uw propam Juptr. -IUd lo- '^ In Europe.*- Retrabmenti wen r}.h berred •tnd a todtl hour wu en*Joyed. Un.. ’Keayna. Onta ■. tnd ^ WTU-a»<o. tbe Utter ben ftoB - S

.tlewt ot U» Btlmoa Rlnr cw - <n............. . lau

U rt U irttnt WitU pnienUd i w hcr-pupUi in I pUao ncltil Sttr’jMl< urdty emlat it be bosM. oa. ia> 1 Tbtrd Anast Korth, PinnU. M one Um pupUt wen futiU tt-UM-pre-.-un, trtn. 'Hm cUa ladudet D tiij un. Rtte, RuUi Annt Btyet,. John att,; Rttmuuen, Jeane patotwDrtb, p. b Bern Uendenoa, Okiria Burtett, UMl Oeortt Buriett,. WUUt BimUtoiC' Uixlne „Weldon, Mumy Berth. Dr. Utniya Kotth aad ITMon 'BelU. bUo Du^,to tddltlon

>• io S

M p f M g S S S B B .-‘v \ \ ■ ■■■■■— •■

' • > -I-. - ••

rtrtisiH iil|jlGGUpEIIMp.|

Tour Ufer* tarocaUarwu ttnn by tm J. W. Aadtnon. a aslatnt nM- 1 ins tv aubo^o i^ tkudtn. aad J UMbe&idkUoQhyPta).VOei|t.>Cif tJcaltdecUeofWcreTBadertdtV tbo . < bttbiOMet-baMiat^llM'etaU^ m M w ii& U M lilih ieb b o lM ^ ^

ptwiwfi • ... Wtt

a .p tB o (H U 'iA d u ^ readiw «.!!'

..imeia: flbSd;^ ' t a ^ talaed «l,UM bem’r i Ur./iad Doe un. e. k Odnadtr 00. tea Anaut TMfdi]raRanooa'at,!l« boo p ir ty J i^ In t UtrUia tad Otas , - Otuander on Um .ocetilott e( ;tba u UUer iliUs Urtbdiy. Durtat’ ba Dor afttraooo- tbt>,povp- ta M ^ wtt] umn. RetnUaa«BU. Jndudint >. bin btrUidiy ctkt,.w«.iirTed by. Mn. U Oitnader..' . ' Bob

r r t * ' : • • • ••• WW rU

K - f t S i JS S ^ S S i iSSS5J‘« '2 iS S .S 5 if f ij^urcaktaadnoD|tetkei,vlllb(L». .PlU

f tHW*V <000lac, ibeti InUntttd .an ukod':tD tbet ttlepbn* iM . Orta-puilef. p m m n

g“H js a 3 f ? a » ^ o S‘J^'.titv' u. TU--i^-ih'r S &

lad ealoitiiameBW'oe&BiUteci'ef Uui hlfb. Kbool itudou todiy btd W todi irmwestenticttnpleted.torUM'aB't' U hutl Junior,‘'P m " ta fco beld'Uib a C m nlatittluE lki' BtlLTbtatrabr Bda alU bt tUendid by.neaiben of Um - -Dt balortDdBenelreUMeiBadimral ^

Pncedlnf Uu ‘Tnm* vlU bt Um tn l Senior Uoqott at tbcUiirty.tfeloek buiU aUiehOButcoacoilctroQinialtba Mi ilChtebooL’’ - . TUId.^ --- •:,' ride.Mn. R. P. Pany Wtt bortett to Ui

aenbin ot obtpttr D. P B-0 aa tttus ru e ^ iT ia la | .U a U ’V.Uonta anl« ruudtttaibotteti. - UyrtTbt preinia for Um tnalet'Vu Ut

a Utf tom at’* tfltttrt jwty. at turubadlnetlaaofUn.Fitnrtadtfn Ur riatitPrtier.Cbtp(ernembcnttk- SoUe ai put U 'tb t pUylet win Uht Bton }not Bryiat, un. J. D, Birabiit, ■ Bhi

iTt, Mn. BdUb Vootbeet aad U t . tumt B. 8ea-Potowln« Um prctnffl, week

bt bfltteuet terred refnihBintt:. . Dt--- ^ . w»eK

D r. Ertai,Oploawtttrtfcultet(td Mr ■UotlIcctaiUIUiATt,N.Gilim dtn«


m m s m t

; ■ :A o f CfljEgrrEHra

M le& a ii lA o hadl ” sor

**I dropped iDto t Uttlo-r-H ind, yihta. X ul^ed t o a (, I ' • wfld drtfagTniin^^

'•. ■ WM tba sevenlh CMton break to aak for Chatofii

. a t o moker,* ho v ;_ „C IiM i^ e ld * _cH d c .. .1 *

/ «*xaariy CHM tafiddi'tt

a o q i e t U ^ ^

V j r f d d s and it take* jt u l al

• ■.. ye

™ m m ?7frar ; ' \ 'S e S

B B B E iLw r w iiiis

B M . t B d J t e a a W D ^ M - ^ !• frcea a-TUitat matja, thdr timer'9 boot. ■ ' • ■ . ■2 M n.j.AM laetrtadUlaBaaM - ” lUrtUd'funed/id'aoodtDi,' -. ' "0 Or.'tBd Mn. K'^-aMiapn it-: ^1 turmt froa Twin ptUt wbtit U iey^

TWtail a(ter.On-R0b lnn aUended: t i » 0outtiOintnaUiSDeatt)a». ' r lodatiaa meettnK. biM tn Burley.„ Un. Robtaioa.tod ebUdnn.rUted

wtm bu-.pareata Ur. aad u S l ; ' Seni, at TwlbfMli,dat<»»taitty

. Ur. aad I M J . A. Momybtd 18 ', (belrhoauraetUoinUMVetk.<ad,\ Ur.andMn.B(onrEtdni,tadUv I tndMn.-s&ina-ABtrtiooiad«un- *11lea.-JB«D^, aad KM. (Men/.; Jmnuy, Am ^m o T d i, aad lTiv*. itoaauy, aieaRl feny.-

■I “ tbeRtyABaa


(!UU(|p1mxPM.Io t t m R s . t^-teootdlat .to.woRl rcM M I,.Ui^dtqihttr. Mn, l i S r o S a .moou, ■ ■ r

Oli/too Strain, mtaiier for dto '' OM^cntoery. n S - trtp to t o PTtadtco, vben hi it- teadtda'a etttot oflbrdlrefltnytl— UuObtlUaii'OreaaudButter.at',- todaUoa. . . .

BoUe OB buflaett,■;;-Dr.-tnd Mn.-J. a-MiButl mited— ftUndt la'BoUt.onr woa-end. ■7 UnrR.-0.-BrowBrBolie,TpentMT;— tn l diya ln;aoodltt| atUndlni ta builaen mittea tnd TUtUot Altndi,

to .M d Un.B iia ldH Siy ,Pa ir. . n g . btVt m«7red ta uut dty to rt.^ Ur. aad IC i. Renbta Biutr and tttusbter.of Emmett'wbe.fptaiafr- enldtyatUUb cat Um b o ^ £ , uyrtii Btok ntunud la

Ur. and Mn. M t .WUpkex rt-• •

un., Brbi DtUnty tad ML Jtek,.i2 5 . r s x r '“ ‘,“” '-“-■ BhehntaCooUdiftndilita^.&n. S.B.WttU..wboiptat« watk tl UM,a M. CooWtt baa; ben, n . turned to Ttcoeu, Wublaitoa tbU week. •

. S S / S K iS a . ’SkV. Mr. tnd Un. u . & Slat tad i diotbttrAnllUi of-Bwltyrliftdla UiU,fl«r»%.fH*Bdi.’i,:,' ,t. •*

BEIELD wzitM Q8 of ^sometUog to tayft..,

ttle* tobji(w> Aop , ■ r a p B ^ o f Cheat*Isd aiid told mo 1 ^jtomer withwt-B -1_____ ^tcrficldfl. iSmokci; . -

me. that. . le e l l f i n i ; t im c » _ „ _ ------iV Id id V w h U e ■ ■ ■ '

go-tay aboi>t-Qiw» -' u t six w ords'lo u j

* yet tftiy :

wntrytthiA__ _________ :-----it«rt(ld4yMt*t\ijMMfnehti

Page 3: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

-- 1;:------ ------------ ---------'------=I ■ - ~ .


' LIVES.IN 48 HOURS' tfonUnuM rw.P««tt Om J T

. tlTetr add tad wen connwd to Ihe . Mlttbijpt)! knd "Ariaoui deltu.- n *h r« rrk lM = i« ro 'In T U *^

aJppt Md on« la Art»n*ai.,B« Mtodsy. lU-irtwU nxMKiUck tnd Jiuqped tbout tram ICo* <ltP...irbe»'M tewt H TC»<)dUed.

- to Uatrlios. UUooU. B ra Ohleito, id t UUul susti o( tbe t(ona

__ ,Tb«' report al Uoddut't tor*, -aMotf cuu Iront 'tbe Arlcauu*

. Wjuenin-Une »be« tbt «lod. killed tm’ penon* >t Silem aad eu Ovnp, Aikatuu. Run! ptepettj. dunxe on the border vu betn Md mort IhM I I ptnoiu »crt In-

•--- Jiired.--------------------- r. — ; UTflii NffTB Qiurtm, * p; %L •Mondvr; tct

tudo rede Into Mladeo In » V»ek.- Junnel-ihtped cloud. It Jmlled the

. NffTo qiun«r.«t th»t ImportMt ., pirUtf «#l.»nd.Wlkd.M.lfut 35.. ' .Flnt npom uld. N.«rtn killed ii

' |.ilndtn .but onljr U bodin h(d been ncorertd-rutcnlay. Property dim* *fe v u enotmoui. Pumi were nt> ed. hltbwart « re choked -wllh

' d ^ Md . communication Uaet.the ftorm iplK' at Ulndea aod

tore'tnta ArcadUi 3i mllei awajr,. where i li more.'w«« killed.• Anoihef tonudo itrucbMasnolla.'

roared over lecllona if nilnoii and


' (Conllnutd Frotn Page Oriel ' .one be allomd to rtew her bodr-

“I don’t want any praylnj or, re-, ----llttuui-tfUBiony." wrot*-U»e-woot-• an' who.liadiUvtd Jot jtarailn-1.-

■manilon atop Ihe Pal« Verde WUs■ •ioiilh of here, rarely .belnj *een

by her lerranti and aeldom wp-• hirtni away Item hoar. •

. -'FoLrid ■ Bllodaeu ' " iTnrtT'dliclSed.' i«in alter 'iitr

, aulclde indicated that fear .ot ap- . “ " ptoacbing bUndnew' drove, l«r to

the act. She uld abe did ool'W^i• tO'llve If Ihe.could cot_*?j Jtow

era and the .i«a.'Bhe cho»o her unoccupied Bevr

erly Hllto-Jwme .rather than ihe Psloa Verda mamlon u the pVicc

. to klU henelX with an Mealhlllc:^


■ lee on armlej.vcted hot lo conilder ChanceUor HlUen.ttorm iroopcn,

■ at preienl auxllUry pollcemcn. u . a mlUiary orsinlutlon. InsUied ihai

no counitT 1> more deeply Iniemt', •’ ed In real dUarmament than «r> ' °?*“ 'lla-lnlet«l“ he a»«rted,-.ru. ■ : due W the Int plB#e’.t«rbnt'«n»'‘

; rlencs arfd to tha profound convlc-

of larso amamenta.''Tbe BrIlUh dnft convention pre-

aeated by Jrlme MlnUtcJ' nimuy MacDonald on Ma;eh IS which pro* vlded an army 61 200.000 (or Oer*

' many—thereby doubllnt Ihe maxi* mum k ( by.ihe treaty of..Vfhallln.

»-and which .lumeiled- a damartle,•"T~OT™M'l6Kt bt W.MO, w»» that-

Bcicrlttd by Count Nadolny ak “con- Idlnlng no real and practlai dlt- Brmament'propoul.and;io provUlon

. (or the deatructlon ol anreulve.


. ’ ..(Continued Prom Paja .Onei house' tn Prln ghar u well u ihOK Involved tn llie abduction and mal-

-.■■■.tttKBttM.ttUudat Le NUn.. Al the U Man'irurd camp oKlc-

en uld approximately M penons .. were tiUl toughi In connection with •

the Prtmghar akd Le Man dUiurb-- ahcca. They uld it perwnj wero held'

’ under guard In a bam converted Inlo: a Jail at the camp,

Judge llallagikp aald Uie number o( prlawiert at Dcnt»n_numbertd- aoout « . anrdeuiU.« irofpa .were

■keeklns othenTBioux. CityjalU tiooi*____ rri.13, (our of.themllrcAed at Sloirt;

•city (or dlalrlhutlng literature wo* — ta^e^gahotTmtrau'ui^ i

U * CARDOrfhANKS We wtiii to thank oUr Jrlendiandi eighborj (or.-tfieir~nnaneu aM* aympaihy'and'tho beauUliil noral:

. o((etlnga. durlngthe tlckneu o( our' wUe and mother.

'. S. C. Kelly and (amlly.-Adv.'~~7sb '.npalr-aad-tUa«.a(rf{c« i t ‘,

. aev u yoar pbeoa. Work eaUri (er,. and dfH*red. New Era Shoe fibep.' lU.Maln Avenue Cait. rbooe nt.1 -Adv ^

Shoe B«p*lrli>t. Ph. MJ. m Sbo. W«U • ••

—Farmers and Ponltrymen j

■ In it'pwUlon^to M? ■tgRS TrttWy Ior ’

_2_eB8l?m fiakhlBr.

L a r^ Anounta,Reduced Priew foc Baby: XhlchaJhtMxh Jllar.aad-1

; ____ ____ June. ■■ :


j f l Phnne 201 . Filer, Idaho

■ •'^ L ‘

fnrmMTWlll n Tl, ••Mil - . I “ ilV iCI rJlU iJO 1/AZSZ

s This Mo

*e*sAGat Yalu<

iM G re a tVery Exlraoi

BATH TO24x48; Exlra He

M T • . /: Thread ^Towefa n borders— .— 2w3

WASH CL. 12J12 Wtktah .WmOf 12.oa2

5 N S - - ^ CURTAl, . ■•They are lo-faney

; : I ^ n a Blyl# and (- Do(> and novel eff<

Rated. 98c values-^ BErrrER " ■ • P \7 p m EAST . J ..

— r-Men’s'VBhutgsF ije r : «n d b|,c1, i^ t h , r Worl

F i j f r wllh-' .Composlllon Solet'.*

with Cover, .. . ■ •_______

an Wthoul.

? ’P K n ^ " ’Men*ifWork 5hoe li

wear8.and*ft'eaH=' lemsln-thlfl . ..cofor P/lnt. - ^

nenl of new <1

------------AN!' n i l I

l o

■ v - :$15.5

^ — ^the-impressloR' ' SptltiK SuiU. J

Hlgh'Style. Jtu

this Anniveruia !ir (

§ ■ ■ ■ . . 'Nc»S|irlntSh , Lined, and.FIni

~ . BROAD^ ^ ■ i _ C _ ^ ' c r E n e - E a l

In Ihia Gronp . riain Broaddoli

•'rialn Colors Tl

W t ■ - Ml- Four-In-naiidil- ■ Upped. - Good t


S C ^ TO GO UP ' , ' . ANI) UP ■ ....•

' . ■ ' . J - . . '

a ' i H r e w 3 ;W B m ia s r i t t t8 i


Qrning An

» 6 a l l (lesThal


t Towel-VaaHeavy.. J)puble Bath l^wels In I

i wllh colored qualilya- __

u f eLLU111& , 24x48 Extra Wash CToths- Towels,' a wide

„a7r. 'S,CILLA- . 6 1FAINS ■■ ATLAS.Iitey Marqulflctte. 81x99 Fine 0 md eottace sets: , Everjone knowf eff«t«, rejnilar '•

?c ■ ■ ' S . - ; . .

~Woflr^SltoBs~“iVo rk Shoes jKlth Plain Toe and le'.will 'wear Uite Iron^i ■ ^

oe In-Trcnch Sfj;Id wUh armor*l

-$1.87 .J’m h j-Y oung ~

Men’s : \lNNIVErVaBY . .RADE-W0OTHY\

Vafiiw ^ *

.50 i $18.50

$9.87r. ’ ' .

mighty, proud of yonrself, andBlon-your»ftli&-ln-<«r-newe3t---la. Just.enough EnitlUh to tic Just enough American to be .

in n (Int pi llrnn flw llnn Inn. i_ , tiwHasBiada ayetpfflBlly-for- =a erury Selling.IRO-ROKHATSrShjdaond'rltK-SlyltiSilk - Fine Leather Sweatsr-- I

m 3 7 -- : 1\DCLOTH SHIRTS ‘ EatteSrns—AUSImsroDp are Fflncj" Braadcloths, IdoUu u'd Spltndid M«li(s,ln ! |. They are Rood Jl;50 Taines, "

97c V -MEN’S TIBSidiTjes. Wool Llned.asd Silk >d ratteniN Hand*JtadN-— —

t i W B P T i g c n ^■MC3 u9CJcCK3tMUvWC—OT


nd ^ n iiii

OsDa^it May-! lis GenCIAL FEATUR

a l u e s " ^ - ^

i) TOWELS Smart c it Size and -18x36 SeU-and I in heavy extra fine Oar-Ann

__________i:E TOWELSra Heavy -Bath - - ride oKKrtmeni of ' J f ; ? ' " ' - . . NJyerl27c 'LS SHEETS ■ *t Quality'Percale.- „ ^ lOWB “ Atiaa"— i ? “, *

77c , Z S 2 tor 37 c

<_Women.’8-C tton_HoM■ 3pArns'37c

Women's, Rayon Hose2pAlit57^

any lloffeiT nloa yoa hare ever »« at anywben. qear tfcla price.

Chardoliize Hose 27fpAIR

n it b a »9 Charfebla fee wemei Ifk io the new 9^ag colon and

T Rw irHoie~ 3 -PAIII8-3 7 - G —

For ChildrenThM« in ■ U« mHI* lUjon Rw

-fet-Ofaflflm. mad* wllb pUlted («=.T..I U

• Children’s Hose.i 3,PAUia 37.C. .

(tt M* aMil. n«lM7.r< T.ChMraa. W W W iw tn and toekjilc

Abo I(eu for ChUdien that yaa'I VPncUte at « pain (or Be.BEAUTIFUL SILKS-

-A n_SU lrPw »tff;0^ Prinle 'C re M Ritff C r t ^ and Print ed Rayons.* Wonderful A&wr oeiiti- , - '

37C:. - "■GOODBROOMS:-

4*Tlei'Idah(> Made Brooms—


--- .........

Pinulhg Uni

lyEyenNever] leratiprRfeS EACH 'DA

Womens^rl Coats, of Every Description in 2 and Fur*Trimm^«.At thm Low I Anniversary, you can afford'a nev

$7.87 $11;87'Plain Prints and

PoII<aDotsrer before such a low price

.fo i siich Dresses

$1.37'' ■I v iirbe amased to aee .'tbey-'aII a- fine dren so little tMr ai ley can.porthase. But (hat ‘ gft^ 'hat our Anniveraary iloca .Otir Cnstomm.

. S m a r t F r o c h

:4 4 .:S S S S ti .ncrt^.a.DTM Oreop that i i B W / many aogle*. Tbet* am Prln r u f U to U. anelbcf gvewp o( .| V ■ /'. Georgetlea In aim U \ ■/. la PrtsU aod Plate anbUu

art Dreuea bere (ar all womi 9 n r nd Ihe »ri<« U D im N Cn

- • auo i BEAOTiyn. pbocti

z^ L ^ ea u t ifu lsu im

J in.Printed Sheen and/C fona. In one-piece and Ja styles and colors, as wei a. #ide ' variety. ;of pri There's a becoming dreas


.Women’s 100%, ose, _ ^ Silli Slips.! .

.Laee Triame4 at Top and BeUom. Uan CatUanU or

-i-Infant^and-T- •tooa- Made Dressesr iS n --- Vob Blyldi, Plain aad Scal-

lapcd neau. All Uva aet.ta • ileera. T«tr Cat*jf -----

' . ; : 3 7 0 ^ .

HOUSB! FROCP and to. Women’s Wash ----- ~ Kockfl

Oay Prlnla. Faai O oUr: DmM» o( .(hli qaalHy havt

----- -nerer been eHfved-al-tBeh'«-— ^ Tw-ftriM ,I nm ; 37c ■d '<x>* AMlber GroBp et lorely.---=Wylea In awffWlaua

WaUi Frerka. A real nlsa A&alreraary priced

7 fee Tbe TbM proap ti Taloefal kjilea,. .lBdttd.aodion«.MLwne*B:. yao-a vtaeo jon that ywTI wut

.' tr t tn i 'c l Iht* aKracUrar e tfuh Frocka

2 : , Rubber-Boota ..■ UeB‘a Red or Black. Knee

... BoeU Bbea t t« 11. AM .e( .B ^ /er 'a Utile meney,

$ 1 .8 7 .

, Men’s OxfordsSaeir Goa Metal Oxtarda ta

-plaln.er.eap lMLGoBdatyU*^:____ :Aa.lhff,-_____________


itil Sai. ^

rtFfio liBe Ref nAY l-p

- e b ^ s — Iin Sport aad press Styles. ■/ w Priee8,'made.poMibl« b y ' new Coat— •' >'!

$19.87-,.'' I■ -W -ashaW e ' / ^

s i i k D re s s e sP r in t e d C re p e ■?.

D te s s g s ■ Iimeo-a u t Mlne^ Moled Oipe / J MMalnpail4liaBdlnNai7K.ud.T 'U t teej attrattin >)tbo«gh r - l teaeUlw price b a o '^ - ^ o n

“ $i.87 :k( NeWSlylet, i1.37 — " flat deaaMa yow atUaUon horn fjFrlnled and .Plate Bbeen In aim i to( Printed and Plate Sbeera aad ' -KfJ U to aad lUIl Mother posp ■‘(if blnatlona In aim O to I t There f|tt 'omenhe mailer wbat tbelr taateig , ■m Y j\N m y^A BT m w ;k >&-

J M M E K = P R 6 e R S = S

M i j mfor • • » ^

Women’s Raj[on ^ —- Underwear—_ J J^ Rayon Pantle* and BIoemetK T ai Ute and Ap l<«e trimmed

Wemen’a Rayen UadiM in .'-L > -PaaUta and Btoomeea-to r ^ .

T- :«Iap-and-«ttrr-iliea.-te-pbaB- rayon and nevetly atrlped~

3 7 c — - g

” '^ m e n , Vn^and SU p 'lu ' -i pteln Md.a'pp^fd- . _ ',t,i

S , : ; ; 2 p6 ^ 3 7 c ., . . v J

^ _ j f l i O M E N ! S — HTT — i r e O T W E A R - ^

” .^ A t- A n n iv e r s a ry - r—

■ JUao,

!oe ttlille er Twe-Toned Hk Cot'ObI T.Slrap Saadili, Compe- tltlen RbIm and S laeh mb* ber hwlQ^to tH U t. .—

" Mixed-tot e( Wemen>;i«r. ,” Cal* In Rtuki, Wbttee.— iBrowaC-and Two?Ton(f..J6_____

. Sirape and Of(orda. A good

’** Another SperUT Lel e( ^b^•> .(Jace (rora mtr dock to which .,

. we have iddfd Krtral nnr Unee. tTe havt wbltea. blacka, brewna aod bdfc*-

' 9 7 c . L - .ta ffomen'a Blaelr aad Brown «► • Xealhtt-fiUppera. Oxfetdi.and- .-

Z and high hetla. AU

- , b u y n W

- — p i t E s j E N T "

F U T U R E N i

^ S A V E .


May I3tli


■: _ ' A . ‘ 700P ■■

:: ’

y y H -


Vaaorled Colorn-ond Appllquca.

)WTOR 1 ./ -1

S N l i E D S r " . , _

V E ~ —

Page 4: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

z ' ■ ffiH iT o tt ■ ' , • .


■ J;

tt<>»*»*' ____ --y * It

--- - ***■• HiMBB or m o c u to ru M *> n s AMoeiMd Pna )■ noiatnif tr

■'■ "

i S S S s S f f S e S " : . .g S . ; i e ‘« £ & £

iw naoMUOtn-*-mna»fr M !g

■ s a is s a s '^ & ’ss: *lu or dMiiBi la pmntoaa «U Mt .,' j*i i i y f i n

' MTioMi u rn H n un m . bm

.frtm,»uper.)nniuodlrti. « httT * Wllot or oguaUr fMlUb Ulk’f iw It dfifUUeoliti. Hdeh'ef'Uita Ulk hw ni todovttbTbitUwUlktnwII'luo* toi

. MtdoUin.- ■ • * • V, 9“‘ B7 ah bobtd doU»r,'Ui«-r«(lov

' *Ui)tflat^MtfiU«Uonm(U«aM eU: Tuodml M U ' ' ^ <il''l«idriiUd«» b«ek tcdlrior' m tr ew tuudnd * '

.. tadlf U leU bcmmd or iraV'bt* ter«.U>«'4tPRutoo.. . ., RE

. . wbattU<aHBilatcluii;n]ut,oc ■■ -'-jmicbMlnrve«n'.-l*'P*7liif Mekat - r— leaiHhm<len«ftrfmrtw*«lol. —

.Un M m nd (oitf or. -flTi or Mn jtan aco, vIud irtet Im lt i m ,

'' tUadJutaiiUi ■eacb lB btTud w " 'ndnUtd lunatkit). ai-pnpowd'.br poi

our nun.rtip6B(ibto Kat«auB.:aN InUodad to iMtora Um ntie o( ^

■ lartonlofv^aM advliratftM a Un

ii^ iM tw d Vto itnU ttiu itM w , ^ ' dWuaatrtUoofUulaaUtnijMn.

’.-:a roUr beoM>MUr<«( eaoiK Su ■ woM Bol f l a e ^ ' ia niot Uw

pauta at tba to4 c( aiv e c o ^ ^ pMod u It tbi b«|inBtBC. ■ . moi........... ... • ' XVI. ,> aoccBuraiiiviDbiNo ’ ^

,A a m ptetvi it»«M.1havUur tn dir.Ur.aadMn.Obai1ivK.8dmb

. U«— 3tw4«»iudbHafflaRltd*tBra<l. tnr’-76aTTwuam*»a<r:‘wK«“ » ^' SehwaHvaaaaardtaarrimtmaatn iQ

,'ABdrtw c a m ^ itMl etia B t H» tm Tt6

— aiiainUa of.Uia Seotdi itMimaMtl• "W iht J9 ttt aea,’! tn a tm h* S ' . -wuai deminaatiaetorUihibaOd-■•• InfW Hm tTnH l.fW^ htt. poratlaavhleliiMlMMiBllaftnlS^

-ftan. muxlrair^ troa Um W (v ' nmit,-baM}(iipitlit(ei«atcan- war_ __ Ku

W k i(« Iba ^ '

----- 9. & -W cridH. ef eemm, mv• Wear to th. britto. . • . ” 1

' w ww eH w ke' '• ■•• -WMa tha'dUclbU Uaeea «alt*d « “ for iM l w»aU« lor ber W ii wn. K

' alrrdaiw canted tiu Valtid . BaOi at u i^ * retaaika « tbouiht- tul paraffiphtr. :n aottw kloda ot

-•-tadwt*tI«rtht(r*n»portpUaMart Itpt on th* creund, but that It Tin. com aod U llktlr to ba leat and }(u tba wiu m t In UiJ tuWSTltit InnnUon of ' w * uimuntnti'kad tht dnttop*

. oinl of M« radio beama and buter radio communleiUon iriU mikt u T*rti poutbl* for thl hraTler4baa-tlr

— n ifi Ul Ufp luiflf in ma; jot’an lr"^ dirknwi'whWjJuM.hindlUCTfd lt

.la Ihe; put. . n il,rT—rTlftft hiTtbwrfliaartrtiJHUhU fOt~

UiU jprlot.deaonitratiof tht proc _juiJlreadyjii4daJi!oof4hii* tot*,

aibd.f!jtB,»hkli imJii..hkTi'b«a- - nlcldil a few tfo II becomlCK foni — «Jt-*nd-CTmttmBHrBom« « tbo tiiw «_jWanuiHs_f09tn:fc.JUa-*»id^rw ' thepUneb^r'Uiia4bimoM'il[’lU-

ful pll^ iMoothlnr opt Irtmipt and ' T-'InepJiniortttadrMontirttbKa-

Mlleriblt'iiatMii . • i '• • _. .Tit bulk of dfrtjlhl**.p«t»cul»tly flnn ‘ otiUnUtu^'uUiadNtTDredAkrao of t acd Utt new » koo, puU tbta in

,th»pMr*roJadma»wfiU»,to«pii« _

. .opati.beu^.lhc ftstraf pabUe U «l-3• tMlttad to~wcren&'iiffi«'h. V. . n IhUt

—bte-tew^ theagilWUMiUiHII '"W ty nuicit m liannbhid tipert- _ n

^ G A ta n E U 80VIBT lllIN TfU ^. wyT.flmn»ftpn, _i

«todrr<U.of'*Ud4!9«». foscM and Th ■' volrei are tleelct Im a Sorlit fitu. aim■ flfti^.ftraCkrpjanliallatantht atte• Uw IrumtPlnUod U Pc aad. Tbt - -«odiuiUrtbtt^totetynilTifBr Tb btotlni la nuHia. ■ • meet

■ j f . •. ; .



I lOontlniirf Ftot Pm» o u > ,. .

Awuruota wen citen ,Ux .IK ^ ttiAt UTlfip bank depotlU iloaa wU BOt ba touched. NaU ielitirtr Bt)pi'iThU]> rocount^ rt> ditaooa newbcra beauie of thiMd* . tiu&W TlUi wMcb’ they 'ear* . rledout■ or the toU) merabenlili). lAe metal wwken accounted for 821.000: fic* t«y hand. « 0« 0, aod pubUo Titt-wtaitfWrabOOt «W,000, The Oth. ;; tn ven'lertlle, wood and bulk.mr • tradei woftm'and munben of *i« fflllalA] ontanlatloM. \

I Vol»M Or*» ’ ' ^-The tradt unlooi. wliJeb |fe« to ! n^benhlp br Ifipa and boundi . alDM Bfmark ittrted hli Kbema ofcc(Bpotefli7M<!l><uuuru>a‘-* '> '^ 'SMOMOmrmben tn im bul then nwiiapcatfalUntcffUUron; . ^

)ilorethaoha]rUtaunloniMr«or>fanned lo Uw Oennan o«t»ral Trad* TBlon anodatloo. whoae mimbet*

kaoed towarda Um ^ U I Oemoeratt poUtlcaSir. Then alM wm commun* rtte union* and unloni lubtbliifd bjr

thrmanen.*---- -The trade unloni tnmru mentaUr

kloof MarxUCclntM. alihouih thitr Inden trird to (w)nr Ihrm into Hot c wtm Uw leneu of tb» oew «or»m- «

Nail iWnn trooper* oeruptfd ta^ J lonal htadQuarten. ef Uw u()iaiuSdl^.in i^iin ' • ^

' Amonc leaden arrctitd «trt PtM< ■, H*iK-TtieodorWpiHrVJcrW«? . dtflt Pe(*r OraMaaa. »pd RudoUWU»elJ, former mhiUUr of Ubor.----

Tbt Nad* pmlewir bad Mruek at tbe lodal DetaocraUo pctr wb Mtaihundr«d«efneinptprn,’hiibetn ooUaM. • ' thl• "Onmaftjr l«da» tnlend upea tht U awxMd epdeh of^Uu DatlonaI.-fl»< n eUUitmolutlonbr^loilhiwerk. Ro «n from Ui> Uit feUm of Umlvx’" toi ( Nu) oommuBlaM (aid. • I

■■■■• . , ■ .t u Mi


, {QenUotiad.rBS P a y ^ Thotntral aito«7- f^-'UM'. 'la d W . an acalut Uit propoiaI:to noa the powr c#iptnlH-p«r'th9 U««t per y Mnt tax now put on mry bouitt* Th bohfer Ulbt Ua V iv (poke of a « -«p»hto«,burden- aod luSradJae. S t thy^-^^.aa.-yeloM’’ and'dJii^

‘n>at4int wu^bmuht up' by ( etloo of Um booH which dUr»i n

nnm^.iU Uaden td VoU Uw AmtotoUMmtaiuntoeesUnut ih lhri>CKit Itderal laa tax anelhtr ” year aod io reduet_tb« ioeal ietttr r ? ^ i f t raU lo tht old 3 etnU. at i

lo' tht .bouH Ubor ccaualtttt {u mort otUeUm waa heaped upon Uu cat ».hoor work »«k UU hjr tedui- of MalUU. ' • ^

Howto. Vm uu wai Indleattd K b t j M . a u t ^ tfrJM.taaadId’ (or „ tb M in o ^ .a a fas u UdrtuUon £ U-wnetmtd, ilnet tbt admlnlitra. {

t r o ^ iwundiltforipttdrdU* n,lha labor quettlon wai 'prweotwi

la dlfferaot fom -U ' U)t Wh»t u? Houit. whm WlUlaia OrHo of Ibe FedenUon of Ubor, took a plea for i a . repreien U t^ of Ib* workln* ,h* mnromhrAnerkan deUtatlon-la kt; the London eeononOo confertnce. hoi ^Beporta that th* p t « ^ t wpuld S I

Koultd auutoriuunlr. The prtil- ^ didt hope* lo be our of Waihlniton for . part of. Ibe iummtr. but ht

takt ttaa for t aaU-up Uw ^

~ eI wu

Twlo FaUi, who died al DOonMoa'> q

wiu-bt held ai Uu.Uttar pay BataU church ik » :|0 today. ^^ M be Uken to OcdKs, Utah, ih? ■CT.utenatnt. <j-

f f r ^ A N . M e a a for' Let ewtsaan; nier, who tQembtd lo hi. a luBc lni»cttoa*at Uu Twla'TalU nH oounty hoapltol Su»tey Bumlnf. ^ WlU be held at it* MteaW' nt\ lU t h ^ ta ruef.a> >:ie o'eteci; *»ibe Id FUer otB*Wi7...1T>a body com trMiat the Dnkt mortoary la en i Twin PalU.' , rap]

held In th* chaptl of Uu Evao* mln tnd'Johnion Puoeral hoau taTwU cart m il at 1 o'clock'UiU Vtenwpn .lU fOt-St-nino fanT‘«,'wbo died ordl Moadar afteroooo at bU fata t«** ta idran.fiTt. oUlM-aouUiweat ot Uu BuhL' Ttu. tenlet.wUl.bk under Imd ttie.dlnctlon of Or. V. I . Ander* the *on, ptilor of Uw ruN Ohrttiun rou Ciiurch ta T«ti' raik. aad InUr*- rroi.irtU ^.,ta X?rtn nua-.omet.

------------: *■ '■ are. ANNOUNCEMENTS

. ■ hue“ Th»-rpJicopai-tBiid“ iiunB»»r fSr niunday al 2:10 P. U. at Uie bent Uus of Mtl, NewtU WUht. tn Bibth leul innue rail. . . . befo

.... _ ---Th* Weaen'a locUty of the flnt nuk

W iii jr at a:» p. iT a t • t ^ ihTaurch. Mn. Tmr'i dtrMon haa ’ i^ i r program;', • ‘m The ehamrock club wlU 'meet i«^

^ o S " ^ ThOTday whlc

Tbe Ulhenn. Ladlra' Ald-'wlll rtui wet •niutaday i i 3;jo P.;-M; In bait

■ • ■ ,TWIN F A u a i)X n .v I

- L .-.iS :N ew B o tti. .U.


• OFFICEBS-and: ^rfftfnliation in N e w .y ^ 'S e a I 'Clevelaod Plain dealer^ Frank » N«w-YorkTim«. 8Un<Hn^: J ! Ro7. of the St. Lonii'Glc^ D<

LOn, PhiUddphiaJiOrit^: t - -R«Wrt;H.-McCormklf*^Jc*g r ^ ard Hooker, Sprii^fleld ^ u t

T h eP^ aBy Dnw,IWtMi aw


BdoQwd Krrrlot nd R JJIX A W iraduaUy han le*ked;o«j( « / J h t t ’ Rooaenlt pUn- for <4iii^ln«: Uji f“ ; torernment afier ooniraaa adlotimar *oj • Durlnf UwremalBtocwnkaoiUW Mellon. JWkrelt pUna W-oMala ^ paaaac* of all pouUd* bUU frbteh 8wiw i l l ‘talemUlMiaHwSS;

flonwof IheienooMTiUap^lrtyihlBkseonrtuwlUnetOxinBd< taaca. And rrtantlnc Uua« ha dofd Uu not want lo rUk a iho««<lowa rtt«. “ Theirfon'tbe'RM*ereUitrat*|y. u uu unfoldedtoM.HmM,'UI«appoint £U anadrUfltrcsnunUtetoratnaUand houio memben whkhwou^HtwlUj ^ T RO wbUa 09Wre»i U In meaa.ThU commlllee would bt cowulUd *“ • on erery move.'flrtn at leaat an'"*" outward itamp ot appronl. pnaerra *oi' tba «!!««“ “" E?

Oeorr Waahlnitooi mad lUili. ^ Three or four oUwr prtildenU alneo «« u»en ban foUowed lult. Rooatrelt «»« fetll'ha haa ample-preeedenf •• . « 5

-T. ParUnf. -------- •Oution ^ lu m . laaow aculptor ^

of Uw Confederau memMal.«n Uie ^ fact ot OtoifU't Stoiit taeunialo. ^ ‘ camt to town Uia oUier day to leU • of Ttxaa- innoTallon for roadildt

wayi' Into paikir Bontuaf- U .Jn •« Jof j i " Ideu la tO'doTc» S n


found fire Irucka aiuek In diwhea. 8^ He decided lolUl Ihe dllchet up.. prof

Utp.Uw-LMp <n*dFor pudiy BUI Oreen. pmtdeol ol

Ihe Amftitao ftderatlon ol Ubor. »P« hb; appetruce 'KebbUrheromne ore* houH. Ubor eommltlee en the ad* »ua mlnlilnllon'i-mlnlAum-w*|t-btU <>«*

UIU? Utw?^Uln'h*d to »»■' perJorm a loop • Ui* -Joop, and' hU Urp-bodled, Kjuart-jfted eiecuUva touocU turned out en.maue 10 m

Berenl wteki aio ta conpaoy with SeertUry of Ubor Ftancea

erhoodi, aod -aemal other Ubor execuUm, Oreen aaaurcd Preildent ^ n Rooaenlt that ha-JaVored mlnUnuman extenii™ publlo wofU.profram.

But ta:hU tetlUnony before tho ?oyi TTOrtKHlHm**- UWa._a er ty. onei MtonlihmiDt. completely re* vmrd hlmiftr and bltteily luaUed • lh« minimum waitpwpoial, . • “ '}*

Tbi myilery of Oreen'a lurprUo «*«*' attack waa furUicr deepened by the l»ra' conUnU ot the lypwrrlttencbptci et bl(.ttm*tki,.handed.around.te.n< ^Ta porten before he beian ipeaklnc. hav* Three conuined tht ipeeirio deoU* aon.- nvon lhat he ia-ftwd the minimum BUU

____ _______compared Ihelt «plea-wlUt that n». r , en by Oreen to tba offtdal itenoc- m , rapher of Ihe ccomlltte. U)«y dti- ^

Bilnunumjit* nmvkiTS'bwi „£«cartfullyx-^out. • K«*« .iTbi-lflw.dowa-oo-Qreairi'eatn.ordlaary conduct foUowi: —

ta Itae wllh Uu rtewe ot moet efthe outer bl». profaailonal A P ol L ^iNdtn. Oreen pinonilv U aialut ■th* minimum wata .Idu on tha Hround that 11 would undermlae th* ■ornntxed Ubor morement. Bai un- HdcMhe peauatlre Uberallim.ot MHa - ■ Pcrkbi. Hillman and Rkbberi; hear«d to luppot (Ueh UtUUtin. *udaoauuredUupreildtnt.. ^

\S]«a h* nlaiwd to A p «t 1, Mhj^waOflajnUnfonatd hU coi« _ JiMpiM.wbal.bt.bad.dont, lh*y hit / I (he ceUlnf. After • aerlea of itonnyfyloni ihey ordered Oreen to |o ' ) tMfor*theheu*ecaQ];alltitand'luni . •• thumbt dowq oa Uie tchemt. And to

lurt that ha •'canw thronib."Uii couoca marcbed Into Uia coa. a *

N c

Ihe church parlon.

the ■ annual May bnehtoo' to i L l hlch all 'woofn lot the church

« taTlnd. It* tahthton wm bi ttrtn In the church ^InloitWi mmm

r , J

LY W gW rTW .TA LLfc lPA BO ,

ia |. |l O f . D i r ^ n O f A b w,u . ■ -. . . - " -----------------

r^'oftlircctors of The Auocla'ted Seated le/t to right: W; H. Cowic ink B. Noyc* of tbe Waihin^on z: 1 Randall Youatt,^tr^ineri 5 Democralt K«it Cooper; gfeiewl i; Frcdcri« E Murpny.-Minneap

W a s h in g t o n !

1 and Bsberl 8. AOem' l [(OTOK MERRT'OO'RODND’' |L BRRY-OO^WOND--. . It

real vlcwry foe 8anatccO*o»i*Kqr- l i rta . While a marked lmpron> ||;iPwuTm far ahort of Uu druUs, I jj far*reachlncbUlipoiuoredbrlfoRU 11Telffl backlnc . . . Tht bouat UU la H tbo work ol SouUi CaroUna-a Ut- I I Swata and AUbaoa’a.aU -r loof I I covert fon ot K«li’adrancid pub* f l lleUy Idea* . The dUhearttntac | l tbloi about Iht Ue8valn«mbUI.U | l that the bou*e would haTe paatad II Uu Nomrmtafun Juit ai.radUy II aa It did Uw oUwr Itithad b«*a | | Uld before U<..NotTU U bop> | | lui ot-aiiamatins tha Mc8watn.sun IT bUI<ta««Bfertnee...'nwlDdaBUu in abU Inaurrent'i amendmat to bii | l own bill directing Uw. prealdeat to, | f make an InVNtlfatloa ot Uw adrnta'. Ilf

I Utrattao of Uie peat Mwtr pUatln* |k volrea aona deep l o l t ^ . . . lalor*' H> maUon bu eaqw lo NsaU lndk*t« |h iM not oolr-ialyaie^ tha proi>- j lideitt ta oUw retptoti. . . NotrU LOaaya be U o lU a i^ but ha ,want«..UtrEH(((r tharvu(hly atred • ‘,.n>naldifllltootrtlthaiaMi^ .>'1him Uut ha WlU 10 tato Uu iub>Kt TluUy. . . NocrU U Uktly to bo naa* ted on Uit inretUitUni commUtti.' _

Otpartmnt ot acrleulturt Kitat* INE UU art woiktai'tn a tMaUtd trai* an pack whUb wUI permit U)t pnat .s s s ? c a ,r ? :w a s s ■hix-been-M rt^d^tanfir^rt —Klllnt froian frulU at n t« U ..j ||^ Ohl4T-ih6rtrbald.'nuebua” »b!£eiJ """ Slnieon PW Ii a one-Ume.coUfia ®‘“, profeuor, perhapa Ui»t'a why he made Uii toUowtaf economlo analy. aU cloilni rtmarki of hli - J ‘*peecb. Ul:U(e aenaU aialnit.ihe pre»ldenfaT4alUUoa_bUlL;JU.iHii cauae Uw rieb to |el richer and the pear.pootar.b«cauta Uie.rleh art the <ommoo-al«kholden-and-Uie-poor art,lbobondhoJden.‘’...ttHcrrlot, *"*’ former pnneh prtmlv and. receot - fUUor to.Waahl^n, *ore a brwd. I bUok felt bat on all occaalooi. . !r,r Jn l^n?e_ialLPitf!«eUni_«(llUlt4 with tha.TMteva ielb wlai paniei wur ehapeaua of tbU typt. , , u U

^ t o ttapten,'. litiw~hirTaTitii'~iH|;:; Wa ta«Ma. to-"waw ^ u n ^ ^*{ly rtpeattd Uw pw f^aet Mra* Si,, •1 tlmae, but when aiked to do ll a*ita.-Ut-.out.a-wUiy-Bf-m«b S 5? which waa Uu equlnleni lor -How do you tt t uwt *«y r’- .. 52chcltht. . . WUUarh Olbbe MoAdoo u j lU feet four. 71 yean old, looki m ^ a day onr M. tOopyrl|ht, IMj; by UnlUd featum Sydlcale, loco ™ poraUd).' r s s

_liUUa_ihtep_an .reported <o I ha»* been dnwloptd by J. w. Wll- ‘ ( ton.- dlrMtor of SouUi DakoU BUIo e^ift'a apetlment itatloa at-araoklm*. . . -------- -jg]

CWd 8t a ^ far Pwr QinanU.OH o«r Meet nUa.PlieaaUl,Twhi oit< p«na r»H »lee^dT. V . ok

Cenirai Ktetaa. New Ui-alUn li fail -wltl Ket« BMC, lU OljUa An. N»- Tw* adij t»«n,(r«OrpbenTbHtt«AA<T. Ooc

W tfi. ■ ^

/ V j iS

- - f i i l l P e c k . .

N a S I * J r F i l l i n « ^

b m m iO S^ d eK tr• ' 'Jit


uocisted ftera Meet In N

ted Pniii art iJoinin llwy taei •wics of ths'Spokaii^: Spokesman :on Star, who wai jreclecled .prtt; ir; Jacks6a S.'EIliott, usistant tnl manaircr: J. R. Knowland, Of

S«IIa Tribune; Stuart Pen; aUltnore Sun ;* GecrM-BrLon^ I, New Orkani Tlnies'PIcayune.-

I Film Come ieiuiei


LOUISE PAZEKDA>ho hu m antics on.the sm«n and wife

/ production executh-e, has been role, She' Is shown with -hv t photograph toother.—(''P).Pho

INDUSTRY MOVES ., ’ !"“ TO AID JOBLESS..111; ■' " ■ . hU(

■ .(^tlilued Pn a f u i ’!t?BiV.r ^ OT the aierman «?; Hg

old Mouhon. the'orookln|i'IniU>,t(« tutloR. and M.i 0. Rortyj Niw. York! An emrlneer. • .icur. It U undentood Uut the commit. | to 1

Ua U workln* wlih a Tlew-to work-'Uml Inc out a (eulble plan which ml«ht! call be preued Uirouih-ihe pntent'*N* me< lion of canireu 'Uiould rreitdnit n RooaaTdt_wnroTe_thtJeiliUUoa;cUt when It U'lubmltifd lo him. to 1

Sabitlinte Keafwn beThe commlftee rlewi'lt u a tub. met

iUluM..lor^he Bluk 30-hour week; Its bUl, which-U aroutloc It*ccnuoTtrir.- with-BHBnai|eettw ~ centerinc around the Oonnerypro-' TMon Uiat It be midt appUcabto to

chlet oecutln Mjeady to wto Ibe ]^Uw lonlctTniffleilflB-• whl<h-Uw^, admlniitratloa recwdt aa altrtual ^ Import embano Ihit would Ut the . hUdi'Of'Amerlean~deWaUi~al'Uw T, werld eoonomle conUnaet. On the fllhrr hand, flhilrmin.Cioflnir;r-nt lb* houj* Ubor committee, hia |l»- ennolndicaUoRthilhewin.aban. V doB hli poiiikin. ■

The propoted etpanilon leiUU* 8.


Utt week In Uw maUmlly ward of a hoepHit In Salt Uke Olty, we uw a alcn teadlnj: "WokUdrtn Atiowro.' » wtu it w ^trtirm tB rhtw iu-; ^adiilU are aUowed-lo enjoy Ui*.Good ^maa,:]uii,artu}»d Uie-- 'aV jo E-K-8 — ,


. ^imCER**ROCb S'**ffli. 1n” r * W *?*wwat■ S W s a r w ^ S iW ' “

-i------: r t m - .iSrti^O T^oSroricCTa- --

*MAMOP^rABl» NOXIt-lt'a AU U m . a»4 We

Mew laUe 0« Mewt KID0B8 »• A jn rX D B .


iNew.York / ....

taet n the offices of the newi man-Review; Elbert H . Baker, prMldeat, snd! Adolph £ . Ochs. it )m r a l Aanaser: E. Lonainr . I, O^UiidiTribuiieiiRobert-Ub' • Peny;‘Adrtiui.D^I> T e l^ m ; > AnginrKansu City Star^Rich.^ ■-

Photo. ; .;*•

le tn Mother Stole '



B H B B u h S b ^ ^ s I I '' ^is made millions ffigsle at'her "r* vlfe of iial Brent Wallis, jilm lieen cast in a reaMlfe;reother. ^ V «on,' HbI. Jr» In their first anc Photo. . Pn

'■ - tte.|tlon, with trade attocIaUoni aa Uw van,'domtMnt fealure, ba ctotaly «li t.aUled with Uw admlnlitraUon'a t

huce public worki procna, ijnder kldiQit^unuuro pUni'ol7ihe e o i ^ meitea,:iheJr6.toittbir.;belo(.«bunUd ianu^ | t o tntpMnduilry oul of ita at 1

..Keerlns com^ttM ol the^M li^ m lAsocUtlon .of Manufacturen on w icurrcntlrtUUtlon, taldhelntended iW I to propoie u a tupplementary pUn dlu [Under which.■Uw-iireildent could tac ! call upon taduilry to reemploy Im- T medUtely at laMt 3,000,000 men.' bia

He atierted tha.«,000 tnd* auo. cnf ;dtUoni w(re: crratM and wilitny nn to be uUlIxed and lhat Uiey' could aloe bo n-ide an encompaailni Initni. n ment for ipurrtac Induilry forward iht ttsieen leeway under Iht antl-truit Be I *!**•. , hadl —— , • --------VSS

I ®£»!■* rtw r tg ^ M m iiM ltrS

inr eair Ue eacli. Drift bp aM lan. Klmbtrly Naneriea^dr.

-Dr.-ETaai,-Opteiaetnit hu laealtd ^

ffaaled: Uwn nowen to crtad. ^

FREE. Yeur T ir ti

........ . •w.*Dld«*y«f,«ilni


_Before JfricaGel our Tr«dt«

f o t i Sefftr, $afM■

___________ .iac aoettcoeanq tij“T .T .

7 Joax FORl■ ■I’w i n l ’a lls , 1

- . I

i M i ^ T ttlS MOI. Twin Falls Dailj

' ' / . I V X \

/ I I 1* / / V / \ ^ J A '

r **

■ In

@4 •'ll : "

U' . ' / / i c/ ■ ^ > / w \ a ..... t , a

■<.. ’.'-V **•,. .’ ll • I'i’ r l a i i g s e g g ^ a ^ ^


' , ' f l f ■■ ■ (ConlUiurt Ptoo Pace Ont> , JIJ lew-hOT, tht eaU -wu acceptadu w* hatlu been fran Uw parent and

dlimltted. sSm of tbe ; kbool tMchen taw Uie 'chSd eater the car,'Jw lald.

naabduclornadeacrlbeduhav X lot worn a dark pty unlfonn ilm* Fn UarteUut'werabychauffeur*.:hi tor car ba dren wu about (bre< yean by old and of Uia aedaa type. The rtf* y« UinltoD number wu-not.obUlotd. kid

t m m u . known lo pUymatta u •Peiiyr WM dewlbed.u haTlof [Jo daik em aad Utbt coUnd bobbed P* hair. Bh* wen aTirX hhw coat. 1 btoemiboetaQditockbiciandatan IrU andonncadrttf-Bbihwabrethff. (or PrancU.aitdtlchtyean. , fe* ..UpoiirtctlptalwoidolUwabduA> tloatUU police wen dlipaUhtd to . J nrlouiparuotCapeCodandehack. ^ eKnnbltUa. ^

Then an only two hl*hwaya the klduper coild ban Ukea by fit^

K . C T b ' r t g , s a r r : aUrttJ-wpartlarUirchUdi-dtBp-' -SS peannce. her abductor oould . ban made a |tuw<y ta Uiat dlrecUon: w

thajanal Uie mil could hare ^ dluppearedtaanattofroadrUad. ^ tac to Bottoa or Now B^tord. . ' ' 't=

Th* eout.cuard ordir Uiued'.trom biadquarurv at Botton aikad cnft to wtMi for auiplcloui.or B ««” »il*'-tMle, All fiTii< giiirl-uami h I alone Uw coait were on watch. . I I

mneUaMcMaU<,iTandfaUwrol I Iht ehOd U oroi^ent la Ottroit<: I Be formerlr wli pmldetit ot Uie Oa« I hadUnBrldce^pkny, a director ol > I

' IcsportUoaf. R* hu been acUra ta Ithe allalii of *nc»aeerlnc.*nd ael» ( I—Hirwtcbpeit-'U'’a‘lmaU‘ tuuiuwi f l

I*?? J Iof R JA U ^ n.iu.to:Nantuek«t Hthat Colon*) Cbarlea A. Undbttfb ■isadtJniUleii.lrlpt.«biaJia_wM .■ttartblait for hU kidnaped baby bpy. ■^ ^ of “ Utnty ta ■

made kt owD bU wUUb b u h to treat '' with her abfluelfn ta »«r w Uwy .' ';My miy taUreit U to lel my

' y i

-ihii-waek— JI I I n i p e c t c d

drei IT* nfc to tunawr *a i j s 5 u i s j u . " s • -

__ : .■ ■■

f f i ^ s s . r ! ^ “ " .

E U - G o _ U p .i l t « ln Q u e ta li» n fe r 0 * n t r a l i . . .

‘SgES - :rerid'a Mfai. auicK rid- tliirea.G*toBrenlflwe.

?J>Dealer " J

lO D BL A T HO M E'aiiy'News*Pattern, ‘ ■. AN ATTOACmW 8UP SAfllLY

_ , • iU PS,'pA ifTO ^aji ■■ ■ _i

k ^ ^ n n c C t i a m Sl^ilon demandi, perfect, iWk ,

flUlQC UocerU under all bw uwMt frocki. You canj^Uta UiU e a ^

, wheA you laihloq;yourp!wn dainty ' llncerle. ThU atlracUiV lUp U tx>

ceptlonaUy caiy lo m^e. ptrlict fitiloc wlU» few but weU pUctd

- team*, aod c«Bifort«bIe, lor UwIjvUt* up ihoulden banlib th«'anno7>heo.

. ..of.illpplnc tlrapa. ErEn.U.ytu’n . ... nerer tewn a iWch' befon . . . ' try ihU patlem and know lu encllent raulut Obooae creped or waih aat* ini for your underUilnia.

.pattern 2UI may bo.ordered coly .In il«a S i M, » , 4% O, 44, 4«, 48 and to. 61ie S( ttgulrea two and ooe. liaU yardi 91-tach fabrk. Qluitn(>

_ Beat nFREN^CENTS lUei.lB____cdsi~or'tt<m[iTicolu'TivIeiiid)t for tbU patlntT WrtU pUtaly tout name, addreu and'ftyle number, BE

. 8UBB TO BTATX 81ZB .WANTUX Bend-fer'-Uie annk ADAMS

FAStUON BOOK. It oontalaa. » colorful’ paku o f.M itt ParU* loiplnd nodeU for. enty jewlac

.erery hour of.U^ diy, Eray.ttyU 'i- U pncUcal.-.ani1^.lomake: A m ---‘

aro modeU lor Ihe larger f Icun; and pace* of dcllcbUul Junior and kiddle

. ilylea. -Lorely'llBietU and acoet*, wry paUerai. ■ too. PHtCE Of

OATAI.OO.. F IPm N O M T S.- CATALOG AND PA’ftM N TO- GETDSB T S O m - t m CENTS. Addnu all naU orden to The Newt Pattem'DepartawnL'

~IdauchUr 'EwE?‘~ M U '1 t^ ^ "1 "1 . bannad^for'nrtnteortomttei'' out punUbment. If Uw kidnappen I wUlonly'ttllneoDlwtwlUimtthey UwUl be ircaUd faUly and.aquarely.'-flf Uiey set ta low* with mo 1 wUl . try to dn what Uiey want me to. ;. They can eonuct me openly If Uiey s ■n»Vto.I'wUlkt«pis7Bm^h«hi>t.;^

I ' ■ ,' SKRtES Or L R IE B S '

• DETROIT. May ](A>-TheOetrelt i Free Pieai uya Uwt a terUi of ex- t torUon letten wtn ncelred ta in i a by NeU' 0. MeUaUi, hUwr of 10-• year-old Marcaret McMtUi who wuI. kldnapedtod*ylnHarwJehport,Ma»-. • t lachuKtU. Uinatenlnt Ute abduo- r tlon Ot one Of bU cbUdrtn unlttt he I paid tba wrl^ a tubatantUlinm..

Tha Free P r a qilolet unldentl^IrUndi el Uu fatally aa auUutrte for Uw tlory but reUUvea hen pi^ leeted to han no kmwledct ol Uw letlen.

Fin UlUn wen recelnd.' aocord- Inf to Uw Pne Pnet, bul noUUt . . man wu beard Iron Uia aUenpted extorlllonliU. alur Uu nutter wu - v turned orer to offlcUU t«r lATtaU- |

j«0«aVj*toti?iwlion with tht parent ta Harwtchpcrt ond'thitTihey wen told no word I had been recelred of Uu mWni

■ B ^ ^ t o d a y "

• cteie Dm M

' Ii , • wrmtn bjr • I

VINA DELMAR ... , .1• aalhar of “Bad GhT ; ____ ;

I FREE - FBEEI_PalrcM.AIIendlnc_the. ^

B*C«lar Sbo*liico{'-PlCK-ur •

. Hay Remalnlsd ActIhe 8peciai Prnnltr

“TflK.MlNDJlEADER- . _A----M tli-W am a'W nUir : ^OotiiUBn cnxmlan ,.U an tbe Bemt Trtrki

e( Ue Fak»^K[n«Reader*- . '



- W P * ' —

Page 5: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

St. t«iiiDodger Pilchers- - Parade to Mound for Ritf Testsllltn'niy Wilson and “Pepptr” “flartliil" laa rcifillrial “ Attaok With Homt Runs,On Heayy-Hllting Bill

HOff lHtV ^ 1

: ^

y S S ' ' = ^ ^ F T : i

' 8r EOW&BO i. NBIb ' ' (AuocUM'Pnu BMrtf writer). BROOKLYM, U ty i - ITw Rrt

■ Bird* ot st.Loulirtle* Into Brort* . !}■& tcdijr to Itm ths (Inl Eut* em fwlni ot tbt Wert ro eluM round Ui« Kitlonsl'ktfut circuit

tha CirtlMl ooitoui»H,.l5 to 4. - iD ta r Dwnr-th» ;Unky rtlht- » hudir wltn Ui( lift-hudtd nenUi m em tt, illo«td-thi'Dod(m 10 :

' hlu bit hi (m td t«nn ind vu jlut lotllnc aloni iJt«r ttai Ctrdla* i l l (tU-upoQ Walter .iBner, the Orttt), Beck, rpou* xl|ht-h»i«ter, lorrwr nmi-ln (our In- as

'. utnti. wtUoped Jot 6hv(l«' ; mort inf) btslced W Lueu, & )lt-

Urrriiht.hipdfr«hm»n.(ori(.flB»l ‘ L .thrNtor'ieodlucklnUie lulivo. X

jlaunjr wnion wd ”Pepp«r" »tor- tin led Uu Ctrdtnil itUck with home. ^ niu. u eveiT man but .?nnkle,

. Prii«h io tu im ioM otUw ueu Q ; touit hlti. . . ’ Uu■ 8T .W W A B R - H O A B 5 2

sUutlO ,)b -------^ i 2 0.0 6 ^Priieh.i»,_______ S 1 0-1 r o nCnwlord. lb ____ 3 1 1 7 ,0 0 l i f

- - Hemibr. » ___J * > fi 1 0 hSWhlt«l>M<t^___0 0 0 0 I 0AUm. e l ------ a-l-3- • O-o, ^Mtdwlek. u -----8 0 I 4 0 0Cr»Mr«. r t -----J 1 1 .1 0 0• Pepper ----- 1 o o o o o ISl,witkini,rf----- s a a .0 0 0J. WlUon.e____-4 1 J ,1 10 -Dew.- p — ____ l i 1 1 0 a 0 *. .T#uu_______ ai 1114 n «•> Urt

.-BltMd/M'Cr.Jtm.lp.^wj.tJH'. : Jen — BnOOKLTO— AB f f- 'r iV X 'i *•''

ttripp, ’*• I 1. 1 ’t tint 1 Btt Ttyiar’ ct !!^,_._,4’ 1' l s' 6 0 }J0( ODoul. U _______4- i 1' a 0 0 1 'ywdertck. rt :, ,;.T,4 - o -a ■ i ; o i ff**Wrljlit. u ______a 0 1 1 1 I “ *i

■ Plowen. 1 i___ -1-. a -1 ,-3 0Cuclnello, 3b-:____S'O .0 6 3 0Jordan, ah ■ i 0 0 i a 0 f J l

•BUoneti*, l b ----4 0 o n 0 0 ^8uk*forth.6_____ 2 0 0 I- 3 0 ®«“

■»VW llw n■ , 1 O '0-0 0 0 >- —r:Laeu,-p ■■M.,'.~,v0- ^ 0-t=-0=0• •• RoianfeJd ___ 1..0 O'O 0 0 ..5

Beck, .p _4______a b 0 0 0 0Bham*. ir ----1 0 I 0 1 0

• Outea. c,»j^---- 2 0-1 0.0 0 ^

- Temi^-;: W 4 10 « « 3 5^

. horn* ni^.WU»on.>ftrtlB, Plow- . •«! i t ^ buet-OnUrM, Wat? • — kta;-douhl»-pu»i-*,.cqeetatfoto —

iMonette. p im n to Jscdaa to Bto- p : ;KntH«;loeln«tUUJier-Beek.: .,•. er i

CHlCAOoii,N^VOBK.O :NEW YORK. May'a (ffj - lo i tw

Mrneke. w r lg h ^ h in d S e t^ S- •"<* »“* niau. iSui O ib V HartMt»,:preT»d tntlrejj ih*

. too much for U» Otant< loday u uni

^Waneka bluk^ u» ounu with u v thTM hlu. BaitDttl clouted a pair um o( hw tri. dttnji In flw nua. . p . \

• DOTifre«.ef j l j .0 0 ^ • W.Hmnan,Jb— 4 a 4 3'3*o Vau

Herman.;t--- 5 l 1 3 0 0 pj*tStephtn»on,_lf,-_^ .3 3 3 0 0 0 ^HiitiMi.'3ii ji^ _ _4 1 3-1 i n r K itQrtuw, I b _____ 5 1 I 6 0 0 cnaJunei, u ___ ___ 4 1 1 1 3 .1 . A

-- ?*'*“*“ -O-==4Tj-2-j^0'fl SmllWaraeke.p----- a o o o o o •• i

----TotaU...,— u ^ l l W J I .ft -1^NTWYOHK A B n n O A S . . ?

, O a T U .c (.^ ^ _ 4 0 1 3 0 O.rg-CrtU. 3b -------4 0 0 3 6 0Ou. rf I ft o_i_A A

y*Tie*,3b_;_:__4 0 0. 0 a 1 £fi!j

a.“ -r=zJ'SSSS!SS

Jicksoo to'Leiiit; Joalm ntte^^Z ■ ;»humKh»r............... - - .

-- r-Clxd.*<NATl%3dnW i“ ~ £BC6TOM;uay.3-MvSei Wei.

n o t br Uo Duracter aad Brnto ' Umbardl lotUy enabled tht do. ‘ vq

-clnnallRedj to open their flnt But.• .era InrMilon with a 3-to-l »lct«rrtn#el ' onr the Do»ioa Brim . In th

- . £hvoeh*ril^H blie^ l«tf(;bouti


down the (Ml Hot Into Ifw Jell- flitd Mtaehera te-thtiJhW.tnnfif — ind-D»bardl.'.'htt .thi > .flnt 'ball .. pitched to him br.EdBrttidt la the <' Hventh Innlnt into the.e«ptet-tleld I itandi. • .

CINCINNATI A BR )IO-A EQrantham, tb--- 4 0 0 13 0 0 „WorrUtey. 3b, 3b.«.4 0 0 0, 1 0 Hatey., U >— --3 0, 3 ,T 0 0 ^Roettier.lf—:___1 0 t> 1.0 0 *JSJ. Moore, ef _____3 0 0, 8 0 0Lombtrdl, o _ _ J 1 1 3 0 0 ? “Rke..rt ____ _____<■ 0 3 3 0 0 ®®?Blueh.3b»— J 0 0.1 3 0 -iiflljh. 3b'----- .1 0 0 0 t o l ° ?Ouroeher. te — l.4 .1 1 3 4 0 ?^Benton: p ------O' 0 8 0 0 0 i,*"Smith, p _ i ; ____3 .0 0 0 3 0

TrtaU,.— —:.33 3 T n i l o|}^ BOSTON A BR KO .A E'lhal

UrbanOI. u ,_____ 4. 0^3,1.) 0 . ^

Ho«w. r_>__C-4 O'O ft o“ H SKnothf,-3b------ i-o-i-a-anMroiSchulmerlch, r f - ^ 1 -1 0 ; 0 0 tralMantnYlUe, 3b___l 0 0 3 a 0 «lqt:’ lUrrave___ l_ J 0 0 0 0 0 lt| 1Wrt|ht. 3b _ 0 0 0 0 0 llquei.Brandt, p _____ 3 0 0 1 o o! T•»-*Hon*nd. - .......1 0 0 0 0 0 claiSelbold. p ....0 0 0 0 1 0 har<

I >o 1 I! 3T g -1-Wlt

' Batted tor MaranTlUt In elihth. > 1 ’* Batt«l tor Brandt In tlfh^ i UOlnelnniU ---- _ 0 0 l OOO 100-3 rlihBMton---------- 000 COO 010-1 ;ln|.

_ 1 » m L U £ f l . i . .p jB A m - j_ ^PHILAOEiraA. Mty 3 MVAtl-! ,»'

er tlz stralint iHbaeb the PhUtlet ' ^ dt(tattdlhePtriIH.aioB.lodAy.. ru t IHfud leaden amtilied »lwn,«i- tor four rum in. the lint Innlnj but (»rt tha PhlU knocked Urrr TrtKh, wit loulhpaw Bue ace.^ut ot the box In ‘n* tht nejt aod icoftd five rins. put-. Oi tint ihen In a lead Ihey never ttTe <ia <

U^Waner! y ' f f l j ^ 3 3 0 0 Ml!Unditrom. ef ------8 1 '1 4 0 0 ¥P. Waner. r f — _» .0 0 0 3 0 xU !J»^nflfi lb-». I ill l -n-a-1-3 -0 —Buhr. lb ________ 3 1 3 9 0' 0 fVaughan, tt ;.„4~0 -0 1 3 0 I nP^^ab^--- :--- 3 ^ 1 4 3 0 I I I

C h ^ w f p { 0 0 c 1 o’.' Jenicn___J — 1 0 1 0 0 0 MHBmlth. p _______ :0 0 0 0 0 0•• TTierenow i— J p 0 0 0 0 /

p-’-^... ....O' 0 0 0 0 0 «Totstr.,_____ --.31 5 10.J411 0 •

•BaltedlorChapion In aeTtnth. i •• Batted ter 6m«h In elihth. t»im;«nn .nHT*-~ TT-B-irn~A~BPullla, ct _______ 3 1 3 4 0 0 U nQirteli; M .L .^— 4 a 1 3 J 0 S 3Klein, rf--- -----4 J a J I 0Hunt, lb ■■„■ ,,0-010 1-0 ^rod'di If ________3 0 0 2 1 0 S S ,DsvK-C 4 0 1 t ' O 0 ^ 'nnn. 3b _____ J I r 3 0Wamer. 3b 4 1 1 1 1 I fthem. p^J_____ i-4 O T I 3 0 “ j /

Tni.l. • .nh-B # n ,lJ -1 L'•Ituburjil-------- 400 000 010-5’hlUdelphina~—~JiiO-iceoo«-4 ^

itr, Baitell. Suhr. Ttarnor: none 57^ TO-KlinrnBoleirbMeT&iUto*®' 3 - i UleMiit-i.TMd:doublepltrt-Ano ^ ‘0 BartelUo Ituntrloilns pitcher- P'*’’-rnrti— ' . ' :— ■

—^ • ‘tt- B 0 X I N G ^ N E W S - E -

' ---- punc■OATIO ms'* . .

VOQ^<OSTOWN. OhlO. .May S (AiWhtB -Johnnr Datta 124, ClereUnl.mda nocked duf-Babe" oaUma. HHto). - Ud:1 tha foartfi-round oi the re»mrt,_:Cl EMtt Ul a bcoioi prttnm to ^ t . ;-Jkai|j


i s I M m irSeriafors’ Old F«ud Flo



^ .aaan year bua

i!>»£i•mJO*l. .Ing I hain(Aw

S ID E t Ih. : - ^ y S r ta n Ste/SUpon hla farm In purely,,rtew ^

Tork. •here' aoDM ot-tha'iiatlon’a-Iaoi paawu ([(tirfa havt.ioai I& Ji^ o u t put to'repin their heuth. the tie* .ctq-] mindoui phyalque of WUlUm Uul-,mp dooo. Ibe tottd maD.'li'cniabUar.- land_AT!aht^of » nian,-Fi*t«tci(4aL ’anNo-RcmaD wreatlen. atact at«r,) Th conditioner ot John L. SulUran. all* dooa llonalre and-atUl • member ct Iha'Johs Nev York Stata'Athletlo coamU-iexha iloo at 17, VuldocQ la alowlr tadlot.-{br a lit hu nerer fully tteorered.trees,the the ctfecu of a tall aereral yetn a|o chaa that vwld ban killed oany a nan Durli :^ U |. hlmrwUl i » the W ilsk to bit I •in-athliUo--f»ne»tJon-thaf,mw-thty Urn onlr In the w e ^ . He lamgd] Vt John L. with.tht mlfht of hU wUI,'anul. 4m«-him through a-punlahlnf-SuUI training grind that ratored a phy* ' *0 *ffl«i-b»»»n.by dUilpaUon; to aU ^«ii lt| tomer power (or a 7S-round con* dan queit o( Jake KUraln In 1M8. to h

The alorjr ot that rtlatlonihip la a '0 claatlo..John U -wu a clolent mtn. aotU; hard lUlog. hard talking; vldouiaii

Of Wa faculUea. /• IranMuldoon 'WU an oak ot a maii, Tht)

rlghtMU, dean Urlng. clean-thlnk* (or Ing. intolerant ot drink tad tobtceo, Thar .vUh.a wm ot hla.oirn ao great ha In.pijm r ,d a rtd » m a iT y ,________—8r• Jhe eluh,ot Iheac two, llrlni'al- him' ^ a l ^ pa a tjay. farm -w

tntnlng. the atrenith of hla l ron wUL'ni n

rtiw n?ur2 l iport«”3jtory. - ^[ihrot----- lUlragedSBlllna- 'Bulllran wu aoUl.to weak it'tha'eieh

atart he could neither eat nor jltft. [who

torilij tw tht K ^ n ina^ ta S a - -Pi iHippI In Uit vwy flneat coBdltloa of “Whi the Btrong Boy’i atotwy eaner.' ' -BI

Onc« John U aoeakcd away, when Ha i he wu .able'to be up. and aiDUDd,|aat«

jeadyWinsIg In Louisville RaceiriMrs. Wllliilni Cramp's Bar- .sain , Colt Fully Jnsllr.p

."lies 'Conlidence'TjI-FahrWfM,o.i."-M»-wiin.m-cram.:i - j S bargain. eotU fullr Jiutllled the . »nlldaoee..of,.baekc» who hare S ! " sude hlm the Weat'a tareritt'to !T,!S Mn the Kentucky derby, when he f f j ? uma fnn .no«bera-to eaally de< real, a field, of the btttar elau >USKeit«n ellglblfa at Churchill 3om today. . • i^ LJ. W. p»rrl»h'a 'Jaalah." a light-

y renrded- derby prwpect which withj «*.!raced;furprUlngly well 'thU !1?S

•f'?LJ«dlrx iwnt r H ^ S s i a n f S a ^ ^ u i ^ 1-

« * t- la a ^ - •..... ,

md a hilt: .IDa' lime tor the mUr ^

w r »;dtTla«-oqt track. Tha IIOOO be ^rune wll) more lhan pay -hU cq. made nr /e« ta tbt derbf Saturday, tneea rhta b« la cxpecUd to be 4oc> one a ndaiy faw lU to W. R. Coa'a uim." Udjnaan." leading Butflij. hope. Dr.-rctttrtfT-o.* by nnng-fTfii. nmp

)w k l« laif, *lUb- lurt.

■' ) ■■ NEWS> TWIN rALLS;

wrel Anew ' ■! jj

’ : I

' '-Thi'laictt’f1araup'batwiat\ I'ht - .C New Ytrk .YankHa tn« WaVb- 1 Ingtan ttnaVera at WaihlnBton * tnugM tha .trvtllaar riaua battle - , .aeati, In.'tb* mijsr laaguaa In many ye'art.'Tha fght alartad at aaeand I1 but. whan Md/. Myar, Siniter . S.*;;;, 4kM>M4fr~aA^—Ian—Chapmaiv- Wy _lYtfK_tutflaldif._twipptd— cnn

WM ^ ^ ’■''''0 ht'elld' ' Im i

AW.R:plelurt abwfc.-Aftar.i Maf i|ui«C«mntttrad and Ohapmanji char m a^ la i- fo rth tah tktra .h t;.

E ^ te s !$Ing (lata. In 'Vlaw' Whtt*-...' tht hairi baak.l*;it the W r i . - ; m in l i l i O B i i S

Chai' and

• - % . ; ...... ........... and. hit; ..I'.;''!."' . Vtiy; Rc

a g d ^ w twad hta^Mlfaai^

erenr drink from the bar.'.gan th tluo mprletor 123 to eloaa lor the night Dick aad drimd flulUran off bodUy- ' Crt»

IBJaweringRaii'... RbK They alept id the aamt roaa. Mul- • Bj

dooa kftpiat eoaatant rlgll for ftar John L. would lUp away dupluilu - Tt cxhaiiMlea that orepihelmed tflm *Bai by alghtfaU: Rg drore frienda from DI the ufflp'wbo CUM to.cooaole.Un m , champion.-irtth Huka on both Mpt.' Owei During (bt; lu t [week fluUlran Und *6ton In a towtrtfif rue; hlUng the tent* kOttn bit r«ittar..io teCUy. trainedithuJoi-fl thty dttf w r ipertr~“ r-— r— i d*tiI vu w ry WiiMnAniRotlanultad eut tht lallow. eandla after Deu SuUlTan-aliBM into b<d ht aald:I • 'ooodjught, Johtt.*" ' Marl Li.«ulllMn newr^aniwmd. A-ifw H w days before the fight Moldeoa went -*"W1 to bed without ipeaUni. . ..

'Oood night, Bill.- aald 8ulU»an, . To aofUy. • • |*B*t

• Jahn U-B«ptala&l.. Ijjaw “Tiey moredjfaelr.iepiralo waya D w

jJlta:ihiU@ilW'd«r,'eod euUI- ran headed loRfte-waregt-wloon.-‘>B*»< They lambuted-taoroUiir Mrbally for ytara, became-blUer epemlea. « “#• ThanmnMa^oItlMlrmeeUDg 5 ” In .peraonal.coBbatr V-i— •.......... ^himoat. . I

n i pna htelt «n/t 11/* • waa-tfoidoonT»hoofr-Wa -liead.-*m-S«w lhrougtutralnlo)rflgbtert.'Touaer<r ^ ‘ appTMUted whrt-.|;dld -(w jwt", .In k'momeat they «m roaring at e«h other again, and le wu Bullhan “g S**^?i^ J!iTw u '' ' 1- '' “Pe^lrT r»V" beuowtd MoMoon-'i^ “What in hell forf-' - . . ^

-BUI." aald John L'lOfUf, humbly. S P " Ha put out hla bani UuldAoa'aaager died.-niey ahot* hand*.

Uihad h lw ll a H f ^ ^ ^ l l ^Head Play." worlwd « t an adSl- Behai

ilonal eighth after the tlnlih, ne-f f i ' i K K ' s W ' V . r s swlae,' eloalnt 'tu t lo work .the mllr and eighth In 1;H 4*5. 'luUh’ sumi wu ranldhf. tiring at tha Hnlih. - MtlUl

A c c i d e n t i n H o o p ^

. C o n t e s t . . : C a u a e i ^ ^

: ‘j S n e e z i h g F i t ” SrT7:;~~v:- — in:io'

IIOU.YWOOO, May a.(/Ti-To a Hod«| until tncture ot tha.t aaal bone, n- UrtJ Mired IB'a hlih-RBool-buketbtU . gana-two^meoiha ago phyalclana OU loolght attrlbuM tha tlTa-day potd ^aneeBni nr^f'l«^eir?8Id Rhea g i^ Nathanaon. ■ ' X it. They anoooA^Ukrtreatment unij ina brlaglnfitUendtbtarenie ot W

lather. J. Nathaaaoo. ttld jier tor- - : nentwwldJawbtywenthad^e‘iUMihcr.toUttitideirlrenrTUrner n . n. B. WooUan explained thU aU ho t-prtaaun on the ruaal botirde- flatlot rd^ . Qia a P ^ ; o t time |m» ottert;

rwe found thB.fracture In exam- Qlni iht inUofiny.foreica^wdy^ >4ht lie aald. *Whin ao tniectloQ-wu which nadt Into the naaal nerre. tba flitlec neena decraaaed lata loday traa lafiik meamlnuteto«t*Twyti«»ln* Pnald IIM.O-. . . • ti*4sjDr. Wooltan uld a minor open* a rteo

iMtprobably-wwldreraoTtthsnM- «d-br mrt. lattli


Marberry Ppl

|i4 p « "';.t« ® ijs j^ # inHiddli~oI^jfe|ltfn;'«P j ; 'inlnB, But H&|i'f,rPli*s •. Up Duel and.DoM mi-

iHOWTIiEV ^ 11

iS■ iBr-71)i..Aaaoc!attd-<<nai) -v

DETROIT. May 3-?«d .JTlipo) MarbetTy..blf-DetroU fllager, held champion New York Yankett In n check Juat enottih to en ^ i tht. I Tgen to gtn then »-8-lo-3 defeat ■ today In the lint gtat- et thalr t Weaterrtjwat' • \ir«« tfrrr^ A/Ittn fwm ththllltolhrmlddltoCthtttghUi ^ Inning,' whan.' thlna «trt.;locklor rery.dark for lha Detroit ctttat,'but ii- EIonHogKtl picked up the dml,wlth _ Charley Ruffing with two mtn out andt«oenbaat.reUndBlllrD>ckty ou tnd tlalahed tht niath with enl] ooa ^ hit; ' V ■ ' H»i

Raffing held tbt ’ngert to all hlta Mi> but tltey werd fertuhately.bunehetf ■« to product nmi..Deth>lt fot« rtm . In the thlnl Innlnt « a hit bat*> iman,apaaKdball,anlnfU)doutand eraa ilngle by Edwin Fttx.* woi

NEWYORK A B R K O A B S a ir. walker, c l___^4 0. 0 « 0 0 opeBmU, 3 b_:____ 4 o:;i T .8 0 UaRuth, if ,„— ,-..',3 0 0 1 1 0 oniOehrli,: lb - - - * 0 010 I 0 ehiJhignan^rt--- - t . l . J . I J l l a niauneri. 2b ---- 1 0 r s 4 o tDiekey.- e ------4 0 1 8 ' 0 0 satCreaettl, H -----:4 1 4 1 I 0 Ho)Rntttng, p ______ I 0 0 1 0 A B* Byrd .;......., ..-,1 0 0 O.'O .0 stli

■ . ....... .. hat.- Wala---- 3 10^ » fl -• Batted for f. Walker In nfillL^ -, DEraorr a b r h o a k bPox. ef ___4 0 I J '0 0 oecOwen; 3b_______ 4 0 1 1 0 0 m:6tonl. rf ,.,.4 0 0- 0 1 0 oM iOthtlngtr,.3b — 3.1..1 4 » '0 nb loi-«alkor,U.u=aJ-l'.1f uit P » T l a . - H r | t h

^ o ta l^ e — _ l L 0 a a 0 ^Hayworth, o __ >0 0 0 1 0 0 fln«arbeti7rJi-Li..=3TrO-0'J-0 t HogatU, p ft 0 0 0 0 0 LM ■» WJUU------- J"0 1 0 . M Wa

ToUla.— ---J I 8 03711 i•Batted tor Dtaaultla In aarenth..New York - i>«o UIO (K M ■DetroU'-----. =001-000-30*=3[ *"d' Summary: Twp-baat hlit-Chip* hlU aan,-CmtUi-taerlfleo-hlt»-ItQtHvi]H (lag; double playa-RogeU lo 0th- wlt» rtnteir to DaHi, Rutb to CroMtU to 7i Othrtnttr; wlanloi pltchet-Mar- Baa berrr. ........ . - - oak■ BT, LOWSfcBOBTON 1 md . 0T. totng. May*! (r>-BlartW

tho'tint ftmt bf the aerlei'vlth ^ ihe BOatM Red Sox t«dar, 3 to 1.— ^ 'BOSTON. ABR HO A 8 k S JohnaoD, If i,_ _ _ 4 o 3 4 0 o oiitPtlbarg, a t ----- 4 0 0 1 3 0 g 2u 1 j-qRodap _3b 0 4 .8 0 1 ^ Mrer, ef-----1_4 6 I I 0 0 uKjBhea,'c»:_______ 4 0 a a o o S tRhodea, p-.:___ I I 3 0-gMala,„„.-„.„,« 3< i 'g-atlll^O --Tl I Oot out whan winning rta tcortd. wnti

ST.-bOUIS A B R H O A X v r U 9chanln. » _ 4 '0 o a 3 o tht

' I 0 1 3 0 0 flltl3*nna. rf_______ 3 i 3 1 0 0 m u1^11. e ----- .4 0 1 3 I 0 prUISumi, lb ;---- _4 1 111 t 0 ed

____ _ j .0 0 Bm

T^lfc------ J I 3 13011 1 roil'Softoa--------OlO 000 000 0-1 Rainn. LouU------ 000 loo coo 1-3 ix' Swantry:. TvOfbaaa. hlt»< aUty. ctt« SutBi; home nma.-Otnna; «cn> amti l^Hodapp, Meiaio! dooto playi tn»

fodinoo Aleundcr, BUeholder to yetn ^t^.toBurnt.' ’. .. '®o

■CKtoAmerkanleaguegamtapoai'r cnt, >®ed 'OQ account of cold andjrit ahoJ ii?>nidfc' ' • netli


- INFLATION BILLlSS. .JI / . . . • mott (Oflotlflind fTCT Page Oner~ ^

<wA.»L thl rn r t* ' f"* ~ *wW houtt:»W:Uini-To{e o T th r^ e iP B latlcn-]iiUfc--Tbt OemocraU then m T

rt*« HJlTTboon;'---- " ‘l :Healed DeUU thl I

.^ntrw-heurdf-betttd^debtlt Inthich ItpubUcans deaerlbed tht la- 1litkQ.prepoaitlea u dangrmit geatl«w*lloo. and aald It would mak* 1naldeat Roeitrel(.a dlcUtor. tha agaUWftiUai.vukdopted.UIte 113, op oflh 'T tc trd ^ TTM atrtaith dirpi^oroB

■ - ' .

, MAY 8,1883: ~ ..

jb l^ g e r i" k k c

: iTORTCeM A*t .1 : c M iu o iw M lr - W l )

, T k i a M ^ V - ; , T .; .'li: ’T 51,

________ ' ■ .• • Uo— ■ aoi

Hollywood Drubs-1 Seals, ll to 4

'Alb• uui

Veleran-Tom-Slioetiaa-HurlsSfa- S la f ^ t r ^ V lo W i r ^ ® , Qpenlng_Oame. pJ-Serles w

' • • ' ..A I • ________ «|]]


i J s s s T ! ! ! r ! ! l » ° ™ ''5 S ®

i ^ s i ' l l' LbflAKOEiiBiu^am -Vet-. i: eraa T m Bhtehan hurled Holly* ■

woodtoin ll-to-4Tlelor]r«Tertht SSan motlico Sealt today In .(he ^openlag gtau of the lerlea. Jot dt mUagfle, 'Seal outfielder,' wu the Ionly rialllag player to do much with ■Sheehaa't alanu. Ha hlt. two homt • ■ ruaa-aod-aecoual4d-fer.tbm.ruBa.. ■

Ibe acOf*- R H B BISan Pranclieo ICO lOa OOO- 4 » I ' HHoUywood -^10 aio tax-ii la o n

Battstat:'' ZaeUU. Btadtrioa, @Stint and Ucliaae, Oottartnei Sht- Whan aad fraaka, . _ ; |';;

' ANOnS <.->tUBI0I(6 4 SBAN PRANCUOO. Uay a 9

Oomblnglni tlmaly hlttlag with a Weoupla of gltrlaf erron on tht part nor&t oppoaltlon, .Lea Aatalar An- «nto.^Iiat*d..th» Ban Prantiiw l\

er. hit a trl^, double aod.alnitt in

Loi.Ang*ltr^-000 301 »l-a . 1.0Uaaloaa ____ICO COI 3C(M 11 - a

Batteilea; Nawaoca aod Oroala: Btbleh aad.ntipatrlct ' ^J '- W lA N D 4. SOLONB J H : Z*®

OAKLAND, May 3 (fKBupcbing ib hlU oft EdrBryan. Oakland today¥Mnbt’ TIrtri»mror-tht‘-»m« with Bacnu&nito ben, 4 to I.

I Jn acort- . B H BSaeramaalo .^lOt OlO ool-l it I Oakland 310 OOO )0*-4 lOrO

Battolair Bmn and Woodall; Lud^b u a Vritgaa. _ '

poned on aeeountof rain.

tht ctttmcy' cxpanxlon amandmnt - -Elitit Dtmoerata.'Clalborst.'Uia- tourir'Duan, PtnniylTanl*; Hotp- y|e,^CamwnU;^Ho^forth Oarellna: Black aad Somm, '

Xlnne*oU,an4Wolnrton.New.JB> : tty. witd with the maJe Uy.I PnafBt RaaalBlIm :--Th* Bapubllcitii,-ltd-by-pepr*- - wnttttTe'Trudirty. Maatachswtt*. vrtwcted ft reaolutjon oeatendlnt tht Moau exceeded Ua conatltu- tlooatauthority4afflgb>aUB«theln., flitlca rider. Hi uld that under tba eo&iUtaUon all reieaue and appr^ prlatiou Qtuuna muit.bt InlUtf*.

Bym'a motion waa adopted, 170 to 51.' Republlan attempu to fore* ■ roll eaU wen orerruled bjr speaker ^ Rainey.' _

Dutlnc £e debate, the houH pro- = s ctedlnit-wtn-lDUrTuptad-''by ■ amtiuy dnaaed youiu wbmaa, who ■ u m la tht gtllen' and ahouUd:' .'

“You cant go on likt you an and wi:a>t-‘*ptHHoh=ln-«-aim«' — yetni*'Scent mtmben ■leaped to Ihelr

fetL-IUpMenUtlre Cochranrtftino': cnt, Ulaaourl. who wu'prealdlng. ahoiit fer Sergeant-at-Arma Ken- nethilflinaey lo "\hnni- herliWr ' ~

Sht walked from the gallery.- .Oprataf. tha ,d«bau.... Chairman Pou.'Denwent, North Carolina, of tha tulM commul4e,.dean of the how*. i«d the “ptocedura that tht rulea ecmmlttet piwlflfd allon the

yaan' Up»n»nca‘ ln tha howe.** ■ ' r-=HutbaWntlfman in lh*«>taa : i .

•'•iHins lUiti uuett aued,-•*1 h*T( tontt irmany ttmu when - • thl RtpubUean party wm tn power," ”RWrr^ded.-— ....... —r-

1 chiOeege tha atatement ot Um , gentleaaar Snell roared. ’•

*2ban'Men.lt time andUne agaln.-^ ntumid. "whllt tht.wiu «' of the b m fet«ht It. by Ihe.aeuofr

-the Witt wamatct." ■


rSBieatColleges Prepare Fi For Bdey Meet t

Six Schools May U st Entries Co

tn'j^nnu'al Southern Itlqlj} _

sTrabk and Rield-Contesl ,i

ALBION, May 3 (Special to Theteamrmay Uit entrlea la lha aaaual ^ aouthem ldaho-toUega ooalennci meet'ailMuled In Burley, Saturday. ^ May U, Coach N. J. Jaeobten of Al- ^ Uon sonnal, director ot tha meet, aanouaenl thli week. Rlcki wUltgt of BeUMi aad lha CWIete ot Idkho hare not SetlaUtiy dadded lo oom^™ pet«.thowb-Bola*.w>unte.collna.^ <k«dln| eoUeg*. untrenlty aouthenj bnnch and Albion an catered. »

Ooaeb Plaatlnol PocaUUo tqoad ^ appean to have (ha tdgt tn polat coUect^ ability baTtnidetuted tbt Albion Teaehen lut .week at Poea- ^ UUorTlto 81. Howerer, Albion. waUi- ed ofl with; tht poodloc a)uUaw^»2 ni«niiirwiinutiUblralioweoBUdt''^

coateet, with other Utah teama at

.-AlbloolncoRlbretklnirelayteaia.' „ will be back Intact froDlaat year to ^ huan a thrlU.for tpect4ton.-Men- ^ b . in l . t t . HOU. IntlM.! to im .M Hanaen:PDWtrt,UlU,Bcobtn,Buf ley: Bjqrard, Rockland; Panlni, WemofEoo, HUtehlna., Peterfco, ^ JUg4,-Albioot-Bodan.Jtopirt^--- ^

Comedienne Has Son IS• . It*— . --------- fori

r mat

• ■ w«(• bool (ht. railno*;Uft'Ul*

.. H.1

i n B f c y l R i H i W M i M to B xde

m S t k1 I Ill'll III .W P ll-g"WDUE 7AZXHL- of Uu fllm,;

Gets Cuban Post


<a »Tba


MotlUUNER WEixcs VU nominated m m aa ambauadc: to'Cuba by Pnal« .York dent HooMnltH^ Photo. . Be v


TONIG.Anierican Legion M-- ’-mm tnm=r--r*-rr=-


- i» i.vo - m y .rm cR g o w ■ - -' T«» Oit-'»f -Ttrte-falh.-—- :—

_____ _^GUJr NKMON'

V ■ . V*. '' ' JOE DOMINGO

BlU, FliENC?. Twin ruiA WtU iOaa I Omprat U(Mle

jJ,A P JK jj l.0 # i.G EN ..A D M ..7 t


I Y a n l&Favorites Battle [ i K I ograins Cortezand-Oundej-and Mii<—! „ler.Venus_Petemn..Fea:. _ t lara Legion's Sport Card. Tonight wtn be oM'hoaa night for I aport eathualaiU at lha legloa bUl. ' ] whan 'fararltae tn the boxing and , wruUlag gamu meet to briar aoon 'I centnl;ldaho as lU - w cerabtna- : Uoo'caid.. . . -,• Piebably tbe moat popular em». •: ot) the card win be (bt meeUot 6c- ! ’tween Vot Oortcs.aolttBatqtie.aDd .

-wayaTfirWle here; b u y w5agl»=:—en tbe'.taai -tbelr monen worth.

• Popular oplnloo U p r ^ vtUxllT)d<I ed.About]tiirtbe/taia»tadwi .

toTMe’tomf ftghter'Uy Joe out'tor ! tbt count ud tha oU«r half dowit ;. baUht It caa be doot. but wouldn't I mlad U locna one could.'’ Dundae. ;44ntb^rea.CaMfeealt:elniorlea, ■■-

be abte .to turn the trick, but tf Jia___rdoevbil! hare t»et«»blaim t ic * . '

tlea from tba ftnt belLJo^bu bean .: t n t i% baid (or the bttUe.ud.via

antr* bm la tbe oink ef'eoodttlon. .ItonoHaeaea.

, Bharlof .btadBat bttWf for tbe I eTebiaiwOlta«Mbettr-e(wttatl)v. ; .

, aebtdiiled.-. tO 'B ilc i helda with ^ Uno.Nte” MotiOD frea Uahori

' &al|hberiat>camm««allb.£rtm ' mimiu rpundi of beadloeti. toe»l,brlatlbi;riiiaAlb^o(«d^i^t.r.

Ite-Ktleo B o b l ^ . eea.botti cnlhar. teouibllohU.maWi.bera,' tv»'vt4ki ago U ireatly tttpoialblp........for lha growtef Inlcreat hen a'tbla


■ .Wblle tb«a two matebu m Hat- '-booU probably,will rate u blgh-la^U..

~ lh*liB iti8 tenAatir.;fclie(u^ ' ^raUebcv.vbo-biabeca.HlhtlBcta. ' neenteaid(atBolM,UJc]HdBlaitta . meet Jumplar Joe D n S m o tW m ■

;U ft aU>round|OiDe|BtataU known .. ua|luiv!r«adK(laoo.vhobubullt■>' Uit«pt!t|kMeadD.ibett.b(rd'BBCh<> . le.: vmyobmy;te barj pot t e b ^ —

Br»^eD» at tbe M t tfttUu et Ibi (Ttslnr to (bU^BiM^' 'ndi.ttw'feaemhv! 'tS* tdbed*' ’

/oima«d-aiBt*Bt7Be«vmviDt". to be oBliaBS fer tbe naen l or tbli. ’ -

llrud iA n tb i two mH( leqlibt ta' .,id|i<TeQDdnlz,-8ytbatr*UllngDU«' ' to Bht tt, tbMe tm boyt bmbeen - '

[able to aftetf tbt'crooda-vUb more " !thUi.tb«lr;tban'.Wtaion.Caiinmr . :;bu betsTMlalSfiib Meblletd. and .'

‘.{in iarfiiDt pne oaTbC eS.™-yetr-vUb-ft tjrekaa-ara-vldelrde' '— 'UytdbitaabiUoDfcBebkamrte. ;. h4i>e eet.of tbe noet tanUte lOQtb* pav pa o ^ :en r ttea',id ft local flat aiU faai an usleoi to'kee’lt dMaytd- tgttaL BU JSpponoJt bi>

talaed wlt» vUl mike Bfflibmr an < '

v b n '^ S i * T )K .i.fiTfemcT.locU'flibtcr, vffl'enter .

laUor I t '^ around me a'ba» ^

flchten artio ban alnady ptvred" popular tn thli t J^ ty . ,v,____

MOST-wHSa^M EfH—~.FILt:SERVANTS';R0tE5"',- WABHINOTON, May 1 I^-WortT- Inf women are. In 'order ef-nuinsr* leal ntlng, tint, eerwiti; ae c^ echool teaehen; third... atewgra-

'nuu'nparte<l.(he womcn'a tauniu ia ft-peaphlet pubUihed today oa ■The Occupational . P n ^ of Wo-

JOURNALIST SUCCUMBS'.- BAUSBimr. M l. «rr 3 cpj\-'

Oolooal WHltao r, Hiikttt i found-, _ l ir ot thrLfTUuan, pUUKiUbn » HarrardimlrtnKy, and former newi- pper exectrtlre ta Hinneapi^Nnr-— York and Beaten, -died hen F ^ t .B t v u 13 y iin eld.

ruN Gm r " z1 M e m o r ia l H a l l ■ • » .iiii« ir iiw - ~ ‘

. -JOE CORTEZ — -Piyilei.BiiW w iw r — ’

• - T a 1 -j :-— CerWWTrMe'.

------PAK i< .H U - . = =: — li> rfrgetad lUltIt - .• - ■ ~


-QlCr-UATNES alie appear Is a ( ‘racag 0**Jeatleded. - * 'i,7»»rRESTO:\3ss»ri

Page 6: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

fageS lg V ' • ' '

:: i l W i l f I ; : DNSmiK:

CarriErS''Sh'>w-UnusuaI VIo- ' ■ or and- Close Wllh. Net

(Jains of i to 5 Points

, l'|.MARKETS.AT:A--BLAteE| (. NEW VORK.'itoy,a (« - .

flioett: r*n» nllr:- -tiidiiitiifitf n ir^ -

Bondi: Utxed: nU 11m tol< low ihkTM hither.

curt: unxitlMMdoe IPNUI..Uu itrooi. ' - '

. ..Cotton: Qttlei: Im r e*bl«; SouUimi nnd commtulon houw

Hlihrr;' W l “lUiily: r*nm<l-

=----- ilrtogUj'TSMinMmtJ-TTIlSa- -

' '* ^ 6 * 0 0 - 5 WJwii;,.8mmg; buUUh erep “Com: Ulfhtr: pU&Unc deliji.' ^

-rcaUMTJS Jo Me hUber; Ktlre. “ . Hop: Blrtdr lo a top «

4iM.;--- - -• ---- I S• B fJO B K U cooler •

(A(tocUt«d Preu PlQudtl'WrlUr) „ NEW YORK. u»y »-IUU» o K f^ fn

..... * tw lo i iiijuif;»Blij«irttr Hog .j,'mtittHodir.bothid-todoniMtoJ „

ori to ftpolnU. Srnnl olto »« . .

KV *’ p«l‘fiilon*l UKkn doubUM-Wt 2

ih»lthTearrtefiloekfl^be*aJa. 5finioonnnttdrwcutodiKntfl' J UtM te a floiTT. Hoimr. n iro t g

' - t»{ttc«UUiUa*«ibowlni dliUoet (^'-kBpnr«tDi(or>aU.adc«n «Nt- ml

.... ' em roidi Io*a»tfMrfnt|W~U^ ij«- wMk th»a to the tonwpoodlaf p«*

riod of irn .. • . ' .tm rn I ribl«

8uiuy»}ump»dlpolnuuid0n- j . iaa Ptelfle ind Dtta«i» «od_Hwl- n,

- . jll;'■ biihVklky.lMimnftudKulilTl]* ~

.tnd i r « YorK Oeotnl ww op l cc ^ •• nore, while » number,of othen toi- } J

. pt0TM4i u u t ft potot. Bmheit, “_ _ M e 2 t o f f i S 5 a ‘* ^ p £ «

-Rub^Coeft CeUtDdOraenlTtoodt ^- lMl-f«ctlan». OOi «»ltn»d undtr ,• oenluJonettheBoeony-ViegumdW* „

ktend, which bid bm 10 noU qutr- ^ Krir. ‘m t laut Wtf P(11 polaM *t ' UMwoc^whlMMrrJencr^^M-

■, C ! m "

.doeed il* dteUn* o{- tmod r oiou. J____ MauSooMibatt camtoMbm4.«u J?----InflutotUl.to iUtlOf tb ^ n l of our ^

• Bootr,fta*»emidUM«lr»m#tj-~ „ :^lnni.bTjai.CMmBe}ej«ia^ n, V ' er wtd«, • , • ■ • / a

.Ttut eoaunodlUci »» noTloc la

-”-sr»s.TXSf-'a“^:3Its tnUelptUoo blihcr frlctt ^

pUlntr.undti>w«r. lomewhit UU ^

"Anerton M*t*l Mftrtef ‘in in wMkljr commeDl eo lUtl prameU u n (b« luiplclM tbit put of.ihi ^

twrOALLS-M ARKET5- 2Ttu Tirln hlta duiru't »uX« Hi- |®Unl4r «M u loHowi: ■> to

liMir^iUBtra. >10 to 2W 1__UndrwuatrMtiai ten. UO pound* up____Uit Pcow^_______ IniliwK *--- -J

rwiirj , ... - ! ---- nn\Tr.thi rr-i____ ------ :ic__■ .tnhr{i>n>*°*~!— _ J

' 'Cwponi .,•.________ :---------------M nu— -....... ........... '- r«7----:-----

sil nralra siim*hV I tlxat Ho«b< ttn u n »nd Ko. t> ti tin , pil

---Hrln. 1»-WUCKI let*-_________ lie IS• K M ^ - . e = = E S lKloeX load.'MO-bmiM lot*______ ISc ^we»«r. .BNV

luuu ni^M , • hii

-~ ' Wiiitn— g'--- —•-— - ^ ^

■■" ' uu ijjir ii*". Or»pttrult I ; , . i.flftadH ^

---^mr^a^-*^ .T-vr- F\ nult<r, rr»«»»Ty'* . Em la «~t».....■----v .nHw

_ CmT ^ uA. '

' ^ 5

Slook Maiket'Averaga

f ;. IM Il lUU’itl OtU‘1 ijl il TtitW _ _ TSJO -MM BX t t X rrStfitj »J0 34M n g ^

umtt*ws: " jo 'IiS . ^ <«■» {

lU^'inCiwiio jJJm 5ffl» iMJo } tawrtnt-=.Km •»« -H*-*iJof*


iO TirTOBKr>uy *'«v-»«»te Se(lSfUpi*c«»m«4llrpric«i %U d»r---------------------------‘iiM crm iM i di jr, K Wack »<o , ' 1*M 0UMtta H» — — ^ Sim Ullb „ ’ , , •.-- IM J gim Uw __________ Tti ou n iiiih ' ou s Uw _______________ 7»J 2

’(•^•w u n ni(h) . o(CwHfht. ua. Br MPOd?i| O

-(DNM>bn-SUIll.i* t a c r u lN g Is MBpattof Uw »»m pdtt Im i o U4 ih» foOMrior eemneditkt wtth o tb» •pymtiuti pttt«rtt(i n lm £ e( Um wboU (e4» Mtiftwtf (« mcK n m m i l ffbm U. e«UM U. tun ' U. liMl Kftp 11. 11. wwH. 8 Mpptf I. UdM I.W B i- raktar «. a tUk 4. mKm I, Uad. j inm a. mcm gti-WHw)-- ------:------ -S

■ ^ . . 'T ■■ Ole o ^ t duund 'li enlr ■ holdortr a from tht rteest period ot tututtoa h; ?{| bow tlUrtd.’ -ITU telt. »dda thU lil rerlew.nhit dimud U tnmulnf la br ntMci of itDfftI btulhea condl- >; t i^ 'U n c bettir* ud bectUM buj- £ m expect Ufhir prleu. U


qaotttloni: —•— ----:— uitIMrtr 4^1 _____ IM Jl' uLlbertr 4it 4Ui H-*1 ■ 101J9 S'Libert; i\b 4Ui » • » ----1011« mUbiitjr ilh 4U«.IUf. U-N lOIi) »■Tnanifr 4»« -_____in v . -Tre«iur7-4e<4 M I.., ... 1M<Ttutunr’ )K i ......... 1014 ■Ttmiuit. SHi 40m Juoe _ 1M.14 tl<T tm a ij SNft 4I-4TJ---- 100.4 n■IVMMaT >Hf M f. 41-4T-£_: 100 U Trtftninr IK i 41*41 Utnh 1.100.13 lo IMuurr 3H> 4&.4I L-Jj— ITJS TmiUlT 3i U*U —........— NJO f«

BAft B t t m «NEV TORJC. iUr 3 (ffHStf «1U

Tereur.'X lowerfttUHe.-

,'n«w y o r ^ j E ^ - Cop. ” vtt: Beni; cteidr; electrolytic efM ftndfutintKtotKc.

Tin: BMler; tpot tt>d Mwbr ttlST; future tU.n.

Ifoo: Qul t IatlluB|td,Uld: Stetdjr; ipot New YerkUiO;

Eu l St. IM U 1331 Zliie: Buely tu l^ i Eu l flL LouU j,,

Ipot and futuriea H,73. m’ Antlmonj tS.12 to 48,35. " ioi

■■ .'MONft .« • ■ Wl -NEW-YOBlt-Miy-J-W— Call te

. mooiy: BUidy; 1 per cent all da;.'~ b: I _nmeJDftasLflUidjr;.30-lo n diyt .

1; 4 to • moolhi I to lU ptr cent., (o ' Titoie eomraenUl piper 3.'"' , ' d>

; -Bftnteti:.KCtg(tn«»: _One>wiM ih• cmcAoTraoDUc* »i.. cmcAOO. U*r 3 «V-Uve poul> to

; try: Recelpu 34 tnicki; lUadjrj lieu dc ! llH-to HUerUfhoni'brollerrWcr^o ‘ Roctbnilen-iS toSSereototKlbroll- cu

en 11 to 30c; lethorn htsi.lO!ic: 13 - KBef*r*'0«crW».'3 «fc*Tiirlter»4a^ , to lie. Duckt: «prini 13 to liMe-. tn

old 10 to 13c. Ome ee. Ui-BtiUer: Rectlpa 11.390 jube; iiti- t l

d ;:u ^ tn rd .

~NEW'yDRK, Uajr 3 i«>>An »tir U.

cotton today. III'-The. rnirm nIUed lat«'tn-ihe < day on naewed itienitti In the tit

aod ^^Uade^^ 10

lUMMOs-Juiy.ttaj'tO m s: OC.* ?lr tober W.40 10 U.4I; D ^ b e r ta.n ch> to o.n: January IS.70: Marth M il {tt to Bpot quiet. Ulddllos'U^. »s:


duca uchanger - - |4.~ButWrnu«lpu-«JOO-poun(l*: eti In bulk 2SC. 12

Chetwi Recelpu 41,100 pound*, t

ch»n«(d. - , . nPoultT)': .Unphaajed.____ j — mt

— ' Inn.SAN niANCIIlOO PRODUCE ipr 8AN.gBAMCIflOQ-Ma>-3-<4>t-.,UI.

nulterfat Jt'ic. . • !»ti-Poaltg: .Braa«ni-13-to-Ue;.rtU clli unchantfd.,

“ SUGAR <NLW YORK. Uty 3 (XVRaw >u> -I

car wu unclianitd today bd the tin* ma ( trlone wu ateady. Local rednen utr continued te ihow' Intenet at Ittt poi pild-pHcti of UJO for tpot duty fTfw.- bttt-th«ae wert-htld-at-»35.- — while Cubu)-wtre.held~ars polbU more, flalet reported today were 31,*OOC bap of Cuban tor Uay thlpment to an operate at 3J1H and ltX« bigt or Phlllpplut tor Uty-Jun» - thlpment tb an outpm rellntr tt ttiS.. 1116 fuluret mafket wat mort-twt>-

ilded. bol held ceoerally aUady aad . clOMd .net unthaRRsLiCL<3 polntt hliher.' '. I •. Salra were ton*. May dosed UO, J u1t..1.u . Bei>ieBber 1.4T, D*. cttaorr I J4, jMuinr l.», »ii«\ai!.»; ~ Miy I M, , •' —

thou^ rtsala oNirloci wir« aimml =-

w w v w ! » =

[imTBlIlES't___ CHICAOO»UMXTanCA00.Ha7l ( « (U B D A H .

PeUtotii RM«Iplt M‘’carieadi| «a tOKk n({.te4al UBUe« 8Ubs iM|-


, ' N E . W . 7

ii • ..{frntiUtoeUMfnti) . ».

S s?‘ 1 ! I

S iS K iz r i i J"; J"K S . 'S S r . fc r .S o .S S i IS “feigJUn.__”8 -!?*-« SiasMoaai coppn ..i. »U u it ' ab- !S IS .V i1 fc -S ^ % S' Ktweu Artttlon ~ u t t , I K uik Bo.i n il '^2 ■?»gt5ii";,srr%-‘!r':! :sOUMdlta ruUle _ Mik 11 f .14 ; nuI O h TTtfMbUlt ___ itj( ai C n • BUI otmi at run _ _ _ lou- ] i : jotl Su I 0 u la p « rp u .^ «u ■ a •. 4|t ^ I otijiit* tJofT^TZ :iB- iitt ntJ S

|l:i s n “s , z = !li a : ! S"

; » S H ± 'U | is !ssjifs.-ss==si :s» g; S;• El"B4£'!S-'!i h5 ‘- "t S S f E ” ii '‘ i i b i

orttan rwft —™ K*ionat Merui nr pi— u( is nti hur OtMt Wnt 5utu_ Hit 11 |t<i o«)1 Httpp Uslori____ iC i 34, ^I illlBOlt-Cnlnl---I l f 11 I lat! Br■ Int Utrrawr----S 31 C' s ( i m

i i - i 4 " ; ■

I I II Bit Pew * U l_— 111! iHi • m l Aul

mnia 421; eld atoak 'dan, tradlnc 'or

B m i 'm u« m .hi l«1«eiUkUnaBi«attRwabt7K C

I l«1lc:IdabeRMMltlll9tollJ3;i] tUi i Bf» iloek illfbtly (trancar. tndlnc tUi> rood, nppUee moderaU: aacked per i(c

cwt lUlia Trlupbt Tesaa tUS to ih tSJOiLooUananioltU.. tiel

108 ANOoSff MAWttT - h” LOfl ANOELES, May 1 (ff) (U doi

. }LJI-A)~C*Ulaui^dak*-aark«« g

. cwt RoeaeU V, 8. Na. M l U IlM .

• • ■' p. 3Jc, ! OGDEN LIVESTOOr '.. OGDEN, May 3 Ml (O 8 D A )- *®> Hop: Recelpu t14, Includlog 3t7 (or >» . market; itcady; lop UM on lereral »*t

loUbealdHTel&i;(ewloUU.1S;ilte- able packai* 383 poundt t3£S;mUed

■ wtlihU and padea U33 lo'tt,40;II ten I3.1«ownrload-J31 p«»aBd:Kc4~ bratka hop 14; (ew out i l UJO. < ct ^ I tla. iwm 1,_. we.wwr-eww.yw-WfrnFVIWim l # no|

(or market4 aleady; about load altr; drl»elni-it«n-ioo|—pousar'irtlh ^

IhneheadtOOpoundhclfenlncluded low M,11'bulk-cbmmoh--an-d-.medlum u j tt»en-and helfera U lo U.7J; tew nou MHJJjoHiradedalrylypeiWJO no down loW; bulk alamhter coat 4335 im toTJOr'eiJmnion daliy im t a ^ |s i culler radfi trd#ifiirbuItairj5 (o i r j Wff- ^1:mtrkei:’ load.TO pound'California f^ Itmbe U.IO: 'lew lib pound ent oul hlil »»■ and

---- fatST. JOSEPH LntSTOCK 10 I

n «

U.7S, Includlni load prime'345 pound mil

Il|httovaU.40; bulkU35loUJ5. loU Ctttle; RettlpU 1300; calret 300; tellJ

tituiliter tleen and )-ttfllnp4 nottly u .3 10 10 iSc higher: around I J lo'iio' mu ItiiUiciDUsorfliyiUUihi^itfiiiipi and hellrra iharlRi adnDcei iMri ttro itronj b ’lOc hljher; other klUlnr l* | cluiea-(uUy tle^;-tiockert 1uk1 sI (eedert (Irm; beat lont yearllnp lire.

nothin* ilriclly choice oiler- lam Ml: bulk rfd 'tle^ and>Tearltnp ttrli M.S) lo tJ35; Includlni 13«3 pound orac

at 1535' K t pound helfera OS I M7J; bulk bfft cowa US5 lo lU i j woo emtfr-padM'll.u-to-t3J0:-bulu pen I2 » to )3.40 vealen U, ihn

Sheep: necdpU 7000; talable tup- ipil i>:y-rt-loada-ahom-Ianib».-ll-tead» rwn wmliklni; load C^lfomla tptlnjera; ipa' nitrtrt tleady OB fprln* Uhibi. nolh- init done on olhen; Calllonilft iprtnnra 15.40 with 13 pe; rent toit; . p

^thm^^dli’78 i sCUP..U4J.----.. 7 - Tu

' . . . MlOMAiU U m tO C K ' a

*OMAHA. May 3 Wl (0 S D A) drli -ll<^t: JlecelpU llJMO: genend p]y mincrt-tteady lo Sc lowar; mwlly Hn siMdy; bulk'belter ISO to 350 eral pounds-«,40-tO'U.9S:-toi)-ts« tad

I ue oeA. I cow lM «i oe' TO '<OUA ei'PICS. I ' J MP

t4AO A PMOW CALC. ' I Ck CMMO ONkV 7VIB ' f yc


Y O R K ' «

n e s .1Kti ~ lU IK ' lit Te

. n j M f c S ' i - s ! J

il « aai . 3il| s ;s K r a " j = : » i J

^ ' S c r f c J ! i a * t e

i HtAnewd ou C»)__ X I » s S hol• Busaud Oil. N n k O k . JW Ci “ r p ? « s

=1i uSm oiV IJ n)J . nt! tin

! arlirttiTBijswf Po««f.— _____ -.3%|«”• crouti SUM ii»tWB..... ..... t[, eran«we"toM tiuiuu*.----— lau

t Ktllasil nmf and Uf&t'ti ft— *t• Kitiua KudWB Pawir. .- IMi nal:• BMIf 1&4 «M«p«nr --i ntm LUI .... ____________ li era UDilMl rouadtn . , jiRlI Wtlcrwo ceapuur .......... ...,,1 Ut . ' . arecub m n a 8uaftrj^w»a»n»rMa««w. gTM 0«e tV'T' — - ---- Jti fl C> Aoirdcaa Joim tod Ui&t---- Til .!«; POW tad Uam.______ Ti{k Amtricaa.rortltn ftnf. vatraau aik 10 i Afflftitan Qm tad BKirte—---U(i tot

> AuttunfAutT!'* ~ — = = = = = g '_ ' ‘ ' I -a= g lyp

roT-cholee'SOo' lo 350 pouodij tiwt r tl3S 10 11.40; ilap UTS ic tSiS; i thippera-bought 1300. i caitk> Recelpu aooo; caln« lod: i lUuihter tleen' aad the ato« 1 ^

tlronf to 3Jc Jmherj mottly ;iq,to ^ r ISC up on tbt’tiock: weUhtyitim Sg

' pound feedbi alcen t<: beef cowa W U U) UiUi iUlUt «HuUil.4130---

• to I3J0; (iW-ahcUyJoE-aiUeiML. .. > 75 to tlJS; aedim bulU.O44.t0 n n « ; .top.realtra U ; taaU .ioU m>e tloeken and (eeden t4i0 to'tSM. m

Bbiti: .Reeelpu MOO; ttetdy 'to 35c higb ; adrance contlned lo ^ fed wAled Umhi; (ed wooled Ufflba ^

. n 10 N poundi t«35; (ed cllppyd dltu lamba tS.40 lo t5M; CalUoralaand ,ud nailre aprtng laaba 70 to 74 pound' the arente »«15 lo UX: new opp ,oo (tedlnc.Umbt up Ip I5J0. j. Ijott

■■ CniCAQOXnr'ESTOCK— M — ^atlCAOO.Maya wt ( i;f lP A )-| B'

igj_»ioRit»jdl_V> fc'hl«her;.under. I wclghu il^weakno lofer; pacung^upi towt (inn; bulk 110 to 390 pounda’ly g t3M to M; lop ii05; 300 to 3iO tinv pounda UiO to IJM ; belUr grade ; « r 140 to tIO pouDdt UJO 10 UM; lew not. l<aio.IOO.poundf UJO lo t3i5:.plu!*«i IJ.lo.UJO;.tood packlnf towsmaJn-to| I j UJO 10 UiO; thlpper* look 300; -In* ertlmtled holdorer 3000.' — »bO' ^Tiuigrwatpu'eMWi mmjugu;*— (M aleerf and yekrBnp fully iSc Qll higher; IniUncei more; light heifer nil and mixed yearllnp and moat gr^es rat cowa tharlns uplum; cutter ciiwe 1010 ISc. Iniuncet^ hlglw; light _

aeWiIy«'elju !l8~!!Ml ^ m«t«ly 1325 poundi; big wel|hU,M.

loU 16; itron* weight eulUr' e W ^ lelUiKtoU-'welthlyfatcowt-aroundU35. but few hen; aauup ^ llt ir.f,moally 1345 U Urbulknealen ftl8 ^itronc market; ((Mettacarce; l u ^ ^ ^ly M35 to U35. — • ------X l.

flheep: Recelpli 13.000; (ully ac- cam lire, motlly. tteady;. lightweight viei lamba In beaf demand; leteral bl< cu> tlrlap medium weight ,wooled CoT- ly; oradot. Indudlng few ikdt tcaUu Be« OS lo 98 poundt UJS; un(InUhed ^ wooltkint U50; bulk deilrable clip- vm pen.t535loU85raoneheldht<her; u ihite loadi 78 pound CallfotnU wtn ipflngtn Mjp ttnlghl: (tt rtoro,l«yi evil U toU.15;‘ioideTiJuuiu i]iur.< TWiIpt'UmU.M.lS,________ntai

■=--- ondPORTLAND UVE8T0CK , • In*.

. PORTLAND. Uay 3 iT) lU S D & • «Hi4{spFR«etlp(F300l^t^•lvtt^ tan) tieady on baaU ttJO for brit light butchen; bulk (eedrr elp-Ntonday - In 13.75 to H. Ooo

Oattle: RcoelpU 35, caUei 10; all tea drlrta: nothing told; Uondax'ttup- wlm ply all; told at pricra tiftdr to apea tlj^7orrairandcalmand g«H TO»: eratly'SSo higher for aitert. helfen ' m tad cowa «th tpoU -35c ani more thrt

s a s s = s = = = ^ = —= s s

. ■ ■GASOi


„ 's 's s - ‘r ;


up: Itrlctlr icibd tteen 1000 pooBdt \ down qgoUbU to MJO aad op to

1415 (or llOO'poB&dt; low padta : downward lo OJO aM bela«: qtlot-

. able tep jieUoa U aad cowa 84; . low n i t f f cowa downward tO’ 81: cutter to tcM-bulU quoted llJO-te n and cull to.cboby calrei ia i

li Ttalni U to 88. ---v. Sheep: Recelpu 80;^ drt^: no \ aalet; good to atrtttir eholoa a p ^ I ; Umba iiuotable.to .m3; U w m ^ ' ( crop. Ufflte-.8iM;- yearUsn.«JO ‘ aod ewet ttJjl . ' . ■

I KANSAS ( m ’ nmSTOCK KANSAS Uty 3 (ff) (V '!

fl o A)-^Bep:;RaedpU 600q;eta-'5 ed dup,38' and.:lOe, lower, -thaa r ifearty or-tteadi-to;le JUgher. thu [ uendai;Ttop~B.ir«niO'to^JJ« “> pdundt;'deitnhi«11l>to310pouadi ^

ttJ5lo83«:.feV;Z40to ]00peuadt i. U3S-to giJOMm'tsoB io'U4S: p ;fttodr-pl|rtt't*“ »S33:-eallinated ;! 1 holdoTtni.lOOO,, ;..- -. . • n I CatUer ReoeliiU.4500: 'oUtmSOO; u ' kUUnf.cUiaea fairly■•ctlre, atroog it , to 250 Uihcr:. nakn aad ctlm v> lUady to ttreag, «oU blgher; tt

tloeken and (eeden ttead te tt tlronf: bulk nedlum' to food ted Z aUera MJO lo $5.75: good' UTI to pound aTcraiee^at latUr adce; ec good .arouod 1080 pound yeahl^ p

jt«.10: few-head yeacUnp (805; . ,lfew loada (cd dOftee-around-84rle r- 1)4.35;. bulk nlxed'aad belter yt«r- L imp t4 to 85J0;'butcher ■ e&n ^

lt3.754o 8125; law ralten and'cut- ^ lien IIM .to I3J0: medium bulU 5 around UJO; beUer.Endea ofrtal- ^ tra t5 to 88; (ew itockrn. aad , teedera 8U5 to U.73; lo«a light J ilpckoa 18.15. ^ -;sneep:-.n*celpU” 8000:_Arir^Lrt tprtnr-Uoba-aleadr-to—ttrooij L nallree'ateady to 10 lo 15c lower; U], other kllUnf.cUttea lleady; twoU loadt 'Arinna tpilngtn MJO; otb-Lf tra ttJS; top natlru U35; clip- j* Umba motUy 85.10 to (585. ' iu

............ . — ■ ■ '• cnSAH FKANCISOO UVRSTOCK Of SAN rBANClflCO, May 3 CP) (D Of

fl D Al-Hop:.R«calpU 750; about tic tieady: bulk 173 lo IM pound CaU- lU joniitt |4.4»,lo-.t48p;.tort,out.dpwnlre< to tt.lO: thort lotd uneTcn 353 pou^ ml

'35e: odd packing'I0waa75t41<.;. el. . Caiilt: Recelpu 335; alow tarly, thi liter moderately, lethe; tletn'fuUy alii ilead#: tpoUihadeljlgh«r: elr(alr- t^ ly good 1048 pouod ied Montana (teen t585; two c a ^ lU to-lUI-pouadahto S S t a ! f f i ”i i J id 'c l 5 f t S84.75: batttric^ under lM0pouad[cti atm abatnlT(tv (airly good Uahc»iU)ico«UJ6:^<ildheadU:^dalry -l

S h ^ : R^ct^ 'sit: dvlL matkelj Dot utablUhtd; Btklztf around 85 oa I two decki CalUwalft-ijrtif Unba;. recelpu lacludea two deckt thernjC*

•• -r • DENVEB8UESP ' _ . o i DENVER, May 3 W) (U S'b A l- J

Bhcep;>RtoelpU.4X0:'tbout X Ictdi j fed wooled Coloradoi'oa'aale; then i Umba limited to toru o>/ carlM: aiklngitioQ<io3Se higher or a r^ d ’ tU5onbeitwMliUnt:oddluad’me- j dittm gndei natlre old crop wool- eio aklat-8480: odd plain TtarUog wt- }gi then UJO; {al&.MGn^y top (ed oa wooled Umba 48. Irelght paid; CaU- a*,


— —BOSKSfWOIr— — yj I BOSTON. May 3 MV-TTie wool m .^efket-today-wat-alowtMhan-laatf^ ;weck. One reaton wu Ihejisk.of / nuppiieranuBdTOMtJo.'upecttP ’ly greuy combing wooU. UilU con- - tinued-urmake 'tope''lni]ulriei’ for ,

■wonUd lypetol but they were - ‘ noLmaklng a gen ral'ruth to coTtr

'a« during mb wttloua 10 dayi. Atk- Ihg^eeton'a^laUt wooSwera'be~ Jng-nnnly mtlnumed-afw-allghtlrr' abore prlcetnyllted oa recent ulea.

BILELSIEJDLDS' i JlpHTESTSjNe^l-^e imnuat hmw*tey con- we; t«it.o( the Burtnr tl^e. latltr-Payi wi Bilnta church wu held Monday ete^ wi nine al Ihe.Ubernacle with a targe I or number ol penoni la alUndance. I pit lleniT Denneitj Unlty, oHeied the irb

cUliSn. ne" re"-lXittn'°i»Wwi ncame tint wlih enlrlet u foUbwt: eniView. MUa Ad n Saow; TTiItd ward, wOlaadU Ble>1na: PtUa, Ptink Do(U- Qllyj.Declo, Evelyn Mbley; Surl^ ThSecond ward. Opal Bray. Ia thU troerenl (Inl pUce went to MUa SUt- raiena o( TTilrd ward. Irt

IntheVanguardreitolditorythere acl:wtn two enuiee. Jack Bladt*, Bur.' theley Second ward, and Jack Hacktog. Mt'Tmnr.wfd:witg j i a -na a g w i^ tiinlnf.- T7iB--jtrtr-ihortB’of Ihe'aeci ahiond ward won tint place la tStalatf- 7Int. The chorua wu dlxeeted by D. hlgK Johnton dlh Uln WlnUred «li

^ngtolwtSBBmpanlH— ■ ..—.--- n»Pella Speaker Wbu hel

- In the public tpeaklng'CTent Pern eorOoodtellow repretenUd PeOa and Palteona Kennel Ihtll;, with Falla (orwinning. In the- U men’t public TUifpeaUng. Howard Brown: Burley be■pirtrwd/wmflnrpUofc------ Iff' la the drasva entiy . (btre-were Jolthree emrlea, Builey Oeoood ward wll

iO U N E A u e r - B A K i

40, OOC1DQ, \H B C IM ( W CC IHT^rOMBBO C»UAOB'« W rSA LLO M G S O O U A ^ B V fM 'io u n / ABB -i6a -H Ig/Sr. c f*n oo 7^,— - * r : ANPCrtWiO 1 . W— — -— s


I l i f i iE 'ip |R i li Lively W-.Aboijt-.Facs■" v'iAotlon .Runs. Qrain Up: Cents on .Each, Bushel ro - - - ...•- .’:‘i ’ — •« r :^ By OHKP. BOCQBAJt s LiUiieclateilJttH Market e i l t v _ r » 'OpiOAOO.UayS-UTalrrieU- dl aliotit-(aoeBcUooraa«twettip'about - dt l c n u « botbal lata today to hltit* • S: ttlee’recordi unequalled t£u aeatoa. ed .TVtuUlcUl'crop reportt'lodlcated ~

nUabU'nducUoo of'DaUtd suut .■ 0; ISp-tpclng wheat acrtap; and that H la«thaD2IM 0«i0aereeofdc(DecUo < ea vtnter .wheat would pay to.haneit, r; tha’pneest growth condltloa.helat . te the Ignat tn r kaown at thla date.Id SrldtiMe"6{ 'quickened pnfnaa. of fi inflaUoo meatunt, at WUhlnitoo i; eoualed alto u a atlmului to , a prieft uptuiw.

‘ Ct*M Ntrrow •f~.vni^l]QMd'urraiirat'ateA^ ~

'1 back ftopj tbe dayVWp but lito lH f* ab0TeyBaterdty»ftoiih,eem «l t0 l •

up. out H U’H KLmktd. and |v»- * ^ tUoo* unehantad lo a rUe of 18 I; eeaU.^ Netwlthttaodtof that IMOMO aott

ofaprinfrteatoathepaeineeoait , haTe.hHB aulvUiuUd for’ ^witter

• wh^datir^aiSI^y'k'c^nijorU - ramtted^thitntirUDUad-atiUf-ii t

"> almoit eertatnly bow Io a ^ t lo i i ^0 viure Bdnaal cestatoptloa will uaa , '* tip' an dooealle .wheat grown' thU• year.aadraakebearytoroaditotothe

auhitui carried orff trOca prerloua eropa. AddlOf to the Upward Impetuaof the wheat airket via notleatakaa ±

9 of raetst.ahttp tdTaaeaa tarqobta- ' it tlooa GO' flOtir. In thU ceonectlaa• itnttwvitidoalbe (act that Nd.'3a 'red wheat (or ImmedUie deUTiiy to^ il;mlUacocunanded TTU'cenUa buab'i-

el ta Cihieafe loday, a priee lar abbVe ■ r. that i t lar (uture dellreiT, antf thtt' y alraUar'wbeat Ift New.Yortthad'prer-- t^ped tl ft buiheUporcath. 'J , Oeyelepa f t r s M ''1 .^ComandoaUderttopedlntep:^• , a.eot flnaneai owing to ilktUhoed.of', ;< 1 nutalM acreage owing to'bad vea-' >. 9 ther. ■ • , •y -provUlont nllled with gralnt.

Wkttt- - IDA Uw. 0«* i

I! ; i - ' " POBTLAND-GRAIN ,■ PORTLAND, May 3 Wl-Wheat’ cloae: May new S7Ke; May old l- UUc; July aiue: 8ept<mbtr'83Uc. t ( Cuh: Big .Bend Oluetltm 87c;'i ^ ' dark bant winter 13 ptr-oenl'87e;*_-

dark hard winter 11 per ctafWc: r i . Mtt . »hlie. ^ •.iwlnty ' 88tffli j?/

I nm nt. "

; PORTLAND.RAT ^: PORTUND, May 3 Ml - Hay: CO ' SUady: linchangtd.

1 — (w a c o .c A f ia j iR A iN _ '‘ cmOAao. May.3.OT.=JVbeat;:2S^ No Uie*; Com: No. 3 yellow 37»i to.t^

‘ i sTimothy teed U 2S to tt.M per

'cwt. VI _CIOYer.iecd.l7.W.ll0«.ptLeTtt._. I ll ■ '_______ . ypej prttenled. "WomVn f t l t ’TKajrera'''^■ Kere Violet Brontc^MelbrEnaUnd.]

•'w^ht, EUieU andMn.|i,i! Grant HunUr. ThU pUy tfiotflnt■ place and competed wUh a group !<nu s Irom “17»e KUfcr.' by PtUa ward. * a f,and!^WomcicPell^by-Tblrd-watd;i— I Fite CeepReTwpR) T?s• ' ITie lait dtrUlon'ot'the conteit> wu'danclnf and (Ira'.couplea wttel'a: entmd In thU erent. Ftnt pUce. went lo Mlta Flalfted LangloU and• Blit Jenien. Burley Stccnd: ward.1 r They danced.the-gnea and pid (0x1 I trot..Thewlnnen wen tha only ent-• ranU In Ihe original dance. MUa

Irene Buckley trom Albion nomay 1I achool judged tha daaclng and-4a •• { tbe other em U Judgee-were Ura. i; W d f and “• ander from the attia nonnaC• The Burity Second ward won the '< . highest number of lint placei TlieteI wlnnen wUl reprttcnl ihe Burley wtkrarthi^diviiiinffTgsrig^ =held In thU city May 19 and 10, when

I eonteatanUfromCaiala.BUIne.T»la 'l I PaUt and- Minidoka atakea wlU 'tie i . (or'bonen. TTm wlanera In the'dl-l: TUlonal'Imeeta of which there *m ' r be_M, will be tent lo SaULakLfiiliJ

Ih Juiib (or tha'(lnareont«<t.“ Kaf| _ I John Rencher and AdonU Nleliea - i 1 wUlammie'tcrtbecUTUIonalme^LB

■ • I •____ __K T E R ^ D E X C H A IK l

r CaUMO.‘ KtMAPft.l CkNpO\MR'too K PAV6ft SC»4»TlMei. BU VOO KMOW. I .AMOMTUe • WU

. aosioc OP iHS.'ansxTMBA vjsenuATioM. A u m tT to ' thi '.■■w iom ' w w B ' i e o ‘so<a'~ 'j

I H IW i

I 1 Ma^nald StM


_ ^

I .'

APPARENTLY plea«sd with the with President Roosevelt. Prl

' Dohkld'of Groat Britain^-as fu well to Roosevelt and the ] of thjB VhIto House.— Pho

: Eoosevelt Arid E


PBEIilMINARY tojQinlnft tho I :^verS8«olirJ«/WitthinBlPJti_£i« 'InlcfRTcharcrB. Bonnclt, paid _Hou»eJIs-wa».gr«6t«l-nt-«ie-«

dent Rooacvelt—</P ghoio.


New»)-A- raarrlap uccnse-w«rU-*n-ot • lued at the county cjerirt of lice Mon-: day to Pratik V aiauaet and Jean £valytt08rrbotl»edUfeTiBaa;^niW= wu the tlrat llcente lttued alnca re- l peal of the Uw requiring five dayt' noUee. liex

Miami,OkUboma.' hUb tchool't! _ (o6tbaU-te*m-hM*a-rccord-o(-onlj7r 5 one ^(ertnce-eai^jMt In lour

! -Babe" Rulh’t locker In Ihe dreti- 4ae-roo(a-aUYank««-SUdlum-Mual- — < 'lyU a (ootdeep'ln unopened letieri teci . attd UleptRia-lKwi adtitltln* (aoa. Blu ,Tbe ,BaM-would need'a'(uU<tlme .and 'aecrttaij,to.aniwer all o( tbon._ [wot

, PUBLIC St UUn Sesth and t HDea Weit and . . ; . p«k anfery-Ti

.Muriday. MasliORSES-TeaiD et Ora-r OeliUw,

pi«adt.'- i•• giITLE-<5Getaiej;;Oow,'7 year* ei tmh! llaUUIo Caw, 8 ytan'eU. g<i

'Iltlfer.eetnlnf 1 year eld; floerwy t ■eH,'' • . I

HISCELLANEOUS-plUrbankt-Men •pMli; Jack, Oalranued Watrt-.Tank Otiun.Cani. lWo eetda of. Keed.- Cevipleta llie e( nsoiebold Psmll . TM'SeU at Wert'Ilaneat... . '

• COL' MCT)t OW, Aectleoeer.TwlaTaa

GE; i ' I _ ......

r M - s A W v ro ^ P f iB ^ s ' 'w s ~ cMR. MA-SB6B. ’ MAKO AN BKCiJ/ BUT tilMB IS. 6CeuA|-ri«S TO N M06TUN • {WeAT AOVAMTA ►lySftTaOlwl ,TM6«B'S NOtW a


Jtaijs Pomeward .'

■ y/ '‘

| H v r ^

1 th^rcsQlta of hfe conversations , Prims Minlst«r Ramss^ Slac.— as full of smiles os he bade fare- ' thff jjresHent on the front porch Photo. , . V. .

Id Bennett M e e t .

the international economic con- ' ■J?A!i«da!a roprgMntativo; Ph»- ' paW a 80c/0} caH at (ho Whftc 4 Hie-6xecutivo-mfln8ion-bjt-nr««i— - :o. ________________________ .'•,

I 'Fnosf vtsnrs ooobiNoSj . OOODlNci. May 2 (flpeclal lo.Tbe.6' .Venl-Cardent and.fruli treea were •7'not lUmaj'ed'by tbe-'uglit'frtat bere J; Sunday night.

• Twenly..two tKperlenced (oothali ' playtra. return to the TuUne team . {next lall.

LjlhbrelL^Wimami^aa-AthUlkt- _.

“ 7T«tr^monnop-thU-«iwiil^^

- —:=Purt«r. Maitt, eoctntrte-hufUr— [ tecenily bought by lhc Kaiuu Olty—I. DJuta.'WaA'Wllh XIeveUnd’-ln 1930 » .and. helped 'the IndUni «1n- the i [world teriea. ........ ..........

GSALEl . .( end M MUd ffsaUi ef Iht Sratti 7. Twte FaDa. . ^tfay .8, 1933 _lUw.tmMl^BOilpirwtlgbi StM

«r« eild, glTl^7-taUeAa-siUk.-i«i4- -■—UaMteln

In yeatUafJUI(et..bredj .O*«rwey- ~uey aad lleblHn Heifer, g menlkJ


-— = •Mane m.borae Ou Engine aad Tank, Prtmrou Cream.Beparater,rsmllore. ' \ _

^ o i u i ^ iVBLL, 0?mer..»T^.tol.e.'.A. g MadUadrCft." — -

rs SU M r u . '^xcuakcu.op \ -rnxoe aTO •iOlia . \ VOO. 4-U.-'3 ■WTAOB f- _ . BAIUQ ■ flmiwo I-cow oov<ArA-fl--.__uAWlftC.HMHW rf-"rVfJO If 3WBKfr.T4HAN . NOtJ CAM-jl '^ coR>jcoa.-/--H«y/g£ 7 |--___

)4 1

RB v M. j

Page 7: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

, " . ; /Ooonnoedfcei

t fH Q fta iiA 9M M M d In ill

' k w M C a n S m l U M ;<>M<'teb M SaklU.: aSW 'SSW aStS.tSSr

- fe=sga!ti::“M u M i '. tt» io M l n».;- -

. a S v . « n » « la tb* lim lir. i

r i S r u i ^ T T m h , " ' ;; x / v ; ■'s

.■ v ,o » ir o :w io « « '- '; ;nr i b ^ ttmvhoat Um qomUoq* n

t«it.w v tnp- te^ 'U ieL .]

«J. ■A•«»hit-F-l«t^lBd relubly u pntMUnC'Dia.l(Ut) » loni «o* u Uk* bnd ud t ttar bUek mnt U Uebe «be. tunnd out to be Um

Ana ooce Uw coramlotln >qu«> ^ tloiud un. B m »t ma» leofUi, “ dOM il (lento^ Uut ibe wutba

• tUit oo tbe tea*. ' . . ’ ^ Itn. Broc laiUtAl cnu at Uut ^

Qoatnt' la . nplrlof Hi mocb ^ wlbeh «entd to bm etoott ntita- “ tcntfe to Uiem: ft» IcniUt Uuri^i tot ber taio BiiUib, tod Um up>|

• ibotcfUMUilarvuUutibibtd-bi ' eees OO.OM. Bbe bad beard UM'n

--- ebeti.-wMl-UM aslM bad-wiUcsiMdj-' bff m n tHT afivlimeb bap. to

6be bid put OB • ibavl aad to bnitid pat into UM' ecnldor and it

: W S ? S ^ “S5;Setoe la Mbcr vordi, dJneUr al alcBC UMvpaUi vbleb Um tteaplai to mordcnr h m tiken. AndjT ibft:bad m a aottlaf. ’ im,At tbi'.lait I btciBttoaiakUwr u

'^ i M 'K i i K ' t A jdnC’nt'fta ,to the b( ^ M r t ru d I 'M t M.dtajr,

UM-1 d U b i t m t ^ u » r , f t did Caanr tean «tUmt^taklai tb

. . S-aleoc, vblcb w laendlbU. - , u«uine..o(.eaon>,Uut’UMr

- - '.Hit a mard o( am nl poUeeaen'niand nmed .iu aU acatnit trrlof'sctn In » m«nng Uat w«i. maa 8 « ttmaiked iatef.,abo«t u Ui eoaetnln u aimt. Aad U waa' twa t99. tt>a» I w a uwlr pttad- dea w s iw ir - f f lf f istlaUr Utat U m .waa

--- taldni ,BM to Jail Jnrt U iA .• ' Later t&at ,ol«bt,;;p mr. iwn, b<

wim k'Ott.'iQtBt-aad. 'UM R< malai tneal’vUeb nbad beeo pre^and by UM .hyitnl* U eal cook, wbom Madaae OreUie '

, eeoldtd. aod Uueataed w d bnw* ly' IJKtl. loto>iVbml«lea'.(lt'.MaDa^H<

■ ^U im T iaa r^ lK rT i^^Ittre immoiliMr aod iwver<omelr(

'---- back. ■! don> blamehlm.* IJnler. K_ Jec te4 _w U h J« ii« )-a to .- i- «y . ai

Z-ained vUb blm-.At Uie:Uffli e(■ Uilcia wen-ntber Jjanr... ■ __

'Uadaae Ontbe had bntulii ne rdlnocT tnr. «bUh cmjsUad a Uttle. Ml it down beride.or nEhalf. end hmiltd awar.______ Ut

' ■•*«)«. Brnt waata ber dlOKr ia her reoBi, too.” ihe bad ialdteUt« u

Ir. “ghe b«i ehiui and won't-un-Ji^

Daily Cross-V

. r fc l W ^ w a


_•If?"'"' •"“» ' V

B t iW f tg te f to ' 1

tcoolA M teO ' '•

I ilock' be door natil a b e ~ I^ t L Umoih the kirbole. MM TaSjr U r;i«lUi Madacai, whe'a naailr n t I of ber fttfc m |M (0 19 4ewit ,';aad UoMtia tb«t>fav.'’ tato ,:laintac-ntb<r Setarflr dlaner.

irn ^ m * tttTi b i ^ renteU H . . l a : j t e . / t e ^ t ^ . aod ibatt' -iiat.- L - r . .

;l b» v

biM tfiuQ allaaipttiirtfVBdv

; oMad '. Sbt <tad:st«W:«f/ceU 1. nm» iBd m^X'’iatp«eM«Bda* -; s s s a “s a f c s i 'S «* Iitr.'Aad w.to •* Lonebtlnt pnKSM.«iid VW itet - r thu I Kupeetid Um. of'kaotlai T* UM.nmtdQUatd b b i4M, toutlhu s

- head-deared.'-ind Urtail'.w^liet* - . , a Be wu Ten: Q O i l l . ^ . ' l b f s

Qolck poiua. im ur^.«7td maa v .tot Um eieUed'^moU.foDoiDiii ,. H Um aunStf bad acata Upied.tiito ti Jum unobtnutn; taoiM.aeoeaUT ' y et a.;&ao. " ..........• “Kow Uien.* Hkl' Lem. ‘ie tl Ai d;htar Um wbeU itdfrrEad-llaretl ^• 'manned to tell yon^aoyUilair'told ffle-U>U m t towBli bidbees ..

1 (ota4 Um Benloic an« Um aor- ^ 1 der, and U»t Um toweli had been ^ I UMd. but were , la a nppoaidlj « A'empty noa. lUat PkUxr.Bobutt ^ r'alibi wu u 'ftiH aa'bU T*d beaid I tooki. Asd at Um Urt Uiat pat l.TUy vu la.didpr. I Uilnk It u

r tbe d a n ie rm r ' ' , ••*•■ ea." ' ' - ' ' U

r ‘Look ben,* Hid Lera, lookbu aiI'enrlouiIr.MBe.‘VajiM Fd.better _t'Mt^ ^ ^ W v Y w i ”I'UMy Ujinfc-- . • - ~ ^■ ' *-rm an rlibt 0Bt vote |ot te an -do aaneUOa*- ahoot. eaa.,:«W» x- r waaderlflf fWDtV'UM bpUlxaqr bo1 plaoe-itw^-^ UM' naid' bow. u{'Wevifottoplaiv-^ ' -

“W d Vn lMW * ehaac*-to ttU ft, btr what Uatcal had.taldf ' u

• *«&, yu, X warned ber. ?at abe eb 1 lot-1» much fwnie fop.her own toi

t •Yoa'tot.do credit to 'jOoW j ‘ lyl. tDt«Ill(eiiee,” .«ald ]:«& diriir. be

ibog»inr-wbkb-be.«iailda«l-oot - I e( praporUoo. ■. * ■ ■

But It dida't nattar. ri> 'aet her.* J m M L -Or I wUI,» rr« beta Uttlai btn.UUaki&K t»< 11 r ion, aad'} doDfUke ber to go :» thaa alt^ [' aa aecVtect hu ooetmd," old !■ lffia^laiUoiiilr.^JgowwiL-it _

WordPuzzIel! ___ ■ ff...........~ e

T ^ ^ r A I X S P A I L Y W

fe o W O M ,

t wiS^t*to N tW B . • J- T O ''

t M iycK jrM ' m a k - 'Q ow a-'n r- • -—

^ - U A fr u m j i .........-m H KMuib ib -

- - '* ra A U M "ASAOUNV ‘ ' i r B "

il l i k K r t m l f i i i f l ^ a a i r -.•

0 f' ■>--• '• .j e rv T “jL5Sf rr n a la i t j e m : ,-„i,.,!-3«’> .a It Xtata»MleaTe*......_^;»A,M. I

1 L .I ........ > ituikem :) Tnta MOaalTti . , ,, tdO.g. H. r . moN rAcm o R A o n ^I Ar^m idl1 Uana '■ — . A. M. ■■ I^ .u « u s=

I Lu n i „_____ .,„» ;U A. U.f AnlT« - «•*< ?. tf.; Leini .;________ a a p.: U.\ . N O m StDrSTAQKS '

Jen^VeadeO kad OeodiixI ;i,„ • ■t ' o i m i T A a i 'UN tt ' '

-TffIN rAlU-BHOSSONI• Lear* ■ t r ••.IIiQTA.'it ' i Batom:.............. Ssnp.u. -

■ .TWIK FAUfcWfLLB- •Leare—_____________11:01 a; u .

I Aiiiwu^;-------^ M - v .u .

I FooktaiutxB— T— ----------lUkiiK of It teadi U BOH doQ* .

• Bite. I (Ot DP aad jreat wlUi bla;( I-vu lUU a m .veak , bid Um

We touad her lo' 'Harlaoae^I w n . wbUber Lorn led toe - at

oaea. Be tailed a Hull u I «(•> claimed orer hU koowtedio ot Um I topography of Um. rtmbUsi • old pUi ^ ' W ir *Tbai:i'my builaeea, Bondeaa," I• be laid. \ ; • -. I 1 - j

' ~ (7\).fi« OoiittBuedl . .

:i[iSrcjLif'I jil-• .Uay-r(Bpeaal‘ toTlbe*'’ Nm )—itaTekn aod rliltqn erer

Uie WKk-cad'tneluiled tlxT toQow*£ u : ‘nuallam wul to O n . _ ^

•ram lUUnc Uiat hli faUw tiad • |

^U tl cnarence Bua and M ^ , '

two cblUm «bo an oQ UitSt ih | Iwmi trom .Moon, Idaho, when

- ^ r i i r e i * ''ol(ht-niiU.8uadiy or ldn.-Ba> .

kerU .iu r , iOi. R. A. Beefblty. ,' Rer. aod Un. 0. D..0ebmld, Merllaii Colorado, wen, weekmd ^ ■BMU .at Uie Rootr &auehaaip IB bona. ReT.'fiebnld wu UMnum* - i i ^ ^ enaiac qttaker-at tM , OMiUaa church.

it» lux. ir , and Joe Ua,-Jr, Aaloria.'Oailfmla, -fonaer - rtal> '

wintm AbenaUr. BaUe, ipe^Um 'WMk.«Dd .wlUi Oeorp Irla.

Oeddy body hu IBM Hbew.ly.u a.jatlttt-at.UM-WV : mBJ'TWTOBt : • •*'.. Un. u u Adamam. BoUe. kr* ilred tete Sunday ’crenlof to Ttiit - § bc'iliier. ib i. WiUaoo WUna.' > |

aiM Ubeu Neta PeDd. matce I Grow. Terna Votcl, fraaeii aad ' Hfltm.'..8cuny outoe4-t«—Balt PA rata 6ty Wday erefflni aad re- itwned-euuday eteiiUn. ------- - ~ J.. 'Besy OiowB metored to^Laa* ' ^ ?W._Idal»,_lsapirtay„.«il_r». - f t«rae<MdUrMn.-Orownwbo*iaa —Ji ftalilMd ber Kbool awk, • , .a

j ^ 3T.gips

f NEW S, TW IN F A U J , I D ^ 0 ,}



i U W i l i a B M U d i ^ ^ — ':iV'«4bey t itm ta tv m . ' —

-••• :■ I g

■ ‘Fop'Mei- utomohii jSr M iy m ia £ a m u a n ' i m - Am idiUta, PaSutna; . - obil

; TdmltB^Caiitiu

W HEN m O UA RD iE B B fO T , Im a vis(t to-n)u)hiDKton's old hon ffinla,‘lie tnis’besieged br'tourU

* • iB-ihowirbei^inJlflgihr sifdcMi:

PAULbAKLHV^80(lefi>;-lead^ „h ll l0, Co7;0akloy^25.(cciil«r),',h . , And.ShennBii Cla^'if^dO, ars cb _ tonVlny>lld.daui1>tcr^%iiiI«';. ^n«:*’-rftCirr??t thNe-are-to-to-o ,.o£iiat dejTte-BiOTderitlfaigg

1 '■ rH I'v

! ? ' V a "?' '' j«u2rYlJl||j|||. • . ' / f l

3 ®

V . • -V0, TVED^DAT KpBNiNO, M

• '•/• , -----HE G U M P S ^ I E .

■A'tw- I f HE cAur « T r r ' ,HZ WXMT5 v t A U ,‘rPB M0« - J

Lds- a j: ForR«it-VnM^jiPAnm rar k j» io » t . a a i S t

Ptmriiil^ ' ■. ^---- ■ ■ : J OuPUBUO. SnXKOaiUFBIB,' U iJ> ~auabooewat.pbe9a . T l f ^ NATDRAL OOUFLCn U.T5. T. W. ^

»e, dried 400. Hair cot UO aad Me. « Bbiapoo. Uo. Un. Beamar, t i l Ms <*1 Annue . North.. two blocb aotUi =T ObiMlanObtireb..?lm tM4 .>' "

' !— I M


; 11

ot\'.forfterFitach'premler.'pald ^ hoiofi'at Mo'unt Vernon, VlN ^ urUta seeking autosrwhs-'Ee lCMi:=llP)'Plttlo7-— =

1 ^ 0 ^ 55

[cr^ -r CTitlnihe-wt Ttos - ? ).;hinbroth«r and-dlMipl»,- — • s.cbarged with skylnf.CIay* . , Ice^J^wUgj^aii^^'hcal^

V ;• , ------ V ' :l> WAYS. IBM.


■Sv. rl/.i>io(i»ntok'foS>rt . i lN ) ' I wooLurrwRAK'To V

• J SS ltm w w ffl

Im k '

^ JH lta= ?s= K ,tt= = = = P |B rta= = s=

■ ftrSaI»,*l)iMto»ibui ; ■BAT r a t BALI. PBOttB o n o ^ M tpAsnnai M s n x s i a t ranr bo(j a K t8M .M i r r ^ JM t j a a a ^

ONO«RWOOD, - T IF lW R lt lB , Uodil S. flnt dav ceedlUciL- m. Aft

«iaodAti.wm ^ ■.; ■,-■• ; . ui 5 o to !tro 5 T !« o S "^ T O m T tUi.)iad.UKalWUoae««oa,Ueia)> : I*

loaOlaacedHartwinOo. ; ; ; ~ MUl8H AXl!~^TB'A :W BSR&t rfll

OET QKiUlMX.ORAZ? ORTBTV ^ all Od dnak yeor.wil' to beatth. ^

t a s m t m . m , K m e a .

u .T«ta n ilt!^Bo o sa .»O ia ia imbobUl. . .- . : . . . -•- ^

; ' -SituatlorBWintKl' ■' B o m o n x .'x N towm. prons ^

IHtBocaT. ,____________ „WAW'a r= Tw o n cAL-w c w - ^

temlty aunioi. pbocM 4M. . S i WAMT'to v m B sm cx nA>■ tiea M tbt-mcolb.' bad.TlMia ^ a^MtkiM. Oaa lire nfmpe«.'Aa ^Bfft la. Hiybuni, Zdaho. '_____< p)OW Aar«7tw iHoi&tRSDo r t^ te C ip lS i i t f tm D t^ ^ |crt beni.or iaanMeimaUhoUL.^ XX>] o«&.eir,.ean.ip.a&ywtkm. Wrm . u L ^ ^ b a i u E poti

■ .For Saie Fumitmt. ~

'T i ? £ » « W ' i i 5ATtqM.ypeut • .- ■... I’OR'BALC^ONB QUU UVINO f lT

nxnaultacAIwtMdBotpotolaBd vaV ir t la i^ ^ . . y ^ ,,lli ? * 5u»i! «■»■■. • • ■'. rORM m iU fOR flA Lt. A U P llR 'kiadi of uw aad UMd fBmUan.

Coai-naM u ‘iow-u llOM-eacb. fO» Wl tndi, bay trnll; wm pay eaib » iot iwdfroltnn aad rtaTM.Pbw«

~ f o r M l> -rU V K io iitT .POR BALI RSOtSTBRO b u R O O i^

BOW. OtM.aooUi wwt Sotilb _ Pait, _

LW) MvertlsmieiiU ^ " m m n n a u m n o iS S52

in tba PtobaU«ouit ot Twla falla ' :

TooDf,'.Deeeaied. ' ' .. . ' r * t -woUMU-bcetiy Hren liy UM ia; b, 8m i|BU'UM IltM~trtbirW tirV ei»ih WHUf yoMT. deceued, to Um ered- d m Itm ef aad all peneni haTlnt cUlma ^ aialut Um lald draued. to exbibtt 1^1

pnbUci'Uoa of Uili ooUee, lo Um Mid phmi ezecuton at 40S Idibo Bld|, Boiu, ^ate CouairU'Ada,'fiUU of 1daH6, lhli Vort betac Um pUei (lud far.UM Uaai< J = acUcQ of tot buUtti of uld catAta. -

— — -------------BteeuUU. u wsa b l y o iw d ; ^

idibo. . _,2;. ^ . " " .......tss

i f f i J

• ■ • '-jm " \

r /;. ■■"- ' ' ■

E jB fe - - -

)pportu1 ^ .A W D , BOAfta iy ., lad I I

ROOIIS—Am-»OAJU>.-~PB«n Untw._______ - ■ •■'• ■■

MtOOK.aOOa t n 'w a u w o i m u w . v ^ , ." ••

AtTOi5riw ''AP;mMDn',.A-R 'T . uwUT».pri^;wflfff. • ... ^ , ^h

TnMJS6S0' AfAXntKNT^'flOS r ~ I -BwDdTtm tirBtrthrHMa’ -. -m tnsBKD APA im iBm . cad,,,aadttoroeca.OaiUBau».-. ,y SLEEPIKO BOOM. OLOn Of. ' !. pbaMW8.4fltr.liflOP.jtf.,- '; , . IHMB-ROOUAPAimiBfT.OAU■ 4 H W B l AwBtttyertb.tT irty . ^moB.T.j*DRm8H iD / n f j io M i-s

nm.V|ryloymat. ...'; .. • . ~ TOR' '■ WfF^ICQDBDr'' '^hjib* . Iri . rocB fgalrtud^gwtntal..', wd fa>B

APARniBtlB '; AND .B O o S .• m

BAVB -APARnaDm m T A S I ' '’ i . tnil|bl;alM l&t .p t la t i,lu d l . \ roenul,luoUbad0npMa.1te O»> s ? . ferd..«MMaln->t8rta. t ■ ■■ ".: TW LOHOV AD. M U X ^ MODnX - lU l l-ream modtavfaidiB,«t* water. tU; 8 rtS^furaMhad. l * ^

lO T jU j iM M M p iiran ib PJtattm^wfM.flWWfc WAI

MCl'IXU QIU.8BBD tO tiXO U f Alftert UcLir. Baaien. Mabft v,- y tu

n n r - 8A u u '0f ’BU8S " m ? mm potato^ ^

n a D 8zu n .v . oy.L.i«o ,;iB> ^ lecUoo ef oraat NortlMm. J. U . .

nirot, Route Ko.1; > ' ' . WAI roit SAUB nLLO W -D D rr.iBD M

i o o iQ u n LINK , .or m s ^nrdw aeedi.jard^.ply>y aad WAX

aei>it8m,,HS_«ala .B «^ ':/ ;,v Juer^ w 'u O ^ B S A M B PBI.AOIIS by pUaUDi Um belt aied. dbeiM m

POA SALS O ATXrzm BLoirAa -lot Dry Uad Bead Potatou Bliia W * taib.

sapb, early Ohio aad Mib Oeb* >~- >len.' naitt-. * BmlUs’Biad'Oa. i >boa*'t.TwttlUI(.'ldaba en= = a s s s e s = s = s bom)

lA L E f lU E H .- .m 'n e P B W ^ ^Ina Um prkei- aad ampUiBal . . naUty offer ion (Ira «ilcfc,aelltn. ' k t td epportualtj foe Um tUU a ia

>bm]p-i TuulDf aad OMblac Oo, $rateaodniu«i.Kiwbur|b,;iew ^

.MlMellanepui,-.-.,.^ ~iw N UOWER0 S O IJtP ^ ^ rybOBiMTJ.WorktuafanUed. y ^?r-i»t«¥5fl-:r'^ i rrt-' yu i~Tff;g W Si■ d t i t llki new. Swetfa ;.Me ttttnu Factory. pbaoa^UU. . -Writi

. . . . ' - JQ-

- I ’M A P R A I^ r b M .

S/■ -


i K .oToTuu^oiv^Ti!**^

lAUtJuiTnfi' f bOMPiMa •«•


:'"^ftr-8Wor'Tfi|itfei D H u u .HAT Bam ioc. on :

SfuTBPtofi/lM w a i l iCK- - ''r'-

' w A J n ^ t t ^ ^ S r a a ” ^

)w a w ib 'two w m £>^^ i

W A i ^ u r x B O O I o b S: mint ealtot, .irttb

WAmtD TO BWT A IftW T . ]

B l t r . t T i B l a » ■ •• •• if-.:.,WAJir!io BCTT iaooD niwqwD = » t« « « e m .- W a B t^ .W « ta

WAinsDjTo m PROii ow»in .t._ -fosr.erfli* m a booa VO pay taab. Wrtla Bo» ft Oan;wtwi. WBOO.OpnoU'CILLtNO AND

esriai. Pat beia and eblBkaaa . .'. bombtatallUmMaaaiitUeatOft. •VAxrmh'to BCT-oaip u anu m -"—J S J 5 'S i « . S * S "can ----

'.- U s t '■' : ' v - .LOnaeOBBADOPBBEZpVORTa -warl WtlU P.-O. Bor M0> Twla , PMi.,..;____ 1 . ■„

Wanted to Rent .ito re r o n m B t n r m i m i-aad lfaa^-W rUeB«m ;ear*-----Wew.,.-^------------------WAKlSD'JiO OA iio ---^Mdty, eqolpnd, caa flaasoe aeU:Writ< BoxUOaraNm. ■


^p5 ^te w

Page 8: tMimfi - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF56/... · / ' a a: m, E d ito ^ ': ' THI TOL 18. KQ. -22.' ~ LittCTay S Palls Into Abductori. _____

'SlETiiRSif-lO S llW

AdmlnfslrallonCliaitgiMeetJ , Dlsappblnfment lnPurpo^-

, T o je l^n .Old Employa ,

ta t'ia iU ttllM 'a ™»N k mnnld^ ftreeU dfpuUn^

•• .: ■ — tei-«aifiea” to.'eonttnUff-.»*-irflrt •— - vtlb *-praiil»-of-patr-t*mii^ •

M u lm n t. tad thi nnr tspsln- . . . tendest, J. K. Dtmoad, n t ^p eS i^Um ichBpoD hUM T^ A u d RfpaaHblUUM vltb ta tlititf ' wfwpituiy nnr e tr.* =

mectttntir *0 btTB htd to itt] ,

• ptUtnM." • • •U vo r ' OoaaB UcD, Johniton ... «

. tald tut-nenlnc thit «( ^’ (otBMritnfl dfputaent imidtrtt ^

to coBUnnt >t work ondfr tbt nnr ^ ■tfmlnlitnttalutfeKUKt'MMrf* eu {sttrtotnn wltti etndtat op-

. crtUon 01 -UHt diputaunt, m d « .Huold-etnMucooctra.-

•nw w t tn r ^ d q y ^ t ^ ^

- ■ wtth-BO npltccatnU teheduM b f nold) . (on M*jr to. ntuntd to work u todi

Ur. OlmoDd. wbo wu citcled Da :; ’ Itm t tad wttenmkt taperlatcsd* :-{ tnt Uondty emlnt wbta tbt new ^ ^t

be )ud ool ecpeeted to It it «Uw _,eh ifff .jt.ta t dtptrtaenLifltJHa _ r». . t4 (<orw«tkt.buttbttbetnt«aM kq<Mklni.tbe rtUrlai npertnltsdtal, ^uo

- KuUa & to oobUoue oir ^iiu/ % > ic S o ^ ’lbt atw'iupetlatttd- ent Uoadkjr.enaloc wU'WUh *x- . fv

... preaed:undtnUndlni m.UM ptK — & 66unen mtmbw tiut tUl ^ .>nnnfflent ..coall ud^mild Jm ^

■ im U oot At tbt Itw . UBt; JinM a. Jebatfoa. .new. comnti- •'

:..*loner or.:itre«U .ud..pob»«-la* ' prDRmentt,-itld bt'wu ilTtn to

. uodtMtad that, rtfulu emplccrtt S ^ ' er tbe ttn it dtptriotat wooldte* f S ? tum to work tbt not nonloc. ^

at tb tixU ctvm «t itrett w ^ ip p tin n t tbe dty ^ btn It tlcfe to lUrt work yitterdty

/Ur.-Rutam dteUatd to eoatldir S r,. ’ toDttnalar . wotk uaka |lnn u> ^

^ took tht uae .ittlttide. wttb i

Itreet eut (or nO » taoath, dedded ■ -to ittjr tm. Ur. Diffload UU en- ^

V othtr'trieabcrt.ot the tndUr

sICflHWjfei• CUn

• ■• ■ ■ . --- - — — «U»pe

;.,liiinmer'ActlvltlM LIhsSId, L_L;^oadJoEM ^i?ttirps ^

i5 S a ttB tS 8 0 ^ M S S S 3 ;!lfc. dudla|.pUai<(ar.lmnudUte.pn-^

Umlnur Impronrneat ot.i Kctkn .ot thl Twin riUiRodi Creek Com- ^ y y t ? puk wM^ U to tw frg ; SSSTwin M U Bor BceaU. Tbt pUn. ! L !

. M outUned .pr(^et(i*««ii^ t ot I detSmied l A of Ihlrtrart

. to cK h i^ lrc ie r- ' .'• Thl m«nm of Bor eeout MtlTl- P D tiH under conildtntloa U Uit ete- D li ninil meeUBi Included ilw ir- ruvtmenU for * icout riBr lo be ' I]

Btrt M»T 11. Trt» p. _ Y ' nUmPthroBih Twin n u i itretu *'

■pntedlaf ■ propern of iceut cwnp. ini eonteiU on the leoul'i itcUon gul

Bor Beoui»:»lii) wtie-^oed Uit S t ? ercaln* lo • pert In T ln pmi elien-up -aapiUn. In wWeh. thir w to miki n umy end rw rt ontttlit tn cuTTlni word to Tvtrf rtni boutthalden of Uie e»m-* ^ '* i S ^ * J ? ‘*eUritki toeluded

■^IB tt^^CwpTere-to «)• hild ler three weeki it Cimp Sivtooth. o ” July M loae keek et Cunp In. ’ f?*;

.■ .dtpendtPW.-ABr»t-«-».-end-ttK


. . . Uin^(rludi|itherrdetlheimit. wn.i

.ed in U n n ehnreh ta Twin FW f UQlli ;eiterdtr>ftenioon.wbea(tnilUU> Iltlet

. uUwupiUUr&LHU'KiUr.wUe ibettjirf.gw h^ujty T»<B T«ll« tmI. e]e^

’ deB((ar3l7ttr*|Whodled0itQrdi]r ud ( ,._CT tn ln fjU^ midente on the Pn

r:'aR lfam ’ct^~fn'tlOt'cdidm ^- ■II JIJIIUIIL . - ' ” **“

’. T. A.TTe«birbr,K»1leB,old-time bru ..irtentf of Iht (snUr. A sized qoir. ___

• tetuar *WbtalheVcaiiU(tedat .'ttt - : i i i t ^ T t r t « in in t en fte iwr." bud : Uld rEMTta et.UiV'.Obiriet cit- Kitu \ v^'pUrtdpUMucnapulmeaL ' ' otit'

P tionm i wen a J. CUrk. DeS Etlt] KeanUDa.-Bowird DoojUi, w»»a ToU.

. onbiB. Mm Bitoer nd J. A. ^ r:-Tuoom:~-: - - .-v. nu; Kn . StUf li nrrlTfti b|[ bn bn» |c*BM

______________ _________ \

I W i f f i e W i l l i i I C l" » M w i i w u a i I . :

• ;....

-I ve n t powderin'. I wwln^tiTtf t « l

■ ' , . — ---- . . . . . . ^ Q

BR€VITI€S|.' VUl* Ofdea-Charlci DeAIkr/ win rtla. M U . ll ipradbv. Mmt] MU- tUjii fiiitlsc'Mend*' lo Oiden, m . tJlib. . •,. . ertf.

i ■«■ ■ . ' - etai, Bet* rrNB.SeeUle^-Un. TO-jtt i

Urn 81ffli*»i bu-{clumed ine> bito SeetUe whin ihe^ “ bu

’ im a if i ^ S A -i r i j.-Hty.‘ ^loldi. Twin m il. wuidolttedri** erdirtothiTwbWlieomtfbo^ . « >!Ut to undCTio medke) ^rettamt. ^

DM|hler*Arriwt~ Ur. t ^ Un. jr. L Jeiinioq ire the ptreott of I diuhtfr. Sblrler AnncbomUiy m i

..... ■ , ' is ?00 o( Ur. ud Un. JUee, Hi- ■UM, n t idfflttted „lenoBtdKHttcetatnt.Called to 0. R.Bnr- H |

dn.rT1rtn.7 wu, 1i5 ftmdv-ift- l U mood (or Cleir' UkH," towi. ; rbm the wu cellid br the detlh ■ 1 f.'hfr brother,; Om ^ t e L IU m Bi^ur-Amooc peUesU ' ~ .

jraloed rnltidir'ffbo tbe Twin "S Relli

rebb, Uuriuih. end B.-T. KolL • Uaien, a ,m>jer;iiinef7 pttlentt>" mUueai au r Ip e e k*^ . BlUh U hi

ninxaiuBnn 'Br ta m n -W H y — irt tplKO^ eharth.- Twln FUU.1 to bt tbt Qitker.it.k recuUr . . uitlhi of Twin P ^ U u o n U )di«'in,lbe U inole^npU here ^ M e n iW . ■I ■ , . UMB)8IOe FUeer tU la-W . B. OUf- rou&i

ord lad J. W. Biinoe b in itiked M«t. ut tbe Luckr Bor pUeer blnUc to w Ulai OQ Bnike rim wUiwett of flnct )ubl, to I eertincile ef loeeUoa A*»« >Uoi4-eB-neerd.;ln::the-oltlH ol Uou ^ nuDtr reewt rbere ; e i^ r - Urrtt

keut tree ewtuMw.. iddqeied the tilnnd wiU ipeik i t i tftietlnf <d tbe’ tloai, totirjrda> it-BQPirt todir. In tbe eiU 1 nUreiU of the Bor Scout mort- m Mft.,. , V eciut-ORJUteadeTvuU^.'ind un. nireaco SUnlerr wbo 'reeenttr muiu Uipeied ol-thelr Three- Creek und ench.*tBd-llwitw ^ ttlnuU| iifV —Api litnnUr foUewlot^ew i i j i TUt pucw ter* It the bomi 0? Mr. tnd Un. m | r. D. Roftn. to mike in extend* weep d Tbll .wllh Mr. S lu l^ t per- of 01 bU IBd Other reUtlm in Tenn eount *« lad Kentuekr.- ' ■ the 1

hurcb, 'with Un. -Altaun end count

lOd UtU'Aar..rtUnid riUvdir ihiL m I fiw-diTi-Tltlt to-.Bdlie. sent icb Bc'mber of tbe fimtlr pertr mmt cirlBt Mtne'cuU. end. bruliee tn «xirkd wben'tbib- 'ear'ooiuded with to in Mthn-naehlne on .the .roed to ©ni I V M lu i Wdir. ■ • . ed ft

li iESEKSM g -PM-SPinillS

_____ • It thSuMoed UihU, t heiTUj cirpited ^ '

tete-fleor, end lOft wuik-bltBdtdfaM^ tutr'lnnnenee.wllh rouihful madeli — od iltruttn eoiUimet Uit night jTwlorilUhlihedwolDmniiluffl «o<n>

u°n.udienee of noe KO ipecUlon, Tha The; hov wu lUnd (or the benefit'ol Jru He'airlReierTe tummer cinip (und. AQcet 'me lUce n i nlted hUht it out AUra- |OUU>t-t7mnMlQlCl£r»d|e ^Br) fit^w ^tttftd^foriiltto i. lod Kend M17 nrpeti toroed the Iirie hill In • ilo in Util itrU'thow HlUnirBui Chaoi 'iQihB'i otehriln-wit-lnooDiplcu- i«t.A

oihit helptdiaiiUipot UtfhU {tie um i tie propir bearound. ErbUiModeU. ill dolBilheir luni OB tbe <poni

Uje with itiee, ibd without mU- mtoi onidOQinHi.or fturaeit. were Bet- 0. Pe l» Ucleirr. vlTlin Reid. dM m • louth.VUU Cooke, macuThoapi low m. Audrey IdaUe, Vilau Adimuti, dairy jmieenfOdrtdie., BeUs Sertrln, plidr Itlen ToolHD. m ae« WlUon. EUt-abtn bethftUim CbOdrenwho mod- o r a

.BdOteliBurieB^'' —PttMnUUop at iprtnrtnd lum-

neriirlei wu-dSi®dTnlo.|hiupi.

to ji; ^ ^ t ^

ty MaiT Orr la I Up duet, wllh le-

iil«hw-«x-eHiarilirw IC btur, U rt Ucrlld iti tndUUi .VI- iUt'Se»r, iD et Twla PUU; OtU C ^ . Remter. Ornon; Un. Dolly W R o ^ C iU t e e k frM'Keltr.' atereieBrwu ta tw 'Trti'Filli *BtUi7.; __ '


n s i az w m m IMa^cla;is S e lu L 'W e ^ :. as Doc : Pwlod to . ' . " b ^ i i * , N

. And BrlsMen Comnumitj , A

BUiI.' Cl«a»np-Cimpil|n:fa Jw la Twin. PMi, :Jot BUadford, dob pntl- ptrk, dint, tsnounotd Utt.-Alfbt, .pt- open ItiU.itpldiy tre bdof Utntay-,-eommltUf«anpg»tf-..rt S6b etoa RTinHr, Itxn WblM; uNLjBUad' terdi] rtwd. It win bt tbt third'laanil bercl auBptim to bi Tp0niDn4 .br the tUorl Hat .*B-«|tBUtllon.o£ nxmfcr pre«l nwnttt mea. - ' >- ■. Uy.tt; Ite.oatpalca win bt,wl4tr la

year thaa U.nftttL.T&i

t tBrrey o( the dtr. th it» duta- « V, 7 p ^ : u btdlr a tK M OQoptr- ^ itiBa-'0( Iht"Citr'tdataWnUon ^ (in bt -ioniht to tbal. tht.ntuiu . dU.cittad: to.in.tHeni.itmU, .WEUt IsU’.ihd untemattd'iniH reb !Ttf. .Xttre lecumuUttai; o(. Ua flyv ««.'dUetfded Mtomoblle bod* S S r . w nd.'other rubUih b in tocnt htuti olo biinf al nriou pUctt, Um o(ptli wnrniueimtn.ttld Uit'aUbt,.'.

itUoa durini tht nmptlia'dilet.Bor ftouU or tbt Bnakt Rlnr

ouadl' will tM teUn; -at' unal Um ot Ihelr )obt win.bt'to ctf 5 i l l a iU property owoen ;Ud uk ^ 7* btlr ooopentloa. EulC..tmi> will « uHcned Y certiln dUtrict. la rhieh to.-work,-end tbt ’.Iriwp rtSoHi dUtriet.tbow* tbt..bHitrt 9 « * Bprwramt wlu be Una itroop b«t l rot br the t.««>>« Demrtoent *

Other deUlU'wlU bt tmouaced 1 eocnpleted. <- * I™™

l i i i i - s.M iio n i£lellef ProlecU PIan E r t r e l l iS ;^

fnint Dl Workers Not E l l g l - I t

hlft Ilnrfftr 'B ral'R 1 "* **-— njced.

A number, of '.."tneHeneed ?* °> oedsnen' wlU bt eatoDed.ia tbt !denl forwt wqrtt e«npt-(or.^ T“ f “ MBiplortd, la tddllVa .to' .tht euBc unminUd B»ta.of,jpedOed Itt. with dependenlt, lewrdtaf ^> word nedred her# .br f J. inch. Twin filU director ot tbe JMditea .ChiriUet. n»eM iddl- S n H lonU 'nea win be «&oUed (rom irrttotT idjwent.to the-work

Iln .namber’.of nea, atrrUd or him be nain5.-^iaoot—Ige—reitrtF {k !^ i loBi, wbo Un ta or neir tht ( » . hln t lU wbue worii U lo be dooe, wbo ^ , re unemployed, who h iti bid nUhL cluii eiperlenee, la .lucb work, d m i od who ire (lUed (0 cxerdH » n theicMm-U«lenhlp-amonc-tt>e ouiver men." Thde' men wlU be (ound ted u foreineo md Inilractoit. mitill -Appnnlmttelr-U-VBtattn-rwp' tR-ne'UctUoni (or the eiapi l i r e i^ ........re In Mr. Rnct\'i. handi. Their Din c teeptince, and the potting throiah * f.othea wilU receipt of the ll ounty quoU (tom the -omct ot he loremor’a eeeretary In BoUe, - . -

Buntr't quoU lilt, bwn-dad.”ut,. in the Un iu ir o( » depirt- jent of Ubor-bBUelth,, *enroIl- “ f|?* : lent for enwrjencr eoniemtloa wkTi whoUr tolunliiT. Wo eo- ‘“ r *' Mnn nr incnifo ilnwH bi uiid ^ b } Induce inr'm in to enroU. Mo ne U belni.drKMd or amcrlpt- * 4 for the. worit- Only ippUcinU b»U * bo.in. laxloui.to hin 'i. cart w ip 1 thU werk aro. winied.*. , AppllCIBU (OC. tbo Mfflp BUlt

here Ihiy Itt,(in t enrolUd, ind . ie“ »e<56od-Kte*Uiey-|jiy|-been I the oondlUonlnt «*»{> for ler- }*“ .wj m din. PMlure to PUI illher rawln«llim w»l«icHnn. tht Ip— ............... , who hiWMnlment pUyed br I L.[offin. m djVM i Bilei. jhey in KudenU ot Emily Bitct. rin Roblnnn. Snld BlehinU lod ®‘ Ufen'WhUesreientedidiaMjOaT-

lendahl Chiaee.pUyed uxopheott I I duel. Kconipinltd br Urt. _>__jhToMT-lowphlne'-Throekacdcd ROBE3d.AUeeamnonpUyedtwopUno ' ■ |D « .f ltep h ia "p re aS5 ^ ^ ^ imiitero(ceremonU<,iadPnocet j . t rtiUnd.ptetldeatoftbi JOY'dub, M tt ] xnnn ot thi ennt. preildef aU eUettd wamei were (uraUhed b ttt. i ch u t '.Pennfy.cOBipmy tlwe. .■ _loeri 8U1« collece bu (ound thit ^ mi airy nleniUi may be iterQU^ by mmu tidni iheortor.lO mlnUUi In & *Mtera tblnet or omi kept at XO dertet- ed'iit r raore. btr^>

- m s B M


CLYbEA.NEE-T O H lte At,. M h . .

’ tW paU S . IDAgO, T

iWllTTEE: ^ » p i N |

Book t e e k Canyon Proleot

Needs Property Titles'

And Material" t o f . Pool j'lV

•.ncounied-.byMUrietoey-ptOf* * rijr reie.ci(theJmproTementproriBilt . rwin.PdU.Bodt.cmk.Co(amoiuty . ^ park, lad br tbi pnxnUe o( (uii CO- ^ jpenlloa ibf new dty Mnla- i f l itntloB, memben or the e ^ t ln H mmlUei''pf ttte ioltnl-^irtTWP ' ■ } «day ,i^ Iu tn i|h tit lh 4,0DiB- W H xrcfCafflmerctTPOmitaraed.tBiir H lUorU lowvd loltlof tht twa.boit B S veiilni probUipi-wtalch'Billlltdi- ItM•j.tfteprcfnaL.-, ' ' H ETheteirf'tbt otiUlnlagortttirto auui

I (ew plou or round ta the trk wt yet deeded orer br prlnU, own- ^ inindtbtobUlntngorrttndi.wim ^ vhlcheobayetmialiudgnnirat »utnKtUae( tht iwtmminr POOL ^ e . \ Need CeepetmUM ' ^‘W-tbingtbiCeinhelpuipioit ,j ,|

Ifbt now,-, or. a R. BcoU, lenenl auUrmin, u ld'UA alibi, ‘U.tbe = = KUtr'co-opentlooortbepubUdind ntinf (prlnltdllKni.Xtwliliolnthete D f l wo dUflCQltki and lUotben wtikh DUOi iriw.’’ . • ■.1- =' I •r S a S S r J i ^ i S S i - i. I . WhlM, pvk ecomliitoner. tIiw- d tbe puk with the coeunlttee ju - erday lad met xllb thit body Uit . Jjht. Tl>ej’of(ered ill.pei«,b5t,»Jl TbiBewroid-tatbe pwfcUibou't e iHr) telihed from tht twtmmiag pool ilte wu er i.tbe.southera idiho Rih'ind ..Bun

m t « ? 3 « t 5 t t & ' & lTT. It thi'pool,'tBd Opp^t.'tht bnke' wmtiy dub... Wukuitu yetUrtty lad'w (fiB to ijapron lbeu.gndei.wlth left th n n lfn a tbspvkouiyeo. . .. r u fo

■------------- .. .JohffJNWILUN6 QUEST PICKS A iO 0 fe - 0 0 0 i l . :W “ “^

. J ; C *.. f;.'. floor ]

m p R M d .» d e ^ (o r ta p ik . u u M t o^Uteation lor tem il Tfin. q,

M lode wlihfh.in.lwir utte b»

jlced'hU.XilUftetlon with tbe 01 - tteaoditloni' when' otnein ^ ^ rought'bln'ln, xltemlng tt laid- iubU to permit him to lUempt to D o ih U w rt th tU n ie '^ ^ .’Sittlni np-» comaotloa,' Broekt d Iht leneint In chute to elM » .wooden'door whkih conoeiU tbt UTr mn-buTtd door. Then’work- n||t|l

uhed put'the lergeint'i deiV'lo m r M Itmt.- HU- leue of Itbfehy I leu iV m ibort. ‘John Hiyla> ‘t IIUI y a t TUitor it ^Uct heidijutrt-______

tlL Brooki wu ied.btek to tbe OL ud Mttled down for the Wl. Wllh two ptdloda on the

ind the wooden door itlndlog gjg},®;Among Brookt'~efteeta,~o{n<en ^ ^ - und ■ oompUla Mt ot lodumlthi



Aa ettalt'^ued i t lertnl hua- kiwed-b delUhot

S w lvn o r^ 'U tt ^ Wlltf-W

nded" three tncU ot gnilng ndi o( SM'icrtt-Mcb-tn-TctB

glr pellllon -wu (lied In'lhe pro- lit oouit btrt yertodiy iilOng r tppebumnt et TL r. Pini, irln.ntu itlomey, it idmlnU- itor'Wtlh*wiU unezed. Betring P»us(t rtht.yulUoq wu Mt'(or D»t ■ ■

Two diiiihten and s lon-lo- ^ H l W'Of Un.'X4WU-wtrt.ainMd>^II. win to.bi ezecuton ot her et- U/ but Ihey wilnd-la oT • ip^ntoxnt or a n»mb(r o( ir-nmrcf TwiH-yinm tgm yf W — to hid repreMnled Un. UwU tn 'libo-fOr»?umbeTOt-yein,-!- ----In iddlUon to the. helnTwbo

i T ^ ^ ^ BuldeMlieU 1 ' 4 tmit funl Ihe'wUmBUBitii

ich ud 'ber Uundreu who n- ■ired ISCO^ ' ___________. _____

'0aERTS^QETS-P0Sr“H " ,;J )M M 1 P B P A R DJ.‘ lt RoberU preaident or Twin ' R n int RttlTbUU.boud. hu been , iettd *>*abtr o(-Twin FitH bubtr..Q( Commeiee boud ef dl- . 36e»,to«oeeed.D.VLCnln.(<)r- »rb f t wnet.W the Pirk hoiel. vho ti aond.trooLTktn Piiu. u wu wtoaced It thi'Mcreliry^ oftlet «ter3ir,''nu ileellon t u record- > rttirjoentiaeellnf of thechaa- ud

A s b E ^ F m E ^ J

S>oricieS= -NBBBANGE--—.aoEa— -.— '.s— _ —

3I3SON, Agent ,m m m rn m m m


IJUW JOHKBOlf, iJ-yeu-old KT* lu m u o( IttnU. Uldnetbit: wu “ * wught by police In. northern Xd( tUiH ind Cinidi after lUthorl- Pend tlea ezpreited u opinion that hU ttnt> wife ind Hnn children wen tin lUln. befon their firm home^( ( burned. Johnioa wu mUilns.if- here ter the ( l i t . ^ Photo.


■-•• “ “ iMBMAtUmpU lo burjUrlM two Miln|j«iwr renue itore|-*en uniuceeaful belUt iHr ycitenlir, ilthouih one itore brtik u entered. ' ' laobllBunUn got. into the ClndereDi Audi ipp, lU U ihu innue 'wut, u u ifough I bide door In-whldi iher »We oke Ihe gUit la order to-reuh th« 1id'wTTOirmTijr-tnricickrTher^nwiIt through the front door, which t Imu found opea i t I A. U. wbeaJohn-KeUur, nuiger. hid coa- ton 1eted Inventory the night b*fon. ing t<id checkup yulerdiy ihowed ty oc )thlog aUilng. Tht cuh dnvw ' u nniicked-ud ied. oneitU. 'Mr. It contained no aooey tut . . vDESIt U beUend tbt tbeft ittempt u nude UUr S-A. U. .31B. Q |ht witchdutn yetUrdir uld he |l| lakedtbeitortitthit hour ind t (rOBt door wu-doud and— ied. ' ■'miewi, probibir the time ona, ; A “ lempled to enler tbe 8i(ewiyme .nlgbL Th^ ^ lltfoughI reir tcreen door but could nott put' bm'on tbe door, which “ *?■_ ■n .pidlocked. The itore wu ijUriMd ot .eoBiIdenble mer- 2*7^ indUt.ln Juuiry.


!W1U b--------------- ----- 7^----- fTlTWRPoBild^CUnoali.^Wiw=^<rit l ^ « tto; aplured i mndciUy eriUcil|“ "'« dlence Uit night it the Twln|‘"« « Ul Methodlit church with a pro-;i«™;. tn ot lODti which combined tome! ■ ibly dlKlcult niimben wllh ioredto.'repeit bli doling" nunberT"- •••.•.

trlel “Aileep In the Deep," md' ---l~tait-at-th»-pUtfnnB loma lime anRI erilhe.itdiil, meellng thow who ihed to ineik'tolr ipprecUUon. AF ir. CUycomb opened with Um-II 'Honor ind Armi“ ind in mgement of “Lore’i Old Sweetng-VMiUor. Thue were fol- 2?* red br ■It rETIBugh,■ from Men- “ lUhon’i ■BlUih.' 'and the o j d ^ ®

oBn^oo^^bMDeEoxtn, and 1 which e ^ U e . I( All -niOM Bndeir- A t Young Charms.’ the Irtih ilr. M S I condudlng . group opened with jinort oUlng in roemlni SlUorn." (n>9i Qeorg) ydnl *The Creitlon.** ud ended « rtil ih-e-ipltUuHHnedler-whtelHa»ifHn=- ided-UttJeOiv1d."*8UllAwir." She’d Deep Riter." . ' _____• Hirrti« a Once Ben wu the iccom- KirrU out throughoat . . . then.

f f ^ r a i s G S J i o . K i

^ Ypur (The puUe ol your motor U loremed I ‘irinTf^^atnii-^ppem’UfwIeiiani' R a iy W lr e oniy i tilght idlutlme: by u expert motor mechinle. Any goo( -TUe'. you igitnit Unksring with Iwrf.i drbuprtori.;

K in It to Undl.neiHbiy *now’ lht ezperU In genenl’rtpiir wwk-Tilre 1 u4 ererylhlng eUt thitt needed le ke<

. ■__________ . . . •

tmtrAuo m DAY and

“Flaeil atad B a t Eqalpped Gi-------O F F IC ^ d S H O F ^

; ! « P « M ’ BtOBAQB o A a o ^ . V OKABINO'-

■ V

i.TJAYS. lOM ' • \

K B B lr." APf[p lnjer Prliit Comparisons

‘ Eilabllsli Id e n j i t y 'T f “

Fugitive- W anlid Hero ,

-nMMiJ, w-.utoniftlle KpotW ‘iloUa I t Burley .lu t Bilurdiy, -'.WUIUm..KIfmeU.-a.:ptUoaer-UB.___der I feden) court tentenee - forlutoffiobiu theft, wbo cteiped •(rom the Twin nab.eoonty jiU ii “ wedt'i|o"Uit-Mondiy'tvinlag7 — Jhu been irre tW lir. ofneerr i t 'IFWndkton. Oregob, Bberift £.- p. - JPraur wu idrued yeeterdir. .'m ■iherlff iild. Uit enning KUaiU ■would be -brought ^ hue to Ilenre out the, rrmilalng biU .o( '■bU one-reir lenUra.'.. I

Xdentlfleillen of 'tht prUotier it IPendleton, wbo BMd the moe of I I»wtt Johnioa,' wu aide potl-tin by -neui of a eoopiriion ■of linger print recordi, oftleen ■ here uld. - I

KleoeU 'nn, bareheaded u d Ikuefooled, froa’ the JiU- here , ■ Kter crawling ihrough i. nntUi-tor to the roof ud then dropping mWBM.IQ (eel through t window to ■i itiiri^ding on a lower floor Mtf~Tl»'wuu iiou»"inifldttg.‘"* ...AuthorlUei hern, uld tbey 'iui- B

Mcted^KUade Mcured ihoet ind w., »BM Other dothing la i Ulelytported bunUry it Butler. Tl«y -uxUered thit bt Uft here, alter ^irtiklag out o( iiU. In u ut«> ^noblle bdonglng to ocotgt B. ^UadholU. ainigtr ot the Kitloa. mua iAundrrcnnpuy. wbkb'wu q mHo]ta.thu.tTCnlng..iad-t«conr»d r T ' he nezt day la the Tldalty .of

TM car' lOeiMle wu drtrlni ebea bt wu irreited tt FcndU* V on wu UenlKled ir'ont belong- - ng to D^E. Johnion. Cuila-eoun- .ij^ y.fonon.

— Wne


___• . WelU-— ■ other'A number of the' dlrecton o( the R£>< ueriein PilU merrolr dUtrlet, ibUld iillBwlng a meeting it the dUtrtela ^Ing leulquvien hm yiesterdi leiliw belag’ loUe- lo teke pirt In I beiring meui tiere todiy befon P. W, FuU, lUta oftleei eeUaitlon eommUiIoner, on adli- In i uted dilm to right to MOO leeo^ lerlng ret of M niturel How et Snike non-n inr, la iddlllon to Americu Pint now t lotwge water, ter. uu otfJinda' In once, M.Ooodlag dirtriet. -nie.Amerlom ed. U: »IU dUtrlet U raUUng thU cUlrn. (oreen Twin m u Ctnil compuy-aUd

d a iblemben of lu boird of dlrerton. Tfl M fho, It wu iUted> hen yeeterdir, ^ 1U be Intenited oUenen of Ihe - TRRBI5E—-------- ^ ^ -------- ajt

tie heirlng Induded R. E. 6hep- ?»IU* erd. Jerome: W. H. Spence, Kim- onllni erly: IL K, Viler, Sprlngfteld; O. <Uliy . Chipmin. Wendell, ud J.' R. cllr i» rtUiwdl. TWlnifiUi, attomer. .

I0GER80KJV0HAN, DIES= “ AFTfR. SHORT ILLNESS ■n O O ^ S ; May J (SpccUl to he Newil-Amindi B. llirrU.1 yein old, died it her bome la losinon i t #:« o'clodt Uit

letlon ef fuoenl. imnffmenU hlch wilt word t brotto in'01 Antelet.MET Hafflriiad been D T m j urt lime. She wu a nitlre ot ieorgcunm, Tezli, .ud hid'beea rtildent’Of RoienoiT'for .two

8he~U luiilred-br-Hentr a lirrli. Rogeiton. lad Jiaeavp.:irrU, lo i AhgeldrTiolh bro- wn.

'■ """I ■.KRRP IN MIND. - _

Car -ned by .the timing meehinUm. unrtWnSI C o iU r t ^ T - ^ 3 -: itmeal. but'lT itould be done' - V good iulomoblle mu wU| .i4-

wd.thlRg»-thB UnttjuKL U»

rlhdr'jobl UkewUe. thty m 'Ire grinding, cylinder nlndlsg.'0 keep I n r la good condition.

ND N IGHT , , tod Gang* In Ihe Weal”

)P1*H0NE299— ^

■<>IL5' : iliSSD ta . :



~ theatCAK A ‘nCK-trr* r«muee bold ”Ul* own . igitnal a ledetr mir- tUge ll Aim «Mitles:8;lTla Ud- ,QNE wy.pecden la tbb leeaa'imB ^ Vlni Deloitli Tick rsTcecBlng > today to Um .Orphew S S S ’ • Miu Sidney U t»-iUR«d «lih teenBiftlBthipletan. Aa< - - --- - fuHJ.


* — '■ Angel.Bm itito eiepirtment.of Uw en- rceaent h ii dUpaicbed to 5oa- ,k toe Cooper. Twta PUU, lUle tffla.oflUtr, two blghwyr ilgu iUng attention to'terai at i tw lUle Uw re ulrtng' reglitra- in or noa-retldenU’ c in within ^

houn after entering the lUle.One ot theie ilgai, It U tug- tied. U to be’ pliced on tbe Ado ■eUi-Twla PalU roui ind .the ber on the auenli-BurUy nad. *«H“ RegUtntloa iheeU u d wlad*Jeld Ulcken necewry (or ear- *“ ? * ing out termi o( ihU 'Uw in

sen ora aqd iherlffi, tht tn((lo fleer wu idrUid. . ' • • ’ . J*"®* Is Iddlllon to non-rctldenU en- -J^., ring the itile herwlter, ill in-mldent ulomobye owaen * ^ V la the itiio aoit'regUta- it S y ” , tt. glrlng the date they enter- . the oomatialoner'ol Uw en> . —*7

_ . ; S IAIRYMEN - TAKE STEPS ^ )M E ETN W qj]D ipN C Ete

iU*propotcd .Dev-slUt-gndlng were < Un>bce. Or. 1 T. J^ed. meet ud la Tw Iiy Inipeclor, repdrled to the inbni r immdl Mondir trenlng. condei During April, ths l a i p ^ re- o( otli

Style StfeaiSi- 'S ta r t in g A t f fo ’a o d t

£ili?66-iKauH I-criJiT,-iieffT ^ -Style Sbbw.lat( ovcnins at Ui'o-Ii

beat valuei t la tw e A gTO •lo Jiurry— th(7 won't last long,





Among Mrea Twin’ FiUi.couslr. (tra leuei for.tht lfi» leuon pUe^ " ed on record thU wnk la the county i«^^o[tucrbfliy'S!»=r4o^«~~^ n ra two mliet nuthweit of Twli FiiU. Uiwd br T. D. Johnion, tx» , Angtiet, to H. K. Uiyedi, jipucM tirmir, wu leued for etih'renUL' Tbe Uuor U to piy MOO (or u« of the property IhU leiioa. All other leuei JUed thU week provided (or lUrliloa of the eropi.

J. U Butler, llolUtter,Ieited (rom 3. K.<Beitty. Anihela,' CiUforqU, la to-iae fiAn.oa tht highway ft BiU-nlU north of HolUrter. •. .-5 •

Ad^ph Wigemu leued (rom J. ES Pimnim.LM AngeUi. 200 acrtl . wulheut of Berger, ind under termi » (the UiH wU grow beam, gnln, ludindieed.J. 7. Rowley, Einien, U to grow

mgifcbeeUa>oUioet.-beani.-udw»— durd on;i Mnen firm whUb ht ' <ued fr^m'a r iWeme, Kimberly,

U. O. Hellmu leued froa theI IC ^ ifff^ u S on^DeepSeffc nulb o( the Sunnyilde Kbool. ud 3eo>se W. Himmond Uiied (rom tha ^goa Iilorigita .con'ptny u to- ten finn-one ind ooe-hilf nlles oulbwett of the Piirvlew' lehooL . - Mlenry B.‘Kllbon) tnd Donild tt. tnbom leued from W. c.-wytkot( tnd-P.-L.^binibergir u-IO-icre- . 'mn two tnd one-biU nOu ioul& XJUmberly.' • • • - '. ,

>6« « r (w t ^ w n n f f i n a r t t i r rrere lUugbter^ under Inipectlon a Twla mu.puklng pUali. fin lalmiU-S beevu-ind 3.hog»-were xmdemned, lad In iddlUon putt it other ulmiU wen condemned..

Showipieew il"odt ThiS'Morning IN f r j r O S E I I . .

110“ Sheer ^ ~ jbrgapd^ P

1 AMD ^ .WASHABLE ; v SlLK ■ ■

: Pfbclcs “*2.iUitroeta; wew~-ahowni^-t|g: = ii'o-H'iglt School Gym. Thqr.'.


ineyt!0r"Lg, id ah (T ^

• 'i ■