Trancscript Song v Moore 2-20-15 (1)

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  • 7/25/2019 Trancscript Song v Moore 2-20-15 (1)






    Plaintiff,v Case No. 2012-803495-DMWILLIAM MOORE,




    Pontiac, Michigan - Friday, February 20, 2015


    For the Plaintiff: VINCENT D. GIOVANNI (P26442)26111 West 14 Mile Road, Suite 201Franklin, Michigan 48025-1171(248) [email protected]

    For the Defendant: EMILY E. LONG (P69607)Long Law, PLLC

    3910 Telegraph Road, Suite 200Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302-1461(248) [email protected]

    Guardian Ad Litem: KERI MIDDLEDITCH WIGOD (P63088)Alexander Eisenberg Middleditch &Spilman, PLLC600 South Adams Road, Suite 100Birmingham, Michigan 48009-6862(248) 358-8880

    [email protected]

    Transcript Provided by: Accurate Transcription Services, LLCFirm # 8493(734)944-5818

    Transcribed by: Krista S. Michels, CER #8490

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/25/2019 Trancscript Song v Moore 2-20-15 (1)








    None offered.

  • 7/25/2019 Trancscript Song v Moore 2-20-15 (1)



    Pontiac, Michigan1

    Friday, February 20, 2015 - 2:33 p.m.2

    * * * * * *3

    THE CLERK: All rise. Oakland County Circuit4

    Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Lisa Langton5

    presiding. Calling Moore v Moore, case number 2012-6


    MS. LONG: Good afternoon, your Honor, Emily8

    Long on behalf of Mr. Moore, who is present to my left.9

    MR. GIOVANNI: Good afternoon, your Honor,10

    Vincent Giovanni on behalf of Lillian Song, formerly11

    Lillian Song-Moore, who is seated to my right.12

    THE COURT: Okay.13

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Good afternoon, your Honor,14

    Keri Middleditch, Guardian Ad Litem for the minor child.15

    THE COURT: Okay. Were here on an emergency16

    motion to suspend plaintiff mothers parenting time. Ms.17


    MS. LONG: Yes, your Honor; may I proceed?19

    THE COURT: Yes.20

    MS. LONG: Judge, I did file an emergency21

    motion. It was drafted today. I apologize to the Court22

    somewhat for my casual appearance. I tried to give23

    defense coun--or plaintiffs counsel as well as the GAL as24

    much notice as possible. I spoke with both of them via25

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    telephone this morning.1

    The basis of our motion is principally, the2

    exhibits that were admitted at the beginning of plaintiff3

    mothers proofs in the hearing that the Court has4

    continuing before it in the custody matter. I just5

    received an actual copy of those, Judge. I had not6

    received a copy of those prior to them being admitted. I-7

    -we had some limited voir dire.8

    I have not had the opportunity to cross-examine9

    on them. Mr. Giovanni laid the foundation and its based10

    upon my notes and recollection of Ms. Songs testimony11

    that I made the factual allegations that I did.12


    MR. GIOVANNI: May I interrupt for one second,14

    Judge? Have you read the pleadings?15

    THE COURT: Ive read both the pleadings, yes.16

    MR. GIOVANNI: Okay. So, I just want to pro--17

    proceed from that understanding.18

    THE COURT: Yes.19

    MR. GIOVANNI: Thats all.20

    THE COURT: Yes, I did.21

    MS. LONG: Specifically Judge, my recollection22

    of Ms. Songs testimony, because I--and I remember23

    specifically asking this because I was so concerned about24

    the actual content of the photographs, was how long have25

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    these photographs been going on? And I believe the date1

    of the first photograph that Mr. Giovanni had entered had2

    a 2013 in front of it. And Ms. Songs testimony was that3

    she was photographing the rectal/anal region of the minor4

    child in question, Joshua Moore, when he was received from5

    fathers care and then, when he was again, delivered to6

    fathers care.7

    The thrust of that, your Honor, was that there8

    was some sort of injury or otherwise that Ms. Song was9

    attempting to document that was worsening in my clients10

    care as opposed to in her care. The concern I have,11

    beyond simply the graphicness of the photograph, is that12

    based on that, and some of these photographs, as Im13

    looking through, you literally see a hand. You see14

    fingers that are--that are spreading apart the young15

    childs bottom.16

    Taking that testimony as true that this child17

    was being photographed on that frequent of a basis, from18

    2013 until today, even if you assume for the sake of19

    argument that it didnt happen every single time, we are20

    talking about an extraordinary number of photographs of21

    this childs rectum. And I spoke--I had the opportunity,22

    I can say as an officer of the Court, I forwarded a copy23

    of the email to Mr. Giovanni, as well as Ms. Middleditch.24

    The pediatrician who testified, Dr. Forman, I25

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    spoke with him via telephone today and asked him whether1

    or not he had the opportunity to ever review such2


    MR. GIOVANNI: Object to any conclusions or4

    statements he might have made to counsel.5

    MS. LONG: Well, I can--I can--or Judge, then6

    Id ask the Court to query of the doctor. I certainly7

    didnt have time to get an affidavit from him today. I8

    can state as an officer of the Court what he told me, or9

    Id ask the Court to telephone him. He did provide his10

    contact information and asked that he--his staff be11

    instructed to pull him out of a room if the Court would12

    prefer to hear it from him.13

    But irrespective, I think the content of these14

    photographs speaks for itself in conjunction with Ms.15

    Songs testimony. This is something that was not reported16

    to the GAL. It was not reported to CPS despite multiple17

    investigations. It was not handled by a doctor and it18

    does not appear to have been--have been handled by any19

    professional whatsoever and this is a situation where we20

    have multiple photographs of a young boys bottom.21

    And hes not just an infant, Judge. This isnt22

    a circumstance where hes an--an infant whos subject to23

    the type of disastrous diapers that we can all relate to.24

    This is a little boy who is going to be five years old25

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    soon and is on multiple times per week being photographed1

    rectally by his mother. I think its completely2

    inappropriate. I think its abusive and I think that it3

    needs to stop. I recognize that Mr. Giovanni offered in4

    his response of pleading that there was an offer that--5

    that Ms. Song would refuse or would discontinue doing this6

    until the Court reached a decision on the pending motion.7

    I dont believe thats satisfactory.8

    Ms. Song has demonstrated historically not--some9

    noncompliance with Court orders. The Court certainly has10

    enough testimony before it now at this point to recognize11

    that some of the delays that have been attributed to other12

    facets of the motion thats pending before the Court is as13

    a result of Ms. Song not utilizing the safety net that the14

    consent judgment of divorce put in place to protect this15

    child, specifically Ms. Middleditch.16

    The fact that Ms. Middleditch was not aware of17

    any of this is again, of utmost concern. Even if she18

    wasnt going to tell the doctor, even if she wasnt going19

    to tell CPS, the childs representative should have been20

    aware of these concerns. If she was concerned enough to21

    be taking these photographs, these concerns should have22

    been voiced to professionals. And in the absence of23

    voicing this to professionals, in the absence of the24

    people who this should be reported to being--having it25

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    been reported to, I think that that belies any assertion1

    that this was done for a legitimate purpose and because of2

    that, I believe the safety of the child is at issue.3

    I believe it is harmful to be photographed4

    repeatedly in this sense and the Exhibit A that we5

    attached to our pleading demonstrates that literally after6

    Court, after we were here on Wednesday, Ms. Song exercised7

    her evening parenting time that was designed in the8

    consent judgment for them to be able to have dinner9

    together and that a rectal exam of some sort was10

    performed. Whether it was photographed, I dont know, but11

    she did communicate that in writing to my client that--12

    evidencing that it was again, examined on Wednesday just13

    hours after Court.14

    And for those reasons, Id ask the Court to15

    grant my motion pending ultimate disposition. Were in16

    Court next Friday on this issue.17

    THE COURT: Okay, thank you. Mr. Giovanni?18

    MR. GIOVANNI: Your Honor, I think that counsel19

    has mischaracterized, not only what was done, but the20

    nature of what was done. There is nothing wrong with21

    photographing this child to document a medical condition.22

    If she had published these to someone else or shown them23

    to someone else, thats a different story. The mere24

    existence of the photographs is only for the purpose of25

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    showing that the child was not being properly treated and1

    being neglected.2

    Now what Ms. Moore--or Ms. Song should have done3

    in terms of notifying others, you might want to recall4

    that she had notified others about injuries the child had5

    suffered because she was concerned about possible6

    infliction of injuries by her husband. She didnt accuse7

    him of that, but she made the authorities aware of that.8

    That was a--those are potentially abuse allegations and in9

    fact, they were investigated.10

    Now, this problem that were dealing with here11

    that exemplified by these pictures is a less serious issue12

    because its a matter of neglect. And the fact that she13

    couldnt get responses from the authorities because it14

    didnt seem to, apparently to them, exhibit abuse, would15

    suggest that, I would think that the responsiveness of--of16

    the authorities would be significantly less in a neglect17


    Now, you have to remember, I think, and take19

    this--an argument throughout this case, that this case has20

    to be seen in the context and in my--my answer to my21

    motion, my client has been communicating with Mr. Moore.22

    And there have been communications which, I havent23

    reviewed everything possible because a limited amount of24

    time, but I have discussions in Our Family Wizard where25

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    she was bringing to his attention the fact that the child1

    was constantly sore and red after he had--red after he has2

    been with you in this location.3

    I have emails between the two parties on August4

    10thof last year, on Aug--August 9thof last year, August5

    8thof last year, September 22nd, September 21, September 26

    of last year, September 20, September 19, February 19 of7

    this year. And the responses she got, basically from Mr.8

    Moore, was the problem is potty training and Im going to9

    take care of this problem with the application of10

    ointments and salves, like A&D, as he--as he said, but11

    he--but he--he didnt address the problem when she pointed12

    it out to him appropriately.13

    The problem kept on happening and in fact, when14

    he said he was giving him the A&D ointment, the problem15

    still continued to appear. My client has been threatened16

    numerous times during the course of the marriage that--17

    during the course of the pendency of the divorce that he18

    would make her pay for having divorced him. She was un--19

    in a situation where she anticipated there would be future20

    litigation over events relating to this child and she21

    predicted that pretty well.22

    These photographs are not published to anyone23

    else. They are photographs of--of neglectful treatment.24

    They are relevant to this litigation. I think--I--in25

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    fact, I viewed their protestations as deflecting the fact1

    that they clearly illustrate neglect on the part of Mr.2

    Moore. I--if I, you know, if I had known about these in3

    advance, I probably would have said, You should call4

    Middleditch or--or deal with it with Dr. Glickman (ph),5

    but I think you--my client indicated that she ad--6

    addressed this issue with Dr. Glickman; is that correct?7

    MS. SONG: Two peds.8

    THE COURT: (Indiscernible).9

    MR. GIOVANNI: Okay. So, there--there is10

    nothing neglectful, abusive, repulsive, disgusting about11

    these photographs except that they illustrate neglect.12

    And your Honor, theyre appropriate to the circumstances13

    of this case. They are in response to Mr. Moore not14

    treating the complaints of my client correctly. And I15

    would ask you to review these emails before you make a16

    ruling so you can see that there was discussion between17

    the parties about this problem and in spite of those18

    discussions, it kept on reoccurring.19

    My client has noticed in several instances in20

    the past related to this child that Mr. Moore lacks21

    empathy, which he will testify to on Friday next, and it22

    hasnt been put on the record yet. She has always been23

    concerned about his ability to deal with the child in--in24

    light of his phobias and delusions, also about his lack of25

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    empathy for the child. These instances were a concern for1

    her from the very beginning. Hes been unresponsive. The2

    problem keeps reoccurring.3

    Its extremely critical to this litigation. The4

    fact that we have photographs is not inappropriate and my5

    client would also testify, if we take any testimony today,6

    that these pictures were only taken in conjunction with7

    the necessity of treating this child. They were not taken8

    in the sense that, Okay, its time to pull your pants9

    down, were going to take your pictures. She took these10

    pictures and--and also, in--they took these pictures in11

    conjunction with applying palliative treatments to the12

    injury this child had suffered from the rash.13

    This child came back from parenting time14

    complaining of soreness and rawness in his bottom. She15

    also would testify that she made efforts to avoid--16

    MS. LONG: Judge, Im going to make the same17

    objection. Counsel didnt want an offer of proof from me18

    and I--I mean, this is beyond an offer of proof, so--19

    MR. GIOVANNI: Well, excuse me. The doctor is20

    not here, my client is. All right? Im sorry, your21

    Honor. She made efforts to make sure the child didnt22

    even know these pictures were being taken by deafening--23

    theres a way you can turn off--24

    THE COURT: How do we ever know that, so--25

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    MR. GIOVANNI: Okay, your Honor.1

    THE COURT: Okay, thank you. Any--2

    MS. LONG: I have some response. I dont know3

    if the Court wants to hear from the GAL first?4

    THE COURT: Ill--Ill hear your response and5

    then, Ill hear the GALs.6

    MS. LONG: Judge, I--I think that one of the7

    concluding things that Mr. Giovanni said is the most8

    important and the most--well, its the most important9

    because he said its--it was only associated with the10

    necessity of treating the child. It absolutely was not.11

    This had nothing to do with treating the child. We heard12

    from the pediatrician.13

    There was no testimony elicited by Mr. Giovanni,14

    who certainly had the opportunity to do so, to discuss15

    when we were talking sub--for a substantial period of time16

    with Dr. Forman about potty training and it being an17

    issue, there was no question, there was absolutely no18

    question posed by Mr. Giovanni to Dr. Forman regarding Ms.19

    Songs continued complaints regarding diaper rash. There20

    was absolutely no question posed by counsel to CPS.21

    These people, and I be--its--its--its my22

    belief, based upon that, Judge, that this has never been23

    brought to anyone elses attention. And I believe that24

    because to my knowledge, having been rep--having25

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    represented for my client--my client as long as I have,1

    that I believe, based on my experience, that a 3200 would2

    have had to have been filed. And to my knowledge, that3

    has not been done. I believe that Dr. Forman would4

    represent that to the Court and--and I think it is--its5

    simply a function of the obligation of a mandatory report,6

    if faced with these type of photographs.7

    I do not know how a child of this age, were not8

    talking about an infant. I dont know how a little boy of9

    four years old cant tell that a photograph is being taken10

    of his bottom when his mothers hand, 2-12-15, I assume11

    thats his mothers hand that is completely over his12

    bottom spreading his--his rear end apart. I dontknow13

    how its possible that you can honestly say that that14

    would be taken without the childs knowledge.15

    THE COURT: Ms. Middleditch?16

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: I would like the record to17

    reflect that I have not been provided these photographs,18

    nor have I seen these photographs. These photographs were19

    brought to my attention via Mr. Moore and his counsel20

    after the testimony came out of Ms. Song in my absence21

    after the testimony that I provided to the Court.22

    I would indicate at no time did mother raise any23

    concerns about a habitual rash or rectal irritation during24

    my tenure on the case. At no time did she bring some25

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    concerns to me that she felt that something was happening1

    to Joshua while in his fathers carewith respect to his2

    bottom or rear end. I frankly think that if the pictures,3

    as are described by both attorneys, have been taken as4

    often as they seem to suggest, certainly even after a5

    dinner, which is absurd to me, find--I find that that6

    actual action is very abusive.7

    When I previously testified before the Court,8

    none of this had been brought to my attention. Frankly,9

    CPS has been involved twice since my tenure on the case.10

    This was never brought to Child Protective Services11

    attention. If there was any real concern, I cant imagine12

    that mother didnt come to me and voice these concerns to13

    me. I--I think this is actually reprehensible and I--Im14

    concerned that mother doesnt recognize the magnitude of15

    her actions on this child.16

    Had I known this, I would not have made the17

    recommendation I did previously with regard to maintaining18

    the equal parenting time arrangement. I--I am concerned19

    enough given the email that I received from Mr. Moore20

    articulating the email he received from Lillian after the21

    Wednesday parenting time that I want to forward that email22

    on to Dr. Margerum, Lillian Songs therapist. Im23

    concerned that she doesnt recognize the gravity of her24

    actions in my view, or the impact on her child and at this25

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    time, Im recommending supervisedparenting time.1

    THE COURT: Okay. Does anyone have any2

    questions of the GAL?3

    MS. LONG: I do not, your Honor.4

    THE COURT: Mr. Giovanni, any questions?5

    MR. GIOVANNI: Ms. Middleditch, I have a6

    question or two.7


    MR. GIOVANNI: I do think at--I do understand9

    the pos--is it your position that its a problem for you10

    that you werent acquainted with this problem before11

    today; thats correct, right?12

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Yeah, I--I--I, not only me,13

    but not--Child Protective Services, the pediatrician, any-14

    -anyone that would have been able to assist this child15

    outside of either party.16

    MR. GIOVANNI: All right. So, my client has--17

    has produced photographs, which are detailed photographs18

    of the childs bottom.19

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Okay.20

    MR. GIOVANNI: Theres a series of photographs,21

    I believe there are 20? Less than 20, where Ms. Song took22

    photographs of severe--in my view, severe rashes on the23

    childs bottom, which she testified occurred at the time24

    that the child arrived from his fathers parenting time,25

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    all right?1


    THE COURT: I think she testified that they3

    arrived from when she picked the child up from school and-4


    MR. GIOVANNI: Yeah, when the pa--at--at the6


    THE COURT: --no, not directly from father.8

    MR. GIOVANNI: Right. At the conclusion of9

    parenting time, the child showed up--at the conclusion of10

    the fathers parenting time, her testimony is the child11

    showed up with these bad rashes. And all the--all the12

    initial pictures, for purposes of your consideration, show13

    rashes; does everybody agree with that? Would the Court14

    agree that they show rashes?15

    THE COURT: Some of it.16

    MS. LONG: I--I just--I dont--I havent had a17

    chance to read this. This is the first time Ive gotten a18


    THE COURT: Well, just ask your questions.20

    MR. GIOVANNI: All right. So, they all sh--21

    well, all the--the initial pictures show rashes and22

    subsequent pictures at the conclusion of her parenting23

    time show amelioration of--or disappearance of the rashes.24

    So my question to you is, how would you suppose that a25

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    person such as Lillian, who was concerned about neglect by1

    the father, how would she document such neglect other than2

    by taking pictures?3

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Well frankly, had she talked4

    to me, I would have advised her to take the child to the5

    pediatrician to have someone independently review that. I6

    dont think you photograph a child multiple times, how7

    many times is not clear to me, but its obvious at least8

    20. By everybodys account theres at least--or9

    approximately 20 photographs, but if theres some sort of10

    severe rash and it keep reoccurring, which is not so11

    typical on a four-year-old child, and this is not a child12

    in diapers, theres already been some information from13

    both myself and Im sure the parents have heard this from14

    the school directly or his daycare thats hes having some15

    potty training problems.16

    I am no expert, but it seems to me that this17

    regression in potty training where he would not, to quote18

    what the school told me, he would not make a poop on the19

    potty at school. And then, I hear that mother has been20

    inspecting his anal area, sounds like on a weekly basis21

    for quite some time and--and photographing it, I think22

    could have contributed to that. Again, Im no expert, but23

    my proposal would have been if she were seeing this and it24

    were a chronic problem, I would have thought she would25

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    have sought out advice of a pediatrician and brought it to1

    the GALs attention. And if she thought there was some2

    inappropriate or abusive behavior going on by father, she3

    was cal--had contacted CPS previously, she would do that4

    again or law enforcement.5

    MR. GIOVANNI: Does it matter to you that my6

    clientsposition today and in her answer to the motion7

    and testimony she was offering any; is that--the pictures8

    only occurred in conjunction with necessary treatment of a9

    child complaining of a severe pain in the bottom because10

    of the rash?11

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Im not sure I understand your12


    MR. GIOVANNI: In other words, the pictures14

    werent taken by themselves. Herposition is the pictures15

    were only taken in conjunction with the treatment of the16


    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: And so, my position, I guess18

    as the Guardian Ad Litem, is if there was something19

    medically necessary; why didnt she get the assistance of20

    a pediatrician to take a look at this kid and document21

    this chronic problem and not take a picture and check it22

    every three weeks, but to go to a pediatrician? Or every,23

    you know, three times a week, excuse me, and go to a24

    pediatrician and have that independent evaluation done?25

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    MR. GIOVANNI: Well, you understand a1

    pediatrician, the--the parties both had a belief as to why2

    this was occurring and in fact, the belief is a reasonable3

    belief based upon the idea that the child is defecating in4

    his pants and the condition was likely a result of that.5

    So, its not like theres any, shall we say mystery, about6

    how this is occurring?7

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Okay. Then, if she thinks8

    that the child is being neglected in Mr. Moores care,9

    then she needs to document that by doing the pediatrician.10

    Otherwise, they need to be using their A&D or Desitin or11

    whatever ointment or cream, whats prescribed and move on.12

    I dont think we look at the childs anus after every13

    parenting time exchange or the day that theyre exchanged14

    and take photographs. Thats not the remedy. And in15

    fact, I--I think could have actually been very harmful to16

    Joshua. It certainly didnt help.17

    MR. GIOVANNI: What about if Joshua is not aware18

    of it?19

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Theres--I--I dont know that20

    Joshua is aware of it or not. I--I didnt know, so I21

    didnt talk to him about this, but I would be hard pressed22

    to believe that a child whos getting ready to go to23

    kindergarten and doing well by all accounts at the daycare24

    would be unaware of it. Certainly, hes aware that25

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    someones inspecting his anal area multiple times a week,1

    which is not normal.2

    MR. GIOVANNI: But we have a--we have a--an3

    acknowledged problem between both parties and that is a4

    recurring rash caused by lack of potty training, okay? We5

    have the parties discussing it with each other and both of6

    them agreeing that A&D ointment is the appropriate7

    treatment, correct?8

    And lastly, we have my client testifying that9

    its a recurring problem after the fathers parenting10

    time, which she has documented with photographs. Now, she11

    has--she is indicating that she has made efforts to make12

    sure the child doesnt know these photographs are being13

    taken, including silencing the--the cameras clicking14

    noise. And in light of all that, with an acknowledged15

    recurrent problem, Im not understanding why you would16

    recommend that she have supervised parenting time,17

    assuming that she would agree to take no further pictures?18

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Because I think that she19

    should have recognized that that was problematic behavior20

    to begin with and--and short of him blindfolding him and21

    putting earphones in so they couldnt see or hear what was22

    going on, I just dont think its plausible to believe he23

    didnt know this was happening.24

    And its not just the photographs. The fact25

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    that she was literally checking him, even after a three-1

    hour visit with Mr. Moore is very disturbing because my2

    understanding is, based on what everyone is saying, is3

    this has been going on for over a year.4

    MR. GIOVANNI: Well, you sa--well, I understand5

    youre still--I completely understand your position about6

    her not reporting it to others, but why is it disturbing7

    for her to be--be checking the child if the child is8

    repeatedly coming back from the fathers visitation with a9

    sore behind and--10

    THE COURT: I--I think shes answered that a11

    couple times.12

    MR. GIOVANNI: --and repeatedly complaining13

    about it?14

    THE COURT: Were just asking the same question15

    over and over again.16

    MR. GIOVANNI: Wait a second. Ms. Middleditch17

    and the Court can--can preclude this if the Court chooses,18

    but let me phrase the point.19

    THE COURT: Okay.20

    MR. GIOVANNI: The point, Ms. Middleditch, is21

    that youve just testified that it was unusual that she22

    would check the childs bottom and I posited to you that23

    the child was complaining, the child was raw, it24

    repeatedly kept happening. Why wouldnt she check his25

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    bottom? You said it was concerning that she did.1

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Why--why--why wouldnt she2

    take him to the pediatrician?3

    MR. GIOVANNI: Because--well, my--my--youre


    acting like--5

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Why--why didnt she make6

    another report to CPS? I mean, because clearly it seems7

    to me the--the insinuation is she thought that either8

    William was neglecting him or abusing him, one or the9


    MR. GIOVANNI: Yes. You asked me why not report11

    it and Im--my--my answer is, from my clients point of12

    view, its a recurrent problem acknowledged by both13

    parties with a causal relationship with not being potty14

    trained and the parties agreed as to how it should be15

    treated. The problem was it appeared that Mr. Moore was16

    not treating it properly.17

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Well, or perhaps the problem18

    was that mother was checking it so often and taking19

    photographs that it caused additional anxiety to the child20

    and it just exacerbated the potty training problem.21

    MR. GIOVANNI: Well, thats speculation; is it22


    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: No question, its speculation.24

    MR. GIOVANNI: Yes.25

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    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: No question.1

    MR. GIOVANNI: So if the--why isnt it--why is2

    it not satisfactory in your mind of Ms. Moore is told by3

    the Court this is inappropriate and shall not do it again4

    and she agrees?5

    MS. LONG: Objection, Judge. Thats been asked6

    and answered.7

    THE COURT: Right. Lets--do you have any more-8

    -do you have any other questions?9

    MR. GIOVANNI: Did I ask that question before?10

    I--I dont believe I did.11

    THE COURT: All right. Lets--all right.12

    MR. GIOVANNI: Ms. Middleditch, just a last13

    question. Youre recommending supervised parenting time14

    and Im asking you why, if Lillian is told by the Court15

    this is not appropriate in the Courts point of view and16

    should not reoccur and she agrees, why is that not a17

    satisfactory solution?18

    MS. MIDDLEDITCH: Because I dont think she19

    recognizes the--the--I think it was a poor judgment call20

    and Im concerned that she wont continue to make poor21

    judgment calls until we can address this with Dr. Margerum22

    in her therapy.23

    MR. GIOVANNI: All right, thank you.24

    THE COURT: Anything further?25

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    MS. LONG: I dont have any questions based on1

    that, Judge. Thank you.2

    THE COURT: All right. Anything further?3

    MR. GIOVANNI: No, your Honor. Well, unless you4

    want to hear from my client under oath?5

    THE COURT: I dont think so.6

    MR. GIOVANNI: Accepting what we--we have said7

    and as fact.8

    THE COURT: I will accept what youve--youve9

    indicated that she--her beliefs were as represented by10

    her, okay?11

    MR. GIOVANNI: And that what she did is a true12

    fact, in terms of treating it, in terms of--of trying to13

    avoid the child seeing it--14

    THE COURT: Thats--if thats what--I--she15

    doesnt need to get on the stand from--to say that because16

    I believe she would just say that, so I do believe that.17

    MR. GIOVANNI: Okay. Theres one more thing,18

    Judge, I thought of that--Dr. Glickman, according to her,19

    has advised her that if shes unable to bring the child in20

    and theres an injury, a rash or something, that she21

    should just photograph it and would document it and she22

    could send it to him. So, she had some professional23

    advice that photographing was appropriate and I want the24

    Court to know that; is that correct, Ms. Moore--Ms. Song?25

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    MS. SONG: Yes.1

    MR. GIOVANNI: All right. No--nothing further.2

    MS. LONG: Judge, not to belabor the point, but3

    I did, as an officer of the Court, represent what my4

    communication was with Dr. Forman. Checked the medical5

    records, who is the partner of Dr. Glickfield and he told6

    me this would be reportable.7

    THE COURT: Okay, I understand.8

    MR. GIOVANNI: Judge, I--I--thats been thrown9

    on the table, but I want to say that--10

    THE COURT: Im going to--11

    MR. GIOVANNI: --what Dr. Forman might say if he12

    were here, might have to do with the severity of the rash13

    being reported rather than the pictures themselves.14

    THE COURT: Okay. Well, the--the first thing15

    Im going to say is that I do find these pictures16

    disturbing, so I didnt want to, when you handed them over17

    to me yesterday, I wasnt going to look at them. I was18

    very surprised that mom was taking these pictures. Youve19

    indicated that she--that she took--only took them in--in20

    conjunction with care and treatment.21

    Well, theres several pictures of here where22

    theres no rash and why would she take a picture then?23

    All right, so I--I--Im not finding that a--24

    MR. GIOVANNI: I can--I can answer that25

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    question, your Honor.1

    THE COURT: No. Im--Im not--Im done with2

    hearing from the parties. I dont believe they were taken3

    in--just in view of--of treatment, I dont believe,


    considering the age of the child, that he was completely5

    unaware of this. As a parent and using my common sense,6

    it--it is, and I think the GAL reflected this in her7

    concerns, that knowing that the child has regressed now8

    from potty training, it is not out of the realm of9

    possibility that it could be because he is inspected every10

    time he comes to his moms house and every time he leaves11

    moms house in a way that, to me, just cannot be12

    unavoidable that this child thinks is normal.13

    Or if he does think its normal, it certainly14

    could be a big reason why--exacerbate his stress over15

    this. I think it is--I think it is an immediate threat to16

    his emotional--that can cause him immediate emotional harm17

    to this child. I--I also found it interesting in your18

    pleadings that you indicated that plaintiff anticipated19

    that she would be taken back to Court at some point by20

    defendant in retaliation to the divorce; thus, plaintiff21

    believed it was necessary to document the minor childs22

    condition so that she could respond to anticipated23


    This is completely for her protection, not in25

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    the best interests of the child. So, shes anticipating1

    she might be accused of something so shes going to put2

    this child through taking these pictures, which I didnt3

    look at until right now. I am more than concerned that4

    they were taken. I am more than concerned that they have5

    been taken for some time. I am more than concerned that6

    theyre sitting on her phone somewhere. Im concerned7

    about that.8

    If she felt that this child, you know, theres9

    lots of protections in this case for Ms. Moore. She has a10

    GAL. She--if she is concerned about that, and for11

    whatever reason, she didnt want to go to CPS, she could12

    have contacted the GAL. GAL would have been able to give13

    her advice and counsel on how to proceed from that. The14

    GAL is very versed in this and she was put into place so15

    that Ms. Moore, Im sorry, Ms. Song would have a voice to16

    speak to that wasnt her husband. And she has failed to17

    do that.18

    She did not raise--you know, we did have the19

    pediatrician here. We did have the CPS workers here. We20

    had our GAL here. Theyre all telling us, this is a21

    surprise to them that mom is taking these pictures. I22

    think there is an impact on this child. I am very23

    concerned. I think it is more than--at best, it is very24

    poor judgment in my opinion. It is, at best, very poor25

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    I am going to suspend parenting time until the2

    completion of this trial. If she wants to set up3

    supervised parenting time, she can work with the GAL to do4

    that and whatever is satisfactory with respect to5

    supervised parenting time--whatever is satisfactory to the6

    GAL with respect to supervised parenting time, I will7


    I do not want the child to be told that he is9

    not seeing his mom in the same--in the same manner. I10

    dont want anything negative said about mom about why11

    theres a change in this right now. Its--I mean, youll12

    have to consult with the GAL as to best approach that, but13

    I dont want any negative com--any negative comments to be14

    heard by this child as to why were changing this.15

    And I would counsel your client about where16

    these pictures are and how theyre protected. I am not17

    going to allow these pictures to be made part of the18

    record. I dont want any additionalcopies made of these19

    pictures. I would prefer that the pictures be only in the20

    possession of counsel at this point and we will keep ours21

    in possession of ours. And well continue with hearing22

    next Friday. Does anyone have any--23

    MS. LONG: Ill prepare an order, Judge.24

    MR. GIOVANNI: May I approach with counsel?25

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    I certify that this transcript is a true and accuratetranscription to the best of my ability of the proceeding in

    this case before the Honorable Lisa Langton, as recorded by the


    Proceedings were recorded and provided to this

    transcriptionist by the Circuit Court and this certified

    reporter accepts no responsibility for any events that occurred

    during the above proceedings, for any inaudible and/or

    indiscernible responses by any person or party involved in the

    proceeding or for the content of the recording provided.

    Dated: August 9, 2015

    ___/S/ Krista S. Michels____________

    Krista S. Michels, CER #8490