Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1

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  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1






    88tu jam .Uma belas mink


    1. K ertas soa lan in ; ado lah dalam dw ibahasa .2 . Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris m endahuJu i soalan yang sep ada n do l am b ah asa M ela yu.3 . C alon d ikehenda ld m em baca m aklum at d i ha lam an bela lrang kertas so ala n in i.

    Di se d ia k an o le h :AKRAM NEG ER ! TER EN CruA NU

    Dibt ay a i o le h :K ERAJA AN N EG ER ! TE RE NGGANU

    Dengan Kp.ri,(1

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 2

    MATHEMATICAL FORMULAERUMUS MATBMA TIKThe f ollow ing f ormula e may be h elp fu l in an swe rin g th e q ue atio ns . The symbols g iv en a reth e ones c ommonly used .Rwma"nRm18 berlkllt boleh membantu ado num jawabsO fIUm . S imbo l- simbo l yang diberitulDlah yang bkl8a dtp1lllkan.

    2 a +a " = al l t -1l

    4 ,.4-1 = = 1 ( d - O J .ad-be -c a5 Distance I Jar"

    =~(~ - X t ) 2 + t v : a _ ' 1 ) 26 Midpoint I7itik tengah

    (x ,y)= (x . ~ ~ '1 ; 12)7

    A ~ =distance travelledvemge cat-- t ime ta tenIWata Ill'. = = jarak yang dUa lu ;

    ! I I I 1IIQ8fl ytIIIg t l iambtlMean = = sum o f d atanumber of dataMin = hasi l t ambah n il ai da ta

    bi1tmgan data


    RELATIONSPERKAITAN10 Pythagoras TheoremTeorem Pi thagoraac 2 = a 2 + 1 i l

    11 P{A } =tl.812 P ( A ' ) : = 1 - P { A }13 m,;; 12 - ,.~ - X t

    m = = _ y -intercept14 x-interceptm ,;; - pIntostm ..y

    pinta MJn - x

    Mean = = sum of (c tassmark x frequency)sum of f requenc ies. _luuil t ambah ( l l i l t z i titik t engah kelas.x~Mm - basi l t amba l t kd:erapan



  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 3 144911

    SH APES AND SPA.CEBBNTUK DAN ]lUANG1 1Area of trapezium = = 2 x sum of parallel sid es x height

    1LUlU trape zium = = 2 ' x hail tambah d fU l8 i 8 i 8 e la ri x tinggi2 Circumference of c ir c le II; ' / C d = = 2KI'L ilita n Im la ta n = = ' lCd = = 2rej

    Area of c ir c le = = arLUlU bulatan = aJCurve d s urf ac e a re a o f c y lin de r II; l tcI ' l lLfUl8 permuka tm ",./engkung 8i1inder = = 2fr.jtSurfa ce are a o f s phere = 4 'IC,2LUlU p erm" ka tz n a /e ra = 4'ICjlVolume o f right prism = = c ro ss sec tio nal area x le tlJlh!s ip ad " p ris m a tegale = illllS k era ta n r en kU x panjangVolumeofcylinder= Kilh18ipad.8il inder = = . . . p t






    8 1Vo lume o f cone = = 3 xilh118ipadu kon = = - . . . / 1 . t3

    4Vo lume o f sphere = 3 ar3418 ip ad " s fe ra = = 3 'lCj3

    10 Vo lume o f right pyramid = = !x base area x height9

    1Istpad. pil 'amid tegol = = 3 " x lu a tapak x tinggi11 Sum of interior angles o f a p oly go a

    H ail tom bah audu t peJa lam an poJ igon= (, ,-2) x 1800

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    suut 4 14491112 altt~ . .. ~ofcitcte = = ane,su~at~3&)0

    Jj (JWtJ1l '~W = = 8 f I d t d . .J t 4 f 4 Ililitllll ~ 360.. of sector

    13 ana of circle= angle .BUbtcnded at ceatre

    360l, ,~ # ktq r. :: I t I t : I u t P H I P t1_l: f t I tatan 360P A '14 Scale '_tot,I e = = P A

    , . P A .tFal tt or ak tl la , It = = P A15 A t e a of iiDage. t J . ) ( aHa of objectt"d, 'me} = = k : 1 . ) ( l u tlS obJek

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 5

    1 Find the value of (7+1.03)xO.16 and round of f t h e answ er ~ toth ree signifi~figures.Carl nUai (7 +1 .0 3) x 0 .1 6 dan b un tJ arka n jaw apa n b etul k ePQ dtztig a ang ka be r i.A 1.08B L087C L088D 1.09

    2 Expre ss 1 0 34 x 10 -sas $. single numberUnglropkan 1-034 x 10 o S .seb ag ai sa tu no mb or h mgg aiA 0-000001 034B ().OOO010 34C 10340D 1034 00

    3 0.0079-7.5>

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 6 1449/1

    5 State th e v alue of th e digit 4 inthe number 23415 inbase ten.N ya ta ka n n ila i b a g ; digi t 4 d ala m n om b or 23415 dalam a sa s s ep u lu h .A 16B 20C 40D 75

    6 Giventhat 11011 2 -X2 =11012 thenX=Diberi bahawa 11011z -Xz=1l012 makaX=A 11102B n012c 11002D 10012

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    SULIT 7 1449/1

    Dalom Rajah 1, PQwnr lIe~ pmklgon !le km aQR$W la Ia iJ sel:n ta h 8 eg iem p a tdan PQ R iaIalt luros .T

    Find th eCtIri nilai %A lOSBC 1 4 4 -D 162

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SUUT 8

    8 In .Diagram 2 , ABF is an equilateral t riangle an d AFE is a s tra ight t in e.Dala m R aja h 2, ABF la lah segitiga sam a sisi dan AF E lalah garis lurus.


    A B

    Diagr am 2Rajah 2F in d th e v alue o f xCarikarl nitai xA 4 0B 4 5C 50D 60



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    SULIT 9 1449/1

    9 In Diagram 3, PQR is a tangent to th e c ir cle at th e point Q. QST is a n iso sc ele s tria ng le .Dalam R aja h 3, PQ R ialah tangen kepada bula tan pada titik Q. Q ST ia la h seg itig a so mak a J d .


    D iagram 3RaJah 3

    Find the value of xC ari/a :m n ila t xA 47B 59C 62D 7 4


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 10

    10 Diagram 4 shows two ~ P a n d a dnlwnon square grids, Q the ~ of P1 J I l d e r an enlargement.R o J a h 4 memmjuk:la:m dtm lnIah .miempal. P dan a dilulris pmJa grid ,egi emptZt 8QmtL Qi a I D h Ime) b 4 g I . P d i b a w a h stIIZh.4pembeaanm.

    Diqram4Rqiah4Find tJ e aure an d tJ e scale factor ofthe enlargement


    Centre .0{enlargmnentPwfJt Pembesan;m

    &aJefactorFddor s/t;alaA (2, 1)

    (2, 2) 2c (2. 1) 2(2, 0)


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 11

    11 Diagram 5 shows f ive t riangles P, A, B , C and D d rawn on square g rids .R aja h S m emm ju kk an lim a buah s eg it ig a P , A, B , C dan Dd il ul ds pado. gr id segi empa tsoma.

    i\V ,~t i l !./ B r \

    J 0J if/c'\ D A V" "./,~ - r

    DiagramSRajah SAmong the t ri angles A, B , C an d D t which is th e image of triangle P under th e rotat ion of1800 about th e centre O.Antara segi ti ga A, B , C dan D ,ya ng m a na ka h m er up ak an im ej bag ; s eg itig a P d i b aw ahputaran 1800poda pwat O.


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    12 1449/1

    12 Which oftbe graphs represents Pal10f1:be grap h Y =cos~.GrqfmanoJr:oh yang mewaldl i sebu;lg ian drJr{pada grqf y = k()s ~ .A y






    D y1


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 13

    13 InDiagram 6, point Jand point K lie on the are of" uni t circle with cent re O.DaJam Rajah 6.titlkJ dan titlkK terldak di ata& lengIwk 1Whl . /ndatonuni t w p u a a t 0,




    Find th e v alu e o f sin ql) ... co s po

    A 1.75B 1.38C 1 . 2 6D 0.99

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 15 1449/1

    15 Diagram 8 s h o w s abui ld ing PQ , R is a p oin t on t h e hor lz tmtal ~ 1lIe height ofth ebuilding is SO IlL



    D iagram 8RajahS

    The qlc ofelevationofP ftom R is 4tf. calculate the ~ in m, of tile building P Ofrom point R.Sudut dongaktmP dor i R ta la h 4tf, Hitrmglamjarak. . t1alam banpnan PQ dar i tItik R.A 124.46B 104.43C 95,34D 61.13

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 16 1449/116 D iagram 9 sh ow s a p ole JK. K. L and M are lie on a horizontal plane.

    Rajah 9 m en un ju lc ka n seb ata ng tia ng J K. 1( , L dan M terle tak d i atm s a rah meng tf uk .J


    K L 7m M

    Diagram 9Rajah 9Given that th e ang le o f dep re ss ion o f L from J is 4 2 . F in d th e an gle o f elev atio n o fJfromM.D iberi bahaw a sudu t tunduk L dari J latah 42 . Ca ri su du t d on ga ka n J dar i M.A 2923'B 3114'C 4759'D 5845'

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 1818 In.Diagmm 11, N is th e N orth Pole antiS is tbeSoutb Pole. NOS is 1 b c axis of th e earth a : n dPQ is th e diatlleter o f th e parallel oflatitude.

    DaJam Ra j ah 11 , U iaIah KutfIb r l tar4 dan S iaIah KutfIb &la tmL UDS IQ/Qhpt .lbJ bumJdan P O ialah diameter sdarltm ~NIU

    A (4ooN J 12006)( 4 C J O U . 120T)

    B (4QON , 600B)(400U, 6ooT)C (SOON, 60 B)(SOoU. 600T)D (SOON. 1200B)(SOOU,12ooT)


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 19 1449/119 2pCp -3) +(2 _1')2

    A 3r-1Op+4B 31'2+10,+4C 31'2+21'-4D 3p2-21'-4

    20 Bxpress _ !_ - : 3p-l t u a single fraction inits simplest form.3p 4

    A 9p"+3p+'12p-9r-lp+'






    :11 Oiveo that .1 _ -!!_ ~ 3" t express m interms of:n.3m m5 nDibel'i b a h m w : t - - - l 1 l i : 3n~~m dalomsebuttm n.3m m

    A 9nm=--5-3n5-3"m=- ..........9 1 19m=-3,,-5




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    SULIT 20 1449/1

    22 Gi.venthat 1-3!=6-2(3-x}, find th e value of x.3Dlber l bahawa 1-2x -6-2(3-x)~ carl nl1aix .3

    : 3A --8

    8B 33

    C -88D : 3

    23 Given that (iJ x 27 =:3 ~find th e valueofn.Dlber l bahawa ( iJ x 27 - 3 ~ car l nJlf1i n .A 1B 2CD ..2

    24 Simplify ( 3 x - 3) , j x 1: 3RJngkoabm { 3 x " ' y ' j ) i t !AB x3,C 3,r-3yD :h'y

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 21 1449/1

    H Which number tm e r e p r e s e m s the s o l U C i o o s Orb simu1taDeouslinear inequalities3(k-l)~k+l and 31_1:

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 22 1449/1

    26 In Diagram 12, the pie chart shows the amount of sale of bus tickets fur four months.Dalam R aja h 12 , carta pai m e nu nju kk an jum la h ju ala n t z 1 r e t baa untuk em pat bulan .

    December September


    Diagram. 12Rajah 12The total sale is RM 9 000. Calculate the am ount, inRM, o f s al es inS ep temb er a ndNovember.J um la h ju ala n ialah RM 9 000. Hitung jum la h ju alan , dalam RM, bag; bulanSeptember dan November .A 2600B 2860C 2900D 3250

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 23

    27 Table 1 shows the marks obtained by a group of students in a Ma th ema ti cs quiz.Ja du all m en un ju lrk an m ark ah y an g riip ero le hi o le h se ku mP uz an p elqja r ria la m ku izMatematik .

    Marks 20 30 40 50 60MarkahNumber of students 18 12 13 15Bil angan pe l4 ja r x

    Table 1JaduallIfthe total num ber of students is 65 , find th e m ean.J ika ju mla h p ela ja r a da la h 65 , c art m in .

    A 6B 18C 40D 58

    28 Which graph represents y = = -(x+1 ) 2 ?Grafyang 1 1 1 a . i 1 t l k a h mewakili y = = -{x +1)2 7

    A B

    0 1 x

    C y D y1

    x x


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 2429 Diagram 13 is a Ven n diagram sh ow ing th e num ber of elem ents of th e univesal set ~ set

    P and set Q .Rbjah 13 ia lah gam bar rajah V enn yang m enunjukkan bilangan um ur bagt set sem esta ~ se t P dan se t Q . ~ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .


    D iagram 1 3Rbjah 13Given that n(Q) =n(P nQ)'Find th e value of xDiberi bahawa n(Q) =n(P nQ)'CarinilaixA 2B 3C 4D 5

    30 It is giv en t ha t t he universal set~ = { x : 2 S x S 20, x is a n in te ger} .se t P = = {x : x is a factor of 24} and set Q ={x : x is a p rim e number},Find n (P 'nQ)D ibert bahaw a set sem esta ~ ::::{x : 2 s : x s : 20 , x ia la h in teg er},set P =:; {x : X ialah fa kto r b ag i 24} d an set Q = = { x :x fa lah n om bo r p erd an a }.Cart n (P'nQ)A 4B 5C 6D 7


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 25 1449/1

    31 D iagram 14 is a V enn diagram w hieh sh ow s se t X , set Y and set Z.T he area w hic h rep resents th e set (X nY )' n z t isRajah 14 ta la h g am ba r rqjah V en n y an g m en un ju kka n set X, se t Y dan se t Z.Kawasa yang m ew akili se t (X nY )' nZ' adalan

    Diagram 14Rajah 14A IT,IVB amc LITD Lm

    32 InD iagram 15, PR is a straight line with th e e qu atio n o f 3x + By = 15 .Dala m R aja h 15 , PR la lah garis lurus dengan persamaan 3x +8y = 15 .y

    D iagram 15Rajah 15F in d th e x -in terc ep t o f straigh t line PR.C ari p in ta sa n-x b ag ; garb lu ru s PRoA 15, 8B 5C (5,0)D (0,1:)

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 26 1449/133 InD iagram 16, MN is a s tr aigh t line.Dala m R aja h 16 , MN i al ah g a ri s lurus.


    D iagram 16Rajah 16The g radi en t o f s tr ai gh t line MN isK ecerunan garis lurw M N ialahA 12-5B 512C 712D 18

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 27

    34 There are 20 science books. some sports and fictions books on a book rack. Ifa book ischosen at random ftom th e book rack, the probability of choosing a science book is 2 and7the probability of choosing a sports book is _ ! _ . Find the total number of books on th e book7rack.Terdapat 20 buah buku sains, beberapa buah buku sukan dan f lk syen alas suatu ra le buJeu,Jika sebuah buku dip ilih secara raw ale dar ipada l ' a I e b uk u t er se bu t, k eb ar an gk al ia nmemil ih buku sa ins ia lah ~ dan kebarangkalian m em ilih buku sukan ia lah _ ! _ . Car l7 7j umlah buku alas rak buku tersebut.A 20B 40C 70D 140

    35 A factory produced 800 bulbs a day. The probability that a bulb produced is not ingoodc ond itio n is _2_ . From a production of 16 000 bulbs, find the number of bulbs th at are400expected to be not in good c ondition.S eb ua h k fla ng m e ng ha silk an 800 uni t m ento l sehan . K ebarangkaltan bahaw a sebuahm e nto l y an g d ih as ilk an it u r o sa k . i al ah 2_ .Dari pa da p eng e lu a ra n 16 00 0 me nto l, c ar l

    4 00b ila ng an men to l yang d ij an gk ak an r os ak .A 3B 6C 120D 8000


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 28

    36 The r el ati on b etween J, X and Y is J OC X l l ' I y " wher.e Tn and n are integers. IfJ variesdirectly as th e sq ua re of X an d v ari es in ve rs ely a s t h e c ub e o f. Y . state the value of m anda,H ub un ga n a nta ra J, X dan Y iaJah J o c X I l ' I Y " dengan m dan n ia la h in te ge r. Jika Jberubah sBcara la ng s un g m e ng ik ut kuasa dua X dan secara s on gs an g m e ng ik ut kuasa rigay . nya takan n ila i m dan n .A m=2 , n= - 3B m=2 , n=3C m= -3 , n ;;:2D m=3 . n=2

    37 Given that Q v aries d irec tly as th e sq uare of u and v arie s in vers ely a s w and Q = 18when 1 4 " . 3 an d w = 4.Express Q int e rms of 1 4 an d w.D ib eri b ah aw a Q berubah secara langsung dengan kuasa dua u dan herubah secaras on g sa ng d en ga n w dan Q : : ; : ; 18 a pa hila u =3 dan w = = 4 .Ungkapkan Q da lam sebu tan u da n w.

    A 8u2Q=-Wu2Q=8w12u2Q=--W


    CD u2Q=-12w


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 29 144911

    N S IIy 81 100, . , 3 . .

    Tab le 1JadNal lA S-3B

    25-6C 15D 75-2 .

    39 01_ G ~ ) ( ; H ~ 2 : linddw~~ofp.D I h e r i ( ~ ~)(;)=(~~}nI~ip.A P = =B p" 7C P =-4

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 30 1449/1

    40 ( ! - 1 ) + 2 ( 3 - 2 ) ~-1 1 -1A ( ~ 1_ 2 )B ( : - 5 )-3c ( ~ 1_ 4 3 )D ( ~ 1- 5 )-I


  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 31 1449/1

  • 8/4/2019 Trial Mate Spm Terengganu 2011 Paper 1


    SULIT 32 1449/1


    L This question paper eonsilts of 41 questions.hrta, IOQUI"''' ' m.",al f tbtngt 48 l oa lan .

    2. Anawer all qustions.Jawa6 ..... ,oala".

    3. Bach question is followed by four altemative answers. At B. C or D. For eachquestion. choose one ID lwe r only . BIlleten y ou r a nswe r on the IDIwersheet provided.TIop- t Iap IOQlan dilbll 0 1 , , , smpatpilfhan jawtlplm, tattu A. B~C dan D. Bagta,nap ,oalan. pililt .tIIawClpfm aalrllja. Hitammn jawaptIJI antia pada krta,Jawaparl obj.k:lf/yang d iaed la iam . .

    4. Ifyoo w ilh to c huge y our IlbSw er.erueth e blackened mark that you have made.Then billekeu the new ID Iw er.Jt/ta a"da h'nda./t m,,,.ltar Jaw.pan, padamltan 'anda yang lelah dlb.a'.K .m fld Um h lta m lta n Jawtzptm yang barII.

    S. The diqrama in th e qustions provided are not drawn to scal.e unless stated.Rqjah ) 't1I1Igmengir lngf 'OQUIn tldak dil .m m."gib, ,leala/tee.all dinytltairm.

    6. A Ult of fOl1'llWaei.rov ided . on PIleI 2 to 4 ..Sat. " " "r a' r IIm llltll,e d la iam til halaman2 hingga4.

    7. A booklet offour-fiaure mathematical table. is provided.S,buah bub aiftr ma".atti: ,mpa'an,m dll,dlagn.

    a . Y ou may ue a non-p rogrammab le acientif ic c alcula to r.Jnda dt6.Mrgn m,ngpnaktm Italblato1'lainlijik yang tidolt bol," diprogram.