Tuelo Primary Poultry

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  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry




     TUELO PRIMARYEmail: [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    ContentsEXECUTIE !UMMARY................................................................................................."

    Po#lt$% &a$m Ob'ecti(es...........................................................................................)

    Po#lt$% &a$m Mission................................................................................................ )

    O#$ *e%s to s#ccess.................................................................................................)

    COMPA+Y !UMMARY...................................................................................................)

    Com,an% Owne$shi,...............................................................................................)

    Location an- &acilities..............................................................................................

    Contact In&o$mation.................................................................................................

    In-#st$% Anal%sis.....................................................................................................

    Challen/es &acin/ the ,o#lt$% in-#st$%....................................................................0

    !TART1UP !UMMARY....................................................................................................0

    Po#lt$% &a$m sta$t#, costs.......................................................................................2POULTRY 3ARM PRO4UCT!.........................................................................................2

    P$o-#ct -esc$i,tion..................................................................................................2

    3#t#$e ,$o-#cts....................................................................................................... 5

    !e$(ice 4esc$i,tion................................................................................................. 5

    3#t#$e se$(ices........................................................................................................5

    PRO4UCTIO+ !UMMARY.............................................................................................5

    P$o-#ction ,lan....................................................................................................... 5

    P$o-#ction costs...................................................................................................... 5

    P$o-#ction labo$...................................................................................................... 6

    Cost o& labo$......................................................................................................... 6

    P$o-#ction ,$ocess.................................................................................................. 6

    P$o-#ction s%stems.................................................................................................6

    MAR7ET A+ALY!I! !UMMARY..................................................................................... 8

    Ma$*et se/mentation.............................................................................................. 8

     Ta$/et ma$*et se/ment st$ate/%.............................................................................8

    Ma$*et t$en-s........................................................................................................ 9

    Com,etition...........................................................................................................9;#siness com,etiti(e e-/e....................................................................................99

    Ma$*etin/ st$ate/%................................................................................................99

    P$icin/ an- P$omotion st$ate/%.............................................................................99

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    MA+A>EME+T !UMMARY..........................................................................................9"

    Mana/ement team................................................................................................ 9"

    O$/anizational st$#ct#$e........................................................................................9"


    I+TER+AL E+IRO+ME+TAL A+ALY!I!..................................................................9)!

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    EXECUTIE !UMMARY TUELO PRIMARY CO1OPORATIE ,o#lt$% is a &a$m &oc#se- on both e// an-

    meat ,$o-#ction that ,$o(i-es &o$ a la$/e ma$*et $an/e mainl% &o$ townshi,

    c#stome$. It also ,$o-#ces man#$e as a b%1,$o-#ct &o$ othe$ ,$o-#cts c$o,s

    that we will be ,lantin/ Bmaize s#n?owe$D. It is base- in... The &o#n-e$sha(e notice- the health im,lication o& $e- meat >MO &oo-s an- eF,ensi(e

    so#$ce o& ,$otein that $the$ ma*es the ,eo,leGs li(es e(en ha$-e$.

     The b#siness is to meet the inc$ease- -eman- &o$ white meat an- e//s.

    Chic*ens ha,,en to be a /$eat so#$ce o& white meat an- a$e also la$/el%

    *nown &o$ e// ,$o-#ction.

    +ot onl% a$e the &o#n-e$s inte$este- in meetin/ the -eman-s o& the

    c#stome$ we also ,lan to c$eate #tmost satis&action &o$ these c#stome$s.

     The &o#n-e$s also want to #se this b#siness as a means o& c$eatin/

    em,lo%ment within the comm#nit% it is base- in an- to cont$ib#te to the

    econom% o& the co#nt$%.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    an- othe$ miscellaneo#s tas*s. 3i&t% ,e$cent /$oss ma$/in is eF,ecte- within

    2 months o& its o,e$ations withhol-in/ the chances o& an% acci-ental o$

    #neF,ecte- inci-ence an- we ho,e to obtain the b$ea*e(en ,oint within

    " %ea$s.

    MOD an- most h%/ienic,o#lt$% ,$o-#ce$ in the a$ea com,l%in/ b% the national stan-a$-s &o$&oo- an- -$#/s.

     T#$n in ,$oKts &$om the K$st siF months o& o,e$ations. Maintain 0N /$oss ma$/in $atio.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry



    Com,an% Owne$shi, TUELO PRIMARY CO1OPORATIE ,o#lt$% is owne- b% K(e ,e$sonGs

    coo,e$ati(e an- ;EE. The% a$e namel% It is a ,a$tne$shi, an- each ,e$son

    has an eH#al sha$e in the b#siness an- is also eH#all% liable &o$ an% b#siness

    -ebts o$ claims.

    Location an- &acilitiesAt this ,oint in the b#siness we -onGt ha(e an eFact ,oint %et b#t we ha(e

    na$$owe- the location -own to Motetimmotwanen/ M,#malan/a an- o#tsi-e


  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    -ist$ib#te- in ?%e$s an- in the means we ma$*et o#$ b#siness as o#$ contact


    In-#st$% Anal%sisPo#lt$% in-#st$% in the last %ea$s has shown -$amatic chan/es in both

    -omestics an- inte$national en(i$onments. Those en(i$onmental &o$ces

    incl#-e a$e classiKe- into " cate/o$ies: the inte$nal &o$ces an- eFte$nal

    &o$ces. Inte$nal an- eFte$nal &o$ces incl#-e:

    9. Po#lt$% in-#st$% com,etito$s:

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    4iseases: Pne#monia an- othe$ mino$ -iseases a$e amon/ ,$oblems &ace-

    b% ,o#lt$% &a$me$s b#t this ,$oblem can be sol(e- b% see*in/ a (ete$ina$%

    -octo$ an- Tshwane small b#siness /$ants.

    !TART1UP !UMMARYO#$ b#siness has sta$t#, cost an- we will nee- a ban* acco#nt we chose o#$

    ban* to be 3+; beca#se o& its sma$t se$(ices an- aJo$-abilit%. This section o& 

    the ,lan shows ,$o'ecte- sta$t#, costs ,$io$ to o#$ o,enin/.

    !ta$t1#, eF,enses &o$ TUELO PRIMARY CO1OPORATIE ,o#lt$% incl#-e

    initial ins#$ance ,a%ments co(e$in/ both /ene$al liabilit% an- ,$o-#ct

    liabilit% ,$e1la#nch ma$*etin/ to co(e$ ?%e$s a -i$ect mail cam,ai/n an-a-(e$tisements in local ,a,e$s the -e(elo,ment o& a website &o$ c#stome$

    inte$action an- the no$mal le/al eF,enses &o$ cons#ltation an- ,e$mittin/.

    Othe$ c#$$ent assets incl#-e oce an- sto$e $nit#$e shel(in/ a com,#te$

    ,hone s%stem an- tools. Lon/1te$m assets incl#-e the com,#te$ ,$inte$s

    -eli(e$% (an.

    Po#lt$% &a$m sta$t#, costs

    Items Costs

    Business cards 2000

    Printer 20000

    Leaflets 1000

    Blank invoices 2000

    Computers 50000

    Internet 50000

    Insurance 50000Land 800000

    Building 200000

    Advertising / marketing 10000

    t!ers 50000

    "otal 12#5000


  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    $%uipment&s Cost

    'eeders and drinkers 8000

    Crates 15000

    Lig!ting s(stem 50000

    $gg tra( 5000

    Cages #00000t!ers 100000

    "otal e%uipment )*8000


    P$o-#ct -esc$i,tion

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    3#t#$e se$(icesIn the t#$e we ,lan on bein/ a ma'o$ s#,,lie$ to local small b#siness an-

    ,eo,le. In the t#$e i& this b#siness /ets la$/e eno#/h we wo#l- also li*e to

    b#il- o#$ own ba*e$%. A ma'o$ in/$e-ient in most ba*e- /oo-s is e//s an- we

    will be n-in/ that th$o#/h the ,o#lt$%.


    P$o-#ction ,lanIn o#$ ,o#lt$% we a$e ,lannin/ to *ee, o(e$ 0 chic*ens &o$ meat an- #,

    to 0 chic*ens &o$ e//s. 3o$ 0 chic*ens &o$ e//s each chic*en is

    eF,ecte- to la% at least 9 e// ,e$ -a%. 3o$ the whole -a% 0 e//s will be

    ,$o-#ce-. 3o$ e(e$% ) months 0 a-#lt chic*ens will be sol-. O#$

    ,$o-#ction ta$/et is to $e-#ce cost o& ,$o-#ction b% at least "N in the neFt

    ) %ea$s.

    P$o-#ction costsO#$ KFe- costs incl#-e

    Ins#$ance ,a%ments co(e$in/ both /ene$al liabilit% an- ,$o-#ct


    Rent &o$ the com,an% $etail s,ace

    A$ea o& abo#t one ,lot will be allocate- &o$ the &a$mQ

    A ho#se will be $ente- &o$ the sto$a/e o& ,elletsQ

    Mate$ials &o$ oce an- sto$e $nit#$e shel(in/ a com,#te$ ,hone

    s%stem an- tools. Lon/1te$m assets incl#-in/ the $e&$i/e$ato$ #nit &o$ the sho, win-ow

    -is,la%s a $e&$i/e$ate- -eli(e$% (an.

     Raw mate$ials #se- incl#-e



  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


     Total sala$% 52

    Othe$s incl#-e the (ete$ina$% -octo$s -$i(e$s an- technician that we ,a% b%

    the ho#$.

    Labo$ in ,o#lt$% &a$ms a$e #s#all% #ns*ille- labo$e$s who ta*e ca$e o& the

    ,o#lt$% se$(ices /#a$- the chic*en an- its ,$o-#cts an- ma*e -eli(e$ies.

     Thei$ s*ills -iJe$ an- the% a$e mostl% tem,o$a$% labo$.

     The &oo- technicians ,$e,a$e balance- &o--e$ miFt#$es com,l%in/ with the

    &o--e$ concent$ate. Labo$ size in ,o#lt$% ,$o-#ction is #s#all% #nstable.

    P$o-#ction ,$ocess

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    bD 4ee, litte$ s%stem

    e$e hens a$e conKne- in a ho#se with ?oo$ s,ace o& 6 to 9 bi$-sm" to

    ens#$e &$ee mo(ement. The ?oo$ will be co(e$e- with a 0cm to 9cm -ee,litte$ o& /$ain h#s*s Bmaize o$ $iceD st$aw woo- sha(in/s o$ a simila$l%

    abso$bent Bb#t non1toFicD mate$ials. ThatGs wh% the$e is saw-#st in the

    b#-/et. A&te$ ol- litte$ has been $emo(e- o#t o& the ho#se the ?oo$ will be

    cleane- an- -isin&ecte-.

    MAR7ET A+ALY!I! !UMMARYMa$*et se/mentationAltho#/h in the !o#th A&$ican ,o,#lace the$e a$e a &ew taboos $eli/io#s o$

    c#lt#$al ,$actices that will ,$e(ent the cons#m,tion o& ,o#lt$% ,$o-#ce

    -#$in/ the ma$*et se/mentation we &o#n- o#t that nea$l% e(e$%bo-% eatse//s an- meat so we a$e ta$/etin/ the whole ma$*et in-i(i-#als homes

    an- K$ms that #se e//s an- chic*en in la$/e H#antities. !,eciKcall% the$e is

    a hi/h -eman- &o$ li(e chic*ens &o$ home cons#m,tion o$ as /i&ts -#$in/

    &esti(als li*e Ch$istmas Ei-1al1Kt$ +ew Yea$ Easte$ etc.


  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry







    Ma',et Se)me*tatio*

    otels an- $esta#$ants ;a*e$ies an- &oo- 'oints Retail sho,s

    omes In-i(i-#als Othe$s

     Ta$/et ma$*et se/ment st$ate/%In-i(i-#als a$e a small secto$ in the ma$*et se/mentation. The% a$e a ,$ett%

    la$/e /$o#, b#t the% b#% a $elati(el% small amo#nt o& e//s.

     The ,a$t o& the ma$*et that we ho,e to s#,,l% la$/e amo#nt o& e//s to a$e

    the in-#st$ies that nee- e//s.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    each section o& the ta$/et ma$*ets an- we ,lan on meetin/ these nee-s


    Ma$*et t$en-s

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    o$ &o$ /i&t in the time o& Ch$istmas +ew Yea$ Easte$ i-1el1Kt$i etc.

    $esta#$ants hotels an- s#,e$ma$*ets in !o#th A&$ica. The ,$o-#cts o&

    ,o#lt$% a$e also nee-e- in &ast &oo- b#siness which en/a/es in the sale o&

    ,$o-#cts li*e chic*en e//s b$onze etc. A&te$ ha(in/ a loo* an- anal%zin/

    this scena$io we -eci-e- to come in this in-#st$% to sol(e ,$oblem o&

    maln#t$ition in o#$ ,o,#lation. The$e&o$e to achie(e a b$ea*th$o#/h in o#$

    b#siness we will be #sin/ o#$ motto c#stome$ is the *in/.S This means that

    e(e$%thin/ we will be -oin/ is basicall% to satis&% the nee-s o& o#$ c#stome$s.

    ;#siness com,etiti(e e-/eO#$ st$en/th o(e$ its com,etito$s is K$stl% base- on the &act that we a$e not

    ente$in/ this b#siness to ma*e m#ch mone%.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    e//s. As we com,ete with othe$ ,o#lt$ies we will ,$omote o#$ ,$o-#cts

    th$o#/h a-(e$tisements with the ai- o& st$eame$s an- ,am,hlets.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry






    - MailaE!#,e$(iso$


    M.M MailaEP$o-#ctionMana/e$



    O$/anizational st$#ct#$e


    A,a$t &$om the mana/ement team othe$ ,e$sonnel incl#-e




    &oo- technician

    ete$ina$% -octo$



  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


     The$e a$e 0 cleane$s " sec#$ities 9 technician " &oo- technicians an-

    a (ete$ina$% -octo$. The$e is also a -$i(e$ to ma*e the -eli(e$%

    se$(ices. EFce,t &$om the (ete$ina$% -octo$ the ,e$sonnel a$e on a

    monthl% ,a%$oll an- a$e all in a sho$t time cont$act with the ,o#lt$%.


  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


     Th$eat o& im,o$t o& &$ozen chic*en

    EXTER+AL E+IRO+ME+TAL A+ALY!I!!ocio1c#lt#$al  Eatin/ habits o& o#$ cons#me$s will -eKnitel% aJect o#$

    b#siness. Also the s#ccess o& $esta#$ants an- othe$ K$ms that o$-e$ o#$

    ,$o-#cts will in-i$ectl% aJect o#$ b#siness.

     Technolo/ical 1 A /oo- technical in&$ast$#ct#$e wo#l- lea- to bette$

    ,$o-#ction an- hence lowe$ costs. Technolo/% will also mean mo$e eJecti(e

    b#siness ma$*etin/.

    Economic  economic t$en-s s#ch as -eman- an- s#,,l% will -ete$mine the

    s#stenance an- ,$oKtabilit% o& the b#siness. Also in?ation $ates will aJect the

    wa% we ,a% o#$ em,lo%ees an- the ,$ice o& the ,$o-#ct.

    Political  this will incl#-e /o(e$nment ,olicies conce$nin/ ins,ection b% the

    minist$% o& health an- o$/anizations li*e +A34AC.

    3I+A+CIAL PLA+In e(e$% ,$o'ect &o#n-.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    E//s sales 0"8" 0"8" 2)5"

    3e$tilize$s 92 92 0

     Total income 9)52 9)52 99952


    3ee- "2 "2 "55"

    4a% ol- chic*en ,#$chase 2 2 29

    La%in/ e//s chic*en ,#$chase )50 )50


    Ins#$ance 0 0 0

    Lon/ te$m assets 929 9

    Inte$net 0 0 0

    Labo$ 89" 89" 8

    ;#siness ca$- " " "

    A-(e$tisement 9 9 90

    Othe$ eF,enses 9 " 9"

     Total eF,enses 5" 05)8 898

    +et income be&o$e taF )2852 "62 2"05

     TaFes )5852 )5852


    Cons#ltant 2 2 2

    4e,$eciation 86) 86)


    +et income "2269 )"029 0""59

    In the thi$- %ea$ we a$e ,lannin/ to $aise 9 a--itions ,oint1o& la% chic*ens.

     This will ma*e o#$ income to $ise as well as the cost o& &ee- an- POL chic*en

    to inc$ease. The total income will $ise &$om 9)52 to 99952.

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    amo#nt comes &$om the eH#i,mentGs that a$e eF,ectin/ to be sol- a&te$ a

    ce$tain ,e$io- o& time.

    Cash ?ow anal%sis

    +o   Pa$tic#la$s Yea$ 9 Yea$ " Yea$ )

    I Costs:9 Ca,ital cost ) " Rec#$$in/ Costs:a Lan- an- b#il-in/ 929 b Cost o& chic*s 850 850 860c Cost o& &ee- "2 "2 "55"- Ins#$ance 0 0 0e Labo$ 89" 89" 8& inte$net 0 0 0/ ;#siness ca$- " " "

    h A-(e$tisin/ 9 9 90i cons#ltanc% 2 2 2 ' Othe$ eF,ense 9 " 9"

     Total 5" 05)8 898beneKts

    ) !ale o& man#$e 92 92 0 !ale o& e//s 0"8" 0"8" 2)5"0 !ale o& li(e chic*ens 5 5 502 4e,$eciate- (al#e o&a Ca/es "06 "06 "06b Com,#te$ an- ,$inte$ 2) 2) 2)

    c Othe$ eH#i,ment 992 992 992- b#il-in/ 2 2 25 taF )5852 )5852 )5852

     Total beneKt "2269 )"029 0""59 TaF to be ,ai- is 9N o& the net ,$oKt. 4e,$eciation on ca/es is 6.)N o& the mone%

    we bo#/ht them. 4e,$eciation on com,#te$ an- ,$inte$s is 8."N o& the mone% we

    ,#$chase- them. 4e,$eciation on b#il-in/ is )N o& the mone% #se- to b#il-.

    4e,$eciation on othe$ eH#i,ment is 90N o& the mone% we ,#$chase- them.

    Reco$-s mana/ement

    As to $eco$-s mana/ement each ,$o'ect will ha(e a $eco$- boo* on whichin&o$mation on the n#mbe$ o& stoc*e- li(e bi$-s sla#/hte$e- an- -eaths a$e

    $eco$-e-. Reco$- *ee,in/ will hel, #s to b#-/et acc#$atel% an- ma*e

    in&o$me- -ecisions abo#t the ,o#lt$%. The $eco$-s will contain in&o$mation

    s#ch as

    All &ee-s cons#me- an- ,#$chase-


  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


    +#mbe$ o& hens ,#$chase-

    4eaths an- ca#ses

    accination an- othe$ (ete$ina$% $eH#isites eF,enses

    Labo$ an- othe$ (a$iable costs

    +#mbe$ o& e//s collecte- -ail%

    +#mbe$ o& e//s sol- an- #se- &o$ home cons#m,tion

    +#mbe$ o& e//s -ama/e- an-

  • 8/17/2019 Tuelo Primary Poultry


     Technolo/ical $is*s Technolo/% is /oo- b#t the% also ha(e thei$ -isa-(anta/es. The$e a$e

    no$mall% ,$oblems in(ol(e- in #sin/ technolo/%Q the #se o& the machine that

    collects e//s ma% &ail to wo$* o$ s,oil ma*in/ the wo$* slow an- a--in/

    mo$e cost to the b#siness b% $e,ai$in/ it. The cost &o$ elect$icit% is also not

    eas% an- some elect$ic ,$oblems can lea- to K$e o#t$a/e an- b#$n the

    b#il-in/ ca#sin/ the loss o& assets an- ,e$ha,s the enti$e b#siness.

    Contin/enc% ,lansAs we consi-e$e- these $is*s we ha(e also ma-e contin/enc% ,lans &o$

    #n,$ece-ente- e(ents o$ occ#$$ences. As ,e$ the health $is*s we will ha(e

    ,lans with a (ete$ina$% -octo$ that will ha(e $e/#la$ chec*#,s with the

    chic*ens while /i(in/ them the best en(i$onmental con-itions. Anothe$

    contin/enc% ,lan we will ma*e is ins#$ance that will ,$otect o#$ assets. One

    o& the $is*s we ha(e to &ace mentione- ea$lie$ the occ#$$ence o& a K$e

    o#t$a/e will be c#$be- b% ,lacin/ K$e eFtin/#ishe$s at st$ate/ic ,laces. An-

    in case o& Knancial c$ises we ma% ha(e to $eso$t to /ettin/ loans.

    "" = P a / e