DIRECTORY.] WILTSH IRE. MEL l\Sli AM. 169 P B.t.,.ATH Bou rt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n 'id, ronne.r. Lona - ( F T .N' t I' 1; r P riV' t Jl.owJe11 John, t nnr. St.. J ulian'11 fnrm farm . or . 'sec genera IS O 3 6 llroWJi $ydne.y P. £l'Ocer, &. pott Mau1ey John, ho.uhcr, Oh11pel l•ue Res.idenh ll'- (llid of l»ok.) office. TN StrattonSt..Margarc t. 47 1 \tors.c Chas. Cnrpeo tt.r&' . .\rm" P.Il Des Re" . Francis George Ver non M.A. C<1Uingl>orne :Oernard James, ftLrm er, Morse Sou th Mar.non Cm (vicar), 1'be Vicarage J.eoro f (l. nn Rawling. .\ rc.h. JtLOOb, farmer, Sharp11 J"r11nci!, Thorndtlle Collins Alan Oeo. farmer, Quarry fiir lJ\. 1' N Stratton St.Marga ret. '4 Sharps Mn . Yew Tree bo ua.e. Fem ta. rm l't\\·tN F. k Son, far m imple1nt.i\t. Tovey Normt\n, Gor.don Eddolb Ar&hur, Bll rton T"CJ?l"$ \·an de \Y eye.r Mtij. lhltes Gru:n.!lt.o11, farm J'r edk. b3ker, Chapel Ja Manor bou&e F1•ankJin G-eorge, £"rocer Sansuw 1'b.os. coal mer . Stb. Manton Williams Edgar, St.. Mary 's eonage Gort·on CbaTlef, farm er, Obw-cb frw Smilll Ry. !armer, Nigbting"o itaml Gee-n$'i'i'lly Arthu r, f armer.Home frrn Sut.t<>n Vivian, farmer, Mar$t.on farnl Greenaway William F111 nci11, furwer . 1'llling Jn. Carl'ien' Armis P. H Marked thu s 0 f ann 150 a.cN!s or over. Oxlea.ie farm Wilder n l• 'redk. Geo. fl&rmer, Ro0 Banwoll Cbu . f armer,li uni:s eoppico boro' farm &: Frior s F l)tle.r farm MARTIN, a ptarisl> ro r(llerly in )ViJtU.ire, wa$ by Loct'l ... ernment Board Provisioot\1 Order $ Confir ma· t·iOo (No. 12) Aet, 1895, trang!o,rr ed t.o Hampshire. ME LCBJ::T AllX. a pal'i!llt formeri)' in thill county, wa. transferred. t.o Ba tnp$hlf'il. by LoeaJ Go1 trnme.nt Ooord Pro .. 1$io:i.o.. I Orders Con.firmaiion (No. 12) .\ct. 1895. MEJ .i J{SHA1\1 is a market and count.y court town, the head ot a peuy seslliona.l division and civil paril!.b, and gi\"es il ·t n:1me to s rOJ'al dittrict; it bas n !ltation on the \ '1i lts. Somertet nnd Weyi:run 1tb branch or the Groat and is ioo m ilelJ (rom London, 30 z;ott.b•treu. $;tli.ibur-y, 6 north-east. from Bradford, .:; uort,b·east. from Tr<>wbridge, 7 west from Devites, 9f fr"Otn 14 north from \Yarm inuer, t>asli trow Bt1.tb, 7 !Oltfh from Chippen ham and 5 sout.sootb-eo.st. {t orn Cosbal.\'I , in \be d l."'bion of the co1.1nt1-. huodrcd or rul'$f deanery of Potterne (Bradford port,iort). or Witts 3ntl diO('E'Se of Salisbury. Durfog lite Saxon era t.hi.s was D place nf « nddcrabJe note; at the period of the Normnn survey 1:::;;.d for $C'l'(oNI} ,, 1 bsequent roigna it waa held io roya.I ::n1(1 ga,·t n:mie to an ex ten11ive. foresl. :01'11 4 on l11e maio road from Lond on throltgb Dev1T.e.s &th, ond contlilS prinelpaUy ot one !.treet nearly tt mile In ht11g lh; it w:u rroot 1878 under the oootrol of s Local noa 1 -d, bnt under th& provi111on11 of the L(lcPI Go-..·ernru.ent Act, i89.;. (S6 &. 51 Viet. e. 73) , )I , il r1ow fC"trned l)y An 0l'ban Di$trici Couneil : it is weH P'i""cd ('Ind with ;as by a oomrany, aod W \'11 .cppti ed wi&li water bv th& Trowbridge \Vater Compan\•; We bou.11e11 11.r(! bttilt. o'r soft £ree11t one. but are irNgu tarly placed. 'l'hc ri ver 4\"0n di'tidet l!1& town and is cro11.sed bv f./. band$ome bddgt: or C<1ur al·eh e ll , lii;:-ht and b•l u11lrAdel1. 'l 'he Wilh 1u1el canal pa!la.es 011 • l he Ba$t. of the town, uncl 31>out !f n,il e$ JIC>Uthwa.rd joins the Keon et :ind ...\von can::tl . b,11 i.s cot. no,,. gtj_gnble. Ooder lhe p1-ovi4ion$ or tl1e Local Govern1ucnl> Act, the 411<:-ient. paris h of l lelkl!ham wai;. bv J,.oc•l UO{lrd Order. No . 31,684. d11tid 3olh September, t89.;. divided into two parishes, which a r.: kl:loW"D as M\llksham \VitJ1in find lVi thout. tbc fonnt r being the area ot the Urban Dist-Tiet., nnd :be lattt:tr inclt1d-0<l in Melk11h:un BuraJ District. There at'e tl1'0 min<'Nll spr ings in the ''ieinity. oiw sslitif' and t11e otbflr in 1816 n ne.w s:iline was by to a dl'pth of 351l fett; i't «flis. aoticipnted tl1at ?\telksham would advance into in con!ll'()Uence ot the medicinal qualit-ies 'WlllttS and every accommodation to r 1•!tHon wu provided, including a pump·roo1n, bot. f\nd cold !-.2th&, (l b.al'ldaomc CH!lcent and an t'lgtt«'able promenade; but. aft.er a V4'..T)' gr eat o utlay , th e "· ells Cid not. prove ttttractit•e 11.nd are now nited. The churc h of. St . Michael b a !. pacious edifice of free.stone, which dates fr-om ihe Norman t>eriod , but is O!>'W" cbie.flv in the Perpend icular style. and consi.•t• of chancel, nave of five bays. sisJes, north porcll, t-""d an erubflUled ton · er wUh pinnacles, eonta ininj: 8 «lb: it "3S restoNd and enlarged in 18.40. when tbr etz:.tral tower wait removed :ind the p1'C!$tn1 tower l)uilt lt the end; and :igain tt11tote.d in 1881: in r891 !ht clioreh was re$('ated 3nd new Aoorcd. thll o;: 1ken find :a earvtd onk $Cti"(l11 : 1t 1d bragc "-Orf' by C. P. Rumbolt esq. \'lfh(I al40 pltleed a TOOd, wj tb attendt.nt. figtil'i'll. u pan th-O ehnncel $<:.re.e n -3 i11 189;t the 'Ct'ft& restortd t't. t::onsidtr• ... coit by the. trn!!let.s (lf Si r J ohn A1' · dry, nnd ln a st.ait.ied wir1dow '""S plnccd by Sirwl!ltt·, of in ol her fath er, Gen&rl\1 the west. wind<>'T was. the girt. )n r899, or A fr. Georg& \Vliite, who also gave the six cleiwt.ory windows in 19 10 : in 1900 a fio"uro or St Miehl'eJ ,,.illl er\"eted in a niche over north door t.o co1 rn11 c.i:n or<'te the new CClit.!lr) ': in 1903 t11 memor ial window w11,s pt:lcl!d in thU l\i$le to th0$8 parisbionen wbo fell during Lile Ct llllpai gn in Sou th .b,frica, 189g-1902: tho orgnn w a11; rebuilt !n 1903, aud at1 oak !lC!'ten !itted at the west e1ui : in 1907 fl b;uulsome a labastel" font. was pro,·ide<I : i n A painling representin.g the Trans6guration ll'0;11 erected 0''\11" the c1t;,1neel areb tiy !\ lr it. Swan boNu gb , in 1ne1nory of h l"r htt51.>(uid : tJ1ere arc 6oo sit tings. 'l' be regbt.er ft(l.rl) th e. yea r J56o-. T11e li"rinJ: it a vieor"tt•• ;i.:t ytirty vol u()- £596 1 with acres or stebe and re&J dt:ice, in tho gilt of tbe l'> ean •nd of Saliitbnry, and hehl •9J9 by the Rev. B»1l Attt.Qn D S.O .. )I .A of St. John's CoHegu. Oxf<H·d . St. }..ndreW,$ church, alJ.oo&- t mile f rom t-be town, erected nt the $Ole expense of the Be•. '€. L. J3t1rnwtll . of Roose. for the of lhe d istrfol of t1ntl Mt!llu:ham Pore$t, is a buildin; in t.be l·:o.rly Englisb 11tyle. , and eo!'l.sfat.$ of ebn.nceJ, m.\ve-, south p<.1 r c:b, ond ll uc:steru h1 r ret containiui; one be ll: the re:rtdos " "' in of Ralph L. l.opes 1) , (,., J. t' .: the ea!l\ vriudO\l' U stained and there are. windows to ibe mtu1or-y or and Mtss Lopes, Sir Mt1ill.sey Uptt-, Mn. P;tr>ier, Mr. Oritt and 'l'ottenhnm : sn oak iablet W$:!. vrett.cd. in t9"2'1 , on '"hicb are recorded the namt11 of t.hoic <:o:inccted the parish wbo fell in the GN.at \V11t . 19:4 ... 18 : are itiui.ogs. The Society of FritndJ' meeting bO\\te, King st ttet. el'('('ll'd in 1734. hl's 300 ieats . Tbe Baptl11-\. Cb'1[>t::I , Old JJro1.1ghtou l'OB.d. tonnded in 1669. h's ;J80 $it.tiogs. EOOne.?.(U" Pa.rtico.lar Baptist dmpeJ. C11101l in .;835, ttil1 !eat t50 p<:n1on.g. ' th o chapel. 'Mnrket. ph1ce, ro11ndcd ia 1773, hos o100 .sitting•. The Primitive Methodist chapel. l 'or-Ost , '1'il1 llellt 150 'l'be U'esleyan chapcJ, place, trected in 1872, bas 4so sit·ti ogs. and t.hal in SemingLon kine, built in I 8(}6, vjlJ 9t4t JC)(). 1'bere is a ehupel at. a C f4$$ \tas tre¢ied in Ci.non :c !ICJOare. in 1921, ln oiemory q( the mc1 of the par ilh \\'hO fell in the Great. \Var. t9•-t·i3 ; dil}lr 1111.met ar ti inscrfbod on the base of \ ho n1tmorial. t'he · rown Ball, llO\• t.he pr.operty of the Orl»'ln Dis· trict. Couni:il, wts erecte.J iu 1 4" .;7 by a com pany e.i ao e:spcm11e of £3 · 3$0; it. it i:t $p :l:c10t15 :uu) edifice. of w.bite f ree11.tono, in th t1 ltnlfon style. The. Ne•· Bail, in tbe. place. by P(l\Yle r, i11 (1 istrnch1re. ot Bath $tone. and i11 uud for and tnetHing.i; It. "i ll hold 200 pcrauns. 'fbe market. i:s b tld oil et<err allcrn.ate T'Oesday for cat.t.le. sheep (l.nd piJtS. A fair for cattle. sheep and b ol'Ses is held iu t.bo 1\[arket ]>lace on t·he 27th of J uly. 'rhe pdneipat ind\1ttriC$ !\rt rubbtr workt. ir<>n found ry. workt, 11•w miHt, dsit)· f1lctoric11 ; the r.nunu( QCtu rt of rn ottin.gi. 1ritit. . rope. twine 11nd sacl:.in!l' is .oh;o carried on . Tbe Freern.asons' DliU, io Church street. wni cu1cted in 1897 by th e brethren of the Lodgt. in commtmorniion of the 1)13mond JubiJec or Queen · 'Vi ctoria.

twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F

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Page 1: twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F


PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona -

(F T .N' t I' 1; r P riV' t Jl.owJe11 John, tnnr. St.. J ulian'11 fnrm l~ar.e farm . or . 'sec genera IS O 3 6 llroWJi $ydne.y P. £l'Ocer, &. pott Mau1ey John, ho.uhcr, Oh11pel l•ue

Res.idenh ll'- (llid of l»ok.) office. TN StrattonSt..Margarct. 47 1\tors.c Chas. Cnrpeott.r&' . .\rm" P.Il Des Re" .Francis George Ver non M.A. C<1Uingl>orne :Oernard James, ftLrmer, Morse \\"tu.rarm~r, South Mar .non Cm

(vicar), 1'b e Vicarage J.eoro f(l.nn Rawling. .\ rc.h. JtLOOb, farmer, ~(3nf>'r Sharp11 J"r11nci!, Thorndtlle Collins Alan Oeo. farmer, Quarry fiir lJ\. 1' N Stratton St.Margaret. '4 Sharps Mn . Yew Tree boua.e. Fem ta.rm l't\\·tN F. k Son, far m imple1nt.i\t. Tovey Normt\n, Gor.don oot~ Eddolb Ar&hur, farmer~ Bllrton T"CJ?l"$ \·an de \Yeye.r Mtij. lhltes Gru:n.!lt.o11, Grov~ farm San~u1n J'r edk. b3ker, Chapel Ja

Manor bou&e F1•ankJin G-eorge, £"rocer Sansuw 1'b.os. coal mer. Stb. Manton Williams Edgar, St.. Mary's eonage Gort·on CbaTlef, farm er, Obw-cb frw Smilll Ry. !armer, Nigbt ing"o itaml

G1·ee-n$'i'i'lly Arthur, farmer.Home frrn Sut.t<>n Vivian, farmer, Mar$t.on farnl Greenaway William F111nci11, furwer. 1'llling Jn . Carl'ien' Armis P.H

Marked thus 0 fann 150 a.cN!s or over. Oxlea.ie farm Wildern l•' redk. Geo. fl&rmer, Row· 0 Banwoll Cb u . farmer,liuni:s eoppico boro' farm &: Frior s F l)tle.r farm

MARTIN, a ptarisl> ror(llerly in )ViJtU.ire, wa$ by Loct'l ~ ... ernment Board Provisioot\1 Order $ Confir ma· t·iOo (No. 12) Aet, 1895, trang!o,rr ed t.o Hampshire.

ME LCBJ::T ~ AllX. a pal'i!llt formeri)' in thill county, wa. transferred. t.o Batnp$hlf'il. by LoeaJ Go1•trnme.nt Ooord Pro .. 1$io:i.o..I Orders Con.fir maiion (No. 12) .\ct. 1895.

MEJ.i J{SHA1\1 ~.U·:l.KSH.All.f is a market and count.y court town, the head ot a peuy seslliona.l division and civil paril!.b, and gi\"es il·t n:1me to s rOJ'al dittrict; it bas n !ltation on the \ '1ilts. Somertet nnd Weyi:run1tb branch or the Groat \ft~ter'!l rail~)', and is ioo m ilelJ (rom London, 30 z;ott.b•treu. fron~ $;tli.ibur-y, 6 north-east. from Bradford, .:; uort,b·east. from Tr<>wbridge, 7 west from Devites, 9f fr"Otn Vi"~.s-ibttry, 14 north from \Yarm inuer, t~ t>asli trow Bt1.tb, 7 !Oltfh from Chippenham and 5 south· .sootb-eo.st. {torn Co1·sbal.\'I, in \be \V~~tbury d l."'bion of the co1.1nt1-. huodrcd or M-0lk~bam, rul'$f deanery of Potterne (Bradford port,iort). o~11de1conry or Witts 3ntl diO('E'Se of Salisbury.

Durfog lite \Ves~ Saxon era t.hi.s was D place nf « nddcrabJe note; at the period of the Normnn survey 1:::;;.d for $C'l'(oNI} ,,1bsequent roigna it waa held io roya.I d~me41le, ::n1(1 ga,·t n:mie to an exten11ive. foresl. Tb~ :01'11 4 on l11e maio road from London throltgb Dev1T.e.s ~ &th, ond contlilS prinelpaUy ot one !.treet nearly tt mile In ht11g lh; it w:u rroot 1878 under the oootrol of s Local noa1-d, bnt under th& provi111on11 of the L(lcPI Go-..·ernru.ent Act, i89.;. (S6 &. 51 Viet . e. 73), )I, il r1ow fC"trned l)y An 0l'ban Di$trici Couneil : it is weH P'i""cd ('Ind li~hte4 with ;as by a oomrany, aod W\'11 .cpptied wi&li water bv th& Trowbridge \Vater Compan\•; We bou.11e11 11.r(! bttilt. o'r soft £ree11tone. but are irNgutarly placed. 'l'hc river 4\"0n d i'tidet l!1& town and is cro11.sed bv f./. band$ome bddgt: or C<1ur al·ehell, wi~b lii;:-ht and e!t~nt. b•lu11lrAdel1. 'l' he Wilh 1u1el n~1·ka canal pa!la.es 011 • lhe Ba$t. of the town, uncl 31>out !f n,ile$ JIC>Uthwa.rd joins the Keonet :ind ...\von can::tl. b,11 i.s cot. no,,. gtj_gnble.

Ooder lhe p1-ovi4ion$ or tl1e Local Govern1ucnl> Act, i~, the 411<:-ient. parish of l lelkl!ham wai;. bv J,.oc•l Go,·~riuntm&. UO{lrd Order. No. 31,684. d11tid 3olh September , t89.;. divided into two parishes, which a r.: kl:loW"D as M\llksham \VitJ1in find ~fe1k$h11m lVithout . tbc fonnt r being the area ot the Urban Dist-Tiet., nnd :be lattt:tr inclt1d-0<l in Melk11h:un BuraJ District.

There at'e tl1'0 min<'Nll springs in the ' ' ieinity. oiw sslitif' and t11e otbflr chatyb~:ue; in 1816 n ne.w s:iline •9~ was obt~iued by b(lrin~ to a dl'pth of 351l fett; i't «flis. aot icipnted tl1at ?\telksham would advance into :c:i~ in con!ll'()Uence ot the medicinal qualit-ies tb~e 'WlllttS l)O!!:tell~ed, and every accommodation tor 1•!tHon wu provided, including a pump·roo1n , bot. f\nd cold !-.2th&, (l b.al'ldaomc CH!lcent and an t'lgtt«'able promenade; but. aft.er a V4'..T)' gr eat outlay, the "·ells Cid not. prove ttttractit•e 11.nd a re no~ now nited.

The church of. St. Michael b a !.pacious edifice of free.stone, which dates fr-om ihe Norman t>eriod, but is O!>'W" cbie.flv in the Perpendicular style. and consi.•t • of ~orman chancel, nave of five bays. sisJes, north porcll, t-""d an erubflUled ton·er wUh pinnacles, eontaininj: 8 «lb: it "3S restoNd and enlarged in 18.40. when tbr etz:.tral tower wait removed :ind the p1'C!$tn1 tower l)uilt lt the we.s~ end; and :igain tt11tote.d in 1881: in r891 !ht clioreh was re$('ated 3nd new Aoorcd. thll o;:1ken ~r <"~tl~. find :a earvtd onk $Cti"(l11 :1t1d bragc l~&:rn "-Orf' ~11 ~ivt::n by C. P. Rumbolt esq. ~.D. \'lfh(I al40 pltleed a TOOd, wjtb attendt.nt. figtil'i'll . upan th-O ehnncel $<:.re.en -3 1~2: : i11 189;t the ttrtdo~ 'Ct'ft& restortd t't. t::onsidtr• 1~: ... coit by the. trn!!let.s (lf Sir John A1'·dry, nnd ln r~ a st.ait.ied wir1dow '""S plnccd by ~ff8. Sirwl!ltt·, of ~wbourne. in meinor~· ol her father, Gen&rl\1 ~foole:

the west. wind<>'T was. the girt. )n r899, or Afr. Geor g& \Vliite, who also gave the six cleiwt.ory windows in 19 10 : in 1900 a fio"uro or St Miehl'eJ ,,.illl er\"eted in a niche over ~he north door t.o co1rn11c.i:nor<'te the new CClit.!lr)' : in 1903 t11 memor ial window w11,s pt:lcl!d in thU l\i$le to th0$8 parisbionen wbo fell during Lile Ctllll• paig n in South .b,frica, 189g-1902: tho orgnn wa11; rebuilt !n 1903, aud at1 oak !lC!'ten !itted at the west e1ui : in 1907 fl b;uulsome a labastel" font. was pro,·ide<I : i n 1g~ 1 A painling representin.g the Trans6guration ll'0;11 erected 0''\11" the c1t;,1neel areb tiy !\lrit. SwanboNugb, in 1ne1nory of hl"r htt51.>(uid : tJ1ere arc 6oo sit tings. 'l'be regbt.er dat~ ft(l.rl) the. yea r J56o-. T11e li"rinJ: it a vieor"tt•• ;i.: t ytirty volu()- £5961 with ~ acres or stebe and re&Jdt:ice, in tho gilt of tbe l'>ean •nd Cht~ter of Saliitbnry, and hehl ~inc. •9J9 by the Rev. B»1l Attt.Qn D S.O .. )I.A of St. John's CoHegu. Oxf<H·d . St. }..ndreW,$ church, alJ.oo&- t mile from t-be town, erected nt the $Ole expense of the Be•. '€. L. J3t1rnwtll. of ~1el.ln:btu;n Roose. for the o~e of lhe distrfol of Snndrid~c t1ntl Mt!llu:ham Pore$t, is a buildin; in t.be l·:o.rly Englisb 11tyle., and eo!'l.sfat.$ of ebn.nceJ, m.\ve-, south p<.1 rc:b, ond ll uc:steru h1rret containiui; one bell: the re:rtdos " "' ~r~cttd in rnemor~· of Ralph L. l.opes <:~q. 1),(,., J .t'. : the ea!l\ vriudO\l' U s tained and there are. windows to ibe mtu1or-y or 'h.f~. and Mtss Lopes, Sir Mt1ill.sey Uptt-, Mn. P;tr>ier, Mr. Oritt and ~!?$. 'l'ottenhnm : sn oak iablet W$:!.

vrett.cd. in t9"2'1, on '"hicb are recorded the namt11 of t.hoic <:o:inccted ~·Ith the parish wbo fell in the GN.at \V11t. 19:4 ... 18 : the~ are ~oo itiui.ogs.

The Society of FritndJ' meeting bO\\te, King s t ttet. el'('('ll'd in 1734. hl's 300 ieats.

Tbe Baptl11-\. Cb'1[>t::I, Old JJro1.1ghtou l'OB.d . tonnded in 1669. h's ;J80 $it.tiogs. EOOne.?.(U" Pa.rtico.lar Baptist dmpeJ. C11101l str~.t . cr~cted in .;835, ttil1 !eat t50 p<:n1on.g.

'tho Oongr~gtttional chapel. 'Mnrket. ph1ce, ro11ndcd ia 1773, hos o100 .sitting• .

The Primitive Methodist chapel. l'or-Ost, '1'il1 llellt 150 perso·l~ .

'l'be U'esleyan chapcJ, ~lfltket place, trected in 1872, bas 4so sit·tiogs. and t.hal in SemingLon kine, built in I 8(}6, vjlJ 9t4t JC)().

1'bere is a non·s~ctarian ehupel at. Sandridb~· a Cf4$$ \tas tre¢ied in Ci.non:c !ICJOare. in 1921, ln

oiemory q( the mc1·1 of the parilh \\'hO fell in the Great. \Var. t9•-t·i3 ; dil}lr 1111.met a rti inscrfbod on the base of \ho n1tmorial.

t'he ·rown Ball, llO\• t.he pr.operty of the Orl»'ln Dis· t rict. Couni:il, wts erecte.J iu 14".;7 by a company e.i a o e:spcm11e of £3·3$0; it. it i:t $p :l:c10t15 :uu) 10111-arran~ed edifice. of w.bite free11.tono, in th t1 ltnlfon s tyle. The. Ne•· Bail, in tbe. Morl:.~t place. ert-Oh~d by Mill~ P(l\Yler , i11 (1 istrnch1re. ot Bath $tone. and i11 uud for lectur~a and tnetHing.i; It. "ill hold 200 pcrauns. 'fbe market. i:s btld oil et<err allcrn.ate T'Oesday for cat.t.le. sheep (l.nd piJtS. A fair for cattle. sheep and b ol'Ses is held iu t.bo 1\[arket ]>lace on t·he 27th of J uly.

'rhe pdneipat ind\1ttriC$ !\rt rubbtr workt. ir<>n foundry. !e~tber workt, 11•w miHt, dsit)· f1lctoric11 ; the r.nunu(QCturt of rnottin.gi. 1ritit.. rope. twine 11nd sacl:.in!l' is .oh;o carried on .

Tbe Freern.asons' DliU, io Church street. wni cu1cted in 1897 by the brethren of the Lodgt. in commtmorniion of the 1)13mond JubiJec or Queen ·'Victoria.

Page 2: twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F

160 A!l!LKSaAM. \N1I.TSfUHE. ( KELLY'S

'rhe Cottllgt U<ispit.al. establi.$hCd he.re in 186S. "'._i:1$ (l.C. V.0. Bon. ~{1"$, George Lopt:s, who is Indy <1f tho rebailt. i11 1895, the «;O~t t.eing defr~yed by El. G. \VhltO 1u11nor of S•ndTidgt, a11d tlie t-ruUct!l <>t the fate Cba.rl~o e~q. of \Vb t!ev: it oontains 21 beds 11'\d 2 cots Selwyn A":dry C$<J..

Brugt&' ebaf1ty or about. is yearl-y 1$ d1nnbut.~ 111 'fhe 3tt~ of ?ileU:sham With)" ic.h' il pari!lb aud Urben bl:tnk~t$ by the vicar and ehn~':"s.rdtos ~t. Chrl1'l0l0-s. Di$.·t.rfot iil 591 a<: J'(':ll of l3Jtd ttnd inland water; thb The"' aro abo t.•o. t-'m3U cbar1he$, tef~ by the Jhw. pop.slut.ion in 19:.it 'TBS 3,5~6. Behu n Fo:c anJ ~fr. Pritchard r elptctlvely, for the. The p<>p\Jlation of &be e.cclesio.stieal pari:lh in t921 wu bent-fit of the poor nHd distributer! 3t. the di~er~tion of I S.JOS· ~lie v1c1t. J . 1Jnd J, Osher'!!. Bfar.lt t t F\u1d, ,,.hu~b J)tO· The att(I or McU:.i;ham 't\'itbout ei'·il 1>ari11b i.s 7.809 d11ce11 about. £ 90 a ye3r, ill usM for tllt bene611 o! 1:1ert~ of lti.nd :.'Ind inland w;i t.-Or; ll'c pop~\lat>ion in J~l d@Sel"Ving n.nd nl'ctil$tlon:< p(lr$0DS ri?:s.identi lri the wn$ 2.6;o. p:trisl1e!I ot .Melk~bcnn Within an(l l.tclkshfln1 \\'ithout The p:ir!$b wati originally dh•ided Wt<> 'l titblng!i. Sbnw

1telk!lbt1m Uou$C i~ no~" t ilt eh1b h01.l$0 of the A\l'on and u rbitley, 6(:111):.\CJ'f!, Blackmore, \VooJmore-, Canhold, SporL11: Club. op<'tted tor t.heir emplO)'C~ 1»· thf! Avon Woodrow, and tho towu ti~htni. Judin Hubber Co. Ltd.: lbe grou.ncU f'l'C 27 acres in extent. :»0 3¢~$ ot which are t'l$Ctl {or cricket and football.

1·he prinoipn.t landownE>.r~ a re !Mr~. l..tzd1Qw·Urn;e$. Pie.td·M~r11h11 l Lard Methuen G.C.B., Q.C. M.G ..

UEA'NACRE il! a ti\hing. r mile nortb-u•est . llere is tbe wU11jon ~burcb of S t.. J.mrniab~. bnilt in tSS.7. anti hoving (OO !liuini s. and a .Ui,pt ii;t cha~J. erected in 1$3~.


Poit. M. O. k T. & ·r. E. )). Office, Bi£b &-lrott Tqwn $nb-Post k M. 0. 0!1.ice, 83th road l'oilt. & 1.'.el. Call Office, DCM:\cte. IAU4.'rs th'l'Olli;'h

)!clk!tl1am, nearest. M. 0. &; 'l'. office Poist. Offic(l. \Voodrow. JA:ttert l.brougb MelkJl11t\m,

ne1u·c11t M. O. &. 'l'. office

URUA.N DIS'l'RlCT COUNCIL. Meetings h¢Jd in t.lte Council ub.On1bt-t. Towu hall.

~farket place, \.he $CCOnd mond~y hi e:rerr month a~ 7.15 p.m.


Chairmen, \"'/Uliam Roy. Vi"'e-Cba.irman. Jtunca Frederlclt Lawrence.

Retire jn April. 1931. Mrs. Bnt A.Hoo Btuton I M.r6. SWll.l'lboNH'lith Berbers. J. Fi&.l1el'

:ltt1tfrc jn Apl'il. 1932. J~:sc SatuueJ Green 1 IIerOOrt Marlin Alfred Jo1tph Hillmait o . \Vhi<itte.r

Percy Groot F <;. Sum

Ret-ire in April, r933.

I .Duac~n Marler Alfred West

Omoon. Cler k, A.hu' Montague Sn:utb, S Spa road 'l'rtll$11ror. W. E. Btcdell, J,loyds Bank Ltd. Marke~ pl M&dic:.H Offioe:r or Health, Ooo.alu L.eigh Spence M.A.,

M • .0., .8.0h.Carnb., M.R.C .. S .};ng .. L.R.C.P.l..ond. 26 Lovrbo11-rne

Su rvcy<'lr & Sanit-ary lz1ispee,or. Ralph l?a.rnell P(laret-, 1'own ball

Collect.or, A. $ . Clarke. To'"'" h~U

OOVNTY MAGJSTltATES FOB ri.fELKS BAM' DIVISION. (For addresses or 1n11.gistrates see comp1tte lh~ ~t fl'Ont

of the book.) • Run.1bo1l Cbo.rlt.$ Fredk. llnrra.U JIY'(!deri~k \Villfo.n:i.

~t.D .. V,0 .. D. J.. ch~tr Reir 1vo.n Cocll.r1u1& M.D m3n Loeb.bend .&.udrew

Bell Lt.·Col. \Villiam Corr ~illard Mrs. R. A. J,. Heuard D.S.O NcwuHu• J1unct1 J, l':"'1cr

Blake Lt .• -col.~rgt. Ilegi· SttvteU tlenry nald ·r.D · Stratum George.

Browne Col. fr. C'. F Ward George F u ller )laj. Rt. Flee t.wood

The clu.innt n, for "he t1mt bch1~. t1f the }feJk~b.nro Urba..r> a nd Rtn•fll Olttr1~ Counells a.r,. ox•officio n•ai;r1~· trot<>

Cletli to \he M~i~t>raW. Alm1 Montagoe Smith. S Spn t•tw.d P\'!U .... Se~11 ion~ ll.tt" be.Id at. lho To,~u hall on t.be fir6t.

:~ig:i:~~~:~ ~o:;:· ~ (!l)jl'.'' for crin1inal bUt>ine~l!. The rollo·vdn~ plsc~ a11e iocludcd in the pet.tr sesslontd

dl,.j!i!-i011 : - Melkiihaat ~\'iU1in k ~fclk,h1rm \Vi,boot.. Shnw ~ Wbitlf'.y. also S~nd. $tic\in;;oo (witb Littlt"­.tou) ~ Whuddoo

~IELKSB.AM (t('Rt\.L o-isrn1c1· COUNCIL. The pariJ1bC$ in t.bc: Di.st-rict a re t1ilpe rto1l, ~end, ~mingto11, ~fclk~b11.m Wltbout. & Sta,·crton. Area. 13.671 tl('rl'-.& ; 1>opulation in 1921 \Taa. 5,<140

Council meeb at the Uoar<I room. Semingl01l, fln:t. Yl'e.dnC'sday io lhe 1no11th at 2.30 p.m .

Chnirrn1u1, Predtrick Henry Kt1ee J.t~. SUftn)•$[df!, ~tell:.hhti.O'\

00ieh'1!11. Cltl'k.. John 't, lJoyd, 63 Fore street.. T rowbriJs:.e Trea.llUf'('r, Bt1ydn G. l>hiltipt, J,,!oyds Bt1nk Ltd. •rrow·

l\ rhlge M('dical Olliccr of Health. Douf:lai; Leigh Spen~ ~f.A .•

~l 1'.. B.Cb.Cnmb .• •t.R.C.S.Eng., L .l\.C.P.Lond. 26 Lowhouroe. M(lJ.kilunn

~anit31'f ln1pt'Cl0 .. & Dhtrlct. Surveyor. RtlJph Parnell Fcarc~. ._ wn !alo!l

PUBLIO ESTABLI SHMENTS. Con.ot;y Court. flil! l:lonor ii. . G~nru_• J:.mef< LL.:B.

judge: A.Jon ?\for.tague Sn.t.itb. rttriJtU•ar &. high l'3ilifP: Ricba1·d S J. Legg, cbier d<' rk to registrar &. aet-in.g bigh txtHUt; Je$<1e Sf!1itb-&e,ien. Uat.b road, a3!iis-unt. bnil:ff. The couJ•t Lii beld •i t.he 'to'"' ball ont:f.\ in two rnantlt!I. 'rbe district. lnclud,.~ tbe> foUowin" pl•<:•! :- Atwortb. Oe1U1(1¢re. Blackm(lr e, Bon•erbi'il. 6rot1gbton Gilford. 'C'bl> Fortitt. Litde,on. Mellt:$bam. Red St¢¢k~. Sandridge. ~tnd. Semin~ton, Shaw. Whaddon. \fhitl c-y kc \Voodrow

F or Oankruptey purposes lliill cour l i$ ioclnded in that of B•tb : "RerOOrL Ashton. 26 Uald,•in !tree:t. 8rhtol. oOiCilll rN;eh·cr ; William Orooi!t<in. assistant omei.ol ft>\'.l?l'·('r

Cotln@:O Hospital. William lr'-{fl't\10 Ke1r F.n.O.S. ~ J,,R..C.J?.Edin .. J . P. hon. ¢01i$Ult.iurc surge.on; Cbnrlcs Frtderie.k Rnmboll M.D .. 1).$.Durh., ~l.U.O.S.En~., ,~.D .. D.L .. J.P. Jv,n Oo¢hra.ne Keir M.l) .. R.Ch. F.dtn .. D. P.H.Olton., J .P., O. J. E. l}euncCL- ~l.R.O.S. Eng., 1 •. .R.O.P.Lot'ld., D.P.R.n .. c.P.S.Lond.. !\. Douglt\$ Hamilton ~f.D.Lond., ?\l.R.C.$.Eog., L.l\..C.P. Lond. k Douglas Leigh Spence ~I.A., ~1.n .. B.Oh. Carob .. i r.n.C.S."Eng . . L.n: .. O.P.M>nd . hon. medical ofti.~r:s ~ FAwin John Lee. hon. $«:

~cw Ba.II, Market place. Mi's. \ViJdliT"&, caretaker PQliee $.tat.ion, Semington N>O.cl

Town Hall (Urban :Oistrle:~ Council), )lo.rke-f. t>lace, \Villiam lhtllcy, ¢l'retake.r

Volu11te~r Fire llrifade, ~larkel yord

PUBLIC O'PFIO£RS. Certirri.ng Ynt!tory ~urgeon k ':\ll'dkal 9moer ~o~. -1 &- 5

di1trietlf, Trowl>r1dge AT'-Oa Guarcbans. Coin mlttee, Claude John Rddowcg Dennett M.R.O.S.Eng .. L .R.O.P . Lond- ,. Pl(l.OO road

Gle.rk to l ncome &; Laud 'l'tlx: Oommissiooer11 ror Mtlksham ?Jiviaion, Arthur \\"m . • .\nze.J. 34 Chur¢!1 !It.

Cle rk to .('ari:e:h Council, ?l(¢'1ktb:un Without, Rkhind S. l . JJCgJ:r, s Spa road

Collector of lnl~ud Bevcn\lti, \ \1'i1Jfam R . Son1~r:sct, 9 Dnnch ronid

Colle.ct<ir of Poor's Ba.tes. ~rU1ur $. Clarke.17 Lowboorne. Collcetor of Toth. Ernest Georg-e Arthur. Spa :roll<.l l)i,tribnt-0r o! St.:unps, Matthew ' filliam Hunt·, ll'i.gb 11t lnspecWr of Weii;tbt.s k "-!eo.t.nre.' tor t~e Southern db4

trict, Aubrt.r Wallaoo Buthl'I, 1'rowbr1d~ :Ucdit~l OOlce.r, ~o. s dist.rfot, Trowbridge Aret\ Guar.

dfo.ll.S Comrniue-e, Charles l'Y'f!dericlt lltnnl>oll ~{.D., B.S.Durb .. ~!.B.C.S.E"g .. V.D., D.L., J.r. Lo•· bourne bou~. Loitbourne

n os.ri:str3T' +of Birt·hs k Death.11 ~ Depntr Raghtra.r of YBrriages. ?.tclloham aob--dialriot, Arthur l\'illiarn ..\nJte.l. 34 Churt.b 1it~e~i deptit.y, Arthul' S. Clarke, 17 l.owbourno

Ucl?U\r3r of :\Il.'rri:\g:C!I. AlOOrt '€dwttrd Bigwood, 3 Snodl'idge road

Page 3: twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F

AECTOU'i". = WILTSHIRE. Mf.LKSBA!ll. I G l :L · ~ Oflia r &:; Collsnor ; ) W Tnnrliri~ Area

-i&!-CJ Ooamoit-..t"e. ~bt:-t B. Bodaoo. 34 OIUOG ?. ~brid:.

Prir:nid"e, Me1hodbt. ?01"\. {o..lDe 0:1"Ca.il) s.Jqt.ioo Armr. Cbarcli ._,,....

tu=-,..Bi11 w..ie~ (Wllbhlro KukmJ. llarit•• place a: s.a.;_,. toll ~ue, a. ... T\Ol:Qal B. Uo•etl

Pl.ACES OF "t;"0R....,1!TP. ll .:...:3itft ~ C-~ h sz.n-tt, R"•·· Ba•il .lsLoa ~-.y St4tlon, U.th 1'0ed.

111. .l .. D.S.O. riea:r; Bn. T!aoo&re lloblrt. W. LWJ\. Motor Omftibu,, 81Ub II n. .. bt.•.-Tb• "'B:ith Elecltit' &; Ek•. "'"'h.arltt Ed•ud "trllk.lib. cur1t•• Tl'am,.ay Co. Llmiltd, \lail1

.L:.dtt••• Ct:vcb. 70f'ellt, :JUTt1d horn 8t.. Mh:bael's \Ve11tern NnUon"I Orunlbu.J Co. '4 &: Crom Trowbrldp rdi «: Chipptnb11m, dally

!t.. D.umltu Chard&. Bear.11Cro:o, 8ervod from St. '< ,._ .. , <ln>fd> C\U\IUERS.

sw~. ~ ~~ l1&!lt ~ Rn!.h-Dsth f'.Jcc1ril\ 'J\rsmwny 0,, {,td. daiJv P.. ,,. 111~ BcaR. E..~ •tttf\! Btistol-J. Crook t.. Son11, tnon. w~ &. fri •

· ~ ~Wt n!. Se ... Philip B. PWlin, pa1t.or Df't1'iz.~at.b Elrctno T"ruway Co. Lt.cl. d•ilf ~ DeYi~. C'rcM>k * Son•, tn""'- tb1.11't- k tat>

Br.tt.'1 ~-\,~OD t11'1tt. 1Abdo11 k all p•rt• (b' tailJ-Great \\"rJ:lf"rn Rlihr11 ~-ht ~~ Btt. B"ta:'7' ltaowlt• M..A Com.pan,-, ltatlOO~ 8aU. road

•&.n ~ "-Ir:• lrltna. 2 Place J'w.d P&T'MIU )In. Marie Emms, 9 Salad· <Pw .. ~ .... r=cnJ: m: of Printe Oibllioa~ Tbemu. 1 Canoa .qoaN ridct roed

Be:rl::tn .. md. t.l llooJr:,) Oonn Mn. 56 Spe.1Wd POT\er ~t.a.nltY W. Sluarnllold .boaH lr! ::..:o Wm. :34 C!:Ul"dl •U.•t G,.ta w.,,, 61 Lowboorn• Pullln Ri:•. Philip B. (DapU.,), I Gtarrf,. ~ S;a:d:"Ap road fiannaford Jobn, JC $~ndtidRt road fl,.attrlCtfl to!Ki

t IL.., ' ..... ':'e rvoJ. Uarrull J"ruderick 1\'iUio.m J.P. 10 &tld Ja.me1;, Enfield, The Spa, l. 'U..'"'11 ~ B. :: Sa.udrld;e rd \Ve.1U1rn trrf1\ct i)ll•faea 1·oad !. • 1trir nMil D..S.0.. ).I.A. Benl11o.opb, 70 towho~me RiehRrd~ William Towrue.nd, 'W(lab

"" u ~ 'r- -:an~. Cbmch st Dill <)~ore• Sam\lel, 11 Ca.non aq loh~b. lting at"reet .. 1' 's::J £.~ BW bouao, Ho"·fl~&o ~•. 111omai H. (Wesloran), R111uboll Cb1a. Frede.tick M.D .• V.D.,

Xu 1 .. ~ J..i•(ln liou&t, Kimber st .. Weat. enfj D.L .. J.P.Lowbourne bo.Lo•bo\lrne ~t C" .t'de Ja.E.dd~es. 'boe rd llnlfbft F.roe&t Jame!, 3 Place t"oad Stul.&I Erne.t Sto.nle7, Bl!lm.ont,

.,... E~.. a.. C .tc; bo . .::ra rd Uusrhea Pt:rc1, • l"ores'l'Oad Spa 'to&~ 6'p~ .Li~ Ed•ud. 3 Sand· Dnrn JJb@rt., 64 Lo•bonrne Sa•l.(IJl B41n'7 J.P. The Chtlt:not&,

r-: -"""" l""411 Dorn AJb.J'1. Georgt. 17 Sandride• rd D.an•<"re J"O•d !-C-iiri<.:! lhA!.1. J.:~..o:i, Spa rd Bara F'ndtrick, 3$ )(ark.et. p1aot Sa,...,., .. Fred, Sot.h.erlands.. Wfft encl - .:- ~•:::) Jelm. J'4';:Dea.:S,a rd l:~lr J""u. Cothraiie ¥.D •• l.P., 111• ~Lft liln.. Jrrtuy Jaae.i~dridp rd C.a~• lA.-C.-l ~ ~..nald T.D.. WalnuW. BfeD.acre Aarp Donald Ctacde. '27 Bn.nactt rd J' ~!tid. Bta:i::ee E•bon Thmaa .t... sS $~ road. Smallpie(lt Bumphnr O..Ce, 1

- ~ 'lfl.J1sm.. Ah:.r m~ Emn..117 J. f". P. <a6 B~b ttlfti D.uacre road t .,..~ ( •'r!M. R.ood.. OJ.orcb En•• l"rtdk. 8t'.ftl'J. 39 Sa.ndridae rd 8rnlU. Alu Moot.a£Ve, The Gl;adt.

~...aJ. P'n"'' ICnH llcnry Nt1~n. l4 Fores• roed Spa l'CNld ~ JI~ J.o.ba., <:..7 S.andridg. rd KnQ•l•t Re"". Rtfl.1'1 M.A. (Conf?"" ~p1ckmau WiJJfa.m, Belmonl, Spa rd ~ J..-. •L::.-r S. ciP:::-eh rd.Pol'f~t raHnnal), .. ~ S11ndtidfce. toad SptoC• Dougl1s Leigh M.A.., ?ol.B. ~ 111Jmr St~~e.r. 17 Lowbou'rn• Lte ~d•ln John, 61 Spa road Oo.mb. -6 Lowbonrne "ib ll:.t,v: Waller, _. Spo. road r •. ,chl1et.d Andttw J .P. Bo,,.wood aotti Btrtt.ton Arlbur .D. ? So.nd1'Jdg• road - n.u C*- JS Ssndrlr!~ road Lop+• Tf110. Mn. 011<1. &ncl1'Jd~ park S~r•t.t.on Ot1or&e J.P. ;;18 Lo•bOurne ~ A..iJ._ Obu. R., Elmhu.f'u, Ln111o Jtllv. Theodor& Robvti 'V. ~tralton Mias o .• Lca:c.e <:4tU.1t• ~.._ l'Mlt (ouratt), r Spa road Str1\to11 N'.rt. F. B .Gr&y crof~.Sp~ rd

...._..c.t Xar"t. JO 'Bcu: • .>ert rosd ~fcEw1n John, 66 Lowbonrn• S•anborooR:h Mn.. AmJ. 7 Sp• ro.O ~i'iel W~ Job, Fore.s. J<K!~ ll-«t Chatlf't WilHam. Sandridgt !{w1nlllobrou1rh Oswald f'ttdk.. Spa rd .. 'Td~ tM:d. lod~. Sandridp (post.al add.rt••· Tarlor Geom:. 6 Spa fwd • n_..._ W-'r• cni:.W~.u cd Cbir~) Till•r Mias. Tillrwhim. Bean•e!'f

rs :;1 n.cc-u. r Ftttst -:-cad \f•us )(r-.. 'Bo••:)iRI lo.Bowtthill II Totttr Mn. )L P. t ~aoa road • - ..,. &!•~ r~ rt'"t XuutiDI' J..nhu.r Be:l'beri. ,o Bi.all a·t TylM Cbarle. ~. n. Onn-t. ~ I(;.,,. ~ ~ iea4 ~arlf.r Do•can. 11 Sa:nclridre road Q&"ton .qm ~"'it ~ ....,. • r-S ll'•,hntn Bon. Paul Ayshtord V.J... Vi.n•• R•tbnt. 62 Lc:nrbo9me

f lb;r -s;--: JoPi:l William lla.tJoT' bottu-, Bea.nacre Wart:l O•orste J.P .• O\in-oe, road ~ k.. &.1' !'l!. '- Ssm~ordl'91Ul"r John, 6 Bean.acre road \Vad1ln• Prtdt. J. B., Kina$wood, 15

'...&::ID. C=-~ ~11ln• R•nl1min. ~ !Hanacn 'o.IJ R1ndridae r04ld 7 .&V:' R I :a~ ~it,'1Ul'n MMI., St. Swithin'1, Cnnbold \\'llkln1 lte:v, Olasrl4'$ Edward F':oob Mn Jlq r......_ :; Saad· '\·,.w111n Mrs. 1~ Sand.Ti~ rnn.d (eu.,1te), The Avenue ~.,. Nlidl Xl)l\d l .. 1'001.rd J.6Ximbtt i;t.Wttb e11d \Vortb Thomu '\oVilliam., 3 We-9.t t>nd ....,,.......,., I lJ,.,df'll \ViHll.\1u l'!,11,n.r~ftR'"r 1.10,·d. 11 Bfltl.k Ltd.& tl'l'11•uro'I'

£;; ~ dN;~ .C...:r Wtd.nHiduy. t.o. ~b" trrb11n DidrirL C<1uncil. M•rketi place. TN 70 M'1:ot>:-1 Ill-."'~ ·~.,.,..or ... ,..r, Di>r.11ttt Claud• Jq, 'PAdow~, N.l'l.C.S.:t:og .. L.R.O.P.

- c •. ~ Mn.. ~ ~· C\utth •L Lond .• D.l'.B.ll.C.P.S.Lond. (firm, l..ockel, &nd, ,. ~ J. ~ L .... ')Q.tnoo lknndO t; Bami1t.on). pb~~ ·n. a. g:llf'glli .t Pla.c. rd. ~ >l°#~ ~ ~..Jll.. :;:nu,~,.on. Bank ti T~ 36

-. tr . Qs•s14. I"_;_~~- r! Bath rd. B.•ley Htorbt. •boplr:11r, 6t Kiai ~Lli antique dlr.Dltb 1\1 -4·• W.ci ~ rm- • t..m. &; "'h" .t dtputT BL.._ood &: Bir:u11. ps1Ut/N'I, pJ11Qlibtu. hlaelinulb ..

d ma:nactt lle'::l.a.!t:&m. 1.iMistrict.. cJtd1 o.iaplate worktn & •rneoltanl unplrme.nt 'C"IJU a L --::M' &" t.::d Tu ·-~ na k branch mA.:r. n.opa:.rwr~ Cbotth •'""'- T 1' 11 '""'el~ F.::;k-~ ~~·· J-t Qaurcll Blir;wood a Co. build•n. Spa te*I. T)i 6!

T $ ~l Bicwoe>r.I. ~\lhs.. P.d••t. ho. · •tritr of m:tn'i:t~<t. 3 Sanrl· I: Job•~. r-h~ ~ ~~•.S.ra1r. 1t 'T .:'i' JO.t ri.J.gt rd

•r4 G<ltOrl@ BYtard. ~,. .... Sorn:. a; J.rthlird Bit:wOod ,.\liC"e (Mid), mUlinft. t~ Ms.tke:t pl ._... ,. ]}, ft.ibtnn.a'f. 5 J:';.:ae '' 81.l{wood Low in .,ohn1 J(tnoral, furnishing. builder••

t r.rnf'•I Oit0.. collector of tot1a. S(M ,..I ironn\onjftr ~ poultr1 •Prllanc• 11.&ent. Bigb •lrl.'4't. lrl!ti .. ·r11111k Ltd. Q:lttll M;"..J"t- T ~ 119 TN :'i{('lk'°l'uun 1.f 1 1la Uot-b.i'r Oo. L·::l. mfr1, ol ni.blwr '"~· Tb11o Dt1ddinqtou .Jl\I. t111"11'•t, So11thbro<1k tarm, Brooahton rd

rf, Hath rd. TS_,,. U) SO::~; r .A ·1 Bobbirr, ltoddjn~tott .Tn. ho1rdr11-r. ,.:1 R1uh rd ill:uti" Solwt1U "'fn. pr1ntA·r. 4 l.<nrl•Ontne '. 111 .t :O:-:dal ct~ {>li» n S. l"b miu. bl"JQ. »owytn (Wilt.J1ir• Dacon) t.t.ct btcon curers, 15 Oiah \lo.r'k41 rl. T ~ ~ ct. T ~ 15

P'?' k Job~. ffi~ t. iirm:matt::.&: Jv• '· TIIJb •b°ff' J Box W&flaoe 0.0. Thtt 0Nll"f'• PH. Bsnt st ., 1'!' ;: 0. d:-:i.p;tt. ffi;-b. ft. T~ 1 "\ Br-a.n•on Robe..t Wl1H•'"• motor H$f.:Htr • M:ftll,

• F. .coM 5tutley. r.oce. J.t.K.u~cs pl.. 'l'.:i •:~ I •"rUb~riud ).{orrit •2rP~; cat ~ •tockf'd; ~ 1..-=adry Co.. Ltd..; nee~ .a,.,, Einz tt rt'pail'C'r I: .,a,.,. propr .. lOt; ears tor hitt, Mar•et

"I'd S· •M 0< ra~ L.l>.S Drut. daMI •u.rtn. !.l p:.a...~. T:S v6 ll r lft pl i:C :::r Btt .. et- Gffl'lrf, •hfflwriibi. Stmingtoo road

Wt.LT'S. 6

Page 4: twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F

DIRECTORY. ) WILTSIH RE. MEL~SBAM. 163 W;;;;Goo Central Meat Co. l.td. 31 Hhth st Wag Albel' t., rarmer, Boffer hill. TN 46Y1 t.owerid go w. w. & Co. (.t\. llinscm•n , proprietor),

oallie.ry age.uh &. coal k bull.de%'$' mcfcb.ants, 8 Bank Mttet.. TN 28

!.oc:u Kate (Mt$.) L .O.S. midwife, 19 King st "-- Yarjoric ( M'lst), con!etnr. QJ High sti Jh8oek Chl·y.a '.l'bo~ . .M~P .cbemis-h.24])at.b rd. 'J''N 140 lbfp O. W. k Co. (M ham) Ltd. mtu1ufnett1rcrs o(

cmr XD•t~ matfiing1 paulin! ~ waterproof ooYers. iitt;k & mar:quees k tent k ma.rqu.~ contrBCtors, Spa ?'OIM!. TA. ' ' ~f&gf;', Melk$hain ; " 'l' N 31

Jl.a:rig,,g ..!.rth. k Co. howe furnisher$, T..owbourr10 s.Jt.n <iE'O. co11fcti:'ll; , 3 Cbun:b i;:' ~l~ George k $.oo, 1U1ddlers. Bigh atl'ett. Wel}:,.ham ..l.g"ricullurGl Soc.icty (Leonard Nood,hon.se<=) ~ba.m Bowlina- CJub (Wm. Gerri$h, lion. sec) -.&sia.m Constitntional 1\'orking Men'$ Ch1b (Ai:th.

&a;iJey Cillrk. sec.). 17 Bauk st · llf:Lbbam Cottap Hospit.t (for slBtf $ee Official ste­

t.iAJ. Bank !It. T~ 7 llldsham Crlc~~t Club (Geor.:go B urn, hon. see)

iJha.m ~OOur Clnb & l111ttitt.).t~ (llcg. No. i0242) :"&zbt. i\tarti1J, hon. E.t-c.). Nurlrot pl ~b3m Liberal Club k lo.st.itnto (Chas. S idney

LicWi-U, hon. ~ec .), .DW st .-..Obam Yotor \Vorks (J. P. P. Kt l'.lnclly, propr.).

2111MOr en~r!l. 2"$ ffit!b st.. TN' 38 ~am Pfetu.r~i; Ltd.(~ln. Y;)rle)' lliggins, mn~rs.s.) .

li:!:b "' ~d BW L.:.d. (brAnch) (.Al!d. Harold Cullwfok,

J:m:&.;.~.) (open dailf 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. o i;at. 9 a. in. to -=> c.oon), 52 Digh st. (T ~ a4) ; head office, Poultr;, Lecdo!t E 0 2 •

~ Jrtrb-.. Oto. china k gllUs dlr . 13 &.nk s~ ~ Pmnk, !ru.itr . t J...owbonrnt ~ Fred, (l\rm~r. '\\rood.row ft1rm, Woodrow ......,. Predk. f(rrmer, Sandri~ hl. Sandrid..."tl. (pct"!t>11.l

..wnss.. Ohipp~nh,m) lmprov;..mc.:nt. Society (H. K nee, h on. sec.) , ~ TOOms., t:2 Bank st

3C:iccal l)(>po~it F'rfond.h· Society (Wm. Lawrence -s. 4 6 Stm.i.n.s:ton rd · ' ~ lb!l Olt$. WiJibirc, caret3ker), ~to.rl-c.t pl - A. A Son (A. New J, .~r.Inst. ll.E. pt()prietor),

.'.Odle ~-ittrs, car O:«C$$0dts st.ockcn., repaire1·s &; ~ po~eton, Bear gtr?it', Dath road. T N 15 ~ .t .Att:b$zd. grocers, s Churth st. ·r N 49 .si.-e::. ~. E. ho.irdrssr. l r D;Ub rd ~ r..t-d. rstme.r, 1'owusend f<\rm, Swtlnrtoo rd ._. !.ecc:ard, fa.rm.er, Hac.k farm: FoN!1t ~ ~ b1ker. Citr Pr&-?· __.tt ~i,.), fried tl!!h dlr . 4 Obu_rcb st­...._, W's.:.:_ R.. ~mt. 5 Sp! td ~ ~=-- ~. surve.~or & iwnit.,.,-v in...-{K'!cC.Or to ~ ~ ~ Crb&a District Counelts', Town ha_ll.

-. ,_ s.m.. (Erne" J . llugbos ~l.P.S.). C:q T ?\ 19 ~ ~ h.. .s!opkpr. ~+ Forest rd Pt! ~ tilcb.::ui:..b. King street ~ £id.. Beit!; ~ Prl'.lrident Society (A. Ge:rr isb, ~ ~ 5-:i:;t.L"O NW r-;...~ ~. butcher, Higl1 5\N!et. T N a7 ....... Yay.e .- C.OU.n Ltd . ftour tnillcn, Bath rd.

":' ..!. ... !lDi:.:t. lldksham ; " T N 3 ,._,_ ~ llb.\ 1bopkpr. Be-a.nacre ... ~ • S.:. L:.i... motor baut..gc conh-cu·-!I. Spa rd .

':"Y:.c: • _..._ 'ff.. l'..z:itt. jun. hon. •ee.), 1a Oank st.

...... ~!:Dir.. &' S.. oI-o:mbtr.$, Btlth rd. T N 47 ~=== _._, fl::!::::M:n.. Se:mi!lg~u road I ~ cs.;:im:n-, B!:aekmore

~ WllllAM TOWNSEND, """' ---:.•e--~ ~am-er.. TN 56 •t:... ~. ~ lbth rd

G ..t ~ .._ CL"'t'f'& :;7 Ba.nk st •=- :-u.. Mic::-_ k comml.<i.s!on¢r for oa&b.s, _. Y~~ • · ~'"ltr t. tavlor

.&-=--.,-~qa.. Y.!.M rd . a_ t: r,. ~--~ j:: &-ub-post omoe ~ --=a. ;:(._ 7 s L • V/

~=~r k: .t.: ~ ~ .t ~s.J...owMnrne II ~ 7':-oo!L K.b.: 11.S-Do:b.. >l.R.C.S.F.ng .•

'S".A •..L.. ;.z. 5-r:::.. kmOell. Kt-i: & SJM->ncc). =cko ~ ~~,!:- !t!'~T~b~ --.z.:ss.o

• u... iat:zM.: • ... : ~ 1 &: :5illu U=uea.. •i!o!~ feaTh:e:r- ptnifiets

W 2 ,,,!•• :oa.!.. T -S ~ '

Sawyer Fred, i:t-ret-.ngro. 33 &. 35 1Jigh at Sooit Edwa rd & Song, d.r:ipera, Bath road Scott •r. k Son, paint.er!!, d:ttb 1·d 0 Sbe.at.& J ames It farmet, Woohnore farm, Bower bill Sbeate William G. R. C3r met , Blu.cl:tu10rc Shumbotd Go.rage, motor car agonts, 'MSineen &

garaze,, T N 78 Siml J{oben ., farmer, Bowcrbill lane Skinner Beary, daJry f:tr mer, Lower Beanacl"$ fa l'.01,

11 ... ..,,. S13dt Le51ic, groocr, Forest Sm1ih ~\. G. & Son, solicitors, 5 Spa road. TN ~::i Smith 'V. lI. k Son Ltd. !ltatnn. B i.gh &t. 'l' N ~J $mjtb Alan Mont.ague, solicitor k commiu.ioncr for

uatbs (A.. G Smith & So~a), rcgi11tr11r ~ high bailiff to county courr.. ('ler k to j u•tfct.a &; Urban Dl$ttict Cou1.1ci1 &- t.o the r3t ing uu. tb.ority & agent t.o Alliance A$:$urance Co. Ltd . 'I'he &sex & S uffolk Equitabl-o lusnl'aneo Society Ltd. 1'ho Car & Gener al lnsuranoo Corporatio'n t.td. & 'l"be Guard.ian Fir e k Life Auur· ance Co. Ltd. s Spa rOad (T N 22) ; k at 7 Bigb st. Dtvhcl>

Snu t.h J.:.diU1 (Miss), p rll'at¢ school, Kin~ 5kect. Smttli·Kee.n Jesse &; So11, boo\ dlrs. ,.3 Bath ttl S1ni1;t~ -K~n J ¢1!s.t', cout1ty <.'Onrl. btliUft, 43 )Ml.th r d Soinet!W:!l \rnl.ll.«t11e<:t.or ()f inlar1d revtn1,1t,9 l>lt11¢h rd Spence. Doug-las Leigh M.A., M.ll., B.Cb.Camb ..

M .. R.O.S.Y.;ng .• L.R.O,P.f.ond, (llnn, Il.umboll. Keir k Spence), physician & suraeon, tnediC3l officer of besltb to t ho Urban .t llu.ral ))ism.ct Councils & &-be Post OtJ'ice &; eor-.Hyirt,J: fnctory surp-.~6 L<>wbourne. T N 70

Spene-tr • .\rth. 1nnth1 w11r<tho. 21 nat.b. rd Spt-ncer Hy. t.atlor, so liniora i.t Spenoer!I ( Melksham) l.td. tni:iw~ . Bear11cr'-' l'd. •r N 9 Spicer £ dmnd . 8 . grocer, 19 ·l.lanl;; it.

STRATTON, SONS & MEAD LIMITED, .. wbolci@;,)e.to;t $,; 11r<.i\·i$fon mo.rcl.ll'Jll-ll, High at. T N 6

Snnu:net'$ Fn.n.-:1a John, butcher, Dl'idgc house, Semiog-ton ro'd (pogMJ, Scr:ningt<>o, 'l'rOwbrid~). '1' N 51Y1

'ra'.''ll'Jr \V3l~. Hy. 11o)('t'r. &. ('Otnmbsioncr for oaths, Me Wansbi-01\g:h, Rol.>iu$01l1 T3yler k ' l'11rlor

·r~~Jor Geo. nlotor engor. Spa rd. T ~ 1oi Taylor W11lt.o.r Ja1n e!I, solicitor, too 'l\11J1111brougt1, Robin.

$On , 1'a yler k 'l'aylor 'l'¢rr,, Wnl. DtU juu, Dath rd town BaH (Urb1u Digtrt1;t, OounciJ, propr3.) , Marl:et pl Townsend Aird. forni.~uro dlr. 18 !-lark.et pl •rrotmn1\ R1.:rbt.. J'M. ('ontctnr . 25 J;l(l.t.b rd Trowbridae Co·oper&t·ive Induttrial Providcuii Socieiy

Ltd. (\fm. G. Pyne, bt";)nch m1~gr.). 7 Dank &i.; Church Jl-. k D0-tb r d. T N 45

'l'ylcc's Motors, motor ~ngnr~. Mtarketi pl. 1' N t6 Ve.u\on P. ,V, & Son.s, crclc rep111. :Bath rd. 't N 72 Vintr Vince¥1ti Albt.. bou&e futnh ber, City lVall B uben. Orvwri P.B. M:nrket. pl 'VtUl$bron~b, &lbinson, 'l' a7ler & Taylor , $Oletrs. M.arkl)t.

pl.; af\e.nd t.u.es. 10 a..m . to t p .m \V-ans.btoui:h lh·. l«:guJd, ir.olc r. .t commi:.uioner !or

oaUls, $Ce \V8W1b.rougb, llobil'IJl'On, 1'ayJer ~ 1\lylor \:Yard Albert.. shopkeeper, 8(1.t.h road \ \lard Kato (~!r&. ) , fried fis.b dlr . 55 :O~b rd Wat$0n Artb. Cha.'!. outfitter, 3' k .; Jlank ~t. T N S7 Watson Barry, dl'iryman. Jloreat. Wat.4\ln Henr/ J. farmer , Bhotteridge farm, Woodrow \Vaoon John, Carmer. Saodridge {po5tal addre!~ . Chip·

pe.i.Uam) We bb F. L. & Son, bnild~rg k contractorg, 30 Union

strtt\. & workshop, J..owbourne. Webb Alrred. poulterer. Woodrow \~'el.II.; .&rth. itiopkpr lv sub-Pf>~UUll$tEr, lte:u1acre \'\'ebb .Prank, boitder. Sennnlltol't Toad \Vebb Wm J11. baker, JI Barik :1 t lVthle)' Margt. Mury (Mrs.), dni.per, ~ Da11k .s~ \Vt:lls Sidney. beer retailer, l'oreJt \fest Artb. J. &; Sons, plast.e-re.rt, West Eod ter \\'~i:I j.lf~d, baker k confGeuouel', 34 lligh street \Ve-.stcrn Elee1;rieity Su1>Pl1 Co. Ltd. t lectrcl. engnrs. 5

Bau, rd. 'l' N 63 ' V(';11fon l>orot.h;y {MN. ). fraitr. 2'J Bank at Whitohc.H· Albert; If. m usic, gramopho1~e ~ wire.less

deu.tcr, 1fl High -st-reet. T N 135 'Vhite Be11ry ~le.lbbam) L~. drAp~l'.!i, Rigb lit·. 'l' N 77 Wh1t.tJe Jru;. ~- butebor, +I (i:l\.J1 rd lVilcos ~ O.,or t.on. cc.1al merebants, Sttltion )'ii.rd \ Vilhs1ntl & $011, f3 rm\'r:&, Serr11t1:izto11 rd \ \1i llHlnli> Jltirry J: u 'l$tl t . 11gt. 7 \V~t end \V1lluuna J'..,Q\lJ@u (Mt'ij.}, s taopkpr. ao Fore"" rd \\'iJhtnnlS Rt. . .e~.h,.iri, boot t;, ,iho& dll'. •s Bath rd \Vilts Unit.e:d .Do.iriC-$ Ltd. New l)~ugbt..on rd. T N S 1Vil~shi:ro Agnoo.ltnr:il Co-opt_ralive Socaet~· Lld. agri·

<:ultAH't\I uJ:Jplcm ont tla:u. o l.la!b rd. 'l' N 59 \\'JL'J'$. 6•

Page 5: twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F


Bristol Clotblnr Co. (Victor JenniniS, proprietor), out.-6.lttrt. Danit ttl't4IL

British •~:.~on (Mtllt1bam branch) {&Y. H. Knowlu ll • .&. ~ P. P. e. ... joint. ho.rL ~-). Watsons COOl'l & (Bt••M"l'fl brancb) (~ " 1ebb. see.). Btanacre

Brown Samu•I, bMI' nlailu, Stmini:too road Boll ff• • .Albt.. dtoU.C, llark•L pl Bort':heh T,,.m, boot ttpr. 1~ Jtaa• rd Burnett JMtl Puidlat ll&tilft (lli.u) :\I.&.., ll.B., Cb.B.

pb111c\a.• ~ IU'f'Olll Butler Arch •at:n •rilfor, 111 llarkc-' pl nuu. Gto. t•Uor • .., lligh 1t. 'tN u8: Caddi .J, A Son, co.t merchant.a, Umber mtrthanu, po~1hr' appJIO.n<.'t mUtr• .t firewood dcale:r;111 18 Spa rd

Caddy Juu-.11, boos. Tepaher. Ba~b rood C.nnine Ja1. t1umtr, Mortbou1e fi"'m. Church rd . Poreal (bnn111i: John, buller dealer, Cbo.reh road, Forest. Oarpe11tf>r M1n1d (Mr•.), dre-<i::11no.. 24 Union II! Chondltr Suu1lfl'' V.liadic111 bt1if'dr!ls.r. 26 Datb rd. 1'.N'117 Chard 'J'11011. J.1,.flr P.H. OnLh rd. ' l' N 15 Clnrku ArLh. s. deplll.\' l'f'~i!lt.rBr or birth'" &. dtath~

Mt-llU1luun tulJ-d~tric't. &; coUector or poor rat.es. i7 J...owh&l1rnt>

Ole,·trly111 C,·~Je \ forl11 (L. B. Cleverly), cycle 111gi1. ~h1r\t("t. pl. T :-\ 97

Ccilt·1na11 Jc""'" J>•nnf'r, '26 l'.nion itt. Coombe A. &: Son. n1u11"ral watu mrrt.Old :Broughton rd Cooftt AIM~ tttr rtclr. l\in2 '"" Co-optrat-1"" \\'holt••Jt> Socit.lj' Ltd. (milk department.).

Sbnr.-hoJd. TN 67 Cotti• Charltc RicbaJ'd l; Son. dairy fal-m:t'.n., Yaner

farm. Sandrldp Cott!e P""l"rielt. farmtr. 0-.T"ma"'b County Coort cmi Uooor i.. ~ Ja.me.s LL.B. jud~•: .\Ian )(, Smith, rtg:btrar), S Spa rd

Co•plarid'• 5t'l.Ort!I. etottn. 22 &U• rd. TX 131 Coutin1 Ltli11n N!iry (),(Us}. coslamMr, 1Stt llarrall k

O:inJ:ins Crook AHd. & Son. tn.rmtr", C¢llag• farm. Beitniaen:i

CROOK C. & SONS, road to moto• haulage .t pubHo work• coutrac:ton, Sh..,rnhotd. "r N 78

Crook "'osoph a l one, ron.d contractors. e.arl'iers, trn.t\litr~. l"h11r·A·bRrtc propl'it'tor!I 1Y furuihni:l: re· movcu. New Drol.lrllton rond. 'l' :::\ ~

Crook Arthur Oh1rl('-r, fnnner. Potttt. Cl'OOlc 1). F. tbOJ>kpr. Unaoa<'I'~ Crook lV1n, 1•'XI riropr. Aa Nevr Uroughton rd. 'J' N 8a CtVOk \\'1n, R. btUChtlr, aJ Baul; at Cullwick .\lfd. Dtrold, mnsr. ~lid.land Dru1i: Ltd. Dig:b

Jl. 1' ~ ~ .. C\t~tltr AJfd. bffr ttto.iltr. Carptntt'.r's Arms. Bt:anaere DAVIS H. & SON, bo•ldc .... ..,,.,,...,.,., sculpwnk

monumonta.t m a eona, ('burcb $~t.. TN 9S Derri~lc l\1hr. Uy, I:: Son. &obttluta. 11 Bank st De.-•nll lltFM. \\'m, t't'O«r, 19 &tb rd De'fertU Charita, paini.r ~ bOl.l..5e ckcorat<lr k glu.in,

Spa....i 01'('1..t U•d. 'hopl.pr. 2 Kine s:L Ditl'•r Yredt. D. fumhu,. dlr. 7 King a&.. TN ,.a Dixon R. II *-~ •• boot. rnl~ Ui.gh .si. T JS z DoJm•n Ed•d. farmer, Elm Tree fn.:r-o:i. $.a.ndrl~

(postal Mldre11~. Cbipptnbam) o .. ow Honrv "a.mot, Ji:nn"'" &: undertaker. Kin~ atreet E-~trnau1 Ltd. butcben, 3 Kina ~t. '1' N' 107 F,d.-nrd~ Ol'O. farmer, SIUldridi;'' fum (poi.tat addrest,

Chip(lf'nh1t1n) Edwardt Jl.(\wland, 0-.!orge inn. Bank st Ed«ai·cl8 'l'bo1nns. lt1·ruor, Ulack11\ore Et1gla11d Mnrr J1u1C1 (~tr11.) . beer r«aifo.r, Citv Ofarthlu1f' ' l'o1n )\rib, (nr1u,.r, ll:&lfway. DeanaCre Penn('ll Ol"O. e<>n!ct.J\r, Cb1.1rth nl. Yortst Pttm-011 Johu. 1ntll'ktt. l!ardencr. \l'ild!l farm, Sandridge

(po.uni •ddrt-t11. (:tiipp~nb11m). T '!o: Dc"iges ~:a3X4 l'erda Otitrlt1, J>l••t..e~r. Church rood., Poresi. l'lnt:b $1'MI, • .\rtb oil dlr. a8 Sra rd Fire P.u~ine Sto.tio11 (Artb. J. l\t&t., Cl\pt~). ~11r\tt. yard Flaho r Horbort "'· b1,1ildtra' J»treh.nt.., general .t

turnb.bing ironmon,a;tr & bea~n: engineer, 9 Bank JtrttS. TA ''FUher, Ironmonger, Ytlksham;" T~ ••

,.loOk e a Ma.nnlnc , old l.amilr wine • spirit. mtt­cliants (c-tbblbbed 1ta..t}: 1*-Ued ~ cuk aln.. cidtr ~ Jlit"1'; totJuco &. ciprt. High ttrttt. T S 11 lltl•.b•m

Prtema\On.f, Mtrk )(._.ltr Matons. Cbaloou Lod~. No. S?9 (E. J, !At, 61 Spo nl. 1tc)

Prtut.one Jtrotbttt, fume.rs, BtutJ tarm. Porm Friek•r Arch. J.; ~h bldr. Spn. I'd Pri~by• J.td. boo" k 11boe cllr-s. 15 Dat1k st. 0 Pr1 Jn. (Mtt.). farmer, Qucenfield, Ports&

F!ln1tll It'°. rarrnf'r, Digbcrort farm, Semingtoo rd 0.ilfol"d la1. blilitr Lo lloo. Mr~ G. Lopes. Sand:rid~

Parli tann Oaleford J a m e a , ttrpeat~r. wbflt:lTri;ht .t '4.Ddc.r»

taltr. Sand rid,. toad oa10 Ma n•o t Cora.Id , team OW'llU", ear..-r, eana:­

contractor, ano\or Jta.u.laa- COl3tnctol" .t c:a~U. battl!u;. nh for bltt, \Vt:tt Ead ft.no. $tmingt0ll -:d.. TS itQo

0--.I• \\'n• • .lo. Wilor, 16 Dant Et Gu l.iJlhc &. Cot.• Co. Ltd. (Boah Baghti • ..,.,.,...._, I.:

Arthur O . \\1\1U.alte.r, .tee.), 10 Bar.Ii TOad.. TS '.S Ge. \\ n\, Ju. nt••ai;t. '4 Ualh rd Gern•b Ada )f1ry (Mrt.). •atcb & clock mb.g IL•la •~ Gtn111h J.lbt. 1Q-Gt~r. '43 K1.11g $~ Gerri1h Kott (Miu), dtts!IUU\, a3 Kiag 1t Gowen l'rank (Mn.), dra~r. High •trtei uo~'in:t &:; $011, tzr~ri, 6 High•'· 'l' N 18 Gtrty .t Sou, watch k dock mkra.. 17 IDgb st Gi>ten AHcl. nulOUtr, s Market pl G retn JeHe $iU1\uel, t..emperaneo hotel, Bath road GNJ;Ut)' llo.tr)' J$. balrdn!l1., -4 Church ~ t. Or~uo1•y JJHC!l, roarke• gardtne_r·" SMdridze ~--!.al

addNu, Oblppe.nbaw) Gunrditnt' Girl•' Bome.(M.iu Dot'Qtb)" HardiD.g,uut=- •

S? h.1t111 •• O(Juley " ' rn. 1'bo1 O. iarme.r, Conigr~ Farm bo. ~

u1qton rd. T .N 1$9 Oull lvor Albort Edward, tarpaulin, rope. ~

molor bood ,\,. •ide tcrttn mlr. lsrou~bio.11 Jd Ila,. Ji), Jn, ~kt.\. mkr. $em.inpu rd ona.td.i.D&" llobtti. Ed.W11rd, b.iry larmtr. Lo•£:- a..J

\fer farm. BMnacr. llarr&ll ~ Cou&At Miu.a, OOttamie:.rs,. 9 Eicg 1: Ban~ A"4My T. farnMr, Dome farm 81r-rold \\'an, Uy. bal•r, ~ sttwud to \ho 1'f1:ttt.ift

Frl.enJI~ !:locit\y, 91 Ua\h rJ. Ua"tY B~cinald T. t.ailor, Cbo.rch s&;rtt~ lleiron Oeo.Pr1day,dairy trmr. Bower Rill tn:o.lcYe:r ll Dill Jn. Merrett. Ill Sou. bu~~1"$. Church at. TS ·. Bill Fredlt baker, 47 t,;11ion -.t Bu~he1 Aird. 1narkei gardener, Sandridp ~

1t<ldrtf1, C:hipptnb111n) Ftu;lu.~• El•lo M. (Mrs.). ftorhl. 35 Bn.th rd

HUGHES ERNEST JAMES M.P.S. chem;·· • dru~A'·i•t; 1n1rg1enl &- invalid rcqui.$'ttes 1iOppl:.K , patt11' k caHh~ medicine TC11dor; K o o • " SPICIAL18 T I 11111 photographic i»&teriaht stocb4.. Markot p laco. T 'N 19 Yel.k6bam

llunt. Albt. \Vin. Unicorn V.U. Dtilh rd Bunt M:rinbow \\'ru. po11hnvkr, Rig:b st. 'fN .& ounnt \Vi1U1n1 Ile.nry, dairy farmer. Outmu-11 !~ ..

SemJnet.on rd. (po1taJ address,~•bridge). TS5:l.o. Durn Drothert Lid t.nnber mt.rcbaD-lS, The Ark. ~

toad i u." un1Jt.Xtllt1-blll) atat~on. T S 25 )(~ Bara Job111, stoet:r, Lo•boo..rne nuuon T.,m, farmu. I \\Toodro• lies UtrMl'to. f•f'Cl'ler. Lo,.. •• la:nn, Bo..-u hill lntnoa,looal Tea Oo.'• Stora Lld. (Tl:e). Market p:1:.

TN 3 J...U 1do (31,..), sl>opltpr. • It.Inf" Jontt Jn, ltllor, 19 Yorn:t rd 1\t'l'n F.. k. Co. wbo. tobccnat.s.. 21 Bath l'd l(eevil IJIJ (Mrs.). fannel', tip. Bea.nacre trm. 1Jea:M.-. Ktl'r h•en Cocbr•ne .&I.D .. B.Ob.Edia., D.P.B.cn.....

J.P. (tlrru, Ru1nboll, Kei:r k SPfllll."t}, physcn. &: SG.rt' Tho \Vnlnutt, Beaoacre (TN so); sor:ery, Xiaz' n.. ,. iS 6:i

K1•l!lon 'lh&_., AHd. corn dlr. Churc-h st~ T :\ 13 Ke1ine1ly Prod (Mr•.), epireJla oorset. rtpTts.ent~tifto 16

llif:h •t-. '1' N 38 Ol\ert.c>n S. J. fftr1uer, \\'r11tland11-, Deanacf't Krnr Uall, ltdit•• OllUlitt('r, ~o Bath rd Kin= l .oui111L (Mn.).trocer k "ob-postmittrt''"·p°""' l'C Kini'• Aru1t Oottl (Uc-gnld. lVm. Snook, propr.).~d

pl. TN 17 Kntt Alb~. Jn. it Soo, 11.ign ,_.:rile.rs, 6 triio::i •: J ... awry Olodr• (Mis•).di1lrict uuru.Old Bank ~Dad.• IA-:::- llt-. II~. mtrli.et ~ardener. ~ Mad:tt rl lA Nay jJi('t Mabtl (Mn.). conrct.nr. 107 &:ll 1"4 Llord• Da•t l .. td. (tiraacb) (\'filli.am E. BHdtt.. =-P

(optn dally, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; $lt. S- Lm.. .. u noon), llarke\ placit ( TN 70); he.d. ot!i::to.;-! t..t.d •trH-'- l.ondon EC 3

Loell E. & ~n. bool mkn. lligb st Loc k Ho nr)f olohn, J:*~"'fl proprit~=. oo:.:-: a. -6

dtaWr; t"a.r for bn•; accumuJato" ~ t.o .. o , Btu pra:ie. Bath rotd

t..ocJc ftv. Ju, carprt,r, IJ.S J;\Atb rd Locli:1U,' flond. Bennett ~ Ut1.t4il~oa.. idJr-=.a.. a-~

4 PlflCO rd. TN 36

Page 6: twhc.org.uktwhc.org.uk/directory/Melksham1931.pdf · DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. MELl\SliAM. 169 PB.t.,.ATH RKSr»a.~s:. Bourt-01J $. F. l»sket. mkr Lewis Ernesl D1n'id, ronne.r. Lona-(F


Mlt4bire Workinic Alen'$ Con•ervaUve, Benefit. Soeiet.y (bran~b) tE. Scot.t, :-ec.J, 7 JJai.b ra

Wiltsbtte JSs. bldr. 26 Church s; \ViJubire \Vi.J!uu:n dauy farmer, Semingt.on t'oad \Vin.ftow Fl'edk. Boward &: Jas. Be.rbi..fan.ti.erio.Be.rrrfleld

MEB.B is a p$risb on the borders of tbrte cot.inlfes­lVilt.s, 1'.torut and So=cir sot<-wbicb meet in U1e v1citlity, and on th& road from Salisb\lry to Taunton D~n.. -4 miloa north from Gillill,gbl'm station on the Salisb11ry and Yeovil branch of tbo Southern railway, 2'3 \TC&t·b) .. north from SalUbnry, 7 wtgt from .flindon. 7 tai;t.-b)'• north fl'Om \l'incant<1n 1u1d 1~ from Loudon: it is tho h~ of a rural di.strict, in t.be 'Ve$tbury division of tbe county, More hundred, 'ti&b\11')' and ~i'etc p<}liy u$sional divia:ion, county cou.rt. district. of Sb.afWsbi.1r)'• rn!'&l deanery of 'fV)•Jye {lleytesbur)' podion). arcbdeaeonry of ·Sarnm and diocese of Salisbury. 'l' be. town U l~ht.ed wit.b gas f1'0m work.$ erected in ts.M. The water aupply for th& district. is proT'idcd by the Bural Dist:riet Coun­cil. The ehurc.b ol St. Michael the Archangel is a build­ing of $tone in the. Pe-rpendieular style, ""H,b traee-s ot E;U'ly En3ll$b and 'reputed Sa,;on work, consisting or eb1u1c<:I "·itb chapels. elere~toried nave of 6.ve My6, tli t le-t, JlOrl.h and iouth porcbeit, ove.r each or which ii1 :i.

po.rviu, and " wcist;ern ~wer too feet bigb, "'it.Ji pinnacles, and co11\4ining a clock wit·b ®irot$ and 8 bells : the clu1ncel is separated from the nave by a bcl)uti!uJly caro;·l':d oak tereen, the u ppei· part of which bu been retoorf)(} at t.be. cost. of Mr.s. A. ~torriwn : ~here are two ob:sntl")' chapels, and in tbe. south chapel is a. brai11t to Joh.n &ltellhorn0, d . 1398 i tbe present. chancel und th& chapels wet'4 bu.lit in lhe 146b century, but the tower dates l:rom about. t·he middle or t;,be i5t.h oeotury : the.re a.re 580 siUi.ogs : in 18S-3 t-he churchyard was levelled and plant.td with &bJ"Ubs a.nd ftO\TCrs. '1'.IJc registers are in a good a.t4!te of prci;ervt\t.iOn, and date from 1572, and th"e churchwardc.11s' books. still pre­served, date from 1556. 'J:bc li'rittg is a 'rie$rago1 with \Vest Knoyle annexed, joint. nc.t yta.rly value f>737, including ~lebe and tt$idtineie. in the gifG of tbe Bishop of SaJisbur)', and held llince 1927 by Mae Rev. Ian Granb Cameron M.A.. ol Selwyn CoUe~e, Cambri.d~, -wl10 i.s a sn.rrogate. l'bc mission church of S;. M.at<t.hew. cl.lout •• 1ni1es south of tbo to,,.n, and on t.be Sbait(';S· bury J"OOd, n·iu op~11cd in 1$8-:i, nnd iii. An (ldifice of i<lonc ttnd bric.Ii. Q<>11is.i.sWn~ er npsidol chaneel, na"c· uo,rth por¢h •nd a iurrdi cont.n.ining oiie bell, and wili ~at. 150 per$0ng : the co111i of ~rtcU:on ''':li; about [,,1,00<>. t.be ill~ being the gift oC lhe lat.e Mi.st Cbafyn (.i f'OYI); it iJ "r1·ed by t;be clerg)' uf Sr. Michael the Ar.::hanael. 'J"be Congrea:ational chapel wa.11 fo unded in 1795: th~ presenc. edifice, a large Gothic structn~. was erected at. a cost of eiver £8,ooo. defra)ed by lbe late Chari~ Jupe. e$q.; there is also CL Primith·o Methoditt ch~pel. T he Society of Friends h\\ve a meeting house beN. Tbe Ck.Olel¢_ry, on the $Outh side ot 'he. town, consist:i11g or •bout 3' acrt$, \'r~S opened in 1856, and ha$ t.'1'0 Q)ortullr' ' <:h!lpol.s; it jg under tbu control o( ii t:om­wi~~ Ot the Parish Oonncil. et.:tinSt 35 t\ buritt1 board. About 50 acres of arable and 2a acres of }Hlst.,c.1re lsnd, n1011Hy re:1t«:I f_l'Qnl 1-ho Do.Ch)' of C<>rt1· ~all, are held o.s a.lJo~o:.H~nts UJ)dtr tho Pansh Council and ltl. in illllf;ll pot-tions to pai:-ishioncrs to the number or 256. 'l'he. Mere Snul.llhold<-n' Auocfo.tion f..ld. ono or tb& l!'rgcE'- in J~11ghuld, rent about. ~.ooo ncres from the DucJ.i~· of ConnTAU and &bo \Yil&sbiro Collno· Council. 1li.e. cl<>Ck tower in tJ10 1.furkc~ ph1<:0 oceopi<i!­the- she of the old morl:et. houie 11nd was er~W:d in le'66 by Kin~ 1~.;lward VTl tht>n UJe Princd or '\Vales. a~ Dulte of Cornwall. A lt-ctnre hall adjcining the Frfond!I' me-etJtig bonsc. built aboni 1870. \MU accou•­m,,dttte about- 300 pt>nons and is available for public mett.ings tind conoorts. 1·be Victoria. Ball ill the pro­ptort)' of the .Mt'r~ Cou5crvat!ve Club Co. Ltd. A cross w~;s trcettd in 1ncrnory of the 48 men of Mere who le.II fr1 tb.t Gn!(lit \Yn.r, 1914•1$. About. l I acN!s of 11Jind ttO.'* purcl13$ed irom the J>ucb)' of Cornwall in 1920 t~nd ltiid ou&. as a -recreation and $ports ground as a pen~ rne.morinl. -There is u public tennis ground lo Po~Wrid!?e lane.. 'l·ho cbaritil?!t amount. to ,lJSS ;rct11rly: Oilficghom Forest cba-ritr. a.rb.in,g from tho 1nclO$Ure ol lt1.nd " GjJliugbam Forest, prOduce.& f.Joo yearly-, tnd i, distribot.ed in shares : the allotment charity-. dorlv~d from ltuid in Gillingham pari$h, yieldi; £1lo anou111l)'. ond i5 distributed to t .be poor. John Phi11ipt, of Cban1-t1~. left by hit will the !lum of f.800, the iot.ere&t. of which is devoted to tbc r-epair of his tomb a.nd the support of th& Sunday -tebool, tbe- sur plui i1 dist-rib\ited by tbe cburcbward.Mti; there t11'f) I) few ro._inor chtu·1'ies now amalgamated under a scheme o( ~be Charity Commis.."ionera. Woodland.$ M"nor Bouse

Woodman Rt.. Jae. tailor, 35 Sank ist \Voodward Char!e.11 a . pnnler, bookbinder. n.drerl1ait1g

ci.1ntrnctor & blU poster, " 'atson'a oouu., Jligb 4itrte\; &. ai ~"17.es

\Vool le)' Jn. R. ho,irdrtsr. 10 Market pJ

(ca t.$10·1.i.oo) includes " do1nest.ic cbafel. The entire bu.ilding hll& bee.n ro.a;torcd. The <:b1.1pe ba$"boon used a& a d.weUinsi: room siueo t540. 1'.tere coniti~utes • pa~ or it1e Duchy ol Cornwall: in t-bo ye.Ar 1a53 p.n:nissio11 was gl,•en 10 U1cburd, &rt of CornVialJ, tu build ll ca&t.Je on \he hill, now known 11s Cast.lo .8-HI, 1U1d pfeer­wards kl f('lrtih· i\ ; some trA~s of thh castle were found d\lrln.g e>:cnv11~iont i.u J8~7. 'l'he p-riucipal IM~· owner~ ta re 1:£.Jt.ll. Ghl> Pr-i1•cc ol \Vttlt!f K.G. who it1 lol'd or th., mlltlor. Lt..·Col. £ . G. 1'ro)ie·Dullock C.M.G .• 1'.D. , D.L .• J.P. and A. R. White ru:q. Q.B.E .• D.L., J .P. 'l'he aoil is va.rioug, clay, chalk and ftint.; subsoil, chalk and gra\·el. l'h~ chief crops are ~beat, and o:at.s to the north;. aud on the soot-h of t.be towu (which i$ princjpanr clay) fine graiing land. 1·bc Ash-13..,td .;,ut.er riae'f from a chalk hill in tho neighb0u_r4

hood. and after turning l!.ev,.ral mills join11 t.be. riv~r Stour. 'l'be pa1'iah con.tu.ins 6,05$ uetts or 111.nd ::tnd .~ of ttate-r; the popula\.ioo in J9:u was 1,S.47,

Se~t.ou , \\l illj11u1 .Norri&.

Ob11ddeowtcke li> a tithi11g, 1! miles nQrtb~el41t ; \Vood· lands, a tHbiog, J mile iooutb: Su.sh Dare,,. 14 110uth· \'&St ; ~Ianor liouse, Darrow Si.rte.1-. l soath·e~t.. ind Bul'thn. ball a milt ea.sl, are adjace11l pla<.-es. ,_

Ze1dl!, a 1.ilbing in th.is civil parith, bM b(l,,n Conned into a clYil p1&1'i11b, aod \"iU bo fonnd wider a sep~rllt4 heading. Post;, it. O .• T , ~ T. E . D. Office ( letter( 11bonld bave

\Viles Mldcd)

MF.ltf: RURAL 1)1$TRIC'f COUNCIL. Tb0 porlsbcs in tbe District are :-Kilmington, filng:s.

ton Dever-ill, Ea,,11 Knoyle, \Vest KoOf)e, bfo,id~n l.l'rtldloy. Mere, ~onkt.on De-verill, Sedge:bill, Sto11rton & Zeals.

Council ineet11 a~ the Institution. monthly, on tbu.rsd~y at. ~.30 p.m.

Cbainnan. Arthur &bbitt.s \Vhite O.ll.E., D.L., J.P. • Charnage, Mere

OJli.eit1h. Olerk, Reginald Bo\..-ard Biscon. ?.fer& 'l"rCllMIJ'Ct, Wilmot Henl')' Knight, lJ0)1d3 lllluk Ltd Medical Officer of Ucaltb, G-. E . Ellis M.B., B.S.Lond.

&u.rton, Dorset Sanitary Inspector, Willjflm J3mes Gallugber

WARMINSTER AllEA 00.!.RD!ANS C0M1'UT'l'EE. (Compris~ tho to:rmer Union areas o[ ?t.lere, \V;,1.r ..

minster & J\"tst~u:ry &: Wborwelbdown.) For pttirt.ioular11 tee under Warminster.

MJlU REGISTllA.1'10N l)lSTJtICT. Snpe.rintendetito Be:it.trar, Ucgio:,ld Bott31'd Bise<1tt,

Me-re; deputy, Bar ry 'l'bomas Dar-ding, Ca.•tle $lN!et

Registn r ot Birth.II, Dentbs & ~{1\rri3ge1. Frank Ford, 'More ; depoty, Louis Ucnr)' Pnul Delorme. The Deon err

Pire Brigade Police. Stalion, North street·. T N ,ia

PUDUO 01'1,.lCEl<S. Ccrt.ity{nJt Fnctoty Surgeon, llobtr' Elliot ' Vbitby M.B.,

Cb.B. l>e"·es bouse Clerk to tbe Borial Board & Parish Cooncl!, FTa.nk

Ford, Nortb ro.-.d Ratins: Offioer, Louii Henry t'ac.sJ Delorme, 1'hc De.:u1ery

!'LA.OKS OP WORSBIP. Parish Cbu.reh of St. Mfobael tb:e Arel\ttngel, Bev. Ju

Grl\nt Cameron M.A. \•"icar, k stnropt.t St. Mo.tthew's Church, Rev. Ian G·ro,ot. Cameron M.A...

,•ieflr Society of -Pritnd•' Mee,ing Bouso Consn:ptional, nev. :Primit.i.l·fl Met-hodist., }tev. Walter Skelton

- I Convey~ee...-SOuth~:rn Nation.al Qm.oibtu1 Co. !Ad.

se.rvioo ~o. 16, l\'i.neanton, vJA blerc, to ShaJtesbo.rr. several t.im.¢'$ daily

Mot.or omnibuses mou. wed. & $&t. t.o Froine; alte.rraie w.es. t.o Daib ; iues. &; sat·, t.o Salisbul''f