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T he  “ B i k e  C a p i t a l  o f  t he  U .S .”  D a v i s i s sa f e  a nd  f r i e nd l  y  w i t h a n o p e n C a l i f o r ni a  l i f e st  y l e — t he  c i t  y  ha s mo r e  t ha n 5 0  mi l e s ( 8 0  k m) o f  

b i c  y c l e  p a t hs a nd  g r e e n b e l t s a nd  mo r e  b i c  y c l e s p e r  c a p i t a  t ha n a n y  

o t he r  U .S . c i t  y . 

 F r i e n d l y  a n d  w e l c o m i n


 D a v is  pr o v i d es  t h e  p er

 f e c t s e t t in g  f or 

 in t ern a t i on a l s t u d en ts  t o

  l e arn,  e x  p er i en c e 

 an d  m a k  e  fr i en ds  t h a t 

 w i l l  l as t  a  l i f e t i m e. 

 A c a d e m i c s  T h e  u n i v e r s i t  y ' s  b r e a d t h  o f   

a c a d e m i c   p r o g r a m s  , c o m m i t m e n

t o  i n t e r d i s c i  p l i n a r  y  e d u c a t i o n  a n d

d e t e r m i n a t i o n  t o  a d d r e s s  s o c i e t  y ’ s  

n e e d s  a r e  t r u l  y  d i s t i n c t i v e . 

 N a tur a l  b e au t y

 U C  Da vis  has a re la x e

a tm osp here,  wi t h 

a bundan t  open space

 trees and  b lue s k ies.

 A cquire a transformative

education that includes

developing friendships,

expanding your outlook

on life and gaining a

better understanding

of yourself. You will

be studying at oneof the most highly

regarded universities

in the United States,

known internationally

for its high academic

standards, outstanding

faculty and heritage of

international engagement.

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S t a  y  a c t i v e W e  h a v e  o n e  o f  t h e  l a r g e s t  a t h l e t i c s  p r o g r a m s  i n  t h e  

c o u n t r  y , w i t h  m o r e  t h a n  7 0 0  s t u d e n t - a t h l e t e s  p a r t i c i p a t i n g  

i n  2 7  v a r s i t  y  s p o r t s . Mo r e  t h a n  4 5 0  s t u d e n t  c l u b s  a n d  

o r g a n i z a t i o n s , i n t r a m u r a l  a c t i v i t i e s , a r t s , e n t e r t a i n m e n t  

a n d  p h e n o m e n a l  f a c i l i t i e s  k e e p  s t u d e n t s  h a p p i l  y  o c c u p i e d . 

 C a m p u s  l i f e

 S t u d e n t s  t y p i c

 a l l y  a t t e n d  c l a

 s s e s 

 b e t w e e n  9  a. m.  a n d

  3 : 3 0  p. m.  A  f t

 e r 

 c l a s s,  y o u  c a n  e n j o y  a c t i v i

 t i e s  a t 

 O r c h a r d  P a r k  

 E x  t e n s i o n  C e n t e r  o r  j o i n 

 o t h e r  U C  D a v i

 s  s t u d e n t s  f o r 

 v a r i o u s 

 a c t i v i t i e s  o n  c a

 m p u s. 

 A c h i e v e   y o u r  g o a l s W ha t e v e r   y o u r  d r e a m s , U C  D a v i si s  a  g r e a t  p l a c e  t o  s t a r t  m a k i ng  t he m  ha p p e n.

 D i v e r s e  a n d  d y n

 a m i c

 D a v i s  i s  a  w e l c o m

 i n g  c o m m u n i t y  w

 i t h 

 n u m e r o u s  i n t e l l e c

 t u a l,  r e c r e a t i o n a l


 a n d  c u l t u r a l  a c t i v

 i t i e s,  s e r v i n g 

 s t u d e n t s  f r o m  a l l  o v e r

  t h e  w o r l d. 

 A  mo d e r n, i nno v a t i v e  c o mmu ni t  y  D a v i s ha s a  f o r w a r d -t hi nk i ng , so c i a l l  y -p r o g r e ssi v e , e nv i r o nme nt a l l  y -c o nsc i o us a nd  c r e a t i v e  p o p ul a t i o n.

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Become part of UC Davis, a

pre-eminent public university that

provides you with a superior learning


Many of our programs at UC Davis

are nationally ranked—not surprising

 when you consider the number of

internationally known, award-winning

faculty who bring their knowledge

and enthusiasm to the

classroom. We offer more

than 100 undergraduate

majors and 87 graduate



collaborations and

interdisciplinary research,

such as green energy and

bio-medical technology.

Our English-language programs

 will help you become a more fluent

and effective communicator and

 will expand your awarenessand understanding of

 American culture.

• 8th in Americanuniversities based contributions to so

• 12th among publiuniversities nationw

• 14th of 50 top U.Suniversities ratedbest return on tuitiinvestment

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Like the UC Davis campus itself,the Orchard Park ExtensionCenter is the setting for a widerange of courses and services.

You can sign up for tutorials, takea leadership class or enroll incampus classes once you masterthe language courses.

But the Center is not justabout classes. It is whereinstructors, student

employees and staff care aboutyou and help you learn, grow andexplore in many ways.

 Your new life begins here

Students have been coming toUC Davis Extension’s InternationalEnglish and ProfessionalPrograms since 1977. Here theyfind a community of active,friendly instructors and staffthat are dedicated to helpingthem have the most rewardingexperience of their lives.

Stay motivated We work with you as partnersby assisting you in developingyour skills, hidden talents andresources. At UC Davis Extension,you are not alone. We are there,by your side, committed to yoursuccess!

Be challenged

 When you study at UC DavisExtension, you will be challengedto learn new ways of thinking

and being. You will begin to seeyourself as part of a growingglobal community and becomecomfortable living in a differentculture.

“UC Davis Extension definitely

changed my life in a great way. I was

only hoping to improve my English,

but I found much more. I discovered

an amazing group of people, great

 friendships and a wonderful study

environment. With support and

encouragement, I lost my fear of

speaking English. My time at Davis

was one of the best in my life!”

~ Carolina Valenzuela Espinoza

4th among Americanuniversities in the numberof international scholars

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P  e o  p  l e   t o  se e ,  p la  c  e  s  t  o  g o,   t  h i n g s t o d o

Hike in Yosemite National Park o

the Grand Canyon.

Cruise through a Redwood foresalong California’s famous coast.

Take a yoga class, and explore tmind/body connection.

Shop at nearby outlet stores.

Ski or snowboard at Lake Tahoe

Walk across the Golden Gate Brin San Francisco.

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Discover the

amazing city of

San Francisco—

the “Paris of the


Ski or snow

board at


Lake Tahoe

Discover the

natural beauty

of charming

Carmel and

Monterey Bay


the rare


of a redwood


Visit the world

famous Napa

and Sonoma


Create memories

at the Santa Cruz

Beach Boardwalkand amusement



Los Angeles

and its many



Explore the


of Yosemite

National Park

Visit the


Capital of the


Las Vegas

Visit palatial

Hearst Castle at

San Simeon

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Intensive English Program  9

English for Science and Technology   11

Communication and Culture Program  13

The Bridge Program 15

Professional Certificate Programs  17 

Customized Programs  18

Programs for Global Educators  19

International Law Programs  20

Student Services  21

Housing Options  22

Enrollment Information  23

 Application Form  24

UC Davis Campus Map  26

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The UC Davis Extension EnglishLanguage Program is one of theoldest and most respected IntensiveEnglish programs in the U.S.Thousands of students from aroundthe world have studied in our10-week program. It is offered year-round, and includes 220 hours ofinstruction at up to eight differentlevels of proficiency. It is ideal forthose wanting to learn English for

academic, professional or socialpurposes.


• Up to eight levels–from beginningto advanced

• 22 hours of instruction per week,including two hours of self-pacedwork in the Multimedia ResourceCenter (MRC)

• Small classes (approximately12-18 students)

• Free Institutional TOEFL testevery quarter

• Highly qualified and experiencedinstructors

• Daily recreational, cultural andsocial activities with U.S. studentleaders

• Optional weekend trips mayinclude Yosemite National Park,Napa Valley, San Francisco andLos Angeles

• Wide selection of elective coursesat the intermediate and advancedlevels includes:

° Intermediate and AdvancedTOEFL Preparation

° Everyday Expressions andIdioms

° Vocabulary Enrichment

° Presentation Skills

° Communication Skills

° Business Communicationsclasses

° Pronunciation

° Academic Listening

° Social Media

° U.S. Culture and Society

• Core classes depend on

proficiency level and include:° Grammar

° Composition

° Reading and Vocabulary

° Listening and Speaking

° Critical Thinking


“I came to the Intensive English Program

because it was in California, and I heard

that it was an excellent program. My

composition classes are my favorite—I

discovered I really like to write. At first,I would just write very simply, but now

I am learning to express a lot of my

inner thoughts. The teachers are really

supportive and help me develop my style.

Davis is an easy place to live.”

~Mami Akutsu, Japan,

Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program—10 weeks

Sample Intermediate Level Intensive English Program Schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9-9:50 a.m. Grammar 

10-10:50 Reading and Vocabulary 

11-11:50 Composition


12:30-1 p.m. Communication Skills Communication Skills Communication Skills

1:10-2 Pronunciation Pronunciation

2:10-3 MRC Lab MRC Lab

3:10-4 Bingo Movie and Popcorn Soccer Club Arts and Crafts Ice Cream Social


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10-week Intensive English Program Dates and Fees*

Session Dates Tuition*

Summer 2010 June 24 – September 3, 2010 $3,190

Fall 2010 September 23 – December 3, 2010 $3,190

 Winter 2011 January 6 – March 18, 2011 $3,190

Spring 2011 March 24 – June 3, 2011 $3,190

Summer 2011 June 23 – September 2, 2011 $3,190

Fall 2011 September 22 – December 2, 2011 $3,190

 Winter 2012 January 5 – March 16, 2012 $3,290

Spring 2012 March 29 – June 8, 2012 $3,290

Summer 2012 June 28 – September 7, 2012 $3,290

Fall 2012 September 27 – December 7, 2012 $3,290

30-week Intensive English Program Dates and Fees*

Save $650!

Dates Tuition*

 June 24, 2010 – March 18, 2011 $8,920

September 23, 2010 – June 3, 2011 $8,920

 January 6 – September 2, 2011 $8,920

March 24 – December 2, 2011 $8,920

 June 23, 2011 – March 16, 2012 $9,020

September 22 , 2011 – June 8, 2012 $9,120

 January 5 – September 7, 2012 $9,220

March 29 – December 7, 2012 $9,220


 Application and expres s mail fee

(nonrefundable, one-time fee) $160

Student services fee (includes general

advising services, access to computer

labs and MRC, library card, email andInternet access, city bus pass, social

events and afternoon activities)

$210 per quarter

Medical insurance

$30 per week in program

 Ass istance w ith univer sity appl ica tions

$350 per quarter 

*Prices subject to change.

20-week Intensive English Program Dates and Fees*

Save $300!

Dates Tuition*

 June 24 – December 3, 2010 $6,080

September 23, 2010 – March 18, 2011 $6,080

 January 6 – June 3, 2011 $6,080

March 24 – September 2, 2011 $6,080

 June 23 – December 2, 2011 $6,080

September 22 , 2011 - March 16, 2012 $6,180

 January 5 – June 8, 2012 $6,280

March 29 – September 7, 2012 $6,280

 June 28 – December 7, 2012 $6,280

Study Alongside American

StudentsAdvanced students can auditand/or take courses for credit onthe UC Davis campus through theBridge Program, which offers classesin more than 100 departments, frompsychology to engineering to art.See pages 15-16 for details.

 Volunteer Experiences andLeadership Opportunities

Students at the intermediate level

and above may choose an electiveclass called Volunteer Experiences.Students volunteer their time incommunity organizations andbusinesses, where they observe howpeople work together to achievecommon goals. These experienceshelp international students gain adeeper understanding of U.S. cultureand society as well as develop theirown leadership skills.

 Access to Academic Support 

Students have access to guidedself-study materials in ournationally-recognized MultimediaResource Center. Academic advising,including help with universityapplications, is also available.


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The Communication andCulture Program is designedto help participants improvetheir conversational fluency andbecome comfortable expressingthemselves in an English-speakingcommunity—whether in academic,business or social settings. It is idealfor participants of all English levelswho want an intensive learningexperience within a short time

frame. This program is offered inwinter and summer and focuses onAmerican culture and conversationalfluency. The core classes are U.S.Society and Culture, Listeningand Pronunciation, EverydayExpressions and Idioms, andIntercultural Research Project.

Students are placed in levels basedon a placement test administered atthe start of the program. Studentspractice English once a week inclass with American conversation

partners, and have the option of usingthe Multimedia Resource Center(MRC) for guided language study.


• Four weeks long—20 hours ofinstruction each week

• Offered four times per year: January, February, July and August

• Highly-qualified and experiencedteachers

• Open to students of all English-speaking levels

• Small class size (12-18) for high

interaction among instructors andstudents

• Optional weekend trips includeYosemite National Park, NapaValley, San Francisco and LosAngeles

• UC Davis students as conversationpartners both in- and out-of-class

• Daily recreational, cultural andsocial activities with U.S. studentleaders

 Academic and Bus iness Opt ions

For advanced students, a selectionof electives may be offered instead ofEveryday Expressions and Idioms,including:

• Academic Preparation Skills

• Business Communication Skills

• Business Theory and Practice

• Critical Thinking

 A teacher at UC Davis Extension for 20

 years, Brian Lockhart has focused his energy

on providing the most positive learning

environment possible for his students, and

bringing his expertise in the latest technology

to the classroom. Favorite subjects includeTOEFL, Grammar, Everyday Expressions

and Idioms, Communication Skills and

Volunteer Experiences. Each spring he

organizes softball practices and loves filming

his students in action. In addition to teaching

here at UC Davis, Brian taught ESL and

Spanish while earning a master’s degree in

Linguistics and Spanish at Southern Illinois

University. He also taught EFL in Spain for

 four years.

Sample Summer Communication and Culture Program Schedule Ω

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 

12-1p.m. Games Tie-dying Scavenger Hunt Conversation Groups Ice Cream Social

1:10-2 Everyday Expressions and Idioms

2:10-3 Intercultural Research Project 

3:10-4 U.S. Society and Culture

4:10-5 Listening and Pronunciation

Ω Classes may be scheduled in the morning.

Communication and Culture Program—Four weeks


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4-week Communication and Culture Program Dates and Fees*

Session Dates Tuition

Summer 2010, 1st Program July 2 – July 30, 2010 $1,490

Summer 2010, 2nd Program August 6 – September 3, 2010 $1,490

 Winter 2011, 1st Program Januar y 7 – Februar y 4, 2011 $1,490

 Winter 2011, 2nd Program February 11 – March 11, 2011 $1,490

Summer 2011, 1st Program July 1 – July 29, 2011 $1,490

Summer 2011, 2nd Program August 5 – September 2, 2011 $1,490

 Winter 2012, 1st Program Januar y 6 – Februar y 3, 2012 $1,540

 Winter 2012, 2nd Program February 10 – March 9, 2012 $1,540

Summer 2012, 1st Program July 6 – August 3, 2012 $1,540

Summer 2012, 2nd Program August 10 – September 7, 2012 $1,540

“My mother often told me she used to

 pick tomatoes when she was young before

her summer vacation. Well, I came all

the way from Italy to California to do

the same and make her proud. I picked

tomatoes and basil working at the Student

Farm in the mornings, improving my

English skills in the afternoons. I visited

the new Mondavi Institute for Wine andFood Science on the UC Davis campus,

where I formed important contacts for my

 future career in enology. I have had a unique

and unforgettable experience working and

studying with wonderful people.”

~ Matteo Scaltriti, Italy,

Communication and Culture Program



 Application and express mail fee (nonre fundable, one-time fee ) $160

Student Services fee (includes general advising services, access

to computer labs and MRC, library card, email and Internet

access, city bus pass, social events and afternoon activities) $84

Medical insurance $30 per week 

* Prices subject to change.



UC Davis has a long

tradition of helping

students build their

undergraduate resume

for graduate orprofessional school, or

a rewarding career.

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UC Davis offers 102

undergraduate academic

majors from which to

choose your classes.

 Your Bridge to Campus,to Academics, to Success

Students with an advanced level ofEnglish proficiency may continuetheir academic studies in a numberof ways, including enrollment inUC Davis undergraduate coursesoffered on the UC Davis campusor Extension professional coursesoffered in Sacramento during theevenings or on weekends. The

Bridge Program is an academic studyprogram that allows internationalstudents to enroll in undergraduateand/or professional courses in a widevariety of fields at UC Davis.

International participants receivesupport, advising and academicoversight from their academicadvisor to ensure they maintain theirfull-time student status. Studentstaking professional courses (oftenleading to a certificate) must be

independent and ready to joinan external community throughtheir own efforts. Their classmateshave jobs, families and othercommitments. Most professionalclasses are held at UC DavisExtension’s Sutter Square Galleria indowntown Sacramento during theevening, daytime or on the weekend.

Those Bridge participants takingclasses on campus follow thequarterly academic schedule—10weeks of class followed by a week

of exams—throughout the year.Students enroll in the BridgeProgram through the InternationalEnglish and Professional Programsat UC Davis Extension.

How many classes can I take?

If you have an iBT score of 80 orhigher and no subscores under 21,you may take up to 12 units (full-time study). Your writing skills willbe tested to determine access tocampus writing courses.

If you do not have current iBT,PBT or CBT scores, you may take aplacement test to demonstrate yourEnglish proficiency. If you test at

the advanced level, you will receivecounseling on how to construct aprogram that suits your goals andacademic background. Courses aretypically a mix of advanced Englishcourses, campus classes and/orExtension courses. It is the perfectway to live the UC Davis experienceand earn credits toward degreerequirements at universities aroundthe world.

Bridge students may take classesin nearly all of the colleges anddepartments of the university, as wellas all courses offered at UC DavisExtension. Enrollment in any courseis on a space-available basis. Coursescompleted earn full UC Davisor UC Davis Extension academiccredit. Students from universitiesabroad should check with theirhome university for its transfercredit policies. Students may enrollon a quarter-by-quarter basis—ata very reasonable cost.

 Who can enroll in the Bridge Program?

The Bridge Program is designedto meet the needs of university-level students and professionalsfrom around the world who havestrong English language skills,excellent academic preparation (“B”average or GPA of 3 on a 4.0 gradepoint scale) and who wish to takecourses in their academic fields of



 We accept the following scores inlieu of 80 iBT:

• 213 CBT

• 550 PBT

• 6.5 IELTS

• 760 TOEIC

• Cambridge Certificate of AdvancedEnglish or Proficiency Exam

The Bridge Program—11 weeks


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CHECKLIST for Bridge students

Before mailing your application,please check that you include:

1.Proof of English languageproficiency OR direct theEducational Testing Services (ETS)to send your TOEFL score reportdirectly to UC Davis Extension.(Please remember to indicate the UCDavis ETS institution code: 4834)

2. Documentation/Transcriptof university courseworkand grades

Bridge Program Dates and Fees*

Session Dates Tuition

Summer 20101  June 21 – September 10, 2010 $3,190 + $135/unit 

Fall 2010 September 22 – December 10, 2010 $3,190 + $135/unit 

 Winter 2011 Januar y 3 – March 19, 2011 $3,190 + $135/un it 

Spring 2011 March 23 – June 9, 2011 $3,190 + $135/unit 

Summer 20112  June 20 – September 9, 2011 $3,190 + $135/unit 

Fall 2011 September 21 – December 9, 2011 $3,190 + $135/unit 

 Winter 2012 Januar y 4 – March 24, 2012 $3,290 + $135/un it 

Spring 2012 March 28 – June 14, 2012 $3,290 + $135/unit 

Summer 20123  June 25 – September 14, 2012 $3,290 + $135/unit 

Fall 2012 September 26 – December 14, 2012 $3,290 + $135/unit 

  1UCD Summer Session 1, 2010: June 21 – July 30, 2010

  1UCD Summer Session 2, 2010: August 2 – September 10, 2010

  2UCD Summer Session 1, 2011: June 20 – July 29, 2011

  2UCD Summer Session 2, 2011: August 1 – September 9, 2011

  3UCD Summer Session 1, 2012: June 25 – August 3, 2012

  3UCD Summer Session 2, 2012: August 6 – September 14, 2012


 Application and expres s mail fee (nonrefundable, one-time fee ) $160

Student Services fee (includes access to advising services, access

to computer labs and Multimedia Resource Center (MRC),

library card, email and Internet access, city bus pass,

social events and afternoon activities) $210 per quarter

Medical insurance $30 per week in program

* Prices subject to change.

“The UC Davis classes were very helpful for my future studies back in Germany. I

broadened my outlook by spending time with American and other international students.

The people were very friendly and open-minded. It was easy to settle down and make new

 friends. Some of them will stay for a lifetime. The studies helped me improve my English

 proficiency, which is especially important to me as an engineer who wants to work in the

international environment.”

~Alexander Cezanne, Germany, engineering major, Bridge Program


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Professional Certificate Programs—Academic Year 

UC Davis Extension offers severaloutstanding certificates of interestto international students. Primarilydirected to a local U.S. audienceon a part-time evening basis, thesecourses provide rigorous post-graduate coursework for workingprofessionals who wish to advancetheir careers or develop new areasof expertise. With careful courseplanning, these certificates can

be completed in nine months(late September-early June). Forholders of the F-1 visa, planningmust include English and/orcampus classes to maintain full-time student status (12 units peracademic quarter). Some certificatesoffer summer courses as well.The following certificates havebeen approved for internationalparticipants:

• Accounting

• College Admissions Counseling

and Career Planning

• Conflict Resolution

• Construction Management

• Green Building and SustainableDesign

• Human Resource Developmentand Management

• Labor-Management Relations

• Marketing and Public Relations

• Personal Financial Planning

• Project Management

Most professional classes are held atUC Davis Extension’s Sutter SquareGalleria in downtown Sacramentoduring the evening, daytime or onthe weekend.

Design Your Own Certificate

UC Davis Extension offers innovativecourses in a wide range of subjectareas, such as InformationTechnology, IT Management,

Education, Land Use andEnvironmental Planning, TESL andeven Professional Brewing. Workingwith an international studentadvisor, you can choose courses fromas many as three certificate programsto create your own CustomizedCertificate. Visitwww.extension.ucdavis.edu/ certificates for detailed informationor write to us at [email protected].


International student services fee $210 each quarter

Medical insurance

for individuals, higher rates for families $30 per week

Certificate fee $45

Course fees vary with program, ranging from $3,300-$7,700, excluding

books and other materials

*Prices subject to change.



UC Davis Extension offers

more than 150 courses

every quarter and enrolls

nearly 60,000 students



UC Davis Extension’s

mission is to deliver

knowledge that helps adults

transform their lives and


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Customized English andPre-Academic Programs

For more than 35 years, we havebeen providing the highest qualitycustomized educational and trainingprograms to universities andorganizations throughout the world.Our close and active relationshipswith UC Davis departments andcolleges have led to a number ofcooperative projects that combine

training in several areas. One recentexample is our work with a Japaneseresearch and graduate universityand the UC Davis College of LifeSciences to provide a programof English instruction—tutorialsin research paper writing andpresentations—and participationin the College’s graduate seminars. We also receive Fulbright scholarsinto our Intensive English Programevery year, and run the HumphreyFellowship Pre-academic Orientation

and Training Program, one of onlythree universities in the UnitedStates to do so, every summer. Thereare many ways in which we canwork with our overseas partners tocustomize programs to meet theirunique needs.

Sample programs include:

• Introduction to Higher Educationand Universities in the U.S.

• Communication and Culture

• Business English

• Test Preparation (TOEFL andTOEIC) and Accent Improvement

• Presentation Skills Seminars forScholars and Faculty Development

• English for Medical Professionals

• Pre-academic Orientation andTraining Programs for HubertHumphrey Fellowship andFulbright Grant Scholars andmany other sponsored students

• Pre-service, In-service and Train-the-Trainer Training in EnglishLanguage Teaching

• English classes combined withacademic study (e.g., nutrition,horticulture, engineering,

economics, business andmanagement)

• English for Legal Professionals

• In-service Teacher Education invarious academic fields

Our Clients

Some of our custom English andacademic programs clients:

• Academy for EducationalDevelopment (AED)

• Aichi Gakuin

• American Councils forInternational Education(ACTR-ACCELS)

• Baekseok University

• Beijing University School ofMedicine

• Chilean Ministry of Education

• Chonbuk National University

• Chung Ang University

• Colfuturo

• Dong A University• Doshisha University

• Hitotsubashi University

• Hosei University

• Inje University

• Institute for InternationalEducation (IIE)

• International Research andExchanges Board (IREX)

• Japanese Ministry of Education

• Keisen University

• Kinki University

• Kokushikan University

• Konkuk University

• Korea University

• Kyoto Notre Dame University

• Kyoto Seika University

• Kyoto Tachibana University

• Libyan People’s Bureau• Nagoya University for Arts

and Sciences

• Nagoya Women’s University

• Nara Institute of Science andTechnology

• National Kyushu University

• Osaka University

• Sapporo University

• Saudi Cultural Mission

• Sophia University

• Tama University• Tohoku University

• Turkish Office of theEducational Attache

• University of the Sacred Heart(Tokyo)

• Waseda University

• Yonsei University

• Zhejiang University

Contact Us!

If you would like more information on howUC Davis Extension can meet your training

needs, please contact us at 530.757.8686 (fax

530.757.8265), [email protected] or

 vis it our webs ite .

 www.ext ens ion.ucdavis.edu/interna tional

Customized Programs


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Drawing on our own capacity ofteacher-trainers, UC Davis, ournetwork of local and regionalschools, and governmentalorganizations, we developcustomized programs for educatorslooking for new ways to innovate,inspire and lead educational reform.As the world continues to globalize,the need to evolve and reflect onnew ways of improving learning

is growing. Recently, we began toprovide training in other languages(i.e., Spanish). We have hostededucators from several countries,many funded by various Ministriesof Education.

Some of our most recent customizedteacher education programs haveincluded:

• Pre-service EFL student teachers

• Faculty development forprofessors teaching in English to

an international student body• Train-the-trainer programs,

including supervision andcurriculum development

• Educators program forprofessional improvement inBiology

Some areas covered in theseprograms have included:

• Curriculum and materialsdevelopment in the life sciences

• School reform and leadership

• Assessment and differentiatedinstruction: How to reach everystudent

• Teaching and integrating the FourSkills (reading, writing, listening

and speaking)• Using new media and the Internet

in the classroom

• Conference presentation skills

• Supervision and mentoring skills

• Professional networking

• Team teaching

• And more

Some of our clients have included:

• Ministry of Education, Chile

• Ministry of Education, Egypt

• Ministry of Education, Japan

• Ministry of Education, Korea

• Ministry of Education, Taiwan

• Department of State, U.S.A.

• Kyushu University

• Fulbright Commission

• Institute for InternationalEducation (IIE)

Programs for Global Educators

Seminar in TEFL Dates and Fees*

Session Dates Tuition

Summer 2010 July 19 – August 13, 2010 $1,940

 Win ter 2011 Januar y 17 – February 11, 2011 $1,940

Summer 2011 July 18 – August 12, 2011 $1,940

 Win ter 2012 Januar y 16 – February 10, 2012 $2,040

Summer 2012 July 16 – August 10, 2012 $2,040


 Application and express mail fee

(nonrefundable, one-time fee) $160

Student services fee (includes access to

advising services, access to computer

labs and MRC, library card, email and

Internet access, city bus pass, social

events and afternoon activities) $84

Medical insurance $30 per week 

*Prices subject to change.

Seminar in Teaching English asa Foreign Language (TEFL)—Four Weeks

This seminar for practicingteachers and education specialistscombines optional English languageinstruction, U.S. cultural study,classroom seminars, laboratoryobservations, practical classroomtraining and participatory modelsof teacher education. Coursework


• Assessment and differentiatedinstruction: How to reach everystudent

• Teaching and integrating the FourSkills (reading, writing, listeningand speaking)

• Curriculum and materialsdevelopment enhanced with localschool visits and professionalnetworking opportunities

Participants have daily access toour Multimedia Resource Center(MRC) and a resource library, as wellas an opportunity to observe anddiscuss ESL classes in a wide rangeof student communities. Details areavailable on our website.

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International Law Programs

For detailed information about any of these law

programs and an application, call 530.757.8569

or email [email protected].

Preparation Program: English forLegal Professionals

Two-week program

Designed for international legalprofessionals and law students, thiscourse provides an introduction orreview of English as used by legalprofessionals in the United States.Participants study and practicevocabulary, reading, writing and oralcommunication skills pertainingto legal and business topics.This program provides excellentpreparation for the Orientationin U.S.A. Law Program, whichimmediately follows the English forLegal Professionals Program.

Course fee* $1,495

 Application fee $160

Dates June 25-July 9, 2010

 June 24-July 8, 2011

 June 22-July 6, 2012

*Prices subject to change.

Orientation in U.S.A. Law 

Four-week program

This program, offered jointly by the School of Law and UC Davis Extension,is for international lawyers, judges, notaries, law professors, law students,pre-LL.M. students and business professionals who want to gain greaterunderstanding of the theories and practices of the U.S. legal system. Coreprogram topics include the U.S. legal system, business planning andstructure, contracts, commercial and consumer law, intellectual property, realproperty law, torts, civil procedure, antitrust regulations, taxation, labor andenvironmental law, dispute resolution and more.

International Commercial Law Seminar in Cologne, Germany 

Two-week program

Presented by the Schools of Law at the University of California, Davis andthe University of Cologne in cooperation with the German Bar Association(DeutscherAnwaltVerein), this annual seminar gathers legal practitionersfrom around the world to examine the most challenging corporate issuesfacing the international legal community today. Instructors address some ofthe timeliest issues from U.S. and European perspectives. The topic changesannually.

International Law Programs Dates and Fees*

Session Dates∆  Fees

Orientation in U.S.A. Law Every summer:

 July 11-August 7, 2010 $3,600

  July 10-August 6, 2011 Please inquire

  July 8-August 4, 2012 Please inquire

International Commercial Law

Seminar in Cologne, Germany June 14-25, 2010 $2,750

Global Trading System:

Substance and Dispute Resolution August 9-20, 2010 $2,500

Financing InternationalTransactions August 2011 Please inquire

Structuring an International

 Joi nt Venture August 2012 Please inquire

International Commercial Law LL.M. July-August of every summer 

Master of Laws (LL.M.) August-May of every year 

*Prices subject to change.

∆ Check our website for 2011 and 2012 dates and fees. 



The Law Library contains

more than 425,000

volumes, including over

150,000 volume-equivalents

in microform materials.

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Partial-Term Enrollment 

Students can attend the first partof any 10-week session if they giveadvance notice to the IEPP office.They must attend a minimum offour weeks.

Getting to Davis from the Sacramento or

San Francisco Airport The Davis Airporter provides airporttransportation from the SacramentoInternational Airport and the SanFrancisco International Airport toDavis. This shuttle service charges$23* per person (discounts vary foradditional people) for transportationfrom the Sacramento InternationalAirport. Transportation from theSan Francisco International Airportis $85* per person (discounts varyfor additional people). These feesinclude two standard-sized pieces ofluggage.

For more information, visit http://

 www.davisairpor ter.com, by t elephone

530.756.6715 or 800.565.5153.

*Prices subject to change.

Students may want to considerthe following options for pre-arranged housing. Please make allaccommodation arrangements using

the direct contact information listedfor each provider.

I. WISE Homestay 

The Foundation for WorldwideInternational Student Exchange(WISE) arranges for ourinternational students to live withan American family. The familyprovides a private room with abed, dresser and desk, and up tothree meals a day. This experienceis a wonderful way to learn about

U.S. customs and American food,participate in family celebrationsand practice everyday English.Families who welcome internationalstudents into their homes not onlywant to share their way of life withthe students, but also want to learnabout the students’ homes andcultures. Many students consider theexperiences with “their family” themost memorable part of their stay inDavis and neighboring communitiesand keep in touch with their Americanhost parents for many years.

Please contact Shannon Johnson of WISE at

[email protected], by telephone

530.406.1330 or by fax 530.406.1315.



$325 for five to 10 weeks

$225 for four weeks or fewer 

$95 continuation fee for

additional term in same home


(private room)

$26/night, three meals per day

$24/night, two meals per day

(breakfast and dinner)

$22/night, one meal per day (breakfast)

$20/night, no meals



Dormitories (conveniently locatednear the UC Davis campus) are

often open to IEPP students duringthe summer. Students share a roomwith one other student. Rooms comeequipped with two beds, dressersand desks. Meals are provided in thecampus dining halls.

Please contact us at [email protected]

for availability.

Price is approximately $65 per nightfor a shared room and meal plan.Prices are subject to change, andthere is limited availability. Students

will be accommodated in the orderin which the housing applicationforms are received. Payment is duein full two months prior to arrival.

III. Renting a room in a private house

or apartment 

Many Davis families and studentgroups rent out rooms in theirhomes for approximately $450-$650 per month. Renting a roomis an excellent opportunity to livewith others who are not part of the

International Programs. Students canmake these arrangements on theirown once they arrive in Davis.

For a preview of what might be available,

check the “Community Housing Listing,” of fered

by the Associated Students of UC Davis at

http://chl.ucdavis.edu (click on “view our

listings”) or craigslist at http://sacramento.


* Prices subject to change.

Housing Options


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Steps to Enroll

1. Complete and send us the application forenrollment located on pages 24 and 25, orenroll online at https://extension.ucdavis.edu/intl_apps/intl_english.aspx. Here are someimportant points to remember:

• Print your full name EXACTLY as it appearson your passport 

• Be sure to check off the program andINDICATE the QUARTER and YEAR you planto attend

• Tell us if you will be applying for an F-1student visa, and be sure to complete Parts 1-5

• If you are transferring from another schoolor institution, please complete Part 6 of the

 Appl ica tion for Enrollment .• To apply for an F-1 student visa, you will

need documentation from the Inter nationalEnglish and Professional Programs verifyi ng you have been admitted to a course o f s tudy.To receive this acceptance documentation, you must prove you have the funds tosupport yourself while in the U.S. by sendingus a financial statement from your bank or aletter from your sponsor.


(tuition and living expenses)

Intensive English Program $6,545

English for Science andTechnology Program $3,329

Communication andCulture Program $3,179

Bridge Program $8,347

Seminar in TEFL $3,715

English for LegalProfessionals Program $3,137 

* All fees are subject to change without notice.

2. The International English and ProfessionalPrograms issues your acceptance documents.

It usually takes two business days from the time we receive your completed app lica tion for usto issue the acceptance document you need toapply for your F-1 student visa. We will sendthis document to you by express mail, along with an acceptance lett er and some genera linformation about living in the U.S.

For immigration and visa questions only, pleasecontact us at [email protected]. We recommend you app ly for your F -1 student visa as early as possibl e but no soone r thanthree months prior to arrival in the U.S.

FINAL APPLICATION CHECKLISTBefore mailing your application, be sure youhave included:

• $160 nonrefundable application fee (payableto UC Regents)

• Completed application for enrollment form

• Financial statement and certification(originals to be provided on registration day)

• Letter from financing sponsor, if applicable(with translation if needed)

• Copy of passport photo identification page(for applicant and each dependent)

• Copies of your F-1 Visa, I-20s and I-94 card

(if already in the U.S.)• Medical insurance can be purchased in the

U.S. or at home

For Bridge and Professional Certificateapplicants ONLY:

• Proof of English language proficiency(optional for Bridge Program)

• Documentation/Transcript of universitycoursework and grades


 All payment s mu st be made in U.S. doll ars andmade payable to UC Regents. We accept cash,travelers checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover,

 Amer ican Express, int ernational post almoney orders and personal checks drawn onU.S. banks. If paying by credit card, pleaseinclude card number, expiration date and thename on the card. If you provide credit cardinformation, please DO NOT FAX or EMAIL your app lica tion . For securi ty purposes , p leaseprint and mail your application to the UC DavisExtension International Programs address.Students may also transfer funds dire ctly to ourbank:

Bank of America1655 Grant St., Bldg. A, 10th Floor Concord, CA 94520U.S.A.

 Account Information:

 Account 12337-14115Regents of the University of CaliforniaUC Davis Extension, Section G for [insertstudent’s name]530.757.8686

Please add $30 to cover the service feecharged by the bank. If not, it will be collectedat registration.

Refund Policy This policy only applies to the Intensive EnglishProgram, English for Science and Technology,Communication and Culture Program, Englishfor Legal Professionals, Seminar in TEFL, andBridge Program. Full tuition refunds will begranted for withdrawal requests receivedin writing two weeks before the first day ofthe program, minus a $50 processing fee.Seventy percent refunds will be granted for withdrawal r eque sts received by the thir d dayof instruction, minus a $50 processing fee. Norefunds will be made f or withdrawal after thethird day of instruction.

 Welcome to Internati onal Engl ish and

Professional Programs!

Be sure to bring your passport, acceptancedocuments, proof of health insurance inEnglish and I-94 card (which you will receiveon the airplane) with you on registration day!

Send applications or inquiries to:

UC Davis Extension International ProgramsCenter for International Programs1333 Research Park DriveDavis, CA 95618-4852U.S.A.

Email: [email protected]: 530.757.8686Fax: 530.752.8265 www.ex tens ion.ucdavi s.edu/interna tional


Enrollment Information


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UC Davis Campus Map

Davis Weather 


Sunny, hot and dry during the

day, mild evenings


 Warm days, coo l days, coolnights, little rain


Mild, some sun, some rain,

some fog


 Warm days, coo l n ights,

little rain

To browse an interactive map ofUC Davis please go to:www.cevs.ucdavis.edu/map


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University of California, DavisCenter for International ProgramsInternational English andProfessional Programs

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 530.757.8686Fax: 530.752.8265

 www.extension.ucdavi s.edu/ international