Un tenismen din TOP 25, suspendat 9 luni pentru dopaj! Federatia Internationala vrea sa-i retraga trofeele! Like on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Comentarii (0)

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Un tenismen din TOP 25, suspendat 9 luni pentru dopaj! Federatia Internationala vrea sa-i retraga trofeele!Like on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Comentarii (0)

Sign up for Europa! Pandurii Dnepr, joi 19 septembrie ora 20:00, IN DIRECT PRO TV si Voyo.ro!FA Cup LIVE la Sport.ro: Wimbledon - Liverpool luni 21:55 si Everton - West Ham marti 21:45Jucatorul croat Marin Cilici, numarul 24 ATP, a fost suspendat pentru noua luni de Federatia Internationala detenis(ITF), dupa ce a fost depistat pozitiv cu o substanta interzisa, la turneul de la Munchen, in primavara acestui an."Marin Cilici este suspendat pentru o perioada de noua luni, sanctiune valabila de la1 mai2013,data cand a oferit esantionul in cauza, si pana la miezul noptii, in data de 31 ianuarie 2014. In plus, s-a decis ca rezultatele lui Cilici la turneul de la Munchen ar trebui sa fie anulate, ceea ce inseamna ca el va pierde punctele si premiul in bani obtinut la competitia respectiva", se arata pe site-ul federatiei internationale.Forul international a precizat ca Cilici a fost supus unui control antidoping in timpul turneului de la Munchen, esantionul de urina fiind trimis la laboratorul antidoping din Montreal, unde s-a descoperit ca proba continea nikethamide, un stimulent.

Tenismanul a afirmat ca substanta respectiva a patruns in organismul sau atunci cand a ingerat tablete de glucoza Coramine care fusesera cumparate pentru el de la o farmacie. Un tribunal independent a constatat ca Marin Cilici a ingerat nikethamide din neatentie si nu a intentionat sa isi mareasca capacitatea de performanta, astfel ca beneficiaza de conditiile articolului 10.4 din programul antidoping, care ii da dreptul la o reducere a perioadei de ineligibilitate in baza evaluarii gradului de vinovatie.ITF a mai decis ca si rezultatele inregistrate de Cilici dupa turneul de la Munchen sa fie anulate si premiile retrase.Marin Cilici a avut bye in primul tur la Munchen, iar in runda secunda a fost eliminat de croatul Ivan Dodig.NikethamideFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNikethamide

Systematic (IUPAC) name


Clinical data

AHFS/Drugs.comInternational Drug Names

Legal status?

Pharmacokinetic data

Half-life0.5 h


CAS number59-26-7

ATC codeR07AB02

PubChemCID 5497




SynonymsNicotinic acid diethylamide

Chemical data


Molecular mass178.231



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Nikethamideis astimulantwhich mainly affects the respiratory cycle. Widely known by its former trade name ofCoramine, it was used in the mid-twentieth century as a medical countermeasure againsttranquilizeroverdoses, before the advent of endotrachealintubationand positive-pressure lung expansion. It is now considered to be of no value for such purposes, and may in fact be dangerous.[1]In alternate terminology, it is known asnicotinic acid diethylamide, which meaningfully emphasizes its laboratory origins, and of which its common name is derived as ablend.Contents[hide] 1Former and current medical use 2Use in sports 3References 4External linksFormer and current medical use[edit]Coramine was used by suspectedserial killerJohn Bodkin Adamswhen treating patientGertrude Hullett, whom he was suspected ofmurdering.[2]However, the toxicity of nikethamide is quite low (LD50rabbits 650mg/Kg oral, LD50rats 240mg/Kg s.c.).Theodor Morell,Adolf Hitler's personal physician, would inject the German ruler with Coramine when Hitler was unduly sedated with barbiturates. In addition, Morell would use Coramine as part of an all-purpose "tonic" for Hitler.[3]It is available as a short-actingover-the-counter drugin several South American and European countries, combined with glucose in form of lozenges. It is especially useful for mountain climbers to increase endurance at high altitudes. Contraindications includehypertension,cardiovascularpathologies andepilepsy.[4]Use in sports[edit]In sports, nikethamide is listed by theWorld Anti-Doping Agencyas a banned substance. Croatian tennis playerMarin iliwas suspended from competition for nine months after he tested positive for nikethamide in April 2013.[5]This ban was later reduced to four months after Cilic appealed and claimed he had unintentionally ingested it in a glucose tablet bought at a pharmacy.[6]Polishkartdriver Igor Walilko was given a two-year ban, later reduced to eighteen month, from competition in 2010 due to testing positive for nikethamide after a win inGermanyin July, 2010.[7]References[edit]1. Jump up^Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p12292. Jump up^Cullen, Pamela V., "A Stranger in Blood: The Case Files on Dr John Bodkin Adams", London, Elliott & Thompson, 2006,ISBN 1-904027-19-93. Jump up^Doyle D (February 2005)."Adolf Hitler's medical care"(PDF).J. R. Coll. Physicians Edinb.35(1): 7582.ISSN1478-2715.OCLC49953788.PMID15825245. Retrieved2009-03-15.4. Jump up^Nikethamid, III-3.3, Toxcenter5. Jump up^"Marin Cilic: Croatian banned for nine months".BBC News. 16 September 2013. Retrieved16 September2013.6. Jump up^"Cilic cleared to play again after suspension reduced".Tennis. 25 October 2013. Retrieved25 October2013.7. Jump up^FIA Igor Walilko rulingNikethamideOverviewNikethamide is a respiratory stimulant. It acts directly in the respiratory centres of brain. Nikethamide is seldom useful except in respiratory depression due to severe chronic bronchitis. Not used in treatment of respiratory depression due to drug overdosage.Category: 24 Psychotherapeutic drugs 24.5 Psychostimulants, nootropics, and neurotonicsPrimary Characterstics. It is of Synthetic origin and belongs to Nicotinic acid. . The Molecular Weight of Nikethamide is 178.23.It is weakly acidic drug.

PharmacokineticsIndicationsNikethamide is primarily indicated in conditions likeAsphyxia,CNS depression,Respiratory depression.ContraindicationsNikethamide is contraindicated in conditions likePorphyria,Hypersensitivity to any component of product.Drug InteractionsNo data regarding the interactions of Nikethamide was found.Interference in PathologyNo data regarding the pathological interferences produced by Nikethamide is available.Side EffectsThe symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Nikethamide are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Nausea, Itching, Breathlessness, Paresthesias, Heat sensation.Available BrandsClick on the appropriate strength of the dosage form to view its available brands.Single IngredientInj:250 mg/ml,DosageNikethamide's dosage details are as follows:DoseSingle DoseFrequencyRouteInstructions

Adult Dosage

1.5 g1.5 (1.5)As recommended.IV

Paedriatic Dosage ( 20 Kg. )

No data regarding the Paedriatic dosage details of Nikethamide is available.

Neonatal Dosage (3 Kg. )

No data regarding the neonatal dosage details of Nikethamide is available.