Uncertainty of coordinate measurements on sheet-metal parts in the automotive industry A. Weckenmann * , M. Knauer, T. Killmaier Department of Quality Management and Manufacturing Metrology, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Naegelsbachstrasse 25, 91052 Erlangen, Germany Abstract In the automotive industry, steadily increasing demands on the accuracy of the size and form of drawn sheet metals and the rising complexity of measurement tasks have meant that more and more measurements have to be made on the shop¯oor with CNC coordinate measuring machines for workpiece inspection and process control. It is usually assumed that the uncertainty of CMMs has a suf®ciently small value for reliable inspection of tolerances within a common range of about 1 mm. The characteristic values like E 3 for length measurement uncertainties or R for the probing uncertainty, as speci®ed by the manufacturers, only describe which uncertainties can be expected for speci®c measurement tasks under ideal conditions. However, these measurement tasks are only performed very rarely during the normal use of the instrument. Statements about uncertainties of other measurements cannot be derived directly from these values. Using the example of measurements on car-body parts, it is shown what uncertainty contributions can really be expected from the measuring device, workpiece, environment, and operator. Not only the device-speci®c uncertainty but also other in¯uences play a major role. The effects of environmental conditions, especially temperature and operator-speci®c actions can make at least the same contribution to the measurement uncertainty. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Measurement uncertainty; Coordinate measuring machine; Car-body 1. Introduction 1.1. Uncertainty of coordinate measurements One task of production metrology is to inspect workpieces to verify conformance or non-conformance with product speci®cations. Checking the speci®cation requirements involves metrological determination of the feature value and stating whether this measured value is inside or outside the speci®cation limits. However, measured values cannot be determined without a certain degree of measurement uncertainty. Measurement uncertainty is de®ned as a ``parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could be attributed to the measurand'' [1]. An internationally agreed procedure for determining and expressing the uncertainty exists. It is contained in the ``Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement'' [1]. This guide also describes how individual uncertainty components of the measurement can be determined and how the expanded uncertainty of the result is calculated from these values using the error propagation law. The expanded uncertainty usually covers a level of con®dence of 95%. In coordinate metrology, the main contributors to the uncertainty and their subdivision into the four groups mea- suring device, workpiece, environment, operator including measurement strategy [2] are shown in Fig. 1. 1.2. Consequences of measurement uncertainty for the inspection of workpieces The uncertainty zone denotes an interval around the indicated value that contains the unknown true value with a speci®ed statistical certainty. If a value is measured that is less than the magnitude of uncertainty from the speci®cation limits, this means that no real information has been obtained about whether the true value is inside or outside the speci- ®cation limits. It is only possible to make a reliable state- ment for assessment of a characteristic if the indicated value is in the conformance zone characteristic OK) or in the non- conformance zone characteristic not OK) Fig. 2). Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 2001) 9±13 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 49-9131-8526520; fax: 49-9131-8526524. E-mail address: [email protected] A. Weckenmann). 0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0924-013601)00758-0

Uncertainty of coordinate measurements on sheet-metal parts in the automotive industry

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