UW Biochem 406fff

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  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


    ...PLP has many conjugated bonds, so it

    can act as en electron sink, delocalizing

    its double bonds to make the Hydrogen

    near the schiff base (which is the C=N

    bond) more acidic, so it can then be

    removed by a base. This is the whole

    point of using the PLP for a cofactor...

    ...This basically allows for the oxygen in

    H2O to act as a nucleophile and attack

    the double bond where that acidic

    Hydrogen was. The end result is that the

    amino group from the aa has been


    ...So the point is, PLP makes it

    easy to remove the N group

    from an aa because of electron

    delocalization within PLP...

    ...The chemistry involving PLP allows the

    carbanion to delocalize throughout the

    extensive system of double bonds making

    the removal of a carbon-bound proton or

    breaking a C-C bond much much more

    favorable, greatly lowering the activation

    energy for the reaction.

    * RISCs can prevent translation of specific RNA by

    binding to their 3'.

    * RISCs contain Argonaute subunits that bind

    guide RNA

    * Dicer is NOT part of RISC

    * RISCs bind to ssRNA targets

    * RISCs operate in the cytoplasm, NOT in the

    nucleus so it does NOT bind to RNAP II directly

    RISC contain 20-30 base RNA guide strand,

    usually derived from Dicer activity

    RISC always contain an Argonaute (Ago) protein

    RISC can silence gene expression by causing the

    destruction of specific mRNA molecules

    RISC can interfere with the translatio of specific

    mRNA molecules

    * THF can donate 1-carbon units in

    different oxidation states.

    * Recall, THF synthesize Gly from


    * Ser & Gly are the main source of

    1-C for THF

    Diff forms of THF can be converted enzymatically

    * N5-Methyl THF (-CH3, most reduced)

    * N5, N10-Methylene THF (-CH2-)

    * N5, N10-Methenyl THF (=CH-)

    * N5-Formyl THF (-CH=O)

    * N5-Formimino THF (-CH=NH, most oxidized)

    Ala, Asp, Asn, Glu, Gln are synthesized from

    pyruvate, OAA and -ketoGlr

    Glu synthetase is a central control point in N


    Glu is the precursor of Pro, ornithine, and Arg

    Ser, Cys, Gly are derived from 3-PG

    Plants and microorganisms synthesize essential


    Lys, Met, Thr are synthesized from Asp

    Leu, Iso, Val are derived from pyruvate

    Aromatic aa Phe, Tyr, Trp are

    synthesized form Glucose derivatives

  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


    Indol is channeled between 2 active sites in

    tryptophan synthase

    Histidine biosynthesis includes an intermediate

    in nucleotide biosynthesis, Phosphoribosyl

    pyrophosphate (PRPP)

    Heme is synthesized form Gly & Succinyl-CoA

    and degraded to colored compounds for excretion

    Liver & erythroid cells regulate heme biosynthesis

    Synthesis of bioactive amines begins with aa

    decarboxyation (aa are precursors of active


    Nitric oxide signalling molecule is derived from


    End of Ch21 Learning Objectives

    Serine hydroxymethyltransferase catalyzes PLP-

    dependent C-C bond formation and cleavage

    Asn and Asp are degraded to OAA

    Arg, Glu, Gln, His and Pro are degraded to -ketoGlr

    Iso, Met (via SAM & Cys synthesis), and Val are

    degraded to Succinyl-CoA

    Tetrahydrofolates THF are 1-C carriers

    Branched-chain aa degradation involves acyl-CoA


    Leu & Lys acetyl-CoA and/or acetoacetate

    Trp Ala + acetoacetate

    Phe & Tyr fumarate & acetoacetate

    Essential aa are mostly derived from other aa and

    glucose metabolites

    Nonessential aa are synthesized from common


    1 Phosphodiester bond breaks every

    4 days for each of the 50 trillion

    nucleated cells in our body. Thus,

    ligases seal 12.5 trillions DNA

    backbone that spontaneously break

    each day in our body.

    Chemical systems comply with

    thermodynamics and controlled by


    Errors can be reduced but never


    Cheap, fast, or good: cells spend energy &

    time in exchange for accuracy.

    1. Most of the steps of purine and pyrimidine

    synthesis occur in the cytoplasm.

    2. Ribose is added during both purine and pyrimidine

    synthesis as PRPP (5-PhosphoRibosyl-1-


    3. Pyrimidine synthesis involves an amiDotransferase

    reaction in the cytoplasm

    4. UTP + GlutamiNe CTP involves


    5. Norephinephrine Epinephrine require SAM as a


    6. When cancer cells are treated with methotrexate,

    folate accumulates primarily in dihydrofolate.

    7. DNA Pol I contains 2 Mg2+ in its active site,

    neither of which makes contacts with the template


    8. The 5' terminus of the nascent chain (growing

    strand) is often pppA in templated RNA synthesis.

    1. Protein to AA via Enz, Lysosome, UPS

    2. Transamination (PLP)

    3. Deamination (GluDH)

    4. Urea Cycle (key Enz = CPS1)

    5. Excess AA funneled from other tissues

    via GluGln or Ala for transport in

    blood to liver

    Glutamine and Alanine transport excess amino

    groups to liver:

    Gln Synthetase

    Glu + ATP + NH4+ Gln


    Ala Transaminase

    Pyruvate + Glu L-Ala + -KetoGlu


  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


    9. Topo 1A, 1B and DNA Ligase covalently attach to

    their substrates during the reactions they catalyze.

    10. Mismatch repair system requires DNA ligase to

    seal the gap after MutS, L, H and UvrD ID's, loops,

    cleaves and take out the fragment, and DNA Pol I

    11. Okazaki fragments are sealed by an ATP-

    dependent DNA ligase.

    12. WC pairing is required fore accurate DNA

    replication and RNA transcription.

    13. Urea cycle intermediates Arg, ornithine, citrulline

    and arginosuccinate are all -amino acids.

    14. CO2 is the source of C that ends up in urea.

    15. Tyrosine hydroxylase oxidizes

    tetrahydrobiopterin to dihydrobiopterin

    16. Tyrosine + O2


    17. An alpha-helix contains an H bond between the

    C=O and NH groups from residues that are 4

    residues apart.

    18. Kinases use Mg2+ to bind to shield the negative

    charges of the ATP and to accelerate the catalytic

    reaction by facilitating nucleophilic attack on the

    -Pi of ATP.

    19. The most important driving force

    promoting the formation of the DNA

    double helix is the exclusion of aqueous

    solvent from the bases.

    End of Sample ExamII Q's.

    Accumulation of ADP & GDP

    * signals low energy state

    * inhibits PRPP Synthetase

    * PRPP synthesis

    Accumulation of purine nucleotides

    * Inhibits amidophosphoribosyl transferase

    * All forms of purines (AMP, ADP, ATP,

    GMP, GDP, GTP) inhibit amidoPR


    * PRA synthesis

    * purine synthesis

    Acyclovir antiviral prodrug

    * used against herpes, cytomeglovirus,


    * activated in infected cell by +Pi,

    mimicing dGTP

    * active form ACV-TP lacks 3' OH so acts

    as chain terminator

    Acyclovir antiviral prodrug

    * selective, effective & low toxicity

    * acts as better substrate for viral thymidine kinase &

    viral DNA Pol than for human TK or human


    ACV ACV-MP ACV-DP ACV-TP terminates

    (viralTK) (GMP kinase) (NtdP kinase) (viralDNA Pol

    Adenosine with 2 fused rings with

    NH2 at C6 has a resonance

    structure that has NH at C1 and

    =NH at C6. The latter form can bp

    with Cytosine.

    A C6 =NH2.....O=C2 C

    A C1 -NH.......N=C3 C

  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


    Amino acids are also critical

    for the synthesis of BioActive


    Tyr Dopa Dopamine

    Norep Epinephrine

    Arg activates N-

    Acetylglutamate Synthase

    N-Acetylglutamate activates


    * CPS1 is inactive in the absence of NAGlu

    * NAGlu Synthase is activated by Arginine

    * A genentic deficiency in NAGlu

    Synthasze can cause a lethal defect in the

    urea cycle

    * A specific hydrolase removes NAGlu

    Autophagy breaks down and

    recycles cellular components.

    Autophagy is induced by...

    * Starvation (degrades internal source of

    nutrients to survive)

    * Energy depletion

    * Stress, Infection, Bacterial toxins, HIV

    Inhibted by nutrient abundance, insulin,

    virulence factors

    Autophagy, a process of self-


    Autophagy is the only mechanism to degrade large

    cellular structures

    Ubiquitin signalling and autophagy are closely


    Ub modificaiton is a key signal for targeting

    proteins, organelles, or even invading microbes for

    autophagic destruction.

    Bacterial DNA Polymerase I

    has a 3' to 5' exonuclease

    activity that is responsible for

    proofreading of the nascent

    growing strand.

    Recall that DNAP I & III have 3' to

    5' exonuclease activity for

    proofreading, but ONLY DNAP I

    has 5' to 3' exonuclease to remove

    and replace RNA primer with DNA.

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  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


    Carbon chains of AA feed into the TCA


    * Gluconeogenesis (make glucose)

    * Ketogenesis (make KB or FA)

    * Energy production (make ATP via ETC)

    Hence AA can be glucogenic or ketogenic

    There are 7 intermediates that are glucogenic,

    ketogenic, or both:

    1. pyruvate

    2. acetyl CoA

    3. acetoacetate

    4. -ketoGlu

    5. succinyl CoA

    6. fumarate

    7. OAA

    CG pairs are more stable than AT pairs

    because of their stacking energies.

    Propeller twist that bps assume

    minimizes exposure of water between bp

    and the H bond network is not disrupted.

    Relative scale in perspective:

    * Double helix is 2nm in diameter

    * So, 330bp DNA would be 100nm long

    * Ecoli genome has 3Mbp that stretches out

    to 1mm, but the bacterium cell is only 2m

    * Humans have 3Gbp that's 1m long

    * Amphibians have 1-100 Gbp, so upto 30m!

    Ch21 HW#1. Why does protein

    degradation by proteasomes

    require ATP even though

    proteolysis is an exergonic


    Proteasome-dependent proteolysis

    requires ATP to activate ubiquitin

    in the 1st step of linking Ub to the

    target protein and for denaturing

    the protein as it enters the


    Ch21 HW#2. Why do the

    symptoms of a partial

    deficiency in a urea cycle

    enzyme can be attenuated by

    a low-protein diet?

    The urea cycle transforms excess N from protein

    breakdown to an excretable form, urea. In a

    deficiency of a urea cycle enzyme, the preceding

    urea cycle intermediates may build up to a toxic

    level. A low-protein diet minimizes the amount of

    N that enters the urea cycle and therefore reduces

    the concentrations of the toxic intermediates.

    Ch21 HW#3. Production of the enzymes

    that catalyze the reactions of the urea

    cycle can increase or decrease according

    to the metabolic needs of the organism.

    High levels of these enzymes are

    associated with high-protein diets as well

    as starvation. Why?

    An individual consuming a high-protein diet uses amino

    acids as metabolic fuels. As the amino acid skeletons are

    converted to glucogenic or ketogenic compounds, the

    amino groups are disposed of as urea, leading to

    increased flux through the urea cycle. During starvation,

    proteins from muscle are degraded to provide precursors

    for gluconeogenesis. N from these protein-derived amino

    acids must be eliminated, which demands a high level of

    urea cycle activity, requiring more of these enzymes.

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    Ch21 HW#8. Which of the 20

    standard aa are a) purely

    glucogenic, b) purely

    ketogenic, and c) both?

    a) Glucogenic: Ala, Arg, Asn, Asp, Cys,

    Gln, Glu, Gly, His, Met, Pro, Ser, Val


    b) Ketogenic: Leu, Lys (LR)

    c) Both: Ile, Phe, Thr, Trp, Tyr (IFTWY)

    Ch21 HW#9. Ala, Cys, Gly,

    Ser, and Thr are aa whose

    breakdown yields pyruvate.

    Which of the remaining 15 aa

    also do so?

    Trp can be considered a

    member of this group since one

    of its degradation products is

    Ala, which is converted to

    pyruvate by deamination.

    Ch21 HW#11. Many of the most

    widely used herbicides inhibit

    the synthesis of aromatic aa.

    Why are these compounds safe

    to use near animals?

    Since only plants and microorganisms synthesize

    aromatic amino acids (Phe & Trp), herbicides that

    inhibit these pathways do not affect aa metabolism in


    Chemical Mutagens: Oxidizers

    * >100 different oxidative DNA


    * Nitrites in processed meats are

    mutagenic, yet are used as food

    preservative to prevent botulism

    Base Excision Repair

    1. DNA glycosylase removes defective or incorrect


    2. AP endonuclease cleaves the AP site (apurinic or

    apyrimidinic = no nt on backbone) of backbone

    3. Exonuclease makes a gap on the defective strand

    4. DNA Pols use template strand to fill the gap,

    and DNA ligase seals it

    Cobalamin is also a 1-carbon carrier, better known

    as vitamine B12.

    Both N5-methyl THF & vitamin B12 cobalamin are

    needed to put the -CH3 onto homocysteine to form

    methionine. Methyl-cobalamin is an intermediate

    in this methyl transfer reaction.

    Humans require Cobalamin for 2


    1. Homocysteine Methionine

    2. Methylmalonyl-CoA Succinyl-CoA

    Met, Ile, Val, FA(odd#) propionyl-CoA


  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


  • 8/11/2019 UW Biochem 406fff


    Describe the ubiquitin

    conjugating enzyme activity of

    E2 of Ub-transfer pathway.

    E2 conjugating enzyme carries the

    activated Ub as a covalent thioester

    conjugate (E2 has conserved 150aa


    Ub-COS-E1 + E2-SH Ub-COS-E2

    Describe the ubiquitin ligase

    activity of E3.

    E3 attaches C-terminus of ubiquitin to a Lys residue

    on the target protein via isopeptide bond:


    Ub-COS-E2 + Target Protein Ub-CNH---Lys-TP

    * HECT & RING E3s differ in structure & mechanism

    * Humans have more E3 Ub ligases than kinases

    * Ub modification is reversible

    * Deubiquitinase (DUB) can cleave isopeptide linkage

    Dideoxynucleotides (ddNTP)

    * synthetic NT that lacks 2' & 3' OH

    * ddNTP not found in nature

    * tools for DNA sequencing &


    * chain terminates b/c no 3' OH

    Sanger Sequencing ingredients

    * 4 reaction test tubes containing...

    * DNA to be sequenced

    * DNA Polymerase

    * Supply of nucleotides: A, C, G, T

    * 32P labeled chain terminating variant

    of 1 of the 4 nt in each reaction mixture

    Different organisms can survive different

    degrees of mutations.

    As genomes get larger, higher rates of

    mutation are more poorly tolerated.

    Hence, complex organisms have lower

    mutation rates.

    Ways to reduce mutation:

    1. Inherenet accuracy (DNA Pol I is


    2. Proofreading (enzyme check their


    3. Surveillance & repair (those that are

    independent of polymerases)

    DiHydroFolate reductase, which

    regenerates THF (Rxn#5), is inhibited by

    anti-tumor drugs:

    * Methotrexate

    * Amonpterin

    * Trimethoprim

    * Pyrimethamine

    Folate deficiency is a major cause of preventible

    birth defects. Taking a folate supplement prevents

    7/10 cases of spina bifida, a defect in which fetal

    spinal cord ends up outside the vertebral column.

    Recall, folate derivatives:

    * Purine synthesis use 2 molec of N10-formyl THF

    * dTMPdUMP use N5,N10-methylene THF

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    Dimensions of the DNA double helix (B-form)

    * RH double helix

    * 20A= 2nm diameter

    * = 36twist/base pair

    * 10 bp/360turn/bp

    * 3.4Arise/bp

    * 34Arise/turn (3.4nm)

    There are other forms or conformations

    of DNA:

    * A form: scrunched, fatter, more bases;

    RNA helices tend to form A

    * B form: most common

    * Z form: under de-winding stress; left

    handed twist

    DNA intercalating agents can insert

    between bases and unwind DNA.

    L = T + W

    Ethidium and Acridine are hydrophobic

    conjugated rings that can get between the

    bases and push the bases apart, causing

    them to unwind, T.

    Intercalating agents are usually

    mutagenic. They do not covalently modify

    but by changing the conformation of the

    DNA, they cause mis-pairing, resulting in

    base insertions or deletions (frame shift)

    during replication.

    DNA ligase seals the nick

    1. Ligase active site, Lys, forms covalent activated

    intermediate with NAD (bacterial) or AMP (human)

    2. Ad-5'-diPi attaches to 5' end of nick

    (Note: 5'-5'diP-triester)

    3. Nucleophilic attack by 3' OH seals the nick,

    regenerating enzyme + AMP

    Adenylated residue as intermediate within the active

    site of DNA ligase.

    Pol III holoenzyme dimer catalyzes both

    leading & lagging synthesis (replication


    SSB = single stranded DNA binding protein

    SSB keeps melted DNA from reannealing,

    preventing rep fork from collapsing &

    protects exposed bases

    DNA Mismatch Repair in E. coli

    1. MutS IDs newly synthesized nonmethylated ssDNA

    2. MutL is a motor/ATPase that binds to both sides

    of MutS & feeds out a loop

    3. MutH selectively cleaves nonmethylated new

    strand (humans lack MutH; susceptible to hereditary

    colorectal cancer)

    4. UvrD & exonuclease cleave the rest out

    5. DNA Pol I fills in the gap & DNA ligase seals it

    Chemical Mutagens: Alkylating agents:

    * Nitrogen mustard

    * Ethylnitrosourea

    * MNNG

    A common alkylation product is O6-

    methylguanine residue that can base pair

    with either T or C instead of just with C.

    DNA photolyase is a solar-powered enzyme that

    repairs cyclobutane thymine dimers

    1. MethenylTHF photo antenna absorbs UV-A

    2. MTHF transfers photoexcited e- to FADH

    3. FADH transfers electron to dimer, breaking it

    into thymine monomers, then takes e- back.

    MTHF (methenyltetrahydrofolate) in Photolyase

    Involves base-flipping mechanism

    Humans don't have photolyase; instead, we rely on

    nucleotide excision repair.

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    DNA Replication

    * 5' of incoming NTP adds to 3' of growing strand

    * Incoming NTP H-bonds with template strand as

    two Mg2+ ions shield the negatively charged 5'

    phophate backbone of NTP

    * 3' OH on nascent strand attacks 5' of NTP,

    kicking off the PPi leaving group

    DNA Pol I has open and closed conformations

    * active site between fingers & thumb & above the


    * DNA synethesizes towards you

    * when correct NTP in place, enzyme changes to

    closed conformation, activating the active site

    DNA Synthesis

    1. RNR abstracts H radical from 3'

    2. 2' OH abstracts H+ from RNR

    3. 2' H2O leaves, making 2'C+

    4. RNR hydride attacks 2'C+

    5. RNR donates H radical to 3'C to make

    DNA, regenerating RNR in its radical state

    RNR is recycled by a reductive e- transfer chain

    that consumes NADPH. Pathway of e- transfer.

    NADH FAD Cys: Cys: NDP dNDP

    * thioredoxin reductase

    * thioredoxin

    * ribonuelotide reductase

    dUTPase (Rxn#4 Enz) gets rid of dUTP,

    a dangerous intermediate (Rxn#3


    dUTP+H2O dUMP+PPi dUMP+PPi

    dUTPtase PPi'ase

    Consumes energy to suppress errors.

    Antibiotics & cancer drugs target thymidine

    biosynthetic enzymes.

    dUMP + N5,N10-methylene THF

    5.TS THF

    dTMP + dihydrofolate

    5-fluorouracil (suicide inhibitor) inhibits thymidylate

    synthetase (TS, Rxn#5 Enz)

    Ef-Tu contains GTP-binding site

    IF-2 & eIF2 contain GTP-binding site

    SRP receptor contains GTP-binding site

    Rab protein contains GTP-binding site

    elF4 DOES NOT!!!

    Polypeptides are produced

    when mRNA has both a start

    (AUG) and stop codons.

    Enhancer sequences and transcriptional activators:

    * difference cell types contain different sets of


    * many activators transcription by binding directly

    to HATs

    * activators DO NOT bind directly to RNAP II

    * MyoD protein is an activator that can convert some

    other cell types, including stem cells, into muscle

    Eukaryotic enhancer-binding proteins

    activate transcription by interacting with

    the mediator complex and by HATs. They

    DO NOT bind directly to RNAP II.

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    Essential AA: Iso Leu Met Phe Thr. Val Trp. His R*


    Non-essential AA building blocks come from

    glycolysis & TCA:

    Glucose GAP Ser Cys or Gly

    GAPPyruvate Ala

    -ketoGlr Glu Gln, Pro or Arg

    OAA Asp Asn

    Synthesis of an Essential AA (channeling)

    * Trp Synthase 22 complex catalyzes:

    Indole 3GP + L-Ser GAP + L-Trp

    * Indole in -site travels 25A tunnel to get to Ser in


    * E(A-A) formation at the -site triggers -site


    * Substrate binding at -site E(A-A) formation at -


    Experiment: DNA (or RNA) sample is

    heated gradually, resulting in dsDNA

    slowly denaturing to ssDNA. UV light

    (280nm) is shined on the sample

    throughout to measure the absorbance.

    Ch24, sections 2A and 2B.

    Result: Denatured DNA/RNA absorbs more

    strongly than the dsDNA/dsRNA.

    Factors that affect Tm, transition temperature:

    * Longer chain length Tm (sturdy like zipper)

    * Solvent (ionic strength/salt, pH)

    * No mismatch base pairs, MP (weaker H bond)

    * CG > AT (base composition)

    Fate of IMP = Inosine Monophosphate:

    IMP Xanthosine Monophosphate


    IMP Adenylosuccinate ATP

    IMP base is hypoxanthine

    AMP Synthesis

    IMP + Asp + GTP

    AS Synthetase


    AdySucc Lyase

    AMP + Fumarate

    Five reactions involving 5 enzymes incorporate ammonia

    and an amino group into urea

    1. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase acquires the 1st urea

    N atom

    2. Carbamoylation of ornithine produces citrulline

    3. Argininosuccinate synthetase acquires the 2nd urea N


    4. Argininosuccinate produces fumarate and arginine

    5. Arginase releases urea

    Urea's N are from NH3 and Asp

    Rate of the urea cycle changes with the rate of amino

    acid breakdown

    Urea cycle is regulated by substrate availability (NAGln

    activates CPS-I)

    Amino acids are broken down to 7 intermediates that

    are glucogenic or ketogenic

    o Acetyl CoA, Acetoacetate, Pyruvate, -KG, Succinyl-

    CoA, Fumarate, OAA

    Ala, Cys, Gly, Ser and Thr are degraded to pyruvate


    The following binds to

    phosphorylated residues on the


    * Histon AcetylTransferase (HAT)

    * Capping enzyme

    * Poly-A polymerase (PAP)

    SRP recognizes the SS as it emerges from the

    ribosomal exit tunnel.

    SRP binds ribosome and nascent polypeptide chain.

    SRP causes transient pausing of polypeptide


    SRP hydrolyzes GTP accompanied by a

    conformational change.

    SR can bind to SRP and preprotein translocase at hte

    same time.

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    Formation of replication bubble DElicenses the site.

    Cell cycle: G1SG2M

    During G1/S transition MCM loading proteins are

    ubiquitylated and destroyed by proteasome

    Cohesin holds newly-replicated chromosomes

    together until anaphase

    At anaphase of M, cohesin is ubiquitylated and

    destroyed by proteasome

    Replication machinery divides its labor

    among different polymerases (>12

    eukaryotic DNA Pols). They don't all

    proofread (-Pol don't), but the Pol that

    replicates most of the DNA (-Pol)

    proofreads. -Pol replicates the leading


    Genetic defects of the urea cycle lead to NH4+

    toxicity, which are caused by the deficiency of...

    * N-AcetylGlutamate Synthase

    * Carbamoyl-Phosphate Synthase 1 (CPS1)

    * Ornithine Transcarbamoylase

    * ArgininoSuccinate Synthetase

    * ArgininoSuccinase

    Absence or deficiency of enzymes involved in the

    urea cycle can lead to...

    * toxic build up of NH4+

    * cerebral edema, nuerologic complications, coma

    * dialysis to remove NH4+

    * treated with dietary protein restriction & Arg


    Genetic Mutagens:

    * Transposons found in all organisms

    * Retrotransposons that make up >=45%

    of our genome & debris

    * Viruses that insert their genomes into


    Because they can insert into almost any sequence,

    they often disrupt gene function.

    e.g. If tnp hops into an antioncogene which functions

    to suppress tumor cells, it can enable cancer cells to

    form because antioncogene is disabled from doing its

    job supressing abnormal growth.

    e.g. Tn3 causes penicillin resistance in bacteria.

    Glu & Acetyl-CoA stimulate N-Acetyl-

    Glutamate Synthase. In Liver, Arg is a

    potent allosteric activator of NAGluS.

    Excess free Arg is a signal of protein

    degradation, which is consistent with it

    activating NAGluS & stimulating the

    Urea Cycle...

    ...It is a glucogenic amino acid that

    is a major substrate of the Urea

    cycle OR it can be degraded to

    Ornithine Glutamate and then to

    alpha-ketoglutarte where it enters

    the TCA cycle.

    GMP Synthesis

    IMP + NAD+ + H2O

    IMP DH

    Xanthosine monophosphate,

    XMP (+ Gln + ATP + H2O)

    GMP + Glu + AMP + PPi

    MonoPi Kinases add to XMP (base-specific enzymes)

    Adenylate Kinase: AMP + ATP 2 ADP

    Guanylate Kinase:


    DiPi Kinases adds to XDP

    (1 Enz, no specificity)



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    In E. coli DNA pol III catalyzes both leading

    and lagging-strand synthesis.

    In eukaryotes there are separate polymerases

    for leading and lagging-strand synthesis, and

    yet another for making the DNA portion of

    eukaryotic primers.


    All of the polymerases that I've just

    mentioned proofread, EXCEPT the last -

    the one that makes the DNA portion of

    eukaryotic primers. It is error-prone, so

    the DNA it synthesizes is removed by flap

    endonuclease (FEN).

    H-bonding provides base-pairing specificity, but

    H-bonds do not provide major energetic

    contribution for duplex formation.

    Also, CG is more stable than AT base pairs, but H-

    bond contributes little. Base stacking energies

    depend on the specific sequence of local bases!

    Why do DNA/RNA form duplexes (double


    Although the outer sugar-phosphate

    backbone are hydrophilic, the bases that

    make up the core is hydrophobic. Base

    stacking can occur only when the backbones

    spiral into a double helix.


    * Unwind strands but CANNOT break

    backbone (b/c helicase is NOT a Topo)

    * Hence, do NOT change in linking number

    * Hydrolyze terminal -Pi on ATPADP + Pi

    * E. coli has 12 diff helicase; DnaB helicase

    unwinds DNA for replication.

    Sliding clamp is a processivity factor that keeps Po

    complex from falling off the DNA

    * PCNA sliding clamp in mammals


    * 1 OriC (origin of replication)

    * bidirectional (to the right & left rep forks)

    Hematopoetic stem cell gives rise to most

    of hte different cells in your bloodstream.

    A cell must not produce proteins at the

    wrong time and place!

    Where should certain genes be expressed?

    For which organs, tissues, cell types, and subcellular


    When should certain genes be expressed?

    During embryonic development, immune response,

    tissue repair, nutritional state, circadian cycle.

    And how much genes should be expressed?

    Histones generally transcription intiation.

    HAT generally promotes intiation by writing.

    HDAC generally inhibits intiation by erasing.

    GTFs assemble on the core promoter in an

    ordered sequence.

    TBP is needed for transcription intiation by

    RNAP I, II and III.

    Histone deacetylasetranscription

    initiation by stabilizing nucleosomes.

    Methylated histones & DNA silences genes


    Acetylated histones activates genes &

    transcription intiation.

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    How do lysosomes get their


    Protein --> mode --> lysosome

    --> Amino Acids

    1. Clathrin endocytosis (extra)

    2. Caveolin endocystosis (extra)

    3. Phagocytosis (macrophages scavenge

    extracellular material)

    4. Autophagy (intra, self-cannabilism)

    Once protein is captured by one of the above

    methods, vesicle fuses with lysosome and get

    degraded by the lysosomal enzymes.

    How origin is licensed to initiate replication once

    per cell cycle:

    1. Origin Recognition Complex (ORC) marks each

    initiation site by binding to these origins

    2. ORC then brings in other proteins that load the

    MCM complex during G1. MCM is a hexameric

    ring that, like the sliding clamp, encircles the DNA

    so it can't fall off

    Licensing is the process of putting MCM at the

    origin sites. Licensing is needed for replication

    bubble to form and for replication to initiate. No

    licencing = no DNA replication. Licensing can

    occur once and only once per cell cycle. And this is

    how the cell ensures that only 1 replication is

    initiated at each OriC per cell cycle.

    However, DNA & RNA polymers are

    Aperiodic and they are NONrepeating,

    defined sequence but repeating overall


    As a consequence, you can store

    information in them.

    * DNA & RNA hybridize (bp via H bond) to form

    non-covalent double-stranded duplexes that run


    * Formation of hybrid duplexes allows templated

    polymerization in 5'3' direction (3' end OH

    attacks incoming nt to be added)

    * Identical backbone with bases that vary in each

    repeating unit.

    Human Ornithine Decarboxylase is one

    of the very few proteins that doesn't

    require Ub'n before being degraded by

    proteasome. We can tolerate treatment

    even thought it deactivates ornithine

    decarboxylase because it is inactivated

    only for a short period of time.

    End of Amino Acid

    Degradation and Synthesis

    Identification of purine

    precursor molecules. Where

    did all the atoms come from?

    In 1948, Buchanon fed isotopically

    labeled molecules to pigeons to study

    their guano to determine where all the

    atoms in purines came from. Pigeons

    excrete uric acid, which is essentially a

    pyrimidine, to eliminate N.

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    In bacterial translation initiation, more than 1

    GTP must be hydrolyzed before the 1st polypeptide

    bond can be formed.

    A prokaryotic ribosome-mRNA complex

    that has just completed intiation will have

    a large subunit bound, IF-2 hydrolyzed

    GTP & dissociated, and an aa-tRNA

    bound to the AUG start codon.

    In Base Excision repair, the glycosidic bond is FIRST

    cleaved, leaving a baseless backbone -- an AP site. This

    reaction is catalyzed by a DNA glycosylase that recognizes

    specific classes of chemically modified bases. The DNA

    containing the AP site is THEN removed by a mechanism

    that is similar to Nucleotide Excision repair.

    Nucleotide Excision repair removes whole nucleotides. It

    requires cleavage of phosphodiester bonds but not

    glycosidic bonds.

    Direct Repair fixes cyclobutane

    photoproduct in Pyrimidine dimers

    and involves the enzyme,

    * DNA Photolyase (not in humans)

    In E. coli, initiation of replication is not

    strictly coupled to the cell cycle. You can

    intiate once and make a replication

    bubble, and then, before the cell has even

    divided, you can initiate again. So, there

    is a pair of bubbles within that bubble.

    It's like being born pregnant.

    Speed of DNA replication is slow enough to

    be accurate, but the speed of cell division is

    relatively very fast. With an average

    generation time of only 20 minutes, being

    able intiate multiple OriC ensures that DNA

    is replicated completely before the cell

    divides and daughter cells are formed.

    In E. coli, primers are made of RNA on

    the Okazaaki fragments.

    In eukaryotes, primers consist of a short

    piece of RNA followed by a short piece of


    Eukaryotic primers are made and removed in 2


    1. RNase H1 recognizes & removes primer

    2. Flap EndoNuclease-1 (FEN) removes error-

    prone DNA make by -Pol, which can't proofread

    3. DNA -Pol synthesizes the rest

    End of DNA Replication (Exam II)

    In order to get B12 from diet, pancreas must

    secrete glycosylated protein called intrinsic factor

    that is necessary for B12 uptake.

    Pernicious anemia: B12 deficiency due to loss of

    intrinsic factor, an autoimmune disorder common

    in elderly people.

    Thos with pernicious anemia will have higher than

    normal HomoCys/Met ratios.

    * SAM, S-Adenosyl Methionine is

    synthesized from methionine + ATP

    * Formation of SAM is an energetically

    expensive process.

    Met + ATP SAM + PPi + Pi

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    Initiation of DNA


    Where does DNA replication start?

    The circular E. coli chromosome initiates

    replication at a signle location with a

    specific sequence: OriC.

    OriC is bound by proteins that melt DNA

    & place 2 replication factories on the

    DNA facing in opposite directions.

    Irreversibility is different from


    Committed steps are often points of

    regulation, but not always.

    Committed reaction produces a metabolite useful

    ONLY as an intermediate in a SPECIFIC pathway:

    * Malonyl-CoA for fatty acids only

    * PRA for purine nucleotides only

    Irreversible reactions says nothing about what

    happens to the products they yield.

    Klenow fragment (DNA Pol I) lacks

    5'3' exonuclease domain that

    removes primers, but contains the

    3'5' exonuclease (in palm domain)

    involved in proofreading. Used in

    Sanger sequencing.

    Chemical mutatgens such as

    intercalating agents cause indels

    * Ethidium

    * Proflavin

    * Acridine orange

    L10 Nucleotide Structure & Biosynthesis

    * Structure & nomenclature of nt

    * Pentose sugars, PRPP

    * Purines: IMP AMP, GMP & salvage rxns

    * Pyrimidines: carbamoylPi orotate UMP

    * Cancer drugs interfere w/ nt metabolism

    * Prebiotic nt synthesis theory

    Ways to make a nucleotide:

    * sugar is never constructed on the base

    * Purines make sugar 1st & build base on sugar

    * Pyrimidines make base & sugar separately

    * Salvage pathway to add premade bases

    * Early earth base & sugar made at the same time

    L11 Outline

    * Synthesis of 2-deoxynucleotides

    * Structure of DNA & RNA polymers

    * Why DNA forms a double helix

    * Base pairing

    * DNA & RNA hybridization

    * Chromosomes

    Synthesis of 2-deoxynucleotide triphosphates


    1. ribonucleotide kinase (base specific for monoPi)

    2. ribonucleotide reductase removes 2' OH

    3. nucleotide diphosphate kinase

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    L12 DNA Replication

    DNA polymerization requires an

    initial primer, either DNA or RNA,

    and DNA Pol cannot extend chain

    without a 3' OH.

    Primase makes primer for each Okazaki


    * DNA-dependent RNA polymerase =


    * DNA Pol III elongates the fragments

    * DNA Pol I & DNA Ligase seal gaps btw


    L12 DNA Topology & Replication

    * Packaging

    * Topology

    * Enzymes that modify topology

    * DNA & RNA polymerases

    * DNA sequencing & replication

    DNA topology: loops of DNA are anchored to

    chromosomal scaffolds.

    Writhe: large writing # = small twist

    * path the helix traces through space; supercoil

    Twist: large twise = small writhing #

    * twist = # of bp per helical turn

    * DNA has a slightly negative T

    L14 Regulation of the Genome

    * regulation of DNA


    * RNA transcription

    To do different jobs, differentiated cells must

    make different proteins in different places.

    e.g. muscle cells make myosin & tropomyosin

    e.g. RBC undergo enucleation to make room

    for Hb

    e.g. Adipose make TAG so need FAS enzymes

    Linking # = W + T

    To change the L, must break a backbone

    DNA intercalating agents decrease twist

    as bases move apart and DNA unwinds.

    Since L doesn't change (no covalent

    bonds broken), W would increase.

    Removing histones makes twist more

    negative, facilitating local melting.

    All Topoisomerases change linking

    number, L by breaking one of the

    backbones. But not all Top require ATP,

    only some do.


    * hydrolase, amylase, protease,

    nuclease active at pH5

    * glycosylated membrane proteins

    to withstand enzymes

    * transport proteins

    * vesicles fuse with lysosome

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    Mismatch Repair fixes mismatches & indels, and

    involves the following enzymes:

    * Methylases

    * MutH, MutL, MutS

    * DNA Helicase II

    * SSBP

    * DNA Pol III

    * Exonuclease I

    * DNA Ligase

    Base-Excision Repair fixes abnormal bases

    in DNA such as uracil and alkylated bases,

    and involves the enzymes,

    * DNA glycosidases

    * Apurinic endonucleases

    * DNA Pol I

    * DNA Ligase

    More difficulties...

    * Charged backbone repel each other

    * Must condense into chromosomes

    during mitosis, which requires enormous

    packaging then de-condense

    Each Histone packages 160-180bp DNA

    * formed of 2 halves called hemi-histones

    * several subunits: H2A, H2B, H3, H4

    * Histone wrapped in DNA is nucleosome

    Mutation in SRP receptor would

    prevent GTP hydrolysis in SRP and

    allows docking of the ribosome at

    preprotein translocase. Translation

    is irreversibly arrested.

    Error frequency in translation

    is approximately equal to the

    tRNA aminoacylation error +

    codon recognition error.

    Mutations can arise before or during


    Types of mutations:

    * base substitutions include transitions &


    * insertions & deletions (indels)

    * breaks in the backbone

    Sources of DNA sequence errors:

    * base misincorporation (dU instead of dT)

    * chemical mutagenesis (nitrites)

    * ionizing radiation (UV, x-ray)

    * genetic mutagenesis (retrovirus integrates)

    * spontaneous lesions (backbone hydrolysis)

    NASA was interested to know if life can exist using

    Ar instead of P. They claimed to have been able to

    culture bacteria to grow with Ar and very little P,

    suggesting that Ar can replace P.

    This was published in a prominent journal and

    raised an uproar.

    Weeks later, peer scientists tried to

    reproduce NASA's experiment and did it

    more thoroughly and discovered that Ar

    to hold together DNA/RNA would result

    in rapid hydrolysis and life could not

    exist w/o P.

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    Negative linking number

    generally makes it easier to

    melt DNA. Positive linking

    number makes it more


    ...If you unwind DNA in one place, it

    becomes more tightly wound elsewhere.

    Thus, keeping a bit of unwinding strain

    (negative L) in the DNA provides a sort of

    "slack" that makes it easier to open a

    replication fork or a transcription



    Purine Base: Adenine, Guanine, Inosine

    Pyrimidine Base: Uracil, Thymine, Cytosine

    NucleoSide: sugar + base

    NucleoTide: sugar + base + Pi

    RNA: adenosine, guanosine, uridine, cytidine

    DNA: dA, dG, dT, dC ('d' is often omitted)

    Esterification typically occurs at C5

    In Purines, ribose C1 attaches to base N9

    In Pyrimidines, ribose C1 attaches to base N1

    Glycosidic bond joins sugar and the base

    e.g. 2'-deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate

    (aka. guanylic acid or dGTP)

    Normal individuals have 20 Gln

    repeats but those with Huntington's

    have >40 Gln, which is prone to

    aggregation and folds anamolously,

    resulting in neuronal cell death.

    Cancers are caused by mutations

    Gain of function mutations in


    * usually dominant (one bad copy causes


    Loss of function mutations in antioncogenes

    * usually recessive (require 2 copies)

    Nucleotide Excision Repair fixes DNA

    lesions that cause large structural changes

    and 6-4 phootoproducts in pyrimidine

    dimers, and involves the enzymes,

    * ABC Exinuclease

    * DNA Pol I

    * DNA Ligase

    Recombination Repair fixes damages to the

    template of DNA duplex, and involves the


    * RecBCD

    * RecA recombinase

    * RuvABC

    * SSBP single stranded binding protein

    End of L13

    Nucleotide Excision Repair

    system recognizes helix

    backbone distortions, not

    specific chemical groups or


    Nucleotide Excision Repair

    * Repairs UV photoproducts, among other


    * Involves UvrA, B & C endonucleases that

    cleave phosphodiester bonds on each side

    * UvrD removes damaged fragment

    * In E. coli, Pol I & DNA ligase seals

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    Nucleotide polymer nomenclature:

    General form: 5'-[base]-3'

    Assumes: 5'-CACTG-3'

    Convention: CACTG

    Direction 5'3' assumed.

    Why did nature choose phosphorous?

    * Good leaving group

    * Hydrolysis deltaG= -50kJ/mol is just right

    * Phosphoesters are stable in water

    (Half life = 30 million years @ 25C, pH7)

    * Charged phosphates can't diffuse out of


    Oxidative deamination of Glutamate

    generates ammonium ion.

    Glu + OAA + NAD+ + H2O


    -ketoGlr + Asp + NH4+

    Mitochondrial enzyme, Glutamate Dehydrogenase

    (GDH) can accept either NAD+ or NADP+ as redox


    ADP & NAD+ activates GDH ("need fuel!")

    GTP & NADH inhibits GDH

    (signals high energy state: deamination)

    Porphyrins are derived from Glycine

    * component of Hb, Mb & cytochromes

    * Enzyme defects in

    Gly + SuccCoAHeme pathway

    cause Porphyrias, genetic disorders

    One type of porphyrias causes

    uroporphyrinogen I that stains urine

    red, teeth to fluorese, skin UV sensitive,

    and cause anemia.

    PPP (4 steps) is followed by the

    formation of PhosphoRibose

    PyroPhosphate (PRPP) for purine &

    pyrimidine nucleoside biosynthesis.

    G6P R5P PRPP Nucleosides

    Purine Synthesis Committed Step:

    * Transfer of N from Gln to PRPP

    * PRA is used solely for purine synthesis

    * AmidoPR transferase catalyzes:

    PRPP + Gln + H2O

    -5-PRA + Glu + PPi + heat (entropy)

    These processes DO NOT consume ATP

    * translocation step of protein synthesis

    * cleavage of dsRNA by dicer

    * binding of SRP to SR

    * peptide bond formation/peptidyltransfer

    * elF4 binding to 5' end of mRNA

    * RF binding to stop codon in A-site

    Placing ribosomal subunit P site site

    over the initiator codon REQUIRES


    Scanning of the mRNA for the

    initiating AUG requires ATP in


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    Prokaryotic DNA Polymerases

    DNA Pol I: removes primer, seals

    gaps on lagging

    DNA Pol II: repair DNA (error-

    prone Pol)

    DNA Pol III: synthesizes DNA

    Both I & III have DNA pol 3'5' exonuclease for


    But DNA Pol I also has 5'3' exonuclease activity

    that removes & replaces RNA & DNA primers.

    Only DNA Pol I can go back after replication to

    remove RNA primers and replace them with DNA.

    Proteasome structure


    * -subunits are THR proteases with 3


    * THR proteases cleave carboxyl (C term)

    end of acidic, basic & hydrophobic


    * Present in nucleus, cytosol, free or

    attached to ER

    Protein Degradation

    * Gastric & Pancreatic Enzymes

    * Lysosome (digest organelle

    via autophagy)

    * Ubiquitin-Proteasome System

    (macromolecular machine)

    Purine (AGI) Synthesis

    Rxn# 5. FGAR + Gln N3

    Rxn# 6. Cyclize FGAM AIR

    Rxn# 7. AIR + HCO3- C6

    Rxn# 8. CAIR + Asp N1

    Purine (AGI) Synthesis

    Rxn# 9. SAICAR AICAR

    Rxn# 10. AICAR + N10-formyl-THF


    Rxn# 11. Cyclize FAICAR IMP

    Puromycin is a chain

    terminator, lacking 3' OH on

    its ribose.

    Inosine is a purine that promotes wobble

    bp'ing at the 5' anticodon of tRNA.

    Hence, 5' position of tRNA anticodon is

    most likely to have purine base that is

    neither A nor G.

    Wobble pairing occurs at the 5' position

    of the anticodon.

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    Pyrimidine Synthesis

    * base & sugar made


    * bases: C, U, T

    Gln + HCO3- + H2O + 2 ATP

    1. CPSII

    Carbamoyl Pi (+ Asp)

    2. ATCase

    Carbamoyl Asp

    3. DHOase

    Dihydroorotate (+Quinone)

    4. DHODH

    Orotate (+PRPP) OMP UMP

    5. OPRTransferase


    Radiation & mutagenesis:

    UV crosslinking produces

    pyrimidine dimers

    Lesions likely account for most

    cases of skin cancer, which is the

    most common cancer in the U.S.

    Adjacent thymine residues can form


    * cyclobutaine thymine dimer (photolyase

    can fix, but humans don't have


    * 64 photoproduct (nt excision repair

    can fix)

    Reactions #3, 5, 6, 7, 8 in purine

    synthesis expends ATP




    Purine (AGI) Synthesis

    Rxn# 1. R5P PRPP

    Rxn# 2. PRPP + Gln N9

    Rxn# 3. PRA + Gly C4,C5,N7

    Rxn# 4. GAR + N10-formyl-THFC8

    The reason why dT and not dU is found in DNA is

    because the excision repair machinery knows that

    when dU (C=O) is present, this dU is a product of an

    oxidative hit to dC (C-NH2).

    Uracil-DNA Glycosylase catalyzes

    base excision

    Glycosylase flips backbone into its

    active site and inspects the base.

    Regulation of prine synthesis involves

    feedback inhibition by end products:

    purine nucleotides inhibit

    amidoPhosphoRibosyl transferase, and

    prevents PRPP PRA

    Feedforward loop & Feedback loop

    opposes eachother.

    Higher concentrations of substrate PRPP

    overcome this feedback inhibition by

    pushing the reaction forward

    PRPP PRA Purines

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    Repetitive DNA sequences are

    susceptible to slipped-strand

    mispairing, which can cause


    Expansion of triplet repeats can cause

    several diseases

    * Huntington's involves 40 CAG repeats

    * Fragile X syndrome involves CGG repeats

    * Myotonic Dystrophy involves CTG repeats

    * Friedreich's Ataxia involves GAA repeats

    Retain RNA intermediate for Amplification

    Think of ribosomes as factories and mRNA

    as messages sent to the factory...

    "I need 25,000 molecules of glyceraldehyde-

    3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the next 20


    Unlike DNA Pol, RNA can be

    initiated with a single

    nucleotide, so RNA

    polymerization does NOT

    require a primer.

    RiboNucleotide Reductase

    (RNR) converts RNA to DNA

    * have 4 Cys in active site

    * Tyr kept as free radical by



    * uses all 4 RNA nt as substrates (AUCG)

    * uses all 4 DNA nt as allosteric regulators

    * regulators allow RNR to balance nt pool

    * recall 1 nt can't form w/o the input of

    another nt, so concentrations must be in


    Ribose + nt Ribonucleotide??

    Problems with this primordial "RNA world"


    * it's hard to make ribose w/o off-pathway


    * it's very hard to attach a base to ribose w/o

    enzymes; doesn't work at all for pyrimidines

    Prebiotically plausible conditions that can explain

    the synthesis of activated pyrimidine ribont.

    * everything can happen in 1 step

    * glycoaldehyde & cyanamide when dehydrated,

    cyclize to form 2-aminooxazole spontaneously

    * Adding cyanoacetylene cause another cyclization

    reaction, whose intermediate gets phosphorylated

    to from cCMP

    Ribosomal proofreading

    involves inspection of codon-

    anticodon base-pairing

    interactions by 16S RNA.

    Shine-Delgarno sequence is

    found near the 3' end of the

    16S rRNA.

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    RNAP I is the major enzyme

    needed ofr rRNA synthesis.

    RNAP II for mRNA.

    RNAP III for tRNA.

    TBP is essential for all 3 RNAPs.

    1. RNAP II CTD gets hyperphosphoyrated

    2. Addtion of 7-methylguanosine cap

    3. Polyadenylation

    4. Intron removed

    5. elF4 binds to 5'-PPP of mRNA to

    intiate tranlsation

    Salt not only increases the strength of the

    hydrophobic effect, it also shields the two DNA or

    RNA phosphate-rich backbones from each other.

    Each phosphate bears a negative charge. In a

    vacuum, if those charges were unshielded, the two

    strands would fly apart! Salt shields the negative

    charges on the strands from each other.

    Base stacking refers to the stacking of

    adjacent bases on the same strand, and

    also about stacking of sets of base pairs.

    See VVP Chapter 24, section 2.

    The SAM Cycle

    Homocysteine Methionine

    Met Synthase

    Coenz B12 (CH3 donor)


    The SAM Cycle transfers 1-C units

    HomoCysteine Methionine

    SAM SAHomoCysteine

    SAM involved in...

    * Methylates histones in DNA

    * Regulates transcription

    * Methylates proteins

    * Methylates lipids

    N5-Methyl THF and its derivatives

    involved in...

    * DNA synthesis

    * amino acid synthesis

    * amino acid degradation

    methylmalonyl CoA succinyl CoA

    catalyzed by B12

    Sanger Sequencing

    DNA Pol sequence chain-terminating

    variant at random, eventually ending at

    every possible nt at every few hundred

    bases. Products run on gel

    electrophoresis where the sequence is

    read from smallest to largest piece

    DNA(n) + ddNTP DNA(n+1) + PPi

    32P used to label -Pi radioactively, which decays

    & emits -particles that can be detected.

    Sanger sequencing with fluorescent dye

    terminators require only 1 reaction mixture with

    terminators of every ddNTP variant. Electron

    beam shined to ID nt.

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    Scale into perspective...

    Blood cell is only 15m and

    the piece of DNA must be

    packaged and fit into the

    nucleus (5-10m) of the cell.

    Scale into perspective...

    Magnifying 5M times, the nucleus is the

    size of kane hall and the DNA that must

    fit into it stretches from Seattle to Costa

    Rica (5000km).

    SNARE is the target of tetanus


    Insulin, spider silk, preprotein

    translocase and HIV env are likely to be

    synthesized on the ribosome with a

    stretch of nonpolar aa residues near their

    amino terminus.

    But NOT Ef-Tu.

    Some aaRS catalyze esterification of aa to the 2'

    position of the 3'-terminal adenosine on the tRNA

    Some aaRS catalyze esterification of aa to the 3'

    position of the 3'-terminal adenosine on the tRNA

    Pyrophosphate is released during the 1st step of

    the aminoacylation reaction

    Some aaRS proofread by hydrolyzing aminoacyl-


    Some aaRS proofread by hydrolyzing aminoacyl-tRNA

    Some aaRS DON'T proofread at all

    All aaRS enzymes recognize specific bases in the acceptor

    stems of cognate tRNA substrates.

    On average, 40 aminoacyl-tRNA molecules are rejected at

    the ribosomeal small subunit for eery 1 that accepts

    transfer of the growing polypeptide.

    SRP = switch

    Ef-Tu = timer binds to charged tRNA and brings into

    the A site & hydrolyzes bound GTP & is released

    Ef-Tu prevents hydrolysis of the amino acid esterified

    to tRNA.

    EF-G = motor translocates new peptidyl-tRNA from

    A/P to P site

    EF-G is needed for termination in bacterial


    1amine on the aa-tRNA in

    the A site attacks ester on the

    peptidyl-tRNA in the P site in

    the peptidyltransfer reaction.

    SRP binds to other RNPs

    SRP contacts the ribosomal A site

    SRP binds to sequences near N-terminus of

    polypeptides that will be secreted

    SRP is required for correct biosynthesis of glucose

    transporters (transmembrane proteins)

    SRP physically interacts with small & large

    subunits & N-terminal SS

    tRNA always contain post-transcriptionally

    modified bases

    tRNA are always aminoacylated at the 3' terminus

    of the acceptor stem

    3structure of tRNA resembles the letter "L"

    Anticodon sometimes contains a deaminated

    adnosine base (inosine)

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    Synthesis and Degradation of Amino Acids Ch21

    Learning Objectives

    Proteins to be degraded are taken up by lysosomes

    or conjugated to ubiquitin

    Proteasome unfolds ubiquitinated proteins in an

    ATP-dependent fashion and degrades them

    Transamination interconverts an amino acid and

    an -keto acid

    o Transaminases use PLP to transfer amino groups

    o Stage I converts aa to keto acid

    o Stage II converts -keto acid to aa

    Oxidative deamination of glutamate releases

    ammonia for disposal

    Synthesis of BioActive Amines

    * Putrecine (via decarboxylating ornithine)

    * Spermidine

    * Spermine

    * Modulate DNA stability

    * DNA transcription

    * Protein translation

    * Apoptosis


    Synthesis of BioActive Amines


    1. Hydroxylase: Tyr Dopa

    2. Decarboxylase: Dopa Dopamine

    3. Hydroxylase: Dopamine


    4. Transferase/SAM: Norep Epinephrine

    Synthesis of BioActive Amines (GABA)

    GABA = -AminoButyrAte: inhibitory


    * Decarboxylase: Glutamate GABA

    Synthesis of BioActive Amines


    Histamine: vasodilator, allergic response

    * Decarboxylase: HistidineHistamine

    Synthesis of BioActive Amines (Serotonin)

    Serotonin: gut-movements, CNS - mood, appetite,


    1. Hydroxylase: Trp 5-hydroxyTrp

    2. Decarboxylase: 5-hydroxyTrp Serotonin

    Turkey meat contains Trp that converts to Serotonin

    and make you sleepy.

    Synthesis of Glycine from L-Serine

    * requires 2 cofactors: PLP + THF

    * Tetrahydrofolate = pteridine + p-

    AminoBenzoate + Glu(0-4)

    * Serine hydroxymethyltransferase catalizes:

    * L-Ser Gly + H2O

    * Porphyrins are derived from Glycine

    THF is derived from Folate

    * adequate levels of folate are critical during

    development of NS

    * shortage of folate can cause neural-tube defects,

    including spina bifida

    * mammals cannot synthesize folate, but bacteria can

    * sulfonamide mimics PABA portion of THF

    * antibiotics inhibit bacteria from synthesizing folate

    but do not affect humans since we cannot

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    Tautomers are common kind of mutation.

    Naturally occuring mutations by

    tautomerism such as ketoenol or

    amideimidic acid interconverstion.

    Imino tautomer of A pairs with C instead

    of T

    DNA Pol I has two exonuclease activities:

    5'3' exonuclease chews through primers & debris

    DNA Pol I & III both have 3'5' exonuclease

    proofreads for accuracy

    * synthesizing & editing sites

    * nascent 3' w/ mispaired nt flops down to editing

    site in the palm domain (slows synthesis)

    Tetrahydrofolate cofactor involved in...

    * amino acid degradation

    * amino acid synthesis

    * MET biosynthesis

    * Purine biosynthesis

    * Pyrimidine biosynthesis

    S-Adenosyl Methionine cofactor involved in..

    * >40 metabolic reactions

    * great alkylating agent

    * 1000X more reactive CH3 on sulfonium ion

    than in THF

    * protein, DNA/RNA, lipids, secondary


    TFIIH is a eukaryotic GTF that

    must hydrolyze ATP during


    Exon skipping during RNA splicing result

    in the production of mRNA molecules.

    Spiceosome both recognizes splice

    junctions and mediates exon splicing in

    mRNA splicing.

    There are hundreds of OriC's in the

    15 chromosomes of the baker's

    yeast (fungi) and in humans, there

    are thousands. How do you couple

    these so that they fire only once

    during a replication cycle?

    If you have hundreds or thousands of

    origins, how do you initiate replication at

    each OriC only once per cell division


    Each eukaryotic origin is licensed to

    initiate replication once and only once

    per cell cycle.

    There are hundreds of sites in

    the yeast genome where ORC

    complex can bind.

    ORC = origin recognition complex

    is a multi-subunit DNA binding

    complex that binds in all eukaryotes

    in an ATP-dependent manner to

    origins of replication.

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    There is a reason why amino acids that

    enter the TCA cycle as Acetyl-CoA are

    ketogenic. Acetyl-CoA, a 2C unit,

    condenses with OAA to form citrate.

    However, in subsequent steps 2 CO2 are

    released. 2 C in, 2

    C out...

    ...There can be no net flux of carbons to synthesize

    glucose. So Either the Acetyl-CoA, or Acetoacetate, is

    used to produce energy in the TCA cycle, or it is used

    to synthesize fats or ketobodies for storage or

    transport to other tissues.

    Thymidine TriPhosphate (TTP) Synthesis

    Reaction order:

    1. ribonucleotide kinase

    2. ribonucleotide reductase

    3. nucleotide diphosphate kinase

    4. dUTPase (phosphatase)

    5. thymidylate synthetase

    TTP Synthesis

    rntK rntR ntdiPK dUTPase



    TS rntK ntdiPK

    dUTP is bad stuff because it looks like dTTP and can

    be erroneously incorporated during DNA replication.

    To act as an inhibitor, 6-MP must be

    enzymatically converted into


    It requires


    Some cell types do not contain the enzymes for full

    nucleotide synthesis; must reply on salvage pathways

    Phosphoribosyltransferase converts premade purine

    bases to nucleotides

    Plasmodium parasite enter RBC & grabs nt from host

    cell. Drug target his vulnerability.

    Topo IB

    * relaxes negative or positive supercoils

    * does not interlink ssDNA circles

    * controlled rotation mechanism

    * covalent intermediate as in Topo IA

    * does not need ATP (spontaneous)

    Topo IB (Wim Hol)

    1. Binds supercoil DNA & convert to

    noncovalent complex

    2. Cleave 1 strand and rotate it around

    the other

    3. Religate

    4. Release

    Topo II inhibitors are important

    antibiotics and chemotherapeutics.

    Ciprofloxacin & Novobiocin:

    * selectively inhibit gyrase, so they kill

    bacteria but not eukaryotic cells

    Doxorubicin & Etoposide:

    * anti-cancer drugs

    Without Topo, you'd have a mess as cells try to

    undergo mitosis. Thus, these drugs attempts to

    halt cancerous cell replication.

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    Topo II passes 1 strand of dsDNA thru


    * breaks & religates both strands of 1 duplex

    * symmetric dimer

    * consumes ATP, releases ADP + Pi

    * can interlink (catenate) 2 dsDNA circles

    Gyrase modify linking number, L

    * Subset of Topo II found in bacteria (drug target)

    * Only enzyme known to introduce negative


    * Changes linking # in -2 increment rather than +2

    * Can introduce mechanical strain into relaxed


    Topoisomerase IA

    * relaxes negatively supercoiled DNA

    * interlinks (catenate) circles of ssDNA

    * covalent intermediate Tyr on Topo I

    transiently linked to the DNA through

    phosphodiester bond

    * does not need ATP (spontaneous)

    Topoisomerase IA

    1. Binds to duplex & melts it a little

    2. Cleaves strand & bind to it covalently

    3. Second strand is passed through the break

    4. Strand entrapment

    5. DNA is religated (joined)

    6. DNA is then released

    7. Recovery

    Transamination interconverts AA

    and -keto acids (e.g. pyruvate, OAA,

    -ketoGlutarate or other metabolites

    of glycolysis or the TCA cycle).

    PLP-dependent transamination reactions: Amino

    Acid amino groups are transferred to -ketoGlr to

    form Glu.

    Catalyzed by AA Transferase (high in liver)

    Aspartate + -ketoGlr

    H2O + PLPPMP

    OAA + Glu

    Transcription by RNAP II involves...

    * TATA binding protein subunit of TFIID

    * Histone acetyltransferase subunit of TFIID

    * Active RNAP II binding to 2 Mg2+ ions

    * Histone remodeling complex enzymes that

    release ADP & PO4- as reaction products

    Mediator directly contacts


    tRNA always contain post-transcriptionally

    modified bases.

    Every tRNA contains a terminal 5' Pi group.

    Tertiary structure of tRNA resembles an "L".

    Anticodon contains a post-transcriptionally

    modified base.

    Sigma factors bind RNAP and control which

    genes are transcribed.

    Sigma factors are needed ofr synthesis of

    rRNA sequences.

    Sigma factors assist bacterial RNAP in

    finding the transcriptional start site.

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    Trypanosomiasis - African Sleeping Disease

    * 2 stages of disease: lethargy, PNS, CNS,


    * Treatment: -diflouromethyl ornithine

    inhibits ornithine decarboxylase by binding

    to it

    * Mechanism-based suicide inhibitor

    -diflouromethyl ornithine inhibitor

    * inactivates both human and Trp


    * Human enzyme is rapidly degraded &


    * Trp enzyme has a much longer half-life

    A typical signal sequence that

    instructs the cell to target a nascent

    polypeptide to preprotein

    translocase is found near the C-

    terminus and is rich in NONPOLAR


    Signal Peptides or Signal Sequences....

    * usually contain a +charged basic aa residue near

    the N-terminus

    * typically contain a stretch of about 12

    hydrophobic residues near the N-terminus

    * do not make direct contact with SRP receptor

    * synthesized at the N-terminus of insulin protein

    Ub-transfer pathway requires

    3 sequential enzyme activities.

    Describe the ubiquitin

    activating enzyme activity of


    E1 activates Ub by by forming a Ub-

    AMP, releasing PPi. It then forms a

    covalent Ub thioester:

    E1-SH + ATP + Ub-COO- [E1-

    AMP] --> Ub-COS-E1

    Ubiquitin-Proteasome System


    * proteasome degrades intracellular


    * UPS removes damaged or misfolded


    * irreversible destruction

    * involved in transcriptional regulation

    * involved in immune response


    UMP kinase (base-specific enzyme):


    nt diPi kinase:


    Regulation of Pyrimidine Synthesis

    * ATP & PRPP activate rxn#1

    * UMP direclty inhibits its own


    * UDP & UTP inhibit rxn#1

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    Unequal amount of A and G pools

    * AMP & GMP directly inhibit their

    own synthesis

    * ATP is needed for GTP synthesis,

    and GTP is needed for ATP


    6-mercaptopurine (6-MP, Purinethol)

    * Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic

    * Acts as false FB inhibitor & inhibits nt synthesis

    * Control points:

    blocks R5PPRPP

    blocks IMPAdenylosuccinate

    blocks IMPXMP

    UPS regulates HMG-CoA


    (recall enzyme from

    cholesterol synthesis)

    Ubiquitylation vs Phosphorylation

    * both involves protein conformation

    * both bind ligand

    * both interact with proteins

    * both affect enzyme activity

    * Ubiquitin confers location stability

    Urea Cycle eliminates excess

    Nitrogen from protein

    degradation and occurs only in

    the Liver.

    HCO3- + NH4+ + 2ATPCarbamoyl Pi


    Ornithine + Carbamoyl Pi Citrulline + Pi

    Citrulline + Aspartate + ATP Argininosuccinate

    Argininosuccinate Fumarate + Arginine

    Arg + H2O Urea (cyto) + Ornithine (mito)


    The Urea Cycle is regulated by

    allosteric activation of CPS1 by

    N-Acetylglutamate, (NAGlu).


    Glu + Acetyl-CoA NAGlu



    NH4+ + HCO3- + 2ATP Carbamoyl Pi


    Vesicle coat proteins associate with

    membranes, help to concentracargo within

    the plane of organelle membranes and the

    lumens of organelles, and act to change the

    curvature of membranes.

    Ca2+ concentration is 10,000 times higher in the

    ER lumen than in the cytoplasm, yet, Ca2+ does

    not flow across the translocase from the ER to

    cytoplasm because a trap-door on the lumenal side

    can close a channel in the translocase, and about 6

    branched-chain amino acyl residues near the

    center of the translocase form a greasy seal during

    polypeptide translocation across the membrane.

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    Ways to make a nucleotide:

    * Sugar is never constructed on the base

    * Purines make sugar 1st & build base on the sugar

    * Pyrimidines make base & sugar separately, but

    make base 1st.

    * Salvage pathway to add premade bases

    * Early earth: base & sugar may have been made at

    the same time.

    End of Lecture 10

    We should expect certain

    amino acids to be unusually

    abundant in histones and

    other DNA-binding proteins.

    Which ones and why?

    Since DNA backbone is

    negatively charged, positively

    charged basic aa, namely, Arg

    & Lys would be abundant in


    What are some characteristics

    of Ubiquitin?

    * 76 residue protein

    * found in eukaryotes only

    * highly conserved (identical in diff orgms)

    * Ub covalently attaches to target protein

    * Must be Lys-48 linked poly-Ub chain >= 4 subunits

    long to signal proteasomal degradation

    * Ub is released and recycled (NOT degraded)

    * Others serve diff functions (K-63 for DNA repair,

    mono/tri-Ub for localization, protein activity, autophagy)

    Why did this research happen in 1948?

    Radio isotopes became available during

    the Manhattan Project

    Guano (dung) was also used to make


    The Manhattan Project was a research and

    development program, led by the United States

    with participation from the United Kingdom and

    Canada, that produced the first atomic bomb

    during World War II.

    Why is PLP (Schiff base, vit.B6) so versatile?

    Stereo-electronic of highly conjugated

    system stabilizes carbanion through e-


    A PLP reacts with a lysine, and schiff

    base is formed, (PLP)-C=N-(Lysine)

    bond. An imine exchange takes place

    where an aa can then come take the place

    of the Lys residue. You now have a (PLP)-