1W-TOfiL- h sr xWwWFW' t V V ' t ;. ; .,0- -' . - " i. W.JTrV gr jffi gg. Eh Pauig ..,'.. 1 ifiX t t - 5 Jw Ir Jl' J Jl' f J'4 uniuijyw wjw .ymiM'iJ.ii,j(i-jvA;ajji"; mwaTOacoBgi A. i i Vol. XLNo, L579. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAKOI1 J), S87. nuuncmnriON fc.. CO CCHTO PCIi MONTH a' pfc. tf f fc' ' ' ST. 2- &- if -- J if ii l 'Ii.'" TEE DAILY BULLETIN la printed and published at tliu ollleo, Quoeu Street, Honolulu, II. 1., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 60 cent pet Month. Address nil Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc en Mire Insertion, should be handed in before one o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor W.A.S.Boals Shipping Roportor & Collector JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Managor. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book ami .lob Printing of all kind:) done on the most fuvornblo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. WO Commission Motonants. Uco. W. Maofnrlau.. II. It. Macfarlnne. 0. W. MACFAKLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS and Sugar Jfactors, fire-Pro- Building, 02 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AUKNTtf tor I'uu vVuikupu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The ileeia bugai Plantation, Ualiu, Uuuloaugai Mill, Maul, . lluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, I'.uiloii aucep Rancli Co., lluwuli, J. Fowlor is Co. Steam Flow and re able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrleua, Vuuou &Co's bugur Macum ery, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line or Pa 180 BKEWIStt & COMPANY, (J (LimiUd) UKNKItAL MkUCANTILK AND Commission Aqknts. USr OK OKFlCKltb: I. U. Jo.nks, Jr. .. .President ii Muuuger J. O. Uahtku. . . ..Tieuauiei & Secretary dikkotous: lion. U. It. Uihuop. Hon. 11. A. P. Cahtjck juaiy JOHN T. WATEKUOU8B, Importer and Ueuler in General Merchandise, tueeu si., Honolulu. 1 Claaa bi'rcckcls. Win. U. Irwin. tr Q. IHWIN & COMPANY, TV Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 Ct CO., WILDEH Dealers in Lumber, l'uint.s, Oils, Nails, SaU und Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 a. N. Castle. J. B. Athorton. CASTLE it OOOKE, Sluppiue and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers In Uenerul Merchandise, Ko. 80 King at., Honolulu. 1 .Vf S. GBINBAUM St CO., ItX. Importers of General Mer- - oliamllrte mid (Jommisslou Morouuutu, Unuolulu,uud 11 California street, 1 Butt FruuoUco, Cal. O. BEBQEB, C. 34 Mkhoiiant Stubkt. General Agent tor I ho N. Y. Life Iu3iiranco Company, Tho City of Loudou bMro In. Co(llmit'd jutli British and Xatlouul Fire & Ma- rino insurance Co. Maoncale & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Tho Commercial Flro & Marino Insur- ance Co.- - . 338 Q-oiisalv- &; CJo., Wholesale Grocers & Wine merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. CHB. GERTZ, (1 No. 80 Fort btreot, Honolul.fr-Importe- r and Doaler in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. It. J.owoi s, F. J. I.owi oy, O. M. C'oukc. LEWEB8 s OOOKE, to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Luuibor and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILLIAM MILLER 0.l i iietmaker And UiiliolHtcrcr, No. 03 Hole) street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and talking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c, made ot tho latest designs. Professionals. OtAlll.Ui: WII.MKK VOI.NI.V VAILI.ANCOUIIT A81IKUI1I. ASIIfOUl). ASHFOKD & ASHF0RD, Iiaw, Clinncery, C'onvcyniiclnir, Admiralty, Iluukruptcy, l'robate, VAc, Ktc, Ktc. 0'Kick: Old Capitol Building, adjoin. ing General Post-Offlc- 93 Alfred Magoon, J . AT 1 OBNEY AT LAW. 17J 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly JM. MON3ARRAT, ATTOltNBY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estato in any nait of the Kingdom bought, sold ana leased, on commission. Loans ncgotin ted, Lugal DocumentR Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Oa.etto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 196 CECIL BROWN, uer and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowlcdgmcuts of Instruments for the Island ot Oahu. Merchant ttrcct, Houo-'ul- u. , 1 TOHN T. DARE. Attorney and Counsellor-nt-Law- . Odkick: No. 12 Spreckels' Block, Honolulu. Qi M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor In Chancery. Otllce Campbell's Block, Second Story, Booms 8 and U. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. 084 tf JOHN A. HAS3INGER, Agcut to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. rR. IWAI. I'liygininn and Surgeon. llKSIDKKCi: AND OFFICE ! . 40 EMMA ST Olllee Hours: from 9 to 12 a. m. Bell Telephone No. 423. 271y PP. GRAY. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllee, flist door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. I3f" Residence, No. 40 Alakca, near Hotel Street. D R. KMERSON, PHYSICIAN is SUKUEOJN. Residence and Office, 196 Fort St, t 8 to 10 A.M., Office Hours 1 to 3 p.m., (7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell nnd Mutual), No. 149. 177 tf DR. M. GOTO, Physician and Surgeon. LEPROSY A SPECIALTY. 0(lko hours nt ICakuako from 0 to 11 A. it. ovuy day except Bunduys. Will visit pitients at their residenco by All ollur diseases treated at his office coiner of Punchbowl und Beretinla Sis. Office Hooks l to 5 p. it. 47 Um 8 to 12 a. m. Sundays JAMES BltODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, 100 King St., Kawalalmo Church. Mu- tual Telephone, 334. OiDco hours from 7 to 9 a. ir., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables will bo prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Box 80. 843 tf Now Photograph llooins. OVER Nlchol's Ftoro, Fort street, the Shooting Gallery, Pic lures, Portraits and views. First-clas- s woi k. Satisfaction guaranteed. 0 ly J. A. G ON SALVES. II. M. BENSON. 0. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 1 10 Fort Street - Honolulu. Depot for Bocrlcko & Sccolijk's ' HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, tclccckei's Perfumes and Toilet ltuquUitts, 1 2y HOLUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fon Street, William's Block, Ilono. 210 Honolulu, H. I. JOHN MAGOON, Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18Jy W3I..McOAXIIiES8, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest lleur, Veal, Slutton, FIhIj, Ac, am! Shipping Orders carefully attended to, Live stock furnished to vowls nt eho.'t notice, and Vogctablcs of all kinds supplied to order. 840 ly O WFST, E. O PCHUMAN. Prciidcnt. Sec'y ii Trcas. Haw'an. Carriage Ifi Co. (Limited) Importers & Dealers In Iron, Cumberland Goal, Hard Wood Lumber, : And nil kinds of : Carriago and Wagon Matorials. 82 0m CALLATMRHOYT'S CORNER OF ALAEEA & KING STREET and sco tho nJ 3 Cutaway Carriages Wl Phauons, &c, He has for sale cheap, befoiu purclms-7- 4 lug elsewhere. ALVIN II. KASEM ANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV WEMER & CO. Mannfactni-ln- g JunellorH, no. 03 iroixrv htxiizizt. Constantly on hand a large assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware. &c. 058 ly PIONI3JEK, STEAM CANDY FACTORY AMJ 01A.JC13ItY. F. HORN, Practical Confectionor, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- r Telephone 74 Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 07and CO Hotel otrcct, Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No. 310 Mutual Telephone No. 104. 501 tlm LAINE & CO. Havo a Largo Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. 3-riu- ,' Etc., Which is ottered ut Low cat Market Prices AND-Deliv- ered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Paciflo Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDeedsforCalifornia Telephone No. 147. 700 Bearer Saloon The Best Lunch In Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours Tho Inet Biund oi Cigars & .1 obacco always on band. II. .1 NOLTE, Proprietor. Metropolitan larke ) KING STREET, O. J. WAJCX.IJU, lrovlotov. Choicest Meats from Finest Herds. Families qml Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE and nt tho Lowent Muvlcct l?ricuM. All meats delivered fioni this Market aro thoroughly chilled Imim dlately after killluc by menus of a Bcll.Coleinan Pa- tent Dry Air Refrigoratot, Meat bo treated retains nil Its juioy properties, nnd Is GnAiiAKrr.rnao Kkep Lonoeii Airruit Dki.ivi'.kv ; ,ian Fiiesiii,v-kim-- ku Meat. 74 ly The Popular la t3 B fi f ifoys 104 Fort Street, HonoluJu, IN". SS. - - 2?i'opriot;oi Bargains in House Furnishing Hoods! o lite nd UnWeacliefl Bias! file Linen Red Damask Tabic Linen, While and Unblwichud k'd Shouting, ro&quilo NutUng, Red, White and Blue Wool Blankets Curtains and Cui'ltiin Nut, Cttrta'm Hurim in Plain and Fancy Figured, Marseilles and Honey Comb M Spreads Bud Ticking, Blue und Fancy Striped, a full as- sortment of LINEN, DAMASK & RUSSIAN TOWELS MtltiKS JLOWIUE TIIAS TiVHEt. HAY- - : r.V. and Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality Fl Telephones 175. Corner "7 & A. Blacksmith Work Painting ami 79 & 81 Klai Street from ICinjr aiiul .StM. Every of work in tho nhoo lines In .1 drst-cln- s manner. a ST Bell 107. -- fc (337 ly) e Ioll 1C7. 'a CHAS enf NACHS, HAY -- GRAIN grain; UNlOfti Lowest Prices. EdiuDurgh Queen Streets. ssrsrsssrvessii.j, MOKGAJS Uhiti-iiiic'eH EcvcUan description performed Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty. Telephone, Telephone, HUSTACL King Street, hetwoen l?orl and Alttkcti Streets, Just received per Austialla, j 'SS2 Oavriago JJuildiiig, Trinnniiig-- , ?fl yUCER, or Eiii(j up iltf 2E" . P. O. Il(i tiU7. Capo Fiojh Apples, Almonds. Aalnn, Per .i.f, Brazil Nut-- , Filbert-.- . Figs Ditw, Raisins Cunnnis. lioitui. lUiiun ll.wl, I.imui, Utonnm ?, ,"" Pert Win imns in glaOlives, Pruno-- , tt ,.l, ,'. Un.oniin,,. InsUm .L ""'-""- " ' ",'"' ,Yi, ii"" 'ii(iuinf, 'l m t iM hi, nnd (Jrai.k ExUacfttoS Wiueelc"".. Ul ' ,e,s- - Slr"!l , Rennet, All at L,o"veHt liitH uiul SiiIIhI'.icHou Oimviuitcutl. leave your Orders, 119. unlies MclNTYRE IMPOUTERB AND IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAbT CORNER FORT ANJ) KlhU '' ;' CTery T"0ct from tho Stmts nml JMn.pe I'roshCn lloinln rioiliuel.y oery btcinncr. All faliMnlh alluidul 0. and OomU delivered to any p,.u 01 Hit illy hu-o- l cLiuli.. MohiI ntdeifolU nlUd. hitlsfiirtlnn cu.nanlHd. IVhJ Olllrc 1 o 14(1. 'IV ei 1 (,i i No. !W Ifi8 1 Telephone iiiO. DEALERS S'lRhETS. LEWIS & CO., Importer und IJoMdih In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc. A nleoii.Boitmontof Cro'ScniiiekMcllVninl.I.T. MortnuV15iigttsh(Jtotorii's nluavsonluiid. AIsj, a full lino of llio leading Aniurlcaii IirontU of OA.2XIV2flX 0001. Froth Qnods of tho Season on IOII ninched hy ev. ry steamor of the Oceanic S. S. Uo.V line. NATINFAtJTrOX UIJAKA,Y3,aH:E. OJIv tirtmMtAHM wUMtlgMfMMI Every Description of 1-1- 01 frFvu 4i?N9 K Li W i ll w tc t t 9lJ I it! Mm t M Executed with neatneca and dispatoli At the Daily Bulletin Office n.l:0IIGIi LUCAS, sssMsssm " uoniraetor i and Bullder- ,- Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. .Manufaetiiros all kinds of Mouldings, BincKetP. Window Frames, BIlniN, Sashes. Doors, and nil kinds of Wood-woi- k iIuIhIi. Turning, Seioll and Band Siwin. All kindsoi hiiMlmtand Plun-ih- k. MoitlulnguiiU Teiianilng. Onlui promptly nttumled to and work trutiraniMMl. Ordeirt from tho other solicited AUTllUU IIAUIIISO.V J'ltKW. HAIIIIISO.V. 1IARHIS0N BROTHERS, Oniltlui'H o CoiitniutorN. i:o P. 0. Box 178. S. E. CONTRACTOR vV, BUILDER, 8(1 Holi-Utret- . - Honolulu, II. I. (Oppotile IVhlnn Stalilts). l. 0. Box 315; BaUTclonhono 53. All work In my lino faithfully done. PIuh und ppeelllculoiH mud". Jol). bing in nil details donoatshott notice. otl Work anil I.mv CIi:uc is my 3Jotj(i- - 0 C KAVANAGH, ' JJUJJ-.l1DI- t. Steun Boilers, Furii'icts and Hinges Set Biiik and Stonework done on rouoniblo terms. Alnial St., Second door from llerttinh. P O. Box 457. Ordeis fr m the other Islands punc liiuily mifiidul to 2Iy II!. B.THOMA, Builder. Ofllce, comer Alake.x and Queen Btretts, mutual Tr.i.rriioNi:, aS3. 114 P. 0. Box 117. Lfhn 2L. JCcX-3ElN55II- Contractor aul Ituildvr. S'ores nud oitices lilted up, Estimates filu'ii on till kinds of brick and woolen buildings, Plans nnd Specifications fur. nislii'd CiTOmco, 110 Ucrctania St.; Mutual Telephone, 1152; Posloltico Box, 100. 322 ly Elioacls & Greene, Houso Buildor3 and Architects. Plan", Specifications and detailed Draw. Ingf furnishtd for all kinds ot wood or buck buildings, nn( Estimates glcn fin tho 8'ime. All jobbing promptly to and charges moderate. Any ol the nb'ivo woik entrusted to oui tare, Mill tteiivo our perbount attention. Oulersfiom tlm other irlands Bollcitcd. Office aim Siiop, 83 Queen St. iiH.ri'iio.Ni: t)18. Honolulu, May 7, 18SG. 82:i ly WONG JEEIIMC, ,lJ. COXTJtAt'TOlt, feMSa Cui'iionior & J8:ilIcr iiooi.s ami i iitMTinti: nni'Aiiii.i). X.ali', PJI.OO pin' Uivy. WoikKjiop, ; : b7Maiiualt.iStictt. C5Iy II Jr TT. .ITITVn MTTT A4IM.,1.,U JXiJUU j AlivLott, near Jcu'i'n fcit. 41 Teluiilioiio .".I. JLiVowco 3PrtinteV;, 12B Nmianu St., Honolulu, II. I. no Jim ft-C- 'i Honolulu Ihon Works, cxSiKJ.lteain eiiL'liiCs.sUKarm s. ho . w i, eotlerj iron, bnifis and lead uabt-Iii- inanliinury of eveiy dieription tnmlii to onlur. Patticular attention paid to black bmithing. Job work exc eultd at (.tort notice R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith U General Machinist. T All woik PidnpUy nml neiily lor. foniKil SO", !lm ( LTJSO JLVWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to (ommuiil with tho Poitiiuuciii', cither fi r limdmw, or for procuring worknii n, si nauts m miy other helps, will find it the most pioiitahlti wy to adcilbeln the l.uw llimniiaiio, tlm new oi gun of the I'm in no-- u uilnin, whieli is pub jished on .Murcliaul tiiiut, GaietU Build, lot'. iHiHt.Olllio Letter lio E,), mill only thargij leasoiialilo rates foi udver-ti- mi nis I A. Mckenzie, PRACTICAL PLUMBER and Gas Filter. All oidurs for Ilouto or Ship w'ork promptly executed, :W Shop noxtto Poit Olllrc, Uotliol tivot. P. 0. Box 110. Bell 'ftlo-phon- '121. 104 ly 6fcfti'3ii- - fa&&& $ i!,a OT ! &h A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Morckaut Street, Honolulu, H. I. Slutiinl ivt.syi. - Itell Tcl.MOtf. Law Dooks& Lawjors' Stalioaory a Specialty. Older tnkui f ir Xtvvpnprrs, Period!. taN, Hrokh, Muil , etc , troin nny part of tliu uorltl Iiimiiit Hindu all arrange, meuts thetefor wliu in Sun Francisco. llvtl Etulilicr Ml inn ih to Order. Inauranco. THE MEW YORK fi i Insurance Co. Old. Cucccssliil. Trustworthy. Puraly Mutual. Ko Stockholders. Dividends Annually. OICAMirBl) lfell.-5- . Assets over - $70,000,000 Surplus over - M, 000,000 It issues the Blot forms of policy and pays tho FiAKWRVa1 Tontine I)lI-den- of any Con pmy. The 1 itest i h n tnu ndded to its Non Foi .'filing I.iudkd Tonllno Policies is: A xiiiiruiilvrrt return if nil S'lomiiusis pnid, in iiildition to Fiico of I'olicy, in case of death during thoTonilno peiiud. For full pnitlcuhu apply to C. 0. BERGER, Honolulu, Central Agrfiit Hawaiian Islands. 1(1 if - Tliis Space is "HcseiTed ";1 FOR THE ',.2 LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. ALEX. J. JUAKTWJKIGIIT, Agent for ihv Hawnll.ui Mniidn. CJ ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo u Marino Insur'co Agenti. AIIUNTa ton Tlm icw i:uclituil MUTUAL LIFE INS. COfcP'Y, Of llostdli. The iEtuti Pu-- e Insuranco Co, of Il.iuford, Conn. Tin' Hut,,,, flic nml Afiarinc Insurance Co. of SiMf F.ifttlM'o, Gain. Mil ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v nsiAiiLtsiiKU 1843, Capital 9.000.000 Relchsnurlu. '"piJK unilir ineil, having bten ap J poinu d ugi-ii- i of tho above Company fot tho ilnwnriiui IrIhhiIs, Is piepared to. nreepl risks, uguiimt File, on Buildings, Furniture, Mi r Immllso, Produce, Hugar Millfoto. out , tin l Favorable Tenni ' Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In llonolulu. II. hlEMLNbOHN EIDER, '0 1) at Wilder dsCo'f. '! '1 .l ' 4fi -- 31 ?J -

V -' Eh Pauig gr Jw f Jl' · 2015-05-30 · Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV WEMER & CO

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Page 1: V -' Eh Pauig gr Jw f Jl' · 2015-05-30 · Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV WEMER & CO


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1 ifiX t t - 5 Jw Ir Jl' J Jl' fJ'4uniuijyw wjw .ymiM'iJ.ii,j(i-jvA;ajji"; mwaTOacoBgi

A. ii Vol. XLNo, L579. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAKOI1 J), S87. nuuncmnriON






fc' ' '







l 'Ii.'"


la printed and published at tliu ollleo,Quoeu Street, Honolulu, II. 1., everyafternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 60 cent pet Month.

Address nil Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc en Mire Insertion,should be handed in before one o'clockP.M.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

W.A.S.Boals Shipping Roportor & Collector

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Managor.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book ami .lob Printing ofall kind:) done on the most fuvornbloterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. WO

Commission Motonants.

Uco. W. Maofnrlau.. II. It. Macfarlnne.



CHANTS andSugar Jfactors,

fire-Pro- Building, 02 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I.

AUKNTtf torI'uu vVuikupu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The ileeia bugai Plantation, Ualiu,Uuuloaugai Mill, Maul, .lluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,I'.uiloii aucep Rancli Co., lluwuli,J. Fowlor is Co. Steam Flow and re

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrleua, Vuuou &Co's bugur Macum

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line or Pa




Commission Aqknts.


I. U. Jo.nks, Jr. . . .President ii MuuugerJ. O. Uahtku. . . ..Tieuauiei & Secretary

dikkotous:lion. U. It. Uihuop. Hon. 11. A. P. Cahtjck


JOHN T. WATEKUOU8B,Importer and Ueuler in General

Merchandise, tueeu si., Honolulu. 1

Claaa bi'rcckcls. Win. U. Irwin.

tr Q. IHWIN & COMPANY,TV Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

Ct CO.,WILDEH Dealers in Lumber, l'uint.s,Oils, Nails, SaU und Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

a. N. Castle. J. B. Athorton.

CASTLE it OOOKE,Sluppiue and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers InUenerul Merchandise, Ko. 80 King at.,Honolulu. 1

.Vf S. GBINBAUM St CO.,ItX. Importers of General Mer- -oliamllrte mid (Jommisslou Morouuutu,Unuolulu,uud

11 California street,1 Butt FruuoUco, Cal.

O. BEBQEB,C.34 Mkhoiiant Stubkt.

General Agent torI ho N. Y. Life Iu3iiranco Company,

Tho City of Loudou bMro In. Co(llmit'djutli British and Xatlouul Fire & Ma-

rino insurance Co.

Maoncale & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co

The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Tho Commercial Flro & Marino Insur-ance Co.- -

. 338

Q-oiisalv- &; CJo.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

CHB. GERTZ, (1No. 80 Fort btreot, Honolul.fr-Importe-r

and Doaler in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

It. J.owoi s, F. J. I.owi oy, O. M. C'oukc.

LEWEB8 s OOOKE,to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Luuibor and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILLIAM MILLER0.l i iietmaker

And UiiliolHtcrcr,No. 03 Hole) street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and talking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c,

made ot tho latest designs.



ASHFOKD & ASHF0RD,Iiaw, Clinncery, C'onvcyniiclnir,

Admiralty, Iluukruptcy, l'robate,VAc, Ktc, Ktc.

0'Kick: Old Capitol Building, adjoin.ing General Post-Offlc- 93

Alfred Magoon,J . AT 1 OBNEY AT LAW.17J 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


and Notary Public. Real Estato in anynait of the Kingdom bought, sold analeased, on commission. Loans ncgotinted, Lugal DocumentR Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Oa.etto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 196

CECIL BROWN,uer and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowlcdgmcuts of Instruments for theIsland ot Oahu. Merchant ttrcct, Houo-'ul- u.



Attorney and Counsellor-nt-Law- .

Odkick: No. 12 Spreckels' Block,

Honolulu. Qi


and Solicitor In Chancery. OtllceCampbell's Block, Second Story, Booms8 and U. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I. 084 tf

JOHN A. HAS3INGER,Agcut to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.


I'liygininn and Surgeon.llKSIDKKCi: AND OFFICE ! . 40 EMMA ST

Olllee Hours: from 9 to 12 a. m.

Bell Telephone No. 423. 271y


Olllee, flist door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m.

I3f" Residence, No. 40 Alakca, nearHotel Street.


Residence and Office, 196 Fort St,t 8 to 10 A.M.,

Office Hours 1 to 3 p.m.,( 7 to 8 Evening.

Telephone (Bell nnd Mutual), No. 149.177 tf

DR. M. GOTO,Physician and Surgeon.


0(lko hours nt ICakuako from 0 to 11

A. it. ovuy day except Bunduys. Willvisit pitients at their residenco by

All ollur diseases treated at his officecoiner of Punchbowl und Beretinla Sis.

Office Hooks l to 5 p. it.47 Um 8 to 12 a. m. Sundays

JAMES BltODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, 100 King St.,

Kawalalmo Church. Mu-tual Telephone, 334. OiDco hours from7 to 9 a. ir., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders leftat the Pantheon Stables will bo prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Box 80. 843 tf

Now Photograph llooins.OVER Nlchol's Ftoro, Fort street,

the Shooting Gallery, Piclures, Portraits and views. First-clas- s

woi k. Satisfaction guaranteed.0 ly J. A. G ON SALVES.



Manufacturing and DispensingPharmacists,

113 & 1 10 Fort Street - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocrlcko & Sccolijk's'


tclccckei's Perfumes and ToiletltuquUitts, 1 2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fon Street, William's Block, Ilono.210 Honolulu, H. I.

JOHN MAGOON,Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18Jy

W3I..McOAXIIiES8,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestlleur, Veal, Slutton, FIhIj, Ac,

am! Shipping Orders carefullyattended to, Live stock furnished tovowls nt eho.'t notice, and Vogctablcsof all kinds supplied to order. 840 ly

O WFST, E. O PCHUMAN.Prciidcnt. Sec'y ii Trcas.

Haw'an. Carriage Ifi Co.(Limited)

Importers & Dealers In

Iron, Cumberland Goal, HardWood Lumber,

: And nil kinds of :

Carriago and Wagon Matorials.82 0m



nJ 3 Cutaway Carriages

Wl Phauons, &c,

He has for sale cheap, befoiu purclms-7- 4

lug elsewhere.



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer.722 chant street. ly


1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV

WEMER & CO.Mannfactni-ln- g JunellorH,no. 03 iroixrv htxiizizt.

Constantly on hand a large assortmentof every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware. &c.

058 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confectionor,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- r Telephone 74

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

07and CO Hotel otrcct,Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No.

310 Mutual Telephone No. 104.501 tlm

LAINE & CO.Havo a Largo Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.3-riu- ,' Etc.,

Which is ottered ut Low cat Market PricesAND-Deliv- ered

Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPaciflo Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeedsforCaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

Bearer Saloon

The Best Lunch In Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

Tho Inet Biund oi

Cigars & .1 obaccoalways on band.

II. .1 NOLTE, Proprietor.

Metropolitan larke)


O. J. WAJCX.IJU, lrovlotov.Choicest Meats from Finest Herds.

Families qml Shipping


and nt tho

Lowent Muvlcct l?ricuM.All meats delivered fioni this Market

aro thoroughly chilled Imim dlately afterkillluc by menus of a Bcll.Coleinan Pa-tent Dry Air Refrigoratot, Meat botreated retains nil Its juioy properties,nnd Is GnAiiAKrr.rnao Kkep LonoeiiAirruit Dki.ivi'.kv ; ,ian Fiiesiii,v-kim-- ku

Meat. 74 ly

The Popular la t3 B fi f

ifoys104 Fort Street, HonoluJu,

IN". SS. - - 2?i'opriot;oi

Bargains in House Furnishing Hoods!o

lite nd UnWeacliefl Bias! file Linen

Red Damask Tabic Linen, While and Unblwichudk'd Shouting, ro&quilo NutUng,

Red, White and Blue Wool BlanketsCurtains and Cui'ltiin Nut, Cttrta'm Hurim in Plain

and Fancy Figured,

Marseilles and Honey Comb M SpreadsBud Ticking, Blue und Fancy Striped, a full as-

sortment of


HAY- -

: r.V.

andLargest Stocks,

Choicest Quality

FlTelephones 175. Corner


A.Blacksmith Work

Painting ami79 & 81 Klai Street

from ICinjr aiiul .StM.

Every of work in tho nhoo lines In .1 drst-cln- s manner.

aST Bell 107. --fc (337 ly) e Ioll 1C7. 'a




HAY-- GRAINgrain;

UNlOftiLowest Prices.

EdiuDurgh Queen Streets.ssrsrsssrvessii.j,


Uhiti-iiiic'eH EcvcUan

description performed

Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty.Telephone, Telephone,

HUSTACLKing Street, hetwoen l?orl and Alttkcti Streets,

Just received per Austialla,

j'SS2 Oavriago JJuildiiig,

Trinnniiig-- ,



or Eiii(j up iltf


P. O. Il(i tiU7.

Capo Fiojh Apples, Almonds. Aalnn, Per .i.f, Brazil Nut-- , Filbert-.- .

Figs Ditw, Raisins Cunnnis. lioitui. lUiiun ll.wl, I.imui, Utonnm?, ,"" Pert Win imns in glaOlives, Pruno-- , tt ,.l, ,'. Un.oniin,,. InsUm

.L ""'-""- " ' ",'"' ,Yi, ii"" 'ii(iuinf, 'l m t iM hi, nnd (Jrai.kExUacfttoS Wiueelc"".. Ul ' ,e,s- - Slr"!l , Rennet,

All at L,o"veHt liitH uiul SiiIIhI'.icHou Oimviuitcutl.leave your Orders, 119.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAbT CORNER FORT ANJ) KlhU'' ;' CTery T"0ct from tho Stmts nml JMn.peI'roshCn lloinln rioiliuel.y oery btcinncr. All faliMnlh alluidul 0.and OomU delivered to any p,.u 01 Hit illy hu-o- l cLiuli.. MohiI ntdeifolUnlUd. hitlsfiirtlnn cu.nanlHd. IVhJ Olllrc 1 o 14(1. 'IV ei 1 (,i i No. !W Ifi8 1

Telephone iiiO.



LEWIS & CO.,Importer und IJoMdih In

STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc.A nleoii.Boitmontof Cro'ScniiiekMcllVninl.I.T. MortnuV15iigttsh(Jtotorii's

nluavsonluiid. AIsj, a full lino of llio leading Aniurlcaii IirontU ofOA.2XIV2flX 0001.

Froth Qnods of tho Season on IOII ninched hy ev. ry steamor of the OceanicS. S. Uo.V line.


Every Description of

1-1- 01 frFvu 4i?N9 K Li W i ll w tc t t 9lJ I it! Mm t M

Executed with neatneca and dispatoli

At the Daily Bulletin Office



" uoniraetor iand Bullder- ,-

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

.Manufaetiiros all kinds of Mouldings,BincKetP. Window Frames, BIlniN,

Sashes. Doors, and nil kinds of Wood-woi- k

iIuIhIi. Turning, Seioll and BandSiwin. All kindsoi hiiMlmtand Plun-ih- k.

MoitlulnguiiU Teiianilng.Onlui promptly nttumled to and work

trutiraniMMl. Ordeirt from tho othersolicited



Oniltlui'H o CoiitniutorN.i:o P. 0. Box 178.


8(1 Holi-Utret- . - Honolulu, II. I.(Oppotile IVhlnn Stalilts).

l. 0. Box 315; BaUTclonhono 53.

All work In my lino faithfully done.PIuh und ppeelllculoiH mud". Jol).bing in nil details donoatshott notice.

otl Work anil I.mv CIi:ucis my 3Jotj(i- - 0


Steun Boilers, Furii'icts and HingesSet Biiik and Stonework done onrouoniblo terms.Alnial St., Second door from llerttinh.

P O. Box 457.Ordeis fr m the other Islands punc

liiuily mifiidul to 2Iy

II!. B.THOMA,Builder.

Ofllce, comer Alake.x and Queen Btretts,

mutual Tr.i.rriioNi:, aS3.114 P. 0. Box 117. Lfhn

2L. JCcX-3ElN55II-

Contractor aul Ituildvr.S'ores nud oitices lilted up, Estimatesfilu'ii on till kinds of brick and woolenbuildings, Plans nnd Specifications fur.nislii'd CiTOmco, 110 Ucrctania St.;Mutual Telephone, 1152; Posloltico Box,100. 322 ly

Elioacls & Greene,Houso Buildor3 and Architects.

Plan", Specifications and detailed Draw.Ingf furnishtd for all kinds ot wood orbuck buildings, nn( Estimates glcnfin tho 8'ime. All jobbing promptly

to and charges moderate. Anyol the nb'ivo woik entrusted to oui tare,Mill tteiivo our perbount attention.Oulersfiom tlm other irlands Bollcitcd.

Office aim Siiop, 83 Queen St.iiH.ri'iio.Ni: t)18.

Honolulu, May 7, 18SG. 82:i ly


,lJ. COXTJtAt'TOlt,feMSa Cui'iionior & J8:ilIcriiooi.s ami i iitMTinti: nni'Aiiii.i).

X.ali', PJI.OO pin' Uivy.WoikKjiop, ; : b7Maiiualt.iStictt.


IIJr TT. .ITITVn MTTTA4IM.,1.,U JXiJUUj AlivLott, near Jcu'i'n fcit.41 Teluiilioiio .".I.

JLiVowco 3PrtinteV;,12B Nmianu St., Honolulu, II. I.

no Jim

ft-C- 'i Honolulu Ihon Works,cxSiKJ.lteain eiiL'liiCs.sUKarm s. ho .

w i, eotlerj iron, bnifis and lead uabt-Iii-

inanliinury of eveiy dieriptiontnmlii to onlur. Patticular attention paidto black bmithing. Job work exceultd at (.tort notice

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith U General Machinist.

T All woik PidnpUy nml neiily lor.foniKil SO", !lm


ALL persons who want to (ommuiilwith tho Poitiiuuciii', cither

fi r limdmw, or for procuring worknii n,si nauts m miy other helps, will find itthe most pioiitahlti wy to adcilbelnthe l.uw llimniiaiio, tlm new oi gun ofthe I'm in no-- u uilnin, whieli is pubjished on .Murcliaul tiiiut, GaietU Build,lot'. iHiHt.Olllio Letter lio E,), millonly thargij leasoiialilo rates foi udver-ti-

mi nis


and Gas Filter.

All oidurs for Ilouto or Ship w'orkpromptly executed,

:W Shop noxtto Poit Olllrc, Uotlioltivot. P. 0. Box 110. Bell 'ftlo-phon-

'121. 104 ly

6fcfti'3ii- - fa&&&$i!,a OT ! &h

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Morckaut Street, Honolulu, H. I.Slutiinl ivt.syi. - Itell Tcl.MOtf.

Law Dooks& Lawjors' Stalioaory a Specialty.

Older tnkui f ir Xtvvpnprrs, Period!.taN, Hrokh, Muil , etc , troin nny partof tliu uorltl Iiimiiit Hindu all arrange,meuts thetefor wliu in Sun Francisco.llvtl Etulilicr Ml inn ih to Order.


THE MEW YORKfii Insurance Co.

Old. Cucccssliil. Trustworthy. PuralyMutual. Ko Stockholders.

Dividends Annually.

OICAMirBl) lfell.-5- .

Assets over - $70,000,000Surplus over - M,000,000

It issues the Blot forms of policy andpays tho FiAKWRVa1 Tontine I)lI-den-

of any Con pmy.The 1 itest i h n tnu ndded to its Non

Foi .'filing I.iudkd Tonllno Policies is:A xiiiiruiilvrrt return if nil

S'lomiiusis pnid, in iiilditionto Fiico of I'olicy, in case of deathduring thoTonilno peiiud.

For full pnitlcuhu apply toC. 0. BERGER, Honolulu,

Central Agrfiit Hawaiian Islands.1(1 if-

Tliis Space is "HcseiTed ";1

FOR THE ',.2


Assurance Society




Agent for ihv Hawnll.ui Mniidn.

CJ ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo u Marino Insur'co Agenti.

AIIUNTa tonTlm icw i:uclituil

MUTUAL LIFE INS. COfcP'Y,Of llostdli.

The iEtuti Pu-- e Insuranco Co,of Il.iuford, Conn.

Tin' Hut,,,, flic nmlAfiarinc Insurance Co.

of SiMf F.ifttlM'o, Gain.Mil ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

nsiAiiLtsiiKU 1843,

Capital 9.000.000 Relchsnurlu.'"piJK unilir ineil, having bten apJ poinu d ugi-ii- i of tho above Companyfot tho ilnwnriiui IrIhhiIs, Is piepared to.nreepl risks, uguiimt File, on Buildings,Furniture, Mi r Immllso, Produce, HugarMillfoto. out , tin l Favorable Tenni

' Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In

llonolulu.II. hlEMLNbOHN EIDER,

'0 1) at Wilder dsCo'f.

'!'1.l '



Page 2: V -' Eh Pauig gr Jw f Jl' · 2015-05-30 · Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV WEMER & CO


L- -


Sff, .



, i&


Vw .


if '" -ir.



fciPflM Tk lfT1TirMrMf)lp'


The Court will go Into (nil mourningfor Her Into Hoyal Highness PrincessLlkellko from tliU dnto until tlio dnyniter the Funeral; nnd IU wear linlfmourning from Hi it time mill Iho ex.ptratlon of two weeks from Iho dny ofIho Funeral.

CUKTIS 1 IAUKHA,II. M.'s Chamberlain

Iolnul l'aliw, Feb ft, 1837.

BISHOP Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Haw Allan Islands

Draw Exchange on the

JBanlc ol Oulil'orulti, ft. IT.And their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Kolhschild & Son, LondonTho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Hunk Co., of Sydney,

Svdnoy,Tho Dank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Christchurch, nnd Wellington,Tho Bank of British Columbia, Vic

toria, B. C, and Portland, Or.AND

Transact a General Banking Business.OCDly

The Daily BulletinAND


Can lie had fiom

J. H. Soi'KH, : : Mcichint Street,A. M. Hkwktt, : .i

J. "W. IIISOLI.Y, : : : Hotel StreetJ. Sims, : : : :

Heniiy Williams, Hawaiian Hotel

u gititu .ulk:thLFlcdgeit to neither Sect nor Party.Bat established for the benefit of all.



It requires no vigorous exerciseof imagiuntion to picture what thecity of Honolulu would become, ina few years, by the judicious andsystematic expenditure on its streets,sidewalks, etc., of the money fool-ish- ty

wasted on useless objects.Some idea of the amount of wastemay bo acquired by a glance at theAppropriation Dill, although it can-

not nil be seen there by a longchalk. But it is sulllcicnt for pre-

sent purposes. Some appropriationsare absolutely superfluous, whileothers arc merely excessive. Dailyobservation proves that tho Appro-

priation Bill is no dead letter Act,as far as concerns the amounts forunnecessary mid useless purposes.Money is being expended in a wayand for objects that in no waybenclit the country or the taxpayers; or liabilities are being in-

curred, which will ultimately haveto be met. Take :i an instance theone with which everybody is fami-

liar, and which is perpetually talkedabout from Dan to Becrsheba thewarship Knimiloa. An antiquatedsecond-han- d vessel, which hns beenfourteen or fifteen years afloat, is

purchased at a cost that nearly, ifnot quite, equals the pi ice of a newvessel of similar capacity and inf-

initely better model, at the presenttime ; and then an amount exceed-

ing the lirst cost is expended in re-

pairs and lltting-up-. Say, a totalof $50,000, an estimate which we

confidently predict will bo found atthe meeting of the Legislature notto exceed the outlay. Now, whatbenefit do the people derive fromthis expenditure and others of asimilarly ridiculous character? Nonewhatever. But if this money werelaid out on permauent improvementsto tho city streets, sidewalks,wharves, etc. they would be bene-

fited, their taxes turned to goodaccount, and contentment would re-

sult as a consequence. This courseconsistently followed for a fewyears, and the at present wasted

nieney expended systematically andeconomically, would make Hono-

lulu one of the most beautiful littlocities under the sun. Surely therewould be moro glory to the "Powersthat be" in this result, than in theridicule, scorn and contempt, theyarc now1 voluntarily heaping uponthemselves, by their childish follyand wasteful extravagance. Thon,the contentment of the people shouldbe worth securing. At presentthcro is dissatisfaction and bittermurmuring, growing deeper, andbittcicr every day. Tho (lovcm-me- nt

may be in part ignorant of thewide-sprea- d and deep-roote- d feelingof discontent which exists, or theymay close their cars to tho inutteivings of complaint; but they may,before they aro aware of it, be sud-denly led to realize how serious thomatter is becoming, and lament

rv mm jjgjjKjigs

Y fvTWl- -

TrirTiiiaiiwrr)r in, nwiWi'"rtiir,'Virirn)


This will indeed be the year ofJubilees. Last week it was pointedout iu these columns, that duringthe coming summer the Jubilee ofElectric Telegraphy would bo cele-

brated in London simultaneously, orthereabouts, with the Jubilee of thereign of Queen Victoria. And nowcomes another Jubilee celebration.In the city of Paris, in tho month ofMay next, theie will be celebratedtho Jubilee of Railways. It is intended to hold a Railways Interna-tional Exhibition and Congress. In-

vitations to this Jubilee of Railways,to be held in tho French capital,have been issued to all the eminentengineers of England and othercountries. The exhibition will beof an international character anddelegates from all the civilized coun-

tries of tho world will be invited toattend. In the opinion of the HomeJVcics " it goes without saying thatthe Colonics and India will be ade-

quately leprescnted at the FrenchJubilee, and, it may be hoped, gainsome hints with regard to tho variouspoints of difference between themethods of railway construction nthome and in our dependencies. TheJubilee also will be most interest-ing, not only to engineers and railway directors, but to all who takean interest in reviewing the extraor-dinary development of the railwaysystem. Railways have transformedour civilization, and have in verytruth altered our lives. It is, there-

fore, a sound instinct which inducesmen to celebrate in some memorableway a change which has wrought aninfinity of good in the conditions ofhuman life. The Paris celebration,if properly carried out, will bo alesson of singular interest and nolittle instruction."

When will Hawaii nei be able tohold a Jubilee celebration of whichshe may feel highly proud, and towhich she may invite delegates fromall parts of the civilized world towitness the advancement she liasmade during a period of fifty years.The foundation of a civic Govern-

ment during the present decade,and its natural followings, might bean event fifty years hence, thatsome of the youth of the presentday might look back upon with afeeling of pleasuie to themselvesand mutually congratulate oneanother, that they had lived to secthe day when the old form ofmonarchical Government had be-

come decentralized, and had seenthe error of its ways in interferingwith what does not belong to it.That such an event may come topass is very, very doubtful, but,there is a possibility of a Jubileecelebration being held fifty yearshence on these islands, of what thepresent administration consider n

far more important affairs. It isthe formation of a " Royal Navy."The nucleus of an armor platedlicet is now iu the port of Honolulu.She is yclept the Knimiloa, but alsoknown by various other nppelationsin which thcro is more or less mean-ing. There will also bo the Jubileeof tho Loan, but what particularshape the celebration of that eventmay take, is more than the unini-tiated dare predict.


Some of the worst portions ofBeretania street, near Punahou, arobeiug repaired, by a thick layer ofstone. Almost anything is betterthan nothing, and those compelledto use that thoroughfare arc prob-

ably grateful for this small favor.Indeed, what is being done there, is

apparently being done moderatelywell, considered merely as patch-

ing. But work of that nature in-

volves considerable expense, withoutproportionate beneficial results. Itis, at best, ineroly a temporary con-

venience. The street being, for thomost part, low and level, withoutculverts, drains, or outlets for stormwater, the first heavy rains thatcome will go a long way towardsdestroying what is now being dono.Tho water lies on the road, iu places,until it disappears by percolationand evaporation. In the meantime,the hardest material becomes so

saturated and softened that a day'strafllc docs more damage than ayear's travel over a hurd surfaceThe first thing required along thelino of roadway rofcrred to, is scien-

tific grading and drainago, and with-

out tlicso tho metaling now in pro-

gress will bu of no lasting bonofit.'This crude method of road-buildin- g

is both costly and unsatisfactory.Throwing in a pile of inonoy to-da-

and repeating tho opeiation ngnin inn few weeks, when tho first lotshould have served for years, doesnot indicato the possession of in-

telligence, common genso, or ordi-nary business capacity.

im ,ii ,Mi.ii n ti .'iawitnu.i t rj nr umi




Latit evening, Mr. W. M. Giffard,had a few fi lends at his residenceon the plains. Finding that tho gasor gasoline did not burn as brightlyas usunl, lie went to the pit iu whichtho gasoline tank Is contained, toascertain tho cause thereof, Inkingwith him a Chinese servant. Afterdescending the pit, Mr. Giffardthoughtlessly struck a match, whensome escaped gasoline immediatelyignited, burning Mr. Giffard andhis attendant very severely, beforethey had time lei escape. Duringthe day, tho stock of gasoline in thetank had been replenished, duringwhich operation, a small quantityof the combustible escaped or wasspilt, and settled at the bottom oftho pit. Mr. Giffnrd's face andhands were very much burnt, moreparticularly his hands, while theChinaman suffered still worse, hislight clothing becoming ignited, andwhilst iu this condition he rushedtowards his room, thereby increasingtho flumes about his body. Mr.Giffard's fuciids wcio boon on thospot, and he was conveyed into thehouse, medical aid being telephonedfor meanwhile. His sufferings fora time were tcnible, as also werethose of the Chinaman. By the aidof medical skill, both of the injuredparties were relieved as much aspossible, and at the latest accounts,they were resting comparativelyquiet. It will probably bo severalweeks before Mr. Giffard will beable to resume his mercantile duties.


The Attn says that the barkentlnoEureka, II. 0. W. Meyer master,arrived in S. F., after a stormypassage of twenty-thre- e days, fromHonolulu. On February lGth upassenger named B. M. Pitman,aged 20 years, a nativo of San Jose,Cal., died of consumption, theSouth Faralloucs then bearing N.E. byN., distant fiGil miles. Thebody, after being sewed in a doublecanvas covering thoroughly tarred,was brought into port.


Wc have had consideiable rain-fall of late, and the landscape looksficsh and green. The cauelieldsnever looked better. The cane cannotquitu be heard growing, but it liascome along wonderful by of late, andportends a good year for the share-holders of the II. A. Co.

Grinding recommencesThe mill has been shut down, andhas had a thorough overhauling,new boileis &c. put iu, and fromthe present outlook, it seems thopresent is going to be a busy yearat the Pallida Mill and the output ofsugar a heavy one.

Pahala, Kau, March fi, 18S7.


XX A llboial nnwiiii will tu p.iUl forlis leliuu t HOLLIaTEK & LO.


nmririfi uYKTMii i ,m r.iA'j Wi

Eastern Oysters,Kx .AitMfi'ulia, nt,

Noltc's Bearer Saloon.

09 at

A Soprioyporiiity !


For II C'Ulll'MU Of fi liCNNOtIN,Sulllcicnt to ot tliu pupil to roiiliiif; and

writing Piionojrmi h), KJ.OO.For (i Complete IMeiueultiry

ClOlll'MO,Of 'I'WHity.four Leson, $18.00.For the Kenni'ting; Couiv.o,A MillluluntiiumburofLo-soiistomak- e

tliu puiill. with proi or exertions on Illspart, a Piactical w75. Oi,

Li'vioim may bo taken inCoui'tsoi of Twouty.fuiir forS18 per 0 Him-- . Thruo Cotirae, ormventy.lwo LueBoiip, will gcncially suf.lice.

This instruction may bo taken by mall.For particulars ontiulro at THIS OF-FICE. 70 lm

RYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGHear of Lucas' Mill.



thU Kingdom my daughter MissHo;u Adlor li'it full power of iituunayto act for niu, as I leave per Alanuda,March llth. LOUIS AULEIC.

7fl Iw

NOTICE.TOHN A. SPEAR having this dayO bought out ftio eiillro intercut ofOIIAKLKS 11. 1'FEIFFEU, in tlio latuUnit of and I'lultl'iir, begs to noil-t- v

Ma foimer ciulomer, mid ilmpubllolint ho Is ihoM.lu owner ot said liutl-lie-

and will oiri) mi thn business ofwill Into tliui, hO'iultlng for himself Ihopalionago huictciuiu niunrdcil sill tlrin.

All dubland claims agnlutt the wildInto llun ot Spear &, I'fclftur will bupaid by tho unduritlgiii'd,

.K'HN A, Sl'EAH.Piled Mntuh lib, 18 17. 77 lm

TF YOU LOOSE ANYTHING,X advcrtlho It iu tho Daily Hou.utin.





Household Furniture!

Bv oidor of MK. BKUOE CABT-WH'IG-

wowlll eillat Uubllo Auction,

ON FRIDAY, MARCH 11TH,At 10 o'clock, a. m.,

At hU lulu leaidcnee, Nutmim tftcet,(t'aty premise, the Household Turnl-tur- d,



B.W.HAT RACK!Italian Settee, Vienna Cluiirf,

BED LOUNGE, upholstered in SI!kami I'lush,

2 Carved U. W. M. T. Bedroom SotsPut 'ill It eei'.ufliolMrul In Leather,

1 Lei.thci cvVuiei II. W. Lounge,Hlauk Walnut Card Tables,

Curtalu and Lambr-'ipilns- ,

lllack Walnut M. T. Table,STEKL ENGRAVINGS,

1 Painting, "Mount Shasta,"Hues, Caipcls, 11. Y. Ohcllotilure,

111. W. Crib, Ilnttcr Trayf .Hair Muttresbus.Sprltig Mattresses

Mosquito Nets, Single Bedstead?,

I Black Walnut Set!Upholstered Iu Leather, consisting of

1 Patent Hockcr, 2 Arm Chair,A l'uilor Clnitr-i- , 1 Lounge,

Black Walnut Extension Table, Crockury and Glassware.

1 Aug. Jungblut Co.'s BilliardTabic,

in eood condltloa, with Cues, Gun Hick-- ,Milliard and P.k 1 Bull and Pins,

Gas Fixtures lor llilllard Table,Flower Pot',

A lot of Curio", Howe, Arrows, fcu , &c.

EST The Nunanu Bus w111 'e'vo l,iel'unthei n Stables ut IM5 a. in., on theday of sMo

'Hie house will bo open for lnqicitlnnon 'Ihuitday, Mnrjh 10, from 0 a m. to!! p. in.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,7d 3t Auctioneer'.

Desirable ResidenceFOR SALE AT AUCTION!

Hv order of MK. 0. DUVAL, w willsell at Public: Auitlou,

On Saturday, April 2nd, '87At 12 o'clock noon,

At our Saleroom, Quein Street, thatdutiable premises on

!jUiifililo S5txeefc,at present occupied as a ro Idence by

Mr. Duval.Tho Lot lias n fronlngo of 1 10 lVi t on

Lunalllo Street, and a uvwth of 150 feet,mid Is well coven d with gias'. Waterlabl on throughout tliu rcmUa.

There Is an tho premisf",

A 2-St-ory Dwelling; House

Well and bubstintially built, with BayWindow fronting tho

The hoin-- o contains a spacious I'm lor,Dining Boom and Bedroom on t lit;loweijiloor. Also, Lmgo Kitchen, Pan-try and Bath Boom. On the upper llooraio II Bedrooms, each furnished withClothes Closets. There Is also a large

Carrlago House and Stable on the Lot

This is one of the most dcsitahlu icsl-dcu- eo

offeied for Mile. Tho groundhaving a natural slot e ciisuies pcifectDrainage, and commands an excellentview from Diamond Head to the Wal-aua- o

Mountain.CSTPnrties wishing to Inspect the

piemlscs can do so by application to theauctioneers

B. P. ADAMS & CO.,78 til Auctioneers


Wednesday Evening, Maroh 9th,

Friday Evening, Maroh I Ith,

Saturday, March 12th, Matinee and

Evening Performance.

The OuraGomp'ny:OF:

Japanese Acrobatswill, whllu en route

to Ban FruncUcn, New York, Londonand Paris, give a Bhort sun-o- u in Hono-lulu. This Cimpany consists of twclvuperformiiv, males and females. Theirfeats ate marvelous, uuw and uiimeiout,embracing tho famous

ACT OF OGAWA,(walking with hare feet on tlicrnzfiHikoedgoi of Yaconlu nwcrdf), walking inllro with bare feet, ttc, ole.

Tho oulobr.ited Hick, Revolving aHugo Tub, with one performer insideand ouu on tho outside, iiu

Ladder TrickGreatly Improved, Balancing Fins, Um.brollas, etc., arc nso among the feat).

lOJUX.A.ll JMtlOlSS.Doom open at 7:10 p. m A nintlnco

will bu given at " p, in,, on Saturday,when admission will bu fit) ccntN toall puts of tho house.

fliuTButiro changd of programmeeacii evening.

Hoi Plnu open nt A. M. HEvVLTT'S,Merchant Street.

IV. II. ALimitlH,77 Iw Mini'ircr.

Peck's New and Improved

Water Filter!All older for tho above mint bu ad-

dressed to i. O. Jtox i:t:t. P7 lm

TF YOU FINlJANYTHING,X mlvciiho It in the Daily Bulletin

AftMk fyfrfffi . jV7Jl.'XlJf nfHiMimovimiHft mvifVirrT flU"! wiBii.iMirt fim ,itntmBifm


.y-?-- 2i-

Tliia Otic voting trotting Ived tjtaliionwill fluid tb.' coming sejson nt DoddMStables, Kaplol.uii Park, to n limitednumber of ni.uc?.

ToruiM, :$0.00 Season.APTOS OII1LF, lay million, by

Speculation j he by ltyjilyk's Humble,touian, out of Martha Washington, byBurr'i Washington; her dam by Audit,lah. 1st dam by Lady Pool, by Sknug'sKitllorj her ifaui by Glmcoo. Tliuabovo Ktalllon was raided by hir OlnuiS nw'kels.

For fuithcr putlr.ulirn enquho utthuFASIHUiV SIAHI.EJ?, or ol F. I1UB-TAO- K,

nt Htifttnce As KdicrtMinV ofllcc,Queen Street. 72 lm

Young Venture, Jr.r .

This fluo young trottlrg-brc- d stallion,4 ears old, will stand for t' u com'tii


Terms, jQa. the iSenson.YOU NO VBNTUKB la a black stal-

lion, bred by .Mr. Horner, of Maul; liltdam was a line mare, half Pitth'ii nndlinlflllark Morguu; be Is Kind, gentleand tylih; no (nulls whatovei, andone of tlio closest bred stallion in theKingdom, which shows slaying powerand vitality.

In emu any mare should fail to lrivcii foal by him, hH services will bo ion.tiered next m iuoii (reu oT charge.

For further rsuiiculars enquire of77 1m CAIT. CLUNEY.

On Acoount of being Over Stocked


Black Sack Suits !

-G- ENT'S--

Bleck Frock Suits!



Uroriiui HMlilH,ETC. ETC. ETC.

EST" Wo will make a reduction on tho

above GooiN.

Now it your cluruu to buy BlackGoutU.

8. J. F13HELyj

CLUB HOUSE,Klin Street.


Lunch 11:10 a. si., till 2:30 r. at.

Poik Sausage, Loin Steak.I'm k Chop, Mutton Cutlet,

Veal Colli t Bre ided, Welsh Barthlt,Cold Corned Spiced Beef,

Cold Bo:ut Mutton,Fruit, Cake, I'.ta.

POUI.TUY UINNElt.Commences at 4:!i0i m., inns till 8 P. m.

7)1 lw


CARRIAGE CO.Carriages ut all limits, dtiy and ulght.

Snddlo Horfes, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Cirfs wilu stylish ami gentleborn'S to let.

FOIi SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

h'ind Hacks, Open nnd Top Boggled,Cuits and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.King up Telephone 112, or apply to

ailliKS & HAYfilSY.1571 ly



of tho death of Yong KongUng, Manager of tho firm of WingChong'Lung, now doing biisincES on eoriiur ofMaunukoa and Hniel stiecls, Honolulu,Lin Tan Hoomr is hereby nppelutcl osnmniger of Bald llun buie.iflcr Ho haslull power to thu Hi in naiiio andbonow money for thu hem-li- t of cnlil11 rm. (13 iiw


L having boi'ii illiiMilved by ordur ofIho Siipieino Courl.and Hie umlvrriiMifilnpiioluted Keeelvcr; liolleu Is hereby(ilvi-- that the 11 o aioek of WiikIichandJiiweliy wlh on tain at tho Horuof bpearifcPfeifer for a slioit lime, ntreduced prices.

All panics Indebted to this firm aronotified to niiiku setllomont at onro.

V. fualli:n,Keci-lvei- for Hnoifr it l'lnlfer.

Honolulu, Fib 10, lfib7. fill lmF you waTTt a servant,L in the Daily Bulletin,

Bell Tol. 112. Mutual Tel. 87.'. I

I'. 0 Box 107.

mmm & oa hi UibV wu im v wvi

Campbell Block, Merchant St-- ,

Employment Bureau & Regis-

try Office.

Accountants, Real Eetalo Agents, Cus-

tom House and Money Biokcrs.


Lemo, Coutrnet", nnl all klnih of Con.cymicing. Tiiukincn's Books will-ic- n

up, IU'iils nnd Aci'ounls rot.IlcU.i1, ltcluins prompt-


Oiler the f 1 owing:

House to Rent and Furniture (or Sale.Lease 20 1 er month, House contains8 moms and bath; also hot nud coldwaici; g'0'l locality, lle minutes1

. walk from Boat Olllee.

For Sale. Homo and Lot. About a.fni-ii- within livtiiiiliiut s walk i f PostOlllee. House lontnliis 0 ncini1', late-ly put In good tepalr. Slables and

To Rent. Three Houses on Llliha Slicct.

For Sale 1 Opin Shli-Bn-r Uug(;y,c1iciip.For Salo Choap. 1 Squnro Piano, ty Oc

tnves, In gooil order.1 Uptight Piano, 7J-- : Ce'aies, In good

older.Rooms la Rent. Four very Knnd-omel- y

fiiinhliid looms In largo home; welltdiutitcil on .Miiiatiu 'Avenue. Bent

1.1 a month each.To Let. Tlie house and ground situated

iu Nuu.uiu Avenue, iccuitly occupiedby A. J. Carlwilght, .Jr, Ktt.

To Lot. A (hioomcil Ci'ttage, with Car-liiL'- u

Hiii.su mid OtitliotiMs NuuimuAvenue, neir Uovcrnmautabove lUj Queen Dowager Emma'splace, with idiout 2 acres of land 2fmllui fiom tMwn. Bent !?10 per month

To Let. ACroomcd Cottnije, w Ith kitchenattnchul; upper cud of XtiiumiAieiuu, oppojlto "Valley Homo," in'cc(lleiit older. Bent $1f.

For Sato or Leaso Willi Imiuuliato pos-M-- i-

ion, thai viituithlu estate known asthe NliUANU VALLEY lt.NCH,filiuiitid in tlio Xtiuiii ii Valley. iy,miles fiom iho and undoubtedlyiho inot eltgiblo silo for a milk ormilk and butter diiiiy in thlsKiiigdom.

To Lol. Two Cottager, situated In the(JIHucm- - I. liuicii premise.

Wanted. A respect ib'o Englhh or Gtr.man Ghl to ii'i-ls- t In n small I'nuily.

Wanlcd tlj n competent Knpincc, liold- -

Ing ilist-clif- s ccriilk-nlc- , nnd highlyreci muicudcd, hltuallon at sea or ohiilion-- .

Wanted lo Rent. A Cottage, containinglour or tHo rooms. Must bo iu goodlociliy, ml within tin or fifteenminute' walk of Post Ofllcc.

Wanted. A .Inpumsc Nurso.Situation Wanted By a capable man,

tlioiongh'y undi-fi.timd- s the cue ofbo es. U"nd driver, if lequiied;married; wi u uoril housi keeper andco k.

Situ&tlon Wanted By a sbaly man, ascnaciim-ii- i or cliurpe uf Iiigl-l- y

iceommemltd. Well ucquainudwBh cliy.

Situation Wanted By htendy man; niiu-lie-

I ndeisimids thu care of Hlock;Good driver. Wifu gird ciniMres-.

Situallcn Vanted Bv an ix(cricncidh iiiu.uiukcr; not particular us toen ployinent; wmiim not so muoli anchjeet a a poslllnu.

Siltiaiio.i Wanted By nn ixpurienecdA I'oiinu.ut and "l oik.kcc er, fromHi Co-is- i

OKicoto Let With Wlndo'i-- , if roquiic-1- .

iu lainpbcll Bltck, Muichant street.

US Met ill tut Street. Ut


MISS CLARKE, who has had manycMii'iicni u in Dress & Cloak

has OPENED A DBI3SSMAK--ing establishment at 101 Aiakcasuvet, C4

DRESSMAKING.MRS. RODANET, ihu well-know- n

icc.'litly returnedtrom Paris, lun her di'us.making loomsstill on Emma sneet, above thu square.


AiTiveflutlarcliaiift- A New Lot of

Cigars and Cigarettes

Entirely Now in this Market.:i:i


rental of all instill.incuts In use iu tlio District of Konn,

of Oiihu, will hu reduced to 5.00pur quiii'tu'.

Persons dcsliing to make contiac.tsfoi onu year at this ratu will bo lur-iilbli-

witli foinison application ut theotbco of thu Cf miviuy.

A discount of 10 per cent w ill bolo 8uboribirs iialng iv yiar'rt

it: U in advance.GODFBEY BHOWN,

Prctldintllaw. llollTcl. Co.Honolulu, February 21, IS'JT. 105 lm

GARS! CIGARS!Tho Finest Brand of

A NIL ASIu thu Market at the


r. JIIMM'.It. Propi-lctoi-- .


HcIIToIpi1ioihJMH. I'. O.IIox 115.



GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT,ItoutiH written up. Account unit

It eii( n 'ollec(c(1.Employ-min-t and Shipping A;enc)'.

liibor Contract BlnnU ni d BeveniioSlumps nlw-iy- j on hind. Copying andtiiuisiatliig In nil hit guuges ucid Iu thisKingdom. Ordir.i from the other Is.lands will receive piompt attention.

Valuablo Propcrtios for Sale 'J Acres ofLinil, hplemlldly bliuaitd in Makikifur liumeMeuts.

lAu" in Mai; II; I, on sticcl,Hue linlldlng situ.

Ifn Acres with 1 ioiii. C!i!i,jc, on LllllmA rare ill nice.

For Lease. 40 Acre of T.uiiO, 2'f milesfrom Mossmun'ri corner IS aui-- ofwhich Is Miltnblo for either Rico orTaro, and has bieu until r cultivationfor thu hut 5 All biilldlngsuecissuy for a nrt-clas- t little ranchnow on tin' premho .

Wanted. A situation iy n competentpractlcil Engineer, who has had minyyears' e.ipeiler.e1, and can give llicbest of itfuieucts. Ihnploynicnt on aplanti.tlon i lvfoucd.

For Sale 2 m'tes or Cholco Tani Lund,situate neir tho Insane Asylum.

Wanted Employment by competenthlc dy, liostlu s who will mnkc thein-silvt- -s

In taking euro of doorj arils and gardens, ntul in other lightwork requiud by ptlvato lamlly.

Wanted. A Collage wl'hln five mlnuics'walk of thu Post Ofllcc, Milmbly ap.polntid for thu ncuommodttion of asmall family.

Full paiticulars given upon applica-tion at.

No. 30 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Lately occupied by Messrs. Smith &Thurston. 08


ONE LAHGE 1.0 1 con er PcusacolaLunalllo Ms, which can bo

divldid into two or more building lots.Fnqtilreof G. WJiSl',

Bl Of Wo3t, Dow s Co.


Bulletin Summary

No. 8.

Issueil about the middle anil cml ofeach month.

40 COLUMNSOf Original Matter !

tO Cents per Copy.Ol,

S2.GO per Annum.To any addrew in tho Kingdom.

Subscription io foreign countries,

incnldlng postage,

$2.50 per annum.

To be had atJ. H. Soper, : : : Merchant St.

A. M. Hewett, : : " "

Daily Bulletin Office, : Queen Stand form tho Nevs Carriers.

Honolulu LibraryAN

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Motel & AInlu'U NtrcclH.Open overy Day and Evening.

Tho Library constats at the presenttimet of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Thu Heading Boom U supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand pciiodhuR

A Parlor Is piovlded for conversationvud games.

Toiiih of membership, llfty cents ftlioiith, payable quarterly Iu advance,

No formality ii'qtihed. In joining exceptsigning tho loll.

Strangers from foielgn countries nndvisitors fiom tho other Islands aro wel-come to thu rooms ut nil times an guests.

TIiIh Association having no regularmenus of suppoit except tho dues otmembers, It Is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deshu to avail them-selves of Its privileges, ami all who feelan Interest In maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular eontilbutors.

A. .). OABTWBIGHT, Pies.,M. 11. SCOUT, nt,

II. A. PAIIMELEE, Mccrctmy,A. L.SMITH, Tieasnior,0. T. HODGEBS, M.D.,

Ohulrman Hull and Library Committee





, w

Page 3: V -' Eh Pauig gr Jw f Jl' · 2015-05-30 · Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV WEMER & CO

V '



' .V-

' ' V"!



-- v- ;


.VwH" IVvH?Tt


lltf gttiljj g U.UtiiU

WEDNESDAY, MAR. 9. 1887.


March 8.Helir I.tilvH fici m KnhohileloSchr Wnlijhu from WalaluaWh lliuitcr from Han Francisco

Mureli 0- -SS Auotrnllu from Sum Francisco

Stmr .fas Mrtkca from KannlSchr Llhollho fiom Kniinl


Ilk Mnrtliu Fisher, for roitlnml, OrSchrKinnmforlCnualSchr Miuiii for MinioniiiSchrWnlcliu for Wnla Ina


Stmr.Ins Mnkee forKupaa at 4 p in


From Hawaii ami Maul, per steamer, XV G Hall, March 8 O V 0 Jones ASinclair, Sr, Frank W llanion, F .1

Turner, Slid 0 .1 Harden and child, ASmith, Hon Kia Nnhaolclun, Hov 11

Isoiiherg, Hov A O Follies. Mrs 11 r IshorundchiEl, W L Itoiul, I, Hlnkston. MissE Hunt, Mix 10 Slnclatr and child, MrsM Makidua, J E Miller, E M Jones niul81 deck.

For Kanal, per Mini Mlknhahi, March8 Her Excellency Governess I, nullumand s.rvaiits. Mr Opckii. Fred Williclin,Thos 1 Spencer, Hev K S Tlinotco, and70 deck.

For Windward port"?, per steamerKlnan, March 8 Ills Kxcelli'tioy Gov-ernor Kobe it Jloaplll llukir, vlfo anddaughter, Hev W 1 1 ilaines XV ' ABrewer, MUes Kuamoo and HannahKnmnloplll, E I.ycan, E A IMelenherg,Mr McLaughlin and wife. Mrs S K

Kalue, J A JJeekwIth. Mr llaithoff, WUrcdc, XV H Halsiead, J XV Mounaulland wife, Miss Annie Mors, Captain JW Kaal and wife, Mrs II G Treadwnyand child, U Afong, U K Stlllinnti, fi

Chinese, and about (JO deck.BL'Voin San i raneUeo, pur S S Austrn-11- a.

Murch D Captain M A Uaker. MFrancis, C II Hlchardson, J XV Sibleyand wife, J T Wnteihouso and wife, JX S Williams, J G Uaker, J D Hrooks,II M Glffard. Captain B Coglien, F H

Bryant, II G Iiovey, O A Lonafellow, .T

II Park, F E Nickols, M h Mowry, CII Prior and son, A S Kirk. B E Klinlcyand wife, A L Stetson, U J Taylor, Mrs.T Pclrce and child, .Miss M l'elrcc, O FPerkins, J V Bralcy, T C Glfford, SSaeh, Sr, E Peterson, S B McLonegnnand wife, 11 II MoLenegan, S S Le.iry.Miss M Bennett, K .1 Bennett, Fit Mur-phy, and 27 others.


Sclir Luka 1.330 bags of sugar.Bulir Walehu 1(00 hags sugar.Stmr Hall 1,207 bags of sugar, 3511

bass aw i, 57 bass coffee, 225 goatskins, 2M neaii oi caitiu andhorses.

Stmr Makee 2,030 bags sugar, and 47green hides.


The S S Australia left San Francl-c- o,

March' 2nd, at 2 M0 p in. Strong SWbreeze the llrst 21 hours, thence to Lat.2!) degrees north, strong EXE breezewith heavy rain squalls. Picked upmoderate trades In Lat 27 north, whichwc cairlcd to port. Took on Honolulupilot at 11 :3() a m, March 0th. Brought830 tons cargo and 07 passengers. March4th, Infant daughter of J Do S Mas upassenger, died of capillary bronchitisand was buried at sea. March 0th.

The XV S Bownc, Euroka and J DSprcckels wore loading for this portwhen the Australia left.

The brig W.II Meyer sailed from PortBlakcly for Kahului on March 1st.


Fnnsii frozen oysters at tho BeaverSaloon.

Eight whalers wero off port at (i

o'clock this morning.

Mn. J. T. Wutorliouso, Sr., returnedby tlio Australia,

Tin: steamship Australia arrivedabout noon

TiiEitK will bo service in nil tlioforeign churches this evening.

. .Mu. Lewis J. Lovoy will hold his

regular ciibh sale next Friday.

Tun Japanese Aciobats will exhibitat tho Oporu IIoufo

Jilt. II. J. Nolto has been exhibit-ing a magnificent largo red roeu fromthe Casino, to-da-

FrtESH frozen oysters and freshsalmon, will bo , served up at theClub llouso,

Facu'io Hobo Company No, 1 willmeet at tho Company's house, at 7o'clock this evening, for drill.

The annual meeting and electionof officers of Fort Street Church willho held at 7 :!i0 this evening in tho'church parlors.

A i.imniAli reward will bo paid tonnyono who will return lo Messrs,llollistor & Co. a pink and whitoparrot, which has been lost.

Tin: premises lately occupied byMr, Bruco Cnrtwriglit, will bo opento public view Intendingpurchasers will do woll to pay a visit.


Jou.y Captain Jenks of tho Elsi-jjor- o

is in town. Now if Bumpswould turn up, Bumps ami Junkswould paint tho town red, whito andblue,

The Womoii'h Church Aid Societywill moot in the Cathedral SundaySchool loom, at 2:!!0 o'clock to-

morrow afternoon. A vfull tittond-nuc- o

of incmhcrH is especially desiredon this occasion.

Tiik chief olllcor of tho Hawaiianhark Kalakaua, discharged thismorning, has, through his attorney,Mr. Paul Neumann, biought suitagainst tho bark for wages due and itis likely tlio crew will join in thosuit. A sick bailor of tlio tamo ves-

sel, was iodised admittance lo thoQueon's Hospital, this morning,

formalities, connected with thoinstitution, wore not complied with.

WWriMi WWliMWWrinittTOMessrs. Lewis &. Co. have fresh

fish, fruit, fowl and vegetables, and anovelty in the form of a no w--f angledorange. -

Tin: local giocciics nro bloomingwith fresh goods by tho steamerAuetialia.

Captain Shoppaul, assisted by Mr.Fieil. Whitney, brought the steamerto tho what f this noon in splendidstylo.

Tin: musicalo at Onliu Collegelast night, was a complete success,both as lcgards tho numbers whowero sulllciently interested lo accepttho invitation given, and tho charac-ter of tlio entertainment, which wasexcellent.

(- - -

Tnimi; is an old kanaka sailor,foinierly employed by tho PacificNavigation Co., who hangs about thewhanes, laying for sailors from whomho can sponge a drink of gin. Whenho ealehes u kind hearted mariner,he smothers him with kisses.

A man with very long yellow hair,came by the steamer this noon, andit was reported that a dime museumhad come. On making inu,uirics, itwas iifTi'itaiucd that the man wore hishair long to preserve the skin of hisneck.

Mit. J. E. Miller, representative ofthe California Fertilizing Company,returned yesterday per S. S. XV, 6.Hall, from a tour loiunl tho island ofHawaii. Mr. Miller reports havinghad a line weather dip, and altohaving been fairly successful in abusiness point of view.

Whim: the mail from the S. S.Australia was going up Fort streetthis noon, live bags fell off from thoback, carrying with them a Portu-guese assistant. Though tho boyturned a complete somersault andlanded in a heap on the road, ho wasnot hint in tho least.

Tm: $15.00 reward for the finding ofof a brooch, alluded to in yesterday'sissue, which the finder, Mr. J. T.Dare, wished to bo given to thoHawaiian branch of tho Y. M. C. A.,has been handed to Mr. Henry Water-hous- e,

for the Association. Mr.Wnterliouso desires to tender thogiatcful thanks of the Association totho geueious donor, and to intimatethat similar donations from every-body geneiously disposed would bogratefully accepted.


Iokua, for disturbing the quiet oftho night, forfeited bail of $10.

Joseph Moran, charged with vag-rancy, was remanded to the 10thinstant.


Another moonlight concert will hogiven by the Koyal Hawaiian Band

night. The playing onfour saxophones will form a featureof the evening, also a cornet solo byMr. Clias. Michiela.


Yesterday, when Mr. J. Simonsonwent out with his steam scow, totake tho oil off tho whaler Wm.Uaylcs, the crow of the whalerstruck work. They wero put inironf and placed in the hold, wherethey will bo kept until tho vessel iswell to sea. Tho mates, five innumber, are working the vessel.


The long pending Chinese gamingcase was brought to a conclusionyostorday, six of the arrested par-ti- cs

being fined $30 each, and sevenof them acquitted. To use thewords of one of the counsel for thedefence, "Justice has been vindicat-ed."


Late Arrivals at Eagle House, E.C. Newell, San Francisco ; Miss E.Fanning, San Francisco; CharlesCampbell, steamer C. R. Bishop;Miss Ethel Hurt, Maui; A. Sunter,Kona, Hawaii; L. Hlnkston, Wau-kega- u,

Illinois; George Hull, SanFrancisco.


The steamer W. G. Hall, whicharrived yesterday, brought the re-port that the schooner Malolo hadcapsized off Lanai, The news camefrom Lauaiua, where it was receivedfrom sonic llshciinen from Launi.Tho owners of tho Malolo, thePacific Navigation Co., give hutlittle credence to the report. Theyhave, however, instructed the cap-tain of tho steamer Surprise, whichleft for Kuan yesterday evening, tocall nt Lanai and ascertain what hecould. The steamer Waialcalo fromHainakua, via Lalmiuu, duo here to-

day, will probably bring a definitereport.


A telegram from Washington.states that Clans Sprcckels arrivedthere from Now Yoik. 'MrSpr'pcrkc8 is very iniipli interested in ae:curing nu allowance for tip malservice of the ships owned by lilmengaged in tho Australian nnd NewZealand trades. These vessels aregranted a subsidy by the ColonialGovernment, and there is every in-

dication that the British Governincut will olfer to givo a bounty toships sailing from Victoria. Ju thatovotif Mr. Sprcckels thinks thotradowill go from San Fruncisco to Bri-tish Columbia. He informed thoPresident of the situation, but liehas no hope that Congress will takeany notion on tlio subject at its pre-sent session.


Providence, K. I. ; Arthur S. Kirk,Chicago; J). B. McLcficgan amiwife, U. S. M.; 11. II. Mol.enc-ga- n,

Wisconsin ; J. I). Bennett,Chicago; Miss Maude Bennett,Chicago; C. 11. Pryor, U. S. ; Jos.II. Pryor, U. S. ; S. Sachs, SanFrancisco; 1 S. Bryant, Boston;Mr. Sibling and wife, Cincinnati ;

J. II. Park, Scotland ; V. Murphy,Chicago ; Mrs. J. l'elrcc and child,Idaho; Miss M. Pcircc, Idaho; A.L. Stetson, Idaho; C. F. Pcikins,Idaho; O. J. Taylor, Idaho; A. C.Longfellow, Boston; II. S. Hove',Boston.


Phonetic short-han- d is an ex-tremely useful acquisition, and onethat can he gained with comparativeease. Its principles are extremelysimple, and may be learned in anincredibly short space of time. Theprinciples once mastered, patientnnd persevering practice is aboutthe only thing additional needed toproduce proiiciency. It would bewise of all young people, of bothsexes, to make themselves mastersof this useful art. An opportunityis now offered, at moderate charge,to any and nil who may desire tolearn, full particulars of which arcgiven an advertisement in this paper.


Sometime during next mpnth achime of nine bells will arrive inthis city for Kauinakapili Church.They were ordered by Mr. W. W.Hall from the well-know- n ClintonII. Mcncely Bell Company of Tny,New York. The lloor and framework to receive them U now beingfixed in the tower. Tho bells willbe suspended stationary fiom aframe work, with the exception ofthe large tenor bell, which will bemounted over the others so that itmay be uiiig independently at anytime required. On a platform abouttwelve feet from the giound lloorwill he fixed nino levers in a frame,and these will he connected to thebells by means of chains and rods.One of the bells is tuned to the tli

tone of the scale, so that itwill ho possible to play on tho bellsin two keys. P. C. Advertiser.


The Supreme Court in Banco yes-terday rendered its decision alllrm-in- g

the decree llled by Judd C. J.in tho libel between tho Pacific Na-

vigation Co. uiid Sam'l. C. Allen,owners of tho steamer James I Dow-se- tt

and schooner Moiwahino, re-

spectively. The Court holds theMoiwahino blameless in the mauue-vr- e

performed in tho changing of hercourse when the collision was inevi-

table, and blames the steamerJames I. Dowsett in not keeping aproper lookout at the time when itwas expected that she would meetother vessels in the Molok.it chan-nel. The decision was written byPreston J. and is signed by all ofthe Justices except Judge Bickerton,who was of counsel in the matterbefore his elevation to tiic SupicmeBench.


At some hour about midnight lastnight, seven boys, inmates of the lieformatory School decided to take awalk down town. They carried theirresolution into effect forth with.These boys being musically inclined,sought the music store of J. Santoand A Dias on Nuiiaiiii street. De-

termined to have a through outfit ofinstruments, whilst they were aboutit, they selected 2 violins 0 largeguitars, J taro-patc- h fiddles and 1

small guitar, and valued by thoowners of tho instruments, at'$107.Also 815 in coin. With their bootytlioy returned to their domicile atPalama, and on the robbery beingdiscovered they acknowledged beingconcerned in it. It is probable thatthey considered they had a right toprovide themselves with necessaryinstruments to drive away dull care,whilst pursuing the projected voi'ageon the Kaimiloa. Two of the sup-posed ring Icadors wero sent downto the police station, to he dealt withby His Honor, four of thorn are stillat the Kefortnatory School, and onois still nt large. An enquiry in thismatter will probably be held at thePolice Station morning.



William Dildiuc, tho leading hack-ma- n

at tho Pantheon Stables, wassleeping last night in tho loft imme-diately above tho Stables. Abouttwo o'clock this morning ho arose toanswer a call of nature, and wasfeeling his way in tho daik, towardsthe opening to the premises below.Coming to it more suddenly than hoexpected, he fell to the ground lloor,a distance pf about lti feet. He,ay oit Uhj ground moaning, when afelpwVhatikman who was movingabout at that hour, hearing thenoise, proceeded thither and foundDildinc in a helpless condition.Further assistance was obtained, andthe injured man was ro'iiovod toMr. Aides' house, on the oppositosldo of Hotel street. Doctors Trous-Hca- ti

and Brodio wero called in, andafter narcotics wore administered totho injured man, ho passed a fewhours quietly. This morning, about8 o'clock, lie was removed on astretcher to the Queen's Hospital,where he will probably remain forBoinu time. No Hubs were broken,

mrn- - p Ufc MillirLQXOJn J", m ' M'but from what wo learn, tho a nohas been badly injured.

Dildinc is "a native of Portland,Or., and on his arrival here a few-year-s

ago, ho entered the employ ofMnefnrlano & Co. who hold him inhigh estimation as a servant. Hisrecent position was that of foremanof tlio Pantheon Uncle Stand, sub-ject to the orders of Mr. Shnw.

FORE0QNNEWS.The O. S. S. Co.'s steamer Atis

tralia arrived at noon bringingdates to the 2nd Instant. The fol-

lowing items arc clipped from foreignexchanges:

Vienna, February llllh. TheEmperor presided y at a Coun-cil of War. Archdukes Albreehtand Williclin, Count Bylandt, Gen-o- i

nl Beck, Prineo of Croy, andBarons Salis and Popp were piownt.

Pesth. February tilth. The LowerHouse of the Hungarian Diet, bya unanimous vote, to-da- passed nilextra credit of 83,-t- l 1,000 for theequipment of the Hungarian Land-weli- r.

Brisbane, February 10th Aschooner from New Hebrides reportsthat the French were constructingthree fortf, increasing the numberof troops, and building now bar-racks at Port Sandwich.

Paris, February PJth. AH theFrench troops havo been recalledfrom Madagascar, except four com-panies, which are to remain at DiegoSnare.

Sir John A. MacDonald's party,in Canada, has been sustained bythe geneial elections.

Caidinal Jacobin! is dead.The Montreal police have succeed-

ed in unearthing and arresting partof a dangeious gang of counter-feiters. It is claimed they put incirculation during carnival about

500,000 in counterfeit notes.The Dublin Executive has author-

ized all local magistrates to proclaimevery "plan of campaign" meeting,and to demand the assistance of themilitary and police without awaitingsanction from headquarters.

St. Petersburg, Feb. 10th It isseini-olllcial- stated in RussianGovernment circles, and the con-viction is gaining ground that warbetween France and Germany is in-

evitable. In addition it is said thatin case of the defeat of France itmight involve disastrous results toHussia. The Czar's Governmentwill, in the event of war, preservoentire liberty of action. It will notsupport Franco as an ally, but may,in the form of a reserved attitude,prevent Germany from sending thewhole of her army west of thoBhiuc, and even if France should bedefeated, ameliorate as much aspossible the effects of the disaster.For these reasons it is declared Kus-si- a

will await tlio outcome of thodifferent phases of the Bulgariancrisis with the greatest calmnessand act in such a way as to avoidbeing involved with Austria orEngland at the moment when Franceand Germany commence hostilities.

Vienna telegrams again refer toRussia's war preparations. Thestatement quoted is that. Russia inanticipation, is arranging for thoconccutiatiug of two armies on tlioGerman and Austrian frontier. Theformer is intended to prevent Ger-man help from reaching Austria,should Germany bo strong enoughto detach troops for such a purposewhile engaged in tho struggle withFrance, and the latter to engageAustria, while a third Russian armyin the southeast will make shortwcrk of Bulgaria and inarch onConstantinople.

At tlio British War Ollico andAdmiralty the opinion grows hourlythat Russia's movements on thoAfghanistan frontier menu simulta-neous operations against Bulgariaand Afghanistan, and that Austriaand England will meet her on thosefields.

Vienna, Feb. 22 SpecialJ. Dr.E. Schmidt von' Savarns, Counselorof the Austrian-Hungaria- n Embassyat Berlin, has been appointed Minis-ter at Washington, in place of Baronvon Schacffer, who has for bomotime been absont on leave.

It is rumored in London that theEnglish Cabinet will pro3coutc Arch-bishop Cruke for tho advocacy ofthe of taxes in Ireland.


The presiding ofllccr and a num-

ber of Senators presented petitionsfrom a largo number of Grand Armyposts for tho passage of the depen-dent pension bill over the Piesident'sveto. Laid on tho table.

Tno Sonata then took up the billto incorporate tho Nicaragua SlipCanal Company.

Vest offered an amendment thatthe act shall have no force or effectuntil a concession shall have beensecured from tho Government ofNicaragua and shall have been sub-

mitted to and approved by Congress.Rejected without a division.

iho bill was then passed -- yeas38, nays 5.


No. 8.

Is now issued and will bu found toho an iutorcstiug and comprehensivenumber, containing tho latestVolcano news, full particulars ofthe wreck of tho barkoiitino Selina,numerous editorial articles on localtopics, and u complete resume ofHonolulu and island news. To behad from

J. II. Sopor, Merchant street,A. M. Hewitt, Merchant stregt,ami ButLKTui Ollico.


GWFiRYBODYi i nn.t-i- l at (hoLi 1M.III. It. (.'Ii RAM 1'AKl.Ollrt mil

in Diet Unit !! n 1 1 jt f UhihIic justnriivi d per ,u t -- .! n (y the way, youcin buy Bonm "l Tlitio i iioilnniflike Candy I h takes with ail the girls!

WEST, DOW & CO. luvn tr.o Au-ti- ii I ," a big lot

of Furniture, .Mi.se ( mis anil T jf,consisting in pint of lluivatit.Bed-teail- s.

Wire Ma in v, Uln Olilce htooN,Oibar and Vmlin S.riiigo, Oult.ir umlMilln Iiiitrneiorf., IIiiiiiiiitiicn. Mu-l- c

Hooks nil kind-- , ni.d Sheet Mu-ilc- ,

Foot Hall, Bi,b C'airiujjus, I ar s, iVng.mii, &.O., iv.o., too niiiiieruiis to mention.

S PERRY'S Ki7Vl.iniil7Flmir Uotle.ui Tor sale by UO.NSALVKrf is

CO., (iautn Street. 01

171 EWS f Iho Uvii Flow of 1IH7.T l.iin Nu-'nl-

lv fl inaili ( n Win rci'iiiiililayot the uw)it mi. rawing the col.unin (if hi' a nt i)ie imtci' eralrr, m-i-

llOH'l'll H ll I I O M .i.ii h It'MIHIH of .1,C!ONSAIr. UiF.him. r,2

WE HAVE j'- -' nceie.l per An.trull.i a ! lot itf Aitl-i- sB niiy XV iv, Kia ki:l , OiUutt

Friiinm, Bu-li- F am , tio Ami wonro better jirepand than ever In makeCoriileis mil I'iituru Fiiimo, Inningthe liugci and h-- t sileiletl stock ).MntiiillnrjF m tin Kingdom. KimiBnos.' AitT ,ii

Dii. Flint's IIkaiit Kkmkdy is aSpeeilli! for all foims of Heart Dis-oii-

and also for DUciim'h of Kidneysand Uireultiaon. Descriptive bookwitli every bottle. Benson Smith &.

Co., AuentF. Uul

PArnnxizi: Hume Industry by buy-ing cigar ut J. W. Uingloy, CigarManufacturer, at the Crystal SodaWinks, wheie he is prepared lo fill allorders at the lowest possible whole-Nil- e

piiecs. Ifluiid unlets bolieitedanil ptompr.y lilkd. Tho intentionof dealers in invited tothe fact "no lieeuro is required" toM'll thcMi eigiiis. Do not forget thonanit! .1. W. Ilingley, nor tho placeCrystal Soda Wi rks, Hotel ft rent.


Pictures Wanted.

AMY IB OX ll.WiG ANY OKof tin plctiiri't minii'd below,

either to loan or to n,nt lo tc3pousilJlcpin lies wl'l nli i.ufcml nddresi to Mr.A. M. IlBWtl'l', Booksillcr, Mciclnntfatiett:

School ol tho Vos'.nls.

Roturii ol tho Reapers.

Mary giiocn ol Sco s, vitli her four Marys.7m:


FIiioi,iiv hi-- , 'oi nil'' ci'cau.U.W1S.I. LLV .Y,

77 Cor. Foil is Queen S s.


OXK TltAM CAB AND i.00 FEETT Hulls', six i diuiiU to ihi lout,

wi h lioiU ai.d fish-plat- completeSiiiluldo fi r Vi'aroliuiitn o- - Plantation.



iiini i Mltct, .MU.oltilni; thertlik'iire ol MrB. Mori'lUI.

Collage ci ntnins 1 ui'iiiH wlih kitchen,Etc. App y to 10 P. ADAMS & CO.

TO JLET,rpiIE will Inmvu Oirt CornerX E'l'ttKixsuM. Apply at the

SAI.O.-- f.7 if


v. newly furiilnheil, at 1!).", NuuaiiuAvenue, by the iicl; or month.(iO-l-



l'lt'iiiliim Suvet eallid "Kiuinnilo.hi i," the property f O, II .liulil, aio fortalu or for lein- - for a term of yeau.

Fur pat Menhirs inquire ofAI.i:X. .I.OAHrWltlQUT.

Honolulu. Dec IS. .1 f 03

VOl LEASE Oit SALE.pi IE house nd lop at wal

JL Mkl a p tM'iit niciiplcil by G. D.I'roctli. Applv at llloi- - or

Fu' F.T1I 1'EAOOOIf,lis if Hi Nuuauii siiect.

TO LET Oil LEASE.''piIAl' hUII.IMNG FOBMEHLYX occtiph Li iVoig Liinig us his

nt K ip damn, i.ear the Kelonn.ii'iiry S'lluiol, (Omuhliiir 7 mom?, in.eluiliiie; I'mlcr, Huliornn, Dh ln.viiomami Hulii'n, h ioa ollVred for rent orlease ut a m rt icuoinilin rate. For

cnipihe nl Williiim It Ca-lle-

Ijw nflice, or ol 'All In, cortur ol Ueic.inula nnd Niu.inu trcelx. 02 !lw


m'jw--Pil-lli- f.iniU tl P UO'I Vtl- -

1". oeeniihd by Mr. Locir.pply on t'io , rciuthi s. s,l)if

MONEY TO LOAN,fpiIK iiiiilirfilrnid have nionev (o'oim

JL in Bum-- - ot not lt- -o than one Hums.and del m it "in ii'fnmnrv n'curi'y.

BMlTcLTUUHRTON A KINNEY,(litf GO Fori Street, Honolulu.


A.1AI'ANKM--; tOOK" wiiHcilj mast

(unernlly iuufi.1.Apply m liiln Ollico, Ti


CMX GOOD HUKSSMAICKItSwau'CflIJ. at Clin-- . .. I'M ho '4 l)icmnaiK.1 fMhllsllllHIII None hut good humneil to i.ppiy. II tf

YOU WANT A SITUATIONnuvaiiau iu thu D.ui.v Hulllii.S.

"TEMPLE OF FASHION,"05J & do Fort Street, Honolulu.

S3PJEOX-A.il- . notice.During my absence from this Kingdom my Entire Stock of

Dry and Fancy GoodsHas been reduced 10 per cent, less than cost, in order toinaKo roomoffered.

for new importations. Great Bargains are'" S. EHRLICH.

THE "CENTRAL" CIGAR STAND,Campbell' lUoeli, 3Icrchmit Slrec.

V. IIIL13ER, rioirictor.Mull I7:i. Slutiinl Tolf.iilioiii! .175.

The Bos! iYienila Cigars in the Market!

ClinrliM Stuait Cnvethy recently i ulillsheil n specimen of bin lyrlrnl talent,cntlik'il " Mr. I.tslle's Song " of which the following two verses nre n 'specimen:

There is a. lapturo exceeding all mcaeurc,Left to enliven this sorrowful world;

Who (!oc not think of that moment with pleasure.Whin llrst round his lips the wreathing smoke curled ?

1'n rents look gravo or sick,Cull It a nasty trick,

Say It Is ininoiir' sny It is wrong;Happy Indeed is hi lot,Who, fur these caring not,1'iifft like n ohlmncy.pot,

All Iho day long. f, 'Some, who tiro troul led wlihcnill(!)s cntrtatle",

Strlvo fora lime Ibis di light to torepo; ,'

- J

Yiiln nie ilit Ir rllort", their liiilurc eotnplctc isMfe within' Hiiioking'H unlicarnlily (.low.

Soon ihelr mistake they Unci.Leave all such thoughts behind,

Wle resolution nil vanish In smoke, ,Acd in their cnt they si--

Thnt, 11' their life must hoUnfumigntory,

71 Tillheiiojokc.


tans atllnlng bought the

Goto ai m i


Epn I Co.'s

Prom the Temple of Fashion ut greatly reduced rule, we now offer them to ournumerous patinns nt prices which du y cornpctllinu.

'I iic.--e goods arc llrst class In every ictpcct anil coat 1.1 of till lmiuIcm and qusl.Itlcs of

Glottiii, Suitable for liie Bi ai Poor ale.In tiffcriittir Ihcm to our customers we would most respectfully draw their at-

tention to the fact tlint ivo tiro giving them tins h'liefll of our ehea'p burg.ilu andinvito the public in gincrnl to give us n call nnd examine these goods helore pur-chasi-

elsewhere. Our iihiial lino of

HATS, CAPS, SHOES AND FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.,lb too well known to need especial comment. D'J

A(0.9 io

ua aa &


w 8


1685 nnil U$Q

The Lager Dier ofa cy

Was Awarded6

Uo AttlioK.vpnllioiHor


uss FEEETH &



mwk Mi



Fred'ricksburg Brewing Co.

M. aOLDBERG,lMi'iiiinnt

Ma.de CiothinsGent's Fine Furnishing Goods, Hats Caps,

Corner & Merchant Stioot?, Honolulu. Campbell's Block.



l'UiJLlU. Uuiienil Unslni-sAi;on- .

i'V. Ud t5. Aecounis anil rollicied.Vln. GOOD, .lr. imthoflzed col.

Employment Agency. MA1ICOS,Sptclul Agent.

All lo Xo. 3S Mei-clui-

will reeoiiu prompt nttcutlon.Hell T(IpiiIioiu it IN. I'.O. Jluvltit.


NOTICE.THE ANNUAL MKKTING OrAT the l'onplo's lee and ltrfngoriUlng

Ui. b hi this duy, the I'nllowlng ollieoisweie dieted for the ensuing yeur:.1. M.SVHH PresidentJ. K. WIIilJIJH Ylce.l'reslilentXV. Y.. FUSTEIt HterctoryXV. K. WALL... 'treasurerJ4 ii, 1'A'l Y Auditor

mniceions:J.M.Sass, J. K. Wilder, W.K.Fmter

W. E. FOSTER,Scot 1M. & R.ef. Co

Honolulu, 1, 18i7.

entire Stock of

- 1aa&


a Wrr. rt

the nl ove lliewcry13

the First f S3 -- .

X Os S2 hi

i -.


ani ms.vi.Eii t:i

o oand







March UWl

Yosemife Skating

SCHOOLWill bo open ivory afternoon anil even.

Iuj; as follows;Monday, Tni'nUny, VrilurxiUy A

Hntux'ilsy livfulush.To the public In general.

For ladies ami gcntlcmeu.

hMlui'ilay AfteruAUMH,

For Indies, gentlemen nnd children.Lesions in Fancy Skating.

JIXJW1C.Frl lay nulj Saturday Eieulugs.



? i




LS' ?


4,' 'fr:




Page 4: V -' Eh Pauig gr Jw f Jl' · 2015-05-30 · Campbell Block, Rooms 10 nnd ll.Mer. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 No. CO Nuuanu street. IV WEMER & CO






J r"37CTL.i. wv?wi?awj f.itfAtVtAI' '..1 .It ' ".

.' . - ' "?( LlfflfT". ' tP' niv ssGfflmpi!SHH9B nnEHHiH v

H -

Australian Mail Mce.


The new aud line Al steel steamship

Of tlio Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe iluu nt Hoiinlulu lrom Sydney

nnil Auckland on or about

March I Ith, 1887,And will leavo for thu above poit withmulls and juisscngciH oil or auout thatdale.

for fie'giit or piia-an- havingACCOMM JDATIONS, apply

WM. G. IltWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

iTho new and llnu Al steel etenmship

" Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Conipiny, will

bo due nt Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

March 19th, 1887,And will lmvc prompt dhpatch withmalls and passengers for tho above porti.

For freight or ptissac'e, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

t7 WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Yokoliama& Hong Kong

Tho well-know- n Al Iron Ste unship

'City of Rio de Janeiro,'W. B. CODH, Commander,

Will fail for Yokohama and Hongkongon or about the

MARCH 12th, '87,Offering superior accommodation!

to passenger?.

tfST For Fi eight nml Passage, apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,00 tf Agent Pacific Mail S. S. Co.

J. H. SOPER,(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.)

Dealers In all kinds of

STATION E RY,The Latest Foreign Papers always onliund at tho Gazette Block, Merchantntreel

3T'riio Engli-d- i Admiralty Chnrtsalways on baud. 1 by


Steel Rails!WITH


II. HACKFELD & Co.1420 if


Having mil cri the Kciio of

m---. Geo. C. Stratemeyerffiju we.uru prepartd io execute till

B&J, orders in

IE House or Jig-- n

HI JPaintiug-- .


Bl' 00tf

jr. hoipjp Ac oo.7-- 1 King (Street.

Manufacture mid Impellers of nilkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.Alt kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTForBnlU or I'attles in small or largo

B01 iiuuntltles. ly.

TJto Inter-Islan- d meantNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly ou hum I for sate

8team Family and Blacksmith Coal

and n general assortment of

415 Bar Iron. ly


JJBAYM If', K .A LL onleia for Cartage promptly nt.

jtY. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods iu transit to tho other Minnie.

Also, Black nd White Sand

in quantities to suit t lowrst prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'a

auction room.962 ly JtutuiU Telephone JNo. 19. -


UU gaily gatfUMn,

WEDNESDAY. MAK. 9. 1887.


Congress should go slow abouttaking off the duties on sugar. Theargument is that tho industry in theUnited States cannot hope to com-

pete with the product of the Cubanplantations and the European beet-sug- ar

factories. The latter, parti-cularly, have been exhausting theresources of seienco and art, underthe protection of Government boun-ties, to compete with cane-suga- r.

Russia pay a bounty of about tliiitydollars a ton on beet-sugu- r. Francepays f torn $3," to 810 a ton, andthese demands on the treasuries ofthose couuliies which show an an-nual deficit nro ctcating opposition.Tho sugar producers arc warned thatthey must begin to look out for them-selves. An international conferencehas been proposed to consider thebounty question with a view ofdoing away with tho system. Inthat case the competition will bemuch reduced. Meantime ourgrow cis, who have been strugglingwith debt and woiuing with inferiorappliances, are feeling their waytowanl new methods, llio "diffu-sion" process has proved a successexperimentally, and projects arenow afoot for strong syndicates toerect works at central points in thecane-growin- g districts, and cheapenproduction by means of improvedmechanical and business methods.Rich sugar lands are being openedto cultivation by tho great drainageenterprises now approaching comple-tion in Florida, and experiments inCalifornia hold out the hope of suc-cessful cultivation of the cane in ourriver bottoms. Nor is there anyreason to doubt that with oursuperior soil and climate wo can dis-

tance Europe in growing sugar-beet- s,

and, by the application of our in-

ventiveness to inipiovo processes,can make up for the diffnencc in theprice of labor, if proper protectionis afforded the industry. TheAlvarado factory is now turning out2,500,000 pounds of beet-sug- ar ayear. In view of these present andprospective conditions, there is noreason for gratuitously giving up abusiness which promises so well forthe future. S. F. Bulletin.



I can pretty truly say 1 wasstruck by lightning, aud tiic sensa-tion is a peculiar one. Two yearsago I was standing on a 15-fo- ot

ladder adjusting the lower carbonof the electric light, when the cur-rent caught inc. I carry a largescar to this day as a reminder. Hutthen I did not know what happenedme. I was practically dead, as faras consciousness is concerned, fornine days, at the end of which timeI awoke iu (ho hospital. Duiingthat time they tell me I had beenviolent, but I know absolutely noth-ing of what occurred. When Iawoko I gave a scream. I hadbeen tied down with live straps, butI broke tluce of them and flung thebed against tiie door. After that Iwas two months laid up. Mytroubles were principally shootingpains through the loins, sometimesthrough the back. I have recoveredand buffered no evil consequences,except that I am not aide to do daywork, the sun affecting me as itwould one who had lcccivcd a sun-

stroke. The company was extremelykind to me, aud I now make myrounds at night. I nm very careful,of course. A Line Repairer iu St.Louis Globe-Democr-


One of the most successful coope-rative stores in tho country is thatof the Arlington Cooperative Asso-ciation nt Lawrence, Mass. Theeighth quarterly statement is an ex-

hibit that any business niiqht bosatislled with. The number of mem-bers on October 1, 1880, was 351,and tho sharo capital paid up was

Tito avorngo capital in usefor the year ending October 1st,were $45,381.94; tho gross profits$3,060.51; tho expenses, includingsalaries and interests, $4,209.10;the net proilts, $3,770.32 ; the divi-

dend divided among purchasers was$3,118.40; the amount carried toSinking fund, $051. 92; the intcicstpaid on capital at 5 por cent was

192.o7, and the total return on theaverage capital employed was 9,

or 103 19-1- per cent.Tho gross proilts were 17 70-10- 0 percent on sales ; the year before theywere 10 per cent. Tho ex-

penses wcro only 9 45-10- 0 per centon sales ; tho year boforo they wcro10 per cent. Tho net pro-lit- s

were 8 31-10- 0 per cent on sales ;

tho year before they were 5 95-10- 0

per cent, Tho members are thosewho own blmro capital, and sharecapital receives only 6 por cent in-

terest. All prollt is distributpdamong purchtibeis in propoition totheir sales. Purcimseis who arcnot mcmbeis uro allowed ono-lml- f

percentage of dividend that mem-bers lecuive. Any ono may be-co-

a member by paying $1 to-

ward a share, mid' then leaving hisdividend on purchases to his creditjinlij tho sharo is paid for. In thisway, families that never before hadsaved a cenj;, and habitually indobt to tho grocer uro accumulatingcapital. The store J3 ppen untilhalf-pa- st (1 Monday evenings, J3

o'clock Tuesday and Thursdayevenings, 1 o'clock Wednesday

afternoons, 0:00 o'clock Fridayevenings and 10 o'clock Saturdayevenings. A team calls on cus-tomer for orders twico a week.Members perform n great deal oftho labor without pay and so keepexpenses down. Work nud Wages.


Sir Lewis Polly. M. P., presidedat a meeting held at the MilduiayPark Conservative Club on Nov. 8,when a lecture was delivered by Mr.Albert Lucas on "The Federationof the British Empire is it practic-able?" Tho lecturer stated that inhis opinion tho "federation of de-

fence" was impracticable because oftin ciioi moils cost which would hothrown upon Great Miilain iu thepurchase of war vessels ; but a com-mercial federation was not onlypossible, but desirable. The chair-man said ho thought that Mr.Lucas had placed too much stresson the particular form of federationthe lcaguo desired. What the leaguereally wished were that tho wills,views, spirit, and interests of thefoity-cig- ht colonics, and in somerespects our Indian Empire, shouldbe thoroughly ascertained. Theyhad no particular prejudice iu re-

gard to the manner it should be ob-

tained. Let them favour us withtheir views, and lie was sure theywould bo caiefully considered. Illsow u notion was that for tho timebeing the Central Federation Leagueshould remain requiescent. It wouldbe unwise to let the colonists feelthat we wished to weld them to-

gether in any particular form.They should find out a right con-sensus of opinion, and thereby ar-rive at some method by which theymight, both in respect to financeand defence, confederate the wholeof tho English-speakin- g laces, forthey should bear in mind that theyhad the time in their favour, audtruth and the interests of civilizationwcio also with them.


Arrlvo at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Zealandia March 19Austialia April G

Alameda Apiil 1G

Australia t ...May 4

Mariposa May 14Australia June 1Zealandia June 1 1

Australia June 29Alameda July 9Australia July 27Mariposa August G

Australia August 21Zealandia September 3Australia September 21Alameda October 1

Austialia October 19Mariposa October 29Australia November 1G

Zealandia November 2G

Australia December 14Alameda December 24

Loavo Honolulu for San Francisco.

Alameda March 11.Australia March 1G

Maiiposa Apiil 8Australia . . , April 13Zealandia May G

Austialia May 11

Alameda June 3Austialia June 8Mariposa July 1

Australia July G

Zealandia July 29Australia August 3Alameda August 2G

Australia August 31Mariposa September 23Australia September 28Zealandia October 21Australia October 2GAlameda November 18Australia November 23Mariposa December 1G

Australia December 21Zealandia (1888) January 13

infill Uutcklv uid rcrmanentlrOureil br tho CelebratedDlt. l'lt'llOh'lll'ATl-.N-


CleotrloTrUBi. PerfectlletulnerLiidTtowear. lDHtaDtljrreUereieTerr

cnRe. Haacnred thoaiMndft fatah I9i3,wend for rree Jllu.tr'd l'ninphlet no Utttrui lOIIETIO ELARTinTRllHB CO..


l'eb. i8, 'P7. 1571 ly


Carriage CompanyAie picpured to give

GOOD SATISFACTION.To lliu Pub!lq and ask their putioniige.

Charges Moderate.M. If. KANI3,THOS. KEEPK,


Ti:r.lUIiO.K XIIMIIKltN:Hull ;)H;i. Mutuul 512.



STAND:Corner or Niiuunii A Hotel Hireotn.


Thin Caniago Com puny has heon x(-cen-il

organized, nml Kuaranicu.s tolurnl-- h good conveyances, trustworthyililverB.und will maku no uMortfonato.imrges.

Al pnlls will bo piomptly utlended to.


Pioneer Steam Candy Facfy.

And Cake Bakery.


Keeps always on hand the largest slock and greatest variety of Home-Made- ',

Fresh and only Pure Candies and Cakes.

Lowest Prices, Full Weight, and Pure Goods at Wholesale and Retail.

F. HORN,And Only Practical Confectioner


Wedding and Birthday CakesNot a specialty exactly, but are made now as bofoio, of superior quality

and richness of flavor and OIINAMENTED IN AN AUTISTIC STYLEwhich defies imitation and fully sustains a twenty-thre- e years' reputation,not yet excelled in Honolulu.

American, French, Italian, English arid German PastriesMado to Order at Short Notice.

Ilrenil Delivered ICvory Day tn nil imrt of the City.

and Ornamentttr iu this Kingdom.

At $3.00 for one, and $5.00 for two Gallons. Mado from rieli EggCustard. It is made from Woodlawn Dahy Cream; guaranteed to bomade without Stai eh or Gelatine, and acknowledged to bo tho Richest,Purest and Cheapest Ice Cream in Honolulu.

Special made for Large Orders.Satisfaction guaranteed by

F.Factory, Store and Ice Cream Parlor: No. 71 Hotel Street,

Between Fort & Nuuanu Both Telephones "So 74- - 29

I0TT, II 8


Kuknm Street

Steam Made Ice Cream






and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,


House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, 'cSfteEB AND003 SHEET IRON WORK.

GEO. EMELHARDtT(Formcily with Samuel Nott

Importor aud Dealer in



Agent Hairs Safe and Lock Company,Beaver Block, Fort Street.

tS Storo formerly occupied by b. NOTi', opro-uU- ' Surtckils & Co.'s Hank. --ij

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd,(Successors to Dillingham & Co., & Samuol Nott.)

IRONMONGERS.New Goods for the Holidays! Silver Plated Waro

in New Designs.

OHAWDELIERS LTSTI IUA.1MC3PISFrom tho very bc3 mal.ors.

o CUTLERY o .A. Complete Htoolc oj GoodN in JCvery Line.



xtraitnn M Xtnrm Cigars !

A Woman's Siiltei ail


A. Voloo i'j'om A.u3Lrla.

Near tho village of Zuihigilorf, InLower Austria, live Maria linns, an In.tclllgunt ami Industrliiuii woman, whosostory of physical sullcrhig and tlnaliolief, mh related by heiNclf, is of Interestto English women. " I was employcil,"bIiu snye, " iu the work of a largo latni-hous- o.

Over.woik brought on ulekhciuliuiiu, followed by a deathly faint-ing and sli.knos of the stomach, until I

was unnblc to roUln either food ordrink. I was eoinpllid to tnko to mybed for bovcral wuk. Gelling a Utilebetter from luH and quiui, I sought ido komc work, liui was soon taken witha puln in my Ride, which In a littlewhile teemed to spread over my wholebody, and throbbed In my cveiy limb.ThU was followed by a cough andfthortuc! of breath, until llually I couldnot suw, and 1 took to my bed foi thebecoud, and, an 1 thought, for the lasttlmo. My friend told im tliut my timehad nearly come, and that 1 could notlive longer than when thotiees put onIhelr green nee more. Then 1 happen-ed to get one of tho bclgel pamphlet".I read It, and my dear mother boughtme a bottle of fcclgel's Syiup, wliluii I

took exactly nrooiding lo directions,and I had not taken the whole of it be-

fore I felt a gieai chiingu for the better.My lust illness began June , lt8J, andcontinued to August Dili, when 1 begunto take tho Syrup. Very hoon 1 coulddo a little l'ght work. The cough leftme, and I was no more troubled inh cithlug. Now 1 am perfectly euted.And oh, bow happy I ami 1 cannot ex-

press gratitude enough for Seigol'sSyrup. Now 1 must tHI you that thedocto h iu our district distributed hand-bills cautioning people against themedicine, telling them it would do themno good, and many were thereby inlludiced to destroy tho Sclgel pamphlets;but now, wherever ono is to bu found, itis kept like a relic. The fou preservedare borrowed to read, and tlmu lentmint lor six miles mound our district.I'evple have come eighteen miles to getinu to buy 111 medliiiiic for them, know,lug thai it cured me, and to bu sure toget thu light kind. 1 know a womanwho was looking like death, and whotold them there was no help for her,that she had consulted several doctors,but uouc could, help her. I told her ofScigcl's Siup, and wrote the namedown foi her thai she might make nomistake, blit! took my advice and MieSyrup, and now hbo is in pcilcct health,and the people around us are amazed.The medicine bus mule such pioj;rcssin our nelghboibood that people saythey don't want thu doctor tiny more,but ihey take tho Syn.p. Sufferers fiomgout who wcro conlined to their bed andcould hardly move a lluger, have beencuicd by it. Thcic is a girl in our dis-tii-

who caught a cold by goingthrough borne water, and was in bed liveyears with costhcucvi aud rheumaticpaiiiM, aud hud to hao an attendaut towatch by her. There was not a doctorin the burioutullng dUtiicts to whomher milliter had not applied lo relieveher child, but every one ciossed them-selve- s

ami said they could not help hci.Whenever the little bell rang which isrung in our place when somebody isdead, wo thought suiely it was for hei,hut Scigcl's bynip and Pills saed herlife, and now thu is as healthy as any.body, goe-- t to church, aud can woikeven iu thu Holds. Everybody was at.touisl'cd wlien the) saw her out, know-ing how many jeurs shu hud been inbed. Toili.y she udda her giatiludc tomine for God's ineicies and Seigel'sb i up. Maui a Haah."

llio people of England tpcuk coutlim.lug thu above.

i Several Yeui's."Stoke Ferry, January Ulh, 18SJ.

"Genlleiuen, i hau used Siegel'sSyrup for suvcial c.us, and have foundit a most etllcacious icmedy for Livercomplaints nud gcneial debility, und Ialways keep some by me, aud cannotspeak too highly iu its praisu 1

yours truly, Darnell King."

A-lte- Hlxtccn Yews." Whlttle-lo-Wood- near Choilcy,

"December 20. 188)."Dear Sir, Mother Suigel's mediciuo

sells exceeding well with us, all that tryit bpeuk highly iu its favor. Wo had acase of a young lady that had been trou-bled many j cais with pains after eating.Shu tells us that thu pains were entirelytaken away after a few doses of yourmedicine Yours ttuly, K. 1'ki:i.."

Tlio EtroetH Imvo been'Wonderful.

"1)5, Newgate Sliect, Worksop, Notts,'Dceunber2Uth, lfcSI.

"Gentlemen, It is with thugieatcstof pleasure 1 accord my testimony as totho elllcacy of Mother Seigel's byrup.My wife, who has suffered from ucutuDybpepsla foi over sixteen years, is nowperfectly better through tlio sole helpof jour Syrup. 1 hao sent pounds inmedicines from doctors In fact, I be-gu- n

to think the was incurable, untilyour marvellous mediciuo was tried.

1 remain, yours, thankfully,Alhikd Foiid."

A.fler Mirny Yeari." llfoirt Rond Disptmnry, Duhlnueld,

May a, 1Q8-1- .

"Dear Sir, am happy to informyou th it tho salo of your byrup and Pillsincreases here (ontinuully, Several ofmy custnmcis speak of having dctlvedmoro benefit fiom thu use of these thanf lom any other medicine. Iu some

The cllects havo been wonderful.Yours very icspectfnlly,

It wiyl Pno. Edwin Eaktwood, J.B."

iffifofflgfc filial .

Let me have a mild

rnnr. above request is heardX dally In cigar saloons ando her places where ilgars aru bold, forit is an undisputed iiicttlmtmostFinukcrsprefer a mild cigar und that Jhose whoImvo for a long time smoked Btiongclears, principally Imporlid Manilas,will, after having thoroughly injuredthe stomach and impaired thu tuivmisbysttm, Hitroly want a mild cigar, if Iheycould Hud thu light kind.

Ilow many Ibnusfiuds o( smokeus whostiller from 1 ir of uiipe'tlli', headachu,nero s irritability, asthma, etc., andwho hatu tried all possible reined Uswllhottt 8iireo, mlirhi be eurid If Iheyknew thai their btiflerlngs wire tnusedby the inlitupcrato tte of niintig r.lgars,and tint Ihey should onlj biuikomihlaiid pmpcrly piepnml on- .

Ills a fuel that all mild h i greowell with smoketi', fur in Inon caesthcic i a lack of rare In the telcctli u ofthe tobacco, and often thu ntccsnry

for it Is wanting, jet tin re isono brand which suits tlie uiout fiislldiousMuoker, and that is


Sailer " Mill GiarWhich Is made from mild, ntomaMc andpiirllctiliirly and repaitd

nud (ombiiiC4 all thu (ittalilicswhich may bo expectid from a healthcigar. It causes no hid ellcctof anyklud. is agreiablo to tho tiitc, bun'sevenly tn thu end and possesses a flnoaroma. No smoker should fail to give

Engelbreht's "Sampler" CigarsA fair trial, and benefit hiniBclf.nl thetame time.

For sale Everywheref)5


The Leading Gems'

Clothing and Fur-

nishing House.




Hay, Grain, Etc.Livermore Hay,

Wholo Barley,

Crushed Barloy,

Oil Cake Meal'

Oat?, Bran.

Oilier left at Ofllce, with N. P. Dtr-get- s,

t'4 King Stieut, will be promptlyattended to. - COly

S. M. CARTER,Has on hand for i ale, In quantities

to suit:

Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal,Charcoal,

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split,w

Manictiio Hay,

California Huy,

liran, Oats,

IVtrley, Coin,

Cracked Corn,

Wlie.it, otc.

Ordeis sre Iiercby solicited and willbo delivered at any locality within thocity limits.

No. 8S ICINCi STRUJISX.lloth Telephoned, 187. W

Health is Wealth !""v TT T- - BflAU' i

Du. K. O. West's Ncnvu amd HnAiN TnnAT.ItE.NT, a Kunrnatccu epcttio for Iljeterin, DlzzUncM. Cunjiilsionii. J7its. Norvous Nimralgln,lloailacliu. Norrons Prostration, caused by thonvoot ntcoliol or tobaccti, WulcorulncBs, Montal Do.rrosslou, Hoftonlnit of thn Drain, resulting in in.sanity and to misery, decay and dentinl'remnturo Old Aco, llarrennoss, Loes of l'onortn cither box. Involuntary Lo3oa and Sporraator-rlicr- a,

caused by ovor-ox- tlon ot tho brain, e,

or IJath bos containsono month's treatment. St.OOn box.or eli boxoafor SJ.oa, eoiit by mall prepaid on rocoipt o t prico.

H'F, GUAltAXTtr. BIX BOXESTo euro nny caso. With enchordorroceived by ua(or six boxoa, accompanied with 65.00, wo willnond tlio purchaser our written Guarantee to re-fund tho money it tho treatment does not offsetu euro. (1 uaruutocs issued only by

S50Q REWARD!WIS will rur ikt boT r.w.ij lor u, cut ef U?er ComfUtal"PjilKl, f.lik ll.blubt.Imllcutloi.LuiUlruloi M CiUtiML,HM cm. wllh Wiifi fKiUll, Ll,.r lllll, bn lh r.

uiUlly ctmlitd wittu llujut funly ij.t.U, oltimill W It, ..ll.Ucllon, (l.it.r CctM, rt toi.i.too.lalolne E0"rlll,S3 c.ntl. Vr l.l. kf U toj,M,. H,., ,fISSw "i.fiJWuJl,0M- - n l""'" "'Mtrl "h It?.'.,?.S,'WJaP C.0' '". M W' .lilliKU(MaHjr milt jnrlJeorinlnfSMiiiitp

IJolllHter iV: Co.,uotim Wlioktale und Retail Al-uu- li t






1 V


