VERB TENSES Практикум Часть 1

VERB TENSES : практикум : в 3 частях : часть 1

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Уральский федеральный университет

имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина



Рекомендовано методическим советом УрФУ для студентов всех направлений подготовки

Екатеринбург Издательство Уральского университета


Page 4: VERB TENSES : практикум : в 3 частях : часть 1

УДК 81'366.58:811.111(075.8)ББК 81.052.1я73+81.432.1я73

V31 Составители: Т. М. Бабанина, Д. П. Ефремова, Н. Ю. Невраева,

Ю. А. ПаздниковаРецензенты:д‑р пед. наук, проф. А. А. Евтюгина (зав. кафедрой русского

и иностранных языков РГППУ);канд. пед. наук, доц. кафедры германской филологии РГППУ

М. В. Фоминых Научный редактор — канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. ин. яз.

и перевода УрФУ О. В. Томберг

V31VERB TENSES : практикум : в 3 ч. / Сост. Т. М. Бабанина,

Д. П. Ефремова, Н. Ю. Невраева, Ю. А. Паздникова. — Екатеринбург : Изд‑во Урал. ун‑та, 2016. — Ч. 1. — 228 с.

ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1707‑3 (ч. 1)ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1706‑6

Данный практикум разработан для студентов и магистрантов всех направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисци‑плины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» и «Иностранный язык для научных целей».

Практикум содержит упражнения для отработки видовременных форм глаголов английского языка. Тематические разделы имеют три уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, сложный. Практикум содержит приложения с дополнительными материалами и ответами, что позволяет использовать его для самостоятельной работы.

УДК 81'366.58:811.111(075.8)ББК 81.052.1я73+81.432.1я73

ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1707‑3 (ч. 1)ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1706‑6

© Уральский федеральный университет, 2016

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Современные выпускники вузов должны иметь опреде‑ленные профессиональные и общекультурные компетенции. Иностранный язык имеет в этом перечне свое значение.

Для достижения необходимого уровня владения иностран‑ным языком сегодня на рынке присутствует большое раз‑нообразие учебно‑методических комплексов. Особое место занимают учебные издания по грамматике. Не всегда просто выбрать нужное, учитывая их высокую стоимость. Данный практикум поможет решить эту проблему.

Учебный практикум «Verb tenses» предназначено для от‑работки употребления различных видовременных форм гла‑голов английского языка. Практикум состоит из трех частей и объединяет 8 разделов, включающих практические задания различного уровня сложности: низкого, среднего и повышен‑ного. Каждый уровень сложности имеет свое обозначение: А, В, С соответственно. Это поможет преподавателю и студен‑там правильно подобрать практические задания. Задания вну‑три каждого раздела и уровня сложности также представлены от простых к сложным, что позволяет постепенно наращивать практические навыки.

Практикум «Verb tenses» включает в себя также приложения со справочными материалами и ответами к практическим зада‑ниям. Это обеспечивает возможность использования пособия для самостоятельной работы и самообучения.

Практикум составлен на основе публикаций британских и американских изданий последних лет.

В целом, практикум направлен на развитие различных ви‑дов речевой деятельности студентов и магистрантов.

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Present Tenses 1.

Be, Have & Have Got

1A. Write the short form with got (we’ve got / he hasn’t got etc.).1. We have got (1) … 3. They have got (3) … 5. It has got (5) …2. He has got (2) … 4. She has not got (4) … 6. I have not got (6) …


A. Read the questions to Mark and his answers. Then write sen-tences about Mark.

1. ‘Have you got a car?’ — ‘No.’ (1) … .2. ‘Have you got a computer?’ — ‘Yes.’ (2) … .3. ‘Have you got a dog?’ — ‘No.’ (3) … .4. ‘Have you got a mobile phone?’ — ‘No.’ (4) … .5. ‘Have you got a watch?’ — ‘Yes.’ (5) … .6. ‘Have you got any brothers or sisters?’ — ‘Yes, two brothers

and a sister’ (6) … .

B. What about you? Write sentences with I’ve got or I haven’t got.7. (a computer) (7) … .8. (a dog) (8) … .9. (a bike) (9) … .10. (brothers / sisters) (10) … .

3A.Write these sentences with got (I’ve got / have you got etc.). The meaning is the same.

1. They have two children. (1) … .2. She doesn’t have a key. (2) … .

1 Materials refer to [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 27, 28, 38, 41] in References.

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Present Tenses . Be, Have & Have Got

3. He has a new job. (3) … .4. They don’t have much money. (4) … .5. Do you have an umbrella? (5) … .6. We have a lot of work to do. (6) … .7. I don’t have your phone number. (7) … .8. Does your father have a car? (8) … .9. How much money do we have? (9) … .

4A. Write have got / ’ve got, has got / ’s got, haven’t got / hasn’t got.1. Sarah (1) … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.2. They like animals. They (2) … three dogs and two cats.3. Charles isn’t happy. He (3) … a lot of problems.4. They don’t read much. They (4) … many books.5. ‘What’s wrong?’ — ‘I (5) … something in my eye.’ 6. ‘Where’s my pen?’ — ‘I don’t know. I (6) … it.’ 7. Julia wants to go to the concert, but she (7) … a ticket.

5A. Complete the questions. Use a form of have got and a word from the box. Then match the questions and answers.a spider Bill Gates James Bond London Juliette Binoche you

1. How many legs (1) …? (2) … .2. How many airports (3) …? (4) … .3. How much money (5) …? (6) … .4. What colour hair (7) …? (8) … .5. What kind of car (9) …? (10) … .6. What kind of phone (11) …? (12) … .

A. He’s got five billion dollars.B. I’ve got a Nokia.C. It’s got eight.D. It’s got five.E. He’s got an Aston Martin.F. She’s got dark hair.

6A. Use the words below to write questions. Then write true short answers.

1. you, mobile phone? (1) …? (2) … .2. you, any brothers or sisters? (3) …? (4) … .3. your parents, jobs? (5) …? (6) … .

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4. your teacher, a Rolls Royce? (7) …? (8) … .5. your best friend, any pets? (9) …? (10) … .6. you, a headache? (11) …? (12) … .7. your mother, dark hair? (13) …? (14) … .

7A. Complete the conversation with the words from below.do (x3) does doesn’t don’t has (x2) have (x2) you

Officer: (1) … you have your tickets?Steven: I think my wife (2) … them.Jackie: Here they are.Officer: Thank you. (3) … you (4) … any metal objects in your luggage?Steven: No, we (5) … .Officer: Are you sure, Sir? Do (6) … have a mobile phone or a laptop?Jackie: He (7) … a mobile phone.Steven: Oh, yes. I forgot about that.Officer: Put it in the tray please, Sir. (8) … it have a battery?Steven: No, it (9) … .Officer: (10) … you have anything else with metal?Steven: No. Oh, I (11) … some coins in my pockets.Officer: OK. Please put those in the tray as well, Sir.

8A. Complete the sentences with a form of have and a word or phrase from the box. Use short forms. Some sentences need a negative verb.

a headache fun a king a driving licence any brothers or sisters a temperature

lunch any mountains a cup of coffee

1. I (1) …, I’m my parents’ only child.2. I think she (2) … — she’s very hot.3. Holland is very flat — it (3) … .4. This is a great party! We (4) …!5. When I (5) …, I go and lie down.6. Clare can’t drive because she (6) … .

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Present Tenses . Be, Have & Have Got

7. I always (7) … and a biscuit at eleven o’clock in the morning.8. France has a president, so it (8) … or queen.9. The office is very busy today, so I (9) … at my desk — just a


9B. Write negative sentences with have.1. I can’t get into the house. (1) … a key.2. I couldn’t read the letter. (2) … my glasses.3. I can’t get onto the roof. I (3) … a ladder.4. We couldn’t visit the museum. We (4) … enough time.5. He couldn’t find his way to our house. (5) … a map.6. She can’t pay her bills. (6) … any money.7. I can’t go swimming today. (7) … enough energy.8. They couldn’t take any pictures. (8) … a camera.

10B. Which alternatives are correct? Sometimes two alternatives are possible, sometimes only one.

1. Excuse me, (1) … a pen I could borrow?a. have you got b. are you having c. do you have

2. (2) … time to go to the bank yesterday?a. Had you got b. Did you have c. Had you

3. I need a stamp for this letter. (3) … one?a. Do you have b. Are you having c. Have you got

4. What does Jack do? (4) … a job?a. Does he have b. is he having c. Has he got

5. (5) … a lot of friends when you were a child?a. Did you have b. Were you having c. Had you

6. When you worked in your last job, (6) … your own office? a. had you b. have you got c. did you have

11B. Are the underlined verbs OK? Change them where necessary.1. Is there anything you want to ask? Do you have any questions? (1) …2. Lisa had got long hair when she was a child. (2) …

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3. Tom couldn’t contact us because he hadn’t our number. (3) …4. ‘Are you feeling OK?’ — ‘No, I’m having a toothache.’ (4) …5. Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having a good time? (5) …6. It started to rain. I got wet because I hadn’t an umbrella. (6) …7. Will can’t drive. He doesn’t have a driving licence. (7) …8. Did your trip go OK? Had you any problems? (8) …9. My friend called me when I was having breakfast. (9) …

12B. Complete the sentences. Use an expression from the list with have in the correct form.

have a baby

have a break

have a chat have trouble have a good flight

have a look

have lunch have a party

have a shower

have a nice time

1. I don’t eat much during the day. I never (1) … .2. David starts work at 8 o’clock and (2) … at 10.30.3. We (3) … last week. It was great — we invited lots of people.4. Excuse me, can I (4) … at your newspaper, please?5. Jim is away on holiday at the moment. I hope he (5) … .6. I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and (6) … .7. ‘ (7) … finding the book you wanted?’ — ‘No, I found it OK.’ 8. Suzanne (8) … a few weeks ago. It’s her second child.9. ‘Why didn’t you answer the phone?’ — ‘I (9) … .’ 10. You meet your friend Sally at the airport. She has just arrived.

You say: ‘Hi, Sally. How are you? (10) …?’

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Present Tenses

Present Simple

1A. Write the short form (she’s / we aren’t etc.).1. She is (1) … 3. It is not (3) … 5. I am not (5) … 2. They are (2) … 4. That is (4) … 6. You are not (6) …

2A. Write am, is or are.1. The weather (1) … nice today.2. I (2) … not rich.3. This bag (3) … heavy.4. These bags (4) … heavy.5. Look! There (5) …Carol.6. My brother and I (6) … good tennis players.7. Emily (7) … at home. Her children (8) … at school.8. I (9) … a taxi driver. My sister (10) … a nurse.

3A. Complete the sentences.1. Steve is ill. (1) … in bed.2. I’m not hungry, but (2) … thirsty.3. Mr. Thomas is a very old man. (3) … 98.4. These chairs aren’t beautiful, but (4) … comfortable.5. The weather is nice today. (5) … warm and sunny.6. ‘ (6) … late.’ — ‘No, I’m not. I’m early!’ 7. Catherine isn’t at home. (7) … at work.8. ‘ (8) … your coat.’ — ‘Oh, thank you very much.’

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4A. Write sentences for the pictures. Use:afraid angry cold hot hungry thirsty

1. She (1) … . 3. He (3) … . 5. (5) … .2. They (2) … . 4. (4) … . 6. (6) … .

5A. Write sentences with forms of be. Use the words below.1. Angela not a student (1) … .2. My brother married (2) … .3. Our house near the bus stop (3) … .4. I very hungry (4) … .5. We not Canadian (5) … .6. The bank close to the station (6) … .7. I not an English teacher (7) … .8. It time for lunch now (8) … .9. Those magazines not very interesting (9) … .

6A. Find the right answers for the questions.1. Where’s the camera? (1) …2. Is your car blue? (2) …3. Is Linda from London? (3) …4. Am I late? (4) …5. Where’s Ann from? (5) …6. What colour is your bag? (6) …7. Are you hungry? (7) …8. How is George? (8) …9. Who’s that woman? (9) …

A. London.B. No, I’m not.C. Yes, you are.D. My sister.E. Black.F. No, it’s black.G. In your bag.H. No, she’s American.I. Very well.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple

7A. Write questions. Use the words below.1. you, English, or, Scottish (1) …?2. where, your, house (2) …?3. Maria, a, student (3) …?4. your, brothers, married (4) …?5. where, the, post office (5) …?6. I, early (6) …?7. who, your, teacher (7) …?8. the, station, near, here (8) …?

8A. Complete the questions. Use What … / Who … / Where … / How … .1. (1) … your parents? — They’re very well.2. (2) … the bus stop? — At the end of the street.3. (3) … your children? — Five, six and ten.4. (4) … these oranges? — £1.50 a kilo.5. (5) … your favourite sport? — Skiing.6. (6) … the man in this photograph? — That’s my father.7. (7) … your new shoes? — Black.

9A. Complete the conversation with forms of be.A:B:A:B:A:

What a lovely family photo. (1) … they your children?No, they (2) … . They (3) … my sister’s children.The girl (4) … pretty. How old (5) … she?She (6) … four.(7) … she at school?


No, she (8) … . She (9) … very young!Who (10) … the two people at the back?They (11) … my parents.

10A. Write true short answers.1. Are you American? (1) … .2. Are you a student? (2) … .3. Are you Polish? (3) … .

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4. Are you married? (4) … .5. Are your parents teachers? (5) … .6. Is your house in a town? (6) … .7. Is Eminem Australian? (7) … .8. Are Mercedes cars German? (8) … .9. Is it winter now? (9) … .

11A. Complete the questions and give true answers. Write complete sentences.

1. What (1) … your surname? (2) … .2. What nationality (3) … you? (4) … .3. How old (5) … your brother / sister? (6) … .4. Where (7) … your parents at the moment? (8) … .5. What (9) … the name of your home town? (10) … .6. Who (11) … your favourite singer? (12) … .

12A. Write the he / she / it form of these verbs below.carry enjoy fly go hurry know live relax take try wash watch+ ‑s + ‑es (‑y) + ‑ies (1) … (5) … (9) … (2) … (6) … (10) … (3) … (7) … (11) … (4) … (8) … (12) …

13A.Write these verbs with -s or -es.1. She (1) … (read) 3. It (3) … (fly) 5. She (5) … (have)2. He (2) … (think) 4. He (4) … (dance) 6. It (6) … (finish)

14A. Complete the sentences. Use the words given:boil close cost (x2) like (x2) meet open speak teach wash1. Maria (1) … four languages.2. The shops in the city centre usually (2) … at 9 o’clock in the


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Present Tenses.Present Simple

3. The City Museum (3) … at 5 o’clock in the evening.4. Tina is a teacher. She (4) … mathematics to young children.5. My job is very interesting. I (5) … a lot of people.6. Peter’s car is always dirty. He never (6) … it.7. Food is expensive. It (7) … a lot of money.8. Shoes are expensive. They (8) … a lot of money.9. Water (9) … at 100 degrees Celsius.10. Julia and I are good friends. I (10) … her and she (11) … me.

15A. Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verbs.

1. always, early, Sue, arrive. (1) … .2. to the cinema, never, I, go. (2) … .3. work, Martina, hard, always. (3) … .4. like, chocolate, children, usually. (4) … .5. Julia, parties, enjoy, always. (5) … .6. often, people’s names, I, forget. (6) … .7. television, Tim, watch, never. (7) … .8. usually, dinner, we, have, at 7.30. (8) … .9. Jenny, always, nice clothes, wear. (9) … .

16A. Write sentences about yourself. Use always / never / of-ten / usually / sometimes.

1. watch TV, in the evening. (1) … .2. read, in bed. (2) … .3. get up, before 7 o’clock. (3) … .4. go to work, school, by bus. (4) … .5. drink coffee, in the morning. (5) … .

17A. Write the negative.1. I play the piano very well. I (1) … .2. Jane plays the piano very well. Jane (2) … .3. They know my phone number. They (3) … .4. We work very hard. (4) … .

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5. He has a bath every day. (5) … .6. You do the same thing every day. (6) … .

18A. Write about yourself. Use the words given and: I never… or I often … or I don’t … very often.

1. (1) … . (watch TV) 2. (2) … . (go to the theatre) 3. (3) … . (ride a bicycle) 4. (4) … . (eat in restaurants) 5. (5) … . (travel by train)

19A. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t / doesn’t + the verbs given:

cost go know read see use wear1. I buy a newspaper every day, but sometimes I (1) … it.2. Paul has a car, but he (2) … it very often.3. Paul and his friends like films, but they (3) … to the cinema very

often.4. Amanda is married, but she (4) … a ring.5. I (5) … much about politics. I’m not interested in it.6. The Regent Hotel isn’t expensive. It (6) … much to stay there.7. Brian lives very near us, but we (7) … him very often.

20A. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.1. Margaret (1) … (speak) four languages — English, French,

German and Spanish.2. I (2) … (like) my job. It’s very boring.3. ‘Where’s Martin?’ — ‘I’m sorry. I (3) … (know).’ 4. Sue is a very quiet person. She (4) … (talk) very much.5. Andy (5) … (drink) a lot of tea. It’s his favourite drink.6. It’s not true! I (6) … (believe) it!7. That’s a very beautiful picture. I (7) … (like) it very much.8. Mark is a vegetarian. He (8) … (eat) meat.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple

21A. Complete the sentences about famous people. Use the verbs in brackets and short forms.

1. The actor Colin Farrell is Irish but he (1)… (not work) in Ire‑land; he (2) … (work) in Hollywood.

2. Film star Alicia Silverstone (3) … (not eat) meat; she’s a vegetarian.3. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (4) … (work) in Hollywood but

they (5) … (not live) there.4. Phil Collins is a famous musician but he (6) … (prefer) painting

and acting.5. The actor Russell Crowe also (7) … (sing) and (8) … (play) the

guitar in an Australian band.6. Nicole Kidman (9) … (love) fruit but she (10) … (not eat) strawberries.7. Catherine Zeta‑Jones (11) … (not like) chocolate or sweets.8. Antonio Banderas (12) … (come) from Spain but he (13) … (not

make) films in Europe these days.9. Businessman Bill Gates is a very rich man but he (14) … (not

give) his children a lot of money.

22A.Write questions with Do …? or Does …?1. I like chocolate. How about you? (1) …?2. I play tennis. How about you? (2) …?3. You live near here. How about Lucy? (3) …?4. Tom plays tennis. How about his friends? (4) …?5. You speak English. How about your brother? (5) …?6. I do yoga every morning. How about you? (6) …?7. Sue often goes away. How about Paul? (7) …?8. I want to be famous. Plow about you? (8) …?9. You work hard. How about Anna? (9) …?

23A. Make questions from these words + do / does. Put the words in the right order.

1. where, live, your parents (1)…?2. you, early, always, get up (2) …?3. how often, TV, you, watch (3) …?

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4. you, want, what, for dinner (4) …?5. like, you, football (5) …?6. your brother, like, football (6) …?7. what, you, do, in your free time (7) …?8. your sister, work, where (8) …?9. to the cinema, often, you, go (9) …?10. what, mean, this word (10) …?11. often, snow, it, here (11) …?12. go, usually, to bed, what time, you (12) …?13. how much, to phone New York, it, cost (13) …?14. you, for breakfast, have, usually, what (14) …?

24A. Write short answers (Yes, he does / No, I don’t, etc.).1. Do you watch TV a lot? (1) … .2. Do you live in a big city? (2) … .3. Do you often ride a bicycle? (3) … .4. Does it rain a lot where you live? (4) … .5. Do you play the piano? (5) … .

25A. Complete the conversation with the correct words from the box.do (x3) does doesn’t don’t like likes never sometimes watch



Do you (1) …TV during the day?No, I (2) …; I work during the day.What about the evenings? Do you watch TV then?Yes, I (3) … .What programmes (4) … you like?I (5) … films and comedy shows best. But I (6) … watch the news — it’s boring.(7) … you watch TV on your own or with members of your family?Well, I (8) … watch TV with my sister, but not very often. She (9) … dramas and music programmes.(10) … she watch the news?No, she (11) … .

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Present Tenses.Present Simple

26A. Use the verbs below to write questions. Then write true an-swers.

1. what time, you, get up (1) …? (2) … .2.you, work, in an office (3) …? (4) … .3. what, you, have, for breakfast (5) …? (6) … .4. how often, you, watch TV (7) …? (8) … .5. you, visit, friends, at the weekend (9) …? (10) … .6. your family, go to the beach, in summer (11) …? (12) … .7. you, often, go to bed, late (13) …? (14) … .8. how often, your best friend, phone you (15) …? (16) … .

27B. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:cause (s) connect (s) drink (s) live (s) open (s) speak (s) take (s)

1. Tanya (1) …German very well.2. I don’t often (2) … coffee.3. The swimming pool (3) … at 7.30 every morning.4. Bad driving (4) … many accidents.5. My parents (5) … in a very small flat.6. The Olympic Games (6) … place every four years.7. The Panama Canal (7) … the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

28B. Put the verb into the correct form.1. Julie (1) … (not, drink) tea very often.2. What time … (the banks, close) here?3. I’ve got a car, but I (3) … (not, use) it much.4. ‘Where (4) … (Ricardo, come) from?’ ‘From Cuba.’ 5. ‘What (5) … (you, do)?’ ‘I’m an electrician.’ 6. It (6) … (take) me an hour to get to work. How long (7) … (it,

take) you?7. Look at this sentence. What (8) … (this word, mean)?8. David isn’t very fit. He (9) … (not, do) any sport.

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29B. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:

believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate1. The Earth (1) … round the Sun. 7. An interpreter (7) … from one

language into another.2. Rice (2) … in Britain.3. The sun (3) … in the east. 8 Liars are people who (8) … the truth.4. Bees (4) … honey. 9 The River Amazon into the At‑

lantic Ocean.5. Vegetarians (5) … meat.6. An atheist (6) … in God.

30B. Complete using the following:I apologise I insist I promise I recommend I suggest

1. Mr. Evans is not in the office today. (1) … you try calling him tomorrow.

2. I won’t tell anybody what you said. (2) … .3. (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. (3) … .4. (4) … for what I did. It won’t happen again.5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. (5) … it.

31B. Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs.What is an eclipse?A solar eclipse (1) … (happen) when the moon (2) … (pass) in

front of the sun. This only (3) … (take) place when there is a new moon. It (4) … (last) for up to 7.5 minutes.

During a solar eclipse, it is dark. The birds (5) … (not, sing), and animals (6) … (keep) still and quiet. A solar eclipse (7) … (not hap‑pen) very often, and most people (8) … (enjoy) seeing one. However, it’s important not to look straight at the sun. If you (9) … (not, re‑member) this, you can damage your eyes.

A lunar eclipse (10) … (occur) when the earth’s shadow (11) … (fall) on the moon. The moon (12) … (look) dim until it (13) … (come) out from the shadow.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple

32C. Classify the stative verbs into the following categories: senses, possession, thinking, emotional states, appearance, and others. Then add other examples to each of the categories.

believe involve contain depend on doubtdislike own belong to mean mindsmell seem regard taste

1. Senses (1) …, (2) …;2. Possession (3) …, (4) …, (5) …;3. Thinking (6) …, (7) …, (8) …;4. Emotional states (9) …, (10) …;5. Appearance (11) …;6. Others (12) …, (13) …, (14) …, (15) …, (16) …, (17) …, (18) …,

(19) …, (20) … .

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Present Tenses

Present Continuous

1A. Write the continuous form of these verbs below.live happen make run sit sleep stop swim take use visit wait+ ‑ing n→nn, t→tt, etc. e→ing (1) … (5) … (9) … (2) … (6) … (10) … (3) … (7) … (11) … (4) … (8) … (12) …

2A. How do you spell it? Write the continuous form (-ing) of these verbs in the correct list.

arrive begin come cry dance decide die dig forget have help laugh listen lie live make play put rob start

stop swim tie wear win work write+ ‑ing n→nn, t→tt, etc. e→ing ie→ying (1) … (9) … (17) … (25) … (2) … (10) … (18) … (26) … (3) … (11) … (19) … (27) … (4) … (12) … (20) … (5) … (13) … (21) … (6) … (14) … (22) … (7) … (15) … (23) … (8) … (16) … (24) …

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Present Tenses. Present Continuous

3A. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:build cook go have stand stay swim work

1. Please be quiet. I (1) … .2. ‘Where’s John?’ — ‘He’s in the kitchen. He (2) … .3. ‘You (3) … on my foot.’ — ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ 4. Look! Somebody (4) … in the river.5. We’re here on holiday. We (5) … at the Central Hotel.6. ‘Where’s Sue?’ — ‘She (6) … a shower.’ 7. They (7) … a new hotel in the city centre at the moment.8. I (8) … now. Goodbye.

4A. Look at the picture and write sentences about Jane. Use She’s -ing or She isn’t -ing.

1. Jane (1) … (have dinner).2. She (2) … (watch television).3. She (3) … (sit on the fl oor).4. She (4) … (read a book).5. She (5) … (play the piano).6. She (6) … (laugh).7. She (7) … (wear a hat).8. She (8) … (write a letter).

5A. What’s happening now? Write true sentences.1. I, wash, my hair. (1) … .2. it, snow. (2) … .3. I, sit, on a chair. (3) … .4. I, eat. (4) … .5. it, rain. (5) … .6. I, learn, English. (6) … .7. I, listen, to music. (7) … .

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8. the sun, shine. (8) … .9. I, wear, shoes. (9) … .10 I, read, a newspaper. (10) … .

6A. Complete the sentences. Use forms of the phrases below.play in the garden not have a lunch

breakeat in a restaurant


wear a pullover have a shower not go to work today

computer not work taxi wait outside not dance at the moment

1. Fernando can’t come to the phone because he (1) … .2. It’s cold today so I (2) … .3. Jane’s cooker isn’t working so she (3) … .4. The weather is nice today so the children (4) … .5. Dave can’t send you an email because his (5) … .6. Carla has hurt her leg so she (6) … .7. Hurry up! It’s time to leave. The (7) … .8. We have a lot of work in the office today so we (8) … .9. It’s a bank holiday so most people (9) … .


A. Complete the text. Use the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

It’s a lovely summer afternoon in the park. Robert and Mick (1) … (play) football. Miranda (2) … (listen) to some music and Carlos (3) … (run). My friends Isabel and Rashid (4) … (have) a picnic — Isabel (5) … (eat) a sandwich and Rashid (6) … (drink) a cola. Over there I can see my neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Berenson — they (7) … (take) their dog for a walk.

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Present Tenses. Present Continuous

B. Now put the correct names by the letters in the picture.

8. A (8) … .9. B (9) … .10. C (10) … .11. D (11) … .12. E (12) … .13. F (13) … .

8A. Complete these questions and answers about the picture in Ex-ercise 7A.

1. (1) …Miranda (2)… to music? Yes, she (3) … .2. (4) …Robert and Mick (5) … tennis? No, they (6) … .3. (7) …Carlos (8) …? No, he (9) … walking, he’s (10) … .4. What (11) …Isabel (12) …? She (13) … a sandwich.5. What (14) …Mr. and Mrs. Berenson (15) …? They (16) … their

dog for a walk.6. (17) …Rashid (18) … a burger? No, he (19) … .

9A. Make questions from these words. Put the words in the right order.

1. is, working, Paul, today? (1) …?2. what, the children, are, doing? (2) …?3. you, are, listening, to me? (3) …?4. where, your friends, are, going? (4) …?5. are, watching, your parents, television? (5) …?

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6. what, Jessica, is, cooking? (6) …?7. why, you, are, looking, at me? (7) …?8. is, coming, the bus? (8) …?

10A. Write the questions and short answers.1. it, rain, today? (1) …? / No, (2) … .2. you, do, your homework? (3) …? / Yes, (4) … .3. Steven, cook lunch? (5) …? / No, (6) … .4. the, children watch TV? (7) …? / Yes, (8) … .5. we, wait, for somebody? (9) …? / No, (10) … .6. Elizabeth, stay, with her grandparents, this week? (11) …? /

Yes, (12) … .

11B. The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sen-tence goes with which?1. Please don’t make so much noise. (1) … A. It’s getting late.2. I need to eat something soon. (2) … B. They’re lying.3. I don’t have anywhere to live right now. (3) … C. It’s starting to rain.4. We need to leave soon. (4) … D. They’re trying to sell it.5. They don’t need their car any more. (5) … E. I’m getting hungry.6. Things are not so good at work. (6) … F. I’m trying to work.7. It isn’t true what they said. (7) … G. I’m looking for an

apartment.8. We’re going to get wet. (8) … H. The company is losing


12B. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs.

1.Wendy: Hi, Janice.Janice: Hello, Wendy! (1) … (you / wait) for the London train?Wendy: No, I (2) … (meet) my mother off the train from Bristol.

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Present Tenses. Present Continuous

2.Mandy: (3) … (my radio / disturb) you?James: No, not at all. I (4) … (enjoy) the music.3.Nina: Why (5) … (those people / shout)Graham: They (6) … (demonstrate) against low wages.

13B. Complete the description with the present continuous form of suitable verbs. Use the negative where necessary.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy by David Hockney, 1970

Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy by David Hockney, 1970 This is a painting of two people and their cat. Mr. Clark (1) … (sit)

on a chair. Mrs. Clark (2) … near him. They (3) … at each other, but at the viewer. Mrs. Clark (4) … a long dress. Mr. Clark’s got trousers and a jumper, but he (5) … shoes. Percy is on Mr. Clark’s lap and he (6) … something in the garden. The sun (7) … outside, but the room is a bit dark. We can see part of a picture which (8) … on the wall behind Mrs. Clark. There’s a vase of lilies on the table, and a book (9) … beside it.

14B. Choose a picture or photograph you like and describe what is happening in it.

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15B. Complete the conversations.1.

A: I saw Brian a few days ago.B: Oh, did you? (1) (what / he / do) these days?A: He’s at university.B: (2) … (what / he / study)?A: Psychology.B: (3) (he / enjoy) it?A: Yes, he says it’s a very good course.

2.A: Hi, Nicola. How (4) … (your new job / go)?B: Not bad. It wasn’t so good at first, but (5) … (it / get) better now.A: What about Daniel? Is he OK?B: Yes, but (6) … (he / not / enjoy) his work right now. He’s been in the same job for a long time and (7) … (he / begin) to get bored with it.

16B. Put the verb into the correct form, positive (I’m doing, etc.) or negative (I’m not doing, etc.).

1. Please don’t make so much noise. (1) … (I / try) to work.2. Let’s go out now. (2) … (it / rain) any more.3. You can turn off the radio. (3) … (I / listen) to it.4. Kate phoned me last night. She’s on holiday in France. (4) …

(she / have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.5. I want to lose weight, so this week (5) … (I / eat) lunch.6. Andrew has just started evening classes. (6) … (he / learn) Japanese.7. Paul and Sally have had an argument. (7) … (they / speak) to

each other.8. (8) … (I / get) tired. I need a rest.9. Tim (9) … (work) today. He’s taken the day off.10. (10) … (I / look) for Sophie. Do you know where she is?

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Present Tenses. Present Continuous

17B. Complete the sentences using the following verbs:start get increase change rise

1. The population of the world (1) … very fast.2. The world (2) … . Things never stay the same.3. The situation is already bad and it (3) … worse.4. The cost of living (4) … . Every year things are more expensive.5. The weather (5) … to improve. The rain has stopped, and the

wind isn’t as strong.

18B. Finish B’s sentences. Use always -ing.1. ‘I’ve lost my phone again.’ — ‘Not again! (1) … .’.2. ‘The car has broken down again.’ — ‘That car is useless. It

(2) … .’ 3. ‘Look! You’ve made the same mistake again.’ — ‘Oh no, not

again! I (3) … .’ 4. ‘Oh, I’ve forgotten my glasses again.’ — ‘Typical! (4) … .’

19C. Expand one of the sets of notes below to complete each dia-logue.

continually, change, mind forever, moan, workforever, ask me, money constantly, criticize, driving

always, complain, handwriting

1. A: I can’t read this. B: You’re (1) … .2. A: Can I borrow €10? B: You’re (2) … .3. A: That was a dangerous thing to do. B: You’re (3) … .4. A: I think I’ll stay here after all. B: You’re (4) … .5. A: I had a bad day at the office again. B: You’re (5) … .

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Present Tenses

Present Simple & Present Continuous

1A. Put the expressions in the correct places.every day just now nearly always now on Fridays these days

this afternoon today very often when I’m tiredPresent simple (I work, etc.) Present continuous (I’m working, etc.)1. … 6. …2. … 7. …3 … 8. …4. … 9. …5. … 10. …

2A. Match the two parts of the sentences.1. Davina’s computer isn’t working so (1) …2. Caroline misses her family so (2) …3. Lucy likes to be clean so (3) …4. I’m afraid Maria can’t speak to you right now (4) …5. Melissa isn’t in the office today; (5) …6. As part of Anne’s job (6) …7. When Judy goes to the sea (7) …8. Stephanie has a headache so (8) …

A. she visits clients once a week.

B. she stays with her grandparents.C. she’s staying at home today.D. she’s sending her emails from anInternet cafe.E. she’s having a bath.F. she’s visiting some clients.G. she sends them emails every day.H. she has a bath every day.

3A. Which is right?1. ‘(1) … (Are you speaking / Do you speak) English?’ — ‘Yes, a little.’

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

2. Sometimes (2) … (we’re going / we go) away at weekends.3. It’s a nice day today. The sun (3) … (is shining / shines).4. (You meet Kate in the street.) Hello, Kate. Where (4) … (are you

going / do you go)?5. How often (5) … (are you going / do you go) on holiday?6. Emily is a writer. (6) … (She’s writing / She writes) books for children.7. (7) … (I’m never reading / I never read) newspapers.8. ‘Where are Michael and Jane?’ — ‘(8) … (They’re watch‑

ing / They watch) TV in the living room.’ 9. Helen is in her office. (9) … (She’s talking / She talks) to somebody.10. What time (10) … (are you usually having / do you usually

have) dinner?11. John isn’t at home at the moment. (11) … (He’s visit‑

ing / He visits) some friends.12. ‘Would you like some tea?’ — ‘No, thank you. (12) … (I’m not

drinking / I don’t drink) tea.’

4A. Which is right?From:To:Subject:

Maggie TaitStefan RichterI’m bored

Hi, Stefan(1) … (It rains / It’s raining), so (2) … (I write / I’m writing) to

you. (3) … (I’m hating / I hate) rain!(4) … (Do you remember / Are you remembering) Lorenzo, my

cat? At the moment, (5) … (he lies / he’s lying) on the floor and (6) … (keeps / keeping) my feet warm. He’s really old now, and every day (7) … (he’s sleeping / he sleeps) for hours. One good thing, (8) … (he doesn’t catch / he isn’t catching) birds any more — he’s too slow.

My mum and dad (9) … (watch / are watching) an old black and white film on TV. (10) … (They’re liking / They like) the old Buster Keaton comedies. (11) … (They don’t laugh / They aren’t laughing) very much, so maybe this one isn’t funny.

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Oh, big surprise! I’ve got a job. Every Saturday (12) … (I work / I’m working) from 9 o’clock to 5 o’clock in a supermarket. It’s an OK job, but (13) … (I don’t want / I’m not wanting) to stay there for ever.

What (14) … (do you do / are you doing) at the moment? I think (15) … (you sit / you’re sitting) in your garden and (16) … (the sun shines / the sun’s shining) and … tell me.


5A. Choose the correct option.Bruce Laurence (1) … (is / is being) a young actor. He is very ex‑

cited because right now he (2) … (acts / is acting) in a professional show for the first time. He (3) … (loves / is loving) the theatre and this is his first proper job. It’s 7.15 and he (4) … (waits / ’s waiting) in his dressing room. His assistant (5) … (puts / ’s putting) on his make‑up and Bruce (6) … (practises / is practising) his words.

Tonight’s show is at the Theatre Royal in Edinburgh. Bruce (7) … (lives / is living) in London but while he is in the show he (8) … (stays / is staying) at a small hotel in Edinburgh. It isn’t very comfort‑able but single rooms (9) … (don’t cost / aren’t costing) very much and two other actors (10) … (stay / are staying) at the same place. Bruce (11) … (thinks / is thinking) the show will be a big success.

6A. Complete the sentences with am / is / are or do / don’t / does / doesn’t.1. Excuse me, (1) … you speak English?2. ‘Where’s Kate?’ — ‘I (2) … know.’ 3. What’s funny? Why (3) … you laughing?4. ‘What (4) … your sister do?’ — ‘She’s a dentist.’ 5. It (5) … raining. I (6) … want to go out in the rain.6. ‘Where (7) … you come from?’ — ‘Canada.’ 7. How much (8) … it cost to send a letter to Canada?8. Steve is a good tennis player, but he (9) … play very often.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

7A. Put the verb in the Present Continuous (I am doing) or The present Simple (I do).

1. Excuse me, (1) … (you / speak) English?2. ‘Where’s Tom?’ — ‘ (2) … (he / have) a shower.’ 3. (3) … (I / not / watch) television very often.4. Listen! Somebody (4) … (sing).5. Sandra is tired. (5) … (she / want) to go home now.6. How often (6) … (you / read) a newspaper?7. ‘Excuse me, but (7) … (you / sit) in my place.’ — ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ 8. I’m sorry, (8) … (I / not / understand). Can you speak more slowly?9. It’s late (9) … (I / go) home now. (10) … (you / come) with me?10. What time (11) … (your father / finish) work every day?11. You can turn off the radio. (12) … (I / not / listen) to it.12. ‘Where’s Paul?’ — ‘In the kitchen. (13) … (he / cook) something.’ 13. Martin (14) … (not / usually / drive) to work. He (15) … (usually / walk).14. Sue (16) … (not / like) coffee. (17) … (she / prefer) tea.

8A. Complete the conversation. Use forms of the words in brackets and short forms.Clara:Josie: Clara: Josie:Clara:Josie:Clara:Josie:Clara:Josie:Clara:Josie:

Hi, Josie. How are things?Busy. We moved into our new flat last week.That’s great. Where is it?(1) … (you remember) the garage on Old Street? It’s next to that.Oh, yes. I (2) … (know) that place. It’s quite old, isn’t it?Yes. So we’re in the middle of painting it at the moment.(3) … (you use) professional painters?No, they (4) … (cost) too much. We (5) … (do) it all ourselves. It’s very hard work!Well, I (6) … (not do) much at the moment. Would you like me to help?That’s kind of you but we (7) … (not need) any help really.OK. How’s your little baby?Oh, she (8) … (be) fine. My mother (9) … (look after) her today.

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9A. Match the two parts of the sentences.1. We always have A. often listen to the radio.2. Sally is having B. stay with their grandparents in August.3. I think I’ve C. English magazines?4. This week the children D. got flu.5. The children usually E. a party again. It’s really noisy.6. Be quiet. I F. are staying with their grandparents.7. On Sunday mornings I G. am listening to the radio.8. Are you reading H. fun at Miranda’s parties.9. How often do you read I. a good book at the moment?

10A. Choose the correct option in the telephone conversation.А: Good morning. University Accommodation Office.В: Hi. I’d like to use the accommodation service.А: OK. (1) … (Are / Be) you a full‑time student here?В: Yes, (2) … (I’m / I am).А: What (3)… (name have you / is your name)?В: Jason Brien.А: Jason Brien. OK. And what course (4) … (do you study / are

you studying) this year?В: History and politics.А: Do you (5) … (have / have got) your student number?В: No, I’m afraid not.А: Mmm. Let me check on the computer… Yes. Here it is: 67567.

OK. Now, (6) … (do / are) you want accommodation for this year or for next year?

В: Next year.А: And (7) … (are / is) you in student accommodation now?В: Yes, (8) … (I live / I’m living) in the flats in George Street at the

moment.А: OK. (9) … (Have you / Do you have) got a mobile phone?В: Yes, but it (10) … (doesn’t / isn’t) working.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

А: Well, (11) … (got you / have you got) an email address?В: Yes, of course.

11A. Correct or not?1. Look! It rains! (1) …2. I’m geting tired. (2) …3. I’m watching TV every evening. (3) …4. ‘What are you doing?’ — ‘I’m read‑ing.’ (4) …5. Andy always drive too fast. (5) …6. John flys to New York every Mon‑day.(6) …

7. I do not want to see that film. (7) …8. Where do she works? (8) …9. Where does she works? (9) …10. Where does your sister live? (10) …11. Where do the manager and his wife live? (11) …12. What you are doing? (12) …13. I’m not knowing her ad‑dress. (13) …

12A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Dear molly, I (1) … (write) from the gorgeous island of Jamaica! Jim and I (2) …

(stay) in a five‑star hotel by the sea. Right now, I (3) … (sit) on the bal‑cony and I (4) … (drink) a delicious fruit punch. Jim (5) … (walk) along the beach. He (6) … (collect) shells and rocks to bring back home.

The weather (7) … (be) hot and sunny. We (8) … (spend) most of the day relaxing and reading under the beautiful palm trees. Tonight, we (9) … (go) to a reggae festival and on Tuesday we (10) … (leave) for Barbados.

The Jamaican people (11) … (make) you feel happy as they (12) … (be) cheerful and kind. I (13) … (love) it here so much that I (14) … (not, want) to leave!

See you soon, Cindy

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13A. Choose the correct item.1. Peter (1) … spending money.

a. hate b. hating c. hates2. She (2) … like cold weather.

a. doesn’t b. don’t c. hasn’t3. How many students (3) … there in your class?

a. is b. are c. have4. Tara’s (4) … a friendly smile.

a. has b. got c. have5. ‘What (5) …Laura do?’ — ‘She’s a dancer.’

a. does b. can c. has6. Sarah and I (6) … from Italy.

a. haven’t b. isn’t c. aren’t7. Where (7) …Sue from?

a. is b. do c. are8. (8) …Ann like eating spaghetti?

a. Do b. Does c. Is

14A. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.1. My friend (1) …American.

a. not is b. are not c. isn’t2. The women in my family (2) … very tall.

a. have b. are c. am3. (3) … hungry?

a. Have you b. Are you c. Do you have4. What time (4) … it?

a. is b. are c. has5. Maria (5) … the answer to that question.

a. know b. knows c. is know6. Jane is a nurse; she (6) … in a hospital.

a. works b. work c. working

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

7. Laptop computers (7) … batteries.a. are using b. uses c. use

8. My uncle (8) … near here.a. not lives b. doesn’t lives c. doesn’t live

9. (9) … coffee in the mornings?a. Do you drink b. Does you drinks c. Drink you

10. I (10) … a big breakfast.a. am having always b. always have c. have always

11. I’m afraid the baby (11) … very well.a. isn’t sleeping b. not sleeps c. is sleeping not

12. My mobile isn’t working so I (12) … my sister’s phone.a. using b. ‘m using c. use

13. What (13) … right now?a. do you do b. are doing you c. are you doing

14. Carol usually (14) … to work but this week she is taking the bus.a. is driving b. drives c. isn’t driving

15. You are wrong. I (15) … with you.a. don’t agree b. ‘m not agreeing c. ‘m not agree

16. (16) … the tickets and passports?a. Got you b. Have you got c. Do you have got

17. Dave isn’t very well; he (17) … a bad cold.a. is having b. ‘s got c. ‘ve got

18. My parents (18) … a car.a. don’t have b. do have not c. have not

19. Isabel (19) … dark hair and brown eyes.a. is b. has c. is having

20. Every morning I (20) … before breakfast.a. make shower b. am showering c. have a shower

15B. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.1. ‘(1) … (you, smoke)’ — ‘No, never.’ 2. ‘What (2) … (you, eat)’ — ‘A cheese sandwich.’

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3. ‘Where (3) … (she, work) these days?’ — ‘In a garage.’ 4. ‘ (4) … (it, rain) here in summer?’ — ‘Not very often.’ 5. ‘Bonjour.’ — ‘Sorry, I (5) … (not, speak) French.’ 6. ‘Your English (6) … (get) better.’ — ‘Oh, thank you.’ 7. ‘ (7) … (you, play) golf?’ — ‘Yes, but not very well.’ 8. ‘Who (8) … (you, write) to?’ — ‘My boyfriend.’ 9. ‘Where’s Susan?’ — ‘ (9) … (she, come) now.’ 10. Well, goodnight. (10) … (I, go) to bed.11. Water (11) … (boil) at 100 °C.12. ‘ (12) … (that water, boil)?’ — ‘Not yet.’

16B. Put in the correct verb forms.1. ‘I (1) … (think) you’re crazy.’ — ‘I (2) … (see).’ 2. ‘What (3) … (you, think) about?’ — ‘Life.’ 3. Why (4) … (that woman, look) at me?4. She (5) … (look, like) your sister.5. I (6) … (feel) that she doesn’t like me.

17B. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. (1) …2. The water boils. Can you turn it off? (2) …3. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. (3) …4. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? (4) …5. The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days. (5) …6. I must go now. It gets late. (6) …7. I usually go to work by car. (7) …8. ‘Hurry up! It’s time to leave.’ — ‘OK, I come.’ (8) …9. I hear you’ve got a new job. How do you get on? (9) …10. Paul is never late. He’s always getting to work on time. (10) …11. They don’t get on well. They’re always arguing. (11) …

18B. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or pres-ent simple.

1. Let’s go out. (1) … (it, not, rain) now.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

2. Julia is very good at languages. (2) … (she, speak) four languag‑es very well.

3. Hurry up! (3) … (everybody, wait) for you.4. ‘ (4) … (you, listen) to the radio?’ — ‘No, you can turn it off.’ 5. ‘ (5) … (you, listen) to the radio every day?’ — ‘No, just oc‑

casionally.’ 6. The River Nile (6) … (flow) into the Mediterranean.7. The river (7) … (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual.8. (8) … (we, usually, grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year

(9) … (we, not, grow) any.9. ‘How’s your English?’ — ‘Not bad. I think (10) … (it, improve)

slowly.’ 10. Rachel is in New York right now. (11) … (she, stay) at the Park

Hotel. (12) … (she, always, stay) there when she’s in New York.11. Can we stop walking soon? (13) … (I, start) to feel tired.12. ‘Can you drive?’ — ‘ (14) … (I, learn). My father (15) … (teach) me.’ 13. Normally (16) … (I, finish) work at five, but this week (17) …

(I, work) until six to earn a little more money.14. My parents (18) … (live) in Manchester. They were born there

and have never lived anywhere else. Where (19) … (your parents, live)?15. Sonia (20) … (look) for a place to live. (21) … (she, stay) with

her sister until she finds somewhere.16. ‘What (22) … (your brother, do)?’ — ‘He’s an architect, but

(23) … (he, not, work) at the moment.’ 17. (at a party) (24) … (I, usually enjoy) parties, but (25) … (I, not,

enjoy) this one very much.

19B. Put the verbs into the correct form: Present Continuous or Present Simple.Tony Hunt, a journalist, is interviewing Leila Markham, an environmen‑tal scientist.Tony: So tell me, Leila, why is it important to save the rainforests?

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Leila: There are a number of reasons. One is that many plants which could be useful in medicine (1) … (grow) in the rainforest. We (2) … (not, know) all the plants, but there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers (3) … (try) to discover their secrets before they are destroyed.

Tony: I see. What other reasons are there?Leila: Well, have you heard that the world (4) … (get) warmer?Tony: Do you mean what scientists call ‘global warming’?Leila: That’s right. The rainforests have always had an important in‑

fluence on our weather. They (5) … (disappear) at a terrifying rate and people (6) … (not, do) enough to save them.

Tony: But I (7) … (enjoy) warm sunshine. Is global warming really such a problem?

Leila: You know that the polar regions (8) … (consist) of millions of tons of ice. If they (9) … (melt), the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists (10) … (believe) that temperatures (11) … (already, rise). We must do everything we can to prevent global warming, and that includes preserving the rainforests!

Tony: Thank you, Leila, and good luck in your campaign.Leila: Thank you.

20B. Tick (v) the sentences which are correct. In some pairs, one sentence is correct. In other pairs, both sentences are correct.1.What do you think of my hair? (1) …What are you thinking of my hair? (2) …2.You look great today! (3) …You’re looking great today! (4) …

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

3.Do you enjoy your meal? (5) …Are you enjoying your meal? (6) …4.I think of selling my car. (7) …I’m thinking of selling my car. (8) …5.Where do you live? (9) …Where are you living? (10) …6.I don’t believe his story. (11) …I’m not believing his story. (12) …7.The students seem tired today. (13) …The students are seeming tired today. (14) …8.He weighs 80 kilos. (15) …He’s weighing 80 kilos. (16) …9.How often do you play tennis? (17) …How often are you playing tennis? (18) …10.My brother looks for a new job. (19) …My brother is looking for a new job. (20) …

21B. Put the verb into the correct form, Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. Are you hungry? (1) … (you, want) something to eat?2. Don’t put the dictionary away. (2) … (I, use) it.3. Don’t put the dictionary away. (3) … (I, need) it.

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4. Who is that man? What (4) … (he, want)?5. Who is that man? Why (5) … (he, look) at us?6. Alan says he’s 80 years old, but nobody (6) … (believe) him.7. She told me her name, but (7) … (I, not, remember) it now.8. (8) … (I, think) of selling my car. Would you be interested in

buying it?9. (9) … (I, think) you should sell your car. (10) … (you, not, use)

it very often.10. Air (11) … (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

22B. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. (1) …2. Are you believing in God? (2) …3. I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? (3) …4. This sauce is great. It’s tasting really good. (4) …5. I’m thinking this is your key. Am I right? (5) …

23B. Complete the sentences using the most suitable form of be. Use am / is / are being (Continuous) where possible; otherwise use am / is / are (Simple).

1. I can’t understand why (1) … so selfish. He isn’t usually like that.2. Sarah (2) … very nice to me at the moment. I wonder why.3. You’ll like Sophie when you meet her. She (3) … very nice.4. You’re usually very patient, so why (4) … so unreasonable about

waiting ten more minutes?5. Why isn’t Steve at work today? (5) … ill?

24C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Where you think more than one form is correct, write both forms.

1. ‘Are you OK? You don’t look very well.’ — ‘I (1) … (feel) fine.’ 2. It seems to me that you (2) … (be) too simplistic in your at‑

tempt to describe what black holes are.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

3. You can tell your IT department that you have somehow man‑aged to import a virus into your computer, but I (3) … (not, imagine) they will be all that sympathetic.

4. According to research, there (4) … (appear) to be a strong link be‑tween an asteroid hitting the Earth and the extinction of the dinosaurs.

5. ‘ (5) … (you / need) the computer tonight?’ — ‘I’ve got a report to write.’

6. At first I found physics very difficult, but now I (6) … (like) it more and more.

7. I used to know lots of formulas by heart when I was studying maths, but as I get older I find I (7) … (remember) fewer and fewer.

25C. Complete each pair of sentences using the same verb (in a ques-tion form or negative if necessary) below. Use the Present Continuous; if this is not possible, use the Present Simple. You may need to add some words outside the gap. Use contracted forms where appropriate.

attract consist of doubt feel fithave like look measure sound

1.a. I hear you’re having your house repainted. How it (1) …? b. I bought this new dress today. How it (2) …?2.a. ‘What are you doing with that ruler?’ — ‘I (3) … the area of the

kitchen.’b. The garden (4) … 12 by 20 metres.3.a. I (5) … whether I’ll get another chance to retake the exam.b. I suppose she might be at home tonight, but I (6) … it.4.a. The new science museum currently (7) … 10,000 visitors a month.b. Flowers (8) … bees with their brightly‑coloured petals.

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5.a. Carlos won’t work at the top of the 20‑storey building because

he (9) … heights.b. ‘How’s the new job?’ — ‘Well, at the moment, I (10) … it at

all.’6.a. My car’s in the garage today. They (11) … new brakes.b. I bought this jumper for Anna, but it (12) … her so I’ll have to

take it back.7.a. What’s your shirt made from? It (13) … like silk.b. I won’t be coming to work today. I (14) … very well.8.a. The roof of the house (15) … only plastic sheets nailed down in

a few places.b. Their school uniform (16) … black trousers and a dark green

jumper.9.a. Simon’s new song (17) … quite good, but he doesn’t think he’s

ready yet to perform it in public.b. ‘What’s that noise?’ — ‘It (18) … like a bird stuck in the chim‑

ney. 10.

a. Poulson (19) … treatment for a knee injury, but should be fit to play on Saturday.

b. My sister (20) … long blonde hair. You’re bound to recognise her.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

26C. Cross out any improbable answers.Dear Aunt Mara, Thanks for your message. I (1) … (apologise / ’m apologizing) for

not getting back to you sooner, but I’ve been incredibly busy. When I went into nursing, you warned me that it would be really hard work, but I (2) … (admit / ’m admitting) that I didn’t really believe you. Don’t get me wrong — I (3) … (don’t suggest / ’m not suggesting) that I’m not enjoying it. It’s incredibly rewarding, but I (4) … (now realise / ’m now realizing) how hard the job is. When I get home I just eat not very well, I (5) … (confess / ’m confessing) and go straight to bed. It doesn’t help that the bus journey to the hospital is so slow. I (6) … (consider / ’m considering) buying a car, which will make things easier, I hope.

And what about you? How (7) … (do you find / are you finding) living in a village after so many years in the city? I (8) … (know / ’m knowing) how difficult it is for you to travel such a long way, but it would be lovely if you could come and stay with me for a weekend. I’ve got plenty of room in my flat. I (9) … (don’t guarantee / ’m not guaranteeing) to cook as well as you do, but I (10) … (promise / ’m promising) to find time to show you around this lovely old town.

Hope to see you soon. Keep in touch.Love, Martina

27C. Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Rodriguez (1) … (pass) to Messi who (2) … (shoot) just over the bar. Barcelona (3) … (attack) much more in this half…

2. A man (4) … (arrive) home late one night after the office Christ‑mas party. His wife (5) … (wait) for him, and she (6) … (say) to him…

3. I went to a concert yesterday in the Town Hall. In the middle of it, while the orchestra (7) … (play) this man suddenly (8) … (stand) on his seat and (9) … (start) to conduct them.

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28C. Complete each pair of sentences using the same verb (in nega-tive form if necessary). Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple. You may need to add some words outside the gap.1.a. A: Shall I phone at six? B: No, we usually (1) … dinner at that time.b. I (2) … lamb, thanks. I’m a vegetarian.2.a. Gielman (3) …Henry V in the latest production at the Royal Theatre.b. They constantly (4) … loud music until the early hours of the morning.3.a. I normally (5) … the children to school at 8:30. Perhaps we could

meet at 9:00. b. In his 2007 book, Wall (6) … a controversial view of Britain’s role in

the war.

29C. Complete the sentences using the verbs below. Use the same verb in each pair of sentences. Use the Present Simple or Pres-ent Continuous.

appear attract expect thinklook measure see


a. I (1) … about taking a gap year before I go to university and going travelling around South America.

b. A: Why’s Terry having a party? B: I (2) … it’s his birthday.2.a. A: How did the cat get up into the tree? B: I (3) … he was chasing a

bird.b. A: Let me know when the post arrives. B: Why, (4) … you … some‑

thing important?

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

3.a. This month’s special exhibition of South African art (5) … over 5000 vis‑

itors a day to the museum, whereas we normally only get about 2000.b. As the home of William Shakespeare, Stratford (6) … tourists from

all over the world.4.a. (7) … you … that big house over there? It’s my uncle’s.b. I’m going to split up with Alex. I’ve found out that he (8) … someone else.5.a. A: What are you doing? B: I (9) … the window for some new curtains.b. I was given this pedometer for my birthday. You just hook it on your

belt and it (10) … how far you walk during the day.6.a. A: What on earth are you doing down there? B: I (11) … for one of my

earrings — it fell off and rolled under the bed.b. A: Which course are you going to apply to? B: Well, this one on an‑

thropology (12) … interesting.7.a. Our neighbour’s cat (13) … at our door every morning, demanding

to be fed.b. Chris is incredibly busy. At the moment he (14) … in Hamlet at the

Crescent Theatre.

30C. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.1. I haven’t decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a sec‑

ond‑hand one. But (1) … (I think about it / I’m thinking about it).2. All right, you try to fix the television! But (2) … (I hope / I’m

hoping) you know what you’re doing.3. Every year (3) … (I visit / I’m visiting) Britain to improve my


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4. It’s time we turned on the central heating. (4) … (It gets / It’s getting) colder every day.

5. Of course, you’re Mary, aren’t you! (5) … (I recognise / I am recognising) you now.

6. The film of ‘War and Peace’ is very long. (6) … (It lasts / It is lasting) over four hours.

7. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what (7) … (do you do / are you doing) in the afternoons?

8. I’m going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one (8) … (doesn’t fit / isn’t fitting) any more.

9. That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What (9) … (happens / is happening) now?

10. What’s the matter? Why (10) … (do you look / are you looking) at me like that?

31C. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.1. I work in this office (1) … (all this year / all the time).2. Emerson is (2) … (currently / for long) top of the driver’s league.3. I am not making much money (3) … (these days / so far this

year).4. The food tastes even worse (4) … (now / presently). You’ve put

too much salt in.5. (5) … (Normally / previously) we get in touch with customers by

post.6. Pete was ill but he is getting over his illness (6) … (soon / now).7. I’m feeling rather run down (7) … (lately / at present), doctor.8. I always stay on duty (8) … (since / until) six o’clock.9. I’m (9) … (often / forever) picking your hairs out of the bath!10. Fortunately the baby (10) … (now / recently) sleeps all night.

32C. Put each verb in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. (1) … (hear) that you have been promoted. Congratulations!2. British people (2) … (drink) more and more wine, apparently.

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

3. I hope Sarah will be here soon. I (3) … (depend) on her.4. Please be quiet, David. You (4) … (forever, interrupt).5. Hey, you! What (5) … (you / think) you’re doing?6. Could you come here please? I (6) … (want) to talk to you now.7. Jane is away on holiday so Linda (7) … (handle) her work.8. To be honest, I (8) … (doubt) whether Jim will be here next

week.9. You’ve only just started the job, haven’t you? How (9) …

(you / get on)?10. Pay no attention to Graham. He (10) … (just / be) sarcastic.

33C. Put each verb in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I (1) … (know) quite well. We (2) … (spend) most of the day together, so we have all become friends. In fact, most of my colleagues are so interesting, that I (3) … (think) of writing a book about them!

(4) … (take) Helen Watson, for example. Helen (5) … (run) the accounts department. At the moment she (6) … (go out) withKeith Ballantine, one of the sales representatives, and they (7) … (seem) very happy together. But everyone — except Helen apparently — (8) … (know) that Keith (9) … (fancy) Susan Porter. But I (10) … (hap‑pen) to know that Susan (11) … (dislike) Keith. ‘I can’t stand people who never (12) … (stop) apologising all the time!’ she told me. ‘And besides, I know he (13) … (deceive) poor Helen. He (14) … (see) Betty Wills from the overseas department.’

And plenty of other interesting things (15) … (currently, go on). For instance, every week we (16) … (experience) more and more problems with theft — personal belongings and even money have been stolen. When you (17) … (realise) that someone in your office is a thief, it (18) … (upset) you at first. But I (19) … (also, try) to catch whoever it is before the police are called in. I’m not going to tell you who I (20) … (suspect). Well, not yet anyway!

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34C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using one of the words given.

1. Charles and his father are exactly alike in appearance.Charles (1) … (looks / looking) his father.2. Take all your possessions and walk slowly to the exit.Take everything (2) … (belongs / belonging) and walk slowly to the exit.3. I’m finding it really enjoyable to work here.I (3) … (enjoy / enjoying) here.4. I take work home regularly because of my new responsibility at work.My new responsibility at work (4) … (means / meaning) work

home regularly.5. In my cycling group there’s George, Tom, Harry and me.My (5) … (consists / consisting) George, Tom, Harry and me.6. In your opinion, who’s going to win the Cup?Who do (6) … (think / thinking) win the Cup?7. I’m seeing how wide the door is.I (7) … (measure / measuring) the door.8. Neil always forgets his wife’s birthday.Neil (8) … (remembers / remembering) his wife’s birthday.9. Its ability to catch fish is the key to the polar bear’s survival.The polar bear’s (9) … (depends / depending) to catch fish.10. What’s on your mind at the moment?What (10) … (think / thinking) at the moment?

35C. Most of these sentences contain an error. Where there is an error, rewrite the sentence correctly. Or put Ok.

1. I’m depending on you, so don’t make any mistakes! (1) …2. Is this total including the new students? (2) …3. Excuse me, but do you wait for somebody? (3) …4. These potatoes are tasting a bit funny. (4) …5. How are you feeling today? (5) …6. I look forward to hearing from you. (6) …7. I have a feeling that something goes wrong. (7) …8. What’s that you’re eating? (8) …

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

9. Are you hearing anything from Wendy these days? (9) …10. I think you’re being rather mean about this. (10) …

36C. Complete the expressions using the words from below..coming making trying asking taking shooting talking listening

1. I’m (1) … to concentrate.2. Are you (2) … off now, or can we talk?3. Go on, I’m (3) … .4. I think we’re (4) … at cross purposes.5. You’re (5) … for trouble.6. It’s (6) … along nicely.7. You don’t seem to be (7) … much interest.8. You’re (8) … a fuss about nothing.

37C. Which expression from the previous exercise means one of the following?

1. Are you in a hurry to leave? (1) … .2. We’re talking about different things without realising it. (2) … .3. If you say or do this you will get into difficulties. (3) … .

38C. Choose the correct form.1. Some kinds of fish (1) … (contain / are containing) high levels

of dangerous metals.2. Scientists nowadays (2) … (slowly begin / are slowly beginning)

to understand more about how the brain works 3. What (3) … (do you think / are you thinking) of Kate’s new

hairstyle? It’s unusual, isn’t it?4. Loud music can be really annoying. Some people (4) … (don’t

realise / aren’t realising) what a nuisance it can be.5. You can’t really have seen a UFO! You (5) … (imagine / are imag‑

ining) things!6. Technicians report that they (6) … (have / are having) difficul‑

ty installing the new computer system.

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7. No wine for me! I (7) … (take / I’m taking) antibiotics for an ear infection.

8. In career terms, having a good degree (8) … (appears / is ap‑pearing) to make little difference.

9. The National Theatre (9) … (considers / is considering) putting on a new production of Uncle Vanya.

10. (10) … (Does this wallet belong / Is this wallet belonging) to you?

39C. Complete the text with the present simple or present continu-ous form of the verb in brackets.

European traffic accident rates fail to meet targets Although the number of deaths caused in traffic accidents in the

EU (1) … (go down), experts (2) … (still, try) to find ways of reducing the number throughout the EU to around 25,000 fatalities per year by 2010. Traffic safety (3) … (improve) but experts (4) … (believe) that achieving the 2010 goal will prove difficult. Recent statistics (5) … (show) that in 2005 in the EU 41,600 people were killed in road acci‑dents. Although progress has been made, most experts (6) … (agree) that this figure will have fallen to only around 32,000 by 2010, which (7) … (means) that the EU target will be missed by about 7,000. On the other hand, as the amount of traffic (8) … (increase), it is pos‑sible to argue that the situation is not really as bad as it (9) … (look). However one (10) … (interpret) the statistics, it (11) … (remain) true that as time goes on, it (12) … (become) harder and harder to re‑duce the figures, especially since accident‑reduction schemes (13) … (cost) a lot of money. Many countries have tried and failed to reduce the number of accidents, and in the EU as a whole, only Sweden (14) … (pursue) the goal of zero accidents. Accident reduction is more difficult for newer EU members who (15) … (currently face) very rapid growth in traffic and (16) … (have) difficulty in building new roads and in introducing safety measures at a fast enough rate. To complicate matters, most new members (17) … (have) very little experience in dealing with the demands of heavy traffic. Experts (18)

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

… (suggest) that any safety programme must also set about chang‑ing the way drivers (19) … (behave). Despite what people often (20) … (say) it (21) … (seem) to be the younger generation that (22) … (cause) most accidents. In line with this research, many countries (23) … (introduce) tougher driving tests, and (24) … (concentrate) on the main causes of accidents: speed, reckless overtaking, alcohol, and over‑confidence.

40C. Choose the correct verb form. Tick (v) the sentence if both forms are possible.

1. I can’t walk any more. My knee (1) … (is really hurting / really hurts).

2. This cheese (2) … (is smelling / smells) terrible!3. Thanks for your e‑mail. (3) … (I’m hoping / I hope) to get back

to you very soon.4. ‘What (4) … (are you doing / do you do)’ ‘I’m a musician.’ 5. We’re having our house completely redecorated. (5) … (It’s

costing / It costs) a lot.6. In this country, more than a million people (6) … (are liv‑

ing / live) in poverty, 7. Can you stop the car? (7) … (I’m feeling / I feel) a bit sick, 8. ‘What’s the answer?’ ‘Wait a moment, (8) … (I’m thinking / I think).’ 9. I think (9) … (we’re beginning / we begin) to understand this

problem, 10. Nice to see you again! (10) … (You’re looking / You look) re‑

ally great!

41C. Put the verb in brackets into present simple or present con-tinuous.

1. Somebody (1) … (knock) at the door. Can you see who it is?2. First you (2) … (cook) the onions in a little oil until they are

golden brown.3. Carlos (3) … (forever, lose) his temper with people! He must

learn to calm down.

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4. Here (4) … (come) the bus! You’d better hurry!5. ‘Where’s Jack? ‘ ‘He (5) … (read) the paper in the kitchen.’ 6. Whenever I put up my hand, Harry (6) … (kick) me under the desk.7. I’m sorry, but I (7) … (not, understand) you.8. Maria (8) … (leave) now, so could you get her coat?9. Come and eat your dinner. It (9) … (get) cold.10. I (10) … (hear) you did really well in your exams. Well done!

42C. Complete each sentence with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. (1) … (you, do) anything at the moment? I need some help with the computer.

2. This product (2) … (contain) no added chemicals of any kind.3. Nobody (3) … (visit) Rome without going to see the ruins of

the Roman Forum.4. Sarah (4) … (begin) to regret not taking the job in France she

was offered.5. Martin (5) … (see) Tina at the moment. They’ve been going

out together for the past month.6. I’m sorry, but I (6) … (not, know) where George is at the mo‑

ment.7. ‘Is Helen ready yet?’ ‘She (7) … (take) her time, but she says

she’ll be ready soon.’ 8. The larger of the two rooms (8) … (measure) 8 m by 4 m.9. What (9) … (happen) in the street now? I can’t see anything

from here.10. There’s nobody else to do the job, so I (10) … (suppose) I’ll

have to do it.

43C. Complete the two texts with the present simple or present con-tinuous form of the verb in brackets. If both forms are possible, write both.

1. Doctors express concern over heavy school bags Every year thousands of children (1) … (go) to the doctor because

of back pain, and in fact, this kind of problem (2) … (rapidly, be‑

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

come) one of the most common childhood complaints. And what exactly (3) … (cause) this outbreak of back strain and muscle fatigue? It (4) … (seem) that even quite young children (5) … (take) more and more to school — not just books, but also clothes and games play‑ers — and their backpacks (6) … (simply, weigh) too much. ‘Some kids (7) … (carry) more than 25 % of their bodyweight in a bag that has a nice cartoon character on the bag, but which (8) … (actually, give) them serious backache,’ reported Dr Elaine Sachs, a GP in North London. ‘Most parents (9) … (simply, not, realise) what (10) … (happen) to their children.’

2. Investigators to report on train crash Accident investigators (11) … (still, examine) the wreckage of the

high‑speed train which left the rails and overturned in northwest Eng‑land last week. According to reports, they (12) … (not, believe) the accident (13) … (involve) driver error. ‘We (14) … (expect) to publish a inquiry into this accident quite soon,’ a spokesman announced yes‑terday. ‘Engineers (15) … (work) round the clock to replace the track, and we (16) … (hope) to restore a normal service within two weeks. We (17) … (realise) that people (18) … (depend) on the railway, and we (19) … (understand) how much everyone has been shocked by this accident. However, we (20) … (check) thousands of sections of track all over the country to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again.

44C. Rewrite the sentence so that it contains a word from the list and has same meaning.

belong contain cost look matter see seem smell think weigh

1. Is this car yours, sir? (1) …?2. This perfume has a nice smell. (2) … .3. I think there’s a mistake. (3) … .4. I don’t understand what you mean. (4) … .5. What’s your opinion? (5) …?6. At birth a baby elephant is about 90 kg in weight. (6) … .

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7. Is the price important? (7) …?8. What’s the price of this model? (8) …?9. This book could be interesting. (9) … .10. What’s in the box? (10) …?

45C. Write a new sentence with the same meaning containing a form of the word in capitals.

1. Apparently, Harry is a very good card player. SAY 2. This maths problem is incomprehensible to me! UNDER‑

STAND 3. I have the same opinion as you. AGREE 4. ‘Where’s Anna?’ ‘At work in the garden.’ WORK 5. Stop shouting, the teacher’s in the corridor. COME 6. Somebody is at the door. KNOCK 7. According to some people, UFOs have landed on Earth. BE‑

LIEVE 8. It’s hotter all the time in here. GET 9. Skiing is my favourite sport. LOVE 10. Peter keeps losing his homework! ALWAYS

46C. Complete the text with the Present Simple or Present Con-tinuous form of the verb in brackets.

Big Brother’s watching you!A burglar (1) … (try) to break into a big house in the country. He

(2) … (walk) very quietly across the garden when he (3) … (hear) a voice: ‘Big Brother (4) … (watch) you!’ He (5) … (turn) around, but he (6) … (not, see) anything. So he (7) … (creep) nearer to the house.

Suddenly he (8) … (hear) the voice again and he (9) … (see) a cage hanging from a tree. A parrot (10) … (sit) in the cage. The burglar (11) … (ask) the parrot, ‘Did you say that stuff about Big Brother?’ The parrot (12) … (answer) ‘Yes I did.’ ‘Is that your name then?’ The parrot (13) … (say) ‘No, my name’s Montmorency.’ The bur‑glar (14) … (laugh) ‘What kind of stupid idiot would name his par‑rot Montmorency?’ The parrot (15) … (reply) ‘The same stupid idiot

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Present Tenses.Present Simple & Present Continuous

who named his Rottweiler ‘Big Brother’ — that’s the guard dog that (16) … (stand) right behind you!’

47C. Complete the text with the Present Simple or Present Contin-uous form of the verb in brackets. Where both are possible, write both.

Students now taking longer to finish studies In the USA some university students nowadays (1) … (spend)

more and more time in university before graduating. In American universities, many students (2) … (pay) their own fees, and this (3) … (mean) more time working and less studying. Alan Chester is a 25‑year‑old journalism student from Ohio who (4) … (take) six years to complete his undergraduate degree. In order to pay tuition fees and other expenses he (5) … (work) four days a week in the university kitchen, while in the university holidays he (6) … (do) a full‑time job. ‘I (7) … (find) it difficult at the moment to study and pay my bills at the same time,’ he (8) … (admit) ‘But I (9) … (try) my best and I (10) … (manage) to keep the wolf from the door.’ Alan’s parents (11) … (understand) his decision to take longer to graduate. ‘They (12) … (know) what I (13) … (go) through, and they (14) … (help) me as much as they can. It’s hard, but I (15) … (learn) to look after myself, and I (16) … (experience) stuff that might be useful one day when I’m a journalist.’ He (17) … (point out) that some students (18) … (take) more time to graduate because they (19) … (not, really, know) what they (20) … (want) to study. ‘New courses of study (21) … (develop) all the time, new subjects (22) … (appear) on the curriculum. Some students (23) … (spend) time experimenting with different courses before choosing their major. So it’s not all about money. I (34) … (think) universities (25) … (go) through a period of change like ev‑erything else, and students have to adapt to this changing situation.’

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Past Tenses 2

Past Simple

1A. Choose the appropriate word in each sentence: was or were.1. Tom was / were in Spain last weekend.2. Frank and Jim was / were at the party last night.3. Who was / were at the cinema last Monday?4. The children was / were quiet when their parents came home.5. She was / were a nice person.6. He was / were usually not at home at the weekend.7. They was / were good at English.8. We was / were in Lower Austria last summer.9. My brother was / were in China some weeks ago.10. I was / were in Copenhagen when my friends went there.11. She was / were ill last week.12.He was / were happy to meet his friends.13. Mother was / were angry with me.14. My parents was / were in the cinema when I was / were at home.15. Mary was / were very happy because the weather was / were


2 А. Complete the story, adding was and were.It (1) … a beautiful day. The sun (2) … hot and the sky (3) … blue.

James and Wendy (4) … on the beach. They (5) … with their three children. The children (6) … in the sea. The sea (7) … a bit cold but the children (8) … very happy. There (9) … lots of other children in the sea too: some of them (10) … in the water with their parents. 2 Materials refer to [2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 39] in References.

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

Wendy and James (11) … on the sand and James (12) … asleep with a book on his face. But suddenly there (13) … grey clouds all over the sky and the sun (14) … not hot any more. The beautiful weather (15) … finished and there (16) … wet picnics and wet people everywhere. A British summer holiday!

3 А. Write questions and answers about the story above, using was or were.

1. The weather nice?2. Where / James and Wendy 3. Where / their children?4. Other children in the sea?5. James and Wendy in the sea?6. James awake?7. What / on James’ face?8. Sunny all day?9. The holidaymakers wet in the end?10. Where / this beach?

4A. Write ten questions about a friend’s trip to London, using the table below. Then choose a short answer for each question.

the underground trainsthe weatherthe streetsthe peoplethe parksthe airportthe museumsthe shopsthe hotelthe food


Yes, it was.No, it wasn’t.

WasWere Yes, they were.

No, they weren’t.

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5A. Write Past Simple to the following verbs.1. watch 14. play2. clean 15. study3. stop 16. love4. arrive 17. open5. return 18. start6. cook 19. water7. walk 20. climb8. visit 21. stay9. work 22. call10. look 23. kiss11. like 12. tidy13. iron 24. wash

6A. Put the verbs into Past Simple.Yesterday my family and I visited (visit) my grandparents. My mother

(1) … (help) my grandmother in the garden. My father (2) … (clean) the windows outside. My brother and I (3) … (watch) cartoons on television with my grandfather. Later we (4) … (play) outside in the garden. We (5) … (climb) the tree to our tree‑house. We (6) … (stay) there all afternoon. Then our mother (7) … (call) us because it was time to go home. Our grandparents (8) … (kiss) us goodbye and we (9) … (return) home. We (10) … (arrive) home at 8 o’clock. Father (11) … (look) for the key, (12) (open) our front door and we all (13) … (walk) inside.

7A. Fill in with Past Simple.Yesterday my brother and I (1) … (help)our mother in the house.

First we (2) … (clean) our rooms and then we (3) … (wash) our clothes. After that we (4) … (cook) some spaghetti. The spaghetti (5) … (not / be) very nice, but our mother (6) … (be) happy to eat it. Then I (7) … (have) a bath and my brother and I (8) … (watch) TV.

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

8A. Ask questions and answer them using Past Simple.1. Mike / watch TV? — Yes.2. Simon / clean the floor? — No.3. Simon / water the flowers? — No.4. Simon / play football? — Yes.5. Mr and Mrs Hill / wash the dishes? — No.6. Mr and Mrs Hill / listen to the radio? — Yes.7. Mr and Mrs Hill / sing their favourite songs? — No.

9A. Fill in the blanks (irregular verbs).1. is / are …, 2. break …, 3. cut …, 4. cost …, 5. drink …, 6. drive …,

7. eat …, 8. have …, 9. go …, 10. lose …, 11. make …, 12. meet …, 13. put …, 14. buy …, 15. come …, 16. read…, 17. ride …, 18. run …, 19. see …, 20. sit …, 21. swim …, 22. spend …, 23. take…, 24. tell…, 25. write…, 26. get … .

10A. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.Last Saturday my father (1) … (take) my friends and me to the

circus. We (2) … (see) lots of things. My father (3) … (buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. We (4) … (eat) the popcorn and (5) … (drink) the orange juice. We (6)… (laugh) at the funny clowns. There (7) … (be) a lion‑tamer. The lions (8) … (do) tricks; they (9) … (jump) through hoops. A girl (10) … (ride) an elephant around the ring. We all (11)… (have) a wonderful time.

11A. Choose the right verb, put it in Past Simple and fill in the blanks.

write drive drink be do tell see come buy take sit cost meet go

Yesterday morning we (1) … to the market. We (2) … ur shopping baskets.

Father (3) … us there in the car. At the market, we (4) … some fruit andvegetables. I (5) … some birds that I wanted to buy. They (6) … a lot ofmoney. Mother (7) … me they (8) … too expensive. Then

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we (9) … somefriends and we all (10) … to a cafe. We (11) … at a table outside and (12) … orange juice. Then Mother and I (13) … home. In theafternoon I (14) … my homework and (15) … a letter to my grandmother.

12A. Make questions and answer them.1. Jane / meet / friends / yesterday? — No.2. Kate / cut the grass / yesterday? — Yes.3. Peter / write a letter / yesterday? — Yes.4. Vova / meet his friends / yesterday? — No.5. Pam and Ben / write a story / yesterday? — No.6. Rose / read / a book / yesterday? — Yes.7. Ann / draw / a picture / yesterday? — No.8. You / ride a bike / yesterday?9. You / get a letter / yesterday?10. You / build a house / yesterday?

13A. Choose the right form of the verb.1. Yesterday my cat … a little grey mouse.

A. caught B. catch C. to catch2. … she … her friends in the yard yesterday evening?

A. do she meet B. Did she met C. did she meet3. I … a nice picture a month ago.

A. draw B. drew C. to draw4. We … and … songs last week.

A. played, sang B. play, sing C. play, sang5. … your friend in the park last Monday?

A. be B. was C. were6. She … stories to her friends 2 hours ago.

A. tell B. tells C. told7. The day before yesterday my friend … his grandmother.

A. to visit B. visits C. visited

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

8. …Kate and Lena go to the theatre a week ago?A. do B. did C. were

9. Last summer my friends and I … a lot of stories.A. write B. writes C. wrote

10. My mum … a big cake last Sunday.A. make B. made C. makes

11. … your brother drink much water last night?A. do B. did C. was

12. Where … you … with your mother yesterday?A. did you go B. do you go C. did you went

13. The children … in the park 10 minutes ago.A. come B. came C. comes

14. Ann … and … in the sea 5 months ago.A. sunbathe B. sunbathed, swim C. sunbathed, swam

15. … my father in Spain in his childhood?A. did B. was C. were

14A. Choose the right form of the verb.1. What … last night?

A. did you do B. you did C. did you2. The fight lasted … .

A. three hours for B. for three hours C. from three hours3. Was your father in America …?

A. next year B. last year C. soon4. I … hello to Matt this morning.

A. sayed B. said C. sayd5. I … in Germany last year.

A. was B. weren’t C. were6. David … to China in 2009.

A. go B. goed C. went

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7. We arrived at school at 8.00 a.m and … the exam at 8.10 a. m.A. took B. did take C. take

8. A few years ago computers … really big, but now they are smaller.A. are B. was C. were

9. Zara’s parents … at home last night.A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. did

10. Carol … dinner for everyone last night.A. bought B. buy C. buyed

11. Where did your dad …?A. went B. goes C. go

12. When he … his job, he stopped going to the café every day.A. start B. starts C. started

13. Did you see Liam? Yes, I … .A. did B. do C. saw

14. My father … born in 1959.A. were B. was C. is

15. I …Bea yesterday, but I …Violeta.A. see, didn’t see B. saw, didn’t see C. saw, don’t see

16. We … all our exams yesterday morning.A. finished B. finishd C. finish

17. Home cinemas … when my dad was a child.A. existed not B. didn’t exist C. didn’t existed

18. Some of the student visited England and then … to France.A. went B. goed C. go

19. Sami … my suitcase for me.A. carry B. carries C. carried

20. Did your friends … yesterday?A. arrive B. arrives C. arrived

15A. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Past Simple.1. Father (1) … (to come) late from work yesterday.2. Alice (2)… (to like) that film.

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

3. We (3) … (to listen) to the teacher very attentively at the last lesson.

4. I (4) … (to want) to be a doctor when I was five.5. During the holidays John (5) … (to play) football, (6)… (to ride)

a bicycle and (7) … (to swim) in the river.6. I (8) … (to finish) my work 10 minutes ago.7. George (9) … (to visit) his grandmother last Sunday.8. The boys (10) … (to plant) trees last week.9. My mother (11) … (to buy) me a new dress yesterday.10. They (12) … (to go) to the cinema on Sunday.11. We (13) … (to see) a very interesting film 2 weeks ago.12. Yesterday my dog (14) … (to run) very quickly.13. The Greens (15) … (to arrive) here in 2005.14. They (16) … (to go) to Greece last summer.15. She (17) … (to drink) a glass of juice for lunch yesterday.

16A. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Past Simple.1. The girl … (to skip) yesterday afternoon.2. You … (to watch) TV last month.3. I … (not to have) supper yesterday afternoon.4. We … (not to go) for a walk last Tuesday.5. Liz … (to wash) her hands ten times yesterday.6. Robert … (to have) coffee for breakfast the day before yesterday.7. Grandson … (to write) a letter to his grandmother last week.8. My cousin … (not to do) his homework yesterday.9. I … (to come) home at twelve o’clock last week.10. We … (to eat) sour cream for breakfast last year.11. Her parents … (not to visit) their relatives yesterday afternoon.12. She … (not to be) at home yesterday morning.13. Charlie and Roy … (to read) books yesterday evening.14. Her little niece … (not to go) to bed at nine o’clock last sum‑

mer.15. Colin … (to celebrate) his birthday last Monday.

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17A. Find and correct the mistakes.1. It were cold last winter.2. Yesterday we sit under the tree.3. When did you got presents?4. Last week they live on the farm.5. Did you be at school last week?6. My sister like to walked her dog.7. The boy give his dog some meat.8. What he repair yesterday evening?9. Some days ago we need your help.10. Last winter we like to skate in the garden.11. Did she got a nice present last birthday?12. My kite flyed high in the sky.13. Why does Mike get up early last night?14. We want to visit you 2 days ago.15. When did he bought apples?

18A. Find and correct the mistakes.1. When do you came home yesterday?2. They was at home when I did come.3. Had Mark a car two years ago?4. What were difficult?5. She leaved her baby in hospital.6. Did they called you the day before yesterday?7. Was Ann and Pete late for the meeting?8. Why does he fall ill last week?9. You wasn’t make you bed.10. What time you had lunch yesterday?11. This woman teached you English, didn’t she?12. He got up, had his breakfast and did go to the bathroom.13. She lets her son go to the party last week.14. The cat ate a mouse, wasn’t it?

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

19B. Change the verbs into Past Simple, keeping them as positives, negatives, or questions.

1. I don’t like the film.2. She hates the hotel.3. We don’t live there.4. Does he play the piano?5. I love Paris.6. He doesn’t work very hard.7. She travels a lot.8. He walks everywhere.9. I don’t study English.10. Do you drive to school?11. I don’t like him.12. Do you miss your parents?13. We love Spain.14. John studies music.15. Where do you live?16. What does he study?17. Where does she work?18. We don’t like London.19. They hate waiting.20. They work in a factory.

20B. Write these sentences putting the verbs into Past Simple. Re-member that the infinitive is used for questions and negatives.

1. I … (buy) some new clothes last week.2. What time … (they come) last night?3. I … (not understand) his question.4. I … (think) he was wrong.5. … (you eat) a lot at the party?6. I … (not catch) the bus this morning.7. I … (forget) my keys yesterday.8. … (they tell) you about the meeting?9. Peter … (do) the washing‑up last night.

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10. They … (not drink) anything at the disco.11. … (put) your suitcase in your bedroom.12. We … (not know) it was your birthday.13. … (you go) to the office yesterday?14. They … (give) her a present when she left.15. We … (read) their letters.

21B. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Past Simple.1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it … (be) cloudy in the morning.2. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she …

(finish) it later yesterday afternoon.3. I very day I help Mom about the house, but last week I was very

busy with my exam. So I … (not / help) her much.4. Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he … (not / play)

tennis yesterday.5. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we … (have

lunch) later.6. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he … (not / smoke) before.7. The Frasers live in a four‑room apartment, but last year they …

(live) in a small house in the country.8. I don’t eat meat at all, but the other day I … (visit) my friends

and … (eat) pork there.9. My Dad always goes to work by car, but last week he … (go) to

work on foot.10. The weather is nice today, but it … (be) bad yesterday.11. We rarely watch television, but last week we … (watch) a lot

of interesting programmes.12. ‘Do you often see Tom?’ — ‘Not often, but I … (see) him at

the party the other day’.13. I … (get) to the market myself last time, but now I don’t re‑

member how to get there.14. I sleep well, but last night I … (not / sleep) at all.15. I usually come home from school at 2.00 p. m., but last week I

… (be) on duty and … (come) home a little later.

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

22B. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Past Simple.1. It seemed impossible for him to win, but he … (win).2. I … (walk) quickly because I … (feel) cold yesterday.3. It … (take) him two hours to get to London.4. Helen … (prefer) tea to coffee.5. My husband … (speak) to his boss last week.6. Five years ago my Dad … (sell) his farm and … (buy) a busi‑

ness in a small town.7. He … (meet) Mary and … (fall) in love with her at first sight.8. As soon as the bus … (stop), Jill … (get off).9. Three weeks later I … (leave) for Moscow.10. How you … (cut) your finger?11. Jack … (try) to remember what he had done last April.12. Yesterday Mr. Watson … (drink) too much at the party.13. Looking through the paper, the teacher … (find) several mis‑

takes.14. Julius Caesar … (found) the Tower of London.15. Ten minutes ago I … (hear) a strange noise.16. Edward … (make) up his mind to escape from prison.17. When you … (write) to your parents last time?

23B. Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the Past Simple forms of the verbs.

Two people (1) … (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They (2) … (be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire (3) … (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz, (4) … (see) the flames and (5) … (call) the fire brigade. He also (6) … (try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat (7) … (be) too great. The fire brigade (8) … (arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire‑fighters (9) … (fight) the fire and finally (10) … (bring)it under control. Two fire‑fighters (11) … (enter) the burning building but (12) … (find) the couple dead.

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24B. Complete the conversation. Put in the Past Simple negatives and questions.Claire: (1) … (you / have) a nice weekend in Paris?Mark: Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked around and then we saw a show. (2) … (we / not / try) to do too much.Claire: What sights (3) … (you / see)?Mark: We had a look round the Louvre. (4) … (I / not / know) there was so much in there.Claire: And what show (5) … (you / go) to?Mark: Oh, a musical. I forget the name. (6)… (I / not / like) it.Claire: Oh, dear. And (7) … (Sarah / enjoy) it?Mark: No, not really. But we enjoyed the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but (8) … (I / not / want) to go shopping.

25B. Rewrite the text in Past Simple.On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and

wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don’t drink tea. I drink coffee. After Breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don’t leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don’t work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o’clock we go to bed.

26B. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple.Pamala: What (1) … (you / do) last weekend?Tony: I (2) … (go) to my cousin’s house.Pamala: (3) … (be) it far?Tony: No, it only (4) … (take) us 30 minutes.Pamala: (5) … (you / stay) there long?

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

Tony: We (6) … (stay) only for the weekend. What (7) … (you / do)last weekend?Pamala: My family and I (8) … (take) the dog and we (9) … (have) a picnic on the beach.Tony: (10) … (be) it sunny?Pamala: Yes, the sun (11) … (shine) all day.

27B. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple.Bryan Adams comes from Canada. He (1) … leave) school at six‑

teen and (2) … (work) as a gardener. He (3) … (start) his career as a singer at the age of eighteen. He (4) … (work) hard then. He only (5) … (become) famous in 1987 when he (6) … (make) his first album which he (7) … (call) ‘Reckless’. After ‘Reckless’ no one (8) … (hear) about him for a while, until 1991 when he (9) … (sing) ‘Everything I Do, I Do It for You’ which (10) … (be) a great success. After that he (11) … (go) on a world tour. Today, Bryan Adams is back in Canada enjoying his success.

28B. Choose a verb from the list and complete the text using Past Simple.decide get into drive find take start tell pack move begin

see run away can be have get out mend arrive go

Last Sunday the Smiths (1) … to go on a picnic, so they all (2) … the car and (3) … to the country. They (4) … a nice place in a field and (5) … the food out of the basket. As soon as they (6) … to eat an angry farmer (7) … them to get off his land. They (8) … everything up again and (9) … to another field. The moment they (10) … to eat, they (11) … a bull runningtowards them. They (12) … as fast as they (13) … . It (14) … raining very hard so they (15) … the car to go home. They (16) … not even half‑way home when they (17) … a puncture. They (18) … of the car and (19) … it. When they (20) … home, they (21) … wet and miserable. They (22) … a cup of tea and (23) … to bed.

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29B. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.1. We went for a stroll down ‘Alphabet Street’ to Ginger Street.2. In the 1950s, television cut deeply into the movie‑going audi‑

ence.3. He did a tremendous amount of work.4. They carried out a huge survey.5. There were a lot of disasters in the 20th century.6. The actress gave a bravura performance in the Aldwych in Lon‑

don.7. He failed to appear before the magistrate.8. Hobbs was a founding partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets.9. They could get out of the place.10. When they saw me, they shut up.11. She began the examination on time.12. My friend taught English for twenty‑five years.

30B. Fill the gaps in this model answer with the verbs from the list in Past Simple.

allow be bebe invent increase lay mean ownreceive replace ride take walk

The pace of change in the world technology is amazing. It (1) … long ago that the postal service (2) … our only way to communicate over any distance. It (3) … days and sometimes weeks to receive let‑ters from within the same country. As a result, the news in the letters (4) … already out of date when people (5) … them. In the workplace, this (6) … that business was mostly conducted locally, over relatively short distances.

When Alexander Graham Bell (7) … the telephone in 1376 it (8) … the foundation for the communication systems we have today. The telephone (9) … two people to communicate instantly across a great distance. Eventually computers (10) … typewriters and dramatically (11) … the speed of our daily work life. Nowadays the Internet is an essential part of every business.

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Past Tenses . Past Simple

However it is not just communications that have changed. Only 50 years ago most people (12) … (not) a car. People (13) … to work or (14) … bicycles. Changes intravel as well as theincreased speed of communication have led to the global business world that we have today.

31B. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of the verbs from the list.be begin come drink eat explain feed find find get

give go have know learn meet read seem speak spread tie write

The mystery of Caspar Hauser (1) … in Nuremburg, Germany, about 200 years ago. One morning, the people of the town (2) … a young man standing alone in the square. He was holding a piece of paper in his hand. The paper (3) … only that he (4) … the son of a soldier. Caspar (5) … how to say a few words and when given a pa‑per and pencil he (6) … his name, but he (7) … completely ignorant about everyday life. At first he (8) … only bread and (9) … only water, but he gradually (10) … used to ordinary meals. He also (11) … to talk properly.

No one ever (12) … out the real truth about his birth, but it is probable that his father kept him in one small room for the whole of his early life. He (13) … him on bread and (14) … him water to drink. He (15) …Caspar up and Caspar never (16) … out, he never (17) … to anyone or (18) … other children. In spite of this extraor‑dinary childhood, Caspar was not stupid. He (19) … books and (20) … discussions with teachers and philosophers. News about Caspar (21) … through Europe and visitors (22) … from abroad to meet him. Unfortunately, he lived only a few years, but his strange life story still fascinates many people.

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Past Tenses Past Simple and Past Continuous

1А. Complete the sentences using did, was or were.1. ‘(1) … you working when I rang?’ — ‘No, I (2) … n’t’ 2. ‘(3) … you see me on television?’ — ‘Yes, I (4) …’ 3. ‘What (5) … you doing when they arrived?’ — ‘I (6) … the paper.’ 4. ‘(7) … they working hard?’ — ‘No, they (8) … n’t.’ 5. ‘(9) … she crying when you saw her?’ — ‘Yes, she (10) … .’ 6. ‘(11) … they speak to you when you met?’ — ‘No, they (12) … n’t.’ 7. Peter (13) … still lying in bed so he (14) … n’t hear the doorbell.8. ‘(15) … the police find the man?’ — ‘No, they (16) … n’t.

He (17) … hiding in an empty building.’ 9. We (18) … shouting to. You (19) … n’t you hear us?10. I (20) … looking for some photos when you rang but I (21) …

n’t find them.

2A. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. They (1) … (wait) for me when I (2) … at the station. (wait / ar‑rive)

2. She (3) … in the sea when I (4) … her. (swim / see) 3. (5) … they tennis when it (6) … raining? (play / start) 4. She (7) … when she (8) … the news. (cry / hear) 5. We (9) … home from the theatre when the police (10) … us.

(drive / stop) 6. Everyone (11) … quiet when the concert (12) … . (go / begin) 7. When she (13) … him, he (14) … quite ill. (leave / become) 8. You (15) … in a restaurant when I first (16) you. (work / meet)

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

9. I (17) … very angry when I (18) … the letter. (feel / read) 10. It (19) … when I (20) … (rain / get up).

3А. Make sentences. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Past Con-tinuous.

1. It / rain / when / I / get / up this morning.2. When / I / get / up, / I / have / a shower.3. We / go / home / when / we / see / the accident.4. When / we / see / the accident, we / phone / the police.5. John / ride / on his bike / when / he / fall / off.6. He / break / his leg / when / lie / fall / off 7. I / get / undressed / when / I / hear / a strange noise outside my

bedroom window.8. When / I / hear / the noise, / I / go / over to the window

and / look / outside.

4A. Someone is asking you questions. Write the short answers.1. ‘Were you sitting here yesterday?’ No, (1) …2. ‘Did she see the accident?’ Yes, (2) …3. ‘Did you leave the hotel last night?’ No, (3) …4. ‘Was he working when you arrived?’ Yes, (4) …5. ‘Were they eating when you phoned?’ Yes, (5) …6. ‘Did your father buy another car?’ No, (6) … 7. ‘Did you see that letter for you?’ Yes, (7) …8. ‘Were your brothers sleeping when you left?’ Yes, (8) …9. ‘You didn’t see the accident, then?’ No, (9) …10. ‘Weren’t they waiting for you?’ No, (10) …11. ‘Did you like the present?’ Yes, (11) …12. ‘Did the children have a good time?’ Yes, (12) …13. ‘Was Susan driving when you saw her?’ No, (13) … 14. ‘Did he speak to you?’ Yes, (14) …

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15. ‘Did you do the washing‑up?’ Yes, (15) …16. ‘Were you doing your home work when I phoned?’ Yes, (16) …17. ‘Was your father washing the car?’ Yes, (17) …18. ‘Did you understand what he was saying?’ No, (18) …19. ‘Was she leaving when you got there?’ Yes, (19) …20. ‘Did your sister lose her purse yesterday?’ Yes, (20) …

5A. Choose the correct word from A or B.1. I (1) … (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

A. talked B. was talking2. I visited Brazil in April. I (2) … (stay) at a nice hotel for a foet‑

night.A. stayed B. was staying

3. They (3) … (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.A. sat B. were sitting

4. I saw a light in your window as I (4) … (pass) by. A. passed B. was passing

5. Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I (5) … (meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine. A. met B. was meeting

6. Liz’s elder brother said that he (6) … (go) to enter Leeds Uni‑versity. A. went B. was going

7. While my son (7) … (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door. A. waited B. was waiting

8. We (8) … (just / talk) about him when suddenly (9) … (come) in. A. just talked B. came inA. were just talking B. was coming in

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

9. Yesterday while Dave (10) … (shave)? He (11) … (cut) himself slightly. A. shaved B. cutA. was shaving B. was cutting

10. They (12) … (quarrel) while they (13) … (wash) their car.A. quarreled B. washedA. were quarreling B. was washing

6A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Which is the longer action in each sentence?

1. As I (1) … (do) the washing‑up, I (2) … (break) a glass.2. We (3) … (walk} in the woods when the storm (4) … (begin).3. John (5) … (repair) motor bike when his mother (6) … (arrive).4. I (7) … (eat) my lunch, when the phone (8) … (ring).5. He (9) … (ride) his bicycle to school when he (10) … (drop) his

bag.6. We (11) … (see) a bad accident, as we (12) … (drive) to the air‑

port.7. Tom (13) … (watch) the match, when the TV (14) … (break

down). 8. We (15) … (talk) when she (16) … (come) into the room.

7A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous or Past Simple.1. We (1) … (go) swimming every week when we were young.2. Simon (2) … (dance) when he fell and hurt his leg.3. Why (3) … (you / laugh)all through your history lesson yesterday?4. I (4) … (drink) a glass of milk every day when I was a child.5. Todd often (5) … (ride) horses when he was a boy.6. Bill (6) … (write) a letter when his mother came home.7. It (7) … (rain) while I was waiting for the bus.8. I (8) … (play) the guitar when I was young, but I don’t any more.9. Debbie (9) … (sing) in the school choir many years ago.10. Liz (10) … (clean) the windows when I saw her.

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8A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous or Past Simple.A. Steve (1) … (have) an accident yesterday. He (2) … (drive) his

car when a bird (3) … (fly) into the windscreen. He (4) … (try) to Stop quickly but he (5) … (crash)into a wall. Luckily, he (6) … (not / be) hurt.

В. Last week, I (7) … (go) to a talk by a famous writer. He (8) … (talk) about his new hook when I (9) … (arrive). He (10) … (give) such an interesting talk that I (11) … (be) disappointed when it (12) … (end).

С. Julie (13) … (tidy) her bedroom last weekend. While she (14) … (tidy) it, she (15) … (find) some of the toys she (16) … (have) when she was a child. She (17) … (not / want) to throw them away, so she (18) … (put) them ina box and (19) … (store) them in the attic.

9A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous or Past Simple.It (1) … (be) a beautiful spring morning when Emma and her fa‑

ther (2) … (decide) to visit Seaton Castle The sun (3) … (shine) and the birds (4) … (sing). Emma (5) … (feel) very excited. The castle (6) … (be) very old and made of stone They (7) … (climb) the steps to the top of the tower. While they (8) … (admire) the view, they (9) … (hear) some noises. They (10) … (took) around but they (11) … (not / see) anybody. ‘That’s funny,’ said Emma. ‘I (12) … (think) I (13) … (see) someone standing over there.’ After a while they (14) … (decide) to visit the cellar of the castle. Emma (15) … (examine) an old barrel when she (16) … (hear) the door of the cellar close behind them. ‘Dad’, she (17) … (say), don’t close the door!’ ‘But I (18) … (not / close) it,’ dear, her father said. Emma (19) … (turn) around and (20) … (see) a shadow on the wall. She (21) … (know) then that the ghost of Seaton Castle (22) … (watch) them!

10A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.Dear Rick, I’m writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland. I’m having a

lovely time here but you can’t imagine what (1) … (happen) to me

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

yesterday. I (2) … (be) on the mountain with my friends and we (3) … (have) a lovely time because the snow (4) … (be) perfect for ski‑ing. Unfortunately the sun (5) … (shine) on the snow, so it (6) … (be) difficult to see. Suddenly, I (7) … (hit) a rock and I (8) … (fall) over. Luckily I (9) … (not / be) seriously hurt — I just (10) … (get) a few bruises. Now I’m trying to be more careful!

I’ll see you when I get back.Best wishes, Kevin

11A. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous to make sentences from the words in brackets.

1. The police / arrive / while / l / have / breakfast 2. The storm / start / while / they / drive / home 3. I / see / an accident / while / I / wait / for the bus 4. Mary / go / to several concerts / while / she / stay / in London 5. I / have / breakfast / when / the police / arrive 6. My father / cook / the dinner / when / he / burn / his fingers 7. The soldiers / prepare / to leave / when / the bomb / explode

12A. Correct the mistakes.1. Philip was washing the car while the fire started.2. Weil was studying when his sister was listening to music.2. Harriet was opening the door and walked into the house.4. We were having lunch at a lovely restaurant every day when we

were on holiday.5. Brian drank tea at five o’clock yesterday afternoon.6. Dad was repairing the TV while Mum cooked dinner.7. I was going to the cinema last Saturday.8. I was buying a new dress for my party yesterday.9. While Joff built the garden shed, he hurt himself.10. While the teacher were speaking, the students were listening

to him.

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13A. Complete these texts using Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads. He (1) … (make) the first one in five minutes. He (2) … (make) the second one when his guests (3) … (arrive), and they (4) … (help) him to finish it.

2. The artist Gaudi (5) … (design) several houses in Barcelona, Spain. Later he (6) … (start) work on a church. He (7) … (work) on the church when he (8) … (die).

3. Last month a bank robber (9) … (escape) while the police (10) … (take) him to prison. Later they (11) … (catch) him again, and this time they (12) … (lock) him up without any problem.

4. Philip’s football team were lucky last Saturday. After twenty minutes they (13) … (lose), but in the end they (14) … (win) the game by four goals to two.

5. John Lennon (15) … (sing) and (16) … (play) on many records with the Beatles. After that he (17) … (record) several songs without the Beatles. He (18) … (prepare) a new record when Mark Chapman (19) … (shoot) him.

6. The evening was getting darker; the street lights (20) … (come) on. People (21) … (hurry) home after work. I (22) … (stand) in a queue at the bus stop. Suddenly somebody (23) … (grab) my bag.

14A. A policewoman is interviewing Mary Croft about last Friday evening.

Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the words in brackets.Policewoman: What time (1) … (you / get) home from work?Mary: At about six o’clock.Policewoman: And what (2) … (you / do) after you got home?Mary: I read the newspaper.Policewoman: Did anything happen while (3) … (read) the paper?Mary: Yes, the phone (4) … (ring).Policewoman: What (5) … (you / do) when your husband came home?

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

Mary: I was watching TV, and I (6) … (drink) a cup of coffee.Policewoman: Did you and your husband stay at home?Mary: No, I (7) … (drink) my coffee. Then I put on my rain‑

coat, and we (8) … (go) out at seven o’clock.Policewoman: Why (9) … (you / put) your raincoat on?

Mary: Because it (10) … (rain), of course

15A. Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. Lucy (1) … (break) her arm last week. It (2) … (happen) when she (3) … (paint) her room. She (4) … (fall) off the ladder.

2. The train (5) … (arrive) at the station and Paula (6) … (get) off. Two friends of hers, Jon and Rachel, (7) … (wait) to meet her.

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3. Yesterday Sue (8) … (walk) along the road when she (9) … (meet) James. He (10) … go to the station to catch a train and he (11) … (carry) a bag. They (12) … (stop) to talk for a few minutes.

16A. Put the verb into Past Continuous or Past Simple.1. A: What (1) … (you / do) when the phone (2) … (ring)?В: I (3) … (watch) television.2. A: Was Jane busy when you went to see her?B: Yes, she (4) … (study).3. A: What time (5) … (the post / arrive) this morning?B: It (6) … (come) while I (7) … (have) breakfast.4. A: Was Tracey at work today?B: No, she (8) … (not / go) to work. She was ill.5. A: How fast (9) … (you / drive) when the police (10) … (stop)

you?B: I’m not sure, but I (11) … (not / drive) very fast.6. A: (12) … (your team / win) the football match yesterday?B: The weather was very bad, so we (13) … (not / play).7. A: How (14) … (you / break) the window?B: We (15) … (play) football, I (16) … (kick) the ball and it (17) …

(hit) the window.8. A: (18) … (you / see) Jenny last night?B: Yes, she (19) … (wear) a very nice jacket.9. A: What (20) … (you / do) at 2 o’clock this morning?

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

B: I was asleep10. A: I (21) … (lose) my key last night.B: How (22) … (you / get) into your room?A: (23) … (climb) in through a window.

17B. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Which was the longer action in each sentence?

1. They (1) … (clean) the windows when it (2) … (start) to rain.2. As he (3) … (drive) to work, he (4) … (remember) that his brief‑

case was still at home.3. Melanie (5) … (cook) dinner when her husband (6) … (come)

home.4. I (7) … (hear) a loud crash as I (8) … (sit) in the garden.5. She (9) … (type) a letter when her boss (10) … (arrive).6. While the dog (11) … (dig) in the garden, it (12) … (find) a bone.7. Mary (13) … (ride) her bicycle when she (14) … (notice) the tiny

kitten.8. While I (15) … (do) my homework, the phone (16) … (ring).

18B. A policeman is asking Mrs. Hutchinson about a car accident she happened to see yesterday. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Sim-ple or Past Continuous.

Policeman: What (1) … (you / do) when you (2) … (see) the ac‑cident, madam?

Mrs. Hutchinson: I (3) … (walk) down the street.Policeman: What exactly (4) … (you / see)?Mrs. Hutchinson: Well, the driver of the car (5) … (drive) down

the road when suddenly theold man just (6) … (step) in front of him! It (7) … (be) terrible!Policeman: (8) … (the driver / speed)?Mrs. Hutchininson: No, not really, but the old man (9) …

(not / look) both ways before he(10) … (try) to cross the road.Policeman: (11) … (anyone else / see) the accident?

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Mrs. Hutchinson: Yes, the lady in the post office.Policeman: Thank you very much.

19B. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.A. As soon as Margaret (1) … (get) off the train, she (2) … (pull)

her coat around her. Rain (3) … (fall) heavily and a cold wind (4) … (blow) across the platform. She (5) … (look) around, but no one (6) … (wait) to meet her. She (7) … (turn) to leave when she (8) … (hear) footsteps. A man (9) … (walk) towards her. He (10) … (smile) at her, then he (11) … (say), ‘You’re finally here.’

В. George (1) … (pick) up his bag then, (2) … (throw) it over his shoulder. It (3) … (get) dark and he (4) … (have) a long way to go. He wished that he had let someone know that he was coming. It (5) … (start) to rain and he was feeling cold and tired from the long journey. Suddenly, he (6) … (hear) a noise, then he (7) … (see) two bright lights on the road ahead. A car (8) … (head) towards him. It slowed down and finally (9) … (stop) beside him. A man (10) … (sit) at the wheel. He (11) … (open) the door quickly and (12) … (say) ‘Get in, George.’

С. Andy (1) … (step) into the house and (2) … (close) the door behind him. Everything (3) … (be) quiet. His heart (4) … (beat) fast and his hands (5) … (shake) as he crept silently into the empty house, but he was trying not to panic. He soon (6) … (find) what he (7) … (look) for. He smiled with relief as he put on the clothes. The men who (8) … (follow) him would never recognise him now.

20B. Choose the correct alternative.It is sometimes said that there is nothing new in the world of

fashion. Annabetle was a well‑known model during the seventies. When her children were in their early teens, they (1) were enjoy‑ing / used to enjoy looking at her old photo albums. They (2) were finding / found it hard to believe that she (3) was wearing / used to wear such strange clothes. (4) Did people really use to think / Were people really thinking flared trousers looked good? And those ugly

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

platform shoes! Annabelle (5) was admitting / admitted that people (6) were often falling / often used to fall over because their heels were so high. When her children grew up, however, Annabelle noticed to her amusement that seventies styles (7) were / used to be in fashion again. ‘I (8) planned / was planning to throw all my old clothes away,’ she said, ‘but my daughter went to a party last week, and guess what she (9) used to wear / was wearing — that’s right, some of my old clothes!’

21B. David is always having accidents. His girlfriend Melanie is talking about some of the accidents. Write her sentences from these notes. Each sentence has one verb in Past Continuous and one in Past Simple.

1. When / he / carry / a suitcase / he / drop / it / on his foot 2. he / break / his leg / when / he / ski 3. he / sit down / on a chair / while / I / paint / it 4. as / he / run / for a bus / he / collide / with a lamppost 5. his hair / catch / fire / when / he / cook / chips 6. when / he / hold / a beautiful / vase / he / suddenly / drop / it 7. he / sit / in the garden / when / a wasp / sting / him / on the nose

22B. Put in the correct form of the verb.Rita: I hear the lights (1) … (go) out in your flats last night.Emma: Yes, (2) … (I / watch) a documentary on TV when sud‑

denly (3) … (we / lose) all the power. But (4) … (it / come) on again after about ten minutes.

Vicky: Rachel (5) … (come) down the stairs when the lights (6) … (go) out. She almost (7) … (fall) over.

Daniel: Matthew and I (8) … (play) table tennis at the time.Andrew: (9) … (I / work) on the computer. (10) … (I / lose) a

whole hour’s work. But this morning (11) … (I / get) up early and (12) … (do) it again.

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23B. Find the second part of each sentence. Put each verb into the correct form.1. Vicky (have) a beautiful dream A. when she (touch) the wire.2. When Andrew (see) the question B. when I (find) a £ 10 note in it.3. The train (wait) C. when the alarm clock (ring).4. I (read) a library book D. the crowd (rash) in.5. Sarah (have) an electric shock E. he (know) the answer immediately.6. When the doors (open), F. they (see) that the sun (shine).7. When the campers (wake), G. when we (arrive) at the station.

24B. Loma Bright is a long-distance walker. Look at this part of her diary describing a morning’s walk along the coast. Write the miss-ing words. Use one word only in each space.

It was a fine day (1) …I started out on the last part of my walk around the coast of Britain. The sun was (2) …, and a light wind (3) … blowing from the southwest. I was pleased that it (4) … raining. I knew by now that I (5) … like rain. In fact I (6) … it.

I (7) … along the cliff top and then down into the lovely little fish‑ing village of

Wellburn, past a cafe where people (8) … having morning coffee. Three miles past Wellburn I (9) … down for five minutes and (10) … a drink.

Now it (11) … getting warmer, so I (12) … off one of my sweaters. I (13)… stop for long because I (14) … to reach Seabury by lunch‑time. (15) …I finally got there, it (16) … just after half past twelve.

25B. Complete the sentences. Put in the correct form of each verb. Use Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. I (1) … (lie) in the bath when the phone (2) … (ring). It (3) … (stop) after a few rings.

2. It (4) … (be) cold when we (5) … (leave) the house that day, and a light snow (6) … (fall).

3. Your friend who (7) … (come) here the other day (8) … (seem) very nice. I (9) … (enjoy) meeting her.

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

4. When I (10) … (see) the man, he (11) … (stand) outside the bank. He (12) … (have) a black baseball cap on.

5. When I (13) … (open) the cupboard door, a pile of books (14) … (fall) out.

6. I (15) … (walk) along the street when I suddenly (16) … (feel) something hit me in the back. I (17) … (not / know) what it was.

7. We (18) … (go) to London yesterday, but on the way. We (19) … (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we (20) … (drive) back home straightaway.

8. Something very strange (21) … (happen) to me on my way home from work yesterday afternoon. I (22) … (drive) along the bypass at the time. Suddenly I (23) … (see) my mother in the seat beside me. But she died three years ago.

26B. Complete these sentences by putting the verbs into Past Sim-ple or Past Continuous.

1. Do you like this picture? My uncle (1) … (paint).2. We (2) … (have) lunch when we heard the news.3. He broke his arm when he (3) … (play) rugby.4. Kylie (4) … (make) her first film when she was 21.5. (5) … (you see) the football match yesterday?6. I (6) … (work) on the computer when the earthquake happened.7. Who was that man you (7) … (talk) to when I came in?8. She was so tired that she (8) … (sleep) for twelve hours.9. The fire (9) … (destroy) the old church completely.10. I (10) … (wait) in the queue when the robber came in.11. I (11) … (have) a bath when she phoned.12. They (12) … (knock) on the door, then they went in.13. Mark and Theresa (13) … (live) in Poland for many years.14. The police (14) … (ask) them lots of questions before they re‑

leased them.15. We (15) … (have) tea when they arrived.16. What … (you, do) when the alarm sounded?17. The factory (17) … (make) six thousand cars last year.

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18. She (18) … (not, say) anything to my parents.19. James (19) … (walk) through the forest when the storm started.

27B. Open the brackets and use either Past Simple or Past Con-tinuous.

1. We (1) … (walk) in silence when he suddenly (2) … (ask) me to help him.

2. I just (3) … (have) breakfast when the telephone (4) … (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (5) … (be) cold.

3. When I (6) … (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful wom‑an with red hair (7) … (enter). A dog (8) … (follow) her.

4. Ann (9) … (drop) two cups while she (10) … (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (11) … (break).

5. I (12) … (walk) along the street watching what (13) … (go on) around me. Fast cars (14) … (rush) in both directions and it (15) … (be) impossible to cross the street.

6. The old man who (16) … (sit) on the bench beside me (17) … (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (18) … (turn round) to me and (19) … (begin) to speak.

7. I (20) … (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (21) … (hear) the voices.

8. He well (22) … (remember) the day when he first (23) … (go) to school.

9. We (24) … (talk) about Jim when he (25) … (run) into the room.10. The day was marvelous: the sun (26) … (shine), the birds (27) …

(sing) so we (28) … (decide) to go for a walk.11. Miss Brown’s telephone (29) … (ring) when she (30) … (dress).12. I (31) … (light) my pipe and (32) … (nod) to him to show that I

(33) … (listen).13. When he (34) … (come) into the office the secretary (35) …

(do) a crosswords puzzle.14. Why you (36) … (not listen) to me while I (37) … (speak)?15. He (38) … (wait) for her, but she never (39) … (come).

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

28B. Choose the correct word or phrase1. I saw / was seeing Maria for the first time at Ray’s birthday party.2. Richard watched / was watching TV when the phone rang.3. When we were on holiday, we went / were going to the cafe al‑

most every day.4. Denise practised / was practising the song every day until she

could sing it perfectly.5. The phone was engaged when I called. Who did you talk / were

you talking to?6. Mr. Connors owned / was owning two houses and a villa in the

south of France.7. I did / was doing my homework as soon as I got home from

school.8. A car came round the corner and I jumped / was jumping out

of the way.9. When my dad met my mum, he worked / was working as a bus

driver.10. I got / was getting up at six o’clock every morning last week!11. My cousin and I played / were playing on the computer when

there was a power cut.12. No, that’s not right. I did pass / was passing the test. I got a B.

29B. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.1. Where (1) … (you / go) when I saw you on the bus last night?2. (2) … (you / enjoy) the film?3. When we shared a room, Zoe (3) … (always / take) my things. It

was so annoying!4. When I went to get the tickets, I realised I (4) … (not / have) any

money.5. When I was young, we (5) … (go) to France every year on holi‑

day.6. Elvis (6) … (become) famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.7. When you rang last night, I (7) … (work) in the garden so I

didn’t hear the phone.

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8. I (8) … (hear) from Davina last night. She says hello, 9. The old man (9) … (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat

down.10. We (10) … (throw) a surprise party for my brother last Saturday.

30B. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.A. The sun (1) … (shine) and the birds (2) … (sing) as Mike (3)

… (drive) down the country lane. He (4) … (smile) because he (5) … (look forward) to the journey ahead. Mike (6) … (enjoy) driving, especially when he (7) … (go) somewhere new. Then suddenly, the engine (8) … (begin) to make a strange noise and the car (9) … (stop) dead in the middle of the road. Mike (10) … (try) to start it, but noth‑ing (11) … (happen). He (12) … (sigh), then (13) … (get out) of the car. As he (14) … (push) the car to the side of the road. Mike (15) … (start) to wish he had stayed at home.

B. John (1) … (enter) his flat and (2) … (close) the door. He (3) … (hang up) his coat when he (4) … (hear) a strange noise. A tap (5) … (run) in the kitchen. He (6) … (walk) into the kitchen and (7) … (turn) it off. Then he (8) … (freeze). Someone (9) … (stand) behind him. He (10) … (take) a deep breath and (11) … (turn) around. His flatmate Steve (12) … (lean) in the doorway. ‘You (13) … (give) me a fright!’ John exclaimed. Steve (14) … (laugh) at him. John (15) … (start) to laugh, too. ‘I (16) … (think) you had gone to London today,’ he said. No.’ ‘ (17) … (reply) Steve. Unfortunately, I (18) … (miss) the train.’

31B. Complete using the correct Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in the box.

answer be continue get go have open practice put ring say shine sing wake

Amber’s Big Match One morning, Amber (1) … up early. The sun (2) … and the birds

(3) …Amber (4) … very excited because it was the day of the big ten‑nis match.

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

Amber (5) … downstairs and into the kitchen, where her father (6) … breakfast. ‘Morning, Amber. Today’s the day!’ he (7) …Amber smiled nervously. ‘Don’t worry!’ he (8) … ‘You’ll be fine.’

Amber (9) … some toast into the toaster and (10) … the fridge. Just as she (11) … the butter out, the phone (12) … .

Her father (13) … it. After a few minutes, he put the phone down. ‘Bad news, I’m afraid. The other player (14) … yesterday when she had an accident. The match is off.’

Amber ate her toast slowly. She was surprised she didn’t feel disappointed.

32B. Choose a verb from the list and complete the text using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

be drive shine stop look seem hear fly canfeel wonder go think get into talk

It (1) … 10 o’clock on a dark winter night. Mr. Trindle (2) … home alone on a small country road. The stars (3) … and it (4) … very quiet. Suddenly his car (5) … . Mr. Trindle (6) … under the bonnet but every‑thing (7) … to be normal. Then, as he (8) … at the engine, he (9) … a strange noise. A UFO (10) … above him! He (11) … (not) believe his eyes. A bright light (12) … on him and he (13) … very strange. He (14) … what to do when suddenly everything (15) quiet. Mr. Trindle (16) … he had imagined the UFO, but as he 17) … the car, the newsreader on the radio (18) … about a UFO that people had seen the previous night. ‘The previous night?’ Mr. Trindle (19) … at his watch. It (20) … 7 o’clock in the morning!

33C. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. My parents (1) … (get) to know each other when they (2) … (study) at university.

2. Doctor Fisher (3) … (travel) widely as a young man and (4) … (always keep) a diary.

3. I (5) … (see) my brother and his girlfriend when I (6) … (wait) for the bus, but they (7) … (not see) me.

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4. Lily (8) … (fill) in the application form and (9) … (give) it to the receptionist.

5. While I (10) … (work) in Rome, I (11) … (meet) a girl who (12) … (look) just like your sister.

6. Simon (13) … (finish) with his girlfriend because she (14) … (always cancel) dates at the last moment.

7. Anna’s feeling depressed because she (15) … (hope) for a pay rise last week, but she (16) … (not get) one.

34C. Complete the sentences using these pairs of verbs. Use Past Simple in one space and Past Continuous in the other.arrive / get go / get meet / work look / slip wait order ski / break

1. Just as I (1) … into the bath the fire alarm (2) … off.2. Helen (3) … her leg while she (4) … in Switzerland.3. We (5) … when I (6) … in a music shop.4. When his mother (7) … in the other direction Steve (8) … away quietly.5. I (9) … a drink while I (10) … for Pam to arrive.6. Our guests were early. They (11) … as I (12) … changed.

This time, use the same tense in both spaces.close / sit come / put not concentrate / think

shut / start take / place write / drive

7. She (13) … the door and (14) … down quickly.8. I (15) … the windows as soon as it (16) … to rain.9. I’m sorry, I (17) …I (18) … about Jim.10. It was an amazing coincidence. Just as I (19) … to Anne, she

(20) … to my house to come and see me.11. When the taxi (21) …I (22) … my suitcase on the back seat.12. He (23) … the cake out of the oven and (24) … it carefully on

the table.

35C. Complete the sentences with one of these verbs: be, enjoy, have, live. Use the same verb for each sentence in the pair. In one, you

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

can use only Past Simple; in the other you can use either Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. a) It was now getting late, and my eyes (1) … trouble focusing on the birds in the disappearing light. b) I (2) … trouble with that car the whole of the time I owned it.

2. a) As a historian, I’m interested in how people (3) … in the past. b) During that hard winter, people (4) … by selling what few remain‑ing possessions they had.

3. a) She (5) … very good at talking to children in a way that kept them entertained. b) Before the party, the children got very excited and (6)… naughty.

4. a) He (7) … learning Japanese until the class had a new teacher. b) Even when he was young, Jonathan (8) … learning languages.

36C. Correct the sentences if necessary or put a tick.1. Whenever I called in on Sam, he talked on the phone.2. When I lived in Paris, I was spending three hours a day travel‑

ling to and from work.3. Peterson was winning the tournament four times before he re‑

tired.4. We were having to play netball twice a week when I went to

school.5. The weather was so good last summer that we went to the beach

most weekends.

37C. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.Here he (1) … (be), Davey Stark, the big rock star. It (2) … (be) the

end of an exhausting two‑hour concert. The fans (3) … (scream) and (4) … (shout). They (5) … (want) Davey, their hero. His face (6) … (pour) with sweat, his hair (7) … (drip) and his heart (8) … (thump) violently. But he (9) … (love) these moments at the end of a concert. He always (10) … (feel) powerful and in control. He (11) … (decide) to do one more song for the crowd: one of his most popular. When he (12) … (start) singing, the crowd (13) … (go) wild. By the end of the

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song, they (14) … (all / dance) and (15) … (clap) their hands. When Davey (16) … (leave) the stage, he (17) … (be) exhausted but exhila‑rated. But when he (18) … (get back) to the dressing room, he (19) … (open) the door and (20) … (see) that two men (21) … (wait) for him. They (22) … (lock) the door behind Davey. He (23) … (shout) for his bodyguard Bernard, but no‑one (24) … (come). The two men (25) … (tie) his hands behind his back (26) … (blindfold) and (27) … (gag) him. Davey (28) … (can hear) Bernard in the next room. Bernard (29) … (talk) to someone and he (30) … (say) terrible things about Davey. He (31) … (say) that Davey (32) … (deserve) it. (33) … (De‑serve) what? What (34) … (he / mean)? What (35) … (go on)? Why (36) … (not someone tell) him what (37) … (happen)?

38C. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.1. It (1) … (happen) in June 1985. It (2) … (be) summer and we

(3) … (all / lie out) in the garden. My mother (4) … (read) and my un‑cle (5) … (just / doze) in the sun. We children (6) … (look for) worms and insects. And then he (7) … (arrive). He (8) … (be) a tall, hand‑some man with piercing blue eyes and he (9) … (look) straight at my mother. Her face (10) … (go) pale and her eyes (11) … (open) wide with shock. ‘Arthur, I (12) … (think) you (13) … (be) dead,’ she (14) … (say) in a kind of whisper.

2. A: I (15) … (phone) you at about 9 o’clock this morning but you (16) … (not answer). What (17) … (you / do)?

B: Well, I (18) … (hear) the phone but I (19) … (have) a shower and I (20) … (can not) get out in time to answer it. Anyway, what (21) … (you / want)?

A: Well, last night I (22) … (clear out) that old desk you (23) … (give) me when I (24) … (come across) a pile of old letters with a red ribbon round them. B: My letters?

A: Yes, they (25) … (be addressed) to you. And they (26) … (all / smell) of perfume, a man’s perfume.

3. Last night Jake (27) … (wake up) at about 3 a. m. As soon as he (28) … (wake up), he (29) … (listen out) for strange noises but he 30 (not hear) any. His father (31) … (snore) in the next room, some

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Past Tenses. Past Simple and Past Continuous

central heating pipes (32) … (make) a bit of a noise and a tap (33) … (drip) in the bathroom. It was all as usual. Jake (34) … (open) the window and (35) … (look) outside. The moon (36) … (be) full and it (37) … (shine) brightly. Jake (39) … (think) he (39) … (see) an owl in one of the trees. He (40) … (can certainly hear) one.

But then he (41) … (see) something different. A man — no, it (42) … (be) a woman. She (43) … (wear) white and she (44) … (hide) be‑hind a tree. Suddenly she (45) … (run) towards the house.

39C. Find the mistakes if any. Use the proper tense.1. When I came, he was having breakfast.2. When she worked there, she often made mistakes.3. When he was phoning, she had a bath.4. While I was ironing, he read a newspaper.5. I cooked supper when I heard this news.6. He was working in this company in 1997.7. I could not answer your call, I worked in the garden then.8. They wished to stay because they enjoyed themselves / 9. Were you quarreling all evening?10. The train was approaching the city when it was raining heavily.11. The secretary still typed when the boss came in and was put‑

ting some documents on the table.12. When he came up to the square, he saw a lot of people: they

sang, danced and shouted. They were celebrating New Year.13. Just as I was coming into the room, the students discussed the

first report.14. All the time I was writing, he was annoying me with silly ques‑

tions.15. The children played while the mother put the room in order.

40C. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form, Past Simple or Past Continuous, in each gap. You may have to use the passive form.

1. When the explosion happened, hundreds of people (1) … (pass) through the airport.

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2. When I heard the phone ring, I (2) … (stop) writing to answer it.3. Amy (3) … (read), so she didn’t see me walking past.4. I (4) … (have) piano lessons every week from the age of six on‑

wards.5. We decided to leave the beach because it (5) … (get) dark and

we wanted to get home while there was still some light.6. Jessica already (6) … (think) of leaving university before she

failed her first year exams?7. Since the hotel had a pool, you (7) … (swim) every day?8. The Industrial Revolution (8) … (attract) many people from the

country to the city.9. The Hubble Space Telescope (9) … (put) into orbit around the

Earth in 1990.10. Sorry I couldn’t come on Friday, but I (10) … (work) on my

project.11. By the time we (11) … (arrive), the party was almost over.12. The national park (12) … (create) to protect local wildlife.

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Past Tenses

Used to / Would

1A. Look at this table of people who have changed what they eat or drink.

name in the past nowAnn Pam meat tap water fish bottled waterTom Mary coffee tinned fruit tea fresh fruitRobert Susan white bread margarine brown bread butter

1. Robert white bread, but now brown bread.2. Pam tap water, but now bottled water.3. Mary fresh fruit now, but tinned fruit 4. Susan butter now, but margarine.

2A. Cross out all the sentences which are incorrect.1. I didn’t use to watch TV much, but I do now.2. When he was a teenager, my father used to buy all the Beatles’

records.3. Paul used to go the cinema almost every weekend.4. Did Pamela used to go to the concert last night?5. Paul used to be really fit when he played a lot of volleyball.6. John use to spend a lot of money on that new jacket he bought

last week.7. Kate didn’t use to come to school yesterday because she was sick.8. Jane used to play tennis a lot, but she doesn’t have time now.9. Did you use to go to the seaside for holidays when you were a

child?10. We used to live in Canada before we came here.

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3A. Complete the sentences to say what these people used to do and what they do now.

1. Dan / play / violin / now / guitar 2. Anna / be / best friends / Angela / now / Cathy 3. Susan / have / dancing lessons / now / riding lessons 4. I / buy cassettes / now / CDs 5. John and Jean / live / London / now / Cardiff 6. David / drive / Fiesta / now / Jaguar

4A. Rewrite each person’s comment using used to or didn’t use to.1. Sally — ‘I don’t walk to work any more.’ 2. Gordon — ‘I’ve got a dog now.’ 3. Lisa — ‘I don’t eat junk food any more.’ 4. Jane — ‘I go to the gym every night now.’ 5. Paul — ‘I’m not shy any more.’ 6. Edward — ‘I live in a big house now.’ 7. Helen — ‘I haven’t got long hair any more.’ 8. Frank — ‘I eat lots of vegetables.’

5A. Choose the correct answer.1. ‘I find it hard to get up early.’ — ‘You … to getting up early once

you start working.’ A. are used B. will get used C. were used

2. ‘Do you often exercise now?’ — ‘No, but I to exercise a lot when I was atschool’ A. used B. will get used C. am used

3. ‘Aren’t you bothered by all that noise?’ — ‘No, we … to noise. We live in the city centre.’ A. were used B. will get used C. are used

4. ‘Does your sister travel a lot?’ — ‘No, but she … to before she got married.’ A. didn’t use B. used C. wasn’t used

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

5. ‘I don’t like wearing a suit every day.’ — ‘Don’t worry, you to … it very soon.’ A. are used B. will get used C. were used

6. ‘Sandra … to using a computer, but now she enjoys it.’ — ‘It’s a lot easier for her now.’ A. isn’t used B. will get used C wasn’t used

7. ‘Do you remember the things we … to do when we were kids?’ ‘Of course I do. How could I forget what fun we had!’ A. used B. were used C. got used

8. ‘Do you like living in the city?’ — ‘Well, I … to it yet, but it’s okay.’ A. am not used B. wasn’t used C. am used

6A. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the correct form. Use each verb twice.

wash walk play work1. I used to… in a shop, but now I work in an office.2. I can’t concentrate. I’m not used to … in such a noisy office.3. Tom lived in the country for years. He used to … miles every

day.4. I’m exhausted. I’m not used to … such long distances.5. Mary used to … her clothes by hand, but now she uses a wash‑

ing machine.6. We haven’t got a washing machine, so we’re used to … our

clothes by hand.7. The children are bored with the bad weather. They’re used to

… outside.8. When we were younger, we used to … cowboys and Indians.

7A. Write these sentences, putting one verb into the correct form of used to and the other into Past Simple.

1. I (smoke), but I (give it up) last year.2. I (not like) him, but then I (change) my mind.3. He (live) in London before he (go) abroad.

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4. I (earn) a lot of money, but then I (lose) my job.5. I’m surprised that they (join) the tennis club. They (not like)

tennis.6. (you travel) a lot before you (get) this job?7. I (work) in a factory before I (become) a teacher.8. She (drive) a lot before she (have) the accident.9. That old radio (work) before I (drop) it.10. We (see) them every week, but then we (have) an argument.11. I (work) in a restaurant before I (go) to college.12. She (play) a lot of tennis before she (break) her leg.13. We (have) a garden, but then we (move) to a different house.14. She (live) in Wales, but then she (move) back to Scotland.15. I (drive) a lorry before I (start) this business.

8A. Make complete sentences with used to or didn’t use to.1. (I / have / long hair) … but now it’s short.2. (I / not like / olives) … but I do now.3. (you / play any sports) … at school?4. (we / be friends) … we’re not now.5. A: (they / live together) …?B: No, they didn’t.6. (Paul / work for me) … but now he’s my boss.7. (Zuza / not be interested in fashion) … but now she loves it.

9A. Use the prompts below to make sentences about Thomas.20 YEARS AGO NOWDo a lot of sportsHave a lot of hairBe quite slimNot have a girlfriendHave a bicycleNot have much money

Not do any sportNot have much hairBe overweightBe marriedHave a carGet a good salary

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would


A. Write Yes / No questions using used to and the prompts.1. watch / a lot of TV. (1)…?2. go abroad / for your holidays. (2) …?3. cook / for your parents. (3) …?4. help your mother / around the house. (4) …?5. do / a lot of exercise. (5) …?

B.A. Yes, I always washed the dishes B. No, I hated sport C. Yes, I went to Jamaica, India …D. No. My father used to make the dinner E. Yes, four hours every day

11A. Correct the sentences by adding or crossing out one word.1. Did you use work here?2. I used always to eat junk food.3. Didn’t she to be a singer?4. She didn’t to be smoke so much.5. Did use to get on well with your grandparents?6. We were used to have to work all the time.7. I didn’t use listen to the radio.8. We used then to have a house on the beach.

12A. Choose the correct form of used to or be used to.1. I’m used to / I used to live in London, but I moved.2. They’re used to / They used to cooking for themselves when

they get home from school.3. Do you remember how we used to / we’re used to listen to mu‑

sic all the time?4. Were you used to / Did you use to spend hours in front of the

mirror when you were young?5. I’m not used to / I didn’t use to eating this sort of food.

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6. This is used to / This used to be an industrial area.7. I’m used to / I used to earn more when I was a teenager than I

do now.8. The children didn’t use to / aren’t used to going to bed so late.9. I’m not used to / I didn’t use to driving on the left.10. I used to / I’m used to walk to work when I was younger.11. I didn’t use to / I wasn’t used to like classical music.12. I’m not used to / I didn’t use to getting up so early.13. I didn’t use to / I wasn’t used to having so much exercise.14. They used to / They were used to take the children to school

for us before their car broke down.15. We’re used to / We used to see each other every day.

13A. Read the information. Then complete the answers below.

1. What about cameras? Cameras …2. What about phones? Phones …3. How is transport different? People …4. Do people work in the same places as in the past? No, most

people …5. What about schools? Children …6. Do people live in the same places as in the past? No, most people …7. What about entertainment? People …

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

14A. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.1.Were people use to smoke inside cinemas in the 1950s?2. Films didn’t used to have sound but now they do.3. Did use to be cameras very expensive?4. Harrison Ford used to being a carpenter before he became a

film star.5. Glenda Jackson use to be a film actress but now she is a politician.6. Did Bruce Willis used to have a lot of hair?7. It wasn’t use to be expensive to go to the cinema but now it is.

15A. Choose the correct variant.THE POLITICIAN WHO USED TO BE A FILM STAR

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life is very different today. He (1) use / used to be an actor but now he is a politician. These days he lives in California but he (2) didn’t live / didn’t use to live there, he used to (3) live / living in Austria. He (4) had / use to have an Aus‑trian passport for many years but he (5) got / used to get an American passport in 1983 when he (6) became / used to become a US citizen.

When he was young he (7) wasn’t use to be / didn’t use to be inter‑ested in politics — his main interest was exercise and he (8) used to spend / I used spend hours in the gym every day, building his muscles. He was very successful and he (9) won / used to win the Mr. Universe competition five times.

16B. Complete the dialogue with used to or didn’t use to.Mrs. Barnes: Do you want a cup of tea, Jenny?Jenny: No thanks, mum. Have you got any coffee instead?Mrs. Barnes: But you (1) … like coffee. You (2) … drink tea.Jenny: Yes, but I like it now. Could you put some sugar in it?Mrs. Barnes: You (3) … take sugar. You (4) … say it would make

you put on weight.Do you want some cornflakes?Jenny: Haven’t you got any croissants? I (5) … like cornflakes

but I don’t now.

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17B. Mary has found a new job. How is her life different? Use used to or didn’t use to.BEFOREShe worked in a cafe.She stayed in England.She didn’t earn much money.She walked to work.She didn’t get up early

NOWShe works as an air‑hostess.She travels all the time.She earns a lot of money.She drives to work.She gets up early.

18B. Write sentences about Gordon using used to.1. live with parents / married 2. no children / a daughter 3. have a skateboard / a car 4. play the guitar / play golf 5. not wear glasses / were glasses

19B. Complete the sentences using the correct form of used to.1. I (1) … live in Spain when I was a child.2. That time (2) … (you) go to bed when you were five?3. I (3) … hate olives, but now I quite like them.4. What (4) … (you) like doing when you were a teenager?5. He (5) … (not) go out much, but now he’s never at home!6. (6) … (you) have short hair?7. We (7) … have a piano, but we sold it.

20B. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning. Use the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets.

1. This time last year he smoked three packets a day. Now he doesn’t smoke at all. (1) … (smoke)

2. At school I hated sport. Now I’m addicted to it. (2) … (hate) 3. He went to Italy every year when he was a child. (3) … (go) 4. She never goes skiing now. Did she go skiing a lot before? (4)

… (go skiing)

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

5. He didn’t like computers. Now he’s always on the Net. (5) … (not like)

6. She doesn’t bite her nails now. Did she bite them as a child? (6) … (bite)

7. I walked our dog every afternoon when I was younger. (7) … (walk)

21B. Write 5 sentences to describe ‘naughty’ or ‘funny’ things you used to do when you were younger.

22B. Complete using the correct form of used to. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. When I was younger, I … eat pizza almost every day!2. … there … be a supermarket on the corner?3. Bradley is a teacher, but he … want to be a train driver.4. I … like eating cabbage, but now I love it!5. Rick … have blond hair when he was a little boy?6. I know Lily … cook much, but now I think she makes dinner every day.

23B. Complete the sentences with use (d) to + a suitable verb.1. Nicola doesn’t travel much now. She … a lot, but she prefers to

stay at home these days.2. Sophie … a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought car.3. We moved to Spain a few years ago. We … in Paris.4. I rarely eat ice‑cream now, but I … it when I was a child.5. Jackie … my best friend, but we aren’t good friends any more.6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the

new road is open. It … more than an hour.7. There … a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.8. When you lived in New York, … to the theatre very often?

24B. Write sentences about yourself. Begin I used to … (I used to be / work / like / play / read etc.).

1. I used to …2. I used to …3. I used to …

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4. I used to …5. I used to …

Now begin with I didn’t use to…6. I didn’t use to …7. I didn’t …

25B. Fill in: used to or would.I (1)… live in a small house in the country when I was a little girl.

I (2) … get up every day at 7 o’clock and get ready for school. My mother (3) … get our breakfast ready and then she (4) … walk to the bus stop with us and wait for the school bus to pick us up. The bus (5) … be on time. We stayed at school until 3.00 pm and then we (6) … catch the bus home again. In the afternoon we (7) … walk home alone because Mother didn’t pick us up. She (8) … work in an office, but she stopped working last year and now she stays at home.

26B. Fill in: was going to, would or used to.Last week I (1) … visit an old house where we (2) … play as chil‑

dren, but I didn’t have the time. We (3) … go there every weekend and play cowboys and Indians. We (4) … love it! My friend (5) … buy it and turn it into a hotel or so he (6) … say, but of course he didn’t.

27B. Choose the correct answer.1. When you rang, I … my bike.

A. cleaned С. used to cleanВ. was cleaning D. clean

2. At my last basketball club, we … every Saturday for three hours.A. were training С. trainВ. training D. used to train

3. I really … the meal we had at your house last Tuesday.A. was liking С. likeВ. liked D. am liking

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

4. We … to the beach every day when we were on holiday.A. went С. goВ. were going D. used to going

5. I broke my leg when Tony and I … for the school sports day.A. practiced С. werepractisingВ. used to practise D. are practising

6. Leon never … about it, but he was once a world champion skier.A. talks С. was talkingВ. is talking D. talk

7. I … like golf, but now I really like it.A. don’t use to С. didn’t used toВ. don’t used to D. didn’t use to

8. Denise … at the stadium until she finds a better job.A. works С. used to workВ. is working D. was working

13B. Choose the correct answer.1. ‘Sharon looks different now, doesn’t she?’ — ‘Yes. She … to

have long dark hair, didn’t she?’ A. is used B. used C. would

2. ‘I have never driven an automatic car before.’ — ‘You will soon … to it.’ A. get used B. be used C. used

3. ‘How is Sarah?’ — ‘She’s fine. She … to life in the countryside.’ A. got used B. used C. is getting used

4. ‘Have you always worked as a nurse?’ — ‘No. I … a childminder.’ A. was used to being B. used to be C. am used to being

5. ‘Do you remember when we were little?’ — ‘Yes. Dad always read us a bedtime story.’ A. was used to B. would C. got used to

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6. ‘Aren’t you tired?’ — ‘No. I … to walking long distances.’ A. am used B. got used C. used

7. ‘Jane had trouble with her job at first.’ — ‘Yes. She to working on her own.’ A. used B. got used C. wasn’t used

8. ‘Did you find your degree course difficult?’ — ‘Yes. but I soon … to it.’ A. used B. got used C. was used

9. ‘Do you remember Uncle Danny?’ — ‘Yes. He always bring us presents.’ A. would B. was used C. used

10. ‘Have you ever lived in a flat before?’ — ‘No. but I will … to it.’ A. be used B. get used C. used

11. ‘Why are you so tired?’ — ‘Because I … to getting up early in the morning.’ A. am used B. used C. am not used

12. ‘Do you know that man?’ — ‘Yes. He … to work for me.’ A. was used B. used C. is used

29B. Put the verbs into Past Continuous, Past Simple, was / were going to or used to form.

Policeman: What 1) … (you / do) at 9 o’clock last night?Witness: I (2) … (watch) TV while my wife (3) … (make) dinner.

We (4) … (have) dinner at a restaurant but we (5) … (not / have) enough money. We (6) … (go) out a lot but we can’t afford to now.

Policeman: What (7) … (happen) then?Witness: I (8) … (think) I (9) … (hear) a gunshot from outside. I

(10) … (go) outside but I (11) … (not / see) anything unusual. Then I (12) … (realise) what the noise was. Our neighbours (13) … (have) a party and they (14) (set off) fireworks in their garden. It (15) … (not / be) a gunshot after all, officer.

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

30C. Fill in: used to, be used to, would or was going to.Although my friend Tom has lived in the city for three years he

still (1) … it. He (2) … live in the country so he (3) … living in a more peaceful environment. His first few daysin the city were so unpleas‑ant that he 4) … move straight Pack home, but he found a job and decided to stay. That’s when I met him. He (5) … come into my of‑fice with thecoffee every morning and he (6) … often stop and talk for awhile about what his life

(7) … be like m the country His family (8) … have their own veg‑etable gardenand his mother (9) … prepare wonderful meals. In au‑tumn they (10) … go for a long walks and they (11) … collect wild mushrooms and fruit. Tom made it sound so wonderful that, at one point last year. I (12) … quit my job and leave townforever. But I didn’t. I (13) … too … the noise and excitement of the city to ever feel at home in the country.

31C. Underline the correct form of the verbs.MAKING CHANGES

Ada Atkins, 93, explains why she has come to live in townYears ago, nobody in my village (1) would lock / was locking their

front doors. We (2) used to feel / would feel safe in those days. Last month, I (3) met / was meeting my neighbour in the street when I (4) was walking / would walk home from the shops and she (5) told / was telling me some bad news. Thieves (6) were breaking / used to break into people’s houses while they (7) were sitting / would sit in their back gardens. I (8) realised / was realizing that I (9) wasn’t wanting / didn’t want to live there anymore. So last week I (10) was moving / moved to this little flat. I (11) am not used / didn’t use to being in die town yet, but people are more friendly than I (12) was thinking / thought they might be, and I feel much happier and safer.

32C. Fill in the gaps with a suitable form of be / get used to.1. Rita’s very tired this morning. She … (not) going to bed late.2. Don’t worry about the children, they … going to school by bus.

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3. My new boss … giving orders, not receiving them.4. She … (not) drinking wine and it made her ill.5. … (you) our climate or do you miss the sunshine?6. I had never stayed in such an expensive hotel before, but I soon

… it.

33C. Complete these sentences using your own ideas.1. When our neighbours went to Italy, they …2. I was hoping to finish my homework by eight o’clock last night, but …3. The film star shouted at the director, then she …4. As a small child, I would sometimes …5. We were coming out of the cafe when …6. A hundred years ago people … but now they go by car.7. While you were lying on a beach, I …8. When my father was young, he was always …

34C. Circle the correct word or phrase.1. When she was a girl, my mum would / used to live in a village.2. I really can’t be / get used to having a new baby brother.3. People would / are used to die of diseases in the past that we can

cure today.4. There would / used to be a cinema on this corner, but they

knocked it down.5. It was strange at first, but I’m used to play / playing the bagpipes

now.6. Didn’t you use to / be used to have blonde hair?7. Christopher was being / getting used to the idea of joining the army.8. People never would / used to be so worried about crime in this area.

35C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. People walked more fifty years ago than they do now. (would) Fifty years ago … than they do now.

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

2. My parents wouldn’t let me stay out late when I was young. (used)

My parents … let me stay out late when I was young.3. Did you know that Carol played basketball for her country? (to) Did you know that Carol … basketball for her country?4. Sending messages around the world instantly is no longer un‑

usual. (got) We … messages around the world instantly.5. When he was a teacher, my dad often used to get home quite

late. (would) When he was a teacher, my dad … quite late.6. Do you think you could learn to live without your mobile

phone? (used) Do you think you could … without your mobile phone?7. In the past, people wouldn’t go as far away on holiday as they

do today. (use) In the past, people … as far away on holiday as they do today.8. This town has a lot more cinemas than it had in the past. (used) This town … so many cinemas

36C. Find the extra word in each line.CHILDHOOD

(1) Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is to‑day Young

(2) people didn’t use not to have so much leisure time. Today’s children may

(3) complain about their schoolwork, but our great‑grandpa rents would to go

(4) out to work at a very young age. They had often been left school by

(5) the time they were fourteen and were found a job. This meant that they

(6) have had little free time for hobbies or leisure activities, espe‑cially when

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(7) they had been working hard all day. Of course, they got them‑selves used

(8) to working long hours eventually, but it would meant that they had to

(9) grow up very quickly. Today, we are got used to having some free time to

(10) do things we enjoy, a luxury people in the past rarely were had.

37C. Complete the sentences with would or used to. Where either form is possible, write them both. Where there is a word in brackets, put it in the correct position.

1. I… lots of free time before I started working here.2. In the long summer holidays, we … go out somewhere with a

picnic every day.3. When I was a newly‑trained teacher, I … work till late every

night preparing lessons.4. They … be happy together but they’re not now.5. When they came to London, they … (never) travel anywhere on

the tube.6. When I had a car, I … drive everywhere, but now I’m much fit‑

ter because I always walk or cycle.7. During my last year at university, I … go to the library to start

work at 9 o’clock every morning.8. When we shared a flat together, we … (often) stay up talking

late into the night.9. When Amy was a baby, people … (often) come up to me and tell

me how beautiful she was.10. He … be very overweight but he’s much slimmer now.11. When I was at school, I … (never) do my weekend homework

until Sunday evening.12. I … work in the same department as your sister.13. When I was a teenager, I … (often) spend the whole evening

just listening to music.

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

14. She … have a lot of boyfriends when she was younger.15. He … go for a run every day.

38C. Fill in the gaps with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. In which gaps could you use used to?

I (1) … (have) a wonderful biology teacher, Mrs. Hughes. She (2) … (make) us excited about the subject because she was so interested herself. I remember one lesson in particular; we (3) … (study) differ‑ent types of plants, and Mrs. Hughes (4) … (describe) the different parts of the flower. She (5) … (pick up) a purple flower, I can’t re‑member exactly what it was, and then suddenly we (6) … (notice) that she (7) … (cry)! She (8) … (apobgise) and (9) … (say) that sometimes nature was so beautiful it just made her cry! We (10) … (not / know) hat to do at first, but it certainly (11) … (make) us think. Something similar (12) … (happen) while she (13) … (show) us how to work the microscope. She (14) … (examine) a slide of some plant tissue and she (15) … (smile) all over her face. She suddenly (16) … (get) all excited and (17) … (say), ‘Isn’t it wonderful?’ Some students (18) … (laugh) at her when she (19) … (not / look) but I didn’t. Somehow her enthusiasm (20) … (inspire) me, and I (21) … (start) to like biology.

39C. A teacher and student are talking about local customs. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use would or used to where possible.

Teacher: What sort of things (1) … (you / do) as a child?Yoko: Oh, when I was a child growing up in Japan there were

many customs that we (2) … (follow). For example, I remember we (3) … (move) house when I was seven and we (4) … (visit) our new neighbours with gifts. At that time the tradition was that people (5) … (give) gifts of Japanese noodles, but it is different now and people tend to give things like soap or towels or nothing at all.

Teacher: (6) … (have) one tradition that you particularly remember?Yoko: Yes, one tradition that I (7) … (really / like) was in the spring

when the cherry blossoms were out. As a family we (8) … (go) into

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the countryside and we (9) … (spend) the day eating, drinking and singing. One year my father (10) … (take) a lovely photo of me and my sisters and I still keep that picture on my wall today.

Teacher: And (11) … (you / have to) do anything you didn’t like?Yoko: Yes. I remember how we (12) … (have to) clean the house

thoroughly. This ceremony is called Osoji and my sisters and I (13) … (not / look forward to) it very much!

40C. Read the test task and a student’s response. Tick the under-lined verbs if they are right, and correct them if they are wrong.

Describe an unforgettable trip you once made. You should say: where you went why you went there what happened and explain why you remember it so well.

I remember a trip I once (1) … made to my grandmother’s house. She (2) … would live about 30 kilometres away from us and we (3) … used to going there quite often with our mother. On this occasion we (4) … set off to my grandmother’s after school on a cold winter’s day. When we were about to leave we (5) … were noticing that some snow was beginning to fall, and as we (6) … were driving along we (7) … were realizing that it (8) … snowed more and more heavily. Suddenly we had to brake hard as the car in front stopped suddenly. We (9) … were skidding and (10) … went off the road into a ditch! It was pretty scary, but we were lucky and none of us were hurt. We got out of the car, and my mother (11) … was phoning for help on her mobile phone. While we (12) … were waiting for help it (13) … was stopping snowing and we (14) … sang lots of songs to keep ourselves cheerful. Eventually the truck (15) … was coming and pulled our car out of the ditch. The car wasn’t badly damaged, but we (16) … decided to turn round and go home. We didn’t manage to see our grandmother that day, but it was so frightening that I will never forget it.

41C. Find eight mistakes with past forms and correct them. Tick () the correct sentences.

1. Lady Jane Grey used to be Queen of England for only nine days in 1553.

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Past Tenses. Used to / Would

2. What were the children doing while their mother was visiting her sister in the hospital?

3. The huge liners doing the journey from Europe to the United States would be extremely comfortable for the first class passengers but those travelling in steerage suffered appalling conditions.

4. The victim was talking on her mobile phone while her attacker struck from behind.

5. Mary didn’t join us yesterday evening because she expected a phone call from her son in Australia.

6. Before printing and literacy became widespread, people would get news from the town crier, who would shout out anything news‑worthy for the whole town to hear.

7. I’m sure that children didn’t use to being so undisciplined when we were at school!

8. The fox cubs were coming into our garden several times during the spring to try to get our chickens.

9. Gerald wasn’t used to having such dark hair — do you think he’s coloured it?

10. Sorry I’m late. I was expecting to catch the early train but I got held up in traffic on the way to the station.

11. Would your mother work when you were a child or did she stay at home?

12. I found it really difficult when I got the job on the early news programme as I really wasn’t used to getting up at five o’clock in the morning!

42C. In each sentence decide whether one, or both, of the alterna-tive verb forms given are appropriate. Write O for one or B for both.

1. In those days, I always used to get up / got up early in the morn‑ing.

2. When I got to the cinema Jack had been waiting / was waiting for me.

3. We would always have / were always having breakfast in bed on Sundays.

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4. Mary was always falling / always fell ill before important exami‑nations.

5. My sister used to own / would own a motorcycle and sidecar.6. Pay no attention to Dave’s remarks. He wasn’t meaning / didn’t

mean it.7. I felt awful after lunch. I ate / had eaten too much.8. Brenda left / had left before I had time to talk to her.9. The explanation was simple. In 1781 HMS Sovereign, on her

way back from India, had sighted / sighted an empty boat drifting off the African coast.

10. Pauline has changed a lot. She didn’t always use to look / wasn’t always looking like that.

43C. Complete the text by writing one word in each space.When I was a young man I spent a year in France, studying French

at the University of Grenoble. Every Friday I (1) … eat at the Alps cafe. I didn’t (2) … to spend much money, as I (3) … not afford it, but it was a little tradition of mine to eat there. Anyway, I’m going to tell you a true story which happened on one occasion when I (4) … eating there. I remember I was having a pasta dish at (5) … time. A beautiful girl came up to me and said, ‘I was (6) … if you wanted to walk with me in the park?’ I had never seen her (7) …, so I was rather taken aback. I was (8) … to go with her when I noticed a tough‑look‑ing man was watching our every movement. (9) … my discomfort, the girl whispered to me, in English, ‘Park — five minutes!’, and then disappeared. Well, my bill (10) … ages to arrive, and by the time I (11) … to the park, there was no sign of the girl. I asked an old lady (12) … was sitting there if she (13) seen a young girl waiting around. I described the girl to her. The old lady said that the girl (14) … had to rush to the railway station, and that I (15) … to follow her there ur‑gently. She had also left me a note. It said, ‘I will explain everything. Meet me on platform 6.’

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Past Continuous 3

Was / were +ing

1A. Write the -ing form of the following verbs.Be ‑… .; Run‑… .; Dig‑… .; Have‑… .; Stop‑… .; Swim‑… ..; Take‑

… .; Become‑… .; Buy‑……; Cut‑… .; Do‑… .; Sing‑… .; Help‑… .; Break‑… .; Say‑… .; Type‑… .; Learn‑… .; Wear‑… .; Come‑… .; Die‑… .

2A. Choose was or were.1. Yesterday in the evening we … (was / were) playing Football.2. We … (was / were) not discussing the store at our lesson.3. What … (was / were) you doing yesterday from 3 till 5.4. … (Was / were) you having English yesterday.5. He … (was / were) watching TV 3 day ago at that time.6. We … (was / were) walking in the Park yesterday.7. Yesterday in the evening I … (was / were) watching film.

3A. Choose the correct form of the verb.1. We … were having / have breakfast yesterday at 8 a. m.2. I … was telling / told a funny story to my niece when her parents

came.3. Your brother … was working / worked in the garage the whole

Sunday.4. Were you … playing / played football or soccer?5. I … translate / was translating articles from English into Russian

the whole day yesterday.

3 Materials refer to [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41] in Refer‑ences.

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6. We … weren’t skating / skated the whole Saturday last week.7. He … was passing / passed his exam two days ago from 9 till

12 a. m.

4A. Make negative sentences.1. I… (was / were) feeling bad myself four days ago.2. … (Was / were) you going to the theater yesterday at six o’clock?3. Three days ago we … (was / were) having English.4. Yesterday I … (was / were) going to University at 8.30.5. What … (was / were) he doing yesterday from 6 till 9?6. Seven days ago I … (was / were) reading a scientific literature in

the library at that time.7. A year ago I … (was / were) preparing for Japan exam at this period.

5A. Make questions to the following sentences using Past Continuous.1. You (to drink) tea at seven o’clock.2. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday.3. He (to work) in the garden from two till five on Sunday.4. We (to watch) television the whole evening.5. You (to play) volleyball at six o’clock on Monday.6. He (to draw) from three till four o’clock a couple of days ago.7. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time yesterday.

6A. Connect the parts of the proposal of the right and left columns of the table.

1. What were you doing at 2 o’clock? a) in the library from three till five.

2. I was working b) I was living in Brazil.3. He was writing c) we were looking through the

periodicals.4. When Tom arrived d) a composition the whole morning.5. This time last year e) we were having dinner.

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Past Continuous . Was / were +ing

7A. Choose the correct answer.1. All that summer I … Spanish.

A. were learning B. learnt C. was learning2. When we finally entered she … the guitar.

A. was playing B. playing C. play3. While I was … they were … with each other.

A. danced / flirted B. dancing / flirting C. not danced / flirting4. What was she … from 9 to 10 am? Was she working?

A. done B. doing C. did5. At 8 o’clock yesterday our team … soccer (football) on the field.

A. was playing B. is playing C. played

8A. Open the brackets paying attention to Past Continuous.1. I … (repair) the computer yesterday in the morning.2. I … (play) computer games at five o’clock yesterday.3. He … (look) through new photos from two till three yesterday.4. We … (discuss) plans for summer the whole evening yesterday.5. What Nick … (do) when you came to his place?6. What you … (do) when I rang you up?7. I … (not / sleep) at nine o’clock yesterday.

9A. Choose the right verb.1. ‘What… was / has he telling you about it yesterday in the after‑

noon?’ — ‘Nothing of interest.’ 2. I … didn’t / wasn’t see a light in the window when I was …

go / going past their house.3. ‘Yesterday in the evening you weren’t with us. What..were / did

you doing?’ — ‘I … been / was meeting my college.’ 4. ‘Why … were / did you … do / doing homeworkyesterday in the

afternoon?’ — ‘It will be a grammar test soon.’ 5. ‘Was it … happened / happening yesterday in the evening or

yesterday at night?’ — ‘I’m not sure, but I think it … be / was at night.’

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6. ‘Was / Has / Did she … preparing / prepared / prepare for exam in the afternoon two days ago?’ ‘I think she was.’

7. ‘Who … was / has / did fixing / fix your car yesterday in the after‑noon?’ — ‘It was my uncle.’

10A. Choose the correct variant.1. When I arrived, Tom … (lie) on the sofa and … (speak) over the

phone.A. lied, spoke B. was lying, speaking C. was lying, was speaking

2. The police caught Dan when he… (rob) a shop.A. has robbed B. was robbing C. robbed

3. He couldn’t speak because he… (die) of laugh.A. had died B. were dying C. was dying

4. ‘What you (do) between one and two? I phoned you several times.’ — ‘I … (play) the piano and heard nothing’.A. were you do‑ing, was playing

B. will you do, ‘ll play

C. was you doing, was playing

5. When I got up that morning, the sun… (shine) brightly and the birds… (sing).A. were shining, was singing

B. will be shining, will be singing

C. was shining, were singing

6. When you rang me yesterday, I (have) a bath.A. had had B. was having C. had

7. Somebody stole the money from Dad’s pocket while he (sleep).A. slept B. was sleeping C. has been sleeping

11A. Ask questions to the sentences, using the words and phrases in brackets.

1. When I went into the yard, the boys were playing (football).2. When we were playing, Bob was shouting (loudly).3. I met Victor in the street. He was running quickly (street).4. The weather was fine; the sun was shining in the sky (brightly).5. Nick was looking after his little sister in the (garden).

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Past Continuous . Was / were +ing

6. His sister was helping him to pack his things when I came (care‑fully).

7. They were cooking dinner at that time (with grandma).

12A. Make sentences using correct word order.1. dancing / the whole evening / They / yesterday / were.2. was / the / Why / crying / child?3. were / exam / We / yesterday / in the morning / not / having.4. What / on Tuesday / you / at that time / doing / were?5. I / a new magazine / the reading / the whole evening / was.

13A. Open the brackets choosing Past Simple or Past Continuous.1. When we (walk) in the park yesterday, we (meet) our friends.2. When I (read) a book 6 days ago in the evening, somebody

(knock) at the door.3. Yesterday when we (go) to the cinema we (eat) ice‑creams.4. Yesterday I (not / spend) time at the university library as I (pre‑

pare) for the tests at home.5. What were you (do) 3 day ago from 2 till 4?6. We were not (discuss) the store yesterday, we (discuss) the story

2 day ago.7. Were you (watch) TV yesterday at that moment?

14A. Open the brackets using Past Tenses.1. This morning was really beautiful. The sun (shine), the birds

(sing) and everyone in the street (smile) and (say) hello to each other.2. Ms. Patrick looked beautiful last night. She (wear) a lovely eve‑

ning dress.3. When we arrived, she (make) some coffee.4. While I (have) a bath the telephone rang.5. While we (walk) in the park it began to rain.6. The wind (blow) and the rain (beat) down. John (stand) at the

bus stop shivering. Finally he saw the lights of the bus which (ap‑proach) from the distance.

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7. At 3 o’clock yesterday a geometry lesson (go) on. The teacher (draw) diagrams on the blackboard but I (look) through the win‑dow and heard nothing. I (think) about the coming of a New Year’s party.

15A. Open the brackets.1. It … (happen) yesterday from five to seven o’clock.

A. happened B. was happening C. has happened 2. ‘Did you see that film the day before yesterday?’ — ‘No, but I

… (see) it yesterday at night’.A. was seeing B. saw C. have you seen

3. Yesterday almost all night from 1 to 5 a. m. he … (play) ‘Clash of Clans’.A. was playing B. played C. playing

4. They … . (help / not) us last Saturday in the evening, because they were busy.A. weren’t helping B. haven’t helped C. didn’t help

5. ‘Where … (they / go) day before yesterday in the morning?’ – ‘I have no idea’.A. did they go B. were they going C. was they went

6. Three days ago from dusk till dawn he… (prepare) to exam, but he failed it.A. has prepared B. was preparing C. preparing

7. … (you / think) about it yesterday in the evening? — Yes, but new ideas didn’t visit me.A. did you think B. were you thinking C. have you think

16B. Form the -ing form of the verb:Run‑…; Study‑….; Swim‑…; Listen‑…; Write‑…; Ski‑…; Bring‑…;

Sit‑…; Do‑… ; Draw‑…; Ask‑…; Lie‑…; Say‑…; Dig‑…;

17B. Choose the right form of the verb.1. Who … was / has telling you about it yesterday in the morn‑

ing? — It was my uncle.

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Past Continuous . Was / were +ing

2. I … didn’t / wasn’t see a light in the office when I was … go / going past.

3. ‘Yesterday in the evening you … didn’t / were’t nottaking part in dis‑cussion with us. What … were / did you doing?’ — ‘I … been / was busy’.

4. ‘Why … were / did you writing something yesterday at night?’ — ‘I … was / did preparing for a grammar test’.

5. ‘Was it … happened / happening yesterday in the evening or yesterday at night?’ — ‘I’m not sure, but I think it … be / wasat night’.

6. ‘…Was / Has / Did she … preparing / prepared / prepare for exam in the afternoon two days ago?’ — ‘I think she was’.

7. ‘Who was / has / did looking / looked after the baby yesterday in the evening’. — ‘My mum was / is’.

18B. Make the sentences by using all words.1. in the evening / He / was / it / making / yesterday.2. She / was / writing / in the afternoon / this task / yesterday?3. doing / yesterday / from 5 till 7 o’clock / We / weren’t / it.4. was / wasn’t / He / with / taking part / be‑

cause / in / this / he / project / ill.5. a wonderful / rainbow / while / we / walking / were / we / see / in

the sky.6. wasn’t / yesterday / This / classes / group / having / in the morning.7. day / you / in / the / working / Were / library / the whole?

19B. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb. Use Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. They (write) an English exercise now.2. My friends and I (go) to the cinema yesterday.3. We (go) to the cinema yesterday at 4 o’clock.4. ‘What they (do) at the moment?’ — ‘They (work) in the library’.5. ‘What they (do) yesterday in the evening?’ — ‘They (watch) TV’.6. We (discuss) this problem from 2 till 5 two days ago.7. ‘You (see) them yesterday?’ — ‘Yes, I (see) them. They (go) to

the park’.

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20B. Open brackets using the correct form of the verb: Past Simple or Past Continuous?

1.When we … (come) home our baby … (sleep).2. The cat … (sit) on the table when I … (open) the door.3. What you … (do) on Monday at 6 o’clock? — Firstly we checked

our e‑mail and then we … (read) e‑books.4. We … (meet) her at a bus stop. She … (wait) for the bus.5. While I … (copy) the exercise, my friends … (describe) a pic‑

ture.6. When we … (come) in the children … (clean) their desks.7. The girls … (feed) the birds in the garden while the boys …

(make) a bird‑house.

21B. Write the sentences using the idea of previous sentence.1. When someone broke the window dad… .2. When mum heard the crash she … .3. The cousins didn’t hear the noise because they… .4. The dogs … when the noise woke them up.5. At 7 o’clock Nick …

22B. Rewrite the verbs in Past Tenses.1. On Monday we have six lessons.2. The first lesson is Economics.3. At that lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises.4. Nick goes to the blackboard.5. He answers some questions.6. Other students write the translation of the text.

23B. Write suitable verbs in Past Continuous.play swim feed sleep laugh go

1. Yesterday we (1) … to the zoo saw there a lot of animals. First we went to see the white bears. They (2)… Then we went to the cage with monkeys. There were a lot of children in front of the cage. They

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Past Continuous . Was / were +ing

(3) … because a monkey in the cage (4)… After that we went to see the elephant. There was a man there. He (5)… the elephant. Then we (6) … see a few lions. They (7) … .

24B. Underline the verbs in Past Continuous and answer the ques-tion: Who broke the window?

At 7 o’clock the match started on TV, so dad was still watching it at 7.30. Mum was sitting in the kitchen. She was quietly reading a woman’s magazine. Rosie was trying on her mum’s clothes in her room. Nick’s cousins were listening to rock music. It was very loud so they didn’t hear the crash. At 7.30 the dogs were lying in front of the fire and they were sleeping. Nick went to the garden with his friend to play football. So at 7.30 he was still there.

25B. Underline the correct form of the verb.1. Yesterday he washes / was washing / washed his face at a quarter

past 7.2. I work / was working / worked at school three years ago.3. We studied / were studying / study at university in 2014.4. My friend translates / was translating / translated the article the

whole day.5. I live / was living / lived in Great Britain several years ago.6. Where were you going / did you go / went yesterday when we

met you?7. We moved / were moving / move to a new flat from 11 till 3 o’clock.

26B. Open the brackets using the verbs in one of the following tens-es: Past Simple, Past Continuous; Present Perfect, Present Continu-ous.

1. ‘You (skate) last Sunday?’ — ‘Yes, we (skate) the whole day’.2. At 2 o’clock yesterday we (listen) to a very interesting lecture.3. We just (have) a difficult examination. It (be) really very difficult.4. ‘What you (do) now?’ — ‘We (continue) to discuss the prob‑

lem. You may join us’.

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5. I (not; go) to University yesterday.6. I (meet) them when I (go) to the bus stop.7. Today we (not; see) them yet.

27B. Use the verbs in the form of Past Continuous.1. When we arrived, she (try) a new dress on.2. While I (have) a bath someone knocked the door.3. It began to snow while we (walk) in the park.4. The dentist’s waiting room was full of people. Some (read)

magazines, others just (turn) over the pages. A woman (knit), a child (play) with a toy car. Everybody (wait) for the nurse to say: ‘Next, please.’

5. She promised me not to report the police but ten minutes later I saw that she (talk) with a policeman and from the expression on his face I understood that she (tell) him about me.

6. At 3 o’clock yesterday a geometry lesson (go) on. The teacher (draw) diagrams on the blackboard but I (look) through the window and heard nothing.

7. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) brightly when Jane came in.

28B. Mark the right answer1. a) It was rained yesterday when I left the office.

b) It had raining yesterday when I left the office.c) It was raining yesterday when I left the office.

2. a) When she entering the room, I was writing an essay.b) When she was entering the room, I had writing an essay.c) When she entered the room, I was writing an essay.

3. a) I was reading an article, while my wife was watching a mov‑ie in English.

b) I was read an article, while my wife was watching a movie in English.

c) I was being reading an article, while my wife watched a mov‑ie in English.

4. a) Were she cleaning her room the whole evening? — No, she wasn’t.

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Past Continuous . Was / were +ing

b) ‘Was she cleaning her room the whole evening?’ — ‘Yes, she was’.c) ‘She was cleaning her room the whole evening?’ — ‘No, she

wasn’t’.5. a) ‘Were the children dancing at that moment?’ — ‘Yes, they were’.

b) ‘Were the children being dancing at that moment?’ — ‘Yes, they were’.

c) ‘Was the children dancing at that moment?’ — ‘Yes, they were’.6. a) ‘Kate and her father were walking in the park?’ — ‘No, they wasn’t’.

b) ‘Was Kate and her father walking in the park?’ — ‘No, they weren’t’.c) ‘Were Kate and her father walking in the park?’ — ‘No, they

weren’t’.7. a) What were your friend doing yesterday at 5 p. m.?

b) What was your friend doing yesterday at 5 p. m.?c) What your friend was doing yesterday at 5 p. m.?

29B. Insert the necessary words: was / were / when / while.1. I … working with the documents it started raining.2. What the kittens … doing … the girl found them?3. We … testing this product … they … dealing with the complaints.4. It … snowing all night.5. …Mary working on the project yesterday after her work?6. Mark’s friend … watching TV at eight o’clock last night.7. Where the student … studying … his friends … doing nothing?

30B. Using all words write sentences in positive (if necessary — negative) forms. (Use Past Continuous or Past Simple).

1. She to fall asleep when she to watch a video.2. While I to create a Power Point presentation my computer sud‑

denly to go off.3. It rain when he to get up.4. They to see an accident when they to wait for the bus.5. Kate to make a phone call at 9 o’clock morning.6. You to study not when I to call.7. I listen to the radio so I to hear not the alarm.

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Past Perfect4

Forms and use

1A. Write sentences about what these people had already done or had never done before. Use Past Perfect, and already or never.

1. Last summer Mary won a gold medal for the third time.She (1) … before that.2. Last year Ken visited Scotland for the first time.He (2)… before that.3. Last weekend Tom rode a horse for the first time.He (3) … before that.4. Last summer Jeff ran in a marathon for the sixth time.He (4) … before that.5. Last week Susan wrote a poem for the first time.She (5) … before that.6. Last week Ann appeared on TV for the first time.She (6) … before that.7. Last summer Tony played tennis at Wimbledon for the fifth time.He (7) … before that.8. Last year Jean wrote her third novel.She (8) … before that.

2A. In each case you have two events in the order in which they took place. Write the information in one sentence using the words in brackets.

1. A: The driver started the car. B: Lady James appeared.(When Lady James / appear / , the driver / already / start / the car) 2. A: We put the fire out. B: The firemen arrived.

4 Materials refer to [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41] in References.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

(When the firemen / arrive / , we / already / put / the fire out) 3. A: Jim finished the work. B: The manager came back.(When the manager / come / back, Jim / already / finish / the work) 4. A: I went to bed. B: Philip telephoned.(When Philip / telephone / , I / already / go / to bed) 5. A: Alice and Jack had lunch. B: Their children came home.(When their children / come / home, Alice and Jack / al‑

ready / have / lunch) 6. A: Ian prepared the supper. B: His wife got home from work.(When his wife / get / home from work, Ian / already / prepare / the supper) 7. A: The thieves spent the money. B: The police caught them.(The thieves / already / spend / the money, when the po‑

lice / catch / them)

3A. Use Past Perfect to complete the sentences.1. Last summer Pam said, ‘I’ve always wanted to fly in a helicopter.’ Pam said that she (1) … .2. Fred said, ‘Jack has just gone out.’ Fred told us that Jack (2) … .3. Robert said to Jill, ‘Have you been to Cambridge?’ Robert asked Jill if she (3) … .4. When the boys came home, Mrs Brock said, ‘I’ve made some

sandwiches.’ Mrs Brock told the boys that she (4) … .5. ‘I know your cousin,’ said Tom. ‘I met her in Amsterdam.’ Tom said he knew my cousin because he (5) … .6. Bob was talking to Jean, and he said, ‘Have you ever been to Japan?’ Bob asked Jean if she (6) … .

4A. Sara is talking to her husband. They’ve been married for forty years. Six Past Simple verb forms should be Past Perfect. Find six mis-takes, cross them out and rewrite them.

Sara: We first met in 1960, didn’t we, at the cinema?Brian: Yes. When we arrived, the film already began.

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Sara: I saw it before anyway.Brian: Really? You didn’t tell me that.Sara: No. I wanted you to take me to the cinema the following week!Brian: So you already decided you liked me!Sara: And then you took me to your favourite restaurant, but it

closed a week before!Brian: Oh dear. What did we do next?Sara: We went to a pub to meet your friends, but it was empty. Ev‑

eryone went home, because England was playing Germany at Wembley.Brian: What an evening!Sara: That’s not all! When I got home I couldn’t open the front

door because I left my keys at the pub.

5A. Look at the picture, ask and answer questions.It’s the day after Christmas. Last night the Dicksons had a party at their house. Ask what they had done and what they hadn’t done before they went to bed? Then answer the questions.1. (they / open / all presents)

2. (they / drink / lemonade)

3. (they / eat / all the cake)

4. (they / let / cat in)

5. (they / eat / turkey)

6. (they / tidy / the room)

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

6A. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Perfect. Pay attention to the position of the adverb in your sentence.

1. Nobody believed him because he (1) … (often lie) before.2. They weren’t surprised at all. They (2) … (hear) the news earlier?3. John wasn’t there when I came. He (3) … (yet not arrive).4. I first met her at a party. I (4) … (never see) her before.5. We arrived at the theatre late. The play (5) … (already begin).6. She was very hungry; she (6) … (not eat) breakfast or lunch.7. There were black flags in front of the government building last

week. Anyone (7) … (die)?

7A. Complete the questions in Past Perfect.1. … (what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after school?2. … (you / eat) anything before you went to the theatre?3. … (he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow?4. … (she / find) a new job by that time?5. … (they / book) a room before they went to Dublin?6. … (how often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door?7. … (why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party?8. … (Carly / wash) the dishes when her mum came home?9. … (you / read) the contract before you signed it?10. … (who / live) in the house before we moved in?

8A. Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.1. You went to Sue’s house, but she wasn’t there. (she / go / out) 2. You went back to your home town after many years. lt wasn’t

the same as before.(it / change / a lot) 3. I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn’t come.(she / arrange / to do something else) 4. You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late.(the film / already / start) 5. lt was nice to see Daniel again after such a long time.(I / not / see / him for five years)

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6. I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn’t hungry.(she / just / have / breakfast)

9A. For each situation, write a sentence ending with ‘never … be-fore’. Use the verb in brackets.

1. The man sitting next to you on the plane was very nervous. lt was his first flight.

He (1) … (fly) before.2. Somebody sang a song. I didn’t know it.I (2) … (hear) before.3. Sam played tennis yesterday. He wasn’t very good at it be‑

cause it was his first game.He (3) … (play) before.4. Last year we went to Mexico. It was our first time there.We (4) … (be there) before.

10A. Use Past Perfect of the verbs in the box to complete the sen-tences.

leave go die see live fly1. I didn’t read the text in class because I (1) … my book at home.2. The children didn’t want to go to the cinema because they (2)

… already … the film.3. Kate wasn’t at home last week because she (3) … to visit her

uncle.4. Linda never knew her father because he (4) … before she was

born.5. I was excited when the plane took off because I (5) … never …

before.6. My grandfather was always afraid of animals because he (6) …

never … in the country.

11A. Put the verbs into the correct form (Past Perfect).1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (1) … (build).2. He (2) … (be) to Cape Town before 1997.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

3. When she went out to play, she (3) … (already, do) her home‑work.

4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (4) … (make).5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (5) … (put on) six weeks

before.6. The waiter brought a drink that I (6) … (not, order).7. I could not remember the poem we (7) … (learn) the week be‑

fore.8. The children collected the chestnuts that (8) … (fall) from the

tree.9. (9) … (phone) Angie before he went to see her in London?10. She (10) … (not, ride) a horse before that day.

12A. Match the parts of the sentences1. They were tired. They had just A. already done it.2. She was very brown. She had just B. had lunch.3. I was scared. I had never C. prepared for it very well.4. I didn’t do it because Pete said he had D. been in a small plane before.5. I had always lived in the same house until E. eaten too much at lunchtime.6. He was hungry. He hadn’t F. I got married.7. He did very badly in his test because he hadn’t

G. come back from the Baha‑mas.

8. I felt terrible all afternoon because I had H. driven non‑stop for six hours.

13A. Write the verbs in Past Perfect.1. The pupils talked about the film they (1) … (watch).2. I was late for work because I (2) … (miss) the bus.3. We lived in the house that my father (3) … (build).4. We admired the picture that Lucy (4) … (paint).5. They watered the trees that they (5) … (plant).6. The teacher corrected the tests that the pupils (6) … (write).7. I received a good mark in my test because I (7) … (practise) on


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8. The mail order house did not send me the shirt that I (8) … (order).

9. I had to clean the floor because my cats (9) … (knock) over the flower pots.

10. My friend was in hospital because she (10) … (slip) on a ba‑nana skin.

14B. Insert the verbs in Past Perfect.1. Jill was afraid she (1) … (forget) her key at home, but she

found it in her handbag.2. Dad wasn’t at home when I came back. He (2) … (go) out twen‑

ty minutes before.3. I wasn’t hungry because I (3) … (just, have) breakfast.4. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody (4) …

(leave) it the day before.5. I apologized I (5) … (not, phone) her.6. He told me that he (6) … (come back) a fortnight before.7. I knew him at once though I (7) … (meet) him many years be‑

fore.8. We spent the night in Klin, a town we (8) … (often, hear of) but

(9) … (never, see).9. They couldn’t believe he (10) … (give up) his job in the bank.

He (11) … (make) a good living there.10. Mr. Jackson said that he (12) … (already, buy) everything for lunch.11. Alice asked her brother where he (13) … (arrange) to meet his

friends.12. We had no car at that time because we (14) … (sell) our old one.13. They (15) … (finish) painting the ceiling by two o’clock.

15B. Say what action was done before. Combine the two sentenc-es into one using ‘before’.

1. The rain stopped. I went for a walk.2. I did my homework. My mother returned home.3. We met in the street. We went to the park.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

4. They packed their things. Then they started.5. I had dinner. I switched on the TV set.6. He returned home. The guests left.7. We came to the cinema. The film began.8. I read the book. I saw the play.9. They lived here. They moved to another place.10. We played а game of tennis. We went to my place.

16B. Connect each pair of sentences with the conjunctions before, as soon as, after.

1. He had finished school. He went to a camp.2. She had phoned her friend. She went to meet her.3. I read the book. I had seen the film.4. I had cleaned my room. I invited my friends to my home.5. He entered the university. He had finished school.6. Не told me about his impressions. He had returned from his

journey.7. He was unhappy. He had got bad news.8. I had finished the text. I handed in my exercise‑book.9. They had lived in the country. They moved to the city.

17B. Complete the sentences with the correct words.had (x5) had had drive had snowed given forgotten

had arranged never onlyWhen I got up this morning, there was ten inches of snow on the

ground. It (1) … heavily overnight. At the airport, we rented a car to drive up to Yorkshire. I was rather worried about it because I (2) … never (3) … in England before.

I felt very scared. There were two hundred people in the audito‑rium and I (4) … (5) … (6) … a presentation to so many people before.

This is my first real job. Before I started working here, I (6) … (7) … (8) … student jobs.

Last night we went to a Japanese restaurant. It was the first time I (9) …Japanese food.

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I was so embarrassed. Peter called me to ask me where I was. I (10) … completely (11) … that I (12) … to meet him at the pub!

18B. Put the verbs into the correct form (Past Perfect).1. My little brother ate all of the cake that I (1) … (make).2. The waitress brought a dish that we (2) … (not / order).3. Last night I couldn’t get in because I (3) … (forget) my keys.4. When we arrived at the station, the train (4) … (go).5. They didn’t have any money because they (5) … (pay) all the

bills.6. We had a big party because we (6) … (pass) all our exams.7. I got to the cinema at 6.30 but fortunately the film (7) …

(not / start).8. I was exhausted because I (8) … (study) too much.

19B. Use Past Perfect in the following sentences.1. He wanted her to believe that before he returned things (1) …

(change).2. She knew that he (2) … (hear) about it before they reached their

house.3. She took her manicure set and began to do her nails, waiting till

he (3) … (finish) eating.4. He decided to read nothing but the dictionary until he (4) …

(master) every word of it.5. And then came the great idea — he would write. He would be‑

gin as soon as he got back. It would be slowly succeeding at first. He would go on studying. And then after some time, when he (5) … (prepare) himself he would write great things.

6. She asked if Grant would wait until the doctor (6) … (see) the patient.

7. She told him not to come back, until he (7) … (talk) to her on the telephone first.

8. He would have to make a decision sooner or later, but he wanted it to be as late as possible, when the other problems (8) … (be) solved.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

9. I said we’d better leave this little chat until I (9) … (make) coffee.10. He did not sign the contract until he (10) … (drag) a formal

approval out of me.11. When he (11) … (find) the photo, I took the album back to the


20B. Use the required Past Perfect forms in the following sentences.1. Grant just (1) … (change) into some dry things and was waiting

for dinner to be announced when there was a knock at the door.2. Then we realized that Richard (2) … (come) in through the gar‑

den and was standing in the room listening.3. Outside on the square it (3) … (stop) raining and the moon was

trying to get through the clouds.4. Saturday lunch was over. Mary was still sitting at the table

smoking. Kate and John (4) … (retire) to the sofa and were talking in low voices. Paula and the twins (5) … (go) out on to the lawn where the twins now were playing. Barbara was sitting on the window‑seat reading ‘Country Life’.

5. When Roger returned into the room, the girl (6) … (stop) crying but was shivering from head to foot.

6. Then she saw her father. He (7) … (lay) his fishing rod and was taking something from his pocket.

7. Bernard (8) … (take) off his hat and was carrying it in his hand.8. When the telephone rang Wolfe (9) … (finish) his egg and was

drinking coffee.9. It was dark by the time I reached London. The black‑out (10)

… (begin) and it was raining heavily.10. Pierce was towing the boat quite fast now. The dog, who (11)

… (swim) out after him, was accompanying the boat.

21B. Use the required Past Perfect forms in the following complex sentences.

1. When Jimmy got to the cafe a little late, Christine (1) … (not, arrive) yet.

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2. When Ted turned to thank the doctor, he already (2) … (walk) away.3. We (3) … (not, walk) a hundred yards towards the cottage when

the inspector suddenly went down on his knees.4. One afternoon I went to play tennis with some neighbours and

when I returned my mother (4) … (disappear).5. After she (5) … (smile), she began to look friendly and simple.6. After I (6) … (walk) down to Hugh’s room I sat at his table and

started reading a small book.7. When Paula (7) … (tidy) up she went out of doors.8. I met her on the beach after I (8) … (have) my early walk.9. He (9) … (finish) speaking before everyone started clapping.

22B. Use Past Perfect in the following sentences.1. I (1) … (have) a good sleep before I got back yesterday.2. The play (2) … (be) in progress for about twenty minutes when

Grant found his seat at the back of the dress circle.3. ‘How do you like that?’ he asked her when he (3) … (finish) painting.4. Before she left home, she (4) … (eat) some sandwiches.5. I (5) … (not, go) very far from the turn‑off when I noticed there

was a car behind me.6. When they (6) … (go) I went to the woods.7. She (7) … (not, talk) to me two minutes when she suddenly felt faint.8. When they (8) … (show) him round and (9) … (feed) him on

their best, they eagerly demanded news.

23B. Use the required Past Perfect forms in the following complex sentences.

1. She did not speak until the steps (1) … (move) on.2. Savina said nothing until they (2) … (order) but Eric knew she

was waiting.3. She waited motionlessly until he (3) … (finish) his speech.4. So I went on searching until I (4) … (select) a dozen books

that I wanted to read.5. She waited until he (5) … (shave) and (6) … (finish) dressing.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

6. Nicole waited silently till he (7) … (pass), then she went away.7. He hoped to delay my going until he (8) … (come) to some decision.8. He drove very slowly and when he met another car, he usually

stopped until it (9) … (pass).24B. Choose the correct answer.

1. When I got to Mary’s, George had gone.A. George left after I arrived.B. George left before I arrived.

2. The children had got up when their father arrived.A. The children were already up before the father arrived.B. The children got up after the father arrived.

3. The children got up when their father arrived.A. The children were up before their father arrived.B. The children got up after their father arrived.

4. When they heard the news, Rob and Chris had left.A. Rob and Chris heard the news and then left.B. The news came after Rob and Chris left.

5. Gary entered the room. They had told him to wait outside.A. He entered the room first.B. He was told to wait outside first.

6. Pat had failed his exam. She became sick.A. Pat was sick before the exam.B. Pat was sick after the exam.

7. Pat failed her exam. She had been sick.A. Pat was sick before the exam.B. Pat was sick after the exam.

8. The storm damaged the bridge but the man had crossed it.A. The man crossed it before the storm damaged it.B. The man crossed it after the storm damaged it.

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25B. Choose the best answer for each question.1. She … the ocean before she moved to Vancouver.

A. had never seen B. never seen C. have never seen D. had never saw2. The teacher … out when I arrived in the classroom.

A. had went B. have gone C. gone D. had gone3. I … my document before the power went out in the computer

lab.A. had save B. have saved C. had saved D. save

4. When they arrived we … the test.A. had already started

B. have already started

C. already had started

D. already start‑ing

5. George … his furniture before he moved to Japan.A. have sold B. had sold C. had sell D. sells

6. Larry … his homework already by the time Roy came over.A. have finish B. finishes C. had finish D. had finished

7. I … a little Spanish before I went to MexicoA. had studyed B. had studied C. had study D. have studied

8. Ruth … an Australian until she met John.A. had never met B. have never met C. never met D. never have met

9. I … such majestic mountains before I went to Banff.A. never seen B. had never

seenC. never have seen

D. had never saw

10. … visited Toronto before your trip last summer?A. have you ever B. you had C. had ever you D. had you ever

26B. Use Past Perfect in the following sentences.1. Tonya (1) … (work) as a decorator before she opened her shop.2. My daughter and I (2) … (enjoy) the ballet so much that we

wanted to see it again.3. The power supply (3) … (fail) during the night, so the house

got cold.4. You (4) … (call) earlier in the day, so we knew you were on your way.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

5. The cat (5) … (scratch) a hole in the sofa before its owner noticed.6. John and Nikki (6) … (start) their bakery long before the big

one came to town.7. The alligators at the edge of the pond (7)… (scare) us until we

realized they were behind a fence.8. The defense attorney (8) … (argue) before Judge Sanchez prior

to last June’s trial.9. The trumpet player (9) … (finish) his solo before the trombonist

stood up.10. Mark (10) … (behave) well at the playground, so his mother

bought him a treat.11. Vikings (11) … (invade) England long before the Angles and

Saxons arrived.

27B. Use Past Perfect in the following sentences.1. He (1) … (write) had written a book about bass fishing before he

began the one on fishing boats.2. You (2) … (know) about conditions in the Middle East long

before you made that trip.3. Robert (3) … (begin) to research his family history a year before

he visited Ireland.4. The Kowalsky family (4) … (eat) organic vegetables even before

they planted their garden.5. Before the treasure hunt started, Ryan’s mother (5) … (hide)

clues in the yard.6. Jenna (6) … (ride) her bike 12 miles; now she was sore.7. The geese (7) … (fly) from Michigan to Florida before the first

snow fell.8. Mrs. Hughes (8) … (fall) several times in the past, so she de‑

cided to get a walker.9. The choir (9)… (sing) together many times before its tour of

Europe last month.10. Bill (10) … (write) three cookbooks before his book on baking

with chocolate was released.

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11. Olga was amused when Seventies styles returned; she (11) … (wear) them since high school!

28B. Use Past Perfect to make negative sentences.1. We (1) … (not, stand) in the rain long before the gates were

opened.2. Russ and Becca (2) … (not, have) much experience with build‑

ing before they started their deck.3. The Wilsons (3) … (not, save) enough money to pay their taxes

before the deadline arrived.4. He and Carlos (4)… (not, work) for six months, then the com‑

pany rehired them.5. The batter (5) … (not, swing) at any pitches before he was hit

by the ball.6. Ivan (6) … (not, take) a coat with him; now the temperature was

dropping fast.7. Carl (7) … (not, sleep) long enough when his mother woke

him up.8. The mechanic (8) … (not, fix) the engine yet when we called

him last Saturday.9. Tyler (9) … (not, surf) until he visited his brother in San Diego.10. The city employees (10) … (not, expect) to get a raise in last

year’s budget.

29C. Use Past Perfect in the following sentences.1. He decided to get a present for his children before he (1) …

(leave) Rome.2. Не began apologizing before I (2) … (pay) the driver.3. The noise of their footsteps (3) … (become) distant before my

father spoke again.4. He (4) … (knock) and (5) … (ring) for some time before he

made himself heard.5. They (6) … (not, go) four miles before Tony got the impression

that the children liked driving with him.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

6. I realized before you (7) … (be) here a fortnight that you never were cut out for this life.

7. Miss Able (8) … (hunt) everywhere for the box before she found it.8. Almost before I (9) … (shut) my eyes, I (10) … (feel) a nudge in my side.

30C. Use the required Past Perfect forms in the following sentences.1. The next morning Hudson came into my room before I (1) …

(finish) breakfast.2. He (2) … (hang) around the theatre for seven years before he

had any recognition at all.3. He (3) … (not, be) there for two days before he said that the

wish to see her had been the reason for his coming.4. She went, unwillingly, at the end of the week. Before she (4) …

(be) gone twenty‑four hours he found his mistake.5. He (5) … (know) before he said this that it would annoy her.6. On the beach they found a suitable place for lunch before they

(6) … (go) very far.7. Thank God I (7) … (find) it out before I made more of a fool

of myself.8. The bus began to move before he (8) … (reach) it.

31C. Use Past Perfect in the following sentences.1. She hardly (1) … (sit) down when a very stout gentleman wear‑

ing a very small hat (2) … (flop) into the chair opposite hers.2. He hardly (3) … (reach) the door of his office when he encoun‑

tered two young men.3. He emerged from the theatre with the first of the crowd; but he

scarcely (4) … (take) his position on the edge of the sidewalk when the girls appeared.

4. He barely (5) … (disappear) when Dennis came sliding down the stairs.

5. No sooner, however, they (6) … (establish) themselves in their new house than he perceived to his dismay a return of her absorbed and brooding manner.

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6. He barely (7) … (arrive) in Rome when he got a telegram from home that his father was seriously ill.

7. No sooner the curtain (8) … (fall) than he rose to go.8. Hardly he (9) … (ask) his questions when she answered them.9. He scarcely (10) … (take) his coat off when he began to read the

letter.10. The band barely (11) … (begin) to play when he went away.11. The rain nearly (12) … (stop) when he reached his hotel.12. They barely (13) … (come) out of the house when a sudden

shouting arose.

32C. Complete this text with these verbs in Past Perfect.be break catch have live make plan take worry

The telephone call from the police was a shock, but not a complete surprise. Molly (1) … constantly about the old house lying empty during the two months since her mother went into hospital. She (2) … to go round and check the empty place, but she (3) … extra busy at work recently. According to the police, a homeless man (4) … into the house. They (5) … him one morning as he was leaving the build‑ing with one of her mother’s large paintings. When Molly walked into the house, it was obvious that the man (6) … there for quite a while. He had been removing food from the cupboards and throwing empty tins and packages all over the floor. He (7) … quite a mess. He (8) … also several paintings from the walls. Molly decided not to tell her mother because she (9) … already enough pain in recent weeks and really didn’t need any more bad news.

33C. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using Past Perfect.1. By the time we got to the cinema the film (1) … (start), so we

missed the first five minutes.2. When I rang the bell there was no answer. The neighbour told

me that they (2) … (go) about half an hour ago.3. I saw New York for the first time last night. I (3) … (not, see) it


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Past Perfect. Forms and use

4. There was so much to see in London. I (4) … (plan) to see a lot of things but there wasn’t enough time. I’ll have to come back.

5. If she (5) … (take) my advice, it wouldn’t have happened.6. We wouldn’t have had an argument, if they (6) … (not, men‑

tion) politics.7. If you (7) … (not, park) there, you wouldn’t have got a parking

fine.8. John told me he (8) … (buy) a new car.9. When we arrived in Ireland, the airline company (9) … (lose)

our luggage, so we had to wait two days to get it back. Fortunately they deliv‑

ered it to the hotel.

34C. Look at the list of events in each example. Then finish the sin-gle sentence to explain the situation.

1. Jane studied a lot. Jane had an important Biology exam. Jane passed the exam, getting 92 %.

Jane passed her Biology exam because (1) … .2. Harry looked at the black clouds and took an umbrella. It start‑

ed raining heavily. Harry stayed perfectly dry.Harry didn’t get wet when it rained because (2) … with him.3. I met a friend and we spoke for ten minutes. The train left at

9am. I arrived at the station at 9.05am. I missed the train yesterday because (3) … (meet).

4. Tim had a big black beard. He shaved it off two days ago. I met Tim today.

I didn’t recognize Tim at all this morning because (4) … off.5. I went to see ‘Alien 9’ at the cinema. I went to see ‘Alien 9’ at the

cinema again a month later. Graham asked me to go and see ‘Alien 9’ at the cinema last night.

I told Graham I didn’t want to go to the cinema because (5) … film twice already.

6. We went on holiday to Kenya. The water pipes broke in our house. Water went all over the house.

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The kitchen was flooded when we returned from Nairobi because (6) … .

7. John insulted Kathy at a party. John wrote to Kathy to apolo‑gize. Kathy refused to open the letter.

Kathy refused to open John’s letter because (7) … .

35C. Choose the best answer for each question.1. Which one happens first?

A. After she left Korea,

B. Marie went back to Japan

C. where she’d been born.

2. Which one happens first?A. The house was demol‑ished in June.

B. This had been ordered by the local govern‑ment

C. after it had been badly dam‑aged in a storm.

3. Which one happens first?A. Christine had been going out with Mark for six months.

B. When they broke up,

C. she was dev‑astated.

4. Which one happens first?A. He’d known the gun was in the drawer of the desk.

B. Kim had hid‑den it there.

C. But with the police waiting outside,

D. But with the police waiting outside,

5. Which one happens first?A. It began rain‑ing early in the morning and

B. everything was wet

C. when they woke.

D. They’d pitched the tent near the bottom of a hill.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

6. Which one happens first?A. Alicia signed her first contract at the young age of 16.

B. She’d en‑joyed her child‑hood,

C. but now she began her jour‑ney to fame and wealth.

7. Which one happens first?A. The truck, which had been overloaded,

B. didn’t brake in time

C. and hit the wall.

D. The driver was badly in‑jured.

8. Which one happens first?A. Even though his mother had predicted great things for her son,

B. she never expected him to become so famous.

C. He signed a few more auto‑graphs

D. that his fans had requested.

36C. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using Past Perfect.1. They (1) … (eat) before he arrived.2. (2) … (you / finish) the report before he asked for it?3. Jennifer (3) … (buy) the house before the market crashed.4. What (4) … (she / do) that upset him so much?5. Our boss (5) … (not / make) the decision yet when management

changed their mind.6. The students (6) … (write) the report, but the teacher made

them do it again.7. Mark (7) … (want) to go to New York, but his wife changed his mind.8. (8) … (they / invest) in that stock before the market improved?9. Alex (9) … (not / do) the gardening before it started raining.10. Their decision (10) … (make — passive voice) before condi‑

tions changed.

37C. Use the required Past Perfect forms in the following sentences.1. We (1) … (eat / already) so we weren’t hungry.2. (2) … (Tom / choose) the color for his room before he was asked

to paint it black?

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3. (3) …Sarah (drive) three hundred miles by the time she ar‑rived in Tacoma.

4. Few people (4) … (understand) the news when the consequenc‑es began to appear.

5. The reporter (5) … (not / tell) the cameraman to get ready when the president walked into the room.

6. Bob (6) … (purchase) the first generation iPad two weeks before the second generation was introduced.

7. I (7) … (print) the report before he gave me the updates.8. (8) … (Henry / come) home before the called the police?9. She (9) … (not / complete) the article when the news changed

everything.10. The coach (10) … (reserve) rooms for everybody so there

weren’t any problems.

38C. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using adverbs and Past Perfect correctly.

1. You (1) … (already / ring) the bell before it was time for class.2. Christy (2) … (already / adopt) several dogs before she adopted Molly.3. Seth (3) … (seldom / play) soccer before he tried out for his

school’s team.4. That species of elephant (4) … (recently / disappear) from the

area, so we were not able to see it.5. It was a good year for Melissa; she (5) … (quickly / sell) her quo‑

ta of houses and was rewarded with a vacation.6. Edward (6) … (never / forgive) Elise; now he was leaving her.7. The company (7)… (seriously / consider) moving its plant

to Iowa, but chose Oregon instead.8. Lucia (8) … (frequently / think) about returning to her home in

Costa Rica before she found a job in New York.9. The history class members (9) … (usually / watch) a movie the

day before a test.10. The new citizens (10) … (solemnly / swear) their loyalty to the

country when they took the oath.

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

11. The car (11) … (still / cost) Jamie $15,000, even after the price was reduced.

39C. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in Past Perfect.

throw ride see bite sell give forget find forgive speak catch leave break write try go set run pay come

When he arrived at work that morning, Inspector Coderre re‑viewed the arrest sheet for the last 12 hours. It informed him about all the previous night’s incidents, with the names of the people the police had arrested as well as the crimes these people had committed.

‘Someone named John Davies had become very aggressive in a bar and attacked another customer. This John Davies had (1) … a glass at the mirror behind the bar. He had (2) … the mirror as well as a lot of bottles on the shelves nearby. The police had (3) … quickly, but not before he had caused a lot of damage. Seeing the police enter the bar, he had (4) … to run away. The police had quickly (5) … him. He had (6) … for the damages he had caused in the bar, but they had still arrested him. In another incident a young woman had (7) … fire to her ex‑boyfriend’s house. Apparently, she had not (8) … him for leaving her. He had (9) … her because she had always been a jealous and possessive lover. Before the break‑up he had (10) … to her about the problem several times, but she had refused to listen. The police had (11) … her in the street watching the house burn down and had arrested her. There was also a drunk driving incident. A man had (12) … over a dog and then knocked over a cyclist. A passer‑by had (13) … the incident and reported it to the police. Fortunately, the witness had (14) … down the registration number of the car. The police had (15) … to the driver’s home and arrested him. A young man had been arrested for attempting to steal a car. He had told the police officer it was his car and that he had (16) … his key. A cyclist had (17) … his bike through a local park at over 100 kilometers an hour. A man had (18) … a dog that had been barking at him. A group of militant stu‑

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dents had occupied the Parliament building for several hours. At the end of the evening they had (19) … themselves up to the police. A notorious scam artist had (20) …Toronto’s most famous building to a U. S. tourist.’

40С. Choose the correct time or quantity expression used with Past Perfect.

1. How (1) … (much / long) had you known Peter before he pro‑posed?

2. They had (2) … (yet / already) eaten by the time he arrived.3. Cathy hadn’t finished the report (3) … (when / by) the time he

asked for it.4. Phillip had requested all the forms (4) … (as soon as / before) he

began the application process.5. How (5) … (much / long) wine had they drunk before they were

asked to stop?6. She had made the decision long (6) … (after / before) he asked

her to marry him.7. They had always wanted to visit Amsterdam (7) … (so / as) they

went!8. Jackson hadn’t been able to read the book (8) … (when / as) the

teacher asked him to quote from it.9. Susan had (9) … (yet / already) printed the report before her

boss requested it.10. Had they (10) … (yet / already) heard the news or were they


41 С. Finish each second sentence so that it would have the same meaning as the first one. Use the words in brackets and your own words.

1. Barry was very excited because it was his first time on television. (never)

Barry (1) … before, so he was very excited.2. The children ran over the bridge to see the fire engine, but it was

no longer there. (had)

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Past Perfect. Forms and use

The fire engine (2) … when the children ran over the bridge.3. He looked familiar to me, but in fact he was a complete strang‑

er. (met) Although he looked familiar to me, I (3) … before.4. After they had had the contract read by a lawyer, they signed it.

(before) They had the contract read by a lawyer (4) … it.5. Staying in a five‑star hotel was a new experience for us. (stayed) We (5) … in a five‑star hotel before.6. They arrived at the cinema just in time to see ‘The End’ come

up on the screen.(just) The film (6) … by the time they arrived at the cinema.7. He had to write over fifty letters to get an interview. (had) He got an interview only after (7) … over fifty letters.8. She left the office after turning off all the lights. (turned) After (8) … all the lights, she left the office.9. I checked that I had my passport with me before I left for the

airport. (after) I left for the airport (9) … that I had my passport with me.

42C. Finish these sentences using your own ideas and Past Perfect.1. When I arrived home, I was starving because I had … .2. Tom was furious with Alice because she … .3. James inherited a small fortune from his father, but a year later

he didn’t have a penny. … .4. She was fined $ 200 because she … .5. When I saw him, he was pale and shaking like a leaf. … .6. He was two hours late for the wedding because … .7. I didn’t know her name, but the face was familiar. I was sure … .8. I couldn’t answer any of the exam questions, although … .9. James was very proud of his eighteen‑year‑old son, who … .

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43C. Fill the gaps. Use Past Perfect.talk empty see dictate start ask (x2) open turn off

be able point out arrive find stop make examine sign have (x2) notice answer phone

MANAGER`S WORKING DAY Mr Price stood at the window of his office. He (1) … working at

last. The building was empty. Everyone has gone home by half past five. Now it was half past six and the street below (2) … .

What a busy day he (3) …! He (4) … at the office well before nine o’clock. Before nine o’clock he (5) … two telephone calls! The other offices were still empty when he (6) …, so of course nobody (7) … the telephone. Poor Mr. Price!

But then he (8) … all the correspondence. By ten o’clock he (9)… replies to nearly all the letters. When Miss King left the room he (10) … to make telephone calls again. By the time the Acting Manager sent for him he (11) … to three of the buyers. When the Acting Manager (12) … him for information about Stocks he (13) … to give the infor‑mation from memory. He was sure the Acting Manager (14) … that!

By one o’clock he (15) … the figures from the production sheets and he (16) … a dozen letters for Miss King. By two o’clock he (17) … his lunch. By three o’clock he (18) … two mistakes in the figures! By four o’clock he (19) … both the Production Manager and the Fore‑man. He (20) … them for an explanation. He (21) … that the explana‑tion was urgent. By ten o’clock tomorrow the corrected figures must be on his desk. Mr. Price sighed. What a load of responsibility he had!

Mr Price sighed again. Tomorrow he must make more telephone calls; he must dictate more letters; he must try again to speak to the Acting Assistant Manager. But now he must go home, He put on his coat and his hat. He picked up his attaché case and his umbrella and went to the door. He locked the door and walked towards the lift. Then he stopped. He (22) … the electric fire near his desk. It was a quarter to seven. Really he worked too hard!

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Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous

1B. Make correct sentences using Past Perfect Continuous.1. The boy was delighted with his new bike. He (1) … (dream)

about it for a long time.2. Before he told her the news, he (2) … (try) to contact her for

some time.3. The car worked, but the mechanic (3) … (repair) it for a few

hours.4. The door was still wet. My father (4) … (paint) them.5. George was tired. He (5) … (work) in the garden very hard.6. When the factory changed its owner, I (6) … (work) there for

6 months.7. When the doctor told him he was seriously ill, he (7) … (smoke)

cigarettes for a long time.8. He (8) … (think) about finding a new job for about a year before

he finally gave up his old job.9. My child (9) … (eat) too much chocolate, that is why he was

so ill.10. They (10) … (build) the house for many years before they took

a loan.

2B. In your notebook, rewrite the following passage, making all the necessary tense changes.

It’s 10 o’clock at night. The offices of The Daily News’ are buzz‑ing with excitement. The deadline for the paper is in half an hour and they are frantically trying to finish the front page. Everyone

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has been working all evening without a break. Some of the journal‑ists have been at the office since early morning. They have all been trying to get an exclusive story, to find out something that no other journalist has discovered. The main story is a big one. The Prime Minister has resigned. Everyone knows that his government has had lots of problems in the last year but his resignation is nonetheless a big surprise. Rumours have been going round all day about the real reasons for the announcement. Some say that he has been in‑volved in some financial scandal. Others say that he has been seeing another woman. All the papers have been working all day to get the best story. And they’ve been doing their best to find out what the other papers have said. The whole day has been very tense. Sud‑denly the editor asks everyone to be quiet. There is a telephone call from the Prime Minister’s office.

3B. Make correct sentences using Past Perfect Continuous.1. Sally (1) … (type) this text for 3 hours before Mark came.2. Anthony (2) … (wait) for his airplane for 3 hours when its delay

was announced.3. I saw many huge puddles. (3) … it… (rain) hard?4. Sam did not even realize what a hard time Molly (4) … (have).5. Rita (5) … (train) for a year and she was very fit when her ex‑

boyfriend met her.6. Rachel’s husband (6) … (fix) the car since early morning.7. Paul and Molly (7) … (talk) on the phone for an hour when the

line broke.8. How long (8) … you … (watch) TV before you decided to go to

bed?9. Steven felt tired as he (9) … (sail) for several hours.10. Zoe (10) … (try) to find her mother for years but she failed.

4B. Make correct sentences using Past Perfect Continuous.1. Dylan (1) … chess for several years before he (2) … (study / en‑

ter) his first tournament.

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

2. Before I (3) … to work here, who (4) … (start / manage) the cli‑ent’s account?

3. Although they (5) … the house for two years, it still (6) … (build / not be) ready.

4. Mario (7) … (not / feel) well before the exam.5. At last we (8) … the movie that everyone (9) … (see / talk) about.6. The students (10) … (solve) math problems when one of them

fainted.7. How long (11) … he (12) … before the accident … (drive / oc‑

cur)?8. Paula and Terry (13) … tennis when it (14) … (play / begin)to

rain.9. (15) … you … a long time when you (16) … (jog / faint)?10. Our forces (17) … (not / fight) in that area until two weeks be‑

fore then.

5B. Translate these sentences using Past Perfect Continuous.1. Ее сын спал полчаса до того, как позвонили в дверь.2. Наконец‑то пришел официант — мы его ждали двадцать

минут!3. Генри ехал на автомобиле два часа до того, как полиция

остановила его.4. Подростки играли в теннис около часа, когда начал идти

сильный дождь.5. Джеймс был истощен, потому что он играл на гитаре

несколько часов.6. Бен запыхался, потому что бежал целый час? — Да.7. Комната была в беспорядке, потому что мальчики дра‑

лись.8. Семья жила в деревне две недели, когда началась война.9. Я уже работал некоторое время, когда позвонила личный

секретарь.10. Мы были разочарованы, потому что ждали с нетерпени‑

ем этой вечеринки целую неделю.

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6B. Match the sentences.1. The ground was wet A. She had been shopping.2. She was carrying lots of bags B. Somebody had been smoking.3. They were dirty C. It had been raining.4. She had red eyes D. He had been working on it for

years.5. He got sacked E. They’d been playing football in

the mud.6. The kitchen was a terrible mess F. She had been crying again.7. They were very tired when they arrived

G. The children had been cook‑ing.

8. It smelled of cigarettes H. He hadn’t been working at all.9. He was happy when it was fin‑ished

I. They had been driving for ten hours.

7B. Match the sentences.1. I had been trying to call him all morning

A. she had been working too hard

2. We had been working on the project for months

B. when it was canceled,

3. She had red eyes because she had been peeling onions.

C. when he called me.

4. I hadn’t been walking for very long before

D. She hadn’t been crying.

5. The snow was very deep E. It had been snowing all night.6. When he asked me that question, I realized

F. when they decided to move again.

7. They hadn’t been living there very long

G. I hadn’t been paying any atten‑tion to him.

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

8. She was ill because H. for a few minutes but I think it might have been longer.

9. They said they had only been waiting

I. someone offered me a lift.

8B. Match the sentences.1. I’d only been sleeping for a few minutes when

A. nothing was ready when we ar‑rived.

2. I’d been training for the mara‑thon for a few months when

B. and now he’s been sacked.

3. She’d been driving for nearly twentyyears before

C. he found one.

4. He’d been practicing for ages beforethe concert but

D. a loud noise woke me up.

5. He’d only been looking for a job for a couple of days before

E. she got the opportunity.

6. I’d been thinking about chang‑ing jobswhen

F. as a teacher very long.

7. They’d been watching TV instead of making dinner so

G. he still made some mistakes.

8. She’d been wanting to do it for yearsand at last,

H. I hurt my leg and had to stop.

9. He asked me if I’d been working I. she had her first accident.10. I told you he hadn’t been work‑ing very hard

J. they offered me this promotion.

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9B. Complete the sentences in Past Perfect Continuous.1. We (1) … (sleep) for 12 hours when he woke us up.2. They (2) … (wait) at the station for 90 minutes when the train

finally arrived.3. We (3) … (look for) her ring for two hours and then we found it in

the bathroom.4. I (4) … (not / walk) for a long time, when it suddenly began to

rain.5. How long (5) … (learn / she) English before she went to London?6. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (6) … . (sing) in the rain

too long.7. He (7) … (drive) less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.8. They were very tired in the evening because they (8) … (help)

on the farm all day.9. I (9) … (not / work) all day; so I wasn’t tired and went to the

disco at night.10. They (10) … (cycle) all day so their legs were sore in the eve‑


10B. Complete the sentences in Past Perfect Continuous.1. Laura needed a break because she (1) … (study) all morning.2. Lorraine (2) … (learn) English for 12 years before she moved to

England.3. I did not go out last night because I (3)… (work) all day.4. Orla felt fit for the marathon because she (4) … (train) a lot.5. When I went to see Ms Winter, her secretary told me that she

(5) … (speak) on the phone for two hours.6. You got sick because you (6) … (eat) the whole time.7. The musician (7) … (live) in this town for ten years when he

became director of the opera house.8. We (8) … (go) out with each other for two years before I met

his family.9. The passengers (9) … (wait) for four hours before the ground

staff could finally give them information on the delay of their flight.

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

10. I (10) … (drive) in the wrong direction for an hour before I noticed my mistake.

11B. Answer these questions using Past Perfect Continuous.HOW LOHG HAD:1. … it been snowing when you left the old house? (for 4 hours) 2. …Eton been working before he retired? (for 20 years) 3. …Mike been living there when Janet moved in? (for a fortnight) 4. … they been studying German before they finally went to Ber‑

lin? (for 5 years) 5. … the authors been working on the novel before they sent it to a

publisher? (for 2 years).6. …Pele been playing football before he took part in that cham‑

pionship? (for 6 years) 7. … the students been listening attentively to the dialog before

they could understand the basic meaning? (for an hour) 8. … the children been walking before the granny called them? (for

2 hours)

12B. Put the two activities together in one sentence by using Past Perfect Continuous. Make sure you use the time information. You may add words, such as because or after. There may be more than one an-swer.

1. First: It snowed all morning.Second: The kids went outside to make a snowman.2. First: She loved him for a year.Second: They had their first date.3. First: I studied French for 2 years.Second: I visited France.4. First: Trudy drove for 12 straight hours.Second: She had an accident.5. First: The doctor was trained for 4 years.Second: He opened his own office.6. First: I believed you.

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Second: Sam told me the truth.7. First: Diane watched TV all afternoon.Second: Her eyes were itchy.8. First: Columbus sailed for more than 2 months.Second: He and his 90 sailors saw North America.9. First: It rained a long time.Second: Robin›s clothes were wet.10. First: Raw meat was on the table for a week.Second: The house stunk.

13B. Fill the gaps with the correct words in Past Perfect Continu-ous or Past Perfect.

try give miss go wait pick have be arrange waitI’m sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early be‑

cause the show started at 8:00. I (1) … to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn’t want to miss it. By the time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I (2) … five cups of coffee and I (3) … over an hour. I had to leave because I (4) … to meet Kathy in front of the theater. When I arrived at the theater, Kathy (5) … already … up the tickets and she was waiting for us near the entrance. She was really angry because she (6) … for more than half an hour. She said she (7) … almost… up and (8) … into the theater without us. Kathy told me you (9) … late several times in the past and that she would not make plans with you again in the future. She mentioned that she (10) … several movies be‑cause of your late arrivals. I think you owe her an apology. And in the future, I suggest you be on time!

14B. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.

1. I was very tired when I arrived home.(I / work / hard all day) … .2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they

were both very tired.(they / play / football) … .

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

3. I was disappointed when I had to cancel my holiday.(I / look I forward to it) … .4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and

didn’t know where she was.(she I dream) … .5. When I got home, Mark was sitting in front of the TV. He had

just turned it off.(he I watch I a film) … .

15B. Put the verbs into the correct form.exercise snow write sleep swim sit do smoke walk

1 Ann was exhausted because she (1) … all morning.2. I (2) … for ten minutes before I started sunbathing.3. Susan (3) … various sports for a long time so she was very fit.4. I felt dizzy because I (4) … in the sun for too long.5. Jim (5) … a letter for some time before he sent it.6. They (6) … all afternoon when Bill suddenly fell down.7. The ground was all white so it (7) … at night.8. I could smell cigarettes in my room so someone (8) … there.9. She wasn’t tired at all because she (9) … all day.

16C. Read the situations and complete the sentences.1. We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began play‑

ing, it started to rain.We (1) … .2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited

for him. After 20 minutes I realised that I was in the wrong restaurant.I (2) … for 20 minutes when I (3) … the wrong restaurant.3. Sarah got a job in factory. Five years later the factory closed

down.At the time the factory (4) …Sarah (5) … there for five years.4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After

about ten minutes a man in the audience suddenly started shouting.The orchestra (6) … when (7) … .

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This time make your own sentence:I began walking along the road. I (8) … when (9) … .

17C. Choose the correct answer.1. We … when somebody … at the door.A.were talk‑ing / was knock‑ing

B. had been talk‑ing / knocked

C.were talk‑ing / knocked

D. had been talking / had knocked

2. Ian … at the factory long when he … a manager.A. was work‑ing / had been made

B. had been working / was made

C. had been working / made

D. had worked / made

3. Sally … for two years when she … the race.A. trained / en‑tered

B. was train‑ing / was enter‑ing

C. had trained / had entered

D. had been training / en‑tered

4. It … and the ground … white.A. had been snowing / was

B. was snow‑ing / had been

C. had snowed / was

D. had been snowing / was being

5. By his death, the composer … .A. had written B. was writing C. had been

writingD. wrote

6. Jimmy … out of breath because he … .A. had been / was run‑ning

B. was / was run‑ning

C. was / had been running

D. had been / had been running

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

18C. Put the verb into the most suitable form, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours (1) … (have) a party.2. We were good friends. (2)… (we / know) each other for years.3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him

because (3) … (he / walk) so fast.4. Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. (4) …

(she / run).5. When I arrived everybody was sitting round the table with their

mouths full (5) … (they / eat).6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talk‑

ing. Their mouths were empty, but their stomachs were full. (6) … (they / eat).

7. James was on his hands and knees on the floor. (7) … (he / look) for his contact lens.

8. When I arrived, Kate (8) … (wait) for me. She was annoyed because I was late and (9) … (she / wait) for a long time.

9. I was sad when I sold my car. (10) … (I / have) it for a very long time.10. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. (11) …

(we / travel) for more than 24 hours.

19C. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parenthe-ses in Past Perfect.

1. She (1) … (watch) the fish in the aquarium before w the giant turtle appeared.

2. Before I bought my new boat, I (2) … (go) to the boat show every day to see the newest models.

3. You (3) … (talk) to Whitney before the show began.4. We (4) … (think) about buying an electric car even before the

price of gas went up.5. They (5) … (race) cars at that track for twenty years before it closed.6. He (6) … (drive) too fast all afternoon before the accident happened.7. After she died, it was discovered that she (7) … (make) secret

donations to the shelter for years.

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8. We (8) … (grow) grapes for twelve years before we decided to open a winery.

20C. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parenthe-ses in Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Tony’s knee (1) … (ache) until the coach bandaged it.2. Sean and Melinda (2) … (not / keep) good financial records be‑

fore they got an accountant to help them.3. The owner of the cookie shop (3) … (plan) to add two more

ovens before the building burned.4. My family and I (4) … (live) in the Florida Keys before we de‑

cided to move to the northern part of the state.5. The peaches (5) … (not / hang) on the trees for long before the

birds ate them.6. The lake (6) … (supply) water for the town since 1902. Now it

was too polluted.7. Crystal (7) … (paint) the walls before she ran out of paint.8. The colony’s independent farmers (8) … (feel) resentful about

English rule and taxation long before the Revolution.9. Mrs. Esposito (9) … (not / cook) very much until Vincent ar‑

rived and asked for his favorite dishes.10. Until Nigel joined a fraternity, he (10) … (call) his father every

Saturday.11. The forest (11) … (burn) for a week before the fire was put out.12. The firefighters (12) … (not / sleep) at all until more help ar‑


21C. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parenthe-ses in Past Perfect Continuous.

1. The villagers (1) … (normally / carry) water for miles before the new well was dug.

2. The gymnastics team (2) … (still / practice) hard at nine o’clock p. m.3. When Mrs. Stein awoke at six o’clock, her husband (3) … (al‑

ready / milk) the cows for an hour.

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

4. The cat (4) … (always / scratch) holes in the furniture before Jody bought him a scratching board.

5. Natalie (5) … (often / find) small shells on the beach, which she was using to make jewelry.

6. The children (6) … (seldom / read) books before the nanny be‑gan taking them to the library.

7. Trina (7) … (never / ski) before her family moved to the moun‑tains.

8. John and Carrie (8) … (happily / prepare) a room for a baby boy before they discovered that they would have a girl.

9. Our mail carrier (9) … (faithfully / bring) our mail for over 30 years before he retired.

10. The dog next door (10) … (persistently / bark) each night that summer, keeping us awake.

11. Before the horse broke his leg, he (11) … (usually / race) two races each month.

22C. Put the verbs in the correct form.Julie (1) … (walk) for hours when she suddenly noticed that the

sun was sinking in the sky. She (2) … (lose) track of time because she (3) … (think) about the most important decision she’d ever had to make in her life. Things (4) … (not be) the same between Julie and her fiancé, David, since he accepted a job in Paris. They (5) … (know) each other for almost five years, and in that time, they had never argued much. Lately, though, their relationship (6) … (become) stormy. They seemed to be finding fault with each other and disagreeing about everything. For the first time, she was start‑ing to wonder if she was ready for marriage. And with the wed‑ding only twenty days away, she needed to make up her mind soon. Everything in Julie’s life (7) … (go) well until her world fell apart just a month before. A large company (8) … (offer) David an important position that would require him to move to France. As his wife, Julie would have to go, too. Why hadn’t he discussed his decision with her? Although Julie (9) … (always want) to live abroad she felt very con‑

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fused. Was she ready to move halfway across the world, leaving be‑hind her friends and family and the only home she had ever known? If the answer was no, was she ready to say goodbye to the only man she (10) … (ever love)?

23C. Fill each gap in this text with one suitable word.About seventy years ago, a Dutch ship was (1) … near the North

Pole; it (2) … heading for Blacklead Island. On the ship was a sci‑entist, Edgar Greenhead, who (3) … worked on the island for many years; he had (4) … conducting research into the life of the local in‑habitants, who were Eskimos (Inuits). Greenhead had (5) … away for a long holiday and now he was (6) … back to the island to continue his work. At about midnight, Greenhead felt very tired as he had (7) … writing his journal all day. After he had (8) … good‑night to the captain, he (9) … down to his cabin. Outside there (10) … a strong wind, and the waves (11) … crashing onto the side of the ship. Green‑head was just (12) … ready to climb into his bunk when he suddenly (13) … a great crash. He dashed up on deck and although it was dark he (14) … see that the ship (15) … run into an iceberg.

24C. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using Past Perfect Con-tinuous or Past Perfect.

1. When the student revolution came, I (1) … (work) there for 6 months.

2. Before Jim finally decided to go to Thailand, he (2) … (think) about it for months.

3. They (3) … (eat) all the chocolate cake by the time Michael got to the party.

4. I (4) … (met) Scarlett Johansson on three previous occasions. Lucky me!

5. The forensic evidence shows that he (5) … (pick) his nose just before he was murdered.

6. When the doctor told him his liver was seriously bad, he (6) … (eat) hamburgers for a month.

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

7. Prior to the explosion, the fat man (7) … (eat) seven large choc‑olate cakes.

8. When they cancelled the flight to Alicante, the storm (8) … (rage) all afternoon with no sign of abating.

25C. Choose the best answer.1. I have been reading a book … .

A. and I’m enjoying it B. from cover to cover2. She has been tidying up her office, hasn’t she?

A. Yes, she has tidied it up already B. Yes, she has3. Who has been eating my chocolate bar?

A. Soon I will have none left. B. There are none left.4. The ballon has been soaring 100 meters above us for 2 hours.

A. Why can’t they land at last? B. But they have landed 2 minutes ago5. I have been trying to contact him … .

A. but to no avail B. fortunately he picked up the phone.

6. Steve has been driving for 6 hours. A. But he’s having a barbeque at the moment

B. In 2 hours he’s going to reach Vermont.

26C. Complete the conversation. Put in Past Perfect Continuous.wait worry deal read look work

Rachel: How was your job interview?Vicky: Awful. I felt terribly nervous. I (1) … about it all week.

And I was tired because I (2) … on my project the night before. I (3) … forward to the interview at all.

Rachel: So what happened?Vicky: The woman interviewing me was half an hour late because

she (4) … with an unexpected problem, she said. I (5) … ages, and I’d got even more nervous.

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Rachel: How did the interview go?Vicky: Well, I tried to sound confident. I (6) … a book that said

that’s what you have to do in job interviews. But I don’t know if I gave the right answers.

27C. Translate into English.1. Дорога была пустой. Ни машин, ни указателей. Он ехал

уже полчаса, но еще не увидел той церкви, о которой ему гово‑рила Лиз.

2. Брайан читал письмо. Он читал его уже целых 15 минут, но почерк был такой неразборчивый, что читать было очень тяжело.

3. Джоан рассматривала альбом со старыми фотографиями Хилари. Она всегда любила смотреть на старые фотографии, в них было что‑то завораживающее. Но этот альбом был осо‑бенно хорош. Она рассматривала эти лица уже целый час, ког‑да голос Хилари напомнил ей, что пора уходить.

4. Пит был недоволен. Он занимался этим делом с января, поговорил со множеством людей; но и теперь он знал не боль‑ше, чем тогда, когда взялся за него.

5. Вся семья работала в саду. Только Кэрол осталась дома, и теперь сидела в гостиной и слушала радио. Потом она задре‑мала… Она спала уже час или полтора, когда пришел брат и на‑чал ругать её за то, что она не пошла с ними.

6. Они пытались перевести статью уже полчаса, прежде чем пришла Кэтрин и помогла им. Она когда‑то изучала немецкий и ещё не забыла его.

7. Марджи повесила трубку, вздохнула и приступила к ра‑боте. Она не проработала и пяти минут, как телефон зазвонил снова.

8. Итен чинил машину уже три часа, когда Мэри позвала его обедать. Он пошёл в дом, вымыл руки и сел за стол. Мэри при‑готовила отличный обед — просто превосходный.

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Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous

28C. Translate into English.1. Тони сел за стол и начал читать. Он читал целый час,

но прочёл всего двадцать страниц — книга была сложная — когда пришло время позвонить Майклу.

2. Она думала целый час, но ничего не придумала, и, когда пришло время отвечать, не знала что сказать.

3. Кейт села в машину и поехала домой. Всю дорогу она ду‑мала о письме, которое получила накануне.

4. — С кем ты вчера разговаривал, когда я встретил тебя?— С приятелем. Он два дня назад вернулся из Бостона. Мы

говорили уже минут десять, когда ты нас увидел.5. — Что ты делал вчера в это время?— Точно не помню. Я готовился к экзамену. Я занимался

уже часа два, когда мне позвонила Джейн и напомнила о том, что мы договорились пойти в театр.

6. Почему ты вчера не ждал меня в кафе, как мы договори‑лись?

— Но я пришел туда в пять. Тебя там не было. Я ждал пол‑часа…

— Нет, это я прождала полчаса, прежде чем решила уйти. Мы же договорились встретиться в четыре!

7. Когда она вошла в квартиру, то сразу поняла, что в ней по‑бывали взломщики, так как дверь была открыта и все вещи ле‑жали не на своих местах. Кроме того, они сломали шкаф, в ко‑тором она всегда хранила ценности… Точнее, хранила раньше.

8. Когда Вы вошли, я как раз рассказывала Джулии, что мы отлично провели отпуск.

29C. Choose the best answer and give yours.1. Sally was sitting on the bed resting. She was tired because …

very hard.A. she was working B. she ‘d being working C. she’d been working

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2. I was very tired, when I arrived home. …A. I’d been working hard all day.

B. I was been working hard all day.

C. I am working hard all day.

3. Laura was sitting on the bench. She was out of breath. She … through the park.A. was running B. has run C. had been running

4. We were totally exhausted at the end of the trip. We … for more than 5 hours.A. had been walking B. were walking C. had been walked

5. She… from depression in the lead up to her suicide.A. suffers B. is suffering C. had been suffering

6. I … (sleep) for 12 hours when my mother woke me up.7. We … (look) for my wallet for 4 hours before I found it in my car. 8. How long … (she / learning) French before she went to Paris?9. She … (drive) less than 20 minutes before she ran out of petrol.10. The … (ski) all day, so their legs were tired.

30C. Find funny pictures. Why are they funny, in your opinion? De-scribe them using the past simple and past perfect.

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Present Tenses Be, Have & Have Got

1A.1. we’ve got 2. he’s got 3. they’ve got 4. she hasn’t got 5. it’s got 6. I haven’t got 2A.1. He hasn’t got / He doesn’t have a car 2. He’s got / He has a computer 3. He hasn’t got / He doesn’t have a dog 4. He hasn’t got / He doesn’t have a mo‑bile phone 5. He’s got / He has a watch 6. He’s got / He has two brothers and a sister 7. I’ve got / I have / I haven’t got / don’t have a computer

8. I’ve got / I have / I haven’t got / I don’t have a dog 9. I’ve got / I have / haven’t got / I don’t have a bike 10. I’ve got a brother and a sister 3A.1. They’ve got two children.2. She hasn’t got a key.3. He’s got a new job.4. They haven’t got much money.5. Have you got an umbrella?6. We’ve got a lot of work to do.7. I haven’t got your phone number.8. Has your father got a car?9. How much money have we got?

4A.1. hasn’t got / doesn’t have 2. ’ve got / have (got) 3. ’s got / has (got) 4. haven’t got / don’t have 5. ’ve got / have (got) 6. haven’t got / don’t have 7. hasn’t got / doesn’t have 5A.1. has a spider got 2. C 3. has London got4. D5. has Bill Gates got6. A7. has Penelope Cruz got8. F9. has James Bond got10. E11. have you got12. B6A.1. Have you got a mobile phone?


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2. Yes, I have.3. Have you got any brothers or sisters?4. Yes, I have.5. Have your parents got jobs?6.Yes, they have.7. Has your teacher got a Rolls Royce?8. No, she hasn’t.9. Has your best friend got any pets?10. Yes, she’s got a cat.11. Have you got a headache?12. No, I haven’t.13. Has your mother got dark hair?14. Yes, she has.7A.1. Do2. has3. Do4. have5. don’t6. you7. has8. Does9. doesn’t10. Do11. have8A.1. I don’t have any

brothers or sisters 2. has a temperature,3. doesn’t have any mountains4. ‘re having fun5. have a headache6. doesn’t have a driving licence7. have a cup of cof‑fee8. doesn’t have a king9. ‘m having lunch9B.1. I haven’t got a key.2. I didn’t have my glasses.3. I don’t have / I haven’t got a ladder.4. We didn’t have enough time.5. He didn’t have a map.6. She doesn’t have / She hasn’t got any money.7. I don’t have / I haven’t got enough energy.8. They didn’t have a camera.10B.1. A or C

2. B 3. A or C 4. A or C 5. A 6. C 11B.1. OK 2. Lisa had long hair 3. he didn’t have 4. I have or I’ve got 5. OK 6. I didn’t have 7. OK (or He hasn’t got) 8. Did you have 9. OK 12B.1. have lunch 2. has a break 3. had a party 4. have a look 5. ’s / is having a nice time 6. had a chat 7. Did you have trouble 8. had a baby 9. was having a shower 10. Did you have a good flight?

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Present Tenses Present Simple

1A.1. she’s 2. they’re 3. it isn’t / it’s not 4. that’s 5. I’m not 6. you aren’t / you’re not 2A.1. is 2. ’m / am 3. is 4. are 5. ’s / is 6. are 7. is 8. are 9. ’m / am 10. is 3A.1. He’s / He is 2. I’m / I am 3. He’s / He is 4. they’re / they are 5. It’s / It is 6. You’re / You are 7. She’s / She is 8. Here’s / Here is 4A.1. ’s / is thirsty

2. ’re / are cold.3. ’s / is hot.4. He’s / He is afraid.5. They’re / They are hungry.6. She’s / She is angry.5A.1. Angela isn’t a student.2. My brother is / My brother’s married.3. Our house is near the bus stop.4. I’m / I am very hungry.5. We are not / We aren’t Canadian.6. The bank is / The bank’s close to the station.7. I’m not / I am not an English teacher.8. It’s / It is time for lunch now.9. Those maga‑zines are not / aren’t very in‑teresting.6A.1. G 2. F 3. H

4. C 5. A 6. E 7. B 8. I 9. D 7A.1. Are you English or Scottish?2. Where is your house?3. Is Maria a stu‑dent?4. Are your brothers married?5. Where is / Where’s the post office?6. Am I early?7. Who is / Who’s your teacher?8. Is the station near here?8A.1. How are 2. Where’s / Where is 3. How old are 4. How much are 5. What’s / What is 6. Who’s / Who is 7. What colour are 9A.1. Are 2. aren’t

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3. are 4.is 5. is 6.is 7. Is 8. isn’t 9. is 10. are 11. are 10A.1. No, I’m not.2. Yes, I am.3. No, I’m not.4. No, I’m not.5. No, they aren’t.6. Yes, it is.7. No, he isn’t. He’s American.8. Yes, they are.9. No, it isn’t.11A.1. is 2. My surname is Lopez.3. are4. I’m Spanish.5. is / ’s6. He / She is eigh‑teen.7. are8. They’re at work.9. is / ’s10. The name of

my home town is Madrid.11. is / ’s12. My favourite singer is Johnny Cash.12A.1. lives 2. takes 3. enjoys 4. knows 5. watches 6. goes 7. washes 8. relaxes 9. carries 10. tries 11. flies 12. hurries 13A.1. reads 2. thinks 3. flies 4. dances 5. has 6. finishes 14A.1. speaks 2. open 3. closes 4. teaches 5. meet 6. washes

7. costs 8. cost 9. boils 10. like 11. likes 15A.1. Sue always arrives early.2. I never go to the cinema.3. Martina always works hard.4. Children usually like chocolate.5. Julia always en‑joys parties.6. I often forget people’s names.7. Tim never watches television.8. We usually have dinner at 7.30.9. Jenny always wears nice clothes.16A.1. I usually watch TV in the evening.2. I sometimes read in bed.3. I often get up before 7 o’clock.4. I never go to work by bus.

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5. I usually drink two cups of coffee in the morning.17A.1. I don’t play the piano very well.2. Jane doesn’t play the piano very well.3. They don’t know my phone number.4. We don’t work very hard.5. He doesn’t have a bath every day.6. You don’t do the same thing every day.18A.1. I don’t watch TV very often.2. I never go to the theatre.3. I don’t ride a bicycle very often.4. I never eat in restaurants.5. I often travel by train.19A.1. don’t read 2. doesn’t use 3. don’t go 4. doesn’t wear

5. don’t know 6. doesn’t cost 7. don’t see 20A.1. speaks2. don’t like3. don’t know 4. doesn’t talk 5. drinks 6. don’t believe 7. like 8. doesn’t eat 21A.1. doesn’t work 2. works 3. doesn’t eat4. work5. don’t live6. prefers7. sings8. plays9. loves10. doesn’t eat11. doesn’t like12. comes13. doesn’t make14. doesn’t give22A.1. Do you play ten‑nis 2. Does Lucy live near here 3. Do they / Tom’s

friends play tennis 4. Does he / your brother speak Eng‑lish 5. Do you do yoga every morning 6. Does he / Paul often go away 7. Do you want to be famous 8. Does she / Anna work hard 23A.1. Where do your parents live?2. Do you always get up early?3. How often do you watch TV?4. What do you want for dinner?5. Do you like foot‑ball?6. Does your brother like football?7. What do you do in your free time?8. Where does your sister work?9. Do you often go to the cinema?10. What does this word mean?


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11. Does it often snow here?12. What time do you usually go to bed?13. How much does it cost to phone New York?14. What do you usually have for breakfast?24A.1. Yes, I do / No, I don’t.2. Yes, I do / No, I don’t.3. Yes, I do / No, I don’t.4. Yes, it does / No, it doesn’t.5. Yes, I do / No, I don’t.25A.1. watch 2. don’t3. do4. do5. like6. never7. Do8. sometimes 9. likes 10. Does

11. doesn’t 26A.1. What time do you get up?2. I usually get up at 7:30.3. Do you work in an office?4. No, I’m a student.5. What do you have for breakfast?6. I usually have toast.7. How often do you watch TV?8. I watch TV every evening.9. Do you visit friends at the week‑end?10. Yes, I do.11. Does your family go to the beach in summer?12. Yes, we do.13. Do you often go to bed late?14. No, I don’t.15. How often does your best friend phone you?16. She phones me once or twice a

week.27B.1. speaks 2. drink 3. opens 4. causes 5. live 6. take 7. connects 28B.1. doesn’t drink 2. do the banks close 3. don’t use 4. does Ricardo come 5. do you do 6. takes … does it take 7. does this word mean 8. doesn’t do 29B.1. goes 2. doesn’t grow 3. rises 4. make 5. don’t eat 6. doesn’t believe 7. translates 8. don’t tell 9. flows 30B.1. I suggest

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2. I promise 3. I insist 4. I apologise 5. I recommend 31B.1. happens 2. passes 3. takes 4. lasts 5. don’t sing 6. keep 7. doesn’t happen 8. enjoy 9. don’t remember 10. occurs 11. falls 12. looks 13. comes 32C.1.smell 2. taste 3. contain 4. own 5. belong to 6. believe 7. doubt 8. regard 9. dislike 10. mind 11. seem 12. depend on 13. deserve 14. fit

15. involve 16. matter 17. measure 18. mean 19. promise 20. weigh Other examples to each of the catego‑ries:senses: hear, sound, see possession: consist, have, include thinking: imag‑ine, know, realize, remember, suppose, understand emotional states: hate, prefer, want appearance: appear, be, exist

Present TensesPresent Continuous

1A.1. happening 2. visiting 3. sleeping 4. waiting 5. stopping 6. running 7. swimming

8. sitting 9. living 10. making 11. taking 12. using 2A.1. crying 2. helping 3. laughing 4. listening 5. playing 6. starting 7. wearing 8. working 9. beginning 10. digging 11. forgetting 12. putting 13. robbing 14. stopping 15. swimming 16. winning 17. arriving 18. coming 19. dancing 20. deciding 21. having 22. living 23. making 24. writing 25. dying 26. lying 27. tying


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3A.1. ’m working2. ’s / is cooking 3. ’re / are standing 4. ’s / is swimming 5. ’re / are staying 6. ’s / is having 7. ’re / are building 8. ’m / am going 4A.1. isn’t / ’s not hav‑ing dinner2. ’s / is watching television3. ’s / is sitting on the floor.4. She isn’t / ’s not reading a book.5. She isn’t / ’s not playing the piano.6. She’s / is laughing.7. She’s / is wearing a hat.8. She isn’t / ’s not writing a letter.5A.1. I’m not washing my hair 2. It’s (not) snowing 3. I’m (not) sitting on a chair 4. I’m (not) eating 5. It’s (not) raining

6. I’m learning English.7. I’m (not) listening to music 8. The sun is (not) shining 9. I’m (not) wearing shoes 10. I’m not reading a newspaper 6A.1. ’s having a shower 2. ‘m / am wearing a pullover3. ‘s / is eating in a restaurant today4. are playing in the garden5. computer isn’t / is not working6. isn’t / is not danc‑ing at the moment7. taxi is / taxi’s wait‑ing outside8. aren’t / are not having a lunch break9. aren’t / are not go‑ing to work today7A.a 1 are playing2. is / ’s listening3. is / ’s running

4. are having5. is / ’s eating6. is / ’s drinking7. are / ’re takingb8. Isabel9. Mr and Mrs Be‑renson10. Carlos11. Robert and Mick12. Miranda13. Rashid8A.1. Is 2. listening 3. is 4. Are 5. playing 6. aren’t7. Is8. walking9. isn’t10. running11. is12. eating / doing13. ‘s eating14. are15. doing16. are / ’re taking17. Is18. eating19. ‘s drinking a cola

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9A.1. Is Paul working today?2. What are the chil‑dren doing?3. Are you listening to me?4. Where are your friends going?5. Are your parents watching television?6. What is Jessica cooking?7. Why are you look‑ing at me?8. Is the bus com‑ing?10A.1. Is it raining today?2. it isn’t3. Are you doing your homework?4. I am 5. Is Steven cooking lunch?6. he isn’t7. Are the children watching TV?8. they are9. Are we waiting for somebody?10. we aren’t11. Is Elizabeth stay‑

ing with her grand‑parents this week?12. she is11B.1. F 2. E 3. G 4. A 5. D 6. H 7. B 8. C 12B.1. Are you waiting 2. ’m / am meeting 3. Is my radio dis‑turbing 4. ’m / am enjoying 5. are those people shouting 6. ’re / are demon‑strating 13B.1. is sitting 2. ’s / is standing 3. aren’t / are not looking 4. ’s / is wearing 5. isn’t / is not wear‑ing 6. ’s / is watching 7. ’s / is shining 8. is hanging

9. ’s / is lying 14B.Students’ own an-swers. See Exercise 3 for model answer.15B.1. What’s / What is he doing 2. What’s / What is he studying 3. Is he enjoying 4. ’s / is your new job going 5. it’s / it is getting 6. he isn’t / he’s not enjoying 7. he’s / he is begin‑ning 16B.1. I’m / I am trying 2. It isn’t / It’s not / It is not raining 3. I’m / I am not listening 4. She’s / She is hav‑ing 5. I’m / I am not eating 6. He’s / He is learn‑ing 7. They aren’t / They’re / They are not speaking


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8. I’m / I am getting 9. isn’t / ’s not work‑ing / is not working 10. I’m / I am looking 17B.1. is increasing 2. is changing 3. ’s / is getting 4. is rising 5. is starting 18B.1. You’re always los‑ing your phone.2. It’s always break‑ing down.3. I’m always mak‑ing the same / that mistake.4. You’re always for‑getting your glasses 19C.1. You’re always complaining about my handwriting.2. You’re forever ask‑ing me for money.3. You’re constantly criticising my driving.4. You’re continually changing your mind.5. You’re for‑ever moaning about (your) work

Present TensesPresent Simple & Past Continuous

1A.1. every day 2. nearly always 3. on Fridays 4. very often 5. when I’m tied 6. now 7. just now 8. these days 9. this afternoon 10. today 2A.1. D 2. G 3. H 4. E 5. F 6. A 7. B 8. C 3A.1. Do you speak 2. we go 3. is shining 4. are you going 5. do you go 6. She writes 7. I never read 8. They’re watching

9. She’s talking 10. do you usually have 11. He’s visiting 12. I don’t drink 4A.1. It’s raining 2. I’m writing 3. I hate 4. Do you remember 5. he’s lying 6. keeping 7. he sleeps 8. he doesn’t catch 9. are watching 10. They like 11. They aren’t laughing 12. I work 13. I don’t want 14. are you doing 15. you’re sitting 16. the sun’s shining 5A.1. is 2. is acting 3. loves 4. ‘s waiting 5. ‘s putting 6. is practising7. lives8. is staying9. don’t cost

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10. are staying11. thinks6A.1. do 2. don’t 3. are 4. does 5. ’s / is 6. don’t 7. do 8. does 9. doesn’t 7A.1. do you speak2. He’s having 3. I don’t watch 4. is singing 5. She wants 6. do you read 7. you’re sitting 8. I don’t under‑stand 9. I’m going 10. Are you coming 11. does your father finish 12. I’m not listening 13. He’s / He is cooking 14. doesn’t usually drive 15. usually walks 16. doesn’t like

17. She prefers 8A.1. Do you remember 2. know3. Are you using4. cost5. ‘re doing6. ‘m not doing7. don’t need8. ‘s9. ‘s looking after9A.1. H 2. E 3. D 4. F 5. B 6. G 7. A 8. I 9. C 10A.1. Are 2. I am 3. is your name 4. are you studying 5. have6. do7. are8. I’m living9. Have you10. isn’t11. have you got

11A.1. X 2. X 3. X 4. V 5. X 6. X 7. V 8. X 9. X 10. V 11. V 12. X 13. X 12A1. am writing 2. are staying 3. am sitting 4. am drinking 5. is walking 6. is collecting 7. is 8. spend 9. are going 10. are leaving 11. make 12. are 13. love 14. don’t want 13A.1. C 2. A 3. B


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4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B 14A.1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C 15B.1. Do you smoke 2. are you eating 3. is she working 4. Does it rain 5. don’t speak 6. is getting

7. Do you play 8. are you writing 9. She’s coming 10. I’m going 11. boils 12. Is that water boiling 16B.1. think 2. see 3. are you thinking 4. is that woman looking 5. looks like 6. feel 17B.1. Ok 2. is boiling 3. is trying 4. are they talking 5. OK 6. It’s / It is getting 7. OK 8. I’m / I am coming 9. are you getting 10. He always gets 11. OK 18B.1. It isn’t raining 2. She speaks 3. Everybody’s / Ev‑erybody is waiting 4. Are you listening

5. Do you listen 6. flows 7. ’s / is flowing 8. We usually grow 9. we aren’t / we’re not / we are not growing 10. it’s / it is improv‑ing 11. She’s / She is staying 12. She always stays 13. I’m / I am start‑ing 14. I’m / I am learn‑ing 15. ’s / is teaching 16. I finish 17. I’m / I am work‑ing 18. live 19. do your parents live 20. ’s / is looking 21. She’s / She is staying 22. does your brother do 23. he isn’t / he’s not / he is not working 24. I usually enjoy 25. I’m not / I am not enjoying

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19B.1. grow 2. don’t know 3. are trying 4. is getting 5. are disappearing 6. aren’t doing 7. enjoy 8. consist 9. melt 10. believe 20B.1. V 2. X 3. V 4. V 5. X 6. V 7. X 8. V 9. V 10. V 11. V 12. X 13. V 14. X 15. V 16. X 17. V 18. X 19. X 20. V

21B.1. Do you want 2. I’m / I am using 3. I need 4. does he want 5. is he looking 6. believes 7. I don’t / I do not / I can’t remem‑ber 8. I’m / I am think‑ing 9. I think 10. You don’t use 11. consists 22B.1. Ok 2. Do you believe 3. OK (I feel is also correct) 4. It tastes 5. I think 23B.1. he’s being 2. ’s / is being 3. ’s / is 4. are you being 5. Is he 24C.1. feel OR am / ’m feeling 2. are / ’re be‑ing / have been

3. do not / don’t imagine 4. appears 5. Do you need OR Will you be needing 6. like OR am / ’m liking 7. remember OR am / ’m remember‑ing 25C.1. How is it looking? OR How does it look?2. How does it look?3. ’m / am measuring 4. measures 5. doubt 6. doubt 7. is currently at‑tracting OR attracts 8. attract 9. doesn’t like 10. ’m / am not lik‑ing OR don’t like 11. ’re / are fitting 12. doesn’t fit 13. feels 14. ’m / am not feel‑ing OR don’t feel 15. consists (only) of 16. consists of 17. ’s / is sounding OR sounds


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18. sounds 19. ’s / is having 20. has 26C.1. apologise 2. admit 3. don’t suggest / ’m not suggesting (both possible) 4. now realise / ’m now realising (both-possible) 5. confess 6. ’m considering 7. do you find / are you finding (both possible) 8. know 9. don’t guaran‑tee / ’m not guaran‑teeing (both possible) 10. promise 27C.1. passes 2. shoots 3. are attacking 4. arrives 5. is waiting 6. says 7. is playing 8. stands 9. starts

28C.The most likely verbs are given:1. we’re / are usually eating OR we usu‑ally eat 2. don’t eat 3. plays OR is play‑ing 4. ‘re / are constantly playing OR con‑stantly play 5. I’m normally taking OR I nor‑mally take (It would suggest, however, that this is the time they leave home. Present continuous suggests that they are on the way to school at 8:30).6. takes 29C.1. ’m / am thinking 2. think 3. expect 4. are … expecting 5. is attracting 6. attracts 7. Do … see 8. is seeing 9. ’m / am measuring

10. measures 11. ’m / am look‑ing OR was looking (similar meaning, although the past continuous is more tentative, suggesting less chance of suc-cess) 12. looks 13. appears OR is appearing (suggests that this is unusual or temporary behaviour) 14.’s / is appearing 30C.1. I’m thinking about it.2. I hope 3. I visit 4. It’s getting 5. I recognise 6. It lasts 7. do you do 8. doesn’t fit 9. happens 10. are you looking 31C.1. all the time 2. currently 3. these days 4. now 5. Normally

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6. now 7. at present 8. until 9. forever 10. now 32C.1. hear 2. are drinking 3. am depending 4. are forever inter‑rupting 5. do you think 6. want 7. is handling 8. doubt 9. are you getting on 10. is just being 33C.1. know 2. spend 3. am thinking 4. Take 5. runs 6. is going out 7. seem 8. knows 9 fancies 10. happen 11. dislikes 12. stop 13. is deceiving 14. is seeing 15. are currently go‑

ing on 16. are experiencing 17. realise 18. upsets 19. am also trying 20. suspect 34C.1. looks just / exactly like 2. that belongs to you 3. am really enjoying working 4. means I take 5. cycling group consists of 6. you think is going to 7. I am measuring (the width of) 8. never remembers 9. survival depends on its ability 10. are you thinking about 35C.1. Ok 2. Does this to‑tal include the new students?3. are you waiting 4. taste 5. OK

6. OK 7. is going / is 8. OK 9. Do you hear 10. OK 36C.1. trying 2. shooting 3. listening 4. talking 5. asking 6. coming 7. taking 8. making 37C.1. 2 2. 4 3. 5 38C.1. contain 2. are slowly begin‑ning to understand 3. do you think 4. don’t realise 5. are imagining 6. are having 7. I’m taking 8. appeals 9. is considering 10. Does this wallet belong 39C.1. is going down


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2. are still trying 3. is Improving 4. believe 5. show 6. agree 7. means 8. is increasing 9. looks 10. interprets 11. remains 12. is becoming 13. cost 14. is pursuing 15. are currently facing 16. are having 17. have 18. suggest 19. behave 20. say 21. seems 22. cause 23. are introducing 24. are concentrat‑ing 40C.1. V 2. smells 3. V 4. do you do 5. It’s costing 6. V 7. V

8. I’m thinking 9. we’re beginnng 10. V 41C.1. is knocking 2. cook 3. is forever losing 4. comes 5. is reading 6. kicks 7. don’t understand 8. is leaving 9. is getting 10. hear 42C.1. Are you doing 2. contains 3. visits 4. is beginning 5. is seeing 6. don’t know 7. is taking 8. measures 9. Is happening 10. suppose 43C.1. go 2. is rapidly becom‑ing 3. causes 4. seems 5. are taking 6. simply weigh

7. carry 8. actually gives (7. and 8. could be: are carrying / is usually giving, to emphasise that this is a current trend) 9. simply don’t real‑ize 10. is happening 11. are still examin‑ing 12. do not believe 13. involves 14. expect 15. are working 16. hope (15. and 16. could be: are expecting / are hoping, to emphasize current activity) 17. realise 18. depend 19. understand 20. are checking 44C.1. Does this car be‑long to you, sir?2. This perfume smells nice.3. There seems to be a mistake.4. I don’t see what

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you mean.5. What do you think?6. At birth a baby el‑ephant weighs about 90 kg.7. Does the price matter?8. How much does this model cost?9. This book looks interesting.10. What does the box contain?45C.1. They say Harry is a very good card player.2. I don’t under‑stand this maths problem.3. I agree with you.4. She’s working in the garden.5. Stop shouting, the teacher’s coming.6. Somebody is knocking at the door.7. Some people be‑lieve [that] I UFOs have landed on Earth.

8. It’s getting hot‑ter in here.9. I love skiing.10. Peter is always losing his home‑work.46C.1. tries 2. is walking 3. hears 4. is watching 5. turns 6. doesn’t see 7. creeps 8. hears 9. sees 10. is sitting 11. asks 12. answers 13. says 14. laughs 15. replies 16. is standing 47C.1. are spending 2. pay 3. means 4. is taking 5. works 6. docs 7. am finding 8. admits 9. am trying

10. am managing 11. understand 12. know 13. am going 14. are helping / help 15. am learning 16. am experiencing 17. points out 18. are taking 19. do not really know 20. want 21. are developing 22. are appearing 23. are spending 24. think 25. are going

Past TensesPast Simple

1A.1. was 2. were 3. was 4. were 5. was 6. was 7. were 8. were 9. was 10. was 11. was


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12. was 13. was 14. were, was 15. was, was 2A.1. was 2. was 3. was 4. were 5. were 6. were 7. was 8. were 9. were 10. were 11. were 12. was 13. were 14. was 15. was 16. were 3A.1. ‘Was the weather nice?’ ‘Yes, it was a beautiful day’ 2. ‘Where were James and Wendy?’ ‘They were on the beach.’ 3. ‘Where were their children?’ ‘They were in the sea.’ 4. ‘Were there other children in the sea?’

‘Yes, there were.’ 5. ‘Were James and Wendy in the sea?’ ‘No, they weren’t.’ 6. ‘Was James awake?’ ‘No, he wasn’t.’ 7. ‘What was on James face?’ ‘There was a book on his face.’ 8. ‘Was it sunny all day?’ ‘No, it wasn’t.’ 9. ‘Were the holi‑daymakers wet in the end?’ ‘Yes, they were.’ 10. ‘Where was this beach?’ ‘It was in Britain.’ 4A.1. ‘Were the under‑ground trains fast?’ ‘Yes, they were.’ / ‘No, they weren’t.’ 2 ‘Was the weather warm?’ ‘No, it wasn’t.’ / ‘Yes, it was.’ 3. ‘Were the streets clean?’ ‘No, they weren’t.’ / ‘Yes, they were.’ 4. ‘Were the people friendly?’ ‘No, they weren’t.’ / ‘Yes, they were.’

5. ‘Were the parks beautiful?’ ‘Yes, they were.’ / ‘No, they weren’t.’ 6. ‘Was the air‑port busy?’ ‘Yes, it was.’ / ‘No, it wasn’t.’ 7. ‘Were the muse‑ums interesting?’ ‘Yes, they were.’ / ‘No, they weren’t.’ 8. ‘Were the shops expensive?’ ‘No, they weren’t’ / ‘Yes, they were’ 9. ‘Was the hotel comfortable?’ ‘Yes, it was.’ / ‘No, it wasn’t.’ 10. ‘Was the food good?’ ‘No, it wasn’t’ / ‘Yes, it was.’ 5A.1. watched 13. played2. cleaned 14. studied3. stopped 15. loved4. arrived 16. opened5. returned 17. started6. cooked 18. watered7. walked 19. climbed8. visited 20. stayed9. worked 21. called10. looked 22. kissed11. liked 23. tidied12. ironed 24. washed

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6A.1. helped 2. cleaned 3. watched 4. played 5. climbed 6. stayed 7. called 8. kissed 9. returned 10. arrived 11. looked 12. opened 13. walked 7A.1. helped 2. cleaned 3. washed 4. cooked 5. wasn’t 6. was 7. had 8. watched 8A.1. Did Mike watch TV yesterday? — Yes, he did.2. Did Simon clean the floor yesterday? — No, he didn’t.3. Did Simon water the flowers? — No, he didn’t.

4. Did Simon play football yester‑day? — Yes, he did.5. Did Mr. and Mrs. Hill wash the dishes yesterday? — No, they didn’t.6. Did Mr. and Mrs. Hill listen to the radio yesterday? — Yes, they did.7. Did Mr. and Mrs. Hill sing their favourite songs yes‑terday? — No, they didn’t.9A.1. Was / were 2. Broke 3. Bought 4. Came 5. Cut 6. Cost 7. Drank 8. Drove 9. Ate 10. Had 11. Went 12. Lost 13. Made 14. Met 15. Put 16. Read

17. Rode 18. Ran 19. Saw 20. Sat 21. Swam 22. Spent 23. Took 24. Told 25. Wrote 26. Got 10A.1. took 2. saw 3. bought 4. ate 5. drank 6. laughed 7. was 8. did 9. jumped 10. rode 11. had 11A.1. went 2. took 3. drove 4. bought 5. saw 6. cost 7. told 8. were 9. met 10. went


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11. sat 12. drank 13. came 14. did 15. wrote 12A.1. Did Jane meet friends yesterday? — No, she didn’t.2. Did Kate cut the grass yesterday? — Yes, she did.3. Did Peter write a letter yesterday? — Yes, he did.4. Did Vova meet his friends yesterday? — No, he didn’t.5. Did Pam and Ben write a story yes‑terday? — No, they didn’t.6. Did Rose read a book yesterday? — Yes, she did.7. Did Ann draw a picture yesterday? — No, she didn’t.8. Did you ride a bike yesterday?9. Did you get a let‑ter yesterday?

10. Did you build a house yesterday?13A.1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B 14A.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. B

15. B 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. C 15A.1. came 2. liked 3. listened 4. wanted 5. played 6. rode 7. swam 8. finished 9. visited 10. planted 11. bought 12. went 13. saw 14. ran 15. arrived 16. went 17. drank 16A.1. skipped 2. watched 3. didn’t have 4. didn’t go 5. washed 6. had 7. wrote 8. didn’t do

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9. came 10. ate 11. didn’t visit 12. wasn’t 13. read 14. didn’t go 15. celebrated 17A.1. It was cold last winter.2. Yesterday we sat under the tree.3. When did you get presents?4. Last week they lived on the farm.5. Were you at school last week?6. My sister liked to walked her dog.7. The boy gave his dog some meat.8. What did he repair yesterday evening?9. Some days ago we needed your help.10. Last winter we liked to skate in the garden.11. Did she get a nice present last birthday?12. My kite flew

high in the sky.13. Why did Mike get up early last night?14. We wanted to vis‑it you 2 days ago.15. When did he buy apples?18A.1. When did you come home yester‑day?2. They were at home when I came.3. Did Mark have a car two years ago?4. What was diffi‑cult?5. She left her baby in hospital.6. Did they call you the day before yes‑terday?7. Were Ann and Pete late for the meeting?8. Why did he fall ill last week?9. You didn’t make your bed.10. What time did you have lunch yes‑terday?

11. This woman taught you English, didn’t she?12. He got up, had his breakfast and went to the bathroom.13. She allowed her son to go to the party last week.14. The cat ate a mouse, didn’t it?19B.1. I didn’t like the film.2. She hated the hotel.3. We didn’t live there.4. Did he play the piano?5. I loved Paris.6. He didn’t work very hard.7. She travelled a lot.8. He walked every‑where.9. I didn’t study English.10. Did you drive to school?11. I didn’t like him.12. Did you miss your parents?


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13. We loved Spain.14. John studied music.15. Where did you live?16. What did he study?17. Where did she work?18. We didn’t like London.19. They hated wait‑ing.20. They worked in a factory.20B.1. bought 2. did they come 3. didn’t understand 4. thought 5. Did you eat 6. didn’t catch 7. forgot 8. Did they tell 9. did 10. didn’t drink 11. put 12. didn’t know 13. Did you go 14. gave 15. read 21B.1. was 2. finished 3. didn’t help

4. didn’t play 5. had lunch 6. didn’t smoke 7. lived 8. visited, ate 9. went 10. was 11. watched 12. saw 13. got 14. didn’t sleep 15. was, came 22B.1. won 2. walked, felt 3. took 4. preferred 5. spoke 6. sold, bought 7. met, fell 8. stopped, got off 9. left 10. How did you cut 11. tried 12. drank 13. found 14. founded 15. heard 16. made 17. When did you write 23B.1. died

2. were 3. started 4. saw 5. called 6. tried 7. was 8. arrived 9. fought 10. brought 11. entered 12. found 24B.1. Did you have 2. We didn’t try 3. did you see 4. I didn’t know 5. did you go 6. I didn’t like 7. did Sarah enjoy 8. I didn’t want 25B.On Tuesday I got up at half past six. I went to the bath‑room and washed my hands and face and cleaned my teeth. Then I dressed, went to the kitchen and cooked break‑fast for my family. At half past seven my son got up and

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had breakfast. I had breakfast with my son. My son ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. I didn’t drink tea. I drank coffee. After Break‑fast my son left home for school. I didn’t leave home with my son. On Tuesday I didn’t work in the morning. I worked in the afternoon. In the evening I was at home. My husband and my son were at home, too. We rested in the evening. My son watched TV, my husband read newspapers and I did some work about the house. At about eleven o’clock we went to bed.26B.1. Did you do 2. went 3. was 4. took 5. Did you stay 6. stayed

7. did you do 8. took 9. had 10. was 11. shone 27B.1. left 2. worked 3. started 4. worked 5. became 6. made 7. called 8. heard 9. sang 10. was 11. went 28B.1. decided 2. got into 3. drove 4. found 5. took 6. started 7. told 8. packed 9. moved 10. began 11. saw 12. ran away 13. could 14. started 15. got into

16. were 17. had 18. got out 19. mended 20. arrived 21. were 22. had 23. went 29B.1. Did we go for a stroll down ‘Alpha‑bet Street’ to Ginger Street? We didn’t go for a stroll down ‘Alphabet Street’ to Ginger Street.2. Did television cut deeply into the movie‑going audi‑ence in the 1950s? In the 1950s, television didn’t cut deeply into the movie‑going audience.3. Did he do a tremendous amount of work? He didn’t do a tremendous amount of work.4. Did they carry out a huge survey? They didn’t carry out a huge survey.


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5. Were there a lot of disasters in the 20th century? There weren’t a lot of disasters in the 20th century.6. Did the actress give a bravura performance in the Aldwych in Lon‑don? The actress didn’t give a bravura performance in the Aldwych in London.7. Did he fail to ap‑pear before the mag‑istrate? He didn’t fail to appear before the magistrate.8. Was Hobbs a founding partner in the Atlantic Finan‑cial Markets? Hobbs wasn’t a found‑ing partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets.9. Could they get out of the place? They couldn’t get out of the place.10. Did they shut up? When they saw me,

they didn’t shut up.11. Did she begin the examination on time? She didn’t begin the examina‑tion on time.12. Did my friends teach English for twenty‑five years? My friend didn’t teach English for twenty‑five years.30B.1. Wasn’t 2. was 3. took 4. was 5. received 6. meant 7. invented 8. laid 9. allowed 10. replaced 11. created 12. didn’t own 13. walked 14. rode 31B.1. began 2. found 3. explained 4. was 5. knew

6. wrote 7. seemed 8. ate 9. drank 10. got 11. learnt / learned 12. found 13. fed 14. gave 15. tied 16. went 17. spoke 18. met 19. read 20. had 21. spread 22. came

Past TensesPast Simple and Past

Continuous 1A.1. were 2. was 3. did 4. did 5. were 6. was 7. were 8. were 9. was 10. was

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11. did 12. did 13. was 14. did 15. did 16. did 17. was 18. were 19. were 20. was 21. did 2A.1. were waiting 2. arrived 3. was swimming 4. saw 5. were playing 6. started 7. cried 8. heard 9. were driving 10. stopped 11. went 12. began 13. left 14. became 15. were working 16. met 17. felt 18. read 19. was raining 20. got up

3A.1. It was raining when I got up this morning.2. When I got up, I had shower.3. We were doing home when we saw the accident.4. When we saw the accident we phoned the police.5. John was riding on his bike when he fell off.6. He broke his leg when he fell off.7. I was getting un‑dressed when I heard a strange noise outside my bedroom window.8. When I heard the noise, I went over to the window and looked outside.4A.1. No, I wasn’t 2. Yes, she did.3. No, I didn’t.4. Yes, he was.5. Yes, they were.6. No, he didn’t.7. Yes, I did.8. Yes, they were.

9. No, I didn’t.10. No, they weren’t.11. Yes, I did.12. Yes, they did.13. No, she wasn’t.14. Yes, he didn’t.15. Yes, I didn’t.16. Yes, I wasn’t.17. Yes, he was.18. No, I didn’t.19. Yes, she was.20. Yes, she did.5A.1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. B 6A.1. was doing 2. broke 3. were walking 4. began 5. was repairing 6. arrived


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7. was eating 8. rang 9. was riding 10. dropped 11. saw 12. were driving 13. was watching 14. broke down 15. were talking 16. came 7A.1. went 2. was dancing 3. were you laughing 4. drank 5. rode 6. was writing 7. was raining 8. played 9. sang 10. was cleaning 8A.1. had 2. was driving 3. flew 4. tried 5. crashed 6. was not / wasn’t 7. went 8. was talking 9. arrived 10. gave 11. was

12. ended 13. tidied 14. was tidying 15. 1ound 16. had 17. did not / didn’t want 18. put 19. stored 9A.1. was 2. decided 3. was shining 4. were singing 5. felt 6. was 7. climbed 8. were admiring…9. heard 10. looked 11. did not / didn’t see 12. thought…13. saw 14. decided 15. was examining 16. heard 17. said 18. did not / didn’t close 19. turned 20. saw 21. knew 22. was watching

10A.1. happened 2.was 3. were having 4. was 5.was shining 6. was 7. hit 8. fell 9.wasn’t 10. got 11A.1. The police arrived while I was having breakfast.2. The storm started while they were driv‑ing home.3. I saw an accident while I was waiting for the bus.4. Mary went to sev‑eral concerts while she was staying in London.5. I was having breakfast when the police arrived.6. My father was cooking the dinner when he burnt his fingers.

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7. The soldiers were preparing to leave when the bomb exploded.12A.1. Philip was wash‑ing the car when the fire started.2. Neil was studying while his sister was listening to music.3. Harriet opened the door and walked into the house.4. We had lunch at a lovely restaurant every day when we were on holiday.5. Brian was drink‑ing tea at five o’clock yesterday afternoon.6. Dad was repairing the TV while Mum was cooking dinner.7. I went to the cin‑ema last Saturday.8. I bought a new dress for my party yesterday.9. While Jeff was building the gar‑

den shed, he hurt himself.10. White the teach‑er was speaking, the students were listen‑ing to him.13A.1. made 2. was making 3. arrived 4. helped 5. designed 6. started 7. was working 8. died 9. escaped 10. were taking 11. caught 12.locked 13.were losing 14. won 15. sang 16. played 17. recorded 18. was preparing 19. shot 20. were coming 21. were hurrying 22. was standing 23. grabbed 14A.1. did you get 2. did you do

3. you were reading 4. rang 5. were you doing 6. was drinking 7. drank 8. went 9. did you put 10. was raining 15A.1. broke 2. happened 3. was painting 4. fell 5. arrived 6. got 7. were waiting 8. was walking 9. met 10. was going 11. was carrying 12. stopped 16A.1. were you doing 2. rang 3. was watching 4. was studying 5. did the post arrive 6. came 7. was having 8. didn’t go 9. were you driving 10. stopped 11. wasn’t driving

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12. Did your team win 13. didn’t play 14. did you break 15. were playing 16. kicked 17. hit 18. Did you see 19. was wearing 20. were you doing 21. lost 22. did you get 23. climbed 17B.1. were cleaning 2. started 3. was driving 4. remembered 5. was cooking 6. came 7. heard 8. was sitting 9. was typing 10. arrived 11. was digging 12. found 13. was riding 14. noticed 15. was doing 16. rang 18B.1. were doing 2. saw

3. was walking 4. did you see 5. was driving 6. stepped 7. was 8. was the driver speeding 9. look 10. tried 11. did anyone else see 19B.A.1. got 2. pulled 3. was falling 4. was blowing 5. looked 6. was waiting 7. was turning 8. heard 9. was walking 10. smiled 11. said B.1. picked 2. threw 3. was getting 4. had 5. started 6. heard 7. saw 8. was heading

9. stopped 10. was sitting 11. opened 12. said C.1. stepped 2. closed 3. was 4. was beating 5. were shaking 6. found 7. was looking 8. were following 20B.1. used to enjoy 2. found 3. used to wear 4. Did people really use to think 5. admitted 6. often used to fall 7. were 8. was planning 9. was wearing 21B.1. When he was car‑rying a suitcase, he dropped it on his foot.2. He broke his leg when he was skiing.3. He sat down on a chair while I was painting it.

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4. As he was running for a bus, he collided with a lamppost.5. His hair caught fire when he was cooking chips.6. When he was holding a beauti‑ful vase, he suddenly dropped it.7. He was sitting in the garden when a wasp stung him on the nose.22B.1. went 2. was watching 3. We lost 4. it came 5. was coming 6. went 7. fell 8. were playing 9. I was working 10. I lost 11. I got 12. I did 23B.1. Vicky was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang.2. When Andrew saw the question, he

knew the answer im‑mediately.3. The train was waiting when we ar‑rived at the station.4. I was read‑ing a library book when I found a £10 note in it.5. Sarah had an electric shock when she touched the wire.6. When the doors opened, the crowd rushed in.7. When the campers woke, they saw that the sun was shining.24B.1. when 2. shining 3. was 4. wasn’t 5. didn’t 6. hated / detested 7. walked / went 8. were 9. sat 10. had 11. was 12. took 13. didn’t

14.want‑ed / hoped / had / intended 15. When 16. was 25B.1 was lying 2. rang 3. stopped 4. was 5. left 6. was falling 7. came 8. seemed 9. enjoyed 10. saw 11. was standing 12. had 13. opened 14. fell 15. was walking 16. felt 17. didn’t know 18. were going 19. heard 20. drove 21. happened 22. was driving 23. saw 26B.1. painted 2. were having 3. was playing


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4. made 5. Did you see 6. was working 7. were talking 8. slept 9. destroyed 10. was waiting 11. was having 12. knocked 13. were living 14. asked 15. were having 16. were you doing 17. made 18. didn’t say 19. was walking 27B.1. were walking 2. asked 3. was having 4. rang 5. was 6. was finishing 7. entered 8. was following 9. dropped 10. washing up 11. broke 12. was walking 13. was going on 14. were rushing 15. was 16. was sitting

17. kept 18. turned round 19. began 20. was standing 21. heard 22. remembered 23. went 24. were talking 25. ran 26. was shining 27. were singing 28. decided 29. rang 30. was dressing 31. lit 32. nodded 33. was listening 34. came 35. was doing 36. were … not lis‑tening 37. was speaking 38. was waiting 39. came 28B.1. saw 2. was watching 3. went 4. practised 5. were you talking 6. owned 7. did 8. jumped

9. was working 10. got 11. were playing 12. did pass 29B.1. were you going 2. Did you enjoy 3. was always taking 4. did not / didn’t have 5. went 6. became 7. was working 8. heard 9. appeared 10. threw 30B.A.1. was shining 2. were singing 3. was driving 4. was smiling 5. was looking forward / looked forward 6. enjoyed 7. was going / went 8. began 9. stopped 10. tried 11. happened 12. sighed 13. got out

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14. pushed / was pushing 15. started B.1. entered 2. closed 3. was hanging up 4. heard 5. was running 6. walked 7. turned 8. froze 9. was standing 10. took 11. turned 12. was leaning 13. gave 14. laughed 15. started 16. thought 17. replied 18. missed 31B.1. woke 2. was shining 3. were singing 4. was 5. went 6. was having 7. said 8. continued 9. put 10. opened

11. was getting 12. rang 13. answered 14. was practicing 32C.1. got 2. were studying 3. travelled 4. always kept 5. saw 6. was waiting 7. did not / didn’t see 8. filled 9. gave 10. was working 11. met 12. looked 13. finished 14. was always can‑celling 15. was hoping 16. didn’t get 33C.1. was getting 2. went 3. broke 4. was skiing 5. met 6. was working 7. was looking 8. slipped 9. ordered 10. was waiting

11. arrived 12. was getting 13. closed 14. sat 15. shut 16. started 17. wasn’t concen‑trating 18. was thinking 19. was writing 20. was driving 21. came 22. put 23. took 24. place 34C.1. were having or had 2. had 3. lived 4. were living or lived 5. was 6. were being or were 7. was enjoying or enjoyed 8. enjoyed 35C.1. was talking 2. correct / I spent 3. won 4. had to


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5. correct / were go‑ing to the beach 36C.1. was 2. was 3. were screaming 4. shouting 5. wanted 6. was pouring 7. was dripping 8. was thumping 9. loved 10. felt 11. decided 12. started 13. went 14. were all dancing 15. clapping 16. left 17. was 18. got back 19. opened 20. saw 21. were waiting 22. locked 23. shouted 24. came 25. tied 26. blindfolded 27. gagged 28. could hear 29. was talking 30. was saying

31. was saying 32. deserved 33. Deserved 34. did he mean 35. was going on 36. didn’t someone tell 37. was happening 37C.1. happened 2. was 3. were all lying out 4. was reading 5. was just dozing 6. were looking for 7. arrived 8. was 9. looked 10. went 11. opened 12. thought 13. were 14. said 15. phoned 16. didn’t answer 17. were you doing 18. heard 19. was having 20. couldn’t 21. did you want 22. was clearing out 23. gave 24. came across

25. were addressed 26. all smelt 27. woke up 28. woke up 29. listened out 30. didn’t hear 31. was snoring 32. were making 33. was dripping 34. opened 35. looked 36. was 37. was shining 38. thought 39. saw 40. could certainly hear 41. saw 42. was 43. was wearing 44. was hiding 45. ran 38C.1. correct 2. correct 3. When he phoned, she was having a bath.4. While I was iron‑ing, he was reading a newspaper.5. I was cooking supper when I heard this news.

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6. correct 7. I could not answer your call. I was working in the gar‑den then.8. They wished to stay because they were enjoying them‑selves.9. correct 10. The train was approaching the city when it rained heavily.11. The secretary was still typing when the boss came in and put some documents on the table.12. When he came up to the square, he saw a lot of people: they were singing, dancing and shouting. They were celebrating New Year.13. Just as I came into the room, the students were discussing the first report.14. correct

15. The children were playing while the mother was putting the room in order.39C.1. were passing 2. stopped 3. was reading 4. had 5. was getting 6. Was thinking 7. did swim 8. attracted 9. was put 10. was working 11. arrived 12. was created

Past TensesUsed to / Would

1A.1. usedto eat, he eats 2. used to drink, she drinks 3. eats, she used to eat 4. eats, she used to eat 5. Did Robert use to eat?6. Did Mary use to eat?

7. Did Pamela use to drink?8. didn’t use to eat 9. didn’t use to eat 10 didn’t use to drink 2A.1. correct 2. correct 3. correct 4. Did Pamela used to go to the concert last night?5. correct 6. John use to spend a lot of money on that new jacket he bought last week.7. Kate didn’t use to come to school yesterday because she was sick.8. correct 9. correct 10. correct 3A.1. Dan used to play the violin, but now he plays the guitar.2. Anna used to be best friends with Angela, but now she’s / she is best


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friends with Cathy.3. Susan used to have dancing les‑sons, but now she has riding lessons.4. I used to buy cas‑settes, but now I buy CDs.5. John and lean used to live in Lon‑don, but now they live in Cardiff.6. David used to drive a Fiesta, but now he drives a Jaguar.4A.1. I used to walk to work.2. I didn’t use to have a dog.3. I used to eat junk food.4. I didn’t use to go to the gym every night.5. I used to be shy.6. I didn’t use to live in a big 7. I used to have long hair 8. I didn’t use to eat lots of vegetables

5A.1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. A 6A.1. work 2. working 3. walk 4. walking 5. wash 6. washing 7. playing 8. play 7A.1. used to smoke … gave it up 2. didn’t use to like him … changed 3. used to live … went 4. used to earn … lost 5. joined … didn’t use to like 6. Did you use to travel … got 7. used to work … became 8. used to drive … had

9. used to work … dropped 10. used to see … had 11. used to work … went 12. used to play … broke 13. used to have … moved 14. used to live … moved 15. used to drive … started 8A.1. I used to have long hair but now it’s short.2. I didn’t use to like olives but I do now.3. Did you use to play any sports at school?4. We used to be friends we’re not now.5. Did they use to live together?6. Paul used to work for me but now he’s my boss.7. Zuza didn’t use to be interested in fashion but now she loves it.

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9A.1. Thomas used to do a lot of sports. Now he doesn’t do any.2. Thomas used to have a lot of hair. Now he doesn’t have much.3. Thomas used to be quite slim. Now he is overweight.4. Thomas didn’t use to have a girl‑friend. Now he is married 5. Thomas used to have a bicycle. Now he has a car.6. Thomas didn’t use to have much money. Now he gets a good salary.10A.A.1. Did you use to watch a lot of TV?2. Did you use to go abroad for your holidays?3. Did you use to cook for your par‑ents?4. Did you use to

help your mother around the house?5. Did you use to do a lot of exercise?B.1. E 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 11A.1. Did you use to work here?2. I used to eat junk food.3. Didn’t she use to be a singer?4. She didn’t use to smoke so much.5. Did you use to get on well with your grandparents?6. We used to have to work all the time.7. I didn’t use to listen to the radio.8. We used to have a house on the beach.12A.1. I used to 2. They’re used to 3. we used to 4. Did you use to

5. I’m not used to 6. This used to 7. I used to 8. aren’t used to 9. I’m not used to 10. I used to 11.I didn’t use to 12. I’m not used to 13. I wasn’t used to 14. They used to 15. We used to 13A.1. Cameras used to be big and heavy but now they are small and light.2. Phones used to be attached to wires but now they are mobile.3. People used to ride horses but now they drive cars.4. No, most people used to work on farms but now they work in factories and offices.5. Children used to finish school at 12 but now they fin‑ish school at 16.6. No, most people used to live in the


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country but now they live in towns.7. People used to go to the cinema more but now they watch TV and DVDs.14A.1. Did people use to smoke inside cin‑emas in the 1950s?2. Films didn’t use to have sound but now they do.3. Did cameras use to be very expensive?4. Harrison Ford used to be a carpen‑ter before he became a film star.5. Glenda Jackson used to be a film ac‑tress but now she is a politician.6. Did Bruce Willis use to have a lot of hair?7. It didn’t use to be expensive to go to the cinema but now it is.15A.1. used to 2. didn’t use to live

3. live 4. had 5. got 6. became 7. didn’t use to be 8. used to spend 9. won 16B.1. didn’t use to 2. used to 3. didn’t use to 4. used to 5. used to 6. didn’t use to 17B.1. Mary used to work in a café but now she works as an air‑hostess.2. She used to stay in England but now she travels all the time.3. She didn’t use to earn much money, but now she earns a lot of money.4. She used to walk to work but now she drives to work.5. She didn’t use to get up early but now she gets up early.

18B.1. He used to live with parents, but now he is married.2. He didn’t use to have children, but now he has a daughter.3. He used to have a skateboard, but now he has a car.4. He used to play the guitar, but now he plays golf.5. He didn’t use to wear glasses, but now he wears glasses.19B.1. used to 2. did you use to 3. used to 4. did you use to 5. didn’t use to 6. Did you use to 7. used to 20B.1. He used to smoke three packets a day.2. I used to hate sport when I was at school.3. He used to go to Italy every year when he was a child.4. Did she use to go

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skiing a lot before?5. He didn’t use to like computers.6. Did she use to bite the nails as a child?7. I used to walk our dog every afternoon when I was younger.21B.I used to knock on people’s doors then run away.22B.1. used to 2. Did / use to 3. used to 4. Didn’t use to / never used to 5. Did / use to 6. didn’t use to / never used to 23B.1. used to travel 2. used to have / ride 3. used to live 4. used to eat / like / love 5. used to be 6. used to take 7. used to be 8. did you use to go 24B.Example answers:

1. I used to live in a small village, but now I live in London.2. I used to play ten‑nis a lot, but now I don’t play anymore.3. I used to be a veg‑etarian, but now I eat meat sometimes.4. I used to watch TV a lot, but I don’t watch it much now.5. I used to hate getting up early, but now it’s no problem.6. I didn’t use to drink coffee, but I drink it every day now.7. I didn’t use to like hot weather, but now I love it.25B.1. used to 2. would / used to 3. would / used to 4. used to / would 5. used to (stative verb can’t be used would) 6. used to / would 7. used to / would 8. used to (be-

cause it’s a state) 26B.1. was going to 2. used to / would 3. used to / would 4. used to (love is a stative verb) 5. was going to 6. used to 27B.1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 28B.1.B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B 29B.1. were you doing


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2. was watching 3. was making 4. were going to have 5. didn’t have 6. used to go 7. happened 8. thought 9. heard 10. went 11. didn’t see 12. realised 13. were having 14. were setting off 15. wasn’t 30C.1. isn’t used to 2. used to 3. is used to 4. was going to 5. used to / would 6. used to / would 7. used to 8. used to 9. used to / would 10. used to / would 11. used to / would 12. was going to 13. was / am … used to 31C.1. would lock 2. used to feel 3. met

4. was walking 5. told 6. were breaking 7. were sitting 8. realised 9. didn’t want 10. moved 11. am not used 12. thought 32C.1. isn’t used to 2. are used to 3. is used to 4. isn’t used to / wasn’t used to 5. Are you getting used to / Have you got used to / Are you used to 6. got used to 33C.Sample answers1. saw some wonder‑ful paintings.2. I didn’t finish till ten.3. rail out of the room.4. spend a whole morning climbing trees.5. we saw a teacher from our school.

6. travelled by train / used to travel by train / would travel by train.7. was revising for my exams.8. borrowing his brother’s car.34C.1.used to 2. get 3. would 4. used to 5. playing 6. use to 7. getting 8. used to 35C.1. people would walk more 2. never used to / used not to 3. used to play 4. have got used to sending 5. would often get home 6. get used to living 7. did not / didn’t use to go 8. never used to have / used not to have

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36C.1. would 2. not 3. to 4. been 5. were 6. have 7. themselves 8. would 9. got 10. were 37C.1. used to 2. used to / would 3. used to / would 4. used to 5. never used to / would never 6. used to / would 7. used to / would 8. often used to / would often 9. often used to / would often 10. used to 11. never used to / would never 12. used to 13. often used to / would often 14. used to 15. used to

38C.1. had 2. made 3. were studying 4. was describing 5. pricked up 6. noticed 7. was crying 8. apologised 9. said 10. didn’t know 11. made 12. happened 13. was showing 14. was examining 15. was smiling 16. got 17. said 18. laughed 19. wasn’t looking 20. inspired 21. started 39C.1. did you use to do 2. would / used to follow 3. moved 4. visited 5. would / used to give 6. Did you use to have (would is not used with state verbs or in questions)

7. really used to like / used to really like (would is not used with state verbs) 8. used to / would go 9. used to / would spend 10. took 11. did you use to have to (would is not used in questions) 12. used to have to (would is not used with state verbs) 13. didn’t use to look forward to (would is not generally used with negatives) 40C.1. 2. used to live / lived 3. used to go 4. 5. noticed 6. 7. realised 8. was snowing 9. skidded 10. 11. phoned 12. (background scene) 13. stopped (event)


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14. 15. came 16 41C.1. used to be was 2. 3. would be were 4. while when 5. expected was expecting 6. 7.didn’t use to being didn’t use (used) to be 8.were coming came 9. wasn’t used to having didn’t use (used) to have 10. 11. Would your mother work Did your mother use (used) to work 12. 42C.1. both 2. was waiting 3. would always have 4. both 5. used to own 6. didn’t mean 7. both, but ate is colloquial in this

context.8. both 9. both 10. didn’t always use to look 43C.1. would 2. use 3. could 4. was 5. the 6. wondering 7. before 8. about 9. Seeing / Noticing 10. took 11. got 12. who 13. had 14. had 15. was

The Past Continuous Tense

Was / were +ing 1A.Being; running; dig‑ging; having; stop‑ping; swimming; taking; becoming; buying; cutting; do‑ing; singing; helping;

breaking; saying; typ‑ing; learning; wear‑ing; coming; dying.2A.1. Were 2. Were 3. Were 4. Were 5. Was 6. Were 7. was 3A.1. were having 2. was telling 3. was working 4. were you playing 5. was translating 6. weren’t skating 7. was passing 4A.1. wasn’t feeling 2. weren’t you going 3. weren’t having 4. wasn’t going 5. wasn’t he doing 6. wasn’t reading 7. wasn’t preparing 5A.1.Were you drinking 2.Were they writing 3.Was he working 4.Were we watching 5.Were you playing

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6.Was he drawing 7.Who was listening 6A.1C 2A 3D 4E 5B 7A.1. C was learning 2. A was playing 3. B dancing / flirting 4. B doing 5. A was playing 8A.1. was repairing 2. was playing 3. was looking 4.were discussing 5. was Nick doing 6. were you doing 7. wasn’t sleeping 9A.1. was 2. didn’t; going 3. were; was 4. were; doing 5. happening; was 6. was preparing 7. was fixing 10A.1. B was lying, speaking

2. B was robbing 3. C was dying 4. C was you doing, was playing 5. C was shining, were singing 6. B was having 7. B was sleeping 11A.1. When I went into the yard, the boys were playing football.2. When we were playing, Bob was shouting loudly.3. I met Victor in the street. He was run‑ning quickly along the street.4. The weather was fine; the sun was brightly shining in the sky.5. Nick was look‑ing after his little sister in the garden.6. His sister was helping him to pack his things carefully when I came.7. They were cook‑ing dinner at that time with grandma.

12A.1. They were danc‑ing yesterday the whole evening.2. Why was the child crying?3. We weren’t having exam yesterday in the morning.4. What you were doing on Tuesday at that time?5. I was reading a new magazine the whole evening.13A.1.were walking; met 2. was reading; knocked 3. were going; were eating 4. didn’t spend; was preparing 5. doing 6. discussing; dis‑cussed 7. watching 14A.1. was shining; were singing; was smiling; saying 2. was wearing 3. was making


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4. was having 5. were walking 6. was blowing; was beating; was stand‑ing; approached 7. was going; was drawing; was look‑ing; was thinking 15A.1. B was happening 2. A was seeing 3. A was playing 4. A weren’t helping 5. B were they going 6. B was preparing 7. B were you think‑ing 16B.Running; studying; swimming; listen‑ing; writing; skiing; bringing; sitting; do‑ing; drawing; asking; lying; saying; digging 17B.1. was 2. didn’t; going 3. weren’t; were; was 4. were; was 5. happening; was 6. was preparing 7. was looking; was

18B.1. He was making it yes‑terday in the evening.2. Was she writing this task yesterday in the afternoon?3. We weren’t do‑ing it yesterday from 5 till 7 o’clock.4. He wasn’t taking part in this project because he was ill.5. While we were walking we saw a wonderful rain‑bow in the sky.6. This group wasn’t having classes in the morning.7. Were you work‑ing in the library the whole day?19B.1. are writing 2. went 3. were going 4. are doing; are working 5. were doing; were watching 6. were discussing 7. did … see; saw; were going

20B.1. came; was sleep‑ing 2. was sitting; opened 3. were doing; read 4. met; was waiting 5. was copying; were describing 6. came; were clean‑ing 7. were feeding; were making 21B. Model answers When someone broke the window dad was reading a paper.When mum heard the crash she was tiding the room.The cousins didn’t hear the noise because they were playing the computer games in the earphones.The dogs were sleep‑ing when the noise woke them up.At 7 o’clock Nick was writing some exercises.

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22B.1. had 2. Was 3. Were writing … doing 4. Went 5. Was answering 6. Were writing 23B.1. went 2.were swimming 3. were laughing 4. were playing 5. was feeding 6. saw 7. were sleeping 24B.1.Was watching 2. was sitting 3. was reading 4. was trying on 5. were listening 6. were lying 7. were sleeping 25B.1. was washing 2. was working 3. was studying 4. was translating 5. were living 6.were you going 7. were moving

26B.1. Did… skate; were skating 2. were listening 3. have just had; was 4. are..doing; are continuing 5. didn’t go 6. met; was going 7. haven’t seen 27B.1. was trying 2. was having 3. were walking 4. were reading; were turning; was knitting; was play‑ing; was waiting 5. was talking; was telling 6. was going on; was drawing; was look‑ing; was burning 28B.1. C 2. C 3. A 4.B 5. A 6. C 7. B 29B.1. was

2. were; when 3. were testing; while; were 4. was 5. Was 6. was 7. were; while were 30B.1. She fell asleep when she was watch‑ing a video.2. While I was creat‑ing a Power Point presentation my computer suddenly went off.3. It was raining when he got up.4. They saw an acci‑dent when they were waiting for the bus.5. Kate was mak‑ing a phone call at 9 o’clock in the morning.6. You weren’t study‑ing when I called.7. I was listening to the radio so I didn’t hear the alarm.


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Past Perfect 1A.1. had already won 2 gold medals 2. had never visited Scotland 3. had never ridden a horse 4. had already run in five marathons 5. had never written a poem 6. had never ap‑peared on TV 7. had already played tennis at Wimbledon four times 8. Had already writ‑ten two novels 2A.1. When Lady James appeared, the driver had already started the car.2. When the firemen arrived, we had al‑ready put the fire out.3. When the man‑ager came back, Jim had already finished the work.4. When Philip

telephoned, I had already gone to bed.5. When their chil‑dren came home, Alice and Jack had already had lunch.6. When his wife got home from work, Ian had already made dinner.7. The thieves had already spent the money when the police caught them.3A.1. had always wanted to fly in a helicopter 2. had just gone out.3. had been to Cam‑bridge.4. had made some sandwiches.5. had met her in Amsterdam.6. had ever been to Japan.4A.1. the film already began / the film had already begun 2. I saw it before anyway. I had seen it before anyway

3. So you already decided you liked me! / So you had already decided you liked me!4. but it dosed a week before! / but it had closed a week before!5. Everyone went‑home Everyone had gone home 6. because I left my keys because I had left my keys 5A.1. Had they opened all the presents? Yes, they had.2. Had they drunk lemonade? Yes, they had.3. Had they eaten all the cake? No, they hadn’t.4. Had they let the cat in? No, they hadn’t.5. Had they eaten turkey? Yes, they had.6. Had they tidied the room? No, they hadn’t.

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6A.1. Had often lied 2. Had heard 3. Hadn’t arrived yet 4. Had never seen 5. Had already begun 6. Hadn’t eaten 7. Had anyone died 7A.1. What had Bob done 2. Had you eaten 3. Had he lived 4. Had she found 5. Had they booked 6. How often had you rung 7. Why had they had 8. Had Carly washed 9. Had you read 10. Who had lived 8A.1. She had gone out.2. lt had changed a lot.3. She’d arranged to do something else.4. The film had already started.5. I hadn’t seen him for five years.6. She’d just had breakfast.

9A.1. He had never flown before 2. I’d never heard it before.3. He’d never played (tennis) before.4. We’d never been there before.10A.1. had left 2. had already seen 3. had gone 4. had died 5. had never flown 6. had never lived 11A.1. had built 2. had not been 3. had already done 4. had made 5. had put on 6. had not ordered 7. had learned 8. had fallen 9. Had he phoned 10. had not ridden 12A.1. h 2. g 3. d 4. a 5. f

6. b 7. c 8. e 13A.1. Had watched 2. Had missed 3. Had built 4. Had painted 5. Had planted 6. Had written 7. Had practised 8. Had ordered 9. Had knocked 10. Had slipped 14B.1. The rain had stopped before I went for a walk.2. I had done my homework before my mother returned home.3. We had met in the street before we went to the park.4. They had packed their things before they started.5. I had had dinner before I switched on the TV set.6. Before he re‑turned home the guests had left.


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7. Before we came to the cinema the film had begun.8. I had read the book before I saw the play.9. They had lived here before they moved to another place.10. We had played а game of tennis before we went to my place.15B.1. had forgotten 2. had gone 3. had just had 4. had left 5. had not phoned 6. had come back 7. had met 8. had often heard / had never seen 9. had given up / had made 10. had already bought 11. had arranged 12. had sold 13. had finished

16B.1. After he had finished school, he went to a camp.2. As soon as she had phoned her friend, she went to meet her.3. I read the book af‑ter I had seen the film.4. I had cleaned my room before I invited my friends home.5. He entered the university after he had finished school.6. Не told me about his impressions after he had returned from his journey.7. He was unhappy after he had got bad news.8. After I had finished the text, I handed in my exercise‑book.9. They had lived in the country before they moved to the city.

17B.1. Had snowed 2. Had 3. Driven 4. Had given 5. Never 6. Had 7. Had 8. Only 9. Had had 10. Had 11. Forgotten 12. Had arranged 18B.1. Had made 2. Had not ordered 3. Had forgotten 4. Had gone 5. Had played 6. Had passed 7. Had not started 8. Had studied 19B.1. had changed 2. had heard 3. had finished 4. had mastered 5. had prepared 6. had seen 7. had talked 8. had been 9. had made 10. had dragged 11. had found

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20B.1. had … changed 2. had come 3. had stopped 4. had retired 5. had gone 6. had stopped 7. had laid 8. had taken 9. had finished 10. had begun 11. had swum 21B.1. hadn’t arrived 2. had walked 3. had not walked 4. had disappeared 5. had smiled 6. had walked 7. had tidied 8. had had 9. had finished 22B.1. had had 2. had been 3. had finished 4. had eaten 5. hadn’t gone 6. had gone 7. hadn’t talked 8. had shown 9. had fed

23B.1. had moved 2. had ordered 3. had finished 4. had selected 5. had shaved 6. had finished 7. had passed 8. had come 9. had passed 24B.1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. b 25B.1. a 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. d 26B.1. Had worked 2. Had enjoyed

3. Had failed 4. Had called 5. Had scratched 6. Had started 7. Had scared 8. Had argued 9. Had finished 10. Had behaved 11. Had invaded 27B.1. Had written 2. Had known 3. Had begun 4. Had eaten 5. Had hidden 6. Had ridden 7. Had flown 8. Had fallen 9. Had sung 10. Had written 11. Had worn 28B.1. Had not stood 2. Had not had 3. Had not saved 4. Had not worked 5. Had not swung 6. Had not taken 7. Had not slept 8. Had not fixed 9. Had not surfed 10. Had not ex‑pected


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29C.1. had left 2. had paid 3. had become 4. had knocked 5. had rung 6. had not gone 7. had been 8. had hunted 9. had shut 10. felt 30C.1. had finished 2. had hung 3. had not been 4. had been 5. had known 6. had gone 7. had found 8. had reached 31C.1. had … sat 2. flopped 3. had … reached 4. had … taken 5. had … disap‑peared 6. had … established 7. had … arrived 8. had … fallen 9. had … asked 10. had … taken 11. had … begun

12. had … stopped 13. had … come 32C.1. had worried 2. had planned 3. had been 4. had broken 5. had caught 6. had lived 7. had made 8. had … removed (or taken) 9. had … had 33C.1. Had started 2. Had gone 3. Had not seen 4. Had planned 5. Had taken 6. Had not men‑tioned 7. Had not parked 8. Had bought 9. Had lost 34C.1. she had studied a lot.2. he had taken an umbrella.3. I had met a friend.4. he had shaved his beard.5. I had seen the.

6. the water pipes had broken.7. he had insulted her at a party.35C.1. where she’d been born.2. after it had been badly damaged in a storm.3. Christine had been going out with Mark for six months.4. Kim had hidden it there.5. They’d pitched the tent near the bottom of a hill.6. She’d enjoyed her childhood.7. The truck, which had been overload‑ed.8. Even though his mother had pre‑dicted great things for her son.36C.1. had eaten 2. Had you finished 3. had bought 4. had she done 5. hadn’t made

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6. had written 7. had wanted 8. Had they invested 9. hadn’t done 10. had been made 37C.1. had already eaten 2. Had Tom chosen 3. had driven 4. had understood 5. hadn’t told 6. had purchased 7. had printed 8. Had Henry come 9. hadn’t completed 10. had reserved 38C.1. Had already rung 2. Had already ad‑opted 3. Had seldom played 4. Had recently dis‑appeared 5. Had quickly sold 6. Had never for‑given 7. Had seriously considered 8. Had frequently thought 9. Had usually watched

10. Had solemnly sworn 11. Had still cost 39C.1. Thrown 2. Broken 3. Come 4. Tried 5. Caught 6. Paid 7. Set 8. Forgiven 9. Left 10. Spoken 11. Found 12. Run 13. Seen 14. Written 15. Gone 16. Forgotten 17. Ridden 18. Bitten 19. Given 20. Sold 40C.1. Long 2. Already 3. By 4. Before 5. Much 6. Before 7. So 8. When

9. Already 10. Already 41C.1. had never been on TV 2. had no longer been there 3. had never met him 4. they had signed 5. had never stayed 6. had just begun 7. he had written 8. she had turned 9. after I had checked 42C.Students` own an-swers43C.1. had stopped 2. had emptied 3. had had 4. had arrived 5. had made 6. had phoned 7. had answered 8. had opened 9. had dictated 10. had started 11. had talked 12. had asked 13.had been able 14. had noticed


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15. had examined 16. had signed 17. had had 18. had found 19. had seen 20. had asked 21. had pointed out 22. had turned off

Past Perfect Continuous

1B.1. had been dream‑ing 2. had been trying 3. had been repairing 4. had been painting 5. had been working 6. had been working 7. had been smoking 8. had been thinking 9. had been eating 10. had been building 2B.It was 10 o’clock at night. The offices of ‘The Daily News’ were buzzing with excitement. The deadline for the paper was in half an hour and they were

frantically trying to finish the front page. Everyone had been working all evening without a break. Some of the journal‑ists had been at the office since early in the morning. They had all been trying to get an exclusive story, to find out something that no other journal‑ist had discovered. The main story was a big one. The Prime Minister had resigned. Every‑one knew that his government had had lots of problems in the last year but his resignation was nonetheless a big surprise. Rumours had been going round all day about the real reasons for the announcement. Some said that he had been involved in some financial scan‑

dal. Others said that he had been seeing another woman. All the papers had been working all day to get the best story. And they had been doing their best to find out what the other papers had said. The whole day had been very tense. Suddenly the editor asked everyone to be quiet. There was a telephone call from the Prime Minister’s office.3B.1. had been typing 2. had been waiting 3. had it been rain‑ing 4. had been having 5. had been training 6. had been fixing 7. had been talking 8. had you been watching 9. had been sailing 10. had been trying 4B.1. had been studying

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2. entered 3. started 4. managed 5. had been building 6. wasn’t 7. hadn’t been feel‑ing 8. saw 9. had been talking 10. had been solving 11. had been driving 12. occurred 13. had been playing 14. began 15. had been jogging 16. fainted 17. hadn’t been fighting 5B.1. Her son had been sleeping for half an hour when the door‑bell rang.2. At last the waiter came — we had been waiting for him for twenty minutes!3. Henry had been driving for two hours when a policeman stopped him.4. Teenagers had been playing tennis

for about an hour when it started rain‑ing heavily.5. Was Ben out of breath because he had been jogging for an hour. — Yes, he was.6. The room was untidy as the boys had been fighting.7. I had been work‑ing for some time when my PA called me.8. We were disap‑pointed because we had been looking forward to the party for a week.6B.1. C 2. A 3. E 4. F 5. H 6. G 7. I 8. B 9. D 7B.1. C 2. B

3. D 4. I 5. E 6. G 7. F 8. A 9. H 8B.1. D 2. H 3. I 4. G 5. C 6. J 7. A 8. E 9. F 10. B 9B.1. had been sleeping 2. had been waiting 3. had been looking for 4. had not been walking 5. had she been learning 6. had been singing 7. had been driving 8. had been helping 9. had not been working 10. had been cycling


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10B.1. had been studying 2. had been learning 3. had been working 4. had been training 5. had been speaking 6. had been eating 7. had been living 8. had been going 9. had been waiting 10. had been driving 11B. 1. it had been snow‑ing for 4 hours.2. he had been working there for 20 years.3. Mike had been living there for a fortnight.4. they had been studying German for 5 years 5. the authors had been working on the novel for 2 years.6. Pele had been playing football for 6 years.7. the students had been listening atten‑tively to the dialog for an hour.

8. the children had been walking for 2 hours.12B.1. Before the kids went outside, it had been snowing all morning. 2. She had loved him for a year before they had their first date. (Love is a stative verb.) 3. I finally visited France. I had been studying French for 2 years.4. Trudy had an ac‑cident because she had been driving for 12 straight hours.5. The doctor had been training for 4 years before he opened his own of‑fice.6. I had believed you until Sam told me the truth. (Believe is a stative verb.) 7. Diane’s eyes were itchy. She had been watching TV all

afternoon.8. Columbus had been sailing for more than 2 months before he and his 90 sailors saw North America.9. Robin’s clothes were wet. It had been raining a long time.10. The house stunk because raw meat had been on the table for a week. (Be is a stative verb.) 13B.1. had been trying 2. had had 3. had been waiting 4. had arranged 5. had already picked 6. had been waiting 7. had almost given 8. had gone 9. had been 10. had missed 14B.1. I had been work‑ing …2. They had been playing …

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3. I had been look‑ing forward …4. She had been dreaming.5. He had been watching …15B.1. had been exercis‑ing 2. had been swim‑ming 3. had been doing 4. had been sitting 5. had been writing 6. had been walking 7. had been snowing 8. had been smoking 9. had been sleeping 16C.1. We had been play‑ing for half an hour, when it started to rain.2. I’d been waiting for 20 minutes when 3. I realised that I was in the wrong restaurant. OR … that I had come to the wrong restau‑rant.4. At the time the factory closed down

5. Sarah had been working there for five years.6. The orchestra had been playing for about ten minutes 7. when a man in the audience started shouting.8, 9. Example answer: I’d been walking along the road for about ten minutes when a car suddenly stopped just behind me.17C.1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6.. C 18C.1. were having 2. we had known 3. he was walking 4. She had been run‑ning 5. They were eating 6. They had been eating 7. He was looking

8. was waiting 9. she had been waiting 10. I had had 11. We had been travelling 19C.1. had been watching 2. had been going 3. had been talking 4. had been thinking 5. had been racing 6. had been driving 7. had been making 8. had been growing 20C.1. had been aching 2. had not been keeping 3. had been planning 4. had been living 5. had not been hanging 6. had been supply‑ing 7. had been painting 8. had been feeling 9. had not been cooking 10. had been calling 11. had been burning 12. had not been sleeping


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21C.1. had normally been carrying 2. had still been practicing 3. had already been milking 4. had always been scratching 5. had often been finding 6. had seldom been reading 7. had never been skiing 8. had been happily preparing 9. had been faith‑fully bringing 10. had been persis‑tently barking 11. had usually been running 23C.1. sailing 2. was 3. had 4. been 5. been 6. coming 7. been 8. said 9. went

10.was 11. were 12. about (OR get‑ting) 13. heard 14. could 15. had 24C.1. When the student revolution came, I had been working there for 6 months.2. Before Jim finally decided to go to Thailand, he had been thinking about it for months.3. They had eaten all the chocolate cake by the time Michael got to the party.4. I had met Scarlett Johansson on three previous occasions. Lucky me!5. The forensic evi‑dence shows that he had been picking his nose just before he was murdered.6. When the doctor told him his liver was seriously bad,

he had been eating hamburgers for a month.7. Prior to the explo‑sion, the fat man had eaten seven large chocolate cakes.8. When they can‑celled the flight to Alicante, the storm had been raging all afternoon with no sign of abating.25C.1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 26C.1. had been worrying 2. had been working 3. had been looking 4. had been dealing 5. had been waiting 6. had been reading 27C.Students` own an-swers

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28C.Students` own an-swers29C.1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. had been sleeping 7. had been looking 8. had she been learning 9. had been driving 10. had been skiing 30C.Students` own an-swers


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1. Прокошева И. И. Основные математические понятия в английском языке: методические указания. Оренбург: ГОУВПО ОГУ, 2003. 50 с.

2. Alexander L. G. Longman English Grammar Practice for In‑termediate Students. LONGMAN, 1998. 301 р.

3. Coe N., Harrison M., Paterson K. Oxford Practice Grammar (Basic). OXFORD University Press, 2008. 347 р.

4. Halley C., Hill J. Elementary English Grammar. Heinemann Oxford, 1993. 256 p.

5. Crace A., Wileman R. Language to go Intermediate. Longman, 2002. 128 p.

6. Crace A., Ackam R. Total English Pre‑Intermediate. Long‑man, 2005. 160 p.

7. Dignen S., Viney B., Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. PERSON LONGMAN, 2008. 192 p.

8. Dooley J. Evans V. Grammarway 3. Express Publishing, 1999. 272 p.

9. Dooley J. Evans V. Grammarway 4. Express Publishing, 1999. 278 p.

10. Eastwood J. Oxford Practice Grammar . OXFORD University Press, 1999. 433 p.

11. Evens V. English Grammar Book Round Up 3. Longman, 2000. 161 p.

12. Evens V. English Grammar Book Round Up 4 . Longman, 2000. 189 p.

13. Evens V. English Grammar Book Round Up 5. Longman, 2000. 209 p.

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14. Evens V. English Grammar Book Round Up 6. Longman, 2000. 268 p.

15. Foley M., Hall D. My GrammarLab Elementary A1 / A2: With Key. PERSON LONGMAN, 2012. 355 p.

16. Gude K., Duckworth M. Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) Masterclass — Student’s Book. Louis Rogers. OUP Oxford, 2012. 191 p.

17. Harrison M. Grammar Spectrum 2 English rules and Practice Pre‑Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2003. 121 p.

18. Hashemi L., Thomas B. Grammar for FCE. Cambridge, 2006. 260 p.

19. Hashemi L., Murphy R. English Grammar in Use — Supple‑mentary Exercises. Cambridge University Press, 2004. 136 p.

20. Hewings M. Advanced Grammar in Use. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013. 304 p.

21. Hewings M. Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency Student Book with Answers. Cambridge, 2009.

22. Hopkins D., Cullen P. Grammar for IELTS. Cullen. Cam‑bridge, 2008. 258 p.

23. Mann M., Taylore‑Knowles S. Destination B1 Grammar & Vocabulary. Macmillan, 2008. 255 p.

24. Mann M., Taylore‑Knowles S. Destination B2 Grammar & Vocabulary. Macmillan, 2008. 254 p.

25. Mann M., Taylore‑Knowles S. Destination C1‑C2 Grammar & Vocabulary. Macmillan, 2008. 321 p.

26. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use (for elementary stu‑dents). CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1997. 300 p.

27. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Fourth edition. With answers . Cambridge, 2012.

28. Naylor H., Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. Supple‑mentary Exercises with Answers. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

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29. Powell D., Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for Up‑per Intermediate Students. PERSON LONGMAN, 2008. 224 p.

30. Prodromou L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. LONGMAN 1999. 318 p.

31. Swan M., Walter C. The Good Grammar Book . Oxford, 2001.32. Swan M., Walter C. Oxford English Grammar Course Ad‑

vanced. Oxford University Press, 2011.33. Swan M. Practical English Usage (3rd Edition). Oxford, 2005.34. Vince M. Intermediate Language Practice. MACMILLAN

HEINEMANN, 2006. 266 p.35. Vince M. Advance Language Practice. MACMILLAN

HEINEMANN, 2003. 326 p.36. Vince M., Sunderland P. Advanced Language Practice with

key. English Grammar and Vocabulary. Macmillan Education, 2003. 326 p.

37. Vince M. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Advanced with Key. Macmillan Education, 2008. 240 p.

38. Viney B., Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for El‑ementary Students. PERSON LONGMAN, 2008. 192 p.

39. Walker E., Elsworth S. New Grammar Practice for Pre‑Interme‑diate Students . PERSON LONGMAN, 2000. 181 p.

40. Walker Elaine. New Edition Grammar Practice for Elementa‑ry Students / Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth. PERSON LONGMAN 2000. 177 p.

41. Yule G. Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced. OXFORD Uni‑versity Press, 1999. 286 p.

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ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ................................................................. 3

PRESENT TENSES . Be, Have & Have Got ........................... 4

PRESENT TENSES. Present Simple ...................................... 9

PRESENT TENSES. Present Continuous .............................. 20

PRESENT TENSES. Present Simple & Present Continuous ... 28

PAST TENSES . Past Simple ................................................... 56

PAST TENSES. Past Simple and Past Continuous .................. 72

PAST TENSES. Used to / Would ........................................... 95

PAST CONTINUOUS . Was / were +ing ................................. 115

PAST PERFECT. Forms and use ............................................ 126

PAST PERFECT. Past Perfect Continuous ............................. 151

KEYS ...................................................................................... 169

REFERENCES ...................................................................... 224

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Составители: Бабанина Тамара Михайловна

Ефремова Дарья Павловна Невраева Наталья Юрьевна

Паздникова Юлия Андреевна

Редактор В. О. Корионова Компьютерный набор А. Г. Ковалевой, Е. В. Пономаревой

Верстка Е. В. Ровнушкиной

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