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  • 15/04/2013 VIT 1/30


    1. Preamble

    2. Scope

    3. Admission

    4. Academic System

    4.1 Semester

    4.2 Curriculum

    4.3 Syllabus

    4.4 Course Plan

    4.5 Course Flowchart

    4.6 Course Types

    5. Programme Duration

    6. Structure of the Programmes

    6.1 Course Credits

    6.2 Minimum Credit Requirement

    6.3 Credit Distribution

    6.4 Course Distribution

    7. Course Registration

    7.1 Faculty Adviser

    7.2 Bridge Courses

    7.3 Minimum/ Maximum Credit Limits for Course Registration

    7.4 Registering for Backlog Courses

    7.5 Add/Drop of Courses

    7.6 Course Withdrawal

    7.7 Course Prerequisites

    8. Attendance

    9. Assessment/ Evaluation

    9.1 Class Based Learning

    9.2 Questions based on HOTs

    9.3 Eligibility for Examinations

    9.4 Grading System

    9.5 Absolute and Relative Grading

    9.6 Evaluation for Laboratory only Courses

    9.7 Evaluation of Courses having Embedded Laboratory

    9.8 Perusal of answer sheets, Revaluation and Declaration of results

    9.9 Calculation of Grade Point Average

    9.10 Absence from an Exam
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    9.11 Semester Grade Sheet and Consolidated Grade Sheet

    9.12 Academic Malpractice

    9.13 Promotion and Termination

    10. Audit Course

    11. Registering Post Graduate level courses

    12. UG Research Experience

    12.1 URE001

    12.2 URE002

    12.3 URE003

    12.4 URE004

    13. Additional Learning

    13.1 Minor credential

    13.2 Honours credential

    13.3 Double Major credential

    14. Course Substitution

    15. Grade Improvement

    16. Credit Transfer

    17. Course Equivalence

    18. Honours Club

    19. Time Limit for Programme Completion

    20. Award of Degree

    21. Modification in Regulations

    Annexure 1 List of Programmes under FFCS

    Annexure 2 Minimum credit requirements for various programmes

    Annexure 3 List of University Core courses for various programmes

    Annexure 4 Criteria for registering UE and Audit courses

    Annexure 5 CBL/PBL/RBL Assessment Procedure

    Annexure 6 Assessment Procedure of a Lab/ Project Course

    Annexure 7 Grading Procedure

    Annexure 8 Clearing of a Backlog/ Arrear course


    AY Academic YearCAT Continuous Assessment TestCAM Continuous Assessment MarksCAMP Challenging Assignment and Mini ProjectCBL Class Based LearningFast track Normally only one unit of class/ tutorial/ lab will be conducted per day.

    However, under fast track, more than one unit of class/ tutorial will beconducted per day and more than one unit of lab will be conducted per week.
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    FFCS Fully Flexible Credit SystemGrand Total Marks As shown in Annexure - 7PBL Project Based LearningPC Programme CorePE Programme ElectiveProgramme A degree with a major specialization in an Engineering/ Technology discipline

    offered by the UniversityRBL Research Based LearningSET Conference VIT International Conference on Science, Engineering and TechnologyTEE Term End ExaminationUC University CoreUE University ElectiveUG Under GraduateUniversity VIT University, Vellore, India




    Present day student is much different from the students of the past in many ways. Students like to makedecisions on their own and like to plan their future by themselves. But student aspirations on one handand the demands of the work place on the other have become highly diverse. Employers expect studentsto have multi-disciplinary competency, leadership skills and be Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT) ready. The present rigid, cohort system of learning offers little flexibility to students inselecting the courses of their choice and helps little in becoming a well-rounded personality.

    As part of continuous improvement in providing quality education, VIT University is taking the next step inthis direction by introducing the Fully Flexible Credit System (FFCS) into its academic curriculum. By this,the students can register courses of their choice and alter the pace of learning within the broad frameworkof academic course and credit requirements. They can register courses according to their interest andacademic ability in completing them. FFCS allows students in deciding their academic plan and permitsstudents to alter it as they progress in time.

    Students will have the option of choosing courses from a basket of courses within each classification.Ample options are given to choose interdisciplinary courses from other Engineering Schools which willhelp the student to develop additional skills. Slow learners will also benefit since important courses willbe made available in both semesters, so that students can re-register the course they missed to clear inthe subsequent semester. Suitable provisions are included to reward academically sound students.

    Another milestone in implementing FFCS is moving from a fixed time table to a slot based timetable.Under this, a student will be able to choose the time he/she wants to attend a theory class/ lab. Thus,combining FFCS with a slot based timetable, students can make their own time table and each student in aclass may have a different timetable of his/her own.

    FFCS offers not only wide choices for students to build their own curriculum, but also enhances their skillin planning. A Faculty Adviser helps a student in identifying the courses based on programmerequirement, course prerequisites, students ability and interest in various academic disciplines.

    In order to make the learning more effective, Project Based Learning (PBL) is introduced in which thestudent applies the course principles by carrying out challenging projects as part of the course.


    The rules and regulations stated herein shall be called FFCS Academic Regulations Version 2.00 in itscomplete form and in short as FFCS Regulations 2.00. These regulations are applicable to all students

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    admitted during the AY 2012-13 and subsequently, into various programmes of the University. Academicprogrammes under FFCS shall be decided by the Academic Council and the list of programmes currentlyunder FFCS is given in Annexure - 1.

    The B.Tech. Degree Programme Regulations 2008, FFCS Regulations - Version 1.00 was originally

    approved by the 18th Academic Council. FFCS Regulations Version 1.10 was approved by the 20th

    Academic Council. For the programmes offered by the VIT Business School, separate Regulations were

    approved by the Standing Committee of the Academic Council held on 7th August 2010.

    The complete Academic Regulations Version 2.00 was approved by the 27th Academic Council (held on 27th

    July 2012). Minor modifications have been carried out as per the procedure outlined in Section 21 on 15th

    August 2012 and named as Version 2.10.


    All students admitted to various B.Tech. programmes shall undergo a national level competitiveexamination (VITEEE) conducted by the University once in a year, the dates of which will be announcedseparately. Selected students will be admitted to various programmes based on counseling. Similarly, allstudents admitted to various M.Tech. programmes shall undergo a national level competitive examination(VITMEE) conducted by the University once in a year, the dates of which will be announced separately.Selected students will be admitted to various programmes based on counseling. For all the otherprogrammes, students will be admitted based on their merit and their meeting the admission criteria. Theminimum qualifications essential for admission to various programmes of the University will be stipulatedand indicated in the Admissions brochure released before the commencement of admission toprogrammes. Similarly, admission criteria for various research programmes of the University will bestipulated and indicated in the Admissions brochure released before the commencement of admission toResearch Programmes.


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    All programmes under FFCS shall adopt a Semester system. There will be two semesters in an academicyear. Normally the Fall Semester will be from July to December and Winter Semester from December toMay. An optional Summer semester, from May to July, will be offered considering the demand for suchcourses of needy students, subject to the availability of faculty and resources. A summer semester isnormally offered under a fast track mode, considering the less number of days available during thesummer vacation. Unless otherwise specified explicitly, all rules and regulations applicable to a courseoffered during a regular semester is applicable to the course offered during the Summer under fast trackalso. Like Fall and Winter semesters, a separate semester Grade Sheet will be issued for the coursesregistered during the Summer semester also. Though courses will be offered during Summer semester tohelp students to clear their backlog, it is not binding on the University to offer courses during Summer.


    Each programme contains a prescribed course structure which is generally called Curriculum. Curriculum ofa programme contains courses grouped under various heads, viz. University Core, University Elective,Programme Core and Programme Elective, each group explained in detail under Section 6.4. A student isconsidered to have completed the degree programme, if and only if, he/she has successfully cleared/completed all the courses prescribed in his/her programme curriculum. These courses will be offered to astudent in a pre-determined manner in each semester. Students are expected to take courses offered ineach semester and clear them subject to various conditions as prescribed in this Regulation. Eachprogramme Curriculum shall have a version number tagged to the AY to which it is applicable andsubsequent changes in the Curriculum shall be indicated by a change in curriculum version numberappropriately.

    Each programme shall have a Programme Manager and the Programme Manager is deemed to own thecurriculum. Any change in the Curriculum should be recommended by the Board of Studies of theprogramme concerned and submitted to the Academic Council by the Chairperson of the Board of Studies

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    concerned for approval.

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    A course syllabus is a document that explains what a student is going to study in that course. Each coursewill have a course code, course title, LTPC (explained in Section 6.1), syllabus revision number (version),course prerequisites (if any), course objectives, expected outcome, short and detailed description of thetopics the student will be exposed with timestamps, suggested text and reference books, and the mode ofevaluation adopted, date on which the Board of Studies has recommended the syllabus and the date onwhich it was approved by the Academic Council. Once approved by the Academic Council, it is mandatoryfor the course teacher to teach the course as specified in the syllabus in total. Any subsequentmodifications carried out with the approval of the Academic Council will be indicated by a change in thesyllabus version number. An increment by one indicates a major change and minor changes will beindicated by a change in the number after the decimal.

    A Course Committee consisting of a minimum of three faculty members who have taught/ are teaching thecourse shall be created and the syllabi of that course will be assigned to the Course Committee for contentcreation, modification, etc. over a minimum period of 2 years. School Directors may nominate themembers or alternate them periodically. Course Committee is considered to be the owner of a Course.


    A course plan consists of a list of lectures/ experiments carried out in each instructional class/ lab by thecourse teacher during the semester as per the LTPC of the course, with details like mode of delivery,reference material used, etc. For one course credit, 15 lecture/ tutorial classes or a minimum of 30 hours oflaboratory work should be put in within the regular semester period or in a summer semester periodspecified in the Academic Calendar of the University. Separate course plans need to be prepared for thetheory and laboratory portions of any course, if the course has an embedded lab component.

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    A flowchart describing how various courses under PC, PE and UC are connected through prerequisites shallbe shown and made part of the curriculum. Standard pictorial representation may be adopted to indicatevarious types of courses (UC, UE, PC and PE). They may be grouped to indicate the proposed semester ofoffering. Necessary pre-, anti- and co- requisite requirements may also be included inside various shapes.


    Courses may be classified as Theory only, Lab only, Theory and Lab embedded and Project. Courses likeseminar, mini project, Student Project, Project Work, Comprehensive exam, Industrial Internship, etc. aregrouped under Project type of courses.

    All courses offered to M.Tech., two year M.Sc. and MCA programmes shall focus on carrying out a projectwhich will result in a SET Conference publication. Hence such courses will be categorized under ResearchBased Learning (RBL). A few faculty adopt project based learning approach in their UG courses and suchcourses will be categorized under Project Based Learning (PBL). Courses taught based on traditionalclassroom methods will be categorized under Class Based Learning (CBL).


    The minimum duration of a programme generally students are expected to take to meet variousrequirements of programmes offered by the University is given in Annexure 2. All programmes come toan end when the student earns the minimum course and credit requirements as specified by theprogramme curriculum concerned. However, degree will be awarded only upon the completion of theminimum duration of the programme. The general rules and regulations stipulated in this document isalso applicable to the double and dual degree programmes offered by the University and other specialprogrammes announced by the University, but their specific requirements will be as laid down andapproved by the Academic Council separately, from time to time.


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    This section outlines the course and credit requirements of various programmes to become eligible for thecompletion of the degree.


    A class room instruction/ tutorial of 50 minutes duration per week shall be considered as one InstructionalUnit or credit. A minimum of 100 minutes per week of laboratory session/ practical or field work/ training/project or a combination of these will also be considered as one Instructional Unit or one credit. OneCourse Credit shall consist of a minimum of 15 Instructional Units offered during a semester. Each coursecarries a fixed number of credits (C), delivered as Lecture (L), Tutorial (T) or Practical (P) and indicated asits LTPC. The number of Instructional units delivered each week forms the basis of LTPC of a Course.

    uoWAn LTPC of 2-1-2-4 means 2 instructional units based on class room lecture, one instructional unit oftutorial and one laboratory based instructional unit, all delivered within a calendar week.


    The minimum credit requirement for the completion of the programme for students admitted duringvarious Academic Years shall be as given in Annexure - 2. Further, the student has to meet the course andcredit distribution also as specified under Section 6.3. Due to various features of FFCS, it is possible for astudent to reach the minimum credit requirements without completing the courses under UC/PC orwithout meeting the credit requirements under UE/PE. Under such circumstances, though the student hasmet the minimum credit requirements, it is mandatory for the student to complete all courses under UCand PC and also to meet the credit requirements under UE and PE to become eligible for the degree.

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    Course credits shall be distributed among the Engineering, Science, Humanities and Managementdisciplines as shown below:

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    Engineering 64Science 20Humanities 8Management 8

    A maximum of 3 % deviation in credits is permitted in each discipline.

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    The curriculum of each programme contains courses that are grouped into University Core (UC), UniversityElective (UE), Programme Core (PC) and Programme Elective (PE).

    6.4.1University Core (UC)

    Courses listed under University Core are mandatory to all similar degree programmes listed underAnnexure - 1. These courses are basic in nature and are expected to enhance students knowledge invarious disciplines apart from his/her own discipline. UC courses may be added or removed from time totime by the Academic Council. UC courses may be listed by a specific course code and course title. In fewcases, a minimum credit requirement may be fixed to be met by taking one or more courses offered in abasket under UC. The list of courses under UC for various programmes is given in Annexure - 3. StudentProject, Industrial internship, Co/Extra Curricular Activity and Comprehensive Examination are part of UCrequirements.

    uo: UC specifies that each student should take a foreign language course(s) for 2 credits. This can bemet by taking any course offered from a basket of foreign language courses, like French, German, Chinese,Japanese, Spanish, etc.

    6.4.2Programme Core (PC)

    Courses listed under Programme Core of a curriculum are mandatory to the specific programme. Students

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    have to complete all the courses listed under PC to become eligible for the degree. No substitution of a PCcourse is permitted.

    6.4.3University Elective (UE)

    Students can take any course as their UE, subject to the eligibility criteria specified under Annexure 4.Such an UE course cannot be a course listed under their curriculum UC/PC as a required course. This givesan opportunity for students to satisfy their aspirations in other disciplines also. The number of credits astudent is permitted to take under UE shall be as given below. This can be availed as a combination ofsmaller course credits also, without any additional payment. Students not willing to take any UE courseshall be permitted to take PE course(s) that are not yet studied, instead. An Audit course already clearedby the student cannot be credited again under the UE option.

    (e.g): 6 credits of UE requirement can be met by taking two 3 credit courses or three 2 credit courses.Students need not pay any additional Course Registration charges, since they register 3 courses instead of2 courses.

    W}Puu Eu}(]vhB.Tech., M.S. (SE), M.Sc. (5 year Integrated) programmes 6 creditsM.Tech., M.Sc., BCA, B.Sc., B.Com. programmes 3 credits

    A list of University Elective courses will be declared in priori and / or at the beginning of each semester bythe Schools. Only a course that forms a part of a curriculum of a programme listed under Section 2.0 can bedeclared as a University Elective by the programme. Hence courses under UE may be PC or PE for a givenprogramme but UE courses for students from other programmes. Since UE courses offered by a particularprogramme are expected to be taken by other discipline students, they may not have a prerequisite otherthan that appear under UC.

    A course that is not part of any programme curriculum can also be specified as a UE course by declaring itsuitable to a specific degree programme. Other programme students can take the same as their UE if theymeet the conditions specified in Annexure 4.

    6.4.4Programme Elective

    By taking Programme Elective courses, students get an opportunity to study courses which are moreadvanced or applied or specialized than the basic courses he/she studies as part of core courses listedunder their programme curriculum. These courses will generally provide an in-depth knowledge of aspecific sub-field the student has taken as his/her major specialization. PE courses need not be restrictedto his/ her major specialization. To provide an opportunity to students to take interdisciplinary courses,such identified courses will also be listed under PE courses. PE courses play a crucial role in offeringMinor/ Honours specialization.

    6.4.5Experiential Learning


    During their tenure in the University, students get exposure to academic environment which is differentfrom the environment, viz. industry, wherein they are expected to be placed. To get this exposure, allstudents should undergo four weeks of industrial internship in a reputed industry in their respectivebranch, any time after two years of study, which carries 2 credits under University Core. This training canbe availed in a single stretch of four weeks or in two stretches of two weeks duration each. If a studentcould not undertake the industrial training during the four year period due to valid reasons, he/she maybe permitted to complete the same after the end of four year term. During the training, the student isexpected to maintain a log of their activity and learning. At the end the training, a report along with acompletion certificate from the Industry where he/she had received the training is to be submitted to theTraining Coordinator of his/her programme for evaluation within 10 days of the commencement of thesemester in which the student has registered for the industrial internship. Based on entries made in theactivity log, the industrial internship report and performance of the student during the related viva voce,the Training Coordinator may award a performance grade.

    Each Programme Manager will identify a Training Coordinator who will assist the students in identifyingthe industry and getting necessary approval through correspondence. Students who have successfullycompleted their training are required to register for industrial internship in the semester following the

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    completion of their entire industrial internship period.


    Students are expected to carry out an innovative project work during their final semester of study for thecredits prescribed under UC of their curriculum, in or related to the specialization of the programme thestudent undergoes, by applying the knowledge they have gained in the courses/ labs they haveundergone so far. Through the project work, students are expected to prove their analytical ability andpractical skills. Depending on the nature of the project work, an individual student or a group of studentsmay carry out the project within the University or outside, viz. in an industry, private/ governmentorganization, or academic/ research institution. Each student will be assigned a faculty member as guidewithin their School. In suitable cases, with the permission of Programme Manager, the student may opt fora guide outside their School also. In case of projects outside the University, there will be an external guidewith the industry/ organization of work and an internal guide within the School the student belongs. Incase of group project, the individual project report of each student in that group shall have differentproject title to bring out the individuals contribution to the group project. Submitting a project that wasbought (purchased)/ borrowed/ submitted in another University/ Institution shall be considered asexamination malpractice and will be awarded an N grade and the student has to register again and clearthe student project in a subsequent semester. Failure/ absence in the final viva-voce examination resultsin re-registration of the project.

    Students are expected to decide on the specific project area and title, and carry out substantial portion ofthe literature survey during the end of their pre-final semester. After the end of their pre-final semesterTEEs, a presentation will be made to the Student Project Monitoring Committee constituted by Schoolsconcerned. The Project Work may be a work based on theoretical analysis, modeling & simulation,experimentation & analysis, prototype design, fabrication of new equipment, correlation and analysis ofdata, etc. or a combination of these. Various time limits specified for monitoring and evaluation ofperformance of the student, to be announced by the University in each semester, should be strictlyfollowed. The final project report will be evaluated by a panel of examiners consisting of ProgrammeManager/ Division Leader as Chairman of the Committee, External Examiner, three Internal Experts, Guideand Co-guide (wherever applicable) and an oral examination will be conducted. Members of theCommittee will be nominated by the Director of the programme School the student belongs.

    The following weightage is assigned at each stage of Student Project evaluation.

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    1st Review (acceptance of project title)

    5 % To be held after the completion of 7th semester TEEs

    2nd Review 40 % To be scheduled during the CAT-I period of non-finalyear students

    3rd Review (Final)

    50 % To be scheduled during the TEE period of non-final yearstudents as Viva Voce examination by the ProjectMonitoring Committee.

    Of the 50% weightage, 25% goes to project reportevaluation by the Guide and 25% goes to the Viva voceexamination conducted by the External Examiner.

    Submission of draft ProjectReport to Internal Guide

    5 % 10 calendar days before the viva voce exam

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    Submission of Synopsis - 7 calendar days before the viva voce exam

    Thesis corrections/modifications to be informedto students by Guides

    - 3 calendar days before the viva voce exam

    Submission of Project Report inits final form

    - One instructional day before the viva voce exam

    The format of Student Project report should be in accordance to the format prescribed by the University.

    The project work should be executed for a minimum period of one Semester to qualify for the creditsspecified under UC of their curriculum, except for M.Tech. programmes wherein it will be carried out for aminimum duration of 8 to 9 months. Students of some Undergraduate programmes may also carry out theirprojects along with regular courses specified in their curriculum. Students doing their projects abroad canparticipate in the reviews through video conferencing. Though Student Project is expected to beregistered during the final semester of the programme period, under special circumstances, StudentProject can be registered in a semester other than the final, provided the student has earned a minimumpercentage of credits as indicated below. Registration of Project Work is not permitted during a fast tracksemester or Summer semester. However, courses of project type (viz. mini project, etc.), carrying 2 or 3credits, can be carried out during fast track or Summer semester. Courses of project type but less than 20credits, may also be evaluated on the same pattern. Instead of the Student Project MonitoringCommittee, the guide will evaluate the project.

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    B.Tech. 20 85M.Tech. 20 60M.S.(SE), M.Sc. (5 year Integrated) 20 85M.Sc. 20 65MCA 20 75BCA, B.Sc., B.Com., BBA 10 75

    }uZv] u]v]}vW

    Comprehension examination is conducted to evaluate the students analytical ability, the comprehensiveknowledge the student has gained so far in all the courses he/she had undergone, his/her ability to applysuch knowledge in various situations, etc. Comprehension of a student in his/her field of specializationwill be evaluated in the form of a written test, viva voce or online exam. In case of viva voce exam, aComprehension Examination Committee constituted for each programme shall have the ProgrammeManager as its Chairperson with three members in the rank of Senior Professor/ Professor associated withthe programme, at least one member from other programme offered by the School and at least onemember from another School. The Comprehensive Examination shall be conducted at a time after astudent completes all his/her courses successfully and only the Student Project is yet to be completed. Incase of students having only backlog courses, the above condition may be relaxed based on therecommendation of the Faculty Adviser and Comprehensive Examination may be conducted before thecompletion of 20 credit Student Project or along with it. Students having 80 percentile or above in GATE, ora position within the first 20% ranks in VITMEE, shall be exempted from appearing the ComprehensiveExamination. Performance Grades will be awarded proportional to their percentile or rank, respectively.


    It is mandatory for all students to register every semester till the end of his/her study, for courses thathe/she is going to study in the semester through a Course Registration process. The Course Registrationwill be carried out on a specific day as declared by the University in advance. Students having any