vitsta inocentei

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  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    The Age of Innocence


    Edith Wharton

    JTABLE 6 18 1

    JTABLE 6 16 19

    Book I


    On a January eening of the ear!y "eentie"# $hri"tine %i!""on &a"

    "inging in 'au"t at the Acade(y of )u"ic in %e& *ork.

    Though there &a" a!ready ta!k of the erection# in re(ote (etro+o!itan

    di"tance" ,aboe the 'ortie"#, of a ne& O+era -ou"e &hich "hou!d

    co(+ete in co"t!ine"" and "+!endour &ith tho"e of the great Euro+ean

    ca+ita!"# the &or!d of fa"hion &a" "ti!! content to rea""e(b!e eery

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    &inter in the "habby red and go!d boe" of the "ociab!e o!d Acade(y.

    $on"eratie" cheri"hed it for being "(a!! and inconenient# and thu"

    kee+ing out the ,ne& +eo+!e, &ho( %e& *ork &a" beginning to dread and

    yet be dra&n to/ and the "enti(enta! c!ung to it for it" hi"toric

    a""ociation"# and the (u"ica! for it" ece!!ent acou"tic"# a!&ay" "o

    +rob!e(atic a 0ua!ity in ha!!" bui!t for the hearing of (u"ic.

    It &a" )ada(e %i!""on" 2r"t a++earance that &inter# and &hat the

    dai!y +re"" had a!ready !earned to de"cribe a" ,an ece+tiona!!y

    bri!!iant audience, had gathered to hear her# tran"+orted through the

    "!i++ery# "no&y "treet" in +riate brougha("# in the "+aciou" fa(i!y

    !andau# or in the hu(b!er but (ore conenient ,Bro&n cou+e., To co(e to

    the O+era in a Bro&n cou+e &a" a!(o"t a" honourab!e a &ay of arriing

    a" in one" o&n carriage/ and de+arture by the "a(e (ean" had the

    i((en"e adantage of enab!ing one 3&ith a +!ayfu! a!!u"ion to

    de(ocratic +rinci+!e"4 to "cra(b!e into the 2r"t Bro&n coneyance in

    the !ine# in"tead of &aiting ti!! the co!d5and5gin conge"ted no"e of

    one" o&n coach(an g!ea(ed under the +ortico of the Acade(y. It &a"

    one of the great !iery5"tab!e(an" (o"t (a"ter!y intuition" to hae

    di"coered that A(erican" &ant to get a&ay fro( a(u"e(ent een (ore

    0uick!y than they &ant to get to it.

    When %e&!and Archer o+ened the door at the back of the c!ub bo the

    curtain had u"t gone u+ on the garden "cene. There &a" no rea"on &hy

    the young (an "hou!d not hae co(e ear!ier# for he had dined at "een#

    a!one &ith hi" (other and "i"ter# and had !ingered after&ard oer a

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    cigar in the 7othic !ibrary &ith g!aed b!ack5&a!nut bookca"e" and

    2nia!5to++ed chair" &hich &a" the on!y roo( in the hou"e &here )r".

    Archer a!!o&ed "(oking. But# in the 2r"t +!ace# %e& *ork &a" a

    (etro+o!i"# and +erfect!y a&are that in (etro+o!i"e" it &a" ,not the

    thing, to arrie ear!y at the o+era/ and &hat &a" or &a" not ,the

    thing, +!ayed a +art a" i(+ortant in %e&!and Archer" %e& *ork a" the

    in"crutab!e tote( terror" that had ru!ed the de"tinie" of hi"

    forefather" thou"and" of year" ago.

    The "econd rea"on for hi" de!ay &a" a +er"ona! one. -e had da&d!ed

    oer hi" cigar becau"e he &a" at heart a di!ettante# and thinking oer

    a +!ea"ure to co(e often gae hi( a "ubt!er "ati"faction than it"

    rea!i"ation. Thi" &a" e"+ecia!!y the ca"e &hen the +!ea"ure &a" a

    de!icate one# a" hi" +!ea"ure" (o"t!y &ere/ and on thi" occa"ion the

    (o(ent he !ooked for&ard to &a" "o rare and e0ui"ite in 0ua!ity

    that55&e!!# if he had ti(ed hi" arria! in accord &ith the +ri(a

    donna" "tage5(anager he cou!d not hae entered the Acade(y at a (ore

    "igni2cant (o(ent than u"t a" "he &a" "inging ,-e !oe" (e55he

    !oe" (e not55-E LO:E; )E

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    a" a!! the other conention" on &hich hi" !ife &a" (ou!ded "uch a" the

    duty of u"ing t&o "i!er5backed bru"he" &ith hi" (onogra( in b!ue

    ena(e! to +art hi" hair# and of neer a++earing in "ociety &ithout a

    =o&er 3+referab!y a gardenia4 in hi" buttonho!e.

    ,)a(a ... non (a(a ..., the +ri(a donna "ang# and ,)a(airect!y facing hi( &a" the bo of o!d )r". )an"on )ingott#

    &ho"e (on"trou" obe"ity had !ong "ince (ade it i(+o""ib!e for her to

    attend the O+era# but &ho &a" a!&ay" re+re"ented on fa"hionab!e night"

    by "o(e of the younger (e(ber" of the fa(i!y. On thi" occa"ion# the

    front of the bo &a" 2!!ed by her daughter5in5!a )r". Loe!!

    )ingott# and her daughter# )r". We!!and/ and "!ight!y &ithdra&n behind

    the"e brocaded (atron" "at a young gir! in &hite &ith eye" ec"tatica!!y

    2ed on the "tage!oer". A" )ada(e %i!""on" ,)a(a

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    "ing!e gardenia. ;he dro++ed her eye" to the i((en"e bou0uet of

    !i!ie"5of5the5a!!ey on her knee# and %e&!and Archer "a& her

    &hite5g!oed 2nger5ti+" touch the =o&er" "oft!y. -e dre& a breath of

    "ati"2ed anity and hi" eye" returned to the "tage.

    %o e+en"e had been "+ared on the "etting# &hich &a" ackno&!edged to be

    ery beautifu! een by +eo+!e &ho "hared hi" ac0uaintance &ith the

    O+era hou"e" of @ari" and :ienna. The foreground# to the foot!ight"#

    &a" coered &ith e(era!d green c!oth. In the (idd!e di"tance

    "y((etrica! (ound" of &oo!!y green (o"" bounded by cro0uet hoo+" for(ed

    the ba"e of "hrub" "ha+ed !ike orange5tree" but "tudded &ith !arge +ink

    and red ro"e". 7igantic +an"ie"# con"iderab!y !arger than the ro"e"#

    and c!o"e!y re"e(b!ing the =ora! +en5&i+er" (ade by fe(a!e

    +ari"hioner" for fa"hionab!e c!ergy(en# "+rang fro( the (o"" beneath

    the ro"e5tree"/ and here and there a dai"y grafted on a ro"e5branch

    =o&ered &ith a !uuriance +ro+hetic of )r. Luther Burbank" far5o?


    In the centre of thi" enchanted garden )ada(e %i!""on# in &hite

    ca"h(ere "!a"hed &ith +a!e b!ue "atin# a reticu!e dang!ing fro( a b!ue

    gird!e# and !arge ye!!o& braid" carefu!!y di"+o"ed on each "ide of her

    (u"!in che(i"ette# !i"tened &ith do&nca"t eye" to ). $a+ou!"

    i(+a""ioned &ooing# and a?ected a gui!e!e"" inco(+rehen"ion of hi"

    de"ign" &heneer# by &ord or g!ance# he +er"ua"ie!y indicated the

    ground =oor &indo& of the neat brick i!!a +roecting ob!i0ue!y fro(

    the right &ing.

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    ,The dar!ing

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    &ho!e &inter.

    -o& thi" (irac!e of 2re and ice &a" to be created# and to "u"tain

    it"e!f in a har"h &or!d# he had neer taken the ti(e to think out/ but

    he &a" content to ho!d hi" ie& &ithout ana!y"ing it# "ince he kne& it

    &a" that of a!! the carefu!!y5bru"hed# &hite5&ai"tcoated#

    button5ho!e5=o&ered gent!e(en &ho "ucceeded each other in the c!ub

    bo# echanged friend!y greeting" &ith hi(# and turned their

    o+era5g!a""e" critica!!y on the circ!e of !adie" &ho &ere the +roduct

    of the "y"te(. In (atter" inte!!ectua! and arti"tic %e&!and Archer

    fe!t hi("e!f di"tinct!y the "u+erior of the"e cho"en "+eci(en" of o!d

    %e& *ork genti!ity/ he had +robab!y read (ore# thought (ore# and een

    "een a good dea! (ore of the &or!d# than any other (an of the nu(ber.

    ;ing!y they betrayed their inferiority/ but grou+ed together they

    re+re"ented ,%e& *ork#, and the habit of (a"cu!ine "o!idarity (ade hi(

    acce+t their doctrine on a!! the i""ue" ca!!ed (ora!. -e in"tinctie!y

    fe!t that in thi" re"+ect it &ou!d be troub!e"o(e55and a!"o rather bad

    for(55to "trike out for hi("e!f.

    ,We!!55u+on (y "ou!

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    (ou"tache to the !ong +atent5!eather feet at the other end of hi" !ean

    and e!egant +er"on# to fee! that the kno&!edge of ,for(, (u"t be

    congenita! in any one &ho kne& ho& to &ear "uch good c!othe" "o

    care!e""!y and carry "uch height &ith "o (uch !ounging grace. A" a

    young ad(irer had once "aid of hi( ,If anybody can te!! a fe!!o& u"t

    &hen to &ear a b!ack tie &ith eening c!othe" and &hen not to# it"

    Larry Le?ert"., And on the 0ue"tion of +u(+" er"u" +atent5!eather

    ,Oford", hi" authority had neer been di"+uted.

    ,)y 7od

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    o++o"ite corner.

    )r. ;i!!erton Jack"on had returned the o+era5g!a"" to La&rence

    Le?ert". The &ho!e of the c!ub turned in"tinctie!y# &aiting to hear

    &hat the o!d (an had to "ay/ for o!d )r. Jack"on &a" a" great an

    authority on ,fa(i!y, a" La&rence Le?ert" &a" on ,for(., -e kne& a!!

    the ra(i2cation" of %e& *ork" cou"in"hi+"/ and cou!d not on!y

    e!ucidate "uch co(+!icated 0ue"tion" a" that of the connection bet&een

    the )ingott" 3through the Thor!ey"4 &ith the >a!!a"e" of ;outh

    $aro!ina# and that of the re!ation"hi+ of the e!der branch of

    @hi!ade!+hia Thor!ey" to the A!bany $hier"e" 3on no account to be

    confu"ed &ith the )an"on $hier"e" of nier"ity @!ace4# but cou!d a!"o

    enu(erate the !eading characteri"tic" of each fa(i!y a"# for in"tance#

    the fabu!ou" "tingine"" of the younger !ine" of Le?ert"e" 3the Long

    I"!and one"4/ or the fata! tendency of the u"h&orth" to (ake foo!i"h

    (atche"/ or the in"anity recurring in eery "econd generation of the

    A!bany $hier"e"# &ith &ho( their %e& *ork cou"in" had a!&ay" refu"ed

    to inter(arry55&ith the di"a"trou" ece+tion of +oor )edora )an"on#

    &ho# a" eerybody kne& ... but then her (other &a" a u"h&orth.

    In addition to thi" fore"t of fa(i!y tree"# )r. ;i!!erton Jack"on

    carried bet&een hi" narro& ho!!o& te(+!e"# and under hi" "oft thatch of

    "i!er hair# a regi"ter of (o"t of the "canda!" and (y"terie" that had

    "(ou!dered under the unruCed "urface of %e& *ork "ociety &ithin the

    !a"t 2fty year". ;o far indeed did hi" infor(ation etend# and "o

    acute!y retentie &a" hi" (e(ory# that he &a" "u++o"ed to be the on!y

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    (an &ho cou!d hae to!d you &ho Ju!iu" Beaufort# the banker# rea!!y

    &a"# and &hat had beco(e of hand"o(e Bob ;+icer# o!d )r". )an"on

    )ingott" father# &ho had di"a++eared "o (y"teriou"!y 3&ith a !arge "u(

    of tru"t (oney4 !e"" than a year after hi" (arriage# on the ery day

    that a beautifu! ;+ani"h dancer &ho had been de!ighting thronged

    audience" in the o!d O+era5hou"e on the Battery had taken "hi+ for

    $uba. But the"e (y"terie"# and (any other"# &ere c!o"e!y !ocked in )r.

    Jack"on" brea"t/ for not on!y did hi" keen "en"e of honour forbid hi"

    re+eating anything +riate!y i(+arted# but he &a" fu!!y a&are that hi"

    re+utation for di"cretion increa"ed hi" o++ortunitie" of 2nding out

    &hat he &anted to kno&.

    The c!ub bo# therefore# &aited in i"ib!e "u"+en"e &hi!e )r. ;i!!erton

    Jack"on handed back La&rence Le?ert"" o+era5g!a"". 'or a (o(ent he

    "i!ent!y "crutini"ed the attentie grou+ out of hi" 2!(y b!ue eye"

    oerhung by o!d eined !id"/ then he gae hi" (ou"tache a thoughtfu!

    t&i"t# and "aid "i(+!y ,I didnt think the )ingott" &ou!d hae tried

    it on.,


    %e&!and Archer# during thi" brief e+i"ode# had been thro&n into a

    "trange "tate of e(barra""(ent.

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    It &a" annoying that the bo &hich &a" thu" attracting the undiided

    attention of (a"cu!ine %e& *ork "hou!d be that in &hich hi" betrothed

    &a" "eated bet&een her (other and aunt/ and for a (o(ent he cou!d not

    identify the !ady in the E(+ire dre""# nor i(agine &hy her +re"ence

    created "uch ecite(ent a(ong the initiated. Then !ight da&ned on hi(#

    and &ith it ca(e a (o(entary ru"h of indignation. %o# indeed/ no one

    &ou!d hae thought the )ingott" &ou!d hae tried it onI> u"e to +!ay together# didnt &eD, "he a"ked# turning her grae

    eye" to hi". ,*ou &ere a horrid boy# and ki""ed (e once behind a door/

    but it &a" your cou"in :andie %e&!and# &ho neer !ooked at (e# that I

    &a" in !oe &ith., -er g!ance "&e+t the hor"e5"hoe cure of boe".

    ,Ah# ho& thi" bring" it a!! back to (e55I "ee eerybody here in

    knickerbocker" and +anta!ette"#, "he "aid# &ith her trai!ing "!ight!y

    foreign accent# her eye" returning to hi" face.

    Agreeab!e a" their e+re""ion &a"# the young (an &a" "hocked that they

    "hou!d re=ect "o un"ee(!y a +icture of the augu"t tribuna! before

    &hich# at that ery (o(ent# her ca"e &a" being tried. %othing cou!d be

    in &or"e ta"te than (i"+!aced =i++ancy/ and he an"&ered "o(e&hat

    "tiCy ,*e"# you hae been a&ay a ery !ong ti(e.,

    ,Oh# centurie" and centurie"/ "o !ong#, "he "aid# ,that I( "ure I(

    dead and buried# and thi" dear o!d +!ace i" heaen/, &hich# for rea"on"

    he cou!d not de2ne# "truck %e&!and Archer a" an een (ore

    di"re"+ectfu! &ay of de"cribing %e& *ork "ociety.


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    It inariab!y ha++ened in the "a(e &ay.

    )r". Ju!iu" Beaufort# on the night of her annua! ba!!# neer fai!ed to

    a++ear at the O+era/ indeed# "he a!&ay" gae her ba!! on an O+era night

    in order to e(+ha"i"e her co(+!ete "u+eriority to hou"eho!d care"# and

    her +o""e""ion of a "ta? of "erant" co(+etent to organi"e eery

    detai! of the entertain(ent in her ab"ence.

    The Beaufort" hou"e &a" one of the fe& in %e& *ork that +o""e""ed a

    ba!!5roo( 3it antedated een )r". )an"on )ingott" and the -ead!y

    $hier"e"4/ and at a ti(e &hen it &a" beginning to be thought

    ,+roincia!, to +ut a ,cra"h, oer the dra&ing5roo( =oor and (oe the

    furniture u+"tair"# the +o""e""ion of a ba!!5roo( that &a" u"ed for no

    other +ur+o"e# and !eft for three5hundred5and5"ity5four day" of the

    year to "huttered darkne""# &ith it" gi!t chair" "tacked in a corner

    and it" chande!ier in a bag/ thi" undoubted "u+eriority &a" fe!t to

    co(+en"ate for &hateer &a" regrettab!e in the Beaufort +a"t.

    )r". Archer# &ho &a" fond of coining her "ocia! +hi!o"o+hy into aio("#

    had once "aid ,We a!! hae our +et co((on +eo+!e55, and though the

    +hra"e &a" a daring one# it" truth &a" "ecret!y ad(itted in (any an

    ec!u"ie bo"o(. But the Beaufort" &ere not eact!y co((on/ "o(e

    +eo+!e "aid they &ere een &or"e. )r". Beaufort be!onged indeed to one

    of A(erica" (o"t honoured fa(i!ie"/ "he had been the !oe!y egina

    >a!!a" 3of the ;outh $aro!ina branch4# a +enni!e"" beauty introduced to

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    %e& *ork "ociety by her cou"in# the i(+rudent )edora )an"on# &ho &a"

    a!&ay" doing the &rong thing fro( the right (otie. When one &a"

    re!ated to the )an"on" and the u"h&orth" one had a ,droit de cite, 3a"

    )r. ;i!!erton Jack"on# &ho had fre0uented the Tui!erie"# ca!!ed it4 in

    %e& *ork "ociety/ but did one not forfeit it in (arrying Ju!iu"


    The 0ue"tion &a" &ho &a" BeaufortD -e +a""ed for an Eng!i"h(an# &a"

    agreeab!e# hand"o(e# i!!5te(+ered# ho"+itab!e and &itty. -e had co(e

    to A(erica &ith !etter" of reco((endation fro( o!d )r". )an"on

    )ingott" Eng!i"h "on5in5!a the banker# and had "+eedi!y (ade hi("e!f

    an i(+ortant +o"ition in the &or!d of a?air"/ but hi" habit" &ere

    di""i+ated# hi" tongue &a" bitter# hi" antecedent" &ere (y"teriou"/ and

    &hen )edora )an"on announced her cou"in" engage(ent to hi( it &a" fe!t

    to be one (ore act of fo!!y in +oor )edora" !ong record of i(+rudence".

    But fo!!y i" a" often u"ti2ed of her chi!dren a" &i"do(# and t&o

    year" after young )r". Beaufort" (arriage it &a" ad(itted that "he had

    the (o"t di"tingui"hed hou"e in %e& *ork. %o one kne& eact!y ho& the

    (irac!e &a" acco(+!i"hed. ;he &a" indo!ent# +a""ie# the cau"tic een

    ca!!ed her du!!/ but dre""ed !ike an ido!# hung &ith +ear!"# gro&ing

    younger and b!onder and (ore beautifu! each year# "he throned in )r.

    Beaufort" heay bro&n5"tone +a!ace# and dre& a!! the &or!d there

    &ithout !ifting her e&e!!ed !itt!e 2nger. The kno&ing +eo+!e "aid it

    &a" Beaufort hi("e!f &ho trained the "erant"# taught the chef ne&

    di"he"# to!d the gardener" &hat hot5hou"e =o&er" to gro& for the

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    dinner5tab!e and the dra&ing5roo("# "e!ected the gue"t"# bre&ed the

    after5dinner +unch and dictated the !itt!e note" hi" &ife &rote to her

    friend". If he did# the"e do(e"tic actiitie" &ere +riate!y

    +erfor(ed# and he +re"ented to the &or!d the a++earance of a care!e""

    and ho"+itab!e (i!!ionaire "tro!!ing into hi" o&n dra&ing5roo( &ith the

    detach(ent of an inited gue"t# and "aying ,)y &ife" g!oinia" are a

    (are!# arent theyD I be!iee "he get" the( out fro( Fe&.,

    )r. Beaufort" "ecret# +eo+!e &ere agreed# &a" the &ay he carried

    thing" o?. It &a" a!! ery &e!! to &hi"+er that he had been ,he!+ed,

    to !eae Eng!and by the internationa! banking5hou"e in &hich he had

    been e(+!oyed/ he carried o? that ru(our a" ea"i!y a" the re"t55though

    %e& *ork" bu"ine"" con"cience &a" no !e"" "en"itie than it" (ora!

    "tandard55he carried eerything before hi(# and a!! %e& *ork into hi"

    dra&ing5roo("# and for oer t&enty year" no& +eo+!e had "aid they &ere

    ,going to the Beaufort", &ith the "a(e tone of "ecurity a" if they had

    "aid they &ere going to )r". )an"on )ingott"# and &ith the added

    "ati"faction of kno&ing they &ou!d get hot cana"5back duck" and

    intage &ine"# in"tead of te+id :eue $!ic0uot &ithout a year and

    &ar(ed5u+ cro0uette" fro( @hi!ade!+hia.

    )r". Beaufort# then# had a" u"ua! a++eared in her bo u"t before the

    Je&e! ;ong/ and &hen# again a" u"ua!# "he ro"e at the end of the third

    act# dre& her o+era c!oak about her !oe!y "hou!der"# and di"a++eared#

    %e& *ork kne& that (eant that ha!f an hour !ater the ba!! &ou!d begin.

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    The Beaufort hou"e &a" one that %e& *orker" &ere +roud to "ho& to

    foreigner"# e"+ecia!!y on the night of the annua! ba!!. The Beaufort"

    had been a(ong the 2r"t +eo+!e in %e& *ork to o&n their o&n red e!et

    car+et and hae it ro!!ed do&n the "te+" by their o&n foot(en# under

    their o&n a&ning# in"tead of hiring it &ith the "u++er and the

    ba!!5roo( chair". They had a!"o inaugurated the cu"to( of !etting the

    !adie" take their c!oak" o? in the ha!!# in"tead of "huCing u+ to

    the ho"te""" bedroo( and recur!ing their hair &ith the aid of the

    ga"5burner/ Beaufort &a" under"tood to hae "aid that he "u++o"ed a!!

    hi" &ife" friend" had (aid" &ho "a& to it that they &ere +ro+er!y

    coi?ee" &hen they !eft ho(e.

    Then the hou"e had been bo!d!y +!anned &ith a ba!!5roo(# "o that#

    in"tead of "0ueeing through a narro& +a""age to get to it 3a" at the

    $hier"e"4 one (arched "o!e(n!y do&n a i"ta of en2!aded

    dra&ing5roo(" 3the "ea5green# the cri("on and the bouton dor4# "eeing

    fro( afar the (any5cand!ed !u"tre" re=ected in the +o!i"hed +ar0uetry#

    and beyond that the de+th" of a con"eratory &here ca(e!!ia" and

    tree5fern" arched their co"t!y fo!iage oer "eat" of b!ack and go!d


    %e&!and Archer# a" beca(e a young (an of hi" +o"ition# "tro!!ed in

    "o(e&hat !ate. -e had !eft hi" oercoat &ith the "i!k5"tockinged

    foot(en 3the "tocking" &ere one of Beaufort" fe& fatuitie"4# had

    da&d!ed a &hi!e in the !ibrary hung &ith ;+ani"h !eather and furni"hed

    &ith Buh! and (a!achite# &here a fe& (en &ere chatting and +utting on

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    their dancing5g!oe"# and had 2na!!y oined the !ine of gue"t" &ho(

    )r". Beaufort &a" receiing on the thre"ho!d of the cri("on


    Archer &a" di"tinct!y nerou". -e had not gone back to hi" c!ub after

    the O+era 3a" the young b!ood" u"ua!!y did4# but# the night being 2ne#

    had &a!ked for "o(e di"tance u+ 'ifth Aenue before turning back in the

    direction of the Beaufort" hou"e. -e &a" de2nite!y afraid that the

    )ingott" (ight be going too far/ that# in fact# they (ight hae 7ranny

    )ingott" order" to bring the $ounte"" O!en"ka to the ba!!.

    'ro( the tone of the c!ub bo he had +erceied ho& grae a (i"take that

    &ou!d be/ and# though he &a" (ore than eer deter(ined to ,"ee the

    thing through#, he fe!t !e"" chia!rou"!y eager to cha(+ion hi"

    betrothed" cou"in than before their brief ta!k at the O+era.

    Wandering on to the bouton dor dra&ing5roo( 3&here Beaufort had had

    the audacity to hang ,Loe :ictoriou"#, the (uch5di"cu""ed nude of

    Bouguereau4 Archer found )r". We!!and and her daughter "tanding near

    the ba!!5roo( door. $ou+!e" &ere a!ready g!iding oer the =oor

    beyond the !ight of the &a cand!e" fe!! on reo!ing tu!!e "kirt"# on

    gir!i"h head" &reathed &ith (ode"t b!o""o("# on the da"hing aigrette"

    and orna(ent" of the young (arried &o(en" coi?ure"# and on the

    g!itter of high!y g!aed "hirt5front" and fre"h g!ace g!oe".

    )i"" We!!and# eident!y about to oin the dancer"# hung on the

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    thre"ho!d# her !i!ie"5of5the5a!!ey in her hand 3"he carried no other

    bou0uet4# her face a !itt!e +a!e# her eye" burning &ith a candid

    ecite(ent. A grou+ of young (en and gir!" &ere gathered about her#

    and there &a" (uch hand5c!a"+ing# !aughing and +!ea"antry on &hich )r".

    We!!and# "tanding "!ight!y a+art# "hed the bea( of a 0ua!i2ed

    a++roa!. It &a" eident that )i"" We!!and &a" in the act of

    announcing her engage(ent# &hi!e her (other a?ected the air of

    +arenta! re!uctance con"idered "uitab!e to the occa"ion.

    Archer +au"ed a (o(ent. It &a" at hi" e+re"" &i"h that the

    announce(ent had been (ade# and yet it &a" not thu" that he &ou!d hae

    &i"hed to hae hi" ha++ine"" kno&n. To +roc!ai( it in the heat and

    noi"e of a cro&ded ba!!5roo( &a" to rob it of the 2ne b!oo( of +riacy

    &hich "hou!d be!ong to thing" neare"t the heart. -i" oy &a" "o dee+

    that thi" b!urring of the "urface !eft it" e""ence untouched/ but he

    &ou!d hae !iked to kee+ the "urface +ure too. It &a" "o(ething of a

    "ati"faction to 2nd that )ay We!!and "hared thi" fee!ing. -er eye"

    =ed to hi" be"eeching!y# and their !ook "aid ,e(e(ber# &ere doing

    thi" becau"e it" right.,

    %o a++ea! cou!d hae found a (ore i((ediate re"+on"e in Archer"

    brea"t/ but he &i"hed that the nece""ity of their action had been

    re+re"ented by "o(e idea! rea"on# and not "i(+!y by +oor E!!en O!en"ka.

    The grou+ about )i"" We!!and (ade &ay for hi( &ith "igni2cant "(i!e"#

    and after taking hi" "hare of the fe!icitation" he dre& hi" betrothed

    into the (idd!e of the ba!!5roo( =oor and +ut hi" ar( about her &ai"t.

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    ,%o& &e "hant hae to ta!k#, he "aid# "(i!ing into her candid eye"# a"

    they =oated a&ay on the "oft &ae" of the B!ue >anube.

    ;he (ade no an"&er. -er !i+" tre(b!ed into a "(i!e# but the eye"

    re(ained di"tant and "eriou"# a" if bent on "o(e ine?ab!e i"ion.

    ,>ear#, Archer &hi"+ered# +re""ing her to hi( it &a" borne in on hi(

    that the 2r"t hour" of being engaged# een if "+ent in a ba!!5roo(#

    had in the( "o(ething grae and "acra(enta!. What a ne& !ife it &a"

    going to be# &ith thi" &hitene""# radiance# goodne"" at one" "ideear and great ange!< Of cour"e I!!

    te!! her., -e g!anced a tri=e a++rehen"ie!y to&ard the cro&ded

    ba!!5roo(. ,But I haent "een her yet. -a" "he co(eD,

    ,%o/ at the !a"t (inute "he decided not to.,

    ,At the !a"t (inuteD, he echoed# betraying hi" "ur+ri"e that "he "hou!d

    eer hae con"idered the a!ternatie +o""ib!e.

    ,*e". ;he" a&fu!!y fond of dancing#, the young gir! an"&ered "i(+!y.

    ,But "udden!y "he (ade u+ her (ind that her dre"" &a"nt "(art enough

    for a ba!!# though &e thought it "o !oe!y/ and "o (y aunt had to take

    her ho(e.,

    ,Oh# &e!!55, "aid Archer &ith ha++y indi?erence. %othing about hi"

    betrothed +!ea"ed hi( (ore than her re"o!ute deter(ination to carry to

    it" ut(o"t !i(it that ritua! of ignoring the ,un+!ea"ant, in &hich they

    had both been brought u+.

    ,;he kno&" a" &e!! a" I do#, he re=ected# ,the rea! rea"on of her

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    cou"in" "taying a&ay/ but I "ha!! neer !et her "ee by the !ea"t "ign

    that I a( con"ciou" of there being a "hado& of a "hade on +oor E!!en

    O!en"ka" re+utation.,


    In the cour"e of the net day the 2r"t of the u"ua! betrotha! i"it"

    &ere echanged. The %e& *ork ritua! &a" +reci"e and in=eib!e in "uch

    (atter"/ and in confor(ity &ith it %e&!and Archer 2r"t &ent &ith hi"

    (other and "i"ter to ca!! on )r". We!!and# after &hich he and )r".

    We!!and and )ay droe out to o!d )r". )an"on )ingott" to receie that

    enerab!e ance"tre""" b!e""ing.

    A i"it to )r". )an"on )ingott &a" a!&ay" an a(u"ing e+i"ode to the

    young (an. The hou"e in it"e!f &a" a!ready an hi"toric docu(ent#

    though not# of cour"e# a" enerab!e a" certain other o!d fa(i!y hou"e"

    in nier"ity @!ace and !o&er 'ifth Aenue. Tho"e &ere of the +ure"t

    18GH# &ith a gri( har(ony of cabbage5ro"e5gar!anded car+et"# ro"e&ood

    con"o!e"# round5arched 2re5+!ace" &ith b!ack (arb!e (ante!"# and

    i((en"e g!aed book5ca"e" of (ahogany/ &herea" o!d )r". )ingott# &ho

    had bui!t her hou"e !ater# had bodi!y ca"t out the (a""ie furniture of

    her +ri(e# and (ing!ed &ith the )ingott heir!oo(" the frio!ou"

    u+ho!"tery of the ;econd E(+ire. It &a" her habit to "it in a &indo&

    of her "itting5roo( on the ground =oor# a" if &atching ca!(!y for !ife

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    and fa"hion to =o& north&ard to her "o!itary door". ;he "ee(ed in no

    hurry to hae the( co(e# for her +atience &a" e0ua!!ed by her

    con2dence. ;he &a" "ure that +re"ent!y the hoarding"# the 0uarrie"#

    the one5"tory "a!oon"# the &ooden green5hou"e" in ragged garden"# and

    the rock" fro( &hich goat" "ureyed the "cene# &ou!d ani"h before the

    adance of re"idence" a" "tate!y a" her o&n55+erha+" 3for "he &a" an

    i(+artia! &o(an4 een "tate!ier/ and that the cobb!e5"tone" oer &hich

    the o!d c!attering o(nibu"e" bu(+ed &ou!d be re+!aced by "(ooth

    a"+ha!t# "uch a" +eo+!e re+orted haing "een in @ari". )ean&hi!e# a"

    eery one "he cared to "ee ca(e to -E 3and "he cou!d 2!! her roo(" a"

    ea"i!y a" the Beaufort"# and &ithout adding a "ing!e ite( to the (enu

    of her "u++er"4# "he did not "u?er fro( her geogra+hic i"o!ation.

    The i((en"e accretion of =e"h &hich had de"cended on her in (idd!e

    !ife !ike a =ood of !aa on a doo(ed city had changed her fro( a +!u(+

    actie !itt!e &o(an &ith a neat!y5turned foot and ank!e into "o(ething

    a" a"t and augu"t a" a natura! +heno(enon. ;he had acce+ted thi"

    "ub(ergence a" +hi!o"o+hica!!y a" a!! her other tria!"# and no in

    etre(e o!d age# &a" re&arded by +re"enting to her (irror an a!(o"t

    un&rink!ed e+an"e of 2r( +ink and &hite =e"h# in the centre of &hich

    the trace" of a "(a!! face "uried a" if a&aiting ecaation. A

    =ight of "(ooth doub!e chin" !ed do&n to the diy de+th" of a

    "ti!!5"no&y bo"o( ei!ed in "no&y (u"!in" that &ere he!d in +!ace by a

    (iniature +ortrait of the !ate )r. )ingott/ and around and be!o &ae

    after &ae of b!ack "i!k "urged a&ay oer the edge" of a ca+aciou"

    ar(chair# &ith t&o tiny &hite hand" +oi"ed !ike gu!!" on the "urface of

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    the bi!!o&".

    The burden of )r". )an"on )ingott" =e"h had !ong "ince (ade it

    i(+o""ib!e for her to go u+ and do&n "tair"# and &ith characteri"tic

    inde+endence "he had (ade her rece+tion roo(" u+"tair" and e"tab!i"hed

    her"e!f 3in =agrant io!ation of a!! the %e& *ork +ro+rietie"4 on the

    ground =oor of her hou"e/ "o that# a" you "at in her "itting5roo(

    &indo& &ith her# you caught 3through a door that &a" a!&ay" o+en# and a

    !oo+ed5back ye!!o& da(a"k +ortiere4 the une+ected i"ta of a bedroo(

    &ith a huge !o& bed u+ho!"tered !ike a "ofa# and a toi!et5tab!e &ith

    frio!ou" !ace =ounce" and a gi!t5fra(ed (irror.

    -er i"itor" &ere "tart!ed and fa"cinated by the foreignne"" of thi"

    arrange(ent# &hich reca!!ed "cene" in 'rench 2ction# and architectura!

    incentie" to i((ora!ity "uch a" the "i(+!e A(erican had neer drea(ed

    of. That &a" ho& &o(en &ith !oer" !ied in the &icked o!d "ocietie"#

    in a+art(ent" &ith a!! the roo(" on one =oor# and a!! the indecent

    +ro+in0uitie" that their noe!" de"cribed. It a(u"ed %e&!and Archer

    3&ho had "ecret!y "ituated the !oe5"cene" of ,)on"ieur de $a(or", in

    )r". )ingott" bedroo(4 to +icture her b!a(e!e"" !ife !ed in the

    "tage5"etting of adu!tery/ but he "aid to hi("e!f# &ith con"iderab!e

    ad(iration# that if a !oer had been &hat "he &anted# the intre+id

    &o(an &ou!d hae had hi( too.

    To the genera! re!ief the $ounte"" O!en"ka &a" not +re"ent in her

    grand(other" dra&ing5roo( during the i"it of the betrothed cou+!e.

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    )r". )ingott "aid "he had gone out/ &hich# on a day of "uch g!aring

    "un!ight# and at the ,"ho++ing hour#, "ee(ed in it"e!f an inde!icate

    thing for a co(+ro(i"ed &o(an to do. But at any rate it "+ared the(

    the e(barra""(ent of her +re"ence# and the faint "hado& that her

    unha++y +a"t (ight "ee( to "hed on their radiant future. The i"it

    &ent o? "ucce""fu!!y# a" &a" to hae been e+ected. O!d )r". )ingott

    &a" de!ighted &ith the engage(ent# &hich# being !ong fore"een by

    &atchfu! re!atie"# had been carefu!!y +a""ed u+on in fa(i!y counci!/

    and the engage(ent ring# a !arge thick "a++hire "et in ini"ib!e c!a&"#

    (et &ith her un0ua!i2ed ad(iration.

    ,It" the ne& "etting of cour"e it "ho&" the "tone beautifu!!y# but it

    !ook" a !itt!e bare to o!d5fa"hioned eye"#, )r". We!!and had e+!ained#

    &ith a conci!iatory "ide5g!ance at her future "on5in5!a&.

    ,O!d5fa"hioned eye"D I ho+e you dont (ean (ine# (y dearD I !ike a!!

    the noe!tie"#, "aid the ance"tre""# !ifting the "tone to her "(a!!

    bright orb"# &hich no g!a""e" had eer di"2gured. ,:ery hand"o(e#,

    "he added# returning the e&e!/ ,ery !ibera!. In (y ti(e a ca(eo "et

    in +ear!" &a" thought "ucient. But it" the hand that "et" o? the

    ring# i"nt it# (y dear )r. ArcherD, and "he &aed one of her tiny

    hand"# &ith "(a!! +ointed nai!" and ro!!" of aged fat encirc!ing the

    &ri"t !ike iory brace!et". ,)ine &a" (ode!!ed in o(e by the great

    'errigiani. *ou "hou!d hae )ay" done no doubt he!! hae it done#

    (y chi!d. -er hand i" !arge55it" the"e (odern "+ort" that "+read the

    oint"55but the "kin i" &hite.55And &hen" the &edding to beD, "he

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    broke o?# 2ing her eye" on Archer" face.

    ,Oh55, )r". We!!and (ur(ured# &hi!e the young (an# "(i!ing at hi"

    betrothed# re+!ied ,A" "oon a" eer it can# if on!y you!! back (e

    u+# )r". )ingott.,

    ,We (u"t gie the( ti(e to get to kno& each other a !itt!e better#

    (a((a#, )r". We!!and inter+o"ed# &ith the +ro+er a?ectation of

    re!uctance/ to &hich the ance"tre"" reoined ,Fno& each otherD

    'idd!e"tick"< Eerybody in %e& *ork ha" a!&ay" kno&n eerybody. Let

    the young (an hae hi" &ay# (y dear/ dont &ait ti!! the bubb!e" o?

    the &ine. )arry the( before Lent/ I (ay catch +neu(onia any &inter

    no and I &ant to gie the &edding5breakfa"t.,

    The"e "ucce""ie "tate(ent" &ere receied &ith the +ro+er e+re""ion"

    of a(u"e(ent# incredu!ity and gratitude/ and the i"it &a" breaking u+

    in a ein of (i!d +!ea"antry &hen the door o+ened to ad(it the $ounte""

    O!en"ka# &ho entered in bonnet and (ant!e fo!!o&ed by the une+ected

    2gure of Ju!iu" Beaufort.

    There &a" a cou"in!y (ur(ur of +!ea"ure bet&een the !adie"# and )r".

    )ingott he!d out 'errigiani" (ode! to the banker. ,-a< Beaufort#

    thi" i" a rare faour

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    arrogant &ay. ,I( genera!!y "o tied do&n/ but I (et the $ounte""

    E!!en in )adi"on ;0uare# and "he &a" good enough to !et (e &a!k ho(e

    &ith her.,

    ,Ah55I ho+e the hou"e &i!! be gayer# no& that E!!en" here

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    ,Of cour"e you kno& a!ready55about )ay and (e#, he "aid# an"&ering her

    !ook &ith a "hy !augh. ,;he "co!ded (e for not giing you the ne&"

    !a"t night at the O+era I had her order" to te!! you that &e &ere

    engaged55but I cou!dnt# in that cro&d.,

    The "(i!e +a""ed fro( $ounte"" O!en"ka" eye" to her !i+" "he !ooked

    younger# (ore !ike the bo!d bro&n E!!en )ingott of hi" boyhood. ,Of

    cour"e I kno&/ ye". And I( "o g!ad. But one doe"nt te!! "uch thing"

    2r"t in a cro&d., The !adie" &ere on the thre"ho!d and "he he!d out

    her hand.

    ,7ood5bye/ co(e and "ee (e "o(e day#, "he "aid# "ti!! !ooking at Archer.

    In the carriage# on the &ay do&n 'ifth Aenue# they ta!ked +ointed!y of

    )r". )ingott# of her age# her "+irit# and a!! her &onderfu! attribute".

    %o one a!!uded to E!!en O!en"ka/ but Archer kne& that )r". We!!and &a"

    thinking ,It" a (i"take for E!!en to be "een# the ery day after her

    arria!# +arading u+ 'ifth Aenue at the cro&ded hour &ith Ju!iu"

    Beaufort55, and the young (an hi("e!f (enta!!y added ,And "he ought

    to kno& that a (an &ho" u"t engaged doe"nt "+end hi" ti(e ca!!ing on

    (arried &o(en. But I dare"ay in the "et "he" !ied in they do55they

    neer do anything e!"e., And# in "+ite of the co"(o+o!itan ie&" on

    &hich he +rided hi("e!f# he thanked heaen that he &a" a %e& *orker#

    and about to a!!y hi("e!f &ith one of hi" o&n kind.

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    The net eening o!d )r. ;i!!erton Jack"on ca(e to dine &ith the


    )r". Archer &a" a "hy &o(an and "hrank fro( "ociety/ but "he !iked to

    be &e!!5infor(ed a" to it" doing". -er o!d friend )r. ;i!!erton

    Jack"on a++!ied to the ine"tigation of hi" friend" a?air" the

    +atience of a co!!ector and the "cience of a natura!i"t/ and hi"

    "i"ter# )i"" ;o+hy Jack"on# &ho !ied &ith hi(# and &a" entertained by

    a!! the +eo+!e &ho cou!d not "ecure her (uch5"ought5after brother#

    brought ho(e bit" of (inor go""i+ that 2!!ed out u"efu!!y the ga+" in

    hi" +icture.

    Therefore# &heneer anything ha++ened that )r". Archer &anted to kno&

    about# "he a"ked )r. Jack"on to dine/ and a" "he honoured fe& +eo+!e

    &ith her initation"# and a" "he and her daughter Janey &ere an

    ece!!ent audience# )r. Jack"on u"ua!!y ca(e hi("e!f in"tead of "ending

    hi" "i"ter. If he cou!d hae dictated a!! the condition"# he &ou!d

    hae cho"en the eening" &hen %e&!and &a" out/ not becau"e the young

    (an &a" uncongenia! to hi( 3the t&o got on ca+ita!!y at their c!ub4 but

    becau"e the o!d anecdoti"t "o(eti(e" fe!t# on %e&!and" +art# a

    tendency to &eigh hi" eidence that the !adie" of the fa(i!y neer


  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    )r. Jack"on# if +erfection had been attainab!e on earth# &ou!d a!"o

    hae a"ked that )r". Archer" food "hou!d be a !itt!e better. But then

    %e& *ork# a" far back a" the (ind of (an cou!d trae!# had been diided

    into the t&o great funda(enta! grou+" of the )ingott" and )an"on" and

    a!! their c!an# &ho cared about eating and c!othe" and (oney# and the

    Archer5%e&!and5an5der5Luyden tribe# &ho &ere deoted to trae!#

    horticu!ture and the be"t 2ction# and !ooked do&n on the gro""er for("

    of +!ea"ure.

    *ou cou!dnt hae eerything# after a!!. If you dined &ith the Loe!!

    )ingott" you got cana"5back and terra+in and intage &ine"/ at Ade!ine

    Archer" you cou!d ta!k about A!+ine "cenery and ,The )arb!e 'aun,/ and

    !ucki!y the Archer )adeira had gone round the $a+e. Therefore &hen a

    friend!y "u((on" ca(e fro( )r". Archer# )r. Jack"on# &ho &a" a true

    ec!ectic# &ou!d u"ua!!y "ay to hi" "i"ter ,Ie been a !itt!e gouty

    "ince (y !a"t dinner at the Loe!! )ingott"55it &i!! do (e good to

    diet at Ade!ine".,

    )r". Archer# &ho had !ong been a &ido !ied &ith her "on and daughter

    in We"t T&enty5eighth ;treet. An u++er =oor &a" dedicated to %e&!and#

    and the t&o &o(en "0ueeed the("e!e" into narro&er 0uarter" be!o&. In

    an unc!ouded har(ony of ta"te" and intere"t" they cu!tiated fern" in

    Wardian ca"e"# (ade (acra(e !ace and &oo! e(broidery on !inen#

    co!!ected A(erican reo!utionary g!aed &are# "ub"cribed to ,7ood

    Word"#, and read Ouida" noe!" for the "ake of the Ita!ian at(o"+here.

    3They +referred tho"e about +ea"ant !ife# becau"e of the de"cri+tion"

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    of "cenery and the +!ea"anter "enti(ent"# though in genera! they !iked

    noe!" about +eo+!e in "ociety# &ho"e (otie" and habit" &ere (ore

    co(+rehen"ib!e# "+oke "eere!y of >icken"# &ho ,had neer dra&n a

    gent!e(an#, and con"idered Thackeray !e"" at ho(e in the great &or!d

    than Bu!&er55&ho# ho&eer# &a" beginning to be thought o!d5fa"hioned.4

    )r". and )i"" Archer &ere both great !oer" of "cenery. It &a" &hat

    they +rinci+a!!y "ought and ad(ired on their occa"iona! trae!" abroad/

    con"idering architecture and +ainting a" "ubect" for (en# and chie=y

    for !earned +er"on" &ho read u"kin. )r". Archer had been born a

    %e&!and# and (other and daughter# &ho &ere a" !ike a" "i"ter"# &ere

    both# a" +eo+!e "aid# ,true %e&!and",/ ta!!# +a!e# and "!ight!y

    round5"hou!dered# &ith !ong no"e"# "&eet "(i!e" and a kind of droo+ing

    di"tinction !ike that in certain faded eyno!d" +ortrait". Their

    +hy"ica! re"e(b!ance &ou!d hae been co(+!ete if an e!der!y e(bon+oint

    had not "tretched )r". Archer" b!ack brocade# &hi!e )i"" Archer"

    bro&n and +ur+!e +o+!in" hung# a" the year" &ent on# (ore and (ore

    "!ack!y on her irgin fra(e.

    )enta!!y# the !ikene"" bet&een the(# a" %e&!and &a" a&are# &a" !e""

    co(+!ete than their identica! (anneri"(" often (ade it a++ear. The

    !ong habit of !iing together in (utua!!y de+endent inti(acy had gien

    the( the "a(e ocabu!ary# and the "a(e habit of beginning their +hra"e"

    ,)other think", or ,Janey think"#, according a" one or the other &i"hed

    to adance an o+inion of her o&n/ but in rea!ity# &hi!e )r". Archer"

    "erene uni(aginatiene"" re"ted ea"i!y in the acce+ted and fa(i!iar#

    Janey &a" "ubect to "tart" and aberration" of fancy &e!!ing u+ fro(

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    "+ring" of "u++re""ed ro(ance.

    )other and daughter adored each other and reered their "on and

    brother/ and Archer !oed the( &ith a tenderne"" (ade co(+unctiou" and

    uncritica! by the "en"e of their eaggerated ad(iration# and by hi"

    "ecret "ati"faction in it. After a!!# he thought it a good thing for a

    (an to hae hi" authority re"+ected in hi" o&n hou"e# een if hi" "en"e

    of hu(our "o(eti(e" (ade hi( 0ue"tion the force of hi" (andate.

    On thi" occa"ion the young (an &a" ery "ure that )r. Jack"on &ou!d

    rather hae had hi( dine out/ but he had hi" o&n rea"on" for not doing


    Of cour"e o!d Jack"on &anted to ta!k about E!!en O!en"ka# and of cour"e

    )r". Archer and Janey &anted to hear &hat he had to te!!. A!! three

    &ou!d be "!ight!y e(barra""ed by %e&!and" +re"ence# no& that hi"

    +ro"+ectie re!ation to the )ingott c!an had been (ade kno&n/ and the

    young (an &aited &ith an a(u"ed curio"ity to "ee ho& they &ou!d turn

    the dicu!ty.

    They began# ob!i0ue!y# by ta!king about )r". Le(ue! ;truther".

    ,It" a +ity the Beaufort" a"ked her#, )r". Archer "aid gent!y. ,But

    then egina a!&ay" doe" &hat he te!!" her/ and BEA'OT55,

    ,$ertain nuance" e"ca+e Beaufort#, "aid )r. Jack"on# cautiou"!y

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    in"+ecting the broi!ed "had# and &ondering for the thou"andth ti(e &hy

    )r". Archer" cook a!&ay" burnt the roe to a cinder. 3%e&!and# &ho had

    !ong "hared hi" &onder# cou!d a!&ay" detect it in the o!der (an"

    e+re""ion of (e!ancho!y di"a++roa!.4

    ,Oh# nece""ari!y/ Beaufort i" a u!gar (an#, "aid )r". Archer. ,)y

    grandfather %e&!and a!&ay" u"ed to "ay to (y (other Whateer you do#

    dont !et that fe!!o& Beaufort be introduced to the gir!". But at

    !ea"t he" had the adantage of a""ociating &ith gent!e(en/ in Eng!and

    too# they "ay. It" a!! ery (y"teriou"55, ;he g!anced at Janey and

    +au"ed. ;he and Janey kne& eery fo!d of the Beaufort (y"tery# but in

    +ub!ic )r". Archer continued to a""u(e that the "ubect &a" not one for

    the un(arried.

    ,But thi" )r". ;truther"#, )r". Archer continued/ ,&hat did you "ay ;-E

    &a"# ;i!!ertonD,

    ,Out of a (ine or rather out of the "a!oon at the head of the +it.

    Then &ith Liing Wa5Work"# touring %e& Eng!and. After the +o!ice

    broke T-AT u+# they "ay "he !ied55, )r. Jack"on in hi" turn g!anced

    at Janey# &ho"e eye" began to bu!ge fro( under her +ro(inent !id".

    There &ere "ti!! hiatu"e" for her in )r". ;truther"" +a"t.

    ,Then#, )r. Jack"on continued 3and Archer "a& he &a" &ondering &hy no

    one had to!d the but!er neer to "!ice cucu(ber" &ith a "tee! knife4#

    ,then Le(ue! ;truther" ca(e a!ong. They "ay hi" aderti"er u"ed the

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    gir!" head for the "hoe5+o!i"h +o"ter"/ her hair" inten"e!y b!ack#

    you kno&55the Egy+tian "ty!e. Anyho he55eentua!!y55(arried her.,

    There &ere o!u(e" of innuendo in the &ay the ,eentua!!y, &a" "+aced#

    and each "y!!ab!e gien it" due "tre"".

    ,Oh# &e!!55at the +a"" &ee co(e to no&aday"# it doe"nt (atter#, "aid

    )r". Archer indi?erent!y. The !adie" &ere not rea!!y intere"ted in

    )r". ;truther" u"t then/ the "ubect of E!!en O!en"ka &a" too fre"h

    and too ab"orbing to the(. Indeed# )r". ;truther"" na(e had been

    introduced by )r". Archer on!y that "he (ight +re"ent!y be ab!e to "ay

    ,And %e&!and" ne& cou"in55$ounte"" O!en"kaD Wa" ;-E at the ba!! tooD,

    There &a" a faint touch of "arca"( in the reference to her "on# and

    Archer kne& it and had e+ected it. Een )r". Archer# &ho &a" "e!do(

    undu!y +!ea"ed &ith hu(an eent"# had been a!together g!ad of her "on"

    engage(ent. 3,E"+ecia!!y after that "i!!y bu"ine"" &ith )r".

    u"h&orth#, a" "he had re(arked to Janey# a!!uding to &hat had once

    "ee(ed to %e&!and a tragedy of &hich hi" "ou! &ou!d a!&ay" bear the


    There &a" no better (atch in %e& *ork than )ay We!!and# !ook at the

    0ue"tion fro( &hateer +oint you cho"e. Of cour"e "uch a (arriage &a"

    on!y &hat %e&!and &a" entit!ed to/ but young (en are "o foo!i"h and

    inca!cu!ab!e55and "o(e &o(en "o en"naring and un"cru+u!ou"55that it &a"

    nothing "hort of a (irac!e to "ee one" on!y "on "afe +a"t the ;iren

    I"!e and in the haen of a b!a(e!e"" do(e"ticity.

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    A!! thi" )r". Archer fe!t# and her "on kne& "he fe!t/ but he kne& a!"o

    that "he had been +erturbed by the +re(ature announce(ent of hi"

    engage(ent# or rather by it" cau"e/ and it &a" for that rea"on55becau"e

    on the &ho!e he &a" a tender and indu!gent (a"ter55that he had "tayed

    at ho(e that eening. ,It" not that I dont a++roe of the )ingott"

    e"+rit de cor+"/ but &hy %e&!and" engage(ent "hou!d be (ied u+ &ith

    that O!en"ka &o(an" co(ing" and going" I dont "ee#, )r". Archer

    gru(b!ed to Janey# the on!y &itne"" of her "!ight !a+"e" fro( +erfect


    ;he had behaed beautifu!!y55and in beautifu! behaiour "he &a"

    un"ur+a""ed55during the ca!! on )r". We!!and/ but %e&!and kne& 3and hi"

    betrothed doubt!e"" gue""ed4 that a!! through the i"it "he and Janey

    &ere nerou"!y on the &atch for )ada(e O!en"ka" +o""ib!e intru"ion/

    and &hen they !eft the hou"e together "he had +er(itted her"e!f to "ay

    to her "on ,I( thankfu! that Augu"ta We!!and receied u" a!one.,

    The"e indication" of in&ard di"turbance (oed Archer the (ore that he

    too fe!t that the )ingott" had gone a !itt!e too far. But# a" it &a"

    again"t a!! the ru!e" of their code that the (other and "on "hou!d eer

    a!!ude to &hat &a" u++er(o"t in their thought"# he "i(+!y re+!ied ,Oh#

    &e!!# there" a!&ay" a +ha"e of fa(i!y +artie" to be gone through &hen

    one get" engaged# and the "ooner it" oer the better., At &hich hi"

    (other (ere!y +ur"ed her !i+" under the !ace ei! that hung do&n fro(

    her grey e!et bonnet tri((ed &ith fro"ted gra+e".

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    -er reenge# he fe!t55her !a&fu! reenge55&ou!d be to ,dra&, )r.

    Jack"on that eening on the $ounte"" O!en"ka/ and# haing +ub!ic!y done

    hi" duty a" a future (e(ber of the )ingott c!an# the young (an had no

    obection to hearing the !ady di"cu""ed in +riate55ece+t that the

    "ubect &a" a!ready beginning to bore hi(.

    )r. Jack"on had he!+ed hi("e!f to a "!ice of the te+id 2!et &hich the

    (ournfu! but!er had handed hi( &ith a !ook a" "ce+tica! a" hi" o&n# and

    had reected the (u"hroo( "auce after a "carce!y +erce+tib!e "ni?. -e

    !ooked baCed and hungry# and Archer re=ected that he &ou!d +robab!y

    2ni"h hi" (ea! on E!!en O!en"ka.

    )r. Jack"on !eaned back in hi" chair# and g!anced u+ at the cand!e!it

    Archer"# %e&!and" and an der Luyden" hanging in dark fra(e" on the

    dark &a!!".

    ,Ah# ho& your grandfather Archer !oed a good dinner# (y dear %e&!and

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    ,Ah55, )r". Archer (ur(ured# in a tone that i(+!ied ,;he had that


    ,@erha+" the Beaufort" dont kno& her#, Janey "ugge"ted# &ith her

    art!e"" (a!ice.

    )r. Jack"on gae a faint "i+# a" if he had been ta"ting ini"ib!e

    )adeira. ,)r". Beaufort (ay not55but Beaufort certain!y doe"# for "he

    &a" "een &a!king u+ 'ifth Aenue thi" afternoon &ith hi( by the &ho!e

    of %e& *ork.,

    ,)ercy55, (oaned )r". Archer# eident!y +erceiing the u"e!e""ne"" of

    trying to a"cribe the action" of foreigner" to a "en"e of de!icacy.

    ,I &onder if "he &ear" a round hat or a bonnet in the afternoon#, Janey

    "+ecu!ated. ,At the O+era I kno& "he had on dark b!ue e!et#

    +erfect!y +!ain and =at55!ike a night5go&n.,


  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    decided that the dre"" in 0ue"tion &a"nt "(art enough.,

    )r". Archer "(i!ed at thi" con2r(ation of her inference. ,@oor

    E!!en#, "he "i(+!y re(arked/ adding co(+a""ionate!y ,We (u"t a!&ay"

    bear in (ind &hat an eccentric bringing5u+ )edora )an"on gae her.

    What can you e+ect of a gir! &ho &a" a!!o&ed to &ear b!ack "atin at

    her co(ing5out ba!!D,

    ,Ah55dont I re(e(ber her in it

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    certain!y# becau"e "he had the bad !uck to (ake a &retched (arriage/

    but I dont "ee that that" a rea"on for hiding her head a" if "he &ere

    the cu!+rit.,

    ,That# I "u++o"e#, "aid )r. Jack"on# "+ecu!atie!y# ,i" the !ine the

    )ingott" (ean to take.,

    The young (an reddened. ,I didnt hae to &ait for their cue# if

    that" &hat you (ean# "ir. )ada(e O!en"ka ha" had an unha++y !ife

    that doe"nt (ake her an outca"t.,

    ,There are ru(our"#, began )r. Jack"on# g!ancing at Janey.

    ,Oh# I kno& the "ecretary#, the young (an took hi( u+. ,%on"en"e#

    (other/ Janey" gro&n5u+. They "ay# dont they#, he &ent on# ,that the

    "ecretary he!+ed her to get a&ay fro( her brute of a hu"band# &ho ke+t

    her +ractica!!y a +ri"onerD We!!# &hat if he didD I ho+e there i"nt

    a (an a(ong u" &ho &ou!dnt hae done the "a(e in "uch a ca"e.,

    )r. Jack"on g!anced oer hi" "hou!der to "ay to the "ad but!er

    ,@erha+" ... that "auce ... u"t a !itt!e# after a!!55,/ then# haing

    he!+ed hi("e!f# he re(arked ,I( to!d "he" !ooking for a hou"e. ;he

    (ean" to !ie here.,

    ,I hear "he (ean" to get a diorce#, "aid Janey bo!d!y.

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    ,I ho+e "he &i!!

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    %e&!and reddened. ,Liing togetherD We!!# &hy notD Who had the right

    to (ake her !ife oer if "he hadntD I( "ick of the hy+ocri"y that

    &ou!d bury a!ie a &o(an of her age if her hu"band +refer" to !ie &ith


    -e "to++ed and turned a&ay angri!y to !ight hi" cigar. ,Wo(en ought to

    be free55a" free a" &e are#, he dec!ared# (aking a di"coery of &hich

    he &a" too irritated to (ea"ure the terri2c con"e0uence".

    )r. ;i!!erton Jack"on "tretched hi" ank!e" nearer the coa!" and e(itted

    a "ardonic &hi"t!e.

    ,We!!#, he "aid after a +au"e# ,a++arent!y $ount O!en"ki take" your

    ie&/ for I neer heard of hi" haing !ifted a 2nger to get hi" &ife



    That eening# after )r. Jack"on had taken hi("e!f a&ay# and the !adie"

    had retired to their chint5curtained bedroo(# %e&!and Archer (ounted

    thoughtfu!!y to hi" o&n "tudy. A igi!ant hand had# a" u"ua!# ke+t the

    2re a!ie and the !a(+ tri((ed/ and the roo(# &ith it" ro&" and ro&"

    of book"# it" brone and "tee! "tatuette" of ,The 'encer", on the

    (ante!+iece and it" (any +hotogra+h" of fa(ou" +icture"# !ooked

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    "ingu!ar!y ho(e5!ike and &e!co(ing.

    A" he dro++ed into hi" ar(chair near the 2re hi" eye" re"ted on a

    !arge +hotogra+h of )ay We!!and# &hich the young gir! had gien hi( in

    the 2r"t day" of their ro(ance# and &hich had no& di"+!aced a!! the

    other +ortrait" on the tab!e. With a ne& "en"e of a&e he !ooked at the

    frank forehead# "eriou" eye" and gay innocent (outh of the young

    creature &ho"e "ou!" cu"todian he &a" to be. That terrifying +roduct

    of the "ocia! "y"te( he be!onged to and be!ieed in# the young gir! &ho

    kne& nothing and e+ected eerything# !ooked back at hi( !ike a

    "tranger through )ay We!!and" fa(i!iar feature"/ and once (ore it &a"

    borne in on hi( that (arriage &a" not the "afe anchorage he had been

    taught to think# but a oyage on uncharted "ea".

    The ca"e of the $ounte"" O!en"ka had "tirred u+ o!d "ett!ed coniction"

    and "et the( drifting dangerou"!y through hi" (ind. -i" o&n

    ec!a(ation ,Wo(en "hou!d be free55a" free a" &e are#, "truck to the

    root of a +rob!e( that it &a" agreed in hi" &or!d to regard a"

    non5ei"tent. ,%ice, &o(en# ho&eer &ronged# &ou!d neer c!ai( the

    kind of freedo( he (eant# and generou"5(inded (en !ike hi("e!f &ere

    therefore55in the heat of argu(ent55the (ore chia!rou"!y ready to

    concede it to the(. ;uch erba! genero"itie" &ere in fact on!y a

    hu(bugging di"gui"e of the ineorab!e conention" that tied thing"

    together and bound +eo+!e do&n to the o!d +attern. But here he &a"

    +!edged to defend# on the +art of hi" betrothed" cou"in# conduct that#

    on hi" o&n &ife" +art# &ou!d u"tify hi( in ca!!ing do&n on her a!!

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    the thunder" of $hurch and ;tate. Of cour"e the di!e((a &a" +ure!y

    hy+othetica!/ "ince he &a"nt a b!ackguard @o!i"h nob!e(an# it &a"

    ab"urd to "+ecu!ate &hat hi" &ife" right" &ou!d be if he WEE. But

    %e&!and Archer &a" too i(aginatie not to fee! that# in hi" ca"e and

    )ay"# the tie (ight ga!! for rea"on" far !e"" gro"" and +a!+ab!e.

    What cou!d he and "he rea!!y kno& of each other# "ince it &a" hi" duty#

    a" a ,decent, fe!!o to concea! hi" +a"t fro( her# and her"# a" a

    (arriageab!e gir!# to hae no +a"t to concea!D What if# for "o(e one

    of the "ubt!er rea"on" that &ou!d te!! &ith both of the(# they "hou!d

    tire of each other# (i"under"tand or irritate each otherD -e reie&ed

    hi" friend" (arriage"55the "u++o"ed!y ha++y one"55and "a& none that

    an"&ered# een re(ote!y# to the +a""ionate and tender co(rade"hi+ &hich

    he +ictured a" hi" +er(anent re!ation &ith )ay We!!and. -e +erceied

    that "uch a +icture +re"u++o"ed# on her +art# the e+erience# the

    er"ati!ity# the freedo( of udg(ent# &hich "he had been carefu!!y

    trained not to +o""e""/ and &ith a "hier of foreboding he "a& hi"

    (arriage beco(ing &hat (o"t of the other (arriage" about hi( &ere a

    du!! a""ociation of (ateria! and "ocia! intere"t" he!d together by

    ignorance on the one "ide and hy+ocri"y on the other. La&rence

    Le?ert" occurred to hi( a" the hu"band &ho had (o"t co(+!ete!y

    rea!i"ed thi" eniab!e idea!. A" beca(e the high5+rie"t of for(# he

    had for(ed a &ife "o co(+!ete!y to hi" o&n conenience that# in the

    (o"t con"+icuou" (o(ent" of hi" fre0uent !oe5a?air" &ith other (en"

    &ie"# "he &ent about in "(i!ing uncon"ciou"ne""# "aying that ,La&rence

    &a" "o frightfu!!y "trict,/ and had been kno&n to b!u"h indignant!y#

    and aert her gae# &hen "o(e one a!!uded in her +re"ence to the fact

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    that Ju!iu" Beaufort 3a" beca(e a ,foreigner, of doubtfu! origin4 had

    &hat &a" kno&n in %e& *ork a" ,another e"tab!i"h(ent.,

    Archer tried to con"o!e hi("e!f &ith the thought that he &a" not 0uite

    "uch an a"" a" Larry Le?ert"# nor )ay "uch a "i(+!eton a" +oor

    7ertrude/ but the di?erence &a" after a!! one of inte!!igence and not

    of "tandard". In rea!ity they a!! !ied in a kind of hierog!y+hic

    &or!d# &here the rea! thing &a" neer "aid or done or een thought# but

    on!y re+re"ented by a "et of arbitrary "ign"/ a" &hen )r". We!!and# &ho

    kne& eact!y &hy Archer had +re""ed her to announce her daughter"

    engage(ent at the Beaufort ba!! 3and had indeed e+ected hi( to do no

    !e""4# yet fe!t ob!iged to "i(u!ate re!uctance# and the air of haing

    had her hand forced# 0uite a"# in the book" on @ri(itie )an that

    +eo+!e of adanced cu!ture &ere beginning to read# the "aage bride i"

    dragged &ith "hriek" fro( her +arent" tent.

    The re"u!t# of cour"e# &a" that the young gir! &ho &a" the centre of

    thi" e!aborate "y"te( of (y"ti2cation re(ained the (ore in"crutab!e

    for her ery frankne"" and a""urance. ;he &a" frank# +oor dar!ing#

    becau"e "he had nothing to concea!# a""ured becau"e "he kne& of nothing

    to be on her guard again"t/ and &ith no better +re+aration than thi"#

    "he &a" to be +!unged oernight into &hat +eo+!e ea"ie!y ca!!ed ,the

    fact" of !ife.,

    The young (an &a" "incere!y but +!acid!y in !oe. -e de!ighted in the

    radiant good !ook" of hi" betrothed# in her hea!th# her hor"e(an"hi+#

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    her grace and 0uickne"" at ga(e"# and the "hy intere"t in book" and

    idea" that "he &a" beginning to dee!o+ under hi" guidance. 3;he had

    adanced far enough to oin hi( in ridicu!ing the Idy!" of the Fing#

    but not to fee! the beauty of !y""e" and the Lotu" Eater".4 ;he &a"

    "traightfor&ard# !oya! and brae/ "he had a "en"e of hu(our 3chie=y

    +roed by her !aughing at -I; oke"4/ and he "u"+ected# in the de+th"

    of her innocent!y5gaing "ou!# a g!o& of fee!ing that it &ou!d be a oy

    to &aken. But &hen he had gone the brief round of her he returned

    di"couraged by the thought that a!! thi" frankne"" and innocence &ere

    on!y an arti2cia! +roduct. ntrained hu(an nature &a" not frank and

    innocent/ it &a" fu!! of the t&i"t" and defence" of an in"tinctie

    gui!e. And he fe!t hi("e!f o++re""ed by thi" creation of factitiou"

    +urity# "o cunning!y (anufactured by a con"+iracy of (other" and aunt"

    and grand(other" and !ong5dead ance"tre""e"# becau"e it &a" "u++o"ed to

    be &hat he &anted# &hat he had a right to# in order that he (ight

    eerci"e hi" !ord!y +!ea"ure in "(a"hing it !ike an i(age (ade of "no&.

    There &a" a certain tritene"" in the"e re=ection" they &ere tho"e

    habitua! to young (en on the a++roach of their &edding day. But they

    &ere genera!!y acco(+anied by a "en"e of co(+unction and "e!f5aba"e(ent

    of &hich %e&!and Archer fe!t no trace. -e cou!d not de+!ore 3a"

    Thackeray" heroe" "o often ea"+erated hi( by doing4 that he had not a

    b!ank +age to o?er hi" bride in echange for the unb!e(i"hed one "he

    &a" to gie to hi(. -e cou!d not get a&ay fro( the fact that if he had

    been brought u+ a" "he had they &ou!d hae been no (ore 2t to 2nd

    their &ay about than the Babe" in the Wood/ nor cou!d he# for a!! hi"

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    aniou" cogitation"# "ee any hone"t rea"on 3any# that i"# unconnected

    &ith hi" o&n (o(entary +!ea"ure# and the +a""ion of (a"cu!ine anity4

    &hy hi" bride "hou!d not hae been a!!o&ed the "a(e freedo( of

    e+erience a" hi("e!f.

    ;uch 0ue"tion"# at "uch an hour# &ere bound to drift through hi" (ind/

    but he &a" con"ciou" that their unco(fortab!e +er"i"tence and +reci"ion

    &ere due to the ino++ortune arria! of the $ounte"" O!en"ka. -ere he

    &a"# at the ery (o(ent of hi" betrotha!55a (o(ent for +ure thought"

    and c!oud!e"" ho+e"55+itchforked into a coi! of "canda! &hich rai"ed

    a!! the "+ecia! +rob!e(" he &ou!d hae +referred to !et !ie. ,-ang

    E!!en O!en"ka

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    it" re"ource"# for eery one in it 3inc!uding !iery5"tab!e5kee+er"#

    but!er" and cook"4 not to kno& eact!y on &hich eening" +eo+!e &ere

    free/ and it &a" thu" +o""ib!e for the reci+ient" of )r". Loe!!

    )ingott" initation" to (ake crue!!y c!ear their deter(ination not to

    (eet the $ounte"" O!en"ka.

    The b!o& &a" une+ected/ but the )ingott"# a" their &ay &a"# (et it

    ga!!ant!y. )r". Loe!! )ingott con2ded the ca"e to )r". We!!and# &ho

    con2ded it to %e&!and Archer/ &ho# a=a(e at the outrage# a++ea!ed

    +a""ionate!y and authoritatie!y to hi" (other/ &ho# after a +ainfu!

    +eriod of in&ard re"i"tance and out&ard te(+ori"ing# "uccu(bed to hi"

    in"tance" 3a" "he a!&ay" did4# and i((ediate!y e(bracing hi" cau"e &ith

    an energy redoub!ed by her +reiou" he"itation"# +ut on her grey e!et

    bonnet and "aid ,I!! go and "ee Loui"a an der Luyden.,

    The %e& *ork of %e&!and Archer" day &a" a "(a!! and "!i++ery +yra(id#

    in &hich# a" yet# hard!y a 2""ure had been (ade or a footho!d gained.

    At it" ba"e &a" a 2r( foundation of &hat )r". Archer ca!!ed ,+!ain

    +eo+!e,/ an honourab!e but ob"cure (aority of re"+ectab!e fa(i!ie" &ho

    3a" in the ca"e of the ;+icer" or the Le?ert"e" or the Jack"on"4 had

    been rai"ed aboe their !ee! by (arriage &ith one of the ru!ing c!an".

    @eo+!e# )r". Archer a!&ay" "aid# &ere not a" +articu!ar a" they u"ed to

    be/ and &ith o!d $atherine ;+icer ru!ing one end of 'ifth Aenue# and

    Ju!iu" Beaufort the other# you cou!dnt e+ect the o!d tradition" to

    !a"t (uch !onger.

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    'ir(!y narro&ing u+&ard fro( thi" &ea!thy but incon"+icuou" "ub"tratu(

    &a" the co(+act and do(inant grou+ &hich the )ingott"# %e&!and"#

    $hier"e" and )an"on" "o actie!y re+re"ented. )o"t +eo+!e i(agined

    the( to be the ery a+e of the +yra(id/ but they the("e!e" 3at !ea"t

    tho"e of )r". Archer" generation4 &ere a&are that# in the eye" of the

    +rofe""iona! genea!ogi"t# on!y a "ti!! "(a!!er nu(ber of fa(i!ie" cou!d

    !ay c!ai( to that e(inence.

    ,>ont te!! (e#, )r". Archer &ou!d "ay to her chi!dren# ,a!! thi"

    (odern ne&"+a+er rubbi"h about a %e& *ork ari"tocracy. If there i"

    one# neither the )ingott" nor the )an"on" be!ong to it/ no# nor the

    %e&!and" or the $hier"e" either. Our grandfather" and

    great5grandfather" &ere u"t re"+ectab!e Eng!i"h or >utch (erchant"#

    &ho ca(e to the co!onie" to (ake their fortune# and "tayed here becau"e

    they did "o &e!!. One of your great5grandfather" "igned the

    >ec!aration# and another &a" a genera! on Wa"hington" "ta?# and

    receied 7enera! Burgoyne" "&ord after the batt!e of ;aratoga. The"e

    are thing" to be +roud of# but they hae nothing to do &ith rank or

    c!a"". %e& *ork ha" a!&ay" been a co((ercia! co((unity# and there are

    not (ore than three fa(i!ie" in it &ho can c!ai( an ari"tocratic origin

    in the rea! "en"e of the &ord.,

    )r". Archer and her "on and daughter# !ike eery one e!"e in %e& *ork#

    kne& &ho the"e +rii!eged being" &ere the >agonet" of Wa"hington

    ;0uare# &ho ca(e of an o!d Eng!i"h county fa(i!y a!!ied &ith the @itt"

    and 'oe"/ the Lanning"# &ho had inter(arried &ith the de"cendant" of

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    $ount de 7ra""e# and the an der Luyden"# direct de"cendant" of the

    2r"t >utch goernor of )anhattan# and re!ated by +re5reo!utionary

    (arriage" to "eera! (e(ber" of the 'rench and Briti"h ari"tocracy.

    The Lanning" "uried on!y in the +er"on of t&o ery o!d but !ie!y

    )i"" Lanning"# &ho !ied cheerfu!!y and re(ini"cent!y a(ong fa(i!y

    +ortrait" and $hi++enda!e/ the >agonet" &ere a con"iderab!e c!an#

    a!!ied to the be"t na(e" in Ba!ti(ore and @hi!ade!+hia/ but the an der

    Luyden"# &ho "tood aboe a!! of the(# had faded into a kind of

    "u+er5terre"tria! t&i!ight# fro( &hich on!y t&o 2gure" i(+re""ie!y

    e(erged/ tho"e of )r. and )r". -enry an der Luyden.

    )r". -enry an der Luyden had been Loui"a >agonet# and her (other had

    been the granddaughter of $o!one! du Lac# of an o!d $hanne! I"!and

    fa(i!y# &ho had fought under $orn&a!!i" and had "ett!ed in )ary!and#

    after the &ar# &ith hi" bride# Lady Ange!ica Treenna# 2fth daughter

    of the Ear! of ;t. Au"trey. The tie bet&een the >agonet"# the du Lac"

    of )ary!and# and their ari"tocratic $orni"h kin"fo!k# the Treenna"#

    had a!&ay" re(ained c!o"e and cordia!. )r. and )r". an der Luyden had

    (ore than once +aid !ong i"it" to the +re"ent head of the hou"e of

    Treenna# the >uke of ;t. Au"trey# at hi" country5"eat in $orn&a!! and

    at ;t. Au"trey in 7!ouce"ter"hire/ and hi" 7race had fre0uent!y

    announced hi" intention of "o(e day returning their i"it 3&ithout the

    >uche""# &ho feared the At!antic4.

    )r. and )r". an der Luyden diided their ti(e bet&een Treenna# their

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    +!ace in )ary!and# and ;kuyterc!i?# the great e"tate on the -ud"on

    &hich had been one of the co!onia! grant" of the >utch goern(ent to

    the fa(ou" 2r"t 7oernor# and of &hich )r. an der Luyden &a" "ti!!

    ,@atroon., Their !arge "o!e(n hou"e in )adi"on Aenue &a" "e!do(

    o+ened# and &hen they ca(e to to&n they receied in it on!y their (o"t

    inti(ate friend".

    ,I &i"h you &ou!d go &ith (e# %e&!and#, hi" (other "aid# "udden!y

    +au"ing at the door of the Bro&n cou+e. ,Loui"a i" fond of you/ and of

    cour"e it" on account of dear )ay that I( taking thi" "te+55and a!"o

    becau"e# if &e dont a!! "tand together# there!! be no "uch thing a"

    ;ociety !eft.,


    )r". -enry an der Luyden !i"tened in "i!ence to her cou"in )r".

    Archer" narratie.

    It &a" a!! ery &e!! to te!! your"e!f in adance that )r". an der

    Luyden &a" a!&ay" "i!ent# and that# though non5co((itta! by nature and

    training# "he &a" ery kind to the +eo+!e "he rea!!y !iked. Een

    +er"ona! e+erience of the"e fact" &a" not a!&ay" a +rotection fro( the

    chi!! that de"cended on one in the high5cei!inged &hite5&a!!ed )adi"on

    Aenue dra&ing5roo(# &ith the +a!e brocaded ar(chair" "o obiou"!y

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    uncoered for the occa"ion# and the gaue "ti!! ei!ing the or(o!u

    (ante! orna(ent" and the beautifu! o!d cared fra(e of 7ain"borough"

    ,Lady Ange!ica du Lac.,

    )r". an der Luyden" +ortrait by -untington 3in b!ack e!et and

    :enetian +oint4 faced that of her !oe!y ance"tre"". It &a" genera!!y

    con"idered ,a" 2ne a" a $abane!#, and# though t&enty year" had e!a+"ed

    "ince it" eecution# &a" "ti!! ,a +erfect !ikene""., Indeed the )r".

    an der Luyden &ho "at beneath it !i"tening to )r". Archer (ight hae

    been the t&in5"i"ter of the fair and "ti!! youngi"h &o(an droo+ing

    again"t a gi!t ar(chair before a green re+ curtain. )r". an der

    Luyden "ti!! &ore b!ack e!et and :enetian +oint &hen "he &ent into

    "ociety55or rather 3"ince "he neer dined out4 &hen "he thre& o+en her

    o&n door" to receie it. -er fair hair# &hich had faded &ithout

    turning grey# &a" "ti!! +arted in =at oer!a++ing +oint" on her

    forehead# and the "traight no"e that diided her +a!e b!ue eye" &a"

    on!y a !itt!e (ore +inched about the no"tri!" than &hen the +ortrait

    had been +ainted. ;he a!&ay"# indeed# "truck %e&!and Archer a" haing

    been rather grue"o(e!y +re"ered in the air!e"" at(o"+here of a

    +erfect!y irre+roachab!e ei"tence# a" bodie" caught in g!acier" kee+

    for year" a ro"y !ife5in5death.

    Like a!! hi" fa(i!y# he e"tee(ed and ad(ired )r". an der Luyden/ but

    he found her gent!e bending "&eetne"" !e"" a++roachab!e than the

    gri(ne"" of "o(e of hi" (other" o!d aunt"# 2erce "+in"ter" &ho "aid

    ,%o, on +rinci+!e before they kne& &hat they &ere going to be a"ked.

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    )r". an der Luyden" attitude "aid neither ye" nor no# but a!&ay"

    a++eared to inc!ine to c!e(ency ti!! her thin !i+"# &aering into the

    "hado& of a "(i!e# (ade the a!(o"t inariab!e re+!y ,I "ha!! 2r"t

    hae to ta!k thi" oer &ith (y hu"band.,

    ;he and )r. an der Luyden &ere "o eact!y a!ike that Archer often

    &ondered ho after forty year" of the c!o"e"t conuga!ity# t&o "uch

    (erged identitie" eer "e+arated the("e!e" enough for anything a"

    controer"ia! a" a ta!king5oer. But a" neither had eer reached a

    deci"ion &ithout +refacing it by thi" (y"teriou" conc!ae# )r". Archer

    and her "on# haing "et forth their ca"e# &aited re"igned!y for the

    fa(i!iar +hra"e.

    )r". an der Luyden# ho&eer# &ho had "e!do( "ur+ri"ed any one# no&

    "ur+ri"ed the( by reaching her !ong hand to&ard the be!!5ro+e.

    ,I think#, "he "aid# ,I "hou!d !ike -enry to hear &hat you hae to!d


    A foot(an a++eared# to &ho( "he grae!y added ,If )r. an der Luyden

    ha" 2ni"hed reading the ne&"+a+er# +!ea"e a"k hi( to be kind enough to


    ;he "aid ,reading the ne&"+a+er, in the tone in &hich a )ini"ter" &ife

    (ight hae "aid ,@re"iding at a $abinet (eeting,55not fro( any

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    arrogance of (ind# but becau"e the habit of a !ife5ti(e# and the

    attitude of her friend" and re!ation"# had !ed her to con"ider )r. an

    der Luyden" !ea"t ge"ture a" haing an a!(o"t "acerdota! i(+ortance.

    -er +ro(+tne"" of action "ho&ed that "he con"idered the ca"e a"

    +re""ing a" )r". Archer/ but# !e"t "he "hou!d be thought to hae

    co((itted her"e!f in adance# "he added# &ith the "&eete"t !ook

    ,-enry a!&ay" enoy" "eeing you# dear Ade!ine/ and he &i!! &i"h to

    congratu!ate %e&!and.,

    The doub!e door" had "o!e(n!y reo+ened and bet&een the( a++eared )r.

    -enry an der Luyden# ta!!# "+are and frock5coated# &ith faded fair

    hair# a "traight no"e !ike hi" &ife" and the "a(e !ook of froen

    gent!ene"" in eye" that &ere (ere!y +a!e grey in"tead of +a!e b!ue.

    )r. an der Luyden greeted )r". Archer &ith cou"in!y a?abi!ity#

    +ro?ered to %e&!and !o&5oiced congratu!ation" couched in the "a(e

    !anguage a" hi" &ife"# and "eated hi("e!f in one of the brocade

    ar(chair" &ith the "i(+!icity of a reigning "oereign.

    ,I had u"t 2ni"hed reading the Ti(e"#, he "aid# !aying hi" !ong

    2nger5ti+" together. ,In to&n (y (orning" are "o (uch occu+ied that I

    2nd it (ore conenient to read the ne&"+a+er" after !uncheon.,

    ,Ah# there" a great dea! to be "aid for that +!an55indeed I think (y

    unc!e Eg(ont u"ed to "ay he found it !e"" agitating not to read the

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    (orning +a+er" ti!! after dinner#, "aid )r". Archer re"+on"ie!y.

    ,*e" (y good father abhorred hurry. But no& &e !ie in a con"tant

    ru"h#, "aid )r. an der Luyden in (ea"ured tone"# !ooking &ith +!ea"ant

    de!iberation about the !arge "hrouded roo( &hich to Archer &a" "o

    co(+!ete an i(age of it" o&ner".

    ,But I ho+e you -A> 2ni"hed your reading# -enryD, hi" &ife inter+o"ed.

    ,uite550uite#, he rea""ured her.

    ,Then I "hou!d !ike Ade!ine to te!! you55,

    ,Oh# it" rea!!y %e&!and" "tory#, "aid hi" (other "(i!ing/ and

    +roceeded to rehear"e once (ore the (on"trou" ta!e of the a?ront

    in=icted on )r". Loe!! )ingott.

    ,Of cour"e#, "he ended# ,Augu"ta We!!and and )ary )ingott both fe!t

    that# e"+ecia!!y in ie& of %e&!and" engage(ent# you and -enry O7-T

    TO F%OW.,

    ,Ah55, "aid )r. an der Luyden# dra&ing a dee+ breath.

    There &a" a "i!ence during &hich the tick of the (onu(enta! or(o!u

    c!ock on the &hite (arb!e (ante!+iece gre& a" !oud a" the boo( of a

    (inute5gun. Archer conte(+!ated &ith a&e the t&o "!ender faded

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  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    ,It "ee(" "o to (e#, "aid hi" &ife# a" if "he &ere +roducing a ne&


    ,I had no idea#, )r. an der Luyden continued# ,that thing" had co(e to

    "uch a +a""., -e +au"ed# and !ooked at hi" &ife again. ,It occur" to

    (e# (y dear# that the $ounte"" O!en"ka i" a!ready a "ort of

    re!ation55through )edora )an"on" 2r"t hu"band. At any rate# "he &i!!

    be &hen %e&!and (arrie"., -e turned to&ard the young (an. ,-ae you

    read thi" (orning" Ti(e"# %e&!andD,

    ,Why# ye"# "ir#, "aid Archer# &ho u"ua!!y to""ed o? ha!f a doen

    +a+er" &ith hi" (orning co?ee.

    -u"band and &ife !ooked at each other again. Their +a!e eye" c!ung

    together in +ro!onged and "eriou" con"u!tation/ then a faint "(i!e

    =uttered oer )r". an der Luyden" face. ;he had eident!y gue""ed

    and a++roed.

    )r. an der Luyden turned to )r". Archer. ,If Loui"a" hea!th a!!o&ed

    her to dine out55I &i"h you &ou!d "ay to )r". Loe!! )ingott55"he and I

    &ou!d hae been ha++y to55er552!! the +!ace" of the La&rence

    Le?ert"e" at her dinner., -e +au"ed to !et the irony of thi" "ink in.

    ,A" you kno thi" i" i(+o""ib!e., )r". Archer "ounded a "y(+athetic

    a""ent. ,But %e&!and te!!" (e he ha" read thi" (orning" Ti(e"/

    therefore he ha" +robab!y "een that Loui"a" re!atie# the >uke of ;t.

    Au"trey# arrie" net &eek on the u""ia. -e i" co(ing to enter hi"

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    ne& "!oo+# the 7uineere# in net "u((er" Internationa! $u+ ace/ and

    a!"o to hae a !itt!e cana"back "hooting at Treenna., )r. an der

    Luyden +au"ed again# and continued &ith increa"ing beneo!ence

    ,Before taking hi( do&n to )ary!and &e are initing a fe& friend" to

    (eet hi( here55on!y a !itt!e dinner55&ith a rece+tion after&ard. I a(

    "ure Loui"a &i!! be a" g!ad a" I a( if $ounte"" O!en"ka &i!! !et u"

    inc!ude her a(ong our gue"t"., -e got u+# bent hi" !ong body &ith a

    "ti? friend!ine"" to&ard hi" cou"in# and added ,I think I hae

    Loui"a" authority for "aying that "he &i!! her"e!f !eae the

    initation to dine &hen "he drie" out +re"ent!y &ith our card"55of

    cour"e &ith our card".,

    )r". Archer# &ho kne& thi" to be a hint that the "eenteen5hand

    che"tnut" &hich &ere neer ke+t &aiting &ere at the door# ro"e &ith a

    hurried (ur(ur of thank". )r". an der Luyden bea(ed on her &ith the

    "(i!e of E"ther interceding &ith Aha"ueru"/ but her hu"band rai"ed a

    +rote"ting hand.

    ,There i" nothing to thank (e for# dear Ade!ine/ nothing &hateer.

    Thi" kind of thing (u"t not ha++en in %e& *ork/ it "ha!! not# a" !ong

    a" I can he!+ it#, he +ronounced &ith "oereign gent!ene"" a" he

    "teered hi" cou"in" to the door.

    T&o hour" !ater# eery one kne& that the great $5"+ring barouche in

    &hich )r". an der Luyden took the air at a!! "ea"on" had been "een at

    o!d )r". )ingott" door# &here a !arge "0uare ene!o+e &a" handed in/

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    and that eening at the O+era )r. ;i!!erton Jack"on &a" ab!e to "tate

    that the ene!o+e contained a card initing the $ounte"" O!en"ka to the

    dinner &hich the an der Luyden" &ere giing the fo!!o&ing &eek for

    their cou"in# the >uke of ;t. Au"trey.

    ;o(e of the younger (en in the c!ub bo echanged a "(i!e at thi"

    announce(ent# and g!anced "ide&ay" at La&rence Le?ert"# &ho "at

    care!e""!y in the front of the bo# +u!!ing hi" !ong fair (ou"tache#

    and &ho re(arked &ith authority# a" the "o+rano +au"ed ,%o one but

    @atti ought to atte(+t the ;onna(bu!a.,


    It &a" genera!!y agreed in %e& *ork that the $ounte"" O!en"ka had ,!o"t

    her !ook".,

    ;he had a++eared there 2r"t# in %e&!and Archer" boyhood# a" a

    bri!!iant!y +retty !itt!e gir! of nine or ten# of &ho( +eo+!e "aid that

    "he ,ought to be +ainted., -er +arent" had been continenta! &anderer"#

    and after a roa(ing babyhood "he had !o"t the( both# and been taken in

    charge by her aunt# )edora )an"on# a!"o a &anderer# &ho &a" her"e!f

    returning to %e& *ork to ,"ett!e do&n.,

    @oor )edora# re+eated!y &ido&ed# &a" a!&ay" co(ing ho(e to "ett!e do&n

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    3each ti(e in a !e"" e+en"ie hou"e4# and bringing &ith her a ne&

    hu"band or an ado+ted chi!d/ but after a fe& (onth" "he inariab!y

    +arted fro( her hu"band or 0uarre!!ed &ith her &ard# and# haing got

    rid of her hou"e at a !o""# "et out again on her &andering". A" her

    (other had been a u"h&orth# and her !a"t unha++y (arriage had !inked

    her to one of the cray $hier"e"# %e& *ork !ooked indu!gent!y on her

    eccentricitie"/ but &hen "he returned &ith her !itt!e or+haned niece#

    &ho"e +arent" had been +o+u!ar in "+ite of their regrettab!e ta"te for

    trae!# +eo+!e thought it a +ity that the +retty chi!d "hou!d be in

    "uch hand".

    Eery one &a" di"+o"ed to be kind to !itt!e E!!en )ingott# though her

    du"ky red cheek" and tight cur!" gae her an air of gaiety that "ee(ed

    un"uitab!e in a chi!d &ho "hou!d "ti!! hae been in b!ack for her

    +arent". It &a" one of the (i"guided )edora" (any +ecu!iaritie" to

    =out the una!terab!e ru!e" that regu!ated A(erican (ourning# and &hen

    "he "te++ed fro( the "tea(er her fa(i!y &ere "canda!i"ed to "ee that

    the cra+e ei! "he &ore for her o&n brother &a" "een inche" "horter

    than tho"e of her "i"ter"5in5!a &hi!e !itt!e E!!en &a" in cri("on

    (erino and a(ber bead"# !ike a gi+"y found!ing.

    But %e& *ork had "o !ong re"igned it"e!f to )edora that on!y a fe& o!d

    !adie" "hook their head" oer E!!en" gaudy c!othe"# &hi!e her other

    re!ation" fe!! under the char( of her high co!our and high "+irit".

    ;he &a" a fear!e"" and fa(i!iar !itt!e thing# &ho a"ked di"concerting

    0ue"tion"# (ade +recociou" co((ent"# and +o""e""ed out!andi"h art"#

  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


  • 8/11/2019 vitsta inocentei


    &atched the $ounte"" O!en"ka enter the an der Luyden dra&ing5roo( on

    the eening of the (o(entou" dinner. The occa"ion &a" a "o!e(n one#

    and he &ondered a !itt!e nerou"!y ho& "he &ou!d carry it o?. ;he

    ca(e rather !ate# one hand "ti!! ung!oed# and fa"tening a brace!et

    about her &ri"t/ yet "he entered &ithout any a++earance of ha"te or

    e(barra""(ent the dra&ing5roo( in &hich %e& *ork" (o"t cho"en co(+any

    &a" "o(e&hat a&fu!!y a""e(b!ed.

    In the (idd!e of the roo( "he +au"ed# !ooking about her &ith a grae

    (outh and "(i!ing eye"/ and in that in"tant %e&!and Archer reected the

    genera! erdict on her !ook". It &a" true that her ear!y radiance &a"

    gone. The red cheek" had +a!ed/ "he &a" thin# &orn# a !itt!e

    o!der5!ooking than her age# &hich (u"t hae been near!y thirty. But

    there &a" about her the (y"teriou" authority of beauty# a "urene"" in

    the carriage of the head# the (oe(ent of the eye"# &hich# &ithout

    being in the !ea"t theatrica!# "truck hi" a" high!y trained and fu!! of

    a con"ciou" +o&er. At the "a(e ti(e "he &a" "i(+!er in (anner than

    (o"t of the !adie" +re"ent# and (any +eo+!e 3a" he heard after&ard fro(

    Janey4 &ere di"a++ointed that her a++earance &a" not (ore

    ,"ty!i"h,55for "ty!i"hne"" &a" &hat %e& *ork (o"t a!ued. It &a"#

    +erha+"# Archer re=ected# becau"e her ear!y iacity had di"a++eared/

    becau"e "he &a" "o 0uiet550uiet in her (oe(ent"# her oice# and the

    tone" of her !o&5+itched oice. %e& *ork had e+ected "o(ething a good

    dea! (ore rea"onant in a young &o(an &ith "uch a hi"tory.

    The dinner &a" a "o(e&hat for(idab!e bu"ine"". >ining &ith the an der

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    Luyden" &a" at be"t no !ight (atter# and dining there &ith a >uke &ho

    &a" their cou"in &a" a!(o"t a re!igiou" "o!e(nity. It +!ea"ed Archer

    to think that on!y an o!d %e& *orker cou!d +erceie the "hade of

    di?erence 3to %e& *ork4 bet&een being (ere!y a >uke and being the an

    der Luyden" >uke. %e& *ork took "tray nob!e(en ca!(!y# and een

    3ece+t in the ;truther" "et4 &ith a certain di"tru"tfu! hauteur/ but

    &hen they +re"ented "uch credentia!" a" the"e they &ere receied &ith

    an o!d5fa"hioned cordia!ity that they &ou!d hae been great!y (i"taken

    in a"cribing "o!e!y to their "tanding in >ebrett. It &a" for u"t "uch

    di"tinction" that the young (an cheri"hed hi" o!d %e& *ork een &hi!e

    he "(i!ed at it.

    The an der Luyden" had done their be"t to e(+ha"i"e the i(+ortance of

    the occa"ion. The du Lac ;ere" and the Treenna 7eorge II +!ate &ere

    out/ "o &a" the an der Luyden ,Lo&e"toft, 3Ea"t India $o(+any4 and the

    >agonet $ro&n >erby. )r". an der Luyden !ooked (ore than eer !ike a

    $abane!# and )r". Archer# in her grand(other" "eed5+ear!" and

    e(era!d"# re(inded her "on of an I"abey (iniature. A!! the !adie" had

    on their hand"o(e"t e&e!"# but it &a" characteri"tic of the hou"e and

    the occa"ion that the"e &ere (o"t!y in rather heay o!d5fa"hioned

    "etting"/ and o!d )i"" Lanning# &ho had been +er"uaded to co(e#

    actua!!y &ore her (other" ca(eo" and a ;+ani"h b!onde "ha&!.

    The $ounte"" O!en"ka &a" the on!y young &o(an at the dinner/ yet# a"

    Archer "canned the "(ooth +!u(+ e!der!y face" bet&een their dia(ond

    neck!ace" and to&ering o"trich feather"# they "truck hi( a" curiou"!y

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    of anything to "ay "he had "trayed back to her origina! "ubect.

    ,)ay i" a dar!ing/ Ie "een no young gir! in %e& *ork "o hand"o(e and

    "o inte!!igent. Are you ery (uch in !oe &ith herD,

    %e&!and Archer reddened and !aughed. ,A" (uch a" a (an can be.,

    ;he continued to con"ider hi( thoughtfu!!y# a" if not to (i"" any "hade

    of (eaning in &hat he "aid# ,>o you think# then# there i" a !i(itD,

    ,To being in !oeD If there i"# I haent found it

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    then# had (entioned that he !ied. Win"ett did not inite +eo+!e to

    hi" hou"e/ but he had once +ointed it out to Archer in the cour"e of a

    nocturna! "tro!!# and the !atter had a"ked hi("e!f# &ith a !itt!e

    "hier# if the hu(anitie" &ere "o (ean!y hou"ed in other ca+ita!".

    )ada(e O!en"ka" o&n d&e!!ing &a" redee(ed fro( the "a(e a++earance

    on!y by a !itt!e (ore +aint about the &indo&5fra(e"/ and a" Archer

    (u"tered it" (ode"t front he "aid to hi("e!f that the @o!i"h $ount (u"t

    hae robbed her of her fortune a" &e!! a" of her i!!u"ion".

    The young (an had "+ent an un"ati"factory day. -e had !unched &ith the

    We!!and"# ho+ing after&ard to carry o? )ay for a &a!k in the @ark. -e

    &anted to hae her to hi("e!f# to te!! her ho& enchanting "he had

    !ooked the night before# and ho& +roud he &a" of her# and to +re"" her

    to ha"ten their (arriage. But )r". We!!and had 2r(!y re(inded hi(

    that the round of fa(i!y i"it" &a" not ha!f oer# and# &hen he hinted

    at adancing the date of the &edding# had rai"ed re+roachfu! eye5bro&"

    and "ighed out ,T&e!e doen of eerything55hand5e(broidered55,

    @acked in the fa(i!y !andau they ro!!ed fro( one triba! door"te+ to

    another# and Archer# &hen the afternoon" round &a" oer# +arted fro(

    hi" betrothed &ith the fee!ing that he had been "ho&n o? !ike a &i!d

    ani(a! cunning!y tra++ed. -e "u++o"ed that hi" reading" in

    anthro+o!ogy cau"ed hi( to take "uch a coar"e ie& of &hat &a" after

    a!! a "i(+!e and natura! de(on"tration of fa(i!y fee!ing/ but &hen he

    re(e(bered that the We!!and" did not e+ect the &edding to take +!ace

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    cheerfu!!y to the +ur+!e "atin and ye!!o& tufting" of the We!!and

    dra&ing5roo(# to it" "ha( Buh! tab!e" and gi!t itrine" fu!! of (odern

    ;ae. -e "a& no rea"on to "u++o"e that "he &ou!d &ant anything

    di?erent in her o&n hou"e/ and hi" on!y co(fort &a" to re=ect that

    "he &ou!d +robab!y !et hi( arrange hi" !ibrary a" he +!ea"ed55&hich

    &ou!d be# of cour"e# &ith ,"incere, Ea"t!ake furniture# and the +!ain

    ne& bookca"e" &ithout g!a"" door".

    The round5bo"o(ed (aid ca(e in# dre& the curtain"# +u"hed back a !og#

    and "aid con"o!ing!y ,:erra55erra., When "he had gone Archer "tood

    u+ and began to &ander about. ;hou!d he &ait any !ongerD -i" +o"ition

    &a" beco(ing rather foo!i"h. @erha+" he had (i"under"tood )ada(e

    O!en"ka55+erha+" "he had not inited hi( after a!!.

    >o&n the cobb!e"tone" of the 0uiet "treet ca(e the ring of a "te++er"

    hoof"/ they "to++ed before the hou"e# and he caught the o+ening of a

    carriage door. @a