Vive la Historia Live the History PARADOR DE CORIAS En un inaccesible valle, entre montañas y junto a un puente medieval, la mole de piedra de un gigantesco monasterio asombra al viajero. Lejos de las pequeñas iglesias y cenobios que caracterizan a estas tierras, San Juan Bautista en Corias es una inmensidad con mil años de historia. La larga historia del monasterio de San Juan Bautista de Corias ha pasado por tres etapas distintas. Fue construido entre 1022 y 1044 como el más importante y rico monasterio de benedictinos de todo el occidente astur. En el siglo XVI se derribó parte del viejo monasterio románico y se reformó en estilo renacentista para, finalmente, en 1744, tras un incendio del que solo se salvaron la iglesia, la sacristía y la biblioteca, reconstruirse y ampliarse bajo la supervisión de Ventura Rodríguez que proyectó un edificio de grandes proporciones de estilo neoclásico que integra perfectamente su antigua iglesia renacentista. El monasterio es conocido como “El Escorial de Asturias” por su aspecto imponente. Su planta, un gigantesco rectángulo de más de siete mil metros con una crujía central y dos claustros interiores, su fachada austera y su aire severo recuerdan, claramente, a la fábrica herreriana. Sin duda, Corias es, en su monumentalidad, uno de los edificios más importantes del XVIII asturiano donde destaca su original fachada con dos portadas destacadas para dar acceso al monasterio y a la iglesia respectivamente. El edificio, tras ser desamortizado, tuvo distintas funciones como noviciado dominico, instituto laboral y centro de formación profesional. Es parador desde 2013. The long history of the monastery of San Juan Bautista of Corias has gone through three different stages. It was built between 1022 and 1044 as the most important and rich Benedictine monastery in the west of Asturias. In the XVI century, part of the old Romanic monastery was demolished and it was reformed in the Renaissance style until finally in 1744, after a fire, which only the church, the sacristy and the library survived, it was reconstructed and extended under the supervision of Ventura Rodríguez who planned a building of large proportions in the neoclassical style which perfectly assimilated its ancient Renaissance church. The monastery is known as “The Escorial of Asturias” due to its imposing aspect. It is designed as a gigantic rectangle measuring more than seven thousand metres with a central bay and two interior cloisters. Its austere façade and its severe aspect clearly bring to mind the work of Herrera. Undoubtedly, as regards its monuments, Corias is one of the most important buildings of the XVIII century in Asturias with its outstanding original façade with two dominant gateways to provide access to the monastery and the church respectively. After the building was expropriated, it had several functions such as a Dominican novitiate, a labour institution and a vocational training centre. It has been a Parador since 2013. The stone mass of a gigantic monastery astonishes the traveller in an inaccessible valley, between mountains and beside a medieval bridge. Unlike the small churches and monasteries which are characteristic of this land, San Juan Bautista in Corias is of immense size and has a thousand year history.

Vive la Historia Live the History - Parador · it had several functions such as a Dominican novitiate, a labour institution and a vocational training centre. It has been a Parador

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Page 1: Vive la Historia Live the History - Parador · it had several functions such as a Dominican novitiate, a labour institution and a vocational training centre. It has been a Parador

Vive la Historia Live the History


En un inaccesible valle, entre montañas y junto a un puente medieval, la mole de piedra de un gigantesco monasterio asombra al viajero. Lejos de las pequeñas iglesias y cenobios que caracterizan a estas tierras, San Juan Bautista en Corias es una inmensidad con mil años de historia.

La larga historia del monasterio de San Juan Bautista de Corias ha pasado por tres etapas distintas. Fue construido entre 1022 y 1044 como el más importante y rico monasterio de benedictinos de todo el occidente astur. En el siglo XVI se derribó parte del viejo monasterio románico y se reformó en estilo renacentista para, fi nalmente, en 1744, tras un incendio del que solo se salvaron la iglesia, la sacristía y la biblioteca, reconstruirse y ampliarse bajo la supervisión de Ventura Rodríguez que proyectó un edifi cio de grandes proporciones de estilo neoclásico que integra perfectamente su antigua iglesia renacentista. El monasterio es conocido como “El Escorial de Asturias” por su aspecto imponente. Su planta, un gigantesco rectángulo de más de siete mil metros con una crujía central y dos claustros interiores, su fachada austera y su aire severo recuerdan, claramente, a la fábrica herreriana. Sin duda, Corias es, en su monumentalidad, uno de los edifi cios más importantes del XVIII asturiano donde destaca su original fachada con dos portadas destacadas para dar acceso al monasterio y a la iglesia respectivamente. El edifi cio, tras ser desamortizado, tuvo distintas funciones como noviciado dominico, instituto laboral y centro de formación profesional. Es parador desde 2013.

The long history of the monastery of San Juan Bautista of Corias has gone through three di� erent stages. It was built between 1022 and 1044 as the most important and rich Benedictine monastery in the west of Asturias. In the XVI century, part of the old Romanic monastery was demolished and it was reformed in the Renaissance style until fi nally in 1744, after a fi re, which only the church, the sacristy and the library survived, it was reconstructed and extended under the supervision of Ventura Rodríguez who planned a building of large proportions in the neoclassical style which perfectly assimilated its ancient Renaissance church. The monastery is known as “The Escorial of Asturias” due to its imposing aspect. It is designed as a gigantic rectangle measuring more than seven thousand metres with a central bay and two interior cloisters. Its austere façade and its severe aspect clearly bring to mind the work of Herrera. Undoubtedly, as regards its monuments, Corias is one of the most important buildings of the XVIII century in Asturias with its outstanding original façade with two dominant gateways to provide access to the monastery and the church respectively. After the building was expropriated, it had several functions such as a Dominican novitiate, a labour institution and a vocational training centre. It has been a Parador since 2013.

The stone mass of a gigantic monastery astonishes the traveller in an inaccessible valley, between mountains and beside a medieval bridge. Unlike the small churches and monasteries which are characteristic of this land, San Juan Bautista in Corias is of immense size and has a thousand year history.

Page 2: Vive la Historia Live the History - Parador · it had several functions such as a Dominican novitiate, a labour institution and a vocational training centre. It has been a Parador

En ningún parador, excepto en Corias los clientes comparten espacio con los antiguos inquilinos. Tras la adaptación del edifi cio, la comunidad de dominicos fue reubicada dentro del monasterio y, actualmente, se encargan de mantener abierta al culto la iglesia anexa. La pequeña comunidad está alojada en los espacios contiguos a la iglesia, en su fachada este. Los dominicos llevan más de 150 años en Corias. Llegaron en 1860 a un monasterio vacío porque sus tradicionales monjes, los benedictinos, fueron exclaustrados tras la desamortización de 1836. Corias se convirtió en una referencia imprescindible para la orden ya que aquí comenzó la restauración de la Provincia Dominicana de España y muchos de los dominicos que se formaron aquí fueron de misioneros a Asia y América. El convento de Corias ha tenido diversos usos: Estudio General de la Orden hasta los años treinta del siglo XX; Escuela Apostólica de la Provincia de España hasta 1957 y, a partir de esa fecha, Instituto Laboral. Desde su cierre en 1981, la comunidad atiende a algunas parroquias rurales del concejo de Cangas del Narcea.

Except for Corias, there are no Paradores where the guests share space with the former tenants. After the adaptation of the building, the Dominican community was resettled in the monastery an, currently, they are in charge of maintaining the worship available in the attached church. The small community is housed in the spaces next to the church on its eastern façade. The Dominicans have been in Corias for more than 150 years. They arrived in 1860 at empty monastery as the traditional monks, the Benedictines, were secularised after the expropriation of 1836. Corias became an essential reference for the Order as the restoration of the Spanish Dominican Province began here and many of the Dominicans who were trained here went as missionaries to Asia and America. The monastery of Corias has had several uses: General Study of the Order until the thirties in the XX century; Apostolic School of the Province of Spain until 1957 and, from that time, a Labour Institute. From its closure in 1981, the community attends to some rural parishes of the borough of Cangas del Narcea.



Categoría: MonasterioFecha: 2013Arquitecto: José María Pérez “Peridis”-Fernando GaforioBIC: Monumento

Category: MonasteryDate: 2013Architect: José María Pérez “Peridis”-Fernando GaforioBIC (Property of Cultural Interest): Monument


En la planta sótano del parador se han musealizado los restos de la iglesia fundacional del monasterio del siglo XI y se exponen maquetas y restos aparecidos en la excavación, como un sarcófago de la época.


In the basement of the Parador, the remains of the foundational church of the monastery of the XI century has been turned into a museum and models and remains which appeared in the excavation, such as a sarcophagus of the epoch, are exhibited.


Cangas de Narcea. Ruta a pie por su casco histórico. Walking through its historical quarter

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