TH . V V o l 8. NO .28. ~ ~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^K pi Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln -Desperate bllor Check Flames Reporltd Out of Control. I)OIini,AH. Arl^. M;iv 1.' (,?)- of for<^l k1 iu!'-!| ill ih,- Ccrnmicl.i \um\ Ukri.g ... . nrcoV.IiiiK lo n r.-|.i.tl jvv . li>-^!ic-'l)i.ni!lii« rh.iirilic.r uf ronm ■Thl' riilithi:riitliiiit ivfilrh fm lav Mill out of ....... rol ............ ill iotln o f iiior<' tllllil loo ..... |„ Y i'iitr' nml tuo ' m il", 'm'.-i. r» the r.-i>nri. Wor.l ot lliu rni,||,„„s| r> Iil/i7,r wii» l.n.iii'l.l lo IloitK'lii. 1„ I<y A. A. KikIIii, IumiI n t oii.-'i.i crai'tacucy <lt» {iRMini* iinlj*. cX|iti-Mi'cl llil- Ijrlivfi Ih.'li Ihl' »'0||I|1 1,0 Ciirlir.l Uv Into 1--------------- «'a»ly-t«i.torM>«--lnit-(V-.\7-Nl. niintlii'r vc.Imili'iT Ii'uiUt, .li'rlnrnl onl/ n lii'iivj- mill win >1,,,, itlhrrvvl.r, .Mr. .Ni.hul, i,rn|in..,l ___________ /ir!!._will_cud-auly_ul...»_li_|„„ nlfli.vcl ovoM-tliliij- lii-for.' il. Kortv nruni koMI.tn ........ Mrnir f . ». ’nnvo^n,!, r„nll«m- «„rk uilli v,.tm.l..,.,. HOLD GOVERNOR TO.BU I.I.Vf;OLN, Nr!,., .M„v ],1 Cf)_ >.u-r (Iov.-rii„r l!ry;.« imlnv .Intlc, .Sc'l.rii»ku |,.ilillrjil pul liollliic 1 'vli.'ii Ir- Ukik-iI n M.’itciiu'iil rhn; I (loviTiior A.Iniii .Mi'MiilI.'ii mul ]i! I I'ill,liniii l(-Ki"liiliirc wllh cxtravoj, »»J Will llio Rovvmorri'Bjiiii for llu- iiuTitmc In Knioliiiu t Il.roiiKlioul tlK- .lulioii,” Tl... ,i,.ivm,'iit Ht Mr. lir' r.iii.liclai'v fur Rov.TiKir lii litjil frlcJiiU liclifvc H-lii'ti III' laia “ ....... I tl) tliinc tarli of cxl /(jiiiiri' In-furi- llio ppo|il# 111 lOliO.' ' Tlio formi'r vioo |,r.'aliU'ntlul 1 nt-K on t)i« li)i:4 il.jiiorra(lr ti WttHicd Gflvrrtior MeMull.-ii tin , fllwiSi llio"‘"“titl^r'.'''^® ''ih^tfl . timio llic ■pJllnK of Kaiolliio « t i . Ilatc {mioliiio ntutlon tu-rv. ' “ Tlipy foulil not tolm; Ihc tiric (tniidlinii in otliur Btates any Iil tlmn ll w in.” lho »lntoiiicnl inii). ' 111 (licy rouM mix- lliv tiriro In lirinkn nml jlii'v poiilil mil rnlKU I'rifr in Ncliraiikn until thrre w SISTER OF STAS DIES (^IIKI.SKA, Okla., May 1.', m - Muiiir l,aiio, iitlor of Will «o •'onii'iti:iii mill filln Mur.'ilir.l her <luy fiillowlnj: u stroke of jmralyi /F eieral Officer is ^btcked'in-JaiH o H is O w n Protecti (shooting of 22^ear.01d . foraon, S. D., Touth, Aroi High Feeling Against Pr< bition Official. i;i,K POINT, 8. 1),, Mar 15 .( rmiiciii Kuimt;iln, I’L '. of JrttoriiDi Il„ Wlllt iihot nnd killc.l Intc toJii' Ikn MrCiiun, fnlrral nrohlbltoio of from Hioiix K nlk JlcCoun u ld yoiini; nmn ottackcd Iilm from bc • in nil onfoiinlcr near Jcf/pr.011. , . Cinin, llln h«'n<l .in.. baoilasca ..J - wounili nllpgpil tfl lim lifi’n.iniiJ. ^Ilio man ho killc.l, tonight wm . iu thfi KIlc I ’oliit JoiL An cxirn KUiinl \rui tliroim an tlio jail toni^lit follovriiig rncrlpi roiiorlfl licro tlm t farincn from art Jpffrraon had threatened ot rnid Jiil ill wiirai ilio ji^ilUlUou ofi ................. 'll brlnj held. ' MeCoun will hove tt hearlDg toni#Tovr nnd will b? roprcMaTe.] K. I), llnrroii of Hiaux I'alli, su li ____ .U«Uc4,fil«to«,dlrtrl«_nUoTO«j;._____ /W ANT FILINGS MADE Ni WASHINOTON, May IB VP. warning wni Riven lo alt x^etAU Ihe world wnr to tiaitrn the filln, thi'ir 'a|i|ilIratloiii undor tho aUJu '' /umpenintion uct, In tlie form '( ^ t ’arl, which dliiillowed paymeni __________ an gpplleatlon wlijeh had been ita npvikant7"Ieatb. ifblnllvei of tho veteran whoio wai cited In the ruIloB fouud the (' eomploto ApplUation In hli effeeta 1 poniatlon under tho world wsr ail; ' ti. comMSUtlon act rutlillr 1 pitted an appUeation for th« Ixbi conferred by the oet but died be comnbtloiT ludo, and tho anconpl ; opplleatlon it •ubiequpntljr founJ J tho effeela of t^o deeeaied Titeran .' <ll«il' oa ond in bit bihalf by- a ptnoni,'’ bo iald, "It U not ^ .application TceruReotifliiued on tiSparS^f 1 U a applieatioa • « BnwUiorUfd." V - _________________ _ l E T\^ UKMIIKIl AUDIT ilUllRAU _____________OP Ct»nill.ATIOSH_________ *' I DEPUTY SHERIFF DIES IN EFFORT TO ARRES 7[ SUSPECTED MURDERE l L i ftl’niNOni:i,I), \(o.. Mny J W —4:h.irli-* KliipiiT, ilriiuty «l liri Iff. wai klUc.) nnd OIIi.« Cr ni * Wliito, aiinthcr drpnly nra* ] ' IU 'f "hnpr-fntnlly-wrmliiiriTln—n—I II J ilk 'll’ ■i''‘>f hori’ .tonight wilh 1 ln'i;roni. Thn nrj;rorii havi« brrn nnu _ .................."Inro M n^“ for th** ularirnr-n d Now S '-J.rp /'V II... Owrk litiu for tlio nil.- .I.rt,.- iH iirm wmnm 3 . IFOTII i>f tho ,1iiifi(,'lil Engajeraont Begun Wed !rji.r'j: day Taking on Prdporl of Pitched Battle, Accor to Official Advices. __ '1! Mny 1.1 W —Offirliil I r..jrhti.i. I’.rT. ...... .. Mcriircii >iiavi the onK^iKi'ini'Rt y ronil..... rnl 'Wnln.-ii.lav nionif lho I AMP 'in'' fro'X Ix'l'vrrn tfir ^onrh I mill tbe Kiftiiin trlbmfiirn i. uuu . this pn.|H5rlli-n. of n i>ltr!i<-<l ball P)_Kor. .Mur»hnl I.yniiloy, tbo Fronrb g til'd tho ""f Koiirrai, ri'porl* tho trlbi'imu' . n^,i„ lho ItilLiiii- .iTlor wlilrh offi-rra- hnririnc i>lul'born rosUlnnre lo tho Krorirh, hi. r,^ I’crril :i.r.(iu mi-ii nnd Ihov woru a vauanco »'ith riflon nod »omu imiclilno liiiiiilblo r'.iunuu. t lirlcox It would aroni Iho liibiinc (Kint nloKi'd l)v the rrboli, bux not I lirvanV eimiiilolefy llhornlrd a* tonichl'* )'’ll Ills niuiilimo from tbv iiiil)iit lu-ndquii - i i„. in Miirnreo m.-ntloni it a. bavin,, ■xiravQ- lovlrluailzi'd yi’itordav. 0.*- Till- r«nuuuni<iiio iuy«: I noml* “ Oi'ni’r.nl Colonibat'i trnopa rc\ ticket nllu'd tlii« |K>ati nt IJlbnnp nnd II iprraxly 'Hich, (lOlevcd Mi)|;hiilii und ii-nt i 'i s : ' im C SCrf-Tviy^iSK, at- tbe tnrkcd it forllflod puiition nt Cbi in Ihl' Ucn MDhnii'd lerVilory, ili'fc ,rirn of V 1.000 VehalU and Hlfflnui. J hlnhor “ '■'•ry violent eoinbnl tbo Fi d “ un- troop! ilormcd riiinouflnKrd trrnch in Nl'. th ' ildvcriiaty nn.l rovleluuliird Iko tbv j'“*‘ at Aiiuv'.' Tho ciii-my luasoi iitTflir “ Home Illffian Infiltrations iir. uiru lu the (UcectloR of Aln Man ■■On tbo rjilern part of thn : ^ IniiKirlnnt relnforci'incntB of ili roiitliiKriiU nro rolifuinriitliiic b' I<OK''ri, Kiffnni' nnd in the rcKiuu 'of Bak icro to- -------- " .........................MAKT ATTEKH OPENINO ZION NATIONAL I'AUK, I , Mny I.T (/P)-Approxlmatoly K prrioni rcpri'nenllujf »eoro« of town nnd dcli'gntloni ftojii thr » of Callfornln and Nevndn were lO lT t'<«' »'■•">«» of Zion tlunnl pnrk, Ulnb’s fnmcd tion"'"- ^— sW STEPS Tl urv SETTLE IB’ Sir';.'; 'Ifr,, ils French Cabinet Officers '■..Itom' .trusted-with-Task of De' “ '"'5 ing Pians. •' , around ______ awund rA m S; May 15 M>>—The eablnc lid Iho <J“y npl'fovi'd tho lUBtffillon niodi o"f?feor ■t>Oth*-MnfllTcirM:inim'r‘^ jiT IIn d « " Foroi((a Minittvr Brbml that tbe It here prc|Ktrcd for it letllemcat of Fr led by '" ‘r dcbti and directed thoie two Lilitant to ntudy Iho c|ucitlon wit view to inititullni( c»rlj negotlat ---------- ' “ Aetlvo'iioTCtiniron«,"rt''w-M'Mji MnUU the Quay d^Onay probably will h NOW within io day., but It Ii thoujrh the mlnlitry of financo that thli < IP>—A ion wai too optlmiitlo beeauio Pr rant of can make a definite propoul f< llQff of icttleinejit only after tho budffc djuilod voic'd for 1021 Dy tbo budget t ef a It will bo lecn whether; the i\ ent on take^hTreMipu'fronftho Dawet itarted out of the regutar itate revynuo Mttlement end in part for the i le eaae pletioa of the reeoaitruetloa worl the In- the devaitaled aroai of tbe nortl :ta and fVose& ■ut Mr. ^^IHi »y>eUUhe,b^ adjut> rra ^ a witb tbe leeond wblob U com- Kttlomeat. TbU maani all debta c >(Beflti by France, Interior.at well aa eite before ^ nnleted OOMPLBTB. HUOOBSSrUL TW ind la LAKEnUBST, .K. J* May IS- an and novr dirigible Loi ABgelea reta otbM to the flying ficMvt OiSi tOBlght i ; raUd o flisbt ovt^Kew J«ney.>eawW th» »«t and iJeUwafe with SO fUClU.BCa ■fiTter or too nary wilbtfr bavlag e< If laeb ed a total oLW> mile* lioea'it i«t Bt lli30 o’floek tWj.awmfcg, :..: TBE ONLY ASSOCIATl vm F TWIN FALliT p B ll ;« HEffiDOIL m . I Mfl "oi'Uht ______ Hf-nf-a ............ .......... ........... —: ------------ ta'ilnvn Formep Kansas Governor S S I Sland Enters Stt v-oMtuS Denial of Charges ot B nlloKC.l ____ Acceptance. TOI>KKA, Mny 1.' OW-J.ini M. Davi, .pciii lu'o hour! on lho iir.* Nt.nn.1 . t h i . nfloriioon. .l.-i .'hnr)(rii he hn.l nrro|>ii'.L n r ' null I Tho man, who I.'m than n yenr 4 M wilt a eaniMnW tor Iho <I<'mof |ir.'ni.Ionliii1 iioiiijiiniion, luriir.l t.i lin twoivo mi'n will, will iloriilo wh. n M ho il (jiillly of «-okl..c 1 , l.ril,.' I- tU n fur a jinr.l.in for ^V llU finin.ly, nn.l -uii.l: .................... I toll you 1 I- overy piirdon in j>ui,.l fn ltb ." • ‘-'‘'" ' t »iljf>nrnr.| Into lo.luy K eanes* MMnlny motnini- f.luM) l>nvi».wll lortions Th.f .foNii.-r Rovrrnor bran.Ir. ------------- fnlup,—parts-of-thr- tmtlmonr^nf cordlna ""’”y ‘' ‘“ “l-l, H'" »tato’* »1ar ® non*, who .ouj-hl n [mr.lon for On III' rbnlh'iiito.| piirllrulnrlv thi-i ------------- Ilmt..0.wal.l-h«.|-..il.t-iii-bi;-prr.< “ Wolii. Iho nnlv lliint; for Or 1=1 l„ f . r . '■ ....................... 'ht frotii Explain* *‘Pit«Kin aoute” Iho’^ltlV ^ Hi'KK'-Klion of a “ IVlori.ou rou i-h forro* 0»v'<ili! hn.l jontifi.'.l, hliilo.l lu UMUinJnir (.'''ViTiior tl.nt thi; liiwyor wn« wl balllo. l.,-huy . t ]mr<loii IhronRh tho o rb Ruvor- of J. IVlor.on Imnk commi. ■re.l'fui'h 'M r I'tavii rvn.lo.l hu had iii.-l irh, num- ' tvnld in tho ranipaiun uf lUllO rv arnicd Hnt he l.nn.Ir.l an n lie ()«wi Ino Runi i.-iiiinony tbal tho vounjf luwvor . mot nnd tnlkrd with bim for an IKint, be- „t a hclrl in Manhallnn Kiinimi. S ol beoi'ii buth wero in Ihnl rlly la« fnll t< lit I eom- |„iiw,.,'ii Unlver.lly of Kunuis nn.l lho K.i ‘“ It. lilllc aKrlcilltnral rolloRo. “ Did Oiwal.l biisc hi. a|.|ii-a' I rnvlrtii. ^'uvrnibi'r for n pardun for Urt id Darre- •I"'* >''"’"11 rnt a dc- turney and dpinormi, and noeurin lu ecnler tbu pardon would bu ticiiufirial ihnrj; nl- "•'‘'■J A. M. H nrrcr, ehie Cb.Vu*. 'I t ilrfrnjo ronnm-l di'fcndeil “ Ve«, hr .11.1," iinnworod Dnvi I. After “ Oiwahi ca.no to my officc,".11 Froneh rrlato.l, “ and aiikvd whnt pro^ cnchci of llic Uriindy mnllrr wa* mnking. Izrd the lohl him thul tlio ennnly. iitloruo' iBoi wero Iteno eouiiiy had proto>to.l und' bnnking deparfnient “nlso hml i » lire rc- prolont to-niiikv ronardlnj; a (In Mantouf. * "v he front ■ ------------ ------------• ; , « i S MOTHER AND SON ARE Bakka.- GRADUATED TOGETIi ' LIBKUir, Mo„ Mny 15 Uluh, ilary A. Church und her son, J( ly I.50U Church,, who bnvo been dnnaniatct of lllah four yrnri at William Jewell eo ir »tnti'« hora, wgi bo (-raduatcd next ITC pres- wllh A. H. dcBreea. . Zion na- when-iho cnteri'd colloRc. d plny . Along wllh her itudlca und toXlo active pnit in iludt;nt activltii'i, Chureh liai kvpl.her homo. Doth ino and loa mndo lho collogo honor roll I I ' Her youngcit dau|;btcr nttenili I I ichool here, unolhiT nun ii iu Oil I U unircnlty and her oldot duushte B - tentlnK a fnmlly In Ucltult. Dr. V 'l fl Chnreli, her .huaband, 1» n Cluiutui L and lyecum lecturer.- POLICE WILL USE RAI •S En- NFAV YOnK, May 15 C4>>—A r rolleo alarm lyitm will bo IniU npulc. lo frilhln a luonth, tk CoWmliiloner R.X-Tnright an^oli after a luceriiful tcii of” tlio lyi before tho Intcrnationui pollco Two hoDdrcd receiving itatlom blnct lo- be Initalled throughc^t tho city, bo uiode by *>t>d lo lelcellvo are tho recelveri d i’~and heaiJrinancTrfinrninifralfaTniurs tbe way ony ono of tho SOO itatlon* or li: f Freacb «aneou»ly lo every itatlon. Ench iwo mln- tlo» '*111 bavo »• own wave lonirl with a Droadeaitlng will be through v!s itlatiooiu the niuoldpal radio itatlon, linked 'u td 'itt 'fif® *Itb pollce'heodquartori."'‘ 111 begin 'I^e lyitem Ij oxpMted to be mght nt cipeclal value la dealing with rob hll opln- fleeing io automobile*. S 'l buildings UNROOFED ‘’i-r.'."'; AND trees damaged fllMftVAfl^TWIST pnuo ae- vr>nifiv < m.i . %f.- ^^0 com- 8o»eral houiee wero bjoiraTd^ work ia nunr leetionl of tho city we: north ef flooded by a wind and rnin itor ' bere toaigbt. Water itood no lUULoai tnd tben alitriet and eomauinieatioB of i I u debt No ooe li*known to bavo bee» i Jtaowed ' eiterior. ■“ '■» _ __ OKLAHOMA OTY, Okla. Mi FUCiBT 19 (A>K8«*eral bontei and ban IS—The vera uaroefed and-abrubbery ai retaroed tn«* were itrlpped of limba whi tht after • tema^' itraek Nornan, SO mil wWaala a«utb A here early tbli evealt igeonr. ’ Wire eommualeaiion betwei ; i«t eot Oklahoma City and Koraas I.-:.. : , ' . p « i « . j a 4 - - :■ ITED PRESS NEWSPAP. FALLS s. IDAHO, SATURDAY H S Triple Murder and Suicide Indicate II Grue.some F W I Wlfo and Two Ohndron ll L I OoUojo ProfCBaor Victim Oun in Handa of Hus1 'I "' and Father. H NKW ORl.KANS, U.. .Mnv I* OforK.' Willi:imn IV ha.n of Milwmikn', Wiv, .^.mr Nrw Orlrani todnv in r.iiMiiK.- rnor on s Strong n'iIiVo-.'-or''aoor'l|^"" r,' ~ h«ni.-|ili«-fouii.l ....... h„ »if.. : )! Br DC ’■ ''iidr.'H»i«> t n> . Two tM>llr<'meli ivh.. I.n.ko .In thr .loor of lh.' lij-l.tlv niiartmriit nrroM lho .li.-.-l fi Nrw..„nib follri;.- «i...r.- tl,o .|. n.iiii wna n lrn<li.-r i>t i.hit.i>..i -Jonnlhnn ,„|,1 I,.- Im.l brn. tr,.ol.i...l f..r . n lho «il- ''"‘I w vrkl with'I.:il.kiiiii1(i...» 1 rjg S -g '^ .... .!?r*^m i'l ^u\"rlIl.'^'nhV '/\|.Ir.iiv.,r yrnr ni-o. |„.iiof thnt n tot:n;.l .......ml «o Irmormfie m'r.'M;iry. " 'H C aptured Convici M akes Admissior of D am aging Si PIoyd HalirifpiHM Hands: ir*o"riim iv! lowing Escapo from thr mory Qocntin, Uay be Linked -pm^nrc: —With-Bccent-Mnrdor.— n r..mr.'> KACKAMKNTO, T;.!. ,\(,.v i,-. \ ,, • Whllo goiirrli eoiillli.M-.| ti„|jv f.ir “W r.inkc,.-nn r.rnpe.l Km y»..inin i. II ruiitr” , •■onvirl, Kloy.l Hall, wJ... .1 lu thl- f'^"’" yucntln will. Tni.k.. « wlilinK niK'‘'i'>ni-l ill thr rlly j^.il nfirr ho oftlrr ‘'.'K f'-l'tnri'd l;.M ni,;M, .mmiMlun, ‘I'- .......... . m M. ml/ni- ........ hlnii..'lt «ill. III.' ki 0,. of H'lrry I - •I-m-'-'k- " f Hii.r,.i., ,„H0. "lii'i, ho ,in.l Tnnk.. w-ro in il„. O.wahi*. -'!>'*■ *«■ wvrr had Iloll ri'fiiW to nii.iUT. Ill,■.linrn r au hour l>"i-^'i''K TaliVo In i.i.v ..f lho •ai. whrn I""''’* ‘• " C ' l ' ‘'i 1 f ‘’n ' i ‘' l ’ .’if .' .-Im 'nil to nl- "'l"‘ thl* clly. II.. ii.linill.'. WO.'n the '""I Tank., hrid U|. a r,iil..,l H ,0 Kan.nn nmil hIiiko-lionr (Irinil.'vill.-, .\la and m il.l he obliiino.l i, rifl.' >ii il.lioal in to tho unu w ilh M'hi.li M l/.hrri? r Urnndr > ‘I'I<''1 i“ robbrty nl liral.l. vnunn at- fl''’ l'''fof« Lilr.bori- wii« k curinK of «■’ “ I'l Tanko an.l'l.o wcrr ii„t .flpial to •I*>'-<1 nny IJnnM n t lho pri.o chief of tiCjraiiEs «UlBEpiSII i^ETHER Railway Associa -Makes Public. Encourai w -^n. , ;r t :- •' - in, Jamei Indications. II college -- txl .week CHICAOO. Mny 15 '(/P>-Cnr djuothaa ,„vin«. n« the country for ll.e remainder ol th inother j'"* •'•rviro .llvljlon ndopti'.l r roll rcff- V ‘*'0 Anioricon Hallway a Iailon,........................ . of tho | enili high of ‘ I"- ‘•'•'V 0"*’ ^“llroi"!". ■ u Ottawa tl"'"' “»'>ual ipriiiK l)r*V^nk Another roporl Innienled thnt mutuuiiua P't* tlm lim t nrrvieo cvrr- rom . i.,v the Amrrlrnn rnitromU the of carnlnK« xtlll wni well lirIo» P'T ................ nlilmuil ai n ‘ RADIO f'l'irn'' by lho inlvntato comn conimlMlon. < , tto fnr thin vrar nit cbnimoi f.«rpilnK grain nnd grnin pr-,d inilo od liveilock nn.l roni bnvo ihown th, pollee ctcaica.ln._cnr_Iu:idi.____________ ^nrilal pxi.oii<1itiiro« lo l.n i nill year l,y lhr % M ono rnlH Ico con- ;|»«(;j*'iporl.'d lu npproslmnte i >i - III '"lld Ihe report of tho r s ^eSth*®’ illd*'"’thr*?! . thl. ndequnte lervlco inked 5 «-"P«“ tJon of lho‘carrier, ha. and-conUnuce.-to -bo-lor-from h robbert ” «'<'*'tivei did not tnke tir h roDDcn of tho. retried liilenlio, the rnilrond |iH.'iiil«nta ond leadi'i Wlllani a. Ler, chief of the ilrllo J hood of Kntlrond Trniaiucii, to li ■•cn v'® 'TOfkeri to mret ond loltlo.n acU dlfforenccn, none of tho roll <isTEftgs;!a;";i.X ^i,.! *' had read in Chlragtf newi|iapers HANGMAN’S STI n.iuu ANOCI,Hl,'May 1i m -i'R S t a permu to lell itock in'a "ii rejuvenatliig” devle^ Tbe dbliag log feature of thn aow hfailb.gl , .p»r.t«. 4. . g.oi. hmV (rii 1 baraa tefliag. . Inlo thb the jiutient; ia: ry bll BMk aad thea. volunlarllr t ■ whejt hll /Mt off tbo floor. The raal 0 rnUea itritchinK of tbo iploo accempanlei ivealag a vlbrato% movemeaC nrodoeo h r i d fc»w r- m i IW5 M taain l« i j d l v th« ietween noteti to.be of untold Talse In I UB > ndneia^ treotmeata. Tbe ai>pllci iPER IN TWIN FALLS t S DAI { MCjRNING, MAY 16,.192 ^■^ETERAN ANSWER^ rcn ot Lieutenant General Hujbana to Hoai't Attack ^ formanee at Nati .■"iv-kj dier Stricken Sudi WAflmKOTOK. May if. u. - hai taken op the long trial. if......,1 Hilt career, ipannlnc fonr of tl , try'! hUtory. ended luddeuly !»■ a- il..wn “ f«nf«re of tnimpeti annonncee iiilsTi «t lEliliE D ions Business Men Reconsider Sort vlously Announced Pur - , to Defer Observance and nds Fol- ttl San Keep Open Friday Ever iked up _ _ Twin Full-, inrrrhani! will I,- (,Tn_' tl"'lr I'lnn-! of buiinoM nil day ( f„ 'I'*.'-- obiorvanro of .M in nri!.... ^‘1 ""'‘'I’ f*'*' f‘'nvrnk'n '. I’nlfuo". will kivp Htoro* uiirn i' Inl,.. 'i - . I'voniiij: i>ror.'.liiiK tho bollilav. firr 1V "'''I* ......... .. thi-. rffrrl. whirl . l i l '■‘‘f"'-' “ l'N'Vi»»-l.v nn.iounr.-.l pi. , lo .'I...0 sl.>n'! on tho follnwluK .. “illli,'" - ' ‘'‘' ‘I In ol ' Jinrcuf .Mrmi.rial Dav, wai nmrh .rninoiilo, ,, „f .nrfehnnli held V III.’ Clly ..vriiin^- In rbninbor ot ronimorco ■Iinin im- i'„ uf ,i|„ ]o,.nl orKanl* lho .•'..•n- „f volrrau. ut th.' world «-ar, '■••linri'nl Miinyun, romnian.lrr of Twin 1II1.-.1 hr ponl. Amrrlrnn l.rijion, (4prruo( 'd HUilo. prrriatlun of lho nctluil laUn F , .Mav Iiv th r 1>iii>liioiii men. .■ .iniilur W. II. Ki.lriJ«o, who ncccpted re hrrt: W ll! !lbllllv fur nu|{p'>linj( lhr U([rrr ra1.lil.iiri; thnt buniiirix Iiou«r* eloir on Mc n! killod. In!trnd of Halurday, ulatrd that not II!- ‘iKformnnt hud been rntored int rrinoii ill <io»dllion thnt .M'l'inorlil D ar exc .. he^o Koold bf held .OR Mondiy. |.rr< of (ho romnntlr.' romiwiei roproM-nlalivo! of tbe ilrnii.l Am 1 tho KopuMIo nn.l of thv Anic _ I-oj-ion. bo !lnlrd, hnd been roni I ill thi. ri'card. tiubiequrnllv, J .lato.l, it WP! Ir.->rncd th a t Ihe A .'Illl I.i'Kion purpoi.>.l huldlng Men ;il|P ... sr,r;r™ - Lotion in lho, prrmliea, ilaird lha I..'Kirm iH.ai hWo thli veur had dr Delation ;^^:xH';ll:1;^,b.‘:..“r3,: oruil l):iy, but that tho Amnieat tiraoino clun rllunl provi.lfd fgr obiervni ,hv liav ouly ofl Jiny au..lhe da apart liy loiilslutlou and proclatu for thl! purpoic. r Ho atnted further that Memorial , , l! uuu Ihnl U held inoit laered a U r Innd- formor aoivleo men. He tcf lironiihoiil |foi)]iir ovcracBi during the world cr of tho 'flu. Leglou, ho itatcd, would ob r<‘|K,rl o f tlm ,i{,y according to Its ritual opti'.l .m- „ui falling upon unyuao not lo dli| ay a.!..r. jO enter into th(\ obaervanec. tbo pro’i- Half Holiday BojectM ida, iiiool- Huuf'cttion wni iiia.Iu by W. C. iriii« ..•!• kuff of tho'Twln Fall! Hardware iiaiiv.Sluit Itore* clo.v during tho thnt del- imuii Hftluiday. Kxeeuilvv of i rondoreil riiiployliig aovpral rlorki itnted the rut.' tiu.ler thc flve-bolidnyi oKrce irlow lh.' ontered into by tho mcrchanti • ■ and that ox[icnau Invulvod in iprt iimDilllioii tbr. holiday over moro than on* pr<idurt<i, wuuld ho a coualdcrahle factor. Iiown In- Doriniim lo rln»o Bnturday In ol _________aacli of Momorial-Doy and. to. l,n mndo Vtoroii i.i'cn on Ihu'preceding T Tjriffoj , 'ovniliiF WIIH' ruarhcd—by—tinnnl tp vol.. -fflh,wing iho dlKUuloni. 1 tho ycur, orcuplo.l unly n fow momfJiU. OLM . ------------------------- ny. -------- -- ---------------------------- r-“ THE-DAY IN-WASHINBT reiult of — ■ D re]K)rt, Lluutenant Oeacral Nelioa A. ! •vico the votoran Indian figblor and Jiaa 1,0011 Icadrr,' died auddculy whllo atlc rom nd^- a" ■'performance; - ------------------------ --------------------------- . . \«nneri of modala conferre. e up Iho ii„, Kooicvclt memorial n<«oclatU 'nl on -uf ,.,iv„i llie deeurulluiii nl lho : to In^tr ■ Tho larram.ntal wine la.ue tin nin.lnr “P fo prohibition hendqui rnllrimil “W t of a reprcicnli than’hr Ro|K>rli were current that 6e aperi to- 0»cnr Underwood of Alabama i _!_______ rcatli_lr8ivguh»cv)lf?. at the plrnllon of hll tcrtn m 10S7. CTljrc Baatern trunk line .rallroida o i u r r mioncd the Intefftate .eomr commiiiloa to eonilder current ■^'Btenl- jnpn in Hi Inquiry lBtQ..thB-g t Tnotomi taUroad ralo itructure. S S SPARROW HAWKS DO Bj .ItepiuS PUEnI,0, oil., Mw 1» l« - lb, giving wbrklng in a iteeple of BL iV from the Xavier chnrch hero were forofr it; iaierta abandon their work wben atlaeko Uy takei wo iparrow hawki today. Thiy reioltant to eall tbe polico. to get ild- ol Mtnled by birdi. the pro. ilemolUhed « neat. Ooo of Ike hi in fleib nearly tote an ear oft ooa of the •pllcaUon and ioflletei] painfni lentcbM oi - - ttee^ ', . ' SCOVNTY ________ _ ILY ]S 1925 INDIAN FIGHTE1 S FINAL SUMMO. ral Nelson A. Mile.s Succui k While Attending Circu.s I lation’s Capital; Famous I luddfenly; f. t«‘)—U eiiten in t n n tiiiTal •WiTmn * m ii> n . in, premier ludlao flght«r, diplomat and ; of the nix Important mlUtary p«lod.-t of hi* ly law today in th* Wi unt ot a clTc^» j iincedibe opeulng pageant. Iloiioral Mil.'* wn. iiirroiin.l.' *hni.]iy rhihlrrn, li.rliiiUiijt lb..'..' ■A own till,lliv'* third Koi.rriition, i ovrr Ibr pro!H.'rl ..f wiliirK.liiK' durlion of *r.'n.-a whirl, in th. tualitv hd.i ornipiod a.i iiiip.irl tdiaio ,.{ hla own llfo, e .Turnlni; In Mr., W. H, N«l,|r.-i eoniplalnl'ii'Illll 'l..''‘f;'lf 'ilK ^ holp eonia br aun.nii.n.'.l. bo col Into Iho arni! ot Hr. A. K. Cri.i Illl ting ilircrlly brhln.l him. fly I:”:!,:;? Jn i 0 haatv'examliuillou roMillod I dllgnoala Ibnt di'alb ha.l ro.ullr.l niy rnrdilla nnd ncnlr dihilion . heart. Tlila vrji ................ 1 lal ier Pre- thr hoajillnl lo whlrb tbc bu.li ruahed, and.wiii,.t:;-;t‘r’K;-!iS'i„;i':;"::r; Evenino. bnd innlnlnlnrd nn nrtlvo Inlor. --------------- e»rrrnl-Bffnir».-pRrlienlnrlT-thom rill elo!P touched ellhi'r llie army or tbo lav Sniur- Anv Inrl.lont ntf^cllnc rilhrr k I.f’.\lr™ r. •' li-r.l1,a, 'nlt'ncu uf tereat lo tho vrloran aoldirr. rn I'rldav Thcro wai nn outwnrd indicnti , " ^ ' n ebnnife in hi. uncoimnonly i wiileh re. hoalth whon ho nnnounerd toda -.1 i.uriio«o Intralion, of affompnnying bli vluif Mun- rlilldrcn on ihelr nnnual elreua , in obarrv- Arriving nt Iho ahow ground*, ho n'nrhed nt Kfe.-t.'.l one of Ihn proprlctori, Id rridiiy Iiu had known for yrors, with 11 u'rco offl- mark that hn intended never to a |.^-rforninnce. Ranlaition OoolUgo Pr«*ent «-iir Knrl foolldK* wna proaont when 'win Kulli ewi MiUi eoilapacd bul wn* i rrued ai>- ■omo dlitnneo trom him nnd, iii en Friday tho en»o wllh nio.al of thc nnd failed lo rceogniM the crumpled I cd reiiwo- which wni carried hnilily but tci uereemrnt owa.r. Tho excllei&cnt iu th a t vi n Monday lulled <]>llilkly nnd; the elrrui pn that thot WM rwumed nfter a brief pauic 1 into on the ocroliata tiunbled and tbo c ’ excrrli(« grltiuired, however, tho wiro* liy. Mon- earrylng newi of the warrlor'i pi iTwieit of far bbiT Wfrtp-and even In thc wi Arinv of rriffvatloni 'wlirro wait n few Amctiean membm of Indian tribe* ho ft rnniulltHl Crir bnl fairly, through lO he AnvrrI- I'C af”for the funoral lervieei Memorial expeeled lo wall Ihe arrivnl of frai U ilei' ion. Major Hhi'rtnnn ] .* . who 1« returning on the Lovlatbnn :o re<|oeit ■ 1®“* to^f of duty tjith tho Ann daughter, Mn, V i^M .? wife of Major Kebcr. rctlrr.l. nrt »l»ltlng frlcBdi In .Vcw Vorl : I'-ft at one? for Wiiblngton whe LiVan vUed of -lhev gcneMl'a..drnth. Leviathan li reported duo ul New I Ho'xloy- J>wlgned-Own-Tomb . .clatuatlon j, ,o 1,« ^nrini T>nv nuiuiolcum, eonalructcd undor thc Id !>«»'">''' dlrecllun, on a » •> iloplng Inwn of Arlington, dlrcct front of the l,ee innniloii. Tht d IbiJ^e •«" rloitily tho L? wall! of the wnr department, a ^d .>«*ed ^hlch wa. eontercd 'lo larg^ o 0 dln«icd goneral'i acllvltiei. , Id ■■■ 5.ISEI1P1EFULL I M PILITlTiU 1 ono day --------- tor. In o b ^ T - Flier and Craft from Ba I lO^kctp r--~- F ’“ ~teryBertli. ynTAItf4 -LAUJUXA.-l*ljuid-oZ-Maiial,- nuiun J|,y 15 (/p)_Cra*h of » a.'i -------------- from Ihu batlleahip Marylun.l inl A. MIIm , ocean thli Jiw»**iig' rebuild li md nrmy damaging of tho plane, Imt & attending jury lo |ho pilot. --------- - -The H'oplme-wni engngrd I ferret hr Patrof for the- United Bt.ilc* U ll M which wa* anrhore.l In tho roc h« W I . »>•>« nt the time of the ml*ha|K Ibo handi ^ nlreraft e . Langley wni found, uverlurnod latuo wa» lho of Molokni, lo the i ndquarteri there, but icnlaetlve deelared tudny thnt no t Senator that they aijumcd tho dinghy raa would yrlftcd nway- tho ex- Protfi! tligt Impriti.er fp{e meat wni being offorod culUted ■oida po- of the n«et on the laland ot I (ommorce rriulted ftom an order from 81 rnt earn- Clem Crowell for improvement ol o.8cafiraI dUiooi----- Oa»-«ho»—wa»~«toMd I'S ) BATT uilog would reiult In their deporl \ “"I ' from IIono|plu. XUU rLBBT ooMnro baoi forood to NEW YOBK; Mny IS (ff>- lacked'by Tork'a rum fleet, driven from II They had cborageuoff Sandy Hook by tb d ' Ot~th« iebtleu alege of the coait guai wobaU jie w u il^ " wtura^to ^tii^^ot«i ie^hiSS ntaa atUeb^ to the' entten ^ Uhe.aoB and .'the Yamairaw.' uld iM oa kla tkty.i^t la.-Bt'QtWeii.bUsd.l(it VEWS i^S .... -rPiUCE.5-CENI£ slirilr BUfllGlEMS JITSiSTST Mne*r-re«- Wholcsalc— EvaslOHS of Fli'e and author ___ _____ _____ _ ___ fill.c m . Law, Along Borders o *■ iowa and Illinois Cliafoed b ;;:.’; ; i ''! f l o w a officials. ion. rx.-llr.| t.liig' rrpr..- --------- ll t1..'ir n.' 1»F-S MfHNlX. ..w;i, Mnv 1.1 W - "’l"’^"’ " ' •' Wi,.,l.-.:.l,. rvn«.,N ..t ll.o i|,|r. iiu,lh..r I''"- "'I lh.- I.iwa nil.ioi,. hfl,dr !.'-r,,,'i';S;; ......................... . -'-i” '" «" "• CfiL- . 11. ................... num.'r..ii! tr-l.lonla of l,oi .tor rifI.'M, j.artl.iiliirly Iliiv‘on|«.«, o niid.'rnriilh Ii'iroliasiiitf ll.rir iiiolur furl hi 111! .i.t</whero »"l-. "Ii-To 11 i. nnt Inxod. nnd o lod III lhr brlnKuii; il Int.. |..wa nii.lor the claua. lullrd frtini "f >h.' ni'"'li»o m t liiw Inlrn.led li ion lit tho oxri..|.l only oul ot atalo lourlila, o .1 laler al vi>iior.. bu.lv wni Tho nrliviiiri of thr can lax .rn! leriion .livi.ioii of tho atato Ireuauri ock ““'‘ 'V wrrf ronfii,ml tn -thr enllrrtioi r,_ao-tbe 1 ..... numbor* of lownni whi 0 n.nn rx- dt.nr nrr..,i lho fr.-<- brl.lgo at nveii avo flnt,a.-.i to I'bl. I.lnti'. Wbnt Iho next mov ' ngo"' hr will bo wj« nol known hero tonluhl Intorrat In nlthough Attorney Oenoral Urn J -thoirp-thar (ntisnn-jnil1,-^tr.l-n-*tflii>ninnt-tliflt-li tbo navy. hl< oi'inli.n tho law offrrod thn trcaa irr lorvlro „,rr „„.a„, „f rrrovorlng lax on th ior*onal In- '■uninjijlr.l" gn»oIino. ilicatlou of SaTenport Ohlef Concern. "todov'"bU ppiirontly tho *lluntlon nt Daven bl* urii id i* tho •chief rnnrrrn-of tho'ga reu* Inunt diviaion, iuamnUi'h aa bridgo tnll * ho snvly "t olhor ciliri. ii.ljarent lo lllinoi on. filiunk "III mnko tho »:iiuk«11uk of gaaolim ith thv to. uuprufilablo or to ml« The olhor thr.-o bocilrr line* wll rripilre no nllonllnn for Mlnneiola nt Krbrnokn, Buiith Dakota and .Mluour when Oen- nil Impuai.' ga* taxr*. on* lealt'.l Tr.-naurrr Jobiiioii enntendi thut thi id, aa wna arrliuii of lho law exempting from tax nndlonec, uUun iho ga.olinH eoiitulnod in th. pled figuM lank ot un aulumobllo crduing thi 't tcuilorly Iowa bordor doci not exempt a pur at Vicinity whaler who guc* to another ilatu fo II program ,,urpoio of filling hii tank pauie. Al „ pufchuKT U claiic. ho clowiii ^ dlHrlbutor Alturney, Uenorol flibwn cuneun li he realer; “i''"'""' ““'“y - - few o g r d --------------- —— '“io^ mfny ' WOMBK TO VOTE * ° KOMf:, M ny- 1.'* (/P)—The Itallni rvieei are ehnmbrr uf lU'putk'i tuduy adopted i II of Qeu- bill grnnllng womrn the right ti nan Mllea, vulo iu muiiTelpnl eli'etloni. itbnn from I’aliaago uf tbe' bill' referred toTH Amerlean eoniidered Ihc flrit itep toward unl M. lUbrr, eleclloni nnd it* iinaiago undoubtedti Irr.l. 8hc wea due Inrgely lo the unquollficd ap Votk and pruval ot I'rrnilcr Mii.iulinl. whrn nd- ______ i ------------- nth. Tho . ... r ' 'r T h ree A re A warded R oosevelt M edals {oF S psd-S eoiet gv rm irt ^r®Bidont Oonfera Tribute ol I ‘Ifforth Upon Two Mon anc Ono Woman for OontribH' S tions to Progress. I , WAflinNaTON,^May IS ( « - I t t tho rail room of the WhVto Uooi 1‘rcildeul Coulldgo-Jata-today preiont '''I xu'luli uwardod by thu Uovievel II I memuriul ax.oeiation lo ODvernor Pin II I ehot of I'l'iitiiylvnnla, Oeorge Ulr. U I Urlnnell of Nrw Vork and SHii Marthi lierry uf (Icurgia. The awirdi a^ iimdv nnnually for dltlbguiihed ier *"y "f t*in fi»ldi«f tindeavoi Battle- Addrwlng Oovonior fn W a* hehalf of ~ ronivrvutlon, I'rcildeB who il familiar with tfao hUtory o Ihc grent hiovcmi-iit fur tho prcierva tiou ut uur foro*li, our waterpower am our minvrnl wealth will ijurstloa Ihi .ual,-I—lL. jualltii nf thli fiward.it-i---------------- 1 arnplaiio in pr^'Jonting tbo medal to Ur III into tho Griunrll, an editor aud iiublliher, tbi l-l lu lho president rucAlled that lie had beei ut nu 111- wllh Ooueral Cuilor In lho lilack hill. and wllh Colonel Ludlow In tlio Yel Td in- air lo«ilune,.had4Vvad^ong Uit-ladWu nlc* flool, <■"‘1 that bl* itody uf tho laugnag' u roadaied ‘^“'1 cuitoma of the. Ulackfoot tribe o lihaiK ho la a member aro coDildere< Bft carrier nulhoritulive. irnod Bonr trlbuto to tho work dom the north- ^y fouader of tbe Uerr; but flret *el>ooli in tho toutliern Appahtcblai t I'O mrn BtoooUlai, who rseeived th(i medal f» nclev and of t^o women and chil g - g 'dun. It Him u -umtu. rn iou> VnaH w "igny iia.t .aid.- . lUted men of Mauni. "I kno'r'tW'gontkBicn who kati m Sheriff been awarded- tho other two medtb nt of con- will not uliundi'rataud me when 1 la; UaJj^^Uy.#a.-Thto.l,»^^ loMrlatlra ?“ ,;tbwo!^old“ rlw ai, h 7 « “ d. yel boiboit lUnod tb leo'thli .BoomiiU medal butowod W>-New you be ■htfulA->k|iv<,iipb^^nr'kiiid am Ito an- tad doa» WliifehV««“l4"to:-wiB-;«« 7 tho re- frienda.” 'v / '-' in. Seoeea BeoMrolliiMBoriUumutwB^^ ■ ________~

^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln

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Page 1: ^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln

’ T H. V V o l 8. NO .28. ~ ~

% iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ

- ^ K p iOver One H undred Men En

___ - - ^ e d i l n -D e sp era te b llo rC heck F lam es R eporltd O ut o f C ontro l.

I)OIini,AH. Arl^. M;iv 1.' ( ,? )- of for<^l k1iu!'-!| ill ih,- Ccrnmicl.i \um\ Ukri.g . . . .

nrcoV.IiiiK lo n r.-|.i.tl jvv . li>-^!ic-'l)i.ni!lii« rh.iirilic.r uf ronm

■Thl' riilithi:riitliiiit iv filrh fm la vMill out o f .......rol ............ illiotln o f iiior<' tllllil loo ..... |„

Y i 'i i t r ' n m l tu o ' m i l " , 'm '.-i.r» the r.-i>nri.Wor.l o t lliu rn i,||,„„ s| r>Iil/i7,r wii» l.n.iii'l.l lo IloitK'lii. 1„ I<y A. A. KikIIii, IumiI n t oii.-'i.i crai'tacucy <lt» {iRMini* iinlj*. cX|iti-Mi'cl llil- Ijrlivfi Ih.'li Ihl' »'0||I|1 1,0 Ciirlir.l Uv Into

1---------------« 'a» ly-t«i.torM >«--lnit-(V -.\7-N l.niintlii'r vc.Imili'iT Ii'uiUt, .li'rlnrnl on l/ n lii'iivj- mill win >1,,,, ■ itlhrrvvl.r, .Mr. .Ni.hul, i,rn|in..,l

___________ /ir!!._w ill_cud-au ly_ul...»_ li_ |„„nlfli.vcl ovoM-tliliij- lii-for.' il.

Kortv n run i k oMI.tn ........Mrnir f . » . ’nnvo^n,!, r„nll«m- «„rk u illi v,.tm.l..,.,.

HOLD GOVERNOR T O .B UI.I.Vf;OLN, Nr!,., .M„v ],1 Cf)_

>.u-r (Iov.-rii„r l!ry;.« imlnv .Intlc, .Sc'l.rii»ku |,.ilillrjil pul liollliic 1 'vli.'ii Ir- Ukik-iI n M.’itciiu'iil rhn;

I (loviTiior A.Iniii .Mi'MiilI.'ii mul ]i! I I'ill,liniii l(-Ki"liiliirc wllh cxtravoj,

»»J Will llio R ovvm orri'B jiiii for llu- iiuTitmc In Knioliiiu t Il.roiiKlioul tlK- .lulioii,”

Tl... ,i,.ivm ,'iit Ht Mr. lir'r.iii.liclai'v fur Rov.TiKir lii litjil frlcJiiU liclifvc H-lii'ti III' laia “

....... I tl) tliinc ta r l i of cxl/(jiiiiri' In-furi- llio ppo|il# 111 lOliO.'' Tlio form i'r vioo |,r.'aliU'ntlul 1

nt-K on t)i« li)i:4 il.jiiorra(lr ti WttHicd Gflvrrtior MeMull.-ii t i n ,

fllw iS i llio"‘"“ti t l^ r ' . '' '^ ® ''ih ^ tf l. timio llic ■pJllnK of Kaiolliio « t

i . Ila tc {mioliiio ntutlon tu-rv.' “ Tlipy foulil not tolm; Ihc tiric

(tniidlinii in otliur Btates any Iil tlmn ll w in .” lho »lntoiiicnl inii). ' 111 (licy rouM m ix- lliv tiriro In lirinkn nml jlii'v poiilil mil rnlKU I'rifr in Ncliraiikn until thrre w

SISTER OF STAS DIES(^IIKI.SKA, Okla., May 1.', m -

M uiiir l,aiio, iit lo r o f Will «o •'onii'iti:iii mill filln Mur.'ilir.l her <luy fiillowlnj: u stroke of jmralyi

/ F e i e r a l O f f i c e r i s

— ^ b t c k e d ' i n - J a i H o

H i s O w n P r o t e c t i(shooting of 2 2 ^ ea r.0 1 d .

foraon, S. D., Touth, Aroi High Feeling Against Pr< bition Official.

i;i,K PO IN T, 8 . 1),, M ar 15 .( rmiiciii Kuimt;iln, I’L'. of JrttoriiDi Il„ Wlllt iihot nnd killc.l Intc toJii' Ikn MrCiiun, fn lr ra l nrohlbltoio of from Hioiix K n lk JlcCoun u ld yoiini; nmn ottackcd Iilm from bc

• in nil onfoiinlcr near Jc f/p r.011., . Cinin, llln h«'n<l . in . . baoilasca ..J - wounili nllpgpil tfl l i m lifi’n.iniiJ.

Ilio m an ho killc.l, tonight wm . iu thfi KIlc I ’oliit JoiL

An cxirn KUiinl \rui tliroim an tlio jail toni^ lit follovriiig rncrlpi roiiorlfl licro tlm t farincn from art Jpffrraon had threatened ot rnid Jiil ill w iirai ilio ji^ilUlUou ofi

................. 'l l b r ln j held.' MeCoun will hove tt hearlDg toni#Tovr nnd will b? roprcMaTe.] K. I), llnrroii o f Hiaux I'a lli, s u l i

____ .U«Uc4,fil«to«,dlrtrl«_nUoTO«j;._____


w arning w ni Riven lo alt x^etAU Ihe world w nr to tiaitrn the filln, th i'ir 'a |i|ilIratloiii undor tho aUJu

' ' /um penintion uct, In tlie form '(

^ t ’arl, which dliiillowed paymeni __________ an gpplleatlon wlijeh had been ita

n p v ik a n t7 " Ie a tb .ifblnllvei o f tho veteran whoio

w ai cited In the ruIloB fouud the ( ' eomploto ApplUation In h li effeeta

1 poniatlon under tho world wsr ail; ' ti. comMSUtlon act r u t l i l l r 1

pitted an appUeation for th« Ixbi conferred by the oet but died be comnbtloiT lu d o , and tho anconpl

; opplleatlon i t •ubiequpntljr founJ J tho effeela o f t^o deeeaied Titeran . ' <ll«il' oa ond in b it b ihalf by- a

p tn o n i , '’ bo ia ld , " I t U not .application

TceruReotifliiued on t i S p a r S ^ f 1 U a applieatioa • « BnwUiorUfd."

V -_________________ _ l


_____________OP Ct»nill.ATIOSH_________


7 [ SUSPECTED MURDEREl L i ftl’n iN O n i:i,I ) , \(o.. Mny

J W —4:h.irli-* KliipiiT, ilriiuty «ll i r i Iff. w ai klUc.) nnd OIIi.« Crn i * Wliito, aiinthcr drpn ly nra* ]

' IU ' f "hnpr-fntnlly-w rm liiiriT ln—n— III J ilk'll’ ■i''‘>f hori’ .tonight wilh 1

ln'i;roni.Thn nrj;rorii havi« b rrn nnu

_ .................."Inro M n ^ “ for th** ularirnr-n

d Now S ' - J . r p / ' VII... O w rk litiu for tlio nil.-. I . r t , . - ‘

i H i i r mwmnm3 . IFOTII

i>f tho,1iiifi(,'lil ■

E n g a je rao n t B egun W ed ! r j i . r ' j : day Tak in g on P rd p o rl

of P itched B a ttle , A ccor to Official Advic e s . _ _

'1! Mny 1.1 W —O ffirliil Ir..jrhti.i. I’.rT. ...... ..

Mcriircii >iiavi the onK^iKi'ini'Rt y ronil.....rn l 'Wnln.-ii.lav nionif lho

I A M P 'i n '' fro'X Ix'l'vrrn tfir ^ o n rh Imill tbe Kiftiiin trlbmfiirn i . uuu

. this pn.|H5rlli-n. of n i>ltr!i<-<l ballP)_Kor. .Mur»hnl I.yniiloy, tbo Fronrb gtil'd tho " " f Koiirrai, ri'porl* tho trlbi'imu'. n ^ ,i„ lho ItilLiiii- .iT lor wlilrh offi-rra-hnririnc i>lul'born rosUlnnre lo tho Krorirh,h i. r,^ I’crril :i.r.(iu mi-ii nnd Ihov woru a

vauanco »'ith riflon nod »omu imiclilnoliiiiiilblo r'.iunuu.t lirlcox I t would aroni Iho liibiinc (Kint

‘ nloKi'd l)v the rrboli, bux not IlirvanV eimiiilolefy llhornlrd a* to n ic h l '*)'’ll Ills niuiilimo from tbv iiiil)iit lu-ndquii- i i„. in Miirnreo m.-ntloni it a . bavin,,

■xiravQ- lovlrluailzi'd yi’itordav.0.*- Till- r«nuuuni<iiio iuy«:I noml* “ Oi'ni’r.nl Colonibat'i trnopa rc\

ticket nllu 'd tlii« |K>ati nt IJlbnnp nnd IIiprraxly 'Hich, (lOlevcd Mi)|;hiilii und ii-nt i

' i s : 'i m C S C r f - T v i y ^ i S K ,a t- tbe tnrkcd it forllflod puiition n t Cbi

in Ihl' Ucn MDhnii'd lerVilory, ili'fc,rirn of V 1.000 VehalU and H lfflnui. J

hlnhor “ '■'•ry violent eoinbnl tbo Fid “ un- troop! ilormcd riiinouflnKrd trrnchin Nl'. t h ' ildvcriiaty nn.l rovleluuliirdIko tbv j '“*‘ a t A iiuv'.' Tho ciii-my luasoi

i i tT f l i r “ Home Illffian Infiltrations iir.

’ uiru lu the (UcectloR of Aln Man ■■On tbo rjile rn p a rt o f thn :

^ IniiKirlnnt relnforci'incntB of iliroiitliiKriiU nro rolifuinriitliiic b'

I<OK''ri, K iffnni' nnd in the rcKiuu 'o f Bakicro to- -------- — ".........................M AKT ATTEKH OPENINO

ZION NATIONAL I'A U K, I , Mny I.T (/P)-Approxlm atoly

K p rrion i rcpri'nenllujf »eoro« of town nnd dcli'gntloni ftojii th r » o f Callfornln and Nevndn were

l O l T t'<«' »'■•">«» of Ziontlunnl pnrk, U lnb’s fnmcd

t i o n " ' " - — —

s W STEPS Tl urv SETTLE IB’S i r ' ; . '; —

'Ifr,, i ls F ren ch C abinet O fficers'■..Itom' . t r u s te d -w i th -T a s k o f De' “ '" '5 ing P ian s. • ' ,around ______

aw und rA m S ; May 15 M>>—The eablnc lid Iho <J“y npl'fovi'd tho lUBtffillon niodi o"f?feor ■t>Oth*-MnfllTcirM:inim'r‘ j iT I In d « "

Foroi((a M inittvr B rbm l th a t tbe It here prc|Ktrcd for it le tllem cat of F r led by ' " ‘r dcb ti and directed thoie two Lilitant to ntudy Iho c|ucitlon wit

view to inititullni( c » rlj negotlat---------- ' “ Aetlvo'iioTCtiniron«,"rt''w-M'M jiMnUU the Quay d^Onay probably will h NOW w ithin io day., but I t I i thoujrh

the m lnlitry of financo th a t th li < IP>—A ion w ai too optlmiitlo beeauio Pr rant o f can make a definite p ropou l f< llQff o f ic ttleinejit only a fte r tho budffc djuilod voic'd fo r 1021 Dy tbo budget t e f a I t will bo lecn whether; the i \

ent on ta k e ^ h T re M ip u 'fro n fth o D aw et ita r ted ou t o f the regutar ita te revynuo

M ttlem ent end in part fo r the i le eaae pletioa of the reeoaitruetloa worl the In- th e devaitaled aroai of tbe nortl :ta and fVose&■ut Mr. ^ ^ I H i » y > e U U h e ,b ^

ad ju t> r r a ^ a w itb tbe leeond wblob U ■ com- K ttlom eat. TbU m aani a ll debta c >(Beflti by France, In terio r.a t well aa e ite before ^

nnleted OOMPLBTB. HUOOBSSrUL T Wind la LAKEnUBST, .K . J * M ay I S - an and n o v r dirigible L oi ABgelea reta

otbM to the f lying ficM vt OiSi tOBlght i ; raU d o f lisb t ov t^K ew J « n e y .> e a w W th» »«t and iJeUwafe w ith SO fU C lU .BCa ■ fiT ter or too n a ry wilbtfr bav lag e< If laeb ed a to ta l oLW> mile* l io e a 'i t i« t ” Bt ll i3 0 o ’floek tW j.aw m fcg , :..:


v m FTWIN F A L liT

p B l l;« HEffiDOIL m . I M fl"oi'Uht ______

H f-nf-a ............ .......... ........... — :------------ta'ilnvn Form ep K ansas G overnor S S I S lan d E n te r s Sttv-oMtuS Denial of C h arg es o t BnlloKC.l____ A cceptance.

TOI>KKA, Mny 1.' O W -J.ini M. Davi, .pciii lu'o hour! on lho iir.* Nt.nn.1 .th i. nfloriioon. .l.-i .'hnr)(rii h e hn.l nrro|>ii'.L n r ' null

I Tho man, who I.'m than n yenr4 M wilt a eaniMnW tor Iho <I<'mof

|ir.'ni.Ionliii1 iioiiijiiniion, luriir.l t.i l i n twoivo mi'n will, will iloriilo wh. n M ho il (jiillly of «-okl..c 1, l.ril,.' I- t U n fur a jinr.l.in fo r Vl l U finin.ly, nn.l -uii.l:

.................... I toll you 1 I-• overy piirdon in j>ui,.l fn ltb ."

• ‘-'‘'" ' t »iljf>nrnr.| Into lo.luyK ea n es* MMnlny motnini- f.luM) l>nvi».wll

lo rtions Th.f .foNii.-r Rovrrnor bran.Ir.------------- fnlup,—p arts -o f-th r- tm tlm o n r^n fcord lna ""’”y ‘ ' ‘“ “l-l, H'" » ta to ’* »1ar

® non*, who .ouj-hl n [mr.lon for On III' rbnlh'iiito.| piirllrulnrlv thi-i

-------------Ilm t..0 .w al.l-h« .|-..il.t-iii-b i;-p rr.<“ Wolii. Iho nnlv lliint; fo r Or

1=1 l„ f .r . '■ .......................'h t frotii Explain* *‘P it« K in a o u te ”

Iho’^ltlV ^ Hi'KK'-Klion of a “ IVlori.ou rou i-h forro* 0»v'<ili! hn.l jontifi.'.l, hliilo.l lu UMUinJnir (.'''ViTiior tl.nt thi; liiwyor wn« wl balllo. l.,-huy .t ]mr<loii IhronRh tho o

rb Ruvor- of J . IVlor.on Imnk commi.

■re.l'fui'h 'M r I'tavii rvn.lo.l hu had iii.-l irh , num- ' tvnld in tho ranipaiun uf lUllO rv arnicd Hnt he l.nn.Ir.l an n lie ()«wi Ino Runi i.-iiiinony tbal tho vounjf luwvor

. mot nnd tnlkrd with bim for an IKint, be- „ t a hclrl in M anhallnn Kiinimi. S ol beoi'ii buth wero in Ihnl r lly la « fnll t< lit I eom- |„iiw,.,'ii• U nlver.lly of Kunuis nn.l lho K.i‘“It. lilllc aKrlcilltnral rolloRo.

“ Did Oiwal.l biisc h i. a|.|ii-a' I rnvlrtii. ^'uvrnibi'r for n pardun for Urt id Darre- •I"'* >''"’"11rn t a dc- turney and dpinormi, and noeurin lu ecnler tbu pardon would bu ticiiufirial ihnrj; nl- " •'‘'■J A. M. H n rrc r , ehie

Cb.Vu*. 'I t ilrfrnjo ronnm-l di'fcndeil “ Ve«, hr .11.1," iinnworod Dnvi I. A fter “ Oiwahi ca.no to my officc ,".11

Froneh rrlato.l, “ and aiikvd whnt pro^ cnchci o f llic Uriindy m nllrr wa* mnking. Izrd the lohl him thul tlio ennnly. iitloruo' iBoi wero Iteno eouiiiy had proto>to.l und'

bnnking deparfnient “nlso hml i » lire rc- prolont to-niiikv ronardlnj; a (In

Mantouf. * "vhe front ■ •------------ ------------• ;, « i S MOTHER AND SON ARE Bakka.- ■ GRADUATED TOGETIi

' L IB K U ir, Mo„ Mny 15Uluh, i la ry A. Church und her son, J(

ly I.50U Church,, who bnvo been dnnaniatctof lllah four y rn ri a t William Jewell eoir »tnti'« hora, w gi bo (-raduatcd nextITC pres- w llh A. H. dcBreea. .

Zion na- when-iho cnteri'd colloRc. d plny . Along wllh her itudlca und toXlo

active pn it in iludt;nt a ctiv ltii'i, Chureh liai kvpl.her homo. Doth ino and loa mndo lho collogo honor roll

I I ' Her youngcit dau|;btcr n tteniliI I ichool here, unolhiT nun i i iu OilI U u n ircn lty and her o ld o t duushte

B - tentlnK a fnmlly In U cltult. Dr. V'lf l Chnreli, her .huaband, 1» n Cluiutui

L and lyecum lecturer.- •


rolleo alarm ly i t m will bo IniU n p u lc . lo frilhln a luonth, tk

CoWmliiloner R.X -T n r ig h t an^oli a fte r a luceriiful tc i i of” tlio lyi before tho Intcrnationui pollco

Two hoDdrcd receiving ita tlo mblnct lo- be Initalled throughc^t tho city , bouiode by *>t>d lo lelcellvo are tho recelverid i ’~and heaiJrinancT rfin rn in ifra lfaT n iu rstbe way ony ono of tho SOO ita tlon* or li:f Freacb «aneou»ly lo every ita tlo n . Enchiwo mln- tlo» '*111 bavo » • own wave lonirl

w ith a Droadeaitlng will be through v!sitlatiooiu the niuoldpal radio ita tlo n , linked'u t d 'itt 'fif® * Itb po llc e 'h eo d q u a rto ri." '‘111 begin 'I^e lyitem I j oxpMted to bemght n t cipeclal value la dealing w ith robhll opln- fleeing io automobile*.

S ' l b u i l d i n g s UNROOFED ‘ ’i-r . '." '; AND t r e e s d a m a g e d

f l lM f tV A f l^ T W IS Tpnuo ae- v r > n i f iv <m.i . % f.-^ 0 com- 8o»eral houiee wero b jo ira T d ^work ia n u n r leetionl o f tho c ity we:north e f flooded by a wind and rn in itor

' bere toaigbt. W ater ito o d nolUULoaitn d tben a litr ie t and eomauinieatioB o f i

I u debt No ooe li*known to bavo bee» iJtaow ed 'eiterio r. ■“ '■»_ _ _ OKLAHOMA O T Y , O kla. MiFUCiBT 19 (A>K8«*eral bontei and banIS—The v e ra uaroefed and-abrubbery airetaroed tn « * were itrlpped o f limba whith t a fte r • te m a ^ ' itraek N ornan , SO milw W aala a«utb A here early tb l i evealt

ig e o n r . ’ W ire eommualeaiion betwei ; i« t eo t Oklahoma City and K o ra a s I .- : . . : , ' . p « i « . j a 4 - - :■



S Triple M urder and Suicide Indicate

II Grue.some FW I Wlfo and Two Ohndron l l L I OoUojo ProfCBaor Victim

Oun in Handa of Hus1 ' I " ' and F ather.

H NKW ORl.KANS, U.. .MnvI * OforK.' Willi:imn IV

ha.n of Milwmikn', Wiv, .^.mr Nrw O rlran i todnv in r.iiMiiK.-

rn o r ons S trong n'iIiVo-.'-or''aoor'l|^"" r,'

~ ■ h«ni.-|ili«-fouii.l ....... h„ »if.. :)! B r DC ’■''iidr.'H »i«>t n>.Two tM>llr<'meli ivh.. I.n.ko .In

th r .loor o f lh.' lij-l.tlv niiartm riit nrroM lho .li.-.-l fi Nrw..„nib follri;.- «i...r.- tl,o .|. n.iiii wna n lrn<li.-r i>t i.hit.i>..i

-Jonnlhnn ,„|,1 I,.- Im.l b rn . tr,.ol.i...l f..r . n lho «il- ' '" ‘I w vrk l with'I.:il.kiiiii1(i...» 1

r j g S - g ' ^ ....

.!?r*mi'l u\"rlIl.' 'nhV'/\|.Ir.iiv.,ryrnr ni-o. |„.iiof th n t n tot:n;.l .......ml «o

Irmormfie m'r.'M;iry.

" ' H C a p t u r e d C o n v i c i

M a k e s A d m i s s i o r

o f D a m a g i n g S iPIoyd H a lir ifp iH M Hands:

ir*o"riimiv! lowing Escapo from th r mory Qocntin, U ay be Linked

-pm^nrc: —W ith-Bccent-M nrdor.—n r..mr.'> KACKAMKNTO, T;.!. ,\(,.v i,-. \

, , • Whllo goiirrli eoiillli.M-.| ti„ |jv f.ir“W r.inkc,.-nn r .rnpe .l Km y»..inin i.II ru iitr” , •■onvirl, Kloy.l Hall, wJ....1 lu thl- f'^"’" yucn tln will. Tni.k..« wlilinK niK'‘'i'>ni-l ill th r rlly j^.il nfirrho oftlrr ‘'.'K f'-l'tnri'd l;.M ni,;M,.mmiMlun, ‘I'- .......... . m M. ml/ni-

........ hlnii..'lt «ill. III.' ki0 , . of H 'lrry I - •I-m-'-'k- " f Hii.r,.i.,

,„H0. "lii'i, ho ,in.l Tnnk.. w-ro in il„.O.wahi*. -'!>'*■ *«■

w v r r h a d I lo l l r i ' f i i W t o n i i . i U T . Ill,■.linrnr a u h o u r l> " i-^ 'i' 'K T a liV o In i .i .v ..f lh o•ai. w h r n I " " ' ' ’* ‘• " C 'l '‘'i1 f ‘’n ' i ‘' l ’ .’i f . ' .-Im'n i l t o n l- " ' l " ‘ t h l * c l l y . I I .. ii .lin i l l. '.WO.'n th e ' " " I T a n k . , h r i d U|. a r , i i l . . , l H,0 K a n .n n nm il h I i i k o - l i o n r ( I r in i l . 'v i l l . - , .\la

a n d m il.l h e o b l i iin o .l i, r i f l . ' >iiil .lio a l in to th o u n u w i l h M 'hi.li M l/.h rri?r U r n n d r >‘ I'I<''1 i “ “ r o b b r ty n l l i r a l . l .v n u n n a t - f l ' ' ’ l ' ' ' f o f « L ilr .bo ri- w ii« kc u r in K o f «■’ “ I 'l T a n k o a n . l ' l .o w c r r ii„t. f l p i a l t o •I*>'-<1 n n y IJnnM n t lh o p r i .o

c h i e f o f ■

tiCjraiiEs«UlBEpiSIIi^ETHER Railw ay Associa

-M a k e s Public. Encouraiw - ^ n . , ; r t :- • ' -in, Jamei In d ica tion s.II college - -tx l .week CHICAOO. Mny 15 '(/P>-Cnr

d ju o th a a,„vin«. n« the country fo r ll.e remainder ol

th inother j'"* •'•rviro .llvljlon ndopti'.l r roll rcff- V ‘*'0 Anioricon Hallway a

Iailon,......................... of tho |enili high of ‘ I"- ‘•'•'V 0"*’ ^“llroi"!". ■ u Ottawa tl" '" ' “»'>ual ipriiiK

l)r*V ^nk Another roporl Innienled thnt mutuuiiua P't* tlm lim t nrrvieo cvrr- rom

. ‘ i.,v the Am rrlrnn rnitromU the of carnlnK« xtlll wni well lirIo»

P'T ................nlilmuil a i n ‘RADIO f 'l ' i r n '' by lho in lvn tato comn

conimlMlon. <, tto fnr thin vrar nit cbnimoi

f.«rpilnK grain nnd grnin pr-,d inilo od liveilock nn.l roni bnvo ihown

th, pollee ctcaica.ln._cnr_Iu:idi.____________^ n r i l a l pxi.oii<1itiiro« lo l.n i n ill year l,y lh r % M ono rnlH

Ico con- ;|»«(;j* 'iporl.'d lu npproslmnte i >i - III '"lld Ihe report of tho

r s^eSth*®’ illd*'"’th r* ? !. th l . ndequnte lervlcoinked 5 « - " P « “ tJon o f lho‘carrier, ha .

and-conU nuce.-to -b o -lo r-fro m

h robbert ” «'<'*'tivei did no t tnke tir h roDDcn o f tho . r e t r ie d liilenlio,

the rnilrond |iH.'iiil«nta ond leadi'i W lllani a . L er, chief o f the ilrllo

J hood of Kntlrond Trniaiucii, to li■ •c n v'® 'TOfkeri to mret ond lo ltlo .n a c U dlfforenccn, none of tho roll

< i s T E f t g s ; ! a ; " ; i . X ^ i , . !*' had read in Chlragtf newi|iapers

HANGMAN’S STIn . i u u A N OC I,H l,'M ay 1i m - i 'R

“ S t

a perm u to le ll ito ck i n 'a " i i rejuvenatliig” devle^ Tbe db liag log feature o f thn aow h failb .g l

, .p»r.t« . 4. . g.oi. hmV ( r ii 1 baraa tefliag. . In lo th b the jiutient; ia: ry b ll BMk a ad thea. volunlarllr t■ whejt h ll /M t o f f tbo floor. The ra a l 0 rnUea itritchinK o f tb o iploo accempanlei ivealag a vlbrato% movemeaC nrodoeo h r i d fc»w r - m i IW5 M ta a in l« i j d l v th« ietween no te ti to .b e o f untold Talse In I UB > ndne ia^ treotm eata. Tbe ai>pllci


S D A I{ MCjRNING, MAY 16,.192

^ ■ ^ E T E R A NANSW ER^

rcn o t Lieutenant General Hujbana ■ to Hoai't A ttack

formanee a t Nati .■ "iv-kj dier Stricken Sudi

WAflmKOTOK. May if. u .

- hai taken op the long trial.if......,1 Hilt career, ipannlnc fonr of tl, t r y '! hUtory. ended luddeuly !»■a- il..wn “ f«nf«re of tnim peti annonncee

i i i l s T i

« t lEliliE Di o n s B usiness Men R econsider

S o r t vlously A nnounced P u r - , to D efer O bservance an dnds Fol-ttl S a n Keep Open F rid ay Everiked up _ _

Twin Full-, in rrrhani! willI,- (,Tn_' tl" 'lr I'lnn-! of buiinoM nil day (

■ f„ 'I'*.'-- obiorvanro of .Min nri!.... ^‘1 ""'‘'I’ f*'*' f ‘'nvrnk'n

'. I’nlfuo". will kivp Htoro* uiirn i'Inl,.. 'i - . I'voniiij: i>ror.'.liiiK tho bollilav.firr 1 V " ''' I * ........... thi-. r f f r r l . whirl. l i l '■‘‘f"'-' “ l'N'Vi»»-l.v n n .io u n r .- .l pi., lo .'I...0 s l .> n '! o n t h o fo llnw luK

.. “i l l l i , ' " - ' ‘'‘' ‘I In o l' J i n r c u f .M rm i.ria l D a v , w a i n m rh.rn in o i i lo , ,, „ f . n r f e h n n l i h e ld V

III.’ C lly ..v riiin ^ - In rb n in b o r o t ro n im o rc o

■Iinin im- i'„ uf ,i |„ ]o,.nl orKanl*lh o .•'..•n- „f v o l r r a u . u t t h . ' w o r ld « -a r,'■ ••linri'nl Miinyun, romnian.lrr o f Twin1II1.-.1 h r ponl. Amrrlrnn l.rijion, (4prruo('d HUilo. prrriatlun of lho nctluil laU n F, .Mav Iiv th r 1>iii>liioiii men..■ .iniilur ■ W. II. Ki.lriJ«o, who ncccpted rehrrt: W ll! !lbllllv fur nu|{p'>linj( lh r U([rrrra1.lil.iiri; thn t buniiirix Iiou«r* e loir on Mcn! killod. In!trnd of Halurday, ula trd that

not II!- ‘iKformnnt hud been rntored intrrinoii ill <io»dllion thnt .M'l'inorlil D ar exc‘ .. he^o Koold bf held .OR Mondiy.

|.rr< of (ho rom nntlr.' romiwiei roproM-nlalivo! o f tbe ilrnii.l Am

1 tho KopuMIo nn.l of thv Anic_ I-oj-ion. bo !lnlrd, hnd been roniI ill th i. ri'card. tiubiequrnllv,

J .la to .l, it W P! Ir.->rncd th a t Ihe A .'Illl I.i'Kion purpoi.>.l huldlng Men

; i l |P ...s r , r ; r ™ -Lotion in lho, prrmliea, ila ird lha I..'Kirm iH.ai hWo th li veur had dr

Delation ; ^ ^ : x H ' ; l l : 1 ; ^ , b . ‘ : . . “ r 3 , :oruil l):iy, but tha t tho A mnieat tiraoino clun rllunl provi.lfd fg r obiervni ,hv liav ouly ofl Jiny au..lhe d a a part liy loiilslutlou and proclatu for th l! purpoic. r

Ho atnted further tha t Memorial „ , , l! uuu Ihnl U held inoit laered a U r Innd- formor aoivleo men. He tc f

lironiihoiil |foi)]iir ovcracBi during the worldcr of tho 'f lu. Leglou, ho ita tcd , would obr<‘|K,rl of tlm ,i{,y according to Its ritualopti'.l .m- „u i falling upon unyuao not lo dli|ay a .!..r. jO enter into th(\ obaervanec.tbo pro’ i- H alf Holiday BojectMida, iiiool- Huuf'cttion w ni iiia.Iu by W. C.iriii« ..•!• kuff of tho 'Tw ln Fall! Hardware

iiaiiv.Sluit Itore* clo.v during thothnt del- imuii Hftluiday. K xeeuilvv of irondoreil riiiployliig aovpral rlorki itntedthe rut.' tiu.ler thc flve-bolidnyi oKrce

irlow lh.' ontered into by tho mcrchanti

• ■ a n d t h a t ox [icnau In v u lv o d i n ip r t iim D illlio ii t b r . h o l id a y o v e r m o ro t h a n on* pr<idurt<i, w u u ld ho a c o u a ld c ra h le fa c to r .

Iiow n In- D o rin iim lo rln » o Bnturday In ol_________aacli of Momorial-Doy and. to.l,n m n d o V toro ii i .i 'c n o n I h u 'p r e c e d i n g T Tjriffoj , 'ovniliiF WIIH' ruarhcd— by —tinnnl tp v o l.. - f f l h ,w in g i h o d lK U u lo n i . 1th o y c u r , o rc u p lo .l u n ly n f o w m o m fJiU .OLM. -------------------------ny . • -------- -- ---------------------------- r - “

T H E -D A Y IN-WASHINBTreiult of — ■ ■D re]K)rt, Lluutenant Oeacral Nelioa A. !•vico the votoran Indian figblor andJiaa 1,0011 Icadrr,' died auddculy whllo a tlcrom nd^- a" ■'performance; - ------------------------ ---------------------------

. . \« n n e r i of modala conferre.e up Iho ii„, Kooicvclt memorial n<«oclatU'n l on -uf , .,iv „ i llie deeurulluiii n l lho :

to In ^ tr ■ Tho larram .n ta l wine la.ue tin nin.lnr “P fo prohibition hendqui

rnllrimil “W t of a reprcicnli

th a n ’ h r Ro|K>rli were current tha t 6e aperi to- 0»cnr Underwood of Alabama i_!_______ r c a t l i_ l r8 iv g u h » c v ) lf? . a t the

plrnllon of h ll tcrtn m 10S7. C T l j r c Baatern trunk line .rallroida o i u r r m ioncd the Intefftate .eomr

commiiiloa to eonilder current ■^ 'B tenl- jnpn in Hi Inquiry lBtQ..thB-g t T notom i taUroad ra lo itructure.

S S SPARROW HAW KS DO Bj.ItepiuS PUEnI,0, oil., Mw 1» l«- lb, giving wbrklng in a iteeple o f BL iV from the Xavier chnrch hero were forofr it; ia ierta abandon the ir work wben atlaeko Uy ta k ei wo iparrow haw ki today. Thiy reio ltan t to eall tbe polico. to g e t ild- o l Mtnled by birdi.

the pro. ilemolUhed « neat. Ooo o f Ike hi in fleib nearly tote an e a r o f t ooa of the

•pllcaUon and ioflletei] painfni len tcb M oi - - ttee^ • ' , . • '

S C O V N T Y _________

I L Y ]S1925

IN D IA N FIGHTE1 S FINAL SUMMO.ral N elson A. Mile.s Succui k W hile A ttending Circu.s I lation’s Capital; Fam ous I luddfenly;

f. t«‘)—U eiiten in t nn tiiiTal •WiTmn * m ii>n. i n , prem ier ludlao flght«r, diplom at and ;

of the nix Important mlUtary p«lod.-t o f hi* ly law today in th* W i u n t o t a clTc^» j iinced ibe opeulng pageant.

Iloiioral Mil.'* wn. iiirroiin.l.' *hni.]iy rhihlrrn, li.rliiiUiijt lb..'..'

■ A own till,lliv'* third Koi.rriition, iovrr Ib r pro!H.'rl ..f wiliirK.liiK' durlion of *r.'n.-a whirl, in th. tualitv hd.i ornipiod a.i iiiip.irl tdiaio ,.{ hla own llfo,

e .T urn ln i; In Mr., W. H, N«l,|r.-i

eoniplalnl'ii'Illll ' l . . ' ' ‘f;'lf ' i l K ^ holp eonia br aun.nii.n.'.l. bo col Into Iho arni! ot Hr. A. K. Cri.i

I l l l ting ilircrlly brhln.l him.

fly I:” :!,:;?J n i 0 haatv'examliuillou roMillod I

dllgnoala Ibnt di'alb ha.l ro .ullr.l niy rnrdilla nnd ncnlr dihilion .heart. Tlila vrji ................ 1 lalie r P re - th r hoajillnl lo whlrb tb c bu.li ruahed,


bnd innlnlnlnrd nn nrtlvo Inlor.--------------- e»rrrnl-Bffnir».-pRrlienlnrlT-thomrill elo!P touched ellhi'r llie army or tbo lav Sniur- Anv Inrl.lont ntf^cllnc r i lh r r k I.f’ . \ lr™ r . • ' l i - r . l 1 ,a ,'nlt'ncu uf tereat lo tho vrloran aoldirr. rn I 'rldav Thcro w ai nn outwnrd indicnti , " ^ ' n ebnnife in hi. uncoimnonly i wiileh re. hoalth whon ho nnnounerd toda -.1 i.uriio«o Intralion, o f affompnnying b li vluif Mun- rlilldrcn on ihelr nnnual elreua , in obarrv- Arriving n t Iho ahow ground*, ho n'nrhed n t Kfe.-t.'.l one of Ihn proprlctori, Id r rid iiy Iiu had known for yrors, w ith 11 u'rco offl- mark tha t hn intended never to

a |.^-rforninnce.Ranlaition OoolUgo Pr«*ent«-iir Knrl foolldK* wna proaont when'win Kulli ew i MiUi eoilapacd bu l wn* i r ru e d ai>- ■omo dlitnneo trom him nnd, iii en F riday tho en»o wllh nio.al of th c nnd

failed lo rceogniM the crumpled I cd reiiwo- which wni carried hn ilily b u t tci uereem rnt owa.r. Tho excllei&cnt iu th a t vi n Monday lulled <]>llilkly nnd; the e lr ru i pn tha t th o t WM rwumed nfter a b rief pauic

1 into on the ocroliata tiunbled and tbo c ’ excrrli(« grltiuired, however, tho wiro* liy . M on- earrylng newi of the w a rr lo r 'i pi iTwieit of fa r bbiT Wfrtp-and even In th c wi

Arinv of r riffv a tlo n i 'wlirro w ait n few Amctiean m em bm of Indian tribe* ho ft rnniulltHl Crir bnl fairly, through lO

he AnvrrI- I 'C a f” for the funoral lervieei Memorial expeeled lo wall Ihe a rrivn l of

fra i U ile i ' ion. Major Hhi'rtnnn ] .* . who 1« returning on the Lovlatbnn :o re<|oeit ■ 1®“* to^f o f duty tjith tho Ann

daughter, Mn,V i^ M .? w ife o f M ajor Kebcr. rctlrr.l. nrt »l»ltlng frlcBdi In .Vcw Vorl: I'-ft a t one? for W iiblngton wheLiVan vUed o f -lhev gcneM l'a..drnth.

Leviathan l i reported duo u l NewI Ho'xloy- J>wlgned-Own-Tomb ..clatuatlon j , ,o 1,«^nrini T>nv nuiuiolcum, eonalructcd undor thc I d !>«»'">''' dlrecllun, on a »•> iloplng Inwn of Arlington, dlrcct

fron t o f the l,ee innniloii. Tht

d I b i J ^ e • « " rloitily thoL ? wall! o f the wnr departm ent, a

^ d .>«*ed ^ h lch w a . eontercd 'lo la rg ^ o0 d ln « ic d gonera l'i acllvltiei. ,

Id ■ ■ ■■ ■

5.ISEI1P1E FULLI M PILITlTiU1 ono day ---------tor.In o b ^ T - F lie r a n d C ra ft fro m BaI lO ^kctp r - - ~ -

F ’ “ ~ t e r y B e r t l i .

y n T A It f4 -LAUJUXA.-l*ljuid-oZ-Maiial,-n u i u n J | , y 15 (/p)_Cra*h of » a.'i-------------- from Ihu batlleahip M arylun.l inlA. MIIm , ocean th li Jiw»**iig' r e b u ild li

md nrm y damaging of tho plane, Im t & a ttend ing ju ry lo |ho pilot.

--------- - - T h e H 'oplm e-w ni engngrd Iferre t h r Patrof for th e - United Bt.ilc*U l l M which wa* anrhore.l In tho roch« W I . »>•>« n t the time of the ml*ha|KIbo handi ^ n lrera ft e

. • Langley wni found, uverlurnodlatuo wa» lho of Molokni, lo the indquarteri there, bu ticnlaetlve deelared tudny th n t no

t Senator th a t they aijumcd tho dinghy raa would yrlftcd nway-

tho ex- P r o t f i ! tligt Impriti.er fp{e m eat w ni being offorod culUted

■oida po- o f the n«et on the laland o t I (ommorce rriu lted ftom an order from 81 rn t earn- Clem Crowell for improvement ol o .8cafiraI dUiooi-----Oa»-«ho»—wa»~«toMd

I ' S) BATT uilog would reiult In their deporl \ “ " I ' from IIono|plu.

X UU rL B B T o o M n ro b a o i forood to NEW YOBK; Mny IS (ff>- lacked 'by T o rk 'a rum fleet, driven from II They had cborageuoff Sandy Hook b y tb d ' Ot~th« ieb tleu alege of the c o a it guai w obaU j i e w u i l ^ " w tu ra^ to tii^^ot«i

i e ^ h i S S ntaa a tU e b ^ to th e ' e n t te n ^ U h e .a o B and .'the Y am airaw .' u ld iM oa k la t k t y . i ^ t la .-B t'Q tW eii.bU sd .l(it

V E W Si ^ S .... -rPiUCE.5-CENI£

s l i r i l rBUfllGlEMSJITSiSTST

Mne*r-re«- Wholcsalc—EvaslOHS of Fli'eand author ___ _____ _____ _ ___

f i l l . c m . L aw , A lo n g B o r d e r s o

™ *■ io w a a n d I l l in o i s C l ia f o e d b

;;:.’; ; i ' ' ! f l o w a o f f i c i a l s .i o n . rx.-llr.|t.liig ' rrpr..- ---------ll t1..'ir n.' 1»F-S MfHNlX. ..w;i, Mnv 1.1 W -"’l"’^"’" ' •' Wi,.,l.-.:.l,. rvn«.,N ..t ll.oi|,|r. iiu,lh..r I''"- " 'I lh.- I.iwa nil.ioi,. hfl,dr

! .'-r,,,'i';S ;; ......................... . - '- i ” '" « " "•CfiL- . 11. ................... num.'r..ii! tr-l.lonla of l,oi

■ .tor rifI.'M, j.artl.iiliirly Iliiv‘on|«.«, oniid.'rnriilh Ii'iroliasiiitf ll .r ir iiiolur furl hi 111!.i.t</whero »"l-. "Ii-To 11 i . nnt Inxod. nnd olod III lh r brlnKuii; il Int.. |..wa nii.lor the claua.lullrd frtini "f >h.' ni'"'li»o m t liiw Inlrn.led liion lit tho oxri..|.l only oul o t atalo lourlila, o.1 laler a l vi>iior..

bu.lv wni Tho n r liv iiiri o f thr can lax .rn!leriion .livi.ioii of tho atato Ireuauri

ock ““' ‘'V w rrf ronfii,ml tn -thr enllrrtioir ,_ a o - tb e 1..... numbor* of lownni whi0 n .n n rx- d t.n r nrr..,i lho fr.-<- brl.lgo a t nveii

avo flnt,a.-.i to I'bl. I.lnti'. Wbnt Iho next mov ' ngo"' h r will bo wj« nol known hero tonluhl Intorrat In nlthough A ttorney Oenoral Urn J -thoirp-thar (ntisnn-jnil1,-^tr.l-n-*tflii>ninnt-tliflt-li

tbo navy. hl< oi'inli.n tho law offrrod thn trcaa ir r lorvlro „ ,rr „„.a„, „ f rrrovorlng lax on th ior*onal In- '■uninjijlr.l" gn»oIino.

ilicatlou of SaTenport Ohlef Concern.

"todov'"bU ppiirontly tho *lluntlon n t Daven bl* urii id i* tho •chief rnn rrrn -o f th o 'g a

reu* Inunt diviaion, iuamnUi'h aa bridgo tnll * ho snvly " t olhor c i l i r i . ii.ljarent lo lllinoi o n . filiunk "III mnko tho »:iiuk«11uk of gaaolim ith thv to. uuprufilabloor to m l« The olhor thr.-o bocilrr line* wll

rripilre no nllonllnn for Mlnneiola n t Krbrnokn, Buiith Dakota and .Mluourwhen Oen- nil Impuai.' ga* taxr*. on* lealt'.l Tr.-naurrr Jobiiioii enntendi thut thi id, aa wna arrliuii o f lho law exempting from tax

nndlonec, uUun iho ga.olinH eoiitulnod in th. pled figuM lank o t un aulumobllo crduing thi ' t tcuilorly Iowa bordor doci not exempt a pur a t Vicinity whaler who guc* to another ila tu fo II program ,,urpoio o f filling h ii tankpauie. Al „ pufchuKT U claiic.ho clowiii ^ dlHrlbutor

Alturney, Uenorol flibwn cuneun lihe r e a le r ; “i ' '" '" " ' ““ ' “y - -few o g r d --------------- — —

'“io^ mfny ' WOMBK TO VOTE* ° KOMf:, Mny- 1.'* (/P)—The Itallni

rviee i are ehnmbrr u f lU'putk'i tuduy adopted iII of Qeu- bill grnnllng womrn the right ti nan Mllea, vulo iu muiiTelpnl eli'etloni.itbnn from I’aliaago uf tb e ' b i l l ' referred toTH

Amerlean eoniidered Ihc f l r i t itep toward unl

M. lU brr, eleclloni nnd it* iinaiago undoubtedti Irr.l. 8hc wea due Inrgely lo the unquollficd ap

Votk and pruval o t I 'rrn ilcr Mii.iulinl.w hrn nd- ______ i-------------

nth. Tho . ...

r ' ' r T h r e e A r e A w a r d e d

R o o s e v e l t M e d a l s

“ { o F S p s d - S e o i e tgv r m i r t ^r®Bidont Oonfera Tribute ol

I ‘Ifforth Upon Two Mon ancOno W oman for OontribH'

S tions to Progress.

I , WAflinNaTON,^May IS ( « - I t t tho ra i l room of the WhVto Uooi

1‘rcildeul Coulldgo-Jata-today preiont '''I xu 'lu li uwardod by thu Uovievel

I I I memuriul ax.oeiation lo ODvernor Pin II I ehot of I'l'iitiiylvnnla, Oeorge Ulr. U I Urlnnell of Nrw Vork and SHii Marthilierry u f (Icurgia. The aw ird i a^ iimdv nnnually for dltlbgu iihed ier

*"y " f t*in f i» ld i« f tindeavoi B a t t l e - A ddrw lng Oovonior

fn W a * hehalf of ~ ronivrvutlon, I'rcildeB

who il fam ilia r w ith tfao hUtory o Ihc grent hiovcmi-iit fur tho prcierva tiou u t uur foro*li, our waterpower am our minvrnl w ealth will ijurstloa Ihi

.u a l,-I—lL. jualltii nf th li fiw ard.it-i----------------1 arnplaiio in pr^'Jonting tbo medal to U rIII into tho Griunrll, an ed ito r aud iiublliher, tbi l-l lu lho president rucAlled th a t lie had beei u t nu 111- wllh Ooueral C uilor In lho lilack hill.

and wllh Colonel Ludlow In tlio YelTd in - air lo « ilune ,.had4V vad ^ ong U it-ladW unlc* flool, <■"‘1 th a t bl* ito d y uf tho laugnag'u roadaied ‘ “ '1 cuitoma o f the. Ulackfoot tribe olihaiK ho la a member aro coDildere<Bft carrier nulhoritulive.irnod Bonr trlb u to to tho work domthe north- ^y fouader of tbe Uerr;bu t f lret *el>ooli in tho toutliern Appahtcblai

t I'O mrn BtoooUlai, who rseeived th(i medal f»nclev and of t^ o women and chilg - g 'd u n . I t Him u -umtu. rn iou> VnaH w"igny iia.t .a id .- .

lUted menof Mauni. " I k n o 'r 'tW 'g o n tk B ic n who k a tim Sheriff been awarded- tho other two medtbn t of con- will not u liund i 'rataud me when 1 la ;

U a J j ^ ^ U y . # a . - T h t o . l , » ^ ^

loM rla tlra ?“ ,;tbwo!^old“ r lw a i , h 7 « “ d. yel ‘ b o ib o it lU n o d tb le o 'th l i .Bo o m iiU

medal butow od

W >-N ew you be ■ htfulA ->k|iv< ,iipb^^nr'kiiid am Ito an- ta d doa» W liifehV ««“l4"to:-wiB-;«« 7 tho re- frienda.” ' v / '-'

in . Seoeea B e o M ro lliiM B o r iU u m u tw B ^ ^


Page 2: ^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln


I N T l l A D

F a s h io n ’s D ic t a t e s R a is e H ave

" i v i l lT ~ F in is h c d P l ^ 3 u o t“ (

' S h e e p s ’ Babks, R o g e r

s o n A s s e r t s .

HAHW)X I-A1!K. Ma,*., Mny 13,. IIiiKiT. Iblionn wu* loila; Inli'rvic'ni n'K:ir.lliij' Itm tpxtilo hlluntfnii wliji in botlK'Tltii; mnimfnrlurfrii nn.l iii'r rlm iili in cvrry nrrtioii nf Oip'rninitr iiltlioiij{Ii Nrw Ir H'rclvliiif 11briinl nf Iho Iroiililrn. Mr. Ilnliaon nffirlnl uliilfitiinil N in fnltowi;

-----------------■'•Ar m.- r rmTP'iir.Tii;i't.vm -iiiii’iiiifp(if many inrliidtii ImUi rntlmi Riifii

. - - ntxl XKM.lfii i:c.ii.|«, il i« iH'ci'Mnry i ilivijn - Ui’xlllon’ inlo two dlvUiiili Th<'r>' Ix a ;;r<'nl .llfrcri'iic ' in Ihi- tv lini'B 111 Ihln tlmr, Althoin-h ii yei nj;'’ rotlnii piiii wooIcb* w rrr i! prrinrc!, vel lo'lav Ihi’ r<itlon Inilu Irv Ii;m r. vivr.l >ii»rl. mr>ri> thnii In (liV wiinlrii iiiilinlry. Klirlli(f ilemnt fur rolliiii i;mi>iIi> Ik fnlrly alcoiifr ni Ihr llllllll nrr linii<lliii|; a Inr(;n vnlun of liiinliiriii, Morrovrr, iiioiit inilU a; innklni' nnmr nioiiry, .iIMioiibIi tlio inn


I'lL’.l, .hniihl nUi'W nl»»ll 10 J-cf. r n in r r thp p;iin(|lr riilm rllv <if A|iri

Tnkirj; iiii nvrrnyr n f nil ll rnlion iiilll>i o f IIm- t'n itr il Ktnlmiihniilii nny Ihut Ihpv' arp riinnlns nboi Vl p rr flrnl rnlKirlt.v. Tlio <ll?firult In tliat It rnitn nlnioM nn miirh l» tii 7,'. Jirr r rn l iiji lo riiii Uhl jirr ppiiI Uii'ri’fiiri' tlir m il profit In thp bii> nr«n riinirn frnin riiiinliiR full tlm r. 1 n lip r wiiril". nioKl nillln nn- Iiko holrl (liip niiliit linvr tlip rnonn 70 jirr r n fnll in nn lrr tn p.iy pxI'phip". Thr ni tlio ti'oiim fill nb t* r 7» i>rr r n tlip iiil.litlonni Incuinii iii rrnlly u

“ Tho wnnlrn ulliintinn nlioux no mip imiirovpincnl nn iIop* Hio rnllun ml niliiatioii. WooIpii uiiDtU nrr mil <

------------- |lno-wiUk-tl.fr-}>«i|ur»Uj.fluu-.llun«i».- nml liieh riintn nml jimir ilrniand liu«

llilt Iho Indimlrv in n rnthrr ninmllitf.1 tnry rrononilp condition- N ^ r t nklrl low iipfk* nnd oHlliliinlinii of alorvi Imvo Irndnl lo rnl"i' liavor with tl wuolrii Imhiiilrv. Wltlioiit itmibi tl Introiliiplion of u rllfirinl illk hnl nli

..........bprn il ll'i'inondiihun fnrlnr iii UMrlllnIhli wnolpn Imliulr.v. Artificial *11 Imn nppnin|ili:ilird Iwo thIliRi: Kini

■ . iu cuabllna ticonlo to KP-t ^vlinl n]i|)P4 • ll. 1.0 n .ilk artirlo for v rry murli Ip;

UikIi fnrincrlv; nml. nrrondly, it hi pii|>ularitpit silk in jjrai'ral iiiiil himlc *tniili« inilimlrv niit o f « lm t fuirr v-i

. ft luxiir.v. Aliuoiit I'voryoiio i* wrn iii|; lilk in •nna' form toilay In )ilai of vrnol. A* n rrsu lt tlii' loom nr iiplndio n ttiv ily In wool for Ajirll, lOi; is only nbont 1 iiPf rcnl n rra lrr Ihu AprlJj inJI. l-’nrlliprniori', nllliout wnal han iUt IIiipiI ni'arly “0 prr rn la price *lnpc Jnmm ry 'int. ll in «t; nriirly I-.l p rr rpnt ovrr tlio pro-w; IpvoI nnd v rr rrn t ovur Iho IpvpI i II yriir iiRn. riio ypnr lft24 wnn «iii‘ i Ihl- iH)iiri.'st y e a n In lli liintnry <if woi on cnoil* nnil hns Ihnn fnr nol bn nnirh-brttpr.

“ Tho U'XlMc iniliistry nn a wliolr (uffcrinK froiu it ilrclinii in rxjiuri

. Tliln, howrvrr, is only, natural nnil nol siirprinliiif. Wu rniimit rxpppl K ropo III bnv both imr riitv inntrrln nml out fiiilihi'il prodnct. ' Thp nnlnt

------------ ll,|,.«-l.-f„i.-K „rop<^. H.-bii»-i.iH_r«mntrrlalii nml wp caaiint i-xjicpt J i

roll<iu or wooIphb. Kuropo mmlo ^rr purrluiKP.H (lurinK llio wiir bpi'nwso I workor* wrn- in tho nrmy nm) on t ba lllrfirlils; bill tlio Mlnatiou I* in fnM rrnuti^lna a nnrinnl cuudllloji,

“ A|iiiur»nllv th r collon inifiwlrv rnjildly KPtliiii: on Jt* fppt und i-fflrlc rutlun inllln'hBVci Ilttln to frnr. T fuluru of tbli weolfii imluntry b , ho rvrr,'innn- or Irnn iinrslinimlilp. Un IIiL- futnri- ran t f ll whiinK'r''wool> lirr** L'lioil* Imvo i|(\finitcl}'«i;ono o

• of fnnnlnn. Thp

. nml, viicnovor tho at.vlo rhnnnn , wonu will ca it orIiIc tliclr silk gonits ni roniu bnck lo woolrns. On thu olh ImnO. thp silk |H.-opIo pinim lha l th nriMiu tlio vrri-P nf rvpn c rrn lr rtirw cl vplnpmriil* In «rHfli-lnl *ilk whlrh w nr 'ntl.v linprovu tlio qunlity nnd >i

I lluro llio jiflcp. ThMP ‘ rnyoh’ nmnfnctiircn rlnlm Ihnt fnr th* wool, iieoiito to rlulit silk In llko tlio oH s tn

. e a r cotupanles f iR htinn^thnbuir*, ai thn t wucli-n ilri'ta ((ooil*, oxerptliiK f

• old' IndlP*, nro jjoiio forever. 1 g wUllnR to mnko forccnals rrlnllvo to Kiind many snbjoct*. but I nni not y vvllDni; (o foroe.iit w hat tlip womrn th r l/n itrd Hlnlr* will ibi a« lo Ihi

_______ jBOilfl-flf-dtcMlli»,.,..Tliii-fftcVhou;evilha t people livo lii wurnirr houn

_ — —ttaw<il.io.vloi^l-«a>*'Un4-awu-fur-<,«n.......... innicfi* iKpiii los* lnt«rM trd In «ool

(Irr w a . Kor rvpry henHng-^ s le m I

,nnd every fu r coitt marketed, n 'n i

- - —^

fe 'W f dftbr %\ 'Rom. IW 8 (cli«n t«4 tio :^iU j>o . .Call >1

H K ' Roon 7, Po«ret..Bi<li(^ T m(». ra l l i far partleuIan^lX B O i d ' . s « r 'i a 4 ' lw ! f a t - : ( i ) x n " tn ( n n


E A D S . W O O L


------- h r nH veri I'alB 'tlir rnffin of the' woolciIVOC imde.'

— •limTPtent-itmlyoftlm-twUle-ilt ,® nntlon. onn faetor hai.como lo my t t

IjjU , lenljoii whifh In vrry Worlhy p f 'n o ti ' nnhiply, Ih il thn inm lirr mllla are do

injr rrb llvcly b r t l r r than thn Isrifi lUHunfarliirlnK ror|>ornlloni. Whrn t|ii

' b ic ’ ennsolhUiloni like tlm Amrrjeti WJioIpu cnmnsny, Iho Ciiniollilalf<l Tr* llifl rompany, Hnrlfir Ilill i nnit varloui

I'Miril o lhrr nlmilnr rnniolidntlnn* wrro nul .'hlch Ihrnuifti, thv arirunipnl wai thnt thn nil

• unit «’*uM lip nblr lo B|'er«tp mnrr>effl rli-lillv nniJ morp ri-onnmlrallj' |bi> tho omul! null, Ilf rniirto the IrutI

X Iho la thnt In moil rn*i-a rrrtn in |>ropli um'x ''^nninl ti> ir ll nnl and Ihia ‘ronaollda

lio n ' srKunmnt wa* u»^t aa a <lo«k

Id th r publir. Hu*'a«|iirnt hUtofy ht! ’ I* ■hiiwn clrarly ihnl ih tle w ai notlling y In Ihla 'nuvaa jiroducllun rronoin jr'fo i

Ii'»ll1.i Imtualrli'a.“ Htnliatira »hiiw rletrly tbal bcrtli

• 1. rnUon nniJ wnijW BOoi i a je USni ■ imiuufneliirril tndny moro efflrlcnjlj " nnd moto rconnmlcnlly in io isll clasli

tlmn In IntK* planli, M nnyim ill t»* “ tlip mannf?rlurPM today ore uiikleij

, miiupv, while moat bio manuftelurlnD ti-’ilifp cnriKirtllunn nra hav lo j irriou.

'nnri 'I’l* ibooM be VOr;,, aironrajjIiiK lo iinall lnd«|>«ndenl minu

...11 tnlhrr Ihe iinalT inanuftrlurer li '^1 nuaiii ronilnir IntO' h li own. lln hai

f r« ')i tl)o r ilifficiiIHe*, jifrtaHnf oi'erw l •‘' ' ‘'I '• *'*’'• >"®i« pl"''?.i!I )>n'>Bl nitpniinn to bl* pfanf and ht* ttliu '* imj'OMlblu to

,-,.*1 '" ’■'rr nbienleo owncrihlp,, V • “ Ono Oilng m n fp /' rnneluilM Mr,*"'5' ' niibnnn, “ whieh lhi* alnfly hds ihown, " inD, nnd 'lha t I* nno of Ihe rcnl dlffi-

t'u ltir . of nur big lo itile rorpornllonph?i! I’Uflnif ‘T'Oearporntinni iw e-fln Ihf. lliln of high

II tnriio profll* due lo wni“ ordrn , Thi- covornmenli of Iha worhl

^ cbmpptrd w)th-t.np-nnother-for-»M»»lM, ^,,1 r«iirclnllv for wooirn BOOiU- The etfal , " i nf mnTiHfnrUlinn wn* nto i. fnitor, w ^1.*!. < eiiilHy wns needed for Celling, nad tal I . 'T l i r i v rorpornTTonl mndo Trugj~]n^i|1

‘hey bulll «p InrRo ovpr ' hrad rxpfiurn, piild b l j itlfirlra lo Iheli

offlrlala, *.ilra mnnnoen, d lit r i r t mgn . _ ncpr*, ajjriita, i'lr. ITimo men in turr

buill up larRa p"rnonnl M peasei tn< Y '' livn) nml opera t'd on a b a ili whlr>

I,,*!: -tlirv m-VM exprrienerd before.. Thi •Ull ninitt'nprlona fenluro of ths iltu itlon

'inl b ^ 'rv e r , Is'nol Hint Iheio man are gpl ' tine Jingr inlarir* nnd nra iinder henvj

llvltic expi'MPi, but r tlhur t h t f t h r j

lln *’"'?■ If'" '* fthnnclera. ){rpni«-n. iiii"''ifnp^urtrii,~i{ren} aalf* mtn*Rpri

nnd Rrr.it nfeni*. Thi-y think lha l thrj hifo tfapon^lble for Iha profltj di„ i , . flirae romiinnlrj during Ihn w tr whrt

J t wn* nnt nt nil dup lo them. The? Miiiiilv rnilo In on the tide. I t Is m

! “P If nnnip farmer waj drllllnir tn ordlunr, erlit-wnr “ IbuinpM todny I* agnln ,noroinl rl if eonipnrcd with 1 ppf eenl above norma

J Ihe fin t-n f Ihp-yenr nnd 7 p»r <*nt be .-..nl low ntirninJ n yriir nan. I 'unA tao tU..... ' cniiilltliina nro b rtle r today Ibon the;

were a yenr ngo nnrt th* iltualion 1 I la criiilnnllv Improvinif. There, howevfi mr(. "iH n‘>t o '‘y Improvempp,, , ' until niniiufnrlurpri ond oxeeutlvfi

Vl, li'l'"^ iPiideta tn d bankers quit foOlla; '.rUi. l|io»'"p>V'i- Thon nnd only then wll

1 Uirv nj;nln l'pI down lij b ra il taek!.?!' nii!llLr‘’l« ri' « » ! ' »«•

] /l7 ^ iiin “nn' li^ ‘ii^rU l l»!l' li*l’*t” ^

f I '; RfeAL ESTATE TRANSFERliiiiw , ---------

Fomlilnd by the Twta Ttll* TiU* toX,:; . . ., ’n ’*’ ---- ThnwUjr, Mtv l in X •Wnrrnnlv di-^di W>n. k lnrndpr lo J •? :! 'Wip-ner, i l ; «K SW .H -lo -l ,-! .

need; H hrriff lo Klrst Ntllpnn Hn^k of Idaho, »3703,S7;

amiiu »i N.ll innd L,,uuuamul]LU.IUllimUILLLLl.LLLLU..L...'r.r...''''.!rolhpr 'i]|1 ]Pj]1||] |j |Hthpy ‘nn'nuuuiuiiiuuniniiiuiiniiHimiiilllluiiaililllHU

I Some DlnelcnX More;^iim

!/l! There w ll cIS'r - something ve:

now.5 j-: ----------r-Most-4hing»■'«' • comes, if you-

. needlessly spe

^ Take time 1 H ' -........ countno\ir.'....

P The First f

" l u . - X 'f

me ’ Mnad ' IB

• , I S

•I. .t/‘ :

---r----- tWINFALLS

J i lS S iS lJU doe F . -E . C ham berlain , or

i W ay to Europe, R eia tes Ex II.'!; Periences Sincc Leav ing H enTrx- ______rlouiI nut JudffP Kl K, Chnnilirtlnin, who lof a hla T v jn I'nll* a frw wrrka nRn on a Irl

1(. Karopo tn Iip prrerdrd by viailii I' Iruth •I’vrral enalpru eitlpa, Riveeople *<''"0 of h il rxperirncr* und iniprrp illdn- aion* of hi* r.T«trrn vlait Iri n I r t tr ■lo«k Ju it reerlved by tlm editor n f Th-llflfft Midflt f linrTil,otl'ilM gflj’ h t i I t l t T hunday from Kew Ynrk !■Iking Rnrnpe. Hla_[p|t_rr follow*: .' for ’ P u n n a n l 'lo nry p^ohilan'tii write y i/J

bern*loni(lly of my iierlgrinatinnii, I nnboth i?ndlnK thin from .\ow Vork Cily.JiSng le ft aunny Idaho on th^ IMli of Murpbmtljr vialtcil fricndi aial rrlativc* in Chila s it esgo, JtllwBuken, <iad’ various MJch;t»x- gap points and Inndrd in Ilntllu Orpv!

iklnff nt tho fnmou* aanitarinni. 1 trrni r in t Ibere fur tlii purpu*e of tnklng ofrtoua aoma o f m y nuperflunni wei«lil nmvery aueceednt. I lonk off 10 iiounil* li

TOff Inci'urntnii^^r nnvii L-mi rw y r j'','""*'er la mo (o remain alout and i nin K«ini,’ t>

hai fjubl m>yfurlher a([sinal rruel f a i r . 'U'hilo a t tfca BanHariom, Iftp p-nui

per- foeial aerralory, n Mrt. Hnrvry, fouml It* t out I bad been thero foity-lwo y ran lu to before nnd ihp nt onre inainlod tliat J

gWa a tnlk a t a b im iurt tu wMch Ihi Mr. ppw-rnipcra nrp Invlled in which 1

lown WAI tn detnll th r diffrrrnrp botwoVir llffi- TIIK.V nnd NOW.' 1 ncrrdrd In hei Illon reqUL'M. n* yo'n knotv nno of my man.\ larce falling* ii thnl I rnn novi-r rofrnit' high /fom talklnjf wlirn 1 bnve an oppor wnr lunlty.*

" I ' i l _________ YUlUUi_yir£l»I«_________eifal >'roni Ihpro I wonl tn iJrtrolt wlion-

r, lift ' bv1 yal rhnin nl Ann Xrbar, llo tuuk tnp m STiir lilrhoannfnj-lnmin-in—AHliiBiliiir.-vnT over- ^^0 drovo In h li ra r from Ilnnnnxa tn their h il homo over A very bennlifnl xirptrii mgn- of r.ounlry. Ahluudon In i» nunlni little turn lown of nhont fonr thou*:ind priiplr. and compoard liir^i'ly of V. F. V.n and

rhlrh whnllv dpllKhtfnl puoplo. Mr. nud T hi Mri. Jlmutlncrr livo lu n Inrj-i’ fouth.

itlon, «ni mnnilon lurronmlctl by w hilr nnk I Bfl- Iri-ea, ono of whlrh 1 inpninrL'd liml icavy ronnil it to b« I1H4 fei'l >» rlremiifor- thry en«e. 'W p had n socinl nyrnlnjr, dur- lilfu ioK whlrh nno nf Uu- jjui-at* oulertninrd

|{rpAt '■* with I ln r in 'l l ru iu i ' ulorien nnd 1 igpri, (inishoil up Ilm ovrjiiuK it l.-t Unrni. thry 'The funning in VlrKinia is ilonn In

tj dI n d ifferont manniT from lhal on Ibo whpn brond rnlllng |dnlni of louthrru Idu- Thpv ho, 'At homo wo fntm our ficliln hori- Is na r.untillyi In Vlritinia,. muatly nlrnl;;ht lunr/ up ond duwa. 1 did not hpi- nnr iiiiiilv Iturk ftcr6 of lovel land in riding; ovrr aov

ar.il hnndrc'l miunro mlloii nf trrrilor.v. nnnl. I tm told thut they ){riiro ihoir rown irmai therp by hnvinj; n brniid bi:1t nriAiud It bef tboir )>cwnni* nnd n eublu atluobuU lu a lOBtai tre^ a t tlw top o? tho viUU whlvh they th fy wind ihnn up n frw tiinra 11 duy

OR ll ao Ihnt they niny |{rnio nud not fni! lever, ou t of the piiiluro, Whilo I wua thrrp impnt it 'n i l reporled tha t n m,iji iiliTntini; tiv fi, eorit on one uf thpio prrprmlieubii lOllos ’I w i l l ............................................ta tk iI reat I ___■

EW I Eden,* " * I S p e c i a l C h i c k e n I

I ' ....... ......... 1 2lo A. I

I S u n d a y ,

)ay You’ll Ne( re than You d(II come a time some day very mnoh-mor«-thah~any

ings-call Joi-^money—whc j u h a v e n ’t - K i v e d - s o m e ' o f ' t t spent

> You WUI RucMrt-^ le by the foreroclHind gtat

National Bank (

i s m u y N E w s , TW'iN ]

N *1ni>p* fell out of tha field and Urok< h it neek.

They have twn very hi),'h-ar3d( arhooli In A yng il'’»j “ '" ‘i Htont' wnll Jaekion, a I’reabyterisn In ititu

B llon, tnd tho olhpr. Mnrlhn W nihlng tan, a Met{«nU»t urbeol, Iwth of tUeto

. WM^-rry.hlgl|ly_i»pr_eiiie|lflih tho tnlellertmil «Ir pervndlnK lh« ommunity. 1 inrsn Ihli In Its trnc

— . _ousa/_Uii-Uu).pubIic-aciuiirii-ltt.ALlnK un ll n iln luo of a Cuufederatu Knl

o r ipr with B ^cTT. di'.trrmined look nnil ’ ninakpl', th e Inok nn hi* furr, nitd

C u, hu miKket 111 hlu hnndi ]m1iiIIiii; to 'nrd Ihe norlh. Thin in ipillp lyplcnl

Jp_ , t many of the irj!inla Inwni.IniprestlTa oMnumaot

Kroni Abincdon I "Pnt to Wliahinf; .on, II. (’„ nnd v i-llid th r vnriou»

, ; oliitn of Itta 'fi'ii thrrp, lirlnc driven vrr the ‘c lly ami >t» mvlrua* Iiy a

1« I' oualn of mine, an'int! Arlington, Mt. cive ■rrnnn nnd flther jiUrrn, . - I Ihlnk

,'hal imliritiiid mr Mm- miml thpn- wnn ‘ ho I.iiiridn .Momnrlal und thn atatu r‘'I ’/" ( Ihp RTPnt Kiniiiiriiiulor, I f fuel in

‘ "f piL'hl, Thc kla'.ia- t- |in»clill lu-|iiC “'***- 'tir-flncir^K-r/ Urniuih, dlBnlty *' .(III withnl imliilll-' that I hnvn evot

..... e tn ..-.J -liad ..a :* lu )fl vUil with Kuu':lor Hrirnh, who in nl hi* d i-»k 'lh t

* uuit of thn Illllll; our uf Ihr ba rdcit r- , rorkiuK lucii in \Vaihl»i(ton, 1 am nrpn mjp

I 'am w rllliic tliin from New York 1 ; I rno‘0 h<r.’ t'alurihiy from

riishiiiKlun uud indiiy la Tui'aday. I ail Thiirmliiy, llir I 'lh , I hnvo nrer

’ rverul of luy rbihaiiLilrji Ihtp, who. >v th r wnv, n rr ih r nnU- pipupio ill

>; .'rw V urk 'C lly , I hrllrvp, .with thr

i iblo. .........llio. Yell know oue nf oni'K ,‘' ,rlr»tl«tn hua r i .m tly inld Ihut in

, 00 vi'ura, tho Aitii'fiian proplo, will ’oriiM hiiw tn ' limili. I il'Ink Ibnl Iniii hna nrrivrd iu Npw Vnrk Clly. I nm nliuoiit fur(("tiiiiK bow lo iniUe

" 'V nvnrlf rv rn (II Ihl' "Imrt tinio th u t 1 inv^i brrn horo mid yuu know iny iin'

= ‘ . ' inllv imiiiy diapoiiliiin, , W ielhor it “ V*'" ,« th r hurrv nnd w.'fry and hnnllo foi ’ .■xiatrncr, nr juat 11 iirovlnrlul niiopr'

inrltv uvrr tin- r . - t uf iiianklnd. 1 hav,' Ul.- v rfbpon imublp lu drlormlnP,

1'!’“ I vinltrd Trinity ■. liiitrli. ilir eolored ’lin* wiudow* of whii'h uro Iho mont

____ !.i'nullfiil^ tl.|ng nf ^the kind 1 hipi:

'l l 'y ' iiol'nl-c of in lrrm l lu Ihr nrxt day 01 t , MV". bofnto aallliii; fur Knruin-. W ll

-V fl- -ivfil.--v»ii-iit'*ilii-.nt--iul«'fvnl»,-ttH-tli« ice til i l 'i f i l t’roi»l’t.________


. nud _ _ ______M riJT A lH nr, M'iv I . '- T h - . i.dr

pn lT rachrr naiori.ilinti will huld tln-ii ‘i ' ‘ 1,'inl m rrtini; of ihi.i lerm Mondnv

csTiiiiiu, Miiy .l'-. i;icclipn uf iftflfT!. I for Ihr eonibiK " 'I .... . ' “'iir " 'ill In

, h rld .' A ihn ri ............. ' uud ajwi-cl. ‘ by n tPprrHrnhiilvr of th r T «ii nn 'l .. I ',ill' Cniiiitv Cui.pi'Tiitlvr D nirynirn’i 1 Ibo :"'»'’<ii‘l'nii will lu- A fl^r th '

I,I’l | ’ioj;ruiii ir r e r.......... .. rlikr will b«1 ■. ->frvrd. Kvoryonr invlir.l tn utti'ud. nlt’h t W alkrr Ii;ih laovnl hla barlinuIr >'‘r '•I'l'P lo » hirnliiiu llPXl dnn. ...y. to Ihr .MiirtniH'h M-n-antllr, ilorv Willinm^ nf Twin Fnlleown " ill II MiiUnuj!)!-vi"llur liiimlny.

riAiud C larnirr llapk :ind I), K. Uorui 1 lu a uere biiiiucs* .vlailurs. in T»vhi.._l‘ull whlvU Tup-day, .I dav, -Iohn Krnival h it' hrrn n|i|inin|P' t fnll oanl m il d iu h rldi r llii' ypar. thrrp, I’rnnk Slim^r ni'd fmully miilorei rntini; In T.win Full* Moinla.v. ieubir Mrs- li. 1. Carmnii han rrlurnP'

1 \ / r \ 7 - Q l » O i . ■Xj X j C 1"0 X i V “

;n, Idahon Dinner Served froili'^ 12' to8 ■ -lay, May 17

eed Money do^oww ^ i you will want inything-you-want---------

vhcn the occasion f'tho money you-’ve ' •

~ —i.

ta t t a savings ac-

i of Twin Falls

K FALLS. IDAHO, SATOIUaftAY MOUtjiMC. MAVIroke from I’oealello and Idnho FalU wher

rh i ipent her vaenlloB.trade Mr. and -M ra. Knlnk Boniten im tone* (hlldren wrrb v ia lto n frooi the Nortlitltu- Bide Tde»i)ny.hlng- Theodore Beneen) hail been honortUetn lUithnrstA fiom the VnUei

Ibe Fort Motl, Now .lereey.trno ------ •'

blnK-. ________ ________________ - _____Kol- i n a o u BOUOOI. HOT&Snnd ______ _ • __nitd “ lie womanfy f ln t , and then wha

S 10; von will ” nnid .Mi«* Mnry Hull I'leul |„ , , , „ | , |n g ifto te the iimpIu

p»«rnililv arm ased n* a fnrewell 1 ihp giti nf llio Wgb fthool, held Pri

liliitf aflernouii In tbu auditorium, li ric",, fnv*'" ''’ Ml»« Fiahpr dw.-lriven "I"" ' of bnlldln;Iiv n ’''•1'1‘y meinorieji, o f rernlllnD niiatake 'M l. 'lo 'y lo eorreet th'ein, n'f holdl»(t Idpal hlnk rondiiet. A aiierlnl injniirtlni

t-a* h id npon the lenlur* In hr «r:il» tatup op]>orltmltlrs bnth iinil uad fn ,t in " ire ; nnd upun Iho frcniinirn lo hob i ‘ iii<r •f'H r-eottract*'flnd tn pen litjn itv I'reeeptrpnn Mr*. Frankie Ilarnhfir rvo'r 'iron- innpiratlon for ndvlre frnni<t4ii Hcu- n.urlent .Q rcck j._ .p o ln tS u g --o u titb i • Ihe jierfnmmnre n f w ordi of wi»dnin, n. rdc it ni>i‘llr«blo..loauy-as-hBndfcd» o f.year

am uKii, Inninnrea of *elf drulal nm •arrififp wrro mentioned,—Initnnre

York thnt h.ivo been ninfle a* everydn' from ninttpr* in Ih llvp* of thfl uirla whoii y, I shu Ima knnwn iluring thla yrnr, nren ^ nhnrt. iiri.(;run| nf miinienl nnm whn, her* wnn j-lven by, Mia* Msrsnrr Io in I'hplp'. viollit, “ A dorn tlon ,'’l!ornwnkl

the nnd “ Hnliitp” I ) ’ A m our," RIrpr W HWrn-----aepimpnftlrd-----hj----- nramTTT- u i i f w b „AU<ii .^ rtaeJoryrT^iBiHi-TTTlTc ' oiir ■•(•ikiiitry lln n len a '’>hy (lrnlni;e/. ' t in "T hp ■ (,'n.vnlp*” will bn di*ltlhntpi w " ' to niib*crilir« Monilay, anmrdlnjf ii Ibnl „nnunncpment mmlo bv Kdilor li

Clly. (;hlrf Hurrlptt (nniip. ‘ iniUo Hlue tr ia n g le ijirl* hope tn add ti i‘'>- * Ihpir cnmjiing fund liy the nnlp n '■ rrfri’i-hiiipnla n t llie trnck mi-i't n ir Jt


l E a l lWill


'inlpil '


= " S u i a U o

W nil

V £ ' . Tic

AY 16.1S2S.whero U oro ln /leld May SS.

Klgbt irradfl iti iden li *laged i' and <n»ko danee Thundny nfternoon a North i> demonilrnllon tdverlisinic Iba Jui

lor track m eet Nonor- .3nUed

A r t e s i a n C i t y N a t a l b r i u i f i

- “ A are»t »Uc« to awla»n-'.'what Bpceial Kntei for Hdiool Chll- Iluth dren K verr dny f 'tc ep l Hundny..

fll 1-.1 PrI 1, Indwi'lilldUiK ' , ••takei •lilpali

S i r G o o d I - - - - - - - - ^ ^ t h e - C

fCAUs s th e w o u ld 'g B A H S N G

ihntPd .{” • 9AJLES atV. TIMES IH06

dd to Ip nf I't n t .

►ffer For Shor~ ~ ~ T w o r u p s c l e a r

p r i c c o f o n e . S ’ f o r o n e , g e t t l

■ New Equipment

T r o y L a u n d r y

^ Coi------- PHC

O U J S ^

u i e l l o t h m c

old boat sails along like • J . days—Didn’t suppose any nimble and peppy-p-dldn’t believ

-TO many" miles in'a-Balloinof*8a8 In^driying.bcforc.I, s tan d a rd ia^ ollne.

"W ilh'Conoco, ihc Balanced Gasc the carburetor can be set for a without ^ c r i f i ^ B pow e ^ r quic

per gallon!“Another thing—you’ll find the O ; m o it-c v c iy w ^ e . .-■.Conoco-GaBoI

end i t is always of the same high N ot a single weak link in Conoco hcnce greater economy and satis}


S $ 5 1 1 0 * 0 >r o t InfOTlwtloji Ui*t wlU con-

_ _ _ Tlct M J -pM io t m * U n f Mjr o t u i W w i i i i f to

0. S. Crockett, P m . BMkCfrMk — - i r P .T « K f l r v ^ = P r « r * w t o r e e k — -

p. V. Melntlre, Treu. Klmb«ly f - , ' ,Bobt-BroM, -Sr.i8«e.*oekOrMltOljnt# Btrloktr, reMinan. ’ ^n y - Eock Oreek- /

>D i g e s t i o n

e G o m p le a c s i t --------- - -

m nJO'S GREATEST^ P O W D C t trofhDnEEWWffTsn*S‘=r7‘‘ i.u tritib u s BaW ngs T H O S E O F A N T OtUM H BRAM O

. , ' 1

irt Time Only-eancd for thc i-egular I . Send two rugs, pay -

t the other one free.

ent—Modern Methods

I r y & D r y C l e a n i n g

C o m p a n y


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■••.

L o x m i ^ e l ^

like a swallow these m y car could be so lieve there could be t a s 'o r 's o m u c h fu t t ia^.oQ.Conoco Gas- ■ ' - r-

josoUne, in my tanS^ T~)r a leaner m ixturequick piidc-up. T ha t _________I, my more miles '■

e CONOCO sign al-iflBoIine is eaw to ge t------- ----------------iigh quality.'^ ^joco's powBP chain-^ atisfaition.

OIL COMPANY . )6n.r»tndl,lutW»i - .

. . . p-

I Gasolineda Booki the noft TOO • - - • - MStttien. Therite ltoM '

Page 3: ^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln

I j T H E S F

■“ i i i r E rOFIiESi

ilesl Enders Take P lastin o 's !] M en Inlo Camp to T u n c cl§__ 8 10 7 ; Weak F ield ing Cosily! to Visitors.^

! ' T lir Tiriii 1.1k1i Pr1m..l In-.'I lo ll 1.,-t » wrlr.l* .............. . 1-ri-

Imll l.l fliilil III ll..' Wi'«I 1-11,1 fit> y,'»lri.);,v ;if|,Tii')nn l . r :i - . . . f

■ .« In 7. llnlll ii-niin jil.-ivi'-i <r:it;. |.,iM'li:il1. T uin J'alli l . 'd .r i n liiliim U , , lli.lr i.i>iir fivMini: vn>f()..llv, T.i|.iiiil..h fiil'.linu’ I'll' ti-i

li.ill.t :..lv.niil:.u-.'.

‘ <i|iri'i'iii'j: * (’riiiili'*. 'm!iIiVm«', ' l t'l- "llii^ liiitlir llil li«iii. Iinilw iii w.-ll riin ff l l l l ll lu. nlli ini ti-cl In h|.-:iI .. r nil.l. Maillii fl.'K- mil In l.'fl ri.M.

Kilt n mnn un u illi tu n .Inwi'___ ill I ,r lr li:.lf .,! lln. fir-I . ll.u:

„r.,l \ . \1:.i-li.....l; v.'t .. nnl <,n i.n inJirI.I T. I|.-jlii-rui.-l; U'.-i-. vif,111 fir-I on S..:u»’ .rrn r, K. Il.-ilinaiii-U k’Mun.li-'l ............ i.ml nn.l T][..jli..;nii-l< nil n ff :.l .........

I ' " Twin. LMtu Q'nlcH.Twin Vnlii u.-nl .Inwn In i|tilrl: nr

ll .r 111 lln- firhl k ilf » f fin- ^.r,.i,.|llnlll nm.li- tin- fir^l Inllv 1.. ll.n

■___ _li:.lf, r.,rn..liii._ fl.:<v_n,il Jn_ . . i;I..rf..'l,l, llnmlini: f.ll 1.. l.-rt fi.'i.l .-ll.-I.I tl;i- lliir.l l.:.«>. lil,.- nn.l fnml,ll.ll. When ....... Ii.l r . - . -n v i r 1.

;----------“ riKTr^T ■.T.r,7;,.i“ :;fij',n7MinK «.-»|r> lliir.l nn wliul ....... . liiiv.- l..i.a Killk'I'-. MllIli'M lilt In rik')<t flrl.iiri.l ) 'r ; .x ..ll . . iv.-i>i in .......vrr iiii;llniriliiil.’ M-nri.-l. W. l'.-nil.<T ft.i n iil.' ll.. I’.nili.T Kf"ll’" l'''l In nil'l MiiIIIiik w;i< <ntl o ff ;it f . ’-ilii.l llnlll I ; Txvin Kj IN o, ‘

Til., lliir.l iiilt.k' » .i ' "|..>r<l.'««. KirI!i.l )||I f in l fnr Tiviii ViilH nn.

___ tn" J l J - 'l l . _J-'riititii 'VClit . to fir.it II..... lliir.l l.:,.i„.:.ii-« ..rrnr. Fr;irHIfl.-x (.01, (luil, k-i'iiiii-li.il t.. -tmr nn .l I-'nrnr u..|i ,iit n ff nt liomi

}i;i. M t l.v n i.ll..l..'.| l.iill. M:ii tin flnv nnl. ilulil «.-nt ilnwii in cii, lu i. . llir.-.- nr.l.r,

J iu t tliri.i' Twin I’.'ilN inrii wi.tit I lull in til., fniiilli, llnlll fn-(ir.-il tlin- liinrr” 1 lllilll »l;iiir;t.

/ M a1(M S«Mnil S.ifety.H fll.-.ilniuni'k u ;n tliriiivti mil n fir.>. Ciirii.-liiii ru t <iff ;it fitv mill Ilnmllni; )>.>1 l.li kicoii.I •;ifi.|< WtjiM-r miiffiil Miilliii’n buiiiuli-r an

- IlnraHtiif v ..n t tnI'i.|ii1i<T’n j;rniin.lrr rnil I>v li'ni :in

Jllll. li.’i i'!! U'.-ri. full. I). I’rinlK-r lil V-ifi-tv "piiririi: lliiiiilinu’ nn.l .Mullin.

Xyo ■ •n-ivi.r-iui.rTvnrrrr.-iVk'i.'^H. • i nml f<irr.'.1 In I'ai' Uilnl rnn. 'I H ..ilnn ifli .iliii..Ii out. Hulll I ; Tivt Knlh 0.

'I'll., fiflli iniilni,’ 1imni;lil )i(> Tni l\ilN liillix . liiihl nil.Ir.l Iivn m.ir

tlii’lr tnt.it. i:. Ili.||}ii;<iii-Ic' Mt I lli.- rlk-’it fli'M ''I..!... tn^IlK' lim- nn

i-:il<h. r,irh..I.u-< ’ K.irrlfl.-i' in iT ^lli.JhiiiMii-ti nil . .-rmi.l, iinnilini; •In­is w.ltk, I'l^Tl-tU- \VV!lt till.' llioilll

■“ Tnr T u in ’ l‘;illj nn.l Nvi- t.inlt IVn |.llo’>i ]ilii.-" in ri|;lit fti'l.l. ^tllllill U:|.| ^:if.. ;it flr>l nil |iltrl>i'r» i-rrnr, mi

' ; K. tl. jlmiin.-k Ki.r.-il, W. I'rnil.i i.1i\i<.k mil. II. I’riiili.T wiill«..|. Iil.n

------ lii.,- hriirnl-Tlii II->vlli|-lilK.ll. l):r\’u ,ili .'.l. .Minli.vrk’-i nv- f.’ll In ll u.|^l In ri.nlrrfli'lil. lliilil ll; Tni

nixili nn.l n.-.ir.’.l fivo run-.. C»i Ujin Illl l.v ;i jiili'linl li.'llI, '.'Illll nll> mvnii.l, Si'jM Ml >.:if.'ly Illl.i (livi i..'..ri-.l, M.’iilin j;i.l n l.inii;lo un

«..nl In Ihir.l. Mlirtlnx uln M'liViil, W rnvir fnr tliri.u I'lipy nn .«|..’i?i mill Mnrlin mnr.-it, I’rt/nl.l flv vv;i» innffol in Hut riKlit fid

j.t fir.'t. Farrnr’i InmiiitiT wi-i______Mil

I . Vr.'ilim nn.l Friiri'tli' fln v inItiilil i:; Tiriii l''iill!i .'I. Dull .11.1 n M'l.ri. In l)i..!r linir <.f tin ' iilllliiK.

Plnrtlno Aild* Two. l'l(i-.tllin’ii t.'niii mtili-il tw o mn

In llin n'-vi.ntli friimi- wln-n Mnrt----------- |, i r - n r r r - t t i r - r ic l i t firlil -friir(>--iTl

Ki-nr» on. WViivi-r u.it lilt, Iiul u-' r l i l - < - r r ” nl_~--..r.-n-l c.n — Ktiiuiiil'-r. Mv>' •.itutU okU BiiW '

_ Twin l-'nll*----- — ‘mitif-Trmm-tTnrir-lnTil-nnil-molr-tl

...........lon.l t'.v'wnTliij:'twn riinii. W. IViI b..r K'’t n mfnty. Mnrtln took nv

tlio liurlini: fnr Tnln Fiillii nnil Frn I'-lli* wi'nl '(Ti~JT7ifTin’ii iilin-e u t tiilr 1)." iVmliiT wiilkcilv. • iliivid w ;n nn

' nt f ir it wlicn \V. Ivinlirr Wii* rn t n ‘ nt - thlnli Mnrhai-i-k nfriic-k ont.

)I..jtni:i.ii.li lilt for twn in-orii.......... .J ) ..,..r i ! i .ib ir - Ullli ..Uiivl».-.-.CotuiiU

Mjni,-k out. ilni,I K; Twin Pall" 7. f r i ll ' fjiKt fii-hlluK Ilf llnnillnK' kv

Twin 1''.i1Ir from worlni; in ,t <>ij{litli. - i'n rrar lill mifi'ly. Fruli

* '^w nii Ilil liv liltrln-r. y rnr.rili' utril _ . imt. Aiiilcrsnn, i rlio «ul,Ntltuli-il f

Nyiy in rlulit fl.-M. flow onl. (iw l i l t /n lin t niiiicarr.l lo lm ii iili-u I intt* Iud fliOil, Ulll lloniliiic riiU){II n flo r n loiijj. run nml jnmii- Hn

---- I.'niit_iliitth_lu-f|n!-lf ti.ffir<ilnn. ^nota ling ^ « i Qooa W ork.

■;------------T litffunnif'irijlinihii'lluUM ill.' TwFnllit rnlly In Uio ninth. Bi-.ir* E Mn foiirlli Miffl kit. M nrtln h it ov Bpciiml Idll llonillng wnn. tlioro

Vn'iLmuiLliL*’firsl. W(-nvpr’(i” liU ..W fnt o v c f- tl

—— «-fnler fii'lilpr'* lii-n.l nml w n i ct" ».T-\lirri> \>nR«. “'VtUoUU' g rnunJtd nl-ronil nnd thu i^mo w at ovor. Bu S; Twin Falli 7.. Ttio lineups In Ihrlr b n ttin g aril

----------nroi-^-UuIiIi- D ah-I*, Ifj Machnevk, rT, Ifoltm anrk, Sli; R. Hflitm/iiiek, d rn rlliiii , c f; Ilnnilinj;, <u] Miillini,

■ «■- rom lier, Sli; D. iVmODr, l b ; llov f f . Twin Vftlli: nwin, e f; Scnr*. i

_ M n rtln , 3li-|); Wenver, 2lij I’oltolilU ^ -^ o T T P r tT 'P M ta r , H j rttihui.


------------------------- AMBEIOAN-------------------'• l u t . '- \V.ni. ],nnl. I’rt.

___ I 'llll,nt.'li.lilg ________ l lL ' 5 .'^1■' '■'■’liiiil-Kin ....... .............17 K .AHO''iiv .inii.i ........................ll) H .on:''tiin cn ...........................17

l.<nil. ..........................12 17 . 'in•V.iv Vork ........................ H in .X1.1


I'llll.'— W.m. J.nM, r<-iNnv Yi.rl: .......................17 0ii'i.i.i;ivn ..........................i:i ii; .ri;:i

o’s ■ i '’'il'" l" 'l'’>i:i .................. 1- i:i -''W'.'■iurinii.-ili ....................... 11 l:; .'I7h

n f ''l-i’:.*;................................... t;i .•!'>® ';l'..>t..n ..............................II i;i x.h,, ilM|..l.i.ri;Ji .......... ........... 1(1 1L> .-lj.’Uy > I. I-.niiH ............. ............ .noi

T A O in C COAflT L EA aU E .. . -.(;Uil,.»w----- ----------Prl

.‘'■.111 Kr;iii.'i«(-o .................■::> l 'l .THs-iiii i.iiki. ...;................ . . J l 'i ,'. ..ih;!

■""' I.... .\iiK.l.--< ................. '...•JH -IH!^i.•lllll,. .............................HI 17

I 'n . ib n i i ............................l.l IH .171" '1 llaMnii.l ..........................Hi llt> .-iM

;S:i.T:i,.ivntn ..................... I'I .I'V.i'"i.'jV ,rnnn .........................:....ll HC. '.W:

' \ n ril n

i!im II J illl-II uiilti#

I PiTESTSTEii i e y f p

»”j. B r o o k iy n M a k e s I t T w o O u t ol

1 2 ^ T h r o o - W i th - S t . - L o u i s ; T w c

P l a y e r s t o O r d e r e d t o th (

',m , B e n c h .VM _____ _

f i i ' ' H1!0()KI,YN, Mnv l.'i—itrnoklyi •••ml I muil.. It IWO mil nf llir.'o willi Ht lin.l. I l.inti, in.inv JifliT a loiiK <lrau n ou

I i;:iinii ilim tu iirKiiiin'iits am! i.rotntu Fnr. Tin. ,.'..r.' w<ih S to 7. A IniiK <l'-ln.i nn.l w:ii l an.v.T in lliv fifUi vihrn tliv 5'inl|j

nil I <;.i nl>ja.|i'il tu fulir-SU Luuia-}ilm'nl r'-lli-1 ril.'imliii;,’ lii-liiit.l thi' |iii.'ki.lii[i HWiiiK tinrl i(i|; Ihi'ir ba tx ,- fm iiiri' STtvviicy, llftv >mr. ■ni,..uliiiik' w illi () D.iv, onlvrcil IW' kt:,r- of tlivni t.J til.- iM'm'lii 1lnrn»liV, In ..... , .j.|.'M fii'liliiik' lirllliniitly/maai- 1>1» ivc

nli.l li<inii. IH'I of tin' m'rivs.1 In Hi-nri— 11.. IL I'­ht,',. «t. l..iiii" .................................. ~ l -

lliiiiiKlvn .............- ................... H H'ISnlLiirivi— F v.t , Jliiliivi., Hliiiirl

nl Mivrrfrl IiimI ’W. Poliii^ilt, (i.uiral.'S ■i„, i:ui.li, lircoii,', 3lnlil)i.ll ami bvllurry.

MAKE IT THHEB flTRAlQirT.1* . HF.W YOUK, Mny ir>--VlrRii Ham*an.l 1...1.I Clm-iniuiti tn vi ’h l hit< in.lny nnihll thl- OiiiiilH tonk llu 'ir th ln l nlr.'ili;li

liiiK. Kniii.’ 7 (n_l*. A lianii'-riin liy Hnyilp.j:-<1' itilh lliv r.-nri- lii-,1 an>l .Iiickxuii o

T. liMKO ill till' ni'i-nnil c.miil..,! fnr ISi

'V"i'''!i<-iirv:’ n . ir . 1- rivin Ciiiiinnnti .....:......................... :! «Itnrt- .N'i.iv- Ynrk ................................ < "t lla ltfr l.‘H -l!oiitt.n, JlU-inlllor,’ Klio(an.l Iian nml Win)4»; ilnnu's «ml Hnytli-r.

B A IN INTEBFEEES ^1,,'n- Tlttiilinrnli nt lloatnii, i-jntjionci (iiilul f^i'i- • ___

r r a i j a ) E L P i n A t a k e s l e a d

J 'iU LuU 'K L l’lIIA. .Mnv IS— I’lilli"''-IT .U'liihin K>’‘ ..........IK’I on tliV nvrli-fl wllInm. Ihv (*li|i'ii;.> Cnlii tuilny liy finiiiliin >:r\-i»- nil tin- liinjr tni.l n t nn 8 lo -I coun

tli<‘ iilaki-nn.l -liir.'l'.i wvro I'olli ftinnil fc I'niii hilK a t <i|,iirluno liiiu'». It.-llof Jin rtr

KiiIkIiI KloiH'i-.l thi> C;uli« u-hi-n -llir

• ii'iii llllll n li.iiii.i rnn an.l ii m -rfcrt-ilay iHinh. hlll.' (itimm iiliiu'.liil |.iicli limo o|>. livia i<. H. 1un.l flilmKo ........................... - ....... •» 1-

iilnto riilla.U-lpliia ............................ H 11nml lliiltvri.-i>— lllnki-, .fnroliH, J uiii'h nil

nl.li? ilartnoU ; il.-ll", K n in lit 'n n ir Wllwiticlil, -------------------------


mil. I,ni, Anp-IoH ........................... 10 1.'. .1 nnl Al Halt I,aki> .................. ....... ,1 0

nntlvrr.."—(I’nyni-, Jitil»i(>ail at ' Snii.ltivrK; Hinnlrtnn, llnlv.-y nliil Cou

."rtin It. -jr. :-iTliti I'orfhtiH- — ---------------- —I—10—

Al Daklnii'l .......................... 1! 3—.ItottCrifit. Alcuktir—nnit—Tut)ln)-1) Innry nn.l Mrhiinnlil.

,,v" At Harranu-nlii ..................... 0 Ht.,.,, .ilatU-rl.-n — (li-nry nnil .lilTT nm i-Korlilrr.— — ---------------

........At'VcriiiVii ....... "o 8' '

tvl.»T nmV' K. IJnldwiiIWrfonf,- (>li»innrnml ■linnimli.--.......

'• , HvrunU puiK — « . ir . : a-iiieio .............. ............. - .....- 4 u

, • Ti-rnnn .................................... 0 10' “"'J' Hiilii-rlos—Hn«ty und Daly; Lutloli

nail W il in ^ j_____________

."“ i i R E S T R A I N W R E S T L E Rmahi ---------H'l^a CIIICAfJO, Mny Jfl y R - A n I

jui.jHn» in - .m lrn ln "Rit «'.mfnnplgi- I.Vn'lii. Woyiio " H l i;" Munn ntid iTti.

Trrtff miiiiniivrx nn .l iiromiitpri o f Tittc I E"t wn-illliijf iniitfli llpcorolloii dny fro ovrr ailrertlnern^ i t n i fur tlio lionvywcljjh

?. J® ttiniui'ioiiiliip,. w in ronjllit ..IlL ft .pet tinn filn l in cirfuil eourt Iicro ioi

- th'* fflftVT-—~ -BOO'l AiVnriipy* for fitnnlilaiit - ib y i i i Ml t» f iW On* n d io n nnd i t -wat ic t fi Bulll litiirio); May -S, brforo Juilgo Prica

order A- f , ro s te r . Foot 8p«ci*Uit, 25 r f; yiioiitiono'St.,.W r»t. • A J

L,,',; ■ . —lloyii, F taw llr, rf-p-31i! Amlcrion, rf.I , u ; R UMlllt. T r in .F n l l i --------------------- L - .A l—

--------------------- 8 0


3 F A D A Y

linL iE E i f IISIWIN.:ai> ■

:;!»» New York D efea ts Chicago 6 to 5 ; M isfortune A rrives w ith

io j^ . : J ! in .th J n n in g :o f H ard-F ough l r „ - G a tn e . _ ........ ---------------------------.TH — —

!n2t CniCACO, .\U y 1.*— Knmni-« wllOIhrnw Ilf Wnr.l'a liuiit, nent Iwn rnm I.TO.. tin- |.Inl.. in lliv nintli Iniilnr .tir .N.-iv Yi.rk to.lay whirli j;avi> Iht- vKltnm n a ll tn fiv.- viriorv nvrr CM'

*" u f 't l i r iirrlrif.!’l[i[i'i. ilniiMo tin.l M ru .v r. lionvrr

^ rv«[ion«IM_o fnr Iho Yiinki-oV j l r i l

iT «-itli tlir.'i‘ l.n..'* on l.iillii-nml l»-«i 4 _ _ finL -tliirn .rAmi.»».|J -<hi'i'Ty . linnii- rnn in iho riKMJ, esv.-

'Ill- li.fiJiU itu'irl fourth rnn. Juuoii

t t .vl•:lk.'Il.•.| lli ilio n inth nml Hoyt look ii]> till' fmtilvn nn.t .-hrrkr.U tl,p rnllv tvhli li f.-|| nnv rnn nlmrt of iij-nin lyliij;

■ n . If. I -

l!nttvrlM-i!oii|;uiij;l>, Jonrii, Hoyt . Illll .^rhnin;: lllnnk..ni.M]i, l.’vpnijro",

L'iinnolly a„,i B rlia lk ... *' •'

I , MAKES IT r o i m BTRAlOirrc m :v I':i ,a n i). m »v i.i-n rvv in i) ,i

Iny. ^iiiininK’no to . In .t (-nnio m.irkr.l >y inrffvi'tlvo intrliinB Iiy yuinn, Klim

>li’> «lihulj\__Quinn, v.-Im limi iyo[•four -Itiifjim ,;nm.-s wilh lin licfrati :!ii)i yi.ar. wan .Irivi-n from tlic mourn: n tlit fifth , lint Klimko, wlio Rnvo fnui

I'nsiii- un.l ullow.-a n iluul.lu In lti| iklvji ‘ l‘" >0"ln>; I'llrln.r.“ 'J ' AfrN'nlty anil M yatl varh .Irovo ir

‘ " lirvv ruiix fnr tlio inilinn*.

......:..................; »lolil- .............................. JO 10 i

' ik ittv flv .-(^n li.n . lto « nn.l I'ipluldi

I ” l 7 ’

Vm PITOlCmO COSTS OAMB, n'c. JIKTIIUIT, .Mlvh., .\lny I.'— i‘!,llailt-l

;iM:r knurkvil I.vonnril nnt of thv 1-ui , K. n the Kliih liininj;. urorlni; »i* rum : ; mil takliij; tliu loml from tliu TiKcn il 1 -o win frum IH-lr.iil toiluy bv n uvur. liiiirt 'f H lo 7. (irnvi-n, contly P}i‘Unili-l|ihli •alv»; .iltvlicr, liurlnl llu’i hml four inniiiK; ry. iml Iiolil ihii T ip-ri witliout a hit.

The urorr: U. it. Kr r ’Lilmloli'hiiv ........................ R n ;

Dc'iiuil . ._ — -------- 7 , 8 .:• I la ttrriv i-IL irt-l-, Wflrtli.rir, OfoV'

’ I , : imi Corlmui', Porkiii*: I.vunard ^lyliri •‘■“III on • '‘’"'■"II. ___

' BEOWNS LOSE•_ BT. Mo.. .Mny 'l .W o o nilslj> J .van liattv.l oDl o f tlu- l-ox npiln nm- :lio Hi. I,i>ulk Urownn Innt tlu- fonrllKliof ■'•■'nio of tlio »vrio«-lo Iho VVashinctoi

ionator* to.Iny 1:: to 7. Tliu local‘ im-.l n it .ttjtrlii'H. Cirori’r Sinl.-r lil. j /i ij 'ly I n lim Ihlrtli.tli foiiiii-cutivi

loncil, J.

— ' WmiiWiKton ............................12 10AD ^t. I,lllli. ............ - ................... 7 10 .

PHOTOS OF PLAYERS ARE ■u;;u DISPLAYED IN TWIN FALL!ll foi ---------in rtri. ' Irtu rri of tlio trn rk nrjuail o f lh ’■tliry ''V»l IiIkIi nclioul Hnlt I.nko Cily whic:

nv ul <tal.' i-linnijiloiifi noxt Friilny hnvn li»e rpfclvnl and nro in tliu window o

I. E, tlio Mnjvitir Plinrmnry.J Twin FnlU will cuiii|i.-tc with th 1 J iixtri’ii ljr«t nivn out of n jqnad o 1 nml 'urnrl.v riclily mon. Tlio m<?n wlio nr 'lliKin. iiumborril la tlio iilrturu nru tlio tne

who will cnme to 'hx-in-FnlU.Tlio Utah iulorrholnitio m cot' wi

T o . to.Iny nnd hi|{li i* ci

K.(vil to rnrry..t)ff .the.jitcmlcr lionon c l-rat of Uuih will bi» pitted Bffaini 'j; ‘ [Jnho’B fliifit nexl Fridny.

c.” ' STAR P 'H Y E R IS HONOREIin _ i i . J* l? ha i liorn r ffd v c d ihc

r Oi-nn W. Mlrkolwalt, stnr tncklo fc

tlnn of piDfriiiior of ninthrmitlira bji a ju iilnn t eoacli of-football In tho J p : lY—*■;- -fcnl0n-hl[r l-»^!ll00l-nt-l•0rtlfln l-f0T^ l

i y rnr.- He i* tlio ion of MTf.-May : Mirkolxrail of lh i. eity. ~

iXOekelwnit wJ l l_ r j^ a ,^ B ._ d ig rE In Jnno, but will remain a t Corvnlll

. , , lo atloui) ili p eoachlnir lehool wbie Coneh Kuulo ^loekno of N otro Dam

y. .-J. will-eoiiilufll llierc llila aummer.

'I d a h o . .TEAOK -THAM-BBATBN,f. j._ PULLMA-X, Wa-.11. Mny 15 li J \VaiiIiin(jlon ita to eollrRe truck teoi [y J iitnra (irfrnlcd tbo Univcreily, of Iili idolph '* annul

linnl trnck ari.l' field meet hcro lh nfternoon. Johnny Devines won

C P Q two mllo roco from Willlnni. c n o veternn IJiiho diytnnec mnn, in tli

fealtir© event ot iho-m ect. ■;

Iglcr-’i POBTLAKD fmaPTTwnnin r lf L W ANOQKLV». Mnr l.’i *—Bn

..theli Kohwcr, I 'qtilanil ontfleider, wna li from lilflnilcly. luipcnded by Prciidet

•cijjh* H nrry A. W illiams hero to d a r ft .pctl-. u?!.njj_Jtnpropct_lanfrtumo . j a d . . d i I lato tnyloK tho OakIan^<>tHaa]..<»ni<u< rr=Ti-. Oakimt4'*)Ttt3fiIay. In tuspcndia y iilto Rohwcr,' Wllllntni saifl thnt the leDjt It for of t l« ban irmiW aopw il oa tho n ‘ricad. port of Umphe Finney.

, 222 WOBLD’8 BBOOBD SB O SB lf,A J r . -N K W YORK. -M .y ’ 15 ( f f ) - ,

world’s reeord fell a t l&o JamscI “ ■ me# troek toOnjr when S trb jr, J*mc

H ullcr's threo -yearoM bay eoit, b I B Spur-Onat, eovored 'a mllo and sovsc

0 4 [i^snomlnal tlma of 1:41 l.Q.


f ] T s s m m u ^irftK V 0 U 60 iri& ■^i-^HifU^ w r *

„ lD U & «1CW 60a<IW V C JufTAC\ IH w cfiU G iD O laxM ais

i P P ^0 6 ’

H Id H ,P O IN T S IN BIG' RACEK r., May 1.', (yp>-

^ “ K nlrio.: T^ FT.iy ' nv>, |n ..| .:il.li. . la r lrr», twenty.__ _ ____

Vli»lniiti‘-. asu\ w v iiisnilr:m lir.; wi-ij-hl 1"0 poliaili.

wlio V nlur to the winner: t.l.'.l.in riini prnvl.lril LM n tn r tt . 'i :! ,17.* if i:i) .in r t

lining T lm r; 4H.'i p. m. iVnlral maiiil

. (-M. —"•ririf. ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES FOR I'onvrr 1025, OITV O P TV i i r i t A il'n Jn i« lM lio n _________ ___ *H.i

’s i^ -fir r . . . " ............................:........ ^. Iw'l (’ominln.liiuvrii ....^4T*....................... 1

I 'l r f K .............Jo?.V, Tr'r.i«nr.-r- .........................................

,„„v Attornoy .......... ............................... 1S ...................................

ivliii: Printinf: ...........................................• *• O ffiro Hu|ipli.'« ...............................

r. 1.;. T-'lvphonr and t.-li'Kraph T..............ll .1 IloniU mill inmirnnre ....................." 3 F.lro In'ilr.nire .................................Hnyl <’oal and Hulil ...............................

nj;ro>., In t.-m t on warrnntD .............

Au.lit ......... !......................... ............IT fo u n ty roll.-rlinn fi-ri .................fvlnnii ~ uu.tu- — ----------------- - .........................k II.';;! f h i o f ............. ................ ..................s i'

noumt Firoinon (-1) ................................... 40 fuur Kmori'.-nry Firomon .... .................. 1n Ihp Viiratlunii ...................... ..................

Conl .......................... ........................IVO in (iruornf- oxjivnno* .... - ............ ' ......

K lortrirltv ......................................if. K. Hoso ................... :.....................II S|,i'vinl oi|niplnrnt ..........................1? , } Flin.t n-l-niT ........... .........................'■‘“J.cli. H ir .- ______________

>11i'oliro H:

•'■'run* ...........................................P r ;S o r ; '■ ‘bon^^••—

i-loliift f^"l'p5'‘» .................. ....... ................ -iiniiiK* ropnlr»-iij'k.-rp .......................

Stntioi. expon.;-, liKht. hviit ,. ir...li. K. Tolophune umi li-lrKrapii ............() « Kporiiil pntrolmin ...........................a X Dok ralctior .................. ........... ........Ofovc .Misccllaiirun. ............ ........................uimrd, —ii.slrr, »

1‘n rk ST en d e tii ............................................ ...« :KxprnsM nn.l suppiir* ..................

’ nush .Mlscullaiicoiis ...................................n nnd _fonrlti • • finfiton Sftriitnry ■ - - H.local. Innpi.clor ............. ......'.....................S

i t llit. — ' ...... ....................cutivQ Sliscclluni'oua

if. E . “J Rower •. S

I’lumliiuif nnd clrrtrirnl lni.|>.‘e-DC tlon .......................... ...................... *n t FiunhltiK lower* ............ ..................Ilf I e Lfllior on aewora ............- ..............

MnU-rial*Misccllnnooua e*ii.-n"i ....................

of Ihc • _which ,

rtlitiHir g t m r " ’* '’*'”" " ' .....................” I '" " Vor,m=i, ..........................................}

U b o r nnd upkeep ........................... 'th tho ‘fols. .............. i t .......md of erojuinj; iimierlali............lio nro ....0 men ''ll-'ci'llnncouii ...................................

t ' will ti« ex- M ent nnd D airy f

iionori. Itispcetot_______________________igainst Has nuii oil .... .................. ..............

A udit .................................................MlaeeilnneotiB* pxi-riii.c “v...“.TZ7r7T.i..... "

)RED . -L O m t ________nr:::r________ t -

fl” MiMelloiiPoi^a .................

ContlnRcnt * t Z M ticy . f tc o o i i ---------------------------- • ^

May -I. W.'l*l.- M aste r- ............................... $Kxpentc nod su p p ile i_____ _____

J i f i r c f i_______ _____ ______________irvnllis 9whieli F lllo r tDame Kmployei ................ ...........................**

Maintonanee anil labor _____ ____Chomiit ..................... .

lTBN. OhloritKT- ’Alum ....... .................... ..................

if ‘ijJT ___________annuni g'■ 'h'* W .lom ork. (

" M alntenaneelli«»i>. C on .ttii.lto» ___________________'« 'J” O H J« ....... ........... ....... .......................

. S u p e r lo to iid e n t__■— ___________ _------- .'.-------—

j « CuuflUuctluu iu |i|j1ci1

a s , m : i r T ' p : ' ( r . i r r . . - - r r ; : : z ; r - i . . , i h -

"■ T . t . 1 ________ .______n r S B B S T A »

j ^ A , ---------Eamacls OonormI lowefJu n e s B trf lc t..ln p to tfm ta t. '...........................1

lit, by Flro departm ent — ;-------------— 1


— ' DEFEATS IDAHO TEAMM onroW , IibHo, Mny I-*— nnllylrs

In llio ninlh liiiilnR, thi* tlnivprnlty nl ^ Montnnn nlnr d rfvalrd Idaho ^ to 1

In win in thl' finni inini;. Kl.-ffncr Idnho, mndo n triiilc and tnn «lnj;lr«

---------- P m i— ■ ■ ------------- ■ R .'li. KMontana .......... .................... 1 0 :

1 - Iilnh(rt.......... ...- ....... 1 fl ' :l!ntl.-rl.'«—<»‘('onn.-r .... I Krlly

(Ioldrn aniM inwrrton.

:ird' tlmr,W enlhrr, pr.itml.lo «l,nwrr*. Favoritra. U uii'min, Cnptnln Iinl

, KffiilweVr CarilUi-.il, Cliaiitvy.— ' I'rol'nhlr oilil«; Q ualrn'n 1 to I

I'lininin Hal,. ? to I j Konturk; i « r - <‘.inllnnl l^ iti'1 nn.l CS'iVntev 10 to 1 ^ C t I'rnl,llllll- nttinilnm-v HO,OOU lo 10(1,

ii'K).It«r*>t.li S;0,1 2 '-. bv o l.l.n< .,il.„

VP>— iiv in N . ..........................fH rF — winn'oriT;-------f i 'i l , Ifllu''

(lol.l; Il'iM, y.iv; il>22 Morvlrh a:,.aMTT l*’’f""’''J'onr«rif. ---------------------

A. J . ro ite r . F oo t 8podaU»t, 22 '.I.IO. Hhonhoiie St., Wv.t.



•'K il.irl.-..-tiul..lrir-. l'l?.-; _ f J i l l . -

1,'‘00.011 ,

;iiiii.i.ii . . l,-.'tHI.IIO •

IIOO.I'OHiio.on '

l.OIKljlll .'iliW.llO 110.1111


',•.00,00 ■710.00

» fl.nuo.on i r.,.i(ift.oo $ i2,ooit.(ii) lin ,28. «■Riilnrlv. ■••Ruiidriv.---- 1P2.' l£l:'4

$ l,H01UI0 l,:i\M.OO

. i .n iiB r t . '4,HIIO.0ll 1,01111,011

-J.’-O.Ollr.no.ni)700,0(1 no,(III


- - .1(H),no ...........- ..............- -

JilLMiin.OO I 2,r.fi0,0p »H,7.'10.00 |14,.'.7l,( naliirli-s .Hiimitlvi iniM iji j j

,* 1,KIKI,004.110.00 -

1)1111,0(1 7.SU,U(t





» H.flro.oo t li L-.-i.OO ?!»,Hl).*,On I [),74.'I,( Saliiri.-» Huiidrivl 3U2.’. IU24

..« i,':uo.o«Gon,fli)

A- 1011,00

» j,-.;oo.or' I 70'),0I) « i.iKin.oo 1 2.S00.1Kalnrii'H Hundrli'i lllL’S 1U24

120.00 ■

’lOlilll) .

« . v :u .« (v -f t,?«ii,(w * 1,8'io.M ♦ a,2'io.' 9:il;iri.'A. tjundrit-. ]D2j 1024

riiio.oo.'.OO.OO •

— • lOIKW)... . '100.00 ........

I lOO.flO

J.-inu.M ii..i ii.7fl(iK;il..nlv» Kwvilru-i U'2r> 1824



« 780.00 *10,.-,40.00 $11,320.00 111,700, Siilnrlcn Kuiidrk-s 102.' 1U21.

.... ’ 120,no.'ilO.OO

.... ------------- 100.00 ------

f 1,800.00 - $ 700.00 $ 2,r,fi0.00 I 2,400 8alnrl.-)i Kundriva 11>2.'> 1024

z .t— £ion:oQ"“ '^-------------------____________100,DQ________

• » ••1)0O.OO -|"10(T.OO"$ 1,000.00 '♦ '300 B ala tkn BumUw* lO'iS W2i

♦ 1,000.00 ♦ I .OOO.OO t 3,000

...$ -8»0.0000.00

• ^ 840.00 « 00.00 ♦ 900,00 | 1,000 Nolaries Hun.lriri lii2ii 1024

....••’4,380.00r .o o .o o .......................' ...................

. . . _ l,«)fl.00------------------- 300.00 .....................

1,000.002,000.00 , _ ,

• O.OSO.OO » 3,000.00 Salario. tiun.lriri 102.'! 1024

~ 4 7,000,00 .... .'■>,000.00.... 2,000.00— 000.00'— 1,400.00 - _________

i ,2oo!o6 ~4'SO.OO

• ....................... S50.00______________ MO.OO_____ __________

2,000.00 /: r -------------- • i . s r i M” — >.

110,000.00 * 0,073,00 «S7,IGS.00 |19,9Sa ' tM ,900.00 t io ; ,701.

> Ain> s t s E n r o roKDeioV las' . Bo

' - -Date Rate In terest Fund N.-----1000 0 % $ 180.00 « 2,000.00 77.----- IMfl 0 % 240.00 . 1,000,00 * JP-'----- IWO O ’A - 240.00 ■ 1,000.00 0-----1#0« tt % 700.00 3,BOaOO 36------ 100» tt '% 100.00___;

' a3o.oo ?,ooom S'

URDAY MORNING, MAYI’ftvinj; (»n«l itr e e t IwyrovTinfHl .......W

. Cruumnlki, cte. ------------------ ........,_.)0;AM Funding wnrranl* .............1............... lit

W utrnrnrki pnrelin^o .......................ipIUI„» Hidoivnlk in trrirc lion ......................... |»•' “ Hrwer Improvomonl* '.......... .................ll_i

of J'nvlnir iniprovrmrntM ....... ........... ifito J llofk Crrrk hrl.litr ......................... Hi

Sfiliilrlpal wnlrrwork.^ ................ .Illffn.T, vif,, ,i,.],nrtnipnt ................................. 1'*:f K l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0 3

M K-! •!' .■ " " '" '• 'I" "* ..........• ' (.lUiily f r n ..................................

l>nio Itatr - Illll I,.irnl Imp, Di«t. .Vo. 2n.,„10l'.

‘ I.m'iii Imp. DM . No. .•’.4,,,11120 V. to l l l«nr“nl Imp. 1)1*1. Xo. ;i.’i.,.,lli;n 7',: iturky l.tiral Im)i. Uiit. -N'o. 37,„.l02il

to 1 ' I10(1,.

W arrants r.-ilriMption; ra l'r.l l.y .i<....| i^i'lii.l Rlr.'.'t Hprink\ln|;; _r;il«'..l l.y •p.'. inl -

S l i. i t l.iiihllnLt: r'ni«i'.i l.v -.i-'. itil n Rlni'X l.itiriirv; rainr.t liv i|i.-.'iiii nMi-.-mvnt1 nml Olty o f Twin Fr ---------------S T A T E M E ?n n )F REVE

EmUnj J222 v rN l) 8 (»l'l!Ci; •

Oenoral Fund—*

-------- F in n : ru.t« .....................................

« » : K , ,Hinlo .... I C.iiiiily il. '. 'n ; jo ............

2.-'rr JliH tiw ay .......... .........

■ ItrntiiU Filt.-r |>lant ....................Int.-rf<t on .|.4in.|m .|.t tax.-. .... Mim.vllaiioon-.-T.'|..-i/.|» Citw C)--r)i

Bond In tsre it ana Smiting—Tn«..* •-...............................................Ju ti 'ir.l on l)vlin.|Uriil T;i*v" ....

Tnxr* ...... .................. ......................In trrc il on Dvliiiipirnl Tax-.-. ...

“ ' S ; - ..... .............. i . : . ; - : - : : :lntrrt.>l nn I)i.|in.)iu-iil Taxvx ...

W a n tn l BedempUon—Tnxr« ....................Hair o f inatoriiil ............ I.........."■>% lUuliwny .Dvliiiiliienl Tax Inl-.rvKt ' ............Itolilliln Filto r I 'lnn t ................. ..Htuti' an.l County I.ii-vii.r ..........OIJ Arroiint-i I ’a id ......................

3; ^ flprinklUiB Fund—

t*l’4 Drliiiqurnt Tnx In torrst - ..........

Loeal mprorement D ia trlet Ko. 2iW<Tnxr. ................................................DrliHilurnl Tnx In tvrvi.t,.............

Local im proveuent D istric t Ko. 31-l)riinyu.-nl. Tax lnivro»t ...........

Local linpTOYement D iatrlet No. 34-Ta»r» .................

---------Di-limpu-nl Tux in te r r . t ........... ........... o n „ r iu to ro .r .

AMC«inu-nt I’aiil

______ Local Iiftrovem ent D iilr lc t Ko. 36-

:,SOO.OO Drlionuent T ax iu tc iM t------------A ..« .tn e n t l-niil .........................

Lo(»l InproTeisent. D U trict Vo. 30---------- DeliDiiiient Tnx lu li 'ro .l ............1.220.00 Local IfflprovcmeiK D iatrict Wo.~37- 1021 • Tftxr. ................................................

Di'liiniucnt Tnx Inlcri'st ...........

^ tuborphhiiLarry E vans’ Famous S

^ BUCKJC_ _ _ _ - i n

B= -TAKE^ ^ "AtL

9.960.00 \

■ ThrillB, Action and Komala “JULY DAYS"— 2.r«e:

**30-43 . . . . Eoviow— Or]

VY .16, 1925, ~....i«ii i,4ir^:in ;,w>3.oo 7-13'.._ .io ii r,Vj% ifl.viid c o i i t i .o o - - . r4 •......T,<ir« 00.1,no a,ooo,oo '4.5....iPtn .4,oi»o.o(>-...l»17 'U .'.00,00.... II'IH .1 '/.',; 2.1M.00.....li 'ilt fl,o,i7..’iri„ ..Ifll* ____ 2JLLUU1----------------------------------

.ii'l« ll 2:’,.'.oi).on ii'i:o ll '.'n ii2iin.on . I

------ i:*i<io.tn< I— --------

. . . .i47.4»H,(K) ♦-.'l,(HKMK»—' --------$ i::i.uo I i 2.',,:i,T

72.1.1IS .120,19

Ijl.t.ifi.vns ♦2I..-i4'1.4tsinking Cnuuly X cwYofk

h t r - In l.'ri'.t .......1 F. r>. FrMt I •,(1,110 V 1,11110.01) « 1.1,2, » l,4f: '

M 2: il.:■ .l'.7 .VJ.10'i.(*il l,ll2 .fil l-a2.4r,7',: n,‘«7 i.n ,\2»o,m) ]8i,4.-: jn,MV:. 77i;.SI ,l;i7li.77 .T.-,H2 H.M

.t:7.72';i.:; •i,:i7.;,in »ii7..M»p...'bl i , . , i , . ,n . 'n t ; .- M ill. .............«2l.27.Vhl

'.m l -nv.-rIlUl'Vt............................. - ...... 0,0011.00iiU-a.’’i:” H i.jil.................................... ,„ ..ll.uu tljju—■nvnt ....................... ............................. . 0,1)110.00in Fnllv S t i t s o f Idaho _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:EVEKXIE3 FO R riB C A i. YEAR In j May U, lo i'i.

' A XiOI.'.VT_

................................................................... t 4!)..MIl,40

................................................................... 4 I,s.-,2.71.................................................................. IHO.OO................................................................... .'.H(),HO.................................................................... t.KlIil,*!,'.................................................................... 2i!2,0ll.............. - ........:.......... ................... : .....— iTSTirir-

........................................._............. .. .1,,-.70,111

.................................................................... 32.t00

........; .............................................

JlO "«M .i;i

....................................... ’......... ............__.„jr,n,iso.os................................................................ !,2IS..V1


..................................................................... tl4,.’.(l.'4!>................................................................ li,S,K,-.


: , : . “ “ Z 3 , 3 - r = - r = r r i i . o f l 3 ; f t T -IV* ............................................................... .1.1.22

t (1,102.17

............................................................. ..........t 0,710,3.1’ •1.2M

....... .......................................................... 27.7.1..................................................................... 1,010.7!)........... ...................................... ................... im o u - .



....................................... ................................t r-,10.1.«l

...........................- ...... ................................::-------207.110 ,

,# .■i,40l.HO28—................................ .......................................$ 102.n3.................................................. ......;.............. 2H.fi;!

I 101.20. 3 1 - •.......................................................................• 40i),sn

i. 34— ■ ' '...................:........ ........................................... »73.7,';;.no- ...................................................................... 2,211.41

4.07....................................................................... 110.23

•70,09103J. 3 5 -..................... - ............. ..............- ...............-♦11,721.1.’!---------------------------- :________________ 240.OU................................................................... :... 23.25

!: 3t t_ *ir.mnmo

........................................................ — ......D .O!). - 3 7 - -------- ----------------- ;........ ...........................................................-♦ l,81fl.73.......................................... - ........................... . 70.23

• 1,898.00 ,

t I M .....I U l l l Uatinao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....lOe and 20e *Night .................10c, 20c and 300

DS S a tu rd a y Ev en ing P o s t S to ry

C 1 7 j a i r y C w i n si f< . ' ^ r t d t d b u

\ n ' ......SEVEN. :^ REMSomanoe— a n d O o m ^ y l 'O w G a a ^ ♦reel r io t. A e s W s ’ T a b l e K ^ a th e■^Orpheum vO rbliei^:^,

...- P a g i ^ 'r e d . . '- '

Page 4: ^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln

Enl(«*d M MOond e>M man

■ ■ BUOBCRIPTION ratoT ’ — bmi»6 ♦ f tn r - n w m lM - w p t •>.


*!*<>7h#*o41*n“ira Pt!\;llih*d K r?

vn m n u i AsaoclAlei] 1‘r tu .

Til* Noirt 1* » ijiembyi' of th»

Bltloa »uppli«J lo«ltr ut)on rwji

rto naponilhllllr U u n m o d I . - - - - - - - - - 5nSbi^or'otb»'r'p«t«l?u^^

~ " m »7 t i____ _ wr. «n<l no munUKrlpt*. ,»ri.l| (»,r«

^ uilCM »econitwnI«l Ui n*<fc»ii*r» o


. Hay. I„ W. W^illiifr, srrfi'liiry Aliicrlriiti KiiKiiintiii;; ('c;iiinil;

•■■ni.' Ciilti cl kIkiiiIiI . | .c'rtl tlnuo 11 rnti lirmiiirl

l!iiro]ic |Iiri*c' Ihiii^’n it mil lu il lu

Her.' i<'ll tyiiie.il iTiuiii.'.-rliii;^ of viinv III I!h' ri-;ilm tlf i'c>iimmif

(ijionkrr wnuld iiliply Mio ii:iiiii- ]i|p, nn iliiiiM, lo .TU;iiilni;i'ti pns iiy ililti or tlinl n.iliuii !>y vlri lln Inrntion, climair, mi] unil fliarnrlrrl.'tUH.

It il only rc.iiiitinti Ki'iijin lo i.a;. . . - In a luKlcal iirryuKi'mi’Mt Ilf tlut »»

what il r:in |ir«iluro Jijotil cntiil clii'ajily, an.i llu'ii I'lriiiinKO ilK r riiiiiiii..<lilii'i wilU lliimi' |in>iliu-i'd nn.l rhfiiiily Iiy oliiiT iialionn.

_____________would. Uu,-tuuKlily.-llii; laiiiu^iiriwo follow In llin varlnti.i ntnti'fi i:

--------------------U uiua^uxli'tidva-tu-llu-w cria-]t

lilll un?(iftuii:itoly ll.o world frntn locifsl. Nnliim.il i«dillc; liniial iirojnillrp, nnlion.il rlvalr, ii.itlon.-il f«ir*iifO nlway. Ititn- witli till! iinlnrnl rconumlc dfvoln

Xoarly rvrry rn'inlry lliinlin it priiilueu wh.ll ntlirr .iiniitrii'H ar

---------•— ilnrlnc. ThrnntlnTm-flRtit rnclipcoiininlrally, tliinkiiiu' Him li

, allfad nf cucll otlu r anil ninla-- ” m Ivm ‘‘uconoiiilfnlly ln.lr].oii.

Ha Iinnii,- of llio ulruiij; nnd fori ' OHM llo piiii a littlo, nml ltiii.\vii

n whnlo liiurn n crrat ilr«l. I t wi' tinno *0 nnlil military wnrfar cliilrd mill ititorniilluaaljoar lian ] frnni inon V licn rts—'viiirli will Inn;; time.

............ A0TD5O. '■"Evi'rylio.ly wanli lo a c t.” i

I ilraitiulle Iniitructor..Mnny I'foi'Io wiil deny

hiil'm lie in ri^lif. Tlio iironotit for ninnti'ur drani!ilif« nirnm In i him. ,.}ii iionrly ovrry Anipriciii tlu’fu nto VDliinlrrr coiniiaiilrM p (i» liliiya oi oil^.kiiiil i>r niiOllit;r, II ouctt’ji yrar. fttiil in iluicni of Ihtro aro ninatcur* [irodiicinj; i>l.i

--------------- ---- .............................-I- l.-M ojmttlll.nun’, aud iluln^f it wrll. .Many i or wnninn, lli nurh ilrainntivn, lin

------- <litirnvrrc.r!ii-nnraaio lifr whalanil plniiurc tliiTC in in sIjiiji'-i

T iirri' in noini-lldn;; of llij' .Irn ■ no iIoril)t, in nIN-f nn, and th i'r

bc unBiwprfted tnlm l .in mnny - I t - i n poMll.l«-lU** llii'r»\ nrn iiiv

wciiiirii who hnvo nrvcr f]>okrn ou Iho nltiKc who woro hrll.-r fit:

*minl fiimniw iirofojjliitinln. n i r i— - - Iiu mmo, inRlorlom In'liiRH, .Man:

niul Mnrluivrn nn well nn .Miltuiif


"Y nu can’t trnrh nn old dnj I tirk n ,'' th ry naid, whrii Mr». c ttn .Mnnlcn, ngcil w eiit-lo n inlnK pool lu n c ity *'i|l nml witin t lo hnvi' iiirli hiMJrlvf, nnd nnnt t lu t ibc !u(vn<Ii.'d Icurnink' lo

.Mm. Ma>lcn hml nrvrr tried tc____________ lu liM.JifUf.bul.iliiliV-'t.BCC-uuy,

why ......... ... H!io wnn mui-------------- -— ^cmulstlon •w lirn-tirnnarrlpiV iIt

I'rt"’’'’' ' n-Vifp-!i!t'rinp-lcsh— “ I'B----- ran -iln - nnythliiff 'my 'c h lld rc ir

she nnid..............................Thnl was two yesrj RS®. -6 W-------- -------- I 'll - to -B w iw n c ^ iS ^ h e -p n o lin '■ ■ ............... . Wrcks. Kho iiiMlDtcd Ihp lircant i

. Iho ulllo ntroko, liaekitrokc, ^Uisi

intincuvfr* Hho luadt) be tto r pi Ihiin many of'tliu y«u»B girls.

.................. aow au ncCoaijiIlshcd watrr'dnjf. -Hho lint Illlly rnjiiVH th.' »wli

T “ ’ ^ ‘* ’“‘“ ^ i 'ii ( '» ii] )a 'n 'in is 'cu m rh V r 'o rn iIICM.

Jlrrc in rnciiuracinirxt fn r.n younjf'folkti who i»iai;inr>-lhoy'

; ulll to swim. A!"n n rnnind-.-r; nuvrl oml acnnlblu rulo rrrciilly fi'' by VoMAr (.•oll.'Kr, lhat n<> ijitlI ; nflCT »hall lio (jivcn a dijdomit • ' Bbo can dwim. '

i * A N O T ^T O YB6'n n u M .y s? i

I _______l A k l p l t I r Ic M c I I

gamjiipf. ' '

IWIN FALUS DAILY t____ ..--iwiklA]

Radio PrograiM K W K . ' . M . r . ' . ' t f r ,

n F»iJ« counirr. »miDi»iJ 6fi«ni!' J i r t h £ T J d ^ T

; ;----------- . SATTODAV. MAT 18.. u t n i u . ________ 3V0AW. OJIAHA---------

<1 p. m.—.\r l Kiindrv and hin o Co.. loe, tra.j»nMH ni,—I’rnKranran«]>if*-n ofO

S j . . . . . . . . .II, or aol mean Jnl,Ilro.

‘Jl! k y w . OinOAOO.•cM* 4V(' ^ I'- ni.-x.Miiiiiral jiM^r.mi.•d . ]i, 111.— " C .u i j i j f f i i Claiinir,'

J'> 1', m.—' ' CMiiKiiiin Ciirnival.’------------ K IU . LOS ANOELE*.th« Auflli H:.no ]i. ni.—rrnt'riim iifrii-jilinii

fi.l ^ V ■Ic4 Uilor ■' I’, ni,— I’roKrani ,ijHin«nrrd I>y -Miuut. Irm l.aiimlry.------- - 1 |,, tJi,—A rt llifkniuii’n ilnuf1 for lh i rli.iilru.

--ICir-O -It, z f a .-U d l Ani:..

t th t i l l . ■ ^oi^ 'iO A ^E N PO IlT ." I- .'’',--HrT.ffrTOi;o< th tr^H irt"

' H' 1-. m .-i,rC h iirr llfltrl orchi-BrOHH KOW, POUTLAND.

7 p. m.—I'nrlland Hi.trl orrhrn ry of llio II 1'. m—lla^ rc nin<ltr frnm JljI , mail htilrl'■ WAirO, LONO IStAND.«|.c riaiiro n m._iruw ard (lurt lirnl '’'nil li'i orrlifnl rn. •

1 Inrn out l.rln. , ‘ ■ ' . '^ . . . K r o ; BAX r a A x c i s o o r -

, , , h.'KI 1-. n i .- l '» in n rr lliilrj ..rrhil'i; I’" ’" ' li;:i(i | i , ni.-1-fnKram frnm 1.tnir*. Tho Ili|.;iirr. • ' -ir iirinri- T;:hi p. m .W nhnnv lU iifk’n oimi^M'Mi'd Ira. ' .I'Irlul' nf “ I'- '" -- An W ridnrr’B orchr*ml u lhrr ^^00- OAKIJVND.

|i. ni.—Ciinrrrl orrhmlra, Ifol

,ay Ihnt ’ 'i'r[',/n .,-M ijH iral prn-ram. tt xvurld . II i„ ,_ |lrnV y Hnl^lr.ntl’* ni

" Mirrij;! FIVE g r a d u a t e f r o m


■n ut lilin IIOI.M.STKf!, May | . '- . \ l h n_]U-HCU- icii.----- I’jiy—Jjjwii—r i t t ,—Wlvonn-

rml(, Thtiiiiat .Shaw nnd Itny 1III in far i-iiirrmfnliv romtdi'lcd llcn nil- ''il'll Krhnni nml irr

,,,,,1 ill iir .............. TiiKday rvrnln‘ . Ih.- i<rini'n.'o nf a hiroo ant«'tnl>

fri.tiiln nnil nriL-hhor,.olninnotit ,\f„ . j.,,. Ji;i,l)„wcll-1----------- ^TTwity ni' i r - 'finn-PnllT -H »itPniit hn« lo .lay.aro prd- Miiiiriri' Cnhoori wan n jniMrnK

cll o th rr Twiii-Ktdln-nn'l-VidaM-frriin'-----.. . t Krank II,.wanl tif Alhinn wt

110 tliom- *liil'i"l''i‘ 'l i 'f wo'‘l<............... . Iho .Il-illiitof iH'opli: .lu

oii.U.nl. .V!:„„r,|;.v w rrr Mr.rorlnvulownrld nn j ,r . nnd Mra. McKriirir, Mr, will con- Mrn. C.imorr>v. Mr. and Mrn. faro hnn man, Mr. anil Mrn. IVtc C nn pan.ird ........... Mr. ...... Mrn. ililhorl111 1x1 a Mr'- KltiniiKvrr, Mi>n Itrrnirr I.

Ml'.^ I.iillr t'hrinl.'ntirn, MIm Ivn .a.in., Mrn. V. H, l.ltivd, Cl.nmrl-

=* liiiom, Marlhi Unndnnn. .Ino H.......... nnd K-.-H. Ut\l>c«rlc, Mr. nM Mt*

rnrli. Mr. and Mr>. llav, Mr. nnd ” Kayn ;i Mall. Mr. nud Mrn, ' Wn.ldcll,

k ilir:; Kullrr nnd .Nhn* War i.tvot |M'r.

n'f viioiio Mr.-nnd Mtn. I'rrnltir niiil M if ^ ,,I^ 1 ,l roll I 'lr .iu r l.f Tivin Kail, v

; ' . frirnds lu Hollinti-r Sund^-.Mr. mill Mrn. .1. V.. DoWlI pultinj!

•, lit Irani .irnmir, nn.l M r-'an .l Mr». J . II. of titirn ri,\vs '.nf. I luprrl'.nnd Rirhatd I’i Rtandiird l>nllntn w rrr ntiiiio nf Iho .mil nl tlilrd nrn- nlIrndiiiiln nt (ho <'<imtnrnr»in<'ii r . r n m n “ ■ H uiilnlrr ftfctnliiy

tr-aclini-. - j (ranmrlcdilrnmntir, i„ >r„.lu Tylln Ptiinrdtiy.-ii'to iiitiy .1. II. Troon.lly. Hr, nnd *ly wf tm. Trorndly,Jr. vU itc ir t >e eounlynivu imd ttilu r iia y .. ----------------------------

„ lino Mrn. Ifr rh rr l flnrllrr in vcifitlrd l.y f'"- •. 1 , “/ ' I,, .................... "nn .tloM f ■ I I ,„ ,,, I.

Iho fiinilly und IW j I'railiinlinj; - Wrdiirsiliiy rv ru ln c nl Iho lln

KrhiKil linunti,B. .Mrn. Kranic Cidlhorii In Miivnl

g. Uciirl- n,itiom nrlO Wolfe I' a BWliH- f„un |y .iijicrlulondcut of «chonliiictiouHh (cnilod lhn Joinmoiiofinrnt cxcfciinnoiincoU llollitili'r Tiii-nduv cv^nlnif.I >wim. Mrn. A. K. i^nrnrn nnd dm

to'nwlin Mi«n Alhu w ent lo T'jrln KalljIV reason ''•’ J’ “ • '“ '’nini; Iho »amo dav.

dO TBhtrr---------------- t — — ^ --------


ihe-lMrn* • ------------------- — — ---------in •(v-ferr .Tflliit-'r.-TTtii'lo.mi^iift-irili^'i «t slroTto, Itlulio Kiro JuBiirmice compnny •iistfaUim Twill Kail* nn ono nf hi* porl

iwj. with lne'cotn|_ iiilc rf .li Ijoro.

progrcM Uo thn t Um Twin KnTl..1. try noTcr Inokrd lu-ttrr nml tlII-.......... ................... to many plncc*'Ihowlmmlnt.’, ilcntn of Ihln lovtitm have much " n m o u i- n

Intcrcil in tho pro|«o»nl new rn , , _ rdustrnrtlon lioiwrt'n Kini; Hill

holnt in thc virln ity of Hnhl, l-y ro too l-;ng!„nn n y s . Hn MnrfMrn thi ■T of tho n ,„ t Twill KnlU will leml ovrry >-odo|ili-d iinro In' tno niovemcnl to lucuri ;itl horo- ftructioii of tbo llae.

"■* n o n o i i o r b a l s' . Knlico Is horoby ((U cU 'tlia^ i

—t------ n iirila p

■^°2z l b llioJk' l o S v / I “k b C * ^ 2 * '-T - r ? i r n o a c n c d ^ r l n i «oiidittr, Moi]

S t - h-,r-jiuml.or ir r ,310 rE B gIa6 ':'n i d E l — .5ir!!..tUhpJif«.ULU«l«F f l o l <-'>r tepiilrcn for W. L. Jo B i j L i . thn iiwncr. W ork w ai comnlcte j y y vcinlwr 1, 1034, nnd tti« labor

P pnrt« umoiint to »U5.W. Thai g n M • Wairu-6T«5iii^imi-irBah*flnr'Q>i * ■ ■ ■ Inhor and |iartu; and <10.00 li d r R f f l ilo rase ,’und nlio th« eoat o f sd>'

I f TCT ““ 'i «!«• j i s k O B OMichanl

" c f ^ l G « n i u a n d T e lm iFTeIW .. 0«Bltit io ta K b i t » WMt, u 4 1

A W f.fflu t U M » .~ U rd LiUoa,

a m ^ lCbutcb SetvictJ •u U m _S £ ? » « * th o to t ^ i f c o p t f Otm

0 . Humphrey, Paiter B ^ U C ? “I a. m., 1

Ailiton, lupl.f ^

0- ludp, “ K cfrenl" (Ifaitliia .).Authrm—"T ho Spirit In

lin-JTchi'.; H ojirla” (BchillinK): ................O ffn rt« ry -''M flod Io ’' (W cUl)

ofOm aliii " l^frnton by fho Hrv.' Tom lllotl O rB a ii'p o itlu .lc -'‘Bcleelcil” (

I nnd hl4 « o ’eloi-k p. m .-T ho annual b • Inurcato ncrvico of Iho Twin

hlRh nchool. .•) Tho urrhrilrn will play a nn

y . i ' i i commcnfrtncnl inarrb dcilicaird l< ■ ' • clana of IDl'S, l>y J . T. Kalnbriile ilinir Vol. The choru. rhnlr will .InR Ibt

" them ''T hoy Thnt T rm t In tho L

‘ " I . dnncB or- Id v rih ” (llan

Tlir Imilirii, Quartcl) roinpo<e<l \nL-rIi of -Mr*. Unlpli Wmlth, Mnr. Tom Mntt,-

®‘ Ilcnnit! d rrilnon , .Mrn. iV-S. Hell ------ Knr<T''0-Fi;F{.h'<ifT-of*Tir-fffl''-{

jrrot. Humiilirey,'rh rilrn ptrnrli.fln "T hifflaui'ti Awakcnifi

Tho rhorun rholr tvill ulai* *‘0i rh rilrn . Kcfngo and atrcn jjlh '’ <I)iI Miiiliio- l ' ’l<'l‘ >-

“ O rchr.trn-Ilceciiional March.H, K. D- lilouni will pri-nidu ulltd (Jroilv '’'■'■I'li’k' nervire.

I'rnyor wlll bn offered by Urv.

tiv, ■ - i lw u J lf I inn, i ll -- J tc v . ■ .tiliarliit Konlc.

K>.-----r— : —^orrhcntrti. BapUit Obtirch . .n l-f'.'"'-’" K. 0. Ilullrr, miulntcr.

.Huntliy nrjiool nf U:4i a. m. tril^II orcbi-n- Iirowrr, *ii|>erlnlrndenl In charKO.

11:00 oVIock tho pailnr will » cho»lrn. on “ Tho Dlylnn Purpono nnd I’ro,

l.f llunmn llrilemplion.’ 'Ifolol HI. T hrro 'w ill br no evening i.rr

an wc ahall nlteml Ibe llai'rntnii norvicrs n l tho Mclhodl/il ehurch.

’» orehea- • •

OhrlstUn Obarch

M o . It. Hnrrln, minliter: llible School lUiUU n. ui. Altrni!

;OHOOL — t'-'timmtminn-^Wonhtp,—11:00— flIhn l.nr- Sorition, ''T lto IinMMllde I-lfo.”

i7 " llo lu i- n n i l . '" " " " ' ' "■rled fi.ttr l.'iirlMlan KndrnVsr will not b.'

rerrl'vi’il li.Tniinr nf tlie Jlnrcnlnnreato neirnliiK iu Hiirrtilnnrrnlr nrrvirt^ nt Ihr Mlotnbly of <linl .'Inirrli, H:0(l p . ni. Union n<-

w iih nil rhnrchrn rnBperallni;.iwell nnd Tbo Church of tbo AicmMoa

arnKor^^r. l^-v. l,rml» P. Ninncn, ri-ctur.~ ■ Tlin fifth 'flriinlav a fte r Knstrr.

w a. iu K n. in. Holy ('uiiiinnnltin.I*:fi a. m. Church School.

i: SUCH 111 . U n .......... I 'rny rr nml-HeiMr. nml Tbo t.nbjrrt of th r ncrmon h "

N ypird. on lv .”Mr, nnd thilrndnv Mny J l in Ancerinionrn. I'.ihl. Thor.' will ho n nprclnl serviro iie CIiHkI- rhurcb nl n p. m. At thin sorvirlorl n u ll roiilirntn o f tlio “ Hluo U o n '. 'n r ‘•r U-iiny, Rnlloii Thank O ffrrluR” uf theIvn Kini- mon uf tho parish will Lh> prctual

rnel- IVro Lnthonm Oliurch,1- H oiliar Third.A vo. W eit and rirU i BMt*. PW. John,(liU iU u, ivi&tiri •mill Mr.n Hundnv Bchool Oil.'l n. in.

lell, Mrn. Mnrnltic lervleei lOiHO n. ni. r 1.1 Full- Oonpel Lrtnon for the Hitndny

U ntc’ 1. 0. “ Prnv.” 'Slif-i ('l.r- X KvrniiiK wornhip «;0D ii. ni.:. vinilMt .Kpinllo Irsion lor the fifth Hi

n f lr r Knnlrr. Tuple, ‘Mlii Yc oWIlt of o f l)«> Wuril, And Xot I lriirrrs UMooro i,f • • . --------- •'. II. Ilut Sb Edward’* CathoUeI I’ill Ilf • Urv. itcml a Kev*ur, iiaitor iit i.Miiwn MnMrn Hiimlnv* H ami Jiltno •iiiont oO Mn..rn wrok iliivm'‘7;-t.*> ». Tn. ay ovrii. ^lanirn tinimay* il:;il) ami i) i

ffiinday rVcnjng nervices T-.’M.■ivlu Enlin ------ ------------

r i r s t Ohurch of Chriat Bclontl led Imni' KKI Nlnlh Avo, K -

Hiimliiy nrrvieo 11 n. in. Lr.oni d J . II. “ Mortal, und Imuiorlnln.' tinly -nonl Humlny .cliunl 10 it. -iii. ^

_ . JTontlmunlal ._mcctltii{ AVcdii very ill ovonlnB a t » u Vloek.

, f Hffpiy, Pleaiant V ltw ^ w b T to r ta r

‘I , I'lVnjoni View I’rrtibyliiViiiiin #,ir will Imve no Siimbv nrhml K c lL V r v M R Humlny n. in. Union

llolll.U-r !>■ ■■■•.......... ....... Clirlstlin OliurcJi (K ta io t ly" , A vr E lllolt Hllnip, piulor..m l M e. nttonUnnco count

, la k rn lant Sunday nl lu :"0 tbero

•nonn, ni- there wcro I’M prcioni.efdsos nt „,y

. wvro mnro Ihim 3tl0 in the .cbou' ; nuHhtrr rrimrtril £03 prenriil. Ho w.

a llj Mon Ihem la .t SunJny b y 'R They - ~ , r ttvc .ahead-U cfuru ao now rrc acn on tho tn tho lond.

^ T r t h i C ----------------------— —

‘m lo d lca i VKIlRINi:—Robert McSorley,

* * Itiixter, I’orllnnili I>ank a Lull,I'ntla eonn- I<nkr Clly; il. I’. Qumiire, Nunip d th a t In <^>H»tP. et, Louin; If. K. 11111,

Iho reni' •nn'liK- W. Itoam nnd fnmily,itieb ti> bo ('illln; B- J. Hchnlti, Halt U k e»if n Vden M ;-Johnson,-Holsefa'Roiritbftom ' » rnllMnd t'ily ;\V . A. Alewmler, I'ocnlill nail n •>•'*’<<0 Mnltlev: NVllir Mnllcv- 1Inhl, J f r S tra in nnd wl('r, K.-A. WhecW.I tho lJI.110 'voll; W. K, 1‘nrroll, Ilobic; J . O.erv umUI- vin. Ih.l.c; J. a MeLnIn, lioino;itci.ro con- iU-Hllnner, lloKorion.

JIOOKIIROK—VV. A. Diivls.B L ako: 11. K. I.uhv, (Tenltlo! Marirat-on-f^flt- -Hmmi. I'ortlnml; C. K. lIcLnu*,- ro o ’tloek le llo ; N. II. Jninen, Poealrllo-

DA Poiir- Bpokanc: Joioph W arren,' Hr., 1Model BO; Jnneph Worreii, J r - I lutlej Chtj'.' nuaibor Kylo nn^'wHe.MtelioVO. M .'I’ln

a -.S c liu p M l.tti iae ;. JohBWn, a o lfe , HoIio; C. K Hrewer, Halt :[•leted Ko- Quo. J . Ouian, Denver; Kda« iC . X W "bo ^ NloboU, PorilM d.

i S f S ' atltiVril ~sih-ortbo- N o 'n o d « n bride ,1> "obllsti t./xo *00^ ftrvelL , TK«; tl^IO csoco c

hnnlr fl"'**l t : w u mwa.braHiM no'niaii.wiii posed to , BC« Ills wUe un lit a ftf

\ o o n la c B v ltb ber,> and tbe reil IWl U M tb o fh i'B protecuoa un iu (ber ve

lees IU e '

- i i n i s h i n g —

1” (tCro-

iia lbacca- Yin F a ll. , .

■ M t t t JWadJmr

" I Know CUU(lland ri) .p0<ed of fcBB iB B m iH B B iB B — IMM

'‘n e l i S “T ''- ( 3 r !5 r - ------- ----------- T O U M TH . . , , , . ,

hrry, will Sydeobua itnilod. U o nUd: ' Mf- Pnra iloo , It wbb the voders

I M judler ln s w ith U fi. Parm ileo tb a t 1 Wl' e ih lb lt Ih* plctorc. All Uilsfa

reh. ild o r i^ I t IB tho beat thing Iu l tho eTcr dOM. 1 bavo pUnood to e>

11 it.,f " 'y rolher widely In AmiItirv. u u t J J

JicroiB.Jha-cpuntryT.A fter.«h ll> ll w hy.then—of co^rBC—*’ ' .■,I'nrffialee’i faca.cunlngci1, D< iiU ifpa. .

r. ' *'Vou biTo a prlcok" bo inipp«<. trith Jfr. WydeahBO. iho jr if-w j/jd ro r, larKo. A t whltnBletl. thb theatrical youth, w rill aponk ^ 1* pal# haiid.I I roKriim preient thero U no price. , jj.fvipp, I’snnole*.’’ hr said, ralnnronlii 'Tbe coiloB broker pulled o t hli urch. I>r rim a i If Iio had neod of flr.

“W hat hnvr you proposed aa---------------m ie 'o f t f i i r p r r to r i r -------------------

- W h y - tb e — kEHM— U rs. P i^'irn.l.nroChlldrrn''i! "T bnl'i fooll.ih, Sjdcnliani." C

Jqn..u!il._ :iiii_pri!juU lccd-laJaii if ” Ht o I’armaloo. but OTtn In - J n m U -‘" ’-‘.IfLUiaiUlu.iixlilbll.a.Blctnfa-i

tbo title Mri. iim lih Jo acs or it b«' lield Mra. Panualcc." ' •to nervier, "Ob, i know," Sydenham ri hr M rlho' With hU luporlor nmnner. "I i on norvico moan ihflt; pd tlionc&t It bc tt !«-, coll the pleturn Ilrena."

-Breaol" roared t>annaleft___

^ "1 won't hnre I t r-"Jil:--------------::^\Uiy-nat)i.-hU wlfe-nBked,-i'» trr. from tho dlvnn nml eoinlnK out o

«od lo BhDdow-j. "Wby not, Comp nl-Hermon. - '"•Becnwio ibo n n m r l» - n pei is “ IIoH' “ o n 'c " *old her bUHband In a r

louji petty rnse. " i t u you n i union Pay. 'don 't wnnt It spread all over iro in th r plcturo sallory. I f a bad eooujih lorvirji th r , -W alt," Syd-nhnm Interrupted. t nL \Vm fo dlKturbocdcnti-d, P 'cturo T lio IlldilU

will be offered to jo n a t tho ei rth Bt. “>y «ErhlhItloii3 nader tha t.title ."It - ...............ftfivw. -nrns otrcrert io 'P iirr

a i a mnltcr of fnct, nnd tbo.iis wl' /.T. '" ‘■'"ber It only Iduodfy It by Ihtiidny IfO' sydcntinn, ,^|

Vila whencTcr sho thouRht of th lh Hundny fi'i®"*'l»rini Uint period to cttear Ye I'o rrn conclusion tb a t Com pton-fdred

rm O n ly ;’ ’ Mmewhcro iiomroni. would recfi Her Illienong. capf'clnliy If lior

He , name hail bocn uijuehed to If; la.tor then throuch tho n rtlit tnico 11: 0 n. in. un til^ho woro fotinil.

' " ”■ “ l l» i I.«t,„.lco toiirn i' IMI, or Krmip of indM duals who woul

icIentW I" him a dreadful vensccame ehnrply to bcr altentlon. le

l,r5B<m aor- up, lll:o a .Jiorrld ihapo out a "In. quiet path of life , to ita re ,In tl' . faca

cdni'Hi n» moterinit oulNow • York wltli i ’nul, tho tn<

to rlaa ohoultciir. who always uppeariflf.- ^ to h r rro in r f t - i rT r t tn m o tr irrtiliyleriiiu penlfenflnr>- c lln jlng to liln hri n,-bi.ul nor badly lhaped hend. but a»Ho had

nlun c . t.. retained by Pannolee. tbroogb ft rnlso In aoTnry and many an

betly) lR.tolcneo.lor. "I'm clad th a t yoa a re well arount wni Brenii sahl to blm a» they wero tbero wrru Ing «jp iho Tlnellko road Ihn count wa» proacbod tho glow«;lag old hou rciont anil . . r n not w tll. madams." Paul .Mu ,,! »u . "®"‘ •ubBtltate-M arkB -ehe "o ^ ' i n u l ♦nWCed to COT*They ivi-ro ’.nintBS. ma’a m -b o lefL" wc a te fll. _ "I didn’t know.” Bba aald. “Mr

maleo engocta a ll tbe employees,-z.------- -- - - o r e n the maids, H ow labeH tr

] ^ I didn’t f a o w /v . ■ .i 1 'TTi'ere's -m ucff~thB t 'ow T dX 9 X o know, ma'am. Isn 't theroT* ho »

an oily roleo bfiblnd wbleb i- - - - - - - - — f -jnart^--------------- •;---------------------

n v h a t do yon m « m rrlry. Bill. ‘'F o r lostance, tbo raaBon ]l a t r f - ^ v ^ r -l«fh“ ----------------i«— ------------

Lull, Snit -WhBt r e m n r ’>"«’■ « . :M r .,P a m n l« !

illv Idaho lerran tiir I o n pnU ke C i lv bo rw jotrw a 'b lr th <bnam'-'f^iilt m * M<l-Blt-of tn a r.-O e ttlD f

I’ornlolln; hfiro Is jnat like se tting b iiai Icy; M. II- ma'am. And S fa rk 'fl 'h e had ■P'l'f. C«ld- f o r s e d - b e did — not meanln* J|- o- banu. Ilut Mr. Parmnleo' fonnd loiBo, J . L. jjg hlnjsclf to .tb e cltjr'eli

iho place. And wbcn bo knew, „ waa no tam lnf blnir sia 'am . E

>•- » -P"n!_hgd:ne( ow npted a tKTVBfrublo. from which nolnsolenc« of bla owBr., n u iic ; tnd atUodted blm, B t«na wputd ' <UJnnt»«d-hIin-then-«ntf • tberfc

iL how ew . th a t ’ ba r bnHnit I'aiicV « to«B to b in u ; • .......- -■k IC JoB w , "Pnul Is B liandy man—wllu d . flita nnil periiapi wltb other___ _______■ons^-inaalM ;biK l>BB U r-«I'«cf l f he .woald b a 'tu e fa l In an emorsb lls td ” to in c lu d e d tb a t no t oni;nc* o f iib* Compton llrlng In te rro r b lp MO riiloa lly **•“* oad’ tb e a I b yfclded i

n w u BUi>' temptation tv conu tin lca ta tbis[ ’a f te r b ia t o ’b e r J m f B f on# ir tbp iiire riiI re il wca ‘ m isbr b&re ti deceoenM w erttte* lo iprerfd IU MDtacloiL SIV h e ro i c . p w tM d ln , ao t ti

I v In llielr lUeB.---- T h e tlilrd winter of Ibelr mar

h e r bu»l)Bnd begnn a practice of Infc relief from -that'tarror which c rrp t In upon lilm nt first but nor bccuo to drivo his nerrea Into n gi H o wbo bad ronw ned si> cnrcfull

------------ T trm rnirnm m T irT inrm K rom craburden. . '

_______ _U ttJu tc«ao .do«a-cn»4no rn ln f-Uio -rnin of u « l),| Mnrch Ony

,_ bcutlOK <m tho wlmlowa Tlie Irorlng up tlio leurrn of tho uu tlio t hnd Inln all n'lntor beni*nll Know and I rr of thn' moomful, p ine Rurdtn, but was now rolenm

, a Ihnw, waa ilniiiiln;; wet rm nitalnnf . Iho nront window pnnoi" hind the moimelng iron’bnr*. It

k f l r fn Tutttm vecHinimi « ilil'? imutto ' 11 wero throwjnir rIfr-ralT Into'tbe

„ f nn aecurseil pemonnllty.I ’arinnlce dbl jmt nn-iwer ber

l ie wnN not ut thu broukfnfit T lio .a c rrn n u could nul flnd J ii

A Ok) h h roofiis. He wa* <ll>ic»vrrc<l ll

52 S !fC !i. ' Ilio Bolinil nf tlm » If ,1 IId : "fioL w ithout prolectlon from iliu di identani?1 w as to P"'*’

Inga xon- ‘■fl'’'-’"'")’. iiE 1 b a te tnnsslvo Iron nale.>..>.«t.iM> Pnrimilec wan thiire wllli bin

w hllo hiiiiil* jrrnfiilnB the nprlfJit

dlaiu'nt river bnnk ttytn •iirmigl

*■‘ 0"''' J'"'"’ •'h c Kcn-lmeil. ''Vnn’vt. bet^n wi

th, w ared.

tr» n o t nfruld of ynn nil.” price, Ur. ,„ ,,r ^ 1, ,h„ulil.. . , , und down iho rmid hoynnd Iho It h li co»- Htnnillns In lh« fih? . m tJi and tho ahrti^ery, whippy

-ttjo —ttino,—uanceit-U K u-jjuio— _ iiloiis Ibo cn-M Ilf Ihu imllMuIc.

• no livlns rrrn ture wns In .ilitht."Vuu holtor come Intu lhi> 1

Comp- Complnn." nbo e.ild wllh n loI ftivnr of ju ith u rU f-------------------------------- :a I know Sbe reallred nfKTwnnl tbat i-hn^tt niidur It.nTietl rtillinr It.rfiilly ti,.vnr.l lli o r OTun clusltm tbut thi.i luoin.-nt i-xp

th e iiK'imt-e which, hnd buns a repUod tliem so lon^ nnd tbnt ll prmnl "I didn’t «li'lliilto end nf hi'r obllsiitlnnn. better to rcini''mbe'rotl bf thliihlns bow 11

iinsry. Impoto'iit lllilo ilo ; hoi_________.co\V!iril nt, hi,-iirt. hul biirUlria.l

n p i to - a t nn oinpiy rontl. SI Ileved bo had IokV IiN mind.

:ed,-rising --'■C<>mHiili>'tlie-housr,’Htbirr«Tiout of tbe Ho luuUoil n t b rr Miipldly, IiIh!omptonV’ Jii'v limp nnd bnncln;,'. blH oyrs v1 peculiar nnd loolifni} Into her fw o-w li

a rldlcn- tronblcd o.xprepslon o t ono trylura nnd I illscover thc mirrouQdlogs afterTcr evory o f cimstlouancss.ouglj—■* "All rlKbt," be said hoatBcly:ted. "Ton nil rlxht. Brcnn."urbcd. 1 III! apponrod went;, unnblo to;ldi3lc.’ I t him self croct, ami his brenth wlho end -of -tio p lw n n ily iih bo followed bcrUic." up tho wnlk nnil thn wet gPilminle^', Htcpj o t tbo frownlnu bonne.

ie who re- " "Go upstairs und Ilc Uunn,y Iht! title commnntloil.in tried In' He elupped with hU bunds cof this In- Illnck wnlniit newol jio.Hi uf thee*cape tbe und leaned tnanrrl her cunlldontldred that ■’Footpr[nt.^” raid bf, rrlniilnrecngiiixe n flcnd. '‘'Kootprlnl?.’'bor own Urena, oponing lIio door o

0 If; nnd librnry, walked niplilly toivnn race ba^k tdopbonu on hla dr.-il;. At In»

hud been driven in summon' thm rcp m o tr ruiinncl mill nulhorlty o f i l i tTIndlvltliml Ixiynnd thc doom of this dtwould dl- homo. 1-nrmnleo wnt» mml. H

^'ensoance, Nho put nnt her hnnd tnvvnnl tinin, lonpin;; phouu Instrument ll knocked uvUt of the* <-mpti-,itIa»n. .Sho niMcd tbis rI1 .Into ber h r r nose. Thc nipporlH of h rr

'fiuddifniy cruiiiblod. for sbo-kjicu out from Ihnt bcr liuubnnd wnn not mm

} tncllum chanced pcminncnlly from ihc i peared to »ocrellve. Hclf-lnoluicd und br Iura'ur ih6' ITifia Hint Vo liaJ bwn. but' wilt s hrlstleil, n t tbo eml of n Ipcib nlglit of I had been to drink lilmself lato tho freed ogh many Insensibility, r nn exbl- A t thla moment sho wondorei

Bhe did not feel a mnrked Incn- ell BCQln.’' tbo old lonlblne und dingus^ th veto wind- Irrnl been nnablo to weed out as

Ihnt op- sprung up like some rnnk yrowt bouie. th la moment she rtmrinhered hi

Paul said, nppcal to bcr, bow bo hml hcKR' —Ihe man to help blm win back the clean corer my of his hoyhood. hnw sho hnd

aecH tbe glint of liratftroasured "M r^rar-. .tIilDs>-wbIcli-incn forgct.tu.kotip

ijeo*. Paol Ing dlroly In tho mld.st of decny :»tff-tfo ge.- hftTlnf tasted’ -th* •bitterniMis'o

____ j?M ^he.hnrt;hH llt new_hope._.?iia doesn't w as n i^temitie'fotiure,''|>ound he aatd In plocea upon some unseen rocb eh w a a 'a tb e sarfnco of the TraterB. II

paying the account of n llfellm h n p s ; perhaps the rockoniag i

ion M aeki mtatnke. Thero surged up lo tfa------------------ jT r t ic n i ( m m r i r t '« r T t r y r '~ ^

’Xo Drena tbo cause of his pat Je* !# sna- tc r r i r , h is susplclijns, bis Iff

probnbly the , , horrid ,.cillcd dnys he . Ic Irth eertlfl- uleeplejra nights he spent no IlDf i ' J e b peared ofHeM* Imporlnnef^ -tht I Passport, fAct tho t so mnn ivas Hiiaerlni

had one than he. ,R u t she was unnblu I inlng nny h h n : bla dofcnsca wero now |i nnd It out. noble.tjr'elerlt of " I do not know what you men new, tbe rs s a id "Wo lire a clean, who . B« npB k i n d 'o f a jstence , don't -woT I 8My Rty nc T tr hcnr complaints from me, r>** -n o t-g o oa t much, tbo t la truea PosHlon I .« m _ w M ^ g . I-tjo po^ elfCI

la own e re r N either do many aiep. I Ora: rputd have much once, th o t I t true. U ut th Ser*,.- She th ir lr -o r- fo r iy Uaya- ngor -I’ot ’ bosbaatf n o t seen me mnko tho mlslnke i' - .........*^oti a ry f t>reTtr ae«dlng-Joht

-w ith b l l f o r a new bottle." w ld nretla., her ^eop- ^Ho tbrnst ft gloncq n t her. Ir^ftel-'tbat' — ‘ ( ‘ I n a 'ree><-My-'iiiima^8 m ersea^ ." good—thcro’a no denying. Ba ; only wifB .#bonld jo u complain, . DrenaT ip jH f; Dot havoTonr froeilota.~ tou go yot ded to tbe wajrs. ^ o a eondaet yoor own s tbis ttirror I o u eats b a re anythlne you ws ir e n from IB® oskliig.' Why com plnlnr ioen to d ^ "fn ) hot compIalBlng,” sho ha L Sb* r«- alm ttlag h e r lips lolo a firm Hi lol to t t e . am luqulring.- 5 S i ^ i p l = : ? l i M U [ l l M i r n i F U I P « t I P i


vlilcli Imd ---------t now hnd Df’rrrrn nf divorre wrro jjraMlo SA salltn. Ilnli'ork to fi.iir w?e?uny hbi ;li.lrlrt^ ronrt bcrrW t T K - f jl’ i'., lM ;n ,jj» ..m ^ iL .f ,m r.e a .« ..i

irn.Irr h rr rroM rotti[iI:iiiil wh

Ony wns K rantrd'.livnrre frntii Clmrlr* I..Hie wind. nbo. had liutltu tcd tuU tor .U0 uulumn '" 't «'"■ >vllhdr.-w 1,1, dnnn rrrr t n™i,, ,l,„ I ..!...- I l» ...11

'■ llV ,™ ,,.,,!. .:t ..'l lo c,..|„ ....|,y , •lenni'd by ,.i„ irr:„ii,d a di>;.,rrret ri'flinu (!,„ti;o.^f. Laiab, am] .-1,0 wax rrn pnno* bl- I., b rr f„rm rr ntimo of Mni;Kio ». It cas( IV‘»io Mntliv wai nv,-t.nlr,i n d mnp ua tt -livut. o fti-M t.;l\vtv;wv.. C. M

patihibly timt iion »ui.|-,rt.On Kr.imiiU of ilrt.rrli.it. Malio

■ b rr call, i.K;.r,!od dlvurco from •nnt tnble. Suliivan. id Jiim In, -------------------------rc<i iwiniiy FIR ST AID TEAIVi W ILL

I r ^ T u S r _____ D E F E N O -S IA IE -T lIV drlvlni; ______nmt dtior, ^ 'i„ l „i,| i,-.;,,, „ f Uh, M.,n . dlnnictor SI,Hr. T.lol^on,' romiinilv .'^rhai, liy, to the 'I'lvin Ptill., wlilrli i;,tulo'bl«li t.r„

nrmi final rnn lr'.I. la^l wVrk, will | | t„ , , ll.i.i m.trnln;' f..r lloi';.- t„ rotn,,,'!,

nnrd Ill.ti" “ V l i l l : ........ . %iat-^rliampioatihi[. tl

nillgll llui Twin r.iiU l^kni, j . tn b r 'y it r Ml flMRW- W 'aiwn mtvi' m m t'i'

tin- riifitl.-,! ll, rrlain J l p-rtnaii uinlor rn ir ' nf Ihi’ romprtitlun.

1........................ .V m btM r / thr Tii'i/1 ................. .M .

' I '« I,,!! rh.muo ir. i l . prr.<,l.lK'l, ilr.^ 1 .Siillfl, I'. I- >'htrm;',n, l:ail K.

lOUliIcr u> ati,l Ifl- ll. :-t.i.iiii.r,l.Iho Rnta 'Htr l.'ani li.'iti I f .n fu r'ltr.l ;;ti.

.« Shallow Jii-:»r-l ill .rm l,fi:;al cont.nt by D hlppvd .b ; I’. ________________ „

Z V ' Z COURT 7iPPROVES"Q]^151!l

S o iin u n e , ■'■0 CLOSE BUHL ROIa lono Ilf ’ -------------- :------ ____ d r.',.: f.,r r. ...j,.,a t I'lie bnti i'Tini.lint.' i,ir .'li>-iii(( ilt,' .\r

^r,.iiiWe.l A ,{.■ .'I.Mit,,: ,.t.l,'r v.'.,. t.,;.lonn. She tj,,. |,r„.,', a ll„t,;. v in :,t, jIW tike Iffl i',.u-'-v ;';ti.l .Mr..; ho WUB. r,.o. r,' tj..'.'llv, ly ..;..'r:il>.r''ti;,.! ,

irr«>peiileil '^«?iir,V,l'‘!,raff:jT ''a 'l^, biH tower :,ltrri:..v-,iyes WlltCfy ll ,- w- to r„l|.'.: f„'r ,-r...-, r^a .-wllh- the ' Ill'll liv 1'iir. Ill,- . i , ' , i iI try lns to m ll... I.,a.n~, , A ffi.inu Il.n ,

rsoly; 'T m .....................

lo to carry:h wbecjirtd |,y 'f j_ ,] , )r y„„ „«i:her fi'i'bly „ rton-}o ii *.111.11 I;in..vl I'l

e t granltfi. .y„„ „i,oiit yoiirii.dt not wnnt |i> hcnr."

lona, bBd ..y„„ mnmit," sh.' nnttwcrcO ip "Aro you laiiKlilnj nt niu?" h

Ids on tbe „„gnry.the Mairs ..J

Idi'ntlally. ..s;,„|,o ,m ;.. i,p jnapiied. "Jinnlrii: like j.^,, ,,.u ji^ , uouncr

, „ .Mnybo In tho oml you wi.ii'tor ot bln j,,iu ,t11I Iokd whnt il Itnivnnl the 50 unseen nmt Innt Pho ••in' the abl. unn,y...■tlio wnrl.l «li.in't. N,

'’'" '“■f'' 111 1 hnow n ll-m yse lf. N ot uI. 1!ut ns , ,,,a u p u y - ,•0 fhe tell'.td over an ,5 tbnt come cpilrklyils Rlns^ to_ rtdileil,. tbrowlne his op.tn

h rr honn ,f„Vnrd tbo cclllnr. ns If bcsri'kncu-il«-n- -sudden, swlfi

mnili ^ t ----- 1^. — -Ibc crnffy, „ „{ ,[jg ^oom.d .n u i . l i . . l ---------------— . . --------------- . --------n S n S T l F ---------. »! W ,nS -L .C .I C lo r.. ' -

. t „ „

. . 7 . 1 acco n ln iii^ wllll tbn condUloii;

“ “ H - ' " - I - S t

k S , ™ ^ '" I 'S l I d l .r a 'l 'i ib jo j" thlit” '.llie rav 'linw ’I'ho'illSirMcl ohnn.dlTlnlic:.-or | Hij'or''irtifS' «»iiiu_.parili;ulJic_plu. p<.'Clwl._lu i^uor-al Um yUruMiwiTiidtliFV^ p W trt-lo -m iy rin a r te d - .ln il lr tr m<> i iL w "■‘''•'■b '« IK-THims or

Up ■\tim I*'-’''- CircmUHcribf * ^ o S -B u i;h -iinm > m ons^-------- --—lag of onelo Ihc brim The Connorant.— ------------------The-rtrrffioranr-tn- nrnt-tif-tliTs panic, bis nimn'sl blnlH nf Iho-lrlnii ccuiitli. s Ifolnllon. line tlio w in trr iiioii-ibH iiiimiIh 10. led, the Ihon. i.mUo ihcir wny nlon« iho t now np- nnO up llio r lv m . i.iiim.iimi..i roi !^-th«!f'ttie p lnees'-to riy 'W -ilfty -m lh 's-frn i :erlng’morr IU tu Ihoy mny be kooii. KUiRiy ib lu lo h e lp nnnihi-n<, nnn.rilni.-.H n-tilins n ow Impreg. rlvor bnnkn nnd ofton iierrlii.<l

liipniont liriiiirJn'1 of in'i'ti. whor 1 mean," ho nppenr iiuliu nllinm o In Kplio tk wholesome wobbeil fn-t. Those nnt we ■woT ■yoii qunliili'd \fllh tho b ln l 1( 0 ofto

a me. -1 do i>rlscd lo tb e m io w ith wl true. "B u t- m n thus iilight on in..i-l(ipfi, fo

■Eltca-Mllt. pmbnhl.v Ibc onl^.w ii.m nujytU : drank too bird tbnt c:in peruli In this yvuy,

u t lhat was .■ —

niS’n . i t a " ■ to D a ^d- J o h t r d ^ — W ojiri:.Ji)ld-llial,m JIIJons^fj ^ In this country havo only Iho„ ■ iBllty of chlldrBn, bot a fte r to '

n m wh» nrelnclihed (o' think thnt Is erioito n ? Xoo Cleveland Tiroes and CommyclBlo-yonrnw n t - '........... •' ' . ^ = = y - - '-twn studies. . Catting Lols - ;■B want fo r roliow loc a Jlcunonlte truilltla’ • cholco o t n deacon lo rcpresi10 had Bald, ijniticU of the church bns been miID Hna. ri In ,i,e belief tha t Iho mnn to

Ith-BUddea ^

IdAdd y '2 I g pE V E H I M G - m

^ M a i r B r a l i a m f i p n n E r ). " iic fu n e»>i»wr<rVccn#*»<wi«*»»tw

? ~ g r u n t e rr rr to tho _____ ‘lMiit wtll M^Yeii'otne, welciuiic. the piKS 'H '

rlly Mnj{. «f>'“ J " ' . sijucut. a'lucal. Krum,;iirrr 'from Srunt." •IX rrnt.irr.I A new pig bad come lo tl.o l’i:: IVn,Kio .Mm,II. nnd nil thu piga w ere grunilng nndll n d rrrro unucallnKV. M.au-y Ti,y pig.g nnmo wns flruntrr.j

lalio HuIIi- a Krown'iip pIi,'. U o wus un Iiibi^ from i:ay tween pig.

llo btlll a litllo twisted 'lail nml Short Itrlnily plnk-wblto bu ir nnO pinli

,L . eyes nnd a vary roKuIsh wny of look.

u J U L E — li ) , Bttmit-sbowcd- th a t he lirlongr.!to tbo pig fmiilly. I t wnn lliu xtiiin

MiimiMln snout thot runs tbrougli Ihu whnh trhango in family...ll nri.ri. in “i;runl, grunl," M id Cruutcr, ’‘rn; will Irav.' g,„|, ,g „,[« j.gn. ,

tn ]..'i,-tilll ..jf ,1, ihoiish you hnd roo.Iti’i 'a ‘’ct'M ' P '- «-.M nround. and the farm er Ionic. r<inii'..t ill IhoiiiJh hn frd you wclL In fnct. ll lip trophv looks un timUith bo fed you Ino w'ftl. .

- e i ^ .! ' ll i;M ii' tl.tni; -t'Vo c o m r fg o? »»it ntalio, nil;;ht all liuvo c lfnpho 'l from linll. iToi* yrtii* t 1 coiliu JUht 111 Um..,’'r tnan rs iiy ^riint. wlial does he moan?’x'i'h' tr.iw, I’orky.il'i-t w ilb ' ’'•‘ 'Itiral, niueal, w hat Oi'o,.i hi ilr'. L. \V. m ennr’ n*il:rd Sammy Saus.i;:r.'II K .pilrri ’•Criint, jruiit, w hnt doea hc iT .a n r

anla'd IlMllu r Ilm-on..1 ;;n.t wti- ‘.Snu,'al. ffjilonl. w bnt dorH Iio V i ’f. nieniir- iitikod llltlo*r-lncl: K,|nVali.r.

. . "Grunu tru iit. w hul docs hc mcunJ’' Tit'Ki'iI“l^lr"l*errlTTil“ I*Drlc.

i L L n ••.Winn'al. Miiivnl, w hnt d,ii'a bvROOMS

"(Jriint, ;:rnnt. u l ia t dui-a hu iia-an?” nslird riiiliy I'lK-

__tth .i t__doca__bta m r i » m ....................... m

, i „ , i » „ . , . . r. i,;;, . . 1...., rk -»' \i.|.li,-., ".^(lural, M|ii,'iil. wlint dors bi

t'....... l,v mriinV «»t;i.|| Mw. I’liil: I'ls-titi y. iiini 'Mlrnm. Kniiit, w lii.l doot» lio ini'i.nr

-Mr.. ,\I,.ti. Jirn. pinky I'I;:.i;„l ,.wn, r ..j u n in tf r , "Ibat I car

ho ex- '-------------------------- r r= - ~. —"Wb Could Nover Bo 5o U nfair," '

. "Maybo '" ''’I «'* ">>•

.•uncpln Ih. f"‘‘ ‘'‘" J ' y on -iind tbni.li'l sinlk. J ”’* " ‘'I ‘iff-K'-t IntllKi'Hiiiin,’'

„ ,h .u '" A ll. but >..u luluht." ^tl[d flraml , " n „ j u ‘ . fn thrr I 'o rk j 1‘ii:. "tiii.l wo c u ld itr.U'

trea t n uowcomrr llm l wny. Wo nover permit ynu to got lndlj;«lb.n

I. .Not .III- iii'iit.'! 'J;ir lilllt iiu ;;i'i U!"---------------lol until 1 ’VC I'ould novor lot you get In, dlKoMlon," i-tild .Sti.iiiny Sinis;ige.

“It would not bo kind," snid Itrothe lirkly," he Hai'on.on hnnds "Wo wtn.Idii't have tbo heart lo di lif'Si.oL-lilni: «'H'b II llib'a. ii> lot ym rK ct Indlgw sw ift imd lion," k.ild Sir Pori'lvul I’orlt.

>'•"11 wnuld bo Hii.'iUf," Eiild .SlrlBell :n. Jnitiln Ilai'nn; • '

'".Mo!,t ni,falr."'»iiid Mr.-i. I’lnk'^I’Ig. "neriiiiilly nnfiilr." Nild 1’inl.y I’i;:

IM npidloO "Kxiroiiii'Iy unfair,” said Jln.ilr nil i.overnl I'ink i ’l-. .doIliK'd In And I’lnky Pig's mother Btili'i Uloiiti Ibnt ••(lh. so unfnlrl Wo could'iifvcr b

III pnliit- unjair

J. nwOn't wiirry nhont me.'t o r pnrt. Grunter. "I havo 11 good Olgeti

“ • " Hon."*f1i!Mii~*"nf cbanorli-mturo ItIII iIlHiilnys- iuui'h, ll woulil bl) laklug cbniiceK,'

Ofimfnlh.'r I’orky.___________ _ruM! Is Ul*. liranfn tbcr Bayi Is rlghi,'i i l l r l r t a a i t t r “ l‘l--i>™»‘” .>W «o-^^--r^“ iH o r liH'iill- "Quito rigbt," iiiil«l Summy Smiling, isudbuil by "liraiidim kiiowti a Io t,''.sald riuk.-------------------H it-----------------------— ---- ----------- —

- And the others nil Halfl-tho-Bamtriithoy twisted th e ir llltlo lulla iiii.

'.initin. Uur!'iiiiiihers nf nrum ur lookiiJ n t tbcm out of>ld ;; Iho rnnxt nnd l\tii>tcd ids lllllu talo.t roud.iug '*'''• “"llI-f mm -ffon.- • ''U runt.-itnm r, • rnm ri-prtm t.'-pniniingly or In urunt. grunt. No jnnro luck f i to n ng nil Iho boro tbmi u t bomo. In my lioinu pci 'Inil in Iho ,Bnt you nil scon'i u nlcc lut cvc whoro Ihoy Itiongli you don't otTor food hospltui liio rUlJholr Ity to mu lui I'll muy bore, thunk yoi t w eiK nc- ‘bnnk you. Kriint, grimt, grunt "

often. »ur- ' "Vou'ro welcome,'* unld nil tUe plgi ;li which it “i'ou'h) very wok-oine to oum ilid , ou

fo r ft Is soclely. onr gn in ts nnd our squeab

yvuy, fiiiueul, squi’iil nnt to our food I"And wl(li thn t uiidcrsai’udhitf tb

} tt^ d y ~ -----------------

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...r to 'ln g to ” hy Iff nn ord ics tru llko n motoiaU flO Jujro . i i a L ____________I eijoiigb.— llecauso. tbey cach ba ro b feot y c laL tJuclor. , ,

' ^y j,j flgjicnnan icon mail' ' i bla fortnnol a i lll lo n .^ 6 ■ ■ B acaUsa.hla'U aU -a«t profit- - jp resen t a ~ ~ ~ J.n m u d o b , ■ ' rO B Q aA BU A TlbK ' 1 . ' S«, . It W ilh I’l .w , , . "

Page 5: ^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln

i- [ - ---------------------:------------


T V \e e w t---------------------------

e ^ M K ^ J O V U -

I '^ ft^v K V ft^K tN - t>OH"t )tikyci '^ o y n J



- _ C x r f 4 _ -


A dvertisem ents u n d er th is hea:■ ■g o f a r - d e v l s e d j f ^ g ^ tha n<

: "T ’I.ANTS a k d D U L U 8-kd Vnticp,h . m i i c Market. - • '________ ’i ____ " V ^ M I '^ > r^ 'f a U l tc c .’s_aiU - [licklu,IJ 5(1 ccnta callon, I’liono r.IM.r i. - - ^ lA Y for luln. I iiilli' nn rlh .'iH rant

n'ni.lil»Kltin iflioo). i‘|M.iic- riUIP.-------- '-HtiitVlCJ'^-Cratik rnsra arnlnml fmo

LLVI) AUTOMOHILH C O .vrA N i' BALK—HcmliiRion lypcwritrrj

flrat ela»i f.oaclltiont eboap. Plione 67. H > U HALK—lio l tl , null, wnalicr#,

-i-------• -IXffmontt-HnrrtffllTrCffrr , t'O lt SA L t^ iitock- in Fivo anil Ouc

Mininff cninnany a t 7>,(io r<-‘f I'latc.r i io a e .2 0 0 . ..........................

S i''OU 8j\L B —Uieap, 3 boriopovrcr I Y&rt&bU ipoeA lootor. C l t lu s i Cteolrle

~ j tom pany.--------------------- — ------■ ONK liiti'rnatioiinl tilnckor aii<l tiuck

;; rako for miK-'at Auelioii 8nl(«Uruuiidi,Kjitunliiy. .May 1(1.' R i l l KALi-^^Aboui th irty toiis

hKhKh Jisiy in »\acV Uiri'c miles i , / r o r ^ T i n Ipnliii. (!. A. llobl»i-on.5' / “ VOK HALFJ—O naii' milk and frcih it ' u i i l r h Ronti fmm henyy milk ftraiB. « I’hono il,10W. I*. O^Box 7!!4. i - - y o u 8 A L B -# W 7 o 7 # i m wjottjr IB i,- iro Iott 00 pii««d Itree t. A ddreu V.■■ 0. b « 031. >‘011 H.MjWnooTiiliff Jb u io ilnitiitt ft Riioil tiimint-Kit. Call iit Ln OIcili'

Iliinins nflor 4 ]>. m.▲UI'O w lnaiOltUi ABA aoor glMi,

mlrrorf, plate t a l wiadow gU u.Moon*! P i lB t Bhop.________________

j . • HALK—"N'ur.ury nluck" o7 “ i'ili

( klnili: •'>rn : Hih nv., m l . • riioiic I'J^iW. I), U,

Srw 'i, Twin Yb\U TimcH. T«-in Kalln Clironiclp uml Twin Fnlln Oijscrvi'r. M n. W. W. Ihiil,p!.roy.'fi'(5i>t<iln N«tJh.

FOJt KAl.K--Mt(’:iiii PtiuliiP thrrtli' iiij; mnclilin', 20—fin !,. p. Ciikc; ;iJ tiPliiirnlor;;; Anilmiin-Tiivlnr i-lovcr hiillrr! Koml nii'ilow. AurUi I Woi-l■■r^■->:^l^^ll..Unllo.__________ - ........

KOIt t t i n t —UMd riingcd, taLlci, \ ebairi, rupi, bed iprlnpg, Imby «nr- ' rlngw. tPiit/i. ctP. hafgaln urifiBi. All

' fh Kooil llin 'o: iiro UcpU, A. ITVlneont Compaoy. Pboao 405, .207SliwhoBP aouth. __________ ^

FOB BALB—Aarllfc beltlag, big»,

\ BJotor w ith lU n la g boxj U H . P . P * • s r ia e , Jdabo Ju a k A s m , Isa Beeooad ^ M o e M oth, lio v u < OL. i t l e t grottad.


'^ V A N T K D -IIom of a ll kind*. J . A. yiynn. 1‘hono 7i'iVr.__________■ WANI'KIV—10 hta ti gowl U«»t* lo

-------p>gtuYo.'~rhone~817n3. ...................--------;w A N T K l> -lo-l)ii.v ,~ «>M n.l--h ttn .l

iiln^k i<adaio. riinno filOIU.

Flltlll Im ct. C. E. J’oUcr Hcnl Kilntc.' WASTED- J i tw n ^ W 6 t« ta y la tL

------- Jlooro '(I llolwn^T8liOTTl38'8ceuBd"ive'•• rno iioiitb. - Phono BH- -____________

\7XSTl-n) to «nntract Bccd Corn sod/>ni. /iif f-ill ilfjlvcfv._____ .___ _____

\ p A lin o V llK O a BK K D tSU rPL Y C O■ WANTKU—i'o r eaih or Irailo, houie- hold furtiltiirc, raBBe«,.rtij;a, etc. Ex- elianso Dont., A. II. Vlnccnt Oocapaa^ rhoan 403. 207 eboibBae aooth. .

------ - Co.TpliBnB gaSW-------------------------------V rO B BA lB - A T m n tO B a M

PlIEflTOLITE, tlio hotter UDltrry nt a bntler iiricc. 323 Bliosliono atreetaouth. I'hono CO. -___________

, iXJU BALB—email Ford truek, 1018 V Biodeli Clirnp If Ukwi -at onco. in - \ t g l ^ ^ l _ T ^ d _ a v B n u ^ M l t _ _ _

'^ 'O R ^ S A L ^ M o u ta n a W hlie~ i«d - beam , 5 Kat. honey canii nbout C toai

-......h ir . -Phoa^>'^B^ g o . yargo. a g ea t

-------------- --------- ^ j a n ------------ -------- -

; " L 0 8 tT lIc o m « ploto 3o'sti4. Findir

I w A ST B P ^-^ trrM P tto g a

: , ^ -WAOT« D P» » ir tl k M tj i M % w » it« o».< n o M i i r w .r W J i .liU y . o U Jnlpm iih ilea .to -w i53: ^ t o g ^ o ^ ^ ^ d _ ^ ^ W r o ^ l a a

T W lA W H W T lB ilp q g

' ■’' r o n 8 A L » - ^ k i i l e r t^ 'i> n r « 7 ^ -5-TnHf«-ydffW wi>t=HS^S Calliim.i "•

~ TH E

P POW’T VQOttttS \2B“ 5 r W t - ¥ - * » w T - f « e - i s ^ x n G ; i '

0 7 f l AU

o w / JKMIJVOVT^ t\ - ' J T tO N 't av&W T ■*'no Vi. f Imck *to m6 -^ A c o u p i t ^


n m'ORD P E R IN SERTIO Ne a d a r e a lw a y s a l iv e a n d a c t i v e ,

n e e d o f a d v e r t i s e r s to l lw a l t o n t i i


ce, jrAlIOUI.LlNO by nppoiutment.I’hono n w .

u , ._ i-O U -lJE .\T — VV^ilor-ii, -T w iii-F a iif_ Cannl. H. H. llcnlii,_________________i»t iNaUltANCE, bStiJi, real cstulo.

Prompt depoBiIablo lervleo. Call J87.75 VTalton. ___________________ IJ. D. KolloKc, nfirnl for Lntliiier'a ■rj Dry A riennto of Lofld for apruy mater- il: >n‘- C"ll I’- O- Ho« 7M.tt, ' C A lm .l.AC—m ill Iim'dlu.-iu— fin.t- ^ rtnim eouciitinn will trmlo i,i on jroyil uc fc-si<l<’nro.- ^ircipcrty. ’Aiilo \Vivi'kiii({ tc. Co.. 2-1H Mnin \o r lh . I’lmno Sl>. _ _

— H m f WAJTXSD• e r ------------------ ---------- ^ ■ ■^ ... W A JtliilL — J-bL|lLTiLIlCta dolh iug _ anlo.iiinn. Hox .TJ, T.vii. Fulls._______

J». f',-ilif.i‘riiin, i’hcm-' m 'C a llnt •ll'.! Tliir.I u ln r t »v.-»t, •

'II* WO.^IK.N—Kiiihrnl.l.T fur ii™ i.l hoi....lc» work. All or .la r,- tini.-. Kx-_ [lerl.-nrr iinnt'ci'jiiiiiry. A rltcra fl Ci>iii- ‘ih pany, Wlnrlii-ntor, |ii<liniin. ia. “I ^ aT 'I’^TI)—AiitoTi,V.-h:iiiii-7"'j:.'i^r'in

n-pnir, Igiilllun work i.ii.i wehliiig. Ib WInlfl f!i|fripnc(? nnd w agrr cxpoptr.i, ]>. nu.l tclriiliiini' mi,nber f in t lutti-r.

J)ane’»(/iirnj{e. Arm. Mnho,^ A0fiNT8-^\Vrite for froo nainptei. du SeU Madlaoa “ Uetler Modo" ahlrtii fot

largo manufaeliliot dlrcct to n-enrur. JI No eapital or oxperlcneo roquired. u . V ally earo tlUO ^rccklr and bonus.

M.-i.n»on Milla ,r,Ofl nfoa<»H-ny, Ncw York City.___________ _______________

111 U'lUATIONS 'WAITTED2iillln 1 . . "vr. MATKICNITV nuralng. i'hoiiu SSVj'.th. Minnie Korgnn.Ih, MATliJlNlTX oBMiDf. M n. *T 'J .;ij Bmlter. Pboao g<nn4._______■-.'f .'(IA“N «-unt» wurk on farm w jjii toii-oi- nnt hiiiiNu ftinibin'il. UcCvioUvu ^Ivou.... 1!4ix-k:i 1. Ilulil, Idaho. •“ --—;ei, - T . ■ • - ■ ------sr- r o B a K N T - r c j a r a n E rAll _____ _______________________________IT "' n u n n ^ 'T -llonm’07 i» .'11.'2i.ll avi-. . \ . “C -

KOU UK.NT—K noai.'tlrntirm au Jirr-g», fortoil, 12Q lOlh Avu. N.___________•w F o K'KKNT—Furnialied front rooiu, rie houaekeeplug. 002 Mnin north.? ! FOn IIHNT—.'rronin iiio.lerii furnUh- a l g'l houii‘. will glvo lenM-. iii'il IM nv.-. w.

I 'u i i IIKNT—Ono apartm ent. Jn ita- = s mere Inn. Ilouao and chicken liousc.- " I 'o i r i n W t - t ' i i r F i - .R i foonierlJTro

» garage. 233 ThUU n>xnuo north. PlioaoA. S ( H J . ____________•

_ Fult KKNT—Hmnll furnir.liu.1 lioune. to Clt»« 5m. M,ilrt\>Sv fol twu. In.iuiio

_ arain W.HI - ________ — - - —tail — >'J»lt-J{KNT—Jl-rooiti-npartmrnt-inth-

alceplng porch; niau ba.emout y i.ir t-rr; 'itc, -------------------------------------------- =--------a . ■ ' ■

FO U N D -irand ef0ehot»d baby cap. —- nn flftli avvuuo notlh. Ovroer call a t

Nowa offlcc.TO ’ w S o S S S K !

W AW TED-PoaUty e t an h lo d f ; top

batablBiri aad «altl*. -Phon«-RlHJJ.— - = FOlt hALE—Oiani llronzo turkey

CRRI, 23o eaeh.' -M n. H. V. Duah, Fllor, It. 2 ,- 4 Bitla a u l and 3 sdlca auutk of

Bt Filer. _________'Ct - F o l t HAI.K-4)»vo<-k'nld r.ieki-rela.__ I’lare your ardor now. 12',4 rriitK en.tli.)1S IJ2 ,wr 100. It. Jl. Fnhrney. 'I ’houu iB- M 2.iiss. aCONHT TO u m j H j

UOHb S r t L O A li^ ffam ahd )Bi property, a 2 . Pett«r, tea l w t« t i ^ PjBCB 874.::...........— ............................

. . . . f a r m - u d - j r ^ t« .h Q m » .o a J t .* i& la 57, to m > -_ B w 'g a . Twla >**1U. Idaho.

• FOU 8AL(;—Qoo.l S rnom liouan on piivnl ntreel n t a bnrgaln} will tnke

klt> good Uied m e.lium -c lan 'en r na‘ f lr t t |):iymenl. Hox 801, Kimberly, Idaho.

3 k — - i

S Y M h ’t C rilo lM * T r ia l The saddest th in f about I lfs l l It

^ lafci-* M jw r« for youag pcoplp to 0 = jw m ^ h f lc t t a ja t i jo l i t ta io n ,—CWPSP

b n l H *cord •

§ t > A i L Y 'M e W 8 . T W I N m

IE G U M P S ~ L A R C

\ ^ O M V » C \T H— ■ -H o tfU ft T .v o -Hret*fiL.C\TTv.’E h q 5

^ Vc.

B o u t \H tU e \ t t V ^ C F « V ^V Jb R\JM 'm l l A

y t 'T E W V\\IA

. TOftJ tMQ9

......... V . ~

fjonuoirSlIN - AND W ORTH I T ' i'e, and constitute the liest .meafv lUgiyyicsjdMisjiLSouUiJdaliL

^ = 5 5 = ' ' I . . . .

Early Indian Villagea.;• Iniliaii villncc.i vnst of thi* Mlasi!*'

• *l|iiil m .iMcrlbed nnd plctiircd by -TT ‘•jtrljMiH.TVi'rs.jvtriiJjruuulJt-ruKetlicc.

by 1). I. IiiiKiiticll, Jr ., in n bulietiD l»- ^ sucl iiy Illl-l,iirCTu-of-.im orlcon-oth' g^' n.ilu"y, Sriiiilisonlnti liiKlllullun. Borne

of lhu.su niiciuiit viltiigoH pictured In P J 111.- Iiull.'lln occiiplcd tliu very altca of

whal an- nuw grout ollleH. nmons llicro r,i, SVw Vtirk. lllchmnmi nnd Montreal,

,y,| are sluivvri n« .lu.Hcrlln.-it by thMO wlio ing wiw llu-ni nt lho ciuso of llio sixteenth

nn.i diirliiK nuliRoiucnt rcnturlcs.— Theso liniisM rodoct tho environment

In wlilcli tliclr biillik'm lived ilnd thelug Horhil .'.iii.lItiiinH of tlm lnliubitanlH.__ _AIIIioiikIi -llm , walls of lho’ bulldinRi*^'1,. liuve iliHiitipi'uroJ. tliu vlliat;u sites can -'all aim hu rowKiiizeil.

"D reiim akerc."C.ini-i-rnli,« fiimiy Miop no11co«. Tbe

MoniiuK I'ost o t I.(iiiiloii tolls a utory — [ alxiul n villtiy.t «lui|, In llio KuiomliL

Ink-, Tlm vilirtKU pirnf.-sKo*! lw.) dm- .pfi' ..udiliiUlimonu w bid i liujiplludtcr! III.! iiuii:liti<irliis r.-uiliilnlty with nil ll

■ Wll* Biiiii'O'-uii in wnni. One i.lioi, mid- itei. ili'iily liiinii'h.-il out Iril'< wlilii- lullem fot nn'oao «’iii.h,w wlili ilu; niiiKk* word rur. -Corsotluro’'! Not t.i I'l* oiildoiie, thn ■cd. riviil <-slalill'hnii-nl prnni|>tly hnd }“*■ p n lii t^ ovi-r Iho rn liru window :, iow ■■iiri.'»i?>!iiiilii're, inlliiiitTf, nn.l under- — . elullioru"! 1

__ Focdfl E ailly Dlfleatlbla. ')ur. HuIIrr. wlilcli Is r>iio n f iiio mnst

dlcc.'iliiilc of foii.1.1 If properly pro- pnrcd, coiilnliis I!, I".". oal.>rk'.-<.n pound Iliitloriulll:. lliu Kqulii tuft n fler the Imltop 1ms iicen rlninio.l, I.t tinlil tn bc on.- of llic lienllli!<-Ht o f drliil(A nr^l Ih oflen-rci'onnnt’iiil..’d lo pnllenla gof- ferine from IntoHiiniil-dlKurdcra.

pBlSSiSry p E W B iT E M ....................

- - W i g b l T ’ ' ^ b e n t ” ' l a t r a’ ’EM. All nukes. Itoynl. Corona,

j- j- 218 Mnin atreet north, Twin FalU.

rw.«wii■ia- — ------------------------------------ ,a- KTKDOW 0Z A 88—W ind ■hlfltd^ u b i ilao net work. Moon'« Shop. Phoaa 6.

’ T B A N B ra* '

^ O H OnSB T B A JT Sraa OO..Kioa* u s " CraliBg. Btorac* and L lh ir ty aeal.

n th W A uam «»-T ttiU (8 rE ft“ A i r t n s n t - •irt: A a s OO..Co#l find wood. P h o a e -lU: : : : C E F i o H o s r m i f t o O T E i R n a a i~ -O irb a « « hauled daily. P h a w I0»

t ! i -■BOB BB PA X Bm a

= Z . ------ -- -..WW -. .-‘, •■■ —- - r - T t - —_ TxvDf P A U S #m oB B B P A m m o m

W .ShoihoB*. Ph.B9&. Itta tl«aU i«i , ' fleo.lyoar heeli. W ork g n a ra a te e l

........ I >f*

^ OEM BIATB ymfiANoafa 0 ^' 120 Beooad a re . w ta t Q oodynriak

M llh rttrea. ToleBBlriag, r ^ a a d S t

■______ ■m o n u m b k m . ' ■ ’

= - »*»■»

^ - - - - - - - PR D FE SSloN A l. :s — A T IO B lfB T I

^ BBAD L. E O D O O r-E ooau U .m A U r fu _ ^ r a ^ N a tk a e l Bank B1d«. P k a i « ^ C m « i y W i ;

iMt F i r a t ^ M o m i f ^ F n u ^ ^ ^ '® ”»ho. ------- ; J l — r- ' I I ,— P B K T IS tfl __

SC . F. B. B H O O E - ^ A oshono d t If.• •-Offito 4Iouni » - A EveniaB* b f Ap- « jMlBlniflnt. Phono.700. • ‘to i 5 0 I ! E S 2 r a B S ^ 3 S S E t 5 E 5 5 r i t S

— o n lr v l lo o f i U—o . ^ i m u g i hr Ap* petalmBht Pheh# TOO.;.

g A L L g . t f i A H o . ATlfRt'.GE B I L L S , P L E A

----------- — — -— - — fl

rv ro ip — f m m " " ' ---------------------------^wucw { U/J/J \\M/

I : ,>t-D / \ n ‘ '*n t ’s \ ■£ I V rA h i ^ NY>- J V ? S ^ r

^ l l f l i r t A f l K E T Sm il ■, ,114 ■ M’ll ■«■■

MARKCTS AT A G U N C Em ;\v v o jiK i

" " i<lr<iric; Aniori.an t'an

r .iiiil Mnclc Truck 1,1 K-furil high*, llond— -Firm; N.'w Hiivoa iiatioi

lond r.iil(,.I f t Foreign rxrhniiK .'t-IrreguIar;. alorllng, sli 'ady; ffMnrs lirrilnr. •ini- ___ L’oU uu=JrrcguLir;_uiilli-caxUill._s » Ini'.

Hngar—Ffnlurli’««, <Cuffoi'-—Finn; higher Itraxilliia

,In- markol*.1„ . t 'lIK ’AaO:'ICC. . \VJii-nt->-Hnrclv Mi'ailv; iiirk nf (», aupiiorC

J-'lvf'Mj , favm U n wcii-

{-altlo—Ka»y: ............ lijjil.In 1I..KN—Luwur, :ill inl.'ri'i.lr. buy- of I ing:

ero — -■■

J W l l l _ E A L L S _ M A H K E I 3 ^rlio —^nth Tl,0«« ijtIcbi ara ol.talnM ila'tlr a tIku * o’dncic In lha nflrrnoon and areI” ' Inirnitfil 10 cover niily ili« avaras* ofcnt I'TlcrK. w hyre cmnln Owlrra for,1 n »liori porio«Jt oftfr more ttujn Iho

p rtco ivo rttnn li tnm t' lo In-llH. ctu.lfl ruch •tuotatlnna. QuQl;itlon«ara■t' ?!S'3 s a s S .W 'H rS ’';,”::ao n ijo |inij^M trem « of atihor high or

RETA'IL MAHKIT*, >-Faid to Pr«aucan

I'l"-' Burlceia reilerOay were" \ f I l i i g a . .... .............................. JlO.OO■nliL tW i. ............................. »;i„-io to l.’i.OOlm - llcifoM ...... ............... # 1.01) to *t!.00llu.l a te c ra ------------------------ ♦,'.,00 tv »7.00I ll Veiil c a lv c i------- ;-------:------------- »d.00

U i n b i -----------------------------------♦12.00lew Fowiior,l ircavy l.ena 1------------------------------ JOe

Mg It h o n s ------------------------- --------ISeI.n.l Leghoma __________. . . . ____ ____ ge

llrollora (Legli.irni) ------------------28e• Iltollura (tolonnl) -- «8e

. C « p o n a - " Z Z r i 3 Z Z I i r “ Z . ? 18eDuekB----------------- ----------------------- l i e

iiiillorfnt (nUa\nn)'Z-------------- :.. 37cllu ttu rfa t ( a t a t i n n ) ____________ 34c^Kg" (alilpi,ur«)ii^.---------------------- 23ei:ggs (local ator?^-_____________ £5c

W heat ana Mill.PMdtn Wlient .......... .........— No.ijnotfltlon*

nr^l Hrnn, Owt............ .............. . ,,, j i .g sjtjf. Ilran, COf) Jb. lota- _________ll.BO

Woek Foo.1 ------------- --------------*2.20' block food, COU Tbi,’ Jot* ______ _ la .l.l

I I I U cct T______ __ _________ _ ♦7.61

RCTAtU PRICBft Vegetablii

PjlllllOM. ................ . ................. ftjQona- ilead lottlicn __ ___ __________ .;_.lDel i_ Cnlibagc, Tcxna, Ib. 07o

Celerj-, bunch ....... • COo

■'*'«* flmpefruH, .1 for __1 85c................. loron ........ . <0c

^ Orangea, d o a en ---------,-------- 30e to COeOalry

Creamery bu tle r — ...... _ n e■— Duhl checao ■■■ BJeM& Wiaconaln choeae - ... iOeiL ^O T -------------- rO E T I.A in )-O B A I»” “ ' ■“ - ;m n T i„ v s i i . - ! i i r . - i s . i # f c .> v h b . t_ .□ n irar.1 w iiito lis DAAHT, JlfBy «1.08: M » -tunc 11.08. Weatern frhite^ Jone lmS Northern Bnrlntf. 7iF;iy ♦I.’fll;

= i .Vo. 3 Ufl.Shipment, JL»y U 7 ;

^ W HEAT M A R I^ T EASIER4 = CII.IOAOO, Kny 15 (^V ^nilleatlona

'Jjn* ?Loi'vitltati|:iillfla.rc6ei»l.aiao»UoBa ■t— I" . I" ' f"» tra fy i a K «d deat e f whe«t n _ I" likely tu eomit hern from Mlnnrapolla ^ and On,alw. e a i d ddwh Ihe C hitnjo J"» \S1ifn l m nrVrl to flay . a lte r llio irrleo

of lh r Mnv d.-livcry Jierc Iiad rlasii , na high na *1.71 a buahel, the top moit

Ifvid tonehe.1 in many weeka. Chienoo closing tjuoUitloni on w heat wero on-

BSr »ollled, rntiginif, from le net dcellHc to 3-4t aavanec, U a y U .U H and JbLv

u ”l uo^nnnd provUiona lunehaancd to 3fc

"** higher... Scarcity b f wh^nt BTallabla for fill-

Iri'g Mny contrnets-hero gavo anah a I U iliarp nnw upturn to a ileago pHcea 111 early tluit buying o f whent lo be fqr- :— TN'«rdeit:frtnTii-otty*wifa-so'o«Yct5W«a r = l frotn Qmahn B udjular. fmm MinncjtBt- n lil. 11)0 ailvaneo hero hnd been ac-

cAmpnhled l>y ta lk - th a t auppliei |ii___ KuroM.WBro ulaa; bMomliig vory light,ICM « i.l, flmt- Import .Ja ao lro m a U tfe to

would bo heavy w ithin tho next • few montha. Ailil^.-hOwover; from tUn ptir-

^ S5w t*b& 5noM ^? ir* lw II.^- H . to develop, nnd-dnrlii* th# la i t ih a l j Ap- o t , ih o d a r tbo m a rk i t hiul a aaU e*

tlble te ttd w cy :ta lag , : ■ ' ■


OH Mil


S rontraM i. The rain i wern recardeil na •tiW THB|r ‘ tllc>~H6W euirooV,~ n i,.T therefore cAiiird duelinea In prlco for

“ th e de^itery »mV Beptcmtwr, nir W l l n i flBTlBMH liiiijreei »ynipnlho(lc Influi-nro on May. K urofrnn crop *•»- tiiimt.''! wen, alao enlnrgud.

IViirmcr ireathrr a.nJ ifow nrM of ciiih demand brougiit ahout lowor

„ prjcct for eotn Bnd 10 too did- n fur- . IheV brenk fn hflg vnliiV a,'O nta drag- '• gi'iV lawer with e iirn:'

<%mtiilaji|fln houl;, buying to provlainin,

ClliOAOO, Miy l-'l—. ■>•- — w B ji t= - o i ,c 7 i r i i ig i i . r , o i ^ T n ? F

Mny ....... 105 171 IU8 • KIHUJu ly ....... 1.12 jr.3H 150% ir-lVi

" Bept.......... 14S« 144% 142M 14U«i

, , j r a y ....... .11-V,A 113i4 l l l ' / j l l i ’ i^ , i« ir iH iit— H015— » 4 » y - n ^ T r

Hopt. in - li IttTfe 113 ILTS,'■ _0»ta-«- -

M nr ....... .4 ,ir*_4 fl ,40H-, Ju ly ......m 44«.^ 44% Hopt........... 44« 43 44«.fc 44',4

— OA«K O aA IN5 CIIICAQO, May IS-^W^esvtT-Nn. 2

— - ■ U n n t- tt: f l ff r-K D .-3 -1 iir .r ii ;iJ7 T n o 1-OOH.

Jt C orn-> ’o. 4 mixe.1 ♦1.09 to •l.lO W ;re N o.'.1 yellow ♦1,18. 'of - Oats—Nn. 2 whilo -tS to 46 3-4c;

Ko, 3 whilo 44 In 40 3-4e.V l ly r -N o . “ . »1.2QMi.ra Unrtrr—Slip;----------^ Tlmothyi.eod—♦-'i.'.'j to fl.".'.OT Clovcriceil—4IT to t'id,

----- Illba-419,7fi.

?OTATOEfl"wJI) PaODUOB• CiriCAHl), May 10— I’otolnn*—lie-

0.00 eeipta now 18, pid 88 cnra; to ta l Uniteit liOO Hlatea ahtnmenla 931; tra.llDjr rather11.00 «lo'''i m nrkrl llltle enalur; Wiaronsin7.00 aueki'il rouml while* tl .lO {o I.2.*t few0.00 fancy uluidu liiijherj bulk ♦t.Stt to l,:in; 2J(0 >fiiiiiuaat4i tacked R uuvli.<2: Muntaon

aacknl Itu .icia »S.7S. Ncvr atock trading fnir, timrkut firmi Alabnmn

J0« (.ackeil l l l i i . Triumplia No. J, •-IM t.i J ; ' .fflw IS.rfii iMvrtly graded ♦3,2.'i

_____-®e Jlutlor—Hli-aclyi erowiicrj' e'xtrB«

■ 41c[ it^iiidnrila 40‘'3 -4e | c a lm fi»"t» j? ” t<i.40r: firata 38 lo 30c: acrundi

32 to- - Kgga—1II({heri recelpta eaaea;2'® fimia 31H In a iH c j o t.liaary firalf

2ft>(,o; »Ur;iRQ l«irkea eWrua 32c; firata a iH 'to .liWc.

l’.,ullry—Alive, inwcr; fowjn S J H n , roaal.'ra J-l^c; turkeya 20i;; ducka 21 183 23 to 48r,

1-BO POBTLAND U V BflT O dKI’OUTLASl), Otc., Mi\y 15 W>)-

'2-1-’ CutUi— Ifcceipt*-nil CalifornU g ra « ■jnn <■"! atcori, look a le a d y '« t

lo remniiidcr o f ron cowa; mm-1.Zi. JuA JuU a.itc» l> i. tfl,ilfnna.fjM ldM iiM i ■7.61 fiunlily; around »evefi loniig medium tn

good atoora 4o,2S lo ♦D.73; plainet Wtml* dowuwiird »o-^7.50i onwa nn.1 Iii-ifor^ moatty ♦3..'>0 lo 11.73; fow fnirlv guod hoifer* <8. ColfCa, receipt* 74.

aj« Jlogi— Noau aold rnrly! niuriiel -108 ntcaily to Ific hlgli’er; deilrablo but 07e eh en *12,73 tn I^.IR, liglit alnuohtei 8B« piga ♦11.23 tn 11,0.1; few atrong weTghti

a t »12; few fced.-r piga IIO! fow drive 85c in g hnga nleadv nt ♦12.7.1 down.<0c flheeiv—Mnrk'i't alendyi good ti COe choieo apring liimlia Ill.&O.

H e ' OODEN UVEBTOOK C3e OODKN. Utah. May 1 5 ~ H o g i~ Ile 40e rcipla l.UUQ, including 20 ^or markel

__; (Il.’5jo_Hai!_Frflnelico^_np04o_OnklntviJ■ ';nw la Loa Angele" mid 8H t«-H «no

. . .. ,Nu..m1ch: bldil(ng_to. #11.60. on gooillghia nr slrn.ly. - ...... ................. ........

•**8; Ciittle-fllceclpla 4i odd h e a j o f mo [?’}■•; dluw to RWd.Mwa at, M .M -to

^ Hhcri>i^Retclpt« 18,307; a ll -Callfor n ia Ipring Umba In tr iinait; to eail c rn mnrkolaj inelu<lM_13.^00 , Clil Vngo; 2,d(W io Bt. Joarph; l.O.'fo ti

g P Oui^lia; 1,133 to KanaaB Cily und 00

lOB, LOB A N O ttB B LIVBBTOOKia sa _ ..L O aA N U liL E S ..ifcy .lS -llogB -rn«heat eclpt^ 300; holiloyera- apnroxlmaleljloJIa 300; moderately ncflvc; M to 7(li•njo low er tlian Ulontluy.or JO to 4Hc lowoiI'rlBo Ih an .y c itf rd a y ’a avertigc. L a te marUbii k c t top nnd bulk 15 0 ,to Itl.'! i>ounino it ^foiglita ♦1X10; parking aowa ♦12.'J5. rnoo 8hem>— None; good ! nnd ebnlccun- spring lumba <|uelablA ♦12.80 to"*13.50;IlHc w ith cummon' to eholco aliorw eweilBj.v *3.50 to 95._

^ ------------ OMASA U ^ B T O ^3fe OMAIIA, Neb. May IR - K o R i- P c

ceipla 0,000; uBpven, f o w - m l y aalci fill- nround 10a lo.ncri eleio aetlve a ll in- h a tcrcala buying; fully 10 to ISo higher;

butcher hoga all welghta f l l to 11.4o| . to p *11.50^ fow packing eowaHO.73 te

m a v n rh y llr -o f* u lf r* » tt- - tT r~ tlH 6 ;-to |i iUOi"lu ’^sS c cp l.n e ce ip ti '4,800j a ll pHcej

ght, i te ad y ; few ra n tlioleiJ CaU fcrilo teto Bvriu((«rii •IS.SOi aortM 23 o u t, n o d few a u d eholco fed etinncd Janib* M to ptir- 05 in a sd avoragn tI i .7 S | tuedlA u woo) r« Jr TWXf*'f8rB'»rtiitileB-ihonrTTmet-inBlnd Ited n d l t b m cart 88 pound* abearlng b^lf lam b i ♦14 .^ . « I

' . O K I O ^ M T M T O C K . ,

ceipla S,000; f(il itM ri ra the r lUeleaa]

I ■

Y ia. iok ^

II ------- — i


It 01, Cwr'It*!- I»l. *r T>i Ttitm.

■d na onllct tinrcllnbli- Imvpf'^prniloi ]>ri.dmili- nn.l listing; bulk 4K.75 In U,.'0: f.-vi- tuniij

' for long yesrili,#!! ♦tn to ♦H',-j,'i; i,i-.l r, nir »lt),fiO;. wcighlv «lrrr-< i^-nrrr.FTtc 1,370 pounil (ivcrtgi's | l o : i ' ; iii-hi- 1> Ca- t«Toen graile* fat eowa ' 2.’!.; I.iwur;

othera nnd hoifora top lieax'y n t weok'a I of ((eeKne; IfKIn changi> na i-annora aUil owor ru tlera nnd bulla; vonlurH at.-udy In fur- 2.'ic Inwer, moally atea.ly; lioller gfndi-»

Irag- ahowing weakn.-«a, moally tn lo 2-'>e .iownwnrd; aomo fhoico 'offorliig* to

I lif t pnrkera ♦I0..1U.Iloga—Kecelpl* SO.OnOj opuncd "low

23 to -lOo Inwer; eloaed-aetivp, 10-to____ 15c In«LrrJ.'iniL_JX.l!l'tJ!Jy.'ft-«\:untia:i

'lone biilK C'">.i nnd choir.- Ilk) ti> 22.1 (inuiid iIHU nvoriigoa *11.81) to #12; lop ♦I2.0.'; :51% biilk 210 tu 32.1 |>ouii<l bali-bora ♦H-'O 4U^ to n.OO; 140 to 150 pound weight

lArgl'iy ♦11.50 to-11.73; hulk packing :in<, .nw» »l0,00 to ♦ H i alrong weight :iiTT muiJTiirT7iJ<Bi i h r s u i y j i i lo Ji.w i‘ : i n ^ ,lili>i,fta l l u t ealliaaicd Uol.luvcc H,-

DO(f: part liuld uff markel..-•n S . _ _ P ( i r i ' I v = r I l e y i l p t » .«»• 44% i-ven) ipringer* {roa.Tnlly a tendy; oM 44',4 rrop lamba 25 to .'>0i.- lower; aheep ia

narrow itcmainl, moatly 5o lu 75i- low­or; 13 drcka L’alifornLt aprliig lamba

:n. 2 n « ; 200 »U .!^-THo" 7??u rnne? ir» elippud kind ^12 to

1?,5.1| heavy downward lo *11; beat iOK; iinanlil tnle; mid fut ewea »7 tu trn i) ;

heavy kind (townward lo *0 ; supply 3-4e; tUiliied to milivea.

BT. 308CTU UV ESTO OK fer. .iDUllPir, M o.7M aV l.’5 - lL < g a -

Ili-eeipta 1,000: l.'i tn 2Uc loMcrj loji( ll.r .0 : bulk ♦11,2.1 to ll.K i.

•f-atllp—.'lOO; ateadv; bulk .if ateera ♦8.73 to 10,2.1; lop ♦10,75; eowa and helfcra »3.50 to ♦10,2.*.; entvoi *4,50

’ lo fO.SOj alockera unit feederi •-■1.25 -- i'-- t .

Hheei>—Itereipl#..-3,500| a lond / to '‘‘I 'f ' atrong; Inmba ♦10.50 tq t lS ; ewei on*'" ♦7,50 to »i).23.I'fcw ......................... '•* ------------- --------------i.an; BoatO M w o o l m a u k b t

nOSTO.S’, May 1-'>-Homo briinchr* , * of tbe wool Iraili- nro ronflderit that nn 1 a little Iiead way haa been gained to iP .,,. wnrd a moro at,pbilired condition. A

fair amount of aloek liiia moved to tlio mllll. Thu fnct tlm t boiiio woola ,.con- Imcted for rarly Imvo b.'cn taken dl

t\„ \. " f l I'y ’"'if* '* conHidotoA slgiiifi , . « t . . ( n . . . .c k .-111 .mnrkot factor.

fTr” ; '3 -c; -Vi:W YOJIK, Mny J5—Thu raw

augnr miirkcl w-ji uiicbaiii;ud lodav fur lu V i apota at 4.3.'l wliilo latu Juno shipment l(a 21 ''^na frBctionally highor. balea r.v

48r. ported u-ero J4,()0il Imga of Cubar nflnnt fnr rnrly Jnno ahipmcnt n t 4,3.') and 20^300 iiug] fo r In a t-h a lf Ju m a t 4.37.

jraia- lln 'f *ugnr fulurea ojienod uncliiiiige. ♦8 50 to 3 poinia lower iiader li'juidation Imt mni’ rujKirla of torrential ruiiii In Cuba

i m ^ »ld ■rbg^nmfprfcea”ndvnti«^^alner eloaing a l Ihu beat,nad 2 to 5 poinia

nnrt u sl blahor m jMBSonl etupfnirlv Mny elnied 2.(12; Ju ly 2,72;|B ept. 2.8374. ■ December 2,80.ariicl llcfined augnr waa unchanged n

but’ C.OO lo 3.70 for fino granubiteU.

■U'tl OOVEllKUBKT BONDSIrlve- NKV.T YOKK, Mfly 15 W —L ibcrtj

Imnda eloaod: to 3H a ♦101.7.

Flrat 4Hb *I02.H,Second 4Via (101.10.Thlr.t 4 « b ♦101.'27. .

-H e - Fourth 1H « • I 112.I.’;. ------u k e l, U. R. Kuvornment -la ♦In2.3. dntviji _ U . .a . - 4;uu :fiim oiil-lU aSlU tl. . . IJcno,- . . I I - —«!«l! — H e n T a H e i P J * F a m i l y

f m<- A fter a low a t Kent, ICnglnn.l, hnd O-U n t« n t {KitlBR Qt tho hco temli

ill fo r fi- rtlslDg them. -

TirlTEloEii;fSi,-TIBEOfEEfl^und Ahl what reiiof. .Vo more tired feat M. ■ n., mnro burning feet,- aivollen, bad bolce amolling, awenly feet. .Vo moro pain 13-BO; jn j^rua, eallouaea nr bunions. No mat ***” te r wlial ail* your fcot or w hat under

tiie »wn ta u 'v e trw‘<l w ilhout se ttln l relief, jiiit uao “ Tl*-**

—Pc- ," T Ir '* draw i nut nil the polionoDi aale* exudfttloBs which puff, np tho f fo l ; n in. " T i l " ll mBfflcal; " T l i " b gratjd; gher; ««Trt” 'wlll end your foot troublc l »o i i ywi.'!* MV«{ Ump or draw up your ja t*

In M ln. Yoor ihoea w on’t aceai. t ig t

or.'tircd!’ ^ ^ ^ ^ irlcea O ct 'a box n t aay drag or departm ent orAla I to n , and g i t roliof fb r a.f<r«(-ce»(*-

T w t fMc. Bend thU c w tp t^

a * a « t j A t t o a » c ^ I ' T * , , r iiBiod- " - iM 'k id K T T w . ■ " r r e f fnrlDK K ktir Tork city » r • I ' ny in w iw m riiT T T - T l i a l ; ,

i J " " - - f teleaa,* - - 0 • . ■ , , - J - - , '.^11.' OiB*;

IlNDUSTRIAl. I S a u t t 'A f t ■' ' i laOVINS STEADILY AHEAD ^

NEW, Y O ltK ,~M»y ^ l ^ i i iiiiiniiih '

■ n i,ifa ila rr” .Z " r . r . l 1p|33 loo'.oa— -W c rfcn ig fl-rr:7 r= = d o rti-------- i tr r so --------

Hi«h tlij*. .... .............12(1,10 10-1.08- Low iM.'j .... . .m .s i - ——M .19--------

Total itock alaea 1,340,000 ibare i.

> Hlrennlh and actU Jl? oe tha hlgU* pr1co.| Indualrinl a]K'cbltlea, aeveral o f

whi4tl aiinred 3 to 8 jiolnli to now t'-vi'U fur tho year oectihiilowed all olhi-r ilevolnpiuonia in today’s rlaing .lock market. Trading »lflrlcd off nVn alu.r t,aeo liu t ftuirkcned Bher inld- 1<luv UH-Vf Uic inv5>tt\i* of vxt«naW« ;ahurt i-nvuring, tho iliiy'ii.(nle> runninjf Intiiivv ono mid unit auarler lulljlori |

Tru Ic wns tlio leniational . j fmlnte, ri'a rh ing a J10« ' lilsli for n il • i

___ llnip ni H1U..tJi^ur^wly-fr<ty-;K>iHt«--------- jni>n\■ liin y rn r'* low and then casing ‘

. - lu lO iii-ivhcro It wai u p -7 ^ - j» ln la — on Ihu day. Wnll a lrrr t waa geufrally ' liiclliirii 10 n ltribnlo Ihu buying nf- thii. Imuu lo uxnectatiun* of nn early - - ■.... . n^ recapllnliulion ptana 'involving nn iiiereiiio.1 dlvhlcnd; Atnor- .Iran Can touelied lho lilRheal prlco In iu liliitiiry a t IIIU 3-4, rioting Juat bo- S low thit lop fo r II liet gain o f *Vj

----- jiolula. Ili'iipr.-il Kjeflrle yij^^UiiJted

i,v>l Wani liakiiig ahowed'net gnina d f 3 ' .I.. ■ TK» WA.-kly mi^eniitflrt .

ii-hi-- h'vtuw V;iipliiialriHr thn fiict tha t nut » ■w.ir; advanv.-1-K oxei-.'ded net decline! in tbo 1 .'ok'a i-onimuilily mnrketa. Tlin errdit altu-

mill attun eciiitfiiuod oaay willi Inilicationa . ' V In IliJit Inrge aiiiiia wero aliit availablo for ; •ado* iaveitnn'nt nnd apoeulatloa. • [

a ‘ to If. 0 . DUN fc C0MFAN7 |NKW YOIIK, May 16-D un’i to- ‘

"low io„iorn.w wili iny i __ _0 -to _n..,i.iillp the eonflicling nioVomoiit* ;Utgsq. ia_bu.l.i#M,.lliM<w|,-ralher-bc»cf-#r*-!---------'»u»'l InK «« l''« nn,\ woie I--0;>! 10 itrcia tho.fnvotnhio Bspecla. Tbo

Ruml pointa dn not obicure Ibo un- Mtlafactnry jiliasea bnt tho Improved >

:kli'g sciilliiifjit i l RU|H,rted by varioui con-^ jto ljv y -J ftM o rn mill J ir tlroiig i ta tk ; -------i

liral exhibits. Tho largcit April mor-clitntlliu exporta ia-Uvo yean glva-now------•:proof cif lh.- growth nf this eountry’a ;

S .i'n- futoign eommore# nnd-of-tho-ceenonilo— r i oM r.-cnv.-ry in Knrbpo Imnk elcatinga nnd • 'P iiulhiiiig permita have aot' new high lo*v- „.,-„r,U nnd rnllroa.l freight im ffle 1«

amlis „tlll of exceiitlnnal njflgnitude. I t !« i j**“ » m mle-rlcnr-'ny-tbciw-nnd~ot^er ~coiii* 7- ■ pariiona th n t current iranisclloni nro

of immeiiae volumr. In the iggregato mill progreaa thia yearrlf falling ib o rt

■I'l’ly of-the most optimistic cxwJaU ona, ' hns hevli aubatnnllal aad of a wholu- aome eliiirnetcr. Thcro la a lutid bnal* for furlhor giiinp on o]>cratlauiJiL.coe-—

aga— inin Hnea, notnbl.# in tho nulomobllA - '; lup Iraile, liovo ruoontly rioey aharply, but

' reailjuiimonla linve been liniler woy in I ituera anme indiiatrioa where 'there Wda nu ]

nn.l ov.-rprniluctlou during tho f in t quar- '

♦.•!’25 Weokly bniiU clearings 19,301,025,- i 000. - !

r lo ------------------------Beputjllean Party 'i Blrthplaeo.

--------Jaekflonr M lc b .;- la -«w side red -the ----------Mrthplncc of ttio pnrtK- s* it waa a t

nfhr* thnl city th n l tlio flrit nepuhlleon Cfln* | th a t vention wns liclil oti July 0; 1854. T ho

d to- mccling wus cnltcil-to order nt Proo* ;1- A flon'n hnlt. b u t thcro hdng a erowd of0 lh" B.OOO w nnling tff get Into r hnll w ith a }

-* '','1' nipnclly of 000, It wni adojarntd lo an i1 1 1 : oak crovo n t tlio cdpi of the d ty . a t ' \ o n a tiolnt now known s t lha com cr o f . , ' WnJhitiKton nvenuo ond Second s t r e e t 'J

For this renaon tho conrention- ts’ • f Bpokon of Its “ Under Iho Oaka." A

mw conTT'nlinn bnd previously boca held r fur a t Knlotnnr.oo nn Jnno 21, bot I t W ftf' ' iment jnckiron tlm t tho pnrty a n t wa»

•uban > rp in l« J i1 4,0.1 -- ’IJune M eiepottm lan Oumi.' |

- Amonc tbo-B m n» nt U c»poJtni1»- .1 " ’f u t lho must vnlunblo nro tho im jtacapthi, -! Cubu I’y tfllTlDf ainaU [

.Iitiilii.. T l i . ' .m l .n i l i .n | im r l i i . t iW ;Mccd. nil o rer tti<r mounlnlns oi tonthern .ointa Persia, and from there Ihrb'uRti th e Uo«». en^ro inoBntnlnous rpBlon-wWcb ttiM i— ■

northwest nlong tho fton llen of Mos*, . opotnmln, cniuprUlng arpas Aj Dortb*

' c n n* A m btstnn, LurlBtnn-Puft-MCDtcounirj nnd K unllatan. Tho m ott lta« .1

■ porlnnt cotloctlng ccntcr foi* Bagdad ll,.,,.. is Sulclmnnpyn. tho mpltal o t th«

Siilelmannyn d is tric t of Kunllttaa, l i t - , . unittl nhout' 180 miles Borlheast o f • . Ilflgtlad. Ill til ls nrea thoro Is a tc sn la r Irado In thfci pin} for tho BagJad oa«> ket. .......... .... . ______________ :U ,

NOTIOB O F SHEBJST'S BALB.------Nolleo of B herlffyB.ilB-ilf~pf.TT!.;:------^

' ■ Intd'Uniler .T)o~creb of F o m le in n and •, ' Or.lor o f S rtt* .------------- - ; z :—

M. F. Patrick, P lalntJfii ’•

B ."- .> Cavomlcr and Mrs. ThoauaCavendor. —

Dcfsndanta. | Under nnd by virtuo of an Ordor of

* n - Saio-and-D ocrco-nf-F onnlonT B lm nr— ' ont of the D lstr le t Court of th» E lor- enth Judicial D istrict Of ths Statft o f 1

. I Idaho, in and fo r tbo ConatT of TwIb _ ’ Falli, 4 ile d 10th day of April,'1025, ■ 1

T wherein tho p la in trff above nentioned ' «Bbiftinfa'’ir*ao8rM 'T E a ifi in K rT i!re« P ~ "

I an ti lierein on the 10th day of April, J• I 102.% which aald':deereo wat en tho E

iflid 23rd d n r o f April, W23, rocotdod • ’{■foot- Jndgmcnt Dook 10 a t Pago 40B o f - f

, anld n itt r ic t C ourt; 1 am eemnuiBded ' /" 7 to aell a llth a te o tU lB lot, piece or & , )-

pain cel o f land s ituated In the Couatir o f- fimat- Tw inFalls, S ta to .o f Idaho, and boand.

under cd aad descrlbc4 as folloVri, to-wlit - - ' ]•

w r S X ‘fe S f f 'is f rA ’5 ? ^ ' * !and d n l n a t ^ o r «ald (Sdilion n < ^ s ~ H :

rai)d; fi|o and of roeord in tha offlee o r tb * . c9 to County Itoqord«r;of said Twla

eoDti. of Twia ^ iU a^:8 ta ta a t l d a h o i ^ l d R ^ ^atikob' in o b tA M W ,u r]U 4 'P H (^ t B ite a a ftia iH i■4H| Peflrea',.


Page 6: ^vm FFA LLSS D A IIL Y ]SV EW Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...’ T H. V Vol 8. NO .28. ~~ % iilLBIF FOiESTllllZ -^ K p i Over One Hundred Men En ___ - -^ed iln

f-'■ ■ ,p««« aa. •


^- - - - - - - M o n la n a -P rra to r t— M tg ir- - - - - - - - - Well Be P rod uced From C

ta c t Ore, B u i ;j W omn/l STird rnjipfr »1iiii(;lc«, iii;nlr tiv

r„MiI.at.v <■{ Mciiilniii. n.» iii.l/i), llll.l ijiiM :.i w.tl !... iim.tr friMii l'.,i fo|iI~r, nr<; on i-xlntiiili.ii m ||,i< 1Kri',1 nlJiiiii ai,il un.' iillriii'fniirU iilliiitldii.

•n..' -Jl-ni.li. w:., „ . 'u r n l 1,V Mfiiy O 'N.ill i<f Unit.. wli„ U »t |

i rut niM'ii-liiii; a fi’« ‘liiV’ III ’i'lvili 1ni..\ „„ .............

------;----- rhrT-hntltM Tpntnt"-‘7^~ ii.|ii";“ iTt|<,

• - • tw inn nf Tr5riiitil.iii('i' tp'c't>v,-,iinmi t)„. f.iiit;i,t .'ni.|„ 'r .t-'I'n

Ihr lll.rln .................. li.'iii;; |,l ;‘ 'WV ill Hull,' itiiiK'

tiiiilvi' a [iriifit I'll l»ii ;iiii] n h:ilf’ rrn i »t.- I'.i.l n-;.Mr<l I I d T. ]„t

rii.-)i ii« rx'h ill \iiliir. Iu ( ’i.iil.'ii'l Inn’ I'rixh- fliirf riin< r. In III |n'r

i nml ill.- nn. inln i,..f.-...il i' wl.irl, w.ml.i 1... i.j;;,r.li..l r;.l,ilI ^ .o'N'.-ili, ^

;_____’ tiiinilM'r i<t iifil'Fir litiiMiiij-H Vhiir1 ni.il IiniKK iir....... jiil;ii..'<l will, ll; Iinl:>lil>- Ihr K)>l>(-i,)nil .’Iiur. li'nf. }Jr - wliiili ) ' It li.niilifnl Iilnidiir..,; Khiiich-H :i>.- ni:nli. in m.v.-ii coh.rx,, lil"hlrr llian ii »nn,l|.n i>liliii>lii jiiiil |iI Il.';.llv illll. ,.lrii.-1al.l... Tlii'y l.iiv- I' im..!,'' for Uni-r yi-;ir» iiiiA )i

Rrinvii 1.1. a.illl- in jnihlii- fiiviir.■•I ivant In v'H'lu-r flliiliali'H m

! frnni CnliMrl .in’H nn liuiiiliiit,’" i» 'I'n n i\- if—<irTrJit]iTt

I im iin\- n'iil.' a t nil rviT utarl* llniTv xVill h.. nil'll. .Snpir .lay rmii v ill I><‘ II i!»'nl r:iiii|) nml irilh I

j iv fow imii; nxvny, tiial ilay may rniiio rv rn mo(

H i i i T o i ipfEIFiENTfi; ■ Land Officc A nnounces I I '- . , ranB em enls .lo r S e ttlem en t ; Tw in Falls C ounty A rea.

; ■ Wiili Mio oicri.tiun «if li'naV «ul1 vinioNn, nay jinrl o f whirli Ilr* wit; n r|iiitrli'r iailr nf Snlin.)ii rIvrr, nilI ln\rinhi|> III, iniij-K 1", ju Twin Ki cnuilly, wlll liu Ihrowii iiJH'U t« ph ; nrcnriUni; l« advircn rtKH\ivi'il Kri-----------nl-lln*-eiitinl_r-rrronlrr'n nffici' I

frnm lh<' Uniicil Klati'ji tnnil nffici' I IllDfkfc.ot..• Pint of iiirv rr u f lli<' Inwnxlilp ‘ S . l>o fill'll .rmii) 'l.% iii-xt, ill the 1, I offiriv III ltln.'kf>u>l.i iVrionii who arrvnl in tlu> army

Jinvy (luring llii- wnrlil «vnr, ur.pl’l t V'liu rlaim |.rr(t'rriir(. riKHtR, nill

]K.nulllri\ lu nnUnilt th r ir I'litririi tho Innilii ilnrini; n i>rri(xl of (11 il 1>n;ina1iii; Jull(^ l.'> aii.l .-n.Ilnt; t

I -Wmlwr H , iipxt. AffiTW.’iril anv ‘ji ! Ifli'il ontryninii llUiy filn liin i.iflry.[ |{p»rrvi.il, iirra* wi'ri' w lthilra»nI .JVlirunry, liHi), l,y th r muTrlnry of; liilrrior iimliT n trm im rary jiowrr ;j ^Tilh<lnl^vli^


Uiililrfn of St. Kilwnril" imfod •rhool will rolislmratr minio of T

_______KiilU lirnt Itinm-n Kini’fP', iiaiiiirl

Cnlhulifi \Vi.mi'n> Irn«ii('*in n nun )i'»Cram ti> ln< f;ivrii tlii« ■•vi-nlns tliP LnVi'HiiK llii'tilro for llin iiiir]>o«i /itxUtini; 111 Iiiiin),' l1io clniri'li d

. o f t^t. Kiltrniil’i ]>uri«h.The iinicriim ini'liiiln vornl xulns

Mliiii Murir ltin.lv witli Miixi Ilarl. coiniiaiiiiil: I’at Ib lv willi Mix* I> nrroniiinniiil; Mtk. 'J. A. Dv^rrl

•Mr*. 11. A. MaKuir.-! wIiiNtlinl; xilii. Mra. Ot'i.r),’.. l.rDininl wtOi MIkk V AVynn, nrfom]wnl«t; i.rlrptlonii li; qunrtrl cnni|i<ii>r>l nf Mr*. U. 1*. Dm M n. \V. /.rnnit Haiitli, l>oii);1nii ffnli nn.1 Nrlxm Ihyw anl, wilh.Alra.. D AWxaiiiIrr, nrriiniiiani«l; I'iniio xiloi Alrn. A. Uiiilirrl; violin nolo liv 2

_ _ - i l a i K » r . ‘t-ri.«lii.->vtlli-Mti*.-Atp!«B.n . .ftc«Ollltianili(,’ nml ilrjiinalir roiiilinK'

>Us. .liny Cocliran and iURS_->i Dunn,

'H i. K 'lw anli’ |iii|iila will [;1vp• - vlnlln nmt iiliinfi nnmtn’r. ''Mliii'riU

n n .ili . tlio iu»w i1U iii;;'‘ lV .;i7o\\^Lord.”

Salorilsiy 8[icciaYankee

— Pemmt—

V A RN E\' .-y_; Thft

^ ' THE POPPYV 1 8 8 BtaOBltoae N o r t h,'// Phon# le.flO

^ R o o t B e ^ , i i U ......... 1 3^ ;a. O om ainer


I .W iL U E W ^ lU f iI gyRpBERTQUlOm

i - f l Mir-u fI Con- r W j

« I t® -V Ml«. ■‘I’op* let m# sleep In my tent >1 Iirr.: oHil 1 vroiijd not ]iav« com<II lu l l l “" ‘y * “ tie«r »)M#lclu’. up. I'.t t'-illi ICo|>yrlnlil. JHft. A"»~-1nli.ilJvdltOt!l.J

S i i i i ri l H D W i.l.lll.,II. ______

'‘ i i » C ^ ( |e 'A u t l ie n c e ^ W

iiirrii.^ n e s s e s G ra d u a t io n C e rem c

' I';;/';; ie s a t Paul.

!' hri-n I’Al'l*. M.iy 1-’ (f>I>i'rlal .In ' ' I )i;ivr — F.IfVi-ii KtH'lvnl* of IIk- li

m-Iionl Ii.-fr lniil;;]il rrn.ivi-<l iliiilnl 1 mail.. '*"■ I'fi' i-'iict; uf |irrlia|iii llu’ lat/iI 'J'lvia Kiilhrrlli)- nf ..... Jilo n<irml<t[-it ill

■ i:v rr rl l M. HifrrlPv, Twin Kalin ’iintart lori.ry nn.] fnrnirr mrmli.T nfII rnil- "<'‘1'' I’lll'lir I'liillirn I'nriimiKiloii niiiillii. Uvi'Ti'il Ull- crnAniilinn iiildroiiM. iiiV Monni'r ;i« hin injiip '.'ri i.. I'’nnrlh K.”

niiilll.irpt, ntr.0.1 for Hrfl.Ytlnn nml p - on -tliSn-tlirnic Jhn-.Twlii Palln n

lllliit an aililri«n nf nlianrlilu): iiitcti Hr roiinm-Ir.l ri-fli.rtliiii In rvi

L ,. im|i.>rlunt n lr |i tlimusli llfr, |Hiinl mil lUo i)uiii-rr of III n.lvlni-il nri

I f ami rTlc. all Inn Krii<Tnt Ini.lriipy y Ih.- liny lu fnrm ha .lv rnii^limii I IjaN.'il .ii|>nii nnly ii (arM'iI kliiiwl|.i I nf llio nnlijrrl ami <.lrPtim»l.'iiK'..|i,

|i.iliilc.l nnt Ihr m.'iiarc n f tlip ■ rr‘.a»iii(; |K>|iiiIari|y u f tho iilru n f .

. anil nMimiiiipr; ji.-nioar.r nlil. nol rtr* .iir niil llll.l Kroii]! ai.l, witli nil

lil tlr ilr|iriiilrnvi. upon lh|. rfforln f it o f III.- Iinlivi.lunl. Hi. ai|v i<nl-lili tir

.•rn lo r.-fl.'.'! " Ilium Ihr liicvlta rnm-ltiiilnii of auih r.-n»oiiln(t I

I'liinlril nnl lhal Ih.- vrry xlnmlarilx rlvill!..ali.iii w rrr l!irratrii..il liy m

«ulull- l.'»ii'-nry. Ti» J.C1 III llio Imtiom, ;withia I>'i' If'illi nn.l n.'vcr l.o lallnflrij w illi nf '> li'><f Iriltli, ruiiolltiitril. lir .Irrhir Knlln '>11'’ »f Hk' rrying nrp.ln of th.. ,t

piilty, A Hull. kiuiwW.ljtr rnnv«M«\ tu KriiL-iy »iimtl.'riiiK nf iriitli. a tlioroii(j1i .1 lirro ilrrnt.indlii); nloiir, Iio <Ii.p|arr>l, mi 'icr nt for rlonr lliinklnj; amt nonnj roin

*ioui.p will T lir K ra.luallnf' rlaM ronninlcil • laml Artlnir Wl.lornon, Vnl.-.liriorlan! Fr

- r ll Wilnnn, Balulalorinii: Mariri my or miUiw«, M»t«vtv Hmitli. YrTlro EV fllh rt. Kninii, KaMon, ’U-iia Clinnr, I,|„ : •ill Ih- wunin, Jtirli.ir.l Jllnrkhiiriil. I.liuli

KrtWlm mill .MlWrril (nnvvill.-.I ilayn .• —

; .,1 ,1 G A R D E N H O S E T H E F T S

S i„ R E P O R T E D T O PO L K.if th.. ’’>■ Lnnn o f 00 fe d of Rnr-lrn liono I

wnn ri'porteil Kri.lny li.v A. II. Wilkl -tli'J Brfoml uvtaior raM, to- linvc li

'R lakoii Tlmrnilay iiIkIiI fryiii Iiii j- 'lrii<T. i " .0M0 uf n uuuibor o f iiml

nA M iIJi*-i{’l>(.i|t2LUCc.ofJiu>tt tu.Iii> ro|«r . io V«J»rt> boai^unrtPrn licrc. Mr. \

mrliinl ttint Il.i Imd loil iTivln •Imllur mniinrr nimiit


iiinirnl Prodactr a Platu UpttiIn In protluclnc a dus dram a w ltt

,’”".lrl’ii ’ilUikla ta E&|lt‘ rcccDiIy, ttiD Olrtctor bad> dlOci; lins bv bvciiUK tlio sn lm nti bavlac tbe** r rl. nr. bccnmo cloifl frienda wblla (b« pled I I>nly. w at bvlnj* uisdc.rl mill •_______________llll* Iiy I W ra

PATROI^nlilinil . D. L. linn livV Minn _____ _

North Si^ JEROl

----------------------------Hvmyx^ T M.Mh.v 17 ,JW 3

i : ■ ^ . ■ “ Younj; Rn) nmllklir*


Pflcd 8qui N'rtr V ork Cul Sirloin Rleak

Grilled French Lamb C T-none (

Y no...8n r .A u G ratln I’otaloe*


n n n sn a Crenm P ie or Ba)

Tea Coffee

J 5 C ” B m e a 1

“ W« 9 la u « t h n

ALLS D A liY .N E W S ; t W I

SOCIEirAND C li■ I B d iM b rn I ICS& B. B. W n j iA K S

K n d ^ Ihe arrlilnir ]>romiiin n f ^ i ■ Imw hum. t l i r ^ ira lu f_ e la a i- i .f_ l^ TIaliroil giiyly to tlio nol (>. Jfold DtV fu 'l. till! iiriiimmc liupi fumliiK

.^31 -- rolor-»rhrnii''f«r..lhB rhnrmJnj» .ii-ri \ V lion* of thn Klkn linll wlhrfr tlie j

him n rtrd n i lioiia to tlio out|;u _ rlD"n of tlio vrar.

Y l ' ' th" rrrrivlii({ Ilnn wrfC*|lifi clI. offirrrn, Kiiin.'l I'olliT, |>r..nlilrnt; i

,l..roi(in Krivnnrk, nrrrrlnry; Hoy Jli iihr'.y, Dnr.'nn Hhdilon nn.l MUn Ki Vriri;. .\lr.-nnif JCrn. Jf, HroU, : and Mrii. K. K. Crablrrr, Mr, nnii .V H l». Prrrin.-, Mr. ond .Mrn, ('. J>. W vrr, .\lr. ;ind .Mrn. C. K. MeClalo; •

. .. . 1, . . ''ff '" .’'" lrn i, Mtn. y.. 1), llloom an.l M ■ent iMt P I ,,,,, ^come in ,,,|rom.nn<-n;“P. -M nnnrn nf «prlnjj'ti!06m oi1.lr.rto i iita.Jnc.J j IoI—uf_*|t41rai..--------- - «»;»l" r..|irntr.l in thn cliamilnif r

V| . tumi'a <if tliu lu.lim, -The tr ttin tr "*..... lo Iirrfort throucli thp u*e of itin.J

• Miihla, Iloor Inmpi and comfurtiL I'hiiirn nn.l dnvonjiorli.

• " The dniirinjf jiroiffam opened wllliI K'''""! mnrrh led bv the Jiiniur rli n i p ..........rn. J(u>fd l-uilrr an.l Jeroi

l l l i m Kriviiiiok. J)anriiiK wn* Inlorapern I f l H i I "Ilh » r.-ii.llnK Iiv M l.. M arrrlhi Wyi■ I I I U j.laiio nolo liy I'hutlnlli. Vourl, vio

■.nlm by .Minn Miirtfar.'t I'hi.lpn. nnd

0 *“ il 'i l l^ 'u X »i ^ u V luJ?'!.' . t J l )‘ llltlo rolnMluL.1..ll • n...^ .ff,

’*''''*■ ■'•''■‘■'I 'luring thu ov'r»ini{em on* Uot ..niliomnn. (Jitli-, .Mnreelle V/y,

. Unth Tnyliir, riuitloiln Vojot nnd 1). iilliy Jtiiirkolarker lu celoaiul CMium ia jinntrl .Im drt.

.Miinir wnn [itovid.'d by Ih0| ilonr , .~ | nfrli..»lrn. 'Jlio iiffnir wnn nrranjj

' ,1 1 by » *-»mmitt..o rumpuird of Tat Dm ' . ' ' / ' b ' ' ill. t’lilrirlB-Wilnun, Jlctty Wilion. u; ■f'"!""' I '. i llai«Ml . - . - -. - -:-

' " XCii*-It=t-{>rttkd..anil Mil* Kltaaiff alia al- riilo rtaliird nl th r lr liur

,V[ Tliur»dav ovoiilnc a t n moetlng of I Ion !• Grniid* BMorintion,

"CiMndiiia.” I 'ta lfr wiv* w uuf: MiM (Vlin O all, iirr iid rn f of llPo i

t l 1,1.. ■nrinlin ii^.rC iiilt^tL-jrtr-tlia-tim aU ii i',.,i *'• t-’^U 'w ll nnd . i l l!. .> !» An.U'tnon hiuLxEaTRn-^f t'

iifoRrnin. The ho ileu ri aofvc.l i ' o t a Into hour.

SimpaDn'i elaia o f ynui llrv nf I'"!!''* 1“ the I’rrnliyti.rlaii Hun.liII, "Hioul moturi'd to Hboihone Kalli In . v W n f t r r n o o n nail iprut Ihe evo

'nK e iplorlnj; tlio many i>o5iil« of luli Il.n . •’" 't tll’liKhtfUl IJKll. Onont hU l’l'-‘" '''« t fi-ntun-n of the tr ip w r o l S “ pl'-i>l<--»-'rper. a frvrd

nbinil iiindern .nit loi

r 'l i e a n The Molhoiliil Wpmcn’a.IIomfl i l l •vltalilo »urli'ly held their reguL. rtn.i mo'iihly nirolln|{ Tliuraday nflorno.

i,t tl'® I'"rlof* of the ehurch vrllh ll V .,,ll. I'rp«!ilent. ifr* . C. 1). Weaver in tl

. rhnlr. Tlie dcvutionni lervice WBR eo ! .liifie.l by M n . K. T. KellouiT. Mi

, J. W. llarnon, confrrrnc# eorro«pondii nrcrctury, told of h?f work und urg. Iho ro-ui>crBtloQ of m lulooary w eletl

l» » 111 working townrd tho rhlld lab S" iimrndtneni. Mite b o i oncnlnff.-B; . inmir ,,ii.fiioti o f o ffiy rn for tho Juno m«-. rouelu- wn, aniiounewl. Mr* W Illii

' Ituufth’n divIiIon. hud charge of t led of projiram, tlila fouabted of tKO pin ! Pr«»- noloi by MJaa Jean K m cry and t>l ta rurry ivtq Inalriimentnl nuniberi by i t l i s I’ • Kller, irlria 'Wilnon. A iiueilioa box broug ill) K.I- forth niurb hrlpfui and In te re itin g l .Imlnay foriiuition. A lorla l hour w ai enjoy

during wblrli MrL Florence. Vrown diviilon ierved deleetahle refrM hmcr lu Ihe 4,’) Indivi In atlendaneo.

II I f 'P The M lanri Inn and K tiubelh Drkril rnterln lned tho I 'a i t . Nol (Iraa.l’a aaaociation T hunday ^venl

■«o lhat al llirir home on W a n t itree l, T Uikina. iirn iilrn t. if la i Celia Oatz prcMid i-c brcn ovrr the builneaa tiieetl'ng, U ra. i \ ia m i . CoBiwrll nnd MIm Myrlle Anderi ilm llar liml iho program In charm whlcn pi 0|N)rH.d ved to ' bo - a moat ' et^DynlJlB ot lr. ^VU- Orandmu Crader waa a guNt. A t t .'.(I froi roneluiioii of' tho mi'eUnff tho boHcm bout 10 »i-rvi‘i| du in ty refreihmrnti.

AKKOUmnPCBNTS l«l _____ _wltli ■* /I 'l lm r o io Jtebekah' lodgo membi ^ l a n d nn> tet\ue»tcd t« b ttu j wvereA di IfflcnitT “"‘I *andnrlchei to a meetiog oa Tu J V Z Juy Pvrning. May 10, al-0 o ’clock wh

ir^ I? Mra. Maude ICorgareldge, aiaeml pictur* ,n r,Id rn t, will mako het u ffldn l \ l

lo Ihe lodgo.

:ONS RETURN ----- to-----

Sideinn CafgtOME, 1D A H 0~” ~

•mrnr-irTKmr-DTNRKR :’3 11.00 IV r r ia le

BOUPCttekMi.-Pldrefi’H ae.......- ..................

Hwrel Pirklet

FIfiir 'rry Widow Cveklall

— cnuTcn-------------- -- ~Squab Chicken, Colonial .iteak, Mallre D 'llo te l, ShM itrlag Totaloei

lb Chopi on- Toait, Saratoga T o^toei ne Sicak, Demi Olaco pmelef Celeatino

irleir Iamb wltli June P ea i1-----------------------------Parkerhouio Holla. ■

-SA IA tt---------aio Salad, Thouaand atand Dreailag

DFJiSBRTS Baked AUaka or B lraw berrr Iee Cream Uh ANorted Oakea

■ Milk - leea Tea

ea f t« n 6 to H ^ M. ' 7 "

th m U), tb* f r u t IB d BB«U“ ’


- ^ I B R E V I T I E II l l ln Latm . fo r ..Susunar^M Ian VI

Bottrher will lejivf Ihin morning J.ungvlew, Voah. in apond ths anni

31 wllh Hr. nnd if/n . Telford.

n f 'r n ln - J . J . ‘ Lockl* r ip ro l to Irnve t.i

d a t ^ "‘""e ^*'e w ee fi 'v inlling thrrr. ili.j5 the ■ ■ • . ,

.ji'rorn. Daughiar l i Bom—Mr. nnd J the jun- rM-orBe W. Thom|iM,n of Kimb. outgoing nrr ihe pnrenln ..f ti daiight.'r I.

KiWuy at the eoniity Roni-ral lioipl ;hn clnna -___/ —

MuiJcIan# » t O a k le r - 'n .e Illiielv in » ..rehealrii fum iihr.l tiuinic Kri.lny o\

! ,u \ l r '*"■ 'O 'nm'neeiii.'iit r io rrl.ra nn* \ t . 'Innee nwrklng th r rlonr o f tho nri

J> w in -"for i" Oakler hi^rh >rlioo|.

?nd itinn , From O erm w r-T l. N .n,Dmi und I''" nrrivrd tbia v .irk from (iotniu

joining Mra. Neu(.M'irn h rrr to m, il to the thelr-reiililrhcp' i h ‘PniVlhTark. Tl

Ing ro«' '^’“hl.ing--w ftl....... ■■■' ■" "*’ atindrd lalccuaa Sn»—I)o3 llmiiira furtoblc rnme due May fl, ia -t. nml ualrM p

wilhln tho noxt f. w .Invn, ownorn tw llh n lie ralird upon by n I'o ll.'rlnr for nrli

i r elann 4. {.. flvtk. nmionnJeronin Jriday.

rinernod ^ — -‘ AiUrtUM O t»A atfl):-.J, AV; Tnyi, >WIin fooniv ttronrpufinff nil. " nry, driivrtrd tb.! rnmiiionrrnii-nl .iJSS, «'

Ihe iirmiinn .if lh.. L'r;i.lilu!luil_iif

i f

.'ounty genrrni boniiitol h rrr , l.'ft 1 rfanvrd rrturiiing InI Iti-i.li. Ilf eompany u ilh bin "inlrr, Mon 3 I - ■" ‘"’'1 " f -'’' ‘fl

• nf H lBbyiaW wa» dl-irhnrgrd fr :- th r hnnpifftl.-

taaw n.- fg , W ork -A pprn ! for riioiiH jiiovinrnt for n iitin who in n/fllrl

0 the „ i„ , „nd whoi.0 fnmilv ci*"i. illa o f hla wifp ami f iv r rhil.lrrn, « llii'"t*»- evi.ning by Twin Ku

i .iliM ? - ...tff th e -------------- T-- -- - ---------- e.l ro-

f ynuni;Hun.lay 1—111 Inte \ '

f fuVer- \ y \□no of \ \ KIp wna ^ \ \ ^vrd 10

10 i l i l -regubir W / A Xlornoon u / // / // i f \Uh Ibo 1 ^ ^ ^ W m

■ w. M n . I ^r;;a \ 7 V j“■K” ^ig.'anJo m«.ct- ,IVIIIlii^i

Tke Ne^[ ia s P a .brought ■. tKWide■hrncntn

h D rii- * ..N olllo H E 'o r i g i n a l coll

r * T h o 1 I n c h I n w id th . B

d im e n s io n , u n t i l n o w

^ch'j*r1!! • - a n d -th ,o e n d s on

A t”t"bo 8 0oncw ea v a r y to

Slefflbera dlah

<a Tuea- :k wheu laembly

:;:j I d a h o I I fox

. .. I P IT I S N ’T 'K I

1. , . . _

— I—vfltrsiffTom

i,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , n w br t f h t ra uu-ahtny ijay r

d rlvs U ro Q ^ tb a cotm try. Al t m t on Suodar. .W « baVe fcr

atoei _ • _________

' . Fried Si — -Spri

; Rain ~-~r : r r.T6j|fi*83amo

Fresh Sirw* ;* ;" '' W iu i whippi; Tea ______ ■ A fltt-O w m P ta a a r fi»

■ • . I fox t

• PH O K B 336 :--- IIL— -L -l—

ATURDAY-MORNING, MC * C ' 'Ofp* of Ihe Bnlvatinn Army, telep b W imme<lialo < m

m eat oilata, ll won itu tn l. a Violet ■ ■ ■' * -nlng for B lrtb-A nnM m c«l—A ann wna aiinimrr lo I,i..ulrnanl and Mri. iJ In rr Itor

nl Knrl Mlanonlfl. Montnnn, on Kri

■«il"Str«r .'l»«i tv a rt McHn..(i o f thi* city, e tnilay *

rr. nawlhin, W>uniing. n n il’ M rn.' K.. I’d e n u n . o t ' Denver, Col»>»a.1i>,

id Mt« *.■'"'0 Ihl* mnrning for Mnwlioa tCimbortv " * e ''k ’« vinit w ith th r ir |iarrntn, .'r horn - 'f"- *1*5'*hoipliul. ^

lllneliinl American Palla—Ji,,vfn. If- flolhwrll, n llurnry, nml h'

■1 inid a . '' ' '" ’*0". nnnintnnt n rrrrtiiry , for- o nriiool '^i"'-riciin Knila d ia lrlrt, roiiirnnl

.Iny from Amerirnn Kulla w hrrr nllon.Inl u 'iiiroting of tho d’*

v ,,n„„, O 'rrrtoralo ntid Amorlriin Kalln.• til i iv “ I't'0 ii.i.bn oliixrin of jinrtionn of — Tiirv h ’ringfieid-A hm |PPii~prfljPrr~n7r' . ,t. e>‘i"i'ji_ l! 'Jbo.,A ('ier 'can iji lU -f lu t

wq^o rrn iir’ Thin nrra wim in..|ii.|r>............ tl“i nrlKiniil - |.tiiii« for formnlion

tlio dia lrlrt lint wnii wilb.Irawn ii»e« br- fu„, l l , orgnniwilion, ri"« paid "orn will NOTIOBf nrlll..- T |,p Tolophono D irodo rr gnr* ni.iinerrt nn.l rliai

nhnnlil br mn<W> beforr Ibnt .la tr. Mountnin Hlntra Tot. i Toi. Co. i

Tnvlnr, ------1-----------------r nitor 6 IIM C R tB E POK TA B DAILY N J


ii"^ I teady, f in r, -b rg o hnni“ I *ot plantn: .'thoroughly hnrdrui'i

V ' *''® I lo w rnlhrr. Alno I’opiiorn, E«»

/ ' t l : If’ ^ ^- - 1 D arro w B ros. S e e d ane^ r ~ Su^y'Cor'ffllrird I - TW IN PALLflly.cnn- I Open Wedneaday and Batnrda}™. » ; I

ewer the Tie ier the Stripe


collcgo atripca wcro- half an . But stylo has inortascd th a t low the knot m ay bo of onoJ ontlroly of another. Ju st how__:o is a m atter of choioo; thoso y to two inchofl.

$ 1 : 0 0

D e p t . S t o r e >r M e n’ ' niO H T, D nL \G IT BACJCv


’’s Cafedojri you Wut take your family ont fo r i . A fter y o u ' drivo, give tbo fam ily a rea1 fcr you— ^

Spring Chicken pringLam b linbow Troutmbu^SiHoin-SpeciaP------rawberry Shortcakeblppod 6 r « ia fo r DMwrt r fiarrod f t n t n wa«« g ^ or IIOO P « P la te

M r o E i i i a M V A t io i r e

M'AT '16„ 1925.-.--------

r!S.y' W eather Conditions Two Days Identii

bottj , y o n a ;a ,t jo f today-C laudy wl r lWnwi-11 nodorato tamperaturo; probab "f. ji'.'iir* ^*«e*>,llWK*r* In aoutli porUon.

K arrp l for a trn rr of prorlpil, ■ «'»» oo Ih..

I K 'w roii.lillniin born . .\i>, ' wili TUurvloy tm*! VtWny -WTre nimn ina aftor Idoiillnil, arrordiiig li> Mu'-govor ..nt", Mr. „ „ lh o r ohnrrvrr’d Mftlii

hrro. n ir ro wna no raiiifnil . Kri.lny. liigli tompornturr* wiin nbov... whirh wun tho namo

I^ J jn lff r Thiiradny'n iimxliimm, nn.l low wII K. H. 4:i nbovr. wlilrh'wna a ilPcHno i f'.f- four .l-frora iii fompnro.l w ith t:

nn l rn - pror.-.ling day '» niinimiim.d’»lrlrt ‘t . 'J -v "^ i- 1

ud-uppllrn-of tho C l 77

- rn r* ili: ------------- • O I L-flu tric t- —--------- f— ——

Jew iina''gnr* lu 'rhangni

llr . /I), adv. / a

™ F / 1 1 — -

"SJ> you ' i y p y ^ j g B I \

a n d

' " R

$1-98 $Dress [Youn as th

W e t o ’ite our p i

models—we Idiow . -^u y ” . tliem. T h a t’i

when slie notes th fioe ,.so ft fabrics, tl

T he collection no ta in s a t least one and charming:. Moi

_ ' several models fo r occaisioiis.

____ ___They're priced-loJ

$ 1 . 9 8 - 5

3 H pIlM Pim ll

Wo Hai

l „P?JCEs

A. H. VINCPhono 4CB

n o t ic e «', real ' * Oolden Kuls.

BBOONP lIA lfP P U R w m m

. I WANTEII- .............."iiTdbiI I havo in'exchango a c I faotnro of Pop-Oorn Oris

I ■ .M ake some money th I tloQ. W rito Frank Shavt

____I----------------------- m o -a t-4 M —i

rO B OBADVATIOK' 8 '.H n* it Wllh F l W r * ”ntical Twin Knlfa Kloral Compnny. ady.

ly w ith0---------PRIZES--------- 0

d a n o e

-------TONIGTHT 'b l u e b i r d d a n s a n t ‘

Mftiinii Alvord k M ott atoro3 L adlei’ and a OenUemen'a

in."* in Pri*** \

ibo'^of B luebird O rc h estrailh tho __________


I Taylor D fem

irself aB Jo y fu lly the Spring■ pa trons to see these new w there i.s no need to say la t’s a wom an’s f irs t wish

th e ir lovely colors, t h e i r 3, th e ir carefu l m alting, now on display surely con-

ne dress you’ll find useful Wore likely you’ll find here fo r “home” and “dress-up”

Ulow-at---------------- ----------—

$2.98 $3.98

m P 1 S S l ®

S m g -A m y a is —illuro. Bugs, Oamp Qoods, B ofrij.

Handle Now ohd Used Pnrnitnro

S REASON A0LE......... .

NCENT COMPANY207-209 Shoshono Sonth

tr ctlie r atore on M ain Avenua ic fo u Irom Hula. A t thta locaUoa wo hm ft atock of

~~ ------------------------ ^

adoD ooram oif< a compieto equipment for the mana.

[Tfl.** renny tho Tonrth with this tasty confeo-