,; >>^ B r^W v Sake and ii Qne s 00 e w iir^a/toj the 0-~ ^W§.#^ w«li t^*£& atyt femes i - be?,ejtllMe €»|-tM tfegwfefeui J^|^n;di:if% 0 j«s •e^fctde^oi Iai4;_ o £<&c$ HMdr^ga... ?ditt tSj£ ilttMc r ibw.. 'f^a-ma«$;eJrt the" *.of s?£u$p fceujv the laid; liaorgaweC ' - next, «e f a ^ t e t&:'fecli I,. &e,ah|3-v--e^e : fw §4di^ Public 1 '* r^of''Me „_. v * f *e of -'Cay&ga,: H lkj«^^^-f^^.c^aaw^ifc<^sjgt: W~-W« l'» '"»' Ml'" •]»•'III I.I , ! • • ' • ff„ » . -•l,ll.iW,^-B •~ «^» 4Sjfc*>5tyw EXTERN Rp>Q CANAfNDAIGUA; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GOULD & POST., TUESDAY, MARCH ig, 1804. : M&w BWjfc an3. Stationary ''•• : :'- 1 (b*'ALa^.NY,) !' E^PE^TTOLLY Worm their public in general, that iBO0K& STATION- iji CJJN AN 'bXlGXJA, at iM^ Cfa'fin, where ^LE, fa, large and general *f" ONEIDA BOOK-STORE. m<*> NUMBER r*4~i^ -L. POLITICAL O ftS. IK'-^R i IV AI io-u s B R. A N C;R ESQ? FaMfHY,; ANAtTOMY, SURGERY, PHY&iC, VOYAGES» TRAVELS, flllLa^FH'tu- 'i^QYELS, . . ^GR&ltlLWRE, POETRY, .--;8T|AtlO^ARY-.' mtion-g which (,r^ihi-Jfottotoingi -Articles: Leilgeri, J|$rnaijsa Ba^-Boots* 5F hes |kh». ro the eoon^ : ite of, Mpy,-. YorfejV. fey #sSe^ei».be'r fc ' sjatge i|Bt« Ch&FJtes-' ^er f for; -leciif frig tftdrecf aiid Fc>r*y-. rk,.wfth faMul ~mZ\ ifa-tx%&-Qf Laad t { ^ 'tttfajteir-Qf-fewii*-' % thefowth'&'Qf ; i ifix.ty-OB-ffd.e.gr.e^' ' 'fevsn pefch^& to a* i'-ttbe -d<riree^ ,,- :s to a, p<s05 Ts. Tot, Morth .1 i^'^f«)t©; Biihdte<| ! • ^ i l 'ojt> ; fh'e. fkld^i •. fe^Cfsepi' m the ; , tai-piwg Cfette Htfn-, of L a b 4 (he th/e " r v c ^ d by WtMiarri ; X.'-W&E£AS the I Iti : tSfe- 'fufhfeci'her J • •&& the^ •ptittcipsit-l M0tt|age^fe|jd la/h; ^0- : fet-ch, ieaffe Hi«rd<^j J$0^^|^:|hc'^OWKf| ' k Alphabets iFhr felanLBooks; Re- Yaoops fi^es and pr do4 large : fthd (mail teipt ^e'K.j;jC;J6jihcnng|!do.; ; Writing do-, .Letterl-JBapj:*, |> : !4tw a n | gilt; Wri< ingjlo-.; large .ai»S'^Walt'•fine.Wove; do.|; \Vrap- jjlngd«V.rU-Lavas' and GfcaCkmen's.Ma- j-occo^ Foc'leii-Jiooks,' rid sbd Mack Jt-r- &£etix0*a*ul';jM J5k>oks;' Penknives, Cbik- SdfcWs* .litdiA- :Rabbe|r, Tooth Bruftes, O l i c e Sesblftj-Pjip|cb.m«'k WMn, Sea-iJitig- Wa Xj .Q-ufj4 iiik-S-tands,-. Sa^d-Boxes,^ ^ E«d and'Black^tak-lWde^'in^ia tnk-^- J^Uyms; Cgrds/|^efi%e Card?,. iPrefe Pa- iu-^a^ d^Mathfjjba^CE!' Iattriti|oehts t '-|San- 1 i •; - . - n ,J.: Country Merchants, Traders & others^ \\ BY APPLYING tO *fOEORGE RICHARDS, JUN'» A+ the Ofieida Book Store in Uttcaj ! WIL1 ALWAYS lINb ! AH EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF : Books &. Stationary, j .SUITED rO>R COUNTRY SALEt ..• , jimojtg which, are . t .' t^OLlOand ^uaito family BIBLES, oi ^ various kinds and prices.« £lavo Bibles, with and without the Apoc- ;rypha^— gilt and plain,bindhigs-~Bible& [ [with (panne's note"?* , ;,| • Common School Bibles—Socket Bibles. Teftaments, jX2mr\and 8vo iize. array's, " Webiter's, and Alexander's Grammars and Young Ladies American Sele£|ion, do. Preceptor, Coinmbian Orator. ore's Monitor, Murray Y;Xntrodu£tion 9 1 Murray's , Engiilh Reader, do. Sequel I to his Reader. Scott's Eeilbns, 0,ana's Selection. $nfield's Speaker,' Art of Speaking. Webfter's Spell!ng-Books i: by the grols, I dozen or fingle. Watt's Plaljrts and Hyrans n t>wight's do. "qrfe's Un,i\ r er^l Ceogr^phy, r * e ' s American; Geography, do. American Gazeitccr, doi Klcroents oi Geography, do. Geography Abridged, do. Gazetteer ^ h ridged. : [)v/jght's GeograpKy,in queftions&an&'rs. Guthrie*s Do, latell cdnon. Ptfiionaries-T^-Ainfwortb, JJarclv, Bailey, Boyer, j^Jj'aibqi, Sheridiin, W«*lker and Young's, 8»^-~Pe}!*y, Eitcick. ^.lexan- | f_ Cv'r, Eliott an^ Johnfon's, fqu-ire. . (Grammars and oiherSfhoo) Books ior the I Greek and. Latin jGlaffics. v* - , STATIONARY, . . " Paper of various kinds and;prices, •, # :Wal<%,Quills, P^nknrvjss, Pocket Boo!:s, 'HJERfi TRUTH U MY COUNTRY confidence, but having done rmK;h EPARTME;t^T* party-were entitled t<? monnnS «n4-'4i#- nWtttitirniHWiPifii.ifii.iiL MXMM.II .*.,,, ^ i-i, _._.._ •. 1 ^.. '''.. - . 1 V .. f STf* ******* **" _ * -. NMf<Jir|i^ i *^ l s*w» , '»?«riiw!»fii% NBIASSED REIGNS." TMV: From the (UTICA) PATRIOTJ: i'JEN., W HEN we, behold atnl)ito3n.jajrfayed but thofe or a mouldering cave f "4, in the fpecious garb of patrliotifrn, But where, my countryinea, at emoluments ot a jucraiive ofEee. my countryrnen, cannot be denidd ;" we ljayje it horn their own^rty^ fronx thofe wh^> have been acquainted with trie * of their cabinet* The whited fcpb how ftfript.of its v^mifh and her walls are and like the wolf ii fleecy tobes, peeking jo del^roy thofe w'lom it iain wj)Uld re- pVelent j when we look into Europe and therefurvey the ruinsoiitsdefolatinghand, and ponder oyet the miferies of djsprefled •hutnaniryj wliere fiiStion rrars her brazen Cront and wher^ the noxious vi^eds of democracy fucce3d the olive- bjtjanch 46; for the Secret f ichre is ase tbofe boafted friends «i the people to beloond j . or what; is the-language of the itjmiacu- late, leaders* of democracy I "Who cark butflbtidderat the prpfpeE before 1 ,s,wbert We hear them declare thaLthofe who co» r jfide in t'h'e perfcxjs, who dared to anrnavs. their hypqcrlly and expofe their conduct to "public view, d|e|erve to be favbtd tU v/hen v;e there behold ^ Corfieari Jfoldier the heart by ihepUpiard ofan-aJMi^l I piled by the triumphant Voice of faclibri , Is this the language o£ a man ptt&ffirlg to the Bourbon tlirone, ruling wiibdef- the confidence of (the people ? I forbear poiic fway ; I fay, when we b 6 ehol^i thefe to anfWer, it isihs declaration 9I the or- things, we have an awful leffor) ot the gap oi democracy.' ^tfch is the u'abappj( fate that awaits our devoted tpnntry,,. Imati^n: ; ot our Country, that he who which arjj adherence t<j principle ahd ! oi*. dares ip unveil the myfteriesof power, dr deraionef Can .avert. From ap ^aily peri- confide in him Who does it, is eienacej. od, even from the adoption of ourconfti- withtne. poighard bl an afTafity » and^m tH.'ion, our c-Ountiy has been the ^theatre the. language of derhocTaGy, in the jtnfitfZ of ambition, where, under its influence,, pc&ing moments of jktp!!! SurpaHiojf diforganizers have exhibited the farce of [ in terpr theeverirftemorabie.reigr^oi Ro- patriotjfm, ever careful to conclude the befpierei J. We*are y hpw»wkne0ingi<the Icene v^ifh the voaiferationh of kberlVi «- au<ility t and the rights of the ptople. By ihefe aud itizny oner praQ:ices, tjo which a mind hgnelt and independenj, could never deign to fuhmit, perfotis tn^re char- itable than Gifcenijing v/ere induceji to be- lieve that a foui:d was a fubflanlce. and peipjere; tr%mphofa.fac|iori' 5 fpiurjitng at iDveBi- ^atlion and,fettijag,at dfefiance the laws of God khd. oof conbiry.; Such are meri feekihg. '. for. aajhorjty and rioting on the fpoils of our iBdepeJiiaekGe. . A 1 She commeB^eipfdt oi the fxafemt ueve that aiouitd was a iubiiai^jce, and fefiiorj of the Jegifl^tute,' who has Iailed<t0 that patribtifq? WJS in propontord tOi the ,notice the fwarms of hungry expeclanti fitenvih ol the sUigs atid the veillofity of feeking Ion ©nice, hot lefs mtmerous than the decljamafor. But like the JOunding the lojcufls, and maijy hot more inieBigerij| temped, which p omifes inks projgrefs to than Hit croaking frogs of Egypt. ' Ha^- fupply declining nature with rfeviving ing done muth for their pa^ty, they-have; plore the unheeded ruins of its dafolating courfe. \ But, m f countryrben, we- have realon to rejoice that the time h iaft^apt .ter's' Spdei, Difotde<8» G £ old,Lvat k Sec. &c. •• A44iu^ns -mU. be |o^callonally made |# the abo\(^ < Wiich will be fold on irea r ionahk terms, jvholcjfate or retail.--Pur- chafers _of, Pu >lic. on Priv^e JLiorarif ?, Teachers ol Schools, &c, will be fup|).liied, and liberaliaJh'W {ince ' made. . ; A L p A N ' ^ C S fpr the prefent year, , Jor, Cale^by; the (j*rofs, | Dozen or Sing 1 pi TTO. T3MYS1CIANS; **f 1. Medical' Bidre, Two daorssouth of the fqutbre, GEN EVA. iHYS^IiiNS, aid others, ire rcfpcty? fully* inhisr-med, that the fubferiber purp\>{k|. J Wkii^ PfiOBUCt io payment for I^EBlpilTE." A geneiral arid genuine afartmenti ^iow on. band, lar^d a regular &Ock will,be sohftaiitly kept* All favors ^^ttymtktiQwki ged^ $yi tbe public's 'Obedient fervaifct,' . ! -, - . . • ^^mTs| Tutpe ^ m, !•;• do. for Pocket. i jPlaying Gafds, Plain Cards For m^U^ges, |l|nk Powder^ C«ke "fr»k. Lead Pes^cils, red '• j and bhtck, with various other articles. Together with a v?ry ptneralaffnrfment of MISCELLANEOUS WORKS,. in the feveral branches of ufefui and polite Literature. ALSO, ALMANACKS, FOR T"jttE YEAR OE OUR L02UJ) By the, Grofs, Dozen or Single. Ul2ca, JOtec. 8, 1804. ptoarhing. and is fhrelhholdof our htfjon will retire arid be cpn»lned now, I.truft, evifn at the Eloors, v*h%n pol iticajl de- to its' ancient d|l>minioni alone to the kiri jdom ©f flioweis,! it has pi ft os, leaving ufe to de- made 1 'their calling; and eleclion fni'e :—# »_i_... .r 1 ^ _• t 1 ..:.„, r .... j_r_i^ : Having perfeGUted with a laudable zeal thofe "who'refilled' to iuMcribe to their es wor- the prinfe of darknefs and democracy. » A recurrence publications difc iigns of th<? party, long pre^dicf ed in x the difcipies ot democracy. The| foiemn •trnifjgs which foulhave to recent denocratic lofcs.the. diabolical de- V/hat federaltfm has vain, is now avbwed by creed; they have proved: themfelv thy of the high vacdtioti. an d are tcb^conife the rwlers p i , st otfee; tiiagnanimou% but now degraded pepp}e> v OBSERVER* FR 6M r^tJ 1 THE .NE'Vy-HAVEN Ml&ITOfL* y»!..i' I.'" ,^rven, ? agreeat j^blljK^aTi^, * I&#&e/^hfif3r ^t- io'ii|.' Th^r^JBjSoit-'' 'jfdiMaj^tokM ftrnmnr A* 1 .. jniifllioti^ ^m-fftart-^ine,.],, White : f l >gwood t >rJK)pi.gE&i J! i! $';ifa»y i B*'raa& at AL5i> BE HA©, Sealing Wax, Nutffiegs, Cloves, Ginnamon, Ginger, M ace,,Arinattoi, Salt fetre, Lee's Billious iPills, Cooiey'spills, And^rfoii's do* Hooper's f|p.> Bateinan^s Brops, B^ritilh Oil, Dutch Drops, Eif^rtce Peppermint Tudmgton§ Balfarr^ Tooth Prjwdeir atid BsiiQjes, WinMw toji. JOHN R. GREEN, [TNFORl^S his friends and the public, PL, that he has,juft received, in addition to his former Stock,'a largeaflortment of T)kj GOODS & GROCERIES, Crockery, Looking- Glaffes, A Hard and Hollow-Ware, «. Siigat-Kettles, Oil, Paints, Cpd-Fiuti Which will be fold very low for Cafli or PfOfttlCfi •:•'<« Whole iand -duarteir T I C K E T S , mthe LITE&4WRE LOTTERY, Jor Jctle^ at the above Store. Phelps, Feb. $,1804, 42/^ ' NOMINATION. At a refpeaaf^Ic Meeting of &epub- iicm Cttizensjtom different parts ot fehe State ol New-York, convened at tbe fet at natight.,1 When read, or feen. WkemuntoJIiall we liken Dcm^cracj I KMOCRACY may be Hkesied nm& many things. w*befeof we ha\|e heard^ . * 4 •»* and reitjeraeed w jjeard,fcjave.been you wetre told by federalifts that ihe party \ Democracy may be likened undo a. Y&fa nowMn power were regardleis ot the in- cano ; becaufe when retrained wjtliin dafc te^-efts of Gommmity* r that,the gra.tifica- bounds if maketh a^^mighty rumblirrsj noifs^ tion of liiioxdma e ambition was ih.£ bafis and ^hen it breaksih ferih it caufeth de- ot their conducl: ; when you wer<? pointed valldtion to overwhelm the fair fields of to the variance between their declarations focial order, . It rior^over refejnbleA a and praclice as a" proof of the charge ; vakano in this, that the'lav^ of calumny When their cor duel was arraigned and which eontiniiiallyi ifueth agahift gwd their iniquities *et in order, befpre your men from its orator, ma-keth all fftph to> eyes,thp miftsof delufion, teeming from flee tor fafety into retirement; wbilS the nocturnal preffes of democrjey, hav- ' none hot Jai^ndn^ers (demagO| ties) catt ered thick around you ; the.pov^ertul ar^ wpftandthe fingengof itshea*. | gument c& jed&ral lie, rn.onctrch.ifti.. and ! Democracy may befiikened *art?oWine^ tory t continually afiailed your e<rs* But (and verily it i&bad ^ine,) inafm«cliasit now, my countiymen, we are no longer afSicfeth thofe whjo drittk thereof witrl to be deceived by thofe pretends d friends ; mtich fickriejs of^ the ibrain. r 4.^%4 t of the people : Gog and Magog have gone O e i f ^ c r A ^ . s ^ y ^ ' l ^ ^ d Uhta art Eel | forth tO bailie, Thof^ political iwmdle^ becaufe, like that Mf^^f fife, it leaved** having wrefted the governtnent from the . jlhne upon aft who handle it. hands of t^fec eralifts by fraud andmii- teprefentation, cannot agree in the. divif- iontii tbe fpoil and Whilli they ar£ dif- clofingithe infernal policy by which they have deceived anid, ftript us of our faireft po#efiS<?Jis, ^s ?,re left to laipefet ourowx* creduliiy and the bafchefs oi hpmart na* Perfecu;ion and political inttole- is fure to feel their vindiltlve As well thofe ra private. as have become the vtcKais oi virjtiious de- mocraqy, ^;e«|esi, Morten B : api : L 4ATALO6UH$ m ummxm found with thej houlehold- of faith, an* thole wfio are t:lothed wUh, |uawiai m* thorky+—mem <bftitute oi t integrity and the ?bove ^ o r c tit %mw^-Jf^-% $Q$* M *jl''' '''!'*».'•.•""'*•?•' •frr- m V&- mmmmemmitmmmtm*.- '<m -(•- *, .;S m ApftBenjice tQittie.'CLOCKi ..fe.MAElfta and SIt¥EK$MlTH. ( ^-tti«tift, : ^ fmart aftive Boy, 14 o.r 15' •yt$i* i$ 9mjt wtrnif ca^ab'H faithful and •^m0^^wA m mm will ; meet with good. - : :.'• ., 'uxtmmk w. miHj-AMiH. jsaj?'ftf. ii*.$9i* r py . ^. . . Committees m the city of Mm-York and J - WttUAM TABQR, Chsirm*, Democracy may be likened unto th^ Fold.of att.Afs^.'becaufe flici brayetK mightily, and pera^lyeatuTe fcie umfic tliereo^' Is heard &tmq$**~econdmy t e&ono^ my,h the found oi ay^iee'Wberswith fh« but ih^ii itiis}^«4» &fmfti± -^^ Again, democracy tsjay be likened n% to tbe Fold of an Afs, becaufe fb[e feeaipetl^ ture. ranee have becolme the adopte^ children; on her back a very freat burthen ; f&~ of democracy and he. who ventures, to the burthen oi many iQem^gOgLies I ^hdL Tontine Cofieej^Houfe'in c , the City of doubt its divinity or.to withhold tbe horn- thongi the poor inimalis j^dei ujnmerci* Albany, on Saturday, the, 18th day of age of his high Qonfidiration and- refpeB t fully .wkh ferbur^en^, yet 'dot|Jhe t a | | , « revellers and rioters are pQwer.-^ k meellly, an4 with iC^Mfee patience M ..*.*> .•«. trudges, iwhitkerioevejr bet Titter^ wpuld I D^moemcy may hejfatisd jifito a Clotici in a dtsy feaioni which foret^lletfi raia, amlloi wind cornet^ I . &? •0erpooracy..|^aybi?;l;ll;eried \rnx-a Moft ah's Ark* tor k containethall tpannep«£ February, .^804..: WI LLIAM TA8OR5 E*$.' Of the Affembly, was chofen Chairman, jos2^w AN*»Iti* Efquirei .». of thei Senate, Sec'ry. RESOLFED UttANMOUSLY.,Tkal AARON BURR, be, and he is hereby nominated a Candi- date tfi be fuppotted at the enfuing Eled* fiveiy! ^ & . w „^,..-. . w ^. ? . „ — ..,.„.-,.. , tfon for the office of GOVERNOa of of themore important ofices of; the ftaite. who fought to obt^n of their neighbor this.State. 1 • , , . By the, publication above alluded t<y, tfes '* oil wherewith to.trim their,rumpsj"~^ Kefolv,ed* th&t the above Nomination defigns,, and intrigues ot an untoward fac- becaufe itsapoflles feek to^defpoil tfae vmm he pubbjiied in ait the Mewfpapersprinted tion haye been dMoged, and thfiy catt and the virtuous of the ** oil" o| ^ g0«4 fa this Jlatctmd that tteSecret&ymnfi no longer with unbiufhing impudence #e- jame, with which to trhn tteexwmg^ mitacopy thereof to tpe Corresponding w the charges «xMbked ag^hft thenl,^- lamps'of their Own reputation -OT-i^ Thofe who have had the ippw^r oi con- ther doth the fimnimde here, ce^fe $ i^ feripgpotcetjhitvetiothelkaied^odeclare when Conneiliaii; Demoeyac^ fao«% gt.the Jims oi lieftQwing, thern*. that, the #h floutiy (as often fho doesj s it ? t|i^|0^ £uf>fe^i I tfizh rafcali and not WQ*ihy dt *ti£ Public CotTfidenc<tb* voibe^oTi^: 0 *fj *

W~-W« l'» '»' Ml' •]»•'III I.I ,!••'• ff„ ». -•l,ll.i ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1804-03-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf,; >>^Br^W v Sake and iiQnes 00 e w iir^a/toj

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Page 1: W~-W« l'» '»' Ml' •]»•'III I.I ,!••'• ff„ ». -•l,ll.i ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1804-03-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf,; >>^Br^W v Sake and iiQnes 00 e w iir^a/toj

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Sake and iiQ n es

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o £<& c$ HMdr^ga...

?ditt tSj£ ilttMc r ibw.. 'f^a-ma«$;eJrt the" *.of s?£u$p fceujv

the laid; liaorgaweC '

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«e fa^ te t&:'fecli I,. &e,ah|3-v--e^e:fw §4di^ Public1 '* r^of''Me „_.v*f

*e of -'Cay&ga,: H

lk j«^^^- f^^ .c^aaw^i fc<^sjg t : W ~ - W « l ' » ' " » ' Ml'" •]»•'III I.I , ! •• ' • ff„ » . -•l,ll.iW,^-B

•~ «^» • 4Sjfc*>5tyw


TUESDAY, MARCH i g , 1804.

:M&w BWjfc an3. Stationary

''••::'- 1 ( b * ' A L a ^ . N Y , ) !'

E^PE^TTOLLY Worm their public in general, that

i B O 0 K & STATION-iji CJJN AN 'bXlGXJA, at

i M ^ Cfa'fin, where ^ L E , fa, large and general

* f "


NUMBER r*4~i^ -L.


O ftS. IK ' -^R i IV AI io-u s B R. A N C;R E S Q ?

F a M f H Y , ;


f l l l L a ^ F H ' t u - ' i ^QYELS, . . ^ G R & l t l L W R E , POETRY,

.--;8T|AtlO^ARY-.' mtion-g which (,r^ihi-Jfottotoingi -Articles:

Leilgeri, J |$rnaijsa Ba^-Boots* 5 F hes

|kh». ro the eoon^ :

ite of, Mpy,-. YorfejV.

fey #sSe^ei».be'rfc' sjatge i|Bt« Ch&FJtes-'

^er f • for; -leciif frig tftdrecf aiid Fc>r*y-.

rk,.wfth faMul ~mZ\ ifa-tx%&-Qf Laadt{ ^ 'tttfajteir-Qf-fewii*-'

% thefowth'&'Qf ;i ifix.ty-OB-ffd.e.gr.e ' ' 'fevsn pefch^& to a*

i'-ttbe -d<riree^ ,,-:s to a, p<s05

Ts. Tot, Morth .1 i^'^f«)t©; Biihdte<|!

• ^ i l 'ojt>; fh'e. fkld^i •.

fe^Cfsepi' m the;, tai-piwg Cfette Htfn-, of L a b 4 (he th/e "

rvc^d by WtMiarri ; X.'-W&E£AS the I

Iti: tSfe- 'fufhfeci'her J •

•&& the^ •ptittcipsit-l

M0tt|age^fe|jd la/h; ^0- :fet-ch, ieaffe Hi«rd< j

J$0^^|^:|hc'^OWKf| '


Alphabets iFhr felanLBooks; Re-

Yaoops fi^es and pr do4 large: fthd (mail teipt ^e'K.j;jC;J6jihcnng|!do.; ; Writing do-, .Letterl-JBapj:*, |>:!4tw a n | gilt; Wri< ingjlo-.; large .ai»S' Walt'• fine. Wove; do.|; \Vrap-jjlngd«V.rU-Lavas' and GfcaCkmen's.Ma-j-occo^ Foc'leii-Jiooks,' rid sbd • Mack Jt-r-&£etix0*a*ul';jM J5k>oks;' Penknives, Cbik-SdfcWs* .litdiA- :Rabbe|r, Tooth Bruftes, Ol ice Sesblftj-Pjip|cb.m«'k WMn, Sea-iJitig-Wa X j .Q-uf j4 iiik-S-tands,-. Sa^d-Boxes,^ ^ E«d and'Black^tak-lWde^'in^ia tnk-^-J^Uyms; Cgrds/|^efi%e Card?,. iPrefe Pa-

iu- a^ d^Mathfjjba^CE!' Iattriti|oehtst'-|San-


i • ; - . -

n , J . :

Country Merchants, Traders & others^ \\ BY APPLYING t O

* f O E O R G E R I C H A R D S , JUN '»

A+ the Ofieida Book Store in Uttcaj ! W I L 1 ALWAYS l I N b


: Books &. Stationary, j .SUITED rO>R COUNTRY SALEt ..•

, jimojtg which, are . t .' t^OLlOand ^uai to family B I B L E S , oi ^ various kinds and prices.« £lavo Bibles, with and without the Apoc-;rypha^— gilt and plain,bindhigs-~Bible&

[ [with (panne's note"?* , ;,| • Common School Bibles—Socket Bibles. Teftaments, jX2mr\and 8vo iize.

array's, " Webiter's, and Alexander's Grammars and Young Ladies American Sele£|ion, do. Preceptor, Coinmbian Orator. ore's Monitor, Murray Y;Xntrodu£tion9

1 Murray's , Engiilh Reader, do. Sequel I to his Reader.

Scott's Eeilbns, 0,ana's Selection. $nfield's Speaker,' Art of Speaking. Webfter's Spell!ng-Booksi:by the grols, I dozen or fingle. Watt's Plaljrts and Hyransnt>wight's do. "qrfe's Un,i\rer^l Ceogr^phy, M° r* e ' s

American; Geography , do. Amer ican

Gazeitccr, doi Klcroents oi Geography, do. Geography Abridged, do. Gazetteer

^ h ridged. : [)v/jght's GeograpKy,in queftions&an&'rs. Guthrie*s Do, latell cdnon. Ptfiionaries-T^-Ainfwortb, JJarclv, Bailey,

Boyer, j^Jj'aibqi, Sheridiin, W«*lker and Young's, 8»^-~Pe}!*y, Eitcick. ^.lexan-

|f_ Cv'r, Eliott an^ Johnfon's, fqu-ire. . (Grammars and oiherSfhoo) Books ior the I Greek and. Latin jGlaffics. v* - ,

STATIONARY, . . " Paper of various kinds and;pr ices , •, # :Wal<%,Qui l l s , P^nknrvjss, Pocket Boo!:s ,



confidence, but having done rmK;h E P A R T M E ; t ^ T * party-were entitled t<? monnnS «n4-'4i#-nWtttitirniHWiPifii.ifii.iiL MXMM.II . * . , , , ^ i - i , _ . _ . . _ • . 1 ^.. '''.. - „ . 1 V .. f STf* ******* **" _ * -. N M f < J i r | i ^ i*^ls*w»,'»?«riiw!»fii%


From the ( U T I C A ) PATRIOTJ:


WHEN we, behold atnl)ito3n.jajrfayed but thofe or a mouldering cavef "4, in the fpecious garb of patrliotifrn, But where, my countryinea, at

emoluments ot a jucraiive ofEee. my countryrnen, cannot be denidd ;" we ljayje it horn their own^rty^ fronx thofe wh > have been acquainted with trie * of their cabinet* • The whited fcpb how ftfript.of its v^mifh and her walls are

and like the wolf i i fleecy tobes, peeking jo del^roy thofe w'lom it iain wj)Uld re-pVelent j when we look into Europe and therefurvey the ruinsoiitsdefolatinghand, and ponder oyet the miferies of djsprefled •hutnaniryj wliere fiiStion rrars her brazen Cront and wher^ the noxious vi^eds of democracy fucce3d the olive- bjtjanch


for the

Secret f ichre is

ase tbofe boafted friends «i the people to beloond j . or what; is the-language of the itjmiacu-late, leaders* of democracy I "Who cark but flbtidder at the prpfpeE before 1 ,s,wbert We hear them declare thaLthofe who co» r jfide in t'h'e perfcxjs, who dared to anrnavs. their hypqcrlly and expofe their conduct to "public view, d|e|erve to be favbtd tU

v/hen v;e there behold ^ Corfieari Jfoldier the heart by ihepUpiard ofan-aJMi^l I piled by the triumphant Voice of faclibri , Is this the language o£ a man ptt&ffirlg to the Bourbon tlirone, ruling wiibdef- the confidence of (the people ? I forbear poiic fway ; I fay, when we b6ehol i thefe to anfWer, it isihs declaration 9I the or-things, we have an awful leffor) ot the gap oi democracy.' ^tfch is the u'abappj( fate that awaits our devoted tpnntry,,. Imati^n: ;ot our Country, that he who which arjj adherence t<j principle ahd! oi*. dares ip unveil the myfteriesof power, dr deraionef Can .avert. From ap ^aily peri- confide in him Who does it, is eienacej. od, even from the adoption of ourconfti- withtne. poighard bl an afTafity » and^m tH.'ion, our c-Ountiy has been the ^theatre the. language of derhocTaGy, in the jtnfitfZ of ambition, where, under its influence,, pc&ing moments of jktp!!! SurpaHiojf diforganizers have exhibited the farce of [ in t e r p r theeverirftemorabie.reigr^oi R o -patriotjfm, ever careful to conclude the • befpierei J. W e * a r e y hpw»wkne0ingi<the Icene v^ifh the voaiferationh of kberlVi «-au<ilityt and the rights of the ptople. By ihefe aud itizny o n e r praQ:ices, tjo which a mind hgnelt and independenj, could never deign to fuhmit, perfotis tn^re char­itable than Gifcenijing v/ere induceji to be­lieve that a foui:d was a fubflanlce. and

peipjere; tr%mphofa.fac|iori'5 fpiurjitng at iDveBi-^atlion and,fettijag,at dfefiance the laws of God khd. oof conbiry.; Such are meri feekihg.'. for. aajhorjty and rioting on the fpoils of our iBdepeJiiaekGe. . A1 She commeB^eipfdt oi the fxafemt

ueve that aiouitd was a iubiiai^jce, and fefiiorj of the Jegifl^tute,' who has Iailed<t0 that patribtifq? WJS in propontord tOi the ,notice the fwarms of hungry expeclanti fitenvih ol the sUigs atid the veillofity of feeking Ion ©nice, hot lefs mtmerous than the decljamafor. But like the JOunding the lojcufls, and maijy hot more inieBigerij| temped, which p omifes inks projgrefs to than Hit croaking frogs of Egypt. ' Ha^-fupply declining nature with rfeviving ing done muth for their pa^ty, they-have;

plore the unheeded ruins of its dafolating courfe. \ But, m f countryrben, we- have realon to rejoice that the time h iaft^apt

.ter's' Spdei, Difotde<8» G£old,Lvatk Sec. &c. •• A44iu^ns -mU. be |o^callonally made

| # the abo\(^ < Wiich will be fold on irear ionahk terms, jvholcjfate or retail.--Pur-chafers _of, Pu >lic. on Priv^e JLiorarif ?, Teachers ol Schools, &c, will be fup|).liied, and liberaliaJh'W{ince' made. . ; A L p A N ' ^ C S fpr the prefent year, , Jor, Cale by; the (j*rofs, | Dozen or Sing 1 pi



Medical' Bidre, Two daorssouth of the fqutbre, G E N EVA.

iHYS^IiiNS, aid others, ire rcfpcty? fully* inhisr-med, that the fubferiber

purp\>{k|.JWkii^ P f i O B U C t io payment for I^EBlpilTE." • A geneiral arid genuine afartmenti iow on. band, lar d a regular &Ock will,be sohftaiitly kept* All favors ^^ttymtktiQwki ged^ $yi tbe public's 'Obedient fervaifct,' . ! -, -. . •

^ ^ m T s | Tutpe ^ m,

!•;• do . for Pocke t . i jPlaying Gafds, Plain Ca rds For m^U^ges, |l|nk Powder^ C«ke "fr»k. Lead Pes^cils, red '• j and bhtck, with various other art icles. Together with a v?ry ptneralaffnrfment of

M I S C E L L A N E O U S WORKS, . in the feveral branches of ufefui and polite Literature. ALSO,


By the, Grofs, Dozen or Single. Ul2ca, JOtec. 8, 1804.

ptoarhing. and is fhrelhholdof our htfjon will retire arid be cpn»lned

now, I.truft, evifn at the Eloors, v*h%n pol iticajl de-to its' ancient d|l>minioni alone to the kiri jdom ©f

flioweis,! it has pi ft os, leaving ufe to de- made1'their calling; and eleclion fni'e :—# »_i_... .r 1 ^ _• t 1 ..: .„, r .... j_r_i^ : — Having perfeGUted with a laudable zeal

thofe "who'refilled' to iuMcribe to their es wor-

the prinfe of darknefs and democracy. » A recurrence publications difc iigns of th<? party, long pre dicf ed in x the difcipies ot democracy. The| foiemn

•trnifjgs which foulhave

to recent denocratic lofcs.the. diabolical de-

V/hat federaltfm has vain, is now avbwed by

creed; they have proved: themfelv thy of the high vacdtioti. a n d are tcb^conife the rwlers p i , st otfee; tiiagnanimou% but now degraded pepp}e> v OBSERVER*

FR 6M r^tJ1




,^rven,? agreeat „

j ^ b l l j K ^ a T i ^ , * I&#&e/^hfif3r ^t-

io'ii|.' Th^r^JBjSoit-''


ftrnmnr A *


.. jniifllioti^

^m-fftart-^ine,.],, White :




$';ifa»yiB*'raa& at

AL5i> BE HA©, Sealing Wax, Nutffiegs, Cloves, Ginnamon, Ginger, M ace,,Arinattoi, Salt fetre, Lee's Billious iPills, Cooiey'spills, And^rfoii's do* Hooper's f|p.> Bateinan^s Brops, B^ritilh Oil, Dutch Drops, Eif^rtce Peppermint Tudmgton§ Balfarr^

Tooth Prjwdeir atid BsiiQjes,

WinMw toji.

JOHN R. GREEN, [TNFORl^S his friends and the public, PL, that he has,juft received, in addition to his former Stock,'a largeaflortment of T)kj G O O D S & G R O C E R I E S ,

Crockery, Looking- Glaffes,

A Hard and Hollow-Ware, «. Siigat-Kettles, Oi l , Paints, Cpd-Fiut i

Which will be fold very low for Cafli or PfOfttlCfi • : • ' < «

W h o l e iand -duarteir T I C K E T S , mthe LITE&4WRE LOTTERY, Jor

Jctle^ at the above Store. Phelps, Feb. $,1804, 42/^


At a refpeaaf^Ic Meeting of &epub-iicm Cttizensjtom different parts ot fehe State ol New-York, convened at tbe

fet at natight.,1 When read, or feen.

WkemuntoJIiall we liken Dcm^cracj I

K M O C R A C Y may be Hkesied nm& many things. w*befeof we ha\|e heard^

. * 4 •»*

and reitjeraeed w jjeard, fcjave. been you wetre told by federalifts that ihe party \ Democracy may be likened undo a. Y&fa nowMn power were regardleis ot the in- cano ; becaufe when retrained wjtliin dafc te -efts of Gommmity *r that,the gra.tifica- bounds if maketh a ^mighty rumblirrsj noifs^ tion of liiioxdma e ambition was ih.£ bafis and ^hen it breaksih ferih it caufeth de-ot their conducl: ; when you wer<? pointed valldtion to overwhelm the fair fields of to the variance between their declarations focial order, . It rior^over refejnbleA a and praclice as a" proof of the charge ; vakano in this, that the'lav^ of calumny When their cor duel was arraigned and which eontiniiiallyi ifueth agahift gwd their iniquities *et in order, befpre your men from its orator, ma-keth all fftph to> eyes,thp miftsof delufion, teeming from flee tor fafety into retirement; wbilS the nocturnal preffes of democrjey, hav- ' none hot Jai^ndn^ers (demagO| ties) catt ered thick around you ; the.pov^ertul ar^ wpftandthe fingengof itshea*. | gument c& jed&ral lie, rn.onctrch.ifti.. and ! Democracy may befiikened *art?oWine^ toryt continually afiailed your e<rs* But (and verily it i&bad ^ine,) inafm«cliasit now, my countiymen, we are no longer afSicfeth thofe whjo drittk thereof witrl to be deceived by thofe pretends d friends ; mtich fickriejs of the ibrain. r 4.^%4 t of the people : Gog and Magog have gone O e i f ^ c r A ^ . s ^ y ^ ' l ^ ^ d Uhta art Eel | forth tO bailie, Thof^ political iwmdle^ becaufe, like thatMf^^f fife, it leaved** having wrefted the governtnent from the . jlhne upon aft who handle i t . hands of t ^ f e c eralifts by fraud andmii-teprefentation, cannot agree in the. divif-iontii tbe fpoil and Whilli they ar£ dif-clofingithe infernal policy by which they have deceived anid, ftript us of our faireft po#efiS<?Jis, ^ s ?,re left to laipefet ourowx* creduliiy and the bafchefs oi hpmart na*

Perfecu;ion and political inttole-

is fure to feel their vindiltlve As well thofe ra private. as have become the vtcKais oi virjtiious de-mocraqy,

^;e«|esi, Morten B:api:L

4ATALO6UH$ m ummxm

found wi th thej houlehold- of faith, a n *

thole wfio are t:lothed wUh, |uawiai m* thorky+—mem <bftitute oit integrity and

the ?bove ^ o r c

tit%mw^-Jf^-% $Q$* M * j l ' ' ' '''!'*».'•.•""'*•?•' •frr-

m V&-



- ( • - *,

.;S m ApftBenjice tQi t t i e . 'CLOCKi ..fe.MAElfta and SI t¥EK$MlTH. (

^-tti«tift, :^ fmart aftive Boy, 14 o.r 15' •yt$i* i$ 9mjt wtrnif ca^ab'H faithful and

•^m0^^wA m mm will; meet with good. -: :.'•., • 'uxtmmk w. miHj-AMiH. jsaj?'ftf. ii*.$9i*

rpy . . . .

Committees m the city of Mm-York and

J- W t t U A M TABQR, Chsirm*,

Democracy may be likened unto th^ Fold.of att.Afs^.'becaufe flici brayetK mightily, and pera^lyeatuTe fcie umfic tliereo^' Is heard &tmq$**~econdmyt e&ono^ my,h the found oi ay^iee'Wberswith fh«

but ih^ii itiis}^«4» &fmfti± - ^ ^ Again, democracy tsjay be likened n%

to tbe Fold of an Afs, becaufe fb[e feeaipetl^ ture. ranee have becolme the adopte^ children; on her back a very freat burthen ; f&~ of democracy and he. who ventures, to the burthen oi many iQem^gOgLies I ^hdL

Tontine Cofieej^Houfe'inc, the City of doubt its divinity or.to withhold tbe horn- thongi the poor inimalis j^dei ujnmerci* Albany, on Saturday, the, 18th day of age of his high Qonfidiration and- refpeBt fully .wkh ferbur^en^, yet 'dot|Jhe t a | |

, « •

revellers and rioters are

pQwer.-^ k meellly, an4 with iC^Mfee patience M ..*.*> .•«. trudges, iwhitkerioevejr bet Titter^ wpuld I

D^moemcy may hejfatisd jifito a Clotici in a dtsy feaioni which foret^lletfi raia, amlloi wind cornet^ I . &?

•0erpooracy..|^aybi?;l;ll;eried \rnx-a Moft ah's Ark* tor k containethall tpannep«£

February, .^804..:

WI LLIAM TA8OR5 E*$.' Of the Affembly, was chofen Chai rman, $£

jos2^w AN*»Iti* Efquirei .». of thei Senate, Sec'ry.


AARON BURR, be, and he is hereby nominated a Candi­date tfi be fuppotted at the enfuing Eled* fiveiy! ^ & . w „ ^ , . . - . . w ^ . ? . „ — ..,.„.-,.. , tfon for the office of G O V E R N O a of of themore important ofices of; the ftaite. who fought to obt^n of their neighbor this.State. 1 • , , . By the, publication above alluded t<y, tfes '* oil wherewith to.trim their,rumpsj"~^

Kefolv,ed* th&t the above Nomination defigns,, and intrigues ot an untoward fac- becaufe itsapoflles feek to^defpoil tfae vmm he pubbjiied in ait the Mewfpapersprinted tion haye been dMoged , and thfiy catt and the virtuous of the ** oil" o | ^ g0«4 fa this Jlatctmd that tteSecret&ymnfi no longer with unbiufhing impudence #e- jame, with which to trhn tteexwmg^ mitacopy thereof to tpe Corresponding w the charges «xMbked ag^hft thenl,^- lamps'of their Own reputation - OT-i Thofe who have had the ippw^r oi con- ther doth the fimnimde here, ce^fe $ i^

feripgpotcetjhitvetiothelkaied^odeclare when Conneiliaii; Demoeyac^ fao«% gt.the Jims oi lieftQwing, thern*. that, the # h floutiy (as often fho doesj s i t ? t | i ^ | 0 ^ £uf>fe iI tfizh rafcali and not WQ*ihy dt *ti£ Public CotTfidenc<tb* voibe^oTi^:

0 *fj
