
Week 8 - Wishes

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Page 2: Week 8 - Wishes

Genie in a bottle

Page 3: Week 8 - Wishes

Discuss in pairs…Imagine that you have met a wish-granting genie. You can make one wish and the genie guarantees that it will come true. What would you wish for?

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Expressing Wishes

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Wishes about the present/future We use wish + past simple to express that

we want a situation in the present (or future) to be different.

I wish I spoke Italian.I don't speak Italian.

I wish I had a big car.I don't have a big car.

I wish I were on a beach.I'm in the office.

I wish it were the weekend tomorrow. (future)It's only Thursday tomorrow.

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Wishes about the present/future We use wish + past continuous to

express that we want to be doing a different action in the present (or future).

I wish I were lying on a beach now.I'm sitting in the office.

I wish it weren't raining.It is raining.

I wish you weren't leaving tomorrow.You are leaving tomorrow.

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Wishes about the past We use wish + past perfect to express

a regret, or that we want a situation in the past to be different.

I wish I hadn't eaten so much.I ate a lot.

I wish they'd come on holiday with us.They didn't come on holiday with us.

I wish I had studied harder at school.I was lazy at school.

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Interview a partner… Student A: What do you wish were

different about NEUQ? What do you wish you

were doing right now? What is something that

you can’t do but wish you could do?

What do you wish you could have experienced as a child?

Student B: What do you wish

were different about Qinhuangdao?

Where do you wish you were right now?

What is something you don’t have but wish you had?

What is something you were unable to do last weekend, but wish you could have done?

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Onomatopoeia Animal Sounds

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What do dogs say?

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What do pigs say?

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What do birds say?

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What do ducks say?

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What do frogs say?

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What do chickens say?

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What do roosters say?

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Animal sounds Dogs say, “Woof! Woof!” Pigs say, “Oink! Oink!” Birds say, “Tweet! Tweet!” Ducks say, “Quack! Quack!” Frogs say, “Ribbit! Ribbit!” Chickens say, “Cluck! Cluck!” Roosters say, “Cock-a-doodle-doo!”

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Find your farm yard friends…

Page 19: Week 8 - Wishes

Group ActivityCreate a fairytale story

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Create and Perform a Fairy Tale Story Scenario: An animal meets a genie who

offers to grant it 2 wishes. 3 characters: a narrator, a genie, an

animal Each student plays a different role Must include:

1 onomanopeia 2 wish statements (be careful about
