What’s happening at Planning Panels Victoria? Kathy Mitchell, Chief Panel Member VPELA Hot Topics – 23 February 2016

What’s happening at Planning Panels Victoria? - VPELA · What’s happening at Planning Panels Victoria? ... precincts within the Flemington Racecourse known as ‘Flemington

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What’s happening at Planning Panels Victoria?

Kathy Mitchell, Chief Panel Member

VPELA Hot Topics – 23 February 2016

Planning Panels Victoria - Staff Update


• 27 new Sessional Members through three-yearly review of Sessional Members

• Brett Davis, Senior Panel Member

• Elissa Bell, Senior Project Manager

• Andrea Harwood, Senior Project Manager

• Emily To, Project Officer

• Stefanie Poulos, Administration Officer


• Cathie McRobert, Senior Panel Member (secondment)

• Jenny Moles, Senior Panel Member (retired)

• Jess Cutting, Senior Project Manager (secondment, then

City of Port Phillip)

Planning Panels Victoria - Staff Update

4 Senior Project Managers / Officers

6 Administration Support Staff

Chief Panel Member

6 Senior Members (full time)

4 Senior Sessional Members

71 Sessional Members

includes 6 technical experts

PPV in 2015 – An overview




Panels and committees appointed

Submissions considered

Reports completed

1 Jan – 31 Dec 2015

Major Advisory Committee matters at PPV

Animal Industries

Ballarat Station Precinct

Flemington Hill and Epson Road

Level Crossing Removal

Government Land

Major Hazard Facilities

Macedon Ranges Protection

Managing Residential Development

Ombersley Quarry (call in from VCAT)

Punt Road Public Acquisition Overlay

Animal Industries AC

Appointed: November 2015

Purpose: ‘Report on how the planning system can support the establishment and expansion of productive, competitive and market-responsive animal industries’

• Livestock production systems are changing and the trend towards more intensive productions systems is likely to continue.

• Committee to consider options to better manage the potential impacts from animal industries while supporting them to grow and be competitive.

Key Dates:

Public Hearings 22 – 26 February 2016

Final Report 29 April 2016

Flemington Hill and Epsom Road AC

Appointed: September 2015

Purpose: “To report on the suitability of two draft planning scheme amendments that seek to rezone and facilitate development of two precincts within the Flemington Racecourse known as ‘Flemington Hill’ and Epsom Road”.

• Minister for Planning Responsible Authority for all land proposed to be rezoned.

• Victorian Racing Club propose to rezone the precincts to Comprehensive Development Zone to facilitate the development of high rise residential towers with associated low-rise commercial precincts.

• VRC with the support of both Councils, requested the appointment of an Advisory Committee to consider the development proposals and best way forward.

Key Dates:

Directions Hearing - 1 March 2016

Public Hearings – week commencing 14 March 2016 (3-4 weeks)

Level Crossing Removal Project Integrated Development Opportunities Standing AC

Appointed: December 2015

Purpose: “To provide advice on integrated development opportunities created by the removal of level crossings”.

Key Issues: • Intended to provide a consistent process for considering integrated development opportunities created by some level crossing removals.

• Minister for Planning to refer a site or sites to the Committee.

• No matters referred to date.

Key Dates:

Committee to submit written report within four weeks from the last hearing day.

Government Land Standing AC

Appointed: August 2015

Purpose: “To report on the suitability of changes to the planning provisions to land owned by the Victorian Government”.

• Standing Advisory Committee will provide a consistent and transparent process to facilitate the sale of government land identified as surplus.

• Three sites have recently been referred to the Committee:

8-20 & part of 22-28 Phillip Street, Dallas

1080 Frankston-Flinders Road, Somerville

Corner Wills and Brudenell Street, St Arnaud

Key Dates:

For the above sites:

Exhibition - 15 February to 25 March 2016

Public Hearings - 11 to 22 April 2016

Final Report - Late May 2016

Macedon Ranges Protection AC

Appointed: December 2015

Purpose: “To provide advice on an appropriate policy to achieve protection of the significant, values and attributes and character of the Macedon Ranges and support changes to legislative framework”.

The TOR provides the following context; • ‘There is significant concern and interest among state

government, key stakeholders and the local community to ensure the area is protected from inappropriate development’.

Key Dates:

Discussion Paper – early March 2016

Final Report – 15 July 2016

Managing Residential Development AC

Upcoming Key Milestones

Appointed: November 2015

Purpose: “To report on the application of zones that provide for residential


• Third state-wide review of the zones that provide for residential

development since 2009.

• Committee seeking to take the zones forward, suggesting


Key Dates:

14 March 2016 - Submissions Close

1 April 2016 - Directions Hearing

Mid April - May 2016 - Hearings (to run concurrently by subregions in

metro and regional locations)

30 June 2016 - Final Report Submitted

Major Hazard Facilities AC

Appointed: September 2015

Purpose: “To report on improvements to the way land use buffers around Major

Hazard Facilities are determined and implemented” .

• Considers Victoria’s 40 Worksafe registered MHF and how the land use planning system can assist in managing risks and any adverse impacts, including the potential roles of land use buffers.

• 72 submissions received on the Discussion Paper prepared by the Advisory Committee.

Key Dates:

17-24 March 2016 - Public Hearings

June 2016 - Final Report Submitted

Punt Road Public Acquisition Overlay AC

Appointed: March 2015

Purpose: “To report and recommend on whether to retain, modify or remove the

PAO affecting Punt Road within the City of Stonnington”.

• The 20m wide Public Acquisition Overlay has been in place since

1954 and affects 140 properties.

• Punt Road / Hoddle Street is one of Melbourne’s busiest key arterial

roads, used by around 33,000 vehicles per day.

• 121 submissions received.

Key Dates:

9 - 19 February 2016 – Public Hearings

April 2016 - Final Report

Major Panels at PPV

Bass Coast C140 Implements Bass Coast Rural Land Use Strategy & Coast Shire Review of Rhyll Wetland

Bayside C140 Bayside Housing Strategy

Casey C189 Casey Central Town Centre Structure Plan

Macedon Ranges C98 Woodend Town Structure Plan

Macedon Ranges C99, C109, C105 Kyneton Structure Plan

Macedon Ranges C100 Riddles Creek Structure Plan

Melton C140 Rockbank Structure Plan and PSP

Mitchell / Whittlesea GC28 Donnybrook / Woodstock Structure Plan

Moreland C158 Moreland Industrial Land Strategy

Warrnambool C93 Stage 1 of Warrnambool Planning Scheme Rewrite Project

Various Heritage matters

Part A and Part B submissions

• Part A and Part B submissions from Planning Authority to assist in reducing time and cost of Panel process

• Trialled in Warrnambool, Wellington and Casey amongst others

• Part A submissions – to be provided at the time of lodgement of expert evidence and other information:

– Includes background, strategic assessment, site context, other strategic considerations, issues raised in submissions

• Part B submissions – to be provided by Planning Authority (generally) on Day 1 of the Hearing:

– Includes response to evidence, matters raised by Panel, key issues, conclusions, final form of Amendment, permit conditions

PPV Roundtables

PPV to hold three round table meetings with;

1. Local Councils

2. Planning Industry (Includes consultants / legal)

3. Stakeholders

Sessions to have a community engagement focus, specifically:

Targeting regular submitters experiences in participating in a Panel process.

Identifying areas to improve participant experience.