Wordlist 13 Looking for Answers ی ک ش ز پ وم ل ع ش وز م عه آ س و ت و عات ل مطا ز ک ر م

Wordlist 13 Looking for Answers مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی

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Page 1: Wordlist 13 Looking for Answers مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی

Wordlist 13Looking for Answers

مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی

Page 2: Wordlist 13 Looking for Answers مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی

1. Capability (n.)Definition:  the ability to do something

Synonym: ability, capacity, power, potetialExample: These tests are beyond the capability of

an average twelve-year-old.Word Family:

o·ver·ca·pa·bil·i·ty, noun, plural o·ver·ca·pa·bil·i·ties.su·per·ca·pa·bil·i·ty, noun, plural su·per·ca·pa·bil·i·tie


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2. Companion (n.)Definition: a person you spend a lot of time with often because you are friends or because you are travelling togetherSynonym: friend, comradeExample: The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.Word Family:

com·pan·ion·less, adjectiveun·com·pan·ioned, adjective

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3. Disorder (n.) Definition:

a disturbance in physical or mental health or functions; malady or dysfunction

Synonym: disease, infection, sicknessExample:  a mild stomach disorder.

Word Family:pre·dis·or·der, noun

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4. Faulty (adj.)Definition: A faulty machine or device is not perfectly

made or does not work correctly.Synonym: malfunctioning, broken, damaged,

defective Example: faulty wiring/brakes

Word Family:fault·i·ly, adverb

fault·i·ness, nounnon·fault·y, adjectiveun·fault·y, adjective

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5. Household (n.)Definition: a group of people, often a family, who

live togetherSynonym: domestic, family

Example: By the 1960s, most households had a TV.Word Family:

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6. Inherited (adj.)Definition:

to receive (a genetic character) by the transmission of hereditary factors

Synonym: ancestral, hereditary Example: He was complaining about some inherited

diseases.Word Family:

half-in·her·it·ed, adjectivenon·in·her·it·ed, adjective

pre·in·her·it, verb (used with object)qua·si-in·her·it·ed, adjective

re·in·her·it, verb

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7. Medication (n.)Definition: a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs, used to improve a particular condition or

illnessSynonym: drug, medicine

Example: In the study, patients were taken off their usual medications.

Word Family:an·ti·med·i·ca·tion, adjective

hy·per·med·i·ca·tion, nouno·ver·med·i·ca·tion, noun

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8. Mildly (adv.)Definition: slightly

Synonym: slightly, faintly, weaklyExample: I was mildly surprised to see him here

Word Family:mild·ly, adverb

mild·ness, nouno·ver·mild, adjectivesem·i·mild, adjective

sem·i·mild·ness, noun

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9. Norm (n.)Definition: a situation or type of behavior that is

expected and considered to be typicalSynonym: standard, average

Example: One child per family is fast becoming the norm in some countries.

Word Family:norm·less, adjective

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10. Praise (v.)Definition: to express admiration or approval about the

achievements or characteristics of a person or thing Synonym: commend, acclaim

Example: He should be praised for his honesty.Word Family:

praise·ful, adjectivepraise·ful·ly, adverb

praise·less, adjectiveprais·er, noun

half-praised, adjective

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11.  Predominate (v.)Definition:  to be the largest in number or the most

importantSynonym: be the most noticeable

Example: In industrial areas, the dark-coloured variety of the moth now predominates.

Word Family:pre·dom·i·nate·ly,  adverb

pre·dom·i·nat·ing·ly, adverbpre·dom·i·na·tion, nounpre·dom·i·na·tor, noun

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12. Spectrum (n.)Definition:

a broad range of varied but related ideas or objectsSynonym: range, scope

Example:  the spectrum of political beliefs.Word Family:

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13. Trait (n.)Definition: a particular characteristic that can

produce a particular type of behaviorSynonym: characteristic, attribute, feature

Example: His sense of humor is one of his better traits.

Word Family:

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14. Trigger (v.)Definition: to initiate or precipitate

Synonym: set off, promptExample: Their

small protest triggered a mass demonstration.Word Family:

un·trig·gered, adjective

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15. Utter (v.)Definition: to say something or to make a sound

with your voiceSynonym: express, state, say

Example: She sat through the whole meeting without uttering a word.

Word Family:ut·ter·a·ble, adjective

ut·ter·er, nounut·ter·less, adjective

un·ut·tered, adjective

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16. Verbal (adj.)Definition:  spoken rather than written

Synonym: oral, spoken Example: a verbal

agreement/description/explanation Word Family:

ver·bal·ly, adverbin·ter·ver·bal, adjective

non·ver·bal, adjectivenon·ver·bal·ly, adverbpre·ver·bal, adjective

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