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Yarker Memphis Mizraim

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John Yarker

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The publishershave recently reissueda rare English-languagetranslationofE.J.MarconisdeNegre’sclassicwork TheSanctuaryofMemphis(1849)which servesasthebestintroductionto theritualsofthe Orderfrom theview-pointof its advocates.In thatwork will alsobefoundthe“UniversalTyler,” whichprovidesacompletedescriptionof thesecretwork (tokens,signsandwords)oftheOrderfrom theFirstthroughThirty-thirddegrees.Thefirst Thirty-threedegreesof theRiteofMemphiswereessentiallytheAncientandAcceptedScottishRiteofFreemasonry.

Thepresentwork includesJohnYarker’s lastrevisionof the highdegreesof the Rite of Memphis,i.e., thosefrom the 340 through950

inclusive. Yarker was headof theEnglishbranchof the order, thenknownastheAncientandPrimitiveRite. Underhis leadershiptheRiteunderwenta reformationandabridgment.

Whilemanyof thesedegreesconsistof little morethanthesecretwork so-called,it shouldbe rememberedthat: thisesotericais therootof the secrettradition. If appropriatelychosen,thesigns,tokensandwordsshouldhint atthesecrettraditionandsymbolicinstructionwhichservesasthefoundationofthedegrees.In preparinghisdescriptionofthedegreesYarker, in conformitywith standardpractice,reversedtheorderofthelettersofthesecretwords.Thus,all capitalizedsecretwordsmustbereadfrom right to left asonewouldreadHebrew.In the340forexample,EGGISbecomesSIGGE,EZAMORObecomesOROMAZE,andsoforth.

Although someof therituals areskeletalin naturethey will besupplementedby thesimultaneoususeof otherpublications.’ Evenintherathercompleteceremonialof the490 SublimeSageof thePyra-mids, for example,we find that the readeris referred to Yarker’sLecturesof a Chapter,Senateand Council, also availablethroughKessingerPublishingCo.

In connectionwith our exclusiveSecretRitualSeries,KessingerPublishingCompanyintendson reprintingas manyof the degreesof the Rites of Memphis andMitzraim aspossible.

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Book ThThd





This s a Philosophicaldegree,and consists of 3 partsor points~—I, the Elect; 2, the Mystic; 3, thc Epoptae. In these are studiedthe Masonic doctrine; the historic and philosophic; the Sciencestermed Occult or Secret. The temple is a square;the hangingsofsky blue, sprinkled with silver stars. The Fast has a Dais of violetstuff fringed with gold, where is the throne of the Venerable; onthe 3 thrones are 3 HierophantswearingCrowns. In the centre isan Altar upon which are the Scriptures,a glaive, and the Squareand Compasses.The 1st, 2nd and 3rd thrones have 3, 2 and 1.steps. Thebanneris flame coloured,and in the middle is representedasword, a palm branch,the two crossed.

The Ribbon is colour of fire worn with a black rosette, andthe Jewel suspendedthereto is a Star of Silver for Knights, andof gold for Dignitaries. Thereis no changemade duringthe points.


The Very High—(Knocks333-333).Worthy Brother,why are weassembledhere?

The High—To instruct each other in SacredThings.The Very High—Worthy Equal, how do we hope to do this?


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The Equal—By knowledgebrought from Asgaard.The Very High—Then I declare the Assembly duly open for

instruction. (Each gives 333)


lntroducer—(Knocks333, door openedd little way.)

Guard—Whencecomest thou, Stranger,and what is thy desire?Aspirant—My name is Pilgrim; I have wandered long and am

weary and desire rest. To whom belongs this fair mansion?Guard—Tothe King and to him will I lead thee. (Admitted)Accompanier—(DrawsSword, standson defensive,and leads As-

pirant six times round the I-fall, saying softly trScan everygate!

Ere thou go on”, With greatest caution, For 65 hard to say!Where foes are lurking! In this fair Mansion”. After the 6th~round Aspirant is brought suppliantly before the three thrones,one raised higher than the other two upon which are seatedthethree with Crowns.)

Accompanier—Pilgrimbehold the Three! He who Sitteth on the

lowest throneis calledTHE HIGH, or Lofty one; the 2nd is namedEQUAL TO THE H!Gi-I; and the 3rd is called THE HIGHEST. Lis-ten to what they sayto thee. Questionthem and they will answer.

3. The High—Stranger thou art welcome, and mayest eat anddrink, without cost in the Hall of the Sublime. What is thy

errand and what dost thou desire from us?Pilgrim—I desire instruction in your Mysteries.2. Equal of the High—The knowledgewhich you seekwas brought

from Asgaardby Sigge the High Priest of our All-father Odin,when he led his all-conqueringarmies from the Pontus and

EuscineSeas. As Priest he sought not Kingly rank but gave tothe Scandinaviansa Mystic Theology which descendedto afterages in a Symbolic poem namedthe Voluptia amplified in theEddas. He it was who establishedin Scandinavia the secretreligious Mysteries and appointed as their Guardian TwelveGreat Pontiffs. From theseMysteries sprang numerousFrater-nities or Guilds—warlike, religious, social, and operative,whosememberswere bound by Oath to give each other mutual aid and


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assistance. It is believed that Sigge having quarrelledwith theRoman GeneralPopmey,withdrew from that imperious and allconquering nation and making Kings as he passedalong toScandinaviahe found Gylphi occupying that throne, and havingestablishedhis Mysteries the King sought Initiation.

Gylphi hastenedto acknowledgethe greatand warlike Hiero.phant Sigge, and went to his temple to seek Initiation disguisedas a Gangler or Pilgrim. He beheld on his arrival a very loftymansion, the roof of which was covered with golden shields.This Gangler formed the entranceto the mansionto be Guardedby one who was tossingsevensmall swordsin the air, and catch-ing them as they descended.Upon seeing the Gangler he ad-dressedhim, in the same words as you were, when you soughtentrance, Gylphi was admitted and the great iron door closedwith a crash like thunder. They traversed many stately roomscrowded with people, some drinking, some fencing, and finallyhe was broughtbefore the Three,as you havebeen.

The greatand warlike priestof Odin, the All-father, is said tohave acquired Magical command of the Elements, to have pos-sessed,the power of renderinghimself invisible, as is assertedofmany ancient religious persons: and when he reachedold age,and was weary of life, he called his friends around him, andpiercing his body with wounds, departedto the All-father.

Before I go further I must require from you a sacred andsolemn promise,upon your honour, and upon your life, that youwill conceal from all men what you have seenor heard, or may

hereaftersee and hear further in this Assembly.

Do you promise, on such terms?Aspirant—I promise sacredfidelity upon my honour and upon my



The Highest—I acceptyour promise, Stranger, demandfrom uswhat thou wilt. What wishest thou?

Pilgrim—Tell me. 0! Lofty one, who is the first of the Gods?


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Wheredoth he dwell? What is his Power?What bath he doneto display his Glory?

3. The High (l)—Hc livcth from all ages,lie governethall realms;he swayethall things, great and small.

2. The F. I-I. (2)—He bath formed the heavens;the Earth; theair; and all things thereuntobelonging.

1. The Highest (3)—And what is more still, he hath mademan,

and given him a soul which will never perish; though the bodyshall have moulderedaway, or may havebeenburned to ashes.

Pilgrim—When and how was the beginningof all things?

3. The High (Quoting tLre Vo/uspa).

‘Twas times first dawn,When naught yet was,

Nor sand, nor sea,Earth was not there,Nor heavenabove,Naught save a void,And yawning gulf,But verdure none.

2. The Equal—For the unregenerateman there is Niflheim, (or

Hell), the abodeof anguish,misery, and anihilation. But beforeall thcre is Muspelsheim, or the luminous world, where rulesSurbur the black,—’Surbur filled with deceitful stratagems,whocometh from the South. The paths of death, and heavenwassplit asunder.”

The Gods were created—flurethe father of Bore, whosewifewas Beyzla the daughterof Baldron, of whom was born Odin,Vile, and ye, who rule this world. The Voluspasays:—

‘Tormerly thesun. Knew not his place,The Moon was ignorantof its powers,And the Stars Knew not their stations.”“of the flesh of the Giant Ymer was formed Earth,Of his Sweat the Seas,of his bonesthe Mountains,Of his hair the herbs of the field, and of his skull the heavens


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But the Merciful Gods built of his eyebrowsthe City MidgardFor the Children of Men, and of his brains the cloudsThe Senseof which it is for you to discover.’

Odin, Vile, and Ve, the sons of Bore, walkingon the seashoreof this world created the first man Aske, and, the first womanEmla. Odin is thereforejustly called the All-father, and Lidskialfis his palace. His wife Frigga, is the goddessof nature, fertility,and love, and is the daughterof Fliorgun.

Odin, says the Edda, has 46 names, becauseeach Nation,having a different languagetranslatedit into their own tongue;

the Earth is his daughterand wife, on her hath he begottenAsa-Thor, his first born, the god of war, strengthand,valour (Mars)Loke is the evil God, full of cunning and deceit, and causedthebeautiful Balder to be slain by a shaft of the baleful Mistletoe,for he was otherwise invulnerable. Balder having thus perished,his mother Frigga proclaimed that whosoever would descendto Nerfiheim where rules Hela, and restorehim to life shouldmerit all her love. Hermode, his brother, the nimble of foot,travelled in dark valleys for 9 days,and when he arrives at theabodeif the Hela agreesto deliver him up, if all things animateand inanimatewould weep for him. As in other allegories,and

mythologies, all nature wept and mourned for the beautifulBalder, save Loke disguisedasa cave-dwellingwitch, who said—“Thok will weep with dry eyes the funeral of Balder, Let allthings, living or dead, weep if they will, but let Hela keep herprey.” So l3alcl.er remainswith Hela till the restoration of allthings, and Loke was bound in a cavernby the other Gods, andserpentsdischargetheir venom upon him.

Pilgrim—What did the All-father after building Asgard?

1. The Highest—He establishedGovernors. Their first work wasto build a Hall wherein are 1 2 seats for themselves,besidesthethrone of Odin. Its name is Gladheim (gladhome). They alsobuilt anotherHall for the goddesses. . . they called it Vinglodor theMansion of love and friendship . . . Thatagewascalled the


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golden age . . . and lasted till the women arrived from thecountry of the giants.

Pilgrim—Which is the Capitol of the Gods, or sacredcity?

1. The Highest—It is undertheAsh Ydrasil wherethegodsassembleevery clay and administerJustice. It hath 3 roots, one amongstthe Giants: one amongstthe Gods; the third covers Nerfiheim(Hell). Under the root of that in the country of the Giants isa spring, and whoever drinks of that is named Nimis and isfull of wisdom. The Voluspasays:—

“Where hast thou concealedthine eyeOdin?I know where;even in the limpid fountain of Minis,Every morning does Minis pour Hydromel,Upon thepledgewhich he receives from the All-father.Do you understandthis?The third root of the Ash is in heaven,Under it lies theholy fountain of past times,Thereare in heavenvery manypleasantcities,And none without a divine garrisonThe largeAsh suffers more thanman would believeA Stag eatsand spoils it aboveIt rots on the sides, and a serpentgnawsit belowThereareNomies (Fairies,past, presentand future)Of different origins, someproceedfrom thegodsSomefrom the Genii, and somefrom the dwarfs.”

Pilgrim—What cities are to be seen in heaven?

1. The Highest—Thereare many fine cities to be seenthere. Oneof them is Alfheim, wheredwell the luminous Genii; the blackdwell under the Earth and diffet from the others, still more in

their actions than in their appearance,the luminous Genii aremoresplendid than the Sun, But the black Genii are darker thanpitch. The inside of Breidablik is of gold., the roof of silver. ThegreatCity Valasridlfbelongsto Odin, and is of pure silver. Men

of goodnessand integrity shall abide therefor ages.


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(VohtTa) “1 know that there is a place brighter than the Sun;Entirely covered,with gold, in the city of Gimle.There the virtuous are to reside, therethey live happythrough all ages.”

Pilgrim—Can you tell me ought of the natureof the Gods?

1. The High—There are 12 of these. Besides Odin and Frigga,Thor alreadymentionedwhosechariot is drawnby two He-goats;there is Balder who hath his palace in Breidablik; and there Iknow (says Voluspa) are Columns upon which are engravenverses,capableof raising the deadto life.”

Kiord is the ruler of the winds and dwelleth in Noution, andtook to wife Skada the daughterof the giant Thiasse:his child.ren are Frey who presidesover rain, and is the mildest of thegods: and Freya, the propitious from whom the ladies take theirname. Tyr is the most bold and intrepid of the gods. Brageis celebratedfor his wisdQm, his eloquence,and his majesticair;his wife is Iduma who hath in chargecertain apples that renewyouth.

Heimdall is the son of 9 virgins who are sisters, he dwells atthe end of Birfrost in a castlecalled the “Celestial Fort”, and isthe Watchman of the Gods. Hoder is blind but exceedinglystrong. The Ninth God is the silent Vidar. The lath God, Vileor Vali is the son of Odin, and Rinda, bold in war and an ex-cellent archer. The 11th is Tellar the offspring of Gissia andson-in-Jawof Thor, and a quick archer. The 12th is Forsetteson of Balder he administers Justice, and dwells in Glibner.

“Glibner is the nameof a place which is supportedupon pillarsof gold, and is covered with a roof of silver. There it is thatForsette resides the greater part of the time, to reconcile andappeaseaJI sorts of quarrels.” Loke is designated“the Calumni-ator of the Gods; the artificer of frauds; the disgraceof Godsand. men” (a Christian devil) ; he haschildren like himself, andthese include Wolf Fenris, the serpentNidhog~er, and a thirdcafled Hela, to whom is sent the indolent who die 0f old ageand sickness. The Valiant, and thoseslain in battlearewelcomedby the All-father Odin.


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Pilgrim—Who are the Goddesses?

3. The Equal—The principal is Frigga, who math a magnificentpalacecalled Fensalar,or the divine abode. The 2nd is Sagar.Eira performs the function of healer. Gefione is a virgin, andtakes into her alt chastemaids after their death. Fylla is also avirgin and wearsher beautiful locks flowing over her shoulders.

Freya ranks next to Frigga. She was married to Oder who lefther to travcl and her tearsfor his lossare dropsof pure gold. The

7th is Sione who draws young men and maidenstogether. Lornais so gracious that she has the power of reconciling lovers atvariance. Vara the 9th, presidesover oaths, and punishesthosewho are false. Vora is wise, and can penetratesecret things.Synia is the Poetessof the heavenlypalace. The 12th is Lynaand shehas careof thosewhom Frigga intendsto deliver fromperil. Snofra is a wise and intelligent Goddess.The Messengerof Frigga is namedGna.

We reckon alsoSol andBil amongstthe Ases or Divinities; andtherearebesidesa greatnumberof Virgins in Valhalla who supplymead to the heroes.

Pilgrim—What can you tell me of the time of Darknessof theGods?

1. The Highest—It is the end of the cycle. First will arrive a greatand desolatingwinter, and snow will come from the four cornersof the world. Therewill be severefrost, and violent anddanger-ous tempests. See how the 1st Hierophantstatesit in Voluspa.“Brothers will becomemurderers,and will stain themselveswitha brothersblood; kindred wilt forget the ties of consanguinity;and life wilt becomea burthen; adultery shall reign throughoutthe world. A barbarous age! An age of swords! An age of

tempests! An age of wolves! “The bucklersshalt be broken inpieces, and these calamities shall succeed each other until theworld falls in ruins.

“Heimdal will lift up his crookedtrumpet and sound it aloud.Odin consults the head of Minis, the great Ash; the sublimeand fruitful Ash will be violently shakenand sendforth a groan.The Giant bursts his irons.


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“What is then doing amongst the Gods? What is doingamongstthe Genii? The land of the Giants is filled with uproar.The Deities collect and assembletogether. The dwarfs sigh andgroan before the entranceof their caverns. 0! ye inhabitantsof

the mountains,can ye say, whetheranything shall remain in ex-istence? The sun is darkened,the earth is overwhelmedby thesea; the shining starsdisappcarfrom the heavens,vapour mixedwith fire arises,vehementheatprevailseven in heavenitself.

“But I know that thereis in Nastradean aboderemotefrom the

Sun, the gatesof which look towards the North; their dropsofpoison rain through the windows; for it is built on the carcasesof Serpents.

“There in rapid rivers swim the perjurers, the assassins,andthose who seek to seducethe wives of others. In anotherplacethere is still worse for an all-devouring Wolf perpetually tor~mentsthe bodiesof thosewho are sent in thither.” Such is theaccountgiven us by the Volus/’a, of what the Hindu Vedastermthe greatPrelaya,thenight or inbreathingof Brahm,theUnknow-able.

Pilgrim—Whom of the Gods will then survive? Will they allperish and will there no longerbe a heaven,and, an earth?

1. The Highest. There will arise out of the sea, which has over-whelmed the old, another Earth most lovely and beautiful.“Vidar and Vale shall survive, becauseneither the flood, nor theblack conflagration can do them harm. Mode and Magne, thesonof Thor repairThither. Thither will comeBalder,the beauti-ful, andHoderfrom the mansionsof the departed. Two persons,male and femate—Lif and Liftbraser tie, concealedunder a hill,and will propagateso abundantly that the new Earth is soonpeopledanew. The Sun, once again, “the brilliant monarchoffire, shall bcgct an only daughter,before the devouring Wolfcommits his devastations;and, after the death of the gods, shewilt pursuethe sameroute as her parents.”


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2. The High—Now have Sublime Strains, been sung in SublimeHalls! Useful are they to the sons of men. Hail to him whosang them! Hail to him who hath seen, and understoodthem!

May they profit him who bath retainedthem! Hail to those whohath lent an ear to hear them! 0! Pilgrim, thou who hast seenand heard! Make the best useof what we have impartedto thee!Study the inner meaningof the allegory.

1. The Highest—Beforeyou depart,I would sayto you, that wehavedeemed it best, in beginning this special section of our Rite topoint out to you, that we have deemedit best to give you theInitiation fully of the ScandinavianKing Gylpke by the HighestPriests, of the Temple of Odin, as it is related in the Eddas.You will be the better enabled to understandin studying themythologyof theScythianPriestSiggethatof otherswhich follow.

There are in it traces of the primaeval creed which taughtthat humanityarosefrom a marriageof Heavenand Earth. Muchof the Aryan Theologyof the Vedasis to be found in it, and itsclosingstrainsareof the Destructionand Renovationof alt thingsin the Outbreathingand Inbreathingof the UnknowableDeity,thePara-bratinof the Vedas.

I cannotbetter reward the attention you have given, than byformally creating you a Knight of Scandinavia in its highestpoint. You will therefore kneel before me.

Does so. Master strikes both shoulderssaying:—In the name

of the All-father, I createyou a Knight of Scandinavia. Be val-iant, bold, and true: ever esteemdeathwith honor, before a lifewith dishonour. I decorateyou with the Insignia of the Order,

and proceedto instruct you iti the modes by which we recognise

each other.

I Section S. of Order—Drawthe sword with right hand and holdit by the middle of the blade.

S. of Recognition—Strike2 blows on Sword with left hand, fingersof the right hand on the heart,


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Answer—Placeright index on the lips.S. of 1-leip——Right hand on left shoulder, left on brow.T.—Place right foot to brothers, left hand on heart, take eaches

right hand with arms held, vertically.W. P.—EGGIS: Answer—EZA.’MORQ (most pure light)Rec. W.—Stella Sedet Soli. (Science, Wisdom, Holiness).W. S.—OAZ. Battery—333-333.

March—Six ordinary steps, draw sword. Stand to order.ir Section—NTDO Answer E!SPOTUA (Contemplation)W. P.—EIGOGANA. (Elevation of Spirit)

III Section—W. P.—ENEGIROBA (Society without origin)W. S.—ATSORTJR. (Truth)


Hierophant—Youwill now takeyour seatand listen to the Lecture.1 Q.—Do you believe in the immortality of the Soul.R.—.Yes. It is the ancient teachingof this degree.2 Q.—Do you believe that the Soul is an Emanationof God?R.—God is truth, then all which Jives must be in aflinity.3 Q.—What is individuality?

R.—Individuality is the Soul which is immortal. It is the Ego whichmay steep, but never ceaseto be. Free and immortal, moved, bygrievous things of necessity, the will can embraceworlds andraise itself even towards Divinity.

Q.—What is will?R.—Will is the principle of our actions,and all that is organised.Q.—Are the exterior sensesthen the instrumentsof the soul to

form itself?R.—Yes. Becausethe soul feels through the body: it seeswith its

eyes;hearsthrough its ears;and thesecan be developedand per.fectioned in like manner as the exterior sensesperform thesefunctions, the soul has also its interior and spiritual sensations.—to wit:-


It hashumanefeelingsand sentimentsof humanity;A moral sense,with sentimentsof humangood;

The intellectual, or sentimentsof the true and the just;


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4. The aesthetic,or senseof the beautiful Sublime.5. Thc religious Sense,or of the holy and divine.

These5 admirablc Senses,like those of the natural body, aresusceptibleof the highest development,and it is in this art ofperfectioningitself that the educationof the soul consists.

In order for this development,conformablcto the souls naturaldignity, we must recogniseall its facilities, and put them in activityin the way that reasonprescribes.

The soul can only receive the impressionsof exterior nature,and must thereforefeel, receive,reflect, imagine,understand,will:—in one word it is the soul which thinks. It is more or kss perfect,in proportion that it is more or less pure, and the perfectgoodnessof a man constituteshis soverign perfection.

The soul which perfects its divine nature may thus, by de-grees, approachthe divine; it knows its origin, its nature, and itsdestiny; it feels that it comesfrom God, and seeksto return to Him.

The divine essenceof the humaneSoul, is shown in Thoughtsof God, arid of immortality, and is part of its intellectual andspiritual nature; it constitutes its divine nature, its sovereigngood,its supremefelicity.

A nobleand greatSoul is one which feels in itself the Divineforce, and thinks and acts in it, and reposesconstantly in thoughts

of God and immortality.

With this singlethoughtwhenall elsefails in the enz~bireof theworld, it rests unflinching and preservesits energy, its liberty, itsalmost divine power. Nothing else, under the Sun, can be com-pared to a strong soul: if the universe was anihilated before its

eyes, it would survive and remain peaceful, for it is immortal.

0! Man, as thy soul is immortal form it for immortality, byraising it towards the S.A.O.T.U. Listen to the voice of God, tothat celestial voice which speaksto thy heart, crying perpetually—immortality’.

Q.—Dost thou believe in the transmigrationof Souls?


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A.—If the perfection of the vital breath which animatesus is thedirect reasonof civilization are we not involuntarily led to con-clude that certain souls which are impeccably 6lled with thedivine breath, may be attached to a more perfect existencein

order that they may tend to approach the in~nitc Being fromwhom they have sprung?

Even the insectwhich then is theobjectof ourdisdain,maygive

up its last breath to a being of superiororder; thus by transmi.gration upon transmigration,with a seriesof beings, the most im-perfectmay arisetowardsits creator,to reposein the bosomof Godsuch was the belief of the ancientpriests.

HierophanL—TheseAncient Priests said,—‘Th e soul is immortal,but to reach heaven,it has to pass through 7 doorsof lead, tin,

copper, iron, bronze, silver, and gold.~’ The Alchemists hadanalogous doctrines, they supposed that the soul must passthrough the developmentof the Seven planets,before it reposedin the centre of felicity.


1. The Highest—(Knocks333-333)—Our Labours being endedI close the Assembly. Depart to your homes and the blessingsof the All-father be with you.

The battery is repeatedby the 2 other Priests (seeplate at endof volume)—RunicCypherJewel.—.Swordand palm crossed,form of a star; gold for Officers,

silver for Knights: The ribbon is red.


You have a printed Ritual of this degree; alter the number.Marconis recommendswhat may be addedas a 2nd Point with thetitle of Commander.—

Instruction in the d;v,si’on of the Seasons. The apparentmo-

tions of theStars, their velocity, distance,terms,and gravitation.Thepurification of metalsand how to renderthem ductile. The botani-

cal propertiesof plantsand vegetables;and the modeof extracting


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their sapto prolong life. Thus to acquire a knowledgeof the tem-pIe of the Universe.S.—Right hand to heart, extendarm palm down,Answer.—lnterlacefingers and place with thumbs erect on the

heart to form two squares.

T.—Press3 timcs the right hand on shoulderAnswer.—With right hand 3 light shakes.Reply.—Placeforefinger in palm of left hand.W.P. SUIRIS (Dog Star)Answer—SII-LTOS. (The Sameand a Cycle of I to 61 years).W.S.—ARUTAN.Answer.—HAILE. (Fortitude.) Battery 7777777.


Founded in 1780 of 3 grades,or Points,—Believer—Elect—Perfect.

1. Purification by the 4 elements.2. The Symbolsshould recall the Unity of God.

It has referenceto primitive worship and the consequencesresulting from the Astronomicalobservationsof the Priestsof Baby-lon, Chaldea,and Sidon. It quotes a Chapterin Al Koran, beingthe protestsof Abram againstStar and idol worship. The labouris consecratedto Geometry,and astronomy.

President(Says)—’You understandnow our Mysteries,our Science,our Altar, and our God; it is with the idea of Unity that theluminous triangle unites all our symbols.

“In investing you with the Habit, I invite you to let it coverfor ever the darknessof error and prejudice.”

1. Section Believer.—Placeleft hand over the eyes and the 2 firstfingers of right on the lips.

T.—Takeeachothers little finger.W. P.—HTINUEM.2. Section. Elect S.—Right kneeon floor, cross arms on breast.T.—Take mutually the fingers of right hand.W.P..—MIKIDZT.


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3. Section PerfectS.—Placeopen hand on foreheadas if to screenthe eyes, thurpb in square.

T.—Take righl hand mutually, and give seven light shakes.W. P.—MAHARBA. Answer—AMHARB.

R. W.—HARAS. Answer—ITAW-STRAS.W. S.—HAVOHEJ.Battery. 1. (The Unity)Jewel & Symbol.—A luminous triangle.


For this degreetakethe PrintedRitual you have. It dealswithancient Initiation and Marconis recommends that it should beCatecheticalto test the Aspirants progress.

S.—Pointsupwardswith right forefinger.Answer.—Forma triangle with the thumb and index finger before

the stomach.S. of Help.—Clasp the hands palms outwards, above the head,

saying: ‘To me children of the Widow.”

S. of Order.—Right hand supportedon the hip.T. Master MasonsGrip, one says UM, reversehandsother saysAH,

again reverse NOB.—The other says—NOB—AH—OM (Re-membranceof the dead).

W. P.—SIiTIHTAKEK, (One who knows the written law)Answer—LEMOG (Recompense)W. 5.—UGAC—NEP—LUOF. (Do that thou wishest should be

done unto thee)

Answer—HTURT.Battery—l or 11111111111Jewel and Symbol—A A with the letter M in the centre.


You have already this degree under the 2nd title in a Printed

Ritual and can use it for 380. Marconis says that the ceremonials

resemble the ancient Initiation of Egypt.


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In the centre is a brasierwith a pure flame;, andit is preferredto all others, as the customof the greatestnations, the Egyptians,Greeks, Peruvians.

On his entrance the Neophyte is veiled, and hears an Address

comparing the ancient Mysteries of different countries which, ineffect, rcpresentedthe contestbetweenLight and Darkness.

S.—Miiitary Salute with the Sword. Answer.—Makea triangle onthe foreheadwith thumband index.

T.—PressS times on the palm of each others right hand with 2ndfinger.

W. P.—IROH (celestical day). Answer—NYENOMiHCA(Name

of a tomb).

W. S.—IAODOHSIRUZ(God is my strongestrock).Battery 55555

Jewel & Symbol—A Silver Key crossedwith a cubit rule.


In the PhoenicianlanguageAEon signifies a central point of

development. It has also reference to the Avatorsor Saviour Godstreatedby the Mysteries.

Marconis says that its preceptsare drawn from the Izesclme,a Zoroastrianwork of 72 diapters. Our Order, born with the firstracesof mankind has initiated and developedeverything that hasbeen of service to humanity. As the child of the dogma of trdelight it has marchedat the head of civilization and advancedtheprogress of intelligence.

Our Order is the depository of all that is valuable to man, as ithas preserved in its templesthat which the profaneworld has longlost—the virgin simplicity of natural laws.

Properly speakingthe Zorastrian Masonry of last centurywasdivided into 3 points,—theVeiled,—the Elect,—and the Seer, and

its object was the rehabilitationof Man. So that he might approachhis Creator. Thus it brings the Seer in contact with the facts of

Magnetism, Somnambulism,dreams, prescienceor prevision, andsympathies,and antipathies.


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1. Section (Veiled) S.—Right hand on brow.T.—Place lcft hand on heart of Examiner.

W.P.—Amara.2. Section (Elect) S—Place2 fingers of left hand on the mouth,

and, the right over the heart.W. P.—Archimage(No. T.)

3. Section (Seer) 5.—Join the 2 hands,flex the left knee and fixthe eyes on heaven.

T.—Take each right hand and pressseventimes.R. W.—EIGOGANA (Elevation) Answer.—NUONMJOD.

(Abode of the Lord).W. S.—SUITUCOL—SUJA (The Word, the Lord) (The last

need only be given).Jewel and Symbol—Star with a central point.Battery 1-1-1.


Marconis instructs that this grade should consider the funda-mental laws of natureand instinct. Touchingupon the existenceofa God, who draws us to himself by eternal chains,whose links arethe love of goodness.

This faith is so far from being revolting to our reason, that itlends us wings to fly in searchof Truth and provdes a powerfulauthority wherewith to establish the principles of true moral light.Our Mysteries shut up in physical and metaphysicalsciences,arethe revealing torcheswhich speak to our Spirit, and which thusconsecrateour faith. That which God wills he conserves. He is theAO, the Alpha and the Omega,the beginning and the end in thenatureof his essence.From Him all things proceedand to Him allthings return.S.—Point to heavenwith the index of right hand.T.—Link the two index fingers.W. P.—SETILEARAKW. S.—SETIHTAKEK (one who knows the written law.)Battery—22-333-22Jewel and Symbol.—On a triangle, seven stars, placed 2, 3 and 2.


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The title of the degreerefers to the Rainbow which receivesits prismatic colours as a reflexion from the sun upon the humid

atmosphere,and the ancientoperativeFree Masonsheld that it wasthe patternson which they worked Arches.

The degree is intended to teach that the Sun is a Well ofbeneficence,and the Regeneratorof Natures beauties, it quickenstheseinto life. All nationshaveboweddown and kissed their handsto this grand symbol of universal life, which signals the fatherlyaid that God bestowson all creation.

It hasnot always been thus. Stellar or Star worship was suc-

ceededby that of the Sun and Moon, and the Pole Star was in theearlier worship, and still is in many countries,as China, the eyeofheaven,the Mystery Sun, and the Symbol of the highestdeity. TheGainmadion 4 gammas or r, was a grand symbol of the earliercult, and is yet veneratedamongestoperativeFree Masons. In thisform (male swastika) it would seem to be Stellar thus (femaleswastika) Sunrise. It is the d,agramsof the Great Bear, of 7 Stars,in its revolution, round the Pole Star N.E.S.W.

The Presidentcloses his allocution,—”Thecauseof that grandbeneficentexistenceis a Mystery to us, of which we can appreciatethe materialeffects. Thus faith is not in contradiction to our reason.We believe in those sublime, divine, and supernaturalprincipleswhich areaboveour intelligence, becausethe secondcausesof theseimpressionsstrike our Senses,and demonstratethe existenceof asuperior force.”

S.—Draw the sword andplant it on the Earth. Recoversword, andplace self on guard as if for combat.

Answer.—Saluteto right, to left, and in front.

T.—Placc right hand upon the guard of sword.

W. P.—HAKADEST (Justice) W. S.—RU (Light).


Jewel and Symbol.—A Rainbow.


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This degreeteachesthat our Orderis a socialchain which datesfrom the foundation of the world; that in spite of savageand bar-berouswars, and the catastrophesof time which have overthrownand changedthe face of the world, it remains pure and stainlessand a shelterfrom the contagionsof earth.

It takes as symbolic basis the grand work which God hasplacedbefore the eyes of all men, in providing with equal and impartialJustice for the wantsof all terrestrial existence. It is with this ideathat Masonry inscribes on her banner the word “Fraternity”, or inthe languageof wisdom “death to egotism”.

The Receiver says,—”Consultthe heavens, the greatestandmost beautiful of all books,written by the hand of God himself”.

S.—With index~ finger of right hand tracethe stars;holding an in-strumentwith left hand.

T.—Point with index finger to the Pole Stat.W. P.—NOIRO (The Constellationof Horus)W. S.—I-I’AJ (It is the Pole Star amongcertain Arabs.)Battery—55555-22.Jewel and~ Symhol.—Upon a triangle, a broken Star.



The degreeyou have in print will answerfor this; but when

reprintedmight be much improved (consultour English Lecturesofa Chapter, Senate,and Council). The Aspirant, in Marconis lastrevision, overunsthe 1 2 Symbolic Housesof the Sun. The degreeteachesthat birth and death arerepresentedby the two emblematicalcolumns, and encloseour earthly destiny that life is the workshopin which is found the hidden treasure-house,where the wise learnto accomplishtheir destinywith strength,courageand dignity. Theancient Hermetic language is threefold, religious, philosophic andscientific; as a religion it is that of the initiates of all ages;as a

philosophy its principles must be sought in the schools of Egypt;


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as an Art in the pagesof Lulti, Paracelsus,Flam~nel,and a score ofAlchemists.

The temple is approachedby seven steps, the first is a square,or symbol of the 4 elements;the seconda triangle for the 3 prin-ciples, and thesehavean important signification in referenceto ourown humanity, and are found in systemsanalagousto our own.

S.—Point upwardswith the right thumb and say ODNECAT (si-

lence).Answer.—Placeright hand flat on the heart, thumb forming a

square,and say ODNERPS (Hope)T.—Make the Hermetic crossleft hand palm down, the othercovers

with left, samewith right.

I. W. P.—TOBA (The East) Answer—SOILEH (Sun, or gold)ENEM(Moon or Silver) NOTAMMARTET(Sacred name of

God).1. S. W.—KANRAKAnswer—SEMREH(Greek Thoth).2 S—I.N.RA. (Given oniy in Consistory).R. of W.—SISOMIOHT

Battery—55555-22-55555Jewel and Symbol.—On a triangle 7 stars 4 an 3.N. H.—The new part might be used for anotherHermetic degree.


Teachesa knowledgeof that greatopen book the Stellar Uni-verse, as the starsare mappedout in the Constellations,the posi-tions of the Planetsor Plutarchsays that the most ancient Heraklesof Egypt, Tyre, and Greecerepresentedthe force which sendstheSun in its apparentpath thro the 12 signs, but the Sun itself andall its planetshas a journey of its own.

Hermetic allegory,—Severe proofs for complete initiation—trial of Mercury—fire lost by Negligence—newembarrassment—aninstant lost—the Great work advances—planetstake their places—proof of fire—expiation necessary—formationof a new man—pro-duct of labour—truth discovered.

&—Take sword, and circle round the floor.


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T.—Mtitually join right and left hands.W. P.—REI3EG. (Arabian alchemist)W. S.—IANODA (Lord). Battery—12 equal.Jewel andSymbol—A book of which is 12 stars,and the lettersJ. H.


Second fife of man—meansof setting out from darkness—continuation of the erection of a symbolic edifice. The purified manis led by a child—First intelligence of intermediary beings that forma chain which unites us to divinity. Reflectionsupon the Number3 ;—the White, green, blue—the messenger indicates the gates.—Renderedworthy of Initiation in the Sanctuary.S.—Grasptile beard with the right hand.T.—Graspthe fingers of eachothersright hand with the left.W. P.—SED!F (Faith)W. S.—YMILOS (Princesof the PreademitePitris, or Genii, and

an Assyrian divinity.)Battery—333-333.Jewel and Symbol.—Triangleupon which is an eye.


The degreepaints our morals.—Thetwo columnsSymbols oflife and death. Mysterious Jewels pass from hand to hand andchangeMasters; the descentof true doctrinemarchof the Neophyte—encounterwith the green lion—labour of the Great Work—Al-legory of the fig-tree as an emblemof the truth—seeker,—discoversa useful number.S.—Placereciprocally the left hand on each other’s right shoulder,

and the right hand on eachother’s head.T.—Place right hand on the heart, and the left on each other’s

right shoulder.W. P.—XUL (Light)

W. S.—SUED(God)

~attery—2 2-333-22.Jewel and Symbol.—On a circular plate, seven tents—2, 3, 2.


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The most ancientof all Symbols, the 7 Stars of Ursa Majorsannual revolution round the Mystery Sun, a talisman (swastika),the seven Ristus and their consortsin the Pleides,one unfaithful.

The Columns fall—scene changcs—flamingstar shows theroute the adeptshould take. Downfall of the traveller—passageofthe obscure vault—Candlestick of 7 brancheswhich gives light toall the world, its influence acts unceasinglyon nature and man—new calculation of numbers—use and virtue of the mappedsignsof the Zodiac, and their spiritual influence invention of the Com-passes.

5.—Incline head, place right index on brow.

T.—With both handsseizeeachothersshoulders.

W: P.—OREPS. (Hope). S. W.—OLIGIV (Watch).

Battery.—1 -2 2-4444

Jewel and Symbol—A Heptagonwith a star at eachangle.


The degreeteachesmudi of nature,—thepurified man readingfrom a mysteriousbook. TheSun rises,the dooropens,theNeophyteis surrounded,with flames. Allegories which representthe highestmysteries.

Emblem of disordered love,—chamberof punishment,—altarof Sacrifice,—furyof the elements,—theproducerand destroyerofforms,—necessarycombat,—newapparition of a Celestial Guide,—Secretsof Medicine.

5.—Make a hasty step and then.,recoil.

T.—With right hand tap thrice the hilt of the Sword.

W. P.—AITNATSNOC (Constancy)

W. 5.—ETATILEDIF (Fidelity)


Jewel and Symbol.—On a triangle, are three interlaced circles.


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As this degreehasa full ceremonial it may be usedas a break~vhereto confer the lower degreesfrom the 340 to this by name



Sublime Dai (Knocks 1)—Sage 1st Mystagogueassureyourselfthat we are coveredfrom the indescretionsof the profane.

Ceryce I’noh 7777777 which is anrwered.

1st Myst.—The boundsof the temple are deserted,its echoesaresilent, none can overhearus.

Sublime Dai.—Arise to order. (done) Sage Ceryce. overrun theTribunesand assureyourself that all are membersof this degree.He demandrP. W. and reports.

S. 0.—Sage1st Myst., at what hour do we open?1st Myst.—At the dawn of day, 5. 0.S. 0.—Why?1st Myst.—For the instruction of our Brothers.S. D.—What are the first dutiesof S. of P.1st Myst.—Benevolencetowards the men, our Brothers, justice to

all, to combat the vices which dishonorhumanityand to havebutone thought, that of beingupright and the propagationof Lightand Truth.

S.D.—May God give us strength for this mission: He is Truth,teach then the Truth.

AII.—We promiseit. (extendinghand).S. D.—Sage2nd Myst., What hour is it?2nd Myst.—The hour to begin our labours,5. 0.S. 0.—Since it is the hour to begin our labours, let us Invoke T.S.

A.O.T.U. to bless and prosperour workS. D.—(De.rcendsto the centre facing East, the 2 My.rt. place

themselveson each side. An antique Vase burns sacred p61-.fumes).

“Sovereign God wl~o reigns alone, All Powerful Jehovah,Father of Nature, Sourceof Light, Supremelaw of the Universe,


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receive, 0! My God, the homageof our love, our admirationandour worship. We prostrateourselvesbefore the eternal law of thy‘Wisdom; direct our labours, enlighten them with thy light, dissi-pate the darknesswhich veils Truth from our eyes, that we maylearn somethingof the wisdom by which thou governestthe world

in order that we may becomemore worthy of Thee, That we maybe able to celebratein endlesshymns the universal harmonywhichThy presenceimpresseson all nature.—Adonai,—Adonai—Adonai.

S. D. mountsthe Dais, the Officers take their places, he givesthe batteryand says,—

S. D.—To the glory of T. S. A. 0. T. U. I place the labours in


The Sage Hierostotista reads the Minutes.


The Hydramosretires to preparethe Candidate. He placesinhis handthe Golden Branch. The Symbol of Initiation, and Knocksat door.

Hierocerysc.—(Guardianopensthie door, throws over the head ofthe C~4ndidate a Crape Veil and conductshim to the place forNeophytes).

S. D.—They have doubtlesstold you that to be received amongstus it is necessaryto speakwith all the eloquenceof the heart,of all those things which raise the spirit and enlighten the Soul;

in order to separatethe true from the false, and to be just injudgment and aboveall in morals. Will you tell me the princi-pIes of the natural law.

Reply.—Theyare the general truths upon which we can effedivelycomprehend the wilt of the S.A.O.T.U. by a just and reasonableapplication of these laws. -.

S. D.—It is human nature that we must consult for the recognitionof general truths. What is the first Cause?

Reply—The first causeis that which dependsupon no other, there-fore the S.A.O.T.U.

S.D.—Arid the secondcause?


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Reply—The secondcauseis that which dependsupon the first, suchas all created causes.

S. 0.—And the immediate and mediate cause?

Reply.—The bn;nea’iate cause is that which producesits effect by anaction, and the mediateis th.it which has produced the immediate.

S. 0.—And the physical and moral cause?

Reply.—The physical cause is that which contains the sufficientreason of a being by its own act; it is the efficient cause considered

in another point of view. The moral causeis that which influences

a being by a law, council, or example. Thesequestionsare ex-tended upon providence, chance, goodness,etc (See also theEnglish •Lecturesof a Chapter,Senateand CounciP)

S. 0.—SageOdosspeechis accordedyou upon the history of Initi-ation.

Odos.—About the 95th Olypiade,an Epoptaeor perfectseer, wentthe length of theNile to studyTheosophyand demandthe revela-tion of the Mysteries.

After having overrun the Thebiad, that classic land of thefine arts he presentedhimself in the Pronaosof the Temple ofMemphis, in the hope of obtaining initiation. I-fe struck the 7Mystic blows, and the Ceryce, ~ifter admitting him to the enclosure,presentedhis right hand in sign of fraternal amity, for he had madethe usual Salutation.

After a seriousexaminationentranceto the templewasaccordedhim, and the S. Dai addressedhim with severequestionsupon hispast life, and unrolled beforehim mildly alt his actions. The Vis-agesof the Sages,assembledin theSacredTempleexhibitednothingof sympathy,evoked by a careerfull of ardentresearchesin scienceand in virtue.

Upon a sign madeby the S.D. all the Illustrious Sages,groupedthemselvesto form a trianglewith the Masterat the Summit. After

some minutes deliberation the triangle openedat its baseto formbut a right angle.


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Thy demandis accorded,said the S. Dai, thou hast undertaken

a long and painful journcy. Forget not that mVi in obtaining life,bears within himself a passion which ought one day to dominatehissoul. If thy reason directs all thy passions by love, or the sentimentof tenderness,of piety, of benevolence,of generosity,of humanity,thy dominant passion will become sensibly reasonable. If thouknowestthe dignity of thy naturethou wilt raise thyself towards itsauthor, if thou knowestlove, then thou wilt love the first of Beings;thou wilt love thyself, thou wilt love thy country, humanity, man-kind, and love will be thy passion. Forget not that triumph over the

passionsis the union of wisdom and virtue with Justiceand liberty.The Sage Ceryce will accompanythee; to know it is necessarytolearn, to learn it is necessaryto labour.—Seekand thou wilt find,Go, and may the Spirit of God watch over thee.

A maskeddoor opened to the right, the candidatefollowedthe Ceryce; it gave accessto a vast vault, lighted, by a single lampsuspendedfrom the centre of the hall. The walls were so muchaffected that they seemedto threaten ruin in every part. But sup-ported by the arm of the Cerycehe sowly descendedby an incline,into the bowelsof the earth; all was performedin obscurity; but astrong voice said to him:—

Arrest thee’ Learnto know thyself and form thyself for God,such is the natural law. Presumenot to unveil divinity; the properstudy of mankind is man; he is placed in a species of isthmus,beingof a mixed state,obscurelyable, grossly great with much ofunderstandingfor scepticaldoubt, and much of Feeblenessfor theproudstoic. He is, as it were, suspendedbetweentwo ideas, in theuncertaintywhether to act or to do nothing; of being a god or abrute, whether to give preferenceto the body or to the spirit. Hereasonsbut to wander, and suchis that reason,that he errs equallyby thinking too much, or thinking•,too little; a chaosof reasonsandof passions, all is confused, continually abused, or disabused, by

himself; in part createdto rise, and in part to fall; Master of allthings, sole judge of truth, and endlesslyprecipitatinghimself into

error; the glory, the plaything, the enigmaof the world. Go, surpris-ing creature. Mount to wheresciencecarriesthee,measurethe earth,


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weigh the air, rule the waves, instruct the planetsin the coursetheyshould take; correct the old time and guide the Sun; raise thyselfeven to the first ~f beings,to the first perfect. Go, and teacheternalwisdom how it should govern, then return into thyself and whatwilt thou find,—nothing,

After these words a panel of the wall glided away before

him and gave passageto a vast ground where an hundred odori-ferous flowers rejoiced the sight and smell.

Music, afar off, reachedtheir ears. Their march is then arrestedby a lake of greatextent, but shallow, which they traversed.

Arrived upon the further bank the candidatefinds himself be-fore a splendidmonument. Tts Portico is of marbleof Paros,where

they arrive by 21 stepsof red granite, resplendentwith the rays ofthe setting Sun, and indicating to the Neophyte the termination ofhis journey. The marvellousarchitecturestruck him with astonish-ment. ft had a circle of Crypts which had to be overrun beforearrival at the only entrance;they formed a labyrinth of inextricable

crypts where the Neophytewould have wandereda coupleof daysand nights without finding the entrancehad he not been led by hisguide.

He entered,with couragethe first crypt but after retracinghisstepsseveraltimes, he arrived by observationand perseverenceat aVestibule,abovewhich waswritten,—GdIeof ihe dead. As soon ashe had freed this Asylum a Tepisyte went to his aid and presentedhim with the Golden Branch, the Symbol of Initiation, and threwover his heada black transparentveil, and conductedhim into a tem-ple where were seated21 Patriarchs, clothed in black tunics. The

place was coveredwith hieroglyphics, and painted in lively colours,and all the signs of the Zodiac were represented;in the midst ofthis Sanctuarywas a triangular pyramid surmountedby the Sun,and below it a small richly decoratedAltar, upon which laid a bookbound in red leather. This the Ceryceopenedand causedthe Neo-phyte to write his name,his prenames,and qualities. Hardly was

this done when one of the Patriarchsaddressedhim thus:—


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“Learn that the Universall Cause acts with one aim, but it acts

by different laws; let this great truth be alway~ presentto thy mem-ory. “Consider the world in which thou art placed, examine thatchain of love which gathersand unites all below as well ason high;seehow fruitful naturelabourswith that end, one atom drawing toanother,and that which is drawn in drawing another, figures theembracementof its neighbour.

• ‘Behold nature,varied in a thousandforms, pressingtowardsa common centre for the generalgood.

“Dost thou believe that God Jaboursonly for thy good, thyleisure,thy ornament, and thy nourishment?Is that a causeto givethyself airs and,graces! Is it for theethe birds sing? No, joy excitestheir song Is it for thee that the nightingale utters its melodiousaccents? No, it is for love. Is it for theeonly that harvestcoversthe earth? No, the birds claim their grain. Is it for theeonly, thatthe corn shows a fertile year? No, the ox merits his art for hislabour. Seethen that all naturepartakesof God’s care.

‘Sucli is thegrand harmonyof theworld from which union hasbirth the generalorder and concertof all things. It is thus that theS.A.O.T.U. and of naturethat self love and social love shall make

but one.

“Thus, my Brother, work, without ceasing, to acquire the ne-cessary knowledge, in order to be able to ameliorate the humanspecies,and to inaugurate that happinesswhich exists only withvirtue.”

S. D—If thou wilt persevere,thou wilt learn amongstus the Am-momgue (Mysteriesof Antiquity) and the Hytopadessa,the mostancientbook in the world, the repositoryof wisdom. Wilt thoucontinuethy journey?

Neophyte.—Thatis my desire.

&ryce.—(Presentsa globe round which is twined a serftent,sus-tamed by two often wings, and the Presidentsays.)

S. D.—Look!

Reply.—I comprehendby this that you give to the earth a double


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movement,conformableto the laws of nature, and the calcula-tion of reason.

S. D.—Light thou thy torch before darknessarrives. Pardpnothers

everything, thyself nothing. Rejoice thou in what is just, combatiniquity. Suffer without complaint. Be good, for goodnessen-

chains all hearts.

Ceryce—(Ta~es the hand of the Neophyte and retires u,’ith him.They march for a long tim’e without a word. Then they reachsycamore tree, respecting which there is a touching tradition ofthe Coptr who i’e7?erate it even .to thh day. The Ceryce raires theveil which covers the Neophyte’s eyes.) “The night is upon us.It is necessaryto descenda narrow way boundedon one side byrocks, and on the other by forests.” (Thenthunder is hedrd at a

distance. With trembling sdefts they arrive at a vault).

Ceryce (says)—Hastthou courageto pursuethis journey?

Neophyte. I have. (They con’t,1nue their m.arch in profound ob-scurity, and arrive at a place ~‘nvironed with mountains, undershades of olive wood. Lightening rapidly traces a lozenge of fire.The wind becomes impetuous. After an hour’s march they arriveat a gro’ilto which is closed by dfl iron door. Near ft a man ofvenerable appearance, tall in stature, the heavens brilliant and th~emoon shining beautifully.

Ceryce.—Behold this man, he has been a benefactor to humanity;he is here to teach virtue; thou canst interrogate him. The Neo-

phyte went towards him, he wasZoroaster,and said,—

Z.—”If in doubt whether an action is good or bad abstain fromit; ever march in the way of Justice”.

(After saluting the Sage they advanced to the iron door, itopened and then closed with such force that the body of the Neo-phytewas shaken;he looked and the Cerycehad disappeared.After

a vain searchhe marchedby chance,sometimeshe seemedto seehis guide supportedagainstan obelisk, he looked but found only amutilated statue. Then he perceived at some distancea brilliantlight towards which he went with caution, until he found himselfon a platform with 3 personswho surroundedhim. One placed


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himself at his right, he is half invested in a white tunic and, holdsin his hand a mirror, in the left a branch of7 the Lotus flower, a

Sun emblem; the leavesopenJo the rays of the Sun at rising andclose on its disappearance below the horizon; its flower coveredwith a species af down see,ns to ~nista~ethe radidne disc of thatplanet ~the Egyptians consecrated this plant to the God of day).

The Neophyterecognizesa figure of Truth, the 2nd is vestedin a tunic of emeraldgreen, and wears a collar of sevenbrilliantstars; in his hand he holds an anchor of gold, and the travellermurmurs I-lope. The 3rd man remains9 stepsbehind,and is barelyvisible, and is more a light condensedvapour than a real being.The neophyteseesin it an emblemof humanlife. They all marchfor a while in silence. Then

Hope (says)—”Courage,my child, there is hospitality and happi-ness.

Truth (says)—”Look on this mirror, it reflects thy past, seek inthat hope for the future.7

They arrive at an edifice which barspassage,and 1-lopeknocksat the door with his anchor of Gold and to the surpriseof theNeophyte it opensand leavesa free passage,to a vast hall overwhich are the words—”Assylumof the Dead.” Here are two longranges of coffins and mummiesagainstthe wall on eachside. Inthe middle are severaltombs arrangedtriangularly. He is disposedto leave by anotherdoor when the black robed, says to the whiteone “Read these Words!”

Neophytereads—”Vanity of vanities, all is Vanity.”

Demand—”And why this, all is but Vanity?”

Neophyte—It is that our heart is too great for small things whicharenot intendedto fill it. It is becauseGod who hasformedthisheart has formed it for himself, and has imprinted therein thenecessityof finding happinessalone in him.

Ceryce.—Letus descend,in spirit, under the sacred vaults whichthese tombs cover, and seek there the pompouscortege whichaccompaniesthe happy of this world, by the sombreshadeof asepulchral lamp; let us admire the sad monumentsof their past


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grandeur, or seized with a religious fervor, and in profoundsilencebehold all their past grandeurannihilated and reducedtodust. Let us evoke their shadesand they will say to us,—In-struct thyself by our example, behold these cinders, all that re-mains here below of thosewho have precededthee, in a brilliant

career of honours and worldly pomp~’. When we slept in thefull careerof sweetsecurity in the bosom of glory and pleasures,all at once deathterminatedfor us the dreamof life; we awoke,and what a sad awakening! Read these fastideous inscriptions,theseepitaphsof namesand titles in teachingtheewhat we havebeen, we say to thee still more strongly, that all which passesisbut vanity. Amongst these inscriptions thine own one day, per-hapssoon, thy own will be found, and if thou had not joined tosuch vain eulogiumsthat of constantvirtue and solid piety whatwill be announcedto the world? That there is but on earth a

feeble mortal less, and in the bosom of deathanotherreprobate!Forget not that nothing is real but the good which we do, andof which we can wait the recompensein future ages.” Continue

thy voyage, learn to die well, and may the Eternal enlightentheewith his living and pure light; it will dissipate all the charmsofthy passions, and all the illusions of thy pride, and thou wiltknow Truth.

Truth passesfirst, and Hope conducts the Neophytebut soondisappears,and Human Life vanishes like a shade. After a longvoyage the Neophyte led by Truth arrives at a splendid Portico.The Levites, dressed in tunics of bordered linen, come to aid himto free an Abysse of which he cannot measurethe depth. Encour-agedby Truth he throws himself on the Mystic ladder, it tremblesunder the weight of his body. Here some young Patriarchscomeand place upon his lips some drops of a strengtheningliquor, andintroducehim into the temple.

This temple is resplendentwith light, and richly decorated.Three brilliant suns inflame the East; all is golden. Incenserisesin light clouds, undukiting to the top of the vault. At each sideare ranks of warriors armedwith glaives, and headscoveredwith

mitres of Egypt.


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S. D.—(Who is seatedupon an ivory throne awaits the Recipiendre,conductedby the Ceryce,and invests him ~vith a borderedlinenrobe says) “This Robe is the emblemof that purity which thouought always to preserve;the Companionsof thy voyage haveaccomplishedtheir mission. Go place the symbol of thy Initia-tion on the Altar.” (Doesso). “Swear neverto reveal that whichwe confide to thee.”

Neophyte—I swear it.

Then thebottom of the templeopensand 21 Patriarchsdescenda large gallery in marble of Paros. The Levites advancein proces-sion, to the new Initiate. The standardis unrolled before him, asweet melody is heard. Then:—

S. D.—”Since thou hast resisted the proofs, come receive the newlife which has been prepared for thee.” (Raising the sacredknife). “I proclaim theea Sage of the Pyramids, and will in-struct thee in our secretsof recognition. Learn that all men are

equal, and that Justiceis basedupon the great law of reciprocity.SageCeryce,conducttheN. to his destinedplace. Hoff Omphet,—watch and be pure.”

“Ceryce causethe Neophyte to advance.” (Does so). “Haveyou well understoodthe proof, which our predecessors,the Initi-atesof Egypt had to submit to obtain Initiation ?“

Initiate—”Yes, S. D., and I will swear never to stray, from the

straight line which will conduct me to the perfect point of thetriangle.”

The Cerycepresentsa cup.

S. D.—”This cup is the symbol of life, drink and forget thy past,think only of the future. Give to thy body, to thy heart, and tothy Spirit, all the strength,.and the greatnessof perfection ofwhich thou art capable. Form thyself for God, for thy country,

for humanity of which thou art part; in one word form thyselffor good.”

“Sage Ceryce, I pray you, conduct the Neophyte to the Altar

to take the 0. B. To order.”


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All arrangethemselvesbefore the Altar in a triangle in such

sort that the S. D. is at the Apex and the two Mystagoguesat thebase. The Neophyte has his right hand upon his heart, and hisleft upon the V. S. L.

“1,A. 13., in presenceof the S.A.O.T.U., of this August

Assembly, and upon the Sacred Book of the Law, swear fidelityto our veneratedInstitution. I promise to be submissiveto thelaws of my country, and to practiseall the virtues. I promisetobe compassionate,affable,generous,and constant,a worthy spouse,good father, tender son, respectful and submissive. I promiseto deliver myself to all good works, and to labor constantly tocarry truth, justice, and peaceto all hearts. I promise to propa-gatescience,and the sweet morality that our Rite professesandto exact no more from Neophyteswho desireadmissionamongstus than probity and gentleness.”

S. D.—(Placing the point of his sword on his head). “To the glory

of T.S.A.O.T.U., and in the name of the Grand Hierophant I

createand constituteyou a Sage of the Pyramids. Go in peaceand may the spirit of God everwatch over yOu.”


S. D.—”To the glory of the S.A.O.T.U., and in the nameof theGrand Hieropliant, Sublime Master of Light, I proclaim for thepresentand for always, memberof the Grand Consistoryof Sagesof the Pyramids,Thrice Ill. A. B., and requestyou to recognisehim in that capacity,and aid and protect him.”

“Join me Ill. Bros. in felicitating ourselves on the happyacquisition we have this day made. To me.” (All give sign andbattery.)


S.D.—(Strikes1) “Arise to order. SageMystagogue,at what hour

shouldwe suspend.our labours?”

I Mys.—”When the sun is in the West.”

S. D.—”It is time to suspendour labours.”


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I Mys.—”Yes, Sublime Dai.”

S. D.—’ ‘Sage Ized, (Messenger)Come receive a Mission.” Ized

doesso, and S. D. whispersin his ear, “Sige et Alcthe” (Silenceand virtue), the Ized doesthe samewith 1 and 2 Mys. and lights

the Incense.

S. D.—’~Since it is the hour to suspendour Iabours, join with me,my Bros., in that proceeding.”

He descendsand all the Officers place themselvesas at theOpening.

S. D.—”Father of the Universe, eternal source of light and truth,full of recognitions of thy infinite goodness,we offer thee ahundred thanks for all the goodnessgrantedto us, of the usefuland glorious in this journey. Continue, merciful father, to pro-tect our labours,and to direct us in the way of perfection, andgrant that harmony, concord and union may be ever the triplecement which unites us. Glory to thee, Lord; Glory to ThyName; Glory to Thy Works.”

The Sublime Dai takes his place, also the Officers.

S. D.—(Strikes 7777777. Each Myst, repeatsit). ‘To the gloryof the S.A.O.T.U., in the nameof the G. H. the laboursare sus-pended. Retire in peace, my Bros., and may the Spirit of God,ever watch over us.

S. of Order—Raiseright index finger to heaven. (It indicates theUnity).

S. of Recognition—”Placethumb of left hand on breast to formaL.

T.—Graspeach other by the two first fingers andgive 3 shakes.

Answer—Extend3 fingers, last two in palm.

W. P.—EGIS. W. S.—EHTELA. Battery 7777777.

Jewel and Symbol—Squaremedalson which is a Masons Square,from the angle issuesa serpent.

N. B.The Ancient Arabs believed the Pyramids were Antediluvian,

and that one is the grave of Seth. On the other hand the more


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modernKoreish teach that Abrahaminstructed the Egyptians in thebuilding of Pyr~imids, and that Abraham, Issaque, and Ishmaelbuilt Mecca.

The Rite of Mcmphis in Egypt saysthat Kleiber, and Napoleonreceived Investiture with a ring at the hand of an Egyptian Sage,at the great Pyramid.


The Mysteries of Samothracewere Cabirian, and are supposedto be Phoenicianin origin; as they claimed to trace back to thefirst ages. They were religious, when we hear of them inChristian times; but they claimed to have been the Inventors ofthe Arts and Sciences, and all useful Knowledge. Their greatMystery was the deathof one of their 7 Gods who was attackedby two others, between2 Corinthian pillars, slain and, his memberscarried to Etritria. Their Rites were performedin the caveZerein-thus or Saon, wherestood a largePyramid with an enclosedcentralchamberwhere the most important part of the ceremonywas cele-brated-

It is said that the Candidatewas purified by water and blood.

As he had to begin a new life he was led to the fountain Lethewhere he drank forgetfulness,and then to that of Mnemosynethathe might remember what he learnt. He was thrust into a darkcavern, ami(l appalling sounds, the roar of water, and tite rageof the elements. Grim and ghastly phantoms show themselves,funeral objects in which a dead body risesat the feet of the Candi-date. To this succeededlight, the coflined deadspring to life withpaeansof victory.

Marconis’ instruction for the Conferencesthat the degreeillus-trates the sourcesand vile desiresof Man. Nine perfect columnsare formed by peelingaway the bad portions. The Neophytereadssome useful inscriptions which are explained by a search for thetrue basisof the greatwork.

S.—Placeright hand on the heartand say Faith.


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T.—Join right handsand balance9 times.W. P.—CIRIBAC (Cabiric 7 Gods)W. S.—KYDAS (The Just, father of the Cabin).Battery—7777777Jewel and Symbol—The Squareand Compasses,interlaced with an

even balance.


The Mythalogical legend is that the Cabiric Promethiusstolethe fire of heavento help mankind,and waschainedon Caucasus.

There is a ladderof 7 steps. The allegory elucidatesthe errorsand vain efforts of ignorance, fanaticism, and superstition, whichfall underthe blows of the Just. Balm necessaryfor the Aspirant—new departureof the Celestial guide, representedunder the figure

of a child. Aspirant beholds the seven gates and knocks; futileefforts.

5.—Raiseeyes to Heaven and say Hope.T.——Gnip armsmutually advancelength of the arm, and pressthere-

on 7 times.W. P.—EGIS. (Silence) EJ-ITELA. (Truth)W. S.—TISIS. (The ChaldeanEnoch).Battery—333- 4444Jewel and Symbol—A ladderof 7 stepsand above it a star.


The degreeis a recapitulationof Hermetic Mason—the newInitiate shows his mantle, reduced to tinder and afterwards re-turned to him. Penetratesa chemical laboratory, but is not ad-mitted to practise the Art, utitil after some expiation—proofof

blood insufficient. Paints the enthusiasticfollies of false Adepts,whose work is of avarice.

Allegory of the Palm of the Valley of Oddy, the Mystic roseof Kab; the two generativeprinciples; the tower of Ugolin; theplant Moly. whosethreeroots were black, the five leavesgreen,and



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the flowers white—a symbol of the Universal medicine, the redtincture which can prolong life. Consult Virgil, Homer, Nicholas,Flammel,Cagliostro’sEgyptian Masonry,etc.) Spirit of the dogma,Maxims—etc.

S.—Join right and left hands,as if walking together.

T.—Jointly, right hand on forehead,bow the head, place left handon breast. (It implies intelligence,humility, fidelity).

W. P.—The Sameas last 3 degrees).

W. S.—NOUOMA. (Be discreet).


Jewel and Symbol—A palm tree.


In the pre-1800degreethe work was thus: In the centreof theRoom a chafing dish, and a brazier full of fire. On the table, orfloor, various symbols, and amongst them a Phoenix, surroundedby a serpentwith its tail in its mouth.

There is an O.B. of Secrecy,and the Master says: “This brazieris intended to teach you that fire (of course the Logoic fire, orSerpent fire) is the principle of all things, and the greatagentofnature, and imparts action to all bodies. From this agent manreceiveslife, with the power of thinking.~’

“This Serpent,forming a circle, is an emblemof eternity,whichis without either beginningor end. It hasthe propertyof renewingits skin, and, thus figures the destruction and renewal of nature,which appears to weaken and even perish at certain epochs;butwhich only grows old to renew its youth, and prepareitself fornew revolutions.”

“The Phoenix is a still more natural exposition of the succes-

sion and the perpetuationof this principle in nature. Mythologyhasrepresentedthe bird asreviving from its own ashes,emblemisinghow all things earthly will continueto be reborn from itself.”

To this may be added that it symbolisedthe cycle of the StarSirius or Sothis of 1461 years. Marconis summarizesit~.L~’Confer~


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ences” thus: Study of Nature—propertiesofT things—Knowledge

of createdbeings—Scienceof Astronomy.

S.—Representexamination, as if through telescope.T.—Join left hands, and point to Serius, or Sothis, with right

index finger.W. P.—(As last).W. S.—XINEOHP. (Symbol of Sothis)Battery—i-22-666666-1Jewel and Symbol—A triangle on which is a Phoenix.


This really is the Bard, or Bards, of the 340 Marconis rec-ommends for its “Conferences”—Searchfor Truth,—the uniqueaim of Social life,—!essonsof wisdom from all the circumstancesof life,—book of Proverbs. The mythology of Scandinaviahad aprimitive sourcewith thoseof India; and they teach in occult assem-blies the powers of the various Mantras and rythms. Pythagoras’“Music of the Spheres”,is of this nature.

S.—Takea book and appearto be reading.T.—Each take hold of a side of the book.W. P.—(The same as the last degrees).

W. 5.—REDLAB. (A Norse Sun God).Battery—I-22

Jewel andSymbol—On a triangle, a book.


Marconis’ Notes for the ‘Conferences”,are on the Perfection-ment of Man,—Searchfor truth—love of Justice; and the practiseof all the virtues. These may“be greatly extended; the GreekTheurgistshad great veneration for him, and many hymns of hisare preserved,and indicate a magical knowledgeof the Spiritual

Forces to which they are addressed.The Mysteries of Eleusiswerefounded on his System, and dedicated to Ceres and Proserpine.

S.—Cros~arms below stomach,and stand as if musing.



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T.—Touch eachothers left side with right hand.

W. P.—(Sameas last degrees).

W. S.—SUEHPRO. (Founderof Greek Mysteries).


Jewel and Symbol—A Key crossedwith a wand.


The grade is a School of Wisdomwhich treatson the Sublimeaim of the Great Work, viz; the rehabilationof man in divine per-ception. We can study the 7 musical tones, the 7 colors, the 7vowels, and the Seven headedSerpentto eachof its headsa vowelwas consecrated;all are symbols of the Ancients.

After Cabiric, or PelasgicGreece, was desolated by Aryanconquests,Egypt interesteditself in the restoration of Greeceandsent Orpheus,then Cadmus,who was of Phoeniciandescent. Heerected Thebes in Boetia and the Citadel retained the name ofKadmia until late times.

Mythology, in a myth of which we mustseek the meaningsaysthat he killed, a Dragon, and having sowed its teeth, a host ofarmed men sprangup, who fought with each other until five onlyremained to help to build the City. The legend says that he hadfive children by his wife Hermonia, the daughter of Ares andAphrodite, whom the God Zeus (Latin Deus) gave him.

He is said in his old age to have fled to Illyria, and he hasbeencreditedwith the introduction of the Greek Alphabet to whichadditions were madeat a later period. His era is about 1500 B.C.

S.—Crossarms, let fall to the side, repeattwice.

T.—Take each others right and left hand, and loose them threetimes.

W. P.—(Sameas last degrees).

W. S.—SUMDAC. (A hierophantin Greece)Battery—I-22.

Jewel & Symbol—A triangle upon which is a heart in flames.


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Developmentof the true Secret; derivation of all things from

one Almighty Spirit; progressivestepsof creationfrom the mineralto the vegetable,and thence to animal life—the elementssoftenstones and minerals, these feed the plants, then to animals andmen. Key to all allegories—spirit and matter—God in nature—Knowledgeof the property of plants from the Cedar of Lebanon,to the lowly hyssop—sublimityof moral.5.—Touch forehead,and say—To theebelongeth”; left shoulder,and say ‘Glory”; right shoulder, 1’ower”; stomach, ‘Wisdom’;heart, ~The Kingdom~.

T.—Right hand on eachothersheart, —look upwards.W. P.—(Sameas previous).W. S.—HTANEHPAS (Spiritual Temple)Battery—55555

Jewel and Symbol—A Sun upon which is the double triangles.


Instruction in natural andspiritual science. How worlds are in

processof formation; how suns disappearwhilst others are newlyborn, and how globesare in a stateof incandescencefor ages. TheNight and Day of Brahm, or his Inbreathingand his Outbreathing,or Awakening.

How organic life beginsat the lowest step of the ladderandprogresses,in untold ages, through the mineral, vegetable, andanimal kingdom, and is crowned by the birth of humanity. TheLunar race, and the Solar races. I have translatedthe followingfrom the Conferenceon Indian doctrine. It represents,that ofReason,and Reply of Divine Wisdom.

R.—O! Sublime first born of God, we say that thou hast createdthe world, thy child Reasonaskshow all wasproduced.

D. W.—My child, deceive not thy self, think not that I havecreated the world independentlyof the first mover: God hathmade all things, I am but the instrumentof his will, He callsupon me to executehis eternal designs.


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R.—How must I think of God?D. W.—That He is imxna~erial, incomprehensible,invisible, with-

out form, eternaf, all-powerful, that he knows all things, and iseverywherepresent.

R.—How then did God createthe world?D. W.—lhe Wit! dwelt with him from all eternity; He being triple

as Cre2tor, Preserver,and Destroyer. The Will of God conjoinedwith his goodness,produced.first matter;and the ~womovementsof the will producedmotion.

R.—What ~‘rewe.to under5tandby Sentiment?D. W.—!t is a portion of the Great Soul of the universe;it rests

in all creaturesfor a markedUme.R.—What becomesof it at death?D. W.—It animatesotherbodies,or it plungeslike a dropof water

in the immenseoce2n from which it set out.R.—WiII v~rttious souls be recompensed,and will criminal souls

escapepunishment?D. W.—The Soulsof men are distinguishedfrom thoseof animals

inasmuch~s they have the knowledgeof good and, evil. If mandoes good his soul when dkengagedfrom his body by death,will be absorbedin the divine essenceand not again enter an

earthly body. But the Soul of the wicked is vested in the fourelements,and after it hasbeenpunishedit will retakean earthlybody, hut if it t~ikes on its first purity it will be absorbedin thebosom of God.

R.—What is the natureof thk Union with God?D. W.—It is a participationin the Supremeessence.We no longer

know passions,the entire Soul is plunged in eternal felicity.R.—O’ my mother, thou hast told me that if the Soul is not pure

it cannot dwell with God. The actions of men are sometimes

good, and at other time5 bad; where go all thesemixed soulsimmediately after de2th?

D. W.—Tbey are divided into classes, for some time they hardlyreafize their iniquities, then they’ either enter heaven, or theyreceivesometimethe recompenseof their good actions;or finally

they enternew bodies.


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R.—What is that which we cMI time?D. W.—k exists with God from eternity, Nit we cannot compre-

hefld, or measure, the period when God created movement.

(Those interestedwill find much additional translation bearinghereon in our Lecturesof C. S. & C.”)

S.—Clasp fingers and bring back of handsto brow.T.—Fingers clasped bring palms together and, give the S. W.

A-U-M. (Implying, Fire, Water, Ether.)W. P. (Same as last degrees).Battery—7777777Jewel and Symbol—A circle within which is a Star.


Explanationof the Poetic Myths of Antiquity. Mythology saysthat after the human race had developeda civilization of its owna thousandsorrowsaroseby the openingof the Box of Pandora”,with which the Godshad doweredher whenshemarried Epemethius

thebrotherof Promitheus,who aswe havesaid, in previousdcgree5,stoleheavenlyfire to dower the Cabin. For centuriesthe races,thusilluminated, grew in skill and pride. At length a great flood aroseto destroy them, it covered the land and everything perkhed. InAthca and Boet~a it is called the OgygisnFlood, after the legendaryKng Ogyges; in Argos the inachidmn Ulood after King Inachus.Sometimes it is called the Dukdion Flood, said to be the only sonof Promethitis and Pyrrha the daughter of Epimetliius; his sonHelten is said to be fattier of the Hellenesand his sons Ailo~, Doros,Zanthos, Ion, and Achaios, the Aryon Greekswho devastedtheold Pelasgians.

Again Ulysses on leaving Troy arrives at the island of thegoddessCirce whosehospitality hasa herbpotion which transformedh~s companyinto Swine, i.e. brutalisedthem by sensuality. Hermesthe Greek nameof Thoth, protccts Ulysses and gave him a sacredplant,—’Blnck was the root, but milky white the flower; Molythe name, to mortals hard to find.’ Circe’s Magic arts failing, bythe spiritual virtue of the plant, sheproposesa Union, and swears,


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—“By those dread oaths that tie the powers below, the blessed inthe sky,” and, then restores her swine to human shape. After oneyear in this state, Ulysses is preparedto conversewith the Shadesand entersthe Cimmerian Cavern leading to Tartarius. The neces-sary sacrifices are ma(le, the blood of which is used by the Shadesto enable themselvesto assumea corporeal shape. After visitingTartarius the hero begins his voyage and reachesthe island ofOgygia, where he begins a happy life with Calipso, and remains

seven years with her till Hermes commandshis return to his ownland..

We have again the journey to fetch the golden fleece, which the

Alchemists assertwas their Trans7,mtalion,and they symbolised itby the plant Aloly. Ogygia was the name of one of the gatesofThebes. The Mythology of Greece, like that of Egypt is three-fold—human,cosmogonical,and spiritual; and we havea specimenof the latter in the beautiful fable of Cupid and Psyche.S.—Placeopen right hand below the eyes, thumb ered, and form-ing a squareon the temple.T.—Left hand on sword guard, right on eachothers right shoulders.W. P.—(As last)S. W.—ATGYGOBattery—i-i-IJewel and Symbol—A squareon which is a pen and above that a



Upon three altars burn three fires—Man is body, soul andSpirit. Again we have the invisible Electric; the Actual, fire byfriction. Again the Temple fire; the bodily fire, House fire. Thefirst initiati6n of the ancient occult orders was by water, the nextby fire, or Spiritual exaltation. Marconis says,—It is the explana-

tion of the regeneratingfire of occult science. The partial rent ofa greatpalace—raysof Adamic force, confoundinghuman reason,and humiliating before the power of God. It is a phenomenaofthe Prophetic Order,—the principle of life and of all organised

beings. A part of the instructionof the priestof old—the Myster-


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ious Key which opens the forgotten intelligence of the world oflight and truth, and joins the finite to the inlinite. It is the “chainof gold”, frequently sung by the poets; the basis of the hiddenphilosophy of Democritis, Pythagoras, Plato, Apollonius which

they went to demandof the Hieropliantsof Egypt, and the Gymno-sophistsof India and Ethiopia—invisible to the eyes of the senses,it is the Study of the Soul.

The relationship which exists betweenthe fuel and the fire,is symbolical of that which exists in the several meansof obtainingspiritual enlightenment; as fire is the most active civilizer, so isWisdom for immortality.5.—Join fingers of both handsand raise them abovethe head.T.—Join hands in a friendly way and say—”Be vigilant”.W. P.—(Sameas last)W. 5.—CIASI (Relating to Isis).Battery—i-I-iJewel and. Symbol—A Squarecontaininga Circle, with 3 trianglesunited at the points.


Studies the old occult Medicine of curing diseaseby plantscorrelative to the parts of the body affected. Theseobservationsex-tend to (he colour of the Sap, the numberof the leaves,and thepetals. The Mandrake. The astrologicalimport of the plants, andtheserelations to the different parts of the humanbody.

The colourspreferredin costume,coupledwith physiognomicaltraits as a guid,e to characteramongstmankind.

Thus (Marconis says) the basil, the lavender,and the Saffronfor curingderangementsof the stomach,becausethe viscerais underthe dominion of the Lion, and theseplants correspondto’ that Sign.They also employed plantsof which the form had somesimilitude

to the partsaffected—theAnihora resemblestwo heartsunited, andwas recommendedfor maladiesof the heart. The Camomilepassedfor an O/nhalmic plant, becausethe flower hassome similitude to

the organ of sight.


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Thus thc affinities of the 3 kingdoms, with the astrologicalapplicationsof the Hierophants,who had determined the concor-

dancesbetweenman, the elements,and the celestial bodies, provethat if they sometimeserred in their system, they had pushed farin the observationsof nature.

5.—Carry the 3 fingers of the right hand to mouth.T.—Join the insides of left foot, kneestouching.W. P.—(The sameas last).W.. P.—ATMEHC. (The Alchemy of old.)Battery.—666666—666666.

Jewel and Symbol. A delta upon which is a branch having 6 leaveson eachside.


In nature there is an .Occult power behind, the material form,viz—The fashioning of Spirit. First matter is eternal and existseverywhere; and was a doctrine taught in Egypt (Poemander.)Spaceis eternal, immobile and immutable. On heatand humidity.Time not a principle. There are 3 eternal things in nature,vtz:—Mind, first matter and space, quantity of matter always the same.Preexistenceof Souls; the body the Sepulchreof the Soul: “Welive their death,and die to their life.~’

It has long been worked in Scotland by the Council of Rites,derived from Dr. Walker Arnott, as a higher d~gree. Perhapsthey had it from Dr. Morison, who was a member of our Rite inParis, and in 1845 founded the Rite of 33~ at Edinburgh. Todaythey work the degreeas follows. They may have modified earlierwork. The Ceremonies are two fold, the first founded on the

ancientEleusinianMysteries; the secondpart a Christian version ofthe same. The Oflicers are—Lfiero/J14n1or Master, H,~perei or

Conductor;Diachanosor 1. G.; Cerber7,sor Tyler. TheCandidateisled into the Consistory by Hu/’erei, the door being left open for

the purpose.


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D.—(Meets Cand. at door)What Profane is this who intrudeswithin these Sacred Precincts?

H.—(for Candidate) I am no Profane, tho’ but a dweller on the

threshold, and am come humbly seeking light in Eleusis.

D.—If you aresincerein your desire enter, and, having partaken

in the ceremony of Lustration, emit the declaration withoutwhich no progresscan be made.

Washeshandsin a basin, and dries them on a towel presented

to him.

D.—Repeatafter me, holding up your right hand:—

I, A. B., do solemnly declare that in seeking advancementhere, I am actuatedby no unworthy motive, and I sacredlypledgemyself to keep inviolably secret,from thewhole world, thesecretsofor belonging to this degree,should the Hierophantsee fit to en-trust me with the same,and may the Great Dispenserof Life andLight deal with me as I keep my pledge.

D.—As you have thus far conformedto our Regulations,you willproceedto the Hierophant for further instruction.

Huperet leadshim to the East.

Hup.—Wise Hierophant, behold before you a Dweller on theThreshold,who haswashedhis handsof thevanitiesof the world,and vowed unalterablefidelity to our Order.

Hier.—Approach, 0! D. on the T., (Candidateapproachesby 4long and 3 short stepsand kneels).

Hier.—(Takesone step to meet him, and touching him upon theear,, eyes, and mouth says). And thus I seal you, that you may

hear, see, and speak concerningthe Order, but as you may beinstructed.Do you again renew the pledge you formerly made?


Hiero.—(RaisingCandidate), OAiM.

Hup.—(Taking his left hand). DEUM.


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Hiero.—(Touchingeyes and ears). Hear, See, and be Silent con-

cerning the Secretsof Eleusis, in which I will now instruct you.Gives G.W.—! P.W.—2 P.W. and Sign. Stepsback and says:

Konx Ompax. (It is finished.) P. of Eleusis, be secretand silent,

(All give sign).


All retire to 2nd Apartment—ledby the Hiero., Cand., andHuperetbeing last. As Cand. entersa veil is thrown over him, andhe is laid on the floor. Then all taketheir places. The Hierophantis now High Priest, and Huperet is Vice High Priest.

H. P.—What is the causeof our PresentAssembly?

V.H.P.—To learn for ourselves,and to explain to a Priest of the

old Eleusis, the Mysteries of the New Jerusalemwhich is thetrue Eleusis.

H. P.—Whereis he that is to profit by the lesson?

V. H. P.—He is dead in error, but awaits the vivifying teachingof the new law.

H. P.—Let him be raised from the grave of error by the powerof the word, and by aid of the 3 points—Faith,Hope and Charity.

V. H. P.—(TakingCand. by right hand and whispering) Rise, bythe power of the Word, from deadly error to living truth.

Chaplain—(ReadsRev. XXIC, whilst Cand. is led slowly roundhalting before the H. P.)

V. H. P.—T here presentyou ReverendH. P., a Priest of the oldEleusiswhom from the deathof error hasbeen Raised to livingtruth.

H. P.—Con~panionA. B., I welcome you as a Priest of the trueEleusis, and now put you in possessionof the Secretsof thegrade,which consistof Sign, G. W., P. W., and G.

He then gives an Address on ancient Initiation. ChaplainreadsXXIIC Revelationsto closethe ceremony.

(In the ~‘EarlyGrand” of Scotland,this gradeis given betweenPriest of the Sun, and Royal Secret, both a scant abridgementof

S. R.)


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G.—Look up to heaven,then down to earth.

T.—Join inside of right feet and let knees touch.

W. P.—(As last previousdegrees.)

W. S.—SISUELE. (Secret of Grecian Mysteries).

Answer—XNOK XAPMO. (It is finished).


Jewel and Symbol.—A Sun on which is 3 Yods.


The Universal Soul, the breathof Deity, Charity, or love, is itsruling principle,—Emancipationfrom the bonds of matter pro-ceedsperfection—freedomof the pure spirit,—the 3 paths to bliss.Liberty, equality and fraternity our basic principles; love, union,labour the moral principles, and progress the reward. The wordKawi meansa Poet, and is the equivalentof Bard, Scalde,etc. TheSacredJavanesecharacteris called Kawi, and Sanscrit origin.

G.—Touch the forehead, lips and heart, with right hand.

T.—Upon a Book join open hands,one on the other.

W. P. (The sameas severalof last degrees).

W. S.—ANHSIRK. (Predecessorof Gautama).

Jewel and Symbol.—A delta, with a central point.


Preliminary Note. As these Mysteries lasted well into Chris-tian times, we have fuller information than the others. Origenquoting Celsussays that in the Caves of Mythras therewas a “rep-

resentationof the two heavenly~Inovements,namely those of thefixed stars and the planets or that which takes place, in them,and the passageof the Soul through these. The representationis

of the following nature; there is a ladderwith lofty gatesand onthe top of it an eighth gate. The 1st gateconsistsof lead; the 2ndof tin; the 3rd of copper;the 4th of iron; the ~th of a mixture of


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metals; the 6th of silver; the 7th of gold ;‘ and he goes on to

describe the dedication of these metals, and gates, 1st to Saturn;2nd to Venus; 3rd to Jupiter; 4th to Mercury; 5th to Mars;6th to the Moon, 7th to Sun. At Reception they baptisedwithwater, and offered bread and wine or water—a crown was offeredwhich he cast away, a white stone was given him. It is said thatwhen the EmperorJulian was receivedhe was baptisedwith blood,the Hierophantsaying,—”With this blood I wash away thy sins, thatthe Spirit of the divinity may enter into thee, the newly begotten,Thou are the Son of the highestGod”. The degree,as drawn byMarconis, is very beautiful and he adheresclosely to fact.


Thereare II Dignitaries, to wit—I, Grand Pontiff (or S.D.)2 and 3, Thetwo Mystagogues;4, the Odos, or Orator; 5, the Hiero-stolista or Secretary;6, the Zacoris, or Treasurer; 7, the Cyriceor Expert; 8, the Pliste or Hospitaller; 9, the Hydranos,or M. of

Cer.; 10, the Cistophore or Archivist; II, the ThesmophoresorGuard of Consistory.


in the Centreare 3 Circlesto representthe planetarysystem,withthe Sun in the Centre. Thereshould be 7 chambers,or cavernsofInitiation, and 7 doorsof 7 Metals. In the South is the transparencyof a Sun rising over a tomb. Near to it is a Myrtle, and someastronomical instruments.


Gd. Pontiff—(Knocks I with triangle headed mallet.) SilenceBrothers! Bro. 1st Myst., what is your duty’ in this temple of


1st. Myst.—It is to protect the inviolability of our Mysteriesagainstprofane intrusion.


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G. P.—Bro. Ceryce,assureyourself that the ehtranceis guarded.

Ceryce—(After going to the door to see) Gd. Pontiff, the avenuesof the temple aredeserted,its echoesaresilent, nonecanoverhearus.

G. P.—Since we are covered, arise to order, My 1st and 2ndMystagogues,examineyour columns, and assureyourselvesthatall are Brothers.

1st Mys.—G. P., all the Bros. presentare membersof the degree.

G. P.—2nd Mys. your place in this Temple of Truth?

2nd Mys.—In the Angle of the Column to the North.

G. P.—Wby?

2 Mys.—To see that order is maintained,and to the perfect execu-

tion of the work. To forsee and transmit to the 1st Myst., anydifficulties that may arise, and obtain the solution which may benecessary,to the perfect developmentof the questionssubmittedto our brothers.

G. P.—Bro. 1st Myst., where is your place?1st Mys.—At the Angle of the Column in the South West.

G. P.—Why?

1st Mys.—To aid the G. P. in developingthe work of this degree.

G. P.—Whereis the GrandPontiff’s place?

1st Mys.—In the East, to open the labour, and spread.the rays oflight and truth.

G. P.—Bro. 1st Myst., at what hour do we assemble?

1st Mys.—At seven in the evening,Grand Pontiff.

G. P.—..Whathour is it, Bro. 2nd ?vfyst?2nd Mys.—The hourof labour, Grand Pontiff.

G. P.—Joinme, my Brothers, in Prayer. OmnipotentGod, Authorof all good, Source of all Clemency,SpreadThy blessingsoverour labours, fortify us with the bondsof Fraternalaffection. Weprostrateourselvesbefore the eternal laws of Thy Wisdom, weinvoke Thy name for we are Thy children. Dissipate the dark-nessof our souls; continueto spreadover us Thy protectinghand,


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and lead us constantly towards goodness,of which the perfec.tion resides only in Thee. Glory to Thee, 0! Lord; Glory to

Thy Name; Glory to Thy Works.

To the Glory of T.S.A.O.T.U. the Consistory is Open. Attendto me, my Brothers.

All give the Battery, 7777777, and Sign.


The Knights wear a white Sash, Saltire wise, from which issuspendeda plate in form of a triangle; on one side is engraventhe name “Jehovah”, is is surroundedby the words “Virtue, Wis-dom, Science”. On the other side is a Serpent coiled in cirdewithin which is the Lion, of a degreeof Mithras. The trianglesymbolises divinity; the serpent and Lion are the emblems ofWisdom and Strength.

G.P.—(strikes).To your places,My Brothers.

Ceryce—(Repeatsthe Knock)

Hydranos—(Knocks 7777777, for Aspirant)

Thesmophores—(AdmitsAspirant. Door closes.Clapsof Thunder)

Neophyte—(Findshimself surroundedwith fire. Brilliant light)

G P.—Whatdost thou demand,and whathasbrought theeamongstus?

t4eophyte—I seek to penetratethe Arcana of Nature.

G. P—What hast thou done to obtan this favor?

Neophyte—I have studied the signification of Symbols.

G. P—That is somethingbut more is requiredfrom thee.

G. P.—What meansthe Pyramid, with the Sun over it?

Neophyte—It is a Symbol which gives us the idea of perfection,

and reminds us of the acquirementof Art; the virtues we pro-pose,and the labours of the Hierophant and the Two Mysta.gogues. In attendingto the threeFires, as Guardian in the 600,we learn these inscriptions—(1) Practisevirtue anc.L fly vice, be


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docile to the voice of nature, reason,and conscience.(2) Seek inthe visible marvels of the Universe the Knowledgeof T.S.A.O.

T.U. and His perfcctions. (3) Love thy Kind, Seek to be usefulto them, and thine own interest in the common well being. Such

tasks are but thepure doctrine of our divine Master whoseteachiti~, in thc lapseof ages,hasbcen disfigured by ignorance,super-

stition and avarice.

G. P.—Give me an explanationof the 3 Symbolic fires?

Neop.—We see the goddessIsis with her son Horus seateduponher knees,and these 3 Iircs burning upon 3 Altars beforeher-Man is body, Soul and Spirit. Each of the 3 elementswhich con-stitute our body is ternary, and offers the general emblems ofnature, as Symbols to our Spirit.

G. P.—How do you look on the voice from the burning bush?

Neop.—As a figure of speech. It expressesthe fire of intelligence,the voice of conscience,which permits no man to oppresshisbrothers.

G. P.—Wliat idea have you formed of the record of a man and awoman living in a Gardenof Eden;or in a Stateof innocence,andtheir expulsion?

Neop.—It is an allegory which expressesthe obediencewhich manowes to the laws of nature, in justice and humanity. When heforgets these laws he rendershimself unhappy, infirm, ignorant;he destroysth~ rights of society, and overthrowsthe laws whichT.S.A.O.T.U. has imprinted on creation.

G. P.—BrotherOdos, I give you the parole.

Odos.—My brother, the instruction of this grade ascendsto thehighest antiquity. Tbe Magi who were its founders in Persia,arose in Asia, in the primitive ages, and carried their scienceto the Gymnosophistsand to me Brahmins. They had anciently

in the Chaldeantown of Hypernium a celebratedschool, whereall humanvirtue was concentrated,and which spreadcivilization

over the world, but it was more especially in Media that these


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Illustrious Masons, as we have long used, the word, celebratedtheir Mysteries and taught those forms and principles, whichspread to Rome and thence to Britain, those waves of light andtruth which T.S.A.O.T.U. had placed in the heartsof the Hiero-phantsof learned Egypt. Even the Jews, in their captivity profitedlargely by the learning of the Magi. The City of Ecbatana,inimitation of the tower of Babel,was protectedby 7 circular wallswithin each other, eachhigher than the last, and were colouredso as to representthe seven planets known to all the ancients.

The principal aim of this order is the perfectionmentof man,and his reapproachmenttowardsthat sourcewhenceit emanated;that is to say his rehabilitation and reintegration in his primitiverights. The occult schools tern~ it Union with Deity. Contempor-aneouslywith this dogma,asa consequence,is born the principleof Spirit communion; the doctrine of a dual nature in man, ex-ernplified in magnetism,somnambulism,dreams,prescience,sym-

pathies and antipathies,and above all ecstasy,and yoga. Thesedoctrineswere all well knownto theancientSages,and at onetime,Pythagoraswas their most celebratedinterpreter,and was follow-ed by the almost divine Plato. In our times SwedenborgandSt. Martin havepushedthem to their limits, and havehadnumer-ous and enlightened disciples; and besides these there weredivers orders of Illuminati such as those of Stockholm, whichfollowed St. Martin.

When man by a new and exemplary life of active good workis conductedto his primite dignity, he approacheshis creator,is animatedby a divine breath and is Initiated. By this acquire-ment he becomesa Master of the Occult Sciences,the secretsofnature,high-chemistry,entology, and astronomy.

The Secretsof this degreecan only be acquiredby prescribedstudies,and severetrials, which were in reality a courseof relig-ion, and morality divested of Superstition. It was necessaryforadmissionto unite elevationof mind to greatmoral purity, whichwas enforcedby a terrible oath in the new life on which they



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The festival of the Order was a celebrationsof the triumph of

light over darkness,and during they fed, with veneration,apure flame in a brazier; this symbol was used by the greatestnations,—theEgyptians, Chaldeans,Persians,Peruvians,etc., but

the full explanationwas possessedonly by the Hierophants.

The Constitution of this degree is based upon the law ofHorn, according to the Zend Avesta, this Law announcedoneEternal SupremeBeing, whenceproceededtwo opposing prin-ciples. The ceremoniesof this Law, called Pariokesh,were verysimple and intended to recall the origin and arrangementof theUniverse. The aim was to renderto T.S.A.O.T.U. that homagewhich is his due, raising man, by leading them to abandontheirpassions,which so often trouble, their existence,to the highestperfection.

G.P.—Having now given you a general idea, of the nature andprinciples of this degree,I require to know whether you stilldesire to proceed?

Neop.—It is my sincerestdesire.

G. P.—Do you promise that you will faithfully conform to thelaws of the order, that you will be obedient to your superiorstherein, and that you will conceal the mysterious instruction

that you will receive, with the samestrict caution, as in the otherdegreeswhich have been conferredupon you?

Neop.—I promise it, and I swearit.

G. P.—(Giving him a Myrtle branch, and, a Baton on which is aSerpent). With this Synibolic Myrtle, you will be able to pene-trate the cavern where is concealedthe Sacred Delta, and theIncommunicableName. This symbolic Baton will guide youin your search. Go, my Brother, and may T.S.A.O.T.U. aidyou.

Thesmophorus—heleads the Neophyte to a Vestibule lighted

by an antique lamp. In the middle of the side to the right isa folding door guardedby Si!’ence and Charity; upon the frieze isa Globe surroundedby a Serpentand sustainedby two vultures


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wings, spread out at the two sides. Upon the door are thesewords in hieroglyphical characters:‘Do good upon this earth,

or dread to be accursed.” The Neophyteplaces his offering inthe alms-box. The door opensand he enters with the Thesmo-phorusa largeHall designated:—


Neophyte enters it, supportedon the arm of the Guide. But.what a grevious ruin! The silence of death rests upon thecrumbling stones, seen by the pale light of the Moon. Over-turned Capitals obstruct the entrance;pillars, here and, there,areseenstandingerect; but sustainonly the air, and areno longerthe marvellous erectionson which Sculptors had engraven theMysteries of Science, and the annals of history.

Thesmophores—TheEgyptians,Persians,andotherprimitive peoples,

Neophyte—I think, with bitterness,that the handof man hascon-tributed more than the elementsto the destruction of the in-numerablemonuments,which civilization has spread with suchprofusion.

Thesmophores—TheEgyptians,Persians,an otherprimitive peoples,were in the habit of symbolisingin stonethe grand accidentsofnature, and their high philosophic speculations. The commonpeopleunderstoodtheseemblemsliterally, for the symbolic doc-trine was taughtonly to Initiates.

The Egyptians, for instance,synibolised,nature by Isis, and hermysteriesby the Veil which envelopedthe Statueof the goddess,a Veil which fell not even before the eyes of the Hierophant. Itwas thus, again, that the Greekssymbolisedhigh Scienceby theSacredCurtain of the Templeof Apollo. Dost thou understandthe Ammonitelanguage?

Neophyte—No. I am but an Initiate of the Minor Mysteries, andunableto comprehendthis Mysterious language.

Thesmophores—Lookupon this Obelisk, mutilated by the handsofbarbarians, It still preservesthe Mysterious characterstraced by


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the hands of our ancestors. Behold the meaning:—”Mortal!apply thyself to conceivesome greatand noble idea; consecratethy life to its realization,and, thy passageupon earth will not be

barrenof good. Thou wilt thus fulfill a providential mission, ifthou but proposesan aim useful to humanity”.

It is only by return to the worship of the Unity that mankindmay one day arrive at a termination of antagonisticsentimentand discord.

Besidesthis half overthrowncolumn, thou seesta griffin push-ing a wheel before it. What doesthis emblemsignify?

Neophyte—I considerthe Griffin to be an emblemof the Sun; andthat the ~vheelwhich is parted by 4 spokes, representsthe fourseasons.

Thesmophores.—Andthis cross called the Diagamma?

Neophyte—It is formed of 4 gammas,joined at their points, andrepresentsthe apparentrevolution of the Sun.

ihesmophores.—Andthis figure holding forth the left hand?


Thesmophores.—Andthis semi-nudefigure, with headthrown to theright?

Neophyte.—Thesun is never entirely covered at the same time toall the world.

Thesmophores.—Whyis the hair shorn off, even to the roots?

Neophyte.—Itpoints out this inextinguishablestar hasthe facultyof rebirth.

Thesmophores.—Whatsignifies the wings, the urn, and augurialbaton?

Neophyte.—Thewings point out the rapidity of the Suns course;the urn in the right hand announcesthat it is the sourceof allgood; and the Augurial baton in the left hand is a happy emblem

of the solicitude with which it forestalls the needsof mankind.

~Vhesmophores.—Beholdthis framed symbol to the right, whatdoes it signify?


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Neophyte.—Two objects capable of softening T.S.A.O.T.U., thetongue for prayer, and the hand for offerings.

The Neophytenow advancesto the Symbolic tomb, when twomasked, and black robed brothers, bar his passage,and demandthe word,

Neophyte.—Amoun—bediscreet (word of the 520)

A Voice.—(tn Neophyte) Consider, that if long labours, profoundstudies, and rude trials, are required for the Exoteric degrees,how much more is required for those of Esoteric Nature. Noassistance—nocouncil—no encouragementis given to him whodares venture to penetratethe Inner Secret. It is only by forceof spirit, and divine inspiration, that this can be done. ThereareMysterieswithin Mysteries.

Neophyte advanceswith prudence,but nothing indicates anentry by which he can descendinto the vault. After much searchhe discoversa trap door and, without thinking of danger,he pre-pares to descendinto the Cavern.

A Voice.—(to Neophyte)Whoevershall penetrateinto this vaultalonewill be purified . . . he will comeout perhaps. . . from thebosom of the earth, and his Soul will be preparedfor the revela-tion of the Mysteries. Child of Earth, sound the most secretcorners of thy heart,—Know Thyself. This Knowledge is thegrand principle of all our dogmas; thy soul is a rough stone,which thou must polish in order to carve thereon the perfectplan . . . Be good, sweet, humane,charitable, love thy kind, con-

sole the afflicted, pardon those who give offence . . . May theS.A.O.T.U. protect thee

Thesmophores.—Hastthou courageto follow out this adventureto the end?

Without reply, the Neophytehastensto descendthe vault. He

thus finds himself led onwardby a gentleslope into a cavernwherelie espies a Labyrinth which is terminated by a double door of

Lead,which opensof itself, without producingthe leastNoise.Uponthis door is the word Beahaba (resignation).


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A stifling atmosphere,chargedwith vapor ojpre~sesthe lungsand he hastenshis march in dread of suffocation. Following somewindings he finds himself before a second door of Tin, uponwhich is written Mathok (sweetness).

A Voice.—Child of Earth, labour to perfect thy body, and thysoul; strip off the Vices which a profane world hath created.Break the chains with which prejudice hath bound thee, andthou wilt becomethe cherishedSon of our Order; of creation;and the first light of intelligence. Strike this door with thyBaton. It will open to thee the passagewhich leads from, the

Eastto the West; it points out the beginning and end of humanlife, and it is the course which the Sun overrunsdaily.

The Neophyteacts as the Voice directs him, and, marchingresolutelyarrivesbefore a third door of Coj~j~er, on which he readsthe word Serrel (intelligence). This door opensof itself, and hearsa sonorous—

A Voice.—4Know that amongst all the good things which the

S.A.O.T.U. hath bestowedon Man the pleasuresof reason,andthe joys of the senses, consist in these things—health, peace,necessaries.Health can only be obtainedby temperance;peaceis the appanageof virtue; Good and bad men are equally ableto acquirethegifts of fortune, but the pleasuresof enjoymentarediminished in proportion to the wickedxiessby which they havebeen obtained.

The Neophyte comes to a 4th door of Iron, on which Is‘Emounah” (Strength) and hears a strong

Voice.—What are thy views on Morality?

Neophyte—Morality is the point at which all human sentimentunites. It is the good way; the issuredmeansof a happy life;the faithful mirror of virtue; and the interpreterof conscience.Without it all else is vain; with it all things becomeuseful and

profitable; as man approachesthat point he presentshimselfunder a new and interestingaspect; the moral sentiment raises

him towards the Author of all; he seeshimself surroundedby


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men who resemblehimself, of whom he has need, and whomhe can assist. ft is a precious knowledge,and the intimate con-viction of his duty towards God, his neighbor, and himself; itis the Sum of all his obligations.

The Voice.—t am satisfied. Continuethy journey,with courageandperseverance.

A door opensof itself, and the Neophyteadvancesas chanceleadshim. He hears a noise like that of heavy bars of iron rolledupon an uneven pavement. He perceives a light, towards whichhe advancescarefully, and finds himself before a heavily barredvault, with a door of bronze (or mixed metal) upon which iswritten the words Coh-er-Elvah, (Love of God). He opens thedoor, and also a pannelof the stonewall before him. Upon this3 armedmen, with swordspresentthemselvesbeforehim, one says:

First Brother.—Weare not hereto retard thy progress.( Presentsabook bound in red Morocco) Write herethy name,age, and thyMasonic qualifications. (He doesso).

Second Brother.—Pardoneverythingto others, nothing to thyself.

Third Brother—(Presentinga Mirror). Behold! It reflects thy past,seeks motives of hope in it for the future. In following t.heVoice of nature thou mayestobtain happiness;it is a quality ofcelestial origin, which all the world may obtain; for to obtainit we support life, and yet fear not death. It offers good thingsto us, but we must not seek it in extremes;to acquire it wemustact in a sensiblespirit with an uprightheart.

The Universal Cause acts by general laws; and gives truehappiness;order is the first of heaven’s laws; this teachesus

that happinessshould apply equally to all, and to reach it manmust besociable; forget it not. Pursuethy route, it will lead theeto the Temple of Truth.

The Neophyte walks painfully along a rough road, until hearrives at the 6th door of Silver, and he knocks with his Baton.

Upon it is the word Tsedakah(Justice). It opens with a greatnotse. He penetratesthis Assylum of death, and, at the same


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instant, two lions, of terrible grandeur, advaiice. put out theirpaws, and make a frightful roar (effected by mechanism). ‘Be atrest’. His courageis unshakenby this trial. He advances,holdingthe branch of myrtle in his right hand, which is a symbol of

strength governed by prudence. In the midst of this room is aColumn of brass in which is depositedthe Sdc~ed Coff~e, and theBook of Traditions. Near it burns spirits of wine upon an antiquetripod, the bluish-white flames of which resemble the warm hueof an igneus meteor. He hears himself addressedby a manly anddeep

Voice—Who comeshere?

Neophyte.—A Neophyte,who aspiresto wisdom.

Voice.—ln orderto arriveat Wisdom, it is necessaryto facewithoutterror the Mystery of death.

He is questioned,out of our Lectures,on the first, the Mediate,the moral cause, space,duration, life, death, liberty, the will etc.

Voice.—Purify thy heart; sow in the world words of wisdom.

Teach mankind to love each other; lead back those who strayfrom virtue, instruct the ignorant, relieve those who suffer. Strikewith thy branch, which is the symbol of Initiation, upon thisbrazencolumn.

Neophyte does so, and a small door opens, which shows agolden casketand a book.

Voice.—Take up this cofire, which enclosesa golden delta, andthe book is that of the Grand Mysteries. Thou wilt be per~mitted to place them upon the Altar in the Temple of Truth.Adieu, my brother,may the Spirit of T.S.A.O.T.U. rest everuponthee.

Neophyte journies, in completesilence, ‘til he arrives at the

foot of a splendid Portico. He ascendsthe 7 steps and knocks ata gold or gilded door, accordingto the battery of the grade. Uponthe door is the words Shor-Laban(Purity). Here he is introducedby the Thesmophoresto the outer Courts of the Temple.


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Thesmophores.—!will now go and requestadmittance(or theetothe Assylumof Truth.


Thesmophores.—G.P., I come from the Neophyte to requestthathe may enter the Temple of Truth.

G. P.—.Hydramos,will you introduce the Neophyte.

Hydramos.—(Goes,an shortly knocks 7777777)

G. ‘P.—Arise to order, my brothers.

They do so. Doors open mechanically. The Neophyteadvanceswith his Guide The Standardunrolls before him its glorious folds,and he reads thereon,—

“Architect of all worlds, to thee be glory and praise, Thy will

controlls all things with unerring regularity, Only in thee reststhe power to banish all our ills, To thee we consecratethehumble tribute of our labours.”

The Stars in Sacred number, and Mystic order, burn in theEast. Incenseburns upon the Altar of Oaths; and harmony cele-bratesthe entranceof the Neophyte.

G. P.—Advanceand give me that Coifre. Thou comestto acquirethe right of Knowledge. Listen! Guard thee against passionand prejudice, for their indulgencewill draw thee from the trueway to be happy. To govern thy heart and feelings, fix thy

thoughts upon the Divine being. If thou wouldst learn totravel the true road to felicity listen to the voice of conscience,

and it will enlighten theewith that true Inner Light which willconductthee in the way of truth. Listen to thevoice of sympathy,and thou wilt walk in sentimentsof virtue. Thou hastvanquished

all the trials to which thou hastbeensubjected. Come! Child ofCelestial labours and researches.Come and receive the new lifeprepared for thee! Swear obedience and submission to theRules of our ancient and venerated Institution, and promise

never to reveal the secretswhich will be submitted to thee.


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Neophyte.—(Placing right band on SacredBook) I swear it.

Four brothersthen advanceto the foot of the Altar, and placetheir Glaives on his head.

G. P.—.--(Raisesthe flaming sword and says.) To the Glory ofT.S.A.O.T.U. I receive and Constitute thee, a Sage of Mythras.I give thee this sword. Forget not that it is the Symbol ofhonour, and that we are the Evangelistsof sympathy. In sign

of Adoption I invest theewith this Insignia, sacredto us. (openscoffre and takes out the Sacred Delta). Receive this (purple)Cordon with the Sacred Delta upon which is engraven theIneffable Name. It gives theethe right of a Seatamong us, andthou ought never to present thyself in the Temple of Truthwithout it. I will now explain to you our SecretMod~e of Recog-nition in this degree.

S.—Placeright hand upon the heart, then look to right, to left, andraise right hand the eyes to heaven.

T.—Join left hands,releasethem, join the right.

W.P.—(Sameas previousdegrees)

W.S.—NEST-OAL. (Aged child, as an emblemof life and death.)


Jewel and Symbol.—A delta, in the middle of which is a parallo-gram, with 7 points.

G. P.—Conductthe Aspirant to the Hierostolista,that he may beinstructed in our SecretCypher, after which let him be seated.

The 1-lydranostakeshim to the Hierostolista.

Hiero.—Our Amrnanian Alphabet is that of the ancient EgyptianPriests,and formedout of 3 diagrams,1st the A the origin of allthings; 2nd the jj, or sign of truth; 3rd the X, which was the

N0 of perfection. If you run the triangle round about itscentreyou obtain this figure *. With thesecyphersyou obtainour Alphabet It was called the Ammanian, and the RoyalBuilding beam. Consult Plutarch Deamore Fratermo, Divdorus

Siculus in Aditionibus; BochardtCan.xxi, p. 17. I Maccab.xii, 20Menlow’s O,~iental Travels, p. 13.


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Thesesigns may again be united in one thus [see Appendix)which they preserved in Sparta under the nameof Decona orthe Royal Building Beam. Some term it the Sign of Castor. If

you takethe sides of this figure to piecesyou have theseletters:[see Appendix]

You will now take your seat.

The Hydranos leads him and he is then


To the Glory of T.S.A.O.T.U., and in the nameof the G. H.,SublimeMasterof Light, I proclaim, for the presentand for always,Member of the Grand Consistoryof Sagesof Mythras Thrice Ill.’.B. .A.B. and requestyou to recognisehim in that capacity,and toaid and protect him. Join me, Ill..Bros.., in felicitating ourselvesupon the happy acquisitionwhich we have this day made. To me.(All give Sign and Battery.)


G. P.—Bro.%lst Mys., What is the aim of our labours?

I Mys.—To teach virtue and combat vice.

G. P.—What arethe main principlesof this degree?

1 Myst.—To know, obey, and command. To know in piety, hope,and love. To obey in truth, justice and humanity. To commandaccording to reason, wisdom and virtue.

G. P.—Bro. 2 Mys. Hasthe hour to suspendarrived?

2 Mys.—Yes, G. P., it is 9 o’clock in the morning.

G. P—Then it is the hour to suspendour labours. Join me. myBrothers, in this proceeding.

Passesthe word etc., to Hydranos,who carriessameto 1st and2nd Mystagogues.

G. P.—S.A.O.T.U.,kindle in our hearts the sacred love of man-kind. Inspire in our heartsthe desireof unrelaxingwork for the

good of humanity which is the constantaim of our Sublime In-


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stitution. Preservein our consciencesthe purity which Thouhast placed there; and keep far from all things which might beinjurious. So be it to us; so be it to all mankind! Continue todirect our labours, more and more towards perfection. Glory

to Thee0 Lord! Glory to Thy Name.Glory to Thy Works. Tothe Glory of T. S. A. 0. T. U. the labours are suspended.Letus retire in peace,my Bros. and may the spirit of God perpetu-ally watch over us. (Battery) To me, my Brothers, (Alt givethe Sign and the Battery).


The English have printed Rituals of 65, 66, 670. America hasnone.

S.—Placethe right hand on the heart, raise eyes to heaven,carryhand to pocket and then extend horizontally. Implying Faith,Hope, Charity.

T.—The first, or man’s grip, symbol of reason. The humanfaceofthe Sphynx.

W. P.—(Sameas last for all Consistory degrees)

W. P.—I{ATP. (The builder, the former.)


Jewel an Symbol.—Wingedegg. 3 circles within a triangle.


The English have printed Rituals of 65, 66, 670. Americahas none.

5.—Uplift both hands as in invocation and then lower them by

three equal acts, inhaling and exhaling mentally a breath. (Ye-Ho-Ha, the equivalentof the Brahminical A-U-M.)

T.—Thesecondor Eagle’sgrip, symbol of prevision and intelligence.The wings of the Sphynx.

W. P.—HPEN. (The Spirit or sacredbreath.)



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Jewel and Symbol.—Winged egg, on which is a circle with threestars, 1 and 2.



The English have printedRituals of 65, 66, 670. America hasnone.

S.—Make a sign of horrow, stroke hand over forehead,and theninterlacethe fingers and bring thebacks to the brow; then extend

‘the arms upwards.

T.—The third or lion’s grip, symbol of Divine strengthand truth.The lion-body of the Sphynx.

W. P.—MEHK. (The Son, “whose manifestation is his birth.”)


Jeweland Symbol.—Wingedegg; on which is a rayed triangle with“G” in the centre.


Of this degreeyou have a Printed Ritual.

S.—Point to Heaven with right thumb; carry the open hand tothe forehead; then point with the index finger to the earth.(Signifying, God, Intelligence, Futurity.)

T.—With right thumb balance3ce; palm to palm, balance5; lockindex finger, balance2ce.

W. P.—(as for all the Consistory)

W. P.—BAK. (Nameof the Mystic Sectionof Memphiswhere theSymbolic Palm tree was found.)

W. S.—ATECHS. (Mystic Valley, near Heliopolis, where thePatriarchsof Truth assembled.)


Jewel and Symbol.—Onwinged egg, a squarefrom which proceeds

4 rays in the middle of the sides; in centrea delta upon thecentreof which is a Star.


Page 68: Yarker Memphis

S.D.—To enableyou to proceed1 confer upon you the 690 namely

the degreeof Golden Branch of Eleusis. (Give secrets)


OF ELEUSISIt is an explanationof the Symbol of Initiation, and, refers to

the Pythagoreandogma,—”thepath of Virtue and Vice resemblesthe letter Y;” It symbolises that double path, one leading toElysium the other to Tartarusin the scenicdrama. The 1st, or nar-

row path, as the poets say,—slippery,muddy, stoney and narrow;the 2nd broad and easy. It wassymbolisedby a GoldenBranch. Sonamedfrom the excellencyof the Symbol, broken off so as to show

the 2 paths. The Sybil gives it to Aeneas as his passportto the2 spiritual worlds. Eleusis used the Myrtle, Heliopolis the Ivy,India the Papyra,Masonry the Acacia.

S.—Draw sword and extend horizontally, raise it to the height ofthe headand return to the scabbard.

T.—Place right hand on eachothershead.

W. P.—(as before)

W. S. NOIMYDNE. (Cavern of the 640)


Jewel and Symbol.—Winged egg, with a circle in which is theY branch.



We have the Printed Ritual of this degree.

S.—Point with sword to the Orient.

T.—(As last)

W. P.—(As all degreesof the Consistory).

W. P.—NUONNUOD. (The abodeof theLord.)


Jewel and Symbol.—A Star within a Square.


Page 69: Yarker Memphis


Here we havePrinted RituaLS.—Point to Heavenwith right finger.

T.—As last

W.P.—lst EGIS; 2d EHTELA.




Jewel and Syrrzbol.—Crescent,with a centre square.

S.D—To enable you to proceed I now confer upon you thesedegrees

720 Sublime Master of Wisdom.730 Doctor of the SacredFire740 SublimeMaster of the Stoka750 Knight Commanderof the Lybic Chain


Concernsthe generalaspectof our Institutions. Originally theMysteries were the Greaterand Lesser, but seemto have had sub-divisions and under the Ptolemys were increasedto Seven, or aSquare under a Triangle. These are still representedby the 7sections,or classesof our Rite, the intermediarygradesbeingschoolsof Instruction in mattersof Sciencewhich may be elaboratedcere-monially; whilst the combined7 sectionsrepresentthe dogmasof theprimitive system. They againcorrespondwith the 7 statesof Macro-cosm, and Microcosm.

S.—’Raisesword, and place flat on forehead,then salute thrice infront, twice to left, and twice to right.

T.—Graspthe blade of each others sword.

W’.P.—(as before)



Jewel and Symbol.—A triangle, or pyramid, over which is a sun.


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It is the Occult fire, symbolisedby the secretever-burningfireof the temple of Heliopolis; the serpentetc., issuing from the head

of ancient Egyptian King Initiates; the horns of Isis, of Moses,Buddah, etc. The celestial fire is one of the higher componentsof

Nature, and related to the Chineseyang and yin; Magnetism, andelectricity are two of the forces of the CreativeLogoi. Its knowledgeis the basis of the prophetical power of the ancient Hierophants.As darknessis dispelled by the light directed from the Sun, sodoes spiritual light dispel spiritual darkness.

S.—Elevateboth hands and bow thrice to East.

T.—Grasp eachesleft hand, and press 7 times.

W.P.—(The same) W. S.—HTOZA.


Jewel and Symbol.—Circle enclosingsquare.


In Sanscritverse a Stoka containseight syllables to the Pada,or quarterverse; thus a Stoka consistsof two lines of 16 syllables;of which the 5th, 13th, and 15th are short, the 14th long and therest optional.Hencea “Master~ must know its construction. Furtherthe occult property of numbersand rhythm; and the power whichthey have over the componentseven principles of the Macrocosmand Microcosm. The powerof Music in composingthe Mind, andin the healingof bodily diseaseby aiding its efflux is recognized.

S.—Hold left hand elevatedand grasp right hands.

W.P.—(thesame) W.S.—DOBAHAM (Greatwisdom.)


Jewel and Symbol—A circle containing a square with a centralpoint.


This is rather the natureof a decorationfor the closinggrade

of the Consistoryor VI Class than a degree. Chainsof gold were


Page 71: Yarker Memphis

grantedby the Egyptian, and other Oriental Kings as a Mark of

Royal favour. The 1-lierophantswore gold chains from which wassuspendeda Sun. Men~phis, Thebes, and Heliopolis formed aDelta of Qties.

S.—Placeleft hand triangularly, kiss sword thrice.

T.—Keep the left hand on side—graspright hand.

W.P.—(The same) S.W.—AIBYL


Jewel and Symbol—A squarecontainingtwo deltas,point to point.

Alphabet—[See Appendixi




‘X’e have a full ritual of this degreeSecrets.

S.—Draw the sword across the neck and then point it upwards.

T.—Mutually place a hand on eachothers right shoulder.

W. P.—(Sameas Consistory).

W.P.—FFOH TEHPMO. (Signifying in Phoenician:—watch and

be pure.)

W.S.—ALLETS, TEDES ILAS. (Signifying, Science, Wisdom,Virtue.)


Jewel and Symbol.—The winged egg.—A portion of a Cylinder,with a Square,in the centre, and a point in its middle.

W.M. or S.D.—To enable you to proceed in your higher Initia-tion, I now confer upon you these degrees,namely:—

770 Sage Theosopher

780 Pontiff of the Thebiad790 RedoubtableSada

800 Elect of Mazias


Page 72: Yarker Memphis


Studies the religious Myths of the different ages of humanity

and admits the most hardy Theosophicalstudies. It developestheMystic and transcendantparts of Masonry, including those historicdogmasthat have an eternal germ of perpetuity.

There is no changein the Universal law, Life and death areimposedon all Nature,but destrudionleads to regeneration. Sub-lime conceptionsof the ancientsupon God and Nature,and uponthe origin of creation, and the humanSpirit.

Allegory of a pyramid above which is a Sun.

S.—Restsword on left arm, then raise it level with brow.

T.—Touch eachothers foreheadwith right hand.

W.P.—(The same.) W.S.—AIHPOS (Wisdom)


Jewel and Symbol—A circle havingtwo crossedhands,in the centrea smallercircle.


Thebeswas the most ancient part of Egypt. Diodorus con-sideredthe Thebansto be the most ancient of people; and thatthe Ethiopiansoriginated Sacrifices, divine worship and religiousFestivals and solemn Assemblies, and introduced these into theircolonies in Egypt. In after ages the Delta was peopledby Arabs,~Syrians,and by Negroeswith whom the older races intermarried.Hence we have Pantheism,Deific Unity, and Immortality mingled.Lucian says that the Ethiopiansand Thebansinvented the Scienceof tbe Stars and namedthe planets. In time Memphis becamethe

chief city but succumbedto Alexandria. The humanisedtrinity ofHeseri—Osiris,Isis, Horus was’ preservedat This, Thinis,or Abydosthe birth place of Menes, the first king of the two Egypts 7000years ago, were the enlightenedApostles of immortal life, and tolater times was preservedby the Cenobitesof the Thebiad.

The seven first and primitive orders of Gods, developed 12Cosmogonicalpowers,and thesesevenhumaniseddeities. lamblichus


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saysthat Bytis, prophetto King Ammon, restoredthe Initiatory Rites,even as he found them recordedat Sais in Egypt, and that he gavethe namesof the planets,and declaredthe self-existing greatGodthroughoutthe Universe.

S.—Place left hand on the heart, right on forehead, then bowthrice.

T.—Join right hands, and place left hands on right shoulder.

W.P.—(The same) W.S.—SITYB (Early ThebanPriest)Battery—i-i-i

Jewel and Symbol.—Two concentriccircles within a square.


Sada, in Sanscrit, means Ever, always, constantly” and pointsout that constancywhich the menibersof our Order must observe,in delving into the Mysteries of Nature and &ience.

S.—Righthandon Sword,draw it, look at blade,passit to left hand.

T.—Join right hands,cover by gripping with left.

W. P.—(Same) W. S.—Adas. (Constant)


Jewel and Symbol.—Threepoints, 1 and 2, over crescentenclosingsquare.

800 SUBLIME ELECT OF THE SANCTUARY OF MAZIASNeophyte on entering is surrounded,by brethren clothed in

long white robes like winding sheets. A clatter, as of bones isheard. Thesequestionhim anew on the Myths of the Ancient East,the dogmasof the Vedas,and the living regenerativefire.

S.—Cross arms on breast, and bend 7 times before Altar.

T.—Grasp cachesarm above elbow, press 7 times.

W.P.—(Same) W. 5.—HOANOM NORAHCININ INIM (Icount the daysof Anger)


Jewel and Symbol.—A squarewith 3 points.


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We have the Printed Ritual of this Degree.

S.—Drawthe sword acrossneck, breast,hips, and thenpoint thriceto Heaven.

T.—Seizeeacharms with both hands.

W. P.—SUROH (The Son, the Mediator.)W. S.—IRESEH. (The Father, the Meekhearted,the Justifier.)


Jeweland Symbol.—Circlewith hexagram,and, star in centre.

S. D.—1 will now confer upon you, in order to qualify you for

the last two degrees,the gradeswhich follow.


For this refer back to the 340 Knight of Scandinavia. In ageneral way it representsthe Temple not made with handseternalin the heavens,that of Brahma,Kristina, Buddha, Odin, Christ, inEgypt Osiris, and Thoth or Hermes.

S.—Draw swords, rest left hand on it. Look upwards.

T.—Retain position, join hands, press 9 times.

W. P.—(The same) W. S.—DRAGDIM. (ElevatedSanctuary)


Jewel and Symbol—A circle intersectedby 3 horizontal and 3 per-pendicular lines.

830 SUBLIME ELECT OF THE VALLEY OF ODDYIt is a grade to test the memoryof the Initiate. There is the

Symbolic palm of the Valley of Oddy. The palm was dedicatedtothe Sun, with 365 properties,and the prouction of a branch eachmonth, or 12 annually. Near Heliopolis there is a venerableSyca-

more, sacredto Isis, who as the goddessof the heavenly sycamorespours their virtues on mankind. The primitive Initiations wereunder the shadowof trees.


Page 75: Yarker Memphis

S.—Rest the sword over right shoulder, eyes on heaven.

T.—Changesword to left hand, and grasp each others wrist.

W. P.—(Same as before). W. S.—SIHCYSAS. Ancient Hiero.phant).


Jewel and Synibol—A circle with 12 points.


It is intended for instructionon the PersianIzedsof whom theChief is Bahmanthe King of Light. They were created,male andfemale, by Ormuz, and amongstthem are Mithra and Meher.

The 1 st class of Gods are the 7 Amaschpands,of whom Ormriz

is Chief. In the 2nd rank are 20 Izeds. In the 3rd rank innumer-able Feryers. There is a Mystic crossof the Izeds.

S.—Crossthe arms within the sleeveof the robe.

T.—Form crossby placing handson cachesshoulders.

W. P.—(thesame) W. S.—SIBI (SacredStork—vigilance).


Jewel andSyntol—Threeconcentriccircles, with point in center.

850 SUBLIME SAGE, OR KNIGHT OF KNEPHIn one view this Egyptian Symbol of a winged egg signifies

the two energiesof creation by which all things are produced,—universalspirit acting on primordial matter;but in a less reconditesenseit representsthe productiveworld.

We have the law of evolution and involution, the descentofbody into Spirit, and reascentto Spirit. At worldly deaththe sevenprinciplesbecomethree ~j and A. Dissolution of the lCd or double,

and the immortality of the Spiritualised.

S.—Representoval with thumb and forefingers, spreadingout thefingers as wings.

T.—Join hands,and touch cachespalm with fingers.

W. P.—(Sameas before) W. S. HPENK (Spirit)


Page 76: Yarker Memphis

Anawer—OAJ (United 2 Natures)

Jewel and Symbol—An oval with a central point.


We have the Sublime Rose of the Valley of Kab. The Priestsof Memphis consecratea Rose bush to Isis, herself termed theQueenof Roses. It has the samesignification as the Acacia.

The Lotus or Mystic water-roseis consecratedto the Sun, andis an emblem of the samenature as Kneph, for bursting its seedvessel over the waters it propagatesitself.

S.—Bend the head, and appearto be smelling a flower.

T.—Presseach othershand thrice and, give the W. S.

W. P.—(Sameas before)

W. 5.—BAK (Name of the Mystic Section of Memphis where theSymbolic rosewas found.)


Jewel and Symbol.—A large square, containing two concentricsquares,with 3 points in centre, I and 2.


When the Neophyte is introduced he is questioned anewupon the allegorical fables of antiquity; including the Lybic chain;thepalm of the Valley of Oddy; the Mystic Crossof the Izeds; theSublime Rose of Kab; the heraldic crown of the Hierophants,Symbolic allusionsin the threefolddivisions of the ancienttemplesof Egypt, Greece,Rome or Italy, the Westernchurches, and ourown Masonic Temples.

S.—Placeright hand on left forearm, raise the hand and then let

it fall on the thigh.

T.—Place left hand on each others right shoulder and give theS. W.

W. P.—(As before). W. S.—SENEM (First King of Egypt)



Page 77: Yarker Memphis

Jewel and Symbol—A circle in which is a 6, besides it an ovalwith central point.


Clemens Alexandrinus says that in the temples of Egypt animmense curtain separatedthe Congregation from the Sanctuary.It was drawn over 5 pillars, which symbolisethe 5 senses,and wasmadeof 4 Colours in allusion both to the 4 elementsand to the

4 cardinal points.

It is a symbol of the concealmentof the Inner Shrine, or Holy

of Holies from all but the Priests. It alludesto the Sacred Curtainof Egypt, but alsoalludesto that of the worship of Apollo at Delphi,and of the Mysteries of Eleusis.

Our Masonic Curtain implies the complementof Initiation,and representsalso the esoteric teaching as distinct from theExoteric.

With the two following degreesthe Neophyte receives fullInitiation, and is prepared for that Supreme Initiation which hecan only receivebeyond the gateof bodily death.

S.—Motion with both hands,as if openinga curtain.

T.—Take eachother by both hand and throw arms outward.

W. P.—EGEIS. (Silence) Answer.—’EHTELA. (Truth).

W. S.—SISONG. (To know) Battery.—22-l

Jewel and Symbol. A triangle containing a rayed ri


We have Printed Ritual of this degree, and Secrets.

S.—Interlacethe fingers; press them to the lips four times, thenextend the handsstill clenchedto the Orient.

T.—Four strokesof the thumb on the first finger, to which the

other respondsby seven.

W. P.—TJ3S. The accuserof Man.)

W. 5.—TUAT. (The Revealer;the Defender.)


Page 78: Yarker Memphis

Battery.—4444-7777777.(Alludes to Truth,THope,Life and Death;also the seven virtues to be practised,and the seven vices to be


Jewel and Symbol.—On a square is drawn a squareboard, havingtwo circles like figure 8 and point in each.


The sameremarkapplieshereas in the890.

S. of E.—Draw the sword across the breast from left to right,then make nine points to the right and nine points back to theleft. On Retiring, bring the sword acrossthe breastand sheatheit.

T.—4Three strokes on first joint of the right index finger; thennine, then nine on the first joint of secondfinger of right hand.

W. P.—SISI. (The generator. The existing.)

W. of R.—SOG-RU-IMED. (Celestial intelligence.)

W. S.—(Givenonly in Council. Giver of light.)



Jewel and Symbol.—JWingedegg. A point in the centre of 35which end in a tripleA with 2 points at base.

Alphabet—[See Appendix]




Thesewere a body of Nine Dignitariesentitled Grand Tribunalof Defendersof ihe Order. The Presidentis namedGrand Suffete,a word usedby the Carthageniansfor their Chief Magistrate, and

derived from the Tyrian and Hebrew word Shofet or Sofet—ajudge.

We have printed Ritual Secrets.


Page 79: Yarker Memphis

S.—Extend the right hand horizontally, as if holding a balance,then with the left hand, take, as it were, from the heaviestscaleto put in the lightest, as if to establishequality. (It is an Egypt-ian design, and implies,—Neverweigh thy fellows in one scalealone; if evil has the advantagetake from it the human weak.

nesswith which it is charged.and let charity do the rest.)

T.—Presseach others hand seven times. (It implies that a lodgeis not perfect without the number seven,which is that of Har-mony. Harmony is born of justice, which gives true happiness.)

W. P.—DRAGDIM. (ElevatedSanctuary).

W. S.—EERTSA. (Justice)

Battery—77777 7 7

Jewel and Symbol.—4 pointed rayed star enclosinga squarewithcentral point.


SevenDignitary Officers of Grand Liturgical Collegeof SublimeCalechisir of the Order. Duties to inspect the labours of thesubordinatebodies.

S.—Enter with hat on head, draw sword with right hand, bringit horizontally across breast and return it.

T.—Crossleft handsas in saluting, raise hat with right, or motionas if doing so.

W. P.—AERTSA. (Justice.) W. R.—ECNELIS. W. S.—HTURT.


Jewel and Symbol—Within wavy lines a 4 pointed star, enclosingcentral point.


A body of Nine Dignitaries who areentitled the Grand Con.ri.r-tory of inspector RegulatorsGeneral of the Order, SubordinatetoG. C. of 940

5.—Placeright hand on the heart.


Page 80: Yarker Memphis

T.—Clasp right hands, then place left ont waist.

W. P.—THGIL EURT. W. S.—MODSIW. Battery—7777777

Jewel and Symbol.—Within a circle, a 4 rayed Star with a central



A body originally 10 and then 7 Dignitaries, entitled Grand

Council Generalof Administratorsof the Order,Princesof Memphis.

S.—Place right hand on the heart and withdraw it; then makethe sign of an Apprentice. (It implies,—I promiseto aid thosewho are in want, to be affable and to love my neighbor asmyself.)

T.—Clasp right hands; then pass the left hand round,each otherswaist, bringing breast to breast. (It implies,—Weveneratethe

true light which is revealed to us and sacredlytreasuredin ourhearts.)

W. P.—EHTOOGIREZ. (I have seenthe true light.)

R. W. of.—GIZAMUD. (Free and VeneratedMan.)


Jewel and Symbol.—Within a double circle, Symbol as last.


Originally 7 Dignitary Officers entitled the SovereignSanctuaryof Patriarch Grand Conservatorsof the Order.

S.—Carrythe right hand to the forehead;then look at the celestialvault and place left hand~on the heart. (It implies,—God in-

spires me to excite in all hearts,the sacredfire of truth.)

T.—Place the two first fingers of the right hand on each others

lips. (It implies,—Preservea prudentsilence,and benot evensus-pected as the holder of a secretconfided to thy faith.)

W. P.—ARBA. (Patriarch without stain.)


Page 81: Yarker Memphis

R. W. of.—RAA. (Truth useful to man.)

W. S.—HTOVAH RTAJ. (Dazzling light.)

Age—That of Wisdom.


Jewel and Symbol.—Within a double circle, a four pointed Star, en-

closing a triangle with a central Jewel.


Originally thesewere Six Sublime A’fagi, 960, presided overby a Grand Hierophant, 970, and the Assembly was entitled GrandAreopezgu.rof the CelestialEmpire of the SublimeMagi 960—Grandand PuissantSovereignsof the Order.

Jewel and Symbol—The Cubit Rule and Ostrich feather, Egyptiansymbolsof Truth and Justice. Also the sameSymbol as950, with-in a triple circle.


Of late yearsthe headof 960 entitled Imperial Council General.There is but one [of] theseat any one time. All G. M’s of S. S.areof the 960.


In 1862, theGrandHierophant,970, Marconis, united the Riteof Memphis with the Grand Orient of France, then the highest ofall authorities on High Masonry, inasmuchas it had received thewhole of the various systemsinto his bosom and J. E., Marconis asGrand Hierophant became a member of the Grand Council ofRites. In 1866 the whole systemwas revisedq and Egypt chartered.

I herebycertify that that foregoing, in all 200 pp. [sic, actually156 pages of manuscript] is in accord with the latest official re-vision.

JOHN YARKER, 970, GrandHierophant.Hon. Memberof Egypt,

Withington, or WestDidsbury27 April 1911


Page 82: Yarker Memphis

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