  • 1. 9 (15) 20141121 Social Responsibility of Information Communication Engineers

2. 3. 4. (1) 5. (2) 6. (3) 7. (4) 8. (5)1. 9. (6) 10. Q. friend you 1 hop2 hop loved one somebody else 11. Q. friend you 1 hop1 hop loved one somebody else 12. loved one 13. loved one 14. 15. selshness 16. 17. 18. 19. (1) () 20. 21. 22. 23. (2) 24. (1995) 25. (1995) 26. Seiji Amasawa () 27. (1995) 28. 29. Alice Bob Bob 1/501 0001 Bob To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Alice 1/500 0001 Alice To: [email protected] From: [email protected] To: [email protected] 30. MITMMan in the Middle 31. cryptograph 32. identity 33. 40Ali Baba and the forty thieves 34. native American 35. concepts of property 36. 37. PlayStation4 38. PlayStation Network (2011/4) 39. George (geohot) Hotz (1989) 40. 41. Anonymous 42. Anonymous 43. anonymous/n nms n n-/ 1. , 2. , , . 44. V for VENDETTA (2005) 45. V (2005) 46. Legion 47. 5 9 And He (Jesus) asked him (the man), "What is thy name?" And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many. 48. Shinji Ikari () 49. authentication 50. steganography = cover or protect 51. cryptography 52. Stanley Kubrick (19281999) 53. C Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (19172008) 54. 2001 (1968) 55. HAL IBM 56. Gaius Julius Caesar (100 BC44 BC) 57. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A n Caesar cipher 58. 36 59. mono-alphabetic substitution cipher 60. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z () Space Odyssey S P A C E O D Y B F G H I J K L M N Q R T U V W X Z spaceodyssey A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZB F G H I J K L M N Q R T U V W X Z 61. 36!36353421 =3.7210 41 62. Kaoru Aoki (1956) 63. (2001) 64. 1586 65. I Elizabeth I of England (15331603) 66. Mary Stuart (15421587) 67. VS. 68. 69. Sir Francis Walsingham (15321590) 70. PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSO KBXBJXWXV BXV ZCJPO EYPD KBXBJYUXJ LBJOO KCPK. CP LBO LBCMKXPV XPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBOP KBO BXV OPVOV LBO LXRO CI SX XJMI, KBO JCKO XPV EYKKOV LBO DJCMPV ZOICJO BYS, KXUYPD; DJOXL EYPD, ICJ X LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK Y BXNO ZOOP JOACMPLYPD LC UCM LBO IXZROK CI FXKL XDOK XPV LBO RODOPVK CI XPAYOPL EYPDK. SXU Y SXEO KC ZCRV XK LC AJXNO XIXNCMJ CI UCMJ SXGOKLU? OFYRCDMO, LXROK IJCS LBO LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK 71. frequency analysis 72. Sherlock Holmes (1984, Granada Television) 73. Benedict Cumberbatch (1976) 74. THE DANCING MEN 75. (1984) 76. (1984) 77. (1984) 78. (1984) 79. a: 8.2% b: 1.5% c: 2.8% d: 4.3% e: 12.7% f: 2.2% g: 2.0% h: 6.1% i: 7.0% j: 0.2% k: 0.8% l: 4.0% m: 2.4% n: 6.7% o: 7.5% p: 1.9% q: 0.1% r: 6.0% s: 6.3% t: 9.1% u: 2.8% v: 1.0% w: 2.4% x: 0.2% y: 2.0% z: 0.1% 80. PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSO KBXBJXWXV BXV ZCJPO EYPD KBXBJYUXJ LBJOO KCPK. CP LBO LBCMKXPV XPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBOP KBO BXV OPVOV LBO LXRO CI SX XJMI, KBO JCKO XPV EYKKOV LBO DJCMPV ZOICJO BYS, KXUYPD; DJOXL EYPD, ICJ X LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK Y BXNO ZOOP JOACMPLYPD LC UCM LBO IXZROK CI FXKL XDOK XPV LBO RODOPVK CI XPAYOPL EYPDK. SXU Y SXEO KC ZCRV XK LC AJXNO XIXNCMJ CI UCMJ SXGOKLU? OFYRCDMO, LXROK IJCS LBO LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK A: 3 B: 25 C: 27 D: 14 E: 5 F: 2 G: 1 H: 0 I: 11 J: 18 K: 26 L: 25 M: 11 N: 3 O: 38 P: 31 Q: 2 R: 6 S: 7 T: 0 U: 6 V: 18 W: 1 X: 34 Y: 19 Z: 5 81. PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSO KBXBJXWXV BXV ZCJPO EYPD KBXBJYUXJ LBJOO KCPK. CP LBO LBCMKXPV XPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBOP KBO BXV OPVOV LBO LXRO CI SX XJMI, KBO JCKO XPV EYKKOV LBO DJCMPV ZOICJO BYS, KXUYPD; DJOXL EYPD, ICJ X LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK Y BXNO ZOOP JOACMPLYPD LC UCM LBO IXZROK CI FXKL XDOK XPV LBO RODOPVK CI XPAYOPL EYPDK. SXU Y SXEO KC ZCRV XK LC AJXNO XIXNCMJ CI UCMJ SXGOKLU? OFYRCDMO, LXROK IJCS LBO LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK 82. PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSO KBXBJXWXV BXV ZCJPO EYPD KBXBJYUXJ LBJOO KCPK. CP LBO LBCMKXPV XPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBOP KBO BXV OPVOV LBO LXRO CI SX XJMI, KBO JCKO XPV EYKKOV LBO DJCMPV ZOICJO BYS, KXUYPD; DJOXL EYPD, ICJ X LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK Y BXNO ZOOP JOACMPLYPD LC UCM LBO IXZROK CI FXKL XDOK XPV LBO RODOPVK CI XPAYOPL EYPDK. SXU Y SXEO KC ZCRV XK LC AJXNO XIXNCMJ CI UCMJ SXGOKLU? OFYRCDMO, LXROK IJCS LBO LBCMKXPV XPV CPO PYDBLK 83. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z O 1 9 0 3 1 1 1 0 1 4 6 0 1 2 2 8 0 4 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 X 0 7 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 4 6 3 0 3 1 9 0 2 4 0 3 3 2 0 0 1 P 1 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 9 9 0 O,X,P OX (e a) 84. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z O 1 9 0 3 1 1 1 0 1 4 6 0 1 2 2 8 0 4 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 X 0 7 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 4 6 3 0 3 1 9 0 2 4 0 3 3 2 0 0 1 P 1 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 9 9 0 O,X,P 2 85. ee 147 aa 1714 86. O e X a 87. PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSe KBaBJaWaV BaV ZCJPe EYPD KBaBJYUaJ LBJee KCPK. CP LBe LBCMKaPV aPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBeP KBe BaV ePVeV LBe LaRe CI Sa aJMI, KBe JCKe aPV EYKKeV LBe DJCMPV ZeICJe BYS, KaUYPD; DJeaL EYPD, ICJ a LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PYDBLK Y BaNe ZeeP JeACMPLYPD LC UCM LBe IaZReK CI FaKL aDeK aPV LBe ReDePVK CI aPAYePL EYPDK. SaU Y SaEe KC ZCRV aK LC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKLU? eFYRCDMe, LaReK IJCS LBe LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PYDBLK 88. PCQ VMJYPD LBYK LYSe KBaBJaWaV BaV ZCJPe EYPD KBaBJYUaJ LBJee KCPK. CP LBe LBCMKaPV aPV IYJKL PYDBL, QBeP KBe BaV ePVeV LBe LaRe CI Sa aJMI, KBe JCKe aPV EYKKeV LBe DJCMPV ZeICJe BYS, KaUYPD; DJeaL EYPD, ICJ a LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PYDBLK Y BaNe ZeeP JeACMPLYPD LC UCM LBe IaZReK CI FaKL aDeK aPV LBe ReDePVK CI aPAYePL EYPDK. SaU Y SaEe KC ZCRV aK LC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKLU? eFYRCDMe, LaReK IJCS LBe LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PYDBLK 89. 1 I () A () Y i 90. PCQ VMJiPD LBiK LiSe KBaBJaWaV BaV ZCJPe EiPD KBaBJiUaJ LBJee KCPK. CP LBe LBCMKaPV aPV IiJKL PiDBL, QBeP KBe BaV ePVeV LBe LaRe CI Sa aJMI, KBe JCKe aPV EiKKeV LBe DJCMPV ZeICJe BiS, KaUiPD; DJeaL EiPD, ICJ a LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDBLK i BaNe ZeeP JeACMPLiPD LC UCM LBe IaZReK CI FaKL aDeK aPV LBe ReDePVK CI aPAiePL EiPDK. SaU i SaEe KC ZCRV aK LC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKLU? eFiRCDMe, LaReK IJCS LBe LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDBLK 91. he 50 eh 2 eh 92. PCQ VMJiPD LBiK LiSe KBaBJaWaV BaV ZCJPe EiPD KBaBJiUaJ LBJee KCPK. CP LBe LBCMKaPV aPV IiJKL PiDBL, QBeP KBe BaV ePVeV LBe LaRe CI Sa aJMI, KBe JCKe aPV EiKKeV LBe DJCMPV ZeICJe BiS, KaUiPD; DJeaL EiPD, ICJ a LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDBLK i BaNe ZeeP JeACMPLiPD LC UCM LBe IaZReK CI FaKL aDeK aPV LBe ReDePVK CI aPAiePL EiPDK. SaU i SaEe KC ZCRV aK LC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKLU? eFiRCDMe, LaReK IJCS LBe LBCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDBLK 93. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z e_ 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 _e 0 9 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 0 1 2 2 3 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 e B h B 94. PCQ VMJiPD LhiK LiSe KhahJaWaV haV ZCJPe EiPD KhahJiUaJ LhJee KCPK. CP Lhe LhCMKaPV aPV IiJKL PiDhL, QheP Khe haV ePVeV Lhe LaRe CI Sa aJMI, Khe JCKe aPV EiKKeV Lhe DJCMPV ZeICJe hiS, KaUiPD; DJeaL EiPD, ICJ a LhCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDhLK i haNe ZeeP JeACMPLiPD LC UCM Lhe IaZReK CI FaKL aDeK aPV Lhe ReDePVK CI aPAiePL EiPDK. SaU i SaEe KC ZCRV aK LC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKLU? eFiRCDMe, LaReK IJCS Lhe LhCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDhLK 95. PCQ VMJiPD LhiK LiSe KhahJaWaV haV ZCJPe EiPD KhahJiUaJ LhJee KCPK. CP Lhe LhCMKaPV aPV IiJKL PiDhL, QheP Khe haV ePVeV Lhe LaRe CI Sa aJMI, Khe JCKe aPV EiKKeV Lhe DJCMPV ZeICJe hiS, KaUiPD; DJeaL EiPD, ICJ a LhCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDhLK i haNe ZeeP JeACMPLiPD LC UCM Lhe IaZReK CI FaKL aDeK aPV Lhe ReDePVK CI aPAiePL EiPDK. SaU i SaEe KC ZCRV aK LC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKLU? eFiRCDMe, LaReK IJCS Lhe LhCMKaPV aPV CPe PiDhLK 96. 3 he the a and L t P n V d 97. nCQ dMJinD thiK tiSe KhahJaWad had ZCJne EinD KhahJiUaJ thJee KCnK. Cn the thCMKand and IiJKt niDht, Qhen Khe had ended the taRe CI Sa aJMI, Khe JCKe and EiKKed the DJCMnd ZeICJe hiS, KaUinD; DJeat EinD, ICJ a thCMKand and Cne niDhtK i haNe Zeen JeACMntinD tC UCM the IaZReK CI FaKt aDeK and the ReDendK CI anAient EinDK. SaU i SaEe KC ZCRd aK tC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKtU? eFiRCDMe, taReK IJCS the thCMKand and Cne niDhtK 98. nCQ dMJinD thiK tiSe KhahJaWad had ZCJne EinD KhahJiUaJ thJee KCnK. Cn the thCMKand and IiJKt niDht, Qhen Khe had ended the taRe CI Sa aJMI, Khe JCKe and EiKKed the DJCMnd ZeICJe hiS, KaUinD; DJeat EinD, ICJ a thCMKand and Cne niDhtK i haNe Zeen JeACMntinD tC UCM the IaZReK CI FaKt aDeK and the ReDendK CI anAient EinDK. SaU i SaEe KC ZCRd aK tC AJaNe aIaNCMJ CI UCMJ SaGeKtU? eFiRCDMe, taReK IJCS the thCMKand and Cne niDhtK n on he she C o K s 99. noQ dMJinD this tiSe shahJaWad had ZoJne EinD shahJiUaJ thJee sons. on the thoMsand and IiJst niDht, Qhen she had ended the taRe oI Sa aJMI, she Jose and Eissed the DJoMnd ZeIoJe hiS, saUinD; DJeat EinD, IoJ a thoMsand and one niDhts i haNe Zeen JeAoMntinD to UoM the IaZRes oI Fast aDes and the ReDends oI anAient EinDs. SaU i SaEe so ZoRd as to AJaNe aIaNoMJ oI UoMJ SaGestU? eFiRoDMe, taRes IJoS the thoMsand and one niDhts 100. noQ dMJinD this tiSe shahJaWad had ZoJne EinD shahJiUaJ thJee sons. on the thoMsand and IiJst niDht, Qhen she had ended the taRe oI Sa aJMI, she Jose and Eissed the DJoMnd ZeIoJe hiS, saUinD; DJeat EinD, IoJ a thoMsand and one niDhts i haNe Zeen JeAoMntinD to UoM the IaZRes oI Fast aDes and the ReDends oI anAient EinDs. SaU i SaEe so ZoRd as to AJaNe aIaNoMJ oI UoMJ SaGestU? eFiRoDMe, taRes IJoS the thoMsand and one niDhts 101. taRes IJoS the thoMsand and one niDhts tales from the thousand and one nights R l I f J r M u D g 102. now during this time shahrazad had borne king shahriyar three sons. on the thousand and rst night, when she had ended the tale of ma aruf, she rose and kissed the ground before him, saying; great king, for a thousand and one nights i have been recounting to you the fables of past ages and the legends of ancient kings. may i make so bold as to crave afavour of your majesty? epilogue, tales from the thousand and one nights 103. 104. Darren Aronofsky (1969) 105. (1998) 106. (1998) 107. Ron Howard (1954) 108. A beautiful mind (2001) 109. (2001) 110. John Forbes Nash Jr. (1928) 111. Gus Van Sant (1952) 112. (1997) 113. Robin Williams (19512014) 114. Matt Damon (1970) 115. Ben Afeck (1972) 116. (2012) 117. intelligence 118. d 119. 120. 10 (11/28) 121.
