
戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム (SIP)革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点年報


平成 29 年度 戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム



Annual Report 2017 of Innovative Measurement and

Analysis for Structural Materials (SIP-IMASM)

2018 年 3 月






たクラックなどがあります。そのような “未活用情報の取得” を実現し、材料開発者に提供し、





身が開発に携わった先端計測装置を含む、TIA の中核機関が有する世界的にもユニークな



用情報” を所得する御用聞きの役割を果たしてきました。後半のステージ2では、“非顕在化

未活用情報の発見” に挑戦します。複数の先端計測装置や手法を合わせて統合解析を行







2018 年 3 月 (SIP)革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点

代表者 大久保雅隆 (特定国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所)

平成29年度(SIP)革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点 メンバー (SIP)革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点代表者 大久保 雅隆 (産業技術総合研究所)

産業技術総合研究所 大久保 雅隆 原田 祥久 Paul Fons

大島 永康 Brian O’Rourke Mao Wenfeng

浮辺 雅宏 志岐 成友 藤井 剛

李 志遠 王 慶華 石橋 章司

村上 敬 名越 貴志 井藤 浩志

寺崎 正

物質・材料研究機構 間宮 広明 草野 正大 大久保 忠勝

北澤 英明 佐々木 泰祐 鈴木 恭子

田中 義久 内藤 公喜 内藤 昌信

中村 昌子 原 徹 宝野 和博

本木 悦子 山脇 寿 渡邊 誠

王 洪欣 Byeongchan Suh

筑波大学 上殿 明良 笹 公和 木塚 徳志

関場 大一郎 冨田 成夫 黒澤 正紀

森口 哲朗 河井 昌道 亀田 敏弘

山崎 明義 H. J. Zhang 喜多 英治

楢本 洋


木村 正雄 武市 泰男 丹羽 尉博

君島 堅一 高橋 由美子 平野 馨一

兵頭 俊夫 兵藤 一行 石井 友弘

堀 晶子

東京大学 小口 かなえ 榎 学

目 次

1. プロジェクトの概要

1-1 コンセプトとアプローチ、推進体制 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3

1-2 テーマ構成と役割 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4

1-3 材料別課題 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5

1-4 SIP 関連拠点との連携 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5

2 参画機関紹介

2-1 産業技術総合研究所 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8

2-2 物質・材料研究機構 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10

2-3 筑波大学 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12

2-4 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14

2-5 東京大学 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16

3 トピックス紹介(公開版)

3-1 ひずみ集中による Ti 合金のき裂発生箇所の予測 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20

3-2 炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP)の内部き裂発生・破壊進展の応力発光 可視化 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22

3-3 CFRP 湾曲部内欠陥の非接触検出技術の確立 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24

3-4 ナノスケール応力分布その場観察法による CFRP の破壊機構研究

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 25

3-5 直交配置型FIB-SEMを応用したマルチスケール組織解析技術の検討と応

用 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26

3-6 6MV タンデム加速器マイクロビームラインの整備 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27

3-7 集束イオンビームによる水素を含む多元素同時マッピング - - - - - - - - - 28

3-8 高温・変形その場 TEM 観察 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29

3-9 放射光化学状態マッピングと応用数学の連携 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30

3-10 In situ X-CT(X 線コンピュータ断層撮影) 法による応力印加中の CFRP の

亀裂進展の観察 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31

3-11 CFRP-合金不完全接合部での超音波伝搬解析 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32

3-12 国際シンポジウム開催 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33

4 学会発表、論文発表、受賞等

4-1 オリジナル原著論文 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37

4-2 国際会議プロシーディングス - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43

4-3 国内学会・口頭発表 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60

4-4 解説 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64

4-5 その他(研究会資料、Annual Report, 雑誌記事) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64

4-6 プレスリリース,新聞・TV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65

4-7 特許 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65

4-8 受賞 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65


1. プロジェクトの概要



1-1 コンセプトとアプローチ、推進体制










は、サブナノメートルから数 10 m の航空機主翼サイズをカバーし、マイクロ秒レンジで破壊プ






TIA の中核5機関である、産総研、物材機構、筑波大、高エネ研、東大が密に連携してい



1-2 テーマ構成と役割

ナノ-ミクロスケールの変位(応力)計測手法、き裂進展と化学結合状態を 3 次元でイメージングする

CT 技術を確立し、サブミクロンの局所からメートル以上の構造部材の破壊プロセス解析に適用します。


微量軽元素 (H, B, C, N, O) の化学結合状態、分布イメージング計測手法を確立し、微量添加元素と

機械的特性の関係を解明します。(AIST, NIMS, 筑波大)

ナノ-ミクロスケールの 3 次元イメージング手法を確立し、異相界面、組織解析に適用します。(NIMS,

筑波大, KEK)



(AIST, 筑波大, KEK)

小型堅牢な中赤外レーザー光源を開発し、CFRP に対する励起超音波振幅 5 倍以上を達成します。

(NIMS, 東大)




共通テーマ 多面的総合解析

テーマ4 空孔欠陥計測手法の確立

テーマ1 残留応力とき裂の計測手法の確立

テーマ2 微量軽元素の計測手法の確立

テーマ3 異相界面と基材組織の計測手法の確立

テーマ5 層間はく離計測手法の確立


1-3 材料別課題


CFRP に対する取組を例として示します。

1-4 SIP 関連拠点との連携

先端計測拠点は材料開発のハブとして、SIP 革新的構造材料の材料開発や計算のユニッ

トとの連携が必要不可欠です。プログラムディレクター直轄のユニットとして、A, B, C, D 領域




2. 参画機関紹介


2-1 産業技術総合研究所









産総研製の超伝導検出器(STJ) と、市販の半導体

検出器(SDD)と分光結晶(WDS)の窒素 K 線に対す

る応答の比較を示します。最高 4 eV の分解能で、K



設との連携で、STJ の高い分光能力を活用して、従



X線分析機器は、世界的に 2 カ所しかありません。


均で疲労損傷の予測を行います。室温(RT)と 550℃(HT)での疲労試験ではどちらも疲労破壊に近づく


EBSD 法が相関関係を示していることがわかります。これは室温と高温の転位の生成と回復の違いに

よって異なる結果が得られたものと考えられます。室温試験では陽電子寿命、高温試験では EBSD 法








0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Energy (eV)


先端計測拠点内連携・個別テーマへの貢献 個別テーマ 1 : サンプリングモアレ法変位計測(NIMS と協力)、応力発光イメージング法

個別テーマ 2 : 超伝導X線解析(筑波大 、KEK と協力)

個別テーマ 4 : 陽電子欠陥計測(筑波大 と協力)





導体計測技術の 10 倍以上の精度で計

測することができます。最高数 eV の精






















素)分布を測定した結果で、この析出物が酸化鉄であることがわかります。下図は、KEK PF



KEK PF に設置された超伝導X線吸収分光装置。世界



2-2 物質・材料研究機構














強ひずみ加工後、時効処理をした SUS304 から得られた 3D アトムマップ。

結晶粒界への Si の偏析とシリサイドの析出が明瞭に観察できる。

炭素繊維強化プラスチックから得られた小角 X 線散乱像。



先端計測拠点内連携・個別テーマへの貢献 個別テーマ 1: 電子線モアレ法(AIST と協力)、ラマン分光法、X 線 CT (KEK と協力)

個別テーマ 2: レーザーアシスト 3 次元アトムプローブ法、飛行時間型 2 次イオン質量分析法

個別テーマ 3: 光学顕微鏡/集束イオンビーム走査電子顕微鏡/走査型透過電子顕微鏡相関観法、

走査型ヘリウムイオン顕微鏡、多機能走査プローブ顕微鏡、硬 X 線小角散乱法

個別テーマ 5 : 中赤外レーザー超音波検査法(東大 と協力)


レーザーアトムプローブ (Laser Atom Probe)

レーザーアトムプローブは、原子の空間分布を 3 次元的に解析可能な分析手法で、物質・材料研究機




全ての元素のナノスケール 3 次元分布解析が可能で、例えば結晶粒界や異相界面に偏析する微量添




2-3 筑波大学


材料にイオンビームを照射すると材料から X 線が放出されます(粒子励起 X 線放出:Particle

Induced X-ray Emission)。X 線を計測すると、存在する元素



析法:Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis、核反応分析法:

Nuclear Reaction Analysis)、X 線を放出しない水素を選択



関する情報を得ることができます。図 1 はマイクロビームス


電子陽電子消滅(Positron Annihilation Analysis)は物質





部のきわめて小さな(1 nm 以下)空隙に関する定量的な情報を得ることができます。

その場 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)法は、材料が使用される環境を透過型電子顕微鏡

内部で再現し、そこで生じる材料の微細組織変化を、その場で観察する手法です。通常の TEM 法(静


織がどのように変化したのか、その過程と機構を推測します。これに対して、その場 TEM 法は、材料


きるという長所をもっています(図 2)。

その場 TEM 装置は、

2000K 以上の世界最




められる 3 つの条件下







図1 マイクロビーム照射試験装置

図 2 高温・変形その場 TEM


図3 高分子中でのPs形成領域の候補の
















50o C




o C (



o C (


3 (


I 3 (%



図4 異なる温度で硬化した BPA 中の Ps



個別テーマ 2: 粒子線励起 X 線分析法(AIST と協力)、共鳴核反応分析法、弾性反跳粒子検出分


個別テーマ 3 :その場観察用透過型電子顕微鏡

個別テーマ 4 : 陽電子消滅法(AIST と協力)、低速陽電子ビーム解析装置


陽電子消滅を用いた空孔分析 (Positron Annihilation Analysis)














よび網目高分子中での Ps 形成の例を図3に模式的

に示します。Ps のスピン状態は 3 重項(オルト・ポジ

トロニウム:o-Ps)と 1 重項(パラ・ポジトロニウム:

p-Ps)があり、それぞれの真空中の寿命は、o-Ps が

約 142 ns、p-Ps が約 0.125 ns です。空隙中に o-Ps

が存在する場合、Ps は自身の運動エネルギーによ

り空隙壁面と衝突を繰り返しますが、この際、Ps 中





電子の波動関数と o-Ps の波動関数の拡がりが重な


o-Ps のピックオフ消滅に対応する寿命を測定することにより、o-Ps が捕獲された空隙のサイズを推定


図4には、異なる温度で硬化したビスフェノール A(BPA)中の Ps 寿命(τ3)とその強度(I3)を示しま

す。図より、硬化温度が上昇すると、Ps 寿命が長くなることから、空隙サイズが上昇することがわかり



2-4 高エネルギー加速器研究機構

放射光/X 線を用いた 新たな“X 線顕微法技術群”の開発


力印加下での亀裂の発生・進展と亀裂や劣化周辺の組織と化学状態を 3 次元・動的・マルチスケール

で観察する新たな“X 線顕微法技術群”の開発を行ってきました(図1)。具体的には、①放射光

XAFS-CT による 50 nm の空間分解能での形態と化学状態の同視野 3 次元イメージング、および ②

X 線イメージング拡大装置による大きな試料のマクロの組織 3 次元イメージング(分解能 0.7μm、視野

10mm 四方)を新たに開発・導入するとともに、同機関が保有する先端計測技術である、③2 次元

XAFS マッピング法によるマクロスケールの化学状態観察(空間分解能 30μm、視野 10mm 四方)、④

STXM(scanning transmission X-ray microscopy)法による炭材の化学状態観察(空間分解能


(heterogeneity)を可視化する顕微法の技術群の確立・整備 を H28FY に完了しました。世界的にもユ

ニークなこれら“X 線顕微法技術群”を、CFRP, セラミックスコーティング,耐熱合金等に展開し、それぞ


図1 高エネルギー加速器研究機構で開発/整備された 新たな“X線顕微法技術群”


先端計測拠点内連携・個別テーマへの貢献 個別テーマ 1: 亀裂の進展観察、炭素の化学状態観察

個別テーマ 2: 軽元素の化学状態観察(AIST と共同)

個別テーマ 3: 金属元素の化学状態マッピング(NIMS と共同)


放射光 X-ray Absorption Fine Structures – Computed Tomography


SR-XAFS-CT 法は、材料の (A) 組織、(B) 亀裂、(C) 化学状態、の3つの情報を、同視野かつ高い

空間分解能(50nm 以下)で 3次元イメージングする計測手法です。放射光という超強力かつ超高品

質の X 線を、特別の X 線光学系と組み合わせて高分解能を達成します。さらに、X 線のエネルギーを

可変させながら、試料を回転させて CT 撮影を行うことにより、3つの情報を 3次元イメージングします。


すべく、本プロジェクトで新たに導入を行いました(H28FY)。現在、CFRP の亀裂進展の 3 次元 in situ

ダイナミック観察、EBC の三次元化学状態マッピング等を行う技術を確立し(H29FY)、それぞれの材



2-5 東京大学



始めており、CFRP 部材の安全性と信頼性の確保、製品の品質保証が、製造メーカにとって最重要課


間はく離計測装置の開発を進めています。とりわけ波長 3.2 ミクロン帯の中赤外レーザー光源は、従

来のレーザー光源と比べ、CFRP に対し数倍以上の強度の超音波を誘起することができるため、従来



ータシミュレーションを行い、L 型 CFRP 部材湾曲部のはく離付近での超音波の反射、散乱の様子を再





L 型 CFRP 部材湾曲部での超音波探傷の可視化


先端計測拠点内連携・個別テーマへの貢献 個別テーマ 5 : 中赤外レーザー超音波検査法 (NIMS と協力)



3. トピックス紹介(公開版)


3-1 ひずみ集中による Ti 合金のき裂発生箇所の予測

航空機のジェットエンジンに使用されている Ti 合金(Ti-6AL-4V)のα/βラメラ微細構造組織の変形

特性と機械的特性の関係を明らかにすることは重要です。先端計測拠点は、Ti 合金の変位・ひずみ分


善するため、2 次元位相同時解析モアレ法(特願 2017-032645)を開発し、従来のモアレ法と比較し

てせん断と主ひずみの測定精度を大幅に向上させました。この解析技術を用いて、D67 未解決課

題解決拠点(津崎兼彰拠点長)との連携により、引張試験における Ti-6AL-4V のひずみ分布測定と破


Ti 合金の初期き裂発生に必要な応力の半分の負荷時において、初期き裂の発生箇所を予測すること

に成功しました[1]。さらに、せん断ひずみによる Ti 合金の滑り線を可視化し、滑り変形を定量的に



梁や高層ビルなどの巨大構造物(図 2)までの変形計測への適用[3]が可能で、マルチスケールでの変


これらの成果は,光学分野における権威ある国際誌 Optics Express (IF=3.307)に論文掲載され

るとともに、「第 27 回つくば奨励賞(実用化研究部門)」と第 8 回表面科学国際シンポジウム

ISSS-8 での「The Best Poster Award」をそれぞれ受賞しました。開発したモアレ計測技術の有効

性と測定した Ti 合金の変形結果の重要性は、高く評価されています。


図 2 サンプリングモアレ法による巨長吊り橋のたわみ分布計測


1. Q. Wang, S. Ri, H. Tsuda, M. Koyama, K. Tsuzaki, “Two-dimensional Moire Phase Analysis for Accurate Strain Distribution Measurement and Application in Crack Prediction”, Optics Express, 25(12): 13465-13480 (2017).

2. M. Koyama, K. Yamanouchi, Q. Wang, S. Ri, Y. Tanaka, Y. Hamano, S. Yamasaki, M. Mitsuhara, M. Ohkubo, H. Noguchi, K. Tsuzaki, “Multiscale in situ deformation experiments: A sequential process from strain localization to failure in a laminated Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, Materials Characterization, 128, 217 (2017).

3. 津田浩・李志遠,モアレを利用した構造物の変形分布計測技術,産総研 TODAY, 14-12, 6-7

(2014). 4.


1. 王 慶華、李 志遠、津田 浩, 「変位測定方法、変位測定装置、及びそのプログラム」 特願


2. 王慶華、李志遠、津田 浩, 「汚れの影響を受けにくいひずみ分布測定方法とそのプログラム」特

願 2017-193334


3-2 炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP)の内部き裂発生・ 破壊進展の応力発光可視化



なひずみ/応力分布が可視化され(図 1)、表面はもとより内部に存在する構造欠陥、亀裂、破壊の現




観点から、次世代航空機(Boring 787::50%、Airbus A350 XWB:53 %)、次世代自動車開発(BMW

i3/i8 など一般車)に導入され、世界に衝撃を与えています。一方で CFRP は、従来の鉄鋼など金属部



ると考え、CFRP 構造部材、接合部材について、破壊予兆・過程の可視化に取り組んでいます。

例えば、A04 拠点(武田 展雄拠点長)との連携により、CFRP 積層板内部に荷重時に発生するトラ


付近(8000 st、0.8%)において荷重方向と直行する応力発光線が観測され、顕微鏡観察の結果、該



更に、高速の破壊現象に追随する応力発光センサを新規に開発する事で、CFRP き裂伝搬ダイナミ

クス(破壊過程の動的ひずみ分布変化)を観察することに成功(数 10秒精度:目標の 30 倍)、炭素繊


図1 応力発光技術の紹介



(応力発光センサ:スプレー塗装、翼の up bending 時の発光)







1. 材料については、例えば,

徐 超男, 上野直広、寺崎 正、山田浩志:応力発光による構造体診断技術、NTS 社 (2012).

2. 計測システムについては、例えば

(a) N. Terasaki, “Historical-Log Recording System for Crack Opening and Growth Based on Mechanoluminescent Flexible Sensor”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, pp. 3999-4004, 2013. (DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2264665) (b) N. Terasaki, Proceedings of International Comittee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity 2017, 1964 (2017). (c) N. Terasaki et. al. “Visualization of crack propagation for assisting double cantilever beam test through mechanoluminescence”.(open access) DOI: 10.1080/00218464.2018.1423968

3. 応力発光動画

(a) 応力発光で光る紙コップ:

(b) SUS631 円孔試験片引張試験の応力発光

(c) 車体正面衝突試験時の応力発光

(d) 1 日周期のひび割れ開口変位由来の応力発光

図2 応力発光によるトランスバー

スき裂の検出(積層 CFRP:A04 武田


図3 応力発光による CFRP き裂伝



3-3 CFRP 湾曲部内欠陥の非接触検出技術の確立


部材の信頼性保証のため製造時の初期欠陥や使用中の損傷検出が必要です。現在、CFRP 部材の



光パラメトリック発振技術を応用して開発した波長 3。2 µm の中赤外レーザー光は、CFRP の樹脂母




外レーザー光源の応用により、CFRP に適した非接触・非破壊・高速の超音波試験技術を確立しまし


非接触超音波試験の利点として、複雑形状部材の探傷が挙げられます。航空機の CFRP 部材にお

いても、L 字型や T 字型のように湾曲した製品が多数あり、欠陥が存在しやすい箇所です。しかしなが


開発したレーザー超音波検査システムを用いて、L 字型 CFRP 試験片の模擬欠陥探傷をおこなうとと

もに、超音波伝搬のシミュレーション(参画機関紹介 2-5 東京大学 参照)と合わせて考察することで、




図 2. (a)図 1(d)上部矩形でマークされた領域の応力

マップ。 図 2(e) の高さマップで測定した黒い実線は

亀裂エッジを示す。(b)2 つの炭素繊維を含むポリマ


限要素モデル。 (c)図 1(d)の下部矩形によってマー

クされた領域の弾性率分布。 (d)図 2(b)の下部矩形


ップ。(e)図 2(b)の上部矩形でマークされた領域から


航空機等が排出する CO2 を削減するためには、航空機のさらなる軽量化が求められており、高比


全・安心を同時に担保することも重要で、そのためには脆い CFRP の靱性を決める要因を明らかにす


ション法(図 1(a))は、引っ張り環境下でナノスケールの応力分布を評価できるという従来にない特徴を

持っています。そこで、この手法を利用して CFRP の重大なる亀裂が見つかる前の予兆を事前に捉え、




再分配の様子を可視化することに成功しました(図 1(c)(d)(e))。この手法により、「1. 表面欠陥/亀

裂は、破壊された CF に応力保持能力を失わずにマトリックスを横切って伝搬することができる。 2. マ

トリックス-CF 界面に作用する応力は、クラック形成直後の CF のクラックに隣接する応力と同じ大きさ


なツールを提供するばかりでなく、高い剛性、高い最終強度および他の機能性を有する新しい CFRP


図1 (a)引張応力下での CFRP 試験片に適用された




ンデンテーション係数とラマン分光で得られた CF の


させていくプロセスで、得られた CFRP の応力分布。




3-4 ナノスケール応力分布その場観察法による CFRP の



3-5 直交配置型 FIB-SEM を応用したマルチスケール組織





ールで高精度に、かつ多方面から組織情報を得ることが必要です。さらに、そもそも材料組織は3 次元

なので、3 次元での組織観察を行うことが本質的に重要となります。そこで我々は、高精度な 3 次元組

織観察を目指して開発された直交配置型 FIB-SEM(日立ハイテク SMF-1000)を活用して、同一箇所を


らに我々の手法では、単にマルチスケールの組織観察を行うだけでなく、周囲の 3 次元組織情報を持



図1に手法の流れと観察例を示します。直交配置型 FIB-SEM では、光学顕微鏡レベルの低倍観察

から、TEM 試料作製までを行います。図1の (1)形態観察、(2)EDS や EBSD 等の解析を併用した 3

次元シリアルセクショニング観察、(3)TEM 試料作製、がそれに当たります。さらに、TEM において、同



SIP の他の材料開発課題における新規開発材料の解析を進めています。

Grain structure analysis

・FIB condition30kv10pA・Ar+millingcondiition 1kV

3D analysis: Void structure

Crystal orientation analysis by EBSD and transmission-EBSD


図1.直交配置型 FIB-SEM における観察事例



High-Resolution Image

図2.同一箇所の TEM による観察事例:元素分布マップと高分解能像


3-6 6MV タンデム加速器マイクロビームラインの整備

MeV 級イオンビームを物質に照射すると物質を構成する元素に固有のエネルギーを持つ X 線(特

性 X 線)が放出されます。これは粒子励起 X 線放出(Particle Induced X-ray Emission : PIXE)と呼ば


オンビームを細く集束させスキャン照射することによって試料中元素の 2 次元マップが得られるため、


筑波大学では 6MV タンデム加速器に接続するマイクロビームラインを整備しました。構造材料の開



図 1. 筑波大学 6MV タンデム加速器マイクロビームライン概要

図 1 に筑波大学 6 MV タンデム加速器における構造材料計測用マイクロイオンビーム分析装置を示

します。ビームライン長が 8.73 m であり、Oxford Microbeams 社製 OM-2000 を用いてビーム集束を

行います。PIXE 測定で用いる X 線検出器として採用したシリコンドリフト検出器は、ホウ素や窒素とい


ます。また、PIXE 法では観測できない水素に関しては、核反応分析をはじめとする水素の検出が可能



平成 29 年度はさらなるビーム集束をめざし調整を進めてきました。

図 2 は銅メッシュの透過散乱イオン像で、ビーム集束の目安となる


びヘリウムビームにおいて直径 2 マイクロメートルを達成しています。

この太さが 2 次元元素マップの位置分解能を与えます。実際の試料

の測定もすでに始まっており、引き続き平成 30 年度も調整を継続し




1. Yamazaki, K. Sasa, S. Ishii, M. Kurosawa, S. Tomita, Y. Shiina, S. Shiki, G. Fujii, M. Ukibe, M. Ohkubo, A. Uedono, E. Kita, In Situ Development of a microbeam PIXE system for additive light elements in structural materials, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics research B 404, 92-95 (2017).

図 2.銅メッシュの透過散乱イオン像



3-7 集束イオンビームによる水素を含む多元素同時マッピング

前項でもふれた通り、PIXE 法では特性 X 線の放出のない水素を検出することはできません。このた




そこで、イオンビーム水素分析の一手法である反跳粒子検出分析法(Elastic Recoil Detection

Analysis : ERDA)を集束イオンビームスキャン照射の特長を生かせるよう透過型配置で実施する(透

過型 ERDA)ことにより、構造材料中の水素のマイクロメートルオーダーの位置分解能を有するマッピ

ングを実現し、PIXE 測定と両立させることにより、水素を含む多元素同時マッピングを可能にしまし


図 1 は透過 ERDA-PIXE 同時測定の配置図



ムの 3 層構造を持った試料(全体厚さ約 90 m)


をスキャン照射し、反跳水素(透過 ERDA)と銅

の特性 X 線(PIXE)を観測しました。

図 4 が結果の例です。照射領域は 500 m×

500 mで、左側の図にはPIXEによる銅メッシュ

(太さ 12 m)の像が見られます。右側は透過

ERDA による水素分布図で、ヘリウムビームが銅








図 4.透過 ERDA-PIXE 同時測定の例(左:銅、右:水素)

図 1.透過 ERDA-PIXE 同時測定配置図



3-8 高温・変形その場 TEM 観察


子顕微鏡(TEM)の開発と応用を進めてきました。その場 TEM 装置は、試料高温ステージとピコメート


界最高の 2000K の加熱温度を、今年度はさらに 3690K 以上に上げることが可能になりました。こうし

た加熱法を YSZ 遮熱コーティング材料に応用し、界面組織の高温劣化過程を直接実空間で観察し、


ことを明らかにし、この結果を原著論文として発表しました [1]。後者の試料変形のステージに関しても、


料組織の原子挙動を直視できる「その場」変形観察法を確立して、耐熱金属に応用しました [2]。こうし



構造が崩れて変形する機構である塑性流動的変形機構の研究を進めることができました(図 1)。また、

CFRP の組織を原子配列レベルの空間分解能で解析する手法を案出し、組織面に着目した CFRP 研


図 1. ジルコニウムの塑性流動変形の原子的挙動を直接観察した高分解能電子顕微鏡像(上)と各像

の原子配列(下)(参考文献 2 より転載)


1. S. Kikuchi, M. Tezura, M. Kimura, N. Yamaguchi, S. Kitaoka, and T. Kizuka, In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of High-Temperature Degradation of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings, Scripta Materialia 150, 50-53 (2018)).

2. K. Yamada and T. Kizuka, Transformation from slip to plastic flow deformation mechanism during tensile deformation of zirconium nanocontacts, Scientific Reports 7, 42901 (2017).


3-9 放射光化学状態マッピングと応用数学の連携



る現象を放射光 X 線顕微法で観察し、応用数学の手法のひとつである“パーシステントホモロジー”を

活用してその反応起点を特定するという、世界初の研究手法を開発しました 1、2)。









1) Masao Kimura, Ippei Obayashi, Yasuo Takeichi, Reiko Murao and Yasuaki Hiraoka, ‘Non-empirical identification of trigger sites in heterogeneous processes using persistent homology’, Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 3553 (2018)

2) Ippei Obayashi, Yasuaki Hiraoka and Masao Kimura, ‘Persistence Diagrams with Linear Machine Learning Models’, Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (accepted 2018)

図1 材料中の非等質性(heterogeneity)を放射光化学状態マッピングで観察し、その結果を応用数学

“パーシステントホモロジー”(Persistent Homology)で解析して、亀裂の起点を予測する新たなアプロ




3-10 In situ X-CT(X 線コンピュータ断層撮影) 法による応力

印加中の CFRP の亀裂進展の観察

構造材料中の微細組織、たとえば FRP の繊維やその欠陥、EBC 材料の異相界面、鉄鋼材料で進

行する化学反応の反応領域などを明らかにするために、in situ X-CT(X 線コンピュータ断層撮影) 法

による 応力印加中の CFRP の亀裂進展の観察に取り組んでいます。開発したシステム(図 1)では、

①組織中の微細構造を数 10 μm〜数 100 nm のマルチスケールで数 μm〜サブ μm の高い空間分解


状態での観察(in situ 観察)が可能であること、③様々に条件を変化させた試料ごとの違いを追って機



本システムを用いて CFRP に応力印加した観察例を図 2 に示します。変位=300μm までの変位で

は変化が観察されなかった部分(図 2 中の赤矢印)が、変位=450μm において、繊維と周りの樹脂の


元内でカウントする解析方法を検討し、CFRP の亀裂進展メカニズムについて定量的考察を進めてい


図 1 In situ X-CT システムの模式図

図 2 応力印加した CFRP 試料内部の繊維とマトリックス樹脂の形態の変化

(X-CT の測定データの中で、内部のある断面について表示)


3-11 CFRP-合金不完全接合部での超音波伝搬解析



の観点から、対応した欠陥検出技術が必要とされています。 東京大学と物質材料研究機構では、



した。 図1にCFRP-アルミニウム接合部での超音波伝播解析モデルを示します。モデルでは不完全











図1 CFRP-アルミニウム接合部での超音波伝播解析モデル

図 2 CFRP-アルミニウム接合部透過後の超音波変位分布 (a)はく離なし(b)0.5mm はく離

(c)1.0mm はく離


3-12 国際シンポジウム開催

SIP-IMASM2016 Joint Symposium of 3rd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials and TIA-Fraunhofer Workshop Oct. 3 - 5, 2017, AIST Tsukuba Center

国際連携と成果普及のために、第3回 SIP-IMASM 国際会議 (10/3-5, 2017) を産総研つくばセン

ターにて開催しました。国際会議は、黒田 亮 内閣府官房審議官、中鉢 良治 産総研理事長からの


参加者総数 104 名

基調講演: 4件

招待講演: 6 件

先端計測拠点メンバーによる口頭発表: 12 件

先端計測拠点メンバーによるポスター発表: 33 件

基調講演 Kevin Potter (University of Bristol, UK) “Composites developments in Bristol Composites Institute (ACCIS) and the National

Composites Centre ” Henning Heuer (Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany) “Non-destructive testing for composite materials: From laboratory feasibility studies to

industrial proofed solutiuons” Bernd Valeske (Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZEP, Germany ) “Nondestructive Characterization and Quality Control of Lightweight Materials and

Assemblies – R&D and Applications in Automotive and Transport Industry” Paolo Feraboli (Automobili Lamborghini ACSL) “Forged Composite as Technology for the Future”


藤元伸悦 Shin-etsu Fujimoto (Nippon Steel & Sumikin Chemical)

“Development of Polymer Design Tool for CFRP”

高木敏行 Toshiyuki Takagi (Tohoku University)

“Functional Fiber-reinforced Plastic and Nondestructive Evaluation for Advanced Maintenance”

佐藤千明 Chiaki Sato (AIST/Tokyo Institute of Technology)

“Introduction of Adhesion and Interfacial Phenomena Research Laboratory at AIST and the Perspectives”

間瀬清芝 Kiyoshiba Mase (Toyota Motor Corporation)

“Prospect of Measurement and Analysis for Lightweight Vehicles”

今井英人 Hideto Imai (NISSAN ARC)

“Advanced Analytical Technologies for Multi-materials: Initiatives at NISSAN ARC”


今回はさらに、この分野の日独連携強化のために、TIA とドイツ フラウンホーファー研究機構の連


複合材料-プロセス技術研究所から 4 件、TIA 側から 3 件の発表を行い、国際共同研究の検討に繋が



Lab tour

Poster session

Ryoji Chubachi (AIST) and Fraunhofer

Ryo Kuroda (Cabinet Office)


4. 学会発表、論文発表、受賞等



4-1 オリジナル原著論文

[1] M. Koyama1、K. Yamanouchi1、Q. Wang3、S. Ri3、Y. Tanaka2、Y. Hamano1、S. Yamazaki2、

M.Mitsuhara1、M. Ohkubo3、H. Noguchi1、K. Tsuzaki1 (1Kyushu Univ.、2NIMS、3AIST),

“Multiscale in situ deformation experiments: A sequential process from strain localization to failure in a laminated Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, Materials Characterization, 128, 217 (2017) ABSTRACT: The microscopic factors causing tensile failure of an α/β laminated Ti-6Al-4V alloy were investigated through in situ scanning electron microscopy and sampling moiré at an ambient temperature. Specifically, multiscale in situ microscopic observations were conducted to extract the most crucial factor of the failure. Slip localization in the vicinity of an intergranular α-sheet was clarified to be the primary factor that causes failure of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. In addition, no relationship between interfacial strain localization and macroscopic shear localization at 45 degrees against the tensile direction was observed.

[2] Q. Wang, S. Ri, H. Tsuda (AIST), M. Koyama, K. Tsuzaki (Kyushu Univ.)

“Two-dimensional Moire Phase Analysis for Accurate Strain Distribution Measurement and Application in Crack Prediction”, Optics Express vol.25(12) pp.13465-13480 (2017) ABSTRACT: Aimed at the low accuracy problem of shear strain measurement in Moiré methods, a two-dimensional (2D) Moiré phase analysis method is proposed for full-field deformation measurement with high accuracy. A grid image is first processed by the spatial phase-shifting sampling Moiré technique to get the Moiré phases in two directions, which are then conjointly analyzed for measuring 2D displacement and strain distributions. The strain especially the shear strain measurement accuracy is remarkably improved, and dynamic deformation is measurable from automatic batch processing of single-shot grid images. As an application, the 2D microscale strain distributions of a titanium alloy were measured, and the crack occurrence location was successfully predicted from strain concentration.

[3] Q. Wang, S. Ri, H. Tsuda (AIST),

“Micro/Nano-scale Strain Distribution Measurement from Sampling Moire Fringes”, Journal of

Visualized Experiments、Issue 123 pp. e55739: 1-10 (2017)

ABSTRACT: This work describes the measurement procedure and principles of a sampling moiré technique for full-field micro/nano-scale deformation measurements. The developed technique can be performed in two ways: using the reconstructed multiplication moiré method or the spatial phase-shifting sampling moiré method. When the specimen grid pitch is around 2 pixels, 2-pixel sampling moiré fringes are generated to reconstruct a multiplication moiré pattern for a deformation measurement. Both the displacement and strain sensitivities are twice as high as in the traditional scanning moiré method in the same wide field of view. When the specimen grid pitch is around or greater than 3 pixels, multi-pixel sampling moiré


fringes are generated, and a spatial phase-shifting technique is combined for a full-field deformation measurement. The strain measurement accuracy is significantly improved, and automatic batch measurement is easily achievable. Both methods can measure the two-dimensional (2D) strain distributions from a single-shot grid image without rotating the specimen or scanning lines, as in traditional moiré techniques. As examples, the 2D displacement and strain distributions, including the shear strains of two carbon fiber-reinforced plastic specimens, were measured in three-point bending tests. The proposed technique is expected to play an important role in the non-destructive quantitative evaluations of mechanical properties, crack occurrences, and residual stresses of a variety of materials.

[4] G. Fujii, M. Ukibe, S. Shiki, M. Ohkubo (AIST),

“Development of an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyzer employing superconducting-tunnel-junction array detectors toward nanometer-scale elemental mapping”, X-ray spectrometry 2017, 46, 325-329 ABSTRACT:

Energy‐dispersive X‐ray detectors based on superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs) exhibit

at best energy resolution of about 5 eV in full width at half‐maximum for soft X‐rays with

energy levels of less than ~1 keV as well as a large sensitive area (>1 mm2) and a high

counting rate capability (>500 kcps). We have developed an energy‐dispersive X‐ray

spectroscopy analyzer combined with a scanning electron microscope and STJs to realize

elemental mapping with high energy‐resolving power. To improve the collection efficiency of

the fluorescence X‐rays, a polycapillary collimating X‐ray lens was installed in the analyzer.

The overall system efficiency of the analyzer was more than 1 × 10−4 sr in the soft X‐ray

range. Its counting rate performance for the N‐Kα line was 9.4 cps/nA, near that of setups

comprising an electron probe microanalyzer and wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray spectrometers

(WDSs). By improving the X‐ray optics, the counting rate is expected to be increased more

than 600‐fold. The energy resolution of the developed analyzer was assessed according to

the full width at half‐maximum of the N‐Kα peak, which was measured to be 10 eV,

indicating an energy resolution about 7 times better than that of conventional X‐ ray

spectroscopy analyzers employing silicon drift detectors (SDDs). These results indicate that the improved analyzer employing STJs can realize both the high throughputs of SDDs and the high energy resolution of WDSs. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

[5] Ruixiao Zheng, Tilak Bhattacharjee, Akinobu Shibata, Taisuke Sasaki, Kazuhiro Hono, Mohit

Joshi, Nobuhiro Tsuji, “Simulteneously enhanced strength and ductility of Mg-Zn-Zr-Ca alloy with fully recrystallized ultrafine grained structures”, Scripta Materialia, 131 (2017), pp.1-5, doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.12.024

ABSTRCT: Fully recrystallized ultrafine grained (UFG)Mg-Zn-Zr-Ca alloy was successfully fabricated by a process including high pressure torsion (HPT) and subsequent rapid annealing treatment. After the HPT by one rotation, a nano- crystalline (NC) structure with an average grain size of about 100 nm and deformed characteristics was obtained. After subsequent annealing at 300 °C and 400 °C for 1 min, fully recrystallized UFG structures with average grain sizes of 0.77 μm and 0.98 μm were obtained, respectively. Room temperature


tensile test revealed that the UFG Mg alloy exhibited simultaneously enhanced strength and ductility compared with those of the coarse grained counterpart.

[6] T. Nakata, C. Xu, R. Ajima, K. Shimizu, S. Hanaki, T.T. Sasaki, L. Ma, K. Hono, S. Kamado,

“Strong and ductile age-hardening Mg-Al-Ca-Mn alloy that can be extruded as fast as aluminum alloys”, Acta Materialia, vol.130 (2017), pp. 261-270. doi:

ABSTRCT: We have developed a wrought magnesium alloy, Mg-1.3Al-0.3Ca-0.4Mn (wt.%) or AXM10304, that can be extruded at a very high die-exist speed of 24 m/min, comparable to the extrusion speed for aluminum alloys, and that exhibits an excellent combination of strength and elongation after an age-hardening, i.e., a tensile 0.2% proof stress of 287 MPa and an elongation of 20%. The high tensile proof stress is attributed to the dispersion of a high number density of monolayer Guinier Preston (G.P.) zones dispersed in grains with an average grain size of 17 mm and <1010> fiber texture typical of Mg alloy extrusions. The uniform dispersion of the G.P. zones facilitates cross-slip, and the G.P. zones do not work as crack initiation and propagation site, so the degradation of the elongation after the age-hardening is prevented. The combination of strength and elongation of the extruded and age-hardened AXM10304 is superior to those of Mg-6Al-1Zn (AZ61) and Mg-6.0Zn-0.5Zr (ZK60) commercial alloys and comparable to those of 6000 series of aluminum alloys without any expensive ingredients. Therefore, this alloy may open up a new application areas where weight reduction is of a priority issue.

[7] H. Mamiya, J. Rabajczyk, N. Watanabe, A. Kowalska, H. Kitazawa, “Aging-treatment-induced

soft magnetism in nickel chromium-based superalloy X-750”, J. Alloys Comp. Vol. 681 (2016) pp. 367-373. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.04.237,

ABSTRCT: The precipitation-hardenable nickel chromium-based superalloy X-750 exhibits excellent mechanical properties at high-to-cryogenic temperatures. However, little is known about its other properties, even though it is used in a wide range of applications. To elucidate the additional properties of X-750, we studied the effects of its nanostructural evolution on both its mechanical and magnetic properties. We found that precipitation not only mechanically hardens this superalloy, but also induces soft magnetism as well as notable magnetic losses at ultralow temperatures. This information should aid the design of superconducting instruments based on the X-750 superalloy as a structural material.

[8] Hideki Masuda, Hideaki Kitazawa, Keiko Onishi, Masamichi Kawai, and Daisuke Fujita,

“Advanced in situ multi-scale characterization of hardness of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic”, IOP science, Vol.55 (2016), pp.106602.

ABSTRCT: In situ multi-scale characterization of hardness of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) is demonstrated by a traditional hardness tester, instrumented indentation tester and atomic-force-microscope (AFM)-based nanoindentation. In particular, due to the large residual indentation and nonuniform distribution of the microscale carbon fibers, the Vickers hardness could not be calculated by the traditional hardness tester. In addition, the clear residual micro-indentation could not be formed on the CFRP by instrumented indentation tester because of the large tip half angle of the Berkovich indenter. Therefore, an efficient


technique for characterizing the true nanoscale hardness of CFRP was proposed and evaluated. The local hardness of the carbon fibers or plastic matrix on the nanoscale did not vary with nanoindentation location. The Vickers hardnesses of the carbon fiber and plastic matrix determined by AFM-based nanoindentation were 340 + 30 and 40 + 2 kgf/mm2, respectively.

[9] Hongxuan Guo, Chengxiang Wang, Kun’ichi Miyazawa, Hongxin Wang, Hideki Masuda,

Daisuke Fujita, “Thermal decomposition of fullerene nanowhiskers protected by amorphous carbon mask “, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Vol.10.1038, (2016),38760.

ABSTRCT: Fullerene nanostructures are well known for their unique morphology, physical and mechanical properties. The thermal stability of fullerene nanostructures, such as their sublimation at high temperature is also very important for studying their structures and applications. In this work, We observed fullerene nano whiskers (FNWs) in situ with scanning helium ion microscopy (HIM) at elevated temperatures. The FNWs exhibited different stabilities with different thermal histories during the observation. The pristine FNWs were decomposed at the temperatures higher than 300 °C in a vacuum environment. Other FNWs were protected from decomposition with an amorphous carbon (aC) film deposited on the surface. Based on high spacial resolution, aC film with periodic structure was deposited by helium ion beam induced deposition (IBID) on the surface of FNWs. Annealed at the high temperature, the fullerene molecules were selectively sublimated from the FNWs. The periodic structure was formed on the surface of FNWs and observed by HIM. Monte Carlo simulation and Raman characterization proved that the morphology of the FNWs was changed by helium IBID at high temperature. This work provides a new method of fabricating artificial structure on the surface of FNWs with periodic aC film as a mask.

[10] Kohei Yamada and Tokushi Kizuka, “Bias voltage dependence of silver and molybdenum

single-atom-width wire formation”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters Vol. 8, No. 8, (2016), pp. 702-704. doi: 10.1166/nnl.2016.2211

[11] Tomo-o Terasawa, Shogo Kikuchi, Manabu Tezura, and Tokushi Kizuka, “Development of

2000 K Class High Temperature In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Materials Via Resistive Heating”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 17, No. 4, (2017), pp. 2848-2851. doi:

[12] Manabu Tezura and Tokushi Kizuka, “Structures and electrical properties of single nanoparticle

junctions assembled using LaC2-encapsulating carbon nanocapsules”, Scientific Reports vol. 6, 2016, pp. 29708. doi:10.1038/srep29708

[13] Kohei Yamada and Tokushi Kizuka, “Plastic flow-like deformation and its relation to aperiodic

peaks in conductance histograms of molybdenum nanocontacts”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 85, No. 10 (2016), pp. 104601. doi:

*本論文は JSPJ 編集委員会にて“Papers of Editors’ Choice”に選出された。


[14] Satoshi Murata, Tokushi Kizuka, “Atomistic Structural Dynamics and Current Density Variations during the Transformation”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol.86, No. 3 (2017), pp. 034601. doi:

[15] Kohei Yamada and Tokushi Kizuka, “Transformation from slip to plastic flow deformation

mechanism during tensile deformation of zirconium nanocontacts”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, (2017), pp. 42901. doi: 10.1038/srep42901

[16] Keiichi HIRANO, Yumiko TAKAHASHI, Kazuyuki HYODO, Masao KIMURA, “X-ray

analyzer-based phase-contrast computed laminography”, J. Synchrotron Rad.23,1484(2016). [17] Y. Niwa, T. Sato, K. Ichiyanagi, K. Takahashi, M. Kimura, "Time-resolved observation of

structural change of copper induced by laser shock using synchrotron radiation with dispersive XAFS", High Pressure Research 36, 471 (2016)

[18] L. L. C. Holzner, H. Bale, A. Merkle, S. McDonald, P. Withers, Y. Zhang, D. Juul Jensen, M.

Kimura, A. Lyckegaard, P. Reischig, E.M. Lauridsen, "Diffraction Contrast Tomography in the Laboratory – Applications and Future Directions", Microscopy Today 24, 34 (2016).

[19] N. Igarashi, H. Nitani, Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, H. Abe, M. Kimura, T. Mori, Y. Nagatani, T.

Kosuge, A. Kamijo, "Newly designed double surface bimorph mirror for BL-15A of the photon factory", AIP Conf. Proc. 1741, 040021 (2016).

[20] Q. Wang, S. Ri and H. Tsuda, “Digital Sampling Moire as A Substitute for Microscope Scanning

Moire for High-sensitivity and Full-field Deformation Measurement at Micron/nano Scales”, Applied Optics, Vol.55, No. 25 (2016), pp.6858-6865.

ABSTRACT: This study proposed to generate digital sampling Moire fringes by two-pixel down-sampling as a substitute for microscope scanning Moire fringes, and further reconstruct multiplication Moire fringes for micron/nano-scale deformation measurement. The displacement and strain sensitivities of the proposed reconstructed multiplication Moire method are 2 times higher in a wide field of view. Besides, two-dimensional deformation is easily measurable without rotating the sample stage or the scanning lines, no matter whether the scanning resolution is adjustable or not. As an example, the deformations of a carbon fiber reinforced plastic specimen were measured and analyzed. The proposed method effectively expands the application range of the Moire technique to deformation measurement.

[21] Keiichi HIRANO, Yumiko TAKAHASHI, Kazuyuki HYODO and Masao KIMURA, “X-ray

analyzer-based phase-contrast computed laminography”, J. Synchrotron Rad. 23 (2016) pp.1484-1489.

[22] R. Murao, N. Ohta, K. Noami, Y. Uemura, Y. Niwa, K. Kimijima, Y. Takeichi, “In situ

observation of reduction kinetics and 2D mapping of chemical state for heterogeneous reduction in iron-ore sinters”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. Vol. 712 (2016) pp.012077.

[23] C. Holzner,L. Lavery, H. Bale, A. Merkle, S. McDonald, P. Withers, Y. Zhang, D. Juul Jensen,


M. Kimura, A. Lyckegaard, P. Reischig, E.M. Lauridsen, “Diffraction Contrast Tomography in the Laboratory – Applications and Future Directions”, Microscopy Today 24 (2016) pp.34.

[24] Y. Niwa, T. Sato, K. Ichiyanagi, K. Takahashi, and M. Kimura, “Time-resolved observation of

structural change of copper induced by laser shock using synchrotron radiation with dispersive XAFS”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1741, 040021 (2016). vol.36, No.3, P.471-478, DOI:10.1080/08957959.2016.1211647

[25] N. Igarashi, H. Nitani, Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, H. Abe, M. Kimura, T. Mori, Y. Nagatani, T.

Kosuge, and A. Kamijo, “Newly designed double surface bimorph mirror for BL-15A of the photon factory”, ,High Pressure Research 36, (2016), pp. 471.

[26] Y. Takeichi, R. Murao, I. Obayashi, Y. Hiraoka, Y. Liu, “Chemical state mapping of

heterogeneous reduction of iron ore sinter”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. (2016) in print.


4-2 国際会議プロシーディングス [1] S. Ri, Q. Wang, H. Tsuda

“Full-field Strain Measurement of Composite materials by the Sampling Moiré Method” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM-21), Theme 3, Track 3.7, Paper ID 4334, pp. 1-6.

[2] Q. Wang, S. Ri, Y. Tanaka, M. Koyama,

”Visualization of Strain Concentrations in Composites Using Advanced Image Processing Techniques” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM-21), Theme 3, Track 3.1, Paper ID 4260, pp. 1-6.

[3] S. Ishibashi

“Two-component density functional study of positron-vacancy interaction in metals and semiconductors”,

Acta Physica Polonica A(Poland) vol.132, No.5, pp1602-1605(2017)(12th International

Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry Aug.28-Sep.1) [4] M. Ukibe, G. Fujii, S. Shiki, M. Ohkubo

“Development of a SEM-EDS analyzer utilizing Superconducting-Tunnel-Junction Array X-ray detector toward realizing nanometer-scale elemental mapping” Microscopy Conference 2017, Lausanne, SWISS, (2017.8.22)

[5] Yoshihisa Harada, Takashi Nagoshi, Brian E. O’Rourke

”Microstructural Changes of Fatigue Damage in Austenitic Stainless Steel” European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT2017),

(2017.9.19) Reference number B11-P-TUE-P1-12

[6] S. Ishibashi

“Two-component density functional study of positron-vacancy interaction in metals and semiconductors” Proc. of 12th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry, (2017.8.31)

[7] S. Ri, Q. Wang, H. Tsuda

“Full-field Strain Measurement of Composite materials by the Sampling Moiré Method” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM-21),Theme 3, Track 3.7, Paper ID 4334, pp. 1-6.

[8] S. Ri, Q. Wang, M. Ohkubo, M. Koyama, K. Tsuzaki,

“Full-field Displacement and Strain Measurement by Moiré Technique and Its Practical Application”, Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.32.

[9] Q. Wang1, S. Ri1, Y. Tanaka2, M. Koyama3, (1AIST, 2NIMS, 3Kyushu Univ.),


”Visualization of Strain Concentrations in Composites Using Advanced Image Processing Techniques”,

Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM-21)、

Theme 3, Track 3.1, Paper ID 4260, pp. 1-6 [10] Q. Wang, S. Ri, K. Naito, M. Ohkubo,

“Determination of Microscale Deformation Distributions of CFRP under Three-point Bending from Sampling Moiré Fringes” Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.37.

[11] Q. Wang, S. Ri, Y. Tanaka, K. Naito, M. Koyama, K. Tsuzaki, M. Ohkubo,

“Study on Crack Occurrence of Titanium Alloy in Tensile Test by Advanced Moiré Technique”. The 8th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-8), 4PA-54.

[12] P. Fons, S. Shiki, and M. Ohkubo

“XAFS Measurements of VN Nano-precipitates in 9%Cr high-temperature Steel Alloys”, Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.47.

[13] T. Senda, Y. Harada, T. Nagoshi, Wengfeng Mao, Brian O’Rourke,

“Positron Lifetime and EBSD Studies of Mechanically Fatigued Titanium Alloy” Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.46.

[14] H. Tanikawa, Y. Harada, Wenfeng Mao, Brian O’Rourke,

“Evaluation by positron lifetime spectroscopy for mechanically fatigue damaged epoxy resin”, Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.38.

[15] Wenfeng Mao, Brian E. O’Rourke, Nagayasu Oshima, Yoshihisa Harada, Takashi Nagoshi “Characterization of defects in mechanically fatigued stainless steel by positron annihilation spectroscopy” Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.45.

[16] Wenfeng Mao, Brian E. O’Rourke, Nagayasu Oshima, Yoshihisa Harada, Takashi Nagoshi

“Positron lifetime and Doppler Broadening studies of mechanically fatigued stainless steel” Proc. of 3rd Joint workshop on positron science.

[17] Wenfeng Mao, Brian E. O’Rourke, Nagayasu Oshima, Yoshihisa Harada, Takashi Nagoshi.

“Characterization of defects in mechanically fatigued stainless steel by positron annihilation spectroscopy” 2nd Kyoto workshop on positron science

[18] T. Nagoshi, M. Mutoh, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, M. Sone,

“Sample Size Effect on Electrodeposited Sub-10 nm Nanocrystalline Nickel and possible application to CFRP” Proc. of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.25.

[19] M. Ohkubo, S. Shiki, G. Fujii, M. Ukibe

“Superconductor Tunnel Junction (STJ) soft-X-ray detectors for synchrotron radiation facilities”


International Forum on Detectors for Photon Science, IFDEPS 2018, Annecy、(2018.3.11-14)

[20] N. Watanabe, H. Mamiya, F. Abe, M. Ohkubo and H. Kitazawa, “Characterization of

micrometer-sized precipitates in heat-resistant steels using TOF-SIMS”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp, 49.

ABSTRACT: It is necessary to develop heat-resistant steel that can be used for a long time under high pressure and temperatures to enhance the power-generation efficiency of thermal power plants. The major problem in the development of heat-resistant steels is the phenomenon of creep. It is known that a creep lifetime in heat-resistant steels is once prolonged when concentration of added nitrogen increases, but the creep lifetime decreases as nitrogen is further added. Therefore, it is important to investigate the relation between the structure and light elements distribution and mechanical characteristics to understand the mechanism of this phenomenon. In this study, we focused on precipitates of μ m size in heat-resistant steels and investigated these precipitates in detail using TOF-SIMS.

[21] Toru HARA, Akira FUKUSHIMA, Kazuhiro KUMETA, Hideaki KITAZAWA, “Multiscale and

multidimensional microstructure analysis using orthogonally- arranged FIB-SEM”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center (2016), pp.50.

ABSTRACT: It is necessary to develop heat-resistant steel that can be used for a long time under high pressure and temperatures to enhance the power-generation efficiency of thermal power plants. The major problem in the development of heat resistant steels is the phenomenon of creep. It is known that a creep lifetime in heat-resistant steels is once prolonged when concentration of added nitrogen increases, but the creep lifetime decreases as nitrogen is further added. Although some models have been proposed for explaining this phenomenon, the mechanism of this improvement of creep strength by addition of microelements has not been settled. Therefore, it is important to investigate the relation between the structure and light elements distribution and mechanical characteristics to understand the mechanism of this phenomenon. We used TOF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) which can measure light elements to investigate the microelements distribution because it is difficult to detect light elements such as boron and nitrogen using the usual EDS (Energy dispersive X-ray Spectrometry). In this study, we focused on precipitates of μm size in heat-resistant steels and investigated these precipitates in detail using TOF-SIMS.

[22] T. Sasaki, B.-C. Suh, T. Ohkubo and K. Hono, “Microstructure characterization of structural

materials by laser assisted 3D atom probe”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center (2016), pp.28.

ABSTRACT: Recent successful implementations of pulse lasers to assist field evaporation substantially improved the yield of success in 3D atom probe (3DAP) analyses of "easily ruptured" specimens such as martensitic steel. The specimen preparation using a dual beam FIB machine also made it possible to perform site-specific


3D atom probe analysis from grain boundaries and interfaces etc.. These advances have broadened the application areas of the atom probe technique. In this talk, we will overview our recent work on the analysis of some structural materials by 3D atom probe.

[23] T. Nakata, C. Xu, T. Sasaki, Y. Matsumoto, K. Shimizu, S. Kamado, K. Hono, “Development

of high-strength high-speed-extrudable Mg-Al-Ca-Mn alloy”, Proc. of Magnesium Technology 2017, Feb. 26, 2017, pp.17-21.

ABSTRCT: We investigated the effect of Al content on tensile property and microstructure of Mg–(0.6, 1.1, 1.6)Al–Ca–Mn (wt.%) alloys extruded at an extraordinary high die-exit speed of 60 m/min. All the extruded alloys showed fine grain structure with strong alignment of (0001) planes parallel to the extrusion direction. Especially, the sample containing 1.6 wt.% of Al had stronger alignment of (0001) planes than that of the other alloys. The alloy with 1.6 wt.%Al exhibited the highest ultimate tensile strength of 311 MPa and the proof stress of 284 MPa. However, the addition of 1.6 wt.% Al formed coarse Al–Mn particles and resulted in the low elongation of 16% compared to the other samples. Although the addition of 1.1 wt.% of Al also resulted in the formation of Al–Mn particles, the particle size was smaller, and their number density was lower than those in the sample containing 1.6 wt.% of Al. Therefore, high ultimate tensile strength of 297 MPa, proof stress of 263 MPa, and large elongation of 24% were simultaneously achieved in the sample containing 1.1 wt.% of Al.

[24] Byeong-Chan Suh, Taisuke Sasaki, Taiki Nakata, Ming-Zhe Bian, Shigeharu Kamado,

Kazuhiro Hono, “Effect of Ca on the microstructure, texture, and mechanical properties in

Mg-Zn-Mn based alloy”,Proc. of Magnesium Technology 2017,Feb. 26, 2017, pp. 525-531.

ABSTRCT: We investigated the role of Ca and hot-rolling condition in the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in the ZM40 alloy sheets. While the strong basal texture was developed in the as-rolled ZM40 alloy regardless of rolling conditions, the specimen reheating between rolling passes resulted in the weakening of the basal texture in the as-rolled ZMX400 alloy. The solution treatment after the hot-rolling led to the grain coarsening to *20 lm while keeping the strong basal texture in the ZM40 alloy. The solution treated ZMX400 alloy showed bimodal grain structures consisting of larger grains than those observed in the ZM40 alloy, and the basal texture was further weakened. This resulted in a significant improvement of room temperature formability to the index Erichsen value of 6 mm. In spite of the coarser grain structure and weakened basal texture, the solution treated ZMX400 alloys showed comparable strengths with the ZM40 alloy. This is because higher number density of fine a-Mn phase particles are distributed in the ZMX400 alloy than the ZM40 alloy.

[25] H. Mamiya, A. Kowalska, N. Watanabe, H. Kitazawa, “Small-angle X-ray scattering study on

nano-heterostructure in structural materials”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center (2016), pp.47.

ABSTRCT: Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique is an experimental method to determine heterostructure on nanoscale. It has been considered a key technique along with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in studying structural materials, because nucleation


and growth of nano-precipitates play an important role in age-hardenable alloys and formation and coalescence of nano-voids are highly correlated with fracture toughness in various structural materials. One advantage of using SAXS complementarily is accuracy from a statistical point of view, since the cross-sectional area of SAXS is some mm2. Another advantage is high penetrability enabling measurements for a deep part of bulky samples in various environments. In other words, we can detect small variations of the mean size, number density and spatial correlation in different positions during manufacturing process and deterioration in use. In this study, we prepared facilities for in-situ measurement of SAXS at high temperatures or under stress, and apply them to investigation on steels, superalloys, and fiber reinforced materials. We replaced X-ray source of Nanostar (Bruker Corp.) with an advanced rotating molybdenum anode generator with Goebel mirror, in order to improve penetrability by using intensive hard X-ray beam at 17.5 keV. Then we prepared infrared furnace (1700 K) and tensile tester (200 N) on XZ scanning stage in vacuum chamber of Nanostar. Consequently, we succeed observation of variation in nanoheterostructure of various structural materials such as the aging treatment induced nucleation and growth for

Ni3(Al, Ti)-based -precipitates in the nickel–chromium-based superalloy and as the stress induced change of nanostructure in Inconel 718. The details will be given in the presentation. This work is supported by SIP-IMASM (D66).

[26] Shogo Kikuchi, Manabu Tezura, Tomo-o Terasawa, and Tokushi Kizuka, “High Temperature

In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Heat-Resistant Ceramics”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp, 65.

[27] Tokushi Kizuka, Shogo Kikuchi, Manabu Tezura, and Tomo-o Terasawa, “Development of

2000 K Class High Temperature In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy for Study of Heat-Resistant Materials”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.64.

[28] Manabu Tezura and Tokushi Kizuka, “Development of Picometer Scale Specimen Manipulation

for High Temperature In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Heat-Resistant Materials”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.66.

[29] Kimikazu Sasa, Akiyoshi Yamazaki, Shigeo Tomita, Masanori Kurosawa, Satoshi Ishii,

Hiroshi Naramoto, Masao Sataka, Hiroshi Kudo, Eiji Kita and Akira Uedono, “Construction of an Ion Beam Analysis Facility for Structural Materials at the University of Tsukuba”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.61.

ABSTRACT: The 6 MV tandem accelerator was designed and developed by the National Electrostatics Corp., USA in collaboration with the University of Tsukuba. We started routine experiments on ion beam applications by means of the new system since March 2016. There are new four beam courses from L1 to L4 for ion beam analysis on the structural materials in the accelerator room. The IBA system equipped with a high-precision four-axis goniometer is located on the L1 beam course. It is used for heavy ion RBS and ERD analyses on structural materials. A large environmental testing chamber (1 m in diameter) on the L2 beam course is



tunnel junction (STJ) array detector [1, 2] is going to be installed to perform PIXE for light elements measurements more efficiently. Combining a microbeam scanning technology with the X-ray detectors, we plan to obtain two-dimensional maps of additive light elements in structural materials. And also a new target chamber for installing the STJ detector is being fabricated and will replace the present target chamber in this fall. This new chamber utilizes a BGO detector used for nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) to observe hydrogen in structural material.

[32] H. J. Zhang, S. Sellaiyan, T. Kakizaki, and A. Uedono, Y. Taniguchi and K. Hayashi,

“Correlation between mechanical properties and free-volume hole size of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer matrices with different chemical structures”, Proc. of 13th Positron Conference, China, Aug. 22, 2016.

[33] T. Kakizaki, H. J. Zhang, S. Sellaiyan, A. Uedono, Y. Taniguchi and K. Hayashi, “Effects of

free-volumes on mechanical properties in epoxy resins for CFRP studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.37.

[34] A. Uedono, H. J. Zhang, S. Sellaiyan, T. Kakizaki, Y. Taniguchi and K. Hayashi, “Positron

annihilation studies of free volumes in epoxy resins for CFRP”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.14.

[35] H. J. Zhang, S. Sellaiyan, T. Kakizaki, A. Uedono, Y. Taniguchi and K. Hayashi,

“Temperature dependences of free-volumes and mechanical properties of epoxy resins for CFRP”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.38.

[36] Hideki Hatano, Makoto Watanabe, Shunji Takekawa, Hisashi Yamawaki, Kanae Oguchi,

Manabu Enoki and Richard Slater, "Development of efficient mid-IR laser by intra-cavity OPO+DFM and its application to LUT of CFRP", Proc. of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO:2016, San Jose USA, June 9, 2016), JTh2A.

ABSTRACT: We realized efficient generation of 3.2 micron mid-IR laser in an OPO with intracavity difference frequency mixing (DFM) using PP-MgSLT. This wavelength is the best suitable for LUT of CFRP. The idler generation efficiency was increased 82% in an intracavity OPO+DFM configuration compared to the OPO-only configuration, and 9.6 mJ of mid-IR light output was obtained for 36 mJ pump input.

[37] Hideki Hatano, Masahiro Kusano, Makoto Watanabe, Shunji Takekawa, Hisashi Yamawaki,

Kanae Oguchi, and Manabu Enoki, "Development of ~3.2micron band efficient mid-IR laser for the application to Laser Ultrasonic Testing of CFRP", Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.35.

ABSTRACT: We developed an efficient, high pulse energy mid-IR light source using quasi-phase-matched (QPM) optical parametric oscillation (OPO) in periodically poled


Mg-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3 (Mg:SLT) crystal as the nonlinear optic material for the purpose of laser ultrasonic testing of CFRP. We demonstrated effective ultrasonic generation capability of mid-IR laser (~3.2 μm) with the least laser damage compared with Nd:YAG 1.06μm wavelengths. On top of this, we performed a further increase in idler conversion efficiency using difference mixing. In this talk, we explain our mid-IR laser source and defect detection in CFRP samples using the developed mid-IR laser as ultrasonic generation source.

[38] Masahiro Kusano, Hideki Hatano, Makoto Watanabe, Shunji Takekawa, Masanobu Naito,

and Hisashi Yamawaki, “Non-destructive evaluation of defects in CFRP samples by OPO mid-IR laser ultrasonic testing”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.39.

ABSTRACT: Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) are used as constructive materials of airplanes, space crafts and automobiles because their specific properties are higher than those of metal materials. While CFRPs are applied to main parts in products, the demand of their reliability and safety are also on the rise. CFRP products can have defects such as voids, delamination, and cracks during manufacturing processes and in-service periods. In order to detect such defects in advance, non-destructive testing (NDT) methods are needed. We developed laser ultrasonic testing (LUT) equipment provided with the mid-IR OPO laser for effective generation of ultrasonic wave in CFRPs. In my poster presentation, some results of defected CFRP samples measured by the equipment will be shown.

[39] Kanae OGUCHI, Manabu ENOKI, Hisashi YAMAWAKI, Hideki HATANO, and Makoto

WATANABE, “Numerical analysis of laser ultrasound propagation excited by mid-IR light source in CFRP”, Proc. of International Conference for Laser-Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing (LU2016), July 4-8, 2016, Austria, pp.90.

ABSTRACT: We are developing an optical parametric oscillator to generate mid-IR light, and trying to build an accurate and efficiency LUT system for CFRP using a mid-IR light [2]. To develop the practical system, effects of the various factors such as laser parameters, optical depth and propagation tendency in CFRP should be taken into account. In the present study, laser ultrasound propagation simulations were carried out in CFRP laminate, by considering the optical depth of the material and laser irradiation conditions, and the relationship between these parameters and the excited ultrasound intensity were analyzed.

[40] T. Hyodo, K. Wada, I. Mochizuki1, M. Kimura, A. Ichimiya, N. Toge, T. Shidara, Y. Fukaya, M.

Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, K. Michishio, Y. Nagashima, “Progress in the Research at Slow Positron Facility of Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK”, International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques and Application (SLOPOS-14).

[41] M. Kimura, R. Murao, N. Ohta, K. Noami, Y. Uemura, Y. Niwa, K. Kimijima, Y. Takeichi, H.

Nitani, "In situ observation of reduction kinetics and 2D mapping of chemical state for heterogeneous reduction in iron-ore sinters", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 712, 012077 (2016).

[42] M. Kimura, Y. Takeichi, R. Murao, I. Obayashi, Y. Hiraoka, Y. Liu, "Chemical state mapping of

heterogeneous reduction of iron ore sinter", International Conference on X-ray Microscopy


(XRM2016), Journal of Physics: Conference Series (in print) (2016). [43] K. Wada, M. Maekawa, I. Mochizuki, M. Kimura, T. Hyodo, “Pulse stretching of a linac-based

slow-positron beam for materials science”, SLOPOS14 (14th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques & Applications)

[44] K. Kimijima, Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, K. Takahashi, M. Kimura, “Development of XAFS/XRD

simultaneous measurement technique at high temperatures”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 57.

[45] K. Kimijima, Y. Niwa, M. Kimura, “In situ observation of chemical species near solid/liquid

interface in a pitting process”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 56.

[46] Yumiko Takahashi, Keiichi Hirano, Kazuyuki Hyodo, Masao Kimura, “Non-destructive

Characterization of internal structure of structure materials using synchrotron X-ray CT”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 58.

[47] Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, T. Ishii, R. Kitazawa, M. Kimura, “Microscopic Observation of Tensile

Damages and Chemical Properties of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composites”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 17.

[48] M. Kimura, Y. Takeichi, R. Murao, I. Obayashi, H. Hiraoka, Y. Liu, “Chemical state mapping of

heterogeneous reduction of iron ore sinter”, International Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM2016)

[49] Y. Takeichi, H. Nitani, Y. Niwa, T. Ishii, R. Kitazawa, M. Kimura, “XRF-XRD Surface Mapping

and X-Ray Computed Tomography Observations of Thermal Barrier Coatings”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 53.

[50] K. Wada, M. Masaki, I. Mochizuki, M. Kimura, T. Hyodo, “Performance Test of a Pulse

Stretching System for Materials Science at KEK Slow Positron Facility II”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 63

[51] Keiichi Hirano, Kazuyuki Hyodo, Yumiko Takahashi, Masao Kimura, “X-ray analyzer-based

phase contrast computed laminography”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 59.

[52] R. Kitazawa, T. Ishii, M. Ito, Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, M. Kimura, “In situ Damage Observation in

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite using 3D Computed Tomography”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29,


2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 41. [53] M. Kimura, Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, R. Kitazawa, K. Kimijima, H. Nitani, T. Ishii, M. Ito, K.

Takahashi, H. Abe, A. Hori, “Advance techniques for analysis of microstructure and chemical states -their developments and combination with materials informatics in order to reveal a crack formation and its propagation”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 33.

[54] M. Kimura, Y. Niwa, T. Sato, K. Takahashi, K. Ichiyanagi, "Dynamic analysis of laser

shock-induced fragmentation of coppoer foil”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp. 55.

[55] Q. Wang, S. Ri, H. Tsuda and S. Kishimoto, “Strain Distributions of Carbon Fiber

Reinforced Plastics under Three-point Bending Tests”, 2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016), HongLou Hotel, Hangzhou, China, Wuhan Advanced Materials Society, Ningbo Adhesives and Products Industry Association, Zhejiang Bonding Technology Association, May 22, (2016), No. PCM1769, pp. 64-65.

ABSTRACT: The global and local deformation behaviors of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) under three-point bending tests were investigated in this study. The force-deflection and force-strain curves were obtained using a universal testing machine and strain gauges. The microscale strain distributions were nondestructively determined by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) moire method. The SEM moire fringes came from the interference between the electron scanning lines and a microscale grating on the specimen. The most distinct moire fringes for deformation measurement were selected from adjusting the SEM magnification and the rotation angle of the electron beam. The full-field distributions of displacements, normal strains in the x and the y directions, and shear strain were measured from the moire fringes. The maximum and minimum principle strains and their orientations were determined from the theoretical analysis of strain status. The principle strains and their orientations indicate the potential instability mode and failure direction. The analyzed deformation characteristics are useful for evaluating and understanding the mechanical properties of samples. The measurement method used in this study is suitable for full-field deformation measurement of various materials including composite materials, polymers, metals, etc.

[56] Q. Wang, S. Ri, Y. Takashita and S. Ogihara, “Full-field Measurements of Principle

Strains and Orientations Using Moire Fringes”, SEM XIII International Congress and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, Society for Experimental Mechanics of America, June 8, (2016), No. 246.

ABSTRACT: The principle strains at the microscale are the key parameters for


evaluating the instability behaviors of materials. In this study, we developed a technique to acquire the full-field distributions of the principle strains and their orientations by integrating the scanning moire method and the theoretical analysis of strain status. The normal strains in two perpendicular directions were first measured using the SEM scanning moire fringes. The principle strains with orientations were then determined based on the analysis of strain status for plane stress problems. In this study, the maximum and the minimum principle strains and their orientations of carbon fiber reinforced plastics under a three-point bending test were measured. The maximum principle strain is greatest in the bottom-left region and the absolute value of the minimum principle strain is greatest in the upper-right region of this specimen. This technique is independent of the specimen grating direction and is useful to detect the potential failure characteristics of various composite materials.

[57] Q. Wang, Y. Takashita, S. Ri, H. Tsuda, R. Kitamura and S. Ogihara, “Influence of

Working Distance on Microscale Strain Measurement under Laser Scanning Microscope

from Moire Fringes”, Proc. SPIE, International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering (icOPEN 2016), Vol. 10250, No. 102501N (2017), pp. 1-5.

ABSTRACT: In this study, the influence of the working distance (WD) on strain measurement under a laser scanning microscope and a way to achieve precise focus were investigated by the scanning moire method. Experimental results showed that the strain measurement has a good repeatability at a fixed WD. Scanning moire fringes were clearly observable when the WD variation range was within 0.9% of the given WD of the used objective lens. The relationship of the measured strain error and the WD difference was approximately linear, and the greatest strain error was near 700 με. Fortunately, 2D moire fringes were distinct only in a very narrow range, i.e., the WD difference was less than 0.1% of the given WD, and the greatest strain error was less than 100 με. 1D moire fringes in the y direction, 2D moire fringes in the both x and y directions, and 1D moire fringes in the x direction became distinct alternately along with the WD change. Consequently, we suggest to use 2D moire fringes for microscale strain measurement in each focusing process to reduce the errors caused by the WD variation. Moreover, a single-shot 2D moire image is useful to measure the strain distributions in both two directions quickly and simply, and there is no need to rotate the sample or scanning lines and scan twice as in the conventional way.

[58] Q. Wang, S. Ri, H. Tsuda and T. Tokizaki, “Reconstructed Multiplication Moire for

Full-Field Principle Strain Measurement of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics”, The 10th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS 2016), Tokyo University of Science, Katsushika, Tokyo, Far East and Oceanic Fracture Society, Aug. 30, (2016), No. El-12.


ABSTRACT: Determination of strain concentration is vitally important to understand the instability behavior and the potential failure mechanism. This study reports to reconstruct multiplication moire fringes to measure the principle strain distributions. The specimen grating is first recorded and the grating pitch can be as small as around two pixels. Several digital sampling moire patterns are then generated by down-sampling to the specimen grating image. Next, the distinct multiplication moire pattern can be reconstructed from the digital sampling moire patterns for deformation measurement at the micronscale. From the reconstructed multiplication moire method, the normal strains in the x and the y direction and the shear strain are measurable. Combined with the theoretical analysis of the strain status, the principle strains and their orientations are obtainable. The displacement and strain sensitivities of the proposed method are two times the scanning moire method. Meanwhile, this method keeps the wide view field which is the greatest advantage of the scanning moire method. As an application, the normal strains, the shear strain, the maximum and minimum principle strains as well as orientations of a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) specimen were investigated.

[59] Q. Wang, S. Ri, Y. Tanaka, K. Naito, M. Koyama, K. Tsuzaki and M. Ohkubo,

“Evaluation of Crack Occurrence from Microscale Strain Distributions of Titanium Alloy in

Tensile Tests by Advanced Moire and DIC Techniques”, The 2nd Symposium on SIP Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials (SIP-IMASM 2016), AIST Tsukuba Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Structural Materials for Innovation (SM4I), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), Sep. 27, (2016), pp. 31.

ABSTRACT: Full-field deformation analysis of titanium (Ti) alloys were performed in a small region around a notch root and in a large area by using digital image correlation (DIC) and Moire methods complementarily. Prediction of crack occurrence positions were successful through microscale strain distribution measurement. Slip line formations in oblique angles were found to arise during tensile tests.

[60] Q. Wang, S. Ri, Y. Takashita and S. Ogihara, “Full-field Measurements of Principal

Strains and Orientations Using Moire Fringes”, (Book Chapter) Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3, S. Yoshida et al. (eds.), Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Chapter 33, pp. 251-259.

ABSTRACT: The principal strains at the microscale are the key parameters for evaluating the instability behaviors of materials. In this study, we developed a technique to acquire the full-field distributions of the principal strains and their orientations by integrating the scanning moire method and the theoretical analysis of strain status. The normal strains in two perpendicular directions were first measured


using the SEM scanning moire fringes. The principal strains with orientations were then determined based on the analysis of strain status for plane stress problems. In this study, the maximum and the minimum principal strains and their orientations of carbon fiber reinforced plastics under a three-point bending test were measured. The maximum principal strain is greatest in the bottom-left region and the absolute value of the minimum principal strain is greatest in the upper-right region of this specimen. This technique is independent of the specimen grating direction and is useful to detect the potential failure characteristics of various composite materials.

[61] Q. Wang, S. Ri and H. Tsuda, ”Advanced Moire Techniques for Crack and Structural

Health Monitoring”, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN2016), Tibet Hotel, Chengdu, China, Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore, Sep. 27, (2016), No. Invite Speech-4, pp.30.

ABSTRACT: In optical metrology, Moire techniques are mature but still growing for deformation measurements from the nanoscale to the kilometer scale. A commonality exists in different Moire techniques using a microscope or an imaging sensor at different scales pointed out in this talk. Several typical Moire techniques including the microscope scanning Moire method and the sampling Moire method combined with a temporal or spatial phase-shifting technique are introduced. Slight variation of the used working distance under a laser scanning microscope is found to bring a nonnegligible error on microscale strain, and we suggest to record 2D scanning moire fringes for accurate strain measurement to make the error less than 100 με. The latest development of advanced Moire techniques and applications are presented in full-field displacement and strain measurements of materials especially composite materials. Distributions of x-direction, y-direction, shear and principal strains are employed to predict the microscale crack occurrence successfully. Dynamic deflections of bridges under different fast-passed automobiles are accurately determined for structural health monitoring. A perfect combination between the scanning and sampling Moire methods provide an effective way for high-sensitivity and high-accuracy deformation measurement in a large field of view.

[62] Q. H. Wang, S. Ri, H. Tsuda, S. Kishimoto, K. Naito and Y. Tanaka, “Accurate

Determination of Principle Strain Distributions of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics from

Spatial Phase-shifted Sampling Moire Fringes”, Proc. of Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2016 (ACEM2016), Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea, Asian Society of Experimental Mechanics (ASEM), Nov. 14, (2016), No. 160197, pp. 96-97.

ABSTRACT: To evaluate the mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of materials such as crack initiation and propagation, it is indispensable to measure their full-field deformation distributions at the micron/nano- scale. In this study, we proposed to measure the principle strain distributions of materials accurately in a


large view field from spatial phase-shifted sampling moire fringes combined with the theoretical analysis of strain status. The full-field principle strains of a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) under a three-point bending test were investigated.

[63] Q. Wang, S. Ri and H. Tsuda, “Microscale Strain Distributions of Carbon Fiber

Reinforced Plastics by Reconstructed Multiplication Moire Method”, International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016 (MNST2016), the University of Tokyo Hongo campus, Tokyo, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dec. 18, 2016, No. SuAl-A-3.

ABSTRACT: This study reports to reconstruct multiplication moire fringes to measure the strain distributions. The displacement and strain sensitivities of the proposed method are two times the scanning moire method. Using this method, the deformations of a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) specimen under three-point bending were investigated. The two-dimensional normal strains, the shear strain, the maximum principle strain and the minimum principle strain were measured. The orientations of the maximum and the minimum principle strains were also determined. The principle strains and their orientations reveal the deformation features and the potential failure mode of this CFRP specimen.

[64] Go Fujii, Masahiro Ukibe, Shigemoto Shiki, Masataka Ohkubo, “Development of energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry system for nanometer-scale mapping of light elements”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural

Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp, 62.

ABSTRACT: The creep strength and life of heat-resistant steels can be improved by adding a small amount of light elements, such as boron(B), carbon(C) and nitrogen(N). For example, in 9 % Cr heat-resistant steels, specific compounds with nano-size(~ 100 nm), which are called to be MX (M: Nb, V, Cr and X: C, N) carbonitrides, are closely related to the creep strengthening of the steels. The lamellar microstructure in Ti alloys has layer thicknesses in a nanoscale range. Addition or contamination of C, N, O significantly influences mechanical properties, but element distribution has not been known well. we have developed a prototype EDS-SEM system with high energy-resolving power and high throughput by using superconducting-tunnel-junction (STJ) array X-ray detectors. The EDS-SEM system is consisted of an SEM with a tungsten filament, a polycapillary X-ray optics, and an energy-dispersive X-ray detector based on the 100-pixel STJ array. The STJ array detector exhibits an energy resolution of 7 eV in full width at half-maximum (FWHM) for 400 eV, a total sensitive area of larger than 1 mm2, and a counting rate of more than 100 kcps in a soft X-ray range less than ~1 keV.

[65] Go Fujii, Masahiro Ukibe, Shigemoto Shiki, Masataka Ohkubo, “Superconducting-tunnel-junction thousand-pixel array detector with a measured


mean-energy-resolution of 6.7 eV for XAFS and PIXE spectroscopy”, Applied Superconductivity Conference 2016, Denver, Sept. 4-9 (2016).

ABSTRCT: Superconducting-tunnel-junction (STJ) detectors perform well for energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in a soft X-ray range below ~ 2 keV, which is difficult to be covered by semiconductor detectors because of a poor energy resolution (∆E) and a surface dead layer. The soft X-ray range is busy due to the K-lines of light elements and the L- and M-lines of heavier elements. STJ detectors exhibit a ∆E value better than 10 eV at 500 eV, which is enough to clearly separate different lines, and a high photon counting rate of 5,000 cps/pixel. These properties are attractive for X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) spectroscopy in synchrotron radiation facilities and Particle-Induced X-ray Emission spectroscopy in ion accelerator facilities in order to analyze light element impurities in structural materials such as heat resistant steels and Ti alloys. Our 100-pixel Nb-based STJ detector system with preamplifiers, FPGA-based digital signal processors, and a liquid He free 3He cryostat was installed in a synchrotron radiation facility (KEK PF). The 100 µm-square STJs had a measured mean ∆E of 14 eV and a high counting rate of 500 kcps, The 100-pixel system is now open to the users.

[66] Masataka Ohkubo, Paul Fons, Shigetomo Shiki, Go Fujii, Masahiro Ukibe, Norimichi Watanabe, Hideaki Kitazawa, Taisuke Sasaki, Tadakatsu Ohkubo, Kazuhiro Hono, Masao Kimura, Yoshinori Kitajima, Kazuhiko Mase, Fujio Abe, “Integrated Analysis of Trace Light Elements in Heat Resistant Alloys”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative

Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba

Center, (2016), pp. 44.

Abstract: Advanced heat resistant alloys have been developed with solute strengthening and precipitation strengthening, which result in microstructures in multiscale from grain sizes (~100 µm) to nano-precipitates (~10 nm) for a long term stability at high temperatures. The addition or contamination of trace light elements significantly influence mechanical properties. For example, a 9%Cr martensitic steel with about 100 ppm of boron and nitrogen impurities, which was developed by National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), has a creep lifetime improved by a

factor of more than 100 at 650C. However, the mechanism of creep strengthening by boron and nitrogen is controversial. We employed 3D atom probe, TOF-SIMS, and a home-made XAFS instrument installed at the beam lines of KEK PF with a superconducting EDS detector (SC-XAFS) that has the same elemental separation ability as WDS. We report on boron in the 9%Cr martensitic heat resistant steels. The boron atoms were found to be enriched at prior austenite grain boundaries (PAGBs) and in the sub-µm M23C6 precipitates. Furthermore, non-negligible amount of boron existed inside the prior austenite grains, probably formed a solid solution.


[67] Shoji Ishibashi, “Theoretical Calculation of Positron Annihilation Parameters for Vacancy-Related Defects in Mg”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and

Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.45.

ABSTRACT: The positron is known as a powerful probe for detecting vacancy-type defects in metals and semiconductors. The momentum distribution of positron-annihilation radiation and the positron lifetime vary according to the local environment of the annihilation site. This makes it possible to detect defects and to distinguish them. For precipitation hardening in Mg alloys, it is thought that the interaction between vacancies and solute atoms plays an important role. In the present study, positron annihilation parameters such as S, W and τ as well as ratio curves of one-dimensionally-projected momentum distributions of positron-annihilation radiation for vacancy-related defects in Mg have been theoretically calculated.

All the calculations have been performed with our computational code QMAS (Quantum Materials Simulator). Electronic wave functions were described with the plane-wave basis in the framework of the projector augmented-wave (PAW) method. The two-component density-functional-theory formalism proposed by Boroński and Nieminen was used to obtain positron states. For trapped states of positrons, the positron effect on the electronic structure and the atomic arrangement were explicitly taken into account.

As an example of the obtained results, ratio curves of the one-dimensionally-projected momentum distributions of positron-annihilation radiation for vacancy (V), V-Ca and V-Zn in Mg against it perfect crystal are obtained. It indicates the possibility that V-Zn can be distinguished from a usual vacancy (V). Systematic variations of positron annihilation parameters (S, W and τ) will be presented also.

[68] Nao Terasaki, Yuki Fujio, “Mechanoluminescent visualization of strain distribution in structural

material”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), p.16

ABSTRCT: Elasticoluminescent material is a novel mechanoluminescent (ML) functional ceramic powder (controllable size: 10 nm - 100 μm, representative and the most efficient ML material: SrAl2O4:Eu2+ and it can emit intensive light repeatedly accompanied by mechanical stress such as deformation, friction, impact, even in elastic deformation region. The ML intensity is proportional to Mises strain energy of the material. Thus, when dispersedly coated onto a structure, each particle acts as a sensitive mechanical sensor, while the two-dimensional (2D) emission pattern of the whole assembly reflects the dynamical strain/stress distribution inside the structure and the mechanical information around the defect and crack or the in-visible tip.

[69] K. Kimijima, Y. Niwa, and M. Kimura, “In situ observation of chemical species near

solid/liquid interface in a pitting process”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba


Center, (2016), pp.56. [70] K. Kimijima, Y. Takeichi, Y. Niwa, K. Takahashi, M. Kimura, “Development of XAFS/XRD

simultaneous measurement technique at high temperatures”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.57.

[71] T. Hyodo, K. Wada, I. Mochizuki1, M. Kimura1, A. Ichimiya1, N. Toge, T. Shidara, “Progress

in the Research at Slow Positron Facility of Institute of Materials Structure Science”, International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques and Application (SLOPOS-14), Proceedings: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 791, 012003 (2017).

[72] Yumiko Takahashi, Keiichi Hirano, Kazuyuki Hyodo and Masao Kimura, “Non-destructive

Characterization of internal structure of structure materials using synchrotron X-ray CT”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.58.

[73] K. Wada, M. Masaki, I. Mochizuki, M. Kimura, and T. Hyodo, “Performance Test of a Pulse

Stretching System for Materials Science at KEK Slow Positron Facility II”, Proc. of 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016), pp.63.

[74] T. Hyodo, K. Wada, I. Mochizuki, M. Kimura, A. Ichimiya, N. Toge, T. Shidara, “Progress in the

Research at Slow Positron Facility of Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK”, “International

Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques and Application (SLOPOS-14)” (招待講演).


“X-ray analyzer-based phase-contrast computed laminography”, 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016).

[76] Runi Kitazawa, Tomohiro Ishii, Yasuo Takeichi, Yasuhiro Niwa, Masao Kimura, “In situ

Observation of Crack Formation in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite using 3D Computed Tomography”, 2nd Symposium on Innovative Measurement and Analysis for Structural Materials, Sept. 27 - 29, 2016, AIST Tsukuba Center, (2016).

ABSTRACT: Crack initiation and its propagation was investigated using in situ X-CT for multi-layered uni-directional carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites. Then the results were compared with the stress/strain distribution calculated with the finite element method (FEM). Stress distribution causing damages was simulated with FEM. Further observation and analysis proceed in order to predict damages in CFRP components.

[77] M. Kimura,Y. Takeichi,Y. Niwa,H. Nitani,M. Tomita, T. Inaguma, R. Murao,I. Obayashi, Y.

Hiraoka, Y. Liu, and C. Holzner, “Multi-scale and Multi-informative Imaging of Structural Materials”, Denver X-ray conf. (DXC2016), 65th Annual Conf. on Application of X-ray

Analysis. (招待講演)


[78] Masao Kimura, Miho Tomita, Toru Inaguma, Christian Holzner, Kentaro Kajiwara, and Masugu Stao, “Observation of recrystallization of heavily-rolled iron sheet by diffraction contrast imaging”, 9th Pacific Rim Int. Cof. on Advanced Materials and Processing.

[79] K. Wada, M. Maekawa, I. Mochizuki, M. Kimura, and T. Hyodo, “Pulse stretching of a

linac-based slow-positron beam for materials science”, SLOPOS14 (14th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques & Applications), May 22 to 27, 2016.

[77] K. Oguchi, M. Enoki, H. Yamawaki, M. Kusano and M. Watanabe, “Numerical simulation of

mid-IR Ultrasound testing in CFRP”, Proceedings of SIP-IMASM 2017, p.63


4-3 国内学会・口頭発表

[1] 仙田知也、原田祥久、名越貴志、Wenfeng Mao、Brian E. O’Rourke、

“チタン合金の陽電子寿命計測および EBSD 計測に基づく疲労損傷評価”

日本機械学会 2017 年度茨城講演会 (2017.8.29 発表), OS902.

[2] 谷川晴通、原田祥久、Wenfeng Mao、Brian E. O’Rourke、「構造用高分子材料の低サイクル疲

労損傷評価」、日本機械学会 2017 年度茨城講演会 (2017.8.29 発表), OS901.

[3] 仙田知也、原田祥久、名越貴志、Wenfeng Mao、Brian E. O’Rourke、「構造用高分子材料の陽

電子寿命測定による疲労損傷評価」、日本金属学会 2017 年秋期大会(2017.9.7 発表), p.523.

[4] 仙田知也、原田祥久、名越貴志、Wenfeng Mao、Brian E. O’Rourke、「Ti-6Al-4V の陽電子寿命

計測による疲労損傷評価」、日本金属学会 2017 年秋期大会 (2017.9.8 発表), p.413.

[5] 王 慶華,高下 陽右,李 志遠,津田 浩,喜多村 竜太,荻原 慎二、 “3 点曲げ試験における

CFRP の層間せん断変形と微小き裂の評価”、日本実験力学会講演論文集 2017 年度年次講演

会、No.17, pp.153-154

[6] Wenfeng Mao, Brian E. O’Rourke, Nagayasu Oshima, Yoshihisa Harada, Takashi Nagoshi.

“Mechanically fatigued stainless steel studied by positron annihilation”, 60th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Radiation Chemistry

[7] Wenfeng Mao, Brian E. O’Rourke, Nagayasu Oshima, Yoshihisa Harada, Takashi Nagoshi.

“Positron lifetime and Doppler broadening studies of mechanically fatigued stainless steel”, 54th Annual Meeting on Radioisotopes and Radiation Researches

[8] 浮辺 雅宏, 藤井 剛, 志岐 成友, 大久保 雅隆、 題名:超伝導トンネル接合軟 X 線検出器によ

る材料分析、 学会:2017 年秋季低温工学・超電導学会

[9] 藤井 剛、浮辺 雅宏、大久保 雅隆 題名:超伝導 X 線検出器を用いた nm スケールでの X 線分

光分析、埋もれた界面の X 線・中性子解析ワークショップ 2018、物質・材料研究機構千現地区


[10] 大久保 雅隆、志岐 成友、藤井 剛、浮辺 雅宏 題名:Superconductor Tunnel Junction (STJ)

soft-X-ray detectors for synchrotron radiation facilities, International Forum on Detectors for

Photon Science, IFDEPS 2018, Annecy、(2018.3.11-14)

[11] 王 慶華, 李 志遠, 津田 浩, “モアレ縞による高感度広視野変位・ひずみ分布計測法”, 日本

実験力学会講演論文集 2016 年度年次講演会, No.16 (2016), pp.91-92.

[12] 井上陽介、高津修平、仙田知也、名越貴志、原田祥久、Brian E. O’Rourke、大島永康、寺本徳

郎, “発電プラント用ステンレス鋼の疲労損傷にともなう微細組織変化”, 日本機械学会 2016 年度



[13] 井上陽介、高津修平、名越貴志、原田祥久、Brian E. O’Rourke、大島永康、寺本徳郎, “オース

テナイト鋼 SUS316L の先端計測に基づく損傷評価”, 日本機械学会 2016 年度年次大会.

[14] Ming-Zhe Bian, Taisuke Sasaki, Byeong-Chan Suh, Taiki Nakata, Shigeharu Kamado,

Kazuhiro Hono, “Effect of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties in a

Mg-Al-Ca-Mn-Zn alloy sheet”, 軽金属学会第 132 回春期講演大会

[15] Byeong-Chan Suh, Taisuke Sasaki, Ming-Zhe Bian, Taiki Nakata, Shigeharu Kamado,

Kazuhiro Hono “High strength and formable Mg-Zn based alloy sheets microalloyed with Zr and Ca”,

軽金属学会第 132 回春期講演大会

[16] W. Wang、北嶋具教、間宮広明,

“Effect of alloying elements and microstructure on creep of near-alpha titanium alloys”

金属学会 2017 年秋期(第 161 回)講演大会(2017.9.6-8)

[17] 佐々木泰祐、宝野和博、物質・材料研究機構, “高強度易加工性展伸マグネシウム合金の開発と

スポーツ材料への応用”、日本機械学会 2017 年度年次大会 (2017.9.3-6) (招待講演)

[18] 佐々木泰祐、宝野和博、物質・材料研究機構, “熱処理型展伸マグネシウム合金の開発”、 日本

マグネシウム協会 平成 29 年度第 3 回技術講演会 (2017.8.23) (招待講演)

[19] 佐々木泰祐、大久保忠勝、宝野和博、物質・材料研究機構, “時効析出型マグネシウム合金の

3DAP 解析と合金開発への展開”、 日本学術振興会材料の微細組織と機能性第 133 委員会第

237 回研究会 (2017. 7.13) (招待講演)

[20] 山脇寿,草野正大,渡邊誠,小口かなえ,榎学,”CFRP 板の剥離欠陥の超音波伝播画像化によ

る非破壊検出”,日本非破壊検査協会第 25 回超音波による非破壊評価シンポジウム

[21] 内藤公喜 1) 1) NIMS, “複合材接着構造の疲労”, 第7回 SIP「革新的構造材料コロキウム」, 東京

大学, 2017 年 6 月 30 日

[22] 田中義久, 内藤公喜, “Quanta 200 FEG を用いたその場材料評価(招待講演)”, 第 35 回マイク

ロアナリシス研究懇談会, 島津製作所関西支社, 2017 年 11 月 17 日

[23] 中西 真之、木塚 徳志、”その場電子顕微鏡法によるパルス通電時のハフニウムナノ接点の観

察”、応用物理学会春季大会 (2018).

[24] 靍岡 侑生、中西 真之、鈴木 泰周、木塚 徳志、”ニオブナノ接点のパルス通電挙動のその場

電子顕微鏡観察”、応用物理学会春季大会 (2018).

[25] 手面 学、岡本 拓哉、村上 浩市、木塚 徳志、”2000 K 級高温その場透過電子顕微鏡法の開

発”、応用物理学会春季大会 (2018).


[26] 手面 学、木塚 徳志、”その場透過電子顕微鏡法による原子層カーボンナノ接合の観察”、応用

物理学会秋季大会 (2017).

[27] 中村 大輝、音田 光一、福田 めぐみ、木塚 徳志、”その場電子顕微鏡法による非晶質炭素被

膜/Si 酸化物間摩擦の観察”、応用物理学会秋季大会 (2017).

[28] 中西 真之、鈴木 泰周、木塚 徳志、”その場電子顕微鏡法によるモリブデンナノ接点のパルス

通電非晶質化の観察”、応用物理学会秋季大会 (2017).

[29] 小林 秀樹、手面 学、木塚 徳志、”その場電子顕微鏡法による酸化チタン高温挙動の観察”、

応用物理学会秋季大会 (2017).

[30] 鈴木 泰周、木塚 徳志、”その場電子顕微鏡法によるパルス通電時のタングステンナノ接点の

原子挙動の観察”、応用物理学会秋季大会 (2017).

[31] 鈴木 泰周、木塚 徳志、”電子顕微鏡法によるパルス電圧印加時の金ナノ接点のその場観察”、

日本顕微鏡学会第 60 回記念シンポジウム (2017).

[32] 鈴木 泰周、木塚 徳志、”透過電子顕微鏡法によるナノ接点におけるエレクトロマイグレーション

のその場観察”、日本顕微鏡学会第 60 回記念シンポジウム (2017).

[33] 菊池 章吾、手面 学、寺澤 知潮、木塚 徳志、”透過電子顕微鏡用 2000 K 級高温試料ホルダー

の開発”、日本顕微鏡学会第 60 回記念シンポジウム (2017).

[34] 菊池 章吾、手面 学、木村 正雄、木塚 徳志、”高温その場電子顕微鏡法によるセラミックス遮

熱コーティングの観察・透過電子顕微鏡用 2000 K 級高温試料ホルダーの開発”、日本顕微鏡学会

第 60 回記念シンポジウム (2017).

[35] 鈴木 泰周、木塚 徳志、”電子顕微鏡法によるパルス電圧印加時のタングステンナノ接点のその

場観察”、日本顕微鏡学会第 60 回記念シンポジウム (2017).

[36] 菊池 章吾、手面 学、寺澤 知潮、木塚 徳志、”その場電子顕微鏡法による酸化ジルコニウムの

高温観察・透過電子顕微鏡用 2000 K 級高温試料ホルダーの開発”、日本顕微鏡学会第 60 回記

念シンポジウム (2017).

[36] 笹 公和、山崎 明義、石井 聰、冨田 成夫、黒澤 正紀、左高 正雄、楢本 洋、工藤 博、志岐


組成分析”、日本原子力学会 2017 年秋の大会(北海道大学)

2017.9.14 発表

[37] 山崎 明義、楢本 洋、左高 正雄、工藤 博、笹 公和、石井 聰、冨田 成夫、黒澤 正紀、上殿

明良、志岐 成友、大久保雅隆、”筑波大学 6MV タンデム加速器イオンマイクロビームシステムに




[38] 笹 公和、山崎 明義、左高 正雄、楢本 洋、工藤 博, “構造材料用マイクロイオンビーム分析

装置” - 材料物質中の水素・軽元素分析 - nanotech2018(東京ビックサイト) 展示

[39] 木村正雄、武市泰男、丹羽尉博、君島堅一、渡邊稔樹、仁谷浩明、松平恒昭、北岡諭, “XAFS 法

を活用した航空機用構造材料の耐熱性・耐環境因子解明”, 2017.8.4〜6 第 20 回 XAFS 討論会

[40] 君島堅一, 丹羽尉博, 武市泰男, 木村正雄, “超高温-XAFS/XRD 同時測定システムの開発 ~

航空機用構造材料の熱サイクル観察~”, 2017.8.4〜6 第 20 回 XAFS 討論会

[41] 武市泰男、木村正雄、村尾玲子, “焼結鉱のヘテロ構造観察”, 日本鉄鋼協会第 174 回秋季講演


構造の評価」, 2017.9.6~8

[42] 木村正雄、武市泰男、丹羽尉博、君島堅一、渡邊稔樹、“XAFS-CT による航空機用構造材料の

組織・化学状態観察”, 日本鉄鋼協会第 174 回秋季講演大会シンポジウム「量子ビームを中心とし

た先端計測法による鉄鋼・関連材料のミクロ組織/ヘテロ構造の評価」, 2017.9.6~8

[43] 君島堅一, 武市泰男, 丹羽尉博, 木村正雄, “構造材料評価のための超高温-XAFS/XRD 同時

測定システムの開発”, 2018.1.9、第 31 回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム

[44] 君島堅一, 武市泰男, 丹羽尉博, 木村正雄, “超高温-XAFS/XRD 同時測定システムの開発”

2018.2.8、SAT テクノロジー・ショーケース 2018

[45] 君島堅一, 武市泰男, 渡邊稔樹, 丹羽尉博, 木村正雄, “超高温-XAFS/XRD同時測定セルの開

発”, 2018.3.3、2017 年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ

[46] 渡邊稔樹、武市泰男、丹羽尉博、木村正雄, “高分解能 CT を用いた CFRP 内に発生した亀裂の

観察”, 2018.3.4、2017 年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ

[47] 渡邊稔樹、武市泰男、丹羽尉博、木村正雄, “CFRP の亀裂進展の in situ & 3D & 非破壊観察”

2018.3.19、日本鉄鋼協会第 175 回春季講演大会シンポジウム

[48] 木村正雄, 渡邊稔樹, 武市泰男,丹羽尉博, “放射光 X-CT による CFRP の亀裂進展観察”

2018.2.28-3.2 第9回 日本複合材料会議(JCCM-9) 同社大学 京田辺キャンパス

[49] 小口かなえ、榎 学、山脇寿、草野正大、渡邊誠、”中赤外レーザー超音波試験におけるCFRP表

層樹脂量の効果”、金属学会 2017 年秋季講演大会, p163

[50] 小口かなえ、榎 学、山脇寿、草野正大、渡邊誠、2018 年春季講演大会日本金属学会講演大会

概要集 P124


4-4 解説

[1] 佐々木泰祐、宝野和博 (物質・材料研究機構), 熱処理型展伸マグネシウム合金の開発, 金

属(アグネ技術センター)87 巻 4 号, pp 4-12 (2017)

[2] 渡邊誠,畑野秀樹,草野正大,竹川俊二,山脇寿,3.2 μm 帯高効率中赤外レーザーによる

CFRP のレーザー超音波探傷への応用,OplusE,Vol.39, No. 11, pp.1071–1076 (2017)

4-5 その他(研究会資料、Annual Report, 雑誌記事) [1] A. Yamazaki, K. Sasa, S. Ishii, M. Kurosawa, S. Tomita, H. Naramoto, M. Sataka, H. Kudo, A.

Uedono, Development of an ion microbeam scanning system in the 6MV tandem accelerator facility, UTTAC ANNUAL REPORT 2016, UTTAC-86 (2017).

[2] 木村正雄, 内閣府・戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)「革新的構造材料」関係者が KEK

を訪問, 物構研 HP トピックス 2017.12.8

4-6 プレスリリース、新聞、TV [1] M. Kimura, I. Obayashi, Y. Takeichi, R. Murao, Y. Hiraoka, “Non-empirical identification of

trigger sites in heterogeneous processes using persistent homology”, プレスリリース(東北大、


[2] 鉄鋼新聞 2018 年 2 月 27 日, 新日鐵住金、高エネ研など3社

“材料欠陥、容易に特定・経験不要の解析手法開発 応用数学を活用-焼結鉱でまず成果”

[3] 日刊産業新聞 2018 年 2 月 28 日, KEK、東北大学、新日鐵住金

“金属酸化物不均一変化 反応起点を特定 AI で材料開発活用へ”


4-7 特許

[1] 君島堅一 (KEK), 木村正雄 (KEK), 浅原大司 ((株)米倉製作所), 大西康弘 ((株)米倉製作所),

“X 線吸収微細構造および X 線回折測定用高温セル→→【発明の名称】X 線解析用セル、及び X


[2] 特定国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所


PCT 出願番号 JP2018-003297, 出願日 2018 年1月31日

[3] 特定国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所


出願番号 2017-219102, 出願日 2017 年11月14日

[4] 特定国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所


出願番号 2017-248960, 出願日 2017 年12月26日

4-8 受賞

[1] 木塚 徳志、独立行政法人日本学術振興会 平成 28 年度特別研究員等審査会専門委員(書面担


授与:日本学術振興会(2017 年 7 月 31 日)

[2] 菊池 章吾、日本電子顕微鏡学会第 60 回記念シンポジウム学生優秀演題賞(対象講演:透過電

子顕微鏡用2000 K級高温試料ホルダーの開発、菊池 章吾、手面 学、寺澤 知潮、木塚 徳志)

授与:日本電子顕微鏡学会(2017 年 12 月 5 日)

[3] Yuuki Tsuruoka, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Science and Patents, Undergraduate Prize

(2017) (対象講演:Yuuki Tsuruoka, Yasuchika Suzuki, Masayuki Nakanishi, and Tokushi

Kizuka, “In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Niobium Nanocontacts”)

授与:Tsukuba Global Science Week Interdisciplinary Workshop on Science and Patents

2017(2017 年 9 月 26 日)

戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム (SIP)革新的構造材料 先端計測拠点年報

