Page 1: امتحان تجريبي للصف الحادي عشر -فترة رابعة-ورقة ثانية

الكويت الختبار دولة نموذجالرابعة الفترةالتربية الصف وزارة

عشر الحادىالفنى اإلنجليزية العام التوجيه للغة

إنجليزية : لغة المجالالدراسى الزمن : 2010 / 2009العام


/ / / / الرابعة الفترة الموحد النظام عشر الحادى 2009/2010الصف الترجمة ) – – ( المقروء اإلستيعاب التعبير الثانية الورقة

صفحات ) ( خمس فى اإلختباراألولى الصفحة

============================================================Paper Two ) 280 Marks (

I – Composition ) 9 0 Marks (

Attempt one of the following topics : either ) A ( or ) B ( :


People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life .Write a report of ( 12 sentences ) discussing the best ways of reducing stress and distractions. Use specific details and examples in your report.

The following guide words and phrases may help you:

do exercises / work in gardens / travel to a quiet country / change / life routine / relax / read / walk / looking at the deep blue of the sea / meet friends / chat with others / sit on the beach / music and songs / climb mountains



Swine Flu has been swamping our televisions for the last months. The media has been following it very close with updates at least every four hours.

Write a letter from ( 10-12) sentences to your pen-friend discussing the causes of swine flu , how you can protect yourself and others from this disease and the role of the government in this respect.

Your name is Ali / Fatma and you live in Ahmadi. Your address is Safat P.O. Box 36451 .


Page 2: امتحان تجريبي للصف الحادي عشر -فترة رابعة-ورقة ثانية

The following guide words and phrases may help you :

infection / A(H1 N1) / high temperature / cough / severe / rest / wash / clean /keep distance / stay in bed / disinfect / doctor

/ / / ا الفترة الموحد النظام عشر الحادى الثانية / /لرابعةالصف الورقة الثانية الصفحة

============================================================ II- Reading Comprehension ) 9 0 Marks (

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below - : Insects are small creatures of different shapes and colours. Like bacteria, most

insects are harmful. Bees, silkworms and ants are useful and harmless insects but flies, locusts and mosquitoes are harmful ones. The busy bee haunts thousands of flowers daily to make and supply us with honey. The ants store food for winter and give us a good lesson about activity and patience. Silkworms provide us with costly clothes .

House flies make a great deal of dirt and carry diseases from one person to another. Cotton worms eat up the cotton crop and cause farmers great losses. Wasps sting people and cause pain. As most insects are harmful, man invented special liquid and powder substances for killing them. As for bacteria, many of the diseases which man suffers from are caused by them. On the other hand, many bacteria are essential to man's well being. The ripening of cheese and the rising of bread are all brought about by bacteria action

In the soil, there are several different types of these micro-organisms which cause the decay of animals and vegetable matter and turn it into nitrates, from which plants get the nitrogen necessary for their life and growth .

Diseases-causing bacteria may enter the body in many ways. They may be breathed in through the nose, throat and lungs or they may enter the digestive organs with foods or water .

A( From a,b,c and d choose the best answer: ) 4 x 6 = 24 M (

1 -The main idea of the passage is……………… 1………… .a- How can insects and bacteria be useful and harmful

b- Silkworms provide us with costly clothes .c- Bacteria are essential to man's well being .

d- Many diseases are transmitted

2 -The bee works hard to …………………………. . 2………… .a- supply us with a delicious food b- spread Malaria among peoplec- sting and cause us pain d- teach us a good lesson about patience

3 -The word (several) in line ( 14 ) means…………………. 3………… .a- only one b- some


Page 3: امتحان تجريبي للصف الحادي عشر -فترة رابعة-ورقة ثانية

c- group of d- many

4 -The pronoun (them) in line ( 11 ) refers to ………………… 4 ………… .a- ants b- bacteria c- bees d- silkworms

/ / / ا الفترة الموحد النظام عشر الحادى الثانية / /لرابعةالصف الورقة الثالثة الصفحة


B( State whether each statement is true ) √ ( or false ) X (: ) 4 x 6 = 24 M (

5 -Cotton-worms as well as silkworms are harmful( ) .

6 -Flies are harmful to man as they are disease carriers( ) .

7 -Insects have the same shapes and colours( ) .

8 -The micro-organisms which cause the decay of animals and vegetables are useful . ( )

C( With reference to the passage, answer the following questions:)3x7=21M (

9-How can the diseases-causing bacteria enter the body ?……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

10 -Bacteria are essential to man's well being. How ?……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

11 -Plants can get the nitrogen necessary for their life, in which way ?……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

D( Complete the following sentences, with reference to the passage:)3x7=21M(

12 ..…………………………………… -are harmless insects.

13 -Typhoid germs can . ...........................................…………………………………

14 -Ants can give us a good lesson in patience as . .…………………………………


Page 4: امتحان تجريبي للصف الحادي عشر -فترة رابعة-ورقة ثانية

/ / / / / الثانية الورقة الرابعة الفترة الموحد النظام عشر الحادى الصفالرابعة الصفحة


III- Summary Making ) 40 Marks (

Read the following passage, then answer the question below: ( 4 x 10 = 40 M )

We all know that money plays an important role in our life. It is very necessary, since we need it for our food, clothes, houses and many other purposes. Of course this does not mean that money is the only source of happiness. What will the use of money be if it is spent unwisely and carelessly? Money which is ill-spent brings no real happiness or pleasure to us. So, to enjoy life we must have two other things in addition to money, health and wisdom.

Health is a splendid treasure that completes our happiness. We can't enjoy life if we are not healthy. Last of all comes wisdom. If we are foolish, we shall never be really happy, however rich or healthy we may be. Wise people are very careful with their money and health, whereas foolish people soon waste their money or ruin their health.

-In four sentences of your own, mention the three things needed for happiness, then tell how they complete each other.



Page 5: امتحان تجريبي للصف الحادي عشر -فترة رابعة-ورقة ثانية

/ / / ا الفترة الموحد النظام عشر الحادى الثانية / /لرابعةالصف الورقة الخامسة الصفحة


IV- Translation: (60Marks)

A: Translate the following into good Arabic: (40 marks)

It is said that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. We need to help our children realize that family is of the utmost importance. We must help our children know that friends will come and go, but family is the one constant they will have in life. This perception will remain with them as they grow up, marry and embark on parenthood themselves.







B: Translate the following into good Arabic:(20 marks)

: ؟- مدمرة تكون قد الطبيعة قوى أن تعلمين هل سارة : فيضانات- من يحدث كما لنا كبير تهديد تشكل قد فهي بالطبع أفراح

. أعاصير أو زالزل أو



Page 6: امتحان تجريبي للصف الحادي عشر -فترة رابعة-ورقة ثانية


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