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2. 5? . -... 12 5 .4263 ,80~100,6 . 10 , 1 . ,. 4. , 3. . . ,.. ..,,,, , , . .20135 4. , ?, 1 |01.300,02.?!03.,04.,05.,06.,2 |07.,08.,,09.,10.,11.,12.,4813303234363840444648505355CONTENTS 5. 3 | 13.,14.,15.50,4 |16.,17.70%,18.,19.,5 |,20.,21.,22.,23.,,,24.,25.,,,7826.,H6 |,,27.,28.,29.,,6062646870747680828688919497100102104 6. CONTENTS1081101131151181201221241261301321341361381401427 |30.,31.,,,,32.,33.,8 | 34.,35.TV,36.,37.,38.50,9 |39.,,40.,41.,,42.,43.,44.,45., 7. 10 | 46.,47.,48.,49.,50.,, 146148150153156160161 8. (ICA) greeds needs.., . ,. , , , (COOP) , .,,,,. ., . . . , , , , ,,,. 9. , . , ,., , . .. 50 . ,,. 10. 12 / / / / / / 11. 13 , ? 12. 14 / / / 20121262 (2) .,,,,. 2012 121 . . ,,,./ 5 . ** (45 3) 1 1 , 50% : 13. 15 (ICA). ,,. . , .,.,,.. 1. .().. 2. () ,.,,. () 1 1 .,.. 14. 16 / / / 3. , ,.,, , , ,.. 1 , , . .,,. ,. , , , . . .(,,,). 15. 17 () .,. , . .(, )1,. ,. , . . 16. 18 / / / ()(,)(), , ( ) 4 -, - , - - .*: *: , , 2/3 2/3 .00 . , , . (, , , ) , . , . . 40% . .: , , 2013, 37-54 . 17. 19 1960 . . 4 . , . . ,.1971 6, 65(64 ) . REI MSR , . 20% , MEC . . , 3 , . MEC . , . . 1972 250 , . 1976 700 . 2011 40 MEC 2 6100 , 330 . . . MEC , . MECMountain Equipment Co-op 18. 20 / / / 1. () . , , . . 1 1 . ..,. , , ,.( , ,), .... 19. 21 .,,. 2. ..,,. 2010 5 ,4.04%51.11%.() , .1. 20. 22 / / / , .,. , , , ,. ,.. ,11,,..,,.. 21. 23 , , ,. . ,. ( 1544-5077) . , , . , , ( ). , , . (02-365-0330),(02-585-7731) , . ? 22. 24 / / / ! ! , . , , , , , . ( ) . , . . SWOT . . . + + . . , . . . ,. . (++) . , . . , .. . , . , , . . 23. 25 1980 (ICA) 2000 ( ), .conserversociety, . co-operativecommunity,21.. . . .- 2000 5 , .,,, , , , , . , , , 24. 26 / / / , .. , spinoff. , .,,,,. 25. 27 [1] , , , , .[2] , . . (1 1) .[3] . . . . . , . . .[4] . , .[5] , , , , , . .[6] , , , .[7] . 7 26. 28 / / / / / / 27. 29 1 28. 30 / / / 01LyvennetCommunityPub | : 2011 | : 9 | : 297 | 300 2011 100 . Butchers Arms . , . ,.20113,255 , 6 . 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(KFTO) .KFTO 18 1,100 . 155. / / / 156. 157. 160 / / / ()http://www.cooperatives.or.krhttp://se.seoul.go.kr () http://www.ksif.krhttp://wanjucb.tistory.comhttp://www.wjcoop.or.krhttp://www.wonjuand.comhttp://www.krdf.or.kr 158. 161 21,,,2007:,,,2008!:,,2012:,,2013:,,2,,2011,,,2005,:,,,2012,,20082000(1980ICA),,,2008,(),,2012,,,2012,2013,,2012,,2007:,,,,,2012 159. 162 / / / :,,,2011,,,2012,,2012:,,2012:F.,K.,,,2012,,2011,,2002:,(),,2009,,2006:PalSystem21,,,2006,,2011,(),2008,:iCOOP10,,2008,:99%,,2012,,2011:,,2010:,,.2012 160. 163 ()()()()()() ,(),2001:,,2012,2013,:,,2013,,,,20127,,,2012:,2012,,2013,,2012,,2013 , 161. www.seoul.go.kr2013 5() ()51-6110000-000689-14 , . (ICA) (Euricse European Research Institute onCooperative and Social Enterprises) 2012 , 162. Cooperatives are focused onhuman need, not greed