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IFE, MBA-W1160 Ж. Нацагдорж

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Компаний засаглалын мэдээллийн нээлттэй байдал

Компаний танилцуулга Компаний засаглалийн нээлттэй

байдлыг харуулах бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүд: Капиталын бүтэц ТУЗ-ын бүтэц, үүргүүд Менежемэнтийн хэлэлцүүлэг ба шинжилгээ Цалин урамшуулал Аудитын хороо Холбоотой талуудын ажил гүйлгээ Зайшгүй нээлттэй байх бусад мэдээллүүд Сайн дурын үндсэн дээр нээлттэй байлгах бусад мэдээлэл

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Компаний засаглалын мэдээллийн нээлттэй байдал

ЭЗХАБ –ын Компаний засаглалын зарчимд дурьдсанчлан нээлттэй байдал нь дараах зүйлсийг агуулсан байх ёстой. Гэхдээ заавал эдгээрээр хязгаарладаггүй.

Бодит мэдээллүүдийг агуулсан байх Санхүүгийн болон үйл ажиллгааны үр дүн Компаний зорилго зорилт Гол хувьцаа эзэмшигчид ба тэдний саналын эрхүүд ТУЗ, гүйцэтгэх захирлууд, тэдний цалин урамшуулал Бодьтой харагдаж байгаа эрсдлийн хүчин зүйлс Ажилтнууд болон бусад эрх ашгийн хамааралтай

талуудын үүссэн бодит асуудлууд Засаглалийн бүтцүүд ба бодлого журмууд

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Компаний засаглалын мэдээллийн нээлттэй байдал

Компаний засаглалын нээлттэй байдлыг тухайн улс орны: Компаний тухай хууль Үнэт цаасны хууль Хөрөнгийн бирж дээр хувьцааг

бүртгэх журмуудаар албадан зохицуулдаг ч ихэнх мэдээллийг нээлттэй байх эсэх нь компаний дурын мэдэлд орхиж зөвлөмжийн дагуу зохицуулдаг.

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Жилийн тайлан орох ёстой мэдээллүүд

Засаглалын тайлан-Захирлуудын тайлан Захирлуудын шагнал урамшууллын тайлан Захирлууд тус бүр дээр нэрээр нь гаргаж

мэдээлэлх ёстой Захирлуудын шагнал урамшууллын хувьцаа,

опционы эрх гэх мэтээр ялгаж тод харуулах Аудитын тайлан- үүн дээр захирлууд өөрөө

тайлангаа баталгаажуулсан стейтмэнтийг оруулах

Аудитын бие даасан байдлыг харуулах баталгаа.

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Company profile

Stock name: HEIA:NA

Established in 1864

Stock price: 51.1100 EUR/2012.12.31/

available in 178 countries

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Ownership Structure

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Ownership Structure

The share holding in Heineken N.V. is as follows: Heineken Holding N.V. owns 50.005%, retaining the Family

involvement and vision. FEMSA, through its affiliate CB Equity, owns 12.532%. The remaining 37.463% is owned by public shareholders.The share holding in Heineken Holding N.V. is as follows: L’Arche Green N.V. has a 51.083 % share-holding. L’Arche Green

N.V. is owned 88.67 % by the Heineken Family and 11.33 % by the Hoyer family.

FEMSA holds a 14.94 % shareholding in Heineken Holding N.V. In combination with its Heineken N.V. shareholdings this represents a 20 % economic interest in the HEINEKEN Group.

The remaining 33.982 % of Heineken Holding N.V. is owned by public shareholders.

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Компаний засаглалийн нээлттэй байдлыг харуулах бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүд

Goy chart oruulah

Капиталын бүтэц

ТУЗ-ын бүтэц, үүргүүд

Менежемент хэлэлцүүлэг

ба шинжилгээ

Аудитын хороо

Холбоотой талуудын ажил


Зайлшгүй нээлттэй

байх бусад мэдээллүүд

Сайн дурын үндсэн дээр

нээлттэй байлгах


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Dutch Corporate Governance Code

On 10 December 2008 the current Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) was introduced. The Code can be downloaded at

Heineken N.V. has prepared a Comply or Explain report on the basis of the Code. The Comply or Explain report is available at

2010 оны 4 сарын 22 ны өдрийн Хайнекен Интернэйшнл компаний ТУЗ-ын хурлаар энэхүү Голландын КЗ-ын кодексын зарим зүйл заалтын компани бүрэн дагаж мөрдөх шаардлагүй гэдгийг баталсан байна.

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Heineken-Corporate Governance Code

Хайнекены хаалттай байдаг мэдээллүүд II.2.8: Гүйцэтгэх зөвлөл ажлаас чөлөөлөгдсөний цалин хангамж, III.2.1, III.2.2 a, c and e, III.2.3 and III.5.1: ТУЗ гишүүдийн хараат

бус байдал III.3.5: ТУЗ-ын гишүүдийн томилгооны хугацаа III.4.1 (g): Хаяг Ажлын төв зөвлөлийн холбоо барих хаяг III.5.11: Цалин урамшууллын хорооны тэргүүний талаар III.6.6: Итгэмжлэгдсэн ТУЗ-ын гишүүнOther best practice provisions, which are not applied, relate to the fact that

these principles and/or best practice provisions are not applicable to Heineken N.V.:

II.2.4, II.2.6 and II.2.7: HEINEKEN does not grant options on shares; III.8: HEINEKEN does not have a one-tier management structure; IV.1.2: HEINEKEN has no financing preference shares; IV.2: HEINEKEN has no depositary receipts of shares, nor a trust office; IV.3.11: HEINEKEN has no anti-takeover measures; IV.4: The principle and best practice provisions relate to shareholders; V.3.3: HEINEKEN has an internal audit function.

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Капиталын бүтэц

ТУЗ захирлууд компаний уялдаа холбоо, ашиг сонирхол

Жилийн хугацаанд хувьцаа гаргасан тайлан тэнцэл

Өр зээл ба түүний хугацаанд хийсэн шинжилгээ

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Капиталын бүтэц

Жилийн хугацаанд хувьцаагаа эргүүлэн худалдан авсан бол энэ талаар

Компани өөрийн хувьцааг худалдан авах:

2012 оны 4 сарын 19 өдрийн ТУЗ хурлаар хувьцаагаа буцаан худалдан авах шийдвэр гаргасан.

Энэ шийдвэр компаний 10% хүртэл хувийн хувьцааг худалдан авах шийдвэр гаргасан.

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ТУЗ-ын бүтэц, үүрэг

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ТУЗ-ийн бүтэц, үүрэг

2012 оны туршид ТУЗ нь Гүйцэтгэх удирлагын зөвлөлтэй хийх хурлыг 12 удаа зарлан хуралдуулсан байна.

Эдгээр хурлын ирц 91% байсан.

1. Van Lede

2. Hooft Graafland Fernández Carbajal

3. Das

4. de Carvalho

5. De Jong

6. Fentener van Vlissingen

7. Minnick

8. Navarre

9. Astaburuaga Sanjinés

10. Wijers

ТУЗ-ын гишүүд:

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ТУЗ-ийн бүтэц, үүрэг

• Met 13 timesPreparatory Committee

• Met four timeAudit Committee

• Met twice 2012Selection & Appointment Committee

• Met twice in 2012Americas Committee

• Met six times 2012Remuneration Committee

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ТУЗ-ийн бүтэц, үүрэг


The Supervisory Board endorses the principle that the composition of the Supervisory Board shall be such that its members are able to act critically and independently of one another and of the Executive Board and any particular interests. In a strictly formal sense, Messrs. Astaburagua Sanjinés, de Carvalho, Das, Fernández Carbajal and De Jong do not meet the applicable criteria for ‘independence’ as set out in the Dutch Corporate Governance Code dated 10 December 2008.

However, the Supervisory Board has ascertained that Messrs. Astaburagua Sanjinés, de Carvalho, Das, Fernández Carbajal and De Jong in fact act critically and 

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Менежемэнтийн хэлэлцүүлэг ба шинжилгээ

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Менежемэнтийн хэлэлцүүлэг ба шинжилгээ


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Менежемэнтийн хэлэлцүүлэг ба шинжилгээ



HEINEKEN is focused on five business priorities. Each one helps us to achieve our goal of winning in all markets with Heineken® and with a full brand portfolio in markets where we choose.

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Менежемэнтийн хэлэлцүүлэг ба шинжилгээ

Эрсдлийн менежемэнт

The Executive Board has overall responsibility for HEINEKEN’s Risk Management and Control Systems.

A Risk Committee, chaired by HEINEKEN’s CFO, supports the Executive Board with their responsibility for risk management. The risk committee met three times in 2012.

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Менежемэнтийн хэлэлцүүлэг ба шинжилгээ

Эрсдлийн менежемэнт

Risk category Non-Compliance Alcohol Quality and integrity of our products Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Management Capabilities Availability and volatility in prices of raw

materials, commodities, energy and water Industry consolidation Marketing and Brand Management Disruptions in the supply chain Economic environment Information security Business improvement and transformation

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Цалин урамшууллын хороо

Remuneration Committee

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Remuneration principles

The Executive Board’s remuneration policy is designed to meet four key principles: Support the business strategy  Pay for performance  Pay competitively Pay fairly

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Labour market peer group

A new global labour market peer group was adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2011. The median target remuneration of this peer group is a reference point for the target remuneration of the CEO and CFO. The peer group consisted of the following companies: Anheuser-Busch InBev (BE)

Carlsberg (DK), Coca-Cola (US), Colgate-Palmolive (US)Danone (FR), Diageo (UK), Henkel (DE

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Summary overview of remuneration elements Base salary Short-term variable pay Long-term variable award Pensions

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Example- The table below provides an overview of outstanding LTV awards


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Extra ordinary share awards for the CEO and CFO The acquisition of Asia Pacific Breweries Limited this year

signified a landmark achievement; it complemented a process of significantly growing HEINEKEN’s footprint in all regions of the world, none excluded, thus consolidating a very solid position in its home markets while simultaneously becoming an even stronger player with high exposure in growth markets.

To recognise the excellent achievements of the CEO and CFO in the successful acquisition of Asia Pacific Breweries Limited, the Supervisory Board has decided to reward the CEO and CFO with an extraordinary share award to the value of their 2012 base salary plus short-term variable pay opportunity at target level, amounting to EUR2.52 million for the CEO (gross) and EUR1.3 million for the CFO (gross).

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Retention share award to the CEO

To foster the intended re-appointment of the CEO and to ensure the CEO is retained for HEINEKEN for a number of years ahead, the Supervisory Board has decided to grant a retention share award to the CEO. This retention share award will be granted immediately after the close of the 2013 Annual General Meeting, subject to its approval, to the value of EUR1.5 million (gross), against the closing share price of that day. After two years the share award will vest and will be converted into Heineken N.V. shares, provided the CEO is still in service at that time. After vesting, a three year holding restriction will apply to these shares also in case of resignation during that period.

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ТУЗ-ын цалин урамшуулалRemuneration The General Meeting of Shareholders

determines the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board. In 2011 the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolved to adjust the remuneration of the Supervisory Board effective 1 January 2011. The detailed amounts are stated in the Notes to the financial statements.

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Аудитын хороо

Audit Committee

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Audit committee

Composition: Messrs. De Jong (Chairman), Astaburuaga Sanjinés, Navarre and Wijers.

The Audit Committee met four times. The members collectively have the experience and financial expertise to supervise the financial statements and the risk profile of Heineken N.V.

The CFO attended all meetings, as well as the external auditor and the Executive Director Global Audit. The CEO and the Chief Control & Accounting Officer attended three out of four meetings. Other members of the Executive Committee and other Executive Directors attended as required.

The Executive Director Global Audit has direct access to the Audit Committee, primarily through its chairman. During the year, the Audit Committee met in a private meeting once with the external auditors and once with the Executive Director Global Audit without management.

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• Холбоо уялдаа бүхий талын ажил гүйлгээ• Сайн дурын үндсэн дээр нээлттэй байлгах бусад


Зайлгүй байх бусад мэдээлэл

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Сайн дурын үндсэн дээр нээлттэй байлгах бусад мэдээлэл

Member of Executive Board /women/

In line with the Dutch Act on Management and Supervision (Wet bestuur en toezicht), the profile of the Supervisory Board states that the Supervisory Board shall pursue that at least 30 per cent of the seats shall be held by men and at least 30 per cent by women. Currently 20 per cent of the Supervisory Board members are female. 

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Сайн дурын үндсэн дээр нээлттэй байлгах бусад мэдээлэл

Composition Best practice provision II.1.1 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of 10

December 2008 recommends that an Executive Board member is appointed for a period of four years and that a member may be reappointed for a term of not more than four years at a time. In compliance with this best practice provision, the Supervisory Board has drawn up a rotation schedule in order to avoid, as far as possible, a situation in which Executive Board members retire at the same time.

Mr. van Boxmeer was appointed in 2001 for an indefinite term and will be re-appointed for a period of four years as at 25 April 2013. A non-binding nomination will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in this respect.

Mr. Hooft Graafland was initially appointed for an indefinite term in 2002 and he was re-appointed in 2011 for a period of four years.

Pursuant to the Act on Management and Supervision, the Supervisory Board shall pursue that on the Executive Board at least 30% of the seats shall be held by men and at least 30 per cent by women.

Currently, there are no female members on the Executive Board. With reference thereto, a global Diversity and Inclusion initiative targets to fill

HEINEKEN’s talent pipeline with diversity through a variety of activities in order to ensure and monitor equal opportunities in recruitment, career development, promotion, training and reward for all employees.

Furthermore, HEINEKEN promotes the placement of women in non-executive director and supervisory board positions through initiatives driven by the European Round Table and Professional Boards Forum.

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Зайлшгүй нээлттэй байх бусад мэдээллүүд



The two members of the Executive Board, the five Regional Presidents and five Chief Officers together form the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee is the highest consultative body within HEINEKEN. The Executive Committee supports the development of policies and ensures the alignment and continuous implementation of key priorities and strategies across the organization.

Гүйцэтгэх зөвлөлийн ажлын намтар туршлагыг дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлсэн.

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Зайлшгүй нээлттэй байх бусад мэдээллүүд

Brewing a Better Future

We have made good progress against our goals, including: Further reduction in specific energy consumption Roll-out of eco-design methodology for packaging Reduction in production-related accidents Almost all of our nearly 500 global suppliers and 34,000 local

suppliers have signed the Supplier Code.

2012, the

year of deliver


More information:

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Зайлшгүй нээлттэй байх бусад мэдээллүүд



1. Jean-François van Boxmeer (Belgian; 1961) , Chairman Executive Board/CEO

In 2001, appointed member of the Executive Board and from 1 October 2005 Chairman of the Executive Board/CEO. Joined HEINEKEN in 1984 and held various management positions in Rwanda (Sales & Marketing Manager), Democratic Republic of Congo (General Manager), Poland (Managing Director), and Italy (Managing Director). Executive Board responsibility for HEINEKEN Regions and Global functions: Human Resources, Corporate Relations, Supply Chain, Commerce, Legal Affairs, Strategy, Internal Audit and Company Secretary.

5. Marc Gross (French; 1958), Chief Supply Chain Officer

In 2005, appointed Chief Supply Chain Officer. Joined HEINEKEN in Greece as plant manager in 1995. In 1999 he became Regional Technical Director North, Central and Eastern Europe. In 2002 Marc became Managing Director of HEINEKEN Netherlands Supply. Prior to joining the Company, he held various management roles with international food and consumer businesses (Danone, Sara Lee).

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Ашигласан материал

Компаний засаглал
