  1. 1. Russian accent
  2. 2. ?
  3. 3. 12 33
  4. 4.
  5. 5. ?
  6. 6. ?
  7. 7.
  8. 8.
  9. 9. SPAM Spiced Ham
  10. 10. Eggs Bacon Sausage Baked beans Full English Breakfast
  11. 11.
  12. 12. Chocolate bars
  13. 13. Small Medium Large
  14. 14. Small Medium Large
  15. 15. Small Medium Large
  16. 16. Fast food
  17. 17. Fast food
  18. 18. Cupcake/muffin
  19. 19. Sandwich
  20. 20. Hamburger
  21. 21. Chips
  22. 22. Cocktail
  23. 23. Slim fit Regular fit
  24. 24. Sports
  25. 25. ?
  26. 26. ?
  27. 27. ?
  28. 28. 1000 - The Reading Teachers Book of Lists 2000 - 3000 - Longman
  29. 29. ?
  30. 30. 3* 2* 6= 36
  31. 31. - Run - Ran - Running
  32. 32. 116
  33. 33. ?
  34. 34. teach teacher ( - ) build builder ( - ) catch catcher ( - ) load loader ( - ) train trainer ( -) translate translator ( - )
  35. 35.
  36. 36.
  37. 37.
  38. 38.
  39. 39.
  40. 40. San Francisco Los Angeles Chicago New York
  41. 41.
  42. 42. -w, -v -th -i, -e-t, -d -window -winter -woman -volcano -vegetables -violin -thing -third -author -that -there -weather -tiger -tomato -toy -dog -dolphin -dinosaur -rich -reach -will -wheel -sick -seek
  43. 43.
  44. 44. THE A
  45. 45. The OneThat An, A ( )()
  46. 46. Give me the book, please!
  47. 47. The drink is very good.
  48. 48. I liked the vacation.
  49. 49. Could you give me a book, please?
  50. 50. Give me an apple, please.
  51. 51. Can I have a glass of water, please?
  52. 52. ?
  53. 53.
  54. 54.
  55. 55. 11
  56. 56.
  57. 57. ?
  58. 58.
  59. 59.
  60. 60. - Speaking - Grammar - Phonetics
  61. 61.
  62. 62.
  63. 63.
  64. 64.
  65. 65.
  66. 66. EnglishTochka 35-60 3 000 8 000 3-6 30 000 Free Free 2 , . , . , . , .
  67. 67. 30 000 23 400 10 500 21 000 10 500 ( )
  68. 68. 21 000 2 ..
  69. 69. + 21 000
  70. 70.
