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課程簡介 Using Research in Work and Human Resource Education (3 cr)

Fall 2008 Strategies for Teaching Adults (3 cr) Training and Development of Human Resources (3 cr) Survey: Human Resource Development and Adult Education (3 cr)

Spring 2009 Organization Development (3 cr) Strategic Planning through Human Resources (3 cr) Internship: Human Resource Development (4-6 cr)

Twelve (12) elective credits approved by a faculty adviser



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托福自傳、進修計畫、履例表ECE 成績認證

申請通過疫苗注射及 TB testI-20美簽、機票、住宿

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上課方式以「自我學習」方式為主閱讀文獻的份量及事前預習的重要課堂討論APA尊重和鼓勵個人想法及重視邏輯思考(1.5 倍行高的差異 )

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課業輔助Writing center

Smart area


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打工生活UDS (University Dining Services)

Subway 、 Java City 、 Baja

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朋友圈國際學生 及 Language partner


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Life in University of Minnesota


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What’s Internship?An at least 4 credits required courseThe purpose of the internship is to bridge the

gap between theories and practice.Don’t expect professors or any faculty at the U

will help you find an intern.

View it as a job hunting experience before actually being in the career life.

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Find a JobConsult with assistants in career centerGet a list of companies that once cooperated

with CEHD before.On-line searchAttend Job FairsInterviewThank you letter

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Contracting & VisaHaving contract signed by all three parties is

required to claim that the job you get can be view as a 4 credits course.

Once you get the contract,it is necessary to update thestatus of your visa.

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What’s my intern?Department of Correction in Minnesota.My job is to form an on-line course for all

employees in MNDOC including officers in the prisons.

I also had chances to visit two prisons in MN.

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Life in MNDOC

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Life in University of Minnesota


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Basic Expense

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Additional Expense

Totally would be around $ 30,000 USD

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Let’s get it realSupplement Clothes (ex: Levi’s, Tommy, Nautica)Skin care (ex: Kielh’s)Accessories (ex: Coach)Trips during winter break, winter vacation, spr

ing break, and summer vacation.

Prepare $10,000 USD for you & families.

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[email protected]

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食美國超市: Target, Rainbow, Cub Food中國超市: United Noodle, 上海超市外食:美式食物 ( 份量超多 ) ,日式餐廳

( 價格偏高 ) ,中國餐廳 ( 較為油膩 )

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冬天:洋蔥式穿法,室內有暖氣 ( 羽絨外套、手套、帽子與雪靴必備 )

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衣 ~額外補充明尼蘇達買衣服不用稅,冬衣到這再買大肆採買的時機: Christmas, ThanksgivingOutlet 也是另一個重要的採買地點

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住學校研究生宿舍申請 (CTC , St. Paul 校區 )學校附近房價: $400/ 月以上住屋小秘訣

• 越早找房子越好• 盡量離公車站近• 注意暖氣是用瓦斯還是電• 自來水可以直接飲用 ( 不可喝熱水 )• 家具購買 (Goodwill ,華夏之家,教會 )

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行校區 connector : 10~15 分鐘一班夏天校內:滑板、腳踏車、直排輪建築物之間有暖氣通道公車、輕軌 (Light Rail)

• $2~3/ 趟• U-Pass :約 $95/ 一學期• 準點

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