Page 1: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

lu b a t»*—"nie *tod»y «h*r*«

« u lI* gy.^U '.ble- tw e»tert

,, >'Q. 2 S 2 - -

oice 0]cr.TON, J a n 3 2 '( U iR)= ^« rsa l m ilitary t r a l f j o ^ 'G r n i iR c r 't h o - A i

n i p s l ' {Sin T

f»iii!Bh"of MOBlcValie [hjn 11 has been for the

, of th» hosp ltaL board .tq ^ jt»r. Jftn. 13.J ta m ( occupancy so Sar

miicli higher ih sn f ttai oJ the hospllaVa ovt

^^ted-buaBoU-*ubmltU uiacome-AncJ expendltui , a'Jflct the budget

^ i S l T .'u rD acon-as-li iff.Buhl. vice chnirm nn; J . Babcrly, ifCMurcr. iMOrt from lu com m ltto ^ U i e Interior o t U)o bu

lln tccepted a report trc thovRl satisfactory co

{Assured- 1OTON. J*n. 23 (Spe- Bitisnil production

uid Montlay l l will r r i f trs tlm o -p -c c r .- — ,iMl ind copper to

u t T»1n Falls lilgh '

B toM Howard Mof- Jjywn»raset-cf Tft'ln ^abtr of Commerce, °®'tillMle for the atruc- “ *■wter Ihe vital metalSi^ « “]{[jt u!d tlittt bW8 0”ltd Feb. 13. , <

leli- thl

5,000 Is S. ' . ' Rrt

Hio HcId”ibatWeedrON,J»n.2a-<Spcolol) —

lh* Mbonoai weed, on lib tiQd;et m u sse e T h

________ . X wti

t o r o t b a , . t e r t t t v a u rtenftnro,deport- 3oiSaid' 11 .will spend luxa a funds in batU - wli

•]taW lhat ■•the con- fn<Jnlloa of halOBcton ar<

fiscal year, uoIMj polsonou.1 weed orr

twpornllon w ith go,

r iw tlm enf* burcflu ««nt-tt-ould spend--=7 lie n n sum and the ^ 3 ilfairs. *300,000,"■« M It tpen t lost

------------:z r ---------- a r

lerailed ^ rBieiri(3i ^JjR. Js-T rn tlle was *lo

^ " ta - p a c if i rm ri ln - hu

w w " d 4 i | " " ™ , OT» ‘ns day hna been wo

■tfll. eamp ntg.hii-K te __12!,11“ “ 'c Die- Tmind 9 a. tn. Union JL nu uid on t o t ^ on R ,s«(()Ountf^ ■ th a t - tr.Mric-wu3~ ~

“■•«_*mllnieht. they ~^"S.*H?arrilliicr had r” ‘['ffiJKh Jerome

‘1 It ll Impouiblc to ‘®’ ■“ Of the derailment “ Hnilfilii have been

wheel. p r ■---------------- - lio

LtQ-Name_ |cersf6fl!)52'S

ctflcers pe iJ . J fdnho Ur'« Natiomil Safely i

‘‘‘le rih cn tw ,,f Ini J wmmiticM to Ro th. r-uwonuitlon, u„; _'’’^=''''5n:oiirE?cnw "ci'i

« ntw directors were -serc-arnrKtziJeirra.- =

g;v™»«fSK: A

ne,-Term— c ei on Driver 5

i n i itn;. ‘ cl'artte of


» fe d - 7 ^(Cd » j f - ] * -------- ^a rk c t- - I•• «Je- . S 9 . I 1IS » n d ' • - I

J . • “ A Ttegioi

OlllrUI Cilr '<n4 CovlBljr Nt«ip>pf|

itrOrganiiOppositionS^Th'o'niloh'ffeTfiFjOfSSBig nniiTE I -A u ic ric a n rE a rm iB u rc n u :ic d c ra

' c

finances » rhf^ Years;lic y M c m o rja l hospital was declared r h e pft3t th ree years Tueiday n igh t r to review lla 'condition aC^tlie end _

fa r th l5 year showed an average of * ,n d u r in g tlio po st few months, ami ’ avullftble beds. The report does not L

Ittcd-by-varloua-depurin ien t-licad i.. n .ture o f ' opproximntcly COO.OOO per ^ jc t uubm ltted by the board to the ^

j-lt- 'rchn lrm nrr-O thcrrT tc lccw a-nT r •*■ : M rs. Gordon Orny, secretary, and ^

;tce o n the nurses home, the board ^ bu ild ing nnd to lay tile In the haJN j;

from nn Insurance company boiler ? conditions. P

~~ ’ c

Traffic Code ; Passes First *

Board Ballot jA n ordinance to enact tho new xi

trn f flc code won annroved by t he _ bo a rd o f“clty commlsjloners on lu f i r s t read ing Monday night. Tlic o r- I d ln n n c e will become law if approved Ji on tw o more readings. li

C ity Attorney Hoberl N. W. Bal- « le lsen announced two changes in li th o codo as worked out between tlie bo a rd and. T w in Falls Safely coun- clL-jcprcscotaU vci_-O rl8lnally ,-U w J g ro u p s had p lnnncd .lo allow aery- » Inic" o f ' f l nes "111 the c ltT 'ja ll fit a ^ rnto_o£_S3.B0^dally.. H owcvcr..Bal- " le lsen aald a tate law llmlUi the ° am o u n t thn t may be credited on fiJioa » t »J,50 da)iy; ®

______ No Weavln r ___________i^ n o th en ich ttn ffe tcan c tm sn w ssla s . rc on th e right on four-lane iitreets. t T h is constituted reclcle.w driving p w ttsn -k drlirer weaves from ono lonei li

d r iv e r may piiiu^ 3 ■*W W B v*Jrho IS HI' UIB righ t laoS 1 m f 4 t f d x l v e r In the le ftiane sIowh' J d c r ^ o r If th e driver in Uie right lnne JncrcMea JUs speed but remains w ith in th e speed limit,

T h re e copies of the code are dn file nt,, Uie c ity clerk's office ond a re op en to public Inspection, No ne- tlo n w na taken on Dallclsen’a rec- om m cndntlon th n t nbout 5,000 coplc.i of the code be printed and

anld m any attorneys have requested ” eopica, nnd th e board. agreed_?iich c o p T c i^ o u rd a c t out tiie law In full.*

Space Rented ,,T h e board ngrced to rent n vacant ti

room-ltrth»-iitinilnistTTitloirb«tldrn#- -~a r j o s l l h ■fl(?Id"tb'EdMnii!c7MBBlc' ?V olley A ircraft, a t $15 monthly for -th re e monthfi. An option wos In- ieluded to renew tho lease if his fa- j,

arc n o t replaced within that time.H aJe nlio w m granted permls- i

alon to construct n clnderblock h ro g rtr-o n -th o -n lrp o rp in iperty -fo r j , use a s a temnorarv hangnr nnd for j , In te r tiae for Btonvse. The buiming ^ w ould hoiwe one airplane. Airport ..

(CamlnBHl o r ^ » I. C.1m.n l> J,

LuU Ends in ; — Spud Marfcet"■ - ID A H O PALLS, -Jan; 32 W -W llh ,, Uio wholesale celling _prlee on potn-tocij In e ffec fs lh ce Stttuolay.'U ie Ife ilern l alate m arket news seri'lcc !iftoelvw l-enonstranlcazreporta-yca- £ te rd n y to esUiblhh a price' lo grow-era fo r the f irs t time since Jnn. 2. ;

T h e re was n difference in Uie 'priccfl <iuoecd In Che two reporta. .how ever. On Jan . 3 Uic price to JRTOWcrs wan $4 to H.25 on U. S. No. JJii. Yestcrday'fl report listed U. S. ;N or3s-ftr*3-ftna-oniy .'ftT tcff:j» lc* . ■.*;w ere r'eJjOrUd. Spudmen- polnlcd <•o u t they, nre losing m mucli a.i Jl.25 ‘p e r 100 and atnnd to lose moro as ^tim e Roes by. - *

S h ippers reported Idaho poUitoea » a lre ad y are getting competiUon fromM ftine potniocs, which are atill *etJ- 2Ing below th e celling and predicted tth n t tho sltunUon will get worse aa 1th e n o r lda, Te«ns and ^aU fom la F'M o p T rT iir 'th e market ' In full rs trc n g U i.__________________________ r

W e and Bruts Its Grip on

nol»! ThU U Oi* flr«t ef » T

• ITm, .WrIUr Don WhlUhw'l K«>IUE into lha f | |n nf Ihi U, 8. ntrroltM 1burr.u >nj o ll.n » u n n In >n >>rort lo -•ho>» h.,w r..ulhi , .ddlfU. how « 'I>lu pHclirr I> IrtdP'’). >n,l ohat *<I- C•nn* .nd think .tiuuU U -lo"' «> ch*lt lh* ir.ffi, wh(,h ,.k „ .bout lit:.-o o , n o o t mm It. tk lln-.l. ^

ny Do n w h it e iie a d t— W ASHINOTON, Jan . 33 — d T ljc ro Is IX slave world In Uic United Ji S tatca_todtty_w hlch-l*-aa-iilO-l>M . « degrndlng a n d brvtal as iny;»lave cnm p behind th e .lro a curtain. f— AV-least~80.00(r-mcn,“ 'women*«nd Jj c h ild re n a te prLioners In thLi twl- n »g»^t yttrJd. II hn,i Tin mpni)f- n j; no • laws pstcept Uie law.i of “a n d oclfi5^ci5nc*pn)n il5ca-'S5 lh- —

■onal N e w s p a p e r S e r v in g

i z a t i o n s ? I o n U M TiZ a ttunS -Hskoil 4nr<r.y ^

ra tltiinuT arU iT N ationa l’F a i j n r to ' cr.v union said UM T would jeopiirdize t h e food supply to and miKlii undorm ine dcm oc- oe racy . us<

^ r e Uic home nrmed sen'lccs cotn- ^ m lttee in oppo-ililon to a proposed proRMni undfr,whlch.all.iari'car^old. maic.i Would bo called for alx . . m ontiw training.

~ l> o ttr r tleui^lricp. H enry M,"jock7 son, p . . Wash., predicted congrea* m , would tu rn down a renewed adm in- IstraUoii request for funds to tie toaeUier -CalUornia and Pacificnorth.w csl-SDvcm m ent-poK ec-iict- __works,

C h ln n -s ia te D epnrtmeiit Adviser 1 Jo h n Foster Dulles held out hope I -Uint-red-O hlnn'miar-not-alwayB-bo « J nrd. ife told Uie eenate foreign relaT • tlons committee Uie U. 8 . m ust he lp Asirt "keep alive the love of freedom ." Dulles discussed tha • • fu ture of Chinn In urging qalek aen- a te ratification of Uie Japanese pence Ucaly. c a

Blnme—aovcm m ent crop fore- p , ensters blamed the w eather and * farm ers’ errors for Uielr misUke lost t*" foll-on over*csUmaUng cotlon p ro - d t ducUon by 2.000,000 bales. A housa subcommittee Is InvestlgaUng.

B udget—Chairman Clarence C an- TTOh—01—the—hem se-approprtttU ota Tri cornm m ce jald-“evcry lit tle ilem ” In cn the mllltnry budget "m ust be exam - „„ Ined very carefully to see If I t Js needed." f u

m i t e .Prpbe SUlcd________W usle — Chnlrmnn P. Edward

H ebcrl, D,. Ln„ ordered public P* hearlng.i by h is 'house armed serv- m Ices Aubcomihltteo aa soon as pos- til alble on •'tlie whole mesa" o f wasto In m ilitary buying..

Atomic—C hairm an Brlen McMa- hon of the congressional atom ic gi( -cuergv-commlltee- nredlctwl “wide- iiprcnd aupport" of President T ru - ^

Rrnm. T he committee takes Its first •o inc in l-lboK -bch lnd -c lo sed -doers u j today a t tho (5,000,000,000' to tS ,- . 000.000,000 blueprint for atomic ex- panslon. ^r:_T ltlelnnd!r;rnie__r,ennto__^Interior jiJMmimlttciciipDnivWTn-comrTOmIsc Udelanda bill to give aUttes a teni- ' porary "veto power” over federal t* iaw M oX -the gubmerged lands.

l&eSli Claims T. F. Pioneer S


At Age of 78 h.D aniel U la h m an Hill, 18, pioneer he

residen t of T w in Palis, died a t 11:30 or _n,m. M onday a t the home of his nephew , u . w . u n g T eJT llIi r SU tlr 'iff avenue cnst. ed

L elshm nn HDI. h e wan bom Juno 0, wl 1873, In 'Wcll/ivllle, Cache county, su tJlnh . H e Tno^^d w ith his fn ther Jn

~and-iamU y to Tol6n-bailn'-Aug7l8.' 'Ql 1893. a n d m nrried Cora May Cran- he dall J u ly 24, 1003. He moved to in Twlri P n lls May 0, 1905, where he to hn.1 resided since. He resided east wl

-of-Tw ln-P aU i»-from -19ia-un tiU l« t. i u year, w hen h e m ade hla home with h is nephew .

H ill; ft leum stcr, n l an early nge cu IFeisH tcH ^liniliN O Tw r-lht^U IItr Tfl

W yomlng-.He moved Ui Idaho three coyenrn tif tc r th e territory was ndmlt- ofted to atntchood and was nctlvo In dc

H he-developm ent-of-tho-Tw ln-FftlU trac t, he lp ing In construcllon of theTw in F a lls county courlhousc and mhosp ita l. Pcrrlne hotel nnd Salmon «dnm, H c.w M .a member of th e LDS lerh n rc h . , . . *. ^

Hla Wife preceded lilin in deau i y ’In Ju n e . 1937. Survivors Include one *c nleixlnuBhter. -M aud—BuJili- .H ois.E dcn: one ntcpaon; Olen Miller, « ' Klmbc^ly.;'rcc_Jl5^er8'._^^^^rBnwt

•8 .-M cI^nnan.--.Pocatcila:_Jlc.bcfcn LHill Bnglcy. Vlctorln, B. C.. 'and M ath ilda IIIU Lartion, Drlgga.

O th e r ).ur>-lvors are five half- b ro thers , A lbert S. Hill and Melvin S. H ill, bo th DrlBR.'i: Archlbnld-Hlll, pc WelLivllle, U tnh: S, Hill. Dll- to

•Ioti,-M ontn-ond_B rl£ linn i_S._ illl].' "pt•O rftv ly .-C a lin -nrid' -fou r'ho lf-sJs- beter.i, M ary Hill Lewis, Rexburg: thNorlllft Hendrick. Jackson, Wyo.; yc M aud H ill Spencer, Spokane. W aah,a n d -H n ie l Hill Call, Pocatello. fli

F u n e ra l services will be held a t m3 p jn . Saturrfay In Ujc LDS stoke witabcrnncle. F riends may call n t tho InT w in F a lls m ortunryrfton i 3 to 0 mp.m. F riday nnd from 10 n,m. ^ pJnoon S a turday .-T nterm enl-w ili-be bam ade Jn Uie-Tw ln Falls cemetcry. rc

1 Nation, Gtabs. Ihg excep t a' fleeUng pleasure, then in

the o a ln and misery and suffering I>■ o ru ir -d in f t t f ta r - ; ---------------------------

Anyone who wishes may enter, w E ach year a n alarming number

' e ith er w ander o r are lured Into thla bt: oUier world. Many deliberately u■ choose to go tliere. ' I t

I t haa no barbed wire fence*. Noguard.1 preven t escape. Yet few find dith e ir way ouL They may w an t to— htdcsperatelj'. B u t they discover Uiey ofhavo nelU ier Uic sU'ehgth n o r the caw illpower to leave otic« Uiey enter. * t

■ ~ I l 'a n h e “ aUve‘TPono-DfTiBrcoUci: —In rec en t years It has become a sin- or

, i .^i.F-T>lrrt • T»lnfr litrlng more and ormoro young people Into Uie worUi- IQlcs.1 life of ft "Junkie"—n dope a ^ fit

-.Ilighf-now -itla jlw *_w rW ..c^ts _


Science A __ Searchr ■.~SbN..VALLEY._Jan..33-ScTlVch s tr t- C1UW.1. wna naVc-been-dli?BlhK“ for ' era _ .thr? ,oI_ , to loentf_the bodies of the Uiree T [ m issing ptrsons believe iM t iii Uie to

anow nvalnnche Saturday, resorted noito wlence Tueitlay In the ir search, the

. G eiger counters were brought Into Thiuse In hoi>e iho faint' clicks m ight R u reveal the-locntlon of th e dead-men.- tm '

A nouier similar Insm im ent used In Val, locating rnmerals also.wns expected bet} to be uaed. . not

O hnnccs-of-succcss-tn-Uslng th e Caclentlfle liibtrumenta arc.adm U led arelo be slim bui searchers ftnvc had Me

- n o Buecessin trencnm yihe enormous -Ne , p ile of snuw wlilch -cascnded off aid

M ount Baldy Salurdny. T lie fnlnt w a hope Uiat iJ being held ou t Is tlin t rec th e metal on Uic bodies of Uic cat

. m ltelng men way react on Uie in - ^

; Jaycees Bad s Hear TalkB UnanijnouR endorsetnent o f thi

c am paign \vns voted M onday nig I G eorge Bevcr explained th e cam] t t r ib u te d about 50 a tickera to bo- down o f members’ au tos.;® F e a tu re of the m eetinfr wa.“i a . gupcrintendcfit o f Tw in F a lls sch8 m o r e m p i d a d f tp tn t io n 'o fT ic 'V T n S* c a tio n a re a "Herioun ond challen{ I su ch m atte rs a s s u ff ic ie n t —

fu n d s fo r im proving educa- f J 4 io n ^ l jm in a t io n -o f -p a r ts -o t- - t - g p re s e n t curriculum a ^ d m ak- '- in g schools "ap p rop ria to to j* t h e tim es.’’^ A t their business session preced­

in g tho address, Jaycees heard com-■ m lttee reports and a short discus-« olon by Jack Threlkeld. p a st presl- J* Je a t> .o iuun»3cs of the Jaw ee n ro - of* gram . ------ -------- r t-

T ho superintendent told Jayceea■s lh a t Often 50 years-elapse-Uetween Bn■ A Bood.lnvenUon In eduenUon nnd ] ’ i t s genera} use throughout tho coun- pr,

try . He hinted strongly th a t su f- ihi llc lc n t financing wna th e m ajor .

F- .cnuae .dL U icIIflgT ^ '.: ^: O the r reasons he cited were reals- - .i

ta n ce to accepUng new ideas nnd „ _ jn e th o d a .in l. ttn je lu e ta n c e jo ja is j: .

cn ra old meUwdt.■ D river trtUnlng courses, If Uiey

follow the pattern, win n o t be In Bcneml use fo r'50'years, ho opined. O u s e s Ior the p}y*l«»3V h a n d l- capped are tnoUier example, R og- la n d anld. c '

» C n Uie oUier side of th e sto ry , cc9 h e suggested Uiat more em phnais re

be placed on physical educnUon, JuI' home and civic competence and lessI) on (AUn and such courses. U(

Rngland said emphoala on ndn p t- agfr ’W jrem icaU cm -to-thcrttm errm odern: ba

educnUon—docs no t menn teach ing eee. J d theac.- dlsctoUnc. tgachtog - o n ly ^ ), wlw t Uio children w w a to ic a rn , iq i', sugnr-cootlng or n prim ary In terest■T In mnking educaUon In teresting . ^ 57 'Q u o lE g n ro m _a_ fonncr'—w lia rtiT I- h e term ed the new emph'aala le ac h - p? 0 ing so children "will learn nnd w a n t “ le to live by finer design . . and c arry It w hat they leam back to th e ir mIt. " _________________________ Joh DlscuisM Aid pc

fed e ra l old to education waa d ls - tb :e c u sa ^ briefly by the superin tenden t 76 t r T flth T h e w iirjiing"^Rl "vre uiigh tr — d. somwlitv hnve a system o t federa l te control, aid and support oy rea so ir "C > of our own default—If thej locnlltlca n do no t bring schools Up to th e U. jta n d n ril « im c_ thcy_fihoulcL -hg .l _ le He snld he preferred flnnnclng .d educntlon a t Uie sla te and local n level b u t pointed out th n t In d lf - s feren t cfepartments federal a id h a a gt “ e x L itcd rlo r 'som o 'U m e.-H e-sa ld -lt cc

<iot vo^hfivfr ”pile fcdeml control wlUi federal a id; t h n t bi I . ll_«lepended_on Uie way the bill w as _al r_ w ritten; ac

; BaBy’ D e a t in i^ i Caused by Polio r

n BOISE, Jan . 33 W—Idaho's f ira t al1. polio-fnuillty of 183L w an-reported -tl1- todny to the stale p ^ l lc henlUi d e - c«J.' 'pa tim ent. A n-mnnth^old T w in F a lls __'• boy h a ra ic d -e f Uifl.-dUeMC.-Ho V a s «,t: the th ird polio paUent reported th is w.5 year. hi1, In Twin Fnlls, the boy wns IdenU - di

field as Daniel El«-ood Roholt, 0 - c( i t month-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. E l- ;e wood Roholt, Ta-Jn Falls. H e died,e Inst Tuesday In Magic Vnllcy M e- .0 morlal hospital of bulbar polio, a ^ o paralyUc type which a lrlkes- th e >e base of_the_braln and offecta th o

respiratory system. N

la TigKtens"^""; bs Youngsters dn in such clUes as New York, Chicago, vi Ig Detroit. Cleveland. N cw .-O r^ n M _j>(

r . worst examples. j P: r B ut It h as no boundaries, i t cou ld »' la become * part of your home tow n, ly I t could spread Into your r«hools a s w

I t has spread Into olher achoola. ai fo T h a t 1* the purpose of these n r t l - di d clc»—to sound a warning and p e r- O- haps to give a lltUe understanding■y of w hat makes n "Junkie'' and -ft’h a i tl le can and U being done to help, de - r . stroy th is slave world.f . — IV s-a -w orld -bu llt-^k tm st-m tirtiy — I- on, the s tree t com er sales of s to len " d or (Riuggled nareoUcs, no ltlng p ro f-l- lIFW alwlf plkera o fthose -w ho-tra f- « I- flc In mink aod Inttuence nt, S .p c r ”- ^ c n t___ " ___ -_______a ___ .(C w J e ^ M lPu<J. C«l«Ba » -


^ i d E n l T ^ h for Miss

5 tram cn ts .£very ski harness, aenrch- i Rn era po in t ouC nasT rsm all am ount bo

, Q f-m ela l-o n it._________________ BoTolnJ_qfmiulnR persons waa m lsed hli

r to three la te Monday w llh the an - M; 1 nouncem ent Uiat anoUicr guest a t r o . th e resort also Is reported missing, of I T h e nam e of Ihe missing peraon is gli , R udolph Mnndl, SouUi Bend, Waah...- ttn rA ujtrtan-itho had-come-to-Bun- Cs 1 Valley In search' of work. He had ha I been slaying e t the chale t and has n t

n o t been seen Saturday momlng.; O th e n ’ miM lng-ln-Uie-snow slide oc 1 a re S lu a r t Fraser, 33. & isenadu, ne I Mexico, and ArUiur G ardner, 39, Vi J ‘N ew 'yorlc 'C Ity .'V letor G ottschalk. re r aid jHslructor a t* the resori. ct. I was klUed in the slide. Hla body was m I recovered ahortly after th e snow r came to a atandsUll, Bi

Mandl was last seen a t b reakfast w!

ck Drive, J k on Schoolsf th e T ra f f ic S afety V o lun teer• n ig h t b y T \vin-Falls ia y c e e s . c am paign to members and d is-

bo d isp layed on th e r e a r w in- bi........................■ ve

s a ta lk b y E rnest H . R agland , schools, who told J a ycees t h a t tii

Tnethods-BTidinvcnb'bnB-iircclus- ^ lleng ing th in g ." Ho cm phasizodt --------------------------------------------------- «*

i - O E S - E x t e n d s : _ “

> A d j u s t m e n t o f

P o t a t o P r i c e sBOISC, Jan . 23 — T h e office ?c

. o t price stablllzallon h as extend- qj

IT and recognlied Uie- Idaho standard IJt grade. - --------- 1 ____1 jg1 Previously, tbe OPS announced n- prJce atlJu.iSraenSa /o r — storage m- through Mny. gi L _ lli£_B ol4 iid$5tdcL oIflcp-oL -O M . _- .said-U ieJaS^dard^grffloSinftyJlba- T• sold a t a re d u c U m ^ only 00 cents » “ pe r 100 pounds below the shipping »’- •polnt-bnso-celllng-'prlce-Xor—C,-Sf- —

No. 1 rnUicr than tho orlglnnl 11.n No change lias been mnde In the [ 1. seasonal p r ice - adjuatm cnta— for- {. February through May, announced

last week. They ore: February, lo cents; March, 10 cents; April, 5 cents, and May, 5 cents. T he new

la regulaUon makes another S-cent ad- 1, Juaunent for June. i3 Tlie OPS snld the following addl-

Uons have been Included for paek- a> aging potatoes lA window-type ^

bassb»UroitftrI00rPOUndrbasi»i-aJL JIR cents for is-pound bags; 40 cents 1'y fo r ia .boun ,rbag» .-anV -ao -cfn ts- --*» for S-pound bags. w**’ A dcducUon of 10 cents per 100 J ^ pounda—for-p o u to es sold In ■'tt.-

pound -p ap e f-b ag s -h a fl been lif . * eluded.

•y AddlUons for packaging In cotton, “lr mc.ih or burlap bags ore as toi- ^_ lQ ws;-rrom 45 to SO cenla per loo _

pounds for lS>pound bags; 00 fttu a I- tb 70 ccnt* lor 10-pound bags andi t 75 cents lo'Yl.40 for S-pound bags, ni t r -------------* -----» -----* ------*---------------2al * TT . " J

| ? p i r d 1 \ I a i 'k u p ^

I —M a r g i i ^ H i l c e d ^f - WASHlNaTON. Jan . 23 tlV-'I^O Tla govemment has .hiked dfstrlbutors' oI t c o 5 t"n ^ “proflt-piarglns"on~whiiB nffr TJOtate-«i»lM-by-neftriy-60-l»r-c«Qt,; -di t bu t Insisted the Increase will n o t bw jiffec t roUbacks to c o n su m e^ rlce s t

act tor 'Jan . 33. - • t--------Tho-offlo#-of--prloo-#U bm «U on

(OPS) snld Uie maximum dlsu lbu - '- • 'tor'-m itrSln, o t~ M -ccnts-pcr_aO Q _^ pounds set In its order issued Jnn . (J s waa loo low. In a complete revl- 1s t alon of the original potato rcgula- «rd tlon.-tho margin VOS boosted-to 8C x S- ccnla,.1? __Q P3.s.ild an order llmlUng th e <« pereeniagcjni>iK ua»^3ilsLl9W e^^^la WlU use In compuiTng priced fo r ‘

housewives will be Issued W ednes- f!• day. These markups over wholesale I

costs WlU be effective Ja n . 38. ‘J j The revised order does no t change '

the base cc/ltng price a t the ia rm -shipper level, in any i ta le from _

“ those llaUd In tha Jan . 5 regulaUon-

- No Parkiiig Asked= On=^Local-Streets ^

To faclUtate removal of snowfrom th e principal atreets here, H . J

t H . Bnllenficr, superintendent cf th e f) d ty atreets and 'w nU r deparunent, c

asks moU;rlsts n o t. to park th e ir t o, vehicles overnight on Main avenuel i 4.10 Shoshone street between the U nion ^

Pacific railroad tracks u d Slx tb gId avenues north and east. • ♦n Ballenger Mid removal of snow -a i will begin early In Uie. morning In ,- an e ffo rt U) have them clear before

J . donTitowh U-affJc becomes heavy.T. OUicr alreets,wUI bo h it by c ity J

snow removal equipment later in J the day. “

'■ REPBE8ENT8 IDAHO ' Fly _B01SE.-Jnn. n_f/E b=A ttt,-Q ai-. .. rX Robert Z. Smylle will represent t f_ Idaho a t n securlUes and exchange »_ r nmml.tsloii hwuihg on Sale o r ">

Washington Water Power conipany e _ glpck_on_J«n'r.M. SmyJle will Icai’e ^ ; I w WajSngloo, D. q , enturdaj'. ^ ^

- N J n t i n J e n t c d Id a h o .C o u n tlc

UmiiWt i>t Au lt AuocltM I’m

ted in sing-M en-i RfttiirriftT m om lng a fte r which he ____bought a Ucket tor tS# "Moiiiir

. B a ldy_sk l_ lU t.. O lher_mcmberi of _h la party have left Bun Valley, but -------Mandl'a clolhlng was sUU in his

< room. A check ot the nearby towns . o f Ketchmn and UsUey failed to . give any clues to his disappearance, ', H arriet Chamness. Beverly HUb.

C a llf .;-w hom —Oottschalle—w aa -to — have m arried in tho spring, arrived

I n t Sun Valley Monday altem oon.Funeral services for M r. G ott- DlO

I »chBlfcw lllbeheldat4 ;30p .m .-W ed- o fH , nesday a t tho opera house a t Sun w h i , Valley w llh Uie Rev. SU iart RuUi., recer o r“ the - m i le y . Episcopal " . churcJi. offJcJatlng. Burial will be ivill I m ade In the Ketchum cemetery. i.-tn ’ He Is survived by his m other. In .

Bavaria, a sister and two brothers ■7 . whose addresses are unknon'n. f a l l "T---------------------- ----------------‘“I--------- ■ ‘d i t i

Expert()pens_ “ffi Local Sui'vey OnFii-eRates ,.S'

Olenn T. I>nvls, Betse, chief en- *''** Rlnecr for Uie Idaho Surveying ond Rating Bureou. Inc„ is s ta rting tho

• bureau's f irst comprehensive sur- vey o t factors nffecUng fire Insur- ance rates made-here alnce 1030. I*

H o said there Is a general Indlca- lag■ tlon_olLn-r«lilcllon..b«lng . ih _ < ^ er >■— ' "through nddlttoii' ut Unce m a jo rI pieces.,_of. 'flccIIgT)ting__eq\ilpment __. nlnce the 1930 survey and recen t im ­

provement in tho city's w ater dla- trlbutlon system. • ,,,

___________Exolalns-Ctadln*_______ _Davis explained his grading o t ,v

th e d ty Is based on these factors: Si V/oter depnrtm cnl, 34 per cent; flro departm ent, 30 per cen t: i l r e a ly m

, system, 11 per cencj struc tu ra l con- ^> dlUons, 14 per cent; flro prevention “

program, six per cent; building laws,6 four per cent, and police depart-■ m ent, one per c e n t plo' »— cltj^offlclaU -polnted-ont-the-im -- l»-<

I pnrlm ent in ita work w llh th a w ater th e , j iy a tc m ln n d jn checking plnns for to -' 1 m ajor eonstructlon, w hlch'tOB«Oier-Onl J occcunt fo r 48 per cen t tm der tho alW

grading system. s3 More Extensive ' couy = p n v n ta ig 'n u » :p rc se n tj u rvcyj win -oih 5- be more-ex lenslve-than Uift 1B38. .iidi . survey w bish found lltUe change in "ing

tC«aliq^ J ^ ^ £ ^ « S. C«lBiiim 4) j jH

'JSoneHurtin s“> Auto Crashes E• OnlcyRoads 2

One car skidded into n power pole- and another overturned bu t thereB were no Injuries in accidents In "1“ tt. JDrln_F-nllg_-gQUnty M onday and s Tue.^day. -J- - L rle Wln'ir, Pfler,-reported to tb e - ^- 'B H erlff-lH St-htt-IM O -B tudebaker^ i a j [V w en t ou t of control two ond one- cou *■ h f ih m lles^ w ^ of Twin ___

c ar skidded across the highway and T ' struck a power pole, Ho listed dam - I ,

'• ago to the right side, door, wlnd- ~ shield, fender and hood o t his car.

i fitjjte police were colled th ree » miles eaa t of MurUugh on highway j n ,

_ .30 a t 7 p . m . M0Ddflyjghcrtr-ft-lg.«l .t |oi d riven by WlUIsHadsell, P o ^ dnj

th e rough road, climbed » snow "5^ bank and overturned on iUi le ft side. D am hge to fenders was esUmated ^

T ho FVed Reod ConstrucUon com- / ,0 pany reporied to city officers lh a t ” * s ' one of Ita pickup traeJcs slopped a t 8P* e nn lntcrsecUon-8t-S;45-p.-TnrM on- «"«

Hay.iinri « m r rirlvrn hv n Mrs. Bo- ,t bier, jinnble to slop, collided wiST a th e truck, damaging th e front of

• tho-carr-A -aelU em ent-w as-renehed ln«n .¥ed.------------- JI- • CnrsCoUldB10 Cara_drJyj:n_by. CUjt^De^cUvc 1. r tau d e Wlley and S ? Iv fe -C d irco K -“ ° ;• llded a t 8:1S pm , Monday a t Third .- avenue and n t lh street norlh , bu t ™•Ji aelU icr .vehicle w u damaged._____

Max T . Stuart, 344 F ifth avenue ,e cast, was th e driver of o 1950 Mer- •fl corr'-w hlch-eoU ided-w lU i-ftrlM ® ^ ,r Chevrolet driven by n b b tr t a; D ing- ~

field, 316 ElghUi avenue east, a t *“ le Fou rth avenue and FourUi s U « t ^

east a t 10;13 a jn . Tuesday. Fender .. and bum per damage resulted. ^

SeUi Blake, 138 Elm street north,(C«iillna«4 aa !■«(• X. Calaaa S)n ^

Panel of Six to Dj 5 Edu<;ation.Eroj*r BOISE. Ja n . 23 MV-OoT. L en TdJI . Jo rdan adjourned his educaUon con - edi'O ference to alJow * slx .jaan aubcom- legt. m lttee determine Idaho 's educa- 1lr tlona l needs. . « a® ReprescnUUves of 13' o rganltn - ^

conference yesterday agreed th a J®^ sm aller group would be m or^ effee- \ l ' tlve. Jo rdan aald the subcommittee

w would devise a yinn and present It “ to tho general commltUe.? l ^ e suboommlttee was n o t named,y B u t i t was agreed It ahould be com- jaj,n posed of a rcpresentotlve from lobor, i<i,

business, agriculture, women's osso- - t ,claUons. educaUon groups ond. ta x - - rpayers. ' u p

1. .T h itjtoverM r said the suboommJt^ 'UoiT 'lee w ourdTo convened'soon. <;c "T heyll have a tree hand and c an ael>r «rrlte” th e i r - o w u e te t," -th B gov- |iui,y ernpr'EnlO .' " :<m'C ■ Ycaterdny 's srsslon wns devoted to Jn

u n t l c a ________ . •_ I •

Au^lt Butmb •( Clrrnlillea UO I’r o t and Unltnl Piru

M o r e E l

^ E E x ]— Jtorc'Bnow-fell*in'most:-parts- changing the speculation from ‘ blows, conditions rcnlly will get to of-the- 'allcy-cxccptin-thc-HftilC7 whore hea\ 7 clouds hung low and

Meanwhile forecaflters aro predl will continue at- least through V winds may sweep into tho valley

All main higlm'nya in tho area fall of anow but driving con- ^itions aro not good. Officials -ry at the state district highway J j pffico_in_Shoshono FffuB# to make predictions as to road J conditions for moro than on hour in advanco.

ahou ld a wind whip Inlo the new fall o f snow, they said. It U possible every road in Uio valley would be- '> como plugged. T he new fall of snow Is lig h t and powdery and tiot m uch w lna will be necesiary to make it s h u t poslUori.

T h e road from Fairfield to Oood- . iq, L th g la being widened by sU te rotary i: l ^ - T ------- ■ ■ , t: I _ r

‘ __ JT ire s o m e ______S•T know." said Uie weaUier-

m an . “I'm Urcd of 11, loo. But It'a aUll a long tim e until spring.”

f ahlvered as h e read Uils predlc- mil ; Uon for tho nex t five days: • th t: *Trcmperaturcs c o n s id e ra b ly cle

below norm al through W ednes- (: d ^ . Occasional snow." -wii‘ (Probably). rec: L___________________ I wu

plows b u t travel over Uie rante sUll . •• l»-dU fleultjm ghw ay_ offlUals have

r th o road before they would be able ^ r to v ld e n the cuts through U u drifts, r -O nly-«oo*w ay-trftm cjiaajiacaj>o^ _j s alblo In tpoU Sot days. i n

School bus routes In L incoln tet ' county u e passable but alm ost a ll m t o lh e r c i ^ t v ronds a r t closedrCon*- ko 9. -•tderabSrfeiow felfln tm ojhone-dur- -W a "tag th e morning bufOWPB-WM no- ^

O o o S h t Tiow has 33 Inches o l ‘• J anow on Uie ground aod anoUier “ in c h fell Tuesday momlng.. I t .w u 1 accom panied by a alight wind and w hile there were a few drifts they f w ero no t deep enough to bloclc Ou traffic .

I R u p e r t opened school again Tues- ’ d n ^ in spile o f tha addlUonal snow B th a t feU during-Uio night and Tues- , doy momUig. Somo o t Uie school »» , buses were atuclc temporMlly whUe ^ 1 bring ing chUdren to school T ues- ^

9 - A ll o f Jerome's sch'ooTiuses.'WjOT e. In bv 0:30 a. m . I t snowed Jn J erome ‘ ‘ . ^ t y during -MB' lUlp iC tn d mtu~ «, (C«alli>s*4 •« r»i» i. C4l«iia I). ^

■UrN-VmiS ^_ loi

— a i u c e i l Q p e s s® X»ANMUNJOM:..K<?r8*’. (W ednes- . ^ day ) Ja n . 33 (lh—The United N a- ,L >TprfMWl'hnnB to - ^* d n y th o tto e c ^ m u n lsU ^ w lU

“ 3 0 - d v cleadlock in l n j c e ' ^ 0tl*=' , i lio n s and make a reaUsUo armlsUce1 a m W o. S

A form al statem ent by Brlg.-Q en. <je t WUUam P. Huckols, chief U, N . t spokesm an. Implied tha tsOks m ay . end -ln -faU ure,-un lett;U ie-reds-4 lo wi ^ m ake some concessions oa th e dou- ^ n t i e aBinnock''ovar^tbo^^«xchange-of ,f w a r prisoners and terms for enforc- d In c a n armlsUce, . , _

Nuckols Issued the, etatem ent . o f k r th e re tu n T f ro m a in e d 's a p i^ o ™

„ headquortcni In Tokyo of M aj. ““ I- -Ho'w ararM .rJnTnfin-chitC idelegato 5? L fo r Uie allies of Uie subcommittee It on aim lstJce tenns. , '

NuckoU aald Uib allies sUU have i hopes th a t th e communlsle wlll-baok : dow n from Uielr present stubborn ^ 5 JnsU tenw LoiLtJyIr own program-. “

- n K re h e p e - tE a t- th e eommusis(« “ ,t fin a lly will come to the reaUzaUon „ ,» th a t th e V . N. poslUon 1s a firm ono J? [r a n d th a t Uiey wUl make aome ges- „

tu re , a substanUal gesture, tow ard 3 meeU ng the U .N .-half way," N ude- H

________________________ stw

D r a w t i p N fe w j

c o g r a m i o r J d a h o _n fd a h o . described as Uie “m ost v ita l" .. I- educaUon problem fadng th e n e x t f- .- le g is la tu re .' ”^ ' B m e r Crowley, Idaho paUs, re p - °]

resen ting th e Idaho EducaUon as- J. soclatlon, said "Uie. legal minim um I* j rogratn_<?Lthg-^?«tOJB.gOQd but th e _ .g f ln a n c u are not. Educators certaU i- >> . . ly a re IdeaUsta or .they w ouldn't sUiy tl

In Id ah o very long on Uie basis of « th e salaries they are getting." la

Low teacher talarles yero conald- * . c red one of th e "most vlU l" educa- "• Uon problem s fad n g -the n e x t Jeg- t

ia latu re and responsible for h a lf th o « ‘ ‘ Id aho -tra ined teachers leaving th e J I" a ta te fo r employment eUewhera. n •• - .T h o .^ o n fe ren c eV M c alied to d ra w I

u p a unified program for j r t s e n U - * ^ t ^ lo -the n e x t legislature.

Crowley s a ld 'p u b llc apiU iy to n aehool bualness ahould be corrected — K)** o y e r a -a g re e d r aaylng it-w n s J<

to in m oUoa th a t the public raises ob - »i


P R I C E 5 . C E N T 3 . . i l i l

n o w I

: p e c t e d ^^-of-M agic-VnHer-Tucfldayr-.— n " if” to “when" th e w ind . .: tough. Snow fell in.all pa rts | H ilcy=Ki!tchum-Sun-Valier'#r«t— md posed a constant th re a t - | | Hredicting tho t ’Tuesday’s sn o w .....Fi Wednesday and th a t high

rea are open despite tho new '_______ * » * # _____________

Bad Weather I ~NuiiiI)s"Large"^^H

Area of U. S. V, P rom AP aa4 r r B cporti | HSnow a n d coU -whipped a e ro u | 9 B

wide a re as of the naUon Bgitn to - u H day. A b lln a rd struek wide areas IJ o f th e no rthern plain* states. 8 n o v - spread across the Intermountaln'r*^ } glon, cenU rlng Its heaviest blow ta n o rth e rn U U h. 1 __ypreggKtefn «iiti4 >w1nw wfO-COld•w D U ltt"creeirtnt<niiB tennflil«rto*------- 1n lgh t.bu s .rem a lndB r of tb e ta- .— te rm oun taln area Is Ukely to escape th e extrem e low temperatures. |

C I w In B oo th .—The-enow-exteotled-leas-tiien-Bfli-------miles souUi of Balt Lake City w ith ■ th e so u th e m ha lf of U tah repo ttloc . c lear aides, - •

S a lt L ake City's snowfall fo r t h * ------■winter w as w ithin tlx Inchea of tb * record dep th piled up In th e sever* w in ter o f 1848-49.

A bU izaid swept across South Dk- to^m a t o

TempcratBrce Plm am ctl_A c o ld jro o t pushed Into tho een-

IraJ iljileyT K a~C auulM r-W alm ua------tem pern tures plunged below, tba *ero m ane In N orth .Dakota,. South ' kota,— M lane#otSf-M ontan»—* a d -------

lo u th e m a t a t ^ T amie«M»t,.Mlwu^ 11

I jI ep&rsely covered -wloter w healI Im c frd ry and loose l l t a a a d rougbt,........> was picked up and wltlcted tkav t f■ du st s to rm s in th e southw est U o n

dust trouble w ts expected < « rtb». w e s t ........................

DrowHarFasl.T em peratures were dropping f a s t

I In Uie Texas-Oklabom» penhan dl* ., w here M onday highs wero In th e . bahny 00a. K ansas temperature*

wtTo In th e aos In m as t places. ^

I high 'tn o tm tafn-a r e a s - o f ^northBtn----- -

^ no n U service through m ounta in i passes. AU roads la lh a stonniw ept

R eno w u cu t o ff bjr ro ad ''e» e p l from th e east. T b e old Omutoclc lode com m unity of Virginia City, IS (iH

, mUes southeast, was cu t o ff com* ‘ H - • - • • ’ ~ - 'I

C a n ^ T ra in .ThB SouUiem Pad flo nO bv td

, c a n n e d p laM to resum e y a m a v r ■■ se iv lta over DonnerTiess-today^-An.......- t a tte m p t wUl be m ade tomorrow, tb a

' “ c S e s " " ^ — 7- ' PacUlo to order. lU . w esthound__. ZephvT leaving Balt Lake CitT to be■ detoured sou th way of U nion P * - ‘ clflo tra c k s througb Bantow , '

Dual Calls Noted " B y T C a itM im r^

. - T h e local-eelecUvo-aerrtce-bowrd----- ^; haa-reoelved-tW M ialls-each-for-ln---------

ducteea a ad for men to take tb e ; p re .lnduc tlon examlnatloos a t Boise , during'yebruan^‘~ —— — .

' M rs. Pearle Aldrich, d e rk of tb e local board , safd the February In -

. ducUon_lndudes eight m en on Peb.' 6 a n d anoUier d g h t men on PfiK ia .‘ T he to ta l o t 16 Is conalderably hlgb-

T h e call fo r m en to taka th e ir ‘ pre«lnductlon examlnaUons In dodet ' seven o n Feb. 37 and 13 on Peb. 38.: Mr#. A ldrich aald tb e toU l c l IB la ab o u t norm al b u t Uils Is th e f irs t ’ tim e since th e au tum n of 1950 th a t,

th e boa rd haa been called to send two g roups In one m onth.

New Helicopter I — RescuePlanned—

M OUNTAIN H OM B,-Jan. 33 , A n a i r force helicopter, will b e r e - .11

tu m e d h e re - to 'f ly . four stranded II m en o u t o f th e Uny m lntng cam p

. o f R ocky B ar. aome 70 miles n o r taa o f I jere '." " -----f. M oun ta in Homo a ir force baae o f . ___ _. HcTahTiaJirtM irM en had oeen xsor,, t i t le d to remnJa. a t Rocky B ar ra th - . , if e r t h a n try to anowshoe o n t o f th * -

Iso la ted canyon in a snow tton ir.. . - I. w hich struck souUiem Idaho today..-, -:'-:

T h o a ir force aald O apt. B uiaea U h lm nn , who commanded - la i t i ' \ - V :

lo w eek 's rescue U n ..Q eo a i,,B Ja c k , wUe o t one of th e e t r a a ^ j - .

m en . would hrln».» hellsoptae' ftq ittj.# M a rc h -f ie ld ; C a llt . *•I- w eather p g n d ,y 'V i

s - — :—d B O ISE , Ja n . 33 ( f l - a o T . Left - ■UI Jo rd an hae signed two b lU sapiaopil.J ;.— ^

Page 2: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice


■ T ra ffic G )de I ’ P asses F irs t P -^ B o a rd -B a lio tL . (P n * r««* Om )I ' o u t e r plana had se t u ld e th e apace I I I to r the la tte r purpoae, and llnle I I I ' : — crentuatlj’ -hopes>t«-bulM -Rlx-auoh I I I h a n sa n .H I - PodUon CreatedI A ' rcTlMd sa lary ordinance ere> l | a tine the poslUon o t M l ttme water B m eU r reader v a s passed bjr the■ .— :-tviarrt »nH>.r niiBptmslon ot ^ e rules. H The m atte r-w as-d lscussM bjr Ufe H board la st week.- .............. ...............

V«en e f-*-<f . ^ lumen-lam p-on-Ad-B dUon avenue w est a t the en trance [■ ___ta-MnBlo_VBHB7_MeinorlM_ho''plta1I I — faectiuse It w aa-felt mule llgnc~wmI I needed for safely. T he new lamp G? will replace a 3.500-lunien lam p a t r l an additional cost o t 41 monihljr.

Appelated Tem porartir W alter FeamsCer was irranted

r UnipoVaty— appolnlm enl td ~ U ie f . board of e*amlnera to r conirncUirs' t Ueenslns code, u n til Fred n ead . per-iLi------m anent-m em ber o t thejboard. la rc-7 I leased troni th s hosptCof. scuart

> Bwan. eltjr representative on the i board, m ade the reoommenaatlon I on behalf of J . A. Clawson, board I chairm an. Swan said a num ber of■ lleenses have been held up un lll n !■ . replacem ent to r R ead was named.i f l | -------- NUifl“ rUins~sUbmltl«d bids ton furnish Tenetlan blinds for th e new n c ltr hall. T he bids were refirred to B j ew an , purchasing Assistant, fo r con- IM | «M»t.nHnn Thu, wnmhar nf pnMlhtf ■ I bids wUJ be redueett to nbout three

to r consideration by th e board next n week. Chairm an R. J . Schwendlman m g fussested plastio U pe as p a rt of the ■ I bUnds.H Bids. LtsledH I Subm ltU ns bids were 0. O. An*

derson company, 310 Main avenue east; Adrians Maglo Valley Pum l-

t t ' - tu ra company, 144 Second avenue |I': . n o r th : Kenverl, Inc„ S4B Addison r;i a n n u e west; J . C. Penney com- g 'l -pany . 303 Main avenue south;i l l-------W d |« ^ y - ^ ‘iV .» « » P » n y . jy m :^ 1 ------ berly ; flea rsT R oebucr^d -com pa n r311!____ 430.MtliLKyfinua_wes(:.sneflL£unil-

to r« oocnpany, a s i Main avenue ;; i' e a s t: VeneUan Blind Renovators

1800 Kimberly road, and Oress and Pum lture company, 180 Sec-

I I I te d several b j ^■ I *1110 board approved paym ent olH I e h an ta orders which complete pay-B n a n t on th a c ity hall, o the r th a r■H tb e blinds. The final paym ents arcI 11 JAI JO to th e arch itect and 113.-I I 39C.13 to th e contractor.I B id C«U Set A rsfa| B) '■ QI»r-M aBaget-W llllanr T t r SmlO' IQl n l d several persons have ihqulret n abou t purchasing th e dwellinz or H th e a llp o rt property for w hich ni B bids were received. la st week. Bid; ■ _ w l U be called to r a ja in a t th e nex^ H M iairanJiB -boB rti:-------------------! ■ ■ ■ . i;J « W » -m rfljH u e U o r_ ro o m ln j | | ! f oouse, Idahomo rooms, c iaudln |! ] l D ay: second-hand store, o and ! - V — . A uction, .0 ..W . Christiansen; jour------------■ neyman—plum ber.—J ^ _ H ^ B ftlllla

‘H nowball'BporfBhop, Oorman’ MIr M le, and beer, Johnn j's Drlve-1

. M arket, Jo h n DlumenU, and Oree L an tern Cafe. C harles Jansson.

NEVADA v i s i T o n s 'I jl; nUHL, Jan . 33—Mr. and M n . . Roger Erb, Duhl, recently vlsUeII I M rs. Leo Davis, tn McQlll. Nev.

H I l l i e H o s p i t a l

n t — ------ ^VU^tlna-hour»-•t-M#Bl{^-VaJl^IH I— r-M em orla l‘h c a p ita ra ie trom '3 to ' IU 1_____ an d 7 to e p jn . ___________III { ADMITTEDU l Mrs. Dale Nelson, Mrs. Rickm k ' ------H e c te -O u y -K in n ey r-J e n y ■ Cuve■ H Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Norma M f Showalter, Peter Berrell> and Mr M ff Lucy NeUon. all Twin Palls; Mr I ] I Alice Wygal, P ller; Homer Tlploi t i J — .TnmTnn; Mrs, Olsn -iritcus aad Mr <i; l B a rry Weber, bo th Buhl; Mrs. Rol

• e r t Lawrence. O lenns Perry, a r _________M arjorie Fowler, Pocatello.

Mr*. Merle StoddanJ, Mrs. Bl Newbry. Mrs. Ed Askew, Mrs. U. 1

• T erry, Mrs. E. V. Plsher, Mrs. Rol r r ~ « tT n d d rM n r J o h n - iU B p iB n r - B T

I _____ VlTBll Templln, a ll T^ -In FnlU; M »--------Pflley— Egbert: HurLaugh; H i

< II, PYed Schaff and son and Mrs. Vii |k { to r Carter, Pller; Mrs, A. E. Lars( I ( I Rogerson: Mrs. Gilbert Callen atI ] I daughter. HollUter; August HieI I R p p ty tr m a ~M tr~TTCiihew~ 7 nW | Pocatello.

I W eatherI :.......... n o m tJP a n d AF S p o r tsI ; M ltfle V aliey-M osUy cloudy wi I ■ in term itten t anow to n ltb t and We

nesday. I ll(h tem peratore W edni ^ D _ day Z& Low W ednetdaj momi ■ H . 11. Twla PaUs tem peratnre a t I n i T n ^ ' « t : < n e w f a t l ; l J tochea. -- '

SUtloB ^ Mil!

— ■" 4*, ,

: • : « 18

' -------- llI & ..... ....... :|1 n

I ■ s.Tt ” k . " a i T ; ; : ; i i z z :» « •b FnM lM o-Jj______ .»(■ 41 —i ‘ liiiiff’**....... J*B T»in VtTiIt IJ :»■ WMbliKtoB -■ ------ 41 JJ

f!i Applicantsf r Several appJlcatlons for- ^

position -of c ity mBnaRcr’ hes f T' have beea received so far, ac| i ! cording to R . J . SchwendlmaiI fil chairm an of th e board of cll■11 commissioners. *1 9 E e said m a n y more a re ei| | pected trom • lUUng of th e vtn | cancy tn th e City M anaseiI Bl ' N ew sletter w hich ts c irculated I | | i | I ’ abou t 800 cities w ith th a t type < l l l l ... .adm in istra tion .I in Schw endlman said th s boa:Jlj I s te n d i to proceed slowly In IM ............. fd ec tlo o to o rd e r to fin d th e bejS!l ' ' applicant. "Tn th e cseantlm e ti; 1 1 ^ - L t o o a r d r ^ ^ t - a l o n g . u - t> a f -wSHI------------ean,'*-he eald.---------------------------•yV_____ o i t y M anager W lUlam . IJ n t T - B m i a m w n p » t J w n i ' eitiRitttj U L _ _ ______ 1--

K e e p t h e W h ite F laK o f S a f e ty F ly in g

- 1 ' ---------I t ----------- I___________

re- llter |H \:he

a f f — f l o i i H o u i ^ d a y ^ i i h c r u t z a- - trafH c d e a th iii biir M adie

-V g » e y -’ ■ ----------

E Eormer-Resident- Of Burley Passei

BUnLSY, Jan . 23 — to u is \ Fisher. 00. form er resident of Burle;

led died a t 10 p. m. Sunday n l Sebac UiT 'w p o irC a llf lT fo n o w m ira 'ltn B m n >rs' illness.e r- Mr. F isher was bom Feb. 8, 1B» rc- s t Belptilne, Kans._HB_ resided 1 a rt Buriey with h Jj-tw nH y 7or mw lhe thnn 33 years and moved lo Calll lon om la In 1840.-,Dui-inK-hls-lonR-re9l ird denee In Burley, he operated a welt of ii)R shop on' E as t M ain slreet.

1 ft Mr. Flslier wan active In civ: I. orBnnliallorui. Ho was. a membcr_< ~to’ Claremont O range, Burley lodge (

A F and AM of w hich he was twl< to worshipful m aster, a member i

,n . the Royal A rch chapter of Masot h t . in Rupert and the K nights Templt

•in Tv.’m T am ."yonm um bfcro r7« tt'h e was ch ief of tlie Burley fire di partm en t and was a member of

i t " F irs t M ethodist church and om lim e m em ber of Ita olflclal boan

He Is survived by his wife Mr Lennle P lsher, thrco sons. LewU PUher, Jr., Eugene, Ore., R lftiaj Fisher, R upert, nnd Barry Plslie B ebulopol, Calif., and two daugl ters, H elen Plsher, aebnstapol. ar

*«" Mrs. B arbara Doie, California. Funeral services will bc conuucu

a t the F irs t M ethodist church : iQ::. D url«y-»nrtftr the-dlrectloa_oI.-tl w r T a y n e - m o m a r y r T h e - t lm r - n f - t l

tunera l-tenU U uely h as been s« t fi 3 p. m . Prlday. Oravealde servlc

3rs, a t P leasan t View cemetery will 1 m d conducted by Burley Masons, ec- ________ __

Forester Slates Meeting Jan. 3

are V em on Burllson, Moscow, exie 13.- slon service forester, will be he

Ja n . 31 to confer w ith T w in Pa county 4 - n eJub Joarfers on to rfsi

n o r x lu u iJiujecta a n a -T tquir tmeuwr ired U announced by Robert X em s.cou on ty club ' K em s sa id th e meellng will b

Jlds gin a t 3 p.m . In th e conference roc lext od jscen t to the couniy agent's <------.tlo«*4n-tbo-nldJioaDltal. T here wiling five forestry clubs In thls~5bur

l i s r y e a f r K e r n r - a a d e d r a n d 's i I H more aro hoped for this year. >'>«■* '

M wineH^ny aitiff Paid Final Hone

Funeral services for Edwin Adams wero conducted Tuesd aftefnoon in tho Reynolds tune

^rs- homo chnpel by the Rev. E . Us « e d Holls o t lhe Church of th e Ascr

Blon Episcopal.Mrs. Nellie Ostrom Babcock v

nololst and musician. Members th e family served as pallbearc

_ _ J in U rm en t wns made In Sunijj*y. .Memorial p a r k . _____________tO-4 J------------ ^ ------

-----------— M a g r i c - V a l l e y —

. F u n e r a l s . .

t w i n F A L L S-S cnleca for D( Mrs )cl Lelahmnn Hill wilt be held a Iton" P- >«• Sftlurflay In the LDS aU Mrs,- tnbernncle. In term en t fflll.bC-ni] ?ob- In the T w in Falls cemetery. Frio

m ay call a t the Tw in Fnlls mortu from 3 to" 0 p . m . Frldny and fr

____ jD.a.-XD..»ft.noon Snt.nrrisy.

W EN D ELL-rPuneral. services ^ b - H arry A. F r ith will be held n t 3 p ^ a - Friday a t th e Wendell Melhw Mn, c h u rc h 'w lih 'th e -R o v rn iirry -a t v» ri^ U U C lrrofftdn ttnp—Burial— will- Vjg.’ mnde In the W endell cemctery.

' m S t w i n FALLB—Services for J uleb Ella Myrup MeteaK will be helC

•S - p a n r^ Wednesda y . a t .Oimnii ' U tnh. In term ent also will be m

therel ,____________ ■

SUN V A LLEY -Funem l sen'— fnr Vlelar_qQH.v;h«llt<wlU_ be i , e t 3 p m . Wednesday a t th e Of w ith House, Sun Valley. Burial will

kVed- made In the Ketchum eemeterj- Ines- --------m in t JEROME—Ornveslde services h a t 8 been sel tentatively to r Johr

— Magnelll a t lO-o.m. W ednesdaj-------- -the—Je ro m e--c m e tery — w ith—n Rev. Fa the r E. A. 'Schermaiuon ■ (icUUng.

v ! H o w T o H o l d

FALSE TEETlM o r e F i r m l y i n P l a

.I t Do fcnir ( tlx U*IS-«buu..ui4 (ir nt* by illppltut, dropplni or »»bl

;i>. ithrn jou tal. liucti or Ulk! Juit ipc Tr. «• till!* KASTKKTH on your pl*li».

T “.o r -.ll'illn»“ {nini-icia)—p»irtn— hoW.— .1* (rtth n o n (Irmtr atMl tnor« eonifsrt

— ilJ : :Wft.fumni7.-rBD0»T.-:Ti»»l»-t»»l»-or ft. •H I>oM not »our. CS«kt "pUl. » W ( .01 uira braUi), Gtt FASTKCTU lo<Ur nt ^ dnic (tor*.—Ad'trtlitfflini.

__ __j3UESDAXL—the

'■ ™ a n d W E D . 'nan , ' •c ity —

B*” ' - d In

Dard I Its» > ^ - • I kth e


N o n e f iu r t ina s

A u to C ra sh es — — On-l<^y-lioad

( fn m r tt» Ob.»was th e driver of a 1040 PonU whleh collided w ith a 1040 Intern

___ tional truck and sem l-traller drivTjy ■Denrnn-'WrWirberhoTBtr-route Buhl, a t Fifth avenue and Seco stree t souUi a l 8:30 a jn . Tuesd: Tho fron t of th e c a r wns domag

Damatte estimated a t <200 to et ear-resulted In a collision n t Heybi

- a - avenue enat and-L ocust street^no; jjg ariTgO p ju : P i l»e]j-of-the-oaf>-w 1__ I^n ltw m eiy . rou to^3^^T i

^^ank*R elto 'lx !^ ^433 V an B ur------ reportsrt M onday.evsnlng that, a ■

hlele backed Into, h is c a r in the ,A a block on Mnin avenue south. He

ported the license num ber of ' M. o the r c ar to police,

rley. a e a r driven by T ed Pfelfle.bas- W ashington s tre e t n o r ^ ,__wj

Itacklng 'from - a park ing apace fro n t of . the postoffice collided w

IBM. a c a r driven by R nlph Lehm anI In 3 :i3 _ p m . Damnge wns se ttlednw e iw ecn Uie driven.......................a lli- A t th e Intersection of T h ird sir re s l- n o r th nnd F ifth avenue,- car* drli eld- by Mrs. Fred Kolouch, 333 Sevei

nvenue norlh , and .'D r. Ole civic Voyles crashed a t 3:15 p.m.'‘‘.o J - Rny Cortcr,-route-l,-Pller,-repo 6,0® ed a pickup truck backed Into .wice c a r whUe It was parked tn th e c f block on W ashington s tre e t noi

« n s T he nccldent occurred Jn n . 11, iplar ___

I I I T.F. City HaU to ”4; Get Recognitioi^ardBlier, National recognlUon will be-ghush - to th e unusual fea tures of th e nand city ha ll through lU ustra ted arU<

- In four msgaslnes dealing w ith tsleted ous phases of c ity ndm lnlstratlh tn It Is nimounced by C ity M ana_tho . :ffJ.lllam^R,_Smlth,___- th e — A rtlo les-in—th e —fo u r-m a g a» l t- to n vlcea design to m eet epeclflo space ne 11 be nnd unusual nspects o t engineer

snd cantilever constm ction. T ^e tid e s will be IllusUntod .with t

------- ■ tu re fro r ttn n ju i id in ra ^ n te r io nexterior.

T h e artleles and p ic tures will ,-{1 pear In Building S tanda rds , ma

d n o of the Pndflo Coast Build xien- Officials conference: th e Amerl hero o ily m asailne, th e W estern ( F a lls m agadne and th e Interm ouni ; W .................. ........

Virgil A. Mayes ;"«i Claimed by Deaiwero RUPERT, Jan . 33—V lrg ll'

3unty -M nyes;-63rdled-nl-4i;3».aj& -l.! ' s a w day—n t-h ls -h uuie following a -i

Ulness.M r. Mayes was bom Nov. 17,1

______ji t Blue Ej-e. Mo. He moved to Idl 8 = 3g a in a 3 ettllm . Pii-tt-tnm 1i.sout

R upert where he lived until l O r hcnlUi failed. He m arried N ' „ Bnlley in Rupert liflO lB ; He'wi

rf member of the B ap tist church meriX “ o t W orld War I.U sile children preceded him.(•En- death. Survivors.Include h is wli

R upert; a brother, ArUiur Mi c wa.1 Ooodlng, and two sisters, Mrs. L >ri of May, Rupert, and M rs. M innie 1 :„ „ g . chlnson. Orass VaUey, CaUf. lunset T h e body Is a t th e Ooodman i _ lunry where funeral arrangerr

bogs Kill SheepI 'ixjiila eVAHs, 4 n “'EoCUSt~8'

south, reported to city police T 1 «V 9 dny th a t two dogs killed om .in v r h is sheep and a white- m bbltZ a l 1"® niaht.

riends OfflcWS SXt^rnpted ‘ n ' trail* rtuary dogs Tuesday morning, but 1 from trncka were lost In the snow. ______ ncers^reported^tu^

(s to r likely to die. because, of serious3 p.m. Jtirles to Its Uiroat.hodlst — '

llll be Women fall Into th ree elai These try ln r to lose w eight, t

. t r j i n t (o gain w elcht, and tDhnnlS to r^ > r r .n ,e it.

Kayler Lodge No. 1PH A.F.&SrM;lace. r s F, C, Dostm"'Thu Thursday, Jan . 2.1— 8 P.I*—tmlu “fsrtablr. Bar Rlurttr, W. Ui '



T w i n r F a l l s

■'® Grange io Meet—t — — T hf TV-ln PalU f l rflnfff Will mi H a fl Wednesday In lho O rer

T ts ir ------------................ ............ .... -

jnuac Marrla«e Llcen«! ^ ^ _ «m a* Kenneth R ichard Robert a Irlven Joyce Dorothy Bush, both Jeror ,u U -lr wer^ l.w ftl a m arriage lliensc Mo econd day by Uie county clerk. .esday. ----------,ingetL Birth> each A daughter was bom Monday rvbum Magic Valley M emorial ho.ipltal n o ^ M r.-a n a-M rs.-R le k y -H e ck . Ti

s-wsre- .B»lls. •_______Tw in ■ - ----------------------

J —j j y ■Rnw»T»t-Cellece- 7._ - . .- - • Pour-new studenta have enrolBuren * t Twin Falls Business college. TJ

. y . - m Marlon. H am m ond, CasUefthe 100 and~ire1en“ E n B « * r^ ® * ^ '‘ ^®™Se re - *nd O c"y Hngler, a ll T»-ln P»)f tho --------------------------—

I.. iM Wendell Resident ftiii ~Dies-a1rAge-of-(lan a t WENDiiLL. Ja n . 33—H arry !d be* & lth , 12, died M onday n ight

......... _W ende)J.______slree t Mr. Frith was bom in Bel

driven Wine., Feb. 14. 1880. He m an •venth Corn B. Tool Aug. 4.-1DH. a t W O lenn 'dell He came lo Idaho In 1000 i

to Wendell In 1000."He wns n fam ■eport- — Survlvliig"»re~nita"widowr"86 ^ soai, James R. F rith . Thomas

*9? PrIUi. lU rry A. F r ith nnd Lawre n o r t t . JL PriU). all W endell; EdwinII, ho p fn j, nnd Frederick F rith , t--------- .o o o d ln g -an d -jlo n o ld .F rith , B"■— I ford. Me.: e igh t g randchildren (

two siep-urandchlldreni 5 Funernl services wlU be held a_ pjn . Friday a t the W endell Meth o n u t church w llh th e Rev. Ha

Starbuck ofrielatlng. Burial will ' made In the WendeU cemetery i

• given der the dlrecUon of th e Wiley

JiS" B Gooding Man Sue________BOIBE, Jn n. M

' costs, court” today ngainst J a y c T Nneeds berry, Ooodlns, as resu lt o f a tr i

leerln* automobile nccldftit Sept. 39, 1V ' O m ni H. Fox, S a lt U k e C

h p ic- gucd (or $(5^27, nnd M nrylln L. 1j n u a - n iw ‘s iiin :a ic6“ c ity r iu k ed -?3 3

■m . p . __________

3 5 K VIBITINO PARENTSlerlcan ' DIETRICH, Jnn . 33_M r.1 C ity Mrs. I'nlnier M urphy nnd chllt iuntaln are vLilting'hls p a re n u . Mr. _____ _ Mrs. MlUnn i^lurphy, . In Ni

_ Deadline Near. a k l l "Only nine more shopping doJTl ■ X -b efore ■9a n ta -Cla us-comca_S:l—Mon«. n ticket." w arned S tate Pola - lo n r ^ s u U C la rk T im in rrn e rfar -

Lleutenant H and referred 1 tfiHA the altemnUve for 10&3 passeni> id n l^ car license tabs w hich m ust

ri5.s»T.niB 000 passenger cars In Uie com |-w as-a *>“''« licensed Uius tn r. ch nnd I



Also 'VAniETIES ON PARAlin mor* lements

---------- --------------- STARTINO-----------

ep WEDNESDAY!~ 8 tM tt ; — ,.=A*g=l';3Q— ■ 'B Tues* | | g g g | _ - | _ _ _ g p | | | ^one of )lt dur*

-ill-the- the Of*

rere at*r ~ b m tr ^lous In*

1 thosB-

}. 94 CmimES ' ‘ ^ W S• tAUGHTON-KMOt


P .M . /

^ m fi /O l /J tM■■■■ i m m M - € # _ i J V T o

-A ...

~ M- STOlUNG YDm- i - » - V I V K f r H N D F O R S - ^ 1 THOMAS M IT C H ai

• /■


s News in B rie fGOP VoU Set

-m ee t Twin p a lbi...y o u a g - ReptabUc m ngo will meet a t 8:1S p. m- todny a t- - - L e g i e n - h a U - t» - e l^ a 6 w - o m e

Trade Name Filed and M. U . Barron. 1220 Seventh n

rome, nue east. Mondny filed n certlfle M on- of trade name for th e B aw on Se

[ay n t Lien Released ta l to An Idaho Income U x lien agn Tw in Mr. and Mrs. W .-M . Cnrter,-

Twln Fnlls. has been relca-ned, — — cording t o 'n notice filed Mon

Eletled to O ffice' . . leford, .MagBle Oandlagn, daughter SrookJ M r s T ^ s e 'S o Ila .lln3 '5«en ele PaUs. vice president of U jeP l B eU Phi

orlly chapter a l th e Unlverslt; Idaho. Moscow.

, - . Tmeker Fined P -fiA - — James-Maddox,-Twln-FftUs,-C '■ ' ' ' ' re tt prelghUlne. Inc., driver, ry A. nned »25 nnd cosU Ih JusUce c ih t n t Monday for overloading. He------ 'cited by slfite police Snturdny ntBeloU, HoUUWr port, of en try sU U on.

Wen* Driver Fined JJ M nnd Donald C. Steldley. 130 Qi arm er. slreet. paid n fine o f » n n d S3-iiMpn- -ln-Ju»tlee-court-T uc*day-ofto111 C plended BuUiy c t driving wlthc vrence ’ " d license. He w as c ited by

police Jnn. 11._____

VlsiUng ParenU, n nnd - BN A rthtir-M elvin-FIorenofl,

of Mr. nnd M rs. A ndrew . , . Florence, T«’ln’ PitHs. is hom e

d “ V 20-day leave. He Is s ta tioned In malnlennnce section of th e n a ir staUon nt Corpus ChrlsU, '

viU be U j enlisted jjcrc ln«t Feb. 14.ry un - --------cy fu . I.XA to Meet

.T he Pre-School PTA w in hei address by Luther Jones, dli *c>l conservaUonlst n t 8 p .m .

L lc U nesday n t the DAV hnU. H ar inmnae nvenue.a islrlcf -m eetlnirls oxp«ou>d-to-bo-^>f-si: “ New- ^ t C T e s ^ - f a t herB. — _

'Named to Board ' ' Sandra Price, dau ghter o f Mr ! City. M j,. Vaughn Price, has' ^ Fox, named to the execuUve bonrd o ^3,479- -V n lv ^ t^ r ih M le ra t- lh e -m T lv .

of Oregon nt Eugene. Mls.^ Pri former Tv.'ln Fnlls resident, pledged Knppn R ho O mlcron,

. „nd tlonnl radio honorary, n t lhe hlldren verslty. _____

\o " " ih " ' “ " “ ' “ ' J , ' ’ y M,— - ™wlU b e . discussed n t mceUns

I Lengue of Women V oter u n lu . ,M one will meet .it 8 p.m. Thui 11. wllh Mrs. EuRene B rienholt : days unit two will m eet a t 1:15

w llh Wednesday wllh Mrs. P ra n k Police Tnlyre. __

ed toicngcr ------------------- .. -------


^ lll'fW f]flADE*

w i STARTS WED.m K RANDOLPH sconB B S —tn—



1 ^ 1 1 1 5 a | g


^ JVIDHARILr^^ H/fir CO¥SflillCE~<iwffi r i : SMITH

I H U B I iY l

J 'tA B T T n v JIS

fm \ ‘‘BRIGHT

Lyi \ ■-

■~| Record Crop — Of Democrats K —^ye-TopJol

ave- dtnttol eandldaies fleate suddenly today as m s l ^ n t Serv* nian kept mum aUCCl. _ 8 e tn e party PO '^clnw t

l u t ' ^ y swell-1^> 20 Mr. i r u m delays his decision unUI n e a r eo vrntira Ume In July.

d, nc- role of "favorite

■■ . S c r a o t date. ’ ^ ___

h f m - Two-DemocraUc h a ts landed 51 y of Uie presldenual J

nilnoli. Slates were filed xor i> ators Kefauver, Tennessee, and 1

- Mahon, ConnecUcut, for t h e A

r°u“S ' ® 'T h'rn?publiean-prc im eiittal“i I'Miirt. mary In lUlnols also wss cnllve e WM « h S Harold E. S tassen. for At-ino- Minnesota -governor.—a n -d - .C r DougJas MscArthur were ent«re<

OpposlUon to S en a to r.T a ft, om M'Arthur W ithdraw a

Quincy ShorUy afterwards, however. M a coMs Armur was quoted as snylng •tor.'he -would have.h ls..nam e w lthd r; hout n th a t It had been entered w ithout V state knowledge.* But Uie roan who e n te re d '

general In Uie race. Lar D aly . < cago, said he would take legal

............ uon. If necessary, to p reven t ^? ifeU iuTor nny6 il< n lM -rro m -«' ‘ drawing the general's nam e.In the Daly, founder and direc tor i nnv^i eral of Uie “M acArthur and

I Tex CarUiy for '52 club," said. "We '■ aware Ujat G eneral MacArUiu

nol a candidate bu t we believe accept a draft.’'____________


■arriwn PoeaWllo.-visited In Irich over Ute week:end.

Mr. and xs'beenI ot Uie, ■________________ _

Price, n It, has

le ' uni-

ngs of J . Unit lursdny

r ’

oM Olympia's r

sian water t


• flavors fron

W ' < _______ tation. givin

---- -------- Purity. Enjb

---------1 - w i l ' w a j T i s ^___,1 V Olywpia Brevrtng-CortTB-ai

_____ A - --One ot America's Excebtl

...............— ^ ' '

Seen Today® . H ire i m en pooling m uscutnr ;

1 aotirees to move w oman's heavy i ) b - K r f - a n * l e - p M k l n g ^ P « e _ ^

Bnowsboes being tested by .a t - 'A -Pollce-L leul. C lark -H n n d - bef «»*- •d i l i t t them to standard eqjilpmJUng of s ta ti pa trolm an . , s P rank BrlTru* navlng early visit to courUtouse , '1*08. ^ r t ^ k s - o n - B td e w a lk a t coi

“ *« ? o m e ^ . Red c ro ss office look buslnessUke after wnUs are pair

.and furniture Is m oTed-tnto-pl Al W estergren concentraUhg

reading aa fellow snys someU the ^ u n d a lUce, "Ylngle; yin

ildate looking wistful ns h e h(‘ he'8 snowed In a n d can 't mnke • 0 * " he didn't wnnt to U ke In f irs t p

: ;T 7 D & w e i^ - H iK h w iif iB ^ ^■Slnejni"cam m entrng '(hat-sflofd oc^^t b o m ^ ?

S'"Lou Kimbrough «street . . . D river-b linded I pomrlly by snow sliding trom

‘J d -Sw hcT iSirB S-B c^o^«iuenklng loudly.

------D EATn-nBPO RTED —FILEfl, Jan . 33—Word haa

received herO-Ot the death of cook, -Creston, In . Mr. Cook

' lho fa ther of Joseph Cook.J l Creston, form er FUcr h ig h «

!I°S I n i w o l " - - ----------

d ' t h e _


te h e 'd . w ’ w icnt

KLO\'o f e U

zt makes . npia so

f l



s t ^ e f: r ic h , s a t i s f y i n g f i a v b r i s a t t r i l

r f r o m o u r o w n w e l l s a t T u m w

i r o v e s - e u e t v -p r o c e s s o f b r e w i

im h o p s a n d g r a i n s , i t c r e a t e

i n g - s p a d d i n g - i i f e - t o - t h e - b e e r .

j o y O i y m p I ^ r . A m e f i c a ' s O f i i

vmbol ofHospitaU

coma~Bt~'i3any^l^~pli;:W fli>ilfigtih|.:— t)tloqa1 prewerlea** - ■

,T D I!S D A T ,’j a !(5 j j J

y A d d e J ^

T l} B o o s t s v l

~ J i h d ^

raent Tuesday3rlggs ■“ccompanled ^ 2 , l |I B . . . Burley r e p ^ ^ Iwurt- nre open butx,klng only one y S k ? !alnted many pltcei. -

Ihg on s c h S S ^ ^

hopes and some drltilM’**! te u ip in the tplaco Sun Valleypowder-nw-^W'Lal lowfalt pncked=jhbw on s pros* are 12 Inches o t l ^

m rrtng over 70 l n c h « « ^ | Is . . . ond 12 Inches O TttSy

flown- 'valley-fiM rT’ ^ H I te m - Fnlrtleia » u v _ I >m to p hea\7 fall of o n ^ • A nd ing. S o j a r - S Z ^

o -d o o r Tios-IIad u j I w h o S renUy Uiere sre u a ground. Schools W f,3

- n o w i s n o t ^

k. also " S v a lb s r tT lsn d ^ K hool - is Uie ancient

------- .BplUbcTjen.— q

N O W o m----------^ 7 -N IG H T S -V w ee J

from 4:30 p.m. to Vm U D A N C IN G NIGHTIyI

loy an evening's relantloalaij mdly atmosphere. 1

V ER KLUBO p po .lU lh ,J

1---------------------- I

W aterributed to the

iwater, Wastiington.® wing-ltlxtragsjMjji;.

tes more active f*™*


riaHarnehtTable ja -

% -^ y B

Page 3: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

^^ .j ANU^BY 22.-195

rk e r L ists (ew-p e c l i n e ,

wrM‘S T “”“;’”Vr'

s i S s S S S ;

;gKd SA»-“ :^ 1 «npIo>'n'cnt M ^ J

“ ^ riW iO O in Novtm-?S)ln • f1500 m lumberlns '“5-con5tTutUOT;-;»«t,«.l}ier. Tlie n tx t InrK-

L tool proccsflnB. was ' „ ,,n n n l nature of ,

Julrtm«nl5 for U. S.-ftlr nppllcfinta have

ot the '^ 'I n^.Di»opowcr.,commlitco ^“ Lal II. ^tft^#hoU. «rmy ^^K cn illcrhcrc . ; ,oBaati formerly were re - ,& a pn-islnfc K orc of , ^ (lU oU flca tioa tcslfl, i- . . ^li-anH wltl bB'COn» _

U)fy «O fe 71. I S w r e hM been lower- , fiuform cn applylnu for . ffTtr iralnmg. U U «n - i rlMU thb new policy will ; jfleeU 'rt.t»s«d the ehanRO <J°e» the tducatlonal require- , ,ri»Uon cadet trnlnlnR. ■ Bt !tlll required to hnvo t n years of colleRC. In

isliU iD ms Uie m rtital Uocxl requblten. men ap- ■»«ininff muat mect--tnft

S 'S iinnoT at-K antlB rts:

i-ilirriuauurseaJiualirieA UU within the ore llm lU - «ttc t hiJ recrtiltlnB of- [■tn-»vftnue-eatt.JpfJKl^ ionDitlon*tniJe, employlnir 37.800 , N8\-cmber, prepared tor aiboUduy by addins ap- r IW workers. Approx- Occrkers were added by tu lltas u extra clerka

gtbc stoup to ahow.ouy ome wns minlns. ilffljuilry sroupi report-

-® » » f lp -T D IT SATEiBcto *52 o ,

Sifety Cl ttfety. ft „ anJ liMdllR

,on r .y ,


MagicDamNot^ Inclined to Free Winter Visitors

D IETRICH. Jn n . K -T lire e Diet- ' rich niera 'ftrc'w dhdcrlnc If Uity cv tr' 1 are goins to be free of Magic dam.

Last week Preston Purc and Ben Louer flew to th o dnm but wn.ilied ou t tb e lr land ing Rear. In landlnR. •Ben K lrkpatH ck went to their rt».

fluffy snow on tlie ground co ilcln'i take off w llh th ree men aboard.

K trkpatrlck. leav ln j tlnrfiroTncn w ith the a irp lane , flew to Twin Full* fo r parLi and relum ed to Mnslc dam whero th e y repnlred PaKc’a

~L a5i-prld fl'y niomlng the wcniiicr W05 so cold Uve thrcc-incn couliln’t pr t thf» nlrplaneaiatartcd-EtantuaU u. Calvin PaRC a n d J. D. PnRC «lrove n Jeep to w ithin a mile nnd one>hnU bfllio~'n»'pWTiC.?Tin<rRnow»hoc(rilic‘ rest of Uio wny with tools'. Tlioy succeeded In Rclllng Page's air* p ln n e Jn to thc_iilr_l)uC_nlJiwi_rcr, ports Kirkpatrick'!; airplane sull was n t Magic <]»ni.

Youth JVlovemenr” Meeting Planned

■ A United ChrlBUan Youtlj Move- m cnt.-«ommltt«o-niccUng-U-iclJcd. uled a t 7:30 p .m . Tliursday In the hnseinent of th e First Methodist church. Gue.U npenkcr will be Lcll- Un Eder. field rupresenlatlvo for the cnovemeni.__Com m ltttea .wULbC-prcacnl .fromench parUclpaUng cliurch. Comtnlt- tee.1 Include a Junior hiRh school studen t, high school student, n post* grudunte m em ber and uponsors. Represenlallves are welcome from churches n o t y e t psrtlelpaUng.

A youth w eek proKram will b« presented a t 3 pjn . Feb. 3 In the F irs t BapUat church. Members ef the T w in Falls a cappella eholr will be irtieaU.

] Loeal goal of Uie United ChrUUan . V outh M ovem ent Is <00 young peo- 5 pie. 12 to _2«_ycaT»_oId>-lrccLJia. f cSurohc*. .

t ed.Jncrcaaed_ny.enisc^KM kli_enri>- ings by more than S3.S0 from Oc- • tober to November. Food proces.ilng i_ enmlngfl u 'c a t -u p -» 3Q-fl-wrrk nnd

communlcaUons eamlnga rose $3.10 0 A week. A m ajority of the remaln- r Ing groups reporttd smaller In-- crcased enrnlnBs.

Average weekly hours lield up well f w ith Increases reported from Octo- a ber to Novem ber.for a ll except two

y .T licjncreiiic3.werej!mnll..exc?pt for the food processing group's leasona]

/- Increase.


| - - B If G &l - S H C C T

C - M i

________E T io iA S S

- DownO odgs. . . ^ w B ts b

^ fcatnre^T^featare T.C 1 « S d i r d s o f ^ U a a m aoils <lo«u One after the oth

lliRbtj . . . - performnnce. comfo;11% ...................... 'n c w 'S 2 D o d g o « g i

— ■ ^ N O W ^ O N

t O B ^ R l E S g3KUE-NGRTH— ----------

V ile a n d B ru ta l I t s G r ip o n

„ Pm * Ob«) |dO!

. Juoklw. jv s n^de frpm the for- juue-of-ihe-poppy secd.-A pound 'o t -pic

ntroiM Ln worth nbout $300 In T u r- me■ Tl'-'t w m c pound Is w orm from ;1 S75.000 to *100.000 on the sidewalks reci of.American clUea. , . ^

For theic profits men -will risk »« ,f. JLCklUl_UCia^i)i_anti-eomm lV-ftil ^ , ■ni'micr.of crlme5.'Men. women and by

chuortii wiiiinRiy take Ui? snnio co; nsus lo Bct monci-_to buy_the.«tufl -f“’

n to ^nt^{y Uielr craving. c 'h ' 'n Uiree weeks ngo feder- n '■g al bureau of nnrcoUcs ORent* staged yc

- W‘‘r>';thc-nailQiJ'a_hlstiiry.-ThBy fti. rou:i(Jcd up more thnn 500 suspect-ed pcOdltrs bcUcvfd to h ave »ui>- Vt

y-T H rn -n aa ie l^ -w Iu rm o ? r'ih 'a tr ii6 .. „*® 000,000 worlli of Illicit dope yearly.~ —TlmVg-tt-airnble-TOnndupr-B ut-the —

clcnnup job Is f a r from finished, th l i i c average dope addict spends n l en Icnxi JIO n day for nnrtollcs and |n

j7- nboul-50.oeo 'nrc*addtets—Jn— th ts 'o r counirj'. Tliftt menns the nnrcollcs «ti uii(leni,’orl(l takes $500,000 a dny or u,

_ S1B2.00QOOO in ir lbu tc.nnnunllv from .w, th e Junkicsbves. »:

Once "hooked." n narcotlc.i addict ci

iwlll do ahnobi anything for the mon- • cy he needs to buy another ahot of e> e- ■ ,

i . .

; ; ■t ^ Z - ^ ^ c c A n m r !

m U affuai m M L

S January 1

I D U PLER F l S ContinUL _____________________ ___

“ - SAVE 25% to 50« ^ ~Em fy~fur~rrrever5i -TnADE.IN-ALLOlV-ANCES-0 n- M c zz a in-

ell I J 'I I

A ^ 1 * 1 1 ^ 1 ^ Io r ■ M - # - ila] ’ ' .

201 ISlain Avc. E ast —T\V1

K S V l \

i r p Q H ^

v l i t 2 n t ]

EJT TOO conn In to se« T n d ^ e s t e wosdtinff new ’52 Dodgo safer, more <fadK oitthenew "Sho«f- prolceUytwto" Way. Youll see in prido and pr

bow Dodge compares Here's tbe9 with cars costing nun- o«w car . . .CBoio.' - gamble! Whiother you can chcck tho . . . no « r tifort and economy of tlio today and coi,gain«o lb» cars. You’D Dodge ^ “5

• ' s r . d n « i t ^ ' - J i - 'w - *• o - ^ " '

)N D I S P L A Y ^ — — — r

a v i O T O R t


ta l S iav e~ W o rld ' n N a t io n , G ra b s

dope. Teen age kids have idmllied olhef theT-n»edea*Trom-$IO-to-tM-tt-asy Incfe for narcoUet. Crime la Uie only cm- the f -ployer a l) le - to " p a y tn a t:; fc u m -o r nge; - money to a teen-ager. kies'* The nation has been alioi'kwl in ii a recriii niQniha to le am Uie »lave Uen

world includes on a rm y ot yoiyiR. pub Ic sters less thnn 30 years old. Tills Lex H shock.ta me-iftfKely- f rom-dl.r loiurer t R d by the scnnie's crim e invcjilKnilng ■io5( ,0 committee headed by Seiinior Kc- 700. l l iu\lvcr. D . T ciitu and_byJicaiUiK» —,

In. New -York nnd Detroit'. ‘‘No matter how fnntasUc the story.

■* I f Ll true. A school official lu New ^ York City hns conceded tli.n nne [♦ ■«5.urT)rrvpr>'~:00”]tlin6r'n iitl senior' _rt p' higli wliooi Students In Uie elly ^ probably is a user ot tuirfollcs. ,,V, C. Thflli-aboul_l400-youU u_4U -*aia-

nnoUier 3i00 teen nRem nol In • Mliool mny be using dope.

d- tliou.vaml teen ngers In one clly, i»l ench pityliiK up to $10 n.diiy ur tnorc 10 In n dcMwrntc senrch tor n " thrill" ' ■Is 'or to iiiolil wlUiTiibrc dope ilie uwful' es sicknds.' nnd (inlns th n t come when _

the effects o{ one sh o t bcRlns to h

with no etulliiK unless Uiey cnn be c t curcd or drilled narcotics, n- 'Coveriinient offlclaU, educutorK. of experts on Juvenile delinquency and

^ 1

ry Sale of

FUR COATS tinues!

50%-AND MORE!------------IweryytylfTincluded!--------- -;s -O N _ y:o u i u ) l d - e u r - c o a t - -


... .

T W I N F A U ^ F h o n e 2750


O D M SEr i x a ^ i K O J V

ittires tfact n n )» drivine essler, tore economical^ . . value that your invcstmcnfmid adds to iho

id prestigo of Dodge^ownenblp. s tbe sensible way to'tiio<wa> ^ r . , . to end sD guessworfc and

What's more, tho proof is freo . cost or obligation. So come in id compare the beautiful new ’52 ite "Smw Down" W ay ..

~ PHONE 187(i


d 'K g h t e n s ^ ^ ^ JS Y o u n g s te r s r

o thers have become alarm ed a t th e .,to In c re a se i r fS te -D ra a a ic t lo n -^ o n irtho boys and girls of high school j , . nge; T h f nvcriiRe flce“o r in o —JUH~kies'* has dropped in 're c e n t ycnr.v - j

In 1046. only 20 teen src pn- whUents were' adnilited lo the U. S. uiipublic hcnith service hospltnls n i ngiLexlnaton. Ky„ nnd F o rt W nrtli. jmT «?X r~ T nT ic~ riisrT o iIr 'lno iin iso t cvi'1950 Uils number hud Jumj>ed to —

■700. ' M ‘ —s n a r of thr.ce cnme from CW-- f

cftgo and New 'V’ork nnd a few other T; la rge clUe.s. Alino.n nil ot thw n Clime I

from broken honie.H,’ from fnmlllM R

I ert JieiRhborhnofl!;— holding little Pi hoi>«'ol n bcUer life to a yoUrigV J

; s ler. 'B u t some come from good U■ •K Siiieim nfi'Trom 're.'Tw cteflrw rlt^- - I ‘ do families. | _ IL '.i.A _gtnvc.problcm -ftS-hatd-to. - j

solve ns It Is to cxplnln.

(Next; Tlie Mory of two tcou I I- ■nce-"Junkles“—n - b o r-a n « l - ' '-K ir l - - J , who become slaves lo narcoUcs.) 0

il . B l


_ “ J t ■ ■

'^ 1 ^ i '

I I •

_L _ Field & Stream _-f - ^ ^ R M - € O A T :-™ ^ = G o b o r d in e S h c ll, D ou b le - -

W id th M o u to n C o llo r, Sno-L U c L in ing .

Reg. S 5 7 .5 0N O W O N L Y .......... H O

Twin Falls, Dorley, Jerome

— - ^ 5 —S-A-VE- " l i B l l l NOW "

YOUR■------------------N E W - -------f S ~ S \ i \ T -

■I— — m - T b p c o j S s "


5 U IT S -Fine eu lts $ Z QValues to $85.00, WOFine Suits $ C O

— ~V aluea to$7BK»zi.L-' ::z : n r - - J O -Flne Suits * ^ . . $ 4 Q .

Fine Suits . ' $ 0 0Values ta $85.00_________ - J O

- Fine Suits 5 0 0Values to $«.00---------------- * 0


HIGH QUALITY N a t io n a lly A d v a r t

’ Ju s> R c c e i v e d ^ ^ H ^ H— -zIpper—^— —overshoes-^ ^ 4 . 9 8 — ~

u » ■

Sale. Agreement TL Suit Dismissed

D istrict court neUon conWriilng p _a snlo nRrecment for the Rex Clgtir D cstore. 138 . 8 hn6hoqt_flU cel-aou iii, _ k i jWll* ^ sm lssc d - Mondny by JmlRe jjanct iCnlC3_E._lK>wt.vipoii_«tlpii!nUon_(jL Dim#

parties to th e .suit. ................. Valle' Blnnche Cox nnd Neal R. Dnlioii. ony 1

who hnd executed u sale agrcitni'iil i t Iwith M. A. Spellman, flle<l suit ____ngalnst th e Inttcr to-<oree cotiipll- 1^

ever, Uta m n tlcr hns been M-iUrd ^

' -K lip S t iBiipb Hipltlt Fir ClW ru ^1 I'rabed by mollu-n l>ccauK>UblcUiire I--K odulldo^-L U uxiby«W ldrM b»au» . —

of iU pure or»o|o flavor. Huy It today. 1


SMfflWow . , . Big R



-------------------------------------------------------(left) Sum m it heavy duly w

f iv.■lth m outon fu r collar, warm . quilled lining. In tan . bar: \ Sizes 30 to 40. O ur finest line .: I $20.75.

/ :N © W — O N L Y I V

Chippewa----- —r - -W a o l~ Jo c k e ts— r

Poc-Jncs . . . 2 lp-«iocs , . 77 ............6 l(idlum .Coota.Jilm lted Quan-____ n

- a i : .................

t N O W Y i OFF BBurley, Rupert. J e ro » ^

Twin FalU T


r a Flno Topcoats 'S t Q) 0 Values to $tOiO------------------3*>'Q Fine Rock-Knlc Topcoats $ 4 01 0 - -VnlUC8-tO$50.60.--::-v..:......■■- ■j- * * 0 ------1 0 Fine p ock -K n lt .T opcoaU .$A O __ -1 0 ' -V atuea-io $66.00.r.-..i...-........ ------------------> 0 Fine R ock-K nit Topcoats $ ) QS o Values to $40i0____________ ■ <50

a P ine R ock-K nit Topcoats

Values to $3950__________ ilEE ALTERATIONS


NUNN-BUSH SHOES---------- A n d - o t h ^ l n o . -----S l-O .-S S —

Voluea to$10J)5___ ' I * J^ {Not all styles Included) ^

. Woyonbcrg SHOES ' ' *3 | ^ — 'Miiratfter-flno-mna — j


TO $11.95

M oft Sizes--------.1 0 Groups

out of court and both parties a n t ' Agreed to th a dismissal w ith prej- ley C udice provenUng elUier party Irom rcopcnlng.Uie ease. . . . _____

Benefit Scheduled DB—KiMBEiRLVr Jan. 2; - A uaiiBfir ------dnnco and auction for the Morch of vis oim(WTWiU-bo-lip|<|.flt-lhe-Plea«ant- — « Valley school south of here Snlur- ‘ dny nlghi:

l l Is being spon^red by the Pitas-

m er

r- , F O U i'H O M P T , E F F IC IE N T> ■* a u t o m o b i l e o r h o m e

---------i r A D I O H E P S p i - " '^ —

A T X O P E l

Reductions ^\ TACKLE TW ILL I

DATS Mita ^ ------- iB nJuly saUa tw in, warm. sno-llt« m

bark, green. t line. Regularly

0^hm drnM ^ SL__H eQ v y .B urlIng ton .tQ ck le .tw lU ——-— lin in g ------M o u to r t-co llo r— G roen

to ■<16.


NOW ONLY . . .



f r e e ' a l t i

« - S R O R T j C3 - l i r o l l o ™ d J y p e 3 6 % J » « o I . l i i t

S M ostly Smoll sizesBurtey/ Je rom e a n d Twin Falls

I i to r e t only. V alues to $29.75

1 Hundreds of Nation


I Pi>Tiilnr and Long Qvals . Moet SlSC

$ 5 .0 0 V o lu e s ------- NOW $ 3 . ®$ 7 .5 0 V alues --------NOW $ 4 . 0 '

; ' $ 1 0 .0 0 V o lu o * - .^ N O W S S tO

■ - $ i 2 : 5 0 “V a i u 6 * - : n r . N 0 w s 7 : 0

» $ 1 5 .0 0 V o luci ....N O W $ 1 0 . 0 $ 2 0 .0 0 V alues ....N O W $ 1 2 . 0

"l> U 'i~F rom R opeK s- * BURLEY— RUPERT—JEROMI

' P A G E

m t VaUey olub sn d P l e a m t ' - V ^ ^ l ^ ^ H ey Orange. '."'.L..';t l E ^ T O ^ N E W B WANT

DR. GEORGE P . SC H O L E R .. i f f i |

visual Analysis O ontiic t I/enaet H A H "Tfioo# tlM V 11$ W iltT N o rtt • ~ '

Twla Fftlls A m H

f 6 M “ T R ~ A m E D ~I S P E C I A L I S T S - ~ H

, 1 U iir ig ^ n ly “iH T 'f lH ir t I parta and factory meth*I ods wilt g ive y o u r rad io

i -c*ftKfttPnttcnttonatre&>r: <^sonablo-pricc8—We-TO*- — ^J? -p n lr nil m nkow nnd tnod— q cIs, all w o rk guaran* | | | | H F tccii. .._______________ _

JT PHONE jUj E ^ 2 8 6 0 --------------iRS l l

ale: I

;U R C O A T S 1— 100 %-WooI quilted In te r-^ ~ -edn nd berfccolorK:S^38-i ::—

I m


"PAIRS}f High (:{uality[QNALLY KNO.WN__ __ __LrWOOl SLACKSnes tn D esert T e a t t . .C b « k « ,__________ _lly a ll of our l a m slack - •aai-cciawnati - aa- t j - o .--------------lLTERATIONR

vALgEs.._gQ:SL^ - v a l u e s . ............ . * 1 2 ' “ r r |

COATS- J^ ^ 2 2 5 5 " " ^

ionally Advertised I

' j _____

Page 4: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice


I B *” ■ lu 11S B ] mbIUh«d dallr IBd S«iu9m7 nt ISO IbBPU-------rall«rI<*lMrkr-lW T t e ^ m ^ b l U h :fU ' mUr«4 M iwcntt (Ihm 'b*II tpalwr Alj[i_ ^ «»l«» Ib Tula r»ll». I4th». Bnd«r tb« «« B h “ " • nunncm im oN n /t t . ^ CABRlER-PATAnLE I

l : » ~ - . g ^ = = = = = H I By U»« >»«r......- ............................—H Z HTMA1I—PA TA BtxiNI M WtthU Ilaka «14 Ilk* C na lr. Nrr*«ai■ g s y i:a ,i j z = --......... .I ' ' 5!JS.yir . , » . i , . , - — ^g H I ' n r Ik#W l TbJ'.u t J ! ^M l — ~ g y ^ y » «r--i:iz—— -.= r:;^.;===:,-^

m } »( *"*i i n ft'a twar |MB» of Ulll pap«T purauant to2 | j ! KATIOMAT. RKPTIESENlli( l : i M aiiit 8 lr« t. £ « Kt»°i- , — -------------------------------------------{-------------- ------G O P 's -F A C ?n O N A I^I'l Back In 1024, Democratic ]!l pecta looked bright beforet r — Tffir-wcumBgnt HUpua imm

ll was shot through w ith scanc - on tho country seemed to b

J l [ Yet the GOP won th e ej£ ■III slide. Undoubtedly m any -1I I I I----- for_thla-Gutcome.-but_not_t| |H fact th a t th e Democrats cm H l | factional fight which fr ltt ID I atrength and alienated coi H I -The battle came t o a hei M l craWc^onrentlon o t MadJaoi H i The delegates struggled th t | M before they finally agreed i H candidate. John W. Davla. W H | the party was exhausted— | | | r chances of election.

Sxccpt th a t th e partie s at Is a ccrtaln .parallel a t thl 1024 and 1952.-Thla tim e It

Ifl;.' administration th a t Is -sea K;: apparently held in low put

Ih'B^Rcpubllcana'^whose—cl___yeors, look bright.

-- And yet i t is th e R epulface the kind of fBctlonai.s

, Uck tho Democrats of 1S24. J*i'' O f course, there la notl

b the cleavage between th e i liberal wings of th e GOP. : between northern a n d sout i t Is continuously evident ir the country -at large In p:

-------- M eyerthelw. tho .combiytwo OOP wings promises t<

1. year than ever. T he conser n , h ind Senator T aft believe t

H I and they are going all>out I M dedare the liberal faction h;

<0 capture the presidency ai H | --------The-llberal-group-doesn't

they have a caifdldate wl-----------^who-has-the-maklngs-of-a-:

Senator Lodge's words, thej...... —to to e finish.. _ . _

Bueh competition Is hea esscnce of America. B u t thi

L; sides of this battle ahould ' I':- tory. A party which consul Ujl!|! tlonal bitterness invites gra* H ; As was dem onstrated in :I : no strength left for a vlgoilUUl___ tIon_cam D algn^^d_byJnd■ |1 tremes of acrlthony i t m ay t M |L-r^f-tt8-potentlal-8upporterB<- H I be .to rub the fine sheen off H |j dentlal prospccts and virtuei l j l l ----- Uoiv-to^«-opposition.-------H | This danger lies ahead f< ■ H party. How It m eets it is jam Amerlcaii electorate will wo j l l l L — tgfo-it -_____________________

PRESS IN STIl World pcace based on wo:

is a happy state of affairs never achieved. Such under

' i j i . ___ course, derive from knowlec"i][ Iji - K n o w le d g e , in t u m . T riust ^ III, a n d h o n e s t f lo w o f i n f o r m i . ii c o u n t r i e s o f t h e w o r l d a nUl „__dlWdHaLco.untilejj,___M . That's-been the h itch . 1 W ] of'Ignorance,'prL'judlcu und' n 1 . th is flow.■ !-------- I t is-hea rten ing ,-there iff progress of an organization K “ to-sm ooth*thff-^y~for beti 8 ' standing among th e pcopli U {;, The organization is tho I: HjyL Institute. The chairm an of 1 ■ i — la.Lester,M arkcl..Sunday_c m| |D ^o rk Times.

----- -JPr&annQunced.almJs-to||® |:i--.:~»r4ndlvldual-«)imttlea_aip

| rate 'plcture''or o th e rx o u n t lly... newspapers and if they i ||gI remedy the situation. To diII i I i n i t t e e s composed of leadij He I ;■ tors have tjeen formed In 2III ! A main part of th e ir Jol nE ]\ lind report on th rea ts to pn i ii * individual countries.I V The flow of news betwc'

Iji 1 :;:;;-:» n y rc rltlc lsm sra jn o rd ls t :l^ I I quality, will come under thiy||l -----of-tbe-varlous-world-preas-iIW [I Fortunately for its futuri !W || sound financial s ta r t with I |j I from th e Ford and Rocke

fo r expenses th e firs t three■'ii;: now 'ls tu m 'ln a Tccori

----- eompllshmcnt:-------ji,: The U. S. s ta te deparlm c H (Ifl ' wide Information service M l o ther countries. Is telUni 1 1 throughout the world, but H I II agency with.-a.deflnlte ax.;■ I lim itations.■ I • B yj)pU cing.and_s^nB U I IP — nwrworld’fl estobiiahBd-pre | [ j | . Jc«s can offer th e ir re ad en %[ | | . th a t can 't be m atched .I j |i IP I can go a long way I j j -!-------Ing-thls-quality.---------=----------

Statistlclans’estlm ate f t ;-----b a b te s-^ l^e = * w m ~ « t* = tl

| f l |! P m e l l ba a 2ot o f change


S W A a H iN o :f April I. I»ll. iriK. »Mt LjUiftl cantfol

RATKii • th reshed outE IN ADVAKCI |n the 1953

- - ....INAaVANCE - .......

erdn-efw ^ "f wepMil t to 8«<. Idilia Cod*. R*r ftck*:N atives------------------CO., INC.tamnco. Calif.------------- AOBeE.ME

a l - f i g h t ---------Ic p r e s i d e n t ia l p r o s - r e u iy Achci ■c c o n v e n tio n t i m e . c h i'm i ■ndniin ls tra tlo n ____Zhft-Unt_^ndol. I ts b r i t t h o ld

b e s l ip p in g .. th e quenUone le c t io n I n ff l a n d - - t h in g s a c c o u n te d

; - t h c . l c n s t . Jvn8 t h e , _indQ .Chinn.. e n g a g e d I n a b i t t e r M aU yi, post i t t e r e d a w a y t h e i r «ommunlaia :o u n tle s3 v o te rs . otil e a d in thfe D e m o - „J»n SQUare f l l f a e n ..h r o u g h 104 b a l lo t s w e woum tu r 1 o n a c o m p ro m is e now slvlni; u W h e n I t w a s e n d e d , of mllllonn oi l - a n d . 0 wore Ite

o t C hins pre a re reversed, t h e r e nnuonmiit ti

th lj-s to B e b ttw e sn i t Is a D em ocra tio .gut invulor

can d a l-r ld d e n a n d ttnTl«-rteh- lublic esteem . I t Is « oouW net t - c lw iic i» r - .l te i^ 5 0 =

. Thus th e , lu b l lc a n s , to o , w h o decisions ani L . t H ( e t l m t . h e l p o c L . g ' . | ? S

S h in s new «Uout» conMljaUve and J S S i n?

L ike th e div isionm th e m D em ocra ts , iiandicaiin congress a n d in rjghi to ate:p res id en tia l y ea rs . lery in a eu

b a t betw een th e s e tion ito be sh o w e r t h i s deliver,

lervatlve forces b e - On th eo u> th i s is th e ir h o u r , dlvbion* in Lt to prove it. T lieyh a s h a d its c h a n c c s k r u s s Ii ka n d fa iled . thre«-<ioy w;

w h o c a n w in a n d prcsidenUal a - f i n o - p r e s ld e n t^ I n - - i lght - undet. .ey aro In th e l i g h t “

lealthf.ul; it is th e precede: th e leaders on both bccnu-ie. wiu: d ta k e n o te o t h b - •“ium es Itse lf In to o - rav e rlaka. , ttio mdo-n 1024, I t m ay hnve ” ,io roM post-co h v en - adtilglng, In .the-cx=. — iiaving-e i' tu m away millions Hovise nppm B,-The-upehotr<ould- tff its current presi- ually hand the elec-


fo r th e R epub lican mentwirn i is a ' t e s t th a t tho decision m

w a teh w ith t e e n in -

experience tlr iT U T E Xorelgn Bffn

im‘><Are>nwfllr»g -thC-RoOMVCworiQ u n a e r s t a n o in g permlit<I r s l o n g s o u g h t b u t a i«o u al e r s to n d ln g m u s t , o f th e »lott-ne.viledDP m en t and t) is t 'c F m e ~ f ro m n f re em a t lo n b e tw e e n t h e i t w in be oia n d - w t t h i n - t h e ~ tn * - - p a i j iu - ___

, Too o f te n barriers V T ^ id - fe a rh a v rb lo c k c d -

re fo re .- t o - n o te - th e -on «et up a year 0 5 0 S , “ eUl»'e t t e r n r a t u a l " u n d c r = ' “th is ybar’a ■p ie s o f t h e w o rld . f in a l and coi. I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r e s s•f i t s e x e c u tiv e b o a r d ihe 'p rw ''-e d ito r_ o L _ T h e _ N e w ____r » m - ih e .

cornea wnnito .d e tc r m ln e .w lie th = - ^ . g e t t i n g a n a c c u - n t r l e s t h r o u g h - t h e i t -w B e w rried ’ a r e n o t to t r y t o b e dlsmemb d a t e , n a t i o n a l com*: »h ie h ^ i l t

d in g new epaper ed l- I 24 c o u n tr ie s . go mnjor p r|o b w ill b e to c h e c k enstcm Wn p re s s f r e e d o m w i t h i n g The UilnK

v e e n c o u n tr i e s , w i t h p^cjliS '^th is to ra D n -m rr rg e i ie n i lT roirtttB-jDDo: t h e e y e s of o f f i c ia l s

u rl.1 S > " l\* o ro if~ * to a~ i th a $270,000 g r a n t i n Idaho, u k e f e l l e r f o u n d a t io n s Hells can>o c e y e a r s . A ll I t h a s t o ,o r d Of s u s ta in e d - a c ^ -

--------------------- 'fu n s in o f ityn e n t , W ith Its w o rld - poin^- :e to new spapers of , ,}f Ing A m erica’s s to ry de«iopmeni l u t as a govem m ent blueprint i x .io .g r in d . i t h a s I ts : restonai. ws

If the 4»fcn!thenlnB _them selvea,ire ss a n d news serv -’ enako me;sra % quality p ro d u c t biueprfnt^^............ englneerlnsly toward Mtabllsh'- u-----------— ___________ __ plftce it In.. — ■ ___________ _ jielulenfo-ma record of 3 .000 .000 ,= the= = ^ ?F «p ln«= ll)63 i=jes made, , • , - - ^ppea—w


HIRLIGIGtOTOK.:.— Tfo gTaye^qtsttUona-lnvol -ol over A m erican toreign pdllcy, InclUi to WBBB w ar o r a "poUee action,” wll

lUt a t th e 'cu rren t aesslon of eonere** .3 presldenU al campaign. The debate :____ ^ .fm b a r m a _ £ L e n .e ral_E laeiU u

a n d hla backers., AlthouRh these problems 1

' Y , n o t a ttrac ted seneral attenUoi V' th e press or on the hou4«*»e: j floor, bo th Democnita and R«i

llcans have held numerous m and Informal conferences on

t e \ i : m a tte r. T hey were discussed a t ^ y . rcc en t San Francisco meetlnt

T n ea tte m p tto 'so lreU ie m .o r i J o declde^qn ^ ^ a ^ roach^to tJ

ck*r heads o f presldenUal candidates •seat advisers. .

HENT8 — T h a problems have assu pressure and prominence because-of a 'reaeTjea~byT»re*rd«nt*Truiniin-'Bna- heson tn th e ir recent talks w ith P :hurch lll and Foreign M inister Eden. it_ c o n c£ m s-lh a —atat£imen'*-d*clsl«n— 1 S ta te s shall n o l employ any atom ic 1 )Ut BriUiln's p rio r npprovnl. Cliurchlll rt lo n -o f-o u r posseulon of atomic base

ond Involves th e W hite House promis le F rench nnd BrlU.ih In southeast At fl._T hallond . _Bnrmn, the J^deraUon wsslbly D utch Ind o n csln -lf the Chi is Invtkde th a t storehouse of valuable on a grand_Bcnlc. __

-B ven-thou8h-U »o-U nlt«d-eu te4-fliay I supply troops, the undersUndlflff H [um lsh a ir and naval reinforcement. W< ; th e F rench force In Indo<chlna hund I of donors' w orth of flRhUnR cqulpmen 1 a ls o 'th e prospect th a t the three nal re ft n aval blockade and economic boj proper, besides utilizing Ohlang K al-sl . txoops on Formosa. m an-C hurch lll w arning of our prepared • frigh ten the Chinese reds ou t of an Ion. O n th e o th e r hand , alnce th la r lit :h Teglon la f a r more Im p o tu n t th a n K< It th e staRO and scenery for W orld war jicU on" here m ight p o t jw reatflcUd I, a s ' in K orea.le quesUon of control over foreign p and overseas alliances In an atomic k lore acu te thnn ever before. I t Is agirrav ic t- th a t-P re s ld e n t-T ru m a n , llko Frar e lt before and during th e last conflict, 5 1 ^ ‘lheio7«r-rc«eK l«g-i’frt?hftMUrK ■ ratification . He regards than aa execi n o t treaties.

3AP—T ho B ritish objection to ou r exclt leclde on use*of otomlc bombs and t European w ar Is understandable. Such 3 m ake E ngland the firs t U rge t for |,1_Vlnri - a.^iTnlny thnt, lhi« niiMliin^

o the r h and , th e UnlUd Slates now ha: in Europe, and mny sh ip more, if com e also hnve sm aller mllltAry forces In : xlft. I ta ly . T urkey and N orth Africa, d « « r a ttae lu . ahe »JJI n o t serve u.t wl w arning of h e r Intentions, I t will 1

n ffn ln . w ith poulb la uso of every varlei ;apoh ahe pos.iei«eii. a llon r a ised ' o n -c npih>l-h l>l- Bi>d - ln 'v n al candidates ' camps la r M ust-our sol .eE_thl4_hJmdlcttD_RIl_a^nctnl_^^J\£A! they aro now doing In Korea, while we

h consent? ^ ^ ^

OENT—TJie difficulty bccomes more se rim thla p act A3 prcccdent, we probably same ngrcem cnt w ith o ther counUle.1 « forces are aUUoncd In " the contnlnme;

JTvtcBy.lO 'C hlna pledge revives and sharpens w hich stirred conRresa when Mr. Trv

ir small and w eak forcea Into Korea wit Ig capltol h ill npprovnl.

pnrcntly believes th a t I t can be repe

llghU ng cnta.

:R— 8euntor T n f t nlrendy has taken hn.i no t dlscu.-Cicd'yet the fttomlc nrrt

> London, b u t h e haa criticised the K( IS "nrbltrary and unconstltuUonal." - ! Elsenhoft'er, nn turally , has saJd no t h e w in.have to fnce th o problem eventt U iry-«nd-«ll!tlom aU<u«pott_ho-knoa-s- B th e danger o t BrnnUng too much power ffBlrs to tl>o Presiden t. He disagreed >vclt-Trum an-pro8ram -tm der_w hlcli-Il Itted to become so powerful, a m ilitary m an , h e h a s eulfertd becau w ith w hich congress, the B ritish go I tho BrlUsh p a rliam en t se t In time 01 rll.-M|u««Uon. •'Ike '* must, speilc h li m 'n ilI one of the m a jo r Issues of the lOSl

IW S O F O T H E I: E r S MAKE OUnSELVES HEABD s3.carrlcd.ln-Our_columni.fl»lurdBy_Iror ■lleUn'a special W ashington correspond :lKTbQ£_dnm w ould juobably .be overlook 's presidential budget re’que.ila may m conclusive. B u t I t m ust b« evident to all papers th a t n o l only ICe HBtbor dan Snake river p rop 'am n re in serious Jeoj

re.ient Ume.he_ldalio>O resaa_U ella_CaayQn .u io d irn lng th a t th e stage Is being set l ■Ale ebopplns Job- tha t-u 'lll sever Uie r i h c cdmprehcnalVB-deveiopment-of-P ; w ater resources. I f these plans are all led-tttrouRh,-the comprehenalveiprosTfto nbercd a t th e m outh of the SnakeII become n "aanctuary" on the pretext ;er development la controversial, l ^ e Sbe sold ou t o f the,ayatem and w ith 1

projects for economic development of ^ •Vashlngton. easte rn Oregon and sou

ng th a t dum founds us about th is unde nent la th a t apparen tly the wishes 0 UUs area ore to be enUrely dlsregardei

pojiUonz-lt-muat-be-rtmenjbered.-comes his cJIstrJct—wo have yet to hear any jalaatlc_aDDraYJtl_from_fttiyone who llv e m W nshlnRton o r ea.item Oregon for < Snake river dam s c r th e Hells Can>*on

, to be sure, the re are areas of opposlU i>-on project, b u l no t one has yet uke: o ascertain w h at th e people ' them, r . K U C«,ls,.lhat_the southern Idaho 01 om a sm all b u t voca l a n ^ j^ lU e a l ly p •ity, U ioupi we ccrlalnly cnn n o t prov

people o t Uils. g rea t a re a sit back and em berm ent to U ke place. It win ham per e n t fo r yeara to come. There Is a de

fo r Uie comprehensive ^devclopmei w ater rcMUrccs.- w h ic h ' m ust -be -foi tense needs of. th e nation and the ecoi Jils a rea nre to be meu Ice Harbor. H elb - t> ie ::o th f r -d a m a -o n ^ e - to w e r -a n d -n iver have Uie h ighest pHbrlty In —w hich be baicd on econeiin] ng conslderntlons.' n o t po’uUcal onei these project* now would no t only ser th e defense o u tp u llo f the area bu t '

In the unw anted role of a 'backw ard b-U tposr:on~the-irtnge3-o(-re<loniJ-d«<

o_ llva .b e're m ua tlie tliil.ih. to see th a t this ij no t allott 'WAlla W sUs UZzioS'BuUeUn.

T IM E S -N E W S ,

A L | | . - . ^ - : . - ; .......

n . P o t , j g

i s S H 0 T S - ^ 8win b« . i ' I L m 09 andte m ay ' nhflwcT-

BMALL’ bUFFtT -A V A ttA gI have I^ear Sir:Uon l a 1 would like to help Homer. senate pulp. * •I tep u b ' - Two daya ago w c got a lltUA

secret In Jerome. A lter we gaUieredOQ th e we had aboul 35 pounds. LucUa t th e h a d a UtUe wind and it blei

Ung o t >now off the road, so I t la not

orevcB However, you d o n 't need jo^ B them , ‘ bout Jerome aa Uie last 0 ,e. fore- banarias were harvested, l^wt tes and s O 'n ^ o n c ^ io h u r t by Llio r . t

weather.Mr. Beclpulp cnn .*et Uie

___ by conUcUng me.Asumed Jerom e’sof two T an LoUid 'S e f - ------p .- s r s n o w -on ■ d tep lsr-^ t-h t

Prim e dny six m onths ft year, m. • . • .

i .T £ frdm 'Bn~ extrm poraneous 11niso to • • •" s js ls la n t dlreclor

Aala— scheduled la give Uie next Uon of (U r new* Item)Chinese' -Unaecustom ed-aa h e - ls U)J le r a w s p e a k i n g . . . ^ ^ ^

P U rS FOB KIDS DETT T he folks a t 604 Qujncy

m y -n o t- Jiavft.A-jnalfi_pup_Sfliose_mQt H th a t a cocker, to Rjve away. B etter We are —this ono wUl go fast, iindrcda And you can pick up *i 2-cr len t. old pup, p a rt cocker spnnlcl. 1 naUona pourth street sou th or phone :

j j j j j avenue east. Thenumber la 207-M. O ne la a 3-m old female, p a rt collie and thi

r S i l « r ' r a t terrier.K oreC W anU dog sn d a cat? Yo:

var UT. BCt both by phoning 3i3. The ( (d to a Is female fox U rrle r ab<=----------- -itio iiu rs^u u iil-ttiB .k liiu j.Jc sI policy * y w r oW. la PU «: world report the c a t- la -a .m a le . bu rav a ted h a sn 't been verified.Vanklln * * * ____ct does NOW H E KNOWSria U iB " .D ear-P ot-B hota j------------------cecuUve Somebody should Inform M

CMttlley. c rea te r of Vlc Fil th e T-N.nomlcs. th a t those at

, , a fte r Sport Feeder are, no t Di xcluslve o r Cowhd artU - . . .uch nc- -TOO DIRECTfor re - poUy;

, p e rt way haa an awful lo t tohas six J l he InWnds to rem ain a bncongress forever, he w on't w an t to leiIn E ng- b u t If h e has any Idea ol (

... hitched, he's hopeleaa.‘ * lit 'th e f l n t place, the propeiL . ^ nlque Is no l to say. "Come ni— _ £ L m ^ R ir ls r ’ T h a t 's all wrong. X

' o t couriie, you wan t ’e m 'to

soldiers r e ju ju con be obU lrw x in u r .taUlng ■Chd-altls-how ba ih fi we w ait ypy pJ[^n re g a in

forever, etc. Make It aound... ........... e a tin g -fo r them _ .P lra t thin■ serious know, one o t them has cnugli lly shnU B u t thla dlrcct approncli—II a wfiere good.m ent of X Periei

(Twin Pa ens the . . .T rum an o u r Bachelor says the hlgl wlUioul o f living- has mnde h im prui


epcftted. - SO T SPO B-nN Qllttcren t j3cftr_Pot_8hoU : ______ .

I hereby U ke l.uue wllh pnper nnd challenge those r

. , , Bible to n duel to the bltte icen—Ills -ujjng-fjyroda as-.weapoQa,_irrnnge-- paces.- — ----------K orean ^ y beef ts th is : In your J

' , Issue, th e re waa a big headline noUJJng, •'SUver c re ek ArcA la £ sntUBllj'. p jy Pishing." And where w ft'a-jrom - ■on-the-aporta-T>age-that'B-wh< *5^ I " estlmnUon U iat lUtl

I shoulda been printed as fai -the sport s ' imgc -aa-ya-coulda-

Lnke N. Lcause o t (Ooodlnigovern- • . . .

S of n a . FAMOUS M S T LINE, . . . Ju it -m a k e » pew lliInfl. m r -wen'tsU(}-0R-lce-^nd-7 ea're-4l 51 cam - worklngl"--------------- --------------- GENTLEMAN IN


[ronU htL ___________ _

....... / • C l J R 6 e - S - S Mi a u w ^ I t h e S t B L C ia m 'b u ? V E . O FJeopardy V ^ ^

lodaU oa. _____ ■;t fo r ale SnaVe ^

aUowed ___ - • ^ram WlU. . ' - . j r . . , - -ce river, 4 ■ /e x t th a t _e Snakeh It will ^it south-southern

ndercoT-I o t the / S 2rded. AU J g . f fnes-from; r----------inyching // IH L

| - - i ----------:on dam. L dlUon to P .iken Ihe emselves I opposl- ___r'pow e'r-................. .......................rove Uie ,

nd allow ,per the ir .d e fln iu ^

Ils .-Termrie l b C a n - ____________________________

' £ ' ^ t T h ' e n ^ L M ^

i l VOLCOEi«V5jOfc. =

.iowo<na ------- -------------

!, T W I N F A l L S, ID A H O

^ PEGLE]—P A H IS -a ra T B iig ljT I Ia M

I f * — U )»-command«r.m.chlcf.clf.U^ bryo arm y of the la -N orth A W naUona and a candidate f<

Republican nomination for.......— dent. Is «2 yeara old ;m d a flni

• m j : of m an, bu t overweight 1p o iS a r R C IT is r tw B B ^ a B I

er B eet- s u d d e n l y Q u l i ~ « l ® | smoking one a l u r ^ H l ^ ! ^

;U« m ow emooD about two -ed It up years ago. ickUy we H e aoon gained blew th e a little over 15 H t S lOt soiled pounds. He sUnds

. of th e uirough the S i r ^ C f l B ^ H ist week. rel. H e haa b e e n V c !^ ^ j •freakish- a i e t m r t n e l r i ' 0 P '» S i ^ ^

Ing to Uke It off. w » ik « u l he enow H e also eats raw

carro ts fitfully, b u t thla in' a Son nothing, one way o r ano ther. 1 ,oUon people try eaU ng.raw c arro -hours-* itH tyttlT iW lcinfle'thBt'tlU s'ls'

unappeUilng root except coo . lam b atew-and give up. U k e 1

mlrtweatem gupfrsUUon th a t . i oea M * pyj carried in Uie pan ts expUln- waixJed o il rheumaUsm, th e p exeerpM uon th a t raw carroU restore

ipeecn foiling e y e ro r- tr re s tn t iB - lor w»» g f organic senility 1rxt day. departm ent, haa been dlscre

U) publlo - j.{olhlnTl8’ v.tong-wlUi-El8( er's eyea except th a t he h a s t glasses to read, Tho reaacn ’

kiree t q u i t a m o k ln g w th a t l t h a d 1

up aboul M fags a day a n d th e common experience of

ir?r “ P tbe navor of a moU: • ?> glove'and feellnc num b In t

ne 1B<5K. BCftlps. which comca to ao ir oches a t us a fte r 30 or 40 years of Ad< ^e phone o n e afternoon h e ju s t qul l-m onth- cold turkey proposition Is a t the o th - ordeal especially to th o at icr. wife who gels blam ed f< You can damnedest things w hne th o le conlno cai • process Is working I n ' si about 8 cardlo-vascular system, lessrtbair —B ut-lka «tood off- a ll eom pi The kids w ith potent cubebs, trick clg bu t thla holders, which tako ab m uch

tho amoke th a t you m ig h t i___ aave yourself the .b o th e r^ a r

J tlvo sm iuhes of chewing tob------------------^After-nboul-»t*-w»aki^wl

Michael p a r for the event, he got th F lin t In down and he Is now acclal

I anlmala hero by members of h is atnf. . BULLS. M rs. Eisenhower gets n o c r )whBnd an . Like the poalmLiUc foi

of Pm nkle and Johnnie , th l only goes to show th a t th e r no good In men.

^ In tbl,< Job on the ouUk? Pnrls. Uie'Bcnernl doesn't gei

f chnnee for exerclw beyond aI geiung Qj rounda of golf a week. So

moments during h is workli In ft room about 25 fee t loi

I, ®f, h a lt th a t wide, he Krabs ft big

I M w tb e narrow dlmonKlon. — hf?.? T he club head Li loaded i

oimiC-ror-T3Mtn!7tr-rrT7ns-in n i Wilson. ClilenBo, nnd preseiWnT ? o u L 'cut.-acii. Lnrry ^

th e commnndcr of hLi a ir It'« nn ''■blch Is lnTKcly theoretical.

M nJ.-O en. Slick Peraon, r lrn c rd <>f you-know otflccr.Palls) " 'fp genernl of the old trndtU

scc.t people and cfecWcj v h o c iiinh cost ">>ouId see EUcnhower, snld tlirSnc his hnblt o t >fCftr:

gigantic swInRi w ith this terri_________.wbUp illrlfilinc lrr,t.rra-----------, You belter try th a t- ro u rs '

fore you believe it. However. 1 iUh~‘M u r inKo rwlpos-In-tho-offlc«” ft; B reapon- control of Uint club hend < liter end. ^op of ibe baduiwlng, wltl J . ot, 30 Inch or of the osTrhead i

S „ r J ? N .7 T n d U.ed


All Moke, ond Mode Phono 2769-J, Art Will

A A A" m .ih .t S ew in g M a c h i i itM taroutli -------------------^ S n O p ----------

112 SU ln A te. N . . trem U m

; F O r L E t > '" A S M 'N ^ “ ' .O C K C A N 'T D R E D 5 , ;


r ' • • • . . * • . ' . .•__^

-Lit- ^


ite Trouble!


G S a p p e a r F R C

;R’S ANG i:

a t 173 ears close together, sjow oacs fTTiike .tbflt g n d j ie never I

^ ^ ” *dlcUUag when I eafltji:

‘ ' ‘b is partners .when’ h e goe f M O ’' tmiallr a re American genera K r o f - ; ' hlJ-staff.-but I seem to have

laid niv notes on th e ir names, way there Is no regu la rlt:^ O n o nem exr-day-«nothcrcJX *-J m-the-W s:— J---- -------------------

__^ . i.n tipfofc Qeneral Elswi:k p .il .r got innouneed ^ i h e R e ^

^ i n a t l o n by young H enry indicates bage Lodge. Mnssachusetui, r. Lota o t wants ta be secreUry, o f a tate : roU, bu t new, It so. regime, the re Was * Is-ft-rerr inU on-xroimd-6HAP£-M )d-xi coked in the JoumalUts and oUier Ame e the old jn parb concerning Ike a auc

s ' pock'eC '*''H^'*sccond In com m and h . propoai- Oen. Alfred M. O ruen the r, v ire vlalon tm t coming up 53 years, a fou Buorm al genenl w ith a-flrst-claw rocoj

In th is on that record, one of our be ^•edited. uice Senator T aft, h e is a

shorl of glamour and UiCy nr asenhow- working on a plan w shovo hli s to wear sItuaUons and news-picturea I why ho Ike and by himself, w hich w, d become verUse h im to o u r people ar

r-bum lng —H *alght.bfi.the.l3esljn the d he had but he la widely unknown f waking among soldiers nnd It m ig h t b lUsrmon'a w get th e olher na tions to

th e fin - him.many of . . •

xddlcUon. in Uils asslBiimcnt. Generr lUlt. ThU 'enhower'a rcRulnr chauffcur : X terrible James Perrym an, a soldier i aubjcct's regular army, who was w ith h fo r th e a while when Iko wns presld

e cheml- columbtii unlvcnlty . T h ere Js STJbJect's of drivers for th e flee t of pas

cars necessary to c arry ofllc ipromlies. .<,ffleUl-mUaloas-to ParU and i :l«a re ll* - ■Snd“K o u irb u r th e y -n n > -« l l :h .out'of m osU j-'A m erlcnn-i,, . t aa weU - There nre a few Belgian and-Jur* . British,-too. bu t there oro obR obacco. Q9 iromen and the re will be .w hleh-ls. —There— are— tom e—XVACs. th e devil wAVEs of several nntlonalltl lalmed a gome a ttractive civilian An nff while - ifij on the Inside s ta ff and y cred it a t ju jt jay-tniirtncTC-tTnbRolul folk-song exctue for Uielr prc.scnce In .hla story projtct such aa th is bccausi lere afh 't of Uie nnUons concerned Is

hard up for manpower.--------_ _Jk lrls of population In th e g rip o t Ingot muclj ------- -----------------------------------a couple

30 a t odd king daylong and ^Mg driver ; ■ 1

r o tf a l i io f '---------------------- -

1 with 22 i - J- i r n id im r --------------------------------—lented to {■ i —N oraud , ^ .

ilr force, \ll. • \)n. Ike's \. n very \ lU onwho ,, \ jo fU ie n j '* ■ I i the boss > arlng off \ rrlble ba t _________

T s e l f - b e - ------- . ”'. he doea . “f t n d ' t h e --------- '

I on th e ■' \ \Ithln a n ......... \ \1 tubular ’ \ \

1 . \ y

ines \\fR IN G —Je ts _______ • • . . . 'Uill io m s -TT.';;

in o [---------------------L _ ^ ---------------

■: ___ ■ f e S Z " _

, , WHO’SW h o '

____________________n o i g h b o


• w r i n g i n ;

P ^ c i o u s

« r - J g

t ........______ .’fe u —

m s ^

- T 7 » - S & - t h e - U n lU d - S ta t e a > _ , H . But « e have fftUen In to an

J X 2 J hAblt Ol pretending th a t w<y c h e s '

; S d» ■»».a irauon g e nem lr-hav tf>,i« le t cuUes swishing In and o u t fo:

ick and This Is no t ft com m ent on • scuffs eral Elsenhower In particu:

S ^ o r - t h ^ b o l ^ u a l n c ^h im do em m ent a n d w ar. T h e pretenj- ^ e e d women because th e reoes out enough m en of th e aam e <•rals o t icnce Is-ft He.,ve mU- The whole reason la t:s. Any- thoroughly com petent m ale et3ne day or male civilian clerk o r

simpering rnnlrk on you. I t wMihower be th e same._______________juB lIcnir----------- _ - -------- -J MOVE TO NEVADA e 'tn the d IETTRICH, Jo n . 2 3 -M r. ai s spccu- Bill W nrren nnd M r. and Mx -amoDg. W orren -andJam iU ejJinve m nerlcaa* H awthorne. Nev., w hero~hc ucccsjor employment_______________

- H c r n r

Mr. & Ml“ “ i m . a n n o u n c e t (

I I tAUNli ' S " ; ------------ P E R Sbe hard

. . . . U mr Ll 8gt.

S °J«K r 162 b l u e LAKES BLildent ol

la H cn ^ r OFFERINGd around Q u ic k , e c o n o m ic a l ,^« ii-m e n r ^ w o s W n i r a n d - d r y l n g 'a n s and ' y o u r : f o m i ly - la u n d ry ,bsoiuieiy - o w n -c lo th e s - In t h e m >e none.:.t a n d ____________________Itles and *Vmerican k L1 you can « j n titlu te ly ^ o ----- COin n war, . c loth.

rIvIL ______________ ,liisidlous


S THE lU C K Yo's th e lu ck y housew ife?

_au to m atic-« lec t» c-lau n d cy -t ng, and h a n g in g of h eavy

us time— a n d sp e n d s i t a s i f

.......................... P. S. I n t h

w ives a re cxti

a re still way

r O A H j O '£ iS > £ A u i^ ...D 6 tt s

snnda ofIkes and • / P fO A i! • .’are we ®vUPtl__________^ V E R a r r y ^an effete we need ! • » » “ '!

on Oen- _______cular. I t The ancittTfc:: u L eqi: .ense lhat bait. T“«ni•ro aren't -----I compe. LEGAL AOVBm

that_.a ■ sergean t o•J"« tary a.',"t.7n.ilr:|,U?« _AiKl._aL ^ . » u i - w - ^ ^

=------------A -and Mrs. "j;'"?! *nj

Mra. Pete r . r mo¥ed ta ih« ri»h» to ■ficFhave coui^


irs. Roy H.t h e i r p u r c h a s e o

DRI-MA(S Q N A P j g

IL V b; ■ " PHOI

G . • . ^I,, indivudual__- ^ ^ 9 %ig -s e h 'ic e - f o 'r^ lJ L 2 Jry,-(on!y-your--AM®j| machine) —

S A V I N G S . , ;time (as UtUe as one bourses convenience— trnxioney - i j i Ihcs.. a p d the friendliest tervlctraa: Dp in , let u s show you hsrxi3| pe your laundry, done hett

f ■ I

^ ---------

—........... . 1


I f m iy b« four n"*

y a i . W h y It l i lt Ijj!?

J l u t j r i i m i iu U l i U * *

y w is h . S h t MV«« l»

sh e chooses.

th e Snake'RIvarVin«y»l

t t r a lucky . Their • !« '*

y b ilo w t h . **

W i > o y ^ ^

Page 5: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

. j j , ! E v e n t s

lld-by GKiJ

W.1* “ i ¥ ilk « » MUIPW; =1;

i”1 ’s ' w e ' s s ' SEU ] « ^ l , . , l - I ^ -im

i w n W “

“-a-ss ■,____________________ £b

^■ .rC aunrll.— .-. - .

S 5 j ' S . “ T« S^ r w snicn- rc o u n - -ch . ^ n of the S rc m rea .K‘ iw n conducted the

^ “nt wndlilatej to r B

^ l ? “ood, Mrs. E n rrJ^Th H. Dnrrlngton. P( r A «unc lt *« re - J l ^ i^ ^ U o n -a iu U ils O . fill Jfrem me district pre&l- arn ^ 'b c f - N "'" '* - °P “S i i l m d district bw U

Srters of the d iurch. to Bonlc. treuu re r.

S u d #1«> anriounced -He w ore O r-

S C S w t . p u rc iiu ; £;S ehurcli choir #nd r,j.,-w om en'a sroupsUflUta Mid proJccU fw ^

jrtje Melton wm In M proftrftm, whlcli In- rw I trie. Mra. Jomes ^ Holdcrrced andujichael. aecompanled

MeiWn. Lorraine Dcngie

i o n M a r t i n j

Q t t e r n ' j

> 'V i i r < ^ , , J•lEW :.plE C E tl ■« J Kw &j Ifa amurl to t ll th8 crUp two-plecer I M» and all throuBh Md_-}aclcot, has—n » -j •UrthM only two m ain i 't«! Three-quartv o r :

®: Mlaev jires » , 14, I 5. M, 3<, 30, 38. « . <2. I •>^^y«ds 35-lneh: %

^ B f o ^ m c ^ n a l f l r t h l a '

s, M e e t in g s u r ^ H r G f o u p s "(tave, tu 'o readings and Mrs. Earl HoUtfiitar- ftC C om panltd-froufFaln^ -

A tc a -a n d 'a o e la l hoiiTfollowed’ “ w ith m em bers of th e Ladlca aid In c h arse . Mra. Edwin C rtit and M n, Oharlea- M otfett . were In charge ot tho tab le , w hich waa centered wlUi

aUver candelabra. Frealdlns a t the . tea. tab le were Mrs. E tta Melton ; and M ra. Irw in. . j

- jnn tor'Fello iw hlp jKew officers and committeexbalrmcn_oI_UlLJunlo£_W;, tml5ier_ I

tellow shlp o t tho P J n l Presbyterian charcli~w ere Injtallcd Sunday eve­ning In th e Presbyterian Memorial

atone conducted the ceremony. 1 M arshall Olah la new moderator;

Connie Lu Thoraon, vice moderator; | E lizabeth Petcreon, clerk, and Mi­chael L<eda. ireaaurer.

C h i ln n e n Include ' KaUierlne' Peck, ta l th and life commlulon; Jim ' Bolton, stewardship commls* ^

S S ^ ^ f f i g S h V ^ i S * S I ^ ' ;reach._AduU leaders are Mrs. H arry Bol­

ton a n d Mni. Oren Boone.

Opportunity C lan T h e Rev. R ichard, DcVllllera was

honored Monday cvenlns on hl.i b ir thday anniversary a t a aurprtse potluclc supper held by members o( the O pportun lly elaaa ol the First C h ris tian church. ___ . _______

Flckefi C lan ‘. A potluck dinner and -program

was he ld by Plckct'a class o t the M ethodist church Sunday followlne c hu rch aervices.

T h o ' program featured a piano due t by Mra. Earl Dahistrom and Shirley K estler, and vocal solos by Alice H ow ard, accompanied by M lu K eatlcr. .M ra. B. M. Kestler waa program chairm an and Earl Dough­erty la prealdent o t the group.

— tt :

.D a n c e s P la n n e d -- “ B y V a lle y ^ C lu B s

— Are*-aquare-daacers-haT*-planned- aeveral evenU to r Wednesday.

T h e Doccy-Doe elub of Buhl will m eet in th e Falrvlew O range ha ll to r ft regular club dance a t 8:30 p. m . W ednesday wlUi Bob Daley, caller. T he Oakley square .dance club nlso *wlll m eet a t 6:30 p. m. W ednesday In the high achool gym-

caller.T h e H ansen Hoppers have planned

a club m eeting Wednesday n igh t In the H anaen O range hall. Max Mot- tlt t , K imberly, will calL

I— G areQ f= ¥ 0 i_____________ B y A N G E L

Jack ie i l l yeara old and hla eoualn T(^fnmy U 0. Jackie waa visiting T om m y while hl.i ;nother was visit­ing Tom m y’B mother. The two were In th e playroom, a porch th a t opened from the living room. Tom­m y h a d ft farm laid out and waa building a bam . Me had It h a lt tlnlahed and waa preparing to work on I t w hen Jackie appeared.

"D on 't touch tha t. Jackie. I t Isn't

now.""Shoot.** shouted Jackie, and

klcked-not.Qnly_ihe.bani-dowa..but. a ll th o o the r llttte liuta and house-V sending tho toy anlmala flying about th e floor.

; , : ^ i r o u ‘ro.n.nB6tyJlltle.goao. T hat’s . .w b a t j ’QU.ftce,'-ahauted-Tommy.-’‘l ’ll

show you—" and he laid hold o t the t ecrenm lng Jackie and smacked hla• tace.I B o th m others came rushing. Tom- r -tny’B—m other—w « —ashamed—and- I angry . "Vou get upstairs to your ' room, young man. I 'l l attend to you

, boy like you. Instead of playing nice- . ty w ith your little cousin—”

" B u t he—"' "N ever mind w hat ha did. He’s

• O nly a~bftby and you 're 'a blg 'slx- ’ yeo r-o ld b o y r o e t u p tta lr i and su y

the re ."I I t waa too bad, o t course, but the t -hlam e-resta w lth-the-m otheta-w ho . did n o t remember th a t there la ft ^ very wide ronn o t Intererta between.. 6-yeor-old children-oiul-3>ycar>old

[ones, ‘r a e y d g _ n o ^ p h y well to -

k For Your Old m Living Room ■ Suite-O n~~—

P ^A J< tew Qne

■ Large-----Selection of -

Jl Styles and Colors H LOWEST PRICES


'• i r o r l i to do b tu ln u i wilh"

b r o w iLU ^IC -------- y A f f t l A N C H - -------


9 5 2 " - ~

B e t r o t h e d • T v

. lease— the-:

i W Lois.■ H ' the


: Pho' '; J l # N>. cey,

- Mr? met

.all-slotdaya n


DETTY j o JENSEN------ --<Sf«ffrnfTaTlngt------------------------ /

* . * * * ■ pla

M f e d d i n g _ S l o t e d — i'n B y B e t t y J e n s e n

- - VIEW. Jan. n - M r r and~Mra.“T .r p - LeRoy Jensen announce the en- f ' gagement and approaching m ar- rlftRe of th tlr dauRhier. B elly Jo.

' to Arthur McCIeilAii. son of Mr. and ’ i> Mrs. Scott McClellan. Rupert. gta ; They plan to bc m arried in Feb- Ea ■ funO’. - • ■ ho • The brlde-cIcct. a graduate of j _ D urley, h igh -4chQ ol,-a tiended_the id«

LDS Su.'ilnf.y collcte a t S alt Lak^. jdtCity and la employed a l tho Cassia ««

I N ational bank. Her fiance, a gradu- II a te of the Utah S late Agricultural m ir college a t LoRan, U a.«oclated wlih o c

h is father In farming on the M ln- int I Idoka project.I * ¥ ■ ¥ . to

I G a m e s F e a t u r e d .lo‘ B tn iL . Jan. 22 — Florence Cobb <=h ' and in s Jacques were hostesses to

the Cedar Draw club m e e l^ g ja a t _

Bm iiee^Gwt^” M i ^ u In charge _ o f . U je ..p tegram .-conducted-three ot

r Hicks. Mrs. Boy M oniioa and Mra. M.> Oladj'a Hicks. I Della—R aedela-and—AnniB—IiOq -sa

MacKay will be hostesses Feb. 20 daII w ith Laura Crtsp In charge of the11 program. ch0 * * * n ,

1 C l u b M e e t s ">• JEROME. Jan . 22-M rs . A. A. S« ^ Woodhead and Mra. W ibon C hurch- J}|

Sm ltli wna hostess to her bridge d club. High prize won won by Mrs. i f» WlUlam Spaelh. sr.. nnd aecond high- prize by Mrs. Bert Fuller. Mrs.

Churchman won the guest prise. p

» i^ ~ G M ld re n -4 iSLO PATRI_______n gether because they cannot. The ^ g thing to do b to see th a t each haa £,■r tl i e 8a m e jie .c an p la y ,_ su y c iir jh aae Nsme constructive ability, usually,.t nnd three year.i no t very much. Tlie- younRcr one loves to pile the blocka a high and knock them down whileIt the older ono w anls lo build with " k them . , .

I t w on't do lo say to any group ^ o t children of any- nge. "Pluy nicely _0- T i o ^ r ^ e - v .m - i T v E i r r w i « i e ’':i- S

and leave them to tinil their way. ~ d I t la best to s ta r t them a t play be- V *-j - to rfr-leav lng rand -once -ln -a -w h lle _

take a look n t them to see how th ings a re going,

T he host child Is llltcly to be a M blt-'\ipplshril3clng::in_U it-:drivcr’s : :» ‘ aeat, and h e may need a b it of , coaching. I n any cose,. remember g

th a t age and experience make a lot ■, of d itterenee between children and

j . -« .ct_accoM H B ly,_^----------- ---------------;r —

*** '"""Jl.^ alUul* tomtUilnr Ju l (MkI. Dr. F«lrl

npUlTu how to e tt chlldrtn tn n t tJit C.

Cp«r fooili In hit booklat Ko. 90], n

Children," To obUlB » copr nml H■S 0."B«"w.°fil.S.)n S: litw Yeikl"ti. y! ^


f-C H O eO L A T E A/

l l O t lI I PURE PORK

- S a u s' 1 "Taste Good"




&f e a w M g i g i i B i i a

T w i n F a l l s G i u b ’ H "

M e m b e r s R e p o r t ___

, W e e k ' s S e s s i o n s ™leason on "the old prospector" # t * the-m eetlng‘M onday^f'C aiiii>Tiiary Lois. D aughters of U U h Pioneers, a f * the home of Mra. W. L . Chauiicey. ' Mnu Richards was asalated by Mrs.Violet Beus.

Mra. Chft»nf>v « pA«m'w ritten ' In honor o t h e r mother, Th Mrs. Horace Ilancey, and Mrs. MeU Phoebe W nilams read "A Miner's p. m Ten Commandmenta." Mrs. Chaun- E. S; cey, aajilstcd by Mrs. W illiams attd Mra. Mabel Judd, served retreah* M: ments. a t 3

-------- hou:________ M niinlanlile. Club________ Mr.

Mrs. Joe Berks was hostess a t an . l U ^ - m e e t l a g - a n d —acwiiig_ica- _ m i d ^ - w L ^ e ^[” "| t'{*.‘‘‘'*_c lu b - ^ e

• needy family and a potluck lunch- eon was »er\ed. Mrs. Oeorge R ltler i>-

I and Mrs. H. Burgm an were gutjis.

P ast Oraclea „- — A -new -T tig.m aklng-proJect—way

planned a t Uie m eeting of the Past Oracles' elub M onday a t th e home of Mra. Chris SIms. The nrnlfft.

- wll! be Rtnnc(r"ai tne ciub'a next, ■ S“

r R i J p e r t ' M e r r i b e r s ' , J

■ , H o l d C e r e m o n i e s S1 RUPERT, Jan . 21—T lje annual In- Ma

atallatlon ot Adah circle, Order of hos• EasU m s u r . waa held Friday a t tho on , home of Mrs. F rank Harris, r New ottlcers are Mra. Harris, pres- ^6 Ident;-Mra,-C,-H.-Bur8her, vieeprr.i- tCM

Ident. and Mra. L ila B. Benedict, p.» aecrelar>--irta.'surer. wll

Tlie ln»tn1Iatlon wan eonducted by fur1 Mrs. Tom Cook and Mrs. Charlca sch» Goff wllh Mrs, H. B. McMillan read- to- Ing the prayer. me

The commUtee preaented corsngeato new ottlcers. (

Tlie afternoon featured a dLvrus- Prislon o t Uie work pertaining to Uie soc

b chapter. Tli0 ¥ ¥ ¥ - wit

' — b a d i e s ^ A i d ^ — Ir1 — D E C C 0 r 3 i 5 r i i = r f i r r a t t i - r a « 't o t.lhe .D ec lo -P resby tcrlan church n. m e t.ttt-lh e -ch u r eh ..T h ut« lay_»iim- -Jip 1. Mrs. Ray Hosmer as hostess.

Mrs. Lawrence McCall announced . xt -«sslgimtent»^or^>rereea9-«nd-Oran>:0 da mlaslons spwlng. le Tho new aewing committee In­

cludes Mrs. Clifford Sutton. Mrs. Robert SImplot. Mrs. Viola Schrenk and Mrs. Annabell Bogby.

The lesson was given by Ktrs.» Schrenk. ’riie nex t mceUng will be nc

held a t Uie church Jan . 31. Mra. T l

S ’ W C T U M e e t s - ws. Mrs. Mackey Brown was hosteas

Friday to members of the Women'a ChrlsUan Tem perance union. Tlie ^ meeUng opened wlUi group singing !

- Ky .4Fg ^tirr^lIsabelle Spademan gave devoUons. J l

The program on world peacc was i,. given by M ri. May Blake, assisted

- T}y-m tm bcrr-or-The-gTonp.-M rs.-J. — „ P. Ferguson, aaslatcd by Mrs. Anna, , Irw in, ser^’cd refreshments.M ---------------- ^ ------------------ .

'• E v e n t s P l a n n e d Sle MURTAUOH. Jo n . 32—David O. tl ■h Moyea waa speaker a t the MIA aa- u

sembly program. T h e Scout troop n was In charge. u

2 Plans were made to r the “ m eet h m*-«t-MutuaV=-ovenli»ir-io-bfr-held- —

_ Wednesday and also to r th e ward ^Oold and Oreen ball lo be held s

; ; -

B i r t h d a y F e t eJL _ JlB Y B U R N ,.Jan ..22= M tjm dJ.Irfl,‘7 E lw ln-S teubo 'en tennlned ' in 'Jionor

ot tho birthday anniversary of Mrs. CorlU Ham mer, Idaho Falla, who Is vlslUng relaUves here,

nd ¥ * ¥

— B o ) ? e s “S ’e n t — ^«•- ePRINQDALE. Ja n . 33—Members

clety have sen t U boxes o f home- fi- made candy, cookies and cake to

servicemen. I t waa reported here V: Monday. ___________________ _


■ L S ...E a (

s a g e 31' C R A N I

1 Pound P ack ag e .___

' ' T I M E S - N E W S . T W I NI N F A L L S , I H A H q

C a l e n d a r •

SH O SHO N E-Jotly SUtchera will m »ot-«t-3;30-P.-in>-Frlda y -a t-U ia .■name of.M rs. r ium rcg ro a T g n r—________ * ____________win. n i ^ —T he, Filer W oman’a club will meet- Wednesday' lor ft program j j „ on.Amcrlcan homes by Mrs. MarUn- dale 'Woods.

The Wesleyan Service guUd of the Prii Melhodlst chureh wll m eet a t B orlg p. m . Wednesday w llh Mr*. Vemon- -wn E. SmlUi, 010 Blue Lakes boulevard. • 7

* * * Uia M aioa elub membera will m ret Ryi

a l 3 p. m . Thursday a t tho school- urd house. Mrs. Homer Craw tord and

— T he-L oyal-W om an 'a-cU ss-a t-tiic , ^ P lrs t C hristian church will ho ld_ i parly a t p. pi. T hursday with Mra. Edna Sm llh. Co-hoatesaea will '' '* be Mrs. Earl Miller, Mra. Oabe wc Johnston and Mrs. H. J . Reynolds. B*‘

* * » C -;__ RQlL,call_wiU_be an 5wcred_wi!h,"niy husband's best alibi" a t Uie „ Oood Will club meeting a t 2:30 p.m. Wednesday wlUi Mrs. H . H. Soper. ^•906-T hlrd-avcniia wntt M n , .Inhn __Rodman will fumLMi the whlto ele­phant._________ . .

The Rock Creek WorthwhUe club J will meet a l 3 p. m. T hursday, In- M stead of Wednesday aa previously I reported, a t the homo o f Mra. Jake ■

• Ma.son w ith Mrs. Ru.uell 'Larsen, « t. D r. Olenn Hosa will talk ' 9 on polio.

¥ ¥ ¥Mrs. E. M. Do.wett will be hos-

. tesa to U ic-E m ftnon-olub-at-13:30 - , p. ni. Prlday. A poUuck lunclieon t

will be aerved and rolls will be ■ > funilshed. Election o t offlcera la s scheduled. Members aro requested . to bring old ChrMlmas cards to the

meellng.S ¥ ¥ ¥ .

Oroup meetings Qt " Uie Flr.^t . PresbyU rlan chureh W omen’a as- ) Roclatlon wll! bc held a t 3:30 p . m.

Tliursday. Oroup No. 1 will meet w ith Mra. J . M. Pierce, leader, 2D0 Seventh avenue north ; group No.

- 2.-wltn-M r/:ru-U T5reckenrH l88n3T “ J- Seventh—aventie-norlhr—w llh—M rsr

Oeorge Moore, leader; group -No.- 3. a l the homo of Mra. £ a r l P iun ty ,

■4COTOUTth"avenuBTiortnrwlth"Mr».- ~. Calvin See. leader, and group No.’

R. L. Dunken, leader..................... f ..................

“ C h a p t e r M e e t s»• ALBION, Jun . 22-N aom l chapter 16 No 4. O rder o t E astern S tar, met »• Thursday n igh t tor lhe. secretary's“ ■nna ireuBurur'a rejiuria;-------- ---------------

The charter wns draped In memory of Mrs. Allle Butler. Mrs. H. E. Welsel nnd Mrs. J. H. M ahoney con-

I,; dueled th e ceremony... Mrs. W alter Amende and Mrs., , Mark Bowldcn were on tho refrtsh -

m ent commltiee. ' •!r The next meeting. Feb. 7. will

reaturo“ a“ d r l i rb y T .IS rS lc v c “jra -* honcy-anfl-sym bolism o f l h o ' east ^ by Mra. C. E. Slmonscn.t ------------- ---------------------------- --

P a r t y S p o n s o r e d“ ■ - PA IRPIELD .-Jan.-33 — ADubllc -

'card party wan sponsored by Uie Camaa club Thuraday evening a t ,

O* tho American Legion ha ll and took : s- tlie place o t the regular January • sp meellng. Proceeds will be given lo j

the liludent council to pay fo r new • e t high school band unttorms.Id— no5HKses“ lo r~ tn8“ ewninif“ wefS’ “ rd Mrs. T. T . W okerslen. Mrs. Wayne Id 8toke.< and Mra. M. J.-K tm a.

• ■ I L et Us R e b u ild Your ] 'OLD MATTRESS

or " ^ n l ^ $ 5 ; 0 C T D o w i i "V • and *1.00 per week

New M atlreaa and Box Springs Made -to Order

Onn Day Rervlra ___ .10-Year O uaranteo

sra T W I N FALLS- M A T T R E S S -F A C T O R Y -

Booth Pork Phone IWO-E 15 Vears Experience


nd WED. I

K h l 9 c

3 L b |.* l IiBERRIES I

1 5 c i

W est ^

K i m b e r l y G r o u p . P i

S e t s H a t D o n e eKIMBERLY. J a n . 33—A ho t dance gram

will be held_at_B:30 p,_m.^8aHirday. ,Woma iy-m em borr-of-tlie-D ouU aud-Shp*- -vnicra pera club of Kimberly. Tlie event a revl w hekl-ln.lhoK lm betly-Oranse. .. h a ll with Mr. and Mra. -Clarence H eath a n d Mr. and Mra. Al Han­kins a^ hosts.

Members are to wear ha ts repre-

^ r" * e ^ w m ^ " g lv e n *foTuie*'mMt original chapeaux and those nol w carlng-^hata wlll. b e .penalltfrt,’ The Kimberly club abo announces th a t members were gaests ot the RVPert Hoedownera club laat Sat­urday.

¥ ¥ ¥ .

— — P a r t y - G i v e n * - ^ —Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Staata were

hoat3~to~Uie:r.ueky-13T:lub-gauirda!r '-evening~wiut Mr. and Mrs. J. O.Winkle aa co-hosts. Pinochle prizes were received by M r. and Mrs. J . N. Blakley, high, nnd Mr. and Mrs. B.C.- H uffman, second high.

Tlie nex t meeting will be a dinnern t- 7 - p m —P e b .- lf r - a t - lh f r -h o m * -o t-----Mr. and Mra. Roy Smalley, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Blakley._________

le '- 4 0 3 M ain Ave. W e lt - >0 Phone 2860

t e

- U s e d

c— u p ^

: all F(•R

! • Rad

Buy N<

P r o g r a m G i v e nRICH FIELD . Jan . 33-H latory of by d

larly Id ah o settlers was tho pro- lUustr gram Uiple to r the Richfield Peten WomanU—elub—«lU v--M r»^D .-E .- aerapl w iie iu . p iugiuiii um iium n.'une tivs* 'Veiw‘ a review o t M n . Claire Bracken’s Wllco

P r o p e r d i e t . . . aupc rv la ed b y y v e r y h n p p y I n c f d o n t . . . g iv in g y b e i n g n n d h c n lth fu l jo y .

“ E n e r g y ' ' iti a m u c h n e e d e d qu in g d i e t s . . . O lym p ic M e a l B re a i c o m b in n t io n o f f in k e d w h o le g r f l& v o r . . . p ro v id e s e n e r g y . . . d i e t s .

O ly m p ic M e a l B re a d m alteB V. t a s t e d . . , a n il b r in g s y o u itm ri

- p r o t e in ® .--------------------------------------

. ___l- .-Y o u T -G ro e ^r-h aB -O ly m

f e . . . Famoua For Famous N a

i S a lour entin

L A p p l i a

Famous NomisRefrigerate idibs=-4.Ra swing Mocli dsHiiirig Mac 4ow!...;AikIk's - Easy Payirii

Bok. H U lorr 'o f Idaho. . 'Club a e m h e rs answered roIl;e tll. f deacrlbm s Idaho aeenle lu slra tedw lthp lc tu rtf.M rB .A ltbu r . eterson oulUned plana tOf t t e du ft ’ J J

/llcox. ' .

)y y o u r d o c t o r . , . e a n f a ’ft. j _Ig y o u a n e w f e e l in g o f w e l l ' -.-i

1 q u a l i ty . • . d u r in g re d u o - r e a d . . . m a d e f r o m a a e c r r t ,! g r a in s . . . w i th a b u n d a n t . . d u r in g t i r c s m e r e d u c in g ' '

a th e " b e B t~ to a ir t • y o u w e r ~ n o re y l ta m in e . m in e r a ls a n d . _ _ c H

ly m p ic M p b T B re n il. ______ ■ —^

^ T “ire stock of

a n c e s —

and more

3 . - . - . ‘ ----------------------— '

ors anges :hines— i^ines id Save -[riien^ Plan;^ —

Page 6: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

R M t A U A N G U S-----------D r.D O D -O IL lliV H ----------

W l Bllver-cre'elc. U ia t fcunoiu strear th a t wln«l< Its way. through th Wood river vaJTey. haa become- .

M l aportffineo a lthough th s genera H I ib h in s M u o n Is g m m t t m a a m IB ' . .aeveral

H ___ ^ T lio *tat« tlab■ ■ ■ arid gnnie Com- j p —■ I m lulon se t aside| H A two'inllB A retch i S z 'Z j S K t . J j| B oT tho .n trcam .ro r 1 ... ^H — T l y ^ » s h « m e n - o n l r * r - ^ « S J ' '*M lajit week 'A n a ~ e u r% '—M — th c bayTrmnltr^taI I I ■ nv e -rish in - th o t

M l Many leaders in ' ," ' . '■*•‘jjp f the o r R a n l s o d .I ? ! unortsincn’s movement In Magii ; • Vnllpjr h i t th a roof when newn oy ' In from Dol!ie_. Pay

T T Thomnn. Tw in Fallfl, dLiirlct com,^ P th

tlon mada bo I t O. Cole, ColKi .* - r rew Jy-nam ed commUnlon chalrmniJ ^ . ----------T ho-U iu8 -U _ la£_ I«n i_< Icad^ IA t may chanfte before fishing sU r t III There aro argumentu on both aide IH of tha eajse. And there Is more to th W iW ry .th an meet* th e eye a t flr« IB glance.H I ■ T he Silver creele conlroversy wl. I l l - ba providing aomo eklrmWies In th | H near future.

W | —— r5y ih tnk"youT iava-trouW «?-yr ■ I thould ba In th e ahoea ot U r rH i a io n t, bead coach a t n ie r.

Tiil.i U ona o t those yeara «hei I H Filer U short o f experienced. U! m and big m en fo r' a ll sportfl. Foot m f ball waa disastrous. The baaketba, J l l f l season hasn’t provided m u ^ mor

w ith Filer coming ou t on the shot i j u l end of tha score more times tha:

i l l , " 's to n e sold. •'Wo haven 't given ui K. ._ We’re still in there battling altlioug

J i l |. ■ tha odds seem to be groyln g .J vtl-------to t to "h an d “ ll” tO“ TnyTrtd«rThe

• i l J ' _ aovsr Klve.up, bu t havs yau got------ipftrB^lByer~^W lnff~in"7our-T i|

i '> |r ^ •a e ^ c o a e h of th e Wildcats wa

— ^ n i l h n S r a ^ i i y T i n n o - ^Iklli Rupert. Ha discovered th a t tour oiIB l l of th e flvo sta rters on hls team wlI H n ba sidelined tor a spell.IH H Sehatt has chicken pox, DoIHn M arlin has n brolten rib, Jerry Wi:V Uam wn la bod*rldden wllh a strej I th ro a t Infection and Boyd Tlplon H y t of

V "S av en j o ther kids were runnir H a round w actlce w ith runny nosea.' H I f , tW ngs Ilka thla mak(

■ . you wonder someUmes why .youn H T m en enU r tho coaching protesslo ■ f t and why the older ones have ulcer

!l| .Two Teams in “ ~THflFTom-ney r Maiiitaiirtead

i L ! ' Stayner’s Sporting Oooda aiK ra i's Plnwheelers swept match

I ha re In tha rifle tournament spoi tha Twin PalU Rlfls ai

----- plaMrciulrto*7nBlntalf>-a-cloM-<>ntwo lead a tte r Uio sccond match th e la s t hn ir o f flrlnR.

-------- The-PlnwhoBlors-dowied.QerrJ.Sporting Goods 5-0 and Stayne;

H igh score of tho week was tiri by David Tlcknor with 351 out ot

___ pOMlble 400. Ha wns ttfllowed 1— " E iT iIo 'l^ l w ith 300 arid LcwU Hi

wlUi 388.Bcores Included:

—‘1 'iF jj 1* '

X«>li l u l l. C ip t.---- IM IW H M :i i »i i : :

O«l»^v^huinor» M •» •*l.|j |[ij--- OrJJ n«*»W V— Jl *: «»

I' \yf ■ . Jm khuO nnlMI Jl»ak J»nklM, C*»l. jOO IM 11 II

I(j — - ? s -

] ” «3 *i ?«1 _

l l i atAnii^* Biwtlni Ceodt , »H . J*ektn« CSrrroltl -I •M Cwrkh 8p®rtlB« OooJt . I

; Game Switched'• HANSEN, Jan . 22-T he sehedu

I - basketball game between H an

and Hazelton Friday night will Clayed *at Hazelton Instead ot KI berly as previously announced. ') chnngo'w a.1 mnde because ot a c f llc t In dates for the Klmbi gymnasium. Coach Jerry Bellon : nouneed. H ansen Is playing Its he cam es a t 'k lm berly UUs season.

TWagic Val.IeyT — ■ Cage Schedule


-V-*------------- liiu|.I»Jlu"ilufn-»l-Ilal>«rt______lUnien at MsIU

I. fiSMhoDi »i Clmni Tm r ]<>IItr «t Ctrrr* «t nur1*|r “nnWltlB I I - BUM---- .£dtn «t Jm o»Jlmiiun kt lUiflloB y.til »t CMtWonj ^ .

- KknBi r«7T7 »* Coo<H«« BUI*W«Bdell >1 KlmUrU

y*)U----------------- -------------

rf— — -


^ l ^ e C l a B x H i 0


I The Rupert Piratc.«i nnd *'aolo’’ conteat tonight in B other Icnguo tcnmu take a •%caiiIng-for.,a_hig week-end night in Magia Vniley wi l l “ c o m in f ro n " P r id n y T in d bc «n-on-SfttuWla->^-Qthcr gan] toiilKht pair BuhVat Wcnd(

H n n s e n n t M a l ta , D ic t r i c h .B e llcvufi, G o o d in g S t a t e

,g E lia n , S h o s h o n o a t G le n !i ot F e r r y , H a i le y a t C a r e y a ?aul H a g e r m a n a t F a i r f i e l d . T om* Twin ra lfT T Jru ln s nre Idle ui

Saturday n igh t w hen they eni , the lain lhe Pocatelte.Indian*. • mo»- nupiT t; w ltu uu uynnd'rlpw n-T olKe, ord to to r thla season,' fhould nnn. on the up cyelo fo r th e game n t ^ U . Je r-T l)e Plratea. h lL iia rd hj'.g ra i krts. ntlon. a re developing rapidly hi Ides ever under Coach Jack i m t nnd the a constant th rea t,

tlrst Filer, already the w eakest team the league, received' ano ther b

will Monday when Conch Larry Si- the learned tour o f his five sl.irl

men wilt bo on th e sidelines uIUi ness and Injuries.-

You -m m rsM & s ou t 0/ thu-Blff'Oe- »rry to r a game a t W endell and Coi

Lee Popplawell’s crew will be out hen even the scorc w llh llio Trojn ta ll Wendell defeated Quhl earlier t

oot- month- In a hectic ' overtime gn •ball a t Diihl. The con test rate.'t as a to lore up. w ith any edge going to tiort homestandlng T rojans, h a n Pnul and Heyburn lock hom a

Rupert In th e top clfts-i B game up. Uie evening. Both have IiIrIi-sc

lUgh Ing (lUlntet.s and are nn)ong th e >: I ’ve t t r c lass‘B tennw iri the d ls lt

-‘n»e-con tes t-p rom lM ft-io -be -a— 5t a and tuck a tfa lr with nny pre-gn.^ ip . : f a v o jita 's .;n le -a ^ ff - to ^ a u l.------

H nnsen plnys a t M alta and Is was vorcd to score a win. nlUiough- fnn . Huskies will have irouble In

■mall-M alta-gym nasmm T lir gn out eould go e ither wny. vlU D ietrich Invade.i Bellevue nnd

th e underdog. Bellevue hns pro Don to be tough on Its Kyna-sium 1 Vyil. season and hoa rolled up a tine i ren . ord for Uie size o t lls school. , . ‘u Oooding su ite plnys a t BlLu f In . another game Uint ha.n tha <

^ r k ln g s J

m ” * e r team cnpablo seorlnB a win akef Shoshone plays n l Olenna Fc

a n d Coach P au l o .uyn 's ylsH ,,i„ r ra te as a sligh t prc-Romo-favoi

Shoshone has la st several hei * breakers this season by Alnglo po

fH-HfltlrM»-HnrtT:hnT-n-hfttr t—tlthiin’ lts 'w on and lost-record-w t

[ Indlcntc. O lenns Fcrr>', however, ba tough on Its home court.

------------ Hallfiy plftvfl- aL ,C arcy _ a n (l_^ Wolvertnes will have (o be a t t: / best to de tea t th e Carey stjund. C

i.' ey has a po ten t tenm and cnn i

Hnlley a batlla unle.u tlrs t ntrl

and Hagerm an travels to FairfI tches w eather permitting. In a no ther gi pon- th a t has no pre-gam e fa v o r ite . ' and M ushers will bo ou t to win this

J n r . t hftlr ennf.h. W nvna_Fagp ..' ;h o f hns been hospitalized In 1> ’ln F

SS Local Bow lers C on tinue Lea( IffEU iTLoop

Twin PaUs n k s eonUnued-to-1! ! n a slim lead In the tr l-clty Eika b<I . »7s ing league ntUrr Uie second mee8 - s » of-thB-Tilx-lengiie-atjunds-over-* jJ I post week-end In Idaho Fnlls.a $ss ITae Ta-ln r a i l s tcflm held a IJ j j j Ba flb~^ a j^ i i~ o ver~its nearert*

Idaho Falla.» is t Tn-o-team each are en tered f f 5‘» Twin Falls, Idaho F a lls nnd Pii t«? tello-

. Sternberg. Pocatello, 185: McCu ,, . . . Pocatello. 183: Coleman, Tw in F n »u IBO; Stone. Pocatello, 170; Yo T 3ts Pocatello, 170; MeMnlna, T a'In f '*_a** ^7H'■----------pMatollo,.^#^:Jl«ruohr-'CUr'lU-£is-sM ns.-nnd- Commdn*, T w in Fnlls.

__Id a h o -F a lU -E lk s-h a v e - th e -:17 SM team game record for boUi ser IS s n and handicap play w ith l.OOl iJ 55* scratch nnd 1.1J8 for handicap. 1 ’• Fnlls Elks have Uie h igh team s>

for scratch play w ith 3.803 a n d Ii . t « i Palls Elks hnd the high team s

, fo r handicap play w llh 3.170.. “ I -------T he"nex t meeUng o f-the-3e

» win be held Saturday and Su)-------- 40 Jw la ,f» U 4 wlUx-play-startit

G p. m. Saturday and 0 a. m . I dny.-

•duled Domer B ertich. Tw in Fnll; ansen p residen t of t h e - traveUng .. >111 be league.KIm* ■ ----------------------------

"S- Robinson Signs V - Pact to Defend'

Title in ’Friscor r n i J^SA N _I31A N C16CO_Jan._:2-Q -- WHll«m-P, K)7ie, prom oter or

15-round mIddlcwelRht title -1------ here~Peb.— H —between—chnn:>-■ Sugar nny Robm^on nnd _ _ J (Bobo) O bon. Honolulu, nnnou--------- •n r 'lw d -m rlT td '-R o b ln to n is-s l

contract along w ith a $3,300 c ^ guaranteeing the la ttc r's npi

_________ T he hftiir, nrlclaally schcdulala sl Dec. 20. hfts been postp tw ic e 'n t the request of n o b t He stopped Olson In 13 rounds i they m e t In PbJJnrielphJa. Oct invi. finrt UMII- . pm h» favorite to win Uits Ume.

Robinson's stnblemate, mi<• w eight Baby Day, will appea

th e sim e prognun against an ponent to be^niimed la ter.

• YA.VKS Sl ^ ' C O I X lS ^=: — rJEW -VORK,janz3XW i^Tl)e

Y ork Y ankees have announeec lUTw^ •slgnln*-of Joe .C allliJi_£m iuit.

m meTous f irs t basemen. *rpm----------- tH T "cbntiacrw oT rT I5rTiK non______Collins batted .sac In IZi gome:

ashes SetIFTalle^aiiTimighJnd t h o F i l e r W i ld c a t s w ill p la j B i g S e v e n c o n f e r e n c e a c t io n w l a b r e a t h e r f ro m c o n fe re n c e g a r

n d . N in e c o n te .s l s a r e a c h e d u lc d w i t h ' r — — "

B o w l i n s S c o r e s

id e ll, "" c :„ ,|„ c „ —

a t c 'n w i T . I Z ' I Z I Z Z - i i» i” J n t ^ ^ li. ’, t 1«e n n n T h o m .i'............... ii : i «

n n d • = ' — i l ! J U J i lT h e “ *

h l i iaifWiiiu m ................. it:, k i i«i

ltd be Nfr _ i«

xadUr. fia ««i,ow- II *1

am in K rv»n-------------------- i n ij" litWow •h’l lJ .X ' ..........— r \ l ' i l l -3

BUmo • - *■ -----------

..... ISeven' -Jrhn.nn—j -------- ------- M—|M—JJtCoach ------------- ---- ” III ! a

ojnns.r thU T o u i . ----------------- «»Rame flt, Kdwir4‘i Nb. S

, tOM- H.t-’llrip ---------------- 1J« US U«' ^ r» -" u " .'!L Z Z Z Z r Jj l is m■na.nt A. ils j «me o t w. U n e --------------- _u i• scor- TnUU _____ KflO Sll M7e bet- . 'rrMbir'itrUnjtlrlcl. ----------------'I JJ IJJ };.'.■ ^ p . '^'^','1.------------- =i!S - ! ; ; - ! : i-game j , r.^m rr........... ..........n» u i IM

Is fn- *'■ -------------- i i ’ J i ih - th e Totii* __ ______ iio is i sss

t s s t tI Itnnttro ___ IS ^ U S

ind ts Jll'*, i n i»;proved ---------------^ ihuj ........ . vu n i;e rec- iiurkii.n .... ...... .......... isi u ;

iLlS In Lolhii/n*e ar- iinn'iie^p __________ ms ms i«

choois !;: r z z z r r : ? ? ? {» i ”k'ln. T.' Mrrrr '— .....""l.-.-lJK- lU IStFerry --------------J ' -IsItor.H • Tou’» , . • "3j Bil n>avorltor ______ — . .henri* MKnaiASTH i.kacui!

^ e " m !?S 155would ii“ uuri .....................l i i - i ’Ktl-iJ;

i:-J'lntrr ...IHI HI UJi-iWs. ____________ — —r —

I th e ir Toiii. ------- •WTiUwK'.'’ *”'• c « r - H .ncllc.^____W

string- IJ!' 15'i

irfleld, u i J i * ' _____« ' w . —lls ona A a II I’liimhimJ, who .. ................... n>; n s ivI Fnlls. I ? ” ; !*": - -"— I*;

I li r ln l t ------------— ...... l^.t" l l i ■ I j;

a -ho ld ToiAta --------- --------«o< «« »»■< bowl- W altrn Opllc«lacetlnR n .c H f .p ....... u i uer-the->• Shlrr.ri .................... i ; j ll<fl two- tUiyrik y __________.,>m l« ' !«■

i from -.................... ,13 ,{5 .*■Poca- il,,..!)*',------- -------m no la

^ u l ’d?!’ sT co ^ om -----------1 Falls. Touu __________ SJJ f . : i :Young, — — -

IUn.K.->p o; t

i.Z alkT .jivv<.c -------- --------113. b i ; : - - - ....•e-hlKh. ' i ' - i r n - i.-.scratch -------- -------Ml to r -------- *’*p. Twin ii.n.iio.n _J._............ u:. t.r. r,n series S. lUli ...................... li«i im ll

IK 1;E. Johnion_________11* ::5 U

■league --------------------Sundny ---------------------

^ ■ ^ R i m b C T l y W ' i n ^ ”nils. U KIM BERLY, Jnn . 'j::-lIon ry S Elks duce, Kimberlj-, detented Buhl

cees 77.55 In n Mngic Valley o league gam e. T lie w inners built 41-18 lend n t the h.ilf nml co In for Uie vlc(br^•. p';iccd by

. . Malone w ltii I’J jioUii. . Aiu lliistcncl nnd Ouckeiulorf cnch : 11 to r Buhl.

K eith .Thomns, newlv^aec : 2_ t.c _ outflolder 'f o r th e Plillnrielphli o l Ute spcjjas tlic o//-.'iPn-'on as n st:

e - tlRht n l Knnsiis S ta te college, nmplon i Carllounced ^

m ' t o eS n G LO SS ' . - i S r i E N A M E L ............ . . .q H .

^ ^ A T I N - S fnilddle-lear on —“ * O u r B i f f W a l

Beautifu l Patternl i e a j c f f - __________ _____eea -tn e A '■ g ~

— ~5TA J-t-loilhctd: ^W»-MAIN-AVE.-C;----------n M .lu t

R i c h a r d s

t twhile;ames


; s

Tio i m

l a « s The Rer. Robert Richards, i : t 411 clears the bar w ith polcvault i

” delpliia Inquirer ciiarKy trackown record of 15 feel, two Ine

h ls pfllerauIL (NEA telrpli'olo

11 Illinois M« Y i T % • 1.

J i J J ; , K E V V t^ Y O R K c J a n .^ f ebn.skctbnll team , which

*” time lo take over the Nc .i3i-tec Preaa poll, finally made il

jji I B e n g a l s B e a t

7 ^ n s W e s t e r n S t a t i

l j | l l L 6 5 : : i 5 j G a m :l«i 46J POC.\TELLO. Jn n . 22 LTI-V

- - — • Inc n tiiNt-brciik to uetir-pc n>a STJJ iio„ iiie Idaho SUilo colk'Ke

gnls easily detented We.iicrn eolIcRc B5-45 M onday nlghf.-H

100 so# the Uilrd victory I n . f o w . Ij3d_4M M ounlalu__ toutcrcucc__ bask}5; hil slnrl.i to r Uie DciiHnlii. i : i s i: "nie vl.'.ltors never ihreni IJI « ; Sam Beckham of JSC eniinei

~~~ 7p* fl rrt flplH L-f>n1 nnd Ed* ‘ 2-2. 77:c!i Che loc/ti.i drew In

:• Si 14-10 and made It 24-13 n t Uii _ f '" of Uie quarter,

n , ' While Beckham and Dick I ien I'.ci;) topped Idaho SUUo .icoring wl

pom u cach. I t wns Dill Hnys. Ri . , 5, who caugh t tho tnns ' fancy,

a re.ierve all season, -itarted . . . wound up w ith 13 points.

_1!1I___ A U_nnil_H iu)K_Bl'i2Sij£or'if.u even two-ililril;; or Weaicrn £'''• I’olntJi. Atl liinked IG, a n d '!

jjl!’ 14. Mo:il of tiie Io. er.s polnt*m---------comp from f;ir. o u t.a lte r they.»«« ;«5o to succe.vtfully penetrate the

:ni 'n i IDAHO KTATK *5. WKSTKtIN RT> ' .-‘"''Ji" WV«I»rci SL »c <l pr .Sl. (II.J <ii> AU f c 4 S'litikciwf :

Jnnnion-t----I-n '.-o ;|irrlti.rrrf~ 1*°» t>ouJ / 2 2 1 I.«eh r 1• »t i : « ?Kirok*t » 2 * !

ii” -n*e 0 0 o'il‘ « 'e* i 1“ V'? f '

Im Ml * 0 0 0

thrnwt' riiii'iVl r WMtttn Hl» « <:» :. 1)011,1 -J. iiu)..k 4. i-.,n- sun.i

i j i ('” SU>'—"'"“Iff. •'"'■fr «. lliyt

S m a s h e r - o f - € a g i

■ " ' ‘ F i x e s H o n o r e dt : ::f. NEW YORK. Jn n . 22 «>—D

•AttowBy-FTfink R Uncnn w JKMJQa!a-»fl?.^'?lU2cn o f . Uie

llll u : by Sports LodRC, u Knl'TJ'RV .11,^ V ontnnlsnUon'B— llrst— a

mu awards dinner a t Uio Hotel Sunday night.

« iM O thers who will rcceive a' }-•! It was nnnounced today. Ii iv; I'H) Jersey Joe WiilcoU. Ford un i;o Diclc K am 'iaier, Florence Chc

. nnd Al Schacht. _______•_

• FHENCH HOXER DIES;---------------- R O U B A IX - i^ a n c C rJa n - lI - M iistapha Mustrtphnoui, 20

Tl- old form er fli-weighl champi i Frnpce. died Mondny of li

r i , . w received in n bout Sunday ulli u n i “tminst th e Bclglnti tighter,. co.i.Med ______________________by WebMidrcivj, I GUARANTEED:h scorcd R A D I O S E I I V I (

) RA.VC 10^. tn C. r.I tB i kiOTnaoi.A tUDios

.c c i .iM ; COM M UNICATION!-------- BAI>IO-SERV*CB—

aiuurni j p j,„ ,

V W l-A T J-H E S E^ IV -B A R G A I N S

, $1.7 9 '^ $ “4791 iPRED G O, $ 4 .9 i' a l l p a p e r S a l e C o n t i n u e s

rns (li Alonei/ Stfving- Prices

e:h d w e . c o ~------------------------------------------- FHONS-U

\ ----------------------------

T I M E S - N E W S . 1

s Tops Himself

r . . . .—

rds, representing lh e Illinois Athletic' lit a t IS fed , th ree Inches during tha Fl ack meet. The Ver. Str. R lehird* broki Inches a n d le t a new track meet recort I'OlO)____________________

floves Into» i , « c 1 1

------The-Univpr5ity~of~IHh h n s been threatfciiing for f No. 1 spot in the weekly Ahso'cI 2 it today and dropped Knnsius t( — ■ I n iin i^ -up iilaccT~Tinra~ . • .4ns, which barely manas

IL . 'C9-66 win over Nebniaka week, skidded from the

i f p perch Uic Jnyhawks hnd held Jan. 2. K ansas hnd been No

--------n f i 't iis t three polls, wim Illl;l l g clo.^e up second ench time.

—W ork- cclvcd trom the nnUon'.t sporLi ■-iierfec- er» nnd .niwrLsci'isters, nnd I KC Ben- KOI J25 first place votea, K rn su ite oiihCLl7._ In _ lolnt totnls. I .•.••It“w n .r’Imd 8C0 nnd Kansas, 834. r_ Rocky _Fof the th ird straight week, nsketbail 'tucky Li' No. ’ 3.‘ WlUl—ro?-!

while lowii rcmiilns No. 4 wli reatencd. voie.i. lowii cl2.0), beat I med lhe wr.^tern and Mlnne.sota handl mnde It gcele.Jn fron t Oihem' Jn the top JO. th n the end tome Juggling nroRnd, nlthoue

same teams remained In the k Bauer list us n week nRo.

with 10 St. Boiiaveniure <10-0), mm . Rupert,, froni sixth to the No. 5 po ;y. Hays, siirprislngly, Diiqiiesne, the ted and other mnjor colleRO tenm witl-

rtef«-nt. skidded trom No. ^•ored a n j^£t;lc_ICLMoUO-._____^ :1 SUle.% Wn.shlnRWn, lender in the 1 a Buyok conteri-nce norlhcrn dl

folklltled It-s poMUon with twl ey.-lniiecl. jarioA-ovcr-OroBon-lasi-weck. h e URht and . 04-33. T lie lhwklc.v No.------------- Jinolt-mn.fvl iip ’n, fi,STATH 4S Team f.tnndlns^. with point

Is n i<t iifed on a 10-0-0-7-0-5-4-3-2-1 ;(lkai:;plncc-votca In-parcnthe:

J I a F irs t ten: 1—Illinois (25) 8C 0 « 2 Kansas (17) 834: 3-KentU cl l l i 707: 4-IOWft (12H 003; St.« 1 2 venture (10) 4141 0.-Wa8hl f ' " 17) 401: 7 -K iin sa s Stnle <5

— o ~ o ~ i' s r rx m iir -f4 ) '^ 2 o ro = w 'c s rv i 110) 312; 10-Duque.sne (0) 3(

; 7 ' r r 7 Sccon<l ten; JJ—Holy Cras, JO »—<.*i I fJ : u —icx ns ClirIs[riinri3T i r •SctoTr-Hflll-130;_l4-Jiiuiiyll

' ” <5: 1 5 -S t. John 's 102: 1(5—r u J i 'T (2) 00: n - U U h 72: 16-L n

CO: lO -sle n d SS; 20-lnd ia i O thers: 23—Senttle; 2J^B r

i r e ------- T&ung:.-2g= w yom ing'35:~3y =° (1): 3D -PorUnnd: 40-UCLA.

—D istric t T h e rccord for the longes L_silll_bc_£2GUiUlic_Iii\UQnttLlMll)alL he ycur" w 54 yards kicked -bv Glenn .■RWr.-at-MH-U o t-D olrolt in -1534.. ......—annual tel Astor i

t a w ard s .' •, Include •d Frick.□hndwIcU' ^

^ 2 2 - i v i - _____20-vesru.- ■ . . g . . ^ s = = J - i y M T = ^

mploR o t . • — In ju r ie s ;

ay n ig h t CUSHION SOLE SOCKsr, P ierre ■ R eg , 6 0 c p a ir — P a r t V

J FLIGHT BOOTS! Sheep Lined (Air Corps

I C E : TROUSERS, Heovy W( 10°o nylon for exlra j

,NS : SWEATERS^ J .0 0 fi_ W o o i.—-0_CU:

..SH!EPSKiN_LINERS.T.= = = = I For Bools ond Overshoi■ ; COMBAT BOOTSM , S turdy, comfortoble,...,C — : -M E M !S JACKETSJ C I W ool P loid — Double 1

I _SHIRIS_AND_DRAW.I' T o rlT W ooI underwear

>8 ™ u1 7;5Q x20 Single* ..........! 7 ;5 0 x 2 0 Duolt (Triple

8 :2 5x20 Duoli (Triple

M ------zz S w p l

, T ^ O N 'F A L L S . I D A H O

I WalcHii 1'I Tlitle Unit

■ N E W YOUK. Jan . 22 (/' f j m mission, snid M onday cn fronrHmruHlfJBB-hc'Til! '^ t r h a f d - h i t t i n g - N e w - p ion F->TJird Chnrlca and rtt>fcfltcd Rocky M arciiino B rockton . Jlasa., a s th F ’'f '

' m o s t contenders."Christenbcrry made the slaU:i

a fte r he hsd been asked It he r ned action similar lo Uint ot Loutajana-ktaUl-boxlnc-com^U^w hlfh withdrew rccognlUon :

H r - W alco tt Mondny.B P a T h «> Louisiana-commlMlon

th e action was tii lfcn 'tccnttfte o ti failed lo defend his tl'-Ie wsix month.i ns required by Uie

i ^ l ' ' UonaTDftxinrnssocIatlon:--------W alcott won the UUe by knot

o u t Charles In the seventh roui Pltt-sburgh, July 18. His six me period ot grace ended threo

I n Pittsburgh. Jnko Mliitz. n co-manager ot Clinrlcs. declare ' " I am very grnUfled th a t

chrlsienl)«rry-hns actcd--Ccr!: e elob, w alcb it should not be allowe P h lU . rttn a in inactive IndeliniUly.”

jko h lf xn Ifoli’oke, where WnlcoU jrd for scheduled to box nn exhlbUIon,

fcy Joe's manager, P e lk Boc----------- ehlo. declined to conunent or

action of Uie Louisiana eommU Bocthlcchio sold W nlcott Is

ing to defend his UUe against e Mnrciano or Harry (Kid) MaU

■' In M arch nnd then m eet ChariJune.

I — -------- He’ d ian 'fsny whnt-wouldhn--------------ln-lhc_cv(Jlt_W iilC O tL JW i<

* la « la n o or MatUiewa nnd-lO(

H om e - i l , nddllloh to flghUng c ic ia t e d Mnrciano or Mntthew.i in M t o t h o we will agree to give Eauird Cl

tv'iit. in_June.’- B occch io said.

tigect a "We'd prc(cr Mnrciano over k a l a s t thews and would Uke to hnv „ t n f tv boui In Boston, which would b lid since

1 ?n ________________lllnols a

..... Melbv ShootsrLswrlt* ^11 Z Z T l “I ^

i';= For Tide m : : : MatHighiigh

—aajo-Jun lo t-licav i-w cigh t-c i plonshlp ot Uic intermountnin

1 I will be n t stnke- here Wedn dlly last challenger Billy 1

In Uie mnln event of Uie wcckJ; program siwnsorcd by thele select

. ^ Action M aru at 8;30 p. ni.*1 '° ° ‘1>” <=

m ntches till oul Uie cnrd, ■ v.u , , r : appea rs to be tlie strongest

r « n t« d this jcu^on.A seml-tlnal will pnlr Fr

o ^ l ^ n r n ^ 'n T ^ w i t ^ ^C n l Roberts in a 45-mlnute 1 A s nn 'opener. Promoter Tex :

1 ; .? I’M -Pa'fw* unpopulnr-JnekJ. O lliSl. jjj jy JdllhO

iu u K . - tn^.tu?,' nesday by defeating Lip.%coml

o u t ot three fslls In a roug! tum ble m atch la.nt week.

Melbv. '"■■ho has populnr bn in rc in ia- -hcrc ..b la_ la iL _n iau_ ln_U ic

a n d among tlie stronKC.M ti ’/ii> sam e. He will have to i>e a l hi

A gainst f:iinim lngs..a,nng^’b.

- f r o m - r l ^ ' g ^ ^ ^ o a u l ! ! - ^ rP 'sM tn '3 '’® Of ll’* - m a t c h e s seer

'.n >“ « matched CimimlnR^ e lb y . The two grnpplers b J n r a nnr-hour.draw.alUi.efldi. la g one fall. "

T he match belweenlloy-nnd e rts . should be InterexUng. Boi

:est field atudenLs ot Uie "clcali" ty;iU c asiio . .w icaU lat__________________nn P re s - Tha oppp.slte will be «een I _________ ppe^ncr., Lipicomb _ls notorlou


:W o o l . . . . '..........3 PAIRS l . O j

PS>.... 10.9Vool M e lto n , ^ q 3 serv ice .................................. 0 * O '

^ lo r,J3 .-l.-sly Ie t,.„„nT T jj—3 * 2 '

■ ' 1 , 8 :

.... ................ 8.9,T t o k ........... ; . ... ........ — 8 7 8 -,

^^fe.lfrBAcTr^ ;9 JCK CHAINS

... ............................. ....... 27.!

I n s S a l c i................... _ Plione

Faces Loss c ess He Has(/T>>—Bob C h ris te n b e rry , c h a in

.y h eav T 'v eig b t ch am p io n Jerse; n g r c e d - w i t h i i f - l S .d n j ^ j n e c ^' Y ork h oss s aid he cond un- ' ' —

Zh- Carey KesidMit Ask Deer Study

, Z n - CAREY, Jnn . 22-Cnrey 1b t the denUH n.sked th e sUitc tlshyMiion, B“ «LeI Irom to m ake ntrlm m cdlB te-stud

deer conditions In Uils nrea.n snid 're q u es t was made a t an ciB Wn!-- -Honcy-mccUng-called.ito_dl? within w h at 1 * "

he Na- have m igrated- lo - lh 6 foot---------- .noac-CarcyJjccause-Qr.liIgh_slocklne L eonard Howard, who dirtlund a t th e mecUng, said coaiervimonths e stim a tes place th e deer a tr< ls v s O the r esUmales run as hig-------— -i,OQO. Deer have been foun

nlso a fu lr condlUon. b u t rcsicrci'" M in ted ou t t h a t two 1a t "Mr. m o n th s ot snow nnd cold wei

Ila nhend nnd conditions mo;wed M eom o c riilcS l'a s 'av a ila a irb t

!.■! used up.lit wns Clnude M atthews, Sliosm, Je r- conservaUon officer, wns nocehlc- to conUict Uie dcparUnenl Ion the e ffo rt to hnve a big gnme fcnlsslon. conditions soon.Is will- c n re y group will withhold rete iU ier mendnUon un til th a t sur>-(ntlhcws m nde.irlca In In th e meanUme. some f

ors have offered to donatehnnnen to r deer ond PeUi Ccnar

eithw will contact Uie Mountain 1

_______w ould.bc avnilnblc to mako JelUier drops.

March. L ---------

SSSL o d in g i io Outlaw Cage Tourney Ne:

(■C OOODINO, Ja n . 2 2 -T h e 3:_____nunl Gooding LlOns outlaw

: -bTni lournunielif. Ull} Rmnamall ouUnw bnskctbnll tournam th e T acltic northw est, will I

. here Ja n . 30-Fcb. 2. RalphI I f- tou rnam ent, m anager, annoi • U l Sixteen of th e leading Inc "ry< i . , - en t-n n d -A A U bar.koibnll-ta

'lotitliern Idnho 'w ill be cnn the tourney und oompeUng tc

1 M ca-ih prizes and many mere: 'Melby n^-nrds.— T h c- tn ttrn n m cn t-wns- sta:

» 1020 '‘nd has been held cvc' cxcep t for 1043 nnd 1044 whimdevoo. re.slrlcUons p

even t tempornrlly ou t of r w T odny Uie tournam ent Is t

, Which ftttrac tlon In Uie sta te 1 Pfc- jn „ ^cftms. I t tops the new

_ outlnw cham pionship" 'tourFrcnchy j ,d d In the Idaho PnlLs a 'W' t lSbL anil-hrntifl l.^U.■ moving V lllers snid because it Is tl: ! l^ittle. nnnivcrsnry of the tourney ' * Hnger p innn lng on some extras to : k U ps- b igge r nnd betUjrUinn-ever.' 10 Fnlls; -- T h e 'G a te s B rothers Oem i i g ^ o ^ -Arc-tlcfendlnR-chftmplon»<-n

S in te r s won the Shoshone o_iiieet ja i im c y UUe Salurday . Ooodl ■e-WcffT m o crown-in 1030 w ith m b two c an P a lls tak ing top honors Igh and —

backing S c o r i n g S p r e ehc ..rlng . — H O L liIB T B R r-Jnn ,— W—

111 the H nM lton ran wild here ' his best n ig h t to defeat Hollister 122.

.li'Ji-vet . . -Mngic —Vniley— outlaw — be )sr him ^am e. Newbry led Eden-E-------------- w ith"^rT w in ts. fonow ea'D ypen here jj„ w ith 30. Wlllls was high f MRS nnd lis te r w ith 14. batued ------------------------------------------

^ i l l s rough acUon in th e ringnd nob i v e te ran Thlede Is copabla c3oi|, nre misery for Lipscomb ty « ot

In the lous for

L BASI" 8:15

J5 B u h l iJO —^ z H m r y ^5? In Its> 0 -------------------- e tjltT T fa l lj-D

- ------------- Q m d tn c t t r i i x ]?S" 1--------- joe-cl-eM

12 I| S 0 C O M I ^ L E T E

^ _ J

of-Kew Pjj - Bout Sooiirm nnot thc Ncw Y»,i, ^ ,Bcy J o 0 ,W « l m l t K i l l h „ *;t a J c g ltimatii-em, i . . a o n g itto tiU J o .r m a iiiuav .^ .^

rt^ “Former Cj K AtWSCFo

-StafLaUo,^ lo w A .c iT Y .U i.

emer- Forest Evsshevjiti ,* dl?cuss._ Jo o U ja ll- to sy r^* *:r th a t thn t he expecu iT J!ooUillU- uons to his

llrectcd Flora arc DrAfnlTS■rvnUve BoUi Evajhetjii«a t 600, Uielr families,W , 1 l»K -8 m a . " i Kund In from PulimnnV-V'!sidents conched a t Wi^iTj?■ more Evashevski u i d ^*enth«r tlons to the juj{ «nay be- come to iow». bu. ^-browsB- -amiQuncHfiearMiiit

un til Uie m rt eia wloshone the Jobs they not C. asked Evnshcrski e«nllr=Bt In an l» r t» Uim he hid 35 blolo- <Bump) Elliott, u mm. The Oregon State sad terecom- 1* 1» one al Ua ,r>-ey Is

He said Unt m afarm - '" 'cn t jnuirtjt la a

Ite hay wouldn't sny »h«lBi a ^ decided to Uke1 Homo , ^ ash esk l »a« nU - p la u c i- .talked wim BtmVi Q nerlnl E l io t t .

He tntlmntrt-oiiju Holt hnd not beta a posl nt lows.

In Epokan^ tla qM I S - -Es^aliuskUhLwij

Leonard Yount* traS bu t Vounee t ^ w

■ Bump ElllMt«a» Kirchev, on E r i i^ win gia t2,coo sars

• 35Ui an- ---------— -

imttrayTTT T T ty ix c tfJT lQ B Jaments In « m «I bo held 4U lounifiTs

r .r f ; SJi.-'S'uiSj

e for out- I:w "Idaho n

— ‘ BaskeMtho silver —

y “we are ijih s su u u,M moke It

m'sut,!, -sS'£.=sia-Tlie-Gem— ne ouUnwodingEika iiiH:!:___________ :th Amerl* r s la 1040. I . .i Money h

{ • Fana U a------ E den - •-C ity -a itfaUt Mondny T « c ity Botcdil 32-30 In a * ^ f f . iB c n ^ t basketboH- ±i-Harelton 1ly-MeCaS^ '* • lu to J i 1 for Hoi- I J g ^

♦ A O l UiglmathB’ T~15"M»5TSi“ s of dUh- X n b . .

K fliA l15 TONIGHT


I tB ro a M is Entirety I'F o llo w E v e r y P l«y

) A E N T S = D O > t- r i . lW > «

; M o n lh l or E S P O R T S C O V E KExclusively on

" T T O S D A Y .J A > ^

Page 7: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

. S S S m" . J

t l "••ISSSiiS . — - a i f f t e r - —

I a»irtur« L1-1 I..

d in g h o u s e -

gruKl M O A b u

M ^lepuew iHf . ;n»U A /-f?A D O L 'M O ST ' rp » A C O JC L A v e c ^ A t P iH C ftM E tJ A M O I-IsA«s te y)£.t>c m a TJ

I- flJR * w a A lJ lM A L - ^ iafiotf&xora Ofcitwa-

l u T a s FfiLUJvJ— ^ tAM B A 6 A k t r r f i )

-U K E -T H A T —

' ' ' ^

Bf _ihiep doesn't h e h iiliTnV 6f tliTTilgK pri

GUMPS^ ■ r Mwjf }


U )

■‘ ■' ........ ..— w ...... ..................

a ------------— ;■— --------------

■' 9«tutlan 6f y*ilird«y*i Puzu'DOWN I. Llfht brewB

'^ SaB aiiirt fc n» r» rt” ’ *%alM^Tli i um

i .o w a ■

PpBiffc::::________ »1 A w jrH w ld --

t. Com**” *”*"T^M — . », KS"nJa w»Ui

E l i K f eT " t e }k li: }\XaKL Initnlffltnt

W ~ ~ m

J I I * •*tirAp»rtuMMa

i H a n r * Bi»ai»m * \ A _ \

- M A J O R H O O P L E

S x Y o o ^ i r w v n i o s o ^‘By A a n Of* H e e a <?M ALL


T O BRIM S AKiV . r M O R B A )JlM ALS’ ^

TW'S H o u se ^ " " i i ^ t •— 'TWe xoo

___________B y - N E H E R - -

, -]

sip anymore,, doctor . . . It |)rlc> ofT annraioipH.” ' -

^ aJtf^ L A iX S H ir .S y T I '>J-PBEAMBP TU tff A FLOCK .1 OP VULTLM& AJTACHBfi J


■ rTM?cbcKOO WA> WEAWW* VOUR FACE . . . ^

• ■ ■ o u n ^ — y C - p a s a s u ^ - ■ ^ O p y - s C T L j r ^ S w H x r t - ^ • - o


7 ? ^ " ^ 1 / NCrrME' M o y e V e c u c v E

Dtt»ve A

* S > ~ 7 ^ v ' rtu_A kjtiV / ' - . ^ 2 S w V u .v K v « s j r i


• •53^*

I eS a 'T H tic ry veAa&TQgvfl


f i S U a c - M t / ^

- "W e're sav ing like m ad to pay Tlfiitlng frien d s in s te a d o f st«ppi ■elves!” *

C A R N IV A iF--------- -Bl-I_________ " ' I g

q T ! D I M

I ^

" — : " ' " i f t ?

- ^ — A 4 | V

---^ 'R oeefl»?--D i»-4dn-fc-no-tim V -'

T w iN K y jtro * 1 n * n o t tub. CUTI, DON'T MX»? OF BIW> 7WCT

. WiLL,LfiTM8 M Y N E 5 rW <^ TBLL VOU .C L O C K ^ w JB


O N - P B 0 P l 3 ^ \ ^ O : A t j a A ^ t ; S W

'S k S j T B D ^ s l

~ r ' TIM ES-KETW B, T W I N ]

By W ILLIAMS _T ME--^CU fOEVER ~ X ViCvepwoMENshohlpA : - ' . y we A M ?w .coij>N © J^ ), i

X = G =L A t j y p i a s - - r : = ^ l < = ^ -----------

ALCws' .1 J ■ r'^ 1 1 . 1 ,^ ,~ f Jj


f i f e M ' ^ r a R S x ~

H i E l i f c a i . _ ________. _ _ p _


^ . - ' ‘ j ~ - .

S "

^ ^ / t — ~ — i -

a = e f e - ■ E

. . . / 1- ....... . ■ - ' ■ -E -pay our taxes—so we’re ju s t Y,

upping out and enjoying our- ___


-----------r ^ - - t -

' - - B 3 Um - r ^HTL ^s U


r ^ ' ”®Smiit

m V - to :a to p ^ im L ;p I a y :i iu n M l'4 i : = G

. >, - - ^ ----------------- YTUB KIWO 'v ■IWT BUILD. \ - r w CUCKOO ^,JBUJLDM?NH > C > l .........WDLT4— I 'M - y s e ^ - 1 - “' -CAMARV/ ^


fI . . E

J .


^pK^e>f/m ^ (PLEASii £

& ^ . | y ^

---------- — f------------------------------------------ ■■/............ ;•

[ N F A L L S l lD A H g - —

iw f e y i^ p is o u y ^ . 'a msroev. 9Forr suppI PB4R n a W A * ■"* HAVE

pjOKajftAWAv; wHQge au ca: G = e m * a o Y t t« £ t ia B e E B 5 fc r s y iPBK C H ig a a .7 * - .^ W l r .Z.

TOS-CAItA—nL tft»tlU J^lSrl-''>JIS -HeK^iV tfL O ua* TO t W \ ir«



. l i l ^ w S n w w s i l e o i n N r T n o n H l m M M M ^ w i>S Q « 'I i i r i - i tlVW W B w t >Wf

A ^ W i , ^ < l ' r - ^ ^ c (TOOLoat ftoH-offlccLJ

— w 5 tir t= v rsk « « rK > d ;;v ^0 ““" sticuU a« Iteir -nKWtoigttL BTIIKIIIlBtElKNE ' ^ - « T

L M a i B y i [ | ^ g . | ^


_________ r ' ■ ........

Q iB r m P U n w s H N M •* ® UVW.M FVOUBTTUI I j K 1C -• f l ia p ^ u a u L P ^

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— . . . ' fW p 'ic S T ig T ^ n f l /T ir w g v B O '

IY T O H i

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w sM jem cop 1[ . iA V M W i-tov \A « A m 9 j I u e e i M j IUPPOS6I7 TtJ •. * • TH B L KA1L» AVE COSW«TrHC» CUKTAIfJ IUq P g -KAMBJON 'R<.L5

W i V 11 IM ■W l OWWV 0 « % ‘ K \ VOMk- \ hV M vw n.0 " W t ^>ocrR%\iv

W 3 H \- TrtXCl. -KWO W OKIt V ^ IW ,V »RH * - 6 0 1 W W W

r e Qwr 2

T o o S r i uBaKSogpBc;Aw n » \ l - w p w JO N T iw iw irv -

, %mmu§. FoaiHBBijeoMAM/ <

^ODtP^-THCSC TUmtlM * n L L . \ |1 SMEUS u > « 'n ja N iM . a h i J V o ft i f / rs z iM r w r ’XM

SCWCWrVfW'fWg^^OHjiWtUjiT O W t l


M e u ? ^ W B j XM f « B » 0 tLnojraou! TO N iatfc »— Wf l l t L TAKB -TXtt „aL»


s 3V n ^ ^ i o ' i r . S T ”


OMk-fWO 1 foOO«%\VXft 10«AV . w t ’ »U.V O S \ ^ V W \l> iC t«^ s i w i« i i - a a u \ c « y * i — e o w tlOWBtTO I

' r Itt * * r t ; »ie?'-f f t a S o t s r t t n R i d d r f t t o t j i h e v ta t Moa •i)1j < 3a(,

> s .^ v e to t-y _ -^ - ? ^ _ 8 a y ^ - p £ j S ^

* j A « « N r w o N D M f / r * g i m r ^ M

AAMMOiomoour W HI WNV T u t e m i R S ^ A i H -

- i i a g g ; c i ^ Jffl

^ H r g ^

l ^ t f f l l i H H H K V i l H r ' 1

Y" w w / " S iff J | K

i m I

n i S 5 ? < K S ! A S S A x S I f aa ?!'^ AftOMArr-- / ^ >


^ T ;ra itO N e w ittr ]^ -m £ P H o r^

INTO THE OLD/ yR O U H N E j^^ y

■ 4 J B » * 8 B i S 6 t i i ^ ^ B


p X S S S X ^ K ^ ^ I [ g g s ^ g g s & r . ; «

ffiS*. t j |iH H L R B i . .

/ MMS MASCOTK* tU lU .V \ ‘ ■■'■

- V IHIHC«BO 0«AN9 WWSTH/OP oon W ffl

J ' 'f r n t i U l . i i nW O W K l M i a t e - r r L - f - t i W -------UNTY ■ ^ ■ ■ i f l B t o j g i l •

% \s vworkI 'I oon»^ 'x

^-T O Q 'I Ull ll >A ^ - r . n y f l \ t V ■ 9 ^ 1

to u h e r aboufc W j B bu t n befc h t W t.o u fc V - ■

^ 9 ^ - c < j » J i 5 a j ! a ? ; ^ : ___ 9

I f K ^ i i 1 V

W ^im ^C O m lA H 4M f* ff\ -

D N ^ f H K r W K W V f W O t j t e T " ! ^ -----

Page 8: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

H p A G E E i a B T

I I MarkeIII * * • *

S to ck s ■Wl I m a r k e t s a t a g l a n c e

H P«nil»—sut<tr: wlMUd n ll t la i -H “ ccti«ii=JU*»iartf»d*'toyJaf. l l« l .■ <4tlon.B wbMi—8tM4r.t* n n i «*r«H fioor

I __I ** **” * •B ___ ~ 0«u—3u ^ ' t a firm; tdritaert withB ■ Jt<'e»—StrDBir''to IS «»Titi"'H£b«fFn - ■ " g ' . i i a ^ i , . u ^ . '■ —

i KCW TORK. ‘J m . 21 «>>-Th« ttMlq m tk tl tilTincx] a nobii to4>r la It* *«<en'ta I ilrtliht r.i« II j —T high. TK«r» w»J b- MBiUtraU* erotlt Uklns n u r lii* «:«•‘ ’ Glint »«r« pronsoncKi In o»«. «OB[Mr>i I nbb tn tnd. chcrnlckU. At tta t>Mi Ui

IJI ' t.MO.OM (hkTM.Ik . Billrovl luna* w n t sbMd tb* eQ; l Ib Ua « r lr l» n ef Ux Maiimi. bol UrI llii l _ tiluieS.tnd luniri b»ck m (h«'<j'>y~pioT|fl cmitd. Lomh ••Idom war* •rrR* >i«I V a m r UMlianfcd.T^{' -----Um « ran /*—o£_(

• , , ttMk> ••UbIlthM • n«w bifk i<tUr<Irl i l t ^ IIOt.M Ihtt toppxl th* pmloQI hilll l l l •> IIOAU ««t Oct. U. It w u th * bt>I H I <><«« S «1. n . I8te. -ATM] rlfht *t u<■ ■ I it»tt t»Ur U»« m>rli«t puth*>l osi n SUnlaM Oil (NJ)..*n InvMtntnt «rcxi:n rixrilf, w u htstlly traded.U ____ Hlth«r «Wk» lneludri_ Nlclrtl Tltl.I H r»iri< TIB. Dow Cbtffllul. OMtril ElK I I I tri«. flb RxU P*p*r. D*thbbra 6lN I n (M rlek i(»d no«lin. •U rizw roRic srocxsI B KZW TORK, Jan. M Lut •*Ui H I AIIM Slrt SIti K rat* *»U■ I AlItt Cbtl ai Lockhr«] 3iS

Am Alrllnw U S I^w * 17%I ^ B Aa C«r * Fdr U% Mid ContFrt

t o W.rd 8(1if i n AmS A R (B HiU nivttit *:I D I A m T t T i s t i i S t t C fh «7>( > n i Am TtUcto U N«t 0*lrr «>PK;'l ABU0t>d4 MH N*t DUl Uo V Arm CO AtMl 40U N Y Catitnl :0«4 Is ,! ' AT * a r lioS Kor Amrr At 1}i1

|i siSP i s » H : a . : - , ! « ' , ! S

-aa J)rT ■ 1 H ['hllllpi FH -- LlSi-I----- Cin l-t<IIla 4 rullman 42SU; J I Cu* 1 [*ur« Oil ' <71. W K ! — U*!

HIK ill Com So }9U Roe Vm ' S)■ Con cocpn 11% Ko racim «n; ■ Con EdBOT------------- M tt Spcrrr - • l»S■ ConU)!:^ MU SS Oil Cil U■ S ! ^ ‘pr«?*’ Btud b k J 11lll l Cd m «H Ban Mln llSI D to fA lr. n Rwlft * C«I I Da rm t- >0U T*xti Ce W ■If E*it Altllata i l i , T«x GuK 8oi I07U IH Eyun*a______ Tlmli«n «<{

I S S .S .T ,™ r H H r ^■ H - i " ■ !!s ' i i ,

C«a Food* 41H Un Alrtrtll i!%

Pi fEiT'lInl llirv^ MVJ Whll* M«» III!

ji. I 1 “h ™.,o'sr.i”ws-"[k|i ^ B k«nrili TMhnleelor'^ :!i!i l .£ < * iiD « 5 3« Tran* ZKI U*cU Win .n u Uuh Idt SacI IKVESTUEKT TRUIT8

if —ffiK& afa-g = = = - yn ............ ............ .■ l iL KcnIOB* 11 "~— I "'----------------1 J

KarwloBa D -------------------- i-^»Koiloa* K « .1■ ■ X«ntsM n __________________ I JH b Xantona S - «n n Ktiwlettt St * .’[fill} Karaton* St ___________________.■

^'^'1 S t o c k A v e r a g e s

Jndut. ’lUlU Ulll. Bloc' 1-ij •- NH tbanva _ A.7 0.3 A.1 A^ - Fravloaa dur_ IM . ‘II.S ( .S Ifll

S rjif IlL'.I} « ! l •« .* t .0 l«j1 m u x tow _.U 8,> IM 4M • II

l i *J On-Wool^ hla:n i l Marab Mar UI.BDI }a)T m .(IB

I ' ” ^ f l< a t* d ipol wcnl Uft 1IT4M. U (B.BIdi N*Naaila*l)

J r . . .. T w i n F a l l s

H L i v e s t o i i P r i c e s

Djjll -.....Th* foUowlnc Twtn'ymi UmtoI I ' prlec* s n provided br tb e T a E . . FaUi' L lvejtock C om m lulon coi li ' p tn y b u e d on tb e resu lt! of tb« li

iij weeUy aucUon m Ia.I - 8 t« r#E B u ^ * « < » -* «I Heifers

I ....... V esJe is-_______________ KS.OO-Mj tlH ------- C»iniers-pjid-«ittcra=U 15.0& .w o1 ........ L aa b a '_________ _______ *37j)o tH ] Ewes ------- »iaw> (n .E opi t

I ] _■ R e d s R u i l d i n g J i i x -

w A r t i l l e r y S t r e n g tItf tM T m A PQ PA

l l i , TE R S. K orea, Jo n . a (IB—T h e coiIII 1 m unU ts u « bulldlDE up tbe lr i I Hi ' tlU err power s lo n e the MS-mI / I K orean f ro n t bu t a ppaw ntJy for t 111 fenM purposes, o n elfihlb *n i l i l fipokeamen sa id toa igb t.I M . Tho reds a ls r ted tbe lr siUDi n n i buildup l u t sum m er, tb s spokesn I KJ.. EOld, n n d a t tbo sam o Ume Incrtas i n Ihc lr fir ing offeeUsMeM.II I . In tb e lig h t f l« b tta it on tb e frt |h llj—— T uesday U ijte d N ations tanks a lj .1_____infan try -des troyod -il»» -cccam uni I t— .bunlccM >n j i . r a l d b e h l n d - ^ ^ c t l lines v est o t cmotrwon on t b t we; J ceatraT T rebt.

li l l _ ___U ia - trn lto d . S ta te s J s_ n o w _t: 1 • W irld’.i-1.>Vt^y*/^mnV>.r.

i .

ets and I.. .' ' ■* ' ■ * . "■ 7

^ - - M v e s t o c f c> OGDEN

• - OGIIiaf. J»B. M On-fH8DA)-Jl« '£ t t l tb u :»0! iaulur bon abaadr to ttmn

choka lb. buUhar* tl.»»>]ts t__ Innjt h«uU llJOi »5 ^ <bol(« »OJM lb. towi II.OWI.OO.. 1.

cUI to food •Uatbtar aUan :» .M J1.1 cann«r and «alt«r cowa lC.CO-M.Mi bUI

xr M.S4-U.MI M «»aim l«U off.»d-..rl Ut* «i«id«r part-lo*d «hole«-h»tfaf»-||;i

^ oo: dUllir to commmUI bolU I4.0M7.I<*w tlnck ttdtSt ^ullr iul!™* ^adrunr

~ "«ipiirtiMciAiv<;3to(KiB»ir3tuaniifl "‘I- piirt lMd-rhol«a litifar t»l»i» I4.M4S.C

M^b._ J Bhao ulibla H i markat sot aaUblbbi . . lat* Msndtr | 00d tnekad In aUotb

UmU 2I.M4a flat! ulllltr 2<.00-2t.( <0nd uUlUr to (Md •Uuzii(*r *w« lO.OO-l*.

BAN {'JtA.VCIBCO ‘"i7a riUNCIsCO, Jan. 22 bPt—(USD»[>u —>!»(• ••Ul<l«-iw: no. ahoica llo.; “i ““*a.a«lH.a».3I-tol-«boU««M . „ butchm alMdr at ]*.M| «bola*aowa ilaa ’ “ M li.OO) Uondtr f«w cbola* 1S0-J40 .n . buUhtra H lawtr a t XO.OO.

^^CtlU.^uUW*^100^4»^^^ aolwi^Mand ll-«Ol <»» “tuny ,ta l„ bind MXiOi atx

cannm down to I«.«0: amall lot Hood • L.W. «'■'''?♦ tlaaibUf *l*«t» $tM S <al»«» 1hliS '^S h ^ « 't1 i* U ]» 0 |* a t^ r coBtliti m a“T i JlauJhU? a^ia » "o '| «*?T .nd olllIlT*#.'

.W >*•“ ” aall’*. ataadr: I«l-10»SO« ’ « S.”? - V________ Los ANGELEll

eikI LosX$T5L'tKOi5ni"OPl=TTSOT- IImI, Callla ultbla l.ltOi aarlr trada atM<

IntitncM alroofar on eommircltl and I----- «^-Mfaf«i-*>HM>l.-tw» l«*d* bUb m

and cbolcr around UCO Ih. M »t» , i:.SOi fonmattlal lo low cholc. f«.l hair »U; uUIItf cowa 2I.U.U.e0i ci 2^ n rn *nd culUrt IS.00-21.00; faw 17 7% down: <il<raa aalabla ZSOi aUadri mil «il uUlllr and eommarclal alauihUr cat :41i 2V.CO-9I.OOi k«d cboira ajT Ih. al«V aal' .] iloira aalabla 400: aUadr to t i hlsh>

i j j . .


• . Itofl Ultbla 20ftl alaadr. aarlr aal<* cho 4U No. I and i 110-290 Ib. barnwi and ll ;»{{ I0.00.JS: cbelea IW-MO lb. aowa 1«. •H5- tTJ«rirood-*Bd-*ho*f*-II*h»-<»»l«-j. ;a” nBmlr.tlr; -C.«I. aaf.6Ia r«f-m arl(» t atnw.f-t ji^ aarlr talra about alaadr wllh’Itt* MonJi 71. oDwa onarallr 1.00 towar for 3 darai tp

S 5 -29.0MT.00: aarlr-taln cannar and cut

It cowt moallr UJO-IO.OO: faw t/> iO.iIIU utllllr cowa 2I.OO-:i.OO: anma h'I<l hlahIJ^ odd culUf and Ulllltr bull. 24.00.27,1u ealoa aalabla « ! mtrkal a tndri ehfIt^ Ytalara «.00-90.00i odd prima

lt\J *11 htarr lamta which clnr*< cronru> todar: maallr choica 112 lha. SI.OO: k11U good and «M«.-UJ-lba-SI.SO! ona174’ «h<rfca and prime f*d wnoled Umba ilnniIffi-

19 DKNVEn 'IJ4 DCN^TR. Jan. 22 (T>-<US0A1-Cal's ^ ln( ncalir •tV/d*r!'7ntl»er» allghtl^ h°sIJ t;- on thotca-IHht Tr*rlln»»:-Jf1-heltfTa-7U; fullr-aauLlliLh«!i_juklna _atron»i ct41^!- m»tlr.^laidr .»Jlh,M"n.U.’a diclln.rviI til an acarca; law loaila cimka T*4~at«K> M .^ U O : cholc* ll»hl raarllnn upJ4S Hot* l.»Ml modaralalr acUa* butchi|«« around I t hlihari aarlr aalaa cholc* Vctil! to * bauhati.:i0.3«0 lha. --Sb»w (M 0| -oa .-*atIrpiB<IWat(a111 Incladaa 14 lotda Colorado br truck;

load rmll ahlnpMl partir taltanxt Idab balance amall loU n a llra and l**d<

:!S OUAIIA. Jao.°22* On-<USDA1-H aaiaUa l .m : t^tlr*. SKO hlfhrr; ch<

|U No. J to t birrowa and sUla IIO-2IO , 17.M-1I.2S: latlar for around ona da cholc* Ko. 1 210.270 lha. moallr Ko, 2 i

tt; * I7.OC.7l: 270.:0n lha, 1«,24.1T,2S; 900- (bole* »ow, op.W 4«

^?.Jl CaMla *alU>|* <M« t fid'iii }.il •°tlra. 21 hlahar; fata up mora: h.l: 1.7#- itw nria-2»l'm itr; ru»n in m«»Tr l up j.M alaadr ta alrruic; bulli and Taalan atra US packan and >**dara acarra. firm; II M wtiiht-frd *tntir»,9M«.M|-b>>lh-*h..IV :a %r,Si;,-;rShSira';,t44 clmlca ataara :i.00>9i,TS: -(Md and rh ,]0 hairara 19404440; (aw choice t4.7kU .T< tilllltr fnd commarclal cow. 1S.M.22 ,71 caanan and cullrra 1840-11.00: soo>l b

----- .^ ',^ j« ^ n jh ? l« _ » ~ !tra _ !K e u b t .

1 lambr^37o'*5lth**r1'’oihw'’cUaa.S’*ia' __ alaadr; rrrti^ooi U> prima we©)«! Ia----- ■2CI0.-2WM^n*T-pTlta Tor-|-Ia«iS»-100.____ lb. waliSlaiVmia nnntad 2» c*nla paraa "BuTTeaVreTiriecoatiSrupToT^nHrTTnr'I ” k»' wmM * iVmu"anT” n r b ' a i n i

A.2 for Wadnaadar'a markaL1«»'» ______ CnICAKO '.

"’" T aalibVa°l?M^7*lihlw « i7 lJ t> a iw ^t l . l sllu atnnc te » hlfhar; bstchara 2>0

•*110 hl«hari” KiwhoU^*‘vib-ncr*Ib.^bulc1".»M0S 2J0-270 It^ 17.2».H,2S: tJO

Caltia aalabla 1.000: o iraa UOl raatl M.ini and, s r lm a _ t^ ,u a d r : raarllni.hal

hlthtr: prima alxra 9«.T{.9t.SOl prima aUara |}.fln^t40-'rommarrM to

•tK* 3»-SM!.TJriUI..«ommartI»UtaPfima halfan :>.2«-9S40t ulllltr and .

I martial cowa ]t,7S-2S.OO: comaartlalptima raalara t».«0-3ll.00.

— Ar.''i'i.i'Sii.-nrAA-aad 14.00 on fad yaarllnn: bulk io» prima IM U lb. fad wnola<yiamba 2

t.COOj Birkat lS -« hlfharl tcrp 11 Stock abl<*-lM-tU Rw bM* 17.C#<M,

, ' S ; | 3 S i . a u s “» c s i ; . a v .

h i m 'im oo laaha 1740.2»,C0.i m o . '

H ___: JC«diLE£0 to p ■ ■'■ —0 top LIVESTOCK0 to p CbflM butchara. II0.2SO Iba-----------1

^ <TWo daalcra auoiadtneca. 1»-I_W and 2W-2M tba. _ _ _ !

IX—5 t h !

'2STt a r - S'*** t’o itaTdMk).__ !____ ..tioloo.‘•mil# n S ir»■ d e - >>.!/#».

^ ; u m * " _ - = z z = j U ; r o : :UDeiy “''cri'Amisnan Bott wheat, par bvuhal----------------- 1« « < * io^f'iSar‘dl„':„“d.^^.'"a?,

pricm qoolad. Mar »ar» 16. to Ua f jo n t <n>o'aUoni UiUd UIow) ssr'.r,i“-.— =lUnlst —<0sa.daeler-^o4«dl— ---- -----------» red ^Pg*N»* 5 1 - C r a .t 'K o r th a T n 'i^ s '^ ^ !

________1 ilK aJiilBi-a'»«aw — ,-----------------------

Finance- ........*j'-

f= = -7G T ariji= ?=■ CniCACO; Jaa- 21 W»-8oma naw fl

S ' S . ‘ . 7 S K S . 'U 3 ”S r? n lS ‘ “f t ! l morad wbial ahead, and t«T* olhar (n ; a batur Iona.

todar** arulon Imt ware forcwl lo aba a«n. pro»a,uklB,. unlll la.1 bafora

;{"s?* A‘ tha IlflUh wbaat wai V. lo hla

17.M: '5'* * “ ** *® hlinar, Mar 2.10‘j

'ir■h»«»r mliad »»WTTf«

iiiiUr ” l)MlaT~Mmlnal':'*mak^i MO-TIl 1 2<.0O: l.iMO.•12.S0. Flald aaw3'p<T c«l. nominal: r*d <U 1240-9100: timolhr »40-ic.00j |i

tiartr 10,2M0,72; redlop :i40-ai)40i■BOA) 'Ik* «-«•«-««• ______i i • FuniRE* TADLB.laadr ■ClIlCAOO.-J,ii,r«-OTJ=r-----------40 lb. Opan llllb tow C

cow* Mar ‘ 2.81114 !,»»H M lU 2,1 lUlO. Mar • S.MS S.4eU 2.55 2.13“ .;; ‘A S 8 ? ~ B <• aa£ Vk 2 J m 2-4J'.’ -» IH J.l

^ 1 : S ? 0r S.o£ Sapt 1,*T I.HT J l.MK l,i

«-«■ -l\r* •;ju ir .■'"‘i -•’ «■ il

f:!S l:!l« iSS. t■?*”*“ !.9I ■— 1,M....... l.«4-

'•I'*” KANKA.I CITT CRAIN' 17*40 KAK.1AS CITV, Jan. 21 (,«-W bc*l1 n lv ^ cara: lowrr 10 *c hBhar; No. 2 1 S l r t and d«k hard IJ40>i lo IM llU : H u]ra* (1,4:>7 to m o i.i : Ko. 2 rad «2.4«a;

t 2.53<K i No. 1 17.40^ lo t244^K,

ll.»l>^ to I 1.99HN: Ho. i I1.71H

S ’,;; "u 'S .'t '.S ’ u ,!.u.I llll* Kallr i:.70H to l:.l*UN.

fS Butter and1! I s -----------— BAN-nUNCI*CO----------cutl«' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22 (U P)-' 20.00: tan AA S9 acora >0'^ : A 02 acore >.2*7,00! Chrraai Orada A loaf.47-4B: sradchAica alnsla daUIrt 4S-10.rj!rm >!<»■ Crada A largearadta A 4«-<a’j ; amall A 4^42 ^ .lupcir aiiCACOmipilr CHICAGO. Jan. 22 -Ml-Tmtirr fl; load rwrctpl. «2.S9»i whol»<*I* ••llln* p:

«| an<l carai IW II 79; «8 Caalllni pricta unchanaol lo H i can doc^n hlehtr: V. 9, n tn * 3!>4: V medium, and U-S. .lanilarda a0.i; tw

JTallU ratalpU >«-94.»: diplf* 39: cliatka opan- Lira poullrr alradr lo weak; rtc.

hishrr 92« coopa: M> p»>rlnB Prlcra unwanlr a.nla.a.poona-iow.r-t<..uaa hlBhac;_h

cawa hana 27-31.2; llihl hcna 2:-23; to* j'VjiU 8»-»fc|-lr»ac»_H.J(JJ ;..olJ.r('0*lam_2J“alawra* *7. ________ep to I i . , li


dlhea- IDAHO PALLS. Jan. 22 «■)—(F3M1

lallona; fair wire InQulrr: demand bul ptacllcallr no Uadin*; aoma

Th53S fSb"^h track. No aalm r««10 IlV Uallrarfl aalra ahlpplnB point buladack: Ml^^fob aWpplne

IO0-S5O «rowara callara In be wa.hrrt rary» V n ^ » ^ i V * V c U j ; ° r ; . ' : f e " '

itc d r i '[T*’* ” »'* !5I ana o; wiiat-tI f iW it* . raliicr ntW .-.pracll^llr n.

'chfllte mand: too few aolta <0 vlabllah maj nd low ItU'TaTlilont'ealllnr racnUUont-'Bet

i w , c . ™ -^ Cluraa US | waaha-l 2 Inch occa.lona •I bulla <'■> : MlnniaoU and North Dakota por hla commafclala unwaahad tar

l a i ^ 4.21: North Dakou and Mlnnaaou I'or I42.4.91-t-j>«at..w jr! nnrl^a fiD-lb-J

^ „ f ^lumpht^US lA 2,710.76: Tesaa TtluiM iida Onion auppll.* ralhcr lishl; dn c hald 4tow; matktt about alradv.

. Track aaln ICO Ibi.l 1 Mlnn«»ol* Ya Globaa 74 per ccnt 2 Inch and larsar • Int_aljty_dt^a]^ctr^r03:jnl«^^ear 1<

51’c StlO lb. (aw 3,t0l Idaho and Orrson Sw«a Sp< 1 aowa *''d largar canarallr food• -*111-1----- •V l 'y'f '.I-'— ..■atllnn » l«>> **?; * " . • I’’'*' ..........

~ P o ta to “andiO nior I 'te 1:: F u tu res-ta.j£rw. _(Cotirt*»y-E .-W ^M enoberis.a eia” to Company. Dki Dldr- .Pboae » ataadr:I iboroi JANUART ONIONS■ onl to tM l'h lsh . IJ.02 low: 13.01 ckaa• :s,Olk cart iradN.aiijhUT KERRUARr ONIONS-------- -.M.M J i l .h ^ u .10. low..»J,l3-«!l»*lcan trtdcil

MAnCn ONIONfl - n o n i>,U hlih. tl.<« low. u,4* alcaei

11.00: can traded.T alaara MARCTt'TURKn’S ------Mdr te Tama 'il^atpa .0 :0 bid, no o»an; no aaW.

U tah orRlnally wns called "Dl MrLiid nam e used In th e Boo:

Mormon, n jean ln j •'honej- bee.“


_ltl,00 Al.(ka Cl0»ar, No. I rrad»_No i !

ITwo d*.{«» ijuolaJl------------------- TOTATOtS------------

(Mott daal.n out ef market pa: _ l 7.90 (Inal datUlon 00 n.w ctlllns prkaa.)

UVE POULTRT t I (VI Culimd (uvl, 4'Tba. and u iii—

M t«glI0rn-tiiwl.-4-lb*.-*nd-e»Tr=-___J j. .Whll,, 4 Iba. and orar______

Colored.aptlnsa ________I_______—

^ I 'm (SwlIl aod companr rrlcfal ■nUTTERrAT No.J_Batleffat ________________

ti» wi*h ' ^**lar* eoolad)iB daltr EGR POOL5a (rom Tha followlss pricaa war* asppIU

tha Idabo E»r IToducar. ef Twin Pal: _ « .» 0 ^ .Xo. S (Jan. 7-12._ tncloal**):

Jl.dtum*' * '• ~ ~

~ n ! « * * :

^ . ...... T

Expert Opens_ JLoxjallSuExej

“OniFireRaK-- --- ( m » i 'T u r o i r t“—-— •w flour condlUons and resulted In no chai ‘ In ftM Injurance.rate*. Open ce TSiSS pJeUon of th U .ta rre r be wlU w

a municipal Jlre protocUon rep

•> ? S 1aclllUe*a"*~*****^” * * ***— T his report; available In four

><i« **’ "Ux weeks a fte r the survey Is m t i » i « t by fire insurance i

ij'm I , derw rltaw In s tudy tn j local . loFi'H- risks and exposures In the light-------.w hat— m uaJdpal— tire— prolccl

'facllltlca arc afforded here. ? i r r c —rtte-reporl'0 i*o-w in«jo **on«n

^ liuu rance _ co n ip a n lR L _ * n d ._ ti * special agents, and to city offlc

ll (a*4 for their use In p lanning how Improve fire protection (acllil

I ciorar *nie report abo la available to ot 4o‘r 3 . Interested groups.

Davis pointed ou t th a t wftUe b th e bureau and tb e city are

______ itr e a te d .ln ^ w e r ln K f l r t j M wc i „ rates, the bureau feels the local

d e i ^ m e n t >s undermanned, sa id tbe bureau .would like to see

- i S i t i v e r cCTit Instead of 80 pe r cent 24oi! th o local lire# p u t ou t wllh sr J.52U fire Unes.

—•■ TT — V o n 'h a re - to -bu lld -you r-w i i!«2U and (ire departjpdnts to meet i'«7S »-orst po.-alblB condltloav" he c<

mentcd, DavLt expects to comp .9214 hla graditiR lurvey In 10 days a

which bureau surveyors w liuiw i old and new JiuUdlngs for t:

*■}?» DavJa explained • standard 144H irradlng achcdule was establlshec

ICIO a t th e reguut- o'f ^Iro Insura companies by the N ational Be

ra ii ijs of Fire U nderwriters. Thin : No‘ "i adopted by the board folios .49a; to study by various c ity officials

was channcd slightly In ItMJ, 'V im S He said tho schedule endca'

m ii3 (a apply tho best engineering; pi IIH to t(5f5 to givo the c ity credit for lc h!«h- dcfcii.ies. Individual rate.i I No. s determined through tliese credit

relation to Individual deflelcnclc T ho bureau, required under s

law. is Aupported upon a pro 1---------- basls-by—flra - tn iu ran ra rompa

' ] dolng_bu8lncss ,ln IilBho,_Tlio_ reau ’a functions-Include rato-c

( i s strueUon and examination of I ports submitted by fire Insum

agents ta verify th e ir compula i r p r m m m r — —

Navy Enlistment Quota for Monti

; ;i™j Is Filled for T.:har: 92 T he locnl navy recruiting 19 C 71;

»»nta » tb is m on th rit 1* announced by "i ■’tw r .« IW bert Roso and ENC John Lt itka S2, benu. However, tho-reeru ltera- t;»«»ip“ a rc accepting applications for,;

.", to leave Feb. 4 and expect noetflctlSwniurlnK-Fcbruury.— -

‘ —Tha-rccrultcrs-jilsojuiaDUiice— ■ ■■ portunltlog-for-commlM lnns l a_____ U._S. naval reserve suppljM»rra_ln o "been reopened a fte r having 1

closed about six months.-M alo I i^Ucants m ust bo 19 to 27 years

--------- - and fcm nlo-appllcants-tnust-bl■3MN1— to 37 years old.

Applicants for these comailsa nd m ust be college graduates wltl ne tart credits In economics, commi

, business adm inistration or te 2 i ? ^ i englnccrlngr suWects o r m ust 1 raporici. th e ir m aster’s or. doctor’s degre« a*™*'r.w fields.I lubjTCt A fter receiving the ir commlss: t. they-wlU-bo

■buttbejrmajrTOiuesfc acUva’du ,uio tr- desired.

K.P. Hubbs Dietot com. SHOSHONE. Jan . » ^ E o b «ado Mo Bubbs, a resident of Shoshone ilo n.i car JJ)18_ d ifd Bt the Alexander nu;

*'* home hero a t m idnight Monday-ihiaaata- llln fii of IhrrfijnnniMcCiura* M r. Hubbs was bom Ju ly 10,uomuS n e w Bellevue, -Ho was a w atct111, sicK a t M agfc_rc»egolr,_Bineral aer^ 1"'"^*'* are pcodtng._________________


ir 70 p«- OR-A helicopter lifted th e bodli M t-lSfi. .tb roa.i'lftlm i nf t T .17 rrjcua-t

medium crash from a snowcovered Oly ■»j fair peninsula Bjounlala to te ycsten

j .a a f l- — — C a U n i a • WATCH TH-------- 3 ^ l i * SPACE DAI

ir« a e ^ of 'M agte Valley** f ' auctions and for the date t

leaaj-»». -U M lim -w llh lip p ea rH K tb B -^News. Check the ir a d l (or loea

caa) 771 and aU necenary tn fom aU on

— .......... -JANUARY 24Ed nejtm anek

AdveriUement. Jan. 2Z-2J "Deser* O scar A Harold Klaa*, Audlook of - - - - , _ee.“ I----------1 ATTENTION FABMERSt

W hen you plan a farm sa , , -eon i> ,Tlm5fcMeffs.I>r

' Sale departm ent. Let us e: p la in how you can cov

NO.T.OU Maglo Valley compleUly _ 9ic-n2a one em ail cost. I t will sa' _ i 4c4 ta you jjQijj tjme aod money.


= £ F O R D E A D a m ' U S E L E S S


.G oodins 47 . R u p e r t ! Z—IL"- -----Twin Fulls SU—= S ^ ia> A H O ^H ID E

C T T A tX S W X Q

TWIN P A i ; t S , _ r o A H a

® T j v i n E a l l s 1

f o a (U lS K ILO CTCtES) (1(50 l»C /Q *ADO JKtlB i ln u jm o u ^ a *003

*anne K-UI.X-ua Naw» ^ 5 o »rJiangc TrtO •Roria-a Gallarr i30 •»eom- _7l30-JTh; Dlack Mu*«tua._ :00 •!

• i:iOO PllBdcn rrolla • I i«S St

J ; ;:e u n - S:»o Calt l* Prarar. 1 :5# HJ 4ir« - i t f o UoUr’a roiii— -------------------ffVt nf Llord Jama.. Nawa ^gh t or 7^ Hurlalib. Naw. a.m.

7130 •liI?b^Car'Ja''J^*fJa“

r i ; s!iivi-sr"!!si!:im ies. i " . U ‘n . j ! ^ V ii:oo*iI o ther 1 :>0 •A».IbiI the storm 11:20 •!

M •J'aul JJarrer ' b.mj ^e both iM Dlnsa Uall Roundup :2:I3 Sce in - l>9 I^n Allen. Nawa 12:45 M

d. He rot Kill Klub Show 4:00 *.we 100 :S « 1‘ ■"•-IV J in S Jent of SS lii'i:?;:" s;“S •!small - ioa 'A alU rdy Famllr . » i s * i

:90 :Dr. KllUalra COO '.-water. .. 'Lf m IIe t the loloo T h l OlSat Ad»*BUirf 7:30 *1 ) com- H M FIlBdrrt' Frolle 8:00 *1mplete ^

iMpeet N a t i v e o f A l b i o :

- ^ - C l a i m e d - t y - D e shed in H A Ilx y . Jon . a a -B e r t Ro urance a-form er resident of B roadfon T ^nrd native of Albion, died a t a

‘ desto, CaUf.. hospital Sati iiowinff momlng. D eath was a ttribu ted u iLBd a ttack following an au t

bile accident T hursday. Bervlcci leavers ^ held-Tuesday o t Stockton, C • prac- Mr, licoXer o'as bom Dec. 17. for Ils and caoie lo Broadford w ith bl! <s are enUi from Albion when h e a dlU In .Junior In h lph school. Ho Was i , j l j j uated from th e Bellevue h igh s r atato >“'<1 Brigham Young-unlvcralt:

lived In Broadford untU 10 inaales. ago ^'hen ho moved to . Foci l o h u T Tatcrm ovlng-lo-CftllforaiB r-ni e io n .- ft:m ernB crof-tha-t.O S-church , of re - surviving a rc his wWoif’: urance daughters, Sharon, Gayle and "i utatlon Booker, and one son. Ramse:---------- S tockton^'hlaH 'aronts, M r^and

John Itooker, Stockton: four si i Mrs. Clarence Allred, G anne tt;

l [ A lbert Durfee, Almo; Mrs. i , ‘ Foreman, Ely, Nev., and M rs

i f h Sorenson, Stockton, and tu-o t ers, Cliff Rooker, Stockton,

P T r Harold Rooker, Modesto.

Snd n i G u i l t A d m i t t e d eecepted t -i~llriW —Ijdi'ceii CliaL’im-Bllii -B U R L E Y . Jaa._22—Uoy Kl )r m en 20. pleaded guilty In probnte no re - Tuesday m om lng to a. chan

^1.* n n . W. Tucker sentenced him lo OOi ^ t h ^ in tho-cm inty-Jall.------------------

i i “ K m neT -w ns-chn rgednH th - lnR -«M ,W -from -tho-U U -at_I

,i« lounge w here he fs Janitor. Hi ?,ra oili arrested In R upcrt n t 0 a . m.

^ 31 ft-re<iiiest from the -B urlcy i ' “ Rupert Ciller H .'C . Sm ith maii iL«!(ma “rrcst as K inney wa-i purchas v lth 45 glasses In a druglunerce, = = j = | j | | = 2 = = ^ ^ =


S A H I; ---------- - I - w m - s c l h r r P a b l l i n ^i A g _ 1 m ile w e s t a n d V / i n ,1 p. d e lrB a n k ,.o n _ ; - - 20 since ’ ' _ _ ,

^ THLSale S ta rts 12:00 Noon


^ C I V E S TJa n . 23 10 M I L K C O W S — A l l ' odles o f 8 w e e k s . B r e d tola-plM a. , , jr„ , ^ i ,n » __________

S S S l° Enbe-G ucrnscy-Shorl ■ —’ S p o t— S h o r th o r n , 7 go

■ Y \ B lac k i(i— H o ls te in . 7 g k I — ju n c = G T r e r n s c y ^ h o r t '

— : - R e d — S h o r t h 6 r n r 6 - g n ’ - | - g - - H a g — G u e r n s e y , 5 g a l l L l a E J n n e — H o ls t e in . 5 g a lk g . r .H o lly — H o lflto Jn , 6 g a )I

B lu e - ^ H o ls f e in ; 6 Rallt B a b y — Rb.ari, 6 g a llo n

'A ILT 5 S h o r t y e a r l i n g m ix e d I farm A ll p r o d u c t i o n r c c o rd i 9 tb e lr g iv e n o n s a le d a te ,

oeaUon'-HAY and

I ALFAI16 tons 1s t cu tting hay, bt

. a clean haybuetJ. cutting hay, bi_______ clean hay---------- 15 tons 3rd cutting hay, t(

Some baled clover hay, w 300 bales atraw , string anC

. taXt Oats, approxim ately iso bi P'nrm . 3Kheat, approxim ately 150 I 8X» T Jartey, apprtnclm'aUiy 150 cover'~

« v e P O U L 'I ____ - m m i i a O e f f b o m - h e;__W a te r f o u n t s , b ro o d e r■ M B n e o u s c h ic k e n ccii

— - - ^ M I S G E t t JDeLaval 3»unlt mllking ma

_ - 273 am p. M arquette electrln u 'Weldlnc table; forse; 125-

drlU: a sets 'taps ond c g rease wrenches, 7-lnc:

I 10-gallon cream cans;

t 65

E= = iP H i! O r a u c t io n e e r s , Osa

R a c J i o S c h e d u l e s

- K V M V -------E E F L - A I E I :(O T KH.O-M.7 Ml

---T“.---^•Cote-Cla.-aub---------------*r*apla Ar* »«»ar Sli-Flftaa* EdIOo

•Tba Una Up _ Cfaii. C.aiofRupart at T"ia falU . • j,^ fthapaodr

-;srs.':.s;‘.f5S•You!'lha World IS i?o iIpa?iadlM^i«b«•Dane O ttbnl" \ \ ;}“ ^

“ S ednc^dat ’ ireD SM D iT-


: S ^ “^ M ^ T r « l loit* TlckVr T a '^ T li .

•youn* Dr. Maleaa P-” -jKVMV Noon WUtea 1 2 N«n^N«t.^Mark

?A U an'jaX n Kawa «■'*Tuml.l.-a«l Tmpot * 30•c"b*r> * "*

I i ?I,M .B 9:00 xOnaMan-a Fam• hL c JI'Il . JsIS Nln»-nft*rti Bfl

N o S e a s o n

Rooker. justice court Monday when )rd and 'pi,.j,(ic(i guilty of unlawful-p “ sculon of migratory wutcrfot

aturday .-as arrested Snturied to a Ofovcr C. Davla, conservnl

officer. The officer charged Jo wllh shooUng a duck

■ highway from a car out of s 17.1518, fon nnd without a lleensc. 1 tils par- violation occurred on Rock erewas a I__________

s grad-

P a r l d n g F m escatello, cityofficers collecUd tlO In I H o - ^ for parking vIoTatlona'~TJonda:

- - Poitlns-Ji cach for ovcrUmc i ; Uwee jn~ were Wayne McMurray, Gi 1 Blsble Deiweiier, Mrs. Arthur Ma sey, all jgvy, j . nequa. Charles 8 nd-Mrs, tc4o>rTlean-6weeleyrE.^.-Mo■ sisters, — — - • — tt; Mrs.

m l TERR e c e n t l y I d e n i i f i e t

o n f t c W I T A r 'L I

J^'wurt - -f* JIfuissarBTBrge of es « pr— P R O F E S S IO N A L

-T -R E A ^:E D -X I^t-8tonl— ---- I , I --BoydX — W r^O L J tHe was

police. P e n t a . P o . s t

ig store.

: t i o nractioTrthc-follffwins-nrticleft-loca

or je ro ma or 2»^ mi


TOCK— --------------------,l will bo fresh within Oliver '.‘70 a registered white- Oliver "6—..... ■-------- ---- -Mnniir<r!irthom , 8 gallon cow Oliver 18 jallon cow - Oliver hagallon cow Oliver ha

rth o rtir8 “ inil!oii “cow“ uiiver hnrallon-cow----------- - f A W Culon-cow---------------------------lion cow , Oliver 7-i . b n .C I .,7 . ... ---------------

A . C . C O U Birdsell C

n i ' d 'U , , .m be S S i i5:--------------------- :------ -2-wheol-t

— pallod GRAIN zie.«ALFA 5-ft, turn'baled, wire Ued, good • 6-ft. fres

string tied McCormiiwire tJo 4-section

3 o r 4 . ,o50 bu. David BrW bu. J . _ .____________^ ’MifaC'typ

Hay pilotL T R Y CylinderftffnsHayinr^OfSnntr-er and other miscclla- \VnnH rin

■ I'ors;, - A N C O O f ^ —nachlno flth l l stall cocks 2-S(jctlon;trlc welder 2-WhpfI r !5-lb. anvil; 3 vises: press ' •!1 dies; 3 electric grinders; PniTrnch table saw; saddle; 12 i"oG -For a; milk cart .- gtocl

T E R M S : d A S H :

UTMAMEIand Harold Klnas,...........

_ . / '

” 1 Air W a r n i n g

m JS et to Stage I 'e s tsS u n d i

________ BOISE, Jan .‘’ 23. W - ^ 'S o u li r Z jd a b o i t e i i i r - ^ a n i l n g - n e t

■ plMM fly over 25 tow ns M d i J , • from M ounU la H om e-«astw ar

_____R e p o rta -K llU ie Jc lc p h o n c ^Boise in te r cenusr wfiereTETTl

;ba,u» WlU be plotted. ’ .Mal. T . A. B urda, tU te r c.

commander, said th e cxexclao ^be the f irs t In a series to te s

i r ^ ^ volunteer Bt

■id.-------- M a]oiJluidft.flaI(LM ounlalnJ ■ T Tilr-forc8-bttw-has-*f/ered->>^i^ ------ p lK n e s 'a n a 'p lM tJn n id " tb * -^'«• patrol and Idaho a ir naU onal |

havo volunteered tbe lr coopen Observers will bo alerted a t ^

tain Home. H am m ett, O lenns 3 .bake King Hill, b um . Suit}. Tw in •alara Hanseo, Burley. Declo, Ame

Falls,- Pocatello. Aberdeen, sp rm ^le ld ; M o relan d r-B lac Shelley, Rigby, R lrle, Rexburg.

* ' dale, SU Anthony. Id ah o Faui ______ rn rk er. • , ‘Itotl “

aiWoD Marines Seeking — XrewVoIunte

Former tnarlne c o n » nv personnel ean volunUser- for a

J I mum of one year of active diS - i” ^ t A h e ^ h e l d - u p o n . d ^

Jt iJ announced by S /S g t. WIUI ’2 J ' ! King, marine corps rec ru iter

T herir ill 'bo -aM iB ncd -d lr^cirday Uctlcnl units a t Cherry Point,atlon or El Toro, Calif., a n d canJones grate Into the regular m arines the Tho se rsean t sa id th is progran■ sea- Feb. 15. i

Tlie He also announced th e enlls :reck. q] non-citizens In th o m arine

- U permitted provided they are Ifled In all respecU fo r enlist However th e tr e n listm en t mi ICS approved by tho roarioo corps mandant.

1 bonds ..

S"n^rfcr Betty -PescR -H I-L onff-«w o)^ GMreo Brown; joe-B landford and Rl lanske, Botlmcr.Seibcr Byron Snyder posted S3 for

M ITESl e d i n T w i n F a l l s S t r u c t u r e

emmeot-SBd State Acrlcultu ra l C ollet i t control for bolb Termite* ftnaT)ecn:

i t - e O N T R Q I r - S E R V i e e M B E R S O F A L L T Y P E S

t & T reatiii8_C cPhone lla g e rm a a —2031

I S A I jmiles cast and 1 sou th of tb e Wi

l ANa 24Lunch on Groui

— MACHiNERY---------'.‘70” trac tor ■'60" trac to r-!ofrderfor-“60”-tracto r-----------18-inch hang-tin plow lang-on b<l^n planter lang-on spud and bean cultlvatoi langronjiean.cutter . , — Oliver equipment f i ls e ither "<

''70”-tra c to r)----------------- ------ rf-ft. 'hnny.ftT^r-RncITturnBTe plow .............jmbine, complete fo r gra in or bei I Clover huller, size 8i/a tired wagon and rack tiretl wagon and box -trailer-with-tnnk-for-fipraycr-.-: lions,-pump, Bpray bboms'and'H , all completemWe fresno - — ------------esno, horse drawn iump rakanick Deering spud digger nick Deering 6-ft. gra in drill m steel harrow section harrow hitch 3radley_7-ft. disc.? p c j > o l o ; a c r r i c k --------------------------Icr Ditchcrircom shellerom-ahollep— —V------------------—and rack

loat SnowTilow, home*nijicere manure spreader •'d«-r«k&----------------1— ra n n r f f l jp 'r e a a c r ' ^m steel harrowi machine trailertype phosphate spreaderord IJ/j ton truck, g ra in bed i>ck rack, good one

Kr Qwffier.. . . ■CLERK. John A. D an

’ Clas^’® _ p E ic K :^

lu lh m i ">» S S ?le tw o rt i Hiahii, -----------------’rt s u n . . tiudii;

when JIS°g L 5 i i o . ^ ’ U d clUes

cen ter _*»"MNotth “*I Wo\lld PeBVuT~~.

Vr'.u'j;■ ^ fcv «ai

n Home ' . b t- a irrv > ^ d r l l - a lr •‘‘ U jT sSII Buard --1 craUon.; Moun- w..^, I W5 Perry, vi.iijia.m j . is - 4 . , ^ n Riljji,m crlcan ^ • ’ a l

ackfoot-,- "atW fBu-it-i.ijia'??! g .N e w . fa>*

aviation _»»in s.,.n r J i ' **f tr a ln l- bCHOOlS & fT

e r here, r«lu,“ V,‘“ ‘' ^ :^ctly_to '»£-i.lJuSir^It, V. C., i?.7!;'5;Tu

am ends nogs uju*, *;

r .s :listment. V ? h’

T» com- . Twin I-.IU, l2kT ^ * . rKAi'Kiiimctn

- aa »ama. I’tow aiLU. — -NhKl)—*-aarp*.tfrT tu l

_IZM->I, N oJcti^Sl'

Z “i :.□ Jji;LL_Dun<iT

2:rI( miJX-rrKiiiKs cb„rt.ifclaervlcr. Pick 4 «

U31.W. i=: NTI»0^,..d

Ptrltncr.IP, Cr.r«n..a’.

I L - HtLP VWHTBJE\i-t:iiiE:.sci:DBMa«ii

lese iiou s ^ K ^ t i r a a l cay. "ehiM -tn” h l r t - ^ - iQ r • tlo .'l’-lt. TlMjim j

>______ ._ G R A D IM T B n

■ c i S J- raoaij

' ■ 'ru u . « T iB ^

Qrt.h. JOUUWEYMAHi v ^

............ afa/ »»P«r*«»**J*!!i


'u n a s ^ „ r i V a J « 4 iBMftli. *S.'

'lda^ _ A U ^ » J * '*

SALESMitor . u. k.




'-APPLIC® ______ _______ n e b d e

. * ta

j i e w s p a p e ®'


: K lC ffi®

— *


! =irn a ll jii MtitV*** ^

Page 9: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

0 -% & r’r s r s : r ^ n s i

OB-b e n t -* '- V FeSlVIOB STATION ^

' rf o rjfn.« u- s- ^PBON* * ;__________ ^^ , — HO

,,» d o f |« ^ M"*!"'” **'- TO

agency *-5

L o c a t io n s '-5 o r ie n t --------- l l>. m t u nptUlf* o»lt« t; S t 7 , 7 . S r * “ r

OB BENT diMtloa on alXMl 1vv«1i ^

• Sli -1

T) ROBERSON . 1 AGENCY....__, . J ^ 1 1 StS'ofth I

f i ^ P ROOMS ~ p1 , fxOntd. «-W•^ f M'li: « » m j itMoo- J. ,«Mt f i t . _ J-----• m la. </«ntl«mtB. pr^ ^ r r A.«i.. KMt. “ -riu iii t«f tSo: i w i >rir.lM EMt_______

*“ ’• 5

Is ’a p a r t m e n t T " “

r‘.'fk^°‘' — —Mt BMdirn I rooou, clot* - ftrtt M««. f.Ml, Bodtfn. prlrai* Mtb. n

n E ls r ' "• ‘- ’l naat 4P4iun«nt.i. nuU

■n. cnviia bith. tntntne«.p

n!i-Mlh, (urKM*. <;tous4 -T !i Ilut. nioii*-l<IM or

i Eiuesablt n u . £*•:• ^

S^£lltir»tr^Aaul = NiSHED APTS.

tK- aint. L. r . g u b«it ]hw inu.________ J>OH. Ul 4U| North. 1

aii>rini«tit'i wllh flr»- ♦ ;»air hut. rh<.n» »M4 Wixnt, (iKtrla r>nt> bkUs. furnlih*d. ISIS

>, I ranmi, hath. lUnct, . fucnl.h»l. IK.OO _*

S f e r a l ’i S - ' l f■uVuri.l i

CUTCI Vllli AsirlmmtA. 1rwtD H O U S E S ~ I•M, Qclitn houia. (SO. '*s r —;---- :---- ------ i

iSHiP H 0 I J 5 K ~ '™ fcMoa. ‘••rdta ipot. I

^^Ritph HaTflt MoTlnr

*Im “ ■ J Oil Cutnata. Icqul^ <

«»>. nr»l U U I, Skr.lea. *

‘r . v ^ -"■.■"ni.Sb tnonllL I tl iad ~

I'AVtNUn NOliTlI 1

£ ^ r s £ p

^ M N T . LEASE i«fwai hnm*. unlufnlih«l. '

^».^«Jpmrat. r«{»rCTt J

» iSiK,. '

- for r e n t _i ^ i - all -

--tOAHO------------------ ! ■OWVE. Inc.- ! '

g T O LOAN ;

nOMKLi .MT • “n

.N.TEnn7 i;

• S i - . - - J

I _


o r O W KM t^»-W «jB. «!otrr. •ehook

SniEiniODllluB*. tolltunuHit.-TiirtiWC’ ■1 ten . Phoni 0»»«.n«._____________ _

H005E on ^ , ‘^ 7 , ” * •'"**' **'• '


MODERN J.b*dfoom.-lm(B»aUtr-poaM«tlon.—-lt»»7th Attnut Notth. I'hont <ai-M.


TO l)B MOVKDl rlailrrnl hnui».A. Murray, Jr.. T cnllni toulh. Kim- ~ brrlr. SH-JI. r

S.ROOM b»««in«nt bom,, imall down p»r- m,nt. ta>7 urm*. Inqulr* t i t Auiiln

TO I1G MOVKDl :-mnm Ituulitnl haul,,— *<i ^ ^ t.nEDnOOU modrrn homt. oil (uVna;*,

4 rooma In baarmant. iinarata plumblnx.fhoi'a IK.M. KInilHTi,._____________ [_

t-UCDROUM mocjarn InaulalH - hom,. - j>rMlil,nllaI alraal. ctoaa lo acboot, varr r

I'UBOROOMS. moJfrn, full baarmanl. furna^a >to1|*r.^^.arsa ]<il. l’oaan{J^D

r.IIKOnOOM fno.lfrn hom,. (ull baaeiB.nt. {urnaca. door •train. (I{A Urau. WIU conaldar lata moUcI car u doon paynxnt.-Phona aoai-n._____________________

•NIOH-b«n»i—b»a»T*»««on.—S-bodroonn.- * larxa Il'lnc room. fInUhad bumant. 2 jlrtplacM. »0 Iluchanan. ^Phoaa liCTJ.

mrnt! *IIa»'a»af»lS!ni' ro“ tM d°ll,ln^HI llujhatiati. Thon, W9.|>.


Orlirr-ln Utallon I141 Halfl Ata. W «l T»U JM

IDEAL LOCATIOK ■lol. larga llrlni an4 dlnln* roocna. Ilr<akf«>l room, off MmI VlKhan. llnulifut woodwork, i'riead at lU.tM.

----- :---- CJllTjrCA-HrtWiTidtT------------ -~ TTTH_fTtTtT>TO tn -p v r ry __ Z ITl> ' rhonta IIIIK I

-------- ?TCAIU,YNmVHOME ^Ona b«clroom on main (Inor. two lovaly p flobbeil rooma In hatrmpnl. Oil fur*n . t ^ PrlcrJ (or Immadlaia aala. '

■ ARTHUR T. WATSON rca.o-Tab/j I11<lr. ^

**alok»r. ^'cS.V .lUtr\t* *’“ ariSt. ax\nilot. Utlttllatt, irrmf,

-TniPLKX.-aio,*- ln.-«.balha.- -Sukar. Inmnia lUa par month. U,«0« «Iowb,

C^ECIL C .'jO N E S CpaUlr» Dank * Truit Phona 1041

^.1,(500 DOWN . . .J.Dadroom. alrlctlr nif«1«rii homa. wall ^ locatad, rioia l.i achoni, wonil,r(ul latvj. -

*»i TnRir^lala ooairaaioii. Frietja.160.


t aam, tarllla aoll. with mnJrfB hooa. -bofa««.Hn-TVln-Kii»,Ft8|iW«i -

m aern. »,rr valuabl, land with baau- IKul (.room hom,. Ilaillant heat and fornl«had‘»paTim»iit In baaan»aiit.-Wlll- -

-f^jl’ n/ornuhad or fornlfhpd'with a ll'i'roicarout builnna with net Incgma tUO par month. Idaal (or euuvla to os»

CITIZEN'S AGENCY Waat Flta Polnla—Twin Talla

Pban»»14 Itaa.. U»1 or » :M .

ARE YOU INTEREBTED IN . . .A flna homt In top locatlont Cuitom (onamcllsn. Eztra^btacment him^ Wt ■I iV boT ^ I laTorpornl* *hr'» f,alur« plua rxctllanl ttrmi. lloth homn art <arp«tid. loo. ,


- ' ^ ^ a g e n c y “ ‘^ ~Drl»a.I_n lfeallora_ ___ _

APPRAUNO PnOPOSITION2 Dcdrnoma. axtra In (Inlihad buamtnt. coal atoVsr, r«r«llon room, dlnttlt.'ary larza lot. a>c«ll,nt location and terma,. Saa thU wonderful bur lwl«r.

KToand. I6 » » ly " illnnu ,’Tlial**^- IhrouBhout. Oil furnact. H«t» [n wW wnthar for IK.OO ptr monlh.Juit |:,000 down, balanca Ilka Ttnl-


Phona :<4t or ll»»

BY OWNER Phone 3407-W

, Lnrge New Home With I.KOOM UENTAL APT.

........ — In-yULL-tlAflEMKNT------------r--Larsa llWni carpcllnr.

rwm,’’ u'r»a‘‘‘^ch°^|*wK^^ *lltndlx laundry, lo'tTof bulLlni. l^rr* _ ckada. weather alrltiprtl. luulataj. •rurnact, atokrr.' alt conJItlontr.-

jlaieratnl aparlmrnt hat ««n kltth«B « and bath. ^ _

- » E ¥ ' U S V ! S t « l H S « r - -p«r,nnltU. And all for llJ.tOO. J

FARMS FOR SALE _« ACItE farm, fair lmpro»«n,nu. U>cat4 p

iouth. 1 aa.t Murtaugh- ».-n. S«ara- NOHTllbllTK BO Vor"iala or rtnt- lmprs»M

M acraa. Modarn homaa In n ltr for aal.«ir rent. Macaw. W li . n i , r .________

■ RAN CH ’■J.!M AcrW, •RancVwlnlcn «8-hnil.- Irc* aprlns waUr. B« ua (or dtull*.


Phona :4 « . or :4Il-W E'r«nl“l ‘- -

1962 ------------

f a r m s f o r s a l e li“ ACIll.J. JO ------

w iir , I "ii>> B® r ~ "obI "1“

ixkaimI 4 TnUn ,u l . Ttock Cr^k Mil

. . v 100 ACRES!™sr'K,‘r s x ' i i " . ! ; .

■ - - ^ ' y ' M a w - '* * y * ' '118-Narth-tlncoIi------- JiSaaTiaaK .- —

* ■ ‘ ' W

•• . r o n SALE OR TRADE

naw^lm mV’"' * “ * ' *“ *" Po oiilM T^liiy- ■ *-»

Ji!™'j^ViJlL accasL -A -tm aU -icrtiK t___nr«r Twla J ,l |, „ p .n 5,,m,«L

BOX 38.B, m iE S -N E W S •” '•*

r a n c h e s AND FARMS

Tnylor criilnir tor l.SOO «h„v. 'hit I * Io"m II w’l, u^ o J»oaia Kami, ona XO acrta. with


rr»rfT.T*Ur KlJe, Phuna COS I ^


■ J3.000 DOWNI „

Uodim (.Wdroon homa. i balhi. dinlns , ,room, banmant, larasa. 1* Acr« farm- ’IncetOTnl wlih luU wairr rilhU ”• Within iwi, nil>a uf Twin, ft'a afamllr home wlif, (,nd ,nou»h lo pro- 111vicl, pitnir of f.ol. Tcrmi ar« nay. uPric. lU.loa, w. »tnc«; IhU to tall "gulckK^ h^ lu it If you art _Vl

— ^R&^FESTATE—' — SERVICE a g e n c y j

444 Vala .<;outh Phont :U4

— — Yovn opi'ohtunity----------- rUay> north nl Ilup,tl. I.and nulvaltnl


:in Arm, I3H culllratr.l, 110 In wat pand .dy ny tuw_T»n- linw .^ ont yJvromt, luliJrtM JA, l?S2 Irakc. S27JO0. PiI7,t00 down, balan. . txccllrnt contract. „

CATTT.KllANCH' £ -31M W >»r aiutind caiiaelLy. cicamnl. .g, Improvamanta, aicluiivo turr>l rltbti,. practically anow (rea « r i . aliundanealhrl>liit I'mn ano aconrrr, flihlnc. I hunllnr. Can rurcha.r I5u hrad catlla and mxhlnrry al maikal prkc. llanch»M,SM... W .i down. ______ ______

------------Tl,tACaC--VAliLEY-r-Trr-^.INVESTMENT CORP. ~

> Phoat- »44£.' »iei-J E»cnlngt __


2700 AcrcaOver l« acre* IrrlsaljH. ISO acrra^dff ^ U n" w«hi aupVofi'l&O hV.T ?h'v,ly moUun-homaa^plmtT-of'ireititillitln^ •—

't .n an t houa*. and hulldlnr* l.ocatad ” ,j,Wj"

lie rt I. a chanca lo owi a tood Placa W (or tW.OW.OO. Coma In and talk U

A OOOD FARM■90“Acr*«. S mllra from,Twlti FalU.-'A- _£ BOOd ptoducUrt /arm". IJf.SWT .T'rmt. rjtl

TracL'"j:V.O^ !iw

____ nACON Al I.AW aENCSJ---------Renl EstnU ~

Sl* Main Norlh Phona


---------m-HeAT>'RAHOH— ^ ■=A 1110 arra ranch In th. UmhI Vallcr, "■* -localnl -» mlln trom Salmon Cll>. ^Includri arc I « head whll.fae. cow., WA60 hwd p lck^ heltari. ' » 0

hiil'liKin.-” ^ iim" 'SKS : : * ? o r T , r r .Itt^.'TSu u‘n J tU pricrt rUht. and e.*» tcrmi art —

-Bvallablt.'-Contkct th t- Idaho ->alU-«» — _!jB^«a.«(f|Ctj:or_a!Ldeia]l*:_______

600 HEAD RhNCH '1310 acm denied land, with ranst hU ndl'.W m orrin th. paiturta. In- cfudad ar»,«9 liaad DJack Anco* wwfc 270^«arllnr^^il^e<r. an.I irraln, anci compUlt lln. power equip-

..want—Tlili-«tn-ba.iuirdmtil-KlUl_cr- — wll^uuiha eatU»..or,anr parl lh«l««f._ ^.ocalH ln Iht Salmon-itUtHcl.-Ttr™* available, dtpeqdlni en Ihe amount of caltla purcbaaed with thl> arlup.

' ” • c o o k • i " REAL ESTATE CO.-

OmCES Idaho Talla ^and Rilmon, Idaho _

Waho >'all« pJ-o"* «<»Salmon Phont IH-W

"^^fA R M S^FO R RENT--------’‘‘*?nn°'‘.m‘*;ir» ran t-'ho‘'Ila/!!ua !‘l4V ^

LIVESTOCK & POULTRY T“ Mlllk cow., aon., fr«h. oUiera iccliTS TH;

aooti. 017ft.m. nuhl.______________—IIULSTUN hrary iprln«rr, cominf ^

j aS HOLSTEIN —Guarniry heKer (reah with h.lfer ealfi

ona Guemanr cow, heafy «H'>BS,r. ona „ Guerntay anrlniw h«lf,r. ef.; Qtilncy._ ^


F or DEAD nnd t?SELESS •_

A N I M A L S . ■ “------P » 6 n B US COLLECT * ,


IDAHO HIDE“ — F T S L r o w c o : -------- V— •— • —* sa

^ . z z z z z ^ t

T ' ’ ~ .T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN


niB(fTl,w ArtlfJrUl JflatiplBaJloB ttr r . =77^ lea, llolateln. Ouarntty, Jareay as4 Mllklai Shorthorn. Phoat I tl. Jtraat.

CUSTOM SLAUOimStNO es tha.farra aiKl kauM to locktr 77777

U. D. CACCER ®‘ 5'-- ■ , • f t


Hydraulic Equipment ,Poalll.e «onUo1, hrdraalla tractor lift.

' Lew eeit bydraulla maaBr* loadar*.

■ALi£N“SCO T:^R L—III plaea aoulh ef Peal Offlca, Filar

■ Ptaa. »J p -

t 'ru c s tB e d s ---------- 1 -p. Cnlo. bMi asd aiock aomblBiUes p

Farublt Cellar Touio WaaktrPouio Pllan I J

Perukit Berun I *Coseaior DalU or Cbala*


««• tad Arenua Soutb | cat

TKACTOBS &I t l l FEIICUSON, Ilka paw. Prlcad

rithl. J uiI t t l VAC Caia with htBfOB plow ITII r- l ! wllh hanson plow bb4 eulOeator.

nC-Alll, Chalmrra with mewar . _ titSKarmall Itraular wllh mower------IJ« ___VC Ca.t ................ •--------------- UH J

nt-Neir:U.««llrrTTict«Tr»PfcJ«II>n’,tJ---------- ^NORTHBIDE^-----


---------- coonmcrtOAiio-----------

- — —r — - — ...........— ..- .I _ch

FARJI EQUIPMENT mCheck thla llat and ral yoar order' p‘l PUeid for tuulpaiat you will ca«l (or jloi





Paul OlUJi Durley Each. Jiak*_L ' .~........... . — -____ - - r - . - " I l

SEEDS & PLANTS-YKLHiWZWaom-awwt-cJuitt-aM^ Uk .5^

frcm^irowtr. Contacl Wm. SlaufJer. f,,

HAY. GRAIN 8, FEED n rUALEO clor.r bay. 4 aoulh, IH waat |!

" i ’i L v s '™ . '” ' ' ' r iM TON lai, Snd cultin* alrlnftlad hay. *. Phont a it-Jt. Filtr. ________^

TON.H flrat ciiM~l<ay. MO MaiJrona. tl

. JMahway. Phont DIH-Ri. ~ ~ Cll t-EHI)' trlndlBB and cmJaaaaa mlalBt. La'a ~~innrnB~c&.~PMKi~ttTcw. * "CpijALCl) HAY for aalt U« Matbawa.. MuiUUBh-Idaho, Photui_nJ». ___JEJr i;U )—UnlNDINQ.' Monnahaa,_UUllW. ^

Sarvlca. 17t»-R.'TwIb r«ll< or zi-Klr <lu<

ATTENTION fttdaraTnd famtrai Slaam SXr u e ? , g

3 i s r i » . ‘ s :' ley and iraln. Oakley Mllllnt 777

- —Co.—PfaoBa-MtL-nr-jwInJalla. 17»frW.,

CHOICE Srd aulUni wM Uad hty. » n ll« sA aoulh, tllar or ti Bnrth, I waat Bartar B‘'' Stort. Clamellt. F

- _ W A b t l£ p TO b u y " 1WANT 10^

WANTEDt r a t rolorad hana. tco prlcaa, LA Unllaa * Poultry Tarw. Phoaa 114I,

MODCUN 2.b«!rp«Bi b w P«& ^a«ple

— Highcst-Pricos-Pald-----FO R OLD BODY MFTAL,


ENAMELWAnJi ACMpTCD’_____ Munt Be Prepared ________ —

. . . . . . T o 'O u r - S ^ t f ^ o r n . . .


TWIN FALLS ' “ * ; , AUTO PARTS • SE:' ■ ■ * T

I b u s i n e s s a n d P R


Ho.ira, walk. .— fa aa ma— ' ^i • CLEANEnS & pygRS_____ __ ^

i • CO.miEnCIAL FRtNTlNG 5;:I Quality prlntlnt of all kloda. Tlmaa^^S. 5 ?’ J £ £ n iii____________________iui■ •! FLOOn SAflDING - ~ J

”• *• o V iM ^Ktwl I'feifle. t u Snil A.e- No. Phona tioi;,• ,\fA 7T/l£SS r e n o v a t i n g T

,MACT1^8E3_r«no.alYl^E"««»^M»«* iS• ' MONEY TO LOAN ^ ^

■£,. u|-rorT*nn-«iITeI^lMni.--«n-lnt™r -5;

• MOTORCYCLES ' iT ilUalasCKUnr. Fk. Ul> 411 WtlB At*, X. Cul

T N F A L L S , I D A H O

• PETSHAVk I eoill.'"J.uppUa- H l " 1 ’k.ona {Hii

am .Bt, Twin Vail., ■ CleAUAUCerS ~4or “ ,a ; i tlM

atock and cat^ birdi. 441 Uartln fitraat. Uiii:

^»aijail5M**nd**upplJaa. lil '^ llb ' aeaiiut P l iBaal. Pbona «1»-J, tl

BABY CHICKS m81-r.CIAU tarly Order pric.a unlll January “j

to. Aaaonad hnvln Includlnt Cnnea Ifc. Ilampahlm. Whlta Rotki. Auatra. Whltaa, Ltfhorna l‘.c. I'eatact aalrv ---

U. .1. APPROVED ■ I *'lly.Llna Hybrldt

' Ntw Kampddr,!. Whlta RocktXaUbaa ^Md'ay a ^ Friday

Phona ;«:.W, nuhl CARTER HATCHERY

■ ^ c------- FARM-MASTER


For Fu tu re DeJJvery ^ALSO _


BM.VK.H rh IrV ._________ _j

Turn your dlm« Into poultry dollara-'I'or whether you hav* lull cf apac. or Juit rB-llttlr. w h«h,r you ara a pro* fmlona) or r tr l Ilm* j-oulirymae. you , can rely on AAAA Grade * Chlcka. from Innf ealabllihad baleh- rrlei. You can hava top quality hrollera , tnd fryna 'a a ^ fur marktt by aprln«

?or**U>*(r*f*I('ataadr*f rowjh, *”'*SUrt Rl(ht Todu-I I

J u t oaa Saar*Future Dall'trr Chkk Fits


„ g q q d j h i m g s .j :o ^ e a t _ _

buihai. i^ in r

APPl.Ea^^ll.(W^jHd u p /^ ^ ^ Koile '

r*yr*^rtr?BM~AilrtlaCT-Awoa-Eeat.—' BUHU Unuty anplra. Irwin llodtnaub nr>

SOllTKII Jonathan, I1.M. Oelleloui, Win.t» Uanin^.j^llonM. li.oo, Dtllycrtd. 1

i'OTATOKS. lIUMtta. Ontoin; alao tu lfp ^ , uiM .^ Idahn^Crow,™ Aaaoclatloa. IH '

.WILL TIIAUK (Ood 'td Uukk at part down t.rmant on hom,, Phona OMUll,

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .WINDOW ahadu,^ >«*' to 4i: . Odd aliat

7 l O ^ ‘ »-: poln. bcoiiTiia. I, n w ac k . ’ ’ aon. Phona ■

MtACTICALLY pair akia. .kl boon, -al,.^ .lg-w d^Co«plet«._t»,CO ._Twln _

d«ll»’ary.'^Tw’B *?alla ’cquIjM n^ Coa-'

SCHUOL-UUa t>ody. Suluhla for.trtllit houea. Oil burntr and unk Included, _ tion.oe. 430 4lb Avanut, Phona _

1 Il.r. l.KJiASe Ctntury motor. 1T4® rjim.1191 H.P. Maattr motor, l.phaia,I'M rpm,^tU, UnUl In^azecllint condl-

1 HKMINfiTON too li~ * H Matnum at aiholftal, prlct- I ♦»e,ll,nt uaad Jlar.ta tai't rccoriirr, tISS. Camarai, projecton,

- vlrwm.-flaih-«un«. m l«rs,n. K»ctt*pllia. Wall nityloek'a Coronet Cam.ra

F u r n it u r e & ~a p p u a n c e s

Phon. ItU-W,

^ tluuo- Tho'; wai0.m-llt.»»^t.««-&0.B:. --

**and Y Electric. Twin Kalli.HOTI'IIIIJT'ranee. Ilka n«w. tlO*.iO. H

- —iiTirY-WrctTlc^TWIr—K.U., ■ -WANT to lell year furniture? Call Uacta

VallfT Auellon. rhnne~iaa-J —.......—AUTOMATIC waiBtr «ooq cfln-lltlon, u>^

- --B-Tnnnthi, 47«.«r-<C»-Aihrt4<»-ni — -NEW AND uiad^alKtrla raniaa ^ Uaka ^

BLOND Uble modal ridle-phonotrtph. Ef« callant condllloB. Al>9 blua Upcatr7 bad da'cno. Phnna »SM.

aact. Iiw> Klm«>.flr Itaad. ;LAIICiE 111* Duo-TTitrm all h« l.r In ai-

ctlltBl condition, eotnplau wllh circu.lallni aod foretd draft faaa. Phont

I TWIN PA LLS-SEW INO^ ------ M ACHINE-SXCHANOB------ -................. nulf — BELI. r

New aDd~Used'Uftchlnes

r . S u - . - T C . a w . " . - ■1:1 U.lB At,. E u , ^ F b w . IIM


: -

SEPTIC unk tnd ceatpool olaanlBl. n«o-y„“.y c "

P E 'O F E S S I O N A L

,:tory• nfLJf£A I£iL-W -ASIi£jLJi£PAlR. _

~ oil llwtrr A Waahar-3tr»k»--tM*-w.— -■ ••'R U .N/H/NC & HEATING

M g t Plumblni and HK Co. |-hen«-W,- • BADfO nKPAlR SERVICE

- -«-flfcFflfGfiflATiCW -S£iW iC£ . 7 . ,

t n - S ^ k " ^ r , r ‘ ; |o - n ; : ! iT ;p ^ ^ ^

_■ 81? >lh Avi P* ioio.Uoovtr Ralea aBd H ^lee. «?OBa XIM.

. _1C^C. An.lfr."" Company. Twin Falli._• V1-:N£77A.V U LiN D S »

Tf ■eiSnlBi. leiiWr^nr.-^eBJi.iC-ytooa. :-J7a. .^ • W A T m SO FTENERS_________

Z CuUlsaa Soft Watar Btrviot. PboBt 2:1. _1

• RADIO & MUSIC ' 1 '

" " c ^ f u d r e - r j u T i ;______________ :____• S i .U»KD PIANO. IICD.OO. liood epn.lllk.n. - —

-Jh o l" j!?L SPIANO UAItOAmSt Uood u« l plarx mil*

tll.CO dewB. I>4« par moBlh. Clavda S»S3RrowB Unle C<i»npaBr. Twin Falli. ■

EXCELLENT rondlllOB. Wera and PonJa — uaHl piano, t t Inehn hlrti. UMondtlU>n. ally (uaran t^. tlm^l down payni.BI,

W#-BUlCK-»peat«»-*-leor-tedan,^.ll-»^ ------CNMrlea. l i l t Hudaon S-door, ptlcKl to

. .»ll. »U Van nurrn. rrtnlnia.

' W E N E E D C A R S Z Z


C A L L O W A Y & M c M A IN 'S

u t MAIN RAST I P U O N B tH W _______


let "* “I»I-------- *'8,la.l" Ua«l Cat SUb— _

Truck Lana W «t . ' ^ T '-------------CHEVROLET-If<r rim lm uw Moor. A bMuIr In

III! Hpeclal Daluia Town aadaa. Haa naw aherlblock and UanamlaaloB.A car thal haa hlih tam e. • talut ..................... ..............WM

CHRYSLER L _Itl l Roral 4-door. If you’ro looklnr ___

for a elaaa Chrraler. thla la IIIOnly 11,000 actual Inllaa. ....... I-----Fully el)ulBped «’»«»

DESOTOt i l l Diluit ludor, Haa radio, haaltr.

..lliUd dtW*. aae Ihla car and olh.rt ..... ...... .............. .lie »

FORD ,H- -I»«r»:?ii«it|»»-«up*.—A-Bl6«-4Jt*B- -

" - u ,^ .MERCURY

I ltl Club raupt. Radio, healer, and omdrlva. DaauUful aaal

-------ac«aa.-iatlUhti .............I lH l , _jt(NASH

f#S»’.'!laieaman~ ■4;i.»r. OeVrdriet,, bad, racllnln.____

1141 -MO' «.door. Radio, healtr.' o»,r- 'I t l l AmbaMador**4.door. ~oVardrlrt,• he.l-L broadcloth ophoUtfrT. *•'

I t l t 4-door aadan’.” wi«lh'ir ty,. «o«my**'ear°““.!.*.!’l ! . '.! 'l_ _ im

OLD 3MOBILB hydramallc drhe. Try ua on c

:»<r Striae *•7i'’'''cyiib~»»dJni Radio, J(l haaur, hydramatle. tta t tcrtn . L _

p l v w o u t o ' ‘ ^-^aia.a I . . . nn,^ .».« I«>,v« ___

o” ;-_ Johj a_ Bwd, *'ht llrtre Ihtrt*__ _

— ^ W I L - L S --------- —_ _ U S E D ^ C A R .D E P .T .____ —Jlt,_ '^ck_U na_W .at___ r boaa ___



_____ , _ U S E D C A R S

---------- — L f tte - M o d o ls ~ - r ------- —_____• * IBT»irCHEVROCET"«5or-MJa-n-.»l«r- “

i -Imi >■'J 1IS> CHEVROLET autloB

; IIM CIIEVftOLCT tHloor tadiin-lini j" Uto CHEVROLET <.^»

r " i ^ r o n T t ^ r awia, -------- £: 114* FORD l-paiaea«n e n ip e _ tl ltl ’ l l l l PLYMOUTH 4-d«or aedtn t t t I- - . H * - P .« ,T 0 - 4 - ^ . . r - « - p . a J U : ^

l«rClinVSLV,R 4.door aadai._.IU«» l l « PACKARD t-door iadaa— l »M* -IMt-JLDaMODiLB-d-dgCT-atdaa-lltM- —

— O ld e r M odelfl—i r 4rClTEVR0 LET 4Joor arfaa. I lU ' :tit41:6llEVROLET l-»aaaaa«5 -

1141 CHEVROLET I-door (adaa.t 411 l i l t CIIEVnOtET t-door aedan.l 4M Uto CHEVnOLET 4-door aedao.l I4t II JWJ CHEVROLET i-ioar udMn-t « l I tu VOUD '-door ladan ..I 3tS 1141 FORD Dualnaaa coupa ------1 111

- _ii4i_PORn_4.<io«L»t4*'>_.— J J ’* J z : .4 lll;roBD J.ilgar.H dM ,w i-««»-*CI

l i l t PLYMOUTH Moor aedaa —I i»i 1140 PLYMOUTH* 4-door aadan-l t t l jg 1941 IIUICK t.;>aaa.nter coop*. I 4»IMt DUICK'4-dMr'a'adaa — l- i l 'IH It41 STUDEBAKER 4-looraadan________________ t 141 ^Il(» STUOEBAKER 4-doof

lllt.OI.DSUODILE l-«aaarBcar

l l H ^ « A i D 4-loor aedaa — I IM ”

O lher LftU tn d Older : - - Modela — N ot L ifted _ ,l

\ ■ ■ . C Q M 1 E R C ? A L 3 ----------- - J ,- TotrCHEVlfOLET'Mon.^ ,^^

i, l l i l ciiEvnoLirr «;-iob , ii--pkkap -._________________ _________

. » « CHEVROLET H-to» plakop.l BM L- I t l l rOIlD H.toa pickup , ^ ^ 1 6 1 1

“ 1131 KOUD H4-toa wllfi b«l___t *«I ]«U FOnD IH-Ua with bad ,—1 JU »L l»S4 FOBD m-toB wllh bed-----1 « lJ l l i l INTERNATIONL »l-tc» . ,

p k k u p ------------------------- 1 HI!tlO INTERNATIONAL H-t«a ,,

pickup________________ I H I *'

- ■.. m t RTUDEDAKER^tonrd -pickup,, ............. —t i m - - -

^ ' G L E N G . J E N K I N S - ■ • S A L E S a n d S E R V I C E p

^ — cSiXc-TErtH?----------------- c x sir— ~

AUTOS FOR SALIm « CHEVROLET riattll.i t^oor. lUdIo

and, haatar. Low mllea*.. Ilka new Ithrcaihouc. TVte <rad^ Call mUT. j

l t}|l| CIlgVnOLCT H'Y"_____________ I ^« ll« . II4TI. Trada or Urma. Phone ' = tllt-R , - ■ ■—

1051 FORDCluh Cualom Coupa. than H.OOO mlln. Itadla and healar. IXca way

. & SERVICE: i ! !n,l A«.nut Soutb Phone JSI

I TWIN f a l l s ” 1_O=lQUIPME_NT_C0.____ _


alcnali. undtreoatfd I,, — l l t t i ... -l»4»-WUneBAKtTl-aninpt«r^R«al- ----

D.luie«. Oetrdrlra. allma-______ . . , a . «*'

H it MKRCURY 4-door aadiB wlUiradio, heaUt. laat cortn and tl< white aldawall tlraa. A

■ i n r V S I e ^ - s u T e r tH i s r a - w s s r -**',^ ._ ^H ^a d lo . htalar and aeat

• l l « ClIKVn^LCT S-Soor. ficiS.' i» ll.inally clean Inilde' and aUt for

1I3B CHEVROLET |.door. A ___________Located on Truck Ua«

Talepboae l«tt• I B

I BLUE-RIBBON 1Used Cars *'

T he Ouarsnteed ^— '-U sed C»r ■ - • — —

.m « .5T,UDEnMCER,C^rn.nd»rIIffaL r =Daluie SedaB. ClIraallMt haaUr,-•«trdrl,a .-rad la.—lew—BiUaa<e __

(Inlth like n.w, O B ly _ _ ll7 l8 IIM CHEVROLET Slylallna Deluxe

bedan, 4*doer. Juat like* aaw.A eW » .»0 .’7 »V»

-4»4l^!i^ll»U >.?^-Club .Seda^* .^ . __dlo. heaUr, orerdrlea, aaat teran.

------- An-»xteption»ltT'*l»»a"e*T.--------- —Only ..................................IIMI

J i l l MERCURY 4-Joor aedaa. Hew lla.

l i l t PACKARD - r 4-loor SedaB.Ntw blaek (Inlib, naw aeat corara." r “ t oBiy’! lil! ! !^ i^ !iL ? ti« o ;;

tl< t CHEVIWLET AtroaedtB. Vttr

SCHWARTZ AUTO CO.K P Jad A l'e .ll 7boB*Ill >'

' li

^ r ~ T R E E “ T ! ■ - | 7

___LjOQ.Gallonfl-of G aa.............^----------- ..4— ,PL P B -■!--------------=: =-------lO-Erea-LubB-Joba.. . _|

CalNnr BtU > IIM FOItD "I* <-loor _tlSI3 l l l t l l l l l FORD S-door _ _ _ I 1MI I III IMl OLDSMOniLE "t.” J

11.000 mlln. Excel­lent condition _ _ _ IM I» l l l l l

1141 DODCE 4-loir J____I t » -I 411-Iflll NASH 4-dOflf « m _1110 CllEV Coupa ■« Ul I 111 _

COMMERCIALS —»4» FOBD S-ton (naw motori-IHtl j—

_1P4P CHEyjiq_l^__ H-loa IIWI _ 1I4T CHEVROLET Pasal — I TU

StTtral olhtr rtal bayt In pr«-war ean and tretks



To^ReduM ’

— :— y o a -a ty B r ro K t________ _i• TA* PCnPOSM - • — ^ our Itock ot used c tn

- O om e-In And- M aks--------- —......... __________________________

m e ^ U ^ L L |h t* rn ^lliO FORD 4-loer. }1,0M naraalaad

Mtnal aillw. DaauUful dark cretn. wllh whlu aldrwalla. bit puab. , buttoB radio. baatOT a»d cvardrlTa, *

l « I CHEVROLET Coarartlbla. •,««— r,

; icoo dlJCOUUt. ^ <U ll CHRYSLER

^ ^ l i ^ n y eltaa. uted ear. you'U

11(1 BUICK 4-loor Super tedan, S-toea ' »ratn. radio and baatar.

U II CHEVROLCT 4-lSor SpeclaU W.. _ ooo mllea, Haalar oaly Will i l r t _ a Btw car na iaa tet (pd • ««»• aldtrable djamat,

_lll».CliE^O LCT IW to w J^ e^ l l j _

-WlriJOUrirTSrTBat-Dam^ ,btaulllul-car-wllb-radlo,-baaltr- ‘- and fluid drlra, j j

H it O L D S ^ B jL E ^ r S ^^tU a. ^radio, btalar. aunahada. autalUa -

IIH FORD t-tOB. t-apeed. practUaQy aaw crala and ^ bed. 1« , ^ nllea. Now It wbtn U t *iat bey-

_ a n bar, thtlr tneki. Cheek thU |-

1141 INTtnMATtOHAL P la k o p . 4- feet abapa, ^

-------------- NORTH SIDE- ' - ’AUTQ CO.

P h o a o llt . 2(aa* .U a]»

- ______JTcn1nw„hT. ABPCialatall_____


- F or Your J41AP— ■ . ■ :

ee*- ' 1


' • PHONE Sill

C 0 M P A R .B Q

U : . . . .----------------A-------------------------■ ------------- ----

, IT

_______________ . .Y ... _S A V E M O N E Y ! i

l i l t FORD VI caatoa Mdan «!tk 1dl^ oyatdrlr^ haaUr aM ^

UU HUDSON Commodora'ilatiiaa wltk radio. oTtrdrlTa asd beater—411H

-WT-rrUPEBAKKB C«»»a»4w-B-^-----cal dalujie l-paaatam

-l«T CffE^O^ET^ rUtau tU r 4^t m

t i l l DaSOTO Coatooi 4-do« vllkdie, boater asd (laM drlT«__fU((

b ^U r eTtfdrlra »»d

U ll cnm rgLtR ^ii»iK»-o*da« _ i m . _(i4[ pLYicocrm cik «mp« »f(k n«

U.U MtWCURT 4-door {A r x * . .

B-U -Y y -R -O - l i B-Y^R-O-K T W I N F A L L S .M 0 T 0 R C 0 a

1.________ FOR A , ■ IGOOD WILL

USED CAR............It*8-B«mard*a ■ ■ ■ —

THE BEST FOR YOU '------------ I N '52------------- r ->

I b a Barnard '. Uaed Car ' _ _ _

u il p6K T IA ^*r_J^al^lB ^• s d 'c r v .... .........I I im

llTdnmatU. S-toaa (rM s.u-.nit>

IIH PONTtAO Strawllaer V 4-4«w — aedaa. Urdnoalle, lUU Msa

flnlab I I t i l l PO N m U T ’ Slraagillaw-ScpT 3

craaa Itolah. ........ lU tt- “

E s m « i r . r ! i i z 3 ! s s "-tUT-pONTrAO-T-StTaaatlaw-MMr^

CoBraaUoBal drire, dark

HIT r O K I l ^ ‘r JM wir^adia. laf^ .SItit !!!,“!!— — H - i ie u

ALL ABOVa QAMA]l 04tilpped with radio* aol battM*.

Moat «( tlMa biT* M l e e m

' BARNARD’S■ • • .u^ed C tr L o t ........... ...

i i n . 1 ~ —

— W E^R E-STA Y IN a-_ri -IN TH ISTO W N l

— :Car Uaad Can auat b« 1M« . rlih t or m aaa’t btv ona.

___ ___ ;

iwpoor eeamltBoa, That** ew policy. Waat t* p im Itt

~ • Thw dtlra la today. ^ tbw« / __

U4T KAISEB ' ^4eor Mdaa ipatUL Radio. h t a ^ ^ _ y _

------- clicB ear. ca»~~ ~ ~” ~ ll« l'-iaia/tf»ar»TTi»y

healar, orerdrlra, A top av, m y loar atUaan aad cleaa.

UIT roaD |V |« P la ^ ^ Nnr Hi>>| "tlraa.

alaaa.U il MXRCURT d-door aadaK, Radla.

boaUr, MW Uraa. ae* »ala(. A r«al aisart «ar, '

U4I rORD Sapor Dalsie 4-doer aaW -.Radio, baatar. MW »ial..C0Tm.

Very «o*d tltaa.

TTery -low.-mUeai*— Ptartr.etT««h*r- ~ c b ^ e r makaa aad 'modala la n i t aU.

Opea Sasdays asd .ETtalan


Ml UalB Ave. Eatt Tboaa Osr pronlaa b year aatlatacUoal


— dlaoa-4»«ai - w f .......... ...............................TRAILKR HOMESl Lota aad lota ef trail*

on ta Bteek. IH i Aadanoa. I t l t Tarn* Cntlaar aiy^loada^e<^ ^r^ a^^W iUaiv

T H ^ tX H s v is e - i jK "Itoo Kimberly Road . ■ .

fiisizzri-i-........ TRUCK S A t^ S

----------------US and Avonuo South • fboad »

' . -'--lii

Page 10: a t»*—"nie * tod»y «h*r*« «ul I* gy.^U'.ble- twe»tert,, >'Q. 2S2- - oice

[ I I — P A G E - T E N ^ — —

I Choice Nears H Fur StudeDilr

flifc ---------^ParU«lpAnU-fo£_tht_UIent. »ho■ u ; - to bo held Jftn. 31 nnd Peb. 1 w;

be'unnouncK l Friday a t T*-ln F bI M i l hl(th school.'W l Lucille Lansdon. d irector of tl n . o u t. will arrive In Tw ln-FalU Salu: U day.■ I I T he Joiirnalliim departm ent H i — sporiMrltiE (he production w ith La ^ H | ry Church a s 'n ta n a g e r and L. H | | . Schroyer. Journalism Ihntructor. i m i advt-vr. Raymond Peck, M arllj ^ B i 'WarlnR. Jean 8t«w art. D utz.Lani ^ H l ^on. It<^i Miller and aylvia w n iH — tle -are U-rlUng ihe scrlph---------- rI H l A rta Mae BaRlify. chairm an. Aui ■ |H ' rey MoniRomery. P n t Bell. Otor H IM Qoodyear and Carolyn Milner a b I j I i In charae of publicity. Diane Eme

don 1* In charge of proftrams wli ;! i* Claudia B nllard ,'ehalrm an; Phyll

Taylor. Merllyn Bal.-«h and Oi

, I \ ; ' - InvlU tloM for trylnff o u t Ior ll ' l j *how were under th e direction ■ 4 i _ _ _ a x l v l » W hittle, chairm an; Rom Ml i .ljil let. P a lslcH bse 'and P l iy iu r ib y lo i

T ryouts will be «upervhed by Bl----- M arUn and Sharon Car4on..Syly

•lU k ' W hittle and Shirley }{oemer a y i l l chairm en e! m akeup m il proper ■ H I commlltees. wllh Carol Ann Statv I I I bury, Charleen Kolmeji, Sharon Cn ■ W »on and Jo McDowell as commlI W — tcnnrn :--------------------------------------;;■ H I Shirley Ralvereon Is lu charge i ■ H I ushers w ith Raymond PccK In chan I H I 't h e .atnRe. Bob Mnrtln. Bu ■ H i JjASSdon and Oary S packm an 'n I W taking: care’ of lineup.

H Oeiiiohstration of m Rabbit Control Is fiffl Set in Buhl Ares■Jb *'" Owen Ellis. U. S. «.ih nnd w lk■ ' life service rcpre.ientntive, .will cotIIIl ’ ' duet a Jnckratibll control demorl l s I »troUon n l 3 p. m .'F rU lay n t 11

• »oulh of Biilil. w ea the r.and rone— Twrmlttlnir.- It - was nnnounced- 1:

»' ' County ARcn t C. W. Dalgh.Ellis ft.ilced Idrmcrs to"brihit“ Wl»

am ount of sood nunllty nlfnlfn Iint i t r r ; ----- ihejr-w ish-m lnetl—wlU»-»tryol>nlr' • i'H pasta aa poison bait. A pnrtli IllllU 'vlll be 'made. Federal, stai| | W __ and u u n ty aRCnciea nre eoopcraiB H inif lli tlie project.' ..........“ V.7..n W . D algh auxRcsta th a t the formt

^ coRimlttee In .th n t nre 1110 jBckrabbll control. E liu -will tI j l In charge of ba ll mixing. Dnlg J l l ta ld h e ^ lll be unable to a ttend tl- U l l dfm onstm tlon bfcau.^e of iv rnndlcl n n la g engagement.I H Ellis has been working In varloi| W p a rts o f Tn’ln Falls county on Jacl ^ W | . ..z ab b lt conlrol and saya he hopes'i

b e able to get to Roseworth soo w here W. E. BoaluTlght Is chai:

I B | f — tnftn-of-ihe-JnekH*W>ll-eommUto IHlHI otllclals em phaiilud Jaill a j 111— rabb lta-are-on Uio tnereas»—aa- i^^ lur— «otlor»-n8aln* t-lhem ,-C ontro l-a i

tlvltlv.i are*belns cxtcnded'to'sag^ — -b ru sh grating lands, and the coui

ly ngcnl aaka fanners to nspc--------- Rraklns— Innd— coneentmtlons- -

Jackrabblts to him or Ellls.

|iji. Local Resident’s lli Sister SuccumbI M athilda Qustafson, 73. diedI I I 13:10 P4n. Monday a l Moglc Vnll

i l l i ll M em orial hospital. She was he | H 1 from Des Moines, In.. vL’iltlng hI I R — *uiftr. .T>Trfi,.jLnnft Q, T}flYlr, Hl i n n JF ou rlh avenue east.

fw ill Sweden. 8 h e eam» to ti U U -----United-Statcs-W heu gbe wns a vrr! ■ & old nnd had apenl h e r entire life I H B — D es-M otne5.-She- hnd—>-Ultcd-h

a b le r here alnce Nov. is,I H n r Survh-ors Include two sisters, M IHl Itl Boyle, Twin Falls, and Mrs. E.

----- 8ponv.'Des-Molneat-ft-nephewr-JoI’ijjilHi Spons, Des Moines; three nlcc

■ Mra. Stevo Pnatoor, Amstcrdni . ,M f3.-B trH in.M llchelh'M ackm '^a '— M ra, Edna W iteJdon. Dm Molne* \ Services will be held a t 3 p.

j T uesday a t the Tw in FaUs mort• i^ , n r / chapcrw lth tlie Re\% Albert;^^|1 ' " 'P a r re t l olllclMlng. T lie ’body..wr i l ----- b e -tf lken-to-D ca-M olnes-for^flt^ I' aervlces and Interment.

Ill I Spud Stock LowI I -------- IDAHO-FAU£r-JAn.-33-ajV—I I I JeJnt '-/edeniN slai* rrpo r; lod■■ 1 estim ated the stocks o tm crchanu iM t • - p o ta to e s - ln - th e -h f tn d s - of—IdaI I growers and local dealers on JiI I I--'l--at~U ,M 1.000-'bu*lieU .:4A tt.Jnn| n th e lo u l was 20,420.000 baihels aI I 10>year average ts 16.034.000

Ih K 1 MOTHERS TO MEET■ I L SHOSHONE, Ja n , 23 Ro | H | K ;.njoiher& for Shoshone PTA Mil nv M I — Wedne.'day n t Uie L:™ f~ ::-coln--Achool-catot<irUul - , —

i=ZZ3ZZZZZiW I !j . 236_SH0SH0NM-T' EET.|l ' ' — :

Speaks Wednesda

>how ^will

r a iu

thoitu i^



M jd.‘lorla ........ “ « L. A. SKINNER

*P«*k » 7®**l •* P- ">• WedBcaday ,

th e .Seventh-day AdventUt churc He l« w o c la te aeeretary 0 ^ “

'g enera l conference of Siweritl ' day Adventlsta.mS; __•_^ ^SSpeaker Chosen

— For Youth Ral:Zj. a '. S k in n er, asM cltlo secret

of tlie general conference o t S Cnr- enth-dny A dvcn tlsu , will be gi '" I t - gpeiilcer n t a youth rally 'a t i

p. in. w etincsday nrU ie S c v ^ tliv ;e of AdvciitLst church , large . Elder S k in n er wn.i ,chM«n B u u chnpcron the A m erican dcIctCAta 'n re Europe to th e P a r is >oUUl COt)g! July. H e hns been hold Pn th linder c lu b leader.ihip train

f courif.t arwl orsafllrlni.' I’fllh/Jn. club.i In nil p a r ts of North Amerl

r During mld-iP52 he is pinnnlng I.S extended tr ip th rough SouUi Am

ICA In Uie In tere st of Mission, e a Volimicer work.

Eldfr S k in n er has-vlslted Idj confercnce chu rches in lhe cnpac of MLislonary Volunteer « c re i for the N orth Pacific Union conf ence with headquoiters in Portia

°”S Divorce Asked by Countjr-Residei

n ln i- Mrs- J a n r t Iteeves Miilllgan. C rtln l tlcford, filed « u ll In dl.itricl co ita te Mondial seekinR a divorce from M 'r a t . Mullliinn w hom nhe married Dec

1061. In T w ln -F n lls-------------------■liia. ‘ Oilevbus m cn tn l nnd phyMcal <t

ferinit are g rounds for divorce lls1 i,c In 11'' c o m p l a l n L _____.,„w Community property wmcirX' • he M ulllsan seeks li]cludes househ

U(.{. furniture, a house trailer, 1043 p

•loiLt She asks, th e co u rt to restrain : - - t husband from dlsposinfc of tlie^pn •s 'to c rty and ordered to paj' the l»alai

Alto asked n fe reasonable o» tt«« aHmony, costs, and !^* -sS M lIo iro n ic r-ro rm er-n tth V erJ^ . . (I Reeves. Mrs. MulllBan’«_atlonipy ! ac! ........

H "DOYOirS I These Fell<lbs W ell,d^^at ^

Miua, ,

iccc" V ^ - f ® ^. _ n n d ___ _________________ h a d jli

’tf"™ L iml'’H' jL'm -

lodny S i c Jiidc.'t clUblc decldcd now.Idaho —r - ----------------- Joln.- You wil

Jnn, Is lo train.ftTu_'V -W c.hftvc.a^uM'uH c.J and NIGHT COURSES. DAY CC DOO.


LItv 1_______ • __________•

'Come ai an' the bl dclivx

W g

^LtS—MOTORW EST ‘ ^ _____

lay Treatment Part _jOLffiauLWillB(

UsedNextWeiO nJr m inor bu t tlro fconsun

- worlc-r« t* y s io tn e n ip r« J e w n rte n r o rM .. -VAlley Memorial hosplUil. nccon

to J . C. McOllvray, adm lnlstn w ho reported tho trea tm en t sec •will be placed In use nex t week.

_____A nphnlt tl le-haa-heen. U ld-onfloor In 'th e various treali) room s and the walls have 1 p a in ted^ Remaining work Incl InstaltnClon of equipment and « ous Item s of hardw are, plus hi Ins of doors and Installing ki

_ lock-s.

<y}Cne^before the exercise rooi p laced^nr~-u« . PalnU ng- the i rem ains to be done In the exei room. A fter the exercise ncr.

anih opened, special equipment wll developed nnd built for it.

' V M cO llvray pointed ou t sCam ih uymna.slum equipment often

^(K — to-m oot-U i8..needa_a£_pcraoni covering from polio o r fracti A m ons items of equipment plai fo r th e exercl-ie room are a m

— •— o ipT jf-«-cnr-to -H re-pn tten tfl-T [ tlce In getting In and ou l of a

i | a n d auch other Items as are f<

problems. ^

,“;i; Meeting SetH^tl'ny JERO M E. Jan . 33-M r* . R<

• Daley. Jcrom e county cpmma :n to fo r th e American C ancer society itcs In nounces plans for a public mei H8rtis to be held a n r p r m ; Wednesde Biding th e county courtrooms, nlning A preview ot film s on cancer finder be sJioh'ji nnd prosrnm cbnlrme lerlca. orgnnltn tlons nnd a ll o lhcr It ng nn ested persons are urged to all ^m er- OrgnnlrAUons mny then choose 1 lonary to be shon-n to the ir members

Ing c an cer m onth.Idnho -----------------------------

I’S Hailey Mati DieH AILEY. Jan . 23-W ong Yen

a _ re s ld e n t -o f-H alle y -io t-a p p :

y M onday-a t-U je-H nlley-C U nl^-

p lta l following n long lUnesa. previously-had-llve<l-ln-H alley-

' '1 * ^ hnd w orked a t Eddie Chen's caI C as- __QrnvesUle services hnva beercourt ten ta tively for THursHny.

1 Mlko -----------------------------------------------

2 Ply- __________________fer»c»vlnflsup

prop- chtoptfbyfaHlGlance c/rM^O ysur c

n tto r- f IT

T H n e r -------- r H r T n i£ N o i . i r » o s - t tN t»Py_l5. J? errlao -H o lel-------------—Phoae



^ I D t + T - ^ p r # | | E

' d i d ,- 0 ^ ^

iciin. they b o t h /.the .mme onno r- __________(les. O ne fellow

’Tttvrai’: tiie o th e rI his to p rep a re “TnTrKcr' jUturlJl

s o f -y o u r ’.stnndaxd of living will be nw. You w on 't fnll Into good paying will enm -them r-Tlio wny-to enrn-lliem -

Hc.inarc llaic-TraOME.STUDV' COURS COURSES. Inquire nowl


me sec the roomiest cor in Ameriot ' an)-vvhcrc‘ncar Its low, low pricc— r big. bcauiiful N ash Siaicsm an.that livrrs more th a n ZS miles to tho ilon At ax-er.tge highway speed.^jlablc w ith such wqnjicrfuMuxurT ilui«,n$ A irliner. Rcclining Scat, TVin ds, W eather Eye Conditioned Air ^unrananlirecTnansm issioii diaicc3._=_; eluding H ydra-M atic D r i« . Com e in d trade Tor the biggcsi buy o f all.

R C O .__________________T W I N F /

' ■ , ....... T I M E S - N E W S . 1

t Garden Schoi *eek — Postponed

A gnrdervjchool for Magic V. sum lni re sia e n tA -^ J s ira lly sclJKJuledllC-QCW. h p5 1"M4We' ■H nrc!r7” And"8-1n-Dttier't(r se cording tise of ilie American Legion ha Jlrator. is announced by C. W. Dnisli. ci section ty agent,

AVS. H om . extension wr^'lce •on-U » -U culturlu ,^»M -been nik*d-to ■atment range for outside spcaken by e been program com m ittee whlcli liiol neludes' TJyrd W aller. Mrs. Sidney Srnlt ■d varl- R . Dougln.v, Mrs. T. W. Hides,:

h ang- ence S c h u lu nnd Dalgh. knobs u o y d W tigh l. Kimberly:

Lowder and J . P. Smllh are n gOIt—b r beta uf-th^n rm ngem cn ts -jnd -l room Is llIts~C om m itte« 'and David-E.- e walls J- D. McCollum, Mrsi Eusen exercise Ham mond a n d Kownrd-MoIJat oom U th e exhibits committee, will b« Dalgh sa id subjects coaslc

for presen ln tlon ' by local spei landnrd Include p la n t diseases, floircr n falls to*rnptiy,_soll imprpvemeiii. fl in a -re -- n rm ngrm enta. n oulelc stiuly ot actures, nuals and perennials, ornani' >lanned trees nnd shrubs plus lallcs on . moek- flowers as tuberous begonias,

f a car

' Robert mander ely. an- meellngaday In -------- :------

cer will rmen of • Inter- a ttcnd.

se films

rcn On, ipproxl-i<5-n:hira l-b o s - _________584. Ho _____________

'»n «t~ MEN'S NAP-1

WORK GLOVR E S . Softly napped.- lnside~n BiiHi w nrm thi Sturdy 2.ply c

w rbtiil Full cu t . . .m p»0 p iiv spvrrnl ____________ _

pa irs tomorrow,-...................a^lhoA '


•• Com fortable long-wenrlng - -y o u - d - f xpect::to find oi

‘ dolliirs more! Heavy dui~**~* I .pK -tnn Iippff t ninrlf nnlyA Sizes,7 to 11..................


M nde for rouch weari I ' \ D urab le leather uppers . . A 1 „ ru b b er sole. A .shoe he'll ' / ; ! nnd w cari Sizes 3 lo 0....... .

e = =Menfs=tanyi1 iCL -WORK-SOeK"" . __ H cd -R M _ t9 C -P .rj. rclnf--------- | .Jongur__ jvcnr._N o ,_unec

aenms, Tops hnve smooUi ous kn it. Random col lO 'i ,to 12 .............................. v ]

CL WOMEN'S I PANTIESI Rnyon k in t panties wllh e F - ‘ tic t ip s . . . bojid or clt L ____ 1—Jim . Buy tcvfraL tomor

k ' ..^be


F A L L S _________________ ~ ^

. T W I N F A L L S . r D A H O _

9ol for Talley" Isi U nttt^arch 7; Valley Phlo delphinium , roses. Iris, d lied In »nd KlndioU. .■H until . TTie -school ls_b/m?-*Ponior ■ »eeur«- <hc ■axMniloa'.aervlcc.ZilorUg; hnll 11 ccrym en and garden clubs In

1. coun- oua p a r ts of Magic Valley.

Church Scheduh 2-Day Parley H

cs.Fl'or- A nnual mid-year council c U nited B rethren church. Idahe

• Tvin ference. will open here n t 0:30 e i n m Wednc-sdny nnd continue th

ffia '-M ji :,---------------------,-------E.-FOK, _M cry U E _ N cm n lcii.-lo c a l i sene I. &ald a round 2o deteRatcs are e: a t form ed from churches lu w estern

Ington a n d Orenon as well as : n.sldered Sessions will be held a t lh( ipeakers church, located n t T hird t c r pho- artJ T h ird street east., flower Beginning tonight Bishop _of_an- ^ ^ i_ H u n U n g t9n, Ind.. wlll_cc ahieiiliiT cvcnscllatic ' services 'a t ’ lirc c on BUCh Se-Mlona nLw will b c held a as, del- p. m . W ednesday and 'T liu rsd


> - O U T

Y E S --------nnd “ trac— for'T idded ■H S H ISk

' coti.iirucUon. K nitted K m U y * ^ . for working • cnsel

— 3 tor 1 *00lV Y - D U T Y f m

I E S ____ V. i y;ing .slw c^jvU h_fcnlurcs.

only In" shoes I co a lln s l'——— H S ? duty cord rubber soic.s.

: v Y ...........................

I Lots of service herel I W H b S . . . extra long-wcarlng

3 . 4 9 ^

;k s ------------Inforced for________ -ncom toniible ___ H ^ H B B L S ioUi cotitinu- color. Sizes

h ela'sV • y ^

O c^ \^ ' ^

^ ' ' ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ h e v r c

D R A P E FVoii’li find cleiir prliit>,

-----iTrrT-'irdtsiitki'SiMinrnk"rij.i)))JiK J;ibrlc. HlJ>q' J;i loniorrou-, -vocd


W onderful fit . , , 1 ciil! \Vetl-*liiii)rd I .^mnrt styles in Uct

. . ------cry trim s. _Hutry

__________________ ----------------- ------------------- L ■ _________

__________ ■ -

^ f e C A Y M O D E -

i i ^ ® S - N ¥ L O N 5 - —' All perfect qualltv! I3c;ni

hn.'c . , . In -.:n;iri • • o ffer ot discontinued coV

w on't last long.• I lu rry in tomorrow ........

• : . - 1 ^


- f f t a missionary p o r ty /n i t ^7 8 Anderson. P e clo. »h.• 9 ^ t l o n p ic tuS T T in ir-W olr-B dahlias , W Ca»dy-anil_pop

balls were sold, ___________w e d by — ~ 1

( j B H s X f i x a H v- f i n d s a m a z i n g r c l i

les a s ' s a "Sere30 a m AIL-DMK moy b r ta s ba ck :

s s L r ’Scfof'" ?X h ' SSlkyoumnyDccd.Ai.L-.DBANl3

iT daho In lro n .h lsh ln c e rc a lp ro U ln .. w ! vldes essential B a n d D v ltan

.he local hnblt-form lnK. E n t cuavenue X c U o V « da lly ; d

„ Llovd & of liquids. 1 / note o S c a fte r 10 dnys. se n d em p ty cn

-Vhif.^h- -to-K elloB 8X JtatU c,Crcck..Ma t 7:30' nndtfetDOtnn.rYOCRMOKnr8.

•Jtlay.’. AJ»Trll»mi»nt______

I . CD/Big, feature it

- H O U S E - 1

■ A blc, big Rroup of spec

■ 'purcliase dre,i;ie.i . . . to -sell

------ rthlJ-11ny-prlool-jrouaL4lmlgood .^lection on new prl) . . . smart designs . . . In t

\ j.»f. Myles you like to w ear! I ■'VfivA - cVl■rla•■ • .-you'U -s:

pleni}'! SIzea J2 to 20 . 38 to •IB._

W; I _ Beoutif

'T aH c-f'oft.-ve lvety-e '

E-Ulc. ndd a n cxclUnc-s design. . . lup It off wl .■sculptured edge nnd have ft tcrrlllc vnluc Ot only 5,00! See .the geous colors . . . In ' ble o r twin bed sizes.

M E N 'S

- W O R K

^ ■ ^ 5 r — — - B O Y S f

- - J a g k i

— Severn! Mvl(

b u t nil Itrrili----- ._a i_ lhL ,_ llJU

i / % k | 7 .. .«»irryjxi.j<)u“ size

• R YM>arklln« hhades _______________

InK chevron tex-; ihls .itiirdy. easy ........... ...............

9 8 C - ^ - H E A V '

S H £ E TA large Mw Warm sh rri

P S ‘ suvitiK pric. 11. I. .M lrn-mitor l S l j ' " S ; ' r \ l«.r: Z l - 0 0 = BBpiiiS

------------ ---------- L A R G I

- F L O U F--------------------— ------ — JV-roncirnTO

' qiiallly. you ;iiiil!ul1y ihcer 51 . und u '.' .,v<trt ^hadcs. Spccial over Thcy'n::olors only! T hey . blrnclint-

' ■111 tnke iirV— y A V lt:;in.MPr cIcm' » p r i mv . . _ ^

. ? n ! I s E E . .lursdny.

H Z ^ T tW ^ ^FOR ■.■

‘ ' e s C L O T H E Sl i e f SEE THESE H IG HleUtod QUALITY RACKS,.,...;-------

— GAR-Rm °tS d 10 G A LL O N ^ A l lc lo ^ L E A K P R O O F........

ir /r lrw O U T D O O R R U B B IS H |

S - t i - - - J O - Q U A R I - g A L V A N i:

‘£ r S ' S N O W SH O V ELS n .p ro -am lns. ____ \cupful: d rink M m . H■tisfled * ------- . *enrtonM ic h ,.. P H O N E 8 0• BAOtl ______

S 7 8 8t e m ! ,

d m s s e ^

“ ^ 5 0 ___________>rlnU1 th e H A

Buy . ■ _ • ________

iful Chenille ^

? J A 0 S ^ i

s1"TC ^0 G “id you ^

. ■ Vle eor- H ■ '1 dou- ^ ^ 1

% #

S HEAVY ^ ^ eS W TS - ±rlnc grey A A Ac twin . . X H ^ U I k pri's famous. thiitorfc-tuU^-----___________ ' ■ _Un■iviiy zipper f a s tn e r . 'F u ll c u t Poiy ot pockcta. Sanforized too! Roc^Q. , ___________________

^ W I N T E R - — — S I

:ets-------------------py it ' . O m . An

H .O O »lili'_prlcc— 5 1 ^ ^ _______e____ -d ie•prictil now for bigger savings! Iwt oiuorruw-intirnlnK-.. ..w c-h av c - ,Ja c can ii:c . . . Y ou'll .save plenty! ben



extra i i # % A

“3 . 4 9 “■•ICO. Sev- ^. in blK bold plnlda to choose Wc ■;il))e -'.iiU'JiPd ciuln. B u y sev- Yo, H-i'i blnrikct-s now- . . . ligh t- too nki’U in w nrm weather.

JESIZE JlIR SACKg _Buu'il ,liem m for

4 / Cir.lty 3 2 x 3 5 , B.„

• • . rm brolderyl Stock brc _^',pli-m yi • I t


r O R T I N G ' R A c i

............- 2:29.JAGi-PM tj.49I BURNERS, W / c ,„ _ _ _ IIZEP PAILS________ ^

— . - - JW I

• S h o p E v e r y

— D e p o T t m e n r

WOMEN'S ^ PURSES— —A group o f spccliUfy , ■ ' priced purses tor '■this event! You'll l |«r_ _ ■ ■Much, box and envelope lyla ?ood a.s.',ortmcnt of new eoloi Lpmorrowl Snve plentyl

S I M U f c C T E D —

P E A R L SAnd w hat beauUes 11

mnny atylc.i to 1 1a iooso-from L O nc.______ T .:wo. three and even four-sn .acca:.. several, choker slyla . ' Jeaulltul. sim ulated pearu. M ookliiR . . . you'd regularly pW'

S T A I N L E S S - S T E

F L A T W A R E S nA 24.pleeB s e t ‘of ^ 8talnle.v5 table war#. , . a t a price tha t means real savings. Wonderful for kitchen . . Yotfll B'ant one foryourK U .- oo i SttN’e here!

J R . B O Y S ' , B I B O V E R A E I SJlm Penney o'nlu f l p tor llttlo fellows. . . W | Juat llio thing fof • g ' crawling arovmd 0” , . S :old drafty f l« r s . M«* ^ 3-0*. blue denim . • • brother'sl Buy scvend P»«I to 5.

